White discharge 3 months postpartum. The color of discharge after childbirth and how long it lasts. postpartum discharge at home

After childbirth, any woman has specific discharge from the genital tract. They occur regardless of the method of delivery - naturally or through surgery. They can last for a different time, have a different color, character or smell. You need to know how long the discharge lasts after childbirth, what character they have at different times after the birth of the baby, how to recognize signs of abnormalities. Any doubt should be a reason for consultation with a gynecologist.

Postpartum discharge from the genital tract is a natural process. At the final stage of the birth process, the placenta departs from the uterine wall, which was previously closely connected with the inner surface of the organ and is permeated with blood vessels that carry blood to the fetal body. Under it is an open wound surface, which begins to bleed. This becomes the source of lochia. Gradually, the vessels of the former placental site become empty, contract, and become covered with a new layer of endometrium. Normally, the discharge continues for 6 weeks, a maximum of 2 months.


Lochia have a different origin than menstruation, and differ from them in color, volume and duration. In it is necessary to pay attention to the color and consistency of the discharge, as well as the absence or presence of an unpleasant odor. A timely appeal to the doctor with any questions about this can not only save health, but also save the life of the mother.

Lochia appear as a result of the fact that after the separation of the placenta, the vessels connecting it and the wall of the uterus remain open and blood is released from them. It enters from the uterine cavity through the open cervix into the vagina.

Postpartum lochia consists of the following components:

  • exfoliated endometrium (inner uterine lining), which thickens significantly during pregnancy;
  • blood and ichor from the uterine wall, to which the placenta was attached;
  • dead and necrotic tissue;
  • mucus and blood released from the healing cervix;
  • parts of the fetal membranes and epithelium of the fetus.

Lochia is not menstruation and is not controlled by hormonal changes. After childbirth, it will take some time before the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries begin their regular activity and the normal cycle is restored. For breastfeeding mothers, the first menstruation occurs about six months after childbirth. If the child is bottle-fed, menstruation can resume after 6 weeks (read more about the timing of recovery of menstruation after childbirth).

In rare cases, menstrual-like weak bleeding occurs within a month after the birth of a newborn. They are easily confused with ending lochia, but at this time a woman can already become pregnant.

Less intense postpartum lochia is observed in preterm birth, and stronger than normal - in multiple pregnancies and after surgery.

The first hours after

As soon as the placenta is born, a gradual contraction () of the uterus begins. This effect is enhanced by the attachment of the newborn to the breast. Often, an ice pack is placed on the stomach of a woman in labor, this is necessary to prevent severe bleeding.

The volume of blood loss in the first hours should not exceed 500 ml. At this time, there is a bloody nature of postpartum discharge mixed with clots and mucus. This removes the remains of the placenta and amniotic membranes from the uterus.

In the first hours, the patient may feel an unpleasant odor of the released blood. This is largely due to the influence of the hormonal background. In the blood, the level of oxytocin and prolactin increases, which increase the sensitivity of olfactory receptors. In the normal course of the early postpartum period, the woman is transferred to the department in 2-3 hours.

First days

At first, there is an intensive release of lochia. The neck is not yet completely closed, and the uterine wall is still a wound surface. This creates prerequisites for the development of postpartum endometritis. To prevent infection, all hygiene rules must be followed. If the nature of the discharge changes, you must immediately inform the gynecologist about this.

What should be the normal discharge after childbirth:

  • In the first 4 days, lochia is a mixture of blood clots, parts of the membranes, meconium, decidua, and discharge from the cervical canal. Painful abdominal cramps, reminiscent of menstrual pain, caused by intense uterine contractions, may be felt.
  • During the 1st week, the lochia are colored in a rich dark red color, they are quite thick, they have an admixture of mucus, there may be lumps or clots. During the application of the child to the breast, the intensity of their release increases. This is a normal process of cleansing the birth canal.
  • A woman should be prepared for the fact that when getting out of bed, a large amount of blood can be released at once. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up on a large number of special hygiene products, as well as oilcloth for the bed.

The duration of bloody discharge is normally up to 7 days. If they last more than a week, or uterine bleeding opens, or large blood clots depart, these may be signs of retaining part of the placenta in the uterus. This condition often leads to the development of an infection and requires immediate medical attention.

To speed up the separation of lochia, the prone position is recommended, as well as the use of a postpartum bandage. It supports the internal organs, preventing the uterus from taking an incorrect position that contributes to blood retention in it, for example, bending to the side or backwards.

First month

After 7 days, the wound surface begins to become covered by the endometrium. The uterus has already contracted quite well, although it is still above the womb. During the 2nd week, the number of lochia gradually decreases. Discharge from the genital tract changes color from red to darker, brown, an unpleasant odor is normally absent.

If in the first days of the postpartum period, a woman had to change her sanitary pad every 2 hours, now one pad can be used for 4-5 hours. Washing with warm water and soap is recommended before each change of hygiene product.

After 10 days, the discharge acquires a yellowish tint. It contains fewer red blood cells and more white blood cells, cervical mucus, serous fluid.

How long do these discharges last?

This stage lasts about 3-4 weeks.

Allocations a month after childbirth are observed in most women. However, their intensity is reduced so much that a woman can use daily pads. Their character is slimy, without foreign inclusions and smell. If the lochia lasts more than 6 weeks, you should consult a doctor.

The uterus at this time is already returning to normal size, so abdominal pain or increased discharge during feeding of the child are not observed. At the end of the month, the cervical canal is completely closed, which blocks the path of a possible infection.

Every woman goes through the postpartum period differently. It is considered normal if the discharge persists for 6-8 weeks. They can end earlier - by the end of 4-5 weeks.

For caesarean section

The operation is accompanied by additional damage to the uterine vessels, so the bloody discharge after such childbirth during the first 7 days is more intense. Its color and consistency correspond to the norm. In the future, the process of cleansing the uterus goes in accordance with physiological indicators. After a maximum of 2 months, any vaginal discharge should stop.

Changes in the amount of discharge

The most common reasons for this are the retention of parts of the placenta inside the uterus or the attachment of an infectious process. In this case, such deviations from the norm are possible:

  1. A small amount or premature termination may be associated with a mechanical obstruction to the outflow of intrauterine discharge. This is usually a large blood clot that blocks the internal os of the cervical canal. Blood can accumulate in the uterus and when it is in the wrong position as a result of subinvolution. The likelihood of such a complication increases with abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, various neoplasms (cysts, tumors).
  2. Abundant outflow of mucous fluid may be a sign of perforation (perforation) of the uterine wall, for example, with the failure of postoperative sutures. Abundant lochia are also observed in violations of blood coagulation. Such a sign can be a symptom of life-threatening conditions and requires immediate medical attention.

Any pathological changes should be eliminated as soon as possible. Some of them require medical treatment, while others require curettage or surgery.

Changes in the nature of the discharge

Postpartum recovery takes place individually, but there are common signs that are characteristic of the normal course of the postpartum period or for pathological abnormalities.

  • Light yellow discharge

Characteristic of the final period, it replaces brown spots and gradually brightens to a completely colorless mucus. Saturated yellow discharge may signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the uterus. They appear as early as 4-5 days and are accompanied by soreness in the lower abdomen, and also have an unpleasant putrefactive odor. The cause of this condition is endometritis, trauma to the wall or cervix. The yellow color of lochia can also appear when the cervical canal is blocked, when blood cannot be released from the uterus, and the putrefactive process begins. Another reason is ruptures of the cervix and vagina, complicated by inflammation.

  • Greenish discharge

Normally not observed. They indicate inflammation of the inner wall of the uterus -. Its cause is often a bacterial infection, which is caused by poor contractility of this organ. As a result, lochia lingers in the uterine cavity, an inflammatory process begins with the formation of greenish pus. Purulent discharge is a reason for immediate consultation with a doctor. The disease is often accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, weakness, and an unpleasant smell of discharge from the genital tract. Left untreated, it can cause infertility or blood poisoning.

  • brown discharge

Normally, they appear at week 2, replacing bright red, and at the end of the second week they gradually brighten. If the brown color persists for more than a month, the cause of this may be an inflammatory process (endometritis), fibroids, bending of the uterus, reduced blood clotting. Abundant dark brown discharge in the early postpartum period indicates incomplete separation of the placenta and requires urgent medical intervention - curettage of the uterine cavity.

  • Mucous discharge

They begin at the 3rd week and gradually move into the usual for a healthy non-pregnant woman. Earlier appearance of mucus may be a sign of internal damage to the cervix, vagina. Abundant flow of mucus is an important sign. This condition requires urgent medical attention.

  • Prolonged bloody or pink discharge

They are a sign of hypotension of the uterus associated with its excessive stretching or weakness of the wall. Another reason for prolonged weak bleeding is the presence of placental remnants in the uterine cavity. Pink fluid may appear as a result of a bleeding disorder, excessive physical activity and early sexual intercourse. Sometimes on the 21-28th day, the first menstruation appears this way.

  • White discharge

Most often caused, while they have a sour smell, and small light clots are determined in them. Candidiasis is not life-threatening, but causes a lot of discomfort, such as itching in the perineum. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and choose an antifungal therapy that is safe during breastfeeding.


Lochia is a physiological phenomenon, they are necessary for the cleansing of the uterus and its healing. During them, it is important to observe hygiene rules:

  1. Stock up on sanitary pads and change them regularly. In the early days, you will need products with high absorbency.
  2. Tampons and menstrual cups should be avoided as they increase the risk of infection.
  3. It is recommended to avoid sexual contact during the first 6 weeks.
  4. At this time, physical exercises and significant loads should be abandoned.
  5. In the first month, you can not swim in the pool or pond.
  6. It should be regularly washed with warm water and soap, while the movements should be directed from front to back. It is not recommended to use perfumed products for intimate hygiene, baby soap is best.
  7. It is recommended to urinate regularly, even in the absence of pronounced urges. This will help prevent the spread of infection from the urinary tract.

Stop using blood thinners like aspirin and increase your iron intake at the same time.

After childbirth, a woman can experience serious disruptions in the body. When a woman breastfeeds, she releases a large amount of oxytocin, prolactin. After the release of the placenta, the amount of progesterone and estrogen can sharply decrease. Postpartum discharge in a woman is observed up to 6 - 8 weeks. In the case when they appear 2 months after childbirth, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

The appearance of discharge after childbirth after 2 months

How long a woman's uterus will contract depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Each woman undergoes self-cleansing, in which the uterus gets rid of tissues, mucus. With the involution and restoration of the uterus, the abdomen decreases.

The uterus should be cleaned in due time, no later than 2 months later. It is imperative to pay attention to the postpartum period, how long the discharge lasts, what color it is. Keep in mind that highlights may change. At first they are the same as with heavy periods, during this period the uterus is actively contracting.

After childbirth, they appear on the 10th day, their duration is about 20 days. Such secretions can be white, yellowish-white, liquid, bloody and odorless.

Serous discharge after childbirth

The serous type of discharge appears 4 days after childbirth. Red discharge becomes pale, pinkish-brown, serous-sanious, and the level of leukocytes increases in them. Please note that they should not be bright red, nor do they contain blood clots. More than two months, such allocations should not continue.

Keep in mind that after a cesarean section, the discharge continues for a long time, this process is explained by an injured uterus. First, the discharge brightens, then becomes mucous. Within a month after caesarean section, blood is observed in the secretions.

What determines the duration of the discharge?

Please note that always the number of allocations, their duration, depends on such factors:

  • How was your pregnancy.
  • How hard was your birth?
  • What kind of birth did you have - natural or.
  • How intensely the uterus contracts.
  • What complications do you have after childbirth?
  • Do you have an infectious inflammation.

The individual characteristics of the woman's body are also taken into account, how quickly it recovers after childbirth. The nature and duration of postpartum discharge can be affected by breastfeeding, how often you put the baby to the breast. Remember, the more often you feed your baby, the faster the uterus contracts.

Different types of discharge 2 months after childbirth

There are no periods during pregnancy. After the baby is born, the woman has a bright red discharge. For a long time, bloody discharge continues due to clotting problems. In the maternity hospital they give out a diaper, a special lining. After 2 months, there should not be heavy bleeding, if they are - this is a serious problem. Most likely, you have uterine bleeding. Purulent, curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor is especially dangerous.

There are cases when the discharge lasts more than two months, then a serious inflammatory process may develop. A large number of pathogenic bacteria multiply in the blood and mucus. If a woman does not follow personal hygiene, she may experience discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Normally, the discharge is brown, dark, when they have a green, yellow tint, this indicates that bacteria have settled in them. In addition, the discharge is accompanied by severe pain, the body temperature rises sharply, and chills are disturbing. These symptoms are indicative of endometritis. The disease is dangerous because it can lead to infertility.

For preventive purposes, it is advised to use an infusion of chamomile, succession for washing. Douching after childbirth is prohibited. Do not use a solution of potassium permanganate, it can greatly irritate the mucous membrane.

Discharge 2 months after childbirth can be caused by yeast. It is characterized by curdled discharge. Note that after 2 months the uterus returns to its normal size. When a woman does not breastfeed, her ovaries are restored, after which menstruation occurs again.

How to normalize discharge after childbirth?

Postpartum discharge contains blood, uterine epithelium, mucus and ichor. They increase after pressure on the abdomen, during movement. Such discharges last for about a month, after a cesarean section, the process is delayed. At first, the discharge resembles menstruation, after it becomes light, and ends. These processes are the norm. All others are considered abnormal.

To protect yourself from bleeding after childbirth, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Breastfeed as often as possible. During the lactation period, the uterus actively contracts, because the nipples are irritated and oxytocin is released. A woman feels cramping when breastfeeding.
  • Empty your bladder promptly. If you endure going to the toilet, the uterus will not contract normally.
  • Lie on your stomach. The position improves uterine contraction. When you lie on your stomach, the uterus moves closer to the abdominal wall, so the outflow of secretions improves.
  • Apply ice to the lower abdomen, this should be done three times a day. So you can increase the contraction of the uterine muscles.

So, spotting after childbirth does not belong to the pathological process, if observed for some time. Normally, the discharge is initially copious, bright red and thick, lasting no more than a week. After they become pale, scanty, end after a month. In nursing mothers, the discharge does not last long. After a caesarean section, the discharge may be delayed for some time.

During the first few weeks after childbirth, the woman continues to get lochia - spotting. Lochia after childbirth consist of pieces of mucus, plasma, ichor and dying epithelium. The color and amount of discharge changes - this process depends on the degree of restoration of the uterine mucosa and should correspond to the days of the postpartum period. Now the woman's body is weakened, the birth canal is open and various types of infection can enter the body through them, which will necessarily affect the amount and color of the discharge.

The release of blood after childbirth requires constant monitoring by the woman, and in case of any suspicious deviations from the norm, you should immediately run to the gynecologist.

How long does discharge last after childbirth? In the first few hours after delivery, the discharge has a pronounced bloody character. The main goal during this period is to prevent the onset of bleeding. To prevent it, a woman is often placed on her stomach with an ice pack (this is necessary to accelerate uterine contraction), urine is removed using a catheter, and drugs are injected intravenously that promote uterine contraction. The amount of discharge should not be more than half a liter of blood. Bleeding may increase in case of poor muscle contraction or a severe tear in the birth canal.

If the amount of discharge from the birth canal is normally not a concern, the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward. The next few days the amount of lochia will become slightly less, and the color will acquire a darker brownish tint.
The duration of discharge after childbirth is about one and a half months: The uterine mucosa will actively regenerate and the surface of the uterus will heal. They become insignificant, with a rare admixture of blood. By the end of the fourth week discharge becomes white or yellow-white. During the entire postpartum period, the use of tampons is not recommended. Pads with a high degree of absorbency will be the best option in this situation. The chance of bleeding is now low, but still present.

Prevention of bleeding

  1. The first few days after childbirth, be on your feet as little as possible.
  2. Breastfeeding the baby. When breastfeeding, oxytocin is released, which helps to reduce the muscle mass of the uterus. When a newborn suckles at the breast, blood clots may be slightly larger than usual.
  3. Prompt emptying of the bladder. A full bladder does not allow the uterus to contract, respectively, can provoke the onset of bleeding.
  4. Periodically put a container of ice or ice water on the lower abdomen. With pressure on the walls of the abdominal cavity, the vessels are pressed down, and the uterus begins to actively contract.

Symptoms and signs that indicate complications and are the reason for contacting a gynecologist:

With careful observance of personal hygiene of the body, sufficient rest and following all prescriptions, the risk of bleeding will be minimized.

Discharge after childbirth occurs in all women and in any case, regardless of whether the birth was natural (on time), premature, or a caesarean section was performed.

Why is there bleeding after childbirth? After the baby leaves the womb, the placenta begins to separate from the uterus. This causes a rupture of numerous blood vessels that connected these two parts. Bleeding begins, which performs an important postpartum function: it brings out the remnants of the placenta, dead parts of the endometrium and other products of intrauterine vital activity of the fetus, which after childbirth turn into ballast for the body.

Such selections are usually called the term "". Bloody discharge within a month after childbirth occurs in all women. But their character can be both absolutely normal and pathological. Therefore, every woman needs to know all the features of this process. First of all, you need to know how long the discharge after childbirth lasts, how much blood flows.

Each new mother has her own individual characteristics. The terms of recovery and healing of all damaged tissues and organs in women are always different. Therefore, it is impossible to give an accurate and exhaustive answer to the question "how much is the discharge after childbirth." There are some average frames that can be conditionally considered the norm. Anything that does not fit into this framework can be considered a deviation. And deviations, in turn, can be both not very disturbing and very dangerous.

Normal discharge

How long does bleeding last after childbirth? Most often, the duration of postpartum bleeding, equal to 1.5-2 months, is considered the norm. That is, if 5 weeks after the birth, the discharge has stopped, then this is normal. If the discharge after childbirth has not stopped after 2 months, then treatment is indispensable.

Non-dangerous deviations

If the discharge continues for more than two months, then you should not immediately panic, but you should definitely pay attention to the nature of the discharge - color, smell, composition, density (consistency - after childbirth, blood clots can be in the lochia). For all these parameters, you can make an approximate picture of what is happening inside the female body, and draw preliminary conclusions. In any case, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will make an objective conclusion and decide whether it is worth resorting to medical intervention in this case.

Dangerous deviations

If the discharge after childbirth ended after a week, or after 2 weeks, or 3 weeks after childbirth (before 5 weeks have passed), or if they continue for more than 9 weeks, then this is already a cause for serious concern. Be sure to fix the moment when they ended, if they ended ahead of time. All this may indicate malfunctions in the internal systems and organs. In such cases, examination and possibly treatment is required. It is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor, this is fraught with serious consequences. The longer you pull, the more likely you are to develop postpartum complications.

It often happens that young inexperienced mothers are happy if their discharge is over within a month. It seems to them that they were able to successfully enter the normal rhythm of life, and their young body successfully coped with all the difficulties that are associated with childbirth. But statistics show that more than 90% of such cases lead to complications that require serious treatment.

On the third day, very dark discharge should be replaced by lighter ones. After a month, the discharge becomes more and more scarce. If, after 6-6 weeks after the birth, the bloody discharge first ended, and then started again (the blood went again), then this is also a reason for a visit to the doctor. Blood clots in the period of the second to fourth week after childbirth should disappear, or their number should be minimized. Normal periods can begin two months after birth.

Features of uterine contraction

Contractions of the uterus, which provoke the discharge of blood from its cavity, often cause pain in the lower abdomen. The pain itself is like contractions. Moreover, it often happens that after the second and subsequent births, pain during lochia is stronger than after the first birth.

It happens that black lochia appears during the first few weeks after childbirth. If they are not accompanied by severe pain and an unpleasant odor, then, quite possibly, they are not a symptom of a pathological condition of the uterine cavity.

This character of postpartum discharge can be obtained due to the activation of the processes of restoring the hormonal background and restoring the mucous membranes.

During the first two hours after childbirth, there is a risk of severe uterine bleeding, which can then cause inflammation of the uterine mucosa. To avoid it, a woman is given drugs to increase uterine contractility. In addition, the bladder is emptied through the catheter. When the uterus contracts, blood vessels are pinched, which prevents dangerous blood loss through the vaginal mucosa. Signs of this condition in the mother's body are increasing weakness, dizziness, headache.

Discharge after childbirth. Norm and deviations

In order to objectively and adequately assess her condition after childbirth, a woman should pay attention not only to how long, how many days the postpartum discharge will go. The time period may be within the normal range, but the nature of the bleeding, the composition and other characteristics of the secretions themselves may show signs of serious deviations.

What discharge after childbirth is normal? When does the discharge end, how much and how many days after childbirth do they last?

During the first 2-3 days after birth, bleeding occurs from burst vessels. Then the uterus begins to heal, and open bleeding stops. What selection should be at this time? During the first 7 days, the discharge can be not only in the form of liquid blood. Most often you can see clots that stand out. The placenta separates and, together with the remnants of the endometrium, comes out in the form of clots.

After about a week, there are no more clots, the discharge becomes more liquid. If mucous secretions are observed in the lochia along with the blood, then there is no need to be afraid of this, this is normal. This is how the products of intrauterine vital activity of the fetus come out. Mucus should also be released for a week, and then it should end.

How long is discharge after childbirth copious? Usually about a month. 30-35 days after birth, lochia takes the form of ordinary smears, like those that occur during menstruation, only the blood has already clotted.

But if they are accompanied by a sharply unpleasant odor, if abundant discharge continues for several weeks (and at the same time they not only do not stop, but do not change), then this is already a cause for concern.


In addition to the composition and duration (duration) of lochia, you need to pay attention to their color, as well as how they smell. The color of lochia can say a lot. Normally, the first 2-3 days of discharge have a scarlet (bright red) color, since the blood has not yet coagulated. After that, within 7-15 days, the discharge has a rather brown color. This suggests that the restoration of the uterus takes place without complications and deviations. There are yellow lochia, which, depending on the shade, can talk about different processes occurring inside the female body.

yellow discharge

Despite the fact that blood clots come out after childbirth, they may not necessarily be red, the color may be different. They are also yellow, and may have other shades.

Pathological changes

Depending on the specific shade of yellow, doctors distinguish several conditional types of lochia.

  • Pale yellow. These are not very thick and not very profuse lochia, which can start towards the end of the second week. These are normal.
  • Bright yellow clots after childbirth, interspersed with a clearly green color and accompanied by a very unpleasant putrefactive odor, may appear on the 4-5th day. Such lochia is already an alarming signal. The reason, most likely, is inflammation of the lining of the uterus, which is called endometritis.
  • If yellow blood clots after childbirth began after 2 weeks, then such clots in the uterus after childbirth are most likely symptoms of endometritis.


One of the most common postpartum complications is lochiometer disease. It lies in the fact that the discharge suddenly stops, i.e. blood in the uterus after childbirth begins to accumulate. Most often this occurs 7-9 days after birth.


Green discharge after childbirth is much worse than yellow, because. may be a symptom of endometritis. As soon as a woman notices the first, even the most insignificant green blotches in the discharge, she should immediately consult a doctor. Some deviations in the health of the mother and other factors can contribute to the occurrence of endometritis during pregnancy.

Bleeding in the uterus

Normally, they should have a bright red color only at the initial stage, i.e. during the first few days after the birth of the baby. The uterus of a woman at this time is, in fact, an open wound in which the blood does not have time to clot. Therefore, the discharge has a pronounced bloody appearance. Blood clots that remain in the uterine cavity after childbirth are gradually removed, and their presence in the general flow of uterine secretions is the norm.

brown discharge

Brown discharge after childbirth begins after about 2 weeks, and indicates the normal course of the recovery process.

Green discharge

Green discharge after childbirth is a clear sign of the onset of the process of decay, which is very dangerous. Even if the greenish discharge is odorless, anyway, in this state, the body cannot be considered safe.

Bloody issues

Bloody discharge after childbirth is generally normal. Spotting a month after giving birth resembles the usual small smears that all women have at the end of their period.

Features of lochia after caesarean section

Allocations after childbirth, carried out by caesarean section, have a slightly different character, but in general the same. Only in this case it is more likely to catch an infection or provoke another inflammatory process, so there should be more attention to hygiene after a cesarean section. In the first week after childbirth, the discharge is very plentiful. The total duration of lochia is longer, because. the uterus does not contract as quickly, and the healing of damaged tissues is slower.

Prevention of complications and inflammation

To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is recommended to go to the toilet as often as possible. It is important to breastfeed your baby. When the nipples are stimulated, oxytocin is produced, a pituitary hormone that enhances uterine contractions. When feeding, pain in the lower abdomen may appear (or intensify), but this is normal. More severe pain in this case is experienced by women who have already given birth before.

Pay close attention to hygiene.

Hygiene in the postpartum period is the basis for the successful recovery of the female body. There are several main recommendations:

  • carefully select pads, change them at least every 3-4 hours;
  • do not use tampons;
  • flush the genitals as often as possible;
  • when processing seams, use antiseptics.

All women who have given birth know that the postpartum period is associated with the appearance of bloody discharge from the uterus. For girls who have become mothers for the first time, their intensity and duration can be scary. However, discharge a month after childbirth is a natural phenomenon associated with the cleansing of the cavity of the reproductive organ.

The following factors influence the rate of recovery of the reproductive system after childbirth:

  • How was the pregnancy?
  • features of the course of childbirth;
  • how intensely the muscles of the uterus contract;
  • Are there postpartum complications?
  • Is the woman breastfeeding her baby?

A month and a half has passed after the birth, and the discharge continues, and their intensity does not decrease? Then you need to consult a gynecologist. As in the case when the discharge or postpartum menstruation ended too early - after 3-4 weeks.

Hygiene after childbirth

After a happy mother has experienced the birth of her baby, she must pay special attention to self-care. This applies to genital hygiene. It is important that in the first time, when there is a discharge after childbirth, she uses soft, well-absorbing products.

These can be pieces of soft natural fabric or pads. In the latter case, it is better to choose them without flavoring and with a smooth surface. On it it will be easy to see what the discharge looks like after childbirth, to notice the presence of clots. Hygiene products should be changed at least once every three hours.

After each visit to the toilet room, it is necessary to wash with warm water. It is necessary to wash the genitals in the direction from front to back. A daily shower is recommended. But you should refrain from taking a bath for a couple of months.

In the first time after childbirth, doctors do not recommend using a procedure such as douching. Although twenty years ago, a week after giving birth, he was prescribed in order to stimulate uterine contractions (boiled water with iodine was used).

Forbidden . This is because they delay vaginal discharge. This prevents the normal cleansing of organs and promotes the reproduction of pathogens.

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