Osteopathy (Manual Therapy). Advantages of osteopathic diagnostics. Osteopathy - the principle of perception of the human body

Osteopathy is a new direction of official medicine (in autumn 2003 osteopathy was approved as a specialty by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation). The main thing in osteopathy is that diagnosis and treatment is carried out by the hands of a specially trained specialist.

Osteopathic diagnostics is based on fundamental knowledge of anatomy and physiology and the highest sensitivity of the hands of an osteopathic specialist, achieved through years of special training. Deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology allows the osteopath to understand the true cause of ailments, to help the body cope with them. Internal stress muscles, ligaments, rhythm disturbances individual bodies- the osteopath's fingers feel the slightest disturbance.


Organs and tissues healthy person have a certain shape, density, temperature. When they start pathological changes, these characteristics change: the organs can move, increase, become a little more dense. The hands of an osteopath are able to catch only the beginning of changes that do not yet cause pain and are not recognized during normal medical examination. Therefore, it is advisable to make an appointment with an osteopathic specialist with preventive purpose- He will identify and eliminate violations on early stage thus preventing the development serious illnesses in future.

The main problems with which you can apply for osteopathic diagnostics:

  • violation of the proper functioning of the joints, stiffness of their movements, pain;
  • fresh injuries, conditions after an old injury;
  • birth injury;
  • deterioration in concentration and memory, insomnia;
  • incoming cerebrovascular accident;
  • chronic headache;
  • problems with the regulation of gastrointestinal function intestinal tract;
  • menstrual pain.

When diagnosing, an osteopathic specialist can identify:

  • violation of the proper functioning of the joints, stiffness when moving in them;
  • omission internal organs;
  • an increase in the size of internal organs;
  • displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of intervertebral hernias.
  • source of pain.

Advantages of osteopathic diagnostics

The advantage of osteopathic diagnostics is finding out the root cause of the disease. Osteopathy finds and treats the cause of the disease, which may not be where it hurts.

How to Prepare for an Osteopathic Diagnosis

Special preparation for visiting an osteopath is not required. It is advisable to come to the appointment with an empty bladder. It should also be taken into account that the patient at the reception undresses to underwear, which should not be constricting. Sheets and towels in our Center are disposable and you do not need to bring them with you. In our center you can not only undergo osteopathic diagnostics, but also undergo a treatment session. You can learn more about osteopathic treatment here (link), but for now, let's look at the main advantages of this diagnostic and treatment method.

Benefits of osteopathic treatment

Safety and painlessness.

Osteopathy is safe because the osteopath uses techniques that exclude brute force, remaining only within the physiological barriers of tissues.

Treatment without surgery.

Osteopathy is an alternative surgical intervention with diseases of the spine, flat feet, cholecystitis, nephrolithiasis, varicose veins vein, etc.

Reducing medication.

Osteopathy is an alternative to hormone therapy for endocrine diseases, antibiotic therapy for diseases of the respiratory organs and for long-term gynecological inflammatory diseases.

Short treatment times.

The course of treatment in osteopathy is from 4 to 8 sessions with a frequency of one session per week (or two weeks).

An osteopathic specialist treats not only a diseased organ, but the body as a whole. As a result, osteopathic treatment stimulates the body's defenses, encouraging it to turn to its own reserves. Sometimes osteopathy is the only way cure the patient.


V.G. Artyomov


Moscow, 2008


and correction of dysfunctions
lower limb

    Passive global tests of the lower limb (abduction-adduction of the hip).

    Passive global tests of the lower limb (rotation of the hip in the standing position and in the supine position).

    Passive global tests of the lower limb (rotation of the hip in the supine position).

    Passive global tests of the lower limb (flexion-extension of the hip).

    Passive global tests of the lower limb (F.A.B.E.R. test).

    Correction hip joint Option number 1.

    Correction of the hip joint Option No. 2.

    Correction of the hip joint Option No. 3.

    Intraosseous techniques.

    Tibia posterior slip test.

    Anterior slip test of the tibia.

    Correction of dysfunction in the anterior sliding of the tibia.

    Correction of dysfunction in the posterior sliding of the tibia (option No. 1 "drawer technique").

    Correction of dysfunction in the posterior sliding of the tibia (option No. 2 "bayonet stab").

    Correction of dysfunction in the posterior sliding of the tibia (option No. 3 "surge technique").

    Correction of dysfunction in the posterior sliding of the tibia (option No. 4 of the "blacksmith" technique).

    Ischiocural muscle test.

    Passive global tests of the lower limb (external and internal rotation of the lower leg).

    Correction of the "internal meniscus".

    Correction of the "outer meniscus"

    Passive global tests of the lower limb (conduction-abduction and translation of the lower leg).

    Global fibula mobility test.

    Correction of the external rotation of the fibula (MET according to Mitchell).

    Correction of the internal rotation of the fibula (MET according to Mitchell).

    Tibia head mobility test.

    Correction of the "posterior" head of the fibula.

    Muscle-energy technique for correcting the "posterior" head of the fibula.

    Correction of the "anterior" head of the fibula.

    Test for upper and lower displacement of the fibula (option No. 1).

    Test for upper and lower displacement of the fibula (option No. 2).

    Fascial correction of dysfunctions of the "lower" fibula.

    Lateral ankle mobility test.

    Correction of the "back" position of the lateral ankle.

    Correction of the "anterior" position of the lateral ankle.

    Active tests on the ankle joint.

    Passive tests on the ankle joint (option No. 1).

    Correction of the "anterior" fork of the ankle joint.

    Correction of the "front" ram (option No. 1).

    Correction of the "front" ram (option No. 2).

    Decoaptation of the ankle joint.

    MET for balancing the ankle joint.

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    Popelyansky Ya.Yu. Vertebrogenic diseases nervous system.- Yoshkar-Ola, 1983.- T. II.- 370 p.

    Proskurin V.V.. Manual therapy of visceral manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine.- M., Publisher Russian University Friendship of peoples, 1993.- 148 p.

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    Skoromets A.A., Novoseltsev S.V.. Whiplash injury. Mechanisms of occurrence and possibilities of osteopathic correction // Manual therapy, No. 3 (7), 2002.-S.16-22.

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“The aim of the osteopath is to detect pathologies before they occur, in order to improve the functioning of the systems and to activate the forces of self-regulation and self-healing of the body.”
“The goal of a doctor is to find health. Anyone can find the disease
Andrew Taylor Still, founder of osteopathy.

Osteopathy, as a method of diagnosis and treatment, is based on simple and obvious principles. The human body is considered by osteopaths as a whole. Structure and function, that is, anatomy and physiology, are closely and inextricably linked. In addition, the body has all the possibilities for self-healing and maintaining health.

The main instrument of an osteopath, with which the doctor examines and then treats the patient, is his hands. Fine palpation, tactile senses allow you to catch violations in the body. The work of an osteopath is based on a good knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, medical semiotics, and other related disciplines. Examining the patient, the doctor can detect the disease, and those hidden reasons that cause disease. Acting with his hands on organs and tissues, the osteopath prompts the body the way to effective self-correction and recovery with the help of its own resources. It is very important that the osteopath does not treat the current disease, but the patient as a whole. And each patient is “a unique unity of mind, body and spirit”, which is why osteopathic medicine helps at any age and at any stage of life - from the moment of conception and birth of a person to old age.

What are the benefits of osteopathy?

1. Preventive orientation of osteopathy in the preservation and maintenance of health. Osteopathic techniques allow the osteopath to eliminate the root cause of diseases even at initial stage clinical manifestations, when there are only functional disorders in the body.

2. Osteopathy aims its methods not at a simple restoration of disturbed anatomical relationships, but at creating conditions in the structure under which the body itself is able to restore these relationships.

3. Osteopathy and traditional medicine are two complementary approaches to health problems.

Indications for osteopathic treatment of children

  • effects birth trauma(perinatal encephalopathy)
  • psychomotor delay and speech development(alalia, dysarthria, logoneuroses)
  • behavioral disorders in children (hyperexcitability, hyperactivity, tantrums)
  • learning difficulties (attention deficit, cognitive disorders, writing and reading disorders)
  • tics and other neurosis-like diseases
  • enuresis
  • postural disorders and scoliosis, leg deformities, flat feet
  • malocclusion
  • allergies (some forms of vasomotor rhinitis and bronchial asthma)
  • frequent colds (adenoiditis, otitis media, sinusitis, etc.)
  • visual impairment
  • somato-vegetative dysfunctions (headaches, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders menstrual cycle etc.)

Indications for osteopathic treatment for adults:

  • chronic fatigue and stress
  • sleep disorders
  • headaches, dizziness
  • hypertension, hypotension
  • frequent colds
  • back and joint pain
  • consequences of various injuries
  • consequences of surgical interventions
  • various diseases of the internal organs
  • gynecological diseases
  • pregnancy, preparation for childbirth
  • in severe lesions, osteopathy is included in the complex treatment
  • Osteopathic treatment lends itself not only to diseases of the joints, nervous system and spine, but also to chronic pathologies of the visceral system;
  • the highest accuracy of osteopathic diagnostics, which is based on the determination of displacements of muscle and bone tension, disturbances in the rhythm of movements visceral organs, tendon tensions and fascial sheaths;
  • doctors mainly use soft and safe methods of exposure, which allows prescribing such treatment to a wide range of patients;
  • an experienced osteopath will be able to establish the root cause of the disease, which will allow you to choose the most effective scheme his treatment;
  • osteopathic treatment generally has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • the result of the treatment can be felt after the first procedure;
  • In osteopathy, a huge range of treatment methods has been developed, which allows you to choose an individual treatment regimen.

Osteopathy: differences from other manual methods

Osteopathy should not be confused with other manual methods such as manual therapy, massage, bone-setting, and others. As for bone-setting, it means folk technique straightening bones. It is usually carried out by people without an appropriate medical education, whose ideas about human anatomy are very conditional, and whose methods are unsafe and traumatic.

Manual therapy uses a lot of techniques similar to osteopathic techniques. The main difference between these branches of medicine is that manual therapy pays more attention to the joints and spine and ignores work with internal organs. Manual treatment is usually aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease, and not at establishing and eliminating the cause of the disease, so it gives a temporary effect. In addition, manual therapy is usually very painful and traumatic.

Principles of osteopathy, what treats

  • The organism is one system. In osteopathy, a person is considered in the context of the unity of three systems: musculoskeletal (limbs, spine, muscles, ligaments, fascia, joints), neurovegetative (central and peripheral nervous systems, hormones, internal glands) and neuropsychic (reflexes and body reactions to mental and social stimuli, as well as emotional stress). The slightest malfunction of one system entails a failure in the rest. In this regard, in osteopathy, the disease is considered as a lesion of the whole organism, and not one or several organs.
  • Structure can control function and vice versa. This rule in osteopathy is interpreted as follows: if the relative position of body tissues is not disturbed in the human body, there is no displacement of organs or vertebrae, then it will fully function. Any changes such as impaired circulation or movement restrictions lead to illness. Timely and adequate osteopathic treatment will restore the normal structure of organs and tissues.
  • Life is motion. Proper functioning of human tissues, cells and organs is possible only in the case of free movement of blood and lymph. Impaired mobility leads to problems with the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Therefore, the main task of osteopathy is to restore the mobility of organs and tissues of the body.

Osteopathy: what is it, indications and contraindications

Osteopathic treatment can be effective in eliminating a huge number of diseases. Such treatment is indicated in the presence of pain in the back and joints of various etiologies: neuralgia, sciatica, osteochondrosis, problems with the cervical spine, hernia. Osteopathy is also indicated for posture disorders, spinal injuries, craniocerebral injuries, hypertension, epilepsy, headaches, dizziness, diseases respiratory system, birth injuries, consequences of surgical interventions, frequent ENT diseases. Osteopathic treatment has shown its effectiveness in preparation for childbirth (elimination of pain in the back and legs).

There are a number of contraindications for which osteopathic treatment is not recommended. These include bleeding, acute mental disorders, tuberculosis, blood diseases, spinal injuries and craniocerebral injuries (especially in acute period), circulatory disorders in the brain and spinal strokes. There are also a number relative contraindications for which osteopathic therapy may be possible: acute kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Diagnostics in osteopathy

The osteopathic session begins with the diagnosis of the patient, which involves the collection of complaints and the history of the disease, familiarization with the data of instrumental studies (X-ray, MRI of the brain) and laboratory tests. The doctor also performs an osteopathic examination. Based on the data obtained, we can draw a conclusion regarding the cause that led to the disease, the most significant functional impairment, the general level of the body's reactivity and its ability to self-heal.

General osteopathic examination involves a thorough examination of the patient in a standing, sitting and lying position. Additionally, palpation is also performed. muscle tone, global active tests (flexion, extension, lateroflexion), osteopathic listening, three volume test (lower abdominal, subphrenic, thoracic), test cervical of the spine in translation, assessment of the mobility of visceral masses, respiratory impulse and cardiac impulse.

What can osteopathy treat?

Based on the patient's complaints, the history of the disease, the results of somatic and osteopathic examination and other diagnostic data, the doctor draws up an individual treatment plan for the patient. In osteopathy, it is customary to distinguish three areas that specialize in the treatment various diseases: structural osteopathy considers the problems of the musculoskeletal system, visceral osteopathy is aimed at treating disorders of internal organs, cranio-sacral osteopathy solves the problems of the relationship between the bone structures of the skull, spine and pelvis, normalizes the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous system.

Depending on the specifics of the disease, the osteopath uses the following techniques in his work:

  • Mobilization and articulation techniques. During their conduct, the doctor makes rhythmic movements in the zone of physiological mobility of the joints. With the help of these techniques, it is possible to achieve relaxation of the periarticular muscles, open the joint capsule, eliminate tension, and put the joint in its normal position.
  • Muscle-energy techniques. They provide for an alternate combination of tension and relaxation of the muscles surrounding the blocked joint. Thus, the doctor affects the internal and segmental systems of muscle regulation, due to which their relaxation is achieved. Also, through tendon tension, it is possible to tighten the joints to a normal position.
  • General osteopathic techniques. The osteopath performs circular motions in the peripheral joints of the body, which contribute to the relaxation of the periarticular transverse fascial attachments. Osteopathic techniques also include traction, vibration, and stretching techniques.
  • Muscular-fascial techniques. When performing these techniques, osteopaths remove tissue tension, restore mobility and tone to organs, and normalize anatomical relationships in the joints. When an osteopath performs muscle-fascial techniques, no pronounced movements and clicks occur. However, inside the body there is a mass positive effects- as the body relaxes, severe pain disappears, and movements gradually become unrestricted and light. Gradually, under the hands of the doctor, heat appears, as tissue blood flow is restored. After the procedure, the work of the stomach, gallbladder, and intestines is activated.

Osteopathy as one of the effective practices traditional medicine appeared relatively recently, about one hundred and forty years ago. However, this young, but quite promising direction is gaining more and more recognition from year to year and is now widely used throughout the world.

Currently, osteopathy is on a par with such a popular method of treatment and diagnosis as manual therapy. At the same time, osteopathy is much more universal, and its methods are much more thorough and wide-ranging, for the reason that they are aimed not only at correcting existing disorders of the locomotor apparatus, but also at eliminating the true causes of the disease.

The task of osteopathy- "help" the body to cope with its illness on its own by activating its internal defensive forces and start regeneration processes. And the main tool of osteopathy is the sensitive hands of a highly qualified specialist with deep knowledge in the field of physiology and anatomy, with which he “scans” the body of his patient. Such hypersensitivity of the hands can only be compared with some kind of sensory device that detects any changes in the activity of human systems and internal organs.

In other words, osteopathy is an effective method of self-diagnosis and healing of the body, which is based on the impact of an osteopath on the central nervous system, locomotor apparatus and internal organs of a person through various mechanical manipulations that are carried out by hands. As a result of such manipulations, all functional disorders disappear, the mechanism of self-regulation is turned on, and internal reserves organism, which gives him the opportunity to independently normalize his activities and recover from the disease.

The history of the emergence and development of the osteopathic approach to treatment

Even in ancient times, many peoples tried to treat various diseases by using hands. Ancient monuments that have survived to this day tell us that on the territory Eastern countries, namely in Egypt, India, China, such manipulations were used in medicinal purposes as early as the fourth millennium BC.

At a later time, the ancestor of all medical science Hippocrates claimed big role spine in the treatment of many diseases, explaining in detail the use of various techniques and actions on the spine. In the second century BC, the famous Roman physician Galen described that Fosergil's disease could be cured with knowledge of neurology and human anatomy. He outlined the basics of corrective therapy of the cervical spine.

But seriously about osteopathy, as an effective method of treatment, they started talking only in the nineteenth century, and contributed to this american doctor Andrew Taylor Still. Having a rich medical practice, Still became disillusioned with the medical preparations of that time, noting their inefficiency. He believed that all diseases that occur in the human body are directly related to the disruption of the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, consisting of bones, muscles, ligaments, nerve formations, which are interconnected with each other and together form the structure of the body.

From this, he concluded that when a disease occurs in a person, the main task doctor is to adjust correct work of this system through the use of soft manual techniques. The approach he described, based on knowledge of physiology and anatomy, marked the formation of a new treatment technique, which in 1889 was called osteopathy. This concept is of Greek origin and consists of two terms: "osteon" means "bone", and "patios" is translated as "feeling".

The American doctor laid the foundations for diagnostics and therapy, which, working with the natural constitution of the body, are aimed at improving the whole organism as a whole, and not a single disease. The method he proposed came in handy, because, unlike many medicines of that time, which had strong side effects and addictive, it did not bring any harm to human health.

In 1892, Still established the first officially recognized American School of Osteopathy, where he taught manual treatment, the basics of a healthy diet and talked about how to change your lifestyle so that you can cope with existing diseases on your own, without surgery and taking medications. Sick people who turned to Dr. Still for help had a history of the most various diseases, say such as shigellosis or sciatica. Some he healed completely, others helped only to some extent, and yet in most cases the effectiveness of his therapeutic methods was obvious.

Osteopathic practice came to European countries in the twenties of the last century. So, in 1927, a follower of Still, doctor John Martin Littlejohn opened the first osteopathic school in Britain. Already in the sixties, such schools functioned in Germany, France, Austria, Spain and many other European countries.

In our country, the first school of osteopathy was formed in the city of St. Petersburg. In 1994, it was established by the doctor of osteopathy, neurologist T.I. Kravchenko.

Method of osteopathic treatment

In accordance with the laws of osteopathy, the diagnosis and treatment of any disease is performed only by the hands of an osteopathic specialist. The doctor does not prescribe any medications to his patient, does not perform surgical operations, all methods are safe and quite effective.

Internal organs and tissues of the human healthy condition have very specific parameters: temperature, size, density, configuration. In a situation where any pathological changes occur in them, these parameters change significantly: organs can increase in size, move from their correct location, acquire greater density, and temperature painful area may rise. Just such, sometimes quite insignificant transformations, are caught by a specialist during an examination, by palpation skin, muscle tissues and internal organs of the patient.

Diagnostics is carried out exclusively with the help of trained, sensitive fingers, which, through a light touch, detect problem areas on the human body. After that, a professional osteopath acts on the patient's body in such a way as to eliminate all existing pathologies and activate natural harmony.

Experts in this area of ​​medicine argue that the sooner a sick person comes to an osteopath with his problem, the easier and more effective the treatment will be.

Description of the osteopathic correction session

Prior to the start of the osteopathy session itself, the doctor conducts a preliminary consultation, where he gets acquainted with the results of the patient's tests, finds out his complaints, learns about the existing chronic diseases and contraindications. After that, the patient lies down on the couch, and the osteopath, with the help of various touches, probes his body with his own hands.

Being well versed in such sciences as physiology and human anatomy, a true professional will easily find the true cause of pain sensation and the focus of the disease itself. His sensitive fingers are able to pick up signals from the body that medical devices often do not respond to: changes in the rhythm of the functioning of internal organs, increased tone muscles and ligaments. Depending on the nature and severity of the disease, the doctor either continues the treatment on his own, or directs the patient to another doctor or specialist.

As a rule, the therapy procedure itself lasts about fifty minutes. Having found out the source of the disease, the osteopath with the help of various tricks and manipulation is taken to eliminate it: relieves muscle tension, removes the inflammatory process, enhances blood circulation, thereby normalizing or improving the functioning of a particular organ. Already after several procedures of such a “soft effect”, the work of the whole organism is getting better and the person feels a significant improvement in his condition.

What is interesting to achieve desired effect, a specialist does not have to use any power techniques, as can sometimes be observed in manual treatment sessions. After all, if you draw an allegory, you can enter a closed room either by using force (for example, if you knock out a door), or you can, having a key in your hands, simply turn it in the lock. It is through such gentle techniques that the osteopath activates the self-regulation system and launches natural processes self-restoration of the body.

After the first procedure, you are unlikely to feel any radical changes in your health. This is quite normal and is explained by the fact that the body needs time to get used to and give a reflex reaction in response to the impact. This will not happen instantly, but after a few sessions (rarely after a few weeks), pain syndromes will begin to weaken or disappear, “lightness” will appear in the body and positive changes will be visible that will qualitatively improve your general state. If after the fourth session there is absolutely no improvement, then in this case it is better for the patient to turn to another alternative treatment practice.

Someone may doubt the effectiveness of such therapy, which does not provide for a strong and active effect. However, the technique and high effectiveness of osteopathy have a completely scientific justification. Osteopathy is by no means a “pseudo-treatment”, but a completely new level medical technologies, which is based on a deep knowledge of the mechanism of action of various processes in the human body, the order and principles of the interaction of certain systems or organs and the possibility of influencing them with the help of manual manipulations. In addition, these new technologies are based on long years hard work and training in the susceptibility of the fingers, so that later on simply with light contact with the patient's body, it was possible to diagnose and eliminate failures in the normal functioning of the body.

But, resorting to osteopathic treatment, each person must remember that, as in any other medical practice, the treatment of a sick person can only be occupied by a certified doctor with a medical education, or a highly qualified specialist who has certificates and diplomas in his hands confirming his right to the possibility of medical treatment.

Main principles of osteopathic therapy

Back in the late nineteenth century, the founder of osteopathy was a doctor from America

Andrew Taylor Still spoke about the three main principles of this treatment method, which in modern world have not lost their relevance.

  • The patient's body is an integral system in which such components as the structure of the body, its functioning and movement are directly interconnected: in any disease, the work of a single organ cannot be disturbed, the normal activity of the whole organism is disrupted, which is why it is so important for an osteopath to identify the true the reason for this failure.
  • The activity of each organ in the human body is directly related to the structure human body.
  • In turn, the structure of the body directly depends on its work. This suggests that the normal structure of the organ is possible only if it functions properly.

Osteopathic treatment and traditional medicine

Regardless of wide opportunities modern diagnostics, the creation of new and improved devices, many patients are increasingly resorting to alternative therapeutic practices. Often, the inefficiency of traditional medicine lies in the fact that it does not comprehensively treat the body, based on the principle of its integrity, which is the basis of all living things, but simply concentrates on the treatment of a specific disease in a certain part of the body, which is dealt with by a highly specialized specialist. In this case, the growth observed today is very indicative. chronic diseases and the appearance of pain, the source of which sometimes cannot even be determined experienced doctor using modern diagnostic tools.

In spite of high efficiency and effectiveness of osteopathy, it should be noted that osteopathy is not a panacea for all diseases. Absolute healing can be achieved only if destructive processes have not yet started in the structures of the body, preventing its self-restoration and recovery. At the same time, the limits of the possibilities of a specialist in osteopathic therapy lie within the limits own forces and the ability of the human body to self-regulate.

Manual practice and osteopathy (advantages of the osteopathic approach to treatment)

Many people believe that the osteopathic approach to treatment and manual therapy are the same medical technique that just uses slightly different techniques. In fact, both practices affect the body in different ways and have various indications and restrictions on use.

Osteopathy is a much more multifaceted, universal and complex type of manual medicine, which has wide range undeniable and fair advantages. The main difference between osteopathic treatment and manual treatment is the fact that osteopathy has a much more gentle and gentle effect on the functioning of the body. It does not provide for a targeted effect on the joints and bones and does not increase the mobility and flexibility of the joints. The effect of osteopathic therapy on the spine, ligaments, muscles, intervertebral discs, etc. indirectly and is carried out through bioenergy points.

After a course of manual treatment or directly during manual sessions, the patient may experience pain different intensity, and with osteopathic therapy, this almost never happens.

Unlike a manual approach to human health, osteopathy works even with newly born babies, which once again emphasizes the softness and safety of its techniques. In addition, osteopathy affects not only the affected area of ​​the body, but also regenerates the functional relationships between different internal organs. This practice helps not only to remove the symptoms of the disease, but also to eliminate the very cause of the disease.

So, summing up all the above, we can distinguish the following benefits osteopathy:

  • Methods of influence in osteopathy are soft, safe, do not cause pain, do not have side effects and at the same time they are very effective, as they activate the internal forces and capabilities of the body.
  • Thanks to a deep approach and the presence of a wide variety of techniques, osteopathic therapy removes the very source of the disease by launching a system of self-regulation and body regeneration processes, which eliminates the possibility of a recurrence of the disease.
  • Osteopathic treatment can be carried out even with severe pain syndrome, while a manual session is impossible, since manual therapy techniques are more stringent and unsafe. Osteopathy is indicated for use from birth, and the manual technique is not recommended in childhood.
  • Osteopathy has in its arsenal more than three and a half thousand different techniques, and manual medicine is only about a hundred. In order to thoroughly study and master all these techniques, a specialist needs at least four years of constant training, and then continuous, hard work to improve their skills and gain experience.
  • Osteopathy is universal and large-scale, for the reason that it normalizes the activity of the whole organism as a whole: the locomotor apparatus, the central nervous system and the PNS, the functioning of internal organs.

Indications for osteopathic treatment

Due to the fact that osteopathic therapy is based on the idea of ​​the human body as a single harmonious system, and due to the fact that it has a wide variety of techniques that can eliminate most mechanical functional disorders, osteopathy can treat a huge number of different diseases. . But here it is important to remember that each patient needs an individual approach.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, osteopathy is not a panacea for any disease. Alas, she is helpless. oncological diseases or in case of dangerous violations of chemical processes in the human body. At the same time, the effectiveness of osteopathy has been proven in the elimination of mechanical failures, in the implementation of diagnostics, at the stage of rehabilitation in postoperative period and other cases.

In some parts of the world where this therapy has been practiced for many years, the osteopath takes on the duties of a family doctor who is able to relieve headache, remove muscle tension, notice and correct the curvature of the spine in a child. In essence, osteopathy is a modern comprehensive approach to medicine. Indeed, often the human body does not need additional treatment medicines or any surgical intervention.

It is enough just to help him a little, to point out right direction, and then the body, being a surprisingly intelligent system of vital activity, will itself find a way out of this situation and select the maximum effective method self recovery.

So, we list the most common problems for which osteopathic treatment is indicated.

Diseases of adults:

  • gynecological diseases in women (adhesions in the pelvic area, algomenorrhea, menstrual irregularities, chronic adnexitis, certain forms of infertility);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pains of various etiologies (head, vertebral, lumbar, etc.);
  • a problem in urology in men (inflammation and prostate adenoma, impotence);
  • various pathologies in the work of internal organs (chronic appendicitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, gastritis, stomach ulcer);
  • sciatica;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, ankle injuries);
  • traumatic epicondylitis;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • problems with the spine (kyphosis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, protrusion, hernia intervertebral disc etc.);
  • diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (sciatica, thoracalgia, stress, insomnia, depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, sensory disturbances);
  • work disruption gastrointestinal tract(spastic colitis, chronic stool retention, dysbacteriosis);
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • the period of rehabilitation after surgical operations;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis);
  • epilepsy;
  • clubfoot and flat feet;
  • various sports injuries.

In addition, osteopathy shows good results in eliminating some disorders in women during the period of bearing a child, as well as after his birth (edema, shortness of breath, the threat of miscarriage, increased uterine tone, etc.).

Children's ailments:

  • curvature of posture;
  • flat foot, clubfoot, hip dysplasia;
  • lag in speech and psychomotor development;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent diseases of the digestive system;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • weather dependence;
  • headaches of various origins;
  • epilepsy;
  • enuresis;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • dysfunction of the locomotor system (scoliosis, torticollis);
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • neuroses, poor concentration of attention, behavior correction;
  • consequences of birth injuries and operations;
  • minor disorders of brain activity;
  • hyperexcitability syndrome;
  • autism;
  • convulsions;
  • strabismus.

Contraindications for osteopathic therapy

Despite the fact that osteopathy is considered the most gentle and harmless method of treatment, there are a number of cases when it is not recommended to use the services of an osteopath:

  • oncological diseases;
  • serious disorders of blood circulation in the brain;
  • acute heart failure;
  • severe form of tuberculosis;
  • blood diseases (leukemia, anemia, Shenlein-Genoch disease, Rusticki-Kahler disease);
  • thrombosis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • acute infections of bacterial origin;
  • traumatic brain injury in the acute period.

As mentioned earlier, the boundaries of osteopathy lie within the boundaries of one's own strengths and capabilities. human body. In especially dangerous cases, when acute diseases and the most severe pathologies, that is, in situations where our body does not have internal resources for self-healing, osteopathy is powerless and gives way traditional methods treatment with their medicines and surgical operations. However, osteopathic therapy can perfectly complement and enhance the effectiveness of other therapeutic practices.

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