Obsessive hand movements in adults. Possible consequences and complications of obsessive movements syndrome. Causes and symptoms of neurosis of obsessive movements in children and adults

Parents quite often face the fact that their child constantly bites his nails or a pen, jerks his head, scratches his nose or head, winds his hair around his finger.

Psychologists and psychiatrists call this phenomenon "syndrome obsessive movements in children".

What is it? And how can you help a child get rid of obsession?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: concept and characteristics

As a rule, obsessive movements coexist with some other neurotic manifestations: obsessive thoughts (it always seems to the baby that his laces are untied or his jacket is unbuttoned, and he constantly checks whether everything is in order), rituals (going to bed, the child always rolls the blanket into a tube and, falling asleep, squeezes the edge of the rolled-up blanket in his hand , or on the way to the kindergarten, he necessarily bypasses the birch growing near the fence, although this lengthens the path).

The complex of such painful manifestations is called "obsessive compulsive disorder"(OCD) or "neurosis obsessive states". It includes both constituent part and obsessive movements.

The word "compulsive" means that a person cannot control their own actions or states. She imposes on him, as if by force.

Ideas, thoughts, images (if they are constantly repeated), fantasies can be obsessive.

Typical compulsive movements

The most characteristic obsessive movements in children:

  • bite your nails or pen (if this is a schoolboy),
  • blink (nervous tick)
  • to fiddle with something (the same pen, button, your finger, a little boy may even tug at his penis, but this is in rare cases),
  • itch,
  • shake your head
  • bite lips,
  • chewing or sucking something all the time,
  • fasten and unfasten buttons.

There are also rare obsessive movements: for example, a child jerks his left shoulder all the time, or always carries cones, nuts and some kind of garbage in his pocket and sorts through them all the time, or washes his hands every five minutes.

Once noticed, even if they seem strange to parents, such manifestations do not say anything.

Causes of tics

Since compulsive movements are a neurotic symptom, they can be caused by all the same reasons which cause any neuroses.

There may be other reasons as well.

No negative factor automatically does not lead to neurosis, and even all of them together do not always affect the child. It's very individual.

Ultimately, a person causes neurosis in himself: this is his personal response to this or that challenge of life, in this case, is an abnormal answer.

Mistakes in education leading to neurosis in children:

Symptoms, signs and meaning

The compulsive movements themselves are symptom.

They do not constitute the content, the essence of the disease state.

If the kid behaves like this, he nervous, he has some internal problems that he unconsciously tries to solve in such a strange way.

rituals and compulsive actions, strange as it may seem, is a kind of self (or auto) psychotherapeutic procedure.

Thus, the child tries to calm himself, to normalize his state of mind. Of course, he does not always succeed, because the method is not the most effective.

However, it is important to understand that compulsive movements themselves do not cause any harm, unless they turn into self-harm, which happens extremely rarely.


Usually the doctor who brought the child with similar symptoms, does not seek to find out their origin. This is not easy enough, you need a psychological or psychoanalytic qualification.

The doctor, as a rule, simply prescribes to the baby sedatives, from light to fairly strong, as well as vitamins and massage. Such a standard treatment set for this neurosis is explained not by medical, but rather by psychological and even commercial reasons.

Doctors, massage therapists and pharmacists are educated at the same universities and often perceive themselves as a single corporation, so they consider themselves obliged to help each other.

In fact, if a child has problems, they need to be identified. Removing the symptoms, which is achieved by the methods listed above, does not mean curing the disease.

This approach is inefficient. Neurosis is a disease of the soul, not of the body. But pills and massage cannot cure the disease of the soul.

Of course, the people also developed some ways to get rid of children from compulsions. For example, a child who constantly twists his hair around his finger is simply cut off this hair or forced to wear a hat even indoors. Sometimes folk sedatives (herbal decoctions) or a bath are used.

Some of these funds quite possible to use. However, without the help of a doctor, they will not solve the problem. Much more effective way problem solving are psychotherapeutic methods.

Let's say manual therapy (children sculpt, draw, or make Stuffed Toys under the guidance of a teacher-psychotherapist), occupational therapy(for example, work on a potter's wheel), canistherapy(specially organized for therapeutic purposes, the care of children about dogs and communication with them), game therapy(organized for therapeutic purposes games with other children under the supervision of adults).

However, in this case, the root of the problem is not revealed.

Parents should not show their concern to the child in connection with his not quite normal manifestations, as it will intensify them.

You don’t need to punish the kid, scold, forbid him to do what he does ( the Forbidden fruit sweet, in addition, the child is not able to give up his manifestations, he does not control them).

The best- ignore similar actions like they don't exist. But at the same time, carefully and imperceptibly for the baby to observe him, try to understand him.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children - symptoms and treatment:

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The essence of his opinion is that one should not be carried away by the elimination of obsessive movements in themselves, to fight them.

The task of parents- not the external "normality" of the child, not his apparent resemblance to other healthy children, but the overcoming of his internal problem.

Compulsive actions are not a disease but a symptom. Like a rash or fever with some somatic diseases. What is the point of fighting a rash or fever? They show us that something is wrong in the body.

When we focus on the symptoms, ignoring the disease itself we refuse to help the sick. We just want to reassure ourselves, convince ourselves that everything is all right with him. But the disease is thus driven deeper.

Therefore, Dr. Komarovsky advises not to rush to buy sedatives Do not try to relieve symptoms without knowing their cause.

His approach is that by themselves painful manifestations even useful: those that signal us about trouble in mental life sick.

The task of dad and mom is to identify the cause of this trouble.

In this case, they often have to think not so much about the child itself, but about themselves and their relationship with him. I have to change something in myself..

But today's adults, who are often and correctly called "consumers," it's easier to go the other way: stuff the baby with medicines, eliminate the symptoms and calm down.

What was the matter remains unknown.

But parents can avoid the need reconsider something in their own behavior and attitude towards the baby and besides, they are pleased that they take such good care of him, spare no effort and money for his treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky considers this way, in most cases, to be wrong. His approach is based on the fact that you need to find the root of trouble and eliminate it. It is more difficult, but much more useful for the child.

Children's doctor about tics in children:

Prevention of childhood neurosis

Prevention of neurosis is, first of all, harmonious relationship in family. Where friendship, mutual understanding, cooperation, respect and love reign, neurosis usually has nothing to do.

Very helpful with early age teach your baby to take care of others, including his dad and mom.

Neurotics are always selfish. They are obsessed with their problems. If attention is diverted to another person, it has a psychotherapeutic effect.

You need to find out what the baby likes to do, and give him the opportunity to do what he loves. Highly good method prevention - work, productivity.

It can be growing berries in a greenhouse, caring for a puppy, cleaning an apartment.

There must be a certain child's efforts which he sees and which is appreciated by adults.

Well, if the baby loves animals, it is especially useful to take care of them, and this care should be regular, daily.

It is very important that the child led active image life, every day I learned something new, learned to explore the world around me.

Communication with loved ones can also be considered as a prevention of neurosis.

It is important to take care of the health of the baby, as weakness nervous system may be a consequence of the weakness of the body as a whole.

At the same time, playing sports with constant participation in competitions can, on the contrary, provoke neurosis. It is better to do not sports, but physical education and physical labor.

Healthy, beloved, properly brought up, surrounded by close people, leading an active lifestyle baby not subject to neurosis. If this happens, it will be possible to cure it without much difficulty.

What to do with " bad habits children" - the so-called obsessive movements? Expert's word:

Obsessive movement syndrome or obsessive movement neurosis is accompanied by obsessive thoughts and is part of obsessive-compulsive (from the English obsession - “ obsession”, compulsion -“ coercion ”) disorders.

Obsessive Movement Syndrome - Main Symptoms

Defines this disease whole complex symptoms:

  • constantly repeating thoughts, mimic actions, movements and feelings;
  • an overwhelming nature, for example, the same depressing thoughts or painful memories;
  • awareness of the uselessness and painfulness of repetitive actions and, accordingly, a critical attitude towards them.

Unsuccessful attempts to get out of this state, a person is aware of the irrationality of his actions, but cannot do anything with them, which quickly aggravates the situation:

  • causes anxiety and discontent;
  • strained relationships with others;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders and other negative consequences.

Neurosis of obsessive movements does not have age restrictions. However, more often it manifests itself in 20-30 years, when a person is at the peak of activity.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Although there are several types of compulsions in this disease, such as thoughts, fears, actions and ideas, they themselves appear only as an exception.

One obsession leads to the appearance of another and, thus, the whole complex gradually manifests itself.

So, obsessive fear changes the idea of ​​reality and encourages the patient to certain actions that are designed to protect him. One of these actions is frequent washing hands may be based on the idea that dangerous microbes are teeming around.

The performance could appear on a painful unreasonable fear get sick with some disease. Because of this complex manifestation This disorder is also called obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It is characteristic that the disease manifests itself in individuals predisposed to it as a response to:

  • severe stress from overwork;
  • difficult situations;
  • experiences;
  • lack of sleep;
  • negative work environment, etc.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight purely physiological processes. such as stagnation in various departments central nervous system and others.

People with CNS diseases are more disposed to the disease:

  • schizophrenia;
  • encephalitis;
  • epilepsy and other pathologies.

The syndrome of obsessive movements in adults can also manifest itself in absolutely healthy and not predisposed people due to extreme fatigue and emotional exhaustion. At timely detection disorders, appropriate therapy quickly eliminates the problem.

Symptoms and manifestation of the disease

Each component of this syndrome has its own symptoms:

  1. Intrusive thoughts. A person can constantly remember and think about insignificant and unnecessary information, which is often unpleasant for him and causes mental suffering.
  2. Intrusive fears. Exists a large number of phobia. For example, fear of pollution, death, blushing in public, enclosed spaces, acquire heart disease, etc.
  3. Intrusive actions. They can also be very varied. So, some patients continuously count something. How many cars passed, exactly how many certain color etc.
  4. Intrusive presentations. Vivid images that do not come out of consciousness in any way and, accordingly, induce a certain model of behavior.

Effective treatment strategy

Treatment of the syndrome of obsessive movements is carried out in two main directions:

  • removal of the arisen nervous tension;
  • correction of personality traits that caused the development of the disorder;
  • elimination of suspiciousness, raising low self-esteem, insecurity, and the like.

Given the complexity and interrelationship of symptoms, treatment requires integrated approach, which includes not only various medical preparations but also the thorough work of a psychotherapist.

Also, given the personal characteristics of patients, the environment is very important. The calm cozy atmosphere, the attention of the staff and the design of the premises have a beneficial effect.

Steps to recovery

A patient suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder must tune in to consistent actions for a sufficiently long time, aimed at combating the disease.

And since people who are prone to it are often not self-confident and poorly motivated, which is aggravated by the current state, support on this path from the people around is important.

There are a number of steps that need to be followed:

  1. Contact a psychotherapist. It has a positive effect on cognitive behavioral therapy. Its goal is to break the cycles of obsessive states, to replace the existing suppressive stereotypes of behavior with new healthy and creative ones.
  2. Understand the essence of the deviation. Often a person is not even aware of the nature of his repetitive actions, which may be completely illogical. In the above example of endless handwashing, it is important to understand why such a habit has arisen, how justified the fears are, what arguments will help change the internal mood.
  3. Do not be led by your desire to act in a certain way. The fact is that by repeating the obsessive action, a person immediately relieves stress. I washed my hands and everything was back to normal. But for how long? To break out of this circle, you must not give in to the urge to act out of habit.
  4. To ensure a comfortable environment for yourself and avoid disruptions, it is important to clearly organize the daily routine. Instability unsettles and healthy person, and to a person with increased suspiciousness and uncertainty, it is contraindicated.

Critical attitude to the symptoms of their disease often leads the patient to depression. Therefore, natural herbal sedatives play a positive role.

Glycine (aminoacetic acid) plays a positive role. lowering emotional stress, it stimulates mental activity, has a beneficial effect on mood, normalizes the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and metabolism.

A small positive effect exercise stress. For example, a walk before going to bed will contribute to a good physical form, will help set the body to rest and distract from negative thoughts.

Anything that can cause anxiety should be discarded. It can be certain TV shows or movies, computer games, or a person's social circle.

Preventive measures

Prevention this disorder - healthy lifestyle life. Although this applies to absolutely everyone, first of all, those who have a predisposition to the disease should think about it.

Protects against deviations:

  • time planning;
  • sufficient amount of rest;
  • quiet entertainment;
  • physical education;
  • communication will contribute to the development of personal qualities of a person.

Those who once had physiological prerequisites for neurological disorders should be under medical supervision.

Features of nutrition in this condition

Nutrition for the patient should be developed taking into account rationality and accessibility. It is important to include in daily menu antidepressant products. Prohibited for use alcoholic drinks. smoking or narcotic substances can provoke a crisis and rash acts.

  1. Meat. Included in it, pantothenic acid, contributes to the production of the amino acid phenylalanine. It helps produce dopamine, the hormone of joy and pleasure.
  2. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are involved in the activation of the processes of brain activity and of cardio-vascular system. Accordingly, improve memory, and concentrate attention.
  3. Sea kale helps produce adrenaline. Its deficiency provokes the appearance of a feeling of fatigue.
  4. Fruits, especially bananas. In its composition useful material, which help to produce a "drug of happiness." Kiwi, apples, currants improve the transmission of nerve impulses.
  5. Dark chocolate helps the body produce the hormone of joy.
  6. Peppermint, saturates the body folic acid. It is known that its deficiency provokes the development of depressive disorders.
  7. Chicken, low-fat dairy products, egg protein are involved in the synthesis of the hormone of joy.
  8. Fresh vegetables are sources of antioxidants.

Contraindicated in the use of coffee, sugar, flour products. It is recommended to include nuts and seeds in the diet. Food should be moderate, without excess salt and smoked meats. Not recommended for any mental disorders ah diet or starve.

Help folk remedies for this disease

The best means are medicinal fees. Herbal infusions, decoctions and teas help not only relieve excitability and anxiety. It has been observed that even long-term treatment medicinal herbs is not addictive.

The most effective folk remedies:

  • honey is universal natural product, dosage per day: 2 tablespoons;
  • herbal tea from sage and Indian basil, drink at least twice a day;
  • tea with green cardamom and sugar;
  • infusion of valerian, lemon balm, kava, St. John's wort, in equal proportions, 30 minutes after each meal;
  • ginseng, taken as an infusion;
  • peppermint, equally useful, both as a decoction and as a tea;
  • wiping with water with table salt;
  • take baths with the addition of poplar leaves.

Possible consequences and complications of the syndrome of obsessive movements

In situations where the treatment of neurosis is not effective or its causes are not eliminated, the consequences can be the saddest. The character of a person changes, his attitude towards others.

Level social adaptation decreases. The disease provokes a number of negative changes in the life of the patient:

  • the level of intellectual abilities decreases, working capacity is lost;
  • appetite disappears, sleep worsens;
  • due to weakened immunity, problems with work begin to develop internal organs, various bacterial and catarrhal infections develop;
  • there are situations of non-acceptance of the patient's behavior, both in the family and at work;
  • the desire to constantly show resentment, secrecy, alienation is formed;
  • to the already formed obsessive states, new ones are added.

timely psychological help, especially in the early stages, helps to cope with the disease in short time. However, if treatment does not occur, the patient ceases to trust people, is disappointed in others. He begins to withdraw even more into himself. There are frequent conflicts, the patient constantly complains of inattention to himself.

Surrounding people often note inappropriate behavior of a person. He is sometimes referred to as "paranoid". AT initial stage the patient himself still understands that he is not acting in accordance with the rules of respect and tact towards other people. However, a new explosion of emotions occurs, associated with unreasonable anxiety and dissatisfaction with oneself, and general state deteriorates sharply. Developing constant irritability, sleep is disturbed, fatigue appears. A complication of the syndrome provokes a deterioration in attention, a person gets confused in speech, cannot clearly connect events or describe what happened.

Over time, obsessive movements syndrome provokes low self-esteem, a feeling of inferiority develops. It's getting harder to control your emotions. The patient is unable to control his manners and words. Choleric notes are more and more noticeable both in intonations and in actions. One day, such increasing symptoms can lead to nervous breakdown or education serious problems with health.

General opinion about the effectiveness of treatment, which remedies really turned out to be effective

The basic principle of treatment is based on psychotherapeutic methods:

  1. Thought stop technique. The psychotherapist helps the patient learn to assess his condition from the outside. Such behavioral therapy allows you to assess the real manifestations and causes of your intrusive thoughts or deeds. Is it really so important to behave in this way or is it not acceptable at all, especially in relation to others, and not just to oneself.
  2. Hypnosuggestive therapy. This technique combines hypnosis and suggestion. experiencing obsessive fears and unpleasant situations, by suggesting certain attitudes to respond, helps to evaluate them in real life.
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Its essence is to teach the patient to recognize the specific causes of their fears and obsessions. Destructive emotions come to naught when the patient allows himself to experience these emotions.

Medical treatment is indicated in cases aggressive behavior presence of suicidal intent. The reception of atypical antipsychotics is shown, when a person claims that someone from the outside tells him to do this. This is a severe stage of the disease and is practically incurable without strict control by a doctor. With mild and medium degree treatment with tranquilizers and anxiolytics is quite effective. These groups of drugs help to get rid of anxiety, fears, anxiety, excitability.

Correction of such mental disorders will be especially effective if a person begins to realize the reasons for his restless behavior. Only a cardinal look at your behavior will help you find ways to cope with inappropriate behavior on your own. After all, it is this method that doctors consider the most effective and long-term.

But I 15

Actions that a sick person constantly repeats against his own will are commonly called obsessive. In most cases, these can be various stereotypical movements, nervous tics, involuntary blinking, various behavioral rituals, etc.

At the same time, despite their visual similarity, obsessive movements in adults can have a different origin, since quite often manifestations intrusive nature is a symptom that can be used to express a variety of neurotic and psychotic problems, often requiring medical attention. qualified assistance and prescribing medications.

In adults, in most cases, obsessive actions appear as a reaction of the body to a vague, however, vague anxiety, severe tension, or recent stress. Quite often, a person himself does not understand at what point in time the obsession arose and with what life events it is associated. These events can pass absolutely unnoticed, remaining beyond the scope of evaluation and comprehension, however, expressed as obsessive symptom and the main reminder of recent events.

In some cases, obsessive movements in adults may occur in conjunction with other various symptoms among which the most common is the excessive frequency of the disease.

Can obsessive movements in adults go away?

It is simply pointless to expect that obsessive movements will pass by themselves, however, in this case, the symptom may change, becoming more acceptable, and also less noticeable to strangers. It is worth noting that the modification of the symptom is a characteristic phenomenon only for children, as a result of which adults can perceive this situation as a successful cure. However, at the same time, the neuroticization of the psyche remains, quite often forming neuroses, including neuroses of character, often causing severe suffering to a person, lasting quite often throughout the rest of his life.

The main symptoms of obsessive movement disease in adults

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis is the main component of obsessive-compulsive disorder neurosis, the features of which are considered to be the appearance of fears, various spontaneous movements, certain obsessive thoughts. Therefore, a person who is in a completely normal and adequate state understands that it is necessary to fight such a disease by controlling his movements, however, without eventually achieving positive result. It is difficult for a fearful, indecisive adult to deal with fears, various negative thoughts and uncontrollable emotions. In most cases, the main symptoms that accompany this disease, is the effort of a person to play it safe in everything, disinfect clothes, neglect other people's things, fear of flying and visiting public places.

What is the treatment for obsessive movements in adults?

To begin with, you need to try to follow the simplest and most reliable recommendations, among which the most important is to constant control own mood, trying to constantly improve it.

Spend as much time as possible with your friends and acquaintances, constantly walk on fresh air, provide healthy and comfortable night sleep. It is necessary to limit the irritation of one's own problem areas. For example, if the eyelid twitched, it is necessary to leave work at the computer for a while, purchase special glasses and special eye drops. Do not get involved in unpleasant conflict situations, as well as immediately seek help from specialists when you detect the very first obsessive movements in yourself.

Obsessive movement syndrome in children is understood as a disorder provoked by severe emotional shock and manifested by a series of unmotivated repetitive actions. Pathology can persist for a long period, and in the event of its unfavorable course, some obsessive movements are often replaced by others, more complex ones. Sometimes the disorder is a manifestation of compulsion (obsessive-compulsive syndrome), a symptom general violation developmental or nervous tic.

What are obsessive movements in children?

Actions for this syndrome can be very diverse, but the most common include:

  • Finger sucking;
  • Frequent wiping and sniffing;
  • Nail biting;
  • Grinding of teeth (bruxism);
  • Head nodding;
  • Waves of the limbs or monotonous rocking of the whole body;
  • pinching of the skin;
  • Twitching of the genitals (in boys);
  • Unreasonable, prolonged hand washing;
  • Pulling hair, twisting strands around your finger, etc.

Intrusive movements in children are generally safe, not a major concern, and are considered a natural developmental milestone. Most often, the syndrome resolves over time without medical intervention.

Causes of obsessive movements in children

Unlike tics, which are often neurotic in nature, the causes of obsessive movements in children are purely psychological. Repetitive actions may be due to:

  • Acute psychotrauma of short-term impact;
  • Prolonged exposure to an emotionally unfavorable situation.

The most susceptible to this disorder are children from dysfunctional families, who constantly live in a state of tension. A prerequisite for the development of the syndrome of obsessive movements can be frequent scandals and quarrels of parents, a dictatorial (demanding, unreasonably strict) or permissive parenting style, excessive guardianship or an indifferent attitude towards the child. In addition, the occurrence of such a violation is often associated with changes in lifestyle and routine: a change of residence, admission to Kindergarten or school, etc. These reasons often cause stress, especially in spoiled children, as well as babies with a weak type of nervous system.

The probability of developing pathology is somewhat higher in children who have suffered traumatic brain injuries. At risk are children with a history of neuroinfections, infectious diseases(including tuberculosis), chronic pathologies internal organs (children's rheumatism, heart disease, etc.). All these diseases lead to the depletion of the nervous system, reduce protective functions organism, and as a result, even a trifling, at first glance, the situation can be a difficult test for a weakened child.

Diagnosis of obsessive movements in children

In cases where the syndrome of obsessive movements is pronounced, leads to injuries or interferes with the normal activity of the child, it is advisable to contact a specialist for additional examination. There are no specific tests or tests to diagnose this condition, but your doctor will be able to rule out others. possible violations and pathology.

The pronounced syndrome of obsessive movements often develops in children with delayed intellectual development, however, it can also occur in absolutely healthy child. Boys are more likely to suffer from the disease, and the appearance of the first symptoms is possible at any age. At the same time, systematically repetitive monotonous movements may indicate the presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, or Tourette's syndrome.

Despite the great similarity, obsessive movements in children usually appear before the age of two, while Tourette's syndrome develops at the age of 6-7 years. Unlike the tics that are characteristic of the latter, compulsive movements take longer to repeat and may intensify if the child is stressed or nervous tension. It is noteworthy that such repetitive movements often do not bother the patient at all, while motor and vocal tics become a cause for complaints.

Methods for the treatment of obsessive movements in children

On condition timely diagnosis and proper treatment obsessive movements in children pass without a trace. The most effective combination drug therapy with a neurologist and psychotherapeutic sessions with child psychologist. It should be noted that the cessation of repetitive actions is not a reason to cancel treatment, since neurotic symptoms tend to alternately decay and resume. The duration of therapy for obsessive movements ranges from 6 months to several years.

Respond to compulsive movements calmly but attentively. Take it as a child's desire to tell you something, because in fact it is so. Let your baby know that you notice his actions, but don't make a big deal out of it. If he has not withdrawn into himself, delicately ask what is the matter. Explain that this can happen to anyone who is very tired, nervous, or wants to say something but is afraid. Do not scold the child, especially in front of strangers, do not focus on his actions, and even more so do not make excuses for such behavior in front of people - extra attention only helps to consolidate the symptom. Praise your child more often, feed his faith in yourself. votes)

The child began to bite his nails, make strange movements with his hands or head, often blink or squint for no reason. All of these signs can be manifestations of obsessive movements syndrome. About what it is and what to do with it, we will tell in this material.

What it is

Compulsive movement neurosis is quite common in childhood. Most often, monotonous repetitive movements or a series of such movements appear in preschool or younger children. school age. This is not a single disease, but a whole complex of disorders both in mental and mental health. emotional levels. The movements that the child makes are unmotivated, they are very difficult to control.

Medicine refers this phenomenon to manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessional neuroses are included in the classification of diseases. Despite this, baby syndrome little has been studied, and its true causes and mechanisms can only be guessed at.

In order not to frighten parents, it should immediately be noted that a child with obsessive movements is not considered mentally ill. He is not disabled, does not need isolation and does not pose any danger to others. Only person that he can harm is himself. And even then, only in cases where obsessive movements are traumatic.

Most often, according to the current pediatric practice, parents go to the doctor with complaints that the child has begun to bite his lips, gnaw his legs and skin on his hands, bite his own hands, pull out his hair, or almost constantly wind it around. finger, wave your arms and shake your hands, swing your body from side to side. It is noteworthy that the baby begins to repeat such movements exactly when it gets into an uncomfortable or uncomfortable, with psychological point vision, situation. If he is afraid, if he is confused, upset, irritated, offended, he begins to compensate for the discomfort with a habitual and calming movement or a whole series of such.

The manifestations of the syndrome do not always have pathological neurological or psychiatric causes. Due to the lack of knowledge, it is sometimes very difficult to establish what became the "trigger". But this diagnosis, if it is given to a child, is not a sentence and in most cases does not even require classical treatment.


It is believed that the main cause of bad habit to make obsessive movements is a strong stress, a deep emotional shock that the child experienced. Due to the fact that the baby cannot express in words the feelings that overcome him, emotions find a way out. physical level. Such a disorder is usually temporary, and as soon as the baby recovers from the experience, he will be able to get rid of unnecessary movements and actions.

To psychological reasons also include:

  1. mistakes in raising a baby (strictness, physical punishment, connivance and permissiveness)
  2. severe psychological climate in the family (divorce of parents, scandals and quarrels of adults with a child, physical abuse);
  3. abrupt change habitual living environment (sudden move, transfer to another school, another kindergarten, transfer to the upbringing of a grandmother, etc.);
  4. child conflicts with peers.

To physical reasons, which can lead to a disorder or contribute to its development under adverse external conditions relate:

  • traumatic brain injury in history;
  • unfavorable heredity (there are close relatives with mental disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, as well as those who abuse alcohol or drugs);
  • concomitant neurological diagnoses (hyperactivity syndrome);
  • congenital mental illness(autism, schizophrenia);
  • congenital pathologies brain and CNS.

Sometimes children have a whole complex of causes that combines both physical and psychological factors contributing to the development of a state of obsessive movements. Establishment true reason- the task is incredibly difficult even for an experienced doctor, but it is necessary to do this in order to know what kind of help the child needs. Some of the reasons are easily solved by a confidential conversation with the baby or a visit to the office of a child psychologist, and some will have to be treated with the use of medications.


Compulsive movement syndrome has a great variety of manifestations. It all depends on the personality of the child, his character, temperament, features physical development, age. Tics are most common in children under six years of age. They are always physiological in nature, are involuntary and often disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

obsessive movements more difficult level better amenable to volitional effort. Theoretically, a person can forbid himself to bite his nails, but a child with will and motivation is not doing very well, and therefore he is simply not able to cope with such movements. Most often, the syndrome of obsessive movements is manifested by the fact that the child bites his nails, the skin around them, smacks or twitches his lip with enviable regularity, bites his lips, blinks often and deliberately, constantly coughs or sniffs. Sometimes the syndrome manifests itself more pronouncedly - rocking the body back and forth or from side to side, shaking the head, unjustified waving of the arms.

All such movements do not pose any danger at all if they are isolated or occur rarely.

The syndrome of obsessive states is characterized by cyclicity, regularity, monotony and constancy of repetitions of well-defined movements.

Often parents try to just stop such manifestations. With their pathological origin, the child does not perceive criticism and demands to stop adequately, the movements intensify, and with the persistence of adults, the baby may begin to become hysterical.


Not a single doctor in the world, when parents turn to him with complaints about the obsessive movements of the child, will be able to say exactly what this behavior of the baby is connected with. Therefore, mom and dad need to look very carefully at the child, analyze recent events, and only after that go to see a doctor.

It is better to start the diagnosis with a visit to a neurologist. Parents will have to tell this specialist in detail in what situations and how often a series of movements are repeated, what character they are, and also whether the child had any recent times stress or shock.

In addition, you should write down on paper and bring to the doctor a list of all the medicines that the child has taken in the last couple of months. Some medications can have such an effect on the nervous system.

If after this there is no clear reason, the doctor will advise you to undergo an MRI of the brain.(to exclude brain pathologies), as well as pay a visit to a child psychiatrist who will examine the child for mental disorders. It will be useful to take blood and urine tests that will help determine if there are any crumbs in the body. inflammatory process, and also whether he has a deficiency of vitamins and some minerals (in particular, calcium). Their lack can also lead to disorders of the nervous system.

This concludes the available list of diagnostic measures. In medicine today there is no single standard for assessing such a condition as obsessive-compulsive neurosis, and therefore doctors will make a diagnosis based mainly on the stories of parents.


If the psychiatrist and neurologist considered that the child is healthy, and the tests did not show any significant deviations from the norm, then the parents do not have to worry and do not rush to stuff the child with pills and injections. Here a different approach is required. Therapy will consist in the elimination of all phenomena and events that traumatize the baby's psyche.

You need to communicate with the child, talk, walk, draw together, watch movies, read. And be sure to discuss everything.

Sooner or later, the baby will definitely report what he was so excited about, and parents will be able to understand what caused the obsessive movements.

In no case should you strongly stop the child's attempts to make movements, you should not once again focus your attention on them and pay the child's attention. If the child's movements pose a danger to himself (he bites himself, scratches his face), you must definitely attend classes with a child psychologist, and if necessary, a psychotherapist. The baby needs to be closely monitored.

Medical and concomitant treatment in case of obsessive movement neurosis, it is prescribed mainly when medical specialists find reasonable medical reasons for the disorder to occur.

In especially difficult cases, antidepressants are prescribed. In all others, they try to get by with milder therapy options.

Prescribe mild sedatives, preferably natural or plant origin, which include "Glycine" and "Persen", for improvement cerebral blood supply prescribe "Cinnarizine" along with magnesium "Asparkam". To strengthen the nervous system, B vitamins are prescribed, in particular, the drug "Milgamma". As a sedative, herbal teas with sedative effect- based on mint, valerian, oregano, motherwort. At home, it will be possible to make the child soothing therapeutic baths With medicinal herbs, however, provided that the doctor approves this, because such procedures quite often cause an inadequate reaction in children with a predisposition to allergies.

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