How does mouse fever manifest in men. Consequences of mouse fever. Symptoms of mouse fever, the course of the disease

Mouse (hemorrhagic) fever. Behind the seemingly funny name lies a heavy and extremely dangerous infection.

Starting like a common cold, fever quickly leads to irreversible changes in the body. internal organs.

The kidneys are the first to suffer. Work disruptions excretory system in many cases, they end in death, so it is so important to identify this disease in time and start treatment.

Mouse fever in men: causes

In the practice of infectious disease doctors, there is average portrait of a patient with hemorrhagic fever. Most often, the disease affects men, residents countryside. It is explainable. The carrier of the pathogen is the vole mouse, which is not so easy to meet in a metropolis. Since the infectious agent is not transmitted from person to person, the city dweller has even less chance of getting sick.

The question arises: why is murine fever more common in men? The reasons for this lie in the neglect of hygiene rules. Otherwise, both men and women suffer equally often.

The immediate cause of infection is contact with small rodents and their waste products. This means that you can become the "owner" of the pathogen:

When inhaling air with particles of saliva, rodent droppings.

When eating food, on the surface of which there are waste products of mice, rats (a common situation when pickles, vegetables and other food are stored in sheds, cellars).

Upon contact with rodents (the pathogen can enter the body through damaged skin, mucous membranes, etc.).

Residents of urban apartments in which rodents are found are in the same danger.

So the reasons mouse fever in men are in contact with rodents and violation elementary rules hygiene.

Mouse fever in men: signs

A disease such as hemorrhagic fever has a complex development. There are 5 stages in the clinical picture.

The first stage covers the period from the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms. This so-called incubation period. It lasts, on average, 3-4 weeks. At this time, the patient does not know that an uninvited guest is “hosting” in the body. There are no symptoms. In men, the first symptoms of mouse fever develop earlier.

The first stage (beginning) develops acutely. Its duration is 2-3 days. During this period, the picture resembles a cold: the patient has symptoms of intoxication ( headache, nausea, body aches, weakness). In addition, symptoms in the initial phase of fever development include:

  • vomiting;
  • Redness of the face, collar area (neck, part of the back). This is due to a rush of blood to the skin and many small hemorrhages.
  • Rash (red, blood-filled blisters).
  • Hyperthermia (increase in body temperature up to 39-40 degrees).

Signs of mouse fever in men and women are generally the same.

In some cases, the clinical picture may be blurred. It is noteworthy that the first symptoms of mouse fever in men may not be as bright as in women.

The second stage also develops acutely and begins with a decrease in the daily amount of urine (oliguria). Oliguria indicates the beginning of a violation in the work of the kidneys. The oliguric period of the disease lasts from 8 to 11 days. All this time, the patient has intense pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. After 2-3 days from the beginning of the oliguric stage, intense vomiting appears.

By the end of the oliguric stage, the symptomatic increase in temperature practically disappears. However, this does not bring relief.

Third stage. Also called polyuric. At severe course the disease is preceded by a stage of disturbance in the work of the kidneys (manifested by edema, mental disorders such as depression, sleep disorders).

Fortunately, with timely treatment, the polyuric stage occurs earlier. During this period, there is an increase daily diuresis(polyuria). We are talking about 2-5 liters of urine per day. it good indicator, because it speaks of the normalization of the kidneys. But during the course of the third stage, observation is important: complications may develop in the form kidney failure.

Duration - about 5-15 days.

The fourth stage is manifested by the disappearance of fever. Only residual effects. This stage of the disease can last from 1 month to 15 years. Even if the patient is not worried about anything, it is too early to calm down. There is always a risk of development formidable complications, which means that you need to constantly be under the preventive supervision of a nephrologist.

Thus, the signs of mouse fever in men include:

The phenomena of intoxication (headache, weakness, etc.).

Temperature increase (up to 40 degrees).


Pain in the lower back and abdomen.

Decreased daily diuresis.

Increased daily diuresis in the final period of the disease.

Diagnosis of mouse fever in men

If a person suspects a mouse fever, you should consult a general practitioner or, if the symptoms are in full swing, do not hesitate to call an ambulance medical care. In cases light flow diseases can be treated on an outpatient basis by a general practitioner (infectionist) and a nephrologist. In all other situations, you can not do without hospitalization.

Diagnosis, especially in the early stages, presents many difficulties. The most important thing here is to pay attention to the likely circumstances of infection. Diagnostics includes:

Questioning the patient. Collecting an anamnesis, the doctor should clarify the nature of the complaints, their prescription. Just as important, find out if there has been contact with rodents.

Laboratory research. A general blood test reveals inflammatory process. Blood biochemistry makes it possible to evaluate kidney function for a number of substances: urea, creatinine. A specific PCR test is used to detect traces of the pathogen in the patient's biomaterial. The rest of the methods are practically useless. initial stage disease development. When they appear renal disorders, urinalysis is informative.

Instrumental Research. Limited to ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound allows you to visualize the renal structures and identify abnormalities.

In general, these studies are enough for an attentive specialist to make a diagnosis. typical development clinical picture contributes to even faster identification of the “root of evil”.

Treatment of mouse fever in men

Treatment of mouse fever in men is difficult task: such a difficult disease requires integrated approach.

From the first to last day disease requires strict bed rest: the pathogen causes fragility of blood vessels, therefore there is a high risk of bleeding. The duration of bed rest is determined by the doctor. Average, we are talking about 2-6 weeks.

In therapy, the most different drugs:

For elimination pain syndrome analgesics are used: analgin, ketorolac, etc.

The fight against the virus is underway antiviral drugs(Lavomax, etc.).

Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect achieved by taking special drugs: Nurofen, Paracetamol, etc.

Sorbents are prescribed to remove toxins from the body.

It is important to prescribe maintenance treatment: vitamins, glucose.

With edema, a reception is necessary hormonal drugs: prednisolone, dexamethasone.

All drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Mouse fever in men: prevention

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Prevention of mouse fever in men, as well as in women and children, is not difficult.

It is enough to observe simple rules:

Do not store food in open form. Especially where rodents are likely to be found (in cellars, basements, sheds, etc.). Use tight packaging.

Do not eat such foods, especially do not eat foods that have been bitten by rodents.

Wash your hands regularly.

Avoid contact with mice and rats.

Ventilate utility rooms more often.

Timely deal with rodents in residential areas.

Mouse fever is a serious and dangerous disease. In the initial stages, it is almost indistinguishable from a cold, but it can quickly cause fatal outcome or at least severe violations in the work of the body.

It is impossible to self-diagnose and even more so prescribe treatment for yourself. In all cases, it is recommended to be treated in a hospital to avoid the development of complications.

Little gray mice look very cute. But…!!! They are a source of infection and very often are carriers of many diseases that can be dangerous for humans, and often incompatible with life. High fever, severe headache, troubled breathing, lethargy or confusion, a rapidly spreading rash, sharp pains in the lumbar and renal zones - obvious symptoms mouse fever in adults.

According to the analytical data of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a number of infectious diseases are transmitted to humans precisely from rodents (field mice, rats, squirrels). Adults endure the course of the disease much harder than children. Their body is characterized by the appearance of extensive symptoms and the development various complications, while sometimes it can only flow like a cold. The most susceptible to infection are men aged 16-50 years.

Incorrect or late diagnosis, improperly selected treatment or its absence can provoke a fatal outcome. Although there is no cure for the virus itself, maintenance therapy makes it easier to endure the disease.

mouse fever- natural focal rare infectious disease with acute course(hemorrhagic fever, accompanied by renal, pulmonary or cardiac syndrome), where the reservoir of the pathogen is an animal (class of rodents).

The causative agent of the disease: Hantavirus (Hantavirus), having different strains.

Damage zones: small vessels, renal apparatus, lungs, heart.

Geography: in Eurasia, a type of virus is common that causes kidney syndrome, i.e. damages the kidneys. At the same time, the disease is medical name (HFRS), leading to mortality in 10% of cases. Mostly found in Scandinavian countries epidemic nephropathy(EN), which is one of the types of HFRS, but its mortality is several times lower.

An infected rodent is a carrier of the infection for two years. And it is assumed that only certain types of virus can kill them. In other cases, the virus does not pose a serious danger to the rodent.

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome– more rare variety mouse fever, which is predominantly ill in America. But according to statistics, it leads to death about 7 times more often (76%).

Demography: Anyone can get sick, but men aged 16-50 are more likely to get sick.

Incubation period averages 12-15 days, but the individual tolerance of an adult, as well as the state of the immune system and a predisposition to resistance, can increase the incubation period from up to 8 weeks.

Disease severity: varies depending on the virus disease-causing. Infections caused by Hantaan and Dobrava viruses usually cause severe symptoms, while Saaremaa and Puumala are more easily tolerated. Full recovery may take several weeks or months.

Since we usually have a mouse fever accompanied by a renal syndrome, the article will focus mainly on it.


Etiology (paths of infection)

Adults can contract mouse fever in several ways.

Indirect contact with mouse feces or urine (airborne)

A common way for adults to contract mouse fever is to ingest the virus from mice through inhalation of dust particles that have been contaminated with the feces or urine of an infected rodent. Dust particles contain contaminated rodent feces and, when they get into the upper Airways the virus infects the body. Most of all, people are susceptible to infection, in whose work contact with dust containing rodent secretions is possible. These are janitors, cleaners, builders in old buildings, etc.

Direct contact with urine and feces of mice (alimentary route)

Mouse feces or urine may contain viruses and bacteria. Thus, direct physical contact with mouse feces, especially if it is through open wounds or mucous membranes, can become a route of transmission of the disease to humans. Ingestion of food or water contaminated with mouse droppings and urine can also cause fever.

Bites and scratches

An infected mouse contains pathogenic bacteria and viruses on their teeth, in saliva and under their claws. Therefore, often scratches and bites of mice are potential sources of fever infection.

Insect bites

Fleas and ticks that can live in the fur of rodents can also become carriers of the disease. As a result, they can bite people. With this outcome, viruses and bacteria are transmitted to humans and cause mouse fever.

Carcass contact

Mouse fever is an acute infectious disease, the active virus of which lingers in the tissue of a rodent even after its death. Contact of an adult with a mouse carcass without proper protection may result in transmission.

Positive moment. Mouse fever is a one-sided disease. This means that it is transmitted only from mice to humans. An infected person is not the source of the mouse fever virus. Mouse fever infection is not transmitted from person to person.

But for all the time, there was still a single case of transmission of the disease from person to person in Argentina during the outbreak of the virus.

Clinical signs

The disease is characterized by three stages of development:

  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • serious lesions kidneys;
  • hemorrhage (hemorrhage of the affected from the affected vessels).

advanced disease (lack of timely treatment) often acquires an irreversible process with a fatal outcome.


Complicated diagnosis of the disease hinders its treatment. Experienced doctors recommend paying attention to the color of urine, as well as quantitative indicators and frequency of urination ( drastic changes in "usual" indicators clearly signal the disease).

Fever goes through four stages of its manifestation:

  1. Initial (phase of origin or prodromal phase).
  2. Oligouric (phase of progression of the disease).

At this stage of the development of the disease in an adult, the kidneys are affected and begins its active phase hemorrhagic syndrome.

  1. Polyuric phase
  2. Stage of convalescence (passive phase of the disease).

The second and third periods are distinguished by a clear progression of the disease. New symptoms appear, which are characterized by the intensity of development.


The first symptoms of mouse fever in adults:

  • mouse fever is always accompanied by fever;
  • the mark is located within 40 0 ​​;
  • disturb severe dizziness and pain;
  • the whole body overcomes weakness, malaise;
  • the mucous membrane of the pharynx acquires a red color;
  • pains in the kidneys and lumbar region become noticeable.

Sometimes signal symptoms are supplemented:

  • decrease in heart rate;
  • decrease blood pressure;
  • acute reaction to bright light ( backlash the patient to light fluxes is accompanied by the formation of a "grid" before the eyes);
  • redness on the face, neck;
  • the appearance of flat rashes in the armpit and on the body.

initial stage

The initial (prodromal or febrile) phase is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • sharp rise temperature;
  • trembling and chills;
  • headaches;
  • muscle pain;
  • blurred vision (eyes turn red);
  • hemorrhagic rashes on the neck, shoulders due to vascular damage;
  • inability to concentrate.

Symptoms of mouse fever in men at the initial stage are usually more pronounced than in women. On examination, the doctor very often detects Pasternatsky's symptom (pain in the kidneys when tapped). If the disease is advanced, then signs of meningitis may also be observed.

This phase takes 3-7 days and usually occurs 2-3 weeks after the bite.

Hypotensive phase

In addition to the above symptoms, the patient receives tachycardia, hypoxemia (lack of oxygen) and. This is due to the fact that the level of platelets in the blood falls. This condition can last up to 2 days.

Oligouric stage

The oliguric stage (impaired kidney function) begins its active phase after 4-7 days and is accompanied by:

  • decrease in temperature in the patient;
  • the appearance of sharp unbearable pain in the lumbar region;
  • dehydration. The volume of urine decreases significantly (urine acquires a reddish color, and its daily amount fluctuates between 200-500 ml). Symptoms of dehydration include dry mucous membranes, sunken eyes, and decreased urine output in most people.
  • absence good sleep;
  • loss of appetite (possibly severe vomiting);
  • heartbeat does not correspond to the norm. His score is much lower.

Hemorrhage becomes pronounced:

Despite the drop in temperature, the patient feels just as bad.

The duration of the stage is usually 3-7 days.

Polyuric (diuretic) stage


  • frequent urination(symptoms of diuresis) 3-6 liters per day;
  • the proper functioning of the kidneys is impaired;
  • swelling of the eyelids, face;
  • worried about headaches;
  • there is no sleep.

It may take from several days to several weeks.

Stage of convalescence (rehabilitation eta)


  • general health improves;
  • urination indicators are normalized;
  • appears a good appetite;
  • pain in the lumbar region is less pronounced.

This stage lasts 4-5 days., and indicates an amendment, but not yet a complete recovery. In an adult, the process of convalescence lasts much longer than in children and can take more than one month to complete. full recovery.

Complications - what to fear?

Mouse fever is dangerous for its side effects. Bacterial microorganisms can affect almost any organ system.

Extreme temperatures (typically greater than 105.8°F or 41°C) can be devastating. High body temperature can lead to poor performance of most organs. Such an extreme height temperature regime body entails severe illness(e.g. sepsis, malaria, meningitis).

Meeting with sometimes cute rodents often ends in danger. Wild, domestic rodents are carriers serious illnesses. One of these is mouse fever, the symptoms and treatment of which we will consider in our materials.

Mouse fever is a viral, infectious disease that leaves an irreversible mark on human vital systems. At first glance, the course of the disease occurs like a cold, but the matter is much more serious. Are amazed urinary system, kidneys. The result of the disease is often fatal. Therefore, you should not ignore any changes in the body after an unpleasant meeting with mice, rats, hamsters.

The main category of people who are at risk of contracting this virus are residents of villages, villages, agricultural farms, as well as lovers of travel and outdoor recreation.

The definition of individuals in this category is primarily due to the fact that the carriers of the infection are domestic, field mice, as well as a certain type of rat - Norwegian. The above individuals are most often found with rodents. This is the only reason why the chances of the townspeople getting sick are decreasing. Vole mice practically do not live in megacities.

There are several forms of mouse fever infection:

  1. For heavy pollution environment particles of mouse droppings and further inhalation of air with impurities of these excrement and saliva of rodents, that is, air contact.
  2. If you eat unwashed vegetables, fruits, greens, on which the carriers of the infection moved, then the likelihood of the disease is high.
  3. The causative agent of the virus penetrates through direct contact with rodents, for example, a bite, a scratch.
  4. On the contrary, if there are damages on the skin, then when working with rodents, you can catch an infection.

Important! The study of the disease today confirms that the male sex suffers from it most of all, since personal hygiene is neglected. Hard farm work proves it, no time to wash your hands raw vegetables, work with the earth.

The disease has several stages and with the designation primary symptoms diseases are worth talking about:


The most dangerous stage. The danger lies in the untimely detection of symptoms, which often do not appear at all.
Lasts about 72 hours. People are deluded about their health. It is believed that this is nothing more than a cold, flu, acute respiratory infections.

Symptoms at this stage:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness and aches all over the body;
  • fast fatiguability.

These signs are more like severe intoxication. With a strong rush of blood to the skin, redness of the front of the body, neck, and back may emerge. A rash appears in the form of small blisters filled with blood. The body temperature rises to 40 degrees.

The picture of mouse fever may be unclear, as in some patients it works on time the immune system. For this reason, symptoms are more pronounced in women than in men.


The second stage, in which kidney damage occurs and genitourinary system. It is observed in the daily amount of urine. As a rule, the main sign of mouse fever is a decrease in urine and the number of urinations.
The duration of this stage is a little over a week (8-11 days). The patient feels strong pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen. After a couple of days, severe vomiting appears. The body temperature drops, but this does not confirm the improvement in health.


Kidney problems cause depression, neurosis, stress, sleep disturbance. The course of the disease at this stage indicates the results of treatment. If therapy is started at the first stage, then the restoration of the kidneys will begin here and urination will normalize.

The duration will take a little time. The body will begin to recover in 5-10 days.
If at the first stages no attempts are made to treat, then the whole process of the course of the disease may have irreversible results, namely, renal failure occurs, in some cases death may occur.

Important! After the complete disappearance of the fever, it is not worth blowing fanfare, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor for some time so that the threat does not resume. This is done by a nephrologist, it is he who will raise the question of your complete recovery.

Describing the stages of the course of the disease, we have identified the most basic signs of mouse fever, the occurrence of which should not be ignored.

The attending physician makes a diagnosis, while studying the causes of infection, external signs, test results.

Diagnostics is as follows:

  1. The doctor conducts a survey of the patient on the duration of the onset of the first symptoms. He learns complaints, whether there was contact with animals, which ones, etc.
  2. Schedules tests for: general analysis blood and urine to identify the inflammatory process; urea and creatinine levels in biochemical analysis blood testify to violations of the kidneys; PCR test will help to recognize the presence of a virus and infection in the body.
  3. Ultrasound of internal organs. If mouse fever is initially recorded in the anamnesis, then only ultrasound procedure kidneys.

Using these observations and studies, the doctor will accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of mouse fever should take place strictly in a hospital, in the infectious diseases department under the constant supervision of medical personnel. The stay takes from 1 to 4 weeks. The main advantage of the hospital is strict bed rest, which is difficult to achieve with outpatient treatment.

Important! If there is a causative agent of mouse fever in the body, fragility of blood vessels occurs, which means that bleeding may occur. To avoid this and reduce the risk of blood loss, this approach to the chosen therapy is used.


Inpatient treatment involves the use of the following medications:

  • Ketarol, Analgin - painkillers;
  • Amiksin, Lvomax, Ingavirin - antiviral drugs;
  • Paracetamol, Nurofen - reduce body temperature and inflammation;
  • sorbents - cleansing the intestines from toxic substances;
  • maintenance therapy - vitamins, minerals, glucose;
  • Prednisolone - removal of edema.

The aliguric stage of the disease may be accompanied by hemodialysis, the elimination of excess fluid in the kidneys. But this is with complications, as a radical measure to restore the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

At mild form fever, the patient is prescribed a strict diet, which excludes a number of products: dairy, sweet, fatty, salty, coffee and drinks from it, vegetables, honey, legumes, flour, carbonated. All available meals in the diet should be enriched with vitamins B, C, K and contain as little fat and carbohydrates as possible.


Preventive measures for mouse fever are available to everyone. The main task is the exclusion of contact with rodents, their excrement and saliva.

Therefore, activities can be:

  1. Washing hands after visiting the toilet, working with soil in the garden, in the field. Do this every time you sit down to eat.
  2. Protect food from the invasion of mice.
  3. Drink filtered or boiled water.
  4. Wash vegetables and fruits, even if you bought them in the supermarket.
  5. Eliminate food gnawed by mice from the diet.
  6. Do not pick up rodents caught by mousetraps.
  7. Prevent mice from entering vegetable stores, cellars and basements.

First of all, men should observe this, since most women regularly monitor hygiene. If you find yourself with the whole family in nature, protect your food supplies from rodents as much as possible, provide yourself and your family with safe places to sleep and rest, and talk with young children about the dangers of mice and other rodents. Only by remaining vigilant, you can avert trouble from yourself.


Mouse fever is a very dangerous infectious disease that is very difficult to recognize.

For a rural area or a city, it can become an epidemic, therefore, even if you have had an unpleasant contact with small animals, consult a doctor, get tested and be sure of your 100% health.

Mouse fever (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome) - acute viral disease(GLPS). It's pretty dangerous disease causing fever, general poisoning organism that affects the kidneys.

The carrier of the virus are small rodents - forest mice, red and red voles. Infection of a person usually occurs by airborne dust, or by eating products contaminated with rodents, as well as through unwashed hands.

For you to know more about the disease, how mouse fever is prevented, symptoms and treatment hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, the consequences of the disease - let's talk about them and in general about this ailment at www ..

Mouse fever symptoms

The difficulty in diagnosing this disease lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to detect it until the first symptoms appear, which occur about half a month after infection. Although all this time the disease develops and progresses.

First stage, which lasts 1-4 days, is characterized by a sudden increase in temperature. Patients complain about general weakness, headache and sore throat. There is a cough, redness, swelling of the face, nasal congestion, redness of the eyes. At this stage, HFRS is very similar to the common cold.

Characteristic features the presence of mouse fever are small, petechial hemorrhages occurring on the mucosa soft palate, as well as pain lumbar region. In addition, it is possible skin rashes on the body (red small rash).

With the development of the disease, starting from 5 to 12 days, more severe symptoms appear. Although the temperature drops, the patient's condition worsens significantly: headaches become more intense, nausea, vomiting appear, and abdominal pain occurs. Redness of the face, puffiness are greatly enhanced. There may be bleeding, especially intense in severe cases.

A characteristic sign at this stage is kidney damage. It manifests itself severe pain in the lower back, as well as a decrease in the daily amount of urine output, to its complete absence. In severe cases, acute renal failure may occur.

Starting from the 12th day, the third stage of the disease begins, which can last more than a month. In this case, the patient's condition improves, although kidney damage continues to progress. This stage characterized sharp increase daily separation of urine, with a significant increase in fluid intake. At this stage, it is very important to exclude all possible jerky movements, jumping, running, shaking the body, as this can provoke a rupture of the kidney.

When such symptoms appear, in order to avoid dangerous consequences, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The patient needs treatment in a therapeutic or infectious diseases department of a hospital and strict bed rest.

What threatens mouse fever, what are the consequences after the disease?

It is important to understand that the lack of treatment can lead to very sad consequences. With advanced forms of HFRS, the patient begins severe convulsions, pulmonary edema occurs, and localized foci of pneumonia appear. The kidneys suffer the most, their normal functions are disrupted, and the risk of kidney rupture increases many times over. There is a high probability of death.

Therefore, only timely appeal to a specialist correct diagnosis and adequate professional treatment can normalize the patient's condition, save him from serious consequences.

About how mouse fever is corrected, its treatment is effective

certain, general scheme There is no therapy for this pathology.

Each case requires individual approach, taking into account the severity of the disease, general condition the patient, his age and the presence of complications.

Upon admission to the hospital, the patient is shown bed rest, the duration of which is determined by the attending physician. Appointed therapeutic treatment, including taking antiviral, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretic and analgesic drugs.

Increased attention is paid to the condition of the kidneys: the amount of fluid received and excreted is monitored daily. If a normal function kidney is seriously impaired and cannot be restored with medication, the patient undergoes extracorporeal hemodialysis.

At the stage of treatment and recovery, it is very important to follow a certain diet. At acute period when observed significant reduction daily urine output, the patient should consume fresh, lean food with low content salt (or none at all).

Products with a ban are high content sodium, potassium. Smoked meats, pickles, marinades should be abandoned. These restrictions continue until the onset of the recovery period of kidney function, when urine output increases.

Alcohol is prohibited during the entire period of treatment. But foods rich in vitamins C and group B are only welcome. With their insufficiency, the patient is recommended to take preparations containing them, and also prescribe vitamin K in tablets.

It is important to understand that in the absence professional treatment the disease only progresses and can be fatal. Mouse fever is a serious, dangerous disease that requires urgent qualified medical care. ethnoscience not used in treatment.

Prevention measures

Mice are known to be carriers of the virus in in large numbers live in fields, forest clearings. Therefore, when hiking in nature, be careful, make sure that the food you take with you, the dishes are tightly closed, packed and do not lie anywhere.

Warn your children about the dangers of visiting basements, sheds, attics, where mice are habitual inhabitants. It is especially dangerous to eat cereals, seeds, and any other products that may be there.

Be sure to observe hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly, often, especially before eating.

You also need to know that for the HFRS virus are detrimental high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. That's why the best prevention mouse disease is a thorough heat treatment of products. Be healthy!

Start holiday season it's not just a holiday fresh air and work in the garden, but also the massive awakening of rodents. The most dangerous thing for summer residents is cleaning the garden house and the area where rodents had already run before, leaving their excrement. It is through the waste of the vital activity of rodents that you can become fatally infected. dangerous disease- mouse or . It is enough to inhale even the dust when sweeping a country house or cleaning the site to get sick with a dangerous disease.

Also infection can enter the body through consumption of contaminated food products, through dirty hands, water and damaged skin. Sometimes infection occurs through direct contact with rodents or their feces.

Disease characterized by a sudden onset, in which the temperature rises sharply to 40 ° C and headache, weakness appear. Then these symptoms are joined by pain in the abdomen and lower back, dry mouth, decreased amount of urine, which indicates damage to the kidneys. The disease progresses from acute complications, a rash and hemorrhages may appear on the skin in the vital important organs. Self-treatment of hemorrhagic fever is unacceptable!

When the first symptoms illness, call the doctor at home immediately. The earlier the patient goes to the doctor, the greater the chance of a successful cure. For the entire period of treatment, patients must comply with bed rest, treatment, depending on the severity of the disease, can last from 7 days to 1 month. The patient does not pose a danger to the surrounding people. Kidney function after the disease is restored only after two years. After discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to strictly follow a diet, exclude alcohol, canned food containing vinegar. You should also avoid physical activity within one year. If a person once had a mouse fever, then immunity is maintained throughout life, that is, he no longer becomes infected with this dangerous disease.

Danger disease is that its incubation period lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. During this time, people forget that they cleaned in the country or went to the forest. And the first days they take a rise in temperature for a cold and do not go to the doctor. After a few days, the patient's fever subsides and nausea and vomiting begin, pain in the lower back and abdomen appears, then only many patients cause ambulance. If not treated on time, death is possible as a result of kidney failure. One of the symptoms of the disease is visual impairment, when the patient feels how from time to time a fog appears before his eyes.

Vaccinations against hemorrhagic fever unfortunately does not exist. Therefore, in order not to become infected with it, it is necessary to take precautions when working in the country. The main activities are the following:

1. Cleaning at home need only be carried out wet way and the room should be well ventilated so that dust does not fly. Add to water disinfectants containing chlorine.
2. When cleaning the site and at home, wear a mask or respirator on your face. Be sure to wear gloves on your hands. The gauze bandage should be 4 layers.
3. Drink only boiled or bottled water. Wash dishes, vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use and pour over with boiling water.
4. Being on Yes Before eating, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

5. Do not use without heat treatment products that may have been contaminated by rodents. Do not place bags or grocery bags on the floor or on the ground. They should be hung on a tree, stored in a closed car interior or in containers inaccessible to mice.
6. Try to stay in the sun more, the mouse fever virus dies from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Take out the bedding from the garden house to dry in the sun or iron it.
7. If you smoke, dont touch dirty hands to the filter.
8. All abrasions and scratches, treat with iodine or brilliant green, 3% hydrogen peroxide, 70% alcohol.

9. Lay out in the house and under it means for the destruction of mice. Buy them in specialized pharmacies.
10. Never touch dead rodents with your hands.

Remember the mouse fever it is easier to prevent than to cure. Do not be afraid to send your child to the camp, not one of them will be allowed to open without sanitization. To protect your children and loved ones from mouse fever, try to carry out the same treatment in your country house.

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