What is the chest and cranium? Skull: the structure of the bones of the head

It is the skeleton of the head. According to the features of development, structure and function, 2 parts of the skull are distinguished: the brain skull and facial skull, which forms the bone basis of the respiratory apparatus and the digestive canal.

Rice. 25. Skull Side:
/ - frontal bone, 2 - parietal bone, 3 - occipital bone, 4 - scales temporal bone, 5 - mastoid process of the temporal bone. 6 - external auditory meatus, 7 - zygomatic bone, 8 - zygomatic arch, 9 - orbit, 10 - nasal bone, 11 - upper jaw, 12 - nasal cavity, 13 - articular process of the lower jaw, 14 - coronoid process of the lower jaw, 15 - angle of the lower jaw, 16 - chin tuberosity, 17 - lacrimal bone, 18 - greater wing of the sphenoid bone, 19 - occipital suture, 20 - scaly suture, 21 - coronal suture

The brain skull consists of a roof and a base. The bones of the roof are integumentary bones. Each of the two parietal bones is a quadrangular plate with four serrated edges. The parietal bones form the parietal tubercle. In front of the parietal bones lies the frontal. Most of it is represented by scales, the most convex parts of which are the frontal tubercles, and below are the orbital parts. Between the eye sockets is its nasal part, adjacent to the nasal bones, and below the notch, filled with the ethmoid bone. Behind the parietal bones is the occipital bone, which is involved in the formation of the base of the skull and in the connection of the skull with the spine. On the sides of the roof of the skull are two temporal bones, which are also involved in the formation of the base of the skull. Each of them contains the organ of hearing and the vestibular apparatus. At the base of the skull is the sphenoid bone. The bones of the base of the skull, developed from cartilage, are connected by cartilaginous tissue, which is also replaced by bone tissue with age. Roof bones developed from connective tissue, are connected by connective tissue sutures, which become bony in old age. This also applies to the facial skull.

The facial skull includes two maxillae, zygomatic, lacrimal, ethmoid, palatine, nasal bones, inferior nasal concha, vomer, mandible, and hyoid bone.

Age features of the skull. The brain and facial skull are formed from the mesenchyme. The bones of the skull develop both primary and secondary.

The skull of children differs significantly from the skull of adults in size compared to the size of the body, structure and proportions of individual parts. In a newborn, the brain skull is 6 times larger than the facial one, and in an adult, it is 2.5 times larger. Consequently, in a newborn, the facial skull is relatively smaller than the brain. These differences disappear with age.

In children, with age, not only the shape of the skull and its constituent bones changes, but also the number of these bones.

The skull grows unevenly from birth to 7 years of age. Occipital bone protrudes and, together with the parietal bones, grows especially vigorously.

The skull grows most rapidly in the first year of life. In a newborn, the volume of the skull is 1/3 of an adult, at 6 months - and at 2 years - 2/3. During the first year, the thickness of the walls of the skull increases by 3 times. The fontanelles are closed and replaced with bone sutures at 1-2 years of age: occipital - at the 2nd month, wedge-shaped - at 2-3 months, mastoid - at the end of the 1st or beginning of the 2nd year, frontal - at the 2nd year. By the age of 1.5, the fontanelles are completely overgrown, and by the age of 4, cranial sutures are formed.

From 3 to 7 years, the base of the skull with the occipital bone grows faster than the vault. At the age of 6-7 years, the frontal bone is completely fused. By the age of 7, the base of the skull and the foramen magnum reach a relatively constant value, and there is a sharp slowdown in the development of the skull. From 7 to 13 years, the growth of the base of the skull slows down even more, and the growth of the roof of the skull increases somewhat at 6-8 and 11-13 years. The growth of the arch is completed mainly by 10 years. The capacity of the skull by the age of 10 is 1300 cm3 (in an adult - 1500-1700 cm3). Three waves of acceleration are observed in the growth of the skull: up to 3-4, from 6 to 8, and from 11 to 15 years. From the age of 13-14, the frontal bone grows especially intensively, the development of the facial skull in all directions predominates and develops character traits physiognomy. At the age of 18-20, the formation of synostosis between the bodies of the occipital and sphenoid bones ends, which stops the growth in length of the base of the skull. Complete fusion of the bones of the skull occurs in adulthood.

The development of the skull continues from the onset of puberty to 20-30 years. After 30 years, the sutures of the skull gradually become bony. The development of the lower jaw depends on the work of the masticatory muscles and the condition of the teeth. Two waves of acceleration are observed in her growth: up to 3 years and from 8 to 11 years.

All head sizes increase very slowly in schoolchildren. At all ages, boys have a larger average head circumference than girls. The greatest growth of the head is observed from 11 to 17 years, that is, during puberty: in girls by 13-14 years, and in boys by 13-15.

The ratio of head circumference to height gradually decreases with age. At 9-10 years old, the head circumference is on average 52 cm, at 17-18 years old - 55 cm. The capacity of the cranial cavity in women is on average less than in men, by about 100 cm3.

Exist individual characteristics skulls. There are two extreme forms of the skull: long-headed and short-headed.


Alternative descriptions

Administrative position in Russia

In the Moscow state - the elected head of the city self-government

In panging, the top of the deck (card term)

Head of the Rada in Ukraine

City chief in pre-revolutionary Russia

Livestock counting unit

It can be hung, broken and lost

It is better when there are two of these parts of the body

cheese ball

Part of the body, torso

What flies into the basket when guillotined

Part of the body

What cuts the guillotine?

It was from this part of the body that Athena was born.

Film by Boris Barnet "Priceless..."

Through which organ does 80% of a person's heat escape?

Name that bad object, because of which wolf feeders often cannot get a long-awaited rest.

Human organ in which cockroaches can start

. "... my garden"

Human organ in which there may be porridge

It can be washed or broken

What hurts with a migraine?

What organ was cut off by the immortal highlanders in the movie?

The novel of the Russian writer A. Belyaev "... Professor Dowell"

Eared part of the body

She's spinning with champagne

The object of attention of the barber and the executioner

Position of bread relative to other products

You can't jump above it.

Part of the body that some people think and some only eat

A bad organ that does not give rest to the legs

An organ that can be cut off

The part of the body that can think

migraine victim

Woodpecker doesn't hurt

One is good, two is better

Rider's missing organ (Mine Reid)

Part of the body that is lost from love

Before the train

The beginning of fish corruption

brain vault

A novel by the German writer G. Mann

The character of N. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "May Night"

The name of the military and administrative positions in Russia, XVI-XVII centuries.

Mind Chamber

grows on the neck


Boxers eat in it (anecd.)

Bad employer of legs

Skullcap and all

Skullcap with all stuffing

The one that usually owns on the shoulders

Cut off by guillotine "detail"

Ruslan's opponent in the battle near Pushkin

. "think tank"

The part of the body where thoughts swarm

. "bowler" in which thoughts toss and turn

Train side

. “either chest in crosses, or ... in bushes”

Skull with brains

Winnie the Pooh Sawdust Bin

Formerly called the brain

smartest body part

. "box" for the mind

Smart person (approvingly)

What do we have on our shoulders?

cranial box

Part of the torso

mind, mind

Administrative position in Russia

. (colloquial) chief

It was from this part of the body that Athena was born.

. "Bad ... does not give rest to the legs"

. "Either chest in crosses, or ... in the bushes"

. "Kettle" in which thoughts toss and turn

. "Think Tank"

. "... my garden"

. "box" for the mind

G. head, part of the body, consisting of a skull with a brain, muscles, integuments with hair, etc. a head, a brain. For the difference between head and head, see head. The head consists of the head itself and the face: the head is divided into the forehead or brow, crown, dome, occiput, and temples or braids. It is not the fate of the head that is looking for, the head itself goes to the rock. I'll lay my head, but I'll take yours off my shoulders. They tap with flails, so the heads crack. Lightly wounded, and the head was not found. Don't hit on the head, hit on the head. Although it is thick on the head, it is empty in the head. If only cabbage grew on Tarasova's head, then there would be a vegetable garden, and not baldness. Whoever tells fortunes, put his head on him. a hangover, but from hunger, broke a violent head. The head of a thief: she drank away the money, but she hurts and hurts. The hand will sin, but the head will answer. Think with your mind, your head is spinning! Do not turn your head, do not pass. If only on your own head! prophesy evil. I vouch for this. Even if your head is on the block. Here is the sword (axe), here is my head. Breaking my head, hastily. Head over heels, desperately. Apparently, it has two heads. Not a Tatar jumped out, not removed his head, no big trouble. Here and about two heads you will be lost. There would be a head on the shoulders, but there will be bread. If there was a head, there would be a beard. The head will not hurt (do not fall off), and the beard will grow. If there was a head, there would be a mace. If there was a mace, there would be a head. If there was a head, there would be horns, pomp, pride. If there was a head, there would be a loop. There would be a head, but there will be shells. One head on the shoulders, and that one on a string. You can't fit a hat on a body without a head. It is hard for a head without shoulders, and it is bad for a body without a head. Where the head is, there are the stomachs. Not everyone is smart, who is with a head. Baba told fortunes, put her head under a spell. She flew on her head, about a bird that flew into the hut; trying to catch her and rip off her head. Two heads and six legs: four legs walk and two lie still? apex. The head is also a person, a person, an individual, a soul, a person, an animal. One head is not poor, but poor, yes (so) alone. Well, head, what have you done! To live (with one) head, alone, without a family. How are you, head? we get taxed off our heads for so much. How many heads of cattle do you keep? To dump from a sick head on a healthy one, to pile on someone else's fault. Live behind someone else's head, answer, protection, bail. In the service it is easier to answer with someone else's head. * Mind, reason, sense or reason, mental capacity generally. This is a head, which are few. This head is a shebal. mares big head let him (let him) think to himself! app. about carefree. his head is full of rubbish. Nothing good comes to his mind. It is easier to work with your hands than with your head. To take or take away what is in your head, believe what, stubbornly want. Throw that out of your head, out of your thoughts, thoughts. I'll knock this nonsense out of your head. Headlong, reckless. Work with your head: break your head over something. Head is cracking. The head breaks or breaks, it hurts. To lose one's head, from German, to get lost, not to be found, not to know what to do. I don’t know with my head, I haven’t seen it, I don’t know at all. Temper or heart, moral qualities. Stubborn head, violent, daring, mad. He disappeared with his head, died. Take something on your own head, do something on your own head, arbitrarily or on your own answer. To work for (in) the know (evil?) head, to sweat, to exhaustion. good head hundred hands. So many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads, one hundred minds. What is the head, then the mind (mind). The head at the feet of the mind does not ask. A smart (kind, worthy) head feeds a hundred heads, but a thin one (and itself) will not feed. The city is good with houses, but bad with heads. Without a husband, without a head; without a wife. that's crazy. Husband head. soul wife. Drive in the tail and in the head. He hung his head on the right side. Do not hang heads, do not sadden the owner. He goes first, first. Put your head on, strictly order. The treasure is laid on so many heads, with a vow. head-on-head, without exception. Give someone a head, old. for debts or resentment, force them to ask for humiliated forgiveness, or give them up for reprisal. Smash the army utterly, beat them, scatter them. Pay (cover the case) with your head, commit your own death. Cover the girl's head, marry; about a man: cover yourself, put on a hat. Run, rush headlong, headlong, with all your might. Cut off someone's head, shame. Shake your head, hair. Soap or wash someone's head, from German. scold. Under the head, under the pillow on the couch. Disappear behind a stupid head, behind a stupid husband. Stroking someone on the head, pampering. Nice little head. Head hurts. My poor head! What a head! Fell headlong. Head of business, boss, groom. In the old days there were heads: archers, convoys, customs, written, salt, etc. Streltsy (or -kai) head was in the rank of colonel. Nowadays, the senior local chief is called the head, according to elections, among merchants or citizens, and among tax-paying states. Mayor, Chairman of the City Council. Handicraft head, chairman of the craft council. The volost head, managing the volost, Golovikha. head wife. The head of the whole thing is true. Without a head, a house (and a parish) is not worth it. Health is the head of everything. Bragi endova is the head of everything. Beer is not a miracle, and copper is not praised: but everything is a head, that love is dear, about a feast. According to the mind they plant in the head. Not one head stands the light, saying. about the hairy head. The light is not about one head or not one head. Russia is a holy white head. Put your head on your shoulders. The head of the tail does not wait. The head is also the top or peak, the beginning: the head of the river, sib. the top of the river; head of a heap of bread, brow, ochelok. Head in wort, arch. the thirteenth sheaf, serving as a top, a tire. Head board, beehive, olek, upper part, opposite sex. heel. The head of a bast shoe, the head (I) is where the fingers are. main part, the top or main end of the thing: eg. the upper part of the steering wheel, violin, guitar, where the pegs are inserted; knob; the upper part of a mining drill, a washing mill, an ore vein, etc.; the best sable, marten in a bunch, he is a head; selected goods, show, tops; the first and stronger wine, at the burner race, golovitsa. Sometimes a thing likened in appearance to a head, as for example. sugar head; head of onion, garlic: head of cabbage southern. head of cabbage, forks; nozzles on what, a hat; pin head. The head of the beekeeper. medok, medki, prismatic nest, bottom, also prilomok, nauz with honey, for early feeding of bees or a new swarm. Head lower pitches. woman's headband, scarf, scarf. The head of a white fish. whitefish, on the Dnieper,

What organ was cut off by the immortal highlanders in the film

What do we wear hats on?

Name of military and administrative positions in Russia, XVI-XVII centuries

One is good, two is better

Cut off by guillotine "detail"

Character of N. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "May Night"

The novel by the Russian writer A. Belyaev "... Professor Dowell"

Film by Boris Barnet "Priceless..."

Through which organ does 80% of human heat escape?

What hurts with a migraine

What's on our shoulders

What cuts the guillotine

What are we wearing a hat for?

. "bad ... does not give rest to the legs"

Livestock counting unit

Heads (picture 4-7). It is subdivided into the cerebral and facial (visceral) skull. In the brain skull there is a cavity inside which is the brain.

The facial skull is the skeleton of the face, primary departments digestive tube and respiratory tract. Both parts of the skull consist of separate bones, which are fixedly connected to each other, with the exception of the lower jaw, which is movably connected to the temporal bones through a joint.

The cranium includes the frontal, two parietal, occipital, sphenoid, two temporal and partially ethmoid bones. It distinguishes the roof, or vault, and the base of the skull. The arch consists of flat bones (parietal and frontal and scales of the occipital and temporal bones) with outer and inner plates of compact substance, between which there is a spongy bone substance (diploe). The bones of the roof of the skull are connected by sutures. In the lower part of the brain skull - the base of the skull - there is a large (occipital) foramen connecting the cranial cavity with the spinal canal, and openings for the passage of blood vessels and nerves. The lateral parts of the base of the skull are the pyramids of the temporal bones, containing the corresponding sections of the organ and balance. Distinguish between the outer and inner surfaces of the base of the skull. The inner surface is divided into anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae, in which various departments brain. central part the middle cranial fossa is occupied by the Turkish saddle, in which the pituitary gland lies (see). On the outer surface the base of the skull on the sides of the foramen magnum are two condyles of the occipital bone involved in the formation of the atlantooccipital joint.

The facial skull makes up the anterior-inferior section of the skull. Most of it is formed by the upper and lower (see). The upper jaw is a paired bone, inside which is the air-bearing maxillary (maxillary) sinus. The lower jaw is connected to the temporal bones through the temporomandibular joints. The facial skull also includes the zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal, palatine bones, inferior nasal concha, vomer, and partially ethmoid bone. They form the walls of the eye sockets (see), nasal cavity (see Nose) and solid (see). AT nasal cavity the air-bearing sinuses of the sphenoid, frontal, maxillary bones and cells open ethmoid bone(cm. ). On the lateral surface of the skull are the temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae; the latter communicates with the cranial cavity, orbit, nasal and oral cavities.

Human skull. Rice. 4. Front view. Rice. 5. Side view. Rice. 6. The inner surface of the base of the skull. Rice. 7. The outer surface of the base of the skull: 1 - frontal bone (os frontale); 2 - parietal bone (os parietale); 3 - sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale); 4 - lacrimal bone (os lacrimale); 5 - zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum); 6 - upper jaw (maxilla); 7- lower jaw(mandibula); 8 - coulter (vomer); 9 - lower nasal concha (concha nasalis inf.); 10 - ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale); 11 - nasal bone (os nasale); 12 - temporal bone (os temporale); 13 - occipital bone (os occipitale); 14 - palatine bone (os palatinum).

By the time of birth, the process of ossification of the skull has not yet ended, and in newborns, areas - fontanelles - remain at the junctions of the bones of the roof of the skull. The facial skull, compared with the brain, is less developed than in an adult. The senile skull is characterized by a partial reduction of the facial skull due to loss of teeth; its bones are thinner and more fragile; overgrowing of sutures is often observed in the region of the brain skull. The female skull is somewhat smaller in volume, the bumps and roughness on it are less pronounced than on the male. Even in individuals of the same age and sex, the skull varies in shape, size, and ratio of the brain and facial regions. Dolichocephalic (long-headed), mesocephalic (medium-headed) and brachycephalic (short-headed) skulls are distinguished depending on the ratio of the length and width of the skull (longitude-latitudinal index in anthropometry).

Skull (cranium) - the bone skeleton of the head. The skull (printing table) is conditionally divided into the brain and facial sections, which consist of bones that are fixedly connected to each other with sutures and synchondroses, with the exception of the lower jaw, which is movably connected with the help of a joint.

One of the main differences between the skull of a child and the skull of an adult is the ratio between the size of the brain and facial sections: in childhood, the facial skull is much smaller than in an adult; with age, the facial part of the skull increases mainly in height. A feature of the skull of a newborn are areas of a membranous structure, called fontanelles; the largest of them, the anterior, or frontal, overgrows by the age of 2 years. The female skull is slightly smaller than the male one; the bones are thinner and the places of attachment of the muscles are less pronounced. In the cerebral region, the roof, base and cranial cavity containing the brain are distinguished. To the bones brain department skulls include the following unpaired bones - occipital (os occipitale), frontal (os frontale), main, or sphenoid, ethmoid (os ethmoidale); paired - parietal (os parietale) and temporal (os temporale). The bones of the facial section include: unpaired bones - the lower jaw (mandibula), vomer (vomer), hyoid bone (os hyoideum) and paired bones - maxillary (maxilla), palatine (os palatinum), zygomatic (os zygomaticum), inferior nasal concha (concha nasalis inf.), lacrimal (os lacrimale) and nasal (os nasale). The roof of the skull is smooth on the outside, its inner surface has a number of grooves - a trace of adjacent vessels and venous sinuses of the dura mater.

Inner base The skull is divided into anterior, middle and posterior cranial pits. The border between the anterior and middle is the small wings (alae minores) of the sphenoid bone, between the middle and posterior - the back of the Turkish saddle (dorsum sellae) and upper edge stony part (margo superior partis petrosae) of the temporal bone. The central part of the anterior fossa is occupied by a perforated plate (lamina cribrosa) and a cockscomb (crista galli) of the ethmoid bone. On both sides of the plate are the orbital parts (partes orbitales) of the frontal bone, which are the roof of the orbits. The middle cranial fossa is symmetrically divided by the Turkish saddle (sella turcica) into two recesses, the bottom of each is formed by a large wing of the sphenoid bone (ala major), scales of the temporal bone (squama temporalis) and the anterior surface of the stony part (facies anterior partis petrosae). On the sides of the body of the sphenoid bone are the grooves of the internal carotid arteries (sulcus caroticus). Three holes lie outside the furrows - spinous, oval and round (foramen spinosum, foramen ovale, foramen rotundum). Between the large and small wings, an upper orbital fissure(fissura orbitalis sup.) and at the root of the small wings - the visual canal (canalis opticus), leading, like the gap, into the cavity of the orbit. In the center of the bottom of the posterior fossa is the occipital foramen (foramen occipitale), at the lateral edge of which lies the hypoglossal nerve canal (canalis n. hypoglossi), and outward from it is the jugular foramen (foramen jugulare); posterior to the latter lies the groove of the S-shaped sinus (sulcus sinus sigmoidei) - a continuation of the groove of the transverse sinus. On the sides of the occipital foramen on the outer surface of the occipital bone are the condyles (condyli occipitales), the mastoid processes (processus mastoidei) protrude from them, and the styloid processes (processus styloidei) protrude anterior to the latter. Between the mastoid and styloid processes is the stylomastoid foramen (foramen stylomastoideum), which is the outer opening of the canal facial nerve. Behind the styloid process are the jugular foramen and pit (foramen et fossa jugulares), and anterior to it is the external opening of the carotid canal (canalis carotis). In the area of ​​​​the tops of the stony parts, there are internal openings of the carotid canals, anterior to which the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone (processus pterygoidei) are directed downwards. The inner plates of these processes limit back holes nasal cavity - choanae.

The facial region of the skull is the bone skeleton of the initial sections of the digestive and respiratory systems. In addition, it contains the peripheral sections of the visual, olfactory and taste analyzers. Of the bones of the facial part of the skull, the largest are the maxillary bones and the lower jaw. The former take part in the formation of the eye sockets (orbitae), the nasal cavity (cavum nasi) and, together with the lower jaw - oral cavity(cavum oris). In the body of the maxillary bone is the maxillary (maxillary) sinus (sinus maxillaris), which communicates with the middle nasal passage. The nasal bones and nasal notches of the maxillary bones (incisurae nasales) limit the pear-shaped opening (apertura piriformis) leading into the nasal cavity; palatine processes (processus palatini) together with horizontal plates (laminae horizontals) palatine bones form solid sky(palatum durum, osseum). The alveolar processes (processus alveolares) of the upper and lower jaws contain dental cells (alveolae dentales). In old age, due to tooth loss, smoothing occurs alveolar processes, which leads to some reduction in the size of the facial part of the skull.

The human skull is a dense and strong frame that protects the brain from injury and damage. It is also the basis for the facial muscles, thanks to which a person is able to chew, speak and express emotions. It consists of 23 bones: 8 paired elements and 7 unpaired.

The cranial bones are divided into two important sections:

  • facial;
  • cerebral.

Facial department

The facial section consists of the following paired and unpaired bones.

  • nasal;
  • palatine;
  • zygomatic;
  • lacrimal;
  • upper jaw;
  • inferior turbinate.


  • lattice;
  • sublingual;
  • coulter;
  • lower jaw.

The facial department plays very important role in the process of life, because it affects the respiratory, digestive and sensory organs. Unpaired bones have air-filled areas that connect to the nasal cavity. Due to the air areas, thermal insulation is provided for the senses, but, despite the presence of such areas, the skull has a special strength and strength.

Air areas include:

  • lattice;
  • frontal;
  • temporal;
  • upper jaw;
  • wedge-shaped.

An important role is played by the hyoid arcuate bone, which is located between the jaw and the larynx and is connected with the bones of the skull with the help of ligaments and muscles.

This element forms paired horns and a body, from which processes of the temporal bones extend. Upper bones the skulls are flat and consist of special plates with bone substance. These plates are filled with cells, inside of which there are blood vessels and Bone marrow. Some bones of the skull repeat the shape of the brain, their irregularities correspond to its convolutions and furrows.

brain department

The medulla also consists of paired and non-paired bones.

  • parietal;
  • temporal.


  • frontal;
  • occipital;
  • wedge-shaped.

This department is located on facial department. It also has an air-bearing frontal bone, which consists of a nose and two scales. The frontal bone forms the frontal tubercles and the forehead, which form the eye sockets, temporal fossae, and nasal cavities. Parietal bone forms the vaults of the skull and the parietal tubercle. The occipital bone forms the vault of the skull and organs of hearing. All the bones of the skull are interconnected by special connections - "seams".

Features of the formation of the skull

The formation of the skull has age-related features. The main role in its formation is played by the brain, sensory organs and chewing muscles. As it grows older, its structure changes. So, in a newborn, the bones of the skull are completely composed of connective tissue. In infants, fontanelles are formed, which over time are covered with connecting plates. The skull of a baby is soft and elastic, its shape can change. This determines the ability of the fetus to pass through the birth canal, without any traumatic factors.

AT two years old the child is replacing the connective tissue with bone. During this period, the fontanelles close in the child. Therefore, the structure of the skull in a child, adolescent and adult is very different. For example, in a child under seven years of age, vigorous growth of the skull occurs. From one year to three years, the back of the skull is formed. Until the age of three, milk teeth appear, the base of the skull and its facial part are formed, and chewing functions develop. Then it acquires a certain shape and length, which already corresponds to the length of the adult skull. From the age of seven to about adolescence, his growth slows down.

FROM adolescence until mature, the facial and frontal parts of the brain actively grow and develop. During this period there is a stormy sexual development child, which also affects the shape of the skull. So, in guys, the skull is stretched, it becomes more massive and embossed, while in girls it is rounded and smoothed. In old age, the skull also changes. As bones change their structure, teeth fall out, chewing function and muscles decrease. The skull loses elasticity and strength, and also loses its massiveness.

Functions of the skull

This complex bone organ performs several important functions:

  • is a bone frame for the brain;
  • bone formations protect the cells of the eye sockets and nasal passages;
  • connects the muscles of the neck, facial and chewing muscles;
  • air-bearing areas are involved in the formation of sounds and speech;
  • participate in the grinding of food, and therefore, in the digestive system.

Skull injuries

Injuries of this kind are usually very serious consequences. Major injuries include:

  1. Fracture of the vault (open and closed). In this case, the inner bone plate is damaged. Bone fragments, pressed into the brain, can damage its membrane and medulla. When the vessels of the membrane are ruptured, hematomas are formed. At closed fracture hematoma is vague, has no clear boundaries. In this case, focal symptoms are not observed.
  2. Base fracture. It is characterized by cracks that extend to the eye sockets and bones of the nose.
  3. Cranial - brain injury(with concussion). Mechanical damage to the skull and intracranial formations (meninges, nerves, blood vessels).

According to the nature of fractures, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Linear breaks. Such fractures resemble a thin line. There is no displacement of bone fragments.
  2. Depressed fractures. Occur when squeezed into the box of the skull. As a result, fragments are pressed into the skull box, which can damage the meninges, blood vessels, nerves and substance, cause crushing of the brain and hematomas.
  3. Comminuted fractures. In this case, several bone fragments are formed. They can damage the brain and meninges.

Causes of injury development

The most common causes of fractures and bruises occur for the following reasons:

  • falling from height;
  • strong blows to the head with a massive heavy object;
  • car crashes.

This kind of injury is received by young or middle-aged people, as well as people prone to domestic quarrels, fights and lovers alcoholic beverages. When playing sports at a professional level, injuries are observed during unsuccessful falls. Traffic accidents while driving a car or motorcycle very often end in cranial injuries.

Fractures can happen in children, besides this is a fairly common occurrence. In children, injuries occur due to falls, blows to the head. Since the child's body is weaker, the consequences can be much more serious.


Most often, linear uncomplicated fractures are observed, which are accompanied by hematomas in places where the mastoid process is localized. Hemorrhage occurs in the middle ear, and cerebrospinal fluid flows through the paranasal sinuses and ears. With a fracture of the temporal bone, damage to the facial nerve and destruction of the auditory ossicles are observed.

A severe injury is a fracture of the frontal bone, which is accompanied by a concussion or bruise. Such injuries occur after a strong blow. As a result, there are severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, blurred vision. There may also be bleeding from the ears, swelling of the forehead and face, which indicates the accumulation of air under the skin of these areas. In case of a fracture of the frontal bone, it is required emergency treatment because it is a very serious injury.

Of course, the symptoms depend on the severity of the injury and the type of injury. brain structures. The most various violations consciousness, including loss and coma. Damage to the nerves and brain leads to paralysis, paresis, impaired sensitivity and cerebral edema, which manifests itself the following symptoms: arching headaches, impaired consciousness, vomiting and nausea.

When squeezed brain stem there is a violation of respiratory and circulatory disorders and inhibition of the reaction of the pupil.

It should be remembered that the more severe the injury, the more pronounced the impairment of consciousness. With the development of an internal hematoma, periods of loss of consciousness and enlightenment can be observed.

Fracture of the skull in a child does not occur at all in the same way as in an adult. It often happens that the child after the injury feels satisfactory, besides, no symptoms are observed. Because the frontal part develops before adolescence, it is during this period that the consequences of previous injuries can be observed.


Cranial fractures are determined based on clinical picture. Estimated general state patient, neurological diagnostics of pupils is carried out. But for the diagnosis of one clinical picture, it is still not enough, therefore, instrumental diagnostics x-ray, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).


First of all, with head injuries, first aid must be provided. The patient should be placed in horizontal position. Moreover, if he is conscious, then he must be laid on his back, if unconscious, then on his side. The head is turned to the side so that the victim, during vomiting, which may occur, does not choke on his own vomit. A roller built from improvised means is placed under the head. Pillows, blankets, towels, items of clothing can act as a roller. If a bloody wound is observed, then it is applied pressure bandage and ice is applied to the injury site. It is necessary to check the patency of the airways and prevent retraction of the tongue.

Treatment in medical institution turns out to be conservative. The victims are shown bed rest. In some cases, there is a need for surgical treatment. With an injury to the base of the skull, a lumbar drainage is applied. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the injury.

Consequences of injuries

Damage to the bones of the skull is always a complex injury that does not go away without consequences. In some cases, bacteria can enter the cerebrospinal fluid, leading to inflammation of the meninges. If air gets in there, pneumocephalus will occur. In other words, injuries and complications incompatible with life may appear.

Fracture of the calvaria

Fractures are of the following types:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • fragmentary;
  • through;
  • with offset;
  • depressed.

As a rule, such fractures develop as a result of household and street fights, as a result of injuries at work, traffic accidents, after a strong fall or a blow to the head with a heavy object.

All of the above fractures are divided into:

  • straight;
  • indirect.

Straight lines are characterized by damage to the bone with the formation of deflections varying degrees inside.

Indirect - spread throughout the skull and form inward deflections.

Main features:

  • the formation of hematomas;
  • the appearance of an open wound;
  • skull deflection;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • coma;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • paralysis;
  • damage to the nerve vessels;
  • retrograde amnesia.

The victim may be partially or fully conscious. With partial consciousness, he understands everything, but may not remember the events that preceded the trauma. This condition is called retrograde amnesia. Also, the patient may fall into a coma or stupor. In very severe cases observed severe violations reason and mental activity, decreased heart rate and slow heart rate (bradycardia).

Often with intracranial injuries, hematomas are observed. For such patients, changes in the conscious and unconscious state are characteristic. Moreover, the victim can be in this state for hours, days or weeks.

If, when examining a patient, indentations, cracks, open wounds are observed, then it is possible to diagnose this species damage. In the absence of external signs, then for adequate diagnosis use:

  • x-ray;
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Careful examination is necessary if the patient develops a coma, as well as in severe disorders. cerebral blood supply. In this case, a person either remains conscious, or loses it. The pupils are examined, their width and distance, and their reaction to light is established. It is checked whether the bite of the teeth, the position of the tongue and the activity of the muscles of the limbs have changed. It is necessary to control the pulse, respiration and blood pressure.

Loss of consciousness in some cases is a consequence traumatic shock which is called multiple fractures and copious loss blood. In this case, the victim needs urgent hospitalization.

Fractures of the base of the skull

This is a very serious damage to one or more bones that occurs as a result of car accidents, blows to the face in the lower jaw or nose. It refers to open injuries.


  • swelling of the brain;
  • bursting headaches;
  • vomit;
  • hemorrhage in the form of glasses around the eyes;
  • different sizes of pupils and lack of reaction on their part;
  • squeezing the brain stem, resulting in blood circulation;
  • respiratory failure;
  • discharge from the nose and ears cerebrospinal fluid mixed with blood;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • confusion;
  • involuntary urination;
  • excitement or stupor.

Symptoms depend on the severity of the injury and damage to the brain. Loss of consciousness can be both short-term fainting and prolonged coma. There may be periods of enlightenment preceded by loss of consciousness (however, this does not indicate the insignificance of the injury, it is characteristic symptom this damage).

Survival after a fracture of the arch depends on the prompt and correct first aid. Since such damages are observed heavy bleeding, then death can occur immediately or cause a prolonged coma. AT this case the prognosis is extremely unfavorable. In this case, there is a possibility lifelong disability and severe mental impairment.

The prognosis is favorable for fractures without displacement, cracks that do not need surgical treatment. Mortality is 55% of cases.

Traumatic brain injury

  • mild (concussion, light bruises);
  • medium (medium bruises);
  • severe (acute pressure, severe bruises)

Types of damage:

  • brain bruises;
  • compression of the brain;
  • diffuse brain damage;
  • head squeezing.

The nature:

  • closed;
  • open.

By type of traumatic action:

  • isolated (separate);
  • combined (combined with damage to other organs);
  • combined (a combination of a traumatic factor, for example, mechanical and thermal effects).

Closed injuries are not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin of the head. The intracranial cavity remains closed. Open - characterized by damage skin heads. With them, the likelihood of aseptic infection increases. Very often, the development of the meninges as a result of microbial infection is observed.


  • loss and clouding of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • tinnitus;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • bleeding from the ears and nose;
  • amnesia;
  • delusional states;
  • hallucinations.

Brain concussion

Most often occurs as a result of being hit by a heavy object or in case of a fall from a height. With a concussion, there is an instant loss of communication between the cells and parts of the brain. In this case, the integrity of the brain tissue is not violated.


  • loss of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • malaise.

Retrograde amnesia may occur immediately after an injury. Symptoms do not have a long duration and completely disappear after two weeks.

brain contusion

  • heavy;
  • average;
  • light.

With a bruise, any damage to the brain occurs, however, of a local nature. May present as cerebral edema and small hemorrhages, and crushing, and rupture of brain tissue. A bruise can occur when the brain is damaged by bone fragments during fractures.

Skull box Spec. Bone container of the brain. - Korchagin's wound was examined today. It is very deep, the skull is pierced(N. Ostrovsky. How steel was tempered). Appeared tall, big-browed [orientalist], as if he was supposed to fit more into his skull than ordinary mortals(A. Lebedenko. Heavy division).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

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