Causes, treatment and symptoms of dry rhinitis. Dry rhinitis is an unpleasant disease that leads to the formation of crusts in the nose. Is dry anterior rhinitis treated?

Treatment of dry rhinitis should be started immediately, when the first signs of pathology appear, since in the future the patient's condition will worsen, and complications will not keep you waiting. Subject to preventive rules, it is possible to avoid the development without discharge or exacerbation of the chronic form of this disease.

The reasons

Dry rhinitis occurs when:

  • prolonged wet runny nose, chronic nasal congestion with frequent exacerbations, which the patient ignores and does not treat;
  • seasonal allergic reactions;
  • intranasal use of narcotic substances (cocaine, amphetamine and others);
  • the use of snuff - snuff;
  • chronic traumatization of the nasal mucosa (for example, when working with metal or wood, during which small chips appear);
  • a sharp change in living conditions, increased dryness of the air in the room.

There are also individual causes that provoke anterior dry rhinitis, for example, congenital pathological formation of the nasal mucosa, endocrine disorders, and others.


When dry rhinitis is suspected in a patient, the symptoms of the disease are atypical for a common cold, which often causes problems with the diagnosis. The main manifestations of the disease include:

  • feeling of overcrowding, tension in the sinuses in the hump area;
  • lack of smell;
  • change in the timbre of the voice, it becomes lower, nasality appears;
  • a constant feeling of congestion in the sinuses, but there is no mucus in them;
  • feeling as if the snot in the nose has dried up, a burning sensation, itching;
  • the mucous membrane of the turbinates is inflamed, irritated, sometimes microcracks appear on it, covered with crusts (the most common sign of dry rhinitis);
  • due to dry mucous membranes, the patient sometimes begins to bleed from the nose;
  • frequent headaches in the forehead, weakness, impaired concentration;
  • constant thirst, but when drinking a liquid, the patient experiences discomfort in the throat;
  • a constant desire to blow your nose, but it feels impossible to clear your nose completely;
  • in some patients, the mucous membrane of the eye dries, so there is a feeling of sand in them, they get tired faster.

Most of the symptoms of dry runny nose are not similar to the manifestations of classic rhinitis, so patients are rarely immediately sent to the doctor and start the disease, due to which complications develop, and the pathology itself becomes chronic.


To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient needs to contact a medical institution, the doctor will collect an anamnesis - a description of the complex of symptoms, after which he will conduct an external examination of the turbinates. The main thing he pays attention to:

  • expansion of axillary passages;
  • lacqueriness and luster of the nasal mucosa, its redness and thinness;
  • due to a decrease in the density of the mucous layer, cracks with crusts appear, vessels are translucent;
  • the inside of the nasal passages is covered with dried secretions of a milky, yellowish or green hue.

With signs of inflammation throughout the body and the presence of pus and greenish discharge on the walls of the nose, a scraping is taken from the patient, which is then sent for bacteriological culture to the laboratory in order to find out the variety of pathogenic microorganisms.

Which doctor treats dry rhinitis?

Dry rhinitis is treated by an otolaryngologist, who also conducts diagnostics. In the event of an infection, a therapist will also come to the aid of the patient. He should, according to the results of bacterial culture, select antibiotics or other drugs.


How to treat dry rhinitis? To get rid of the common cold, drug therapy and physiotherapy are used, some patients also resort to alternative methods (but this can be done only after prior consultation with the attending physician).

Medical therapy

Drug treatment is prescribed only by a specialist, since it is rarely possible to correctly select drugs on your own. The list of necessary medicines includes:

  • moisturizing rinses (Marimer, saline);
  • ointments or gels regenerating the mucous layer (Mentoclar, Solcoseryl, Evamenol);
  • nutrients that prevent the appearance of cracks on the inner surface of the turbinates (rosehip or sea buckthorn oil, fish oil, petroleum jelly);
  • antihistamines in case of allergic dry rhinitis (Aleron, Claritin, Suparstin, Tavegil and others);
  • drugs that increase local immunity (Interferon, Derinat);
  • antibacterial agents in the form of ointment, spray, gel (Levomekol, Miramistin, Tetracycline, Isofra, Polydex).


Physiotherapy includes the use of oils and Lugol's solution, as well as warming up the nose using an infrared radiation installation. These actions help to activate the mucous glands to secrete more mucus, moisturizing the inner surface of the nasal concha and preventing the formation of clots.

Folk methods

Parents should remember that treating dry snot in a child's nose using folk methods is an unsafe undertaking, since such remedies often cause an allergic reaction and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Home remedies for this type of rhinitis include:

  • nutrients (a mixture of the same amount of honey and aloe, glycerin with glucose and propolis);
  • means that relieve congestion and breathing (a mixture of rosehip oil with propolis tincture in a ratio of 4: 1, a mixture of the same amount of menthol and sea buckthorn oil);
  • drops from medicinal herbs (you can use calendula, chamomile, lemon balm, echinacea and nettle, a teaspoon of the collection is steamed in 250 ml of boiling water for 2 hours, and then 5 drops are instilled into the nose).

Dry rhinitis in children

Children are more often diagnosed with "dry rhinitis", since their immune system is not able to fully protect the body from infection, it reacts more sharply to allergens. To treat a disease in a child, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician, drug therapy involves the use of funds for washing the nose, nourishing and moisturizing the mucosa. Antihistamines and antibacterial drugs are rarely used. Physiotherapy is also prescribed infrequently, they are performed under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

It is unacceptable to choose a medicine for a child on your own - this can only aggravate the situation and lead to complications.


Often, with a dry runny nose, the patient ignores the symptoms or confuses them with manifestations of throat pathologies, is treated independently or completely ignores therapy. In such cases, complications develop:

  • chronic dry rhinitis;
  • increased risk of nasopharyngitis;
  • due to the fact that the mucous membranes constantly dry out and become thinner, normal anatomical breathing is disturbed, the nasal sinuses and passages expand - in such cases, surgical intervention is required;
  • a decrease in local immunity, due to which cases of infectious diseases become more frequent;
  • erosion of the nasal cartilage.


In order to avoid the treatment of dry rhinitis, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of the disease:

  • humidify the air in the living room;
  • regularly ventilate the room, often be in the fresh air;
  • stop using drugs and snuff;
  • do not start the usual rhinitis, treat a wet runny nose in a timely manner, rinse the nose with a weak saline solution;
  • contact a specialist in a timely manner at the first sign of dry rhinitis.

Dry rhinitis significantly worsens the state of health, because even in the absence of constant liquid discharge from the nose, the patient experiences discomfort due to burning, irritation and dryness of the nasal mucosa. The disease develops under the influence of various factors and has symptoms uncharacteristic of the common cold. If you find the first signs of pathology, you should consult a doctor, because complications often occur, the main of them is chronic dry rhinitis.

Useful video about dry rhinitis

Sometimes, both in adult patients and in babies, a dry runny nose occurs. This type of disease is characterized by dryness of the mucous membrane of the sinuses. In this condition, it loses its protective function and cannot cope with infections.

When the anterior nasal cavity is affected, anterior dry rhinitis occurs. This may be preceded by mechanical damage or the ingress of caustic chemicals into the nasal cavity. If the treatment of such a manifestation of the disease is not started on time, then complications arise, expressed by atrophy of the mucous membrane in the nose.

With the appearance of an atrophic dry rhinitis, the volume of the nasal mucosa decreases, and its atrophy occurs. This produces mucus with an unpleasant odor. But this form of rhinitis is rarely observed, patients are often diagnosed with anterior dry rhinitis.

If dry rhinitis occurs, mandatory treatment is required, since atrophy of the nasal mucosa leads to a decrease in human immunity and weakens its protection, then all kinds of complications arise against this background.

Characteristic features

The pathological problem of the mucous membrane in the nose, in which its drying is observed, is a chronic process. Initially, it spreads to the front of the nose, but in the future the disease progresses and becomes chronic. The main reason is the delay in contacting a medical institution for qualified help.

For a long time, untreated dry rhinitis leads to resorption of the nasal septum, with erosive ulcers and perforation appearing. This type of complication of dry runny nose in a child occurs due to the underdevelopment of the respiratory system.

Drying of the mucosa, in addition to leading to an inability to protect the body from viruses that enter during breathing, causes discomfort in the nasal cavity. Dense green crusts form on the nasal mucosa, and when they are separated, damage to the vessels occurs, followed by bleeding.

Main symptoms

At the very beginning of the disease, patients feel a sharp onset of heat in the nasal cavities. Patients compare these sensations with the inhalation of hot steam. Dry runny nose may have an additional symptom in the form of pain on the back of the throat when swallowing. There is a sharp burning sensation at the junction of the nasal passages with the pharynx.

At this moment, you can feel the supposedly accumulated mucus that you can’t blow your nose. The sensation of a foreign body in the nasopharynx makes it difficult to breathe. Body temperature may rise and headaches may appear. The ability to smell is lost. Bleeding begins, and dryness in the oral cavity leads to a change in the patient's voice.

The doctor, during a visual examination of a patient with dry rhinitis, detects an expansion in the sinuses of the nose, due to an atrophic change in the anterior wall of the mucous membrane.

If therapeutic measures are not taken, then holes in the cartilaginous nasal septum may subsequently form.

It is very difficult to tolerate the symptoms of dry rhinitis in children under 3 years of age. An incompletely formed respiratory system can lead to suffocation in this case. The child loses his appetite, he becomes irritable. Blood often flows from the nose, due to the fact that the thin walls of the vessels burst.

You can recognize the symptoms of dry rhinitis in a child by sniffing his nose without the presence of mucus. Usually, with such a disease, the temperature does not rise, unlike a cold. Do not leave the symptoms unattended - as this threatens the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

As a therapeutic technique, with dry rhinitis, the child is shown drinking plenty of water and instillation of the nose with drugs prescribed by an ENT doctor.


The disease can proceed without the manifestation of characteristic symptoms, but, ultimately, complete atrophy of the mucosa may occur, followed by damage to the nasal septa. The reasons that can cause the onset of dry rhinitis are as follows:

  • a sharp and frequent change in climatic conditions of residence;
  • sudden changes in weather;
  • frequent runny nose;
  • impossibility to carry out adequate and long-term treatment due to unfavorable conditions at the patient's workplace;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • surgical intervention in the area of ​​ENT organs;
  • nose injury;
  • constant stay in places with a high content of gas or dust in the air;
  • long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, or their use in an abnormal amount;
  • sharp blowing out;
  • bleeding that occurs.

Such prerequisites damage the mucous membrane, causing a dry runny nose. In addition, a runny nose is sometimes accompanied by a dry cough due to irritation of the throat. Small deformations of the mucous membrane in the nose with dry rhinitis are healed, forming crusts.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of dry rhinitis does not require a long period. Even after the patient verbally describes the symptoms and his feelings, the doctor, using a visual examination of the nose, will already make a preliminary diagnosis to the patient.

Rhinoscopy will help to identify the expansion of the nasal passages and crusts on the mucosa characteristic of such a runny nose. This examination can reveal thinning of the mucosa in the sinuses, as well as fragility of the blood vessels.

How to treat dry rhinitis

Doctors do not recommend self-medication for this disease. What to treat, and how long the course will be, is determined by the health worker. With dry rhinitis, the treatment is completely different than with a runny nose caused by a cold. Incorrectly selected drops and sprays for the nose can harm the course of the disease.

When choosing drugs for dry rhinitis, the restoration of the mucous membrane and the elimination of symptoms are provided. To this end, the following activities are carried out:

  • cleansing the nasal passages with dry rhinitis with aqueous solutions using sea salt or similar pharmaceutical products Aqualor, Aquamaris;
  • the use of vegetable oils, fish oil for smearing the sinuses;
  • in order to accelerate regeneration, damaged areas are treated with Solcoseryl;
  • irrigation of dense crusts on the mucous membrane in the nasal sinuses with special solutions for their removal later;
  • carrying out instillation into the nose of antiviral drops (Grippferon or others)
  • the impact of inhalation with mineral water with the addition of oils on the mucous membrane;
  • the use of antihistamines to relieve mucosal edema and dry rhinitis (Zodak, Fenistil, Suprastin, Loratadin and others);
  • injection into the nose of antibacterial drugs.

As ancillary measures, it is considered to carry out regular wet cleaning in the room and the use of air humidifiers. In addition, before complete recovery, the factors that caused the disease should be eliminated. It is necessary to exclude smoking, exposure to negative working conditions, change of residence to an area with more suitable climatic conditions.

Keep in mind! A positive effect on dry rhinitis has a stay near the sea or forest, conducting balneotherapy.

Folk remedies

After consulting with your doctor, you can treat a dry runny nose in addition to the traditional method with folk remedies using infusions and decoctions.

Recipe #1

Prepare an infusion of chamomile, nettle and calendula herbs. For 1 cup of boiling water you need 1 tbsp. l. mixtures of these herbs in dry form. After 2 hours, the infusion is filtered. Used as nasal drops. Instillation is carried out 4 times a day, 5 drops in each nostril.

Recipe #2

Prepare your own aloe juice, and add the same amount of honey to it. Lubricate the nasal cavity 2 times a day.

We all get colds. Each of us at least once in our lives suffered rhinitis, the symptoms of which are known to everyone, although some may not even realize that this disease has such a name. In the layman's environment, rhinitis is better known as the common cold.

It is no secret that most people suffer this disease "on their feet", not paying due attention to the treatment of the disease. But in vain. It has long been known that rhinitis as a separate independent disease is rare. Traditionally, it is either a symptom of another, larger-scale disease, or a consequence of some ailment, the therapy of which was not entirely adequate or was not carried out at all.


Rhinitis is a large group of diseases characterized by labored breathing through the nose, dullness of smell, discharge, discomfort in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, general discomfort. There are the following types of illness:

  1. Sharp and subacute.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Dry.
  4. Allergic.
  5. Vasomotor.
  6. atrophic.

Acute rhinitis

Symptoms: breathing through the nose becomes uncomfortable (an obsessive desire to breathe through the mouth, otherwise there is pronounced shortness of breath), swelling of the nasal mucosa, unpleasant itching and scratching sensations in the nasopharynx, headache, malaise, weakness, drowsiness, impaired sense of smell, increased (slightly ) Body temperature. teary eyes, nasal discharge is at first liquid, mucous, transparent, then becomes more viscous, their color changes to greenish-yellow. The disease lasts one and a half to two weeks.

Acute rhinitis in a child

The symptoms are the same as in an adult. Children do not attach importance to discomfort, therefore, at an early stage of a runny nose, we, adults, do not seem to notice it, and only when the snot flows in a stream, there is no doubt. Whatever the type of rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment are usually similar.


Treatment of rhinitis begins with a correct diagnosis. Acute rhinitis is a symptom in itself, and most often it manifests itself as a sign of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections in the initial stage. Therefore, the underlying disease is treated first. But to facilitate nasal breathing, either standard dosage forms based on, for example, xylometazoline, which have a vasoconstrictive effect, are used, or they resort to traditional medicine, using the juice of Kalanchoe, agave, onion or garlic, beets. Whatever juice you decide to use, do not forget that it must be properly prepared and be sure to dilute it, otherwise you risk complicating catarrhal rhinitis with a burn of the nasal mucosa.

When treating the disease in question, it is imperative to rinse the nasal cavity with saline solutions. It also reduces swelling of the mucous membrane and facilitates nasal breathing. The solution is best made from sea salt, but if there is none, ordinary table salt will do. Such funds can be bought ready-made in pharmacies.

You should always remember that vasoconstrictor sprays and drops can be used for no more than three days. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting drug-induced vasomotor rhinitis, which is very difficult to eliminate. In addition, the attending physician, depending on the severity of the course of the disease, may prescribe antibiotics, ointments, antihistamines, vitamins, and physiotherapy.

Chronic (dry) rhinitis: causes

Dry rhinitis is a type of disease characterized by a protracted (chronic) course. Such a disease occurs most often as a reaction to changing weather conditions. Also in the list of causes of its occurrence, one can note such as a runny nose that is not amenable to standard treatment (permanent acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections), the consequences of various surgical interventions in the nose area.

Symptoms of chronic manifestations

If the patient has dry rhinitis, the symptoms of the course are as follows: constant severe tightness and dryness in the nose, lack of smell, difficulty breathing through the nose, a feeling of fullness in the nose when it is impossible to blow your nose. A common symptom of dry rhinitis is nosebleeds. With an instrumental examination, the doctor can detect an expansion of the nasal cavity with mucous secretions accumulated there. It is pertinent to note that with problems such as atrophic rhinitis and dry rhinitis, the symptoms are very similar.

Elimination of chronic (dry) rhinitis

Treatment of dry rhinitis consists in identifying the causes that cause it and eliminating them. Also, to reduce the severity of symptoms and to completely eliminate them, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room several times a day, regularly do wet cleaning in the room. To reduce dryness in the nose, you need to use solutions for moisturizing and washing the mucosa.

So, dry rhinitis is a chronic rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment of which depend to the greatest extent on the causes that caused it.

Another variety

Allergic rhinitis is a chronic severe inflammation of the nasal mucosa, caused by an allergic reaction of the body (i.e. hypersensitivity to any allergenic substance), manifested as nasal congestion, lacrimation, itching in the nose, frequent sneezing, serous-mucosal discharge from the nasal moves.

The cause of allergic rhinitis is always the same - the allergen enters the body through the nose, eyes, mouth. It should also be noted the tendency to various types of allergies, inherited.

The most common allergens are:

  • dust of any origin - all year round;
  • pollen from plants (any) is a seasonal phenomenon;
  • food, medicines, perfumes, cosmetics, laundry detergents, household chemicals, etc. - all year round;
  • dust microscopic mites, dust containing microscopic particles of exfoliated skin of pets, birds - all year round;
  • fungal spores in the air - all year round;
  • there is an allergic reaction to SARS, acute respiratory infections, helminthiases - in fact of the disease.

allergic rhinitis. Symptoms:

  • itchy sensation in the nose;
  • feeling of congestion;
  • frequent and persistent bouts of sneezing;
  • severe serous or mucous discharge from the nose.

When allergic rhinitis occurs in children, the symptoms are most often similar to atopic dermatitis.

How is allergic rhinitis treated?

Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with identifying the presence of an allergic reaction in the body. To do this, it is best to donate blood (from a vein) to determine the level of a specific immunoglobulin (E). After the analysis confirms the presence of an allergy, it is necessary to determine the allergen or allergens that cause this unpleasant condition.

If a patient has allergic rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment depend not even on one type of allergen, but on their combination. Sometimes it happens that after a detailed examination, the doctor comes to the conclusion that an allergic reaction can only be in the case of a combination of any factors or substances. That is, individually they do not lead to an allergic reaction, but in the complex - by 100%!

The first and main requirement of the attending physician is the elimination of identified allergens from your life. It's very difficult. After all, a beloved dog or cat, perfume, dress can become a kind of allergen ... Then a suitable conservative treatment is prescribed, which involves taking antihistamines, corticosteroids, tonics and those recommended for symptomatic treatment. There are other methods of treating allergic rhinitis, alternative to the conservative method, but it is better to learn about them from the appropriate specialist.

Note that allergic rhinitis must be treated. The consequences of advanced allergic rhinitis are extremely unpleasant. These are at least constant colds with complications in the form of otitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. As a maximum - bronchial asthma.

By the way, allergic rhinitis (the symptoms in children are almost the same as in adults) in children is a frequent precursor of allergic rhinitis - allergic exudative diathesis.

Conclusion: the allergic form of the disease is chronic rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the quantity and quality of allergen irritants and the heredity of the sick person.

Features of vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a classic chronic disease caused by abnormal regulation of the tone of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, which leads to a decrease in the mechanical patency of the nasal passages. The main reason for the development of the disease is a violation of the functions of the autonomic system (vegetative-vascular dystonia). It refers to diseases of general practice and is, in fact, a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

In addition to the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the presence of which a sick person may not know, there are a number of reasons that contribute to the development of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • recently transferred SARS;
  • inhalation of dirty polluted air, chemicals with strong odors, tobacco smoke;
  • temperature fluctuations in the air (during the cold season when leaving the room to the street);
  • inhalation of cold air during the period of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections;
  • psychological and physical stress;
  • diseases and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nasal injuries causing mechanical obstruction or obstruction of the nasal passages;
  • anatomical and physiological disorders structures of the nose ;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • taking hypotension;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictors.

Often, vasomotor rhinitis has more than one cause and is combined with an allergic type of illness, so it is extremely difficult to establish the true problem of its occurrence. In such cases, it is called idiopathic rhinitis.

Depending on the cause of vasomotor rhinitis, the symptoms will vary slightly. There are always several signs, but it is not necessary that they all be present in one person.

Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms, treatment

  1. Nasal congestion from time to time, aggravated under certain conditions (change of climatic conditions, in the supine position, during or after any physical activity, when drinking alcohol).
  2. Nasal congestion is more often noted on one side.
  3. Serous-mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. They can be constant or periodic, depending on the presence of any particular factor or a combination of them.
  4. Drainage of nasal secretions down the back of the pharynx, more often after sleep.
  5. Attacks of sneezing.
  6. Speaking "on the nose".
  7. Weak sense of smell.

Stages of treatment of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • identification and elimination of the factors that caused the disease;
  • treatment of the organs of the digestive system;
  • if necessary, surgical intervention aimed at eliminating mechanical obstruction of the nasal passages;
  • regular physical activity without much stress (for example, running) to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • activities aimed at strengthening the body and increasing immunity, for example, a contrast shower, foot or hand baths (according to the principle of a contrast shower).

Medical therapy:

  • irrigation of the nasal passages with solutions of sea or common salt;
  • the use of sprays with corticosteroids for long courses with a gradual rejection of vasoconstrictor drugs (with drug-induced vasomotor rhinitis);
  • usage antiallergic drugs, including sprays;
  • vasomotor rhinitis, the symptoms of which are most clearly expressed by abundant mucous discharge from the nose, are treated with special sprays that reduce these secretions (the active ingredient is ipratropium bromide).

According to indications appoint:

  1. Physiotherapy procedures
  2. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture.
  3. Nasal blockades with hydrocartisone - temporary relief of the condition due to the creation of a hormonal depot in the tissues of the turbinates. This method can lead to serious complications.
  4. Surgical methods - minimally invasive interventions in the area of ​​the vascular plexus of the shells.

We have considered vasomotor rhinitis. Symptoms, treatment depend primarily on the well-established cause of this disease.

Characteristics of atrophic rhinitis

Atrophic rhinitis is one of the types of chronic rhinitis, in which the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, septum and shells becomes thinner and more dense. In view of this, the expansion of the nasal passages occurs. This symptom is decisive in the differentiation of this chronic rhinitis from others.

Atrophic rhinitis is almost always the result of other diseases: from radical surgery to severe infections. Other reasons for the development of atrophic rhinitis (those that are less common) include heredity, adverse or harmful environmental conditions, iron deficiency in the body.

Medical research has already established a relationship between atrophic rhinitis and active atrophic processes in other organs and systems of the body, which are an indispensable condition for the occurrence of the disease in question as a consequence of the underlying disease.

When atrophic rhinitis occurs, the symptoms are generally very similar to the clinical signs of dry rhinitis, and at the initial stage they can be confused, but with the progression of atrophic processes of the nasal mucosa, the so-called expansion of the nasal passages will necessarily occur, which is characteristic only for this form of the disease.

At this stage of the course of atrophic rhinitis, the sense of smell weakens. When examining the nasal cavity by rhinoscopy, a dry mucous membrane of a pale pink color with slight yellow-green crusts is found. A particularly strong thinning of the mucous membrane is noted in the nasal septum (in its anterior lobe). Distinguish simple atrophic rhinitis (limited) - causes damage only to the anterior lobes of the nasal concha, and diffuse (affects the entire cavity).

Treatment of atrophic chronic rhinitis

The main goal of therapy is to reduce the formation of crusts with the elimination of putrefactive odor. Antibiotics are administered intranasally (sprayed), as well as estrogens and vitamins A and D. The latter can also be taken orally - they increase the liquefaction of the secretory discharge of the nasal mucosa. Also use an alkaline 3% ointment.

Surgical treatment is reduced to blocking (or narrowing) of the nasal passages with or without delicate synthetic implants (such as polyurethane), using an operative-instrumental method. These measures are also aimed at reducing the formation of crusts and obstructing the flow of air entering the nasal cavity and further drying up the thinned nasal mucosa.

How to protect yourself from illness

Prevention of any type of rhinitis is to strengthen the body's nonspecific defenses, increase the activity of the immune system. In addition, doctors recommend, especially during the season of the maximum increase in the number of ARVI and acute respiratory infections, be sure to rinse the nose, moisten the mucous membrane with special drops and sprays of saline solutions.

The fact is that the very purpose of the mucous membrane is protection. It is thanks to the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa that the air coming from the outside is warmed up to the temperature necessary for the body, moistened before it enters the trachea, bronchi and lungs. In the same place, in the nasal cavity, viruses and bacteria, dust particles that initially fell by airborne droplets, are retained. Take care of your nose, and no rhinitis, symptoms of illness, or even just a hint of a runny nose will bother you.


Dry rhinitis is classified as a chronic disease of the nasal mucosa with symptoms uncharacteristic of this disease. If a runny nose is accompanied by abundant discharge, which brings inconvenience and discomfort, then with dry rhinitis, these are not observed. Under certain conditions, pathological drying of the inner lining of the nose occurs. Most often, this condition is accompanied by the constant presence of a person in dusty, gassed and chemically saturated rooms. Prolonged exposure to harmful substances causes dryness in the nose, which can be removed only by contacting a specialist for help.

Causes of dry rhinitis

Infections are the main causative agents of many diseases. There are a great many of them. A person with a weakened immune system cannot resist them. Therefore, the most unforeseen forms of diseases arise, which is dry rhinitis. If the treatment is carried out at home, thinking that you can cope on your own, then you can get a chronic form of the disease, which will gradually develop into sinusitis. And this is a direct route for infection to the brain.

The weather has become very unpredictable lately. During the day, low temperatures can change from high and vice versa. Sudden changes from heat to cold negatively affect the state of human health and affect, first of all, the respiratory system. Inhaling the sudden rush of cold air, you can easily get dry rhinitis, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Frequent runny noses are among the causes of this pathology, which are accompanied by multiple infectious diseases (flu, tonsillitis, SARS).

Various surgical operations that are performed in the nose can adversely affect the condition of the mucous membrane and cause dry rhinitis.

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Symptoms that characterize dry runny nose

The disease begins acutely, with a sensation of heat in the nose. It seems to the patient that he exhales not just air, but hot steam. At the same time, the back wall of the throat becomes painful when swallowing, and the transition from the nose to the throat is so dry that there is a feeling of cutting and burning. These symptoms bring great discomfort to the patient.

With dry rhinitis, there is a feeling of accumulation of mucus, which cannot be blown out completely. There is a false sensation of a foreign body inside the nose. This makes breathing difficult. This provokes the appearance of a headache. A person ceases to perceive odors, and sometimes short-term bleeding occurs.

All these symptoms are reinforced by high fever, itching, changes in the timbre of the voice.

Dry rhinitis is very dangerous and unpleasant for children under the age of three. After all, it is still very difficult for them to learn how to free their nose from secretions. And in this case, it is also impossible to blow their nose completely. The child has a tantrum, he constantly cries, sleep and appetite disappear. In such cases, drinking plenty of water and regular drops of Nosol helps. They are instilled into the nose as prescribed by the doctor, who must be contacted immediately.

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Dry rhinitis: treatment features

The danger of the disease lies in the advancement of the pathological process along the nasopharynx to the throat or to the maxillary sinuses. Therefore, it is better to prevent the disease in its early stages. After all, dry rhinitis, which progresses near the nasal septum, can lead to perforation due to cartilage erosion.

To prevent such a course of the disease, it is best to contact the clinic. An experienced otolaryngologist will conduct a complete examination and prescribe competent treatment.

The first condition of treatment, which will alleviate the patient's condition, is moisturizing the nasal mucosa. This can be done by washing with a solution of table or sea salt. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of this product in a glass of warm boiled water and rinse your nose with it. Do this procedure 4-5 times a day. You can also use saline.

The room should have normal humidity. To do this, you need to purchase a special device and take advantage of its unique properties. A humidifier can easily help to cope with discomfort in the nose.

The most common causes of dry rhinitis are viruses. Therefore, the fight against them must begin with the intake of Interferon, Grippferon, Derinat in the form of drops. They are taken as prescribed by a doctor along with other immunomodulatory drops. Acetylsalicylic acid and Paracetamol will save our body from high temperature. These components can be found in antipyretic syrups, or taken in their pure form.

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