How to do a colposcopy of the cervix for pregnant women. Colposcopy during pregnancy: indications and contraindications. Features of the procedure during childbearing. Direct indications for it are

Women who are planning a pregnancy begin to undergo the necessary set of examinations long before conception. Such patients know exactly what colposcopy is and why it is needed. But some expectant mothers are faced with this term after the pregnancy has come. Colposcopy during pregnancy - what is it and why is it performed?

Colposcopy is a diagnostic technique aimed at detecting pathologies of the cervix. If the pregnancy was not planned, it is quite possible that during the initial examination of the woman, the doctor will see changes in the epithelial layer of the cervix. An accurate diagnosis and the cause of these changes are important for a pregnant woman, as they may influence the decision about the mode of delivery. Sometimes it depends on the results of colposcopy whether a woman will give birth on her own or she will need a caesarean section.

Colposcopy is a low-traumatic method of endoscopic examination, the purpose of which is to examine the cervix using a device - a colposcope. The role of colposcopy can hardly be overestimated: this method diagnoses gynecological diseases with high accuracy, such as precancerous conditions and cervical cancer.

Colposcopy is one of the mandatory studies in obstetrics, especially if there is an indication for this. Most often, diseases detected during pregnancy in a mild form are not subject to treatment, so the results of the study will remain relevant for a woman after childbirth. But, given the current tension on oncological pathologies in the world, sometimes colposcopy during pregnancy can reveal precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. Of course, these conditions disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and prevent natural childbirth - in such cases, a caesarean section is performed.

Colposcopy for pregnant women is carried out in a planned manner. The direction for the study is issued by a gynecologist. Most women are anxious when they are recommended to undergo this study, but in fact, its conduct does not mean that the expectant mother has some kind of serious pathology. It can be prescribed not only for suspected gynecological problems, but also for relative well-being in order to make sure that nothing can interfere with natural delivery, and there will be no complications in childbirth.

Indications and contraindications

With a simple colposcopy, you can get more information about the condition of the cervix than with an ordinary examination by a doctor without using a microscope. If an extended colposcopy is used, then even the stages of development of the precancerous and cancerous process can be seen. The condition of the mucous membrane of the cervix, its epithelial layer, blood vessels, pathologically altered tissues, the volume of lesions, in general, all types of anomalies in this area can be assessed through colposcopic examination.

  • pain during and immediately after intercourse;
  • intermenstrual bleeding and the appearance of blood after intercourse;
  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • chronic pulling pains in the lower abdomen, aggravated over time;
  • rashes on the external genitalia.

For expectant mothers, colposcopy is performed if cervical erosion is suspected or present. However, in recent years, doctors have included this study in the list of mandatory for all pregnant women, since the frequency of gynecological pathologies is increasing significantly, and many women go to the doctor with an unplanned pregnancy. In addition, from the moment of conception in the body of every woman, the immune defense worsens, against the background of which previously undiagnosed gynecological diseases can flare up with renewed vigor.

There are no contraindications to this study. Colposcopy is performed even in early pregnancy. It is not dangerous for a woman and is not capable of harming an unborn child.

However, if there is a threat of miscarriage, then the study may be postponed until the disappearance of spotting and increased. Also, colposcopy is not practiced in women who cannot tolerate auxiliary solutions - acetic acid and iodine used for the procedure.

Colposcopy during pregnancy - is it possible?

Of course, it would be better if any diagnostic studies were carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning, since the results of colposcopy help to study general trends regarding a woman's gynecological health and suggest a prognosis for a possible pregnancy. In any case, the answer to the question of whether colposcopy can be done during pregnancy will be positive. This study is not only possible, but also necessary, if necessary.

Colposcopy is prescribed at any stage of pregnancy after the doctor gets acquainted with the state of the vaginal microflora. The procedure is prescribed for all women, especially when it comes to possible pathology. There is no need to doubt the veracity and relevance of this diagnostic method. The fact is that such gynecological problems as inflammation or erosion of the cervix during pregnancy can go into a phase of active development that requires urgent treatment.

The study is quite safe for both the expectant mother and the baby, because it does not interfere with the gestation process. Together with colposcopy, a biopsy is often performed, which makes it possible to more accurately assess the existing abnormalities.

Features of colposcopy during pregnancy

In general terms, colposcopy in pregnant women is carried out in exactly the same way as in other cases. The only difference is that the future mother's cervix is ​​covered with a thick layer of mucus that protects the fetus from infection from outside. Because of this, detecting neoplasms and changes on its surface becomes a more difficult task, therefore, a specialist who has experience in performing colposcopy in pregnant women should perform the manipulation.

Most often, in early pregnancy, it is difficult to obtain sufficient information, so many patients undergo a secondary colposcopy after 6 weeks or in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, if the first results of the study were not entirely good.

Colposcopy as a diagnostic method is painless, but for some women this procedure may cause discomfort.

  • do not have sex;
  • do not douche;
  • do not inject drugs of any nature (suppositories, ointments) into the vagina.

At an early stage, colposcopy is carried out very carefully, according to the sensations, the procedure will remind the woman of a regular gynecological examination. If there are no external problems, auxiliary solutions are not used during the procedure. If there is a suspicion of a malignant process, then a tissue biopsy is performed.

During pregnancy, viscous mucous secretions are often present on the cervix and vagina, which can interfere with a full examination. In this case, the doctor can remove them with 3% acetic acid and special sponges, having treated the surface to be examined.

is a procedure for examining the cervix and vagina using a device called a colposcope. Such gynecological manipulation allows to identify a number of gynecological diseases in the cervical region, for example, cervical erosion, genital cancers and precancerous conditions. Performing such a procedure before conception is usually not a concern for girls. However, many girls in position are worried that lycolposcopy is dangerous during pregnancy, some do not know why to do colposcopy during pregnancy. Let's try to figure out whether such a procedure is really needed during the bearing of a child and whether there is reason for concern if it is performed.

Colposcopy during pregnancy: indications and contraindications

It is best to carry out this gynecological procedure before the conception of a child, because. This examination is intended to detect pathology. A woman who plans to become a mother should prepare in advance for carrying a baby in order to find out all untreated diseases before she becomes pregnant. Read about what planning a child is in articles and.

Why do a colposcopy during pregnancy?

There are not many indications for this, which are as follows:

  • Suspicion or history of cervical erosion - sometimes a gynecologist, during a standard gynecological examination, detects or suspects erosion in a woman after the conception of a child. Then colposcopy during pregnancy will help the doctor choose the method of delivery: naturally or by caesarean section. You can learn more about the disease and the dangers that it poses during gestation from the article.
  • A history of cancerous and precancerous diseases of the female genital organs. Unfortunately, in recent years, malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs have become widespread, so their early diagnosis is especially important. Thus, breast cancer ranks 1st among malignant processes in women. More information about the disease can be found in the article.
  • A study under a microscope provides detailed information about the state of the epithelium of the cervix, more precisely, its vaginal part. And the addition of the examination by taking material for cytological and histological analyzes allows you to verify or refute the suspected diagnosis.

Are there any contraindications?

There are no contraindications for diagnosis with a colposcope in a pregnant woman. Colposcopy during pregnancy is an absolutely safe and non-invasive manipulation, which allows you to diagnose gynecological diseases much better than a regular examination in the mirrors. Therefore, pregnant women should not worry at all about whether it is possible to do a colposcopy during pregnancy. The answer will be unequivocal: not only possible, but also necessary. No doctor will prescribe it just like that, but if you are referred for this examination, then there are good reasons for that and failure to follow the doctor's recommendations can lead to disastrous consequences.

Colposcopy during pregnancy: when to do it

In general, this examination can be performed at any gestational age. However, as a rule, when a woman is registered and her primary appearance at the gynecologist after examination on the gynecological chair and the detection of gynecological diseases, the pregnant woman is referred for this diagnostic procedure.

At the final stages of gestation, colposcopy is usually sent again to control the pathology. The primary diagnostic value in the last trimesters of bearing a child falls due to the growth of the epithelium.

Preparation for the examination

Preparations for a colposcopy are not difficult and include:

  • Exclusion of sexual intercourse 3 days before the procedure;
  • Avoiding the use of synthetic gels for the care of the external genital organs;
  • Do not insert suppositories, tablets, tampons into the vagina for several days before the examination.

How to perform this manipulation

Pregnant colposcopy is performed on a conventional gynecological chair. The main instrument for manipulation is colposcopy special mirrors.

The time it takes colposcopy during pregnancy is up to 20 minutes.

Manipulation includes the following steps:

  • Treatment of the cervix with an acetic solution in a 3% concentration;
  • Treatment of the cervix with Lugol's solution;
  • Taking a smear for cytology examination;
  • Taking a smear to study the nature of vaginal discharge.

During the procedure, the woman does not experience pain. You may feel a slight coldness at the moment when the colposcope is inserted. If an acetic solution is used for research, a burning sensation may additionally appear.

Features of carrying out during gestation

Despite the fact that it is now clear whether it is possible to do a colposcopy during pregnancy, it is still worth remembering some features when performing it.

  1. If a woman has a threat of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to postpone the study to a later date of gestation. About when this pathology occurs and how this pathology manifests itself, read the article.
  2. Manipulation for women in position is performed very carefully.
  3. When a gynecological examination is performed, tissue sampling for a biopsy is a mandatory measure.
  4. After the procedure, it is possible to release reddish discharge from the genital tract for 3-4 days. A pregnant woman should not worry about this.

Important Points

  • Colposcopy during pregnancy is prescribed according to clear indications;
  • The procedure does not pose a danger to the pregnant woman and her baby;
  • It is best to carry it out in the 1st trimester;
  • There is no recovery period after the manipulation;
  • If a pathology is detected, the procedure may need to be repeated.
Author of the publication: Margarita Shiryaeva 

Women who are preparing for pregnancy and are carefully examined at the planning stage know exactly what a colposcopy is. But many first encounter "this" after the conception of a child. And, of course, they have a lot of questions. Today we will try to answer each of them.

Colposcopy during pregnancy: what is it and how is it done?

Translated from Latin, "colpo" means "vagina", "scop" - "look", that is, literally colposcopy is translated as "examination of the vagina." And from this it becomes clear that this procedure is diagnostic. It is an examination of a woman on a gynecological chair with the help of mirrors, in which a special microscope is used, which makes it possible to examine the mucous membranes and vascular connections lining the walls of the vagina, vulva and cervix several tens of times and assess their condition.

Women who have never undergone a colposcopy often think that this same magnifying device will be inserted “there”. This instills panic fear in almost everyone and scares away many people from the procedure (and they never reach the doctor's office). But all this is out of ignorance. If you know and understand what colposcopy is, how and why it is performed (including for pregnant women), then many unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

So, this procedure is extremely simple for the patient and resembles a regular gynecological examination using a mirror. But the doctor also performs additional manipulations. At a short distance from the entrance to the vagina (10-15 cm), he has a binocular with illumination - and with its help examines the mucous epithelium inside. A smear is taken immediately, which is then sent for examination (cytology and histology).

If a simple colposcopy is performed, then this is where it ends. With an enlarged cervix, it is treated with a solution of iodine, lugol or 3% vinegar (depending on the type of study). If, after treatment of the mucous membranes, spots that do not stain with iodine appear on them, or in some areas, under the influence of acetic acid, the vessels do not narrow, then the woman will be sent for a biopsy (taking tissue particles for examination for the presence of cancer cells), because this is how pathological cells appear on neck and vulva. A biopsy during pregnancy is performed in rare cases, but this is also possible according to indications.

What the doctor sees under a modern colposcope is recorded by a photo or video carrier, and therefore, even after the completion of the procedure and after a long time, it is possible to once again examine and evaluate the result of colposcopy without a physical examination of the patient. This opportunity is especially valuable when it is necessary to compare the results of studies conducted at different times (for example, to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment).

Why do I need a colposcopy during pregnancy: indications

Even a simple colposcopy allows you to see much more than is possible with a normal gynecological examination without a microscope. With its help, you can identify a number of gynecological diseases. And if an extended method is used, then even precancerous conditions (cervical dysplasia) at the earliest stages of development (and later stages too, of course).

The condition of the mucous membranes, epithelium and blood vessels, the presence and size of lesions, pathological tissues, their outlines, the degree of damage, in general, the presence or absence of anomalies in these genital organs of a woman, and sometimes their causes - all this allows us to examine and diagnose this simple, but quite informative and valuable method.

As a rule, gynecologists refer their patients for colposcopy if they voice such complaints:

  • spotting from the vagina between periods and after sexual intercourse;
  • pain during and after sex;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen, which does not disappear with time, and even intensifies;
  • burning, itching in the vagina;
  • rash in the vulva.

For pregnant women, this study is often carried out if there is suspicion or cervical erosion has been previously diagnosed. But recently, more and more often, gynecologists prefer to carry out colposcopy during pregnancy without fail due to the fact that there is a tendency to increase the frequency of gynecological diseases, and most women are not planned to become pregnant. In addition, with the onset of pregnancy, the woman's immunity noticeably weakens, as a result of which previously unidentified gynecological pathologies may begin to progress.

How long is a colposcopy performed during pregnancy

Colposcopy is usually performed in the early stages of pregnancy - immediately when a woman is registered or shortly thereafter. The first examination in most cases is done before 12 weeks.

But even at a later date (more often at 30-32 weeks as a control examination before childbirth), the procedure is often repeated, especially if the previous results were not good.

You should prepare for a colposcopy in advance, but this will not be too difficult. It is only necessary to exclude any effect on the mucous membranes of the vagina in order to preserve the microflora present in it as much as possible before the examination. Therefore, 3 days before this, you should not have sex, do enemas, insert tampons or suppositories / tablets into the vagina, and it is advisable not to use synthetic detergents to care for the intimate area.

Is it harmful and dangerous to do colposcopy for pregnant women: consequences

There are no contraindications to such a gynecological examination. As we can see, the procedure is carried out even for pregnant women. It does not in any way harm or threaten either the woman or the unborn child.

But if there is a threat of miscarriage, then examination under a microscope can be postponed until later, when the increased tone of the uterus or spotting disappear.

In addition, in case of intolerance to the solutions used in extended colposcopy, a simplified examination is performed without test samples.

You should know that within a few days after a colposcopic examination, bloody discharge from the genital tract is possible - this is the norm.

Colposcopy during pregnancy: does it hurt or not?

On the Internet, you can find reviews that colpoxopia during pregnancy is painful. But it is difficult to agree with such a statement. Because neither the location of the microscope near the vagina, nor the treatment of mucous membranes with medical solutions causes pain, with the exception of a possible tingling or slight burning sensation when using an acetic acid solution, but it lasts no more than a few seconds, and it can be called painful with a big stretch.

Pain and discomfort can be caused directly by examining the vagina and cervix with a mirror, which is also done during a regular gynecological examination, even without the use of a colposcope. And here much depends on the woman herself. If she's tense, tight, scared, and in the mood for pain, then she can certainly feel it. Of course, there are more and less cautious, attentive and experienced doctors. But in any case, when going for an examination in the gynecologist's chair, you should relax: your personal physiological perception strongly depends on this, that is, the manifestation and degree of pain during the procedure.

Is cervical colposcopy mandatory during pregnancy: is it worth it?

We hope that after reading this article you will be convinced that colposcopy is a safe and painless procedure that does not threaten pregnancy in any way, but which can reveal serious gynecological pathologies. And therefore, doctors do not advise refusing to carry it out even during the period of bearing a child. Indeed, thanks to such a diagnosis, it is possible to identify not only erosion and other diseases, but also the degree of their spread. And, it should be noted, extensive erosions are dangerous for pregnancy and sometimes require treatment without postponing it for the postpartum period. In addition, in this condition, natural childbirth may be contraindicated.

However, you have the right to refuse colposcopy during pregnancy. But we must understand that there can be more harm from this.

If you have fears or doubts about this, just try to talk to your doctor (or any gynecologist you trust) and voice your worries to him. Most likely, he will convince you that there is nothing terrible and dangerous in this.

If you still refuse this examination, then you will definitely need to undergo a colposcopy after childbirth - a few months later.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

Colposcopy is one of the methods of intravaginal diagnosis of precancerous conditions of the cervical canal. With the help of a special device - a colposcope - the doctor examines the walls of the vagina and the cervix under the magnification of a binocular (the device is similar to a binocular microscope, from which the beam departs). Thanks to the available illumination, possible blackouts and vascular lesions are easily determined.

Types of analysis

There are several types of colposcopy:

  • extended;
  • simple;
  • video and photocolposcopy.

During pregnancy, the method allows you to identify epithelial changes, the nature of the discharge of mucus, the color of the pharynx and the state of the vascular network.

If necessary, the doctor takes biological material () for cytological examination for atypical cells.

The analysis is necessary in case of suspicion of malignant neoplasms.

Which pregnant women are prescribed the procedure

During pregnancy, manipulation is prescribed in two cases.

In the case of the development of a pathological course of gestation.

These signs include:

  • suspicion of cervical cancer;
  • genital warts and warts;
  • itching and burning in the genital area;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • pain in the lower abdomen of a dull nature.

In the early stages of gestation, gynecological manipulation is indicated for women with the following "pathologies":

  • disappointing results of previous studies;
  • severe pain in the lumbosacral region;
  • gynecological pathologies launched in treatment before pregnancy;
  • detection of atypical cells in a cytological smear;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases.

The procedure does not pose a threat to the expectant mother and fetus. The devices used in the diagnosis do not harm the uterus or the mucous membranes of the vagina and uterine isthmus.

There are no contraindications to the procedure. It can be performed at any gestational age.

The only temporary contraindication is the threat of abortion.

What determines analysis

The essence of the analysis is to identify cancer cells and eliminate possible causes that can become the basis for the development of oncology.

Colposcopy can reveal:

  • the form of glandular formations;
  • epithelization;
  • characteristic features of mucus;
  • mucosal changes;
  • possible malignant neoplasms;
  • erosive and neoplastic processes.

In non-pregnant women, extended colposcopy is used. The essence of her method is the introduction of medications for a more explicit visualization of the damaged epithelium.

As a medicine, a solution of 3% acetic acid is used. The solution is applied to the surface of the mucous membrane and judges the pathological process by the nature of the change.

In addition to acetic acid, special coloring components are used, such as iodine, methylene blue.

With a simple method of diagnosis, medical preparations are not used.

For patients in position, extended manipulation is contraindicated. For diagnosis in this category of women, a simple method of colposcopy is used.

How pregnant women prepare for a colposcopy

To obtain reliable results and prescribe, if necessary, adequate treatment, there is little professionalism of the gynecologist. A pregnant woman should know how to prepare for the procedure.

  1. A few days before the procedure, local use of vaginal ointments, creams and suppositories should be excluded.
  2. For 48 hours, refuse sexual intimacy or use barrier contraceptives - condoms.
  3. On the day of the study and a few days before it, use ordinary baby soap for the toilet of the genitals. Intimate hygiene products can cause a violation of the pH of the vaginal environment, which makes diagnosis difficult.
  4. Douching during gestation is prohibited, as well as before a colposcopic examination.

Proper preparation is the key to the right result.

In some cases, the study may not be conducted. For example, when spotting appears and.

Manipulation is postponed until the normalization of the course of pregnancy.

Analysis in pregnant women

The analysis carried out by pregnant women does not differ from the research method for gynecological patients. The difference lies in the application of a simple drug-free method.

The study is carried out in stages:

  1. The pregnant woman is located on the gynecological chair. A binocular colposcope is installed a few centimeters from it.
  2. The gynecologist inserts a speculum into the vagina to obtain an overview and directs the device into the opened vaginal cavity.
  3. Using a gauze swab, the doctor removes the remaining mucus from the surface of the cervical canal.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
  5. Upon completion of the examination, the doctor takes a scraping for atypical cells and vaginal microflora for laboratory testing.

If during the study the gynecologist is alarmed by the condition of the mucous membrane, he can carry out an extended manipulation, determining the nature of the lesion and the boundaries of the pathological process.

In most cases, doctors limit themselves to a simple type of diagnosis, but observe the pregnant patient in dynamics.

A repeat procedure is performed after 6 weeks. In the gestational period - in the last trimester.

After the study, it is important to observe bed rest and exclude hot baths for 10 days. Also refrain from visiting baths and saunas.

Sexual rest is 5 days.

It is impossible to neglect the advice of a gynecologist.

What determines colposcopy in pregnant women

In early pregnancy, colposcopy helps to detect existing oncopathology.

Early diagnosis allows you to determine the management tactics and treatment regimen for a pregnant woman.

When examining the vascular walls and mucous membranes, the gynecologist determines the changes. For confirmation, he uses the method of laboratory diagnostics - colpocytology.

On examination, the doctor can determine the state of erosion and its ability to degenerate cancer. Dysplastic and atrophic changes are also visible when magnified with a binocular colposcope.

According to gynecologists, and despite the safety of the procedure, colposcopic diagnosis is recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning.

The norms of the state of the reproductive organs in a pregnant woman

The results obtained are recorded in the analysis form, which describes the norm or pathology obtained as a result of the study.

Norms indicating the absence of any changes:

  1. The length of the cervix in the absence of pathologies is 3-4 cm.
  2. The cervix is ​​closed, and in the presence of a history of childbirth - slit-like, with tightly closed borders.
  3. Squamous epithelial cells have a pale pink hue (under microscopic examination), the surface is smooth, the edges are even. On visual examination, the stratified epithelium is presented as a pale pink basal layer with a shiny surface. The outside must be hydrated.
  4. Cylindrical epithelium is the next layer visible under microscopy of a scraping. The epithelium produces mucus, and with developing pathology, the amount of mucus decreases, the cells shrink and cease to fulfill their duties.
  5. Metaplasia is normally absent. Transitional epithelium (metaplasia) appears with the development of an undesirable process. Transitional epithelial cells can be of several types. Differentiation of the epithelium determines further treatment. In pregnancy, metaplasia is an important diagnostic feature. Finding it is quite difficult. The main diagnosis is a thorough examination of the biopsy.
  6. The squamous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one and an intercellular imbalance occurs.

It is difficult to define metaplasia, especially during the gestational period, when the period is more than 32 weeks.

Video: What is a colposcopy? Why is it carried out

The expectant mother, expecting the birth of a child, worries about his health. Therefore, any study scheduled during this period is of concern. Patients who have been assigned cervical colposcopy during pregnancy have many questions related to the safety of this study for the baby.

In general, colposcopy is safe for the fetus during the entire period of pregnancy.

The indications for performing colposcopy for pregnant women do not differ from those in connection with which women who are not carrying a child are sent for research:

  • Discharges of a bloody nature.
  • Pain during and after intercourse.
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Burning or itching in the vagina.
  • Rash.

Colposcopy: what is it?

This is an instrumental examination of the vagina and cervix. In the process of colposcopy, the entrance to the vagina, the walls of the organ and the cervix, or rather, its vaginal part, are examined. For its implementation, a colposcope is used, which allows you to get an enlarged image of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Colposcopy is a routine procedure that a woman should have regularly!

Many modern devices give magnification up to 40 times, although in practice 15 times is enough. The ability to change the degree of approximation of the device allows, if necessary, to obtain either a wider view or a more careful examination of small details. The colposcope contains a light source. As a rule, cold white light is used, which does not distort the color reproduction of the area under study. To contrast epithelial formations and vessels in the colposcope, there should be a green or blue filter. In more modern devices, it is possible to connect laser radiation.

The doctor performs a colposcopy

Research types:

  • Simple colposcopy.
  • Extended. During the procedure, several tests are performed to fully assess the condition of the cervical mucosa:
    • A sample is always performed using 3% acetic acid. It constricts those vessels that are not changed.
    • Schiller's test consists in the application of Lugol's solution. Iodine, which is part of this solution, detects the presence of glycogen in epithelial cells.
    • Trichlortetrazole is used to detect a cancer marker such as LDH (lactate dehydrogenase).
    • Vascular test using adrenaline.

Colposcopy allows you to identify the lesion, assess the condition of the mucous membrane, conduct a differential diagnosis of malignant tumors, and biopsy the suspicious area. That is why a study is prescribed in pregnant women.

As for increasing the chances of conceiving a baby, the examination does not affect this. Pregnancy after colposcopy occurs if the cause of infertility has been eliminated during the procedure.

Colposcopy in pregnant women

Proper preparation is required for the examination. It consists in eliminating the impact on the vaginal mucosa. This requires sexual rest, and you can not use candles and use synthetic products for the care of the intimate area.

The duration of the study is about 20 minutes. It is carried out, like a regular examination, on a gynecological chair. The gynecologist with the help of the device performs the manipulation, if necessary, conducting the tests listed above. The patient may feel a slight burning sensation when performing the vinegar test.

At this stage, it can be decided that colposcopy during pregnancy does not carry any negative sensations. If a biopsy is performed, the specialist will use a local anesthetic to relieve the patient of pain.

Is it possible to do a colposcopy during pregnancy? Yes, but it is prescribed only to those women who have gynecological diseases that require constant monitoring. For example, cervical erosion. This disease can progress due to changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy.

They do colposcopy for pregnant women, even for the purpose of treating erosion. Some types of pathology can be treated most successfully during the period of bearing a child, since this is facilitated by an altered hormonal background.

Features of colposcopy at different stages of pregnancy

For how long is the procedure safe? Most often, colposcopic examination in women in position is carried out up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes it is prescribed even immediately after the patient is registered with the antenatal clinic. At a later date, colposcopy during pregnancy may be necessary if the results of a previous study are of concern.

Whether a pregnant woman needs a colposcopy or not, the doctor decides

The examination is safe for the health of the baby and the expectant mother!

Colposcopy during pregnancy in the first trimester is almost no different from how the procedure is performed for women who are not in position. There are usually no complications in early pregnancy.

In the last stages, you will need to take a slightly different position, different from the one that a woman usually takes in a gynecological chair. The right leg will need to be extended to keep the pressure from dropping.

With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the number of vessels in the cervix increases. Therefore, even minor injuries can lead to bleeding. This is not a cause for concern. To work with such a serious device are allowed specialists who have been trained. They are able to cope with any situations that arise during research.

Possible Complications

It must be said right away that colposcopy does not affect the health and condition of either the mother or the fetus. This study is considered safe, so it can be done in early pregnancy.

Strictly speaking, a woman needs to undergo a similar procedure before pregnancy. The fact is that some gynecological diseases change the hormonal background and can lead to miscarriage or the inability to become pregnant. Another group of diseases worsens their course during pregnancy, because the content of estrogen and progesterone increases sharply in the blood. If the procedure did not work out before conception, then you should not worry. In rare cases, slight bleeding is possible, which the doctor stops immediately. After taking a biopsy, slight discharge is also observed, indicating a normal reaction of the body.

Usually there are no special consequences after colposcopy

The procedure is safe for expectant mothers. As already mentioned, it is performed by an educated specialist who has undergone special training and is able to cope with different situations.

Safety is the main rule in medicine, especially when it comes to obstetrics and gynecology!

In conclusion, it must be said that studies confirm the safety of colposcopy. Close attention is paid to this, because maintaining the health of the expectant mother and baby is extremely important. You can’t refuse the examination, because it is it that allows you to diagnose in time, and most importantly, cure various gynecological diseases, up to oncology. Thanks to the possibilities of colposcopy, therapy can be carried out here and now, without postponing it for the period after childbirth. Women need to understand that not doing research can have serious consequences.

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