Mental magic: secrets and exercises. How to develop the mental body and increase the power of the mind? Efficient technique

Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and relax. Using only the mental body (without actually moving), bring both of the Mental hands to the left leg, as if reaching for it. Scratch or rub the top of your left leg and wiggle it around a bit to focus on it and make this workout easier. Feel the whole leg. Pull Mental Hands through left foot, from toes to heels, several times back and forth.

After that, stretch the Mind Hands through the leg to the ankle, and then slowly string them through the entire leg. Feel the entire leg as you move the Mind Hands up through it. Run the Mind Hands all over the shin, knee, thigh, and up to the top of the thigh. When you get to the thigh, immediately switch the awareness down to the toes and repeat the upward stroking action again, which raises the energy. Do not do it reverse stroking to the bottom of the legs. Repeat this action many times, use a few seconds for each action, and feel every time all leg.

This action compels energy to flow into the leg and pumps it through the leg. You may feel some specific sensations when you do this, such as tingling, buzzing, warmth, coldness, pressure, heaviness, or even deep bony tickling. Repeat the entire workout with the right leg.

End of work -

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Astral Dynamics.. Foreword Traveling through other dimensions using a subtle astral body has always intrigued a person as well as invisibility levitation and travel..

How to make your mind powerful, able to quickly find effective solutions! Learn a simple and effective exercise for the development of the mental body!

According to ancient esoteric knowledge, a person has several bodies, and the physical body is only one of many. Remaining bodiescalled thin andinvisible to normal vision becauseare at different vibrational frequencies.

Each subtle body has its own functions, and in this article we will talk about the development of the mental body.

The mental body is responsible for all intellectual and mental activity of a person. All your thoughts, statements and beliefs are born in the mental body. It contains those ideological models by which you live.

It is at its frequency of vibration of the mental plane and surrounds a person with a shell at a distance of about half a meter from the physical body.

To make your mind powerful and fast, the mental body must be trained in the same way as the physical body. One of the options for training the mental body is the exercise below.

Step 1: Meditation on the development of mental abilities

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position of the body, closes his eyes and relaxes all muscles;

2. After some time, he will fall into a meditative state of consciousness¹, which is necessary for work.

3. The practitioner begins to imagine himself from the outside, to imagine a spherical shell of the mental body around him.

4. He fills it with different colors of the rainbow: he imagines how the colors shimmer in the sphere surrounding the physical body.

5. After that, a person begins to imagine how information is exchanged in the mental body, the constant movement of energy. He imagines that hundreds, thousands, millions of gigabytes of information of various types pass through the mental body, and this process intensifies.

6. After ten minutes of concentration, the practitioner finishes: calms the mind, tries to "throw" all thoughts out of the head, concentrating on the sensation of the physical body.

7. Returns to his normal state and opens his eyes.

Step 2: Exercise for the development of the mental body

Exercise for the development of mental abilities:

1. The practitioner chooses an interesting book on a topic that encourages reflection and analysis of the text contained in it.

2. The person reads a few sentences at a slow pace, and then carefully considers the information read. The practitioner analyzes the read text from every point of view they can think of.

No need to build restrictions, you need to take into account all the possible thoughts that come to mind! Your goal is to strengthen your mental faculties and develop your mental body.

3. At the initial stage of practice, this exercise should take no more than 15 minutes; with the development of the skill, the time can be increased to half an hour.

Also, at the first attempts to think intensively, a person can quickly get tired. Attention and mind should get stronger, get used to the loads.

Gradually, with daily practice, you will notice how your mental power increases; mental abilities will increase several times.

Soon the mental body will become stronger - the ability to solve complex life problems in a short period of time will appear.

You need to remember well: superpower training should be done regularly - this is the main key to success!

Not everything in our world happens spontaneously. As for success in sports, it certainly does not come by itself. Often, regular workouts can become too little.

Fighters, runners, weightlifters, racers. Everyone should remember the power of their thoughts. Any victories are achieved through the right attitude, the right psychology. Sometimes hard work alone isn't enough. If you work out in the gym 12 hours a day, but don't believe in yourself anyway, then it will be very, very difficult for you to surpass your enemies and competitors. We're not just talking about affirmations.

Psychology and victories

As we have said more than once in our articles, there is no success without the right attitude. Any battle, literally and figuratively, is won first in the head. Only then does this force pass from the mind into the muscles, into the reaction, into the strength of the spirit. Good luck accompanies those who work on their thoughts. This can be transferred from sports anywhere - to work, to love, creativity.

Mental training benefits all of us. For example, when you want to quit smoking, you must also set yourself up accordingly. The right attitude will help you start giving up bad habits, help you choose the right path in life and defeat your fears and insecurities.

Mental training is a complex exercise that begins with simple affirmations like: “I can do anything”, “The Universe feeds me with the energy of success”, and so on. The universe is creative from the very beginning and is always trying to help you. So it was and so it will always be.

Stage two: mental training

When you are set to win, you need to work on creating a situation in your head and sorting it out. You need to be constantly in a state of training. For example, there are special techniques used by Formula 1 racers. The pilot sits in a chair and tries to imagine how he will go through turns at maximum speed. Many skaters, football players, runners use the same way to improve their performance.

Psychologists note that many boxers and wrestlers use this technique. Even when you are resting, you need to scroll through all the possible situations in your head. This is true not only for sports. If you currently want to quit smoking or leave behind some other bad habit, try to imagine how you live without it. Often imagine a better life, your victories. All this can move from the world of illusions to the world of reality. There are no barriers to this, except for your consciousness.

Only you can make yourself better. Support your desires with mental training, visualization of dreams. Do not forget that working on yourself is an integral part of any movement forward. If you are too self-confident, it will be better than if, on the contrary, you worked hard, but did not believe in yourself. On the other hand, it will still be almost impossible to achieve success.

mental training, or mental training, is a set of psychological exercises, thanks to which an athlete tries to improve achievements in sports by controlling and managing his emotions and thoughts. Mental training complements physical exercises and helps the athlete to develop his abilities during the exercises, to concentrate and tune in to win before the competition, and also to surpass himself during them.

How does mental training work?

The main difference between man and machine is that we are a combination of body and spirit. This fact is especially important when it comes to athletes. Sometimes we are overly impulsive or overly emotional. Minor mood, bad emotions, fear, self-doubt - all this is not useful in a sport that requires calmness and a stable emotional state. Mental training helps to become calmer, teaches you to concentrate better, reduce the level of any negative emotions, including fear. The result is clear and fast decisions that are so needed in sports.

In addition, mental training helps to increase the level of positive emotions and thoughts. Therefore, an athlete using these exercises, as a rule, no problems with motivation, and he is always ready to continue the exercises and the struggle, even if something is hard for him.

Examples of mental training exercises


it a short phrase constantly repeated in one's mind. It helps the athlete to increase motivation and be more focused. The mantra helps to forget about the pain and overcome self-doubt. Mantras have a lot in common with affirmations, including they have similar compilation rules:

  1. phrase for mental training should be in present time: for example, not “I will achieve”, but “I achieve” - this helps the athlete mentally stay in the present tense and concentrate better;
  2. you have to concentrate on yourself: not to say that “Others are stronger / weaker”, but to say “I am strong” - this helps to focus on yourself and your capabilities;
  3. phrase must be positive: one should not doubt, “Maybe I will achieve”, but be sure “I know that I am achieving” or “I see that I am achieving”. A positive mantra gives new energy and motivation, and also helps to fight fears and doubts.


This way of mental training implies that the athlete mentally builds the most realistic and detailed image of his actions. For example, you can visualize how the athlete is the first to reach the finish line or develops a particularly high speed. Very important: the more realistic the visualization, the more effective it is.

Reward yourself

As part of this type of mental training athlete allows himself to reward himself especially after heavy exercise or intense competition. This self-motivation helps you work harder.

It is important to remember the main principle here: we are people, not machines, we have feelings and emotions. And it is important to use them to achieve your goals. As Joris van den Bergh, a sports journalist who lived in the first half of the 20th century, said: “The fire inside an athlete burns for a long time, but every fire needs to be fanned from time to time, even in an athlete.”

This phrase will help you tune in to your inner consciousness. The goal is to create a positive self-image and eliminate feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.

When you send positive signals to your inner consciousness, it means that you fully accept yourself for who you are. You accept your appearance, your whole being - your social status, your nationality, the color of your skin, your gender, your weight, etc. Accept everything in yourself and accept all the surrounding circumstances that you cannot change. This is a prerequisite for further development and self-improvement.

All your efforts to mentally program your mind with affirmations will only bring you success when you believe in yourself. If your affirmations are pronounced half-heartedly or with uncertainty, your inner consciousness will not perceive them. Therefore, be confident in your strengths and capabilities. Repeat to yourself that you have complete and unconditional faith in yourself. Say it if you have any doubts when you are lonely, scared or depressed. Trust yourself completely, because this is the only way to unleash your talents and abilities.

If you believe in yourself, then this faith will give you access to the internal reserves of energy-chi of your body and consciousness, and if you strengthen this faith every day, then it will constantly give you new strength! There is no way you can improve yourself and your life if you do not believe in yourself.

If you are truly free, then you do not need to engage in self-flagellation and endlessly criticize yourself and your actions. If you are free, then you do not play false roles and do not feel the need to mask your true face. If you are free, then you do not deceive yourself or others. If you are free, then you are not dependent on the opinions of other people. Give yourself the privilege of evaluating yourself. Don't make your happiness and well-being depend entirely on the praise or blame of others. And don't let other people fall into that kind of dependency on you. Let your happiness depend only on your own self-esteem. Choose to be free. Shake off the chains of mental limitations from your consciousness. If you program your mind for freedom, you will soon find that you can easily refrain from making judgments about other people and unreasonable criticism. And if other people criticize you, then you can easily accept this criticism with gratitude, and your self-esteem will not be shaken at all.

Confidence Building Statements
I can do anything - this is one of the most wonderful affirmations to increase your confidence. How many talents and amazing achievements are lost to this world just because people doubt their strengths and abilities. Fear of failure, fear of losing face, losing money, fear of the unknown - all these are such huge obstacles that those who are caught in their trap do not even try to get out of it.

"I can do anything" or simply "I can" is a very simple statement, but it has a lot of power. For those who will say that denying your limitations is simply stupid and therefore there is no point in repeating "I can do anything", I want to remind you that this affirmation should first of all increase your determination and self-confidence. Of course, not every person is given the opportunity to become a president or prime minister, and the recognition of their limitations and the limits of the possible makes sense. However, I will ask you: if you are not even trying to do something, how can you say that you have not been given it?

If you regularly repeat to yourself "I can" with perfect confidence, you will mobilize all your strength to make the best use of your abilities and opportunities and achieve what you aspire to. The affirmation "I can" will give you the strength to be active and strengthen your confidence and perseverance - and this is the most important thing for your success!

Affirmation "I can" increases your energy. It promotes your focus and concentration, because every time you say it, you remind yourself of your goal.

When you say, "I can do anything," your mind asks, "What can I do?" Your inner consciousness will always have an answer to this question if you think carefully about your goals. "This affirmation will use all your internal reserves and direct them towards the achievement of the goal that is imprinted in your mind.

My homeland, Malaysia, is a small state in Southeast Asia. The motto of my country is "Malaysia can!". This motto is constantly repeated by television, radio and all other media. And he works wonders. I feel great pride when I learn about the courage shown by my fellow citizens. I'm not talking only about the economic recovery, although it is quite obvious. I'm talking about a small group of our climbers who managed to conquer Everest; I'm talking about a one-armed sailor who single-handedly circumnavigated the world; I'm talking about a designer who managed to achieve recognition and fame in New York; many other examples can be given here.
Success can be achieved in any field of activity. Success can be achieved at any age, at any time. However, we can only succeed if we believe we can!

Affirmation "I can" promotes full focus on achieving the goal. So, for example, if athletes who, in order to succeed, need to find the strength in themselves for the last decisive breakthrough or effort, repeat this affirmation to themselves, it will send an impulse to the consciousness, which will use all the resources and hidden capabilities of the body. Thus, this verbal statement will be as true as possible. So, in order to be a winner, to win a race, to get a good job, to win an election, to get a loan - in order to do what is currently occupying your mind, you can repeat "I can" with perfect determination and confidence in that you really can. Let your mind focus all your strengths and abilities on achieving the goal!

"Love for yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance," as Oscar Wilde said. Indeed, if you don't like yourself, how can you expect other people to like you, and how can you actually love someone? If you yourself are not sure that you are attractive enough to even like yourself, then how can you convince other people that you are attractive?

In order to gain self-confidence, you must not only accept yourself the way you are, you must like the way you are. This does not imply narcissism and narcissism at all. It doesn't mean egocentric. Loving yourself in order to maintain a positive self-esteem does not mean blindly pleasing your mind and believing that the whole world revolves only around your overblown ego. Loving yourself means accepting yourself for who you are and not wasting your life regretting what you are not. If you say "I like myself", it does not mean conceited narcissism and stupid boasting. Quite the contrary, only an insecure person feels the need to exalt himself to the skies and inflate his conceit in every possible way. If you are truly satisfied with yourself and like yourself the way you are, then you have a sense of self-confidence and do not need mental crutches.

Self-confident people are completely free from sudden impulsive actions that arise from deep-seated self-doubt. Therefore, try to please yourself and repeat this affirmation. Every time you begin to blame yourself for something, repeat this affirmation to yourself.
Always notice even the smallest attempt to unfairly accuse yourself of something. Discard these thoughts as soon as they enter your mind. Contrast such thoughts with the affirmation "I like myself." After some time, this constant reprogramming of consciousness will begin to bear fruit and you will feel that your sense of self-confidence and high self-esteem have penetrated the depths of your inner consciousness. You will begin to accept yourself as you are, without any reservations.

Whatever failures you have (and failures happen to everyone), you should not underestimate your self-esteem. All you need to improve is to admit your mistakes and mistakes and try to correct them. However, failure in and of itself is no excuse for brutal self-flagellation. Your love for yourself should be pure and strong and not depend on any external conditions. Just like your love for others should not require anything in return. This is a powerful truth. Start anchoring it in your mind.


This very straightforward statement is directly related to one of the most important components of luck and successful communication. Confidence is a state of mind and, as such, it is the result of a lot of nurturing while growing up. Confidence is one of the most important human qualities. If you do not have confidence, then you perceive the world as a source of terrible dangers.

Lack of confidence is the result and at the same time the cause of various phobias. Due to lack of confidence, excessive modesty, cowardice and constant expectation of failure and censure arise. People who lack confidence behave unnaturally when they have to interact with other people. They suffer from an inferiority complex and consider themselves born losers. You definitely need to gain confidence in yourself.


Confidence comes to us only when we are convinced that we ourselves are in control of our lives and our feelings. The key word here is control. When you are in control, you are much less prone to sudden mood swings and much less temperamental because you are in control of your reactions. Your emotions put less pressure on you. People cannot disturb and upset you. You don't give in to despair.

Deep inside you know that you are in control of your own destiny and all the events of your life. You know that you always have a choice - either fight (solve the problem) or refuse to fight (not solve the problem). You are in control! This is the best form of confidence - the most effective way to use your inner resources. When you say "I am in complete control of the situation," you acknowledge that you are the master of your life, your thoughts, and your relationships. This is a wonderful way to use inner strength!

Strengthening affirmations
If you constantly tell yourself that you are strong and healthy, then your health will improve, your energy level will increase, and your physical body will become stronger and healthier. This affirmation will help you take better care of your body.

However, strength here refers to more than just physical dexterity and energy levels. Your mental abilities will also increase. You will become more resilient and determined. Strong people don't bend to the wind. They are not easy to influence. Their self-esteem does not depend on the opinions of other people. They don't need outsiders to approve their actions. Strong people can afford to be themselves, take risks, stand their ground and follow their decisions and intuitions. Strong people are also never afraid to learn from others. Strong people can easily accept an alternative or opposite point of view if it seems reasonable to them. This is because their strength comes from within. By repeating the affirmation "I am strong and healthy," you are actually programming your inner consciousness. If you develop inner faith, you will always be ready to face any challenge or disappointment that is thrown at you. If you have inner strength, you will be able to deal with any difficulties, no matter what surprises life has in store for you.

This is a very inspiring statement that gives you the strength to deal with any disappointments and setbacks. This affirmation encourages your inner consciousness not to become unsteady in the face of tragedy or danger. If you have serious problems in business or you have lost a loved one, then feelings of helplessness, inadequacy and terrible sadness can shackle even the strongest person. If you are going through difficult times in your life and you need strength so that you can not back down or give up, then this affirmation is very suitable for you. Tell your inner consciousness with all confidence that no one and nothing will defeat you, that you will definitely be able to stand on your feet. Somewhere in the depths of your being, reserves of miraculous energy will be released and you will be able to adequately cope with all difficulties.

predictive affirmations

One of the most mysterious aspects of consciousness is its ability to release latent reserves of energy in a critical situation. But we must remember that our lifestyle and our life situation depend on what our inner consciousness believes.

Predictive affirmations work best when you say them with calm conviction that they are true; these affirmations can, depending on your desire, be very specific or very general. “Day by day I get better and better” is a very powerful and all-encompassing predictive affirmation. If you repeat this phrase regularly throughout the day, then you don’t even have to think about what specific improvements you expect. Your consciousness itself will determine your innermost desires and aspirations and will devote itself to the work aimed at achieving these goals.

Remember that consciousness, in combination with the brain, is a giant supercomputer. All your secret desires and aspirations are recorded in your memory, in the database of your supercomputer. Your consciousness knows exactly what will make you happy, what abilities you want to develop, in what direction you want to improve yourself. By repeating these predictive affirmations, you simply press the desired button, which starts the entire program. These affirmations will empower you and give you the motivation to carry out the actions you need to take in order to achieve your desired outcome.

The expectation of success contributes to the establishment of positive vibrations in your mind, due to which your moods are transformed. And this, in turn, attracts the energy-chi of success, which guides you to new achievements. If you expect success, then you will achieve it. If you expect failure, then you will fail. The inner consciousness interprets everything we say quite literally. It perceives what it hears and then acts accordingly. That is why negative thinking and negative speech are very dangerous. Of course, you should consider all possible options and determine where something could go wrong - however, you should never expect anything bad to happen. Be careful, be prudent, but with all possible results, expect the best and hope for it. Your consciousness will generate powerful streams of beneficial energy, thanks to which your consciousness will help you to realize your plan.

Affirmations that promote the manifestation and development of abilities
If you are seeking to develop your abilities—whether in sports, music, art, or professional training—then you must fully use the power of your consciousness. If you learn to open your hidden reserves of energy, then the learning process will take place both at the level of surface consciousness and at the level of inner consciousness.

If you consistently support your learning efforts with this kind of positive mental programming, you will find it easier and more fun to learn. If you wish, you can also create an auxiliary predictive affirmation to further increase your confidence and aspiration.

However, as with other affirmations, your positive mental programming efforts will only bear fruit when you use affirmations regularly and with strong conviction. Set yourself up for success. Do not undermine your confidence by thinking about the reasons why you will not succeed - there is no time, I am too old, I am too tired, I do not have the strength for this. Such negative thoughts will only hinder you. Believe that you have hidden talents and abilities - you just have to show them, and then put some effort into developing them.

This affirmation is the best for students who strive to achieve high academic results. You just need to regularly engage in mental programming of consciousness with the help of affirmations. Before doing homework or before repeating a topic, repeat this affirmation several times, without any tension, and repeat it several times after completing classes. This will have an extremely beneficial effect on the susceptibility of your consciousness to new knowledge. And this is not the only result. If your mind is pre-programmed in a certain way, then your brain will also work much better at memorizing and recalling the learned material. And your learning process will become much more effective.

Affirmations to relieve stress
One of the consequences of stress is the inability to relax and calm down.
Even in sleep, only a very few people can enter a state of truly deep sleep, in which their consciousness actually rests. Stress and the diseases that accompany it affect a very large number of people, especially those who work in a state of constant tension. To counteract this, you can use these affirmations to give your mind a little rest. Of course, there are special psychotechniques - such as meditation and visualization - that not only calm and deeply relax the mind, but also help to penetrate the inner levels of consciousness. However, you can relax and calm your mind somewhat with the help of affirmations. Even if you just repeat to your mind that it is very easy to achieve relaxation and calmness, this will already ensure that when you close your eyes to relax and rest a little, you will be able to do it without any problems.

This is a very useful affirmation for workaholics who experience a lot of stress at work every day. Stress, which is caused by constant tension, the need to complete important tasks in a very short time, tasks that are not always set correctly, the need to instantly respond to a constantly changing environment, etc. This tension gradually accumulates, which leads to stress, and in this situation, the calming effect of affirmations becomes absolutely necessary.

By repeating calming affirmations, you can ease some tension and calm your mind. People with a quick temper can also be recommended to use such affirmations. This will reduce the risk of too high blood pressure. These affirmations are most effective when accompanied by deep, calm breathing. Conscious breathing is truly a magical means of inner concentration. Therefore, repeat the affirmation, trying to breathe calmly, slowly and deeply.


One of the main causes of stress is the inability to cope with the many demands that grab our attention. This kind of stress can be especially severe if you have to deal with some kind of crisis at work, when a lot of it is in yours. life goes badly too. As the proverb says: "Trouble has come - open the gate."

If left unchecked, this stress can lead to stomach ulcers, severe migraines, fainting, and in the worst cases, suicide. For people whose work is associated with the constant occurrence of stressful situations (dealers and brokers can be taken as an example here, as well as many professions related to business and the need to process large amounts of information and make responsible decisions), it is absolutely necessary to constantly repeat to yourself positive affirmations that remove stress and feeling overwhelmed. They can even be encouraged to use these affirmations as mantras, repeating them at least a hundred times throughout the day.

Convincing your mind that it can easily cope with any problems, you can painlessly overcome many stressful situations. This statement is best accompanied by calm, deep breathing.

Special affirmations
This affirmation helps to maintain a good mood and creates an expectation of future success. It helps to strengthen faith in oneself and one's strength, sets the mind to attract all kinds of luck and success.

This affirmation sets your mind to the expectation of success in all endeavors. Focusing on how easy it is for you to succeed contributes to a life free from stress and anxiety. This is one of my favorite affirmations. I have been repeating it like a mantra for a very long time, ever since I started practicing internal feng shui.

This affirmation trains your mind to believe in the countless possibilities that open up in the future. Your consciousness opens the door to all these possibilities, attracting luck and success into your life. Everything is perceived by you from an optimistic point of view. This is one of my favorite affirmations.

This is an all-encompassing affirmation that calms a troubled mind as it eliminates all negative thoughts and feelings deeply rooted in your mind. Whenever something doesn't turn out the way you expected, repeat this affirmation and hope for something better by taking a positive view of any results of your activities.

This is a very inspiring affirmation and will bring out your deep-seated abilities and talents. It makes you a brighter, more open and vital person, thanks to which new people who sympathize with you will appear in your life.

This strong predictive affirmation helps develop an optimistic view of the future. It sends a signal to your inner consciousness in the most unambiguous way - to perceive everything that happens with optimism. Not all people can use this affirmation with perfect confidence, but those who are able to do so get truly amazing results.

This affirmation has a particularly attractive power for those who believe in divination, astrology and various divinatory systems; using this affirmation is like predicting a wonderful future for yourself! You yourself can predict your own fate. You can be the person who interprets the meaning of the cards that have fallen to you.

I am one of those people who like to know their fate. The only difference is that I myself program my mind in such a way that it perceives and attracts only good things - for example, wealth, success and happiness. Everything bad that happens in my life, I just forget and delete from memory. Looking back at the path I have traveled, I see that all my good predictions have come true. As for some problems that I had, I just forgot them and they do not have any negative impact on my real life. Yes, bad things and events do happen, they can't help but happen from time to time, as we all have cycles of good and bad luck, however, I perceive all the bad things as just temporary obstacles that have been successfully overcome!

In a certain sense, we all create the reality in which we live. We have freedom of choice. We can welcome all the good things that happen in our lives and look at everything with optimism, or we can constantly experience the fear of failure and unfavorable developments. If you repeat the affirmation "I attract love, luck and wealth into my life", you will thereby lay the foundation for your successful future, in which truly countless opportunities will open before you. The practice of mental programming of the inner consciousness will make you a calmer, happier, richer and healthier person.

Satisfying the Needs of the Lower Chakras
If you use the power of your mind (i.e., practice inner feng shui) to complement and improve your outer feng shui practice, you will achieve many good results, and this will help you meet the needs of the three lower chakras in your body. These three chakras, i.e. energy centers, control your outer senses.

The root chakra connects a person with the outer physical world. It serves as the foundation from which your ego develops. The root chakra is responsible for the flow of external energy-qi, the desire to be safe, the desire for self-preservation and survival. The color of this chakra is red, and its symbol is a four-petalled lotus. This energy center is located between the genitals and the anus. The element of this chakra is earth, and love, family, and security are required to fulfill the needs of this chakra. The practice of outer feng shui, backed up by the mental programming of the inner consciousness, strengthens this foundation of your being and prepares you for the practice of inner feng shui.

The lower abdomen chakra is the center of sexual and creative energy and gross emotions. The energy of this chakra requires sexual satisfaction, which creates a flow of chi energy between spouses and lovers. The color of this chakra is orange, and its symbol is a six-petalled lotus. If the needs of this chakra are satisfied, then it will be easier for you to move upward. The element of this chakra is water.
The solar plexus chakra is located in the center of the body.

The energy of this chakra is the desire for material well-being, and in order to satisfy its needs, it is necessary to satisfy all material needs - for food, love, security, family. Many Indian teachers say that it is in this chakra that the flows of heavenly and earthly energy - qi merge, forming a yellow-gold radiance. The symbol of this chakra is the ten-petalled lotus, and its element is fire. This is the last of the three lower chakras, and when the energy rises to the level of this chakra, it means that it can then rise higher, to the upper, spiritual chakras, the first of which is the heart chakra. It is followed by the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra. These four chakras are responsible for the manifestation of spiritual feelings. The practice of internal feng shui is performed at the level of the four upper chakras.

Many feng shui masters assured me that it is practically impossible to use the upper spiritual chakras if the needs of the lower material chakras are not satisfied, or the person has not reached such a high level of spiritual awareness that the satisfaction of the lower chakras is no longer required.

I have found confirmation of this principle - which I have also been told by many Taoist masters - in my own life. The practice of internal feng shui is most effective when the practitioner has already achieved some success and satisfaction of his material needs. This satisfaction gives the power of awareness and the ability to focus on the spiritual, and the practice of internal feng shui brings the best results when the practice is done in this state of mind.

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