Which vitamins are best for nursing mothers: how not to drown in a sea of ​​​​information and make the right choice. Vitamins after childbirth: whether to take them, which ones are needed when breastfeeding. How to replenish the supply of vitamins after childbirth

For the female body, childbirth is stressful, the woman's body needs recovery. What vitamins to take so that the body quickly returns to normal?

The woman has become a mother, now she has new worries, she will attach all her attention to the little man. But mothers should not forget about themselves, you need to take care of your body after childbirth, especially when breastfeeding. It's important to continue eat properly and take vitamins after childbirth, so that motherhood brings pleasure, and the woman is full of strength and energy.

In order for the milk produced by a woman's body to be of high quality and saturated with vitamins, a woman should consume an additional 700 kcal daily in food. That is before childbirth, a woman's body needs 2000 kcal daily to maintain optimal weight. During breastfeeding, a woman's body needs 2700 kcal.. Even if a woman eats right and eats a variety of foods, doctors recommend taking vitamins.

You need to pay special attention to the vitamins you take. If the level of vitamins in a woman's body is normal, all processes in the body function normally. If the level of essential vitamins is insufficient, then the body continues to produce milk, but it suffers, the woman feels a breakdown and lack of energy.

Dr. Elena Berezovskaya - Pregnancy without complications - recommendations of a gynecologist

What vitamins should be taken after the birth of a child


The body of a woman during childbirth loses a large amount of blood, so it is necessary to take vitamin complexes with a high iron content for 6 weeks after delivery. Iron can cause stomach problems if more than one tablet is taken at a time. It takes six months for the body to replenish its depleted supply of iron.

B vitamins

Of course, the birth of a child is a great joy, but sometimes there are cases of postpartum depression. Low levels of certain vitamins, especially vitamin B, can affect a woman's body chemistry. B vitamins, namely vitamins B6 and B12, are prescribed to new mothers to reduce the risk of postpartum depression. Daily intake of vitamin B:

  • for nursing mothers, vitamin B1 - 3 mg, vitamin B2 - 2.2 mg, vitamin B6 - 2.2 mg, vitamin B12 - 4 mcg.
  • for mothers who are not breastfeeding, vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg, vitamin B2 1.8 mg, vitamin B6 - 2 mg, vitamin B12 - mcg (micrograms).

Vitamin B1 (thiamine): Wholemeal bread products, sunflower seeds, cereals, legumes, nuts, prunes, black currants, spinach.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): baker's yeast, pork, milk, almonds, chicken eggs, wheat flour, lamb.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): liver, yeast, bran, brown grains, potatoes, bananas, pork, cabbage, carrots.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin): fermented milk products, raw egg yolk, baker's and beer's yeast, green onions, spinach, seafood.

Vitamin D (calciferol)

Vitamin D is needed to strengthen bones and teeth, especially it should be taken by nursing mothers. Breast milk does not contain vitamin D, taking vitamin D provides your baby with everything he needs. Women who have been deficient in vitamin D during pregnancy are advised to take vitamin D (calciferol). Insufficient levels of vitamin D can develop (brittle bone). Daily intake of vitamin D:

  • for nursing mothers - 12 mcg,
  • for mothers who are not breastfeeding - 8 mcg.

Sources of vitamin D: fish oil, fish (mackerel, salmon, tuna, herring), cod liver, seafood, beef and pork liver, cottage cheese, cheese.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C helps to restore the skin, blood vessels and cartilage after childbirth. A good immune system is supported by vitamin C. Daily intake of vitamin C:

  • for nursing mothers vitamin A - 100 mg,
  • for mothers who are not breastfeeding vitamin A - 70 mg.

Sources of Vitamin C: Broccoli and other leafy green vegetables, oranges and citrus fruits, tomatoes, melons, kiwifruit.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Thanks to vitamin A, a woman's body recovers faster after childbirth. Vitamin A is involved in the formation of the skeletal skeleton and teeth, improves immunity, has a positive effect on visual pigments and hair structure. Daily intake of vitamin A:

  • for nursing mothers vitamin A - 750 mcg,
  • for mothers who are not breastfeeding vitamin A - 600 mcg.

Sources of vitamin A: fish oil, liver, egg yolks, cream, butter.

Folic acid or vitamin B9

Folic acid is very useful for women after childbirth, because it helps to improve the emotional background. Thanks to folic acid, the work of hematopoietic organs is normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. The daily requirement of folic acid: for nursing mothers and for mothers who are not breastfeeding 1 mg.

Sources of folic acid: legumes, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, green onions, green peas, beans, beets, carrots, tomatoes, wholemeal flour, buckwheat, kidneys, cottage cheese, cheese, caviar.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello! As I understood from your answer, that if I have a lack of vitamins, will they still be in my milk?!!! Is it necessary to take vitamins for nursing mothers and if so, which ones are better ??? And yet, we were prescribed Multi Tabs (a baby is 7 months old), is it worth giving it?

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The main thing is not to overdo it

As with everything, when taking vitamins, you must comply with the norm, which is indicated in the instructions. An overdose may occur. Symptoms: rash, headache, gastrointestinal disturbances (diarrhea, spasms), swelling. Vitamins should be stopped and consulted with a doctor.

During lactation, new mothers need nutrients more than ever. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for a child for normal development, he receives them through breast milk, and they help a woman recover faster after childbirth.

If a nursing mother gets tired quickly, her skin turns pale, dries up, the condition of her hair, teeth, nails worsens, then most likely we are talking about beriberi. This condition is manifested by a violation of the heartbeat, irritability, frequent digestive disorders.

Avitaminosis threatens with a violation of visual function, diseases of the reproductive, musculoskeletal system, etc. Therefore, if the above symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the type of missing vitamins, tell you which drugs are best to take in a particular case.

The need for nutrients in HB

A nursing mother needs retinol, calciferol, ascorbic acid, group B elements. In addition, she needs to saturate the body with minerals (calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, etc.). A woman needs them to provide the daily need for nutrients and restore health. In addition, she must transfer the missing micronutrients (vitamins, micro-, macroelements) to the newborn through breast milk.

Each useful substance performs its function:

  • Calcium accelerates bone formation.
  • Vitamin D helps calcium absorption and prevents rickets.
  • Ascorbic acid is essential for all vital processes in the body.
  • Iron improves blood composition, transports oxygen.
  • Retinol normalizes the condition of the skin, inner membranes, eyes.

The concentration of micronutrients in milk depends on the menu of a lactating woman. Habitual products solve the problem of beriberi only partially. This is due to the fact that recently the vitamin saturation of vegetables and fruits has been decreasing. In addition, mineral reserves in the soil are depleted, which reduces the quality of animal products. To get a daily supply of nutrients, you need to absorb such an amount of food that would lead to an increase in body weight.

For this reason, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes that contain the daily requirement of micronutrients for mothers and infants. The best preparations will be described below.


An American multivitamin complex marked "Prenatal" and "Prenatal Forte" is suitable for women after childbirth while breastfeeding. These products differ only in composition: "Prenatal" contains 13 vitamins, 3 minerals, and "Prenatal Forte" - the same amount of vitamins, 10 minerals.

The combined drug is available in the form of capsules. The tool allows you to eliminate vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. Vitrum is contraindicated in patients who have an increased concentration of iron, calcium in the body or calcium in the urine.

The decision on the duration, frequency of administration, dosage of the drug is taken by the doctor. Daily dosage - 1 capsule once after a meal.


The Swiss drug with the full name "Elevit Pronatal" is produced in the form of tablets. Elevit contains 12 vitamins, 7 minerals. This is an effective and safe multivitamin complex during breastfeeding. The drug has been tested on 25 million women and has a certificate of quality.

Elevit is prescribed for hypovitaminosis for pregnant and lactating women. Doctors recommend taking the drug 4 weeks before the planned pregnancy, during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. The daily dose of nutrients is contained in one tablet, which is taken after a meal.

In case of violation of the rules of admission, allergies, digestive disorders are manifested. In addition, the likelihood of an overdose of vitamins increases.


The Italian multivitamin complex for lactating women has the trade name "Mom's Health". The tablets are packaged in packs of 60 pieces, each blister contains 20 pills of different colors. To get a pronounced effect, take 3 tablets per day with a different shade.

Useful substances are divided into 3 tablets in such a way that their absorption is not disturbed. The largest white pill contains a daily dose of calcium, blue - minerals and antioxidants, and red - vitamin B9, iron.

The alphabet is taken as prescribed by a doctor for hypovitaminosis. The treatment lasts 20 days, if necessary, the doctor will extend the course after a break (10 - 15 days).


The multivitamin complex is produced by the international group Dr. Reddy's. Tablets include metafolin, vitamins, iodine, and capsules - tocopherol, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The drug is intended for daily intake with natural feeding. A lactating woman should consume 1 capsule and tablet after eating.

Complete nutrition

The choice of a suitable multivitamin complex must be approached responsibly. Such drugs are taken only when they are really needed. Many manufacturers recommend taking the remedy from the very beginning of pregnancy until the end of lactation. However, the opinion of doctors is often different, they argue that a vitamin deficiency is dangerous, but an overdose of useful substances is even more dangerous. For this reason, it is forbidden to take such funds "just in case", they are necessary only if there are symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

When using multivitamin complexes, the likelihood of hypervitaminosis increases. For this reason, it is recommended to take only one vitamin, the deficiency of which is observed in the body.

In addition, doctors advise to normalize nutrition, it is worth including lean fish, meat, dairy products, fresh fruits, and vegetables in the menu. Also, lactating women need to see a doctor regularly.

You can saturate the body with vitamins with the help of ordinary products:

  • The source of retinol is butter, sour cream, eggs, liver. Beta-carotene is found in red, yellow and green vegetables and fruits.
  • Thiamine is found in cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), bread with the addition of bran, beans, nuts, potatoes, carrots.
  • Vitamin B2 can be found in eggs, liver, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.
  • A lot of vitamin B3 contains meat, liver, milk, eggs.
  • Pyridoxine is obtained from nuts, cabbage, citrus fruits, etc.
  • The source of vitamin B9 is whole grain flour, vegetables, cheese, meat, etc.
  • Cyanocobalamin is found in animal products.
  • Vitamin C contains fruits, berries, some vegetables.
  • Tocopherol is found in vegetable oils, grains, and beans.
  • Biotin include kidney, liver, beans, red vegetables.

Calciferol is produced by the skin under the influence of the sun, so nursing mothers are advised to walk outside daily.

Vitamins from food help support lactation, improve the general condition of the body when the lack of vitamins is insignificant. In other cases, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes.

While taking vitamin-mineral complexes, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • Preparations with vitamins and minerals are taken only for medical reasons. You should not take these funds "just in case", they are used only when symptoms of hypovitaminosis appear. To maintain the level of nutrients, a balanced diet is sufficient.
  • It is necessary to take those multivitamins that the doctor prescribed. An independent choice of such drugs is dangerous for a woman and a child, as the likelihood of hypervitaminosis increases, which is manifested by headache, nausea, sleep disorders, indigestion, etc.
  • The patient must follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the use of the drug. Violation of the rules of admission threatens with side effects, a violation of the absorption of nutrients.
  • It is not recommended to take a multivitamin complex for a long time. Short-term courses help to make up for the lack of nutrients; if used for too long, there is a risk of overdose.

Thus, multivitamins for nursing mothers are necessary only for hypovitaminosis. When symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and select the most suitable remedy. To avoid negative reactions, a nursing mother must follow the rules for taking the drug, which the doctor has determined for her.

After childbirth, a woman experiences an acute deficiency in nutrients, which significantly reduces the immune status. After the appearance of the baby, there is often a risk of postpartum complications, therefore, if a woman does not provide the body with the necessary set of nutrients in time, then the postpartum recovery processes are rather delayed. To minimize the risks of postpartum infections and set the body for a quick recovery, it is necessary to take vitamins after childbirth, as well as adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Immediately after childbirth, a woman starts lactation mechanisms, the body enters a new phase - breastfeeding. This period is quite important for the baby, since all its intraorganic structures are tuned to autonomous functioning. The only food for a child in the first months will be only mother's milk, which will provide him with the necessary complex of microelements and vitamin components. Therefore, the mother is simply obliged to fully and rationally eat so that the baby develops fully and gains weight.

In practice, it often turns out quite differently. Since a woman is busy caring for a baby, she often does not have enough time for herself, she does not have time to eat normally. Therefore, approximately 80% of newly-made mothers have an acute shortage of components useful for the baby and mother. As a result, the mother has health problems, she notices hair loss, her teeth begin to crumble. This also affects the health of the baby - he may not develop quickly enough, often get sick, etc.

What vitamins do breastfeeding need

Before making a decision on taking vitamins, you need to consult a doctor to understand which microelements mommy does not receive from her daily diet. Only a doctor will be able to correctly select the necessary complex of vitamins, since the excess content of any microelements can be even more dangerous than their deficiency. In addition, there are certain daily norms for each trace element and vitamin, which are not safe to exceed.

IN 1

This organic compound is also called thiamine. This element ensures the full formation of the nervous system and receptor structures. Thiamine is present in plant foods from the group of cereals and legumes. Strong nerves during this period, a young mother is essential.

IN 2

Riboflavin is often referred to by scientists as the growth vitamin. This organic compound takes an active part in iron exchange processes, affects the nervous system activity, the functioning of the liver and muscle structures. Riboflavin is present in most fermented milk and some plant foods.

AT 6

Pyridoxine is present in fish and meat products, in vegetable crops such as cabbage, nuts and potatoes. For babies, this component is necessary for the proper development of the brain and spinal cord, as well as the nervous system structures. In addition, pyridoxine is actively involved in hematopoietic processes.

AT 12

Such a component as cyanocobalamin, which is rich in fermented milk and fish, meat products, ensures the full development of nervous activity and the formation of liquid tissues.

Vitamin A

Retinol is extremely important for the normal formation of skin and bone structures, nail plates and hairline, as well as for the normal development of mucous tissues. If a woman receives a full amount of retinol, then she will protect herself from hair loss. Vitamin A is rich in dairy products and liver, eggs and apricots, cheese, etc.

Vitamin PP

It is also called nicotinic acid. This component ensures the smooth functioning of metabolic intraorganic processes. Vitamin PP catalyzes and decomposes carbohydrate and fat cells for further assimilation of these elements. In addition, nicotinic acid stimulates the activity of the hepatic and gastrointestinal structures. You can get a full supply of this trace element from buckwheat and meat, as well as from animal by-products.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is extremely important for nursing mothers, since this organic compound stimulates mammary gland activity. Vitamin E is actively involved in amino acid synthesis, and also improves the gonadal development of the baby. You can fully provide your body with tocopherol by including sunflower oil or seeds in your daily diet.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C protects cell structures from damage and decay, helping to strengthen their walls. In addition, ascorbic acid provides an anti-inflammatory effect, helps the absorption of iron and improves immune activity. Ascorbic acid is present in large quantities in citrus fruits, vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin D

Calciferols are present in butter and eggs, as well as fish oils. Vitamin provides the necessary strength of bone structures and prevents the development of rickets in the baby.

In addition, mom is simply obliged to receive other necessary components such as iron and magnesium, zinc and iodine, phosphorus and calcium with food. Iodine is essential for normal thyroid function, calcium for teeth, bones and nervous system structures, and phosphorus for heart and kidney function.

The best complexes

As mentioned above, when choosing a vitamin complex, a woman should be guided by the recommendations of a specialist who can correctly select the necessary drug. There are many complexes designed specifically for nursing mothers, they are often similar in composition, but still have some features that take into account the individual differences of women.


This vitamin complex differs markedly from other vitamin preparations, since the daily dosage of the drug is divided into three doses. This feature will allow all components of the drug to be absorbed as much as possible in the female body. If a nursing woman has any allergic reaction to certain vitamins, then a specific pill should simply be excluded without taking it. The composition of the Alphabet contains insufficient folic acid, so it is recommended to take it as a separate drug.

Mam Elevit

Elevit preparations are considered one of the most popular today. Many gynecologists who observe mothers with various threats of pregnancy recommend taking these vitamins. A feature of the drug is the high content of magnesium, which helps to maintain pregnancy, and when feeding, it provides these trace elements to the baby. The composition of the complex is quite diverse, but only it does not contain iodine.


The complex preparation Complivit also provides pregnant and lactating women with the necessary amount of components. They take these vitamins not only to provide the baby with all the necessary substances, but as a preventive measure to prevent their deficiency in the mother's body. In addition, Complivit also contributes to faster recovery after delivery.

Quite often, mothers begin to drink these vitamins to prevent hair loss, since the preparation contains components that provide stable and full hair growth.


The complex for lactating and pregnant women contains all the components that are necessary for a successful postpartum recovery. In fact, Vitrum Prenatal is considered a universal vitamin complex that can be taken by both pregnant and lactating women. The drug in every sense is a high-quality vitamin complex containing all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.


The composition of the drug contains all the necessary additives and minerals that a woman will need for postpartum recovery, as well as provide the baby and mother with the necessary trace elements during gestation, which will help prevent possible intrauterine pathologies. The tool has a very positive effect on the baby and mommy.

How to replenish vitamin reserves

During the period of gestation and feeding, a woman gives the baby all the nutritional components that enter her body along with nutrition. Especially the female body suffers from a deficiency of trace elements during lactation. After all, mommy lost almost all the reserves while she was carrying the baby, and now all the leftovers go into milk for the baby. And if a newborn gets everything she needs from mother's milk, then a woman will have to think carefully about her diet in order to get all the necessary trace elements for herself and her baby with food. The characteristic signs of micronutrient deficiency are:

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Frequent SARS and colds;
  • Fragility of the nail plates;
  • Hair loss;
  • pale skin;
  • peeling of the face;
  • Acne and pimples on the face.

At the same time, mothers believe that it is enough just to adjust the diet in order to replenish the necessary reserves of vitamins and trace elements. But gynecologists recommend that newly-made mothers use vitamin complexes specially designed for this to replenish nutrients. What vitamins to take after childbirth, and why food does not always help to fully provide the body with a supply of valuable substances.

Everything is simple. To obtain a daily dose of vitamin B, which is responsible for the nervous system and reproductive functions, a woman needs to eat a pound of beef and a loaf of rye flour. These products will only fill the need for the B vitamin. Considering that a nursing mother needs to receive all the useful trace elements and vitamins, it turns out that she just needs to eat an incredible amount of food. That is why the intake of vitamin complexes in this situation is considered a priority, because in such funds an ideal balance of all components in the daily dosage is achieved.

Where to be careful

Only your doctor should prescribe vitamins, it is categorically unacceptable to select drugs on your own, otherwise the wrong choice or uncontrolled intake of such drugs can provoke an excess of vitamins. In fact, the excess content of microelements and vitamin compounds is a toxic poisoning and is called hypervitaminosis.

This condition is considered quite dangerous. In connection with the free release of vitamin preparations, the incidence of this disorder has increased today. Many people buy vitamins without medical prescriptions, guided by advertising, recommendations from friends and other factors, which often causes banal intoxication. For example, an overdose of retinol, as well as its insufficiency, is manifested by hair loss and brittle nails, and with an overdose of ascorbic acid, patients complain of chronic migraines and convulsions, sleep problems, etc. Therefore, mineral-vitamin complexes should be taken exclusively for medical purposes.

During lactation, the main thing is not to harm the baby, so it is important not only to know whether vitamins are needed for nursing mothers, but which ones are better. Some believe that everything necessary for mother and child contains food, others - that taking drugs is mandatory. There is a lot of information about this, but can you trust all of it?

Are vitamins necessary during lactation: FOR and AGAINST

Childbirth is a great shock to the body. Often the health of a woman after them is weakened. But you need to make sure that the baby receives with milk everything necessary for its development.

If a woman leads a healthy lifestyle and eats a full variety of foods, while the products are of high quality, contain all the nutrients in sufficient quantities, there is no need to take vitamins during lactation. Her health will quickly recover.

The use of pharmaceutical preparations is necessary if:

During pregnancy, the mother's body is depleted, which affects hair, nails, and teeth.
  • the woman's body is greatly weakened;
  • mother's diet is poor;
  • the child has an allergy, and the mother had to exclude a number of products;
  • outside the window is winter or spring;
  • twins, triplets or more were born;
  • there are problems with the appearance of the mother, teeth and nails crumble;
  • The baby is not getting everything he needs.

Most often, the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes is prescribed if a woman has dry skin, anemia, her teeth are destroyed.

All this is combined with weakness, fatigue, apathy. If a woman took complexes during pregnancy, then such symptoms are unlikely to occur. Whether it is necessary to drink vitamins during breastfeeding, the doctor will determine in each case. Prescribing medications on your own is not necessary and dangerous not only for the mother, but also for her child.

Varfolomeeva E.P., gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, clinic “Medstar”, Voronezh

I prescribe drugs to women in several cases: if during childbirth there was a large blood loss, if after childbirth the mother's appearance deteriorated greatly, if the child was born at the end of winter or spring.

During this period, it is difficult to get everything you need from food. Multivitamin complexes are often not required, fish oil, Aevit or iron preparations are enough.

What vitamins does a nursing mother need

During lactation, the need for certain substances increases. Here are some minerals and vitamins for a nursing mother in demand in the first place:

  1. Group B. They are responsible for the health of the nervous, digestive systems, as well as for the condition of hair and nails.
  2. A, E, C. They participate in the processes of restoring the skin, hair, nails of a newly-made mother, strengthen the immune system, and normalize hormone levels.
  3. D, calcium, phosphorus. Responsible for healthy growth, development of the skeletal system, vision of the baby. Mom will help to quickly restore a healthy appearance. What other vitamins exist for vision and eyes, read
  4. Iron, iodine, zinc. They restore the hormonal background of a woman after childbirth, protect against, help form the child's mental abilities.

Those. if you need a vitamin complex for nursing mothers , then it must first contain the enumerated elements.

True or False: Common Vitamin Myths

Vitamins for nursing mothers are overgrown with myths and legends. To make the right choice, you need to learn to distinguish true information from false information.


There should be plenty of vitamins. This is partly true. Since the health of not only her, but also the child depends on the nutrition of a woman. Yes, they need more, but in moderation a lot. A nutrient-dense diet can fill this need.


The development of the baby depends only on the nutrition of the mother. It's a lie. The body of a woman synthesizes all the substances for milk, even if the food is monotonous. Vitamins during lactation are needed primarily by the mother so that her reserves are not depleted.


Vitamins are harmless. It is not true. Hypervitaminosis is more dangerous than beriberi.


Vitamins should be taken for prevention. Partly true. For the prevention of many diseases, their sufficient intake with food is necessary.

But not overkill. If you take them just like that, you can do harm.


Vitamins for nursing are needed during the entire period of lactation. It's a lie. Long-term use can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Right choice

To understand which vitamins are best for nursing mothers, you should follow some rules. A doctor should recommend the complex. But if his recommendations concern several drugs, a woman faces a choice.

Kulakova G.A., pediatrician, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, “Kazan Homeopathic Center”, Kazan

If you can do without taking complex drugs, then it is better to do it. In my practice, there were cases when pharmacy complexes called y.

I think that it is advisable to take them only if the mother has serious health problems.

In order for the vitamin complex to bring exceptional benefits, a woman needs:

  • get recommendations from the doctor, if not by the name of the drug, then by its composition;
  • read the instructions, the scheme of admission, assess the possibility of its observance;
  • when taking, follow the recommendations;
  • during the course, monitor the well-being of your own and the baby;
  • do not drink for more than a month.

First of all, it is better to try to diversify the menu by adding healthy products. If this does not help improve the situation, then the doctor should conduct a blood test to find out which vitamins can be given to a nursing mother and which cannot, and select the right complex.

Top 5 vitamin complexes

This table will clearly show which vitamins during breastfeeding are most popular and have good reviews:

Name and price




Method of administration and dosage

from 620 rubles
A, E, D, C, group B, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesiumNormalization of skin, hair, nails, nervous system. Metabolism improvementAn excess of calcium in the blood, intolerance, hypervitaminosis, urolithiasis1 tablet daily 15 minutes after breakfast with water
from 590 rub.
A, E, D3, C, group B, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, chlorine, manganese, seleniumImproving the metabolism and appearance of the motherHypervitaminosis, kidney stones1 tablet daily after breakfast
from 320 rub.
C, B1, B2, E, betokaraten, iron, copperPrevention of anemia, improvement of the nervous system, heart, musclesIndividual intolerance, hypervitaminosis3 times a day. Orange in the morning, yellow in the afternoon, white in the evening
from 930 rub.
C, E, group B, iodineImproves the protective properties of the body, the condition of the skin, intelligence and thyroid glandIndividual intolerance1 time per day with meals
from 180 rub.
A, E, D2, C, group B, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, manganeseImproves a woman's health before, during and after pregnancyHypervitaminosis, urolithiasis, hypersensitivity1 tablet 1 time per day

The main thing is not to harm

Thoughtlessly taking vitamins with hepatitis B, you can harm not only yourself, but also the child. So, an excess of A can lead to liver diseases, D - to the rapid overgrowth of the fontanel.

An allergic reaction in infants more often to vitamins in tablet form than to food, it occurs due to the intake of a vitamin in a large volume.

It should also be remembered that complexes before childbirth and vitamins after childbirth during breastfeeding are two big differences.

Few drugs can be taken during pregnancy and with HB.

For example, while waiting for a baby, a woman's body needs large doses of iron, and during lactation it does not need so much.

The effect of drugs depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.. An excess of iron can lead to various diseases of the internal organs in a child.

Kabanova E.Yu., gynecologist, Alfa Health Center, Nizhny Novgorod

Provided that a woman during feeding eats a variety of foods, a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, sleeps well, is in the fresh air every day, then taking drugs is not necessary.

But with poor nutrition, they will come in handy.

Alarming symptoms in which you need to stop taking vitamins for nursing mothers are:

  • severe intestinal colic in a baby;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • anxiety;
  • frequent crying;
  • stool disorders: or.

Almost the same symptoms can occur in mom:

  • swelling;
  • rash;
  • digestive problems.

To avoid hypervitaminosis, the complexes should not be taken for more than one month.. To normalize a woman's well-being, they are usually prescribed only 1 time - immediately after childbirth. If there is no beriberi, but only individual elements are missing, it is not worth taking a complex drug.

Everything you need is in food, isn't it?

If during pregnancy a woman received all the necessary vitamins, then after childbirth she is unlikely to need vitamin complexes.

The best vitamins for breastfeeding mothers and their babies contain natural foods.

During lactation, you need to eat everything. This is not the time for fasting, dieting, fasting, or experimenting with menus.

Simple but varied food is the best option.

It is necessary to abandon harmful products - with artificial additives, limit salty, spicy, sweet.

Vitamins and products containing them, allowed for nursing mothers

  • Group B contains legumes, meat, eggs, dairy products. Especially a lot of them in the liver, which is also rich in vitamin A, as well as iron.
  • Vitamin A is found in eggs, vegetables,. These vegetables should be eaten with vegetable oil, cream, sour cream.
  • Seeds are rich in vitamin E, as well as some of the B group. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc.
  • Record holders for the content of iodine and zinc are seafood, sea fish.
  • Vitamin C is found in all fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. There is a lot of it in sea buckthorn, cherries, rose hips, currants,.
  • Vitamin D contains meat and dairy products, caviar, fish. What is the best vitamin D for babies, you can read
  • Pomegranates and buckwheat porridge are rich in iron.
    What vitamins do bananas contain and is it possible to have them with HB, you can read.
  • The most necessary vitamins for a mother during breastfeeding are groups B, A, E, C, D, as well as the elements iodine, iron, zinc.

Women who have gone through pregnancy can confidently say that this natural process takes a lot of strength and health. But after all, her mission does not end there, now you need to raise and educate a child, which also requires no small effort. The baby needs a healthy mother, so for a quick recovery, special vitamins are needed after childbirth.

From the first day of conception and all nine months, the female body is rearranged for the favorable development of the fetus in the womb and its birth. The hormonal background is being rebuilt. These processes require a large number of microelements and useful organic compounds that accelerate biochemical processes and hormone synthesis.

A nursing mother is prohibited from many products that contain the necessary micro and macro elements. Because of them, the baby may experience gas formation or allergic reactions. Milk may taste bitter. Breastfeeding women should definitely drink vitamin complexes after pregnancy. Special medical complexes will help:

  • restore immunity;
  • normalize hormonal balance;
  • support the nervous system;
  • maintain lactation;
  • improve milk quality.

The lack of trace elements and minerals for a nursing woman in labor can end critically. Their deficiency causes the following health deviations:

  • Metabolic disorder, which leads to an increase in body weight.
  • Failure of the nervous system is the cause of depression.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
  • Pathology of the spine and joints.
  • Violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which trace elements are poorly absorbed and beriberi appears.
  • Anemia due to low hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Inflammatory processes and injuries received during the birth of a baby can complicate the state of health. Often, new mothers have problems with breast milk, which can be low-fat. As a result, the baby does not eat. Thus, the answer to the question: "Do I need to drink vitamins for women after childbirth?", such - "Definitely, yes!".

Which ones are better?

During the bearing of a child, doctors prescribe complexes to many pregnant women, in which the full composition of the necessary elements. But what to take after childbirth?
Particularly noteworthy are those that consist of the following elements:

  • Retinol - has a positive effect on the appearance of new cells and the development of the fetus. During its deficiency, a woman in labor may have impaired vision. Retinol is responsible for the mother's immunity, as well as the regeneration of bone and dental tissue.
  • Thiamine - strengthens the nerves, favorably affects fat and carbohydrate metabolism. With it, a girl after the birth of a baby will be able to lose extra pounds.
  • Riboflavin strengthens the nerves, is involved in the formation of blood and liver enzymes.
  • Pyridoxine helps absorb iron by increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It improves the condition of the muscles, thanks to it the muscles relax. The process of removing fatigue is accelerated.
  • Folic acid promotes the creation of new cells, improves digestion and metabolism. Plays an important role in the formation of serotonin and norepinephrine, which help the production of hormones of cheerfulness and good mood.
  • Cyanocobalamin takes part in the activity of the liver, metabolism, controls cholesterol levels. Helps restore hormonal levels. In combination with folic acid, it affects the process of blood formation.
  • Ascorbic acid is found in many foods. Helps to neutralize toxins, reduces allergies. In the postpartum period strengthens the immune system. Participates in the regulation of body temperature, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

  • Calceferol helps to improve the condition of bones, teeth and blood composition. With its help, the body can absorb calcium and phosphorus. Calcium strengthens the immune system, increasing the ability to resist SARS and other infections.
  • Tocopherol is responsible for the production of female sex hormones, normalizes the activity of the reproductive system. Helps improve the activity of the heart. Helps improve muscle mass and teeth.
  • Nicotinic acid is involved in the blood supply to internal organs, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems.

In the case of breastfeeding, they will help maintain lactation. The doctor does not prescribe any separate vitamins for non-nursing. Mothers also need minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine. Trace elements help strengthen the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Participate in the formation of protein, control the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys. The most popular complexes are:

  • Pregnavit;
  • Compliments mom.
  • Elevit.

Complivit mom

The drug should be drunk after pregnancy for recovery. It contains the following micro and macro elements:

  • Retinol (A);
  • Tocopherol (E);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Group B;
  • folic and nicotinic acid;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus.

It is not recommended to drink this complex with other similar drugs. This may cause an overdose. If an excess of the permissible norm has occurred, it is necessary to contact the doctor, but before he arrives or visits the clinic, it is necessary to stop taking it, wash the stomach and take activated charcoal.


Pergnavit is a complex with mineral supplements used both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. The task of the drug is to replenish the body with all the necessary trace elements for carrying a baby under the heart.

Taking this drug is the prevention of various fetal abnormalities. Studies have shown that Pregnavit is a highly effective combined remedy for the treatment of the fair sex in a position diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. The drug is well tolerated and has no side effects.


Most of the female in the first months feels uncollected, broken and tired. The main reason is nutritional deficiencies. The following health problems appear:

  • depression or nervous breakdowns;
  • the condition of the skin worsens;
  • hair fall out;
  • teeth deteriorate;
  • the nail plate becomes thinner;
  • the amount of breast milk decreases.
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • thyroid dysfunction, etc.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal compensate for the lack of nutrients and contribute to the proper development of the fetus. The composition of the drug includes 12 vitamins and 7 microelements. It is completely safe, this has been proven by studies. Improvement in well-being occurs a week after taking the complex.

What exactly you can drink after childbirth, the doctor will tell you, focusing on complaints, as well as after passing tests and examinations.

Deterioration of the condition of the strands after pregnancy

Half of women after the birth of a child do not recognize their hair. Before conception, they were shiny, thick and strong. Now it is a weak, sparse, dull scalp. What could affect the hair?

Hair loss after pregnancy is a common occurrence. During this period, about 500 hairs per day will be lost and this is not much, you should not worry prematurely.

The reasons for the deterioration are:

  • Physiological alopecia.
  • Stressful situation.
  • development of anemia.
  • Deficiency of nutrients.
  • Androgenic alopecia.
  • Cesarean section and anesthesia.

But everything is solvable, the mother needs to contact the doctor, who will prescribe an examination. Most often, the cause of the poor condition of the curls is the lack of the necessary substances. Vitamins for hair after childbirth will be able to restore their shine, elasticity and beauty.

How to save your hair

The lack of useful trace elements is one of the reasons why there is less hair on the head to help your body better take a balanced multivitamin complex. By the type of female hair, you can determine which vitamins from hair loss after childbirth mommy needs.

Stand in front of a mirror and examine your curls:

  • The presence of dandruff, split ends, dullness, brittleness and dryness indicate that the hormonal balance is disturbed. Retinol will help restore a healthy look and elasticity.
  • Increased loss of strands and growth arrest, as well as the appearance of gray hair, indicates a lack of elements from group B. They positively affect the strength of the roots, growth, thickness, elasticity, shine.
  • Soft color, brittleness, delamination of the tips, breaking off along the length is a lack of ascorbic acid. It increases defenses, helps in the fight against toxins, accelerates blood flow in tissues, controls the elasticity of capillaries.
  • Lack of E is manifested by growth retardation and the appearance of seborrhea. Controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stabilizes hair growth.
  • Loss of elasticity and shine, the appearance of dryness or, on the contrary, oiliness, as well as the formation of dandruff, indicate a lack of nicotinic acid. It helps to increase blood microcirculation, which favorably affects the growth, strengthening and restoration of strands along the entire length.

It is not easy to fill the deficit with fruits and vegetables, since some of them are prohibited during feeding, but it is a doable task. Vitamins for hair loss after childbirth can eliminate the deficiency of nutrients.

These problems with proper nutrition go away on their own six months after the birth of the baby. If after the expiration of this period the condition of the curls has not changed, then the best way would be to visit a trichologist - a doctor specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the outer part of the head.

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