Allergic cough in adults. Allergic cough: symptoms and treatment in adults. Other signs of allergy

Cough can signal the development of various diseases. Often people confuse an allergic cough with a manifestation of an acute respiratory disease (pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis) and begin to treat it with cold medicines or antibiotics. Such therapy will not only be ineffective, but can seriously aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of an allergic cough, as well as to know how to deal with them. In this article, we will take a closer look at this topic and answer all the important questions.

Causes of the development of allergic cough

Cough with allergies occurs in response to the ingestion of an element (substance), to which the immune system responds with hyperactivation. In most cases, coughing attacks are caused by aeroallergens - substances that are in the air.

The following factors can be the cause of the manifestation of a cough with allergies:

  • pollen weeds and medicinal herbs, trees, various flowers (garden, field, vegetable flowers, etc.);
  • household allergens. This category includes household products in the form of aerosols (sprays, fresheners, powder, blush), powder and other detergents, book or house dust, tobacco smoke;
  • mold fungi;
  • epidermis particles: feathers, fluff, wool or dander of pets, birds;
  • vaccines and medicines;
  • stings of bees or wasps;
  • some food.

The mechanism of development of cough in allergies

Cough is manifested by irritation of the bronchi caused by the ingestion of allergens. The substance acting as an allergen enters into chemical reactions with immunoglobulins - blood proteins responsible for the immune system. During this process, histamine is released from these cells, causing the development of an allergic reaction in humans. Once in the blood, this substance has a negative effect on the functioning of the body, causing such deviations as:

  • muscle spasms of the respiratory and digestive systems;
  • swelling of the vascular walls;
  • adrenaline rush;
  • increase in blood pressure.

It is spasms and irritation of the bronchi that provokes the development of an allergic cough.

Symptoms of an allergic cough and its difference from a cold

Despite the fact that an allergic cough is similar to a cold, it can be distinguished by a number of specific signs. Treatment can be started only after making sure of the allergic nature of its origin! Also, a person should try to remember what preceded the manifestation of such a condition - infection, hypothermia, or contact with an allergen.

There are 2 cardinal differences between an allergic cough and an inflammatory or bacterial one:

  • sputum color. With allergies, sputum is always clear;
  • cough development mechanism. Allergic cough in an adult in the first stage is always paroxysmal and can last from 2-3 hours to 3-4 days. Then its second stage begins, characterized by the release of a small amount of sputum of a transparent color and medium viscosity.

This development of events in an allergic reaction is associated with the occurrence of spasms and severe swelling of the respiratory mucosa. At first, a person is tormented by severe bronchospasm, he cannot control coughing fits. To prevent possible suffocation, the body softens the irritation of the bronchi by secreting mucus.

In addition, the distinctive symptoms of a cough with allergies are:

  • it appears unexpectedly, most often at night;
  • is dry. Only after a long bout of coughing can a person expectorate a small amount of clear mucus;
  • accompanied by severe itching in the larynx and difficulty breathing;
  • there is no increase in body temperature;
  • rash, dermatitis can be observed on the skin;
  • the throat does not turn red, there is no discomfort when swallowing;
  • the transition of a dry type of cough to a wet one is not observed;
  • most often occurs in the spring.

An allergic cough is characterized by a dry and barking character, a person is not able to control it. This condition is accompanied by the inability to breathe normally, wheezing and whistling in the chest. And with a respiratory disease, it is still manageable, quickly turns into wet, bringing relief.

Diagnostic measures

If a dry cough with allergies does not go away for a long time, it is worth visiting an allergist, therapist or pulmonologist. They will conduct the necessary examination and send it to the laboratory.

To identify the irritant and cause of allergic cough, the following types of differential diagnosis can be prescribed:

  • expanded ;
  • a swab from the pharynx and nasal cavity;
  • fluorography;
  • skin tests;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • radiography;
  • biopsy;
  • Mantoux test;
  • PCR diagnostics.

The detection of eosinophil cells in an amount of 5% and an increase in the level of immunoglobulin E in the blood will indicate the development of an allergy.

What to do first?

To alleviate the condition and stop severe coughing attacks, you can take the following measures:

  • if the allergen is known, it is necessary to completely exclude contact with it;
  • gargle and rinse the nasal passages with saline or water;
  • take an antihistamine;
  • carry out wet cleaning and remove dust from all surfaces, including upper cabinets and hard-to-reach places;
  • ventilate the room;
  • remove from the room all things and objects that can accumulate dust: carpets, rugs, blankets. Or you can replace them with hypoallergenic ones with synthetic filler;
  • remove pets from the premises and exclude contact with them;
  • wash things only with laundry or baby soap.

Having taken such measures, it is necessary to look at the reaction of the body. If the cough does not subside, be sure to consult an allergist.

Allergic cough treatment

Treatment of allergic cough in a hospital is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Prescribing antihistamines. This group of medicines lowers the level of histamine. Among them, older generation drugs can be distinguished, for example, Tavegil, Suprastin and. But they cause such side effects as drowsiness and lethargy, therefore, they are contraindicated in people who drive vehicles or are employed in jobs that require a quick reaction. In addition, they are quickly addictive and cease to help over time. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to new generation products, such as: Zirtek, Zaditen or Claritin. They differ in the duration of action and do not affect well-being. But they should be taken only after the approval of the doctor. You should also know that if the allergen is pollen or plant flowers, Ketotifen is used.
  2. The use of bronchodilators. Such drugs are designed to relax the muscles of the bronchi and eliminate spasms, which will greatly facilitate coughing. For example, Salbutamol, Beclamethasone or Eufillin may be prescribed. They can be bought in the form of inhalers or tablets.
  3. Use of mucolytics or expectorant medicines. The help of such funds is resorted to in cases where the cough is accompanied by difficult-to-separate transparent sputum. They help thin the mucus in the bronchi and improve the coughing process. Bromhexine, Ambroxol and Mukaltin are considered the most effective.
  4. Appointment of enterosorbents. It is advisable to take them only in cases where the cough is caused by the ingestion of the allergen into the body with food. Means with a sorbent action are able to quickly remove toxins from the body and neutralize them, thereby cleansing the body. Sorbents such as Smekta, Polypefan, are recognized as effective.

In addition, in a hospital setting, some procedures may be prescribed to combat a specific allergen. For example:

  • desensitization. This procedure is similar to vaccination. A small dose of the allergen is injected under the skin of a person. Gradually, the dosage of the administered substance is increased, while reducing the time intervals between injections. This will allow the body to get used to the allergen, reducing its sensitivity. But such treatment is lengthy and time consuming. In this case, the allergen must be precisely known. For example, it can be pet hair, plant pollen or insect bites;
  • blood purification (hemosorption, immunosorption, plasmapheresis, lymphocytopheresis). Such methods are used only in the most difficult cases, when it is necessary to cleanse the body of antibodies and allergens. During immunosorption and hemosorption, the blood is purified from harmful elements by passing it through absorbers (special sorbents). With lymphocytopheresis and plasmapheresis, the blood is divided into parts and treated with purifying substances.


Dry, barking cough and its accompanying symptoms in adults are also treated with a nebulizer - a device designed for bronchitis, tracheitis, colds and pharyngitis. It is filled with saline or mineral water. The device turns all the liquid into steam, which helps to clear the airways of irritants (allergens) and moisturizes their mucous membranes.

Mineral water can be replaced with special solutions:

  • "Pulmicort";
  • "Berodual";
  • "Eufillin";
  • "Ventolin";
  • "Berotek".

Such drugs help to expand the lumen of the bronchi, thereby facilitating breathing and reducing spasms. It is necessary to use and dilute such solutions for inhalation strictly according to the instructions or prescription of a doctor.

Instead of pharmaceutical solutions for inhalation, you can also use herbal tinctures prepared from plants such as:

  • dope leaves;
  • sage;
  • sowing rye;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme.

Folk methods of treatment

An allergic cough in adults can be treated with proven traditional medicine recipes. However, they can be combined with drugs.

The following folk remedies will help relieve coughing attacks and relieve spasms:

  • mustard plasters and camphor oil. It is necessary to rub the chest with oil, then put mustard plasters on top, after wetting them with warm water. After 15 minutes, mustard plasters are removed;
  • honey, laurel leaves and soda. Boil 3 leaves of laurel for 5 minutes in half a liter of water. Add about 1 gram of baking soda. Let cool. Put natural honey (20 grams) in a slightly warm solution. Drink a quarter cup when a coughing fit appears;
  • chamomile, lemon and black tea. Chamomile and tea are brewed in equal proportions, lemon is added. It is preferable to keep the finished drink in a thermos. Drink warm, slowly, in small sips;
  • celery. Freshly squeezed plant juice is drunk 30 drops before meals;
  • ginger root. It should be thoroughly washed and finely chopped. It is then brewed in a teapot like tea. Drink 100 ml up to 3 times a day.

A cough of an allergic nature of origin is very difficult: it becomes difficult to breathe, spasms and wheezing appear. It is important to be able to distinguish it from a cold and to properly help a person. In case of severe form or prolonged cough, be sure to contact an allergist. He will select the necessary treatment regimen, help determine the allergen. Remember, only the right therapy will help defeat an allergic cough!

Allergic cough paroxysmal and dry. Accompanied by itching in the throat and nose. Sometimes clear sputum is secreted, in which there are no purulent inclusions. Symptoms of an allergic cough in a child worsen in the evening and closer to night. Some attacks begin suddenly and last 1 to 2 hours. Only antihistamines can stop them. An allergic cough can turn into bronchitis or asthma if its cause is not eliminated in a timely manner.

Home diagnostics

Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis. Allergic cough can be provoked by:

  • dust and mites living in down pillows;
  • hair or saliva of a pet;
  • bird feathers;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • pollen of indoor and wild plants;
  • Food.

Mom, in order to determine the cause of pharyngitis, starts a child's diary. In it, she writes down what plants the baby came into contact with during a walk, what he ate, what he played with and washed his hands. In the diary, you need to indicate the composition of the dishes, as well as the brand of powder, baby shower gel and other detergents. If cats or dogs live in the house, the mother records the time when the child was in contact with the animal, and then the baby's reaction to the wool.

The most common food allergens to watch out for include:

  • citruses;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • exotic vegetables.

If it was not possible to independently determine the cause of the cough, the child is shown to a pediatrician and an allergist. Specialists give directions for biochemical and general blood tests, X-rays of the lungs and bronchi. For children from 3 years old, skin tests are done: several common allergens are applied to the forearm and the reaction is monitored. After identifying the cause, the doctor selects antihistamines that remove the cough and other symptoms.

Cleanliness and fresh air

The house where the allergic child lives should be clean. Parents dust daily, wash floors, regularly vacuum upholstered furniture and refuse carpets. Down pillows and blankets are replaced with options with synthetic fillers. Dirt, dust, sweat and mites do not accumulate in polyester and ecofiber. Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are also suitable for children.

An ordinary soft toy can provoke an allergy. The child is bought plastic cars, dolls and dishes, designers and various board games. But no teddy bears, bunnies and other animals.

Parents are forbidden to smoke in the house and even on the balcony. Smoke and the smell of tobacco that remains on clothes and seeps into rooms can cause bronchial spasms and an allergic dry cough.

Pets are regularly bathed, vaccinated and treated for fleas and worms. A child may perceive cat hair and saliva normally, but a dirty animal is a source of ticks, helminths and infections that weaken the immune system and make it susceptible to allergens.

Children who have a dry spasmodic cough should not walk near highways. Exhaust fumes and dust irritate the nasal mucosa and cause itching. In winter and autumn, you can go to the park and breathe fresh air. In spring and summer, during the period of active flowering, you should avoid alleys planted with shrubs, trees and ornamental plants.

Diet for cough

With an exacerbation of an allergic cough, all dangerous foods are removed from the child's diet:

  • orange vegetables and fruits;
  • almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and peanuts;
  • natural cow's milk;
  • mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • bee products;
  • chocolate and sweet pastries;
  • mushrooms;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • products containing preservatives.

Contraindicated in duck and goose allergy symptoms. With caution, the child is given chicken and turkey breast. Poultry meat is replaced with beef or rabbit. Instead of cow's milk, they give goat's milk, but in small quantities.

Green vegetables are allowed: zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers, white cabbage, eggplant, and cereals. Useful cottage cheese, prunes, bananas and black bread. You can green apples and boiled potatoes.

Prohibited foods are introduced into the children's diet after successful cough treatment. First, they give 30 g of pumpkin or red apple puree, then increase the portion if the body reacts normally to new components.

Products that cause an allergic cough are left on the menu. But they give the child literally 10-15 g of strawberries, mushrooms or milk. Gradually, the body gets used to the component and stops producing antibodies.

Cough preparations

An injection of "Suprastin" helps to quickly stop a coughing fit. The medicine is released in the form of tablets, but they act after 20 minutes. An injection removes allergy symptoms in 5-10 minutes.

Antihistamines are prescribed to children from the age of one month. Infants are prescribed "Fenistil" or "Suprastin". Patients from 6 months are given drops of "Ketotifen" and "Zyrtec". Children who are 1 year old are prescribed Zodak in liquid form and Erius.

Cetrin syrup is prescribed from the age of two, and Ketotifen tablets from the age of three. With an allergic cough, children are given Diazolin, Loratadin and Tavegil.

Between doses of antihistamines, it is recommended to cleanse the body with sorbents. Suitable "Polysorb", activated carbon, "Enterosgel" and "Polifepan". Means facilitate coughing fits, reducing the concentration of allergens in the blood.

Pharmacy sorbents are supplemented with seeds or milk thistle oil. The plant cleanses the body of toxins and allergens, soothes sore throat and bronchial tubes, has wound healing and hepatoprotective properties. Dried seeds are ground into powder and given to the child 5 g twice a day. Milk thistle oil is used in a similar way. It is impossible to abuse the plant, otherwise the allergic cough will not disappear, but will intensify.

Irritation and perspiration in the larynx are removed by Glycodin. The syrup softens the mucous membrane of the throat and bronchi, relieves attacks of dry cough. Children under 7 years old are given 5 ml of the drug 4 times a day. For allergies in a schoolchild, the portion is increased to half a teaspoon.

A cough that occurs due to plant pollen or dust is stopped with Levocabastin, Kromoheksal or Allergodil sprays. Drugs are prescribed from the age of 6. The medicine is injected into the nasal passages. It removes swelling, inflammation and perspiration. Washes out particles of pollen and dust.

Allergic coughs are treated with antihistamine syrups, tablets, and sprays. But with a complication of the disease, corticosteroids can be prescribed. Hormone therapy restores the functioning of the bronchi and lungs, protects against asthma.


Children from 3-4 years of age are given specific immunotherapy. Doctors identify the allergen and then inject it into the body by injection or by mouth. The method makes the body get used to the product that causes cough, runny nose and swelling.

  • household chemicals;
  • wool, saliva and dander of domestic animals;
  • mold and fungi living on the walls of the apartment;
  • dairy products;
  • citrus;
  • pollen of ambrosia and other plants;
  • dust.

Immunotherapy is an expensive and time-consuming procedure. Sometimes the course of treatment is delayed for 3-5 years. But the child gets rid of not only cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and other symptoms, but also allergies. The body gradually gets used to citrus or pollen and begins to perceive them as neutral.

Treatment takes place at home. The doctor selects drugs and doses. The first procedure is carried out in a hospital to monitor the reaction of the child's body to the allergen, and then they are allowed to take medications on their own.


Dry cough is relieved by a nebulizer. The device is intended for inhalation for colds, bronchitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. The nebulizer is filled with mineral water or saline. The device turns the liquid into steam, which cleanses the airways of allergens and moisturizes the mucous membrane, removing tickling.

Mineral water is replaced with special preparations designed to stabilize the mast cell membrane. Children from 6 months of age are prescribed the hormonal remedy "Pulmicort". The medicine prevents spasms in the bronchi, removes inflammation and swelling of the airways. The drug "Pulmicort" is diluted with saline. The dosage is selected depending on the age of the child and the neglect of the disease.

Means "Berodual" is prescribed to patients with dry allergic cough and too viscous sputum. The drug expands the lumen of the bronchi, facilitating breathing, and reduces spasms. Berodual, like Pulmicort, is mixed with saline.

Allergic pharyngitis is treated with "Eufillin" and "Ventolin". The drugs relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, expanding their lumen. They moisturize the mucosa, thin the sputum and gradually reduce the frequency and duration of coughing fits.

Spasms in the bronchi and lungs are removed by Berotek. A 1% solution is poured into the nebulizer, which is prepared from 10 drops of the drug and 1 liter of liquid. Steam inhalations are carried out 4 times a day. The procedure can be combined with antihistamine drugs and a special diet that will speed up the recovery of the child.

Massage and breathing exercises

With frequent and prolonged bouts of coughing, parents are advised to conduct a finger massage. The child lies on his stomach on a bed or sofa, hanging his chest down. Mom holds the baby's legs with one hand, and the second taps on the back in the region of the bronchi and lungs. The fingers move quickly but gently. Lightly “run” along the child’s chest, kneading it and removing spasms. Massage liquefies sputum and facilitates expectoration, relaxes the smooth muscles of the respiratory system.

Children from 5-6 years old are recommended to do special exercises for allergic cough. Mom can work with the child. Breathing exercises develop the muscles of the chest and bronchi, protect against asthma and calm the nerves.

The execution technique is simple:

  1. Mom and baby sit on a mat or just on the floor, close their eyes and listen to their own breathing. Feel how the lungs fill with air and push it out.
  2. They take a long breath. Breathe in through the nose until there is no room left in the lungs. It is necessary to involve both the chest and the stomach. Then exhale sharply and quickly through the mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Then the mother and child take three short breaths, gradually filling the lungs with oxygen. On the count of “4”, all carbon dioxide is exhaled sharply. Three repetitions are enough.
  4. Mom and baby mentally count from 1 to 4 and at this time take one continuous breath. The air is taken in slowly, working only with the nose. They imagine that oxygen descends to the lungs, and then flows down to the navel. They hold their breath while counting to eight. If the baby does not succeed, you can reduce to 6 or 4, and then gradually increase the figure. The air is exhaled in eight counts in short bursts.

Gymnastics can be combined with moderate physical activity. Suitable for swimming, rollerblading or cycling. Skates and skis are contraindicated. A child should drink 150–200 ml of mineral or distilled water before training. The fluid prevents the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and protects against coughing fits.

Folk methods

Allergic pharyngitis caused by dust or animal hair is treated with a decoction of bay leaves:

  1. Boil 20 g of spice in 500 ml. The drink is brought to a boil, and after 5 minutes it is removed.
  2. 25 g of baking soda is added to the filtered medicine.
  3. The medicine is filled with 30 ml of linden honey.

The child drinks 50-60 ml of medication daily until the attacks stop.

With an allergic cough, it is advised to strengthen the immune system with a lemon-honey drink:

  1. A medium-sized citrus is washed, doused with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder without peeling.
  2. For 100 g of lemon gruel, you will need a glass of linden honey.
  3. The products are mixed and diluted with 400 ml of distilled water.
  4. The drink is placed in a water bath and heated to 40-50 degrees.

The heat-treated medicine is cooled to room temperature and divided into 3-4 servings. The child drinks the remedy for the day, it is possible both before and after meals.

Important: Lemon-honey drink should not be brought to a boil. At a temperature of +60 degrees and above, the vitamins evaporate, and the medicine loses its beneficial properties.

Viscous sputum with an allergic cough is diluted with camphor oil. The product is heated to 37–39 degrees and rubbed into the chest. Mustard plasters are applied to the right side, wrapped with cling film and a thick scarf on top. Camphor compress is kept for 20-30 minutes.

Allergic cough in children is treated with folk and pharmacy remedies, a nebulizer and a diet. To prevent pharyngitis, it is advised to do breathing exercises, swim a lot, keep the house clean and strengthen the child's immunity with outdoor walks and vitamin complexes.

Video: how to distinguish an allergic cough from an infectious one

Allergic cough is not a disease, it occurs as a result of contact of the surface of the respiratory tract with an allergen. The symptom can develop at any age, even in an elderly person. The reasons for the development of a non-standard immune response are not fully known.

To deal with the drugs needed to treat a symptom, it is necessary to find out the causes and signs of the phenomenon in children and adults.

You should not start taking medications on your own. Allergy, like any other disease, must be diagnosed and only then treated.

In contact with

How to determine the symptoms in a child?

Pediatricians note that an important aspect in the treatment of cough is its independent determination. Often, allergies are easily confused with a cold, trying to cure a child with various ones. Such an effect on the body is not beneficial, so it is important for parents to learn how to identify an allergic cough in a child by symptoms.

It is difficult to recognize the manifestation of an allergy in the autumn or winter period - parents confuse it with seasonal colds. However, the main symptom of an allergic cough will be scanty sputum production as the airways try to clear the allergen.

A few signs by which you can independently identify the problem:

  • sudden appearance;
  • paroxysmal;
  • lack of temperature;
  • possible appearance;
  • itching in the throat and nose;
  • presence without pus, often dense, vitreous;
  • lack of air due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • increased cough when an allergen appears near the child;
  • seasonality.

Exacerbation of allergies occurs in spring and summer. Spring is characterized by abundant flowering of various plants containing allergens in their pollen. In winter, being in a poorly ventilated room, a child can also be struck by an allergen, and in summer a large number of fruits and vegetables appear that provoke allergies.

Another specific symptom of allergic cough: it stops when the parents give the child antihistamines.

Can it occur in an adult?

The most common manifestation of allergies at the moment is a rash and a runny nose, in third place is a cough. Such manifestations also occur in an adult, who often also writes off the symptom for a cold. When the inner lining of the airways swells due to an allergen, signs come into play. Several symptoms of an allergic cough in an adult:

  • unexpected appearance;
  • after a long attack, a person is able to spit out a little sputum;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • severe itching in the nasopharynx;
  • lack of body temperature, even in the presence of a runny nose;
  • malaise;
  • sometimes a rash appears on the body.

The risk of getting an allergic cough occurs in people living in the industrial areas of the city. It also occurs in people whose profession is related to animal husbandry, work with chemical or microbiological elements. Constant inhalation of the allergen over time starts the process of coughing, which then brings discomfort into everyday life.

How to treat?

In order for the therapy to be short-term, it is recommended to find out its cause before curing an allergic cough. As soon as the cause is eliminated, and contact with the allergen is excluded, the prescribed drugs will perform their functions and the problem will go away.

The treatment method consists not only in identifying the allergen, but in prescribing special drugs that block attacks. They are available in the form of tablets and sprays, which need to be considered in more detail.

Drugs to get rid of an attack

Allergic cough medicines are divided into:

  • antihistamines;
  • expectorants;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • capable of dilating the bronchi.

Often, the doctor prescribes precisely antihistamine drugs, due to which the blockade of sensitive receptors to the stimulus occurs. In addition, the doctor chooses additional drugs that help restore immunity and alleviate the cough.

Before getting rid of an allergic cough of a paroxysmal nature, it is recommended that you read the instructions: it will tell you the correct dosage, as well as possible contraindications for use. To stop an attack, use:

  1. Kestin. It is used to relieve a coughing fit, acts for 48 hours.
  2. Claritin. Able to eliminate allergic cough for 24 hours, available in tablets, the maximum effect occurs 20 minutes after ingestion.
  3. Telfast - eliminates the attack one hour after ingestion, but provides a prolonged action for the whole day. After consultation with the doctor, it is used for pregnant women.
  4. Zodak is a drug in the form of drops, tablets and syrup, which is suitable for children and adults. It does not cause addiction and sedative effects, and the effect of taking is noticeable immediately due to rapid absorption.
  5. Suprastin - helps with sudden paroxysmal manifestations of coughing, so it should always be at hand.
  6. Zirtek - an allergic cough drug for children, will help to remove an attack in a short time.
It helps to eliminate allergic cough drug Fenkarol. It contains hifenadine hydrochloride, due to which bronchospasm is relieved at the time of an attack. The drug should not be used in children under 3 years of age, and intramuscular administration of Phencarol is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

What sprays help stop a cough?

An effective and easy-to-use form are allergic cough sprays based on antihistamines. Aerosols are applied by injecting the agent into the throat, they are also used as solutions for inhalation.

This form of release is tolerated by children much better than tablets or syrups, and the effect comes faster.

Effective sprays include such drugs:

  • Intal;
  • Tailed Mint.

Intal is used both for direct injection into the oral cavity and for inhalation. This is one of the options for how to stop allergic. The manufacturer notes that after inhalation activities, a slight cough may occur, which will disappear after drinking a glass of warm water.

The drug Tayled Mint has a similar mechanism of action on mast cells, it stabilizes their membrane and prevents the release of inflammatory mediators. The cost of such a drug is much higher.

These medicines are used topically: a spray nozzle is introduced into the oral cavity to a sufficient depth, then you need to press the button. Getting on the mucous membrane of the throat, the drug has a therapeutic effect, eliminating the sore throat. Spreading through the upper respiratory tract, the drugs stop the inflammation and eliminate the unpleasant symptom. The duration of the use of the remedy depends on the doctor's prescriptions and the intensity of the coughing attacks.

How to prevent occurrence?

If you follow certain rules and preventive measures, you can prevent the appearance of an allergic cough in a child and an adult. There are no specific tips that could completely exclude its occurrence, so it is enough to observe the following measures:

  1. Daily wet cleaning in the apartment, especially if there are small children and animals in the house.
  2. Leading a healthy lifestyle - eating seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  3. Using only high-quality household chemicals, perfumes.
  4. Monitoring health status while taking certain medications or stopping their use due to allergies.
  5. Frequent walks in nature - travel to places where there is no air pollution.

In order not to have to guess whether a cough can be allergic or if it is a sign of a cold, it is better to follow all these rules - then the occurrence of allergies will be minimized, and everyday life will not cause discomfort.

Can it be cured?

Having chosen a way to treat an allergic cough, some people incorrectly prescribe therapy for themselves. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to contact a specialist. The doctor dealing with this problem, the allergist, will help to correctly diagnose and refer the child or adult for tests. The sooner these measures are taken, the sooner the manifestation of allergies can be reduced.

Among the diagnostic tests, the patient will be asked to take an antibody test and provocative tests. These diagnostic methods will take a little time, but the patient will be able to find out the cause of the cough that has appeared.

Alternative methods help to cure allergic cough well: for example, inhalations with mineral water or potato broth. Medicinal herbs such as nettle, viburnum and chamomile also remove phlegm. The combination of honey and lemon perfectly saves from coughing, as well as rubbing camphor oil into the chest area.

Useful video

See your doctor's advice on how to recognize an allergic cough:


After reviewing the proposed information, we can draw conclusions on how to remove an allergic cough:

  • use antihistamines;
  • apply sprays and aerosols by injecting and inhaling;
  • carry out preventive measures for cleaning the house, the competent choice of household chemicals;
  • timely take tests to determine a possible allergen.

By following these rules, you can forget about what an allergic cough is for a long time. It is better to have drugs from the list at home in the first-aid kit, so that at the time of an unexpected attack there is an opportunity to help yourself or your child. It is not recommended to delay in identifying the allergen, because this symptom will manifest itself more often over time and cause health problems.

Allergy is a serious problem of our time. Every year the palette of allergens becomes more and more diverse. One of the manifestations of the reaction of the body is a cough.

Is it possible to cure an allergic cough, and how to do it - questions that interest everyone.


An allergy is an abnormal immune response of the body to an invading foreign agent. What happens when an allergen enters the body?

The body begins to intensively release inflammatory substances from cells, one of which is histamine. This is a mediator of an allergic reaction, which, when activated, binds to type H1 histamine receptors in the intestines, blood vessels and bronchi. This chain leads to a variety of biochemical and physiological effects. The mucous membrane of the bronchial tree swells, the lumen of the bronchi narrows, mucus may appear in the lumen. The response of the body to the appeared difficulty in breathing is a cough. However, the presence of the allergen prevents this reflex action from being productively resolved. The inability to remove the allergic substance closes the circle: a new release of histamine occurs with a repetition of the described reactions.

What can cause an allergic reaction? Pathogens can be everywhere:

  • dust mites;
  • wool and dander of domestic and wild animals;
  • plant pollen;
  • household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumery;
  • mold fungi;
  • medicines;
  • natural foods and preservatives.

Factors predisposing to the development of allergies:

  • the presence of allergic reactions in close relatives;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • smoking;
  • unfavorable environmental situation in the place of residence.


Before answering the question of how to treat an allergic cough in adults, it is necessary to clarify the nature of this reflex. Allergic cough can be identified by the following signs.

  1. The nature of the cough is dry, often unproductive or unproductive, paroxysmal, sudden, prolonged, lasting for several weeks or months.
  2. The occurrence of cough after contact with the allergen.
  3. Cough may be accompanied by a runny nose with mucous discharge, lacrimation, itching and flushing of the skin.
  4. Cough is not accompanied by hyperthermia and other signs of a respiratory infection.
  5. A frequent companion of an allergic cough is a feeling of suffocation and, as a result, panic. More often this happens at night.
  6. Seasonality of cough. For example, a cough in April may be associated with the flowering of birch and the development of an allergic reaction to the pollen of this plant. Similarly, in May and June, there is a reaction to the flowering of cereal crops.
  7. Cough decreases or disappears when taking antihistamines.

Allergen Diagnostics

On examination, the doctor may detect swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Hereditary history, characteristic complaints of the patient and the relationship of the condition with the allergen suggest a diagnosis of an allergic reaction. Verification of the diagnosis will help scarification allergy tests - clarification of the type of allergic substance by applying an allergen drop to the damaged skin and monitoring the further reaction.

Note! Contraindications to allergy testing are respiratory diseases, pregnancy and previous intake of antihistamines.

Consultation with an otolaryngologist is needed to exclude chronic diseases of the ENT organs.

Spirography will reveal obstruction of the bronchial tree.

The allergic nature of the cough is confirmed if the patient is officially diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • hay fever;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis, tracheitis;
  • asthmatic bronchitis;
  • obstructive bronchitis.

Allergy treatment

Since the cough during an attack is dry, the answer to questions about how to treat an allergic cough in a child, and how to treat a dry allergic cough in a child and an adult, will be the same.

There are general principles for the treatment of allergic cough:

  1. Allergen removal.
  2. Taking antihistamines.
  3. Taking glucocorticoids.
  4. Removal of sputum.
  5. Desensitization.
  6. hardware methods.
  7. Folk ways.

Getting rid of allergies

If an allergic cough is caused by indoor plant pollen, you need to remove them. If an allergy to dust is established, all dust collectors are subject to removal: large soft toys, massive bedspreads, carpets. Allergy sufferers often have to give up the idea of ​​having a pet because they are allergic to cat or dog hair. An allergy to the flowering of certain plants can sometimes even force a person to change their place of residence.

Enterosorbent preparations are used:

  • Polyphepan;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb.

Enterosgel due to the successful form of release in the form of a gel is convenient even for very young children.

A sudden attack of an allergic cough will facilitate the washing of the nose and throat with a non-concentrated saline solution, the access of fresh air (ventilation).

On a note! An important element in the successful treatment of allergies is the complete cessation of smoking. In this case, both an adult allergic person and a child who is a passive smoker will benefit if the parents are addicted to this addiction.

Zyrtec is a new generation antihistamine

Antihistamines and glucocorticoids

This group of substances includes several generations of drugs that reduce the level of histamine in the body and thereby reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. Traditional drugs Suprastin and Tavegil have pronounced side effects in the form of drowsiness, weakness.

New generations of antihistamines are Zirtek, Cetrin, Claritin. When taking them, side effects are mild or absent. For the treatment of allergic cough in a child, Fenistil can be used - this is a modern antihistamine drug that is approved for use in children from the first month of life.

The use of glucocorticoid drugs can be carried out only in agreement with the attending physician, who prescribes such drugs as Ingacort, Benacort (in the form of pocket inhalers).

Sputum removal

With allergies, the question may arise: how to treat a dry allergic cough? Viscous sputum with allergies must be removed from the respiratory tract. For this, mucolytics and expectorants are used. The former thin the mucus, the latter facilitate its removal to the outside. These include the following medications:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Mukaltin.

In children from one and a half years old, Lazolvan (in the form of syrup) is allowed for use, babies from 2 years old can take Mukaltin.

Note! Herbal remedies approved for use in children (for example, Prospan containing ivy) can be used, but with caution, since the herbs themselves can cause an individual allergic reaction.

Desensitization and hardware methods

There is a theory that the introduction of small doses of an allergen into the body can eventually reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. This method is implemented only under the supervision of a doctor in specialized clinics.

If an allergic cough is caused by many different allergens and the disease is severe, the doctor may recommend a course of hemosorption - blood purification using a special device to remove the allergen. For the same purpose, plasmapheresis is performed - the removal of part of the plasma that contains allergens.

Folk remedies

How to treat an allergic cough with folk remedies - this question is of interest to many, since there is not always a real possibility of seeking medical help. Among the folk methods of treatment and prevention of cough with allergies, there are the following:

  1. Washing the mucous membrane of the nose and throat with plain water or a weak solution of soda after walking in the fresh air during the flowering of seasonal allergenic plants.
  2. Inhalation with a warm solution of soda, chamomile decoction.
  3. The use of black radish juice, formed by infusing radish with honey for 8 hours.
  4. Ingestion of decoction of anise, bay leaf.

A healthy lifestyle is one of the measures to prevent the disease


It becomes possible to transfer the disease into a stable remission with the right treatment and the following preventive measures:

  1. Healthy lifestyle (smoking cessation, physical activity).
  2. Hypoallergenic diet (avoiding coffee, citrus fruits, red fish and other individual food allergens).
  3. Regular wet cleaning of the premises.
  4. Air humidification.

Unfortunately, allergies are among the diseases that often accompany a person throughout life, but you can muffle its course by following the recommendations of doctors and leading a healthy lifestyle.

What is the difference

How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis and cough from a cold?

  • With a cold, in addition to coughing and runny nose, there should be other symptoms: fever, general weakness, chills, aching joints. With an allergic cough, they are not.
  • Reaction. If the child began to cough and his nose does not breathe, and there are no other signs of ARVI, it is worth asking a number of questions: was there contact with animals, household chemicals, how clothes were washed, the head was washed, what the child ate, etc. Also, an allergic cough and runny nose can occur during the flowering period of plants and trees. Often it occurs on house dust.
  • Prolonged and dry cough. Cold dry cough with proper care after a few days becomes wet. Allergic cough in rare cases is wet, with clear mucus. In most cases, it is dry, persists for a long time, and intensifies after direct contact with the allergen.

Other signs of allergy

Possible additional symptoms for allergic cough in children:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • itching, burning in the throat, nose;
  • sneezing
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dry rhinitis, that is, a runny nose;
  • tearing, redness of the eyes (allergic conjunctivitis);
  • headache;
  • cough may worsen at night;
  • skin rashes;
  • digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting).

Recognizing an allergic rhinitis and cough in a child is easiest when symptoms occur immediately after exposure to the allergen. However, this does not always happen. An allergic reaction can occur due to prolonged contact with the allergen and its accumulation in the body.

How to treat an allergic cough

Treatment of allergic cough in children is to eliminate the allergen. No doctor and no antihistamine will help if the true cause of the allergy is not identified. In this matter, parents need to show perseverance and care. What are the types of allergens?

  • Household. All household chemicals, hygienic care products, house dust and small "pets" in the form of ticks and cockroaches. This also includes allergens of microscopic fungi (mold), which are found in the house and on the street.

  • Food. Allergies can occur not only on citrus fruits, chocolate, red fruits and vegetables. The abundance of preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers in products make them potential allergens. It is also important to remember how modern vegetables, fruits, and herbs are grown.
  • Medicinal. Children often have an allergic reaction to any components of drugs.
  • Vegetable. This includes the pollen of grasses, flowers, fruit trees, poplar fluff.
  • epidermal. This includes animal hair, bird feathers, and human dandruff.
  • Poison of insects. Almost all stinging insects can cause allergies. The poison of bees, wasps, bumblebees is especially dangerous. Sometimes even the bites of ordinary mosquitoes can cause an acute allergic reaction.
  • Chemical. The air polluted with exhaust gases, production emissions, is filled with aeroallergens. If a child lives or travels frequently in such areas, allergies to polluted environments may build up gradually.

How else you can help: 8 simple rules

Allergic rhinitis and cough in a child can be alleviated with the help of additional measures that relate to care and lifestyle.

Of course, looking for the cause of an allergy and providing favorable conditions is much more difficult than giving a pill. But the thing is that there is no “magic pill” for allergies.

What is the medical treatment

Allergic cough in children can be relieved with certain medications and medical procedures.

  • Antihistamines. The doctor prescribes a new generation of antihistamines, with a prolonged action and no sedative effect. The most famous trade names are Erius, Zirtek, Tsetrin, Gismanal, Terfen, Fenistil and others.
  • Cleansing the body with enterosorbents. Can be used for no more than 2 weeks as prescribed by a doctor. Helps cleanse the body of toxins. The most famous trade names: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, the most common activated carbon.
  • Purification of blood by plasmapheresis. There are mixed reviews about the effectiveness and safety of this method. In any case, only a doctor can prescribe this procedure. Its essence is to extract harmful toxins and allergens from the blood together with plasma.

Antitussive drugs are prescribed in rare cases with a debilitating cough, which negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of the child. Self-administration of these drugs is strictly prohibited.

Possible Complications

Dry, obsessive cough with allergies may be accompanied by respiratory failure. If the allergen is not eliminated, further complications are possible: obstructive bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, and ultimately bronchial asthma. Any complaints of difficulty breathing with an allergic cough should be alarming, because they can end in an attack of suffocation. Additional examination and consultation of narrow specialists is necessary. First of all, the pediatrician should know about it.

Allergy cough in children is treated by eliminating the allergen. Medical treatment in this case is only an auxiliary method. It is important to assess the child's lifestyle, nutrition, living conditions, environmental conditions, air parameters, and the quality of hygiene products.

Why does cough occur with allergies

The mechanisms of allergic cough in adults and children are identical. They can be described as follows: an allergen, a substance that provokes an allergic reaction, enters the respiratory tract (nose, trachea, bronchi) with inhaled air or, less often, with blood flow.

The interaction of this substance with class E immunoglobulins (IgE) provokes the release of biologically active substances from the cells - allergy mediators, and primarily histamine. Histamine contributes to the development of edema, and the occurrence of swelling of the walls of the trachea and bronchi leads to a narrowing of their lumen, which creates difficulty in breathing.

The body perceives this difficulty as a mechanical obstacle, and turns on a protective mechanism - coughing, which, in theory, should free the airways. However, in the case of allergies, this does not happen, so the cough becomes obsessive, paroxysmal.

What allergens can provoke a cough

The most common cough occurs when the following allergens enter the respiratory tract:

  • house dust
  • pet hair particles
  • flowering plant pollen
  • particles of various powdered detergents (household chemicals)
  • particles of antibiotics of the penicillin group
  • tobacco smoke

Less often, an allergic cough occurs with food allergies, when a person eats foods that provoke a hypersensitivity reaction in him. The most common food allergens include strawberries and strawberries, nuts, eggs, fish, citrus fruits, honey, and tomatoes.

What allergic diseases cause cough

Cough may be a manifestation of one of the following allergic diseases:

  1. hay fever or hay fever
  2. allergic rhinitis
  3. allergic tracheitis
  4. obstructive (asthmatic) bronchitis
  5. eosinophilic bronchitis
  6. bronchial asthma.

Examinations and treatment for allergic cough

Treatment of allergic cough can be divided into two stages.

The first stage is urgent measures. In the event of an attack of an allergic cough, especially if it is accompanied by suffocation, it is important to take emergency measures: provide fresh air, take an antihistamine, rinse your nose and rinse your mouth and throat with a weak solution of table salt to eliminate allergen particles from the mucous membranes. If it does not get better, call an ambulance or seek help from a medical facility.

The second stage is a comprehensive treatment aimed at preventing seizures. Before starting a comprehensive treatment of allergic cough, it is necessary to undergo some examinations.

  1. Skin scarification tests (appointed to adults and children over five years of age) are necessary to determine the nature of the substance that causes allergies;
  2. Consultation with an ENT doctor will help to establish the condition of the upper respiratory tract and exclude the presence of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  3. Spirometry and spirometry will help assess the sufficiency of lung function and the presence or absence of hidden obstruction.
  4. In some cases, you may need to consult an allergist-pulmonologist.

After a thorough comprehensive examination, it is possible to decide how to treat an allergic cough in a particular patient. Typically, treatment includes several directions.

Elimination therapy

The first direction is elimination therapy aimed at eliminating the allergen that provokes hypersensitivity reactions. So, if it turned out that the cause of the allergy is house dust, then it is necessary to remove from the room where the person suffering from allergies lives, all objects that accumulate dust: carpets, fleecy bedspreads, books, etc. The apartment needs to be cleaned frequently. If you have a food allergy, then you need to eliminate allergenic foods from your diet.

To help the patient's body cleanse itself of allergens that have already entered it, intestinal sorbents are prescribed - activated charcoal, polyphepan, enteros-gel. This is especially true in cases of food allergies. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate the influence of pollen from flowering plants on the body, although in some cases a change in the place of residence and even the climatic zone can help.

A mandatory measure in the treatment of allergic cough in adults is the patient's cessation of smoking, since all substances contained in tobacco smoke simultaneously contribute to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and their drying by reducing the work of the glands that produce mucus.

In especially severe cases, when there is an allergy not to one, but to several allergens, and hypersensitivity reactions are severe, hardware methods of blood purification can be used: hemosorption and immunosorption. The essence of these methods is that human blood is passed through special sorbents - substances that can isolate from the blood and precipitate substances with a certain chemical structure on their surface. The purified blood is then returned to the patient's bloodstream.

Methods of gravitational blood surgery are also used - plasmapheresis and lymphocytopheresis. These techniques are based on the possibility of removing from the blood of patients the liquid part of the blood - plasma, which contains antigen-antibody complexes, class E immunoglobulins and other substances responsible for the development of allergies.


The second direction is the episodic or course use of antihistamines that suppress the release of the allergy mediator - histamine. To date, there are a large number of antihistamines of different generations, with different efficiencies and with slightly different effects.

So, older generation drugs - Suprastin, Tavegil, Peritol - have a pronounced inhibitory effect on the nervous system, cause drowsiness, fatigue, heaviness in the head. Therefore, when using them, driving motor vehicles and work requiring a quick reaction should be avoided.

More modern antihistamines, for example, Zaditen, Claritin, Zyrtec, not only have a longer period of action, but also have almost no sedative effect. Therefore, actively working people should give preference to these drugs. To prevent seasonal allergies (hay fever), a course of a drug called Ketotifen is prescribed.

It is important to remember that taking antihistamines should not be started without consulting a doctor, especially if you are experiencing allergic manifestations for the first time.


This technique is based on the assumption that when small doses of an allergen enter the body, a gradual addiction to it occurs, and sensitivity decreases. Hypo- or desensitization is carried out only in specialized allergological departments.

Until now, we have been talking about the treatment of the allergy itself. But the cough is still there. There are methods that can help cope with this particular allergy symptom.


One of the important directions in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis and cough form of bronchial asthma is the use of drugs that cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and eliminate bronchospasm. These drugs include eufillin, salbutamol, beclomethasone, etc. Some of them are available in the form of pocket inhalers. Use these drugs should be strictly prescribed by a doctor.


One of the causes of an obsessive cough with allergies is the formation of very thick sputum in the bronchi. Medicines have been created that help to thin it and cough it up. These include bromhexine, ambroxol (lazolvan), sodium cromoglycate, etc. Expectorants can be prescribed in the form of tablets or inhalations. When using these drugs, you need to drink plenty of fluids, which will help thin the sputum and clear the airways.

Allergization of the population is gradually growing, and now almost every Russian at least once in his life has experienced allergic manifestations in himself or in his loved ones. If one of these manifestations is a cough, it is imperative to pay the most serious attention to this symptom, because with timely treatment, it is possible to avoid the development of a simple cough into more formidable diseases - for example, bronchial asthma.

Distinctive features of allergic cough

It is necessary to be able to distinguish an allergic cough from a cough during a cold. This question often arises in patients, because it is sometimes difficult to find out the cause of the disease or to establish an allergen if there are no other symptoms.

Often it manifests itself after contact with animals, chemical compounds contained in household chemicals - in dishwashing detergents, cleaning products, powders, etc. It is important to understand how to distinguish a debilitating allergic cough from a cold.

A strong allergic cough is provoked by plant pollen in the warm season, the smell of perfume or cosmetics, creams or ordinary dust.

In most cases, to understand how to distinguish an allergic cough, it is enough to know its features, namely:

    manifests itself suddenly, without the development of other signs of damage to the body, after direct interaction of a person with an allergen;

    cough does not go away for a long time - usually for 3 weeks or more, is not accompanied by other symptoms of a cold - chills, fever, or rapid fatigue;

    almost always, an allergic cough in an adult or a child occurs along with an allergic rhinitis, with tearing and sometimes severe itching of the skin or mucous membranes, which causes itching of the nose, throat and sneezing;

    cough develops during interaction with the allergen or immediately after it, sometimes provokes simultaneous severe headache in the forehead;

    allergic cough can occur only at night, without disturbing a person all day;

    cough is often dry, sputum is not secreted, it is rarely wet with a small amount of separated clear mucus;

    at times, difficulties arise in the separation of an allergen, because anything can become it, you need to be attentive to your own body in order to understand its inadequate reactions to the environment;

    cough occurs even with food allergies and is accompanied by a skin rash, conjunctivitis, itching, severe swelling and redness of the skin, diarrhea and vomiting, and it is much more difficult to identify food allergens.

Etiology of allergic cough

Modern medicine is actively engaged in the study of hypersensitivity reactions in the human body. But until now, doctors cannot find a reliable way to find out the causes of allergic cough in adults and children to an established allergen.

Sometimes, under the influence of the same stimulus, the strength of the manifestation of symptoms changes and then the question arises of how to cure and prevent this from happening again.

Currently, the following causes have been identified that cause negative reactions to allergens in the world:

    Spatial and structural characteristics of proteins.

    human genetic predisposition.

    Features of the metabolism that cause allergies in the body.

    Ways of splitting irritants in cells.

    Processes of biochemical activity of the material.

Symptoms of an allergic cough and a violation of the healthy state of the skin are formed at a specific stage of allergy in almost all victims, regardless of the type of substance that provoked hypersensitivity.

Allergies can develop in two forms:

    Atypical - that is, hereditary, which is incurable.

    Non-atypical - the disease progresses according to the atypical principle, but its basis is a pseudo-allergic mechanism or too high susceptibility to irritants.

Allergy Cough Signs

Often in allergic people, an attack of hypersensitivity begins with a cough and rhinitis. Coughing occurs when the allergen penetrates the mucous surface of the larynx. The human larynx is the most sensitive organ. It also reacts when the minimum amount of stimulus is deposited.

Sometimes during walks or indoors, a short cough may appear, especially with open windows in the warm season or when the air in the apartment is too dry. If the body normally perceives these irritants, the allergy will manifest itself weakly and will not cause discomfort.

With an allergic cough, the villi in the bronchi try to reject foreign particles. This symptom alone is not dangerous in any way, if at the same time swelling of the mucous surface of the nasopharynx is not formed, which can provoke stenosis in the larynx, which often causes death, especially in childhood.

Exhausting paroxysmal cough becomes more intense at night. If the first signs of edema formation appear, the glottis may narrow. So, a person coughs heavily, suffocates, and may even die.

This helps answer the question of whether a cough can be life threatening. The danger of this condition is confirmed by the fact that an ambulance with this symptomatology leaves immediately, first helping such patients, because doctors know how this disorder manifests itself.

Often people are interested in whether a cough can be a sign of an allergic reaction. As a rule, coughing up with hypersensitivity does not cause a rise in temperature, but with a tendency to pathologies of the ENT organs, it becomes a provocateur of exacerbations of sinusitis.

In the afternoon, coughing with allergies rarely develops, more often the patient is worried about severe perspiration and tickling in the throat, hoarseness of the vocal cords and itching in the throat.

Diagnostic principles

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and etiology of allergies.

For this, special tests are used, how to determine an allergic cough, carried out as follows in several stages:

    The skin on the hand is cleaned with an antiseptic.

    It is dripped with an allergen solution.

    The place of application of the solution is scratched with a scarifier.

After 20 minutes, you can begin to evaluate the results. When redness does not appear at the site of application of the allergen, it does not itch, then the test is negative. Then do tests for other stimuli.

Samples are prohibited for acute respiratory infections or other inflammations in the body. It is also contraindicated to do tests for women who are carrying a child.

During them, you can not take antihistamines, otherwise the result will be incorrect. In addition, the results may be affected by the use of hormonal drugs.

What to do with allergies and cough in a child

Children tolerate allergic coughs much worse than the common cold, so it is important to start treatment as soon as possible. The child may be frightened by a strong cough, especially if breathing is difficult. Additional external signs always appear on the baby's skin. Parents are advised to carefully look at the development of the pathological condition.

When a cough with allergies in children does not go away with sneezing for a week and the child constantly complains of a stuffy throat and nose, and at night the coughing intensifies, while the temperature remains normal - you need to consult an allergist.

The structure of the larynx in children is slightly different compared to adults. This complicates the manifestation of hypersensitivity. The risk of edema and stenosis in a child increases several times.

If the baby is allergic and often suffers from swelling, coughing and sneezing, then the home medicine cabinet should always contain drugs for such attacks, for example, Prednisolone in ampoules. It will not be superfluous to know how to stop an attack of coughing.

If the child coughs heavily and begins to choke, you need to start stopping the attack: try to quickly humidify the air in the room or place the baby in the bathroom, after making steam there. This approach quickly soothes the cough. At the same time, you should urgently call your doctor, especially if you have a severe allergy to food or a chemical compound.

The life and health of the baby directly depends on the actions of parents. Prolonged cough with hypersensitivity causes spasms in the bronchi and contributes to the development of asthma. It is important not to miss the moment and timely show the child to a specialist who will explain how you can get rid of an allergic cough.

Therapeutic process and prevention of cough with allergies

With the development of allergic cough, symptomatic therapy is first prescribed. Medicine is not able to deal with deeper internal changes in the body.

The main action that an allergic person must perform is to reduce or completely stop contact with the irritant, and also follow the following rules on how to treat allergic cough in adults and children:

    Set allergen. First, any doctor will prescribe a test for the patient to diagnose the irritant and the accompanying symptoms of an allergic cough. To do this, you will need to donate blood for tests and undergo a full diagnostic examination by a specialist allergist. Knowing the allergen, you can try to prevent contact with it or minimize it.

    Organization of living conditions. For people prone to the manifestation of hypersensitivity, it is necessary to create optimal living conditions. Humidify the air indoors, especially during the heating season. Dry air aggravates the cough.

The treatment process also involves reducing the influence of factors provoking allergic reactions on the body, and for this you need to take into account where allergens accumulate and try to prevent this accumulation, knowing exactly what to do:

    Every day, carry out wet cleaning at home, use electric humidifiers and air purifiers in everyday life. These devices improve the microclimate in the premises, facilitate the process of the course of an allergic cough.

    Get rid of carpets and carpets, where a large amount of dust accumulates, and with it allergens.

    Books should be stored in closed cabinets, and dust should be periodically removed from them.

    An additional source of allergy sometimes becomes the earth in indoor plants or the plants themselves.

    Curtains in the apartment should not be too massive, it is important to wash them often.

    Wallpaper is also better to choose smoother ones, because dust particles accumulate in the folds.

    Often even a blanket made of fluff or wool or a pillow provokes an allergic reaction. They should be replaced with artificial ones.

    For a child, the number of soft toys should be reduced as much as possible, it is better to give preference to plastic or rubber ones without harsh odors.

    Household items or cosmetics must be hypoallergenic.

Cough medicines for allergies

The safest and most effective drugs of modern medicine are:

The result from the listed medicines can be obtained after 20 minutes.

The doctor prescribes hormonal cough remedies for allergies only with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma. A certain drug is prescribed only by a specialist, you do not need to try to buy it yourself at a pharmacy, so as not to harm your health even more.

Sometimes, when coughing, it is necessary to take enterosorbents. Their treatment helps to achieve relief. The most affordable include activated charcoal, enterosgel or polysorb.

But abuse of intake for more than 2 weeks can provoke a deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. They should be drunk between meals and not combined with other medicines.

Having got rid of the symptoms of coughing, it is important to complete the course of allergy therapy anyway.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

If a person develops an allergic cough, traditional medicine recipes will also help in the treatment. For example, steam inhalations with soda have a good antihistamine effect. They will allow you to clear the airways and get rid of irritants that have settled on the mucosa. This approach helps to prevent swelling of the larynx.

Another therapy option is preparations containing medicinal herbs - eucalyptus, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow.

To quickly cure an allergic cough, it is permissible to use traditional medicine methods. Recommended even by doctors is regular rinsing of the mouth and washing the nasal passages with slightly salty water. It flushes out allergens and strengthens the mucous membrane.

With the correct organization of the treatment process of allergic cough on the advice of a doctor and the correct combination of medicines and folk methods, you can soon achieve relief and subsequently get rid of the manifestations of hypersensitivity forever.

The mechanism of development of cough in allergies

Allergy is not a disease. This is a failure of the immune system, which perceives harmless substances as a threat to the body. This condition is extremely individual, therefore, often, a person does not even know the true causes of his cough.

The reaction to allergens in the form of a cough is manifested in adults and children. Dry strong cough is caused by an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the throat, in the bronchi.

It occurs after allergens enter the cilia of the bronchial tree. Allergens provoke specific cells that cause the manifestation of allergies. As a result, the bronchi try to get rid of dangerous substances.

Basically, allergies are caused by substances that enter the body with air flow. What can be the reaction:

The appearance of an unpleasant symptom is also blamed on the excessive use of antibiotics, especially in children of the first year of life. Scientists explain the frequency of allergic manifestations by the influence of excessive hygiene. Location in sterile conditions weakens the body's immunity, which is tuned to a constant fight against foreign substances.

If there is nothing to fight with, the protective function begins to resist with harmless substances that it perceives as dangerous. This fact explains the number of children with bronchial asthma: from childhood, their body was protected from any influence of infections and viruses.

Allergic cough can be inherited.

How to distinguish a cough with allergies from a cold?

Any cough with SARS can be eliminated within a month. But how to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold? Does it have a runny nose? Suspicion of an allergy is possible with the following symptoms:

Coughing can occur immediately after inhaling odors, for example, in a cosmetics and household chemicals store. The patient has a slight attack of suffocation, since the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi instantly swell. Breathing is difficult, coughing can lead to a gag reflex.

It is worth noting that allergic cough in adults is less dangerous than in children. Seasonal exacerbations should alert parents. A cough that manifests itself in summer and winter can be the first alarm signal of incipient bronchial asthma.

Treatment of an allergic cough may be required for babies from 1.5 years old: it is from this age that the first signs of allergies begin to appear. Another sign will help to determine which cough the child has - it intensifies in the evening and at night, during the day the patient's condition is satisfactory.

To find out which allergens cause cough and runny nose, you need to be diagnosed by an allergist. Skin tests are taken in several ways:

  • by injection (prick test);
  • through scratches on the skin (scarification);
  • test with the introduction of various allergens under the skin.

The doctor must take into account the seasonal nature of the symptom, the duration and nature of the symptom, the effect of allergic cough drugs on it.

After determining the irritant, the allergist paints a treatment regimen that should alleviate the patient's condition.

Drug therapy

To eliminate an allergic cough and its accompanying symptoms, you need the right treatment. Several groups of drugs are directed to the fight, the main of which are: antihistamines.

Depending on the age of the patient, the state of health, the doctor will prescribe how much and how often to take the drug.

Preparations based on loratadine

The substance is safe for all age groups. The antihistamine is prescribed for children from 1 year old, does not affect cardiac function, does not cause drowsiness, is well tolerated and combined with other drugs. List of drugs:

  1. Erius.
  2. Claritin.
  3. Claricens.
  4. Desloratadine.
  5. Desal.
  6. Lomilan.
  7. Lordestin.

Medicines with cetirizine

The drug should relieve the manifested cough, it is effective in the treatment of children over 2 years old (in the form of a syrup or suspension). List of popular drugs:

  1. Zodak.
  2. Zyrtec.
  3. Tsetrin.
  4. Cetirizine.
  5. Letizen.
  6. Parlazin.

1st generation allergy medications

They are used less frequently due to the pronounced sedative effect and effect on the heart muscle. Among them: Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen, Fenkarol.

The treatment regimen for allergic cough with an asthmatic component should be different. The patient must have knowledge of how to relieve an attack.

For this, hormonal agents are used, most often inhaled glucocorticoids:

  1. Pulmicort.
  2. Ingacourt.
  3. Alvesco.
  4. Budesonide.
  5. Berodual.
  6. Eufillin.


They are prescribed courses for 2 weeks during an exacerbation of allergies. Sorbent substances absorb toxins and remove them from the gastrointestinal tract. Sorbents are consumed 2 hours after meals, 3 times a day. If you take the drug for more than 14 days, it causes side effects from the digestive system. Popular sorbents:

  1. Sorbolong.
  2. Polysorb.
  3. Sorbex.
  4. Atoxil.
  5. Smekta.
  6. Enterosgel.
  7. Polyphepan.
  8. Filtrum.
  9. Carbolong.
  10. Activated carbon.

An allergic cough medicine should help eliminate an unpleasant symptom in a short time. But do not forget that all drugs have side effects, so only the doctor should set the dosage, frequency of administration and duration of treatment. In addition to medicines, the patient is obliged to protect himself as much as possible from allergen provocateurs.

An allergy is not a cold, in order to eliminate its signs, sometimes you have to radically change your lifestyle. First, we are talking about creating comfortable conditions for the patient, improving the place where he is most of the time.

Preventive measures include home improvement and workplace:

To stop an attack of allergic cough, with the urge to vomit, it is necessary to give the patient any antihistamine drug. For example, a Suprastin tablet relieves the condition 20 minutes after ingestion. If the medicine is injected, the cough disappears after 5-10 minutes.

If, despite the efforts of others, the cough does not stop, it is difficult for the patient to breathe, an ambulance should be called immediately. Allergic cough should not be ignored. Self-medication with allergy pills, especially in children, is fraught with the development of bronchial asthma, which cannot be treated.

Allergy is a serious problem of our time. Every year the palette of allergens becomes more and more diverse. One of the manifestations of the reaction of the body is a cough.

Is it possible to cure an allergic cough, and how to do it - questions that interest everyone.


An allergy is an abnormal immune response of the body to an invading foreign agent. What happens when an allergen enters the body?

The body begins to intensively release inflammatory substances from cells, one of which is histamine. This is a mediator of an allergic reaction, which, when activated, binds to type H1 histamine receptors in the intestines, blood vessels and bronchi. This chain leads to a variety of biochemical and physiological effects. The mucous membrane of the bronchial tree swells, the lumen of the bronchi narrows, mucus may appear in the lumen. The response of the body to the appeared difficulty in breathing is a cough. However, the presence of the allergen prevents this reflex action from being productively resolved. The inability to remove the allergic substance closes the circle: a new release of histamine occurs with a repetition of the described reactions.

What can cause an allergic reaction? Pathogens can be everywhere:

  • dust mites;
  • wool and dander of domestic and wild animals;
  • plant pollen;
  • household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumery;
  • mold fungi;
  • medicines;
  • natural foods and preservatives.

Factors predisposing to the development of allergies:

  • the presence of allergic reactions in close relatives;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • smoking;
  • unfavorable environmental situation in the place of residence.


Before answering the question of how to treat an allergic cough in adults, it is necessary to clarify the nature of this reflex. Allergic cough can be identified by the following signs.

  1. The nature of the cough is dry, often unproductive or unproductive, paroxysmal, sudden, prolonged, lasting for several weeks or months.
  2. The occurrence of cough after contact with the allergen.
  3. Cough may be accompanied by a runny nose with mucous discharge, lacrimation, itching and flushing of the skin.
  4. Cough is not accompanied by hyperthermia and other signs of a respiratory infection.
  5. A frequent companion of an allergic cough is a feeling of suffocation and, as a result, panic. More often this happens at night.
  6. Seasonality of cough. For example, a cough in April may be associated with the flowering of birch and the development of an allergic reaction to the pollen of this plant. Similarly, in May and June, there is a reaction to the flowering of cereal crops.
  7. Cough decreases or disappears when taking antihistamines.

Allergen Diagnostics

On examination, the doctor may detect swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Hereditary history, characteristic complaints of the patient and the relationship of the condition with the allergen suggest a diagnosis of an allergic reaction. Verification of the diagnosis will help scarification allergy tests - clarification of the type of allergic substance by applying an allergen drop to the damaged skin and monitoring the further reaction.

Note! Contraindications to allergy testing are respiratory diseases, pregnancy and previous intake of antihistamines.

Consultation with an otolaryngologist is needed to exclude chronic diseases of the ENT organs.

Spirography will reveal obstruction of the bronchial tree.

The allergic nature of the cough is confirmed if the patient is officially diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • hay fever;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis, tracheitis;
  • asthmatic bronchitis;
  • obstructive bronchitis.

Allergy treatment

Since the cough during an attack is dry, the answer to questions about how to treat an allergic cough in a child, and how to treat a dry allergic cough in a child and an adult, will be the same.

There are general principles for the treatment of allergic cough:

  1. Allergen removal.
  2. Taking antihistamines.
  3. Taking glucocorticoids.
  4. Removal of sputum.
  5. Desensitization.
  6. hardware methods.
  7. Folk ways.

Getting rid of allergies

If an allergic cough is caused by indoor plant pollen, you need to remove them. If an allergy to dust is established, all dust collectors are subject to removal: large soft toys, massive bedspreads, carpets. Allergy sufferers often have to give up the idea of ​​having a pet because they are allergic to cat or dog hair. An allergy to the flowering of certain plants can sometimes even force a person to change their place of residence.

Enterosorbent preparations are used:

    • Polyphepan;
    • Enterosgel;
    • Polysorb.

Enterosgel due to the successful form of release in the form of a gel is convenient even for very young children.

A sudden attack of an allergic cough will facilitate the washing of the nose and throat with a non-concentrated saline solution, the access of fresh air (ventilation).

On a note! An important element in the successful treatment of allergies is the complete cessation of smoking. In this case, both an adult allergic person and a child who is a passive smoker will benefit if the parents are addicted to this addiction.

Antihistamines and glucocorticoids

This group of substances includes several generations of drugs that reduce the level of histamine in the body and thereby reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. Traditional drugs Suprastin and Tavegil have pronounced side effects in the form of drowsiness, weakness.

New generations of antihistamines are Zirtek, Cetrin, Claritin. When taking them, side effects are mild or absent. For the treatment of allergic cough in a child, Fenistil can be used - this is a modern antihistamine drug that is approved for use in children from the first month of life.

The use of glucocorticoid drugs can be carried out only in agreement with the attending physician, who prescribes such drugs as Ingacort, Benacort (in the form of pocket inhalers).

Sputum removal

With allergies, the question may arise: how to treat a dry allergic cough? Viscous sputum with allergies must be removed from the respiratory tract. For this, mucolytics and expectorants are used. The former thin the mucus, the latter facilitate its removal to the outside. These include the following medications:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Mukaltin.

In children from one and a half years old, Lazolvan (in the form of syrup) is allowed for use, babies from 2 years old can take Mukaltin.

Note! Herbal remedies approved for use in children (for example, Prospan containing ivy) can be used, but with caution, since the herbs themselves can cause an individual allergic reaction.

Desensitization and hardware methods

There is a theory that the introduction of small doses of an allergen into the body can eventually reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. This method is implemented only under the supervision of a doctor in specialized clinics.

If an allergic cough is caused by many different allergens and the disease is severe, the doctor may recommend a course of hemosorption - blood purification using a special device to remove the allergen. For the same purpose, plasmapheresis is performed - the removal of part of the plasma that contains allergens.

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