How to stop a coughing fit in adults. Universal ways to relieve an attack of dry, wet or allergic cough. How to relieve an attack at home

Often, colds are accompanied by such a common symptom as an irritating cough that worries a person both day and night. Anyone who has experienced such a problem knows perfectly well how unpleasant and painful it is. In this article we will talk about how to stop a cough at home and what should be done for this. We will also consider the main medications and folk remedies that will help alleviate the patient's condition.

Cough in a child at night, how to get rid of

If the baby is tormented at night by frequent bouts of dry cough, respectively, parents are concerned about the question of how to stop coughing at home as quickly as possible. We offer a few tips to help remove.

  • First of all, you should drink the baby alkaline drink. Mineral water without gas or ordinary water is perfect for this. boiled water with soda diluted in it (a pinch of soda or on the tip of a knife in a glass of water). You need to drink such a drink in small sips so as not to provoke vomiting.
  • To make breathing easier for the child, the nasal passages should be cleared. This can be done with a special spray or saline solution. If necessary, remove the accumulated mucus with a cotton swab.
  • Also, for the unhindered passage of oxygen through the nose, which is very important during a coughing fit, moisten the room. In addition, you can do inhalation with mineral water or saline.
  • If you are sure that your child does not allergic reaction on honey and some healing herbs, in this case, you can give the baby a decoction of herbs with antitussive properties with a spoonful of honey.

Cough at night in an adult, what to do in this case

Treatment process colds more effective if the main therapeutic measures supplement and folk remedies used at home. This is especially important when relieving such a symptom as a cough. That is why many are concerned about this actual question how to stop a cough at home. Next, we will tell you how you can quickly and effectively stop agonizing cough at night in an adult.

Great for nighttime coughing natural honey . To do this, you can simply dissolve it or make a warm drink consisting of milk and a spoonful of honey. Such a drink has a mild warming effect that can suppress even a fairly strong coughing fit.

radish juice has long been known as excellent tool to relieve both adults and children from a tormenting cough. For cooking medicinal mixture you will need radish juice, honey, lemon juice and glycerin. The resulting mixture is taken during the day (at least 6 times a day, one teaspoon) or at night, directly to suppress an attack of nocturnal cough.

Many people know and beneficial features herbal decoctions and infusions, the most popular expectorant decoction from collection which includes herbs such as coltsfoot and chamomile.

How to stop coughing with breaths

I would like to draw attention to the fact that sudden cough can occur both in a patient and in a completely healthy person. If you are interested in the question of how to stop coughing with breaths, then you should consider that this requires perform a series of steps, which will help you quickly cope with it:

  • inhale deeply;
  • exhale the collected air;
  • hold your breath for as long as possible.

The sequence of such actions should be performed 5-6 times, after which the coughing attack will stop.

Note that a hysterical and loud cough can often indicate asthma, especially if it is accompanied by sensations of fullness in the chest and dry wheezing. As a rule, the cough worsens at night, while the patient normal temperature body.

The first thing to do at night is to calm down and relax. To do this, the patient should sit on a flat surface, to restore breathing, you will need to take deep even breaths or use a special inhaler. In the event that you buy asthmatic cough does not work on its own, you should call an ambulance.

Stop cough at home

  • The most common method to stop a cough at home is use of mustard plasters. To do this, they are pre-moistened in prepared warm water then applied on the back for 10 minutes. Important! In children, the use of mustard plasters from a night cough can cause a burn, so it is recommended that they be placed not on the skin, but on gauze folded in half. To enhance the warming effect, the back area is covered with a film and warm blanket.
  • Another useful cough remedy is, of course, inhalation that can be performed through a special home steam inhaler. For cough inhalations, as a rule, medicinal herbal decoctions with the addition of soda and iodine are used. Most such plants are effective: calendula, chamomile and sage. Please note that, on the recommendation of a specialist, an inhalation nebulizer can be used with the addition of drugs and ordinary table mineral water without gas.
  • Also help in solving problems such as coughing can help compresses. For example, you can use the method that our ancestors used and use hot mashed potatoes for this. It should be applied to the chest, previously wrapped in a dense fabric.

Cough syrups, the effectiveness of drugs

Currently, the pharmacological market can offer the layman a fairly large selection of various cough remedies, including syrups, usually made from natural raw materials. Because of this, they are suitable for use by both adults and children. Note that according to the mechanism of their action, syrups are divided into several groups.

  • Combined and antitussive- the task of such drugs is to block nerve endings in the respiratory organs. Some tools also have additional properties, as the removal of puffiness from the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the elimination of pain symptoms.
  • Expectorant cough syrups- such funds most effectively contribute to the more rapid removal of viscous sputum from the bronchi and respiratory tract, which in turn helps to effectively get rid of pathogenic microbes, which provoked the development of the disease.
  • Mucolytic syrups- these drugs significantly reduce the viscosity of sputum, making it more liquid, which in turn contributes to its more rapid withdrawal from the respiratory tract.

Folk remedies for cough

Many drugs and methods are used to treat cough, however, it is folk remedies that are very popular among domestic inhabitants due to their high efficiency and naturalness.

  • Viburnum decoction. To prepare the decoction, you will need dry inflorescences of this plant in the amount of one tablespoon, which should be poured with one glass of boiling water and boiled for several minutes. The cooled drink should be drunk 4 times a day, half a glass at a time. To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey to the broth.
  • . The preparation of this cough drink implies that one fig fruit should be boiled in one glass of milk. The product should be cooked on low heat for 20 minutes. Consume healing drink warm overnight.
  • cabbage juice. Such a folk remedy helps to quickly get rid of an annoying cough. For cooking, you need to mix honey with freshly squeezed cabbage juice(ratio 3:1). The remedy is used three times a day, one teaspoon. Also, to prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases, you can periodically use a decoction of cabbage leaves with the addition of honey.

Summing up

Whatever method you choose to treat cough, before using it, you should definitely visit a doctor who, after an examination, will accurately determine the causes of the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy. The information presented on the topic - how to stop a cough at home, will help you significantly alleviate the condition by eliminating unpleasant symptoms. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion below.

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cough is natural reaction organism, to the action of any irritants, and can also be one of the symptoms of diseases respiratory system organism. Very often, cough interferes normal rhythm life, especially in moments when it is necessary to clearly and clearly express your thoughts to others. At this moment, one of the most important issues is how to stop a coughing fit.

Why do coughing fits happen?

Most severe attacks coughing characters for the first few days of the illness, when the sputum has not yet departed. These attacks not only interfere with normal communication with people, but also interfere with sleep, which entails the appearance of a severe headache in the morning. There are several solutions to this problem today. First, one can take medications, and secondly, to perform various procedures that help moisturize the respiratory tract and relieve irritation.

How to stop a coughing fit effectively?

Codeine-containing drugs are effective in stopping a coughing fit, but more recently, a prescription is required to purchase them. That is why, when symptoms of a cold and flu appear, you should definitely seek the advice of a doctor who will be able to prescribe the most suitable and effective treatment. Those drugs that are available on the market should also be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, since self-medication can not only be ineffective, but also harm your health.

Great solution The question of how to stop a coughing fit is the procedure of inhalation of the respiratory tract. In some cases, even an open bathroom faucet can help, so that the high humidity will soften and moisten your throat somewhat, which will stop the attack. In cases where this method is ineffective for your particular case, you need to take a deep and wide bowl, fill it with hot water, and add essential oils of fir and soda to it. Doing deep breaths You will moisten your bronchial tubes, which will lead to coughing.

With coughing fits, a glass of warm milk, with the addition of a tablespoon of honey, helps to stop the attack. Drink this milk in small sips, after which it is strongly recommended to lie down. This way to stop a coughing fit is great for night attacks and helps get rid of headaches in the morning. Remember that the more you cough, the more stronger irritation Therefore, it is necessary to try to contain the cough, and control it.

With a nighttime cough caused by a sore throat, which is most often observed with sore throat and laryngitis, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the pharynx with special medications, such as Stop-Angin, Ingalipt, and other sprays that have a calming effect. At the same time, it must be remembered that these funds should also be used only after visiting a doctor, in order to avoid complications.

You can also soften the cough and stop the attack through the use of expectorants, but it is strictly forbidden to combine them with codeine-containing drugs. A decoction of licorice root, wild rosemary and thyme also helps with coughing. From these herbs, you can independently prepare an infusion, which must be taken four times a day, 30 milligrams. These remedies are quite effective in stopping a coughing fit, although the effect itself does not appear until a few days after regular use.

If the cough is accompanied by pain in the chest area, it is necessary to without fail and in the shortest possible time, consult a doctor for advice and undergo a series of tests to stop coughing fits.

These folk remedies will help to quickly relieve a coughing fit, as well as save from a night cough and allow a sick child or adult to sleep well

Nettle treatment

Nettle tincture helps to relieve a coughing fit in an adult very quickly. Pour a handful of dry nettles with moonshine or vodka. Insist 10 days. You will get a green liquid. Drink with an attack of 1 tbsp. l. The cough stops quickly (2007, no. 19, p. 32).

sugar burner

If nighttime coughing attacks keep you awake, overcook 1 tbsp. l. sugar in an iron mug, stirring on the stove until dark Brown color, add 1/4 cup of water, drip aloe juice (you can without it), drink and restful sleep secured. Tried multiple times. (2008, No. 17, p. 33).

How to relieve an attack of coughing with burnt - recipe number 2

Another similar recipe with burnt sugar, but with a dose limit:
To prepare zhzhenka, pour half a glass of sugar into a dry frying pan, melt until brown, carefully pour a glass of boiling water and mix. Drink this syrup in 1 tsp. during an attack - the cough immediately stops. Helps both children and adults. At night, also drink this remedy to sleep peacefully. Daily dose- no more than 5 teaspoons (HLS 2009, No. 10, p. 30).

Sage treatment

Difficulty sleeping when lungs burst from coughing. The following folk remedy helps relieve an attack of night cough: 1 tbsp. l. boil sage herbs with a glass of milk, leave warm for 40 minutes, strain. Take hot, 1 glass a day before bedtime. Then you will be able to fall asleep without problems, and the dream will be strong. (HLS 2005, No. 10, p. 29, 2007, No. 10, p. 31).

Rubbing with radish juice

A woman from nocturnal coughing during exacerbations chronic bronchitis such a remedy helped: at night I rubbed my back and chest with black radish juice - I managed to sleep peacefully after such rubbing. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2006, No. 5, p. 30).

Valerian treatment

The woman had attacks of nocturnal coughing at 11 pm and could not sleep all night. Such a remedy helped: when an attack begins, drink 20 drops of valerian per 100 g of water. After a few minutes, the cough subsides and you can sleep peacefully. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2002, No. 1, p. 18,).

Golden mustache

If you chew on a leaf of the "golden mustache" plant during an attack of severe coughing, then it can be quickly removed. (2003, No. 8, p. 3).

Meadowsweet wine

The woman had a constant tickle in her throat ( side effect from tablets against hypertension), especially at night, she could not sleep peacefully - she was tormented by a nocturnal cough. Once, by chance, before going to bed, she drank some meadowsweet wine, and slept peacefully all night. After that, every evening she drank 1 tbsp. l. of this wine and her cough went away.

Wine to do like this: tightly fill a liter jar with meadowsweet (meadowsweet) flowers, pour these flowers into 3.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 24 hours in a tightly closed enameled saucepan, if you want more fragrant wine, leave for 2-3 days. Then strain, squeeze.

Prepare syrup separately: put 1 kg of sugar in 0.5 l of water, squeeze 1-2 lemons, add 2 tsp. citric acid. Mix cold syrup with meadowsweet infusion, add 10 raisins. Keep 1-2 days in a warm place, then cork with a water stopper. When fermentation is over, drain from the sediment. (2006, No. 23, p. 31).

pine buds

To avoid coughing fits, take an infusion pine buds. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. kidneys insist in 1 glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, drain. As soon as you feel that an attack begins, take 1-2 sips of this infusion. Usually the cough subsides immediately. (HLS 2008, No. 5, p. 30).

alkaline drink

An attack of nocturnal cough in children and adults can be removed with chamomile tea, milk or alkaline water. It is necessary to sit in bed, tap on the upper part of the chest and back, so that the mucus moves away from the bronchi, drink the above drinks in a warm form. Night cough stop.

Honey treatment

If the cough does not allow you to fall asleep, you should put a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of honey in your mouth. butter(as little as possible), dissolve. You can drink it with a sip of warm milk.

How to relieve a coughing fit without improvised means

If you caught a coughing attack on the street or in a foreign territory, then it will help to relieve the attack next remedy: stand up straight, raise right hand up and pull it as high as you can. Pull until the cough subsides.

Basically, coughing is good. It is a reflex reaction of the body, with the help of which it protects itself from getting into Airways dust, throat irritants, small insects and foreign bodies. It can also occur as a result of inflammatory processes provoked by the activity pathogenic microorganisms. But frequent bouts of dry cough can be a signal of the onset of serious illness.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, type more air into the lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Non-infectious causes

Causes of a dry cough attack can be infectious or non-infectious. And on how correctly they are installed, the effectiveness of treatment and the way how to stop a coughing fit as quickly as possible depend. The most common causes for non-infectious dry paroxysmal cough are:

  • severe hypothermia, due to which it becomes inflamed back wall throat or tonsils;
  • impact external stimuli: smoke, chemical substances, strong odors, dusty air, etc.;
  • bronchial asthma- in this case, the cough is caused by a strong bronchospasm, due to which air access is blocked, and the person begins to suffocate;
  • the ingress of a foreign body, from which, with the help of a cough, the body tries to get rid of itself and prevent its penetration inside;
  • reflux - reflux of gastric secretions from the stomach back into the esophagus, heartburning and throat irritation;
  • allergic reaction - causes coughing severe swelling mucous membranes, making it difficult to breathe normally.

This also includes smoker's cough, which most often manifests itself in the morning. It is usually deaf and strong, signaling that chronic inflammatory processes, and mucus has accumulated, which the body cannot get rid of on its own.

In these cases long-term treatment usually not required. It is enough to relieve an attack of dry cough, and then all efforts should be directed to getting rid of the cause that caused it.

An exception is bronchial asthma, the attack of which can be quickly stopped only with the help of a special inhaler.

infectious causes

But much more often, an attack of dry, sharp barking cough is a symptom of one of the diseases caused by an infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. You can recognize it by the accompanying cough signs:

  • Whooping cough - starts on the background slight increase temperature and a slight runny nose similar to early stage on the a mild cold. Then these symptoms go away, and the cough, gradually intensifying every day, can reach vomiting.
  • Croup - sharp rise body temperature, difficulty swallowing, strong pain in the throat, oxygen starvation and barking cough during an attack. Croup can be triggered by a very serious infection: diphtheria or epiglotitis and most often requires hospitalization.
  • SARS - also begins like a cold, with a hard dry cough. You can recognize the infectious nature of the disease by yellow-green or green mucous discharge from the nose. Possible severe sore throat, fever, general weakness, headache. Complications after SARS can be bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • tuberculosis is very dangerous disease caused by tubercle bacillus. It affects the lungs and is characterized by frequent bouts of deaf, barking unproductive cough not accompanied by other symptoms. If such attacks do not go away within a month after home treatment, it is necessary to be examined additionally.

In such cases, it is not enough just to stop an attack of dry cough. Treatment should be aimed at the elimination of pathogens and recovery from the disease. Only a competent person can help with this. complex therapy, which should take place under the supervision of the attending physician, if necessary - in a hospital.

Very rarely, during the examination, it turns out that the cause of dry paroxysmal cough is systemic. hereditary disease cystic fibrosis or the presence of neoplasms in the respiratory system. It will not be possible to get rid of cough completely with such a diagnosis - treatment can only reduce the frequency and intensity of a coughing fit.


An attack of severe dry cough can be very backfire– from irritation of the larynx to damage vocal cords. Small children are especially affected by it, and they may even vomit. Therefore, it is better to find out the cause of the cough after you manage to get rid of the attack.

You can quickly relieve a coughing fit with:

Most fast way how to get rid of a coughing fit with medications, - take a drug based on codeine. This substance acts on the areas of the brain responsible for cough reflex, temporarily inhibiting their activity.

It is important to understand that the methods listed above are only emergency measures how to relieve a coughing fit of almost any origin. But they are not generic drugs capable of curing the underlying disease. And medicines with codeine generally cannot be used for more than 5-6 days. Therefore, it is necessary to look for effective and safe methods treatment of the disease that caused the cough.

home remedies

If a paroxysmal cough is not accompanied by a strong increase in temperature, does not pose a threat to life and has appeared recently, you can try to get rid of it with the help of home treatments. How to treat a cough at home, everyone decides for himself, depending on the nature of the disease and the condition of the patient.

Can be found on the Internet and try others folk recipes From cough. But if within a few days home methods do not help, you need to go to the doctor.

He will tell you what to do in your case and whether it is possible to continue what you started home treatment or should I connect antibacterial drugs. At infectious diseases missed time can lead to the development of very serious complications.

Many don't know what is cough and how does it happen. In fact, it is a normal physiological reaction of the body, and not just a pathology, as we used to think.

Its appearance should not cause you acute feelings, urgent use of medications. Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the symptom. Remember that sometimes we even cause a cough on purpose to get the attention of another person.

What is a cough and why does it occur

And what is he anyway? This is a reflex and quite complex. It is caused by contractions of the respiratory muscles and manifests itself in the form of air ejection from the lungs. It is caused by irritants acting on the larynx, trachea, bronchi and pleura of the lungs. The air masses that come out at the same time carry out sputum and various microorganisms from the body.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that such a reaction is aimed at cleansing the respiratory tract, in which mucus accumulates throughout our lives.

Depending on the cause of the symptom, the cough is divided into dry and wet.

Dry - appears in patients with dyskinesia of the bronchi and trachea, suffering from pathological processes in the bifurcation of the trachea and bronchi, the accumulation of air and other gases in the pleura. Bodies that have entered the respiratory tract from outside, and diffuse processes (tuberculosis, pneumonitis, cancer) also cause it.

Wet - appears with the accumulation of a certain amount of mucus and other fluids (blood, pus). Stops as soon as all unnecessary liquid is eliminated.

Cough is also usually classified depending on the time of its occurrence in the morning, evening and night.

Morning - the first signal of chronic inflammatory processes. Often seen in smokers. not excluded when lung abscess(purulent melting lung tissue), tuberculosis, bronchiectasis (chronic suppuration in the bronchi).

Evening most commonly seen in patients with pneumonia infectious inflammation lung tissue) or bronchitis, nocturnal may not be a symptom of the disease at all. Its common cause is increased tone vagus nerve which leads to bronchospasm. Horizontal position body promotes the promotion of sputum.

Depending on the nature of the manifestation, cough is divided into:

  • Barking- the first symptom of inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx. Diseases - whooping cough, croup, laryngitis. This type is accompanied by hoarseness of voice and bouts of aphonia.
  • Convulsive- most often appears at night. It manifests itself in the form of frequent coughing shocks with long breaths in between. Sharp shocks irritate the vomiting center, which can cause vomiting.
  • bitonal- most common in children with bronchoadenitis. During it, one bronchus narrows, the air speed changes and entails changes in the cough tone.
  • Cutting- observed in patients with pleural disorders tracheobronchitis.
  • coughing- indicates a long-term irritation of cough receptors. The character is short and weak. It is observed in patients with tuberculosis and pharyngitis.
  • Physiological- serves as a cleaner of the respiratory tract and is not pathological.

Soothe a child's cough when it is strengthened, inhalation with the use of essential oils, and especially cedar oil, will help. In extreme situations - suffocation - bring the baby to hot water so that he can breathe the vapor. This will moisten the airways and stop coughing.

How to calm a cough in a child at night, folk remedies

Soothing a cough at night in a child is quite easy. If the attack began in a dream, then the first thing to do is wake the child if he does not wake up on his own. Plant, give a drink of warm liquid - herbal decoction, milk or mineral water with the addition of soda. If that doesn't help, let him go.

How to stop a bad cough in an adult

Adults can easily soothe a cough without medication especially if you are prepared for it in advance. Homemade syrup will help with this, for which you will need warmed sugar dissolved in boiled water. Same way faithful helpers decoctions of herbs will become (necessarily warm!), Borjomi + milk. Humidified air in the apartment good prevention cough - when the air is dry, the respiratory tract also dries up, cracks appear in them and it is not difficult for pathogens to enter the bloodstream, which leads to sudden diseases.

Dry cough has its own characteristics, and therefore the methods for its elimination are also unique:

  • 100 ml boiling water + 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. A pinch of salt will help combat the nasty taste. Drink the solution in small sips at a time.
  • While whisking the yolk from the egg, gradually add hot milk + 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and honey. Drink hot before bed.
  • Wine gourmets will be able to eliminate an annoying cough with freshly prepared mulled wine.
  • The fastest way is ginger juice, which can be obtained by rubbing it on a fine grater. 1 tsp add this juice to the same amount of honey and drink.

With increased coughing, the methods also become more complicated:

  • To 500 ml of boiling water + 3 tbsp. l. lindens (flowers). Strain the solution that has been infused for 30 minutes and take 100 ml three times a day before meals.
  • Slowly dissolve honey for half an hour before each meal.
  • Grind lingonberries and sugar (ratio 1: 1), insist for a day at room temperature. Take before meals 4 times a day for a teaspoon.
  • Inhalation with oils, and especially fir, will be an effective means of eliminating the disease.
  • Chop the onion + 2 tablespoons of sugar. Insist for 5 hours. Drain the juice and take 4 times a day for a teaspoon half an hour before meals.
  • Homemade raspberry syrup is one of the most expensive and effective means. To 200 g of crushed raspberries + 100 g of sugar. Let it brew for a day, take 1 tbsp before each meal. l.
  • Boiled garlic in milk is not the most delicious remedy, but believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness. Boil a large head in milk (200 ml) until softened. At the end of cooking, add a tablespoon of honey, drink three times a day before meals for a teaspoon.

First you need to understand what the disease itself is. We all remember that we are carriers bronchial tree- a link between the trachea and lung tissue. Inflammation is a tree during which too much mucus is secreted and is called bronchitis.

It can be both viral and secondary infectious nature. A large number of toxic substances inhaled into the lungs can also cause inflammation. The most common cases of bronchitis are those with asthma and other chronic diseases. respiratory diseases. The disease is not considered serious and does not have serious consequences with timely treatment.

soothe coughing with bronchitis folk methods no longer succeed. It is usually accompanied by sputum discharge. For elimination, the adoption of mucolytics will help, the best of them are based on herbal ingredients(Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine).

If the latter do not help, you will have to resort to the help of antibiotics, which will destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation. Remember that antibiotics kill pathogenic bacteria, destroy also your microflora! Contact your doctor in a timely manner so as not to start the disease before you need to take antibiotics!

How to stop a cough in a child at night if nothing helps

Most effective means to stop cough at home, and especially very strong, it is recommended to take the coughing person to a bathroom full of hot water.

The room itself should be closed - the effect of a bath is created. Under such conditions, the airways warm up due to high humidity and the fact that vapor breathing occurs. After the procedure, it is necessary to warmly dress the sick child, wrap a scarf around the throat and put to bed.

Of course, it is better not to bring to such a state by timely adoption necessary measures. On the early stages diseases, carry out inhalations with essential oils drink plenty of water warm tea and milk. Radish will also become effective in prevention.

Mix its core with honey and give the resulting juice three times a day. Honey can be replaced with sugar, but then the diced radish will need to be baked under sugar for one and a half hours. Strain the resulting liquid and give the child 1-2 tsp. per day, one of which should fall at the time before bedtime.

How to calm a cough in a child before bed

Stop a child's cough folk remedies is only possible in unopened form. This is especially important to do before going to bed, otherwise the night will turn out to be extremely restless.

Before going to bed, rub the chest of the sick person with vodka and immediately put them to sleep covered with a warm blanket. Or put paraffin for 30 minutes (not hot!), Which by its action will warm the bronchi, soothe the tickle. It is important to exclude from the diet any foods that irritate the mucous membrane (spicy, too salty).

Remember that prevention will save you from such problems!

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