Who voted against pension reform. The only MP from United Russia voted against the pension reform. he made a point

Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu
1st Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters - since January 20, 1994
Party: 1. CPSU 2. United Russia
Education: Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute
Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Profession: civil engineer
Birth: 21 May 1955
Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Region, RSFSR, USSR

Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu(May 21, 1955, Chadan, Tuva Autonomous District) - Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu - now - Governor of the Moscow Region, former Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (MES). Since 1991, he headed the State Committee of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation of the same name. He holds the absolute record of tenure among all Russian post-Soviet politicians of ministerial rank: Sergei Shoigu has been leading the fight against emergencies in all structures of the Russian government since 1991. Army General. Hero of the Russian Federation. Sergei Shoigu - Tuvan by nationality. Member of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia".
He was co-chairman of the United Russia party (together with Luzhkov and Shaimiev).

Education of Sergei Shoigu

Education Sergei Shoigu has the highest. Graduated in 1977 from the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute. Speciality Sergei Shoigu- civil engineer. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Family of Sergei Shoigu

Wife Sergei Shoigu- Irina Alexandrovna, President of the Expo-EM company engaged in business tourism (among the main clients of the Russian Emergencies Ministry).

Two daughter of Sergei Shoigu:
1. Julia Shoigu(born in 1977), candidate of psychological sciences, as of September 2008 director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (since 2002) - There is a family contract.
2. Xenia Shoigu(1991) - student of the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO.
Father, Kuzhuget Sereevich Shoigu(1921-2010), born Shoigu Kuzhuget - worked all his life in the party and Soviet bodies and retired as the first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tuva ASSR.
Mother - Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Tuva, until 1979 - Head of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic.
Sister - Larisa Shoigu- Deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation from the United Russia party.

Career of Sergei Shoigu

* 1972-1977 Sergei Shoigu- student of the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute
* 1977-1978 - master of the Promkhimstroy trust, Krasnoyarsk
* 1978-1979 Sergei Shoigu- foreman, head of the section of the trust "Tuvinstroy", Kyzyl
* 1979-1984 - senior foreman, chief engineer, head of the construction trust "Achinskalumiystroy", Achinsk
* 1984-1985 Shoigu- Deputy manager of the Sayanalyuminstroy trust, Sayanogorsk
* 1985-1986 - manager of the Sayantyazhstroy trust, Abakan
* 1986-1988 Sergei Shoigu- manager of the Abakanvagonstroy trust, Abakan
* 1988-1989 - Second Secretary of the Abakan CC CPSU, Abakan
* 1989-1990 Sergei Shoigu- Inspector of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, Krasnoyarsk
* 1990-1991 - Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction, Moscow

* 1991 Sergei Shoigu- Chairman of the Russian Rescue Corps, Moscow
* 1991 - Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations, Moscow
* 1991-1994 Sergei Shoigu- Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
* 1992 - appointed Deputy Head of the Interim Administration on the territory of North Ossetia and Ingushetia during the Ossetian-Ingush conflict
* on the night of October 3rd to 4th, 1993 at the request of Yegor Gaidar Sergei Shoigu allocated for him 1000 machine guns with ammunition from the civil defense system subordinate to him
* 1993-2003 Sergei Shoigu- Chairman of the National Commission of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the UN International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
* Since 1994 Sergei Shoigu- Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (At the same time, from January 10, 2000 to May 7, 2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.)
* 1996 Sergei Shoigu- curator of the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
* Since 1996 Sergei Shoigu- Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
* Since 2001 Sergei Shoigu- Member of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation
* Since November 2009 - President of the Russian Geographical Society.

Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich has been one of the most popular politicians in Russia for many years. He managed to set a kind of record, heading the Ministry of Emergency Situations for more than two decades. When asked by journalists about the reason for such a long successful activity in such a responsible position, Sergei Shoigu always answers: “I work a lot and do what I love.”

During his tenure in the leading positions of the country, S. Shoigu (Minister of Defense and Minister of Emergency Situations), was awarded many awards and titles.

Sergei Shoigu: Nationality

It is customary to say that the nationality of Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu is a Tuvan, but this is not entirely true. His parents are Kuzhuget Shoigu, whose nationality is Tuvan, and Alexandra Kudryavtseva is Russian.

In the Russian interpretation, the nationality of Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu sounds like a Tuvan, while the people themselves call themselves Tyva and include various ethnic groups. The population barely reaches 300 thousand people. Occupying responsible positions and having high awards and titles, Shoigu is considered to be one of the most famous personalities among the indigenous Tuvans in recent times. The biography of Shoigu is known to every inhabitant of the autonomy and is an example to follow.

Sergei Shoigu's parents

The family lived in one of the small towns in the Tyva Republic - Chadan. There and born May 21, 1955 Sergei Shoigu.

Father was a correspondent, and then an editor in the regional newspaper, wrote several stories. At a more mature age, he worked in party bodies and executive power. At first he was appointed to the post of secretary of the regional committee of the Republic of Tuva, later he became deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the republic.

Mother Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich is an Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, worked as a livestock specialist for a long time, and was later appointed head of the planning department at the Ministry of Agriculture of Tuva.

The family has two more daughters: Larisa and Irina.


The first significant date from which the biography of Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu begins is 1972. In the summer, he finishes a ten-year course and enters the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Krasnoyarsk. Upon graduation, the future minister receives the profession of a civil engineer.

The defense of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences can also be considered a certain achievement. The work presented to the dissertation council in 1996 was devoted to the methods of organizing the management and forecasting of emergencies in order to minimize damage, both economic and social.

The beginning of the career of Sergei Koshuge

The first job of a civil engineer who had just graduated from the institute was the position of a foreman in one of the construction trusts in Krasnoyarsk. A year later, he first becomes a foreman, and then he heads the site in the construction trust in the city of Kyzyl. For five years, starting in 1979, Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich continued his career in one of the Siberian trusts - Achchinskalluminstroy. At first, he held the position of senior foreman, then chief engineer, and after a while he headed the trust. For a decade, Shoigu's biography has been closely connected with the largest construction projects carried out in Siberia. During this time, he held senior positions in several other fairly large construction and installation organizations.

During this period, a new hobby appears in the biography of Sergei Shoigu, whose life will be connected with saving people for many years. While working in construction organizations, the future Minister of the Medical Unit and several other enthusiasts began to create rescue teams from volunteers. Rescuers were trained and trained, and during natural disasters they went to the place and took an active part in saving people and eliminating the consequences.

Start of political activity

1989 is one of the significant dates in the biography. Sergei Shoigu, who until then was associated only with the construction industry, holds the position of second secretary in the Abakan city committee. Some time later, he was appointed to the position of inspector in the regional committee of the Krasnoyarsk Communist Party.

A year later, Sergei Shoigu ends up in Moscow to improve his party qualifications. At this moment, a new composition of the government is being formed, and the candidacy of an already experienced builder at that time is approved for the position of deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Russian SFSR for architecture and construction.

The new workplace required mainly work with documents and other kinds of papers. The manager, accustomed to active work, did not like the new position so much that he practically decided to return to the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Just at that moment, another decisive turn took place in the career of Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich. He is offered to take the position of head of the Russian Rescue Corps. One of the most important stages in the life of the future head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations begins from this period.

In the future, the biography of Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu will be replenished with several more important dates associated with fairly active political activity. So, from the beginning of 2001, for 11 years he will hold the post of co-chairman of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

With the arrival of a new leader in the Corps, a number of important decisions were made and a complete reorganization was carried out. Within a few months, regional branches were created in many regions and republics of Russia. This helped to respond much faster and more efficiently to a variety of emergencies, carry out rescue work and eliminate the consequences of natural disasters or man-made disasters.

Since 1991, the service, led by Sergey Shoigu Kuzhugetovich, was reorganized into the State Committee for Emergency Situations. Rescue teams were additionally reinforced by civil defense units.

Three years later, the Ministry was created from the Committee. It was headed by Shoigu, his biography was associated with the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 21 years.

Largely thanks to the minister, today the country's Ministry of Emergency Situations includes many regional search and rescue services, civil defense troops, and the Academy of Civil Protection. In addition, the Ministry has opened and operates a Center where rescuers receive high-quality training. Monitoring and forecasting of various emergencies is carried out at a research institute operating under the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

All this is the result of the constant and hard work of a whole team of like-minded people, which S. Shoigu managed to assemble during his work as a minister. He is one of those leaders who make important decisions not in the silence of offices, but directly at the scene. There has never been such a natural disaster or catastrophe, where the minister would not be one of the first to fly. The vast experience gained on the front line has helped in correcting mistakes and creating one of the best rescue services.

After a year of work, for special successes in the development of the Shoigu department, Sergey Kuzhugetovich received the award "For Personal Courage". The following year, he was named Man of the Year and Best Minister. This title Shoigu was awarded by journalists.

Later career

In early April 2012, the United Russia political party proposed a candidacy for the current Minister of Emergency Situations for the vacant post of Governor of the Moscow Region. Since the beginning of May, Shoigu's biography has been replenished with another significant date, with the unanimous support of the members of the Moscow Duma, he becomes the governor of the region.

AT In November of the same year, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov resigned. Shoigu was nominated for his place. He was appointed Minister of Defense on 6 November.

Sergei Shoigu met his wife Irina in his student years , the biography of this family has always aroused the active interest of the press. She has always adhered to a rather active life position and today she is one of the richest wives of civil servants. The source of income for the minister's wife is a fairly successful company that provides travel services. In addition, Irina is the dean of one of the most famous economic higher educational institutions in the country - the famous Plekhanovka.

Shoigu's eldest daughter Yulia is a certified psychologist. She began her career in her father's department and today she is the head of the psychological support service at the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The younger daughter, Ksenia Shoigu, is studying at MGIMO. The girl has already managed to gain some fame in cinematic circles. Ksenia Shoigu played a small role of a nurse in S. Mikhalkov's sensational film "Burnt by the Sun-2". Although the participation in the filming of the minister's daughter was not widely publicized, the entire creative team knew that the young actress with a sweet smile and gorgeous hair was Ksenia Shoigu. The girl coped well with the role. To the questions of colleagues on the set about education, Ksenia Shoigu invariably answered: “I study economics, and shooting is for the soul.”


The biography of the current Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Koshugetovich Shoigu, began as a foreman in a construction trust, has three awards from the President of Russia. All of them were awarded for courage and successful completion of assigned tasks in extreme situations.

Another high award from the President of Kyrgyzstan is the Danaker Order. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was awarded this honor for strengthening friendly relations between the two countries. In 1997, he became the winner of the A. Pervozvannogo Prize for achievements in the field of creating an effective rescue service.

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Shoigu, whose biography is set out above, has many more awards for the development and improvement of the national security system, as well as the creation of a service that has become a salvation for many hundreds and thousands of people in moments of serious trials.

Military ranks

The first military rank Shoigu was awarded while still studying at the Polytechnic Institute. Then he, like all students of a higher educational institution, became a reserve lieutenant. In 1993, the future head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations becomes a major general. Two years later, Shoigu received a lieutenant general. In 1998 he was promoted to the rank of Colonel General. Since 2003, Sergei Shoigu, was awarded the rank of Army General, in the future, his biography will be supplemented by the post of head of the Ministry of Defense.

Some facts about Shoigu Sergey Kozhugetovich

It is quite widely known that the surname of the current Minister of Defense is the name that was given to his father at birth. During the registration of the passport, the data was changed in the document: the name and surname were reversed.

None of the politicians in the post-Soviet period held the post of ministerial rank for as long as Shoigu did.

Thanks to his efforts, the Por-Bazhyn complex in its historical homeland received the status of a monument of national importance.

The opinion about changing the location of the capital of the country also belongs to Shoigu. The Minister of Defense believes that it is most expedient to move the administrative center to Siberia.

The rank of major general was awarded to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, bypassing the order. Recall that the previous military rank is just a senior lieutenant of the reserve.

In the hometown of Chadan, a street is named after the famous fellow countryman. His name is also given to one of the mountain peaks located in the Republic of Tuva.

Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich is the first head of the Ministry of Defense of the country, who, before the start of the parade in honor of the Victory in 1945, signed himself with the sign of the cross.

One of the first decisions in the post of Minister of Defense was the decision to return the right to the Suvorov and Nakhimovites to participate in the Victory Parades.


The biography of the father of the current (2015) Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Shoigu, supplemented by a large number of rumors, is credited with a long acquaintance with the first President of Russia B. Yeltsin. In addition, there is an opinion that the reason for the rapid career growth was not only diligence and other positive qualities, but also the necessary connections, including among acquaintances of the father of Irina's wife. It is the presence of the necessary acquaintances that allegedly explains such quick transitions to higher positions.

There is also an alternative version of the creation of a department that unites rescue teams. A. Shcherbakov appears in it as the ideological inspirer of the future Ministry of Emergency Situations. It was he who first proposed the creation of an agency that would unite professional athletes and climbers. Such a structure that carried out rescue work did not exist before, not only in the Soviet Union, but also in any other country in the world. And only after the first groups of rescuers had already been practically created, the young S. Shoigu, then still unknown in wide political circles, took the place of the head of the new department.

Minister with 11 years of experience. He is the only one who has kept his post despite numerous government crises, personnel changes and political scandals. Journalists often ask Shoigu what is the reason for his longevity. The answer is always monosyllabic - "I just work hard, do my job."

Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955 in the city of Chadan, Tuva ASSR. Nationality - Tuvan. Higher education. Graduated in 1977 from the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute. Specialty by education - civil engineer. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Colonel General. Hero of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Shoigu is a minister with 11 years of experience. He is the only one who has kept his post despite numerous government crises, personnel changes and political scandals. Journalists often ask Shoigu what is the reason for his longevity. The answer is always monosyllabic - "I just work hard, do my job."

The career of the future minister began in 1977 in Krasnoyarsk, where Sergei Shoigu graduated from the Polytechnic Institute. Then for fifteen years he worked at the largest construction sites in Siberia. In 1990, Shoigu went to Moscow to improve his party skills. They quickly drew attention to him and offered his candidacy to Ivan Silaev, who formed the government. Shoigu's first post in the capital was Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction. The new job was associated with a huge number of documents and all sorts of papers, which seemed boring and uninteresting to the young manager. And Sergei Shoigu decided to go back to Krasnoyarsk. But at that time he was offered a new job - to lead the Russian Rescue Corps, and Shoigu, dreaming of a lively and active work, immediately agreed.

Literally in the first months of the work of the Corps, in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the response, Shoigu decides to create rescue teams throughout Russia, and in 1991 the Rescue Corps was transformed into the Committee for Emergency Situations, and a few months later, civil defense troops were transferred to the State Committee for Emergency Situations. In 1994, the State Committee for Emergency Situations was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, and the functions of the State Committee for Chernobyl and the Committee for Special Purpose Underwater Works were transferred to it.

Today, the EMERCOM of Russia is search and rescue services in all regions of Russia, civil defense troops, the Academy of Civil Protection, the Rescue Training Center, a research institute and the Center for Monitoring and Predicting Emergency Situations.

One of the most important merits of Shoigu is the creation of a team of like-minded people, with whom he has been building and developing his department for 11 years. His authority is indisputable. But Sergei Kuzhugetovich won it not in a quiet Moscow office, but in disaster zones, where he always flew with rescuers. He was often asked why he flies himself, does he really not trust his subordinates. But Shoigu was sure - firstly, especially at the beginning of the journey, it is necessary to evaluate the correctness of the decisions made on one's own experience, to gain knowledge. "Life has left us no time to study," the minister once remarked. Secondly, Shoigu says, “I don’t want the rescuers, whom I respect immensely, to ever ask me if you were there ...” And Shoigu was everywhere. It was this experience accumulated "in battles" that allowed him and his team to create a modern, one of the best rescue service in the world, an example from which many European rescue services are already taking.

The merits of Sergei Shoigu are highly appreciated: in 1994 he was awarded the Order "For Personal Courage". According to the results of 1995, the Russian Biographical Institute named him "Person of the Year". In the same year, journalists awarded Shoigu the title of "Best Minister". In 1999, by Presidential Decree, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in extreme situations.

Sergei Shoigu does not like to talk about his personal life, only occasionally initiating journalists into some of his habits and addictions. He says: "Oatmeal in the morning, kefir, no cigarettes and sleep at nine in the evening, because it is necessary for health - all this is not for me." He loves good food, meat, tart red wine, fresh fish. Food for him is a kind of ritual. And Shoigu does not quit smoking out of principle. Again, so as not to deprive yourself of additional pleasure. Maintains himself in excellent physical shape. Goes in for sports - especially loves football and horseback riding. He loves the author's song and classical music performed by Vanessa May. He rests only in Russia, in his native land, in the Sayans.


By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 18, 1993, he was awarded the medal "Defender of Free Russia" for the courage shown in the defense of the constitutional order in the period of August 19-21, 1991.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1994, he was awarded the Order "For Personal Courage" for the successful completion of special tasks and the courage shown in this.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 1249 of September 20, 1999, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in extreme situations.

By the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic dated May 21, 2002, he was awarded the Danaker Order for his great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic.

Laureate of the St. Andrew the First-Called Prize in 1997 "for a brilliant solution in the shortest possible time to the task of forming an all-Russian service of" help and rescue ", which has become a symbol of reliability and hope for millions of people."

Laureate of the Vladimir Vysotsky Prize "OWN TRACK" in 1998 "for the search for original solutions, the activity of creative dedication and a high professional level."

Laureate of the Peter the Great National Public Prize in 1999 "for the effective management and development of the national system of civil security in Russia."

Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems of the Russian Federation, the International Academy of Sciences on Environmental Safety, as well as the Russian and International Engineering Academies.

Sergei Shoigu on the results of 2002

"For us, the main result is always saved people. This year, 77,000 people were saved, including 53,000 during fires. The merger with the State Fire Service has significantly expanded the capabilities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Our service is becoming more mobile and efficient. But the merger process always painful and difficult. There are no easy solutions here. Nevertheless, this year 67 regulations were amended, the salaries of firefighters doubled and, most importantly, we managed to reduce the understaffing of this service by 2.5%. personnel.

In order to increase the efficiency and speed of response to emerging emergencies, we have begun to create rescue and fire centers. The first such center will be created in the city of Reutov, Moscow Region, already in January 2003.

In Nizhny Novgorod and Kursk, the first unified dispatch services with the telephone number "01" have already been created, which receive calls from the population for any emergency. I hope that next year such services will appear in most Russian cities."

A family

Shoigu's nationality is Tuvan. Born in the family of a regional newspaper editor and livestock specialist.

Father - Kuzhuget Sereevich Shoigu(1921-2010) - (born Kuzhuget Shoigu Seree oglu) later worked in the party and Soviet bodies, was the secretary of the Tuva regional committee of the CPSU and retired as the first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tuva ASSR. He also headed the Tuvan state archive and worked for six years as the editor of the newspaper "Shyn" ("Pravda") in the Tuvan language, wrote the novels "Time and People", "Black Vulture Feather" (2001), "Tannu-Tyva: a country of lakes and blue rivers" (2004).

In fact, the family name of Sergei Shoigu was not Shoigu, but Kuzhuget. This confusion arose when his father received a passport - the name and surname were reversed.

Mother - Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu, nee Kudryavtseva, (1924-2011), was born in the village of Yakovlevo near the city of Orel. Livestock specialist, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Tuva, until 1979 - head of the planning department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic, was repeatedly elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Tuva ASSR.

Sister - Larisa- psychiatrist. Made a career up to deputy. Minister of Health in her native Tuva, then worked as a deputy. head of the polyclinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow. Member of the State Duma of the 5th and 6th convocations from the United Russia party.

Wife - Irina Alexandrovna, President of the company "Expo-EM", engaged in business tourism (among the main clients - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia). Now he works as a dean in Plekhanovka.

Daughter Julia(born in 1977), candidate of psychological sciences, as of September 2008 - director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (since 2002). She has a daughter Dasha and a Son Kirill. Husband - Alexey Kuzovkov, notary. Daughter Kseniya(1991) - student of the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO.


At school, Shoigu was good, he graduated from the 10-year-old in 1972.

After he studied at the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Krasnoyarsk, which he graduated in 1977 with a degree in civil engineering.

Sergei Shoigu began his work as a foreman of the Promkhimstroy trust in Krasnoyarsk. Then he held senior positions in the construction trusts of the cities: Kyzyl (Tuvinstroy), Achinsk (Achinskaluminiystroy), Sayanogorsk (Sayanaluminiystroy), Abakan (Sayantyazhstroy, Abakanvagonstroy).

In 1990, Shoigu went to Moscow to improve his party skills. They quickly drew attention to him and offered his candidacy to Ivan Silaev, who formed the government. Shoigu's first post in the capital was Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction. The new job was associated with a huge number of documents and all sorts of papers, which seemed boring and uninteresting to the young manager. And Sergei Shoigu decided to go back to Krasnoyarsk. But at that time he was offered a new job - to lead the Russian Rescue Corps, and Shoigu, dreaming of a lively and active work, immediately agreed.

Literally in the first months of the work of the Corps, in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the response, Shoigu decides to create rescue teams throughout Russia, and in 1991 the Rescue Corps was transformed into the Committee for Emergency Situations, and a few months later, civil defense troops were transferred to the State Committee for Emergency Situations.

In 1994, the State Committee for Emergency Situations was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, and the functions of the State Committee for Chernobyl and the Committee for Special Purpose Underwater Works were transferred to it.

In 1993-2003, Shoigu was chairman of the National Commission of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the UN International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.

Sergei Shoigu - General of the Army, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems of the Russian Federation, the International Academy of Sciences on Environmental Safety, as well as the Russian and International Engineering Academies.

Sergei Shoigu has been President of the Russian Geographical Society since November 2009.

Member of the Supreme Council of the party "United Russia".

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 20, 1999, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in extreme situations.

He was awarded orders and medals, including the Order "For Personal Courage" (1994), the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III (2005) and II (2010) degrees, the Order of Honor (2008), the medal "Defender of Free Russia" (1993) . In 2012 he was awarded the highest award of the Order of Malta - the Knight's Military Cross for mercy, salvation and help.

Awarded with a nominal combat short-barreled small arms - 9 mm Yarygin pistol (2008). Repeatedly encouraged by the gratitude of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. Has departmental, church and foreign awards.

In May 2000, for merits in the prevention and elimination of the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, Sergei Shoigu was awarded the honorary title of Honored Lifeguard of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Shoigu is a laureate of many public awards.

He is the winner of the St. Andrew the First-Called Prize in 1997 "for a brilliant solution in the shortest possible time to the task of forming an all-Russian service of" help and rescue ", which has become a symbol of reliability and hope for millions of people"; winner of the Vladimir Vysotsky "Own Track" award in 1998 "for the search for original solutions, the activity of creative dedication and a high professional level"; laureate of the National Public Prize named after Peter the Great in 1999 "for the effective management and development of the national system of civil security in Russia"; laureate of the Prize "For Human Rights" (1999) for the prevention of humanitarian disasters in the zones of regional conflicts and natural disasters and the active protection of man; winner of the international award "Person of the Year 2006" of the Russian news agency "RosBusinessConsulting" in the nomination "For the implementation of a set of measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations."

In August 2004, by the decision of the Board, the Board of Trustees and the Presidium of the National Foundation "Public Recognition" he was awarded the Honorary Civil Order of the Silver Cross of the 1st degree "For the worthy performance of military and civil duty."

In October 2005, by resolution of the International Association of Children's Funds, he was awarded the Leo Tolstoy Gold Medal of Honor for outstanding achievements in the protection of childhood and charitable service.

According to the results of 1995, the Russian Biographical Institute named him "Person of the Year", in 1999 awarded him the "Silver Cross".

Sergei Shoigu is an honorary citizen of the city of Krasnoyarsk (2000), the Republic of Yakutia (2001) and the Kemerovo region (2005).

Interesting Facts:

Shoigu holds the absolute record of tenure among all Russian post-Soviet politicians of ministerial rank: he led the department for combating emergencies in all compositions of the Russian government from 1991 to 2012.

The medieval fortress Por-Bazhyn in Tuva became a monument of federal significance, thanks to the efforts of Sergei Shoigu.

Shoigu is a CSKA player on the unique project "CSKA - Spartak. Confrontation", in which hockey veterans, famous politicians and young hockey players from CSKA and Spartak schools take part.

He is the President of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers.

In April 2012, he expressed an opinion on the advisability of moving the capital of Russia to Siberia.

Translated from the Komi language, the surname "Shoigu" means - a pit of corpses.

The military rank "major general" was received after the military rank "senior lieutenant of the reserve".

On the night of October 3rd to 4th, 1993, at the request of Yegor Gaidar, he allocated for him 1,000 machine guns with ammunition from the civil defense system subordinate to him.

A street in the Pii-Khemsky district of the Republic of Tuva is named after Shoigu.

On December 12, 2012, Sergei Shoigu took over the editorial office of the Internet portal "Forum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation".

In July 2013, Sergei Shoigu, being the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, paid an official visit to Sweden. During negotiations with his Swedish colleague Karin Enström, Shoigu noted: "Russian-Swedish military cooperation has a long history and very deep roots."

Sergei Shoigu in literature:

In Dmitry Glukhovsky's book "Twilight" appears under the name "Sergei Kochubeevich Shaibu", "Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations". In Andrei Maksimushkin's novel "White Revenge" appears under the name Sergei Kozhutdinovich Boygu. An employee of the Tuva State University, Aibek Soskal, wrote the epic "On the Buga Tour Shoigu", the prototype of the hero of which was Sergei Shoigu. The text of the epic is published on the website of the International Tengri Research Foundation.


From January 1994 to May 2012, Sergei Shoigu was the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (from January 10, 2000 to May 7, 2000 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of the Russian Emergencies Ministry).

In 1996 - the curator of the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Since 1996 - Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In 2000, he headed the Unity party, which later, together with the Fatherland (Yuri Luzhkov) and All Russia (Mintimer Shaimiev) parties, was transformed into the United Russia party.

Since October 15, 2003 - Member of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation. In the same year he was awarded the military rank of General of the Army.

Since November 2009 - President of the Russian Geographical Society.

Until June 30, 2011, he was the chairman of the board of directors of the federal network operator in the field of navigation activities NIS GLONASS.

On April 5, 2012, Shoigu's candidacy for the post of governor of the Moscow Region was unanimously supported by the Moscow Regional Duma. He took office on May 11, 2012, after the term of office of the former governor expired.

On November 6, 2012, he was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation instead of the one who was dismissed. Instead of Shoigu, the Moscow region was headed by his "political godson".

According to the press secretary of the Prime Minister, Shoigu recommended for this appointment Dmitry Medvedev.

After taking office as Minister of Defense, Shoigu continued the course for a radical reform of the Russian Armed Forces, but made a number of significant changes in the practical implementation of the reform.

The intensity of combat training was significantly increased, repeated sudden checks of combat readiness were undertaken (in order to reveal the real state of affairs in the Armed Forces), Special Operations Forces were created, many unfairly dismissed officers were returned to service, and the demilitarization of military medicine was canceled.

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Viktor Ozerov a year after Sergei Shoigu and his team joined the Ministry of Defense, he noted that at that time the moral climate in the Armed Forces left much to be desired, but "Shoigu, an army general, a man who went through many hot spots and emergencies, managed to turn the tide and become his own in the army" ; over the year, enrollment in military schools and academies increased by 7.5 times, and in universities without military departments, at the initiative of the new minister, scientific companies were created (which allows students of these universities to serve in the army without interrupting their studies), in Russia the number of cadet and Suvorov schools.

On the initiative of Shoigu, the Arctic troops are being created, designed to ensure the security of the Arctic region of Russia; Army International Games are held annually and army sports are developing; the largest and only of its kind military-patriotic park "Patriot" is being built.

The increased ability of the Russian Armed Forces to withstand external threats was manifested during the events of February-March 2014 in Crimea.

Since September 30, 2015, Russia has been conducting a military operation in Syria. The operation is carried out by the forces of the Military Space Forces, created on August 1, 2015, with the support of the Russian Navy.

October 7, 2015 President of Russia Vladimir Putin during a working meeting with Shoigu in Sochi, summing up the results of the first week of the operation, he once again gave a highly positive assessment of the work of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: both the actions of the ministry as a whole and the combat operations conducted by Russian pilots from the air group deployed in Syria, which inflicted air strikes against specified targets, and by the sailors of the Caspian Flotilla, who fired Caliber cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea and successfully hit all the intended targets.

By 2015, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation became the second most powerful army in the world.


The declared income of Irina Shoigu for 2008 amounted to 2.1 million rubles, in 2009 - 3 million 74 thousand rubles. In 2010, the amount of her income increased sharply - up to 54 million 608 thousand rubles. She also purchased an Audi-4 car. In 2011, according to open data, its income amounted to 78.07 million rubles. It is known that in 2003 Irina Shoigu drove a BMW-X5, and also used an Opel Astra car.

Sergei Shoigu's income, according to official declarations: 2010 - 4,416,060.00 rubles. 2011 - 4,941,909.56 rubles. 2012 - 15 3792 50.31 rubles.

Rumors (scandals)

They say that the father of Sergei Shoigu, chairman of the Tuva regional party committee, was well acquainted with a colleague from the Sverdlovsk city committee - Boris Yeltsin- says "Interlocutor". And Sergey himself, while still a student at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic University, married the daughter of a high-ranking official and became close friends with his father-in-law's friend, a future member of the Politburo, then a member of the Communist Party Oleg Shenin.

Successful acquaintances and connections, and not just personal qualities, explain the rapid career growth of Sergei Shoigu, who every year changed his position to a higher one, starting with an ordinary site foreman at a construction site.

The article also gives the following version: "... there is still a legend in the Ministry of Emergency Situations about a certain founder of the "rescue department" Alexander Shcherbakov, who enjoyed great prestige among rescuers and had remarkable penetrating abilities. They say that it was he who managed not only to unite climbers and athletes, but also persuading Boris Yeltsin to establish a Committee on Civil Defense and Emergency Situations According to legend, Shcherbakov caught the president in the toilet of the White House and managed to persuade him to create a rescue state structure, which did not exist either in the USSR or in most other countries. Another, also charismatic, but then less well-known young man, Sergei Shoigu, came to the management of the emergency situation. Shcherbakov remained on the sidelines ".

On October 14, 2010, it was reported that the Federal Antimonopoly Service forbade placing the name of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, on water filters Viktor Petrik. A specially created commission of the antimonopoly service recognized that the manufacturers of water filters OJSC Heracles and LLC Holding Golden Formula committed an act of unfair competition, using the name Shoigu to promote their products. It was established that the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Shoigu did not give businessmen permission for such advertising. The Federal Antimonopoly Service also fined the Golden Formula company 200,000 rubles for using the name of the filter "ZF Ministry of Emergency Situations (SHOYGU)".

Alexey Kuzovkov- son-in-law of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu, in 2005 he won the infamous "criminal" competition of the Moscow government to fill the vacancies of public notaries. Subsequently, the competition was declared illegal by the decision of the Simonovsky District Court of Moscow.

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