Osteopath for newborn indications. How is osteopathic treatment of the baby performed? Principles of influence on the body

  • 1 month: if immediately after birth, the baby shows only innate reflexes (sucking, swallowing, blinking and grabbing), then by the month, who could only turn his head on his cheek, the baby learns to hold his head for a few seconds and, lying on his stomach, tries to lift it. During this period, there is a reaction to loud sounds and excessively sharp movements - the baby involuntarily spreads his arms and presses them to the body.
  • 2 months: the baby learns to raise and hold the head for less than a minute, lying on the tummy. Begins to respond to sounds and light, turning his head and following closely with his eyes. In addition, he learns to grab and hold moving objects.
  • 3 months: the baby already holds his head well for a minute or three and, lying on his tummy, rises, leaning on his elbows. He makes attempts to roll over, but there is no clear coordination yet. In addition, it becomes interesting for the baby to follow the toys and “communicate” with his parents - he “comes to life” and smiles, starts to walk.
  • 4 months: in the prone position, the child actively raises his head, while on his stomach, rises on his hands, and when placed on his legs, he firmly rests. He already knows how to roll over from his back to his tummy and grabs objects that are nearby. In addition, the baby begins to hold the breast or bottle while feeding, plays with rattles.
  • 5 months: having mastered the flips from the stomach to the back and back, the baby at this age learns to crawl, trying to pull the body on the handles. He already sits with support and manages his own hands well and not only grabs, but also holds objects of interest to him for a long time. Starting to listen to quiet sounds, the child can “sing along” to the beat of the music. In addition, his speech is actively developing, but so far it is only a long coo.
  • 6 months: the baby distinguishes between relatives and strangers as well as the intonation of the speakers. He confidently turns to the source of the sound and from his stomach to his back. Begins to practice crawling and stands steady, supported under the armpits. At this age, most babies can laugh and smile back, respond to being tickled, and begin to explore their bodies. Cooing becomes more complicated - the baby pronounces a series of vowel sounds, and sometimes the first syllables.
  • Seven months: the baby masters crawling, sits freely and for a long time. Sitting can straighten and bend. Holding on to furniture, he may kneel and even try to stand. He likes to study himself in the mirror and begins to understand the names of the objects surrounding him, called parents - he points to them with his eyes.
  • 8 months: the child can sit down on his own, and sometimes even stand on his feet. With the support of adults, he tries to take the first steps and enjoys playing “patricks”. The facial expressions of the crumbs become very diverse. Sometimes in the ninth month, children already walk, leaning on furniture, and the development of motor skills allows you to sort out parts of the designer, move and throw cars.
  • 9 months: understanding the meaning of many parental words, the baby is able to respond to their requests and pronounce clear syllables. He sits without support, turns freely and crawls on all fours, and sometimes makes attempts to walk. Likes to throw, shift and bang toys on the surface. He is already confidently drinking from a cup held by an adult, holding it, and eating from a spoon.
  • 10 months: the child himself rises to his feet and tries to walk. Holding the handle, he steps over, and can consciously imitate the movements of adults. By this time, the baby already takes rather small objects with his fingers, gets upset when trying to pick up toys, and also begins to pronounce monosyllabic words.
  • 11 months: time of intensive development. At this point, the crumbs should develop not only motor skills, but also mental capacity. He shows many objects, understands and tries to fulfill simple parental requests, and expresses his refusal with a characteristic shake of his head. Motor skills are also actively developing - the baby can tear paper with two fingers.
  • 12 months: A child should be able to walk independently by the age of one. He learns to squat and straighten up without support, bend down to pick up something from the floor, come up if he hears his name. Vocabulary a baby can be about ten simple words and gradually expand, because he watches with great interest the people around him, animals, cars.

In this section you will find short description the most common problems that an osteopath for children can help to cope with. In the first 2 years of a child's life, the foundation of his future health is laid. Don't miss your chance to help him grow up healthy and strong.

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birth trauma

Although pregnancy and childbirth are physiological processes, your baby may be exposed to unwanted mechanical stresses that can lead to skull deformity and other injuries that are not visible to the naked eye, but which can create problems for the child for the rest of his life. Therefore, it is very important to make sure everything is in order. Visit an osteopath as soon as possible: than earlier kid gets to a specialist, the easier and faster correction of possible violations will occur.

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Torticollis is rather not a disease, but a syndrome caused by changes in the soft tissues, skeleton and nerves of the neck. The danger of this condition is that it causes hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) brain. Osteopathy today is the most effective and safe method torticollis treatment. The specialist, acting with his hands on specific spasmodic zones of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, achieves their relaxation and restoration of the correct ratio of the vertebrae cervical spine, restoring them normal condition.

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Strabismus can appear at any age, from the moment a child is born. According to statistics, up to 10% of babies are born with this anomaly. The causes of strabismus can be birth injuries, violations of the correct course of pregnancy, acquired injuries. Osteopathic treatment relieves the tension and deformity in the bones, tissues, and joints of the skull that tend to cause this pathology.

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Perinatal encephalopathy

Perinatal encephalopathy is a disorder of the central nervous system(a group of diseases of the brain) of newborns that developed in the prenatal period or during childbirth. An osteopath can eliminate dysfunctions in the child’s body that cause problems with the central nervous system, normalize the blood supply to the brain by removing various clamps in the baby’s body, reduce the frequency and intensity of manifestations of perinatal encephalopathy and developed complications, and after some time help get rid of this pathology completely.

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Minimal brain dysfunction (MMD)

This group includes mild changes in the central nervous system, which, despite the name, can cause a lot of inconvenience - both to the child and his parents. Against their background, children may experience behavioral disorders, learning difficulties, speech disorders, etc. The most common cause of MMD is a birth injury, which can appear in the newborn’s chart under the diagnoses of asphyxia, fetal hypoxia, injuries of the cervical spine, perinatal encephalopathy”, etc. Osteopaths have more than 3,000 techniques in their arsenal, with the help of which it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the body and save the child from MMD.

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Infantile cerebral palsy (CP)

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, do not give up! In our practice, there were cases when the diagnosis was made erroneously, and all " clinical manifestations» diseases - movement disorders, speech and mental disorders explained by birth trauma. In addition, otheopathy is really able to remove acute manifestations Cerebral palsy, improve the condition of the meninges and restore blood circulation and nutrition of the brain, remove the clamps in the muscles, restore mobility. Osteopaths work gently and painlessly, improving the condition of the child in just a few sessions.

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ENT diseases: frequent colds
diseases, otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis

If your child often suffers from tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis or otitis, not only bacteria and viruses, but also pathologies of the skull bones can be their cause. Since all ENT organs are located in the skull, their condition depends on the location and mobility of its bones and sutures. For example, common cause otitis media is a violation of mobility temporal bones, restoring which the specialist achieves a rapid improvement in the condition due to the outflow of fluid. Osteopathic methods of treatment allow you to carefully and quickly restore the normal state of the bones of the skull and ensure the proper functioning of the ENT organs.

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Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: biliary dyskinesia
ways, constipation, dysbacteriosis; motion sickness
in the car, etc.

Non-obvious for many reasons for the development of problems with the gastrointestinal tract include displacement of internal organs, bone changes, violation of the tone of the diaphragm and normal blood circulation in the pelvis. All these problems could arise at the time of the birth of the baby, if he received a birth injury. Osteopathic methods of treatment allow you to carefully and quickly restore the normal condition of the bones and ligaments of the pelvis and chest, returning the internal organs to their normal position, restoring the work of the digestive tract.

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Preparation for vaccinations

The issue of vaccination is one of the most acute. It is rare for a mother to want to introduce something alien into the body of her child. Sometimes the decision is made under pressure from relatives, fear that their child will not be able to go to kindergarten or school. If you intend to vaccinate your child, take care to reduce the harm. Specialists of the clinic "Ostemed" - osteopaths, phytotherapists, naturopaths, homeopaths - will help prepare your baby's body for vaccinations, minimizing Negative consequences after them. The osteopath will be able to assess the health of the child and indicate possible contraindications to vaccination, and specialists from other fields will be able to select natural preparations which will help the child to tolerate the vaccine well.

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Hypertonicity is a fairly common diagnosis in newborns. The most common cause of this condition is the consequences of complicated or prolonged labor, violations prenatal development. This condition causes discomfort, anxiety, delayed development in the baby. Pediatricians and neurologists often prescribe massage for hypertonicity, but it does not cure it, but only reduces the manifestations. With methods osteopathic diagnostics it is possible to identify the true causes of the development of hypertonicity and eliminate them by improving the blood supply and nutrition of the brain, restoring the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

Alternative medicine in modern society becoming more popular and more affordable every day. One such treatment is osteopathy. Every person who takes care of their health needs to be aware of what this type of therapy is.

Who is an osteopath

First of all, it should be said that this is a qualified doctor who has a diploma in higher education and all documents authorizing medical activity. An osteopath specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of complex disorders that have occurred in the body. He works with his hands different techniques palpation. The doctor must have comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology and philosophy of osteopathy, be able to use them. His duties include determining the mobility of organs, diagnosing different levels, and providing assistance.

Osteopathic massage - what is it?

This is the name of the palpation techniques that the osteopath does for diagnosis and treatment. During massage, there is a gentle effect on the capsules of internal organs, muscles, ligaments to remove functional blocks and restore the normal circulation of fluids in the body. Thanks to this, the body is rebuilt, directing maximum efforts to self-healing.

The philosophy of osteopathy assumes that the human body will function fully only if the musculoskeletal, nervous and mental systems are healthy and interact with each other. According to osteopathy, the cause of any disease is a violation of the joint work of the body, spirit and mind. When doing osteopathic massage, the doctor must always follow the basic principles of this therapy, formulated by its founder:

  • human anatomy and physiology are one;
  • the body is able to self-regulate, defend, recover;
  • structural and functional systems interconnected;
  • movement is the basis of life.

Osteopath - what treats

The list of diseases that osteopathic treatment will help to get rid of is huge. Osteopathy can be applied to patients varying degrees maturity: infants, children, adults, the elderly. The age factor largely affects what the osteopath treats, because each period of life is characterized by its own diseases. It should be understood that osteopathy is complex therapy, for complete healing multiple sessions are required. The price is set for each.

What does an osteopath treat in adults?

The range of diseases that therapy can help to cope with is very large. It is difficult to describe everything that osteopathy treats in adults. It is effective for problems with the joints, spine, neurological disorders. Treatment will help get rid of diseases of the ENT organs, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular systems. Effective osteopathy for recovery after injuries, operations.

The therapy is used to treat the genital organs in men and women. Representatives of the weaker sex often turn to an osteopath to prepare for childbirth or recover from it. Osteopathy is very effective in hormonal disruptions, disruption immune system. Used for stress nervous tension, sleep problems, hypersensitivity to weather changes.

Osteopath for the baby

AT recent times more and more often there are young mothers who seek to bring their baby to a specialist for an osteopathic session already in the first days of his life. It is advisable to visit an osteopath when the newborn is not yet two weeks old, especially if he was born as a result of stimulation, caesarean section or premature. At this age, even the most serious health problems are more easily eliminated by osteopathy. Even if you are sure that everything is in order with the child, you can show him to the doctor for prevention.

How can an osteopath for a baby help? Osteopathy will be very effective for:

  • birth trauma;
  • strabismus;
  • causeless capriciousness of the child;
  • trisomy on chromosome 21;
  • abnormal shape of the head;
  • epilepsy;
  • developmental delay;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • paralysis of half of the body;
  • ENT diseases;
  • allergies;
  • torticollis;
  • organ problems gastrointestinal tract;
  • blockage of the lacrimal canal;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • hip dysplasia.

Osteopathy for children

Not only the baby, but also the older child can be shown therapy. Children's osteopath can help with:

  • developmental disabilities (including if the child does not begin to speak);
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperexcitability of the nervous system;
  • poor eyesight;
  • headaches of any nature;
  • autism;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • reduced immunity;
  • incorrect posture;
  • frequent colds;
  • enuresis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases digestive system;
  • consequences of operations;
  • attention disorders;
  • flat feet;
  • brain dysfunctions.

Indications for osteopathy

Often a person cannot independently determine which doctor to make an appointment with. Indications for osteopathy:

  • sinusitis;
  • postoperative adhesions;
  • chronic otitis media;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • sinusitis;
  • contractures;
  • tonsillitis;
  • scoliosis;
  • adenoma prostate;
  • spondylosis;
  • prostatitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • impotence;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • infertility;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • arthritis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pathological intracranial pressure;
  • cholecystitis;
  • headache;
  • gastritis;
  • migraine;
  • liver disease;
  • bronchitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • asthma;
  • pancreatitis;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • pneumonia;
  • hepatitis;
  • prolapse of internal organs;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • radiculitis;
  • gastritis;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • muscle pain;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • hormonal disorders.

Osteopathy contraindications for treatment

There are a number of diseases and conditions for which therapy is prohibited. Contraindications for osteopathic treatment:

  • any diseases and infections that are treated exclusively in the hospital with medication;
  • mental disorders;
  • acute bleeding;
  • Availability malignant tumors;
  • acute heart failure;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • blood diseases (thrombosis, hemophilia);
  • acute hydrocephalus;
  • severe glaucoma;
  • strong pain in a stomach;
  • cauda equina syndrome;
  • increased fragility of bones;
  • acute stroke, hypertension attack, heart attack.

Osteopathy Treatment Methods

There are several directions, which are classified by application zones and others. characteristic features. There are such methods of osteopathy:

  • craniosacral;
  • visceral osteopathy;
  • structural.

Craniosacral Therapy

Osteopathy specializes in brain structure, dysfunctions of the bones of the skull. It is prescribed for strokes, craniocerebral injuries, intracranial pressure. It is indicated for circulatory disorders of the brain, memory problems, headaches and many other diseases of a neurological and mental nature. Cranial osteopathy, which is considered a more subtle branch, also stands out. It is based on the recognition of involuntary movements of organs and systems.

Visceral Therapy

Osteopathy is aimed at the organs of the chest, abdominal cavity, small pelvis. All of them are micromovable, which is provided by visceral ligaments. Osteopathy is aimed at restoring the frequency and amplitude of organ movement. During the sessions, the osteopath acts on those points on the body that are associated with them. Visceral osteopathy is effective for:

Structural Therapy

This osteopathy is the most common and is aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The osteopath uses point and vibration massage. Osteopathy helps to redistribute the load on the joints and spine. As a result, pain disappears, blood circulation improves. Therapy can be carried out not only for treatment, but also for the purpose of prevention. Structural osteopathy is effective for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • elimination of the consequences of injuries;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • myofascial syndromes;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • arthrosis;
  • flat feet.

The price of an osteopath

The cost is assigned for one session of osteopathy and depends on huge amount factors. The price is affected by the qualifications and reputation of the osteopath, his experience, the prestige and rating of the medical clinic where sessions are held. The cost of receiving an osteopath varies from 2500 to 9000 rubles, and consultations - 1000-2000 rubles. The price of an appointment for a medical consultation is approximately 12,000 rubles. Departure of a specialist in osteopathy at home is estimated at about 8000-15000 rubles.

Chiropractor vs Osteopath - What's the Difference?

The opinion that these are two identical doctors is erroneous. Manual therapy and osteopathy are related and often complement each other, but they are different. The first concerns exclusively the musculoskeletal system and problems with it. The directions of osteopathy have been significantly expanded. They affect the entire body as a whole: the skeleton and muscles, internal organs, and the brain.

The area of ​​influence is not the only thing that distinguishes an osteopath from chiropractor. The first will eliminate the cause of the disease, while the second will only help relieve or alleviate its symptoms. Osteopathy is painless, unlike manual therapy, has no age contraindications. It implies not only treatment, but also diagnostics, which significantly increases the overall effectiveness of the sessions.

Video: what is osteopathy

Ages 2 to 6 years - time active growth and development of the child. If during this period you realized that something was wrong with his health, or the pediatrician found some deviations, make an appointment with an osteopath as soon as possible. In this age children's body still responds well to osteopathic treatment, and this right time for the treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ENT organs. Below you will find a brief description of the problems that an osteopath for children successfully copes with.

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According to statistics, up to 10% of babies are born with this anomaly, but strabismus can occur at any age. The causes of strabismus can be birth injuries, violations of the correct course of pregnancy, acquired injuries - sports, domestic, received in an accident. Osteopathic treatment relieves the tension and deformity in the bones, tissues, and joints of the skull that tend to cause this pathology.

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Clubfoot is a congenital defect of the feet and lower legs, which causes a number of concomitant diseases. As a rule, clubfoot is caused by violations of the correct course of pregnancy. In the early childhood muscles and ligaments are supple and stretch well, so the chances of returning the foot to the correct position with the help of osteopathic treatment are quite high.

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flat feet

Flat feet is one of the most common diseases in the world, it is detected in about 60% of children. Flat feet are the cause of posture disorders, the appearance of osteoarthritis and arthrosis, causes back pain, neurological problems, swelling, varicose veins, etc. At the same time, flat feet in children are well treated by an osteopath, because the cause of flat feet often lies not in the foot itself, but is a consequence of a violation of the general gravitational posture, restoring which the osteopath saves the child from flat feet.

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Minimal brain dysfunction (MMD)

This group includes mild changes in the central nervous system, which, despite the name, can cause a lot of inconvenience - both to the child and his parents. Against their background, children may experience behavioral disorders, learning difficulties, speech disorders, etc. The most common cause of MMD is a birth injury, which in the chart of a newborn can appear under the diagnoses of asphyxia, fetal hypoxia, injuries of the cervical spine, perinatal encephalopathy, etc. Osteopaths have more than 3,000 techniques in their arsenal, with the help of which you can restore the normal functioning of the body and save the child from MMD.

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Delay of psychomotor, speech and
intellectual development

Various speech dysfunctions are recorded in almost 50% of children aged 1 to 16 years. As a rule, delayed speech and psychoverbal development is a consequence of disorders of the brain and central nervous system. During the examination, the osteopathic doctor reveals the zones damaged as a result of childbirth or other causes in the child and acts on them, restoring their correct position and restoring their freedom of movement. As a result, the function of the bone, nervous system and blood supply is restored. Blood microcirculation and metabolism in brain cells are normalized. As a result, brain nutrition improves, its work normalizes, behavior and speech change. In my practice, the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment for delayed speech and mental development is more than 70%.

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Autism affects 6 out of 1000 newborns. Neurophysiologists suggest that the initial prerequisite for autism is a violation of brain development. Osteopathy - unique method, which helps the brain repair damaged areas and develop functionally impaired skills. As a result of the work of an osteopathic doctor, metabolism improves ( metabolic processes) brain. As a result, stimulated natural processes maturation and inclusion in the work of the brain structures necessary for the development and normal life. The child is improving social adaptation, household skills develop, intelligence increases. He begins to grow harmoniously, gains the opportunity to fully communicate with other children. This allows him to study with some success in preschool and school institutions, develop your social contacts, return to the world of reality.

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Infantile cerebral palsy (CP)

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, do not give up! In our practice, there were cases when the diagnosis was made erroneously, and all the "clinical manifestations" of the disease - movement disorders, speech and mental disorders - were explained by birth trauma. In addition, otheopathy is really able to relieve acute manifestations of cerebral palsy, improve the condition of the meninges and restore blood circulation and nutrition of the brain, relieve muscle tension, and restore mobility. Osteopaths work gently and painlessly, improving the condition of the child in just a few sessions.

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hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder,
neuroses, behavioral disorders

Hyperactivity is one of the signs of attention deficit disorder, one of the most common childhood behavioral disorders. Symptoms almost always appear between 2 and 3 years of age. Hyperactivity is often combined with attention deficit. The causes of hyperactivity may be organic pathology of the brain, mechanical injury received at birth. Osteopathy allows you to successfully cope with mechanical damage improves brain nutrition.

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A headache is an important signal indicating that there are problems in the body that need to be addressed. In many cases, true reason headache lies in the poor blood flow of one of the arteries that feed the dura mater. As a rule, this is caused by a displacement of the bones of the skull or cervical vertebrae. Osteopath is able to quickly and painlessly return the bones to their natural position, restoring normal food brain.

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Posture disorders, scoliosis, dysfunctions
musculoskeletal system

Usually, exact reasons violations of the function of the musculoskeletal system in 80% of cases are not clarified. Osteopathy often discovers their cause not in the mechanical curvature of the spine itself, but in the brain, where there are membrane shells that are evenly stretched between the bones of the skull. The osteopathic doctor determines the areas of spasm of the brain membranes and normalizes their mobility, after which he corrects the position of muscles and bones. The cause of postural disorders, scoliosis, disappears, and the body itself begins to gradually restore the correct position of the spine, the doctor only helps him.

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Syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia (VSD)

Vegetovascular dystonia is not a disease, but a syndrome, that is, a set of symptoms. Characteristic manifestations: headaches and unexplained pressure surges, arrhythmia, sweating and rapid breathing, fatigue, painful menstruation, constantly cold hands and feet, nausea, heartburn and stomach pain. From the point of view of an osteopath, the root cause of development vegetative dystonia- violation of vascular regulation. Using special techniques, the specialist relieves tension and spasms, restores adequate control of the vascular system, which allows you to get rid of all the symptoms of the syndrome.

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ENT diseases: frequent colds, otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis

If your child often suffers from tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis or otitis, not only bacteria and viruses, but also pathologies of the skull bones can be their cause. Since all ENT organs are located in the skull, their condition depends on the location and mobility of its bones and sutures. For example, a common cause of otitis is a violation of the mobility of the temporal bones, restoring which the specialist achieves a rapid improvement in the condition due to the outflow of fluid. Osteopathic methods of treatment allow you to carefully and quickly restore the normal state of the bones of the skull and ensure the proper functioning of the ENT organs.

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Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: biliary dyskinesia
ways, constipation, dysbacteriosis; motion sickness
in the car, etc.

Unobvious for many reasons for the development of problems with the gastrointestinal tract include displacement of internal organs, bone changes, impaired diaphragm tone and normal blood circulation in the pelvis. All these problems could arise at the time of the birth of the baby, if he received a birth injury. Osteopathic methods of treatment allow you to carefully and quickly restore the normal state of the bones and ligaments of the pelvis and chest, returning the internal organs to their normal position, restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Preparation for vaccinations

Specialists of the Ostemed clinic - osteopaths, phytotherapists, naturopaths, homeopaths - will help prepare your baby's body for vaccinations, minimizing the negative consequences after them. An osteopath will be able to assess the child's health and indicate possible contraindications to vaccination, and specialists from other fields will be able to select natural preparations that will help the child tolerate the vaccination well.

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Any injuries sustained by a child should not be left unattended. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid many serious problems in future. We are talking not only about birth injuries that every child receives (according to statistics, 85% of children are born with microtraumas at the level of the skull, and 15% receive more severe injuries), but also about all the consequences of active “knowledge of the world” - bruises, falls, etc. .d.

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Bronchial asthma

At bronchial asthma the respiratory function is disturbed, which means that the entire chest suffers - the diaphragm and other muscles involved in breathing are tense, dysfunctions of the ribs and thoracic spine occur, which reduces the mobility of the chest and worsens the quality of breathing. Also, changes in the chest or spinal column that are already present before the onset of the disease can contribute to the development of the disease or worsen its course. Osteopathic treatment eliminates existing dysfunctions, increases the mobility of the chest, resulting in improved sputum discharge, reduced shortness of breath, coughing, improved breathing, and increased indicators of external respiration function.

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As a rule, this diagnosis is made in the period from 2 to 6 years, when speech is developing. Luckily, stuttering is fairly easy to beat. Studies show that the causes of stuttering often lie in the incoordination of the muscles responsible for speech, in violation of feedback on the part of hearing, as well as in insufficient control of the central nervous system of speech function. All these problems are successfully solved by osteopathy. Osteopaths remove general arousal nervous system, remove convulsions of speech nerve centers of the brain, identify and solve the problems of speech muscles, eliminate neurotic reflexes, relieve nervous tics.

  • Observations
  • Pregnancy

    It is at this stage that the answer to this question should be sought. During pregnancy the body future mother undergoes transformation. Changes in balance and posture. She is getting fat. Her stomach moves forward and changes its fulcrum on the ground. Internal organs abdominal cavity adapt to the development of the fetus, which increases in size and weight during the nine months of its development. The fruit grows and takes everything more space. By the seventh or eighth month, he takes a certain position: either head down or buttocks. In this final phase of waiting, the fetus waits for the moment of delivery with very little space.

    His head and whole body are surrounded, compressed, squeezed by both the soft and hard structures of the mother's body.

    Scheme by L. N. Farabef. The child is waiting. It's compressed.

    It is in the mother's abdomen that the fetus experiences its first unwanted pressures, voltage, compression.

    When a child takes a prenatal position, for example, head down, his skull and face, consisting of many bones that have not yet fused together, are pressed against the hard and inextensible structures of the mother's body, against the bones of her pelvis.

    With breech presentation, the head of the fetus also rests against the dense and highly stretched muscle structures of the uterus. Despite the presence of amniotic fluid that surrounds and protects the fetus, the head of the fetus in this case may also be subjected to the first mechanical stress in its life. These loads will be transferred to the entire set of bones and membranes of the skull.

    In fact, the small, still developing fetal skull consists mainly of membranes that bind non-fused bone structures. Membranes should be discussed separately.

    The main thing to remember:

    During your pregnancy, your baby may be exposed to mechanical undesirable influences that can deform his head.


    During childbirth, it is necessary that the baby's head be able to overcome the various obstacles that stand in its way without damage.

    To do this, it is important that the diameters of the child's head match the diameters bone pelvis mother.

    It is very important that the birth proceed smoothly. That is, neither too fast nor too slow, no jerks, no stops and no artificial stimulation.

    Childbirth should proceed harmoniously in accordance with individual characteristics mother and her own rhythms. Often natural rhythm childbirth is disrupted.

    In such cases, the head of the child is under severe stress. This can cause a violation of the mechanical balance of the bones and membranes of the skull of a newborn, which in turn can disturb the balance in the performance of some vital functions.

    In addition, a number of so-called difficult births force the obstetrician to use instruments to help the baby's head come out. These are tongs, spatulas and plungers.

    Scheme prof. A. Oward (1898).

    Sometimes the obstetrician has to intervene in the process of childbirth, using various specific manipulations with the head and body of the child.

    Yes, all these maneuvers from the outside are useful for a better flow of labor, but they risk disrupting the fibrocartilaginous and membranous structures of the bones of the head and face of the fetus.

    Medicine allows the natural deformation of the fetal head during childbirth, depending on the type of presentation of his head.

    Occipito-posterior crown. Occipito-anterior crown.

    Forehead. Face.

    Drawings from " practical guide in obstetrics" prof. A. Ovarda (1898)

    Dr. Viola Fryman, director of the Children's Osteopathic Center in California (USA), in her statistical study performed on 1250 newborns examined on the fifth day after birth, emphasizes that:

    Articular and membranous tensions at the level of the skull were found in 78% of cases... 10% of newborns have serious injury obtained either before or during childbirth and visible to the naked eye.... Viola Freiman also specifies that 82% of newborns have a cranial problem without obvious signs.... And, finally, very eloquent phrases:

    The musculoskeletal stress that a newborn experiences during childbirth can create problems for him for the rest of his life ....

    Recognizing the existence of such problems and treating such dysfunctions in the period immediately following birth is extremely important and necessary. These are the most important phases in the practice of osteopathic medicine, which considers itself primarily preventive medicine.

    Newborn head

    Future mothers, excuse me for these anatomical, but very important details. They will allow you to better understand the purpose of osteopathic work on your baby's head if you entrust him to us a few days after birth. So many answers to the question: "Why?" will give you observation of the structure and development of the skull. How often do we see around us children with deformed skulls and asymmetrical faces! Have you ever asked yourself the question: “How could this happen?”. It is important to understand the evolution of the bones of the skull at the stage of their development.

    To facilitate further narration, it is necessary to introduce you to some terms.

    The head has a skull and a facial part.

    The skull is the bone box that contains the brain, our highest command center, our main computer.

    The face is the front part of the head where our receptors are located: eyes, nose, mouth, sense organs.

    The skeleton is a structure made up of 210 bones connected to each other by approximately 500 muscles. However, at the time of birth, the skeleton of a newborn has approximately 350 bones, since later some of the bones fuse together. The skull of an adult consists of 29 bones, while a newborn has more.

    "Structure". This term should be understood as a connection, connection, and more generally as a composition. The head of a newborn is a structure formed by numerous bones. They are located relative to each other in a certain order, logical and connected. They are firmly interconnected, forming a rounded or oblong contour of the head and face of the child. When they are not deformed, they provide a harmonious and functional interaction.

    Diagram of the skull of a newborn according to Santini.

    So, the head of a newborn consists of two parts.

    • The upper part, the vault, is a non-ossified and membranous part. It is elastic, plastic and capable of deformation. It protects the fetal brain.
    • The lower part, the base, is not ossified, but more resistant, consisting of cartilage. It appears at the intermediate stage of education bone tissue before its final ossification. The base of the skull of a newborn is also capable of deforming.

    Both parts of the skull are subject to deformations leading to imbalance.

    Let's talk about the role of the occipital bone.

    This bone is behind. Under parietal bone heads. In an adult, this is a monolithic bone. In a newborn, it consists of four parts. They are separated from each other by strips of delicate, plastic and deformable tissue.

    Occipital bone. Its four parts did not merge.

    These 4 parts will gradually approach each other and become ossified by the sixth year of the child's life, and in some children only by the tenth year of life. Until the final ossification, these parts are mobile, slide relative to each other, and shift to the side.

    Once ossified, they will form an occipital foramen through which spinal cord dipping their skulls down their spines. Around this hole is a web of solid meninges. This is the membrane that connects the head and pelvis. It is attached at the level of the occipital foramen, and then goes to the sacrum.

    Scheme according to G. Magun.

    During a difficult birth, a blow or fall of the baby, the four parts of the base of the baby's skull may be slightly deformed or overlap each other. This deformation can cause deformation of the entire set of bones of the child's skull.

    Everyone has heard about fontanelles. But what is it?

    These are "open" membranous zones. There are six of them. They close gradually by two or three years of a child's life, when the fontanel period ends.

    Fontanelles can help the obstetrician obtain accurate information about the position of the fetus's head in the uterus before delivery. They serve as landmarks that allow you to monitor the growth of the bones of the skull. When palpated, the fontanelles are felt as bone-free and soft spaces. When the baby cries, screams or is thirsty, the large fontanel located in the upper part of the head changes its shape under the fingers of the osteopath palpating it. The doctor's finger at the level of this fontanel allows you to listen heartbeat child.

    A few words about the sutures of the skull. These are fibrous spaces that separate the bones of the skull from each other. They activate the processes of growth of the bones of the head and are involved in an increase in the cranial volume. By firmly binding the bones together, they nevertheless provide some degree of their mobility. The cranial concept uses the term plasticity or mobility to refer to this concept. In adults and children from 7 years old, the ends of some seams take the form of a joint between two elements of the picture frame. The corner of the frame consists of two parts glued and closely pressed to each other. In addition, these two parts have a beveled surface. The same is true for the bones of the skull. Them articular surfaces find each other like the blades of scissors. Outside surface covers the bones inner surface adjacent bone. This ingenious system ensures the strength of the skull and, at the same time, its plasticity.


    Seams and fontanelles are:

    • zones of adaptation of the head of the fetus relative to the unchanged and inextensible pelvis of the mother. Thus, the fetal skull uses its ability to deform under load to overcome various obstacles that arise during childbirth. He is forced to deform so as not to be crushed.
    • buffer zones" between the skull bones and membranes that have not yet merged. They are fragile and subject to deformation, as they are associated with adaptation.

    In conclusion, it can be assumed that the fontanel and sutures are adaptive zones that take on all traumatic loads (stresses, stretching, compression, overlapping of bones) that induce asymmetry of various non-fused bones of the skull of a newborn.

    This osteopathic hypothesis is based on anatomical observations, it is logical and confirmed by practice.

    Osteopathic concept of time

    plays important role. The bones are growing. Ossification points control their formation. Bones get wider and thicker day by day.

    The time when an osteopath can help is quickly running out!

    All fontanelles close by twelve months. Various bones the base of the skull ossifies in the period from 3 to 9 years of a child's life. In addition, as the American osteopath Katya wrote, "the bones of the face and other parts of the skull have different periods and degree of growth. This difference can add an additional complicating factor such as allergies, eye problems, ear problems, throat problems, nose problems."

    So, we do not have much time to correct and model the child's head. Let's not lose it! Time is irreversible!

    Osteopathy can detect and quickly correct, before the final formation of the bones of the face and head, all anomalies in the form caused by the first trauma, which is childbirth.

    If in the first two weeks after childbirth, asymmetries or deformities do not disappear on their own, you should not waste time - you need to go to an osteopath. The longer you wait, the harder it is for the osteopath to correct the asymmetries.

    Without the intervention of an osteopath, the skull will try to somehow fix the situation on its own, but the problem may leave traces.

    Doctors often say, “It's okay, your baby's head will get straighter over time. Do not worry!". Experience shows that in 95% of cases this does not happen. It remains only to hope for a lush head of hair that will hide all the irregularities of the skull.

    But we are talking It's not just about looks, it's about health.

    Consequences of deformations silently work against the child. Even if they are not very serious, they cause disturbances that interfere with life and study.

    According to Viola Freiman, 8 out of 10 newborns have a cranial problem without obvious manifestations. Think about it!

    Some pediatricians who are confident in osteopathy are hesitant to entrust us with a newborn, considering him too fragile. When such children come to us at the age of 3, 4 or 6 months, it is not too late

    I want to thank the pediatricians for recommending us, but what a waste of time for modeling and correction! How earlier newborn gets to the osteopath, the easier, more effective and faster the correction will take place.

    The osteopath should intervene immediately after delivery, or immediately after leaving the hospital.

    You should work with pediatricians and invite them to osteopathic sessions. Then they will see that infant can actively participate in the work performed by the osteopath

    Moms are happy when they see how good their baby feels after the session.

    When to See an Osteopath

    As soon as possible.

    It is necessary to bring the newborn to the osteopath immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital.

    The first session will remove or at least mitigate the traumatic effects of childbirth on your baby's head.

    The manual work of an osteopath will bring the child an immediate improvement in his condition and provide saving well-being. Thus, the baby will be able to live the first weeks of his life without suffering, that is, in the best conditions for his development. He will respond to treatment, delighting his mother with health and good mood.

    Attention! A visit to an osteopath does not cancel or replace the observation of a pediatrician or the attending physician. These are different consultations that complement each other, and do not replace one another.

    So, with regard to osteopathic treatment, the first examination and modeling of the skull of a newborn should begin as early as possible, in the first week of a child's life.

    From birth to 3 months

    This is the best period for correcting all anomalies in the shape of the skull: asymmetries, flattening, torsion, distortions and curvature, etc.

    This is possible because the fontanelles are open, the sutures between the bones are soft and wide, and the bones are soft and plastic. Modeling the skull and balancing the intracranial membranes does not cause difficulties.

    3 to 6 months

    There are already fewer opportunities for correction, as some fontanelles close, the bones begin to grow together, and the sutures are sealed.

    But in general, the skull is still plastic and perfectly modeled. Correction of cranial asymmetries is still fully possible.

    6 to 12 months

    How older child, the closer to the completion of its structure. Intervention becomes less effective, but possible. The large fontanelle has not yet closed and the occipital bone still consists of 4 parts. The time for correction has not yet been lost, but the correction will be longer, it will take large quantity sessions to achieve the desired result.

    From 1 year to 3 years

    All springs closed. The jagged edges of the bones of the skull were formed in order, gradually approaching, to form a strong seam. The upper palate is formed and grows in a vertical direction upper jaw. Occipital bone gradually ossifies.

    Correction of dysfunctions is still possible, but modeling becomes more difficult and requires more sessions to achieve a satisfactory result.

    From 3 to 6 years

    By the age of three, the bone becomes dense, the sutures close. The upper palate has formed. To ensure the formation of teeth, the upper jaw corresponds to the state of an adult. By the age of six, the cartilaginous base of the skull ossifies. Cranial ossification ends, although it should not be forgotten that some bones complete their ossification by 16 or even 25 years of age. The mobility of the bones decreases, but does not disappear completely. The skull is breathing! It is becoming more and more difficult to model the skull, but the correction of dysfunctions is still effective.

    Modeling of asymmetries of the skull and face should be started as early as possible. Immediately after birth. Correction of the loss of mobility of the bones of the skull can always be done. There is no age limit here. This correction is possible throughout life.

    Sequential ossification of sutures and fontanelles

    How does an osteopath work?

    Osteopathy has manual assistance your child's body. Sutherland wrote that the osteopath's fingers "think, feel, see, and reflect." It is the hands and fingers of the osteopath who are looking for anomalies in the form at the level of the head and face of the child. Fingers listen to the rhythms of his fascia and cranial rhythms. They rate functional state his organs, every vertebra of his spinal column, including the sacrum. They pay close attention to the pelvis, which consists of many bones, to the upper and lower limbs.

    The feet are worked out in order to relieve all stresses and deformations. All types of correction improve the dynamics of the cranial rhythm. Osteopath works classical techniques developed by the classics of osteopathy. The arsenal of techniques is constantly replenished, which expands the boundaries and therapeutic possibilities of osteopathy.

    I want to reassure mom. Manipulations on the child are always performed very gently. All techniques are highly accurate and correspond to the structure that requires correction.

    Let's take the skull as an example. The hands of the osteopath lie on the structure that asks for help. They help this structure to find its balance, mobility and symmetry. They return to her normal, i.e., the most effective anatomical position, and, consequently, normal function. An osteopath can be compared to a puppeteer. It balances all the ropes that set the puppet in motion and allow it to move well and correctly around the stage.

    The child is not a passive subject of the work of the osteopath. Don't even doubt breastfed babies capable of appreciating manipulation that is beneficial to them. In addition, they participate in the session, helping the osteopath, they are waiting for the session and want it. The child surprises his parents. With all his behavior, he makes it clear that he perceives the osteopath as a friend and accomplice of the invisible process that goes on in him. The osteopath is his friend.

    During osteopathic sessions, parents make many discoveries about their baby. They begin to realize that their child is a person who thinks and acts, demanding respect for himself. One should not see in a child just a passive and vegetative piece of flesh.

    During the session, the child often falls asleep. His face and body relax. This means that thanks to the cranial and fascial treatment, he was freed from a huge amount of stress. He doesn't suffer.

    During the session, the child may become angry with the doctor, even yell at him. This may last for several minutes, but then the anger turns to mercy and the osteopath becomes the best friend again.

    After an osteopathic session, children behave differently.

    Those children who do not sleep well during the day and often wake up at night, after a session, sometimes sleep deep sleep 8-10 hours in a row, skipping several feedings. Thus, they make up for lost time, recover. Then their sleep stabilizes, to the great delight of their parents, who can finally rest themselves.

    How can this be explained? Very often, after giving birth, a newborn is comparable to an adult wearing a tight and narrow hat that puts pressure on the head and provokes headaches, irritability, outbursts of anger, visual disturbances, etc. This discomfort is unbearable for the child. But unlike an adult, who has the opportunity to take off and no longer wear the ill-fated hat or give it to a tailor for stretching, or complain about pain, specifying its localization, a newborn is deprived of all these opportunities. He can only scream, tears, irritability and insomnia to express his discomfort. These are very important signs that should be discussed separately.

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