Kal is like porridge. Mushy stool: causes, treatment for adults and children

Cal is one of the objective indicators of human health. According to its shape, consistency, quantity excreted in one act of defecation, smell, impurities in the feces - doctors judge the potential of the body, the state of the digestive system. Particularly important is the appearance of feces, on the basis of which the Bristol scale of feces was created in 1997 in Britain.

Its essence is to compare the feces of a healthy person with the stool of patients suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. This classification, focusing on the types of feces, is still used for diagnostic purposes by practitioners.

Deciphering the Bristol scale comes down to comparing the appearance of feces with the time they move through the intestines.

At a normal rate of evacuation of fecal masses, the liquid from them is absorbed by the walls of different parts of the digestive system in accordance with the norm. At the same time, the stool has a normal consistency at the exit.

If the speed of movement is slowed down due to a violation of the motor function of the intestine, obstruction of its lumen or stenosis, intestinal spasm, the shape of the bowel changes. From it, almost completely through the intestinal wall, the liquid has time to be absorbed, it thickens, becomes dried up. This condition is called constipation. Rapid evacuation does not have time to allow the liquid to be absorbed, and the feces look shapeless, semi-liquid. This is how diarrhea develops.

Types of feces according to the Bristol scale

The classification of the Bristol scale allows a preliminary assessment of the state of the gastrointestinal tract and an approximate diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the diagnosis is preliminary and does not claim to be 100% reliable. Correct diagnosis involves a comprehensive examination of the patient using laboratory tests and instrumental examination.

The Bristol scale a priori believes that the form of feces has 7 varieties:

  • Large brown peas (goat or sheep) - round, dense, dry feces.
  • Thick feces (sausage) - wide, short, decorated, voluminous.
  • Feces in the form of a snake with cracks - heterogeneous, irregular, ribbon-like, narrow.
  • Sausage thin feces - long, normal consistency.
  • Feces in the form of a dragee are soft, viscous, of different thicknesses, have different sizes and thicknesses.
  • Unformed stools - soft, viscous, thick, resembling jelly.
  • Homogeneous feces - liquid, viscous, mushy.

Focusing on the scale, doctors decipher the results of stool tests as follows:

  • Feces, shaped like stools from types 1 to 3, indicate the development of symptoms of constipation or spastic colitis. It is recommended to drink at least 2.5 liters of pure water, and add fiber, fruits and vegetables to the diet.
  • Feces of groups 4 and 5 are accepted as the norm of a healthy person.
  • Stools according to the pattern of types 6 and 7 - testify in favor of diarrhea, and the seventh group is considered the most dangerous, since it precedes serious pathologies of the digestive system.
  • The bottom line is dehydration and replenishment of fluid loss.

The indisputable practical value of the scale lies in the fact that it can be used in the diagnosis of diseases in children older than two years and, of course, adults of all ages.

Newborns have slightly different stool characteristics: semi-liquid, liquid feces, airy, unformed feces for them is the norm. As well as loose stools, soft stools that don't bother a baby. A porridge-like consistency is a normal physiological phenomenon for a small person. Parents should only be concerned about fetid feces or feces mixed with thick mucus, jelly-like inclusions. This is most often the result of genetic mutations or metabolic disorders.

What can the shape and size of feces indicate?

Doctors have known for a long time that the shape and size of feces are characteristics of disorders in the digestive system. Therefore, the clinical manifestations of a particular disease are always considered in combination with an assessment of the condition of the feces. That's what the Bristol scale is for.

Large goat stool (type 1)

Drugs act in a similar way, in addition, causing symptoms of intoxication that paralyze the innervation of the intestinal walls. In this case, the act of defecation is accompanied by local pain, which quickly disappears. Fecal masses with constipation are prickly, dry, with sharp, uneven edges - all this injures the intestinal mucosa, which leads to the occurrence of hemorrhoids, the addition of a secondary infection, and provokes deformed areas to bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist, examination and adequate therapy.

Wide thick sausage (type 2)

Tight, large diameter, porous sausage with fibrous veins, granular inclusions of undigested food - leaves the rectum with effort, it is difficult for it to pass through the anus, it can be flattened. The act of defecation is painful. Why does she appear? Due to an abnormal diet, overeating, protein diets and the presence of hemorrhoids. Such bulky feces constantly press on the intestinal walls, causing irritation (IBS), destruction, bloating and flatulence, spastic disorders, and gastritis.

Small cracked sausage (type 3)

This type of stool has a small diameter and is often cracked. This suggests that we have a chair of a healthy adult. However, if bowel movements are not every day, then you should think about the formation of hidden disorders leading to constipation. You need to consult with your doctor.

Flat long feces (type 4)

Ribbon-like, and in a child - sometimes thread-like flat feces is a kind of norm. It may look like it has been flattened by an asphalt roller. It's all about the regularity of the stool. The absence of daily bowel movements, and then the appearance of dark brown stools, may indicate hemorrhoids or a cancerous tumor that is latent. It requires a complete clinical and laboratory examination, so as not to miss a serious illness.

Soft balls (type 5)

Air rounds with clear and even boundaries always remind you of a lack of dietary fiber in the diet. Such balls appear as a result of a violation of the absorption function in the digestive system and have the ability to exit the anus easily.

But in this case, examination and consultation of a specialist is also necessary, since absorption in the intestine is one of its main functions, the correction of which is necessary in any case. What exactly should be done, the specialist will tell you.

Soft unformed stool (type 6)

Fluffy lumps of unformed feces with torn edges that can be smeared on any surface are all characteristics of the sixth type of stool. This is about diarrhea. The reason for such dyspepsia is different: poisoning, high blood pressure, drinking a bottle of mineral water in one gulp, taking medications and, of course, serious illnesses. Pancreatitis, gastritis, candidiasis. A color change to black indicates bleeding. Such a chair requires emergency measures and emergency medical care.

Liquid homogeneous mass (type 7)

Water, in which solid remains of undigested food float, indicates a serious pathology: infection with pathogenic microflora, helminthic invasion, poisoning, sensitization of the body, virus, trauma, intestinal inflammation, up to peritonitis. With such symptoms, they are hospitalized, especially when it comes to childhood dyspepsia. Patients need a comprehensive examination and therapy. The same stool can be observed in patients who have had a serious illness, treated for a long time with antibiotics, cytostatics, immunosuppressants.

At least once in a lifetime, every person has encountered a mushy stool. A single appearance of such a symptom does not pose a threat. However, if this symptom is repeated every day, then this is a serious reason to think about your health and visit a doctor for a quality diagnosis.

What is mushy stool

In every healthy person, feces are formed in the large intestine under certain conditions. With the normal functioning of the digestive system, the stool is soft, but formed. However, if for some reason a failure occurs, then the feces acquire a characteristic mushy consistency. If such a symptom was the result of an error in the diet, then you should not worry, as this is considered a variant of the norm. However, with daily and frequent bowel movements, in which mushy stools form, one should think about a more serious reason.

The Bristal stool scale shows variants of the norm and pathology.

Varieties: for a long time, frequent, with mucus, in the morning and others

Depending on additional conditions, the following varieties of this symptom can be distinguished:

  1. Mushy stools for a long time and accompanied by flatulence. May appear at any time. Most often accompanied by various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Frequent. In this case, emptying can occur more than 3 times a day.
  3. Appearing in the morning. May be accompanied by nausea and other digestive disorders.
  4. With slime. In the feces, mucous streaks may be present in sufficient quantities.
  5. Thick with particles of undigested food. Mushy stools may be heterogeneous and have a porous structure. Quite often contains some fragments of food.

Causes and provoking factors in adults and children

The main reasons why mushy stools can occur:

  1. Diet errors. When eating a large amount of plant foods, there may be some change in the structure of feces.
  2. Gastroduodenitis. When the duodenum and the pyloric zone of the stomach become inflamed, digestion becomes defective, as a result, a mushy stool can form.
  3. Taking medicines. Changes in the structure of feces can occur during treatment with certain medications. These include Enterol, broad-spectrum antibiotics, glucocorticoids, choleretic drugs.
  4. Pancreatitis. In inflammatory processes in the pancreas, an insufficient amount of enzymes is often released for high-quality digestion of food. As a result, a mushy stool is formed.
  5. Cholecystitis. Inflammation of the gallbladder associated with stagnation of the secret can lead to a similar symptom.
  6. Decreased appetite. Poor intake of food in the body provokes the formation of mushy stools.
  7. Inflammatory processes in the intestines. Pathologies of this nature lead to underformation of feces. As a result, absorption in the small intestine deteriorates, and there are not enough enzymes for digestion.
  8. Dysbacteriosis. An insufficient amount of beneficial microflora gives rise to similar symptoms.

Diagnostic measures

A timely approach to diagnosis is extremely important to determine the cause of the onset and eliminate symptoms. Main research methods:

  1. Interrogation of the patient. It is carried out in order to eliminate errors in the diet. The doctor asks the patient about the medications he is taking that could provoke changes in the stool.
  2. FGDS. Endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum is carried out by probing. In this case, a thin tube with an optical device at the end is inserted into the esophagus and from there it moves to the stomach and duodenum. In this case, areas of inflammation and other changes in the mucous membrane are determined.
  3. Colonoscopy. Similar to the previous method, only in this case the probe is inserted through the rectum. Thus, pathologies of the large and small intestines are diagnosed.
  4. ultrasound. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity can detect diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder.

Medical treatment

If the cause of the mushy stool is gastroduodenitis, then the doctor most often prescribes drugs that regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and drugs that help restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. These medicines include Omez, Nolpaza, Emanera. The drug that affects the motor function, Trimedat is able to influence both too fast and, conversely, slow peristalsis, regulating the progress of the food bolus.

In pancreatitis, drugs are prescribed that can compensate for enzyme deficiency. These include Mezim, Pancreatin and Creon. Thanks to them, food is better digested, and the stool is slightly fixed. If acalculous cholecystitis is present, a diet is indicated. The appointment of choleretic agents during exacerbation of symptoms can only worsen the course of the pathology.

In inflammatory bowel diseases, remedies are shown that regulate the functioning of this organ. Most often, the doctor prescribes Pepsan-R. This drug relieves inflammation and reduces excessive gas formation, as well as Colofort, which regulates bowel function.

When dysbacteriosis is present, the best treatment is a prebiotic containing beneficial bacteria. These funds include: Linex, Hilak Forte and others. They contribute to the reproduction of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

Medical treatment - photo gallery

Diet food

Diet with mushy stool plays a decisive role. Sometimes, by changing the diet, it is possible to quickly and permanently eliminate the problem. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of vegetable food consumed, which helps to accelerate peristalsis and forms liquid feces. You need to include in your diet:

  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • boiled rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • bananas;
  • cookie;
  • potato;
  • persimmon.

Diet food - photo gallery

Folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment can be used as an auxiliary way to eliminate this symptom. To do this, use herbs that affect the functioning of the intestines. The most effective recipes:

  1. A decoction based on chamomile and oak bark. This remedy not only regulates the intestines, but also fixes the stool. It will take 1 tsp. the listed ingredients, which must be placed in a saucepan and pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Then let stand for another 2 hours and strain. Take a quarter cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a week.
  2. Mint tea. Additionally, St. John's wort is required. It is necessary to mix both herbs and 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 25 minutes and then filter, taking 2-3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals for 10 days.
  3. A decoction of chicory. It will take 2-3 branches, which must be poured with 350 ml of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, drain the liquid and divide it into 3 doses. Take the drug should be 15-20 minutes before meals for 5 days.

Folk remedies - photo gallery

Treatment prognosis and consequences

As a rule, in the presence of mushy stools that are not burdened by additional symptoms, the prognosis is good. With timely diagnosis and treatment, recovery occurs quickly enough. One of the most dangerous consequences is severe pathologies of the pancreas, in which self-digestion of the organ can occur and the production of enzymes will completely stop. In addition, the advanced course of gastroduodenitis and liver diseases is fraught with the appearance of ulcerative lesions.

With persistent mushy stools, a large amount of fluid is lost, which can eventually lead to dehydration. This symptom cannot be ignored.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measure is the early detection of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. To do this, at the first signs of pathology, you must consult a doctor. If blood is accidentally found in the feces, then it is in no case possible to postpone a visit to a specialist.

Additional preventive measures:

  • regular and proper nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • adequate fluid intake;
  • exclusion of products containing trans fats.

Mushy stools, which occur quite often, cause a lot of discomfort. To get rid of such a symptom, it is recommended to approach the treatment in a complex manner. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the diet and the problem disappears without additional methods of therapy.

Source: treatment-symptomy.ru

Very often, an experienced doctor and attentive parents, by the type of children's bowel movements, can notice the onset of serious diseases. A mushy stool in a child of any age raises many questions. First of all, you need to figure out in which cases such a chair should not cause concern to parents, and in which it requires immediate contact with a specialist. In addition, one should clearly distinguish between mushy stools and diarrhea, that is, uncontrolled liquid stools.

The appearance of mushy stools in children of different ages

The presence of mushy stools in a child of any age is not considered the main sign of any disease if there are no other symptoms. At different life stages, unformed feces are considered differently.

Newborns and infants

In the first three days after birth, the baby passes meconium. For the next 10 days, transitional feces are observed and after that mature stools appear. All these forms have a mushy consistency of different densities. Unformed stool persists in children up to a year. The gradual compaction of feces begins only after the introduction of complementary foods, that is, from 6-7 months. Breastfed babies have even looser stools than formula-fed babies.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, parents should pay attention to the general condition of the child. If he is cheerful, cheerful, has a good appetite and sleep, gains weight according to age norms, but at the same time his stool is not formed, then you should not look for unnecessary problems and start treating the baby for no one knows what. Mushy stools with a lactic odor and even an admixture of greenery or lumps for children of the first year of life is a normal phenomenon.

Another thing is, if such a chair appeared suddenly and is accompanied by general weakness or anxiety, fever, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The introduction of complementary foods

Particular attention is paid to the feces of a baby who is being fed - intolerance to any product can manifest itself in a change in stool. The stools become fatter and acquire a pronounced mushy consistency if:

  1. Celiac disease - intolerance to gluten, or gluten
  2. Cystic fibrosis - manifested in the increased viscosity of the fluids that are produced in the body
  3. Hepatitis, gallstones, underdevelopment of the bile ducts - rare, manifested in impaired bile flow
  4. Creatorrhoea - undigested protein fibers appear in the feces

Treatment in this case begins with the refusal of complementary foods, finding out the true cause of the change in stool, that is, what exactly the child reacted to in this way. Prevention - complementary foods are introduced in minimal quantities.

Children from 3 years old

It is believed that the feces become formed in children who have reached the age of two or three. Their diet is almost the same as that of an adult. This is especially true for students and teenagers. The appearance of mushy stools at this age should alert parents. After 3 years, unformed stools can be a symptom of serious illness or a sign of malnutrition.

What will tell mushy feces

The appearance of a stool in the form of gruel in a child can signal the presence of many diseases and a violation of the regimen. It is more convenient to divide them into the following groups:

  • Infectious - intestinal, colds, viral, for example, seasonal rotavirus infection or poisoning. Diseases are accompanied by fever, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Metabolic diseases - allergies, beriberi
  • Diseases of internal organs - kidneys, thyroid gland, digestive tract
  • Diseases of the digestive tract - dysbacteriosis, increased peristalsis
  • stress
  • Food is not age appropriate

Each of these ailments will be accompanied by unformed feces and a complex of other symptoms.

Types of mushy stool

An unformed chair is different. It is possible to assume the presence of a particular disease if the feces are in the form of gruel ...

Yellow color

Inflammation of the intestines, poor digestion of food, rotavirus infection have yellow stools as a symptom.

Contains mucus

It may be the result of a runny nose in a child, ongoing bacterial infections, and especially the specifics of nutrition. In the latter case, a stool with mucus appears in the presence of fruits, viscous cereals, sour-milk mixtures, and berries in the diet.

Appears in the morning

If the child does not have fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, then a one-time change in bowel movements in the morning should not be a serious cause for concern. It is enough to analyze what the child ate before going to bed, whether he had a stressful situation. Permanent unformed stool in the morning requires a visit to the doctor, testing - this can be a sign of serious illness.

Happens many times a day

A stool is considered mushy if it happens up to 6 times a day. This condition requires a visit to the doctor, because it is a symptom of problems in the digestive system. Frequent stools over 6 times is considered diarrhea and may be a sign of intestinal infections such as dysentery or salmonellosis. After their diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. At the same time, do not forget that breastfeeding babies have stools up to 10 times a day, which is completely normal.

One of the main indicators of a person's health is his feces. Many serious pathologies, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, affect the shape of feces. What should a healthy person's stool look like? To address this issue, British scientists in 1997 developed the Bristol scale for the shape of feces with explanations for each specific type.

Bristol classification

Using this scale, you can conduct a preliminary diagnosis of the state of health of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it should be understood that it is quite difficult to make a full diagnosis based on information about the shape of feces, so the examination should be comprehensive. According to the Bristol scale, there are 7 types of feces:

  • Large goat (sheep) cal.
  • Wide thick sausage.
  • Small serpentine feces with cracks.
  • Long and thin sausage.
  • Soft balls.
  • Soft unformed mass.
  • Liquid homogeneous mass.

When analyzing the appearance of feces relative to this scale, doctors give the following brief transcript:

  • 1, 2 and 3 type indicates the presence of constipation. In this situation, you should drink plenty of pure water and add unprocessed plant foods to the diet.
  • 4 and 5 stools are considered normal, typical for healthy people.
  • 6 and 7 types of feces indicate that a person has diarrhea (while the 7th type indicates the possible presence of a serious illness). It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid and find out why the disorder of the stool appeared.

It should be noted that this scale can be fully used for external assessment of the stool of adults and children older than 1.5–2 years. In a small child, the criteria are slightly different. For example, semi-liquid stools in infants are normal and should not cause concern to parents. You should be wary if the mushy stools of a breastfed baby smell abnormally fetid, and thick mucus or jelly-like inclusions are noticeable in the diaper. The formation of such a chair is characteristic of congenital genetic pathologies of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.

What do the shapes and sizes of feces indicate?

The course of many diseases affects the size and shape of feces. The assessment of the patient's stool during diagnosis should be carried out taking into account clinical symptoms.

Large goat stool (type 1)

It is a small number of individual large and small dense lumps shaped like walnuts. Similar fecal masses appear in people with constipation. Sheep stool can be formed under the influence of such causes as dysbacteriosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal changes, pregnancy, taking certain medications, etc. During defecation, acute pain may occur, which disappears almost immediately after going to the toilet. Prickly, dry feces are difficult to pass through the rectum, which can lead to numerous injuries. With such a chair, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he prescribes a therapy that will prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids and other problems.

Wide thick sausage (type 2)

It is a voluminous, tight, lumpy sausage, which may contain fibrous components and various undigested pieces of food. Such thick feces are difficult to pass, pain may be felt during bowel movements. It usually appears due to malnutrition, disruption of the intestines, and also due to the presence of hemorrhoids. Thick stool constantly presses on the walls of the intestine, which can cause the following disorders: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), obstruction, frequent flatulence, bloating, spastic colitis, and so on.

Small cracked sausage (type 3)

It comes out as a sausage with a smaller diameter than a type 2 chair, the surface may have cracks. This loose sausage-like stool is normal and usually occurs in healthy people. However, if a person has such feces, but he does not visit the toilet every day, this may indicate the presence of hidden violations. In this case, you should consult your doctor.

Flat long feces (type 4)

It has the appearance of a narrow ribbon-like sausage, the surface of which is even, there are no cracks. Such feces are normal. However, if a person has thready stools but visits the toilet less than once a day, this may indicate bowel cancer, hemorrhoids, or some underlying disorder. In this case, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis.

Soft balls (type 5)

It looks like small loose balls with clear edges and a smooth surface without cracks. Such soft stools may indicate that the diet is deficient in dietary fiber. If a person goes to the toilet very rarely (once every 2 days), but at the same time his stool looks like soft balls, this may indicate a violation of the intestinal absorption function. You need to visit a doctor and get diagnosed.

Soft unformed stool (type 6)

It has an inhomogeneous consistency in the form of small fluffy lumps with uneven, torn edges, the structure of feces is loose and porous. Such a shapeless stool indicates diarrhea. This violation can be caused by mild poisoning, high blood pressure, drinking water with an excess of minerals, etc. Another common cause of soft stools is taking certain medications that have a laxative effect. Airy porous stools with a sour smell indicate candidiasis. If the consistency is viscous, and the color is dark red or almost black, you should immediately consult a doctor, this may indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. An ointment-like viscous stool is a sign of pancreatitis.

Liquid homogeneous mass (type 7)

It has a watery structure, solid pieces are partially or completely absent. This type of stool may indicate a serious illness. Most often, a liquid porridge-like mass appears due to bacterial, fungal or viral infections, mechanical injuries of the rectum, allergies, poisoning, worms, gastritis with secretory insufficiency, and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This condition requires complex treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Liquid stools also occur in newborns and in people who are recovering from a serious illness.

  • food intolerance;
  • malnutrition;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • traveler's diarrhea.
  • Intestinal infections

    There is a wide variety of all kinds of intestinal infections that are potentially dangerous to humans, and can provoke diarrhea if ingested. Most often, they enter the gastrointestinal tract through the mouth, along with poor-quality food, contaminated water, etc.
    In medicine, such infections are usually divided into:
    1. Parasitic.
    2. Viral.
    3. Bacterial.

    Bacterial infections
    shigellosis dysentery
    Bacterial dysentery is most often a sign of infection of the intestinal tract with bacteria of the genus Shigella. The incubation period in this case lasts from one day to a week. The typical form of dysentery begins acutely, and is manifested by fever, loss of appetite, headaches, low blood pressure, and signs of gastrointestinal damage. Pain in the abdomen at first dull, diffused throughout the abdomen, constant. Then they become more acute, cramping, and are already localized in the lower abdomen, more often above the pubis or on the left.

    Tenesmus appears - painful false urge to empty the intestines, which are not accompanied by defecation. In addition, a pulling pain in the rectal region that radiates to the sacrum, which occurs during a bowel movement, and continues for 10-15 minutes after it, is characteristic. The chair becomes more frequent up to 10 times a day or more. Blood and mucus appear in the stool. In more severe cases, the amount of bloody mucus increases.

    A separate danger is a bacterial infection of the intestine caused by salmonella. Clinical manifestations of salmonellosis are diverse - from severe forms, turning into blood poisoning, to asymptomatic carriage of infectious agents.

    There are the following types of salmonellosis:
    1. Gastrointestinal form
    Salmonellosis in the gastrointestinal form most often begins acutely, accompanied by diarrhea (fetid greenish watery stools) and profuse vomiting.
    The following symptoms are also characteristic:

    • pain, rumbling and bloating;
    • weakness;
    • headache;
    • temperature rise to 38-40°C;
    • joint and muscle pain;
    • cramps in the muscles of the limbs.

    2. typhoid form
    This form of salmonellosis begins in the same way as gastrointestinal, but it is characterized by fever for 10-14 days, an enlarged spleen and liver. In addition, the symptoms of general poisoning of the body are more intense: lethargy, headache, etc. Also sometimes there is a rash on the skin.

    3. septic form
    The septic form of salmonellosis is considered one of the most dangerous, since with it, after a short and acute initial period, a picture of general blood poisoning quickly develops.

    Viral infection
    Viral bowel infections are the leading cause of loose stools in children under two years of age. Among the adult population, this cause of diarrhea is recorded less frequently, due to the higher activity of the body's immune system.

    Rotavirus infection
    The general course of the disease when affected by rotavirus is cyclical:
    1. The incubation period is from 1 to 5 days.
    2. Acute period - from 3 to 7 days (in severe cases - more than a week).
    3. The recovery period lasts approximately 4-5 days.

    In the acute form, this pathology is manifested by sudden pains (most often in the middle of the abdomen), vomiting, diarrhea, fever. In severe cases, there may be pronounced symptoms of general poisoning of the body, cardiovascular disorders, and even signs of dehydration.

    In chronic enteritis, patients complain of nausea, weakness, mild pain in the umbilical region, rumbling in the intestines and periodic diarrhea.

    It must be borne in mind that in many cases these two diseases occur together, combining all the above symptoms. In a similar situation, they talk about the development of gastroenteritis.

    Stomach ulcer
    The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain in the upper abdomen in the center. As a rule, such pain occurs during a meal, or immediately after a meal. This symptom makes it possible to distinguish this pathology from a duodenal ulcer, which is characterized by the so-called "hunger pains" that occur on an empty stomach and disappear after eating.

    Other symptoms of a peptic ulcer may include:

    • heartburn and/or sour belching;
    • weight loss;
    • nausea and vomiting after eating;
    • loose stools due to indigestion.

    Peptic ulcer of the duodenum
    Peptic ulcer of the duodenum is characterized by pain in the upper abdomen and in the epigastric region. The intensity of pain can be different: from slight severity to sharp, painful sensations. Typically, pain appears or worsens with physical exertion, long breaks in food intake, consumption of spicy foods, and alcohol. In addition, there are digestive disorders, manifested by diarrhea. Exacerbations of this disease are often associated with the season, occurring mainly in the autumn-spring period.

    The inflammatory process that affects the pancreas is called pancreatitis.

    In the acute form of this pathology, the constant and leading symptom is abdominal pain. Most often, it is permanent (defined as cutting or dull), and increases as the disease progresses, sometimes even leading to shock. The pain is localized more often in the left or right hypochondrium - high in the pit of the stomach. With the defeat of the entire gland, the pain is girdle in nature.
    There are also symptoms such as:

    • dry mouth;
    • belching;
    • nausea;
    • frequent vomiting with an admixture of bile, which does not bring relief.
    In addition, patients are concerned about liquid or mushy stools, in which undigested food particles are determined. Often, stools have an unpleasant odor and a frothy texture.

    In chronic forms of pancreatitis, patients (even during remission) sometimes feel dull pain, nausea, complain of constipation or, conversely, loose, copious stools of a mushy "fatty" character. Such bowel movements are difficult to wash off with water, which is directly related to the poor digestibility of fats. The occurrence of such diarrhea usually indicates a very serious violation of the digestive function of the pancreas.

    Such patients quickly lose weight, they have signs of hypovitaminosis and metabolic disorders of varying severity.

    Extraintestinal signs of Crohn's disease:

    • fever;
    • anemia;
    • inflammation of the oral cavity;
    • eye damage (uveitis, iridocyclitis, episcleritis).
    Colitis is a limited inflammatory lesion of the large intestine.
    Colitis symptoms:
    • frequent urge to defecate;
    • bloating and rumbling of the abdomen;
    • loose stools, sometimes containing mucus and blood;
    • stomach ache.
    The disease can be acute and last only a few days. But in the chronic form of colitis, the listed symptoms can disturb the patient for several weeks, and sometimes months.

    Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
    Non-specific ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation with the appearance of ulcers on the inner lining of the colon and rectum.

    The leading manifestation of nonspecific ulcerative colitis is frequent loose stools with impurities of blood, pus or mucus, as well as spontaneous bleeding from the anus. In severe cases, the frequency of bowel movements can reach 20 or more times a day, including during the night's rest.

    In addition, with nonspecific ulcerative colitis, patients complain of the following symptoms:

    • severe cramping pain in the abdomen, which increases after eating;
    • false urge to defecate;
    • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
    • fever with a temperature of 37°C to 39°C, depending on the severity of the disease;
    • loss of appetite or its complete absence;
    • weight loss in severe and prolonged course;
    • symptoms of partial dehydration of the body;
    • general weakness;
    • joint pain.
    irritable bowel syndrome
    Signs of this pathology are pain or discomfort in the abdomen, as well as abrupt changes in the stool. Defecation can occur very infrequently (less than three times a week) or, conversely, often (more than three times a day). The consistency of feces also becomes unstable: "sheep", hard or unformed watery feces with mucus. In addition, there are imperative urges and straining during defecation, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines and bloating.

    Patients with irritable bowel syndrome most commonly present with esophageal and gastric dysfunction, chronic fatigue, skeletal muscle pain, headaches, and back pain. Psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety or depression are also often noted.

    Malabsorption syndrome

    Malabsorption syndrome is a malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines. This pathology is characterized by the presence of liquid stools, which at the onset of the disease can be irregular, and then become almost constant. Also, mild forms of the disease are often encountered, in which rapid loose stools with severe flatulence and the release of fetid gases occur only temporarily.

    Associated signs of malabsorption syndrome include symptoms such as:

    • drowsiness;
    • apathy;
    • thirst;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • weight loss;
    • muscle weakness;
    • dry skin;
    • phenomena of stomatitis in the area of ​​the oral cavity;
    • development of glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) with a bright red color of the tongue and smoothness of its papillae.

    Rectal cancer

    One of the most common and constant symptoms of rectal cancer is bleeding. This symptom occurs both in the early and later stages of the disease, and is observed in the vast majority of patients. The intensity of intestinal bleeding in rectal cancer is usually insignificant - most often the blood is found as an impurity in the feces, or in the form of individual dark clots. In addition, her appearance is intermittent. Unlike bleeding from hemorrhoids, bleeding in cancer either precedes stools or occurs simultaneously with defecation, mixing with feces.

    The second most common symptom of rectal cancer are various bowel dysfunctions:

    • changes in the rhythms of defecation;
    • changes in the shape of feces;
    • diarrhea;
    • constipation;
    • incontinence of feces and gases.
    The most unpleasant and difficult to tolerate by patients are frequent false urges to defecate (tenesmus). Often they are also accompanied by the release of small amounts of blood, pus and mucus. After the act of defecation, such patients do not experience a sense of relief, they still have a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum. Such false urges can occur from 3 to 15 times a day. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.
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