How to identify the cause and how to treat if the arm hurts from shoulder to elbow. What does the pain in the left arm from the shoulder to the elbow mean?

Pain discomfort of varying intensity and localization occurs during the life cycle of each person with a certain regularity. In most cases, these may be minor sensations that do not cause anxiety and fear. But when the pain affects the heart and spreads to the left side of the body and arm, many begin to panic, surrendering to fear for their own lives.

Causes of the symptom

Not in all cases, the characteristic pain in the left arm from the shoulder to the elbow is a typical indicator of heart disease. Painful manifestations in this area can provoke various pathological disorders, which are divided into two categories:

  1. heart diseases that form the appearance of a pain symptom extending to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left shoulder;
  2. and states affecting other internal structures.

The principle of pain formation is based on the occurrence of disturbances in the patency of the blood flow and the appearance of malnutrition of internal tissues. The causal development of a trait does not have generalizing characteristics, since it has individuality in relation to each specific case.

The specifics of the course of cardiopathologies

Diseases affecting the heart and vascular network already at the initial stage of development of the disorder have a specific picture of symptomatic sensations. These include conditions that change the normal functioning of cardiac activity, affect the vascular network, the valvular system of the heart and its muscular tissue.

As a complication, endocrine disorders of a sluggish nature can lead to the development of pathology. The symptomatic picture of heart damage develops against the background of the underlying pathological condition or independently. Most often, the most striking symptom is pain in the left arm and in the region of the heart.

Types of diseases that form the appearance of left-sided pain

The most common types include the following disorders that are associated with the heart and the network of vascular blood flow:

The specificity of pain has an intense manifestation, different from aching discomfort. Concomitant symptoms include increased heart rate, development of shortness of breath. The numbness of the left hand lasts for several seconds, indicating problems with the heart muscle.

Other provoking conditions

When the left arm hurts up to the shoulder and the cause of development is not a heart pathology, the appearance of a symptom can provoke the following pathological conditions:

  1. osteochondrosis of the spinal tract, affecting the thoracic or cervical sections;
  2. the process of inflammation of the nervous network of the shoulder zone, when there is compression of the nerves with swelling of the tissues;
  3. uncomfortable position or overwork of the shoulder muscles;
  4. alcoholic or toxic damage to the body;
  5. hypothyroidism and diabetes, when the occurrence of pain is a complication of an already existing process;
  6. sclerosis and pathology of the nervous network;
  7. traumatic injuries;
  8. lupus and myelitis;
  9. vitamin deficiency from group B 12 .

How to identify the cause of pain?

If pain discomfort occurs, it is necessary to visit a medical institution to diagnose the current condition with the identification of the true cause of the appearance of alarming symptoms. The procedure includes several types of examinations, which primarily assess the functional state of the heart, excluding pathological disorders that pose a danger to the patient's life.

Using such types of diagnostics as cardiography and X-ray, ultrasound scanning and tomography, as well as specific methods for detecting changes in the vascular network, it is possible to obtain reliable data on existing disorders that differentiate the causes of pain in the left shoulder area.

Many diseases in the human body begin with subtle, recurring pain. As time goes by, the pain becomes more and more annoying. And when the pain becomes unbearable, the person goes to the doctor.

In addition to the "usual" hand pain associated with damage to muscles, ligaments of joints and bones, hands can also hurt from other reasons.

1. Example. The arm hurts from the elbow to the shoulder joint. In this situation, it may turn out that you are faced with signs that indicate a discogenic pathology of the cervical spine. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to contact a neurologist and conduct magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine. If this is not done, the protrusion of the cervical spine will increase, and the treatment will be delayed.

2. Example. There is severe pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. Especially the pain intensifies with movement, "sneaks right up to the bone." The clinic diagnosed osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine.

This diagnosis has often been made to patients, but this is not the cause of pain in the arm, especially during movement. For a correct diagnosis, a vertebro-neurological examination is necessary.

3. Example. Severe pain in the arm from the elbow to the shoulder. There were no injuries. In the evening there is intense heat on the outer side of the elbow.

According to this diagnosis, we can say that this is neuralgia, a sign of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It is possible that this is epicondylitis - inflammation of the muscles in the area where they are attached to the elbow joint.

Perhaps, after the examination, doctors will suggest a surgical operation, but you should not rush to use such radical methods of treatment. You should first contact the Healthy Spine Clinic, whose specialists have developed and apply highly effective methods of non-surgical treatment of spinal diseases.

The patient in the clinic will be offered treatment using such advanced techniques as muscle relaxation traction therapy, vacuum gradient therapy, intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI), dynamic electrical nerve stimulation (DENS). A good effect in diseases of the spine is given by various types of massage and physiotherapy.

In the clinic, each patient has a special approach, doctors do not "cut everyone under the same brush", but develop an individual set of treatment procedures, taking into account all the peculiarities of the patient's state of health.

There is probably no person who has never experienced pain in the elbow joint in his life. As a rule, pain syndrome appears against the background of any diseases, but sometimes it can occur for no apparent reason.

Often, pain in the elbow joint is experienced by those who lead an active lifestyle, play sports, like to relax in nature and constantly travel, choosing difficult routes.

People engaged in heavy physical labor are also at risk and often experience discomfort in the elbow joint.

The main causes of pain syndrome

The elbow joint belongs to complex joints and consists of 3 types of bones (ulna, radius and shoulder), which are articulated among themselves by one articular bag.

The joint is fixed with ligaments, which ensures the correct direction of the elbow. The joint is surrounded by muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerve fibers, etc.

The cause of the pain may be a normal fall, due to which a bruise of the elbow joint is possible. In this case, serious injuries are often observed, such as a crack or fracture of the bone.

The fact is that the joint is very sensitive to various physical or mechanical effects.

Pain syndrome of various origins and manifestations

In addition, pain in the elbow, as well as slightly above and below it (and often from the hand to the shoulder), can be caused by the following reasons:

Tasks and diagnostic methods

The appearance of pain in the elbow should alert a person, as this may indicate various pathologies, and Only a specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis.

If pain occurs, you should contact a general practitioner or pediatrician at the place of residence, and after the examination, he will write a referral to a narrow-profile specialist: a traumatologist, rheumatologist or neurologist.

The specialist will conduct a visual examination of the patient, palpates the painful joint, and collects an anamnesis.

Helps in making a diagnosis:

  • radiography;
  • Arthroscopic surgery;
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging, etc.

Mandatory appointment:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • a puncture can be taken from the elbow joint.

First aid and treatment

First of all, you need to know what can be done if the elbow hurts in the joint due to an injury.

If the pain is due to an injury, apply something cold. This will help reduce pain, swelling, and stop bleeding.

Give the limb a position in which pain is minimal.

Immobilize the limb if any movement causes pain. Consult a doctor, he will find out the cause of the pathology and prescribe an adequate treatment.

The first goal is to get rid of pain

Since the patient experiences pain when contacting a doctor, analgesics are prescribed first of all. Which can be in tablets, injections or in the form of an ointment.

Usually prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Voltaren, Movalis, Nise, Ibuprofen.

With severe pain, short-term courses of glucocorticosteroids, such as Diprospan, can be prescribed, which are done directly into the joint.

Further therapy

Further, depending on the underlying disease that caused the pain in the elbow, select the appropriate treatment:

  • for gout, NSAIDs are prescribed for the first 2 weeks; Colchicine is prescribed for the relief of acute attacks. Also reduces the level of uric acid Allopurinol;
  • with arthrosis, chondroprotectors are added to NSPS and GCS;
  • with neuritis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, nicotinic acid and B vitamins, such as Milgamma, are indicated;
  • in the presence of contractures, Mydocalm is prescribed;
  • when intervertebral hernias appear, surgical intervention may be required.

Physiotherapy is modern

A good effect in the treatment of pathologies of the elbow joint is achieved after a course of physiotherapy. Depending on the type of disease and its stage, the patient may be prescribed:

The course of physiotherapy is selected individually, depending on the disease, comorbidities, and the patient's well-being.
As a rule, 10 sessions are necessary to improve the condition.

It is also necessary

A positive effect is observed from the course of massage.

Regular physical activity is useful, which helps to strengthen muscles, reduce the severity of pain, improve blood circulation and trophism of the damaged vessel, and normalize the general well-being of the patient.

With severe pain, the patient may be prescribed bed rest. Some patients may need the help of a psychologist.

Traditional medicine recipes for pain

At home, you can make applications with clay. To do this, the clay is heated to a temperature of 45 degrees. The affected joint is treated with vodka, gauze is applied to it in several layers, and on top of 1 cm of heated clay. I wrap everything with cloth and wool. Hold the compress for 1 hour.

Compresses with sea salt will help relieve pain and relieve swelling. To do this, it must be placed in a linen or cotton bag, which is then kept on steam for 20 minutes. This is quite enough for the salt to warm up to a temperature of 65 degrees.

A warm bag of salt is applied to the area of ​​the affected joint, and as it cools down, the pain will begin to subside. After a few seconds, the swelling will almost completely subside.

You can take hot baths with salt for 30 minutes. The bath is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of hot water. People suffering from arterial hypertension are advised to take warm baths.

In order to prevent

Prevention of joint pain is to limit excessive physical exertion. But the usual morning exercises will benefit, as it will help strengthen the muscles, and the performance of the joints directly depends on them.

It is necessary to protect the joints from various injuries. When playing sports where there is a high risk of injury to the elbow, such as roller skating, special elbow pads must be used.

An important role is played by a balanced diet, maintaining a normal body weight. If necessary, you can take pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes containing calcium.

It is important to monitor your state of mind, learn to overcome stressful situations and, of course, regularly visit a doctor to detect diseases in the early stages.

Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder is a type of pathological condition of the joint, in which its mobility is reduced. This happens as a result of the development of the inflammatory process. One of the main symptoms of this disease is severe pain. If this pathology is not treated, over time it becomes impossible to perform hand movements. There is a complete loss of joint functionality. This condition is called frozen shoulder syndrome.

More about the disease, causes of development

Adhesive capsulitis is a pathology that manifests itself in the shoulder joint (fibrosis). It is characterized by the formation of adhesions. The disease got its name as a result of adhesion (adhesion) of individual tissue sections. However, this is a consequence. It is believed that inflammation of the capsule of the shoulder joint can provoke a change in the structure.

In some diseases (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), fibrosis does not develop. The cause of frozen shoulder syndrome is still unknown and may lie in another process that occurs against the background of inflammation. It is assumed that this pathological condition is provoked by neurotrophic changes in the structure of the capsule of the shoulder joint, as well as the synovial membrane. With frozen shoulder syndrome, the inflammatory process is not intense.

Pain is the result of inflammation. This reduces mobility, which reduces discomfort. If the shoulder does not allow to move the arm for a long time, pathological changes in the structure of the joint occur, reduction of collagen fibers and fatty infiltration of the capsule. As a result, the ligaments atrophy. This means that adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint can lead to disability.

Factors under the influence of which the likelihood of developing this pathology increases significantly:

  • trauma;
  • disorders of the endocrine system and metabolism occurring in diabetes mellitus;
  • the development of chronic diseases (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, lung pathology, stroke, heart disorders, operations on this organ);
  • hormonal changes;
  • age of the patient (from 50 to 70 years);
  • inflammatory processes in the joints, provoked by various factors, namely professional activity, diseases.

Forms and stages of adhesive capsulitis

Pathology of the shoulder of this kind can manifest itself in different ways. Based on this, 2 forms of the disease are distinguished: primary or secondary capsulitis.

In the first case, there are no obvious symptoms of the onset of pathology. The disease develops very slowly. Interestingly, primary capsulitis provokes a hidden factor, for example, a deviation in the work of one of the body systems or age-related changes. There are no obvious reasons for the development of pathology.

Secondary capsulitis usually occurs as a result of a fall or other injury, such as an occupational injury. The patient complains of discomfort in the joint, decreased mobility shortly after the bruise. In this case, the frozen shoulder responds better to treatment, since degenerative processes can be prevented in a timely manner. In 36% of cases, the cause of secondary adhesive capsulitis is diabetes mellitus.

The development of pathology occurs in stages. There are several stages:

  1. The first phase is characterized by the appearance of pain. This condition is defined as subacute. The intensity of the pain increases over several weeks. In this case, the patient experiences discomfort at different times, pain is not always associated with joint mobility. Often discomfort occurs at night, in the supine position on the shoulder. The danger of this stage lies in the fact that patients usually rely on self-healing. In this case, time is lost, and the condition of the joint can deteriorate greatly. The duration of this stage is 3-9 months.
  2. The second phase is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of pain. Discomfort may disappear completely, but the mobility of the joint is significantly reduced. A condition called frozen shoulder develops. The duration of this stage of the disease is long, about 12 months.
  3. The third phase is characterized by an improvement in the condition of the shoulder. Mobility is starting to come back. However, this happens only in half of the cases. Usually the joint partially loses its functionality. The third stage of capsulitis lasts 1–2 years. In rare cases, recovery can take up to 4 years.

Symptoms, diagnosis

The main sign of the development of the disease is pain. The pain can be paroxysmal, prolonged, passing. It often appears when moving, but also occurs at rest, for example, at night. Discomfort is felt more when the patient is in the supine position on the affected shoulder.

Another striking sign of capsulitis is limited movement. A person loses the ability to move his hand to the side, it is often pressed against the abdominal cavity. This is due to the fact that internal rotation is less limited than external rotation. To make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts an external examination. The degree of mobility of the arm is checked, the angle of its withdrawal relative to the body is estimated.

Adhesive capsulitis is confirmed on the basis of data from the results of studies that make it possible to exclude other diseases of the shoulder joint, for example, osteoarthritis, etc. For this, radiography is performed.

With capsulitis, the ultrasound method is ineffective. The best results are obtained by magnetic resonance therapy. It can be used to identify thickened areas of the joint capsule. However, the cost of this procedure is very high, so it is rarely used to diagnose capsulitis.

The most effective in this case is the method of arthrography. Its disadvantage is invasiveness. Considering that an external examination, anamnesis and X-ray results are sufficient to make a diagnosis, invasive procedures are not performed.

In most cases, the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis is confirmed by exclusion.

Therapeutic measures

To restore mobility to the joint, use different methods. They are applied sequentially. It is recommended to start with the least serious means. Available treatments:

  1. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is believed that they can help reduce the intensity of inflammation in the affected area. There have been very few studies confirming this theory, so it is impossible to judge the effectiveness of this method. However, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are characterized by another property. They are able to relieve pain, act as an analgesic. For this reason, such drugs are recommended at various stages in the development of adhesive capsulitis.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids. They can help relieve pain. However, the disadvantage of this method is the short-term effect. Despite this, drugs in this group are still used. During the treatment of adhesive capsulitis, the agent is injected into the bag or joint cavity. If you act blindly, there is a high probability that the substance will not get to the right place. This happens in 60% of cases. Such a result can lead to a worsening of the condition. To avoid this, it is recommended to administer corticosteroids under ultrasound guidance.
  3. Physiotherapy. It is known that this method helps to improve the general condition of the joint. The shoulder needs to be developed, but it is important to do it right. It is recommended to perform exercises when adhesive capsulitis enters the third phase. A patient with characteristic symptoms is prescribed gymnastics. The load level should be low. During gymnastics, it is necessary to stretch the tissues, but this is done gradually. The exercises are quite simple, in the future the patient will be able to perform them independently. For example, they make a "pendulum". In this case, the patient leans on a chair, the hand with limited mobility should be lowered, no load is exerted on it. It is recommended to make circular movements with this limb in different directions up to 15 times. The towel exercise is also quite helpful. To perform it, a towel is taken behind the back with both hands, the affected limb should be lower. The patient begins to lift a healthy limb up. You can also do the finger walking exercise. You need to stand near the wall, bend the sore arm at the elbow, while the hand is at waist level. Fingers should move up the wall, simulating walking.

The last resort is surgery. Therapy should be based on exercise and medication. If these measures fail, the adhesions in the joint capsule can be surgically removed.

Folk recipes

Home remedies can relieve symptoms, help stop the development of the inflammatory process, but they cannot remove adhesions in case of fibrosis of the joint capsule. Valid Recipes:

  • Blue clay. Make compresses. To do this, it is necessary to combine clay with water until a viscous mixture is obtained. This folk remedy should be used for treatment within a few hours.
  • Cyclamen tubers. Baths are made using this plant.
  • Applications using paraffin or wax.
  • Ointment based on burdock root. Raw materials are washed, crushed to the state of gruel. Then butter is added.
  • Egg white, vodka, mustard, camphor. The components are combined, mixed until a uniform mass is obtained and rubbed into the skin on the affected area.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out after consultation with a doctor.

You should not independently take measures to restore the mobility of the shoulder joint.

Unpleasant sensations, the intensity of which can vary from slight discomfort to severe pain, disrupting the usual way of life and depriving the patient of the opportunity to rest normally, always indicate trouble in the body. In the case when the patient says that his shoulder joint hurts at rest or pain occurs when trying to move, the cause of this phenomenon can be both pathological processes affecting the shoulder joint itself, and changes that occur in adjacent structures. We should not forget that pain in the region of the largest joint of the upper limb can be explained by diseases of the internal organs.

That is why the causes that explain the appearance of pain can only be conditionally divided into relatively safe (they pass even without outside intervention and any treatment) and manifestations of processes that necessarily require treatment.

A feature of diseases affecting the structures of the shoulder joint can be considered the fact that this joint can withstand quite noticeable loads and compensate for them without loss of function of the upper limb, but only up to a certain limit, after reaching which there is a complaint that the shoulder joint hurts and the question is what to do in this situation.

Conditions relatively safe for human health

Pain in the shoulder joint can occur even in the healthiest person who had to perform an unusual amount of physical activity for him, loading this area of ​​​​the body. When the rotator cuff is affected, the complaint that the arm in the shoulder joint hurts very often occurs the next day after painting the ceiling or harvesting tall trees in the garden. In this case, a person has to work with his arms raised and his head thrown back, which disrupts normal blood circulation from this body often, but pain in the shoulder does not appear until the next day. This condition usually resolves on its own - after 2-3 days, the entire usual range of movements gradually returns, but to improve the condition, the use of dry heat, warming ointments, and massage can be recommended.

Capsulitis is a condition that occurs very rarely in isolated inflammation of the elements of the capsule of the shoulder joint. In this case, the patient complains that his shoulder hurts, but the ability to move his arm to the side is more impaired. This condition occurs more often in women - patients complain of difficulties in dressing wardrobe items on their own, but the changes progress slowly. It is recommended to conduct an examination to exclude a serious pathology of the shoulder joint (X-ray, clinical and biochemical studies, consultation of a rheumatologist and a neuropathologist), after which physiotherapy, massage, reflexology can be prescribed to treat pain in the shoulder joint.

Conditions requiring medical intervention and treatment

With inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis), a person complains that his shoulder hurts right at the moment of maximum load. The cause of pain is the friction processes that occur between muscle tendons and bone structures. The pains that arise are aggravated when trying to move, as well as when pressing on the muscles, and with prolonged irritation they become chronic. Bursitis is called inflammation of the capsule of the shoulder joint - this is a condition that develops simultaneously with tendonitis, manifested by swelling of the area of ​​the affected joint, the formation of effusion in it.

If in this case pain occurs in the shoulder, treatment is recommended under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor - limit the load on the affected joint, in the acute period, ice can be applied to reduce pain and a fixing bandage can be used, while warming procedures are recommended during the rehabilitation period. To alleviate the condition and eliminate pain, the doctor may recommend the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, drugs that increase blood circulation in the tissues of the joint, and physiotherapy.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint occurs when infectious agents enter its structures. In this case, there is not only aching pain in the shoulder joint, but also its swelling, limitation of function, redness of the skin and limitation of the function of the affected limb. The most common cause of arthritis of the shoulder joint is rheumatoid arthritis and Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis).

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is a variant of a degenerative-dystrophic process that affects cartilage tissue - its symptoms are very similar to those of arthritis, but there are no signs of an inflammatory reaction.

Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, regardless of the cause of their occurrence, should be handled by a qualified rheumatologist. To answer the question - why the shoulder joints hurt, it is necessary to examine the patient, which will include immunological and hormonal studies, radiography and tomography.

After an injury, patients almost always complain that they have shoulder pain with limited range of motion, hemorrhages in the surrounding tissues. In addition to pain, it is possible to change the length of the upper limb - its shortening and lengthening, the appearance of pathological mobility in the shoulder joint. If the shoulder joint hurts after an injury, what to treat and what to do should be prescribed by a traumatologist. Immediately after the injury, it is recommended to apply ice to the injury site and fix the arm in a garter to reduce pain.

Diseases of the spine

In some cases, pain that occurs in the area of ​​the shoulder joint is associated with changes in the cervical spine. The patient complains that the left shoulder joint hurts, these symptoms intensify with sudden movements of the head or turns of the body, it is accompanied by numbness in the hands. The treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its complications should be handled by a qualified specialist - orthopedist, vertebrologist, neuropathologist.

Any complex therapy measures are prescribed only after the examination!

Diseases of the internal organs

In some cases, painful sensations become symptoms of diseases of the internal organs. Pain in the right shoulder joint can occur with the development of acute cholecystitis or exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract, while when unstable angina or myocardial infarction occurs, pain in the left shoulder joint occurs. This symptom can also occur against the background of severe pneumonia, chest tumors, pleurisy.

Most often, it is impossible to determine on your own what caused the appearance of discomfort in the shoulder joint, therefore, a consultation with a qualified doctor and an examination are required to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What are the causes and treatment of pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow - only a doctor can determine based on diagnostic data. Discomfort in this area occurs due to a number of factors that need to be identified and eliminated in time. Symptoms can be supplemented by various manifestations in the form of pain, numbness, tingling.

  1. Muscle strain. This is the main reason, which is reversible. Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow in this case occurs after intense sports. Especially when the power load fell on the hands, the muscles overstrain and give characteristic symptoms. This problem is inherent in bodybuilders and amateurs to lift a lot of weight.
  2. Long stay in one position. The arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow during prolonged work, for example, while writing. Or, on the contrary, when the limb is in the same position, especially in weight. Symptoms in this case quickly disappear after rest. Even working at a computer in the wrong position can cause characteristic pain.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical region. Arms from the shoulder to the elbow also hurt due to degenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs. At the same time, if the cervical region is affected, then discomfort can spread to the limbs, accompanied by tingling. This pathology is accompanied by discomfort in the back of the head and spine.
  4. Arthrosis. When there is a wear of the cartilaginous layer between large joints, this is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Often the shoulder and elbow bend hurt. Arthrosis can affect both individual joints and multiple joints. If the shock-absorbing function of the cartilage is almost completely lost, then the symptoms become so intense that they cannot be tolerated.
  5. Pathology of the heart and blood vessels. If the left arm hurts, then this may be a wake-up call from the cardiovascular system. In this case, there is a characteristic compression in the sternum. If the left hand goes numb, then you should not wait until the sensitivity returns, but immediately seek medical help. In some cases, this may be a sign of an impending stroke.
  6. Injury. Pain in the left or right arm can signal a serious injury. The intensity of symptoms indicates the degree of damage. If a fracture occurs, then even a slight movement will bring terrible discomfort.

In rare cases, pain in the left arm may indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. There is also the presence of psychosomatics, due to which a similar symptom arises. Pain in the arm above the elbow is accompanied by squeezing in the sternum, tachycardia and unreasonable fear. A person may feel dizzy, darkening in the eyes, it becomes difficult to stand on their feet.

Why the hand hurts, if none of the above reasons is suitable, is of interest to many people who are faced with a similar problem. Quite often, various viral infections can give pain symptoms when the temperature rises and there is a general weakness in the body.

It is necessary to treat such a condition, based on the reason for which it arose. Therefore, it is very important to conduct high-quality diagnostics in time. With painful sensations in the muscles, you can alleviate the condition by making a compress. In this case, it is recommended to use rubbing, which will quickly alleviate discomfort.

What to do if the muscle spasm does not go away for a long time, most people who are faced with such a problem think. In this case, you can resort to a whole range of measures:

  1. Mustard bath. Such a tool will help relax the muscles after intense exertion or simply eliminate spasm. To do this, you need to dissolve in the bathroom a few tbsp. l. mustard powder. The water should be around 40°C. Soak in the solution for about 10 minutes.
  2. Massage. You can carry out the procedure on the problem area using a regular baby cream or use an anesthetic ointment, which will give the best effect. You need to massage the area very gently so that there is no discomfort.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, when the shoulder joint and elbow hurt, then the main problem should be treated. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments, chondoprotectors and manual therapy methods are often used.

Pain in the right and left hand, which occurs due to arthrosis, is eliminated by taking medications and physiotherapy exercises. To do this, use painkillers based on ibuprofen, which suppresses acute symptoms. Reception of chondoprotectors affects the disease itself, improves joint mobility, stops the process of destruction of the cartilage layer. Physiotherapy exercises are used in combination with other means to improve blood circulation in the problem area and to speed up recovery.

Additional therapies

Why the hands hurt from the shoulder to the elbow, the doctor can explain, because it is not always possible to understand the cause of this condition on your own. A numb area of ​​​​a limb should be especially alarming, because it can be a sign of a serious pathology.

The right hand suffers more often than the left, because the load on it is always greater. However, the left limb is not so rare when it comes to heart disease. If it hurts to move the shoulder or elbow and there are pressure sensations in the sternum, as well as shortness of breath, it is recommended not to rely on chance, but to call an ambulance.

If the cause is vegetative-vascular dystonia, then the treatment in this case is symptomatic. To do this, you need to measure the pressure. If the indicator is high, then take the appropriate drugs to gently reduce pressure. With a strong attack, you should lie down and try to relax as much as possible. In this case, breathing exercises will help very well. The aching part of the hand can be gently massaged or pinched.

Why pain can occur - in one case or another depends on the state of the body. If the joints are initially predisposed to pathological destruction, then any, even the most insignificant factor will provoke an exacerbation. In rheumatoid arthritis, large joints and areas of the shoulder and elbow joints are often affected. This disease is treated only under the strict supervision of a doctor, since drugs are used to suppress the immune response, and they have a large number of contraindications.

A universal method of treatment for many painful sensations in this area is gymnastics, which improves the mobility of the problem area, accelerates blood flow and acts as a light anesthetic.

According to medical statistics, every second inhabitant of the planet suffers from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This is almost 80% of the population. A frightening number. One of these problems is diseases of the elbow and shoulder joints, in which there is pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. To be fully equipped, you need to acquire knowledge about such a scourge.

Both the elbow and shoulder joints are literally riddled with nerve endings. In diseases of the musculoskeletal structures, their inflammation occurs. The tissues that have grown in volume, as well as the intercellular fluid, compress (squeeze) these nerve endings, causing feedback: a signal about malfunctions in the body is sent to special brain centers via a reflex arc, the brain responds with an increase in electrical activity and sends a return signal to the endings, which responds pain.

Arm hurts from shoulder to elbow: causes

Pain always speaks of problems with the body. Discomfort sensations localized in the projection of the humerus may indicate various diseases.


One of the most common causes of pain. We can talk about both relatively harmless conditions (as, for example, after a bruise), and serious injuries: fractures, dislocations. The pain in this case may be outside the humerus (it is this bone that is anatomically located from the shoulder to the elbow). The injury can be localized in the shoulder or elbow joint. In some cases, the pain syndrome does not occur immediately, but weeks and even months after the injury, when the patient himself forgets about the injury. Only a doctor after a thorough examination can put an end to the issue of the origin of the problem.


It is a complex and formidable disease, often leading to disability. As a result of the pathological process, inflammation of the capsule and synovial membrane of the joint occurs. Musculoskeletal structures are destroyed over time, leading to complete immobilization of the limb. Typically, capsulitis affects the shoulder joints. As a result of a long course of the disease, calcification (deposition of calcium salts) of the intraarticular cavity is quite possible, which further complicates an already difficult process.


It is an inflammation of the tendon. Especially often affects the elbow and shoulder joints. Often adjacent muscles are involved in the pathological process. In all cases, without treatment, tendinitis tends to become chronic with a sluggish course and frequent exacerbations.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis

Found everywhere. Unlike arthritis, which affects the cartilaginous structures of the joints, periarthritis involves the surrounding tissues in the pathological process: tendons, articular membranes, muscles, ligaments, etc. (this is already indicated by the very name of the disease: the prefix "peri-" means "near", "next to"). Also, in contrast to arthritis, periarthritis has a more favorable course and prognosis, since no cartilage deformation is observed. It is important to begin timely treatment.


Muscle inflammation. It does not represent an immediate health hazard in the initial period. In the course of a long course, the process may become chronic with calcification of muscle fibers and a decrease in the mobility and functionality of the affected limb. Pain from the shoulder to the elbow is observed with inflammation of the biceps and other surrounding muscles, including discomfort that can radiate (give away) from the trapezius muscle.

Pathologies of the spine

In some cases, pain localized in the humerus can be caused by diseases that are not related to the limbs. These include: osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, intervertebral hernia, localized in the same areas. The reason lies in the infringement of the nerve roots, which are located in the region of the vertebrae.

Other diseases

  • Arthritis of the shoulder and / or elbow joint. It is a group of diseases similar in manifestations, differing in the cause of occurrence. The essence of the pathological process is the inflammation of the cartilaginous structures with their slow and steady destruction. This includes traumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty, psoriatic arthritis.
  • Arthrosis of the joints. Unlike arthritis, it often has physiological causes and develops as a result of another disease or condition. It consists in the slow destruction of articular structures without inflammation as such.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Deposition of salts in the joint cavity (with chondrocalcinosis, gout).
  • Inflammation of the shoulder nerve (neuralgia).

In extremely rare cases, bone tissue tumors (osteosarcoma, etc.) are possible.

Important! There are many causes of pain localized from the shoulder to the elbow. Only a doctor can understand such a variety. It is important to start timely treatment, then the prognosis will be as favorable as possible.

Factors and risk groups for the development of pain from the shoulder to the elbow

  • Persons engaged in physical labor. These are loaders, auxiliary and technical workers, professional athletes. The musculoskeletal system in such people wears out many times faster due to excessive load.
  • People over 45. With age, natural changes in the musculoskeletal structures begin.
  • Women (belonging to the female sex). In women, the described diseases occur 20% more often.
  • Persons with recent trauma.
  • Patients with a source of chronic inflammation in the body.

Also at risk are people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Disease symptoms

Each of the described diseases has its own symptom complex, which helps the doctor and the patient to suspect a particular disease.


Injuries are characterized by intense pain (by nature - dull, aching, throbbing). Also, subcutaneous hematomas are often formed, a violation of the anatomical integrity of the bones is possible (which can be seen even with the naked eye during fractures, dislocations), their communication with the environment (with open fractures). Bruises are more difficult to diagnose, since they may not have external manifestations.


Capsulitis is characterized by:

  • Pain in the shoulder. Discomfort can radiate to the humerus, elbow, back. At the initial stages of development, everything is limited to this. Pain in the shoulder increases with the further course of the process. In the last stages, the joint is so worn out that there is almost no pain syndrome.
  • Feeling of stiffness in the shoulder.
  • As the process develops, a decrease in the mobility of the limb is observed: it comes to the point that a person cannot move his arm at all.

The process develops over months or a number of years.


Tendenitis is accompanied by a number of characteristic manifestations:

  • Pain in the shoulder during movement and physical examination (palpation).
  • Redness of the affected area, its swelling.
  • Crepitus (crunching) with limb movements
  • Swelling in the affected area.

Unlike most diseases, tendinitis is not accompanied by functional decline.

The same symptoms are accompanied by humeroscapular periarthritis, with the only difference that the phenomena of intoxication of the body (fever, weakness, headache), as well as a decrease in the motor activity of the limb, are possible.

Pathologies of the spine

As a rule, they are accompanied by symptoms from the spinal column itself: pain, numbness of the hands, a tingling sensation. Pain from the spine radiates to the arms, but, as a rule, the functional activity of the limbs is preserved if the nerve roots and spinal cord are not involved in the process.


In addition to pain with myositis, there are no symptoms. An exception is an acute process in which an increase in body temperature occurs.

Other diseases

Arthritis is characterized by:

  • Pain syndrome, aggravated in the evening and morning.
  • Feeling of stiffness in the injured joint.
  • Redness and swelling of the joint.

Usually, arthrosis is characterized by a “silent” course, if we are not talking about an acute process. The pains are permanent, typical deformities begin early.

To put an end to the question of why the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, diagnostic measures are called.


The possible causes of the pain syndrome are so numerous that the patient is advised to consult several specialists at once:

  • surgeon. It should start with.
  • Traumatologist. He should be contacted if an injury is suspected.
  • Orthopedist. This is a doctor who deals with problems of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Neurologist. With compression of the nerve roots.
  • Rheumatologist. If there is a rheumatoid process in the joints.

Diagnosis begins at the initial consultation. The doctor conducts an oral questioning of the patient and records all complaints. This is called history taking. After that comes the turn of the physical examination. The doctor probes problem areas, evaluating the reaction of tissues to palpation.

Also at the appointment, the doctor conducts functional tests, giving the patient instructions on what to do (raise your hands, etc.).

As a result, the doctor can draw up an approximate picture and make a primary diagnosis. For clarification, instrumental and laboratory studies are shown.

Among the instrumental studies, the most informative are:

  • X-ray of the joints. Allows you to assess the nature and degree of damage to cartilage and bone structures. The disadvantage of the method is the lack of a detailed image, as well as the inability to assess the condition of soft tissues.
  • Joint ultrasound. It makes it possible to examine the internal state of the articular cavity, including salt deposits, etc.
  • MRI diagnostics. The ideal and most informative method that gives a detailed picture of bone structures and soft tissues.
  • Arthroscopy. Minimally invasive but informative procedure. Thanks to her, the endoscopist gets the opportunity to look at the articular structures with his own eyes.
  • In the presence of a tumor of the humerus, biopsy.

Laboratory methods are aimed at identifying inflammatory processes and their intensity. This includes a complete blood count and a complete urinalysis (to assess the concentration of urate salts in the body).

The clinical picture is usually characteristic: leukocytosis, increased ESR, erythrocytes, monocytes, etc.

In the complex of these studies, it is enough to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

Traditional treatment

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the source of the problem, as well as relieving symptoms. Usually, conservative treatment is sufficient, but in some situations, surgery is indispensable. There are clear indications for surgical treatment, such as:

  • Violation of the anatomical integrity of bones or joints.
  • "Triggered" arthritis or arthrosis with severe deformities.
  • The presence of intervertebral hernias that compress the nerve roots or spinal cord.
  • The presence of a tumor of the humerus.

In all other cases, drug therapy, physiotherapy, orthopedic treatment and exercise therapy are sufficient.

Drug therapy involves taking drugs of several groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Xefocam, Ketorolac, Nise, Diclofenac). These drugs are used both orally and topically in the form of ointments. Their mechanism of action is aimed at eliminating inflammation in the affected joint.
  • Glucocorticosteroids if NSAID treatment fails.
  • Analgesics (Tempalgin, Analgin, Novigan). Allows pain relief.
  • Chondroprotectors (Structum, Chondroxide, etc.). Prevent further development of degenerative processes in articular structures, initiate recovery processes. They are taken in tablets. In severe cases, they are injected directly into the joints.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections. Helps to restore the affected joint.
  • In cases with tumors, chemo- and radiation therapy is indicated.

Orthopedic treatment is good for fractures of the limbs. Includes splints and rigid fixation casts. If we are talking about cervical osteochondrosis, wearing a Shants splint is indicated.

Physiotherapy, as well as exercise therapy groups, are selected by specialists, and only when the pathological process enters the remission phase.

Folk methods of treatment

In addition to traditional medicine, there are traditional methods of treatment. They should be treated with great care: allergic reactions are possible.

Important! Never alternative treatment will not replace traditional therapy. It can be helpful, but nothing more.

There are a number of effective recipes for relieving pain from the shoulder to the elbow.

  • Baths with essential oils. You will need orange oil and parsley essential oil. Pour 3 cups of warm water into the basin. This amount will require 7-10 drops of each oil. No longer recommended as chemical burns may occur. Dip the affected hand in the bath, hold for 10-15 minutes. Duration of treatment - 7 days, 2-3 baths per day.
  • For the next recipe, you will need chopped leaves (or flowers) of lilac and viburnum. Dilute a teaspoon of mixed raw materials with half a glass of boiling water. The resulting infusion is applied to the damaged area and fixed with a bandage for 3-5 hours, and even better at night. Helps fight pain and inflammation.
  • Mix 3 glasses of vodka with a teaspoon of honey. Soak the bandage with the resulting mixture, fix the compress on the arm for several hours.

These remedies will by no means eliminate the root cause of the disease. You can cope with it only with the help of traditional medicine, but they will help speed up the process.

Pain prevention

There are no specific preventive measures. But not everything is so bad, it is enough to adhere to common sense and some recommendations:

  • You can't overcool. Cold is the enemy of joints and bones.
  • Peak loads on the musculoskeletal system should be avoided whenever possible. If the nature of the work involves carrying heavy weights, you do not need to lift them in jerks. The rise is recommended to be carried out gradually.
  • You need to maintain an optimal level of physical activity. Easy, feasible physical activity does no harm to anyone.
  • After the age of 40, it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations twice a year.

Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow can be caused by a host of diseases. Each of them poses a health hazard, and often leads to disability. Therefore, at the first suspicion of a problem, it is recommended to immediately go to the doctor. Don't tempt fate.

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