What kind of doctor is a pediatric osteopath. Osteopathy for children

Osteopathy for children is a manual technique that focuses on restoring energy and stabilizing the normal circulation of fluids in the body, as well as eliminating the child's functional blocks. Thanks to it, you can achieve necessary conditions for optimal motor activity and an appropriate standard of living.

There are many drugs that help to cope with any deviation. However, many medicines have a number side effects and contraindications, significantly narrowing their potential in pediatric practice. AT recent times treatment methods are rapidly gaining momentum without medical preparations. One of such technologies for influencing the child's body is considered to be children's osteopathy, which cannot be perceived as a more lightweight form. adult therapy because it is a completely different, independent field of activity.

Osteopathy for children makes it possible to effectively treat various pathologies. It should be noted that this direction can be used when working with children of any age categories because she operates a wide range manipulations, tricks and diagnostic methods. Osteopathic methods of treatment for a child are absolutely safe and quite effective. In the process of treatment by an osteopath, only manual influence is used, which cannot harm health.

A qualified pediatric osteopath is able to correctly and quickly identify disorders that occur in various organs and systems of the body and successfully deal with them. After such treatment, the child begins to feel vivacity, a surge vital energy and tranquility.

What is Osteopathy for Children?

When to See a Pediatric Osteopath

It is recommended to contact the osteopathic clinic as soon as possible. Immediately after discharge from maternity hospital the newborn should be brought to a specialist. The first session will provide an opportunity to mitigate or completely remove the traumatic consequences after childbirth on the baby's head.

The manual work of an osteopath will bring an improvement in the baby's condition. In the first weeks of life, it is important to create comfortable and favorable conditions so that the child can adjust to the new environment.

Should be paid Special attention to the fact that a visit to a pediatric osteopath in the clinic does not replace or cancel the observation by the attending physician or pediatrician. These are different consultations that complement, not replace each other. Concerning osteopathic therapy, modeling and examination of the skull of a newborn should be carried out as early as possible, in the first weeks of a baby's life.

Consider the possibilities osteopathic treatment on the different stages child development.

  • From birth to 3 months

    The most suitable period for the correction of various anomalies in the shape of the skull: flattening, asymmetries, distortions, torsion, curvature, etc. Balancing the intracranial membranes and modeling the skull does not cause difficulties due to open fontanelles, plastic bones, as well as soft and wide sutures between the bones.

  • 3 to 6 months

    There are fewer chances for correction, since the fontanelles gradually close, the sutures are sealed, and the bones grow together. However, in general, the skull is quite plastic and well modeled. Correction of cranial asymmetries is fully possible.

  • From 6 months to a year

    The older the child, the closer the structure of his body is to completion. Osteopathic intervention becomes less effective, but quite acceptable. The occipital bone is still composed of four bones, and the large fontanelle has not yet completely closed. The time for correcting pathologies has not yet been lost, however, in order to achieve the desired results, the correction will require more visits and will be longer.

  • From 1 year to 3 years

    By this period, all fontanelles are closed. Jagged edges are also formed cranial bones, which, gradually approaching, create a strong seam. The upper sky appears and begins to grow in the vertical direction upper jaw. The occipital bone gradually ossifies.

    Correction of dysfunctions is still possible, however modeling becomes more difficult and needs more sessions.

  • From 3 to 6 years

    Up to three years of a child's life, the sutures gradually close, and the bone becomes dense. upper sky already formed. By the age of six, the cartilaginous base of the skull ossifies. Ends cranial ossification. It should be remembered that certain bones complete the process of ossification by 16 or even 25 years. The mobility of the bones is less, but does not disappear. Modeling the skull is increasingly difficult, but pathological correction is still possible.

Correction of asymmetries of the face and skull should be started as early as possible. Bone mobility can be corrected at any time. age period. This modeling is effective throughout life.

Indications for the use of osteopathic treatment

Osteopathic methods can be used for various pathological conditions, among which are the following:

Osteopathy for children is absolutely painless and has a very mild effect. Therefore, the popularity of such methods when working with children shows that they are really effective and give positive results. therapeutic results. Such methods of influence are individual in nature and are aimed at finding harmony and balance, taking into account the state of health of the child, his living conditions and psychological state.

How does a pediatric osteopath work?

Osteopathy provides manual therapy to the child's body. It is the fingers and hands of the osteopathic doctor who look for pathologies at the level of the face and head. So you can feel the cranial rhythms and rhythms of the fascia, evaluate functional state bodies, spinal column and each vertebra. The specialist also draws attention to the pelvis, which consists of many bones; lower and upper limbs. Feet are worked out in order to relieve deformations and stresses. All types of modeling improve and normalize the dynamics of the cranial rhythm.

The doctor works with traditional techniques created by the classics of osteopathy. The impact techniques are constantly updated, which significantly expands the boundaries and therapeutic possibilities of such treatment.

The osteopath's hands are applied directly to the structure that needs help. They allow her to gain balance, symmetry and mobility, return the normal, most effective anatomical location.

During the osteopathic session, the child may fall asleep. His face and body relax. This suggests that thanks to the fascial and cranial treatment, he is relieved of many tensions.

After visits to the osteopath, each child behaves differently. Those babies who often wake up at night and sleep poorly during the day, as a rule, sleep after the session. deep sleep 8-10 hours, skipping a few feedings. Over time, their sleep improves.

Modern methods of osteopathy for children have positive reviews. Many studies have proven their effectiveness in various birth injuries (hypertonicity, subluxation, hypotension, torticollis).

From resources child's body will depend on how quickly he will be able to adapt to external conditions and how painless the process will be. Children's manual therapy in combination with traditional osteopathic methods can give excellent results. During the procedures, the doctor will be able to relieve stress muscular system, harmonize the state of internal energy and help release the hidden potential of the body.

Traditional medicine considers a person as a collection of individual elements, such as muscles, bones, joints, blood vessels, nerves and internal organs. Diseases are considered a sequence of certain pathological processes caused by a failure in a specific component of the human body.

The opinion of osteopaths differs significantly from the point of view of supporters traditional medicine. Considering the organism as a whole, they assume that it is able to independently produce drugs, respond to environmental influences and heal itself.

Osteopaths study the connections between the elements that make up the body. The treatment takes place with the help of special, non-traumatic techniques: with hand movements, the doctor corrects the flaws that have arisen in the anatomical structure of the body.

The main task of the doctor is to determine the true cause of the disease, and treatment leads not only to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease, but also to complete recovery.

ATTENTION! Osteopathy is not a scientifically based treatment! Anyone who decides to expose himself similar treatment, does it at your own peril and risk - the consequences can be unpredictable! For all diseases, it is necessary to initially consult a general practitioner, and not an osteopath.

Children's osteopathy

Osteopathy is widely used in pediatrics. Children of different ages can undergo treatment:

  • Children under 2 years old (babies);
  • From 2 to 6 years.

Children under 2 years old

In the first 2 years of a baby's life, his future health is laid. You can start treating a child from birth. So, for example, after taking it, sleep becomes healthy and colic disappears. In addition, children who have undergone osteopathic treatment may be ahead of their peers in development.

At infants an osteopath can treat:

  • Birth traumas and their consequences. Despite the naturalness of this biological process Approximately 80% of babies are born with injuries. An experienced osteopath can easily identify the slightest deviations in the development of the baby and prevent them using one of 3000 painless soft techniques and starting the process of so-called self-healing. There are such consequences of birth injuries as: brain dysfunctions(MMD), head asymmetry, hyperactivity, developmental delays, torticollis and hypertonicity.
  • Small brain dysfunctions (MMD). In medicine this term appears relatively recently and is used to designate mild changes in the central nervous system. Schooling is more difficult for such children, they require a special approach and attention. Osteopathy has proven itself quite well in the treatment of this disease. How to understand that a child needs help and it's time to turn to an osteopath?

Symptoms of MMD:

  1. Frequent crying and crying of the child without apparent reason(for babies). At any age, restless sleep is characteristic.
  2. head asymmetry.
  3. Meteorological dependence.
  4. Hyper/hypodynamia.
  5. Developmental delay relative to peers. It may manifest itself in the fact that the child long time walks on toes.
  6. Strabismus and other vision problems. There may be nearsightedness and astigmatism.
  7. Problems with posture, the first signs of scoliosis or flat feet may appear.
  8. The child is often sick and has weak immunity to viral diseases.
  9. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Problems with speech and coordination of movements.

These symptoms may also indicate other diseases that can be effectively treated with osteopathic methods. The osteopath affects the child's central nervous system and improves the circulatory system. The duration of the procedure takes 20-25 minutes, it is recommended to carry out them once a week. In some cases, improvement becomes noticeable after the first dose. As a rule, 4-5 procedures are enough to optimize blood circulation, but their number is selected for each child individually.

Torticollis Hypertonicity Allergy

Children from 2 to 6 years old

From 2 to 6 years old, children grow and develop most actively. If you notice any deviations in the development of the child, do not panic! Since the body has not yet had time to fully form, everything can be corrected by effective and proper treatment. In children of this age, an osteopath can cure:


Despite the fact that a pediatric osteopath effectively treats many pathologies, in some cases it is advisable to turn to another specialist.

When a child has a severe dislocation or bruise, it is necessary to seek first aid from a traumatologist, who is not the responsibility of an osteopath.

A categorical contraindication to visiting an osteopathic specialist - oncological diseases. Manual impact with malignant tumor very dangerous to health and can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to choose a specialist

If you need good doctor, you should not search for an osteopath in public clinics. Narrow specialists work mainly in private offices and specialized medical centers.

The higher the professionalism and qualifications of the doctor, the more people who want to get an appointment with him, so a good osteopath has an appointment strictly by appointment. Call and sign up in advance, you may have to wait a few weeks for your turn.

When choosing a doctor, be guided by the reviews of parents who have already undergone treatment with him, the education and experience of a specialist. On the Internet today you can find a lot of offers from scammers, so carefully check any information.

Since treatment by an osteopath in many cases is long and you will often have to communicate with a specialist, it is important that the doctor not only does his job well, but also can find a common language with a small patient. It is impossible to predict the results of treatment after the first procedures. It is possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the course only after its final completion.

Osteopathic treatment is suitable for children of all ages. Starting with children of the first days of life, ending with teenagers. The reason for contacting an osteopath with a newborn child is birth trauma, which, as the baby grows up, will manifest itself as dysfunctions of various organs and systems in general. According to statistics, about 80% of newborns receive birth injuries. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to notice the presence of these injuries, and only after a certain period of time, their consequences attract attention.

Below we offer you to consider the most common pathologies that can be dealt with using osteopathic techniques in our center, we will try to explain possible reasons and mechanisms for their elimination.

  1. In the first year of a child's life, parents most often face such problems as:
  • child's anxiety. It manifests itself in the form of sleep disturbance, crying even after feeding. The reason for this behavior may be a disorder of the central nervous system, increased intracranial pressure, circulatory disorders, birth trauma. It is the osteopathic doctor who, after examining the child, will be able to establish true reason this condition and eliminate it.
  • Frequent colic. Constant bloating belly, against the background of this poor appetite and sleep disturbance. All this may be due to a violation of the stool (liquid, or vice versa, constipation). Pediatricians often diagnose "dysbacteriosis", but this is not the true cause of the problem.
  • Frequent and profuse regurgitation. Basically for kids. infancy the presence of not too abundant regurgitation is a variant of the norm. But if a child spits up a fountain, it must be shown to a specialist. Because one of the causes of this condition is the presence of spasm in the abdominal cavity.
  • Dysplasia of the hip joint. Not always this pathology can be detected in the first days of a child's life. That is why, for diagnostic purposes, at the age of one month, ultrasound of the hip joints is performed. The doctors of our center have extensive experience in the treatment of this pathology. Often, when hip dysplasia is detected by ultrasound, the cause is a mechanical violation of the relative position pelvic bone and thigh, which is the result of a violation prenatal development or birth injury.
  • Torticollis.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. Most often, medications prescribed by a neurologist have a temporary effect, because do not eliminate the cause of the disease. It is the osteopath who can restore correct location skull bones, remove compression, normalize the blood and lymph circulation of the brain, which will allow the brain to function properly and lead to the normalization of intracranial pressure.
  • Delayed psychomotor development. It can also be the result of birth trauma.

2. Children of preschool and school age. The consequence of birth trauma at this age may be:

  • violation of posture (scoliosis, flat feet);
  • delay speech development, stuttering;
  • hyperactivity;
  • enuresis;
  • frequent diseases of ENT organs;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • poor eyesight.

Treatment for any disease must begin as early as possible. Therefore, if your child has any of the above pathologies, contact an osteopath, eliminate the root of the problem, and do not deal with the symptoms.

What is osteopathy, why is it used in pediatrics, what symptoms will make you come for a consultation, how can an osteopath help your child to be healthy? This was told to ELLE by Igor Ostrey, osteopathic doctor of the Eurasian Clinic EA Clinic

To begin with, a few words about what osteopathy is, its place in the system modern medicine. Osteopathy is a relatively new direction for Russia, although it has long been recognized effective method treatment in all developed countries. Osteopathy is included in the list of mandatory actions for large numbers diseases. Osteopathy is trusted and has high hopes for it, because it is complete system where diagnosis and treatment is carried out without the use of drugs - with the help of the doctor's hands, whose main tool is his sensitive fingers. With the help of light touches, the doctor determines the problem areas of the body: clamps, displacements, tensions in tissues and organs, which often cannot be detected even with hardware studies. The osteopath, in just a few sessions, brings them back to normal. In many cases, osteopathy has become an alternative to therapeutic and even sometimes surgical methods treatment.

Osteopathic treatment is very mild, physiological, therefore it is well tolerated by children and has practically no negative side effects. Osteopathy considers a person as a whole. This means that any local disturbance forms chains of disorders in other systems and organs, therefore the whole organism must be treated, and not individual symptoms. Affecting the entire body musculoskeletal system, internal organs, bones of the skull, sacrum and brain structures (craniosacral system), blood vessels), osteopathy significantly improves the general condition.

ELLE What is the difference between osteopathy and manual therapy? Isn't it dangerous for a child?

OSTREY IGOR ANATOLYEVICH Unlike osteopathy, manual therapy is based on rather hard and sharp impacts on the spine. The tissues and structures of the child are quite soft and mobile, so there is no need for such strong impacts- they can be dangerous. Osteopathy, on the contrary, has a mild, but deep and comprehensive effect on the body. little patient with the highest possible effect, allows you to achieve anatomical and functional balance without the use of force, without negative side effects.

ELLE When should a child be seen by an osteopath?

O.I.A. It is necessary to contact an osteopath immediately after childbirth, when the parents have such an opportunity: the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is. What can be fixed in a few sessions early age, may stretch for months and years at a later date. But, by and large, the health of the baby largely depends on the health of mom and dad. Therefore, the pledge of birth healthy child- elimination of health problems in future parents, especially mothers. And here the role of the osteopath is very significant. A doctor can help a woman prepare for pregnancy and childbirth by eliminating causes that may bad influence to these processes.

ELLE Is it necessary to consult an osteopath if the child does not have any abnormalities during examination by specialists and during hardware diagnostics?

O.I.A. Yes, it's needed. According to osteopathic associations different countries, up to 90% of children receive birth injuries, which in most cases are not diagnosed due to the insignificance of symptoms, but can have an inhibitory effect on the development of the child, create problems for him for the rest of his life. These disorders can be identified and eliminated in several sessions by an osteopath. Therefore, it is desirable that every newborn is examined by an osteopath.

ELLE And yet, how to determine that a child definitely needs an osteopath?

O.I.A. If there are predisposing factors and clinical manifestations childbirth trauma. Predisposing factors - unfavorable course of pregnancy and childbirth. With a complicated course of pregnancy, the blood supply to the fetus worsens, its progress through the birth canal is disturbed.

Unfavorable course of childbirth - premature, fast or vice versa difficult long labor, labor induction, fetal extrusion, obstetric aids (vacuum extractors and forceps), childbirth in the front and breech presentation, C-section- all this leads to birth trauma. Epidural anesthesia also disrupts the natural tribal activity, changing the load on the baby's head. In all these cases, you should definitely show the baby to an osteopath.

ELLE It is believed that during a caesarean section, the child does not experience stress compared to normal delivery, and such births are the most favorable. Is it so?

O.I.A. This is not true. Even with a planned caesarean section, the head and cervical spine of the fetus are often injured during its extraction. Also happening sharp rise intracranial pressure with damage to brain structures during a sharp transition from the uterine cavity, where more high pressure, under conditions of lower atmospheric pressure. In addition, without passing through the birth canal, the child does not produce stress hormones, there is no modeling of the skull, which does not provide a sufficient stimulus for further development. Therefore, a caesarean section direct reading to osteopathic treatment.

ELLE What symptoms in an infant should alert a mother and be a reason for a visit to an osteopath?

O.I.A. There are a number of symptoms: low or high muscle tone, uneven skull, strabismus, torticollis, asymmetrical body position, skin folds, the child sleeps on the same side, the head is always turned in the same direction, different sizes palpebral fissures, lacrimation, the baby often or constantly cries, sucks poorly, often burps, hiccups, has difficulty swallowing, calms down only in the arms and cannot be in horizontal position, intestinal colic. These disorders appear immediately after birth. In the future, there may be signs of a lag in psychomotor development: the child later begins to hold his head, roll over, sit, crawl (or skip the crawling stage altogether), walk, talk.

ELLE What is required for the first visit to an osteopath?

O.I.A. It is necessary to bring documents: an extract from the hospital, extracts from the hospital, if you had to be there with the child, outpatient card with pictures, analyzes, expert opinions, etc.

ELLE How does an osteopathic session take place?

O.I.A. The osteopathic doctor finds out what worries or what violations the mother notes in the child, how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, studies the documentation. Then he conducts an orthopedic, neurological and osteopathic examination of the child, diagnoses disorders and draws up a treatment plan. The osteopathy procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. Course treatment is chosen individually, most often from 2-3 to 5-6 procedures with a frequency of 1 time per week. If necessary, control sessions are scheduled once every 1-3 months, or a second course after a certain period.

ELLE A visit and treatment by an osteopath can replace consultations pediatric neurologist, orthopedist, pediatrician?

O.I.A. No, although an osteopath necessarily evaluates the neurological and orthopedic status of a child, a visit and treatment by an osteopath does not replace, but complements the consultations of specialists.

ELLE What problems can an osteopath help solve in older children?

O.I.A. In preschool children, indications for treatment by an osteopath will be: frequent colds, chronic otitis media, runny nose, rhinopharyngitis, speech disorders, abdominal pain, constipation, visual impairment, hyperactivity and attention deficit, falling backwards, on the buttocks, hitting the head even without visible consequences.

In school-age children: learning difficulties, frequent headaches, nervousness, restlessness, chronic diseases ENT organs, bedwetting, bite problems, posture disorders, scoliosis, flat feet, decreased vision, pain in the abdomen, back, fatigue, sweating.

ELLE How can an osteopath help with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children?

O.I.A. Otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis are very common in children, difficult to treat and prone to relapse. Recurrent otitis media in children, for example, may be associated with misalignment and malfunction temporal bones as a result of birth trauma. In diseases of the nose, most often suffer ethmoid bone and paranasal sinuses. Medicines and physiotherapy cannot eliminate this disorder; only osteopathic correction of the skull bones can help here. We said that any violation leads to a reaction of the whole organism. Therefore, the task of an osteopath in ENT pathology is to restore the overall balance of the body, the mobility of the bones of the skull and sacrum, to improve the drainage function of the sinuses, to provide good venous and lymphatic drainage from problem areas, balance the tone of the autonomic nervous system, the irritation of which leads to excessive secretion of mucus. Osteopathy can also help with eye diseases.

ELLE What opportunities does osteopathy have for speech disorders in children?

O.I.A. Most common causes speech disorders are dystonia of the speech muscles, tongue, displacement of the hyoid bone. All this is the result of damage to the upper cervical spine and hypoglossal nerve in the trauma canal occipital bone. Accordingly, work on these structures accelerates the formation of the correct speech function. The work is carried out in parallel with classes with a speech therapist.

ELLE Many children complain about headache how can you help here?

O.I.A. It can be difficult to determine the cause of a headache. If it cannot be detected during examination and hardware examinations, it is necessary to contact an osteopath. Regular headaches in children, most often, are the result of injuries and bruises, which lead to displacements of the skull bones, tension meninges, deterioration of venous outflow. In this case, the osteopath will definitely help the child.

ELLE You can often hear about schoolchildren who have learning problems due to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

O.I.A. Yes, these diagnoses are common these days. This is due to neuropsychological problems in the child. An osteopath can help in this situation too, restoring the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, balancing and freeing the craniosacral system, improving the regulation of brain functions.

ELLE What are the contraindications for osteopathic treatment in children?

O.I.A. There are few contraindications, most often they are temporary. These are feverish conditions, acute infectious diseases, chronic infectious diseases in the acute phase, acute injuries, acute surgical diseases, diseases associated with general serious condition, infectious diseases of the skin and bleeding.

Until a certain age, the child is unable to report feeling unwell and discomfort. Even having learned to speak, he often cannot, hesitates to explain that something is wrong with him. This manifests itself in many anxiety symptoms, but ultrasound and tests do not show diseases in children, and pediatricians, neurologists and orthopedists claim that early children's period not without such difficulties.

When Do You Need an Osteopath?

Especially if there are such diseases or factors:

  • birth trauma, which can be obtained both with natural delivery and with caesarean section;
  • frequent profuse regurgitation of the baby, colic, poor sleep and appetite, constant crying;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • torticollis, hip dysplasia;
  • violations of muscle tone;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • delay in physical, motor, psycho-speech, mental development;
  • hyperactivity, behavioral deviations;
  • curvature of posture;
  • weak immunity, impaired thermoregulation of the body;
  • digestive disorders.

A pediatrician carefully and gently examines both the baby and the teenager. The available medical reports, the results of examinations are taken into account, the osteopath himself, at the slightest suspicion, directs him to the hardware or laboratory diagnostics. Osteopathy can act as an alternative traditional methods treatment, and accompany them for the best effect.

Osteopathy for the little ones

Why does a newborn need an osteopath? The child was successfully born and received a high Apgar score, but this does not always indicate his absolute health. He is at risk if he experienced in the womb or during childbirth oxygen starvation or survived strong pressure in the region of the skull, neck. With natural contractions, normal oxygen supply and smooth passage birth canal cranium changes shape and then returns to normal.

Pathological changes in the baby's body occur most often for the following reasons:

  • stimulation of labor with artificial oxytocin;
  • awkward posture and wrong breathing women in labor;
  • vacuum extraction, forceps or prohibited Kristeller's technique (squeezing) in the work of obstetricians;
  • long or fast labor;
  • narrow mother's pelvis, wrong position fetus;
  • emergency CS after a long stay in labor;

Almost always, as a result of such childbirth, the child receives a set of injuries that eventually learns to compensate. These include displacement of the bones of the head, damage to the neck and sacral departments spine. The baby experiences pain, difficulty turning the head in one direction or another, there is tightness, stiffness in movements, they are pinched blood vessels, elements of the nervous system, squeezing of organs occurs. Hence, violations of the stool in a child, refusal to eat, sweating, anxiety and many other symptoms.

This does not always result in serious diagnoses in children, in most cases no abnormalities are diagnosed, and alarming “bells” can be noted only after a few years, when it is difficult to change anything drastically. Treatment by an osteopathic doctor in the first days or weeks will help to correct the situation as much as possible.

The child definitely needs to be shown to the osteopathic doctor after resuscitation. For example, using ventilator(plus the problem that led to it) is the risk of neck and pelvic clamps, breathing complications, and drug sleep and anesthesia affect brain activity.

Help for growing children

The development of a child often does not fit into the framework established by science, which makes parents anxious about his health. He is restless, hyper-excitable, difficult to learn, does not speak by a certain age or speaks badly, oddities are noted in his behavior, he does not make contact. Osteopathy has a clear opinion on this: in most cases, this is a consequence of damage to the neck and skull, usually during childbirth, hypoxia, obstetric or household injuries. Any injury to the head or cervical region is a concussion that requires a visit to a specialist, even if the baby is cheerful and cheerful in a minute. At first glance, the child's body tolerates traumatic situations more easily, its adaptation is laid down by nature, but they result in disappointing consequences.

An osteopath is indispensable for:

  • attention deficit disorder,
  • autism and autistic disorders,
  • convulsive phenomena, including those due to epilepsy.

After the procedures, mental activity is activated, symptoms are relieved. Often already found in younger preschoolers, and especially in schoolchildren, back problems, stoop, scoliosis, flat feet, headaches, eye pressure. If professional sports occupy a large place in a child’s life, classes can adversely affect musculoskeletal system and lead to its early destruction.

old injuries and heavy loads- a reason to undergo treatment with an osteopath. Timely appeal to an osteopath will help reduce or completely eliminate Negative consequences and avoid serious illnesses in future.

How is the diagnosis carried out

Osteopathic examination does not cause negative feelings in children at any age. The young patient is examined visually, the doctor carefully palpates skin, revealing changes in the skeletal structure, areas muscle tension, mobility restrictions. At certain moments, the osteopath motionlessly “listens” to the body. When examining a baby, the osteopath gently abducts, flexes and unbends his limbs, sits down, looks at the support on his legs, evaluates the turn of the neck. An older child can already be asked to get involved in the work, to perform certain movements.

The first visit to an osteopath allows you to find real reason anxiety. The main areas of osteopathy work with the musculoskeletal structure, skull and internal organs seeing the body as a whole. Often, the only reception after the examination completely solves the problem and restores blocked functions. The more neglected the case, the more “breakdowns” the body has, the longer the path of treatment will be.

Healing process

The osteopath uses exclusively sparing manual techniques without side effects and without causing stress.

Methods of osteopathy are divided depending on the area of ​​influence:

A pediatric osteopath uses all the techniques, but a visit to a doctor narrow specialization with the dominance of a specific dysfunction, it turns out to be the most effective. Treatment is carried out with fingers, palms. The sensitivity of the osteopath's hands allows him to eliminate damage without pressure and sudden movements which is important for the child's body and psyche. For a few minutes, the doctor's hands seem to freeze in one place, but at these moments, important recovery work is also underway.

Toddlers, due to age or increased excitability, often cannot lie still, but often a crying patient calms down and falls asleep under the hands of an osteopath. First positive effects most often observed on the same day.

Reception at the clinic

Osteopaths of our center have rich long-term experience in rehabilitation treatment working with patients from the first days of life to a deep old age. Having a higher medical and osteopathic education, all specialists are constantly improving in new techniques, in foreign and domestic schools. Our staff also employs a neonatologist with almost 30 years of experience in the maternity hospital.

The treatment process can take from one to ten sessions with an interval of one to two weeks. It is important to follow the recommendations of the osteopath after each visit: maintain a certain break, observe the activity and rest regimen. It is important not to miss the contraindications, which, although few, but they are: oncology out of remission, infectious diseases, internal and open wounds, fresh fractures, chronic diseases in the acute stage.

The activity of osteopaths is aimed at finding and eliminating the root cause of the disease or discomfort, at “repairing” the whole body. It makes no sense to treat any organ if the balance is disturbed. This will lead to a relapse or some other kind of failure.

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