diuresis increases. Daily diuresis: norm and violations of deurination.

in the diagnosis of many diseases urinary tract doctors evaluate such an indicator as diuresis. What it is? Why you need to keep a diary water balance pregnant women, patients with pathologies Bladder and natural filters?

An assessment of the volume of urine excreted in combination with other signs makes it possible to understand what urological pathologies develop in the body. To identify deviations, it is important to know the norms of daily, nocturnal and daytime diuresis, the causes of oliguria, anuria and polyuria.

To pay off their debts, they need currency from the sale of goods such as coffee, tea or cocoa, the prices of which are falling. This is another example of the wrong allopathic ways: dealers race, destroy transports and plantations, but all that was once noted was like simply squeezing a balloon: liquidated dealers replace the following, canceled plantations with new ones, elsewhere. The only salvation, as homeopathy suggests, is to restore balance: real recovery freedom in colonial countries and the normalization of trade.

general information

The term means the volume of urine excreted over a certain period of time. For adults and children, there are norms, the deviation from which indicates pathologies of the urinary system and other organs, for example, heart disease, diabetes, hormonal disruptions.

The outer parts of the harvested fruit are removed by fermentation and then the excess soft fruit is washed. dried seeds grey-green color, and in this form are sent to the countries of destination. coffee beans produced immediately prior to sale. During roasting, the seeds form substances that give them a characteristic aroma. The caffeine content of roasted beans is about 1.5%.

They are then soaked in water and fermented for about 24 hours. After washing with a jet of water, which removes the protective layer, they are wound on mats for drying or placed in special dryers. The peeling machine then strips them of their parchment scales and silver skins, beneath which are the green grains.

On average, an adult consumes from one to two liters of liquid per day: water, juice, tea, first courses. For normal exchange substances, excretion of toxic decomposition products, daily diuresis should be at the level of 0.5 liters of urine or more. The optimal performance is from 0.8 to 1.5 liters of urine if a person drank 1-2 liters of liquid.

Against the background of the usual values ​​​​of humidity and temperature, the volume of urine is 70-75% of total received liquid. A decrease in the indicator provokes a delay in harmful components (,), intoxication, and disruption of the body.

Fruits are scattered on mats and dried in the sun for 2-3 weeks. They often turn to dry evenly. The grain is then thrown into special pliers, which remove the already dried parchment wrapper. This method requires long-term dry weather. To eliminate waste, additional machines are used or grain is processed manually.

Roasted coffee tastes much better than raw coffee: green coffee beans contain about 25 aromatic fragrances and coffee after the boiler - about 700! Roasted coffee has less caffeine and sugar and more volatile flavors. In addition, you can find pesticide residues and a number of other, not necessarily inert, chemical additives.

The amount of urine changes with poisoning, severe burns, blood loss, increase or decrease in the amount of fluid drunk, with profuse sweating in hot weather, nervous overload.


Doctors distinguish several varieties of diuresis:

  • day. The amount of urine excreted over a period of 9-21 hours;
  • night. The volume of urine excreted from 21 to 9 hours;
  • minute. At average rate fluid intake indicators range from 0.5 to 1 ml;
  • daily. The total volume of urine per day. Most of liquids with dissolved substances are excreted during the day. For this reason, physicians believe optimal performance: night diuresis - 1 part, daytime - 3 or 4 parts;
  • In case of poisoning with symptoms acute intoxication active removal of fluid with dissolved toxins is required. For this purpose, the victim consumes a large volume of water and, enhancing (forcing) the outflow of urine from the body.

Caffeine, in addition to atropine, quinine, cocaine, mescaline, morphine, nicotine, reserpine, strychnine, theobromine, belongs to alkaloids - mainly found in plants chemical compounds with powerful destructive natural physiological processes in the human and animal body. These include, in particular. in poppy, coffee, tea, turkey. Allopathic doses are powerful poisons, in homeopathic remedies are excellent medicines.

The caffeine content of coffee and, by comparison, other popular drinks. A cup of instant coffee - 95 mg. An incomplete glass of black tea - 65 mg. A glass of green tea - 31 mg. A cup of typical tea bags is 46 mg. Although tea leaves have more caffeine, as much as 2-4%, coffee has stronger stimulant properties. This is due to the parts of the stimulants needed to make the drink - to prepare a cup of drink you need six times more coffee than tea.

Classification of diuresis according to the concentration of osmotic substances in urine and the volume of urine:

  • water. With an increase in the volume of fluid drunk, the production and excretion of urine increases. The density and concentration of osmotic substances is lower than in the usual drinking regime. In some cases, an increased volume of excreted fluid appears against the background of such pathologies and disorders as early stages, lack of potassium, increased levels of calcium in the blood, polydipsia, reduced swelling of tissues;
  • antidiuresis. Dangerous state develops against the background of active fluid loss during diarrhea, indomitable vomiting, fever, and other problems that provoke dehydration. With a low volume of urine, a high concentration of dissolved substances is noted;
  • osmotic. The increased volume of urine contains a large percentage of osmotic substances. Causes - diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, taking osmotic diuretics.

When and why is it measured?

The volume of excreted urine is an important indicator characterizing the work of the kidneys. The measurement of daily diuresis is carried out when clarifying the diagnosis if the development of diseases of the bean-shaped organs is suspected: chronic and inflammatory processes, nephrosis, acute tubular necrosis.

Caffeine, taken as a drink, reaches all body tissues within five minutes. Given body weight, young children consume the most caffeine. A child who drinks one of the caffeinated carbonated drinks receives a dose of this drug that corresponds to 4 cups of coffee consumed by an adult. Caffeine reaches its maximum blood level in about 30 minutes. The half-life varies from a few hours in adults to a few days in young children; It is shorter in smokers and longer in newborns, in advanced women and in people with liver disease, and in women using birth control pills.

Often, a change in the volume of urine up or down is a sign of pathologies of various organs. Periodic records of the received fluid and excreted urine are also carried out during pregnancy, in patients suffering from manifestations diabetes, with a pronounced swelling of the tissues.

Reasons for high and low rates

The change in the volume of urine is associated not only with physiology: in the heat, fluid intake increases, with diarrhea, dehydration is possible, but also with impaired renal function. Often, daily diuresis is higher / lower than normal with pathologies of other organs.

Normally, almost all of the caffeine is metabolized. In fact, the body is just as tired before and after drinking, but the drinker is no longer aware of his actual condition. Feeling sleepy and tired, he drinks coffee instead of resting. Reflections and reaction times improve temporarily, but they soon drop to an even lower level than when they felt tired the first time. Confirmation is contained in press reports. Alcohol is said to be the most common cause of road collisions. That's true, but let's not forget that second place is caffeine.


Diuresis is reduced to 0.5 liters of urine or less. With the delay of toxins and decay products increases the risk of intoxication.

We don't talk about it openly because we have long since diverted our minds from caffeine to the drug it really is. The coffee itself does not provide extra energy. Coffee, like stress, depletes the body's resources, consumes glucose as fuel for the muscles, and then lacks the brain. The vitamins and minerals needed to "shrink" the body are also consumed before the wait is fulfilled. Therefore, it is better to avoid black coffee, especially with sugar. Sugar does improve your mood within minutes, but at the same time it increases your blood insulin levels, which in turn lowers your levels, which in turn makes you depressed.

The reasons:

  • kidney disease inflammatory nature, nephrosis;
  • the effect of nephrotoxic substances on bean-shaped organs;
  • trauma to the abdomen, severe and extensive burns;
  • blockage of the ducts by a tumor or salt formation;
  • decrease in the amount of fluid consumed per day, active sweating during the heat;
  • increased fluid loss during bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea.


Against the background of the usual consumption of juices, water, tea, the production of urine is much higher than the norm - from 1.8 to 3 liters per day. At and endocrine disorders the volume of urine often reaches 4-5 liters per day.

You need more fuel, so your blood sugar rises. Other symptoms include: accelerated heartbeat, increase cardiac output and blood pressure. Breathing speeds up and the amount of urine excreted by the kidney increases. The stimulating effect on the cortex eliminates the need for rest, sleep and food. At the same time, the level of vigilance and aggression increases. This is due to the release of stress hormones, i.e. corticosteroids and catecholamines. It also increases serotonin levels, which affect mood, sleep, sexual desires, impulsive behavior, and appetite.

The reasons:

  • nervous stress;
  • increased fluid intake;
  • taking diuretics;
  • development of chronic renal failure;
  • in the second trimester of pregnancy, after surgery;
  • congenital form of hyperaldosteronism;
  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the hypothalamus;
  • increased consumption of glucose, sodium salts;
  • central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus;
  • bean organ transplant;
  • use of digitalis preparations, strong coffee, green tea, aspirin, ethanol, hypoglycemia compounds;
  • myeloma;
  • the period of disappearance of puffiness with active removal of fluid;
  • sarcoidosis.


Coffee stimulation is like a tired horse's whip: under the influence of pain, he will walk faster, but in fact he is no less tired. We are forcing the horse to reach his energy reserves, which are not always easy to replenish. Perhaps some cannot be completed at all.

Caffeine makes us be illusory - it's like a good actor creating a playable character. This gives us the illusion of well-being and health. But just like in the theatre, the curtain always closes, so in our life - if we live in the illusion of our own energy and purity - one day the curtain will fall and our health will collapse.

Night diuresis is higher than normal, daytime is lower. The volume of urine per day can be without deviations.

The reasons:

  • disruption of the heart muscle;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • one of the signs of chronic renal failure;
  • pyelocystitis;
  • convergence of puffiness against the background of taking glucocorticosteroids in nephrotic syndrome;


A dangerous sign that causes the accumulation of urea, nitrogenous compounds, creatinine, poisons in the body. When urine is practically not removed or the volume of urine is less than 50 ml.

Harding at Loma Linda University School of Public Health. He studied two types of spiders, using many people for this. He found a species that created a beautiful, large, symmetrical web and used it for further experiments. In a clever way, using a microscopic needle, they injected a tiny dose of caffeine into the spiders. Each of them received a dose corresponding to two cups of coffee drunk by adults.

Then the spider webs were investigated. All were completely distorted, small, consisted of only a few threads, and they looked miserable. There were thirty, thirty-five perfect circles of silky thread in the caffeine cloths before giving the caffeine. Meanwhile, woven forty-eight hours after caffeine showed distortion and contained only twelve to thirteen rings. Seventy-two hours later, there was still some sort of deformation. The appearance of the web returned to normal only after ninety-six hours!

The reasons:

  • the true form occurs with problems with the secretion of urine: (severe form), acute renal failure, damage to the spinal cord;
  • a false form of anuria appears when there are problems with the excretion of fluid against the background of blockage of the ducts by a stone or tumor.

Daily diuresis: normal

The tables contain data for children different ages and adults. Knowing the normative indicators allows parents and each person to assess whether there are problems with the secretion and excretion of urine.

Caffeine, as well as stress, affects levels of cortisol, a hormone released during stress, prof. William Lovallo of medical center Oklahoma. Lovallo spotted 31 youths. All participants regularly drank coffee. AT stressful situations There was another surge in pressure. A relatively small dose of caffeine affected the body for 12 hours. It's often a mistake to get to coffee in embarrassing situations. Another misconception- frequency of coffee consumption. Some people think that after years of drinking this drink, we have become resistant to it, notes William Lovallo.

Optimal values ​​in children


On a note! The frequency of urination decreases as the child grows older. Children under 6 months urinate up to 20 or more times a day, at 7 years old - up to 9 times, in adolescence- up to 7 times.

The norm of indicators in adults

Average values:

diuresis during pregnancy

Coffee has no long-term effect. On the other hand, repeated stress predisposes to the development of hypertension. The combination of these two factors may have Negative consequences for good health. Their impact on each of us is different, so each case should be considered individually, - adds prof.

Coffee stimulates the cerebral cortex. In the case of a healthy person, it makes the body "ready". Increases alertness and aggression. The performance of simple intellectual tasks has been improved, but the impact on complex thought processes is no longer so obvious. Through serotonin, it elevates mood or artificially stimulates the chemistry of the pleasure system. Chronic restlessness, irritability, nervousness, and a general increase in aggression may also be associated with chronic consequences drinking coffee.

A woman in all trimesters takes a urine test to monitor kidney function. With an increase in swelling, suspicion of development, inflammatory processes in the bean-shaped organs, kidney failure(chronic and acute form) is not enough: there is no ratio of fluid consumed and excreted.

To clarify the indicators, a woman keeps records of daily diuresis during pregnancy using a special method. Data analysis (in combination with other studies) allows the nephrologist to evaluate the work of the kidneys, to find out the cause of the increasing swelling.

as show latest research, the sense of well-being that coffee produces is illusory. In fact, it ultimately increases stress levels and reduces concentration. Frequent use caffeinated beverages reduce work efficiency and dehydrate the body. Dr. David Lewis, a stress specialist who specializes in research, said: Studies have shown that coffee contains methylxanthine dehydration, combined with a dose of caffeine to increase stress levels and reduce concentration.

As little as 350 milligrams of caffeine per day can cause a decrease in concentration and increased stress. The average cup of coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine. At the same time, it has been shown that already 2% dehydration has a negative effect on concentration and increases the tendency to irritation.

A woman starts a notebook in which she writes:

  • the first column is how much liquid was received per day. It is important to include soup, tea, juice, herbal decoctions, kissel, borscht, broth. Liquid in vegetables and fruits is not included in the calculation. During the study period, it is desirable to observe the usual drinking regimen, do not use diuretic products (cucumbers, watermelons, melons, celery, peaches) and diuretics;
  • the second column is how much urine is excreted per day. It is important to collect all the urine so that the readings are accurate. You will need a measuring container with divisions, patience, accuracy in measuring and keeping a water balance diary;
  • record for several days. At the end of the day, you need to summarize the data from each column, compare the indicators. In the absence of deviations, the amount of liquid excreted and consumed is approximately equal. If the discrepancy is too great, the doctor will refer to additional examination to determine the reason for the deviation.

Find out the instructions for use for the treatment of cystitis.

A healthy person, rested, will easily notice the negative effects of drinking coffee. Another thing is that people are "upset" or tired. Such people feel that coffee is a "flow of energy" and mood addiction improves. This is because their "control center" was "preemptively" moved to a more low level- to feel normal, they must accept the speed.

The effect of caffeine on sleep is pronounced: it crowds out sleep, usually delays sleep, reduces sleep time and reduces its “depth”. Sleep after caffeine consumption is easier to wake up, more restless during sleep, and less noticeable in sleep quality. Caffeine addicts can suffer chronic insomnia, constant anxiety.

  • at inflammatory processes prescribe antibiotics, painkillers, diuretics, nitrofurans, herbal;
  • when identifying clogging ducts, the dissolution of small formations with the help of special preparations or percutaneous lithotripsy is required. For removing big stones prescribe an open abdominal operation;
  • if oliguria, polyuria or anuria develops as a sign endocrine diseases, hypertension, then doctors treat background disease. Stabilization of the patient's condition gradually returns diuresis to normal or deviations become less pronounced;
  • with hormonal disruptions caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland, admission required hormonal drugs, compositions that eliminate neurological signs, potassium-sparing agents, Veroshpiron. At vascular pathologies, disrupting the blood supply to the kidneys, is required surgery to restore the patency of arteries and veins.

Daily diuresis, fluctuations in urine volume during the day and at night - important indicators, the analysis of which tells the doctor a lot when diagnosing and monitoring the treatment of urological pathologies. To clarify the water balance, an assessment is made of the amount of fluid received and excreted for certain period, compare the values ​​with the norm. If abnormalities are detected, the urologist or nephrologist prescribes treatment for pathologies of the urinary tract and kidneys, if diseases of other organs are detected, an endocrinologist, neurologist, and pediatrician are connected to the treatment.

The artificially induced stress response leads to an increase in pressure which falls below normal level for the individual in the next phase. The body, protecting itself from external pressure, increases, becomes “prophylactically” at a lower level. The caffeine-weary gets frustrated in the morning and can't start the day with anything other than a cup of coffee. Stubborn manipulation of the “regulator” of pressure ultimately leads to its “non-regulation”. Depending on the constitution, in some cases this can lead to the development of real hypertension over time, and in others chronic, more and more resistant to caffeine.

Diuresis represents the volume of urine that is formed in the human body for a certain specific time. The most commonly used concept daily diuresis– that is, measuring the volume of urine produced in 24 hours, as well as minute diuresis. The latter value is usually used when studying kidney function using method clearance.

The daily urine output of an adult healthy person is about 65-75% of the volume of fluid drunk per day. To select all necessary products the kidney needs at least 500 ml, so it is easy to calculate that a person needs to consume at least 800 ml of fluid per day, which is the lower threshold. Under the normal water regime, which implies the use of 1-2 liters of liquid, the daily diuresis will be from 800 to 1500 ml, and the minute diuresis will be 0.55-1 ml, respectively.

Various pathological conditions can affect the excretion of urine, and significantly. Distinguish - urine output less than 200 ml per day under normal water conditions, oliguria- excretion of no more than half a liter of urine per day, as well as polyuria- excretion of up to three liters of urine during normal use of urine.

Also distinguish night and diurnal diuresis. The ratio of daytime to nighttime diuresis in a healthy person is usually 3 to 1 or 4 to 1. nocturia- This is a pathology that develops when this ratio changes in favor of nocturnal diuresis.

In addition, diuresis is distinguished depending on the volume of urine and the amount of excreted active substances:

  • Water
  • Antidiuresis
  • Osmotic diuresis

Water diuresis is characterized by a large volume of urine with an extremely low content of osmotic substances. It is a selection hypoosmolar urine. At healthy people water diuresis can develop against the background of the consumption of a large volume of liquid, during the transition to a state of weightlessness, as well as to bed rest from normal motor activity. It is also characteristic of postencephalitic, psychogenic and primary polydipsia, in terminal stage chronic kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, renal diabetes insipidus, as well as in the phase of convergence of edema.

Antidiuresis is characterized by a small volume of urine together with a high concentration of active osmotic substances.

Osmotic diuresis is the excretion a large number urine due to increased excretion of active substances. It usually develops due to excessive loading of the nephron section with exogenous active substances ( simple sugars, mannitol) and endogenous origin (bicarbonate, urea, glucose). When the presence of active substances in concentrations that exceed the ability to reabsorb them, as well as exogenous non-reabsorbed substances, an accelerated fluid flow occurs in the lumen of the tubules. Thus, a large volume of urine is excreted during high concentration it contains osmotic active substances. The sodium content, for example, is 50-70 mmol/l. As a rule, this condition can develop with the use of osmotic diuretics, chronic renal failure, and diabetes mellitus.

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