How to determine there is an evil eye. How to find out if there is damage on a person: three methods available at home. Appearance changes

The determination of the person who caused the damage is done by simple magical rites. So, you can find out not only the gender of the enemy, but also his name. Do not be surprised if the next day after the ritual, the offender knocks on the door.

In the article:

Why know who did the damage

If you have become a victim of a black witchcraft rite, then you need to find out who has a negative impact. This is no less important than.

  • Some want to know their offender for revenge.
  • Others - to know the enemy in person and protect themselves from contact with him.

The second reason is the correct one. It is not always logical to take revenge on a sorcerer who managed to cause severe damage. This may entail another magical attack from his side. And if the sorcerer has a good magical defense, then all your magic will be reflected from him and come back.

Therefore, the only reason to know the enemy in person is to protect yourself in every possible way, break contact with this person and do away with the influence of this magician.

Ways to determine who cursed

You can find out who caused damage or the evil eye by four categories of rituals:

  • Rituals that allow you to see the sorcerer in a dream. In this case, you need to be able to properly tune in to receive information through dreams.
  • Appeal to the Higher Forces. If you can correctly address the spirits, and they agree to help, then soon the offender will betray himself, or the spirits will point to the enemy.
  • Rites that involve the use of magical attributes and performing special actions with them.
  • Rituals in which the main search tool is a sample of the energy of the sorcerer himself. In any case, when magically affected, the magician leaves a little of his material, so his energy can be used for searching.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

This is one of the most common and easy methods of exposing enemies. It will make it difficult to find out the name of the enemy or the general features of the face. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to see the full face of your sworn enemy.

Before you go to bed, relax, get rid of obsessive thoughts. Do not try to mentally guess the image of the enemy. It will be confusing. Leave all your guesses behind and concentrate on wanting to know who was trying to attack. When you can relax, quietly say:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
Among the bright rows there is Saint Samson.
In the name of God, eternal and living,
I say the holy word
Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream.
May Saint Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, a prophetic face will show it to me.
Living and holy Trinity, help,
Lord Jesus Christ, bless my dream,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After pronouncing the text, immediately go to bed. Rest assured, at night the image of the offender will appear. In order not to forget anything in the morning, put a notepad and a pen by the bed in advance. As soon as you wake up, do not touch your head (so as not to drive away the memory of the dream) and quickly write down everything you saw.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

You can find out who is really an enemy, and who could cause damage and the evil eye, using both simple and complex methods. The result of the ritual will depend on your capabilities.

Black magic will help you find the enemy

You can determine the person who caused the damage using black magic. This rite is not very complicated, but quite dangerous. Therefore, it is not advised to conduct it for those who are new to the canons of black magic or are just starting their journey in the knowledge of the world of witchcraft.

To perform the ritual, come to the cemetery and find the old nail. It's best to pick it up from someone's grave. But remember, it is undesirable to touch the object with your hands. Therefore, prepare in advance a piece of black matter in which you can wrap the find. Pick up the nail, pick it up and drive it under the door at the entrance to the house. During the action, say the text:

Let my enemy come in three days,
and if he does not come, he will die in six months.
Cemetery, coffin, nail,
waiting for you, invited guest.

The person who performed the witchcraft effect will very soon appear on the threshold, since with the help you can not only call the offender to yourself, but also damage him. If you suspect a specific person and want him to come to you with repentance, then change the text of the spell:

(Name) if you don’t come in three days, you will die in half a year.
Cemetery, coffin, nail.
I'm waiting for you invited guest.

Help of the dark forces in the capture of the sorcerer

The dark forces that the magician turns to can help to catch the enemy. They can point the victim to the one who dared to send damage or the evil eye on her. Required:

  • large capacity full of boiling water;
  • 7 rusty keys.

Late in the evening, lower the prepared attribute container with boiling water and exclaim three times:

Whoever wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), bring the devil to his house. There will be no peace for an evil man, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen.

An enemy deprived of rest from the very early morning will already be standing at your door in the hope of talking.

Candle - a magical attribute that will open the veil of secrets

Candle wax is often used in magical rites to determine the presence of corruption, the evil eye, a curse and to identify who could have so much influence on the fate of the victim. Fill a bowl with water and arm yourself with a wax candle. The use of candles from another material is unacceptable. There will be no effect from the ritual.

A simple way to determine the enemy yourself

The prepared wax should be heated well so that it melts, then pour it into a vessel filled with liquid and repeat the text:

I pour wax into water, I pour out the name of my enemy.

After all the wax has been poured out, let it cool and take a closer look at what happened.

  • The moon, flowers, trees - performed a ritual woman.
  • Wild animals, geometric shapes, birds of prey - brought damage the male.

The stronger the damage induced, the more information you can get.

  • Often on wax can appear letters, which will symbolize the initials of the one who tried to harm.
  • Numbers will indicate how long ago the ritual was performed.

Sometimes the figures can be quite strange, symbolizing the profession of an enemy or his hobby.

How to find out who caused damage with needles and candles

With the help of this ritual, you can tell exactly who is causing damage. It is necessary to purchase several wax candles in the church. One of them must be set on fire, and the other must be broken. Melt the broken piece in a container over the fire of a burning candle.

Pour the hot wax into a bowl filled with liquid. Place the second candle nearby and let it burn out. Take a close look at the resulting image. In rare cases, it completely repeats the image of the sorcerer who caused damage.

If you see an object on wax in front of you, then determine what kind it is. An individual of this sex and made a negative impact. After that, take three sharp objects (you can use needles) and stick them into the image. Sticking each needle, repeat the words:

Point in the water! Water - under the canopy! Who wished evil to the Servant of God (name), he will come to my doorstep! Don't hesitate, show up! Servant of God (name), show yourself! Amen!

The used container is placed near the entrance for the whole night. It is best to cover it with former matter. The next morning, the enemy will make itself felt. He may not come to visit, but he will call or meet on the street.

How to recognize the offender using his energy

The use of such a method is reasonable only if it is possible to recognize different energy material. There are many practices that allow working with bioenergetics. Some of them are pretty easy to master.

First you need to learn how to accurately determine what kind of energy surrounds you. Or rather, whose. The sorcerer must feel the invasion of alien energy into his biofield. In order to master this skill, try to learn to recognize your own energy and distinguish it from someone else's.

It is akin to natural body odor, fingerprint, voice and appearance. All this is unique and individual. The easiest way to get to know yourself better:

  • meditating a little every evening;
  • relaxing;
  • imagining the energy enveloping you in a dense cocoon.

Gradual visualization of the biofield will make it possible to feel it well, to understand its structure, temperature, maybe even color.

When inducing damage, a magical energy strike is sent, which violates the structure of the natural protective cocoon. If you can visualize your protective shell and check its integrity, then soon after the damage is done, you will find a breach in your protection.

Any magical blow is a powerful energy message (in this case, a black magician). The sample of alien energy in the field will be significantly different:

  • by color;
  • density;
  • sensations;
  • temperature.

Usually the affected place (organ) begins to hurt, become inflamed, and on the physical plane it is easy to feel the magical blow. But if you visualize yours again, you can feel the energy of the enemy at the point of impact. Tune in to it, try to catch all its features. Now there is the main evidence for the capture of the ill-wisher.

You will need a stone -. It is best kept attached to a chain in a separate box. Raise the stone by the chain into the air and, having tuned in to the energy of the enemy, ask questions to the stone. According to the principle of the pendulum, it will swing in different directions giving the answer either “Yes” or “No”. You can ask a variety of questions:

  • Is this person female/male?
  • I know the one who caused the damage?
  • Have I crossed paths with him before?
  • Will I see him soon?

With clear answers, you can determine who your enemy is. The main thing is to mentally transmit information about the energy of the attacking stone all this time so that the answers are correct.

When buying tourmaline and before using it, explain to him how he can transmit answers to you. For example: say: "yes" and shake it to the right and left. Then say: "No" and shake it back and forth.

You can find out who caused the damage yourself. Using these rituals is not dangerous for you and the health of your loved ones. Use the information you receive wisely. Do not try . Better do your best to protect yourself from this person.

In contact with

Finding out whether there is damage or not is easy. But it is difficult to get rid of it, especially if the case is severe or prolonged. Absolutely everyone is subject to the evil eye and damage - adults and children, men and women, even pets get a bad word from the outside. Be that as it may, damage must be dealt with without delay. Otherwise, damage will be postponed to the next generation.

Is there an evil eye and damage

The so-called skeptics say that corruption is just "the will of chance." But scientists seriously dealt with the question of whether there is an evil eye and damage, conducted experiments. They consisted in removing all mental and emotional indicators from one patient, while a separate group of people deliberately spoke badly about the subject. They talked among themselves about how bad, unreliable, a deceiver he was, attributed to him many negative traits. And in fact, the subject complained of confusion, unimportant well-being, uncertainty in his actions. Moreover, he could not explain why he was acting in an unusual way, which caused negative consequences. However, when a group of people spoke about the subject with warmth, a smile, praised him, attributed all the best to his character, the subject claimed that his state of health had improved, he was ready for exploits, wanted to share energy and joy with everyone. Thus, it is proved that the phenomenon of the evil eye and damage has a stable place in human life.

How to find out if there is an evil eye or damage

At a certain point in life, a single person suddenly declares that he has damage on him. He confirms this with such vague facts as “everything falls out of hand”, “it’s impossible to concentrate at work” or something similar. One way or another, there are still symptoms of the evil eye, as well as symptoms of damage to a person, by which you can determine which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is affected by damage or the evil eye and how to deal with it.

It also happens that in a person’s career everything is fine, he has excellent relations with relatives and friends, but relations with the opposite sex do not work out in any way. There is a possibility that a “crown of celibacy” was brought on him, which does not affect other elements of his everyday and social life. One way or another, the negative program has its own specific signs of damage and the evil eye on a person, who carefully study where they draw certain conclusions from. The main thing is to catch on in time, and not to blame damage on chance, because accidents are not always accidental. The main reason for the neglect of the evil eye and damage is their ignoring, because it is possible to get rid of the consequences of rooted damage, but you will have to spend a lot of strength and vitality.

Signs of the evil eye and damage in women

The symptoms of the evil eye and damage in a woman are not much different from men, with the exception of some features. In general, women react much more strongly to changes in the aura, they immediately feel damage, mental interference from the outside, energy is subject to faster destruction than men's. But they do not give up just like that and are able to quickly determine the presence of the evil eye, damage.

One way or another, a woman subjected to damage or the evil eye has problems sleeping at night, she is overcome by nightmares, and her mood after waking up is bad, anxious. She notices that it has become harder to do the same things, as if because of the evil eye, worries have increased ten times more, and the time for their execution has decreased.

There is an interesting observation. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. And if a woman cannot look into the eyes of others, and even more so, even in the reflection, tearing begins, then, as they say, the thing is rubbish, someone caused damage or jinxed it.

Signs of the evil eye and damage in men

Men, although they have a strong biofield, can still suffer from damage no less than women. A man should listen to his own thoughts more often, control his actions and deeds, be especially careful with loved ones. If there is damage, and the usual evil eye, then he can lose them all.

For a man, the characteristic signs of the evil eye and damage are increased irritability, especially for the closest people. A man, under the influence of damage or the evil eye, begins to get seriously angry with his friends, spouse and even children. No one can adequately explain the reason for this behavior of a man, except for "he was jinxed." In addition, he literally hears other people's voices in his head, moreover, some may be very familiar, moreover, the voices of dead people can “whisper” obsessive thoughts, which is a serious sign of damage. Hallucinations are observed: from "it seemed that the bag was moving" to more serious visions. And, finally, the evil eye contributes to the fact that many bad habits are exacerbated. Especially bad are those that a man once refused, gaining willpower. The corruption will force him to return to old habits with a vengeance, the corruption will bring him to the very end.

How to determine that the evil eye is on you

The first signs of the evil eye or spoilage are regular headaches and migraines, which are not affected by medications and rest.

Important! Against the background of such tension, chronic fatigue is observed, which leads to apathy and complete indifference.

Because of damage, a person does not experience emotions. He is not able to hold a friend, sincerely express his joy on this or that occasion.

They say that favorite activities help to try to get out of a state of stagnation - from reading a book and playing on the phone to going to the mountains or simple gardening, but the person who has been jinxed does not want to do this at all. Moreover, he becomes annoyed if someone imposes such a "rest" on him, although on any other day he would agree to this with pleasure.

Also, against the background of damage, a person is seriously alienated from loved ones, despite sincere attention and a desire to help. Their attempts to support a person cause aggression, which is reflected in relationships, because not everyone has the patience to endure such a bad character from a once good-natured partner.

The last calls of the evil eye or damage are called voices in the head, as if thoughts are imposed by strangers, but they are so regular that in the end there is not enough strength to resist them. Finally, a person completely loses strength, he becomes passive-aggressive, moreover, completely exhausted.

Warning! If all this is observed in one person, then there is a high probability of damage to him.

How to find out if there is damage on you using a candle

It can be done with the help of improvised means and simple rituals. One of the most effective ways requires the presence of church candles, because both the wick and the wax have special properties. However, this method requires sincere faith, because religion is not a game; one cannot believe when it is convenient.

So, first you need to have three church candles on hand. They are lit with matches. While they are burning, a person says one of the prayers that he knows by heart or can learn it so as not to stumble, to say from the heart. By the way, this is either “Our Father”, or “Let God rise again”, or “Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos”. In the process of prayer, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of the candle. It is worth remembering that a whisper on a candle causes it to sway, so common sense should also be. After the prayer is said, you need to cross yourself three times.

So, if the candle fire is bright, the tongue is even or barely swaying, everything is in order, although you can carry out a cleaning procedure so that everything is in order for sure. But if the fire of the candles flickered, swayed strongly, and still smoked with black soot, then there is undoubtedly damage.

How to know if you have the evil eye with wax

To check if there is damage on a person, a wax candle will help, paraffin will not show what is needed. The candle is set on fire (preferably from matches, although this is not critical), they let it flare up so that it melts a little. Then the melted wax is carefully poured into a bowl of cold water. The wax will harden, making up a certain figure, on the basis of which the result is interpreted.

Great imagination is not required, it is not necessary to look for a hidden meaning, a complex figure or something similar in the resulting “blot”. It is important to see the pattern either even or torn. In other words, circles, ovals, smooth figures mean that there is no damage or evil eye on a person. However, the sharp “rays”, the shapes of polyhedral stars, the holes inside the figure say that the human biofield is impure, maybe not even whole. Then it is worth taking action.

How to test yourself for damage with water

Ordinary water will help to determine the damage on yourself. This ritual is designed to quickly find out, get a definite answer - is there damage or not. To do this, take a vessel, preferably transparent, be it a bowl, bowl, glass. Fill with water. And now, perhaps the most difficult part, they throw three embers at her. There are identical divinations that imply the presence of burnt matches, but in this case, simple full-fledged coals are needed.

Attention! Running water should be allowed to stand for half an hour. However, if the water is filtered, then fortune-telling is started immediately.

The result of fortune-telling is as follows: if all the coals have sunk to the bottom, then damage has its own stable place, and it is very strong. If one or two coals have sunk, the evil eye or spoilage is present, no serious measures are required, but cleaning is needed. If coals float on water, it follows that a person can calm down, he is completely clean.

How to test yourself for the evil eye with milk

This ritual requires really a lot of milk, a whole bucket. However, rituals have long roots, and not all of them can be modernized.

So, on a bucket of milk you need to read a conspiracy that says:

“The demon and the spirit themselves sit in the house and look at the yard.

And if they are sitting, then I will let them out, I will pull them out.

As a knife enters the water, so the milk will all be gone.

The conspiracy is fixed by pronouncing the word “Amen” three times, and then on a flame (gas or fire), you need to warm the knife well, maybe even to redness, then immediately dip it into a bucket and leave it there. The result is one of three: if the milk in the bucket curdles within one hour, then there is spoilage. If it darkens, the damage is very severe and dangerous, drastic cleaning measures must be taken. If the milk has not undergone any changes, then spoilage has no place in the human energy. One way or another, the milk will have to be poured out. Recommends to the river, but if one is not observed in the accessible vicinity, then simply flush into the toilet. Then thoroughly wash your hands and face, and even better, take a shower completely.

How to find out if there is damage on a person using a gold ring

An ordinary gold ring will help to understand that a person is damaged, although you need to prepare for this ritual. Before proceeding directly to the ritual, you need to thoroughly wash your face. Thoroughly - this is soap to cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics.

Fortune-telling itself involves the simplest step - a golden ring is drawn along the cheek. Again, without fanaticism, moderate force is needed in everything, so as not to cause undesirable consequences ourselves. So, if after the ring the skin remains of its tone, there is no damage. But if a dark trace suddenly remains, then measures must be taken to clean not only the face, but also the biofield.

How to understand that you are spoiled with the help of salt

Signs of witchcraft on a person can be identified independently with the help of simple rituals. One of the most common involves divination with salt. For this ceremony, of course, you will need salt, a transparent glass, but not faceted, water, matches and a knife (for the best result, you need a new one, but this is not important). The glass is filled with water, a pinch of salt is scooped from the common salt shaker with the tip of a knife, poured into the water.

Attention! It matters whether a person is left-handed or right-handed. If you are right-handed, then the glass is placed on the left palm, with the right they cover it from above, but not tightly, but barely touching. For left-handers, the glass is placed on the right palm, covering it with the left.

Next, you need some visualization skills - you need to imagine how the energy of a person fills a glass and mixes with water. Water should absorb human energy. This will take about a minute, although you can rely on intuition. After that, the glass is placed on the table and proceed to further steps. In the working hand (right-handed - right and vice versa) they take three matches, which are also “filled” with energy. Then each match is set on fire, waiting for it to burn out as much as possible, or at least two-thirds thrown into the water. And observe for three minutes what is happening.

So, if three matches drowned and did not surface, then there is damage, and very heavy. One or two matches at the bottom means that there is damage, but not very serious. Matches float somewhere in the middle - a simple evil eye or damage. If they remain on the surface, everything is fine, the human biofield is clean from the evil eye and poisonous words.

How to determine damage or evil eye yourself with the help of matches

For this ceremony, you will need six matches and a glass of salted water and a candle. This ritual will help you check the signs of the evil eye yourself.

A glass of water is placed on the table, a candle is placed next to it, from which two matches must be lit. Simultaneously with the lighting of the matches, you need to read the prayer “Our Father”, and at an accelerated pace, since the matches are thrown at the end of the words. So, whispering a prayer, burning matches are held with a cross over a glass, where they are thrown immediately after the final words.

If the matches remain on the surface of the water, then there is nothing to worry about. If they are “in limbo”, namely, they are trying to sink, but the surviving parts are kept above the water, then there is a place for such a phenomenon as self-evil eye. In the case when the matches drowned entirely, there is damage or evil eye.

How to check if there is damage using a pendulum

A self-made pendulum, which is the “voice” of the subconscious, will help to recognize damage or the evil eye on a person. They make it from a ring or other jewelry, only it was weighty. In the most extreme case, you can use a nut. The pendulum is hung on a thread, preferably red, about 30 cm long. The resulting structure is held with the thumb and forefinger so that the fingertips point downwards. You should raise your left hand with your palm up at chest level, hold the pendulum above it so that it does not touch your hand. And ask, in this case, “Is there damage on me, the evil eye?”.

The result is usually unambiguous: if the pendulum swings in a circle, the answer is positive (yes), if from side to side, then the answer is negative (no).

How to find out what damage is done

As it was said, damage and the evil eye have many symptoms, as well as ways to find out if there are symptoms of the evil eye in adults and children. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, because you need to recognize what exactly someone else's envious look fell on. Various rituals can help you find out if there is damage and how severe it is. However, it is not possible for a person to find out exactly what was said on his own, he will have to communicate with a specialist who will answer all questions in detail.

Consequences of spoilage

The consequences of damage are actually very detrimental. If time does not begin to solve this problem, then a person can literally lose everything. Friends and relatives will turn away from him, unable to endure the victim, who, in addition to everything, refuses to help. He loses his job, his purpose in life, and life itself. With such a scenario, the only way out of the evil eye is death. As scary as it may sound, the facts and statistics speak for themselves. But, what is the worst thing in all this, the damage can be so strong that it will pass from the victim to his family, especially children. Therefore, you need to listen to yourself more often, clean your aura, biofield and just do good deeds so that “God will protect you.”


Finding out whether there is damage or not is quite simple. This can be seen in human behavior, as well as with the help of simple and not very rituals. One way or another, even with the smallest probability of the presence of the evil eye and damage, you need to fight hard, because not only the one who was jinxed, but also his loved ones, relatives and close people, are under attack.

Many people daily wonder how to find out if I have damage. It's quite normal.

People who do not have magical practice, who do not know how to see the aura, are lost in the flow of information. How does it usually happen?

The poor man listens to the stories of friends and acquaintances, to be sure, he still rummages through the net, and immediately doubts overcome him. Various thoughts come into my head.

The symptoms of spoilage are well described. Only there is no clear symptom that distinguishes damage from the usual "black stripe".

And yes, it can't exist. After all, the negative program is disguised as real events. Otherwise, anyone can easily get rid of it.

And black magicians and the egregors led by them need to receive the energy of the victim. So they come up with such ways that mask damage.

But white magicians are not asleep either. There are rituals that allow you to deal with the human condition. Let's talk about them.

How to find out if I have damage: 4 effective ways

On the one hand, you can get sick or get into trouble at work, on the other hand, this damage is already in effect. A simple ritual with matches will allow you to understand exactly what is happening.

  1. Pour into a glass of water. Read Our Father.
  2. Light a match and cross the water with it.
  3. Keep it on until half burnt.
  4. Carefully grab the match by the burnt end and wait until it is completely charred.
  5. Throw in the water.

This must be done three times.

Now read the plot. He is like this:

“Mother, Holy Mother of God! The water poured by you will show me who told fortunes, who wished me evil, did not eat and did not sleep! Amen!"

Look at the location of the matches. If everyone is floating on the surface of the water, you have nothing. A bad mood or illness caused the illness.

If at least one drowned, there is an evil eye or damage. The more matches at the bottom, the stronger the impact.

This test is very accurate. Be sure to spend it so as not to worry about trifles.

How to find out if I have damage to loneliness

To answer the question about the possible, you will have to do a more complex ritual. One of them is wax casting.

  1. Melt the wax in a spoon and pour into a bowl of water.
  2. While it begins to melt, mentally or aloud ask why you do not have a mate, which is the cause of loneliness.
  3. Take the wax out of the cup and look at it.

If there is a through hole in it (how the donut looks), there is damage. If there are several of them, then a lot of people wish you harm. We need to remove the negative. It just won't go through.

Sometimes "arrows" made of wax indicate damage. They are formed along the edges of the figure and are clearly visible. You don't have to write anything. Arrows stand like palisades. This is gossip and malicious envy pours out like that.

When the wax pours out in several lumps, this indicates a curse on the relationship. Until you take it off, no power will give you true love.

Small droplets that have broken off from a solid lump are interpreted as unborn children. It is also a sign of damage that does not allow the family to continue.

Buy a church candle. In the evening, light it and look at the wick. You need to watch for a long time, watching how it spins. Keep track of your condition.

Damage works in such a way that after a short period of time pains will appear in the eyes. It can be very difficult for a person to look at a light.

Tears will flow, dizziness or nausea will begin. This is a serious symptom.

It happens that the wick shows the result. Just watch him closely. If you see the face of the Devil, then there is definitely damage. Figures can appear in any way. Everything depends on the imagination.

But do not be afraid and do not hesitate, you will see exactly what you need.

Notice the snake that winds among the flames, which means that a woman attacked you.

Others: if the energy is not clean, then the candle will smoke. This happens, as a rule, in the first minutes.

Be vigilant and don't get distracted. After all, the evil eye does not exclude damage. They can coexist in any aura.

How to know if I have a corruption or a curse

This is a more serious impact. It is not as easy to define it as the evil eye. The fact is that the curse or patrimonial corruption is hidden so deeply that it does not appear during the usual ritual.

"Is there a corruption or a curse on me"

Lay the deck randomly on the table, face down. They can simply be placed like chips. Now take out seven cards, laying them out in a row in front of you.

Letters from our readers

Topic: My life has changed for the better!

From whom: Larisa(lu****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Larisa and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to change my life for the better and get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy toys for children, new clothes, or please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across an article on the Internet.

You will be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have done a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Consider the result carefully. Damage will be shown by the major arcana. Namely, the Moon in combination with the Magician. This is an obvious corruption. If both cards are reversed, then you have a curse.

If the combination is complemented by the triple of swords (broken heart), then it most of all affects the relationship. Such a person, without removing the curse, is doomed to complete loneliness.

If the three of swords is upside down, it means that the curse has not yet become fully effective (dormant).

How to find out if I have damage using an egg

Often . This product, like wax, is an excellent conductor of negativity.

You need to hold a fresh egg in your hands, reading prayers. It doesn't make much of a difference which one. Everything is up to you.

As a rule, people read "Our Father".

After fifteen minutes, break the egg into a glass of water.

Look at the result right away. Damage will clearly show a torn yolk. If the egg turns out to be rotten, then it’s a real disaster. The damage is very strong.

The blood in the egg also speaks of the negative. You should know that it appears when a person is wished for death.

If the protein rises to the surface in peaks, then you do not have damage, but there is an evil eye. The more such "tops", the stronger the negative.

Of course, you shouldn't leave it like that. Read the 90th psalm and put a glass of egg at the head of your bed. In the morning, look again at what happened. If the squirrel sank to the bottom, then the evil eye was gone.

In our life, it constantly happens that some people are more successful in life than others. Great success makes the people around you jealous. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. People who are jealous of you sometimes do little dirty tricks to you, and it happens that people just go crazy because of their envy and induce dangerous damage to you.

Corruption- this is an unkind action that is directed at a person towards whom great envy is experienced. When hovering it, some kind of ritual does not always occur. Often this happens with the help of words that come from an ill-wisher and linger in the subconscious of the person to whom this damage was directed. People who believe in corruption are more vulnerable to its perception. For this reason, there will be no problems to damage such a person. Often, ill-wishers suggest it so that scandals constantly occur in a person in the family, alcohol in large quantities, psychotropic drugs, divorce from a soulmate and other bad deeds begin to be consumed. A person on whom there is damage to good luck has nowhere to wait. And directly only this is achieved by your enemy, who brought this bad deed on you. Basically, such rituals are performed by people who have magical powers, but such a disaster can also be expected from an ordinary person. In order to get rid of damage in a timely manner, you need to know how to recognize it.

What is the damage

There are a huge number of ways to induce damage. However, they often suggest:

    For bad luck. From individual existence up to money problems. This is the most popular type of damage. Since most of all they envy those people who are lucky in life. Some people strive, work every day tirelessly, while others are lucky without any effort. For many people, this is a huge cause for envy. This type of inducing damage does not bring significant harm to a person. For this reason, a person who induces such damage will not be greatly tormented by conscience.

    Damage to all kinds of diseases. Such damage should already be feared, it can cause great harm to human health. Often it is directed by highly offended people. A separate type is possible to note damage to childlessness.

    To death. Such damage is the most terrible of all that can be done. If you find yourself in such damage, you should immediately seek help from professionals.

It is possible to make damage in many ways: from a photograph, in the presence of hair or other personal items. Naturally, removing the damage that has been induced on you is a very difficult action, and sometimes even very dangerous. Often, it is beyond the power of ordinary people to remove it without the help of specialists. However, anyone can identify whether there is damage on you. It is impossible to delay with the identification, as this can end in failure. Each person needs to know all the symptoms of spoilage in order to recognize it in time.

Vivid signs of damage

The first feature of damage is annoying ideas. You have never had such ideas before, and at present they do not give you peace of mind. In connection with what kind of damage was used, ideas can be of the most different shades. It can be despondency, dissatisfaction with one's own existence, hopelessness, vanity, and so on. Or, on the contrary, there is an unbearable desire to do something that promises pleasure and pleasure, although it looks wrong. Do not forget that you should not believe in such ideas and desires in any case - it is absolutely obvious that someone deliberately imposed them on you!

By the emotional state of a person, one can understand whether there is damage on him. Such people are characterized by depression and the inability to observe white stripes in life.

Continuous depression, indignation at one's appearance, unwillingness to have fun or contact people - all this looks more than surprising if a person does not have significant difficulties in life, and everything always succeeded. Those slain by the curse are regularly tormented by unfamiliar worries and fears, horrors are dreamed. Moreover, every day the emotional state of a person is deteriorating at a tremendous speed. In such a state, even the most qualified psychiatrist will not be able to help.

Common signs of spoilage

When spoilage is detected, experts advise on what symptoms you need to pay attention to first.

    Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you may notice that one of the pupils has decreased in size.

    A large number of age spots began to appear on your body.

    For no particular reason, your palms begin to sweat a lot and your fingers shake.

    Persistent poor health. And the doctors can't figure out what's going on with you.

    You have begun to notice that your pets are afraid of you.

    Your cross, which you were wearing during the rite of baptism, constantly interferes or annoys.

    When you visit the temple, you feel discomfort and you immediately want to leave it right away.

In addition to these seven lists, there are still a huge number of different signs of damage. If you have at least one of them, immediately contact a clergyman or a person who has magical powers.

How to consider damage by hand

First of all, carefully examine your own palms. A person with powerful energy has 3 clear lines: life, intellect and heart. If the last 2 of them are crossed by another one, then it is possible to freely damage the owner of the palm. This is also evidenced by the presence of a significant number of crosses. Moreover, these signs on the palms indicate damage that was transmitted "by inheritance" or from a past life. The presence of moles also indicates a severe evil eye.

How to check spoilage with an egg

In the present period of time in our world there is a huge number of rituals that can recognize whether you have damage or not. The most elementary of many rituals is the removal of spoilage with the help of a chicken egg. You can do such a ritual yourself without resorting to the help of specialists in this field. Such a rite does not require any specific knowledge.

You will need: a glass, water and a raw chicken egg. Pour water into a glass, and then carefully break the egg there, so that the yolk is not damaged and is intact. Then put a glass with an egg on your head and wait a few minutes for the contents of the glass to be saturated with your energy. If the yolk bursts in water, this indicates that you have damage. If white streaks have formed around the yolk or the yolk has become covered with dark spots, this indicates that you have been cursed for death. The yolk remained intact and clean - exhale with relief, there is no spoilage on you.

How to find out the presence of damage using matches

For such a ceremony, you will need: a glass, water, salt and matches. Pour clean water into a glass and hold it in your palms for two minutes. After filling a glass of liquid with your energy, you can add a little salt to it for a greater effect. Then ignite the match, but it should not burn out completely. When a small cinder remains, immerse it in a glass of water. Take a good look into the glass - if the rest of the match began to sink, then this indicates that you have been damaged. If the cinder lies on the surface of the water - this is a good sign, you have no damage.

Church candles and wax

Light a candle bought in the temple and, reading the prayer words, drive it around the person. Pay special attention to how the candle burns. If it starts to crackle or smoke heavily, this indicates that you have damage. If the candle burns without any extraneous sounds, then relax there is no damage to you.

There is another method to detect damage using a candle. The person should hold a glass of water over your head for several minutes, and then pour melted wax into it. During this ceremony, you will learn:

If you find wax smooth without any defects on the surface of the water, you have no damage;

If the wax lay down in tubercles - there is an evil eye or damage;

On the poured wax, you found a large number of holes and irregularities - this means that the same person periodically spoils you.

How to find out about damage with the help of gold

Take a high-quality gold ring and run it over your hand or face. After this action, if you still have a dark stripe on your cheek, then someone has spoiled you. If the strip is white, you have no damage. If you use low-grade gold or jewelry gold containing various impurities in this ritual, then such a ceremony will be ineffective.

It is not necessary to conduct various rituals in order to identify whether you have damage. You can just listen to your body and yourself, and understand everything without much manipulation. If someone has spoiled you, then you will have the following symptoms:

If you just started to feel hatred towards your relatives or friends for no reason;

You are constantly worried about various severe pains (headache, toothache);

If you are very irritable and nervous for no particular reason;

If your mood is constantly unstable;

Constant malaise and continuous trips to the doctors;

When a person has damage, he feels himself to be unnecessary, scattered, to be in continuous depression. If you suddenly experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, by all means go to a professional.

And remember, the sooner you identify damage, the easier it will be to get rid of it. When such a disaster is discovered, in no case should you hesitate!

Is it possible to independently determine the negative impact on yourself and how to determine the evil eye or damage? It is not always possible to turn to healers and sorcerers for diagnosis, as well as to find qualified help. From ancient times, our ancestors determined magical effects with the help of improvised means and knew how to help themselves and their families. Consider the methods of self-diagnosis of the evil eye and damage.

Many people are interested in: how to find out on my own if I have damage or an evil eye? Usually such a question begins to be interested in a sudden decline in strength, the resumption of cured diseases, or with constant bad luck. If the decline in strength cannot be explained by a seasonal lack of vitamins, it is worth diagnosing the presence of negative energy in the human field.

If cured diseases suddenly appear or the temperature rises for no reason, you should immediately find out what state the energy is in. An endless series of failures cannot be considered a normal phenomenon: it always indicates the introduction of alien energies into the human biofield.

Simple methods for diagnosing the evil eye

With black bread you can detect the presence of the evil eye on a person. In the evening, put a glass of water in the room next to you. In the morning, take a piece of black bread in your right hand and hold it in your hand for a couple of minutes. At this time, you can not concentrate your thoughts on the ceremony, it is better to move away from everything. Put a piece in a glass: if it goes to the bottom in a minute, you have been jinxed. If it floats on the surface for a long time, the energy is in order.

Same the ceremony can be performed with a match. Light a match and hold it until more than half is burned. Then drop the match into a glass of water. If it sinks in a minute, you've been jinxed. If it stays on the surface for a long time, there is no evil eye.

Easily on charms and amulets. If you have a protective amulet, when attacked by alien energy, it will deform: it will crack, darken, break or be lost. Mages advise everyone to have protective items to protect against random or directed energy.

Revealing the evil eye with charcoal

Three coals (or completely burned matches) will help to reveal the evil eye on a person. If all the coals are drowned, the person has an evil eye. Negativity can be immediately if you wash the patient's face with this water and give it to drink.

Before the ceremony, you should cross a glass of water and yourself, saying: "Lord, have mercy." When you lower the embers, say:

Embers can drown for two reasons: because of a person’s illness and because of the evil eye. However, if a person is not smoothed, he will not respond to the rite. If the patient is jinxed, after drowning the coals, he will yawn, stretch, or experience an attack of nausea. Then you should read a special conspiracy on the water and wash the patient, and also let him drink from a glass.

Diagnosis with stones

How to determine the evil eye and damage using ordinary stones? To do this, you need to hold 3 pebbles in your hands. The stones will absorb information about the human aura and give a sign. Cover the table with a clean tablecloth (this must be done even if you never have a tablecloth on your table), put a container of water and lower the stones in turn. In doing so, you should say:

"The first stone from God,
Second from the wind
Third from people.

If the first stone rustles in the water, it means that you have angered God - blame only yourself for the punishment. If the second stone makes noise, a random person jinxed you. The third stone will tell about a person from a close circle who is jealous of you and secretly wishes evil.

What to do if a stone rustles in the water? You need to go outside and pour water with stones to your left. In this case, the following words should be said:

Signs of spoilage

Corruption is a dangerous negative program that destroys the human biofield and can lead to serious illness or death. Damage must be removed in order to save the patient from a difficult fate. Corruption will never go away on its own, the task of this magical program is to destroy a person. How to find out if you have damage or the evil eye, and what to do?

You can talk about damage if:

  • a person refuses to wear a pectoral cross - he became unpleasant to him;
  • a person cannot stand the church atmosphere, although he used to visit the temple with pleasure;
  • a person cannot look into his pupils in the mirror - he cannot stand his own gaze;
  • a girl or a young man cannot find their soul mate - the relationship does not add up;
  • a person loses weight day by day with a normal diet;
  • a person is rapidly gaining weight with a small amount of food per day;
  • you found strange objects under the door, water or earth;
  • healthy candles in the church do not light up or go out immediately - this is damage to death.

The following deviations are also signs of damage:

  • insomnia and nightmares;
  • daily bouts of headache;
  • feeling of hopelessness and fear;
  • invasion of mice, cockroaches or ants into the house;
  • lack of desire to do something, constant breakdown;
  • a person feels sick, and the diagnoses in the clinic are normal.

Also a sign of damage is discomfort in the spine especially in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. This suggests that damage has begun its destructive effect.

Determination of damage by a church candle

How to determine damage or evil eye? There are several ways to identify negative influences with the help of a church candle. The simplest method is candle meditation. Put a candle in a candlestick, cover the table with a clean tablecloth or put a piece of white cloth. Set the candle at a distance of 25-30 cm from you and look at the flame.

  • If the candle flame is clean, burns evenly, there are no negative programs on the person.
  • If the flame is steady but dim, the aura is afflicted with the evil eye.
  • If the flame is even, but rises high, and the candle crackles and the wax swells with dirty drops, there is damage, but so far it does not manifest itself.
  • If the candle smokes, the damage has penetrated into the aura and began to destroy the person.

Can be defined the presence of damage on a person from a photograph. A recent snapshot is suitable for diagnosis, where a person is depicted alone. In the photo, arms / legs should not be crossed - this disrupts the flow of energy in the body. Baptize the image from left to right and read the Our Father. Watch the behavior of the candle: described above.

Black Cloth Method

How to determine damage and the evil eye yourself? For diagnosis, you need to take a black scarf without patterns or a piece of black fabric. A person should sit on a chair with a straight back, material should be thrown over the head. Another person lights a church candle, holds it in his right hand and reads "Our Father" 9 times. If the diagnosed becomes ill, then there is damage.

Golden ring method

Wash your face with soap so that there are no traces of cosmetics. Swipe your wedding ring across your cheeks. If a dark mark remains on the skin, there is damage.

The egg method

How to determine the evil eye and damage with an egg? It is necessary to pour clean water into a faceted glass, cover with a cloth and put in a dark place for 3-4 hours. Next, you should carefully break a raw egg into the water and drive a glass over the top of the head, reading "Our Father". Hand movement - to the right, clockwise. Then look at the contents of the glass: if white threads stretch upward from the egg, then there is spoilage.

For a few more ways to identify and remove the curse, see the video:

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