How to treat warts on the feet: a description of self-removal techniques. Plantar warts - what is it and how to treat it? Plantar wart won't go away

Plantar warts, or thorns, are a type of wart that occurs on the soles of the feet and on the palms. The reason is the HPV virus. Of all skin warts, it occurs in 30%. They are the ones most often removed. Removal by a dermatologist is the fastest way to treat. Self-healing is observed in 30% of cases in the first 3 months. Information for physicians - ICD-10 code: B07.

Other names:

  • verruca plantaris (Latin medical name),
  • thorn (from the word "thorn"),
  • horny wart (from the word "horn").

Classical spike on the palm

Reasons or reasons?

Scheme of infection: man scratched his skin. The virus enters the skin. Embedded in the genes of skin cells. And the cell takes on ugly forms, becoming like tumor cells. Many of these cells outwardly look like a wart.

Attention: some types of human papillomavirus can cause dysplasia and cervical cancer ().

Got infected! When did this happen?

Infection with the type of HPV that causes warts occurs during childhood. Almost all children become infected with this virus - in kindergartens, at schools, in public places. But not everyone gets sick - it all depends on the immune system.

In childhood, warts appear for the first time. Then the adult's immune system copes with this virus. Therefore, in adults, warts on the skin rarely appear. And if an adult has spikes, this indicates a decrease in the activity of the immune system. .

Entrance gates for the virus are injuries of the soles of the feet and palms: scratches, cuts, abrasions and calluses.

Provoking factors - excessive sweating of the feet and wearing tight shoes, stress.

Symptoms and manifestations

Main manifestation: dense rounded formation on the palm or sole of the foot.

Main symptom: pain when walking and itching in the area of ​​the wart.

initial stage

  • a small "corn" appears on the skin,
  • she itches a little
  • slight pain when walking.

After 2-4 weeks

  • a rough surface appears in the center,
  • often - black dots in the center,
  • along the edges - a small roller of keratinized skin.


  • Why do spines appear on the palm and sole? Because the skin here is especially dense (unlike other parts of the body). And this type of HPV virus infects just such skin.
  • Why does it hurt when walking? Because the plantar wart grows inwards. When walking, the weight of the body presses on the wart and it compresses the pain receptors.
  • Why skin itching? Because ugly cells grow and press on neighboring skin receptors, which leads to itching.
  • Why black dots? This is the result of blockage of blood vessels in the thickness of the wart on the foot or on the palm.

Sole warts with black dots

Dimensions - 3 -10 mm. At the same time, the pathological formation rises above the surface of the skin by only 1-2 mm, because it grows inward and in breadth.

Child warts may appear nearby. They merge with the mother and form a painful conglomerate. This is a clear indicator of a decrease in immunity. And this often requires medical treatment.

The structure of the spike in the section

Yellow is the surface of the skin.
Violet - virus-affected cells proliferate, forming the body of the spine.

Treatment in the hospital and at home

In 90% of people, a wart on the foot or palm goes away without treatment at an early stage, while in 30% of cases - in the first 3 months. The immune system suppresses the virus and heals the skin. The time of self-healing depends on the stage of the process: from 2 weeks to 1.5 years.

When should a thorn be treated?

When the body itself cannot cope with the disease, and it needs help:

  • if it hurts a lot
  • if it interferes with walking,
  • if grown to a large size,
  • if there are children nearby.

How and what to treat?

Removal is a treatment method that is successful in 98% of patients.

1) Removal by drugs

For these purposes, local necrotic agents are used.

  • solcoderm (detailed article about this drug - link),
  • vartox (read more - link),
  • duofilm(),
  • collomack(),
  • super cleaner,
  • verrukacid, or ferezol () - acts softer, good efficiency,
  • lapis () - effective for long-term use.

They contain acids or alkalis. Removal of plantar warts (thorns) occurs through a chemical burn of the skin. The wart is dying. And in this place there is an inconspicuous scar.

Treatment time: 1 - 5 weeks (average 14-20 days).

To prepare for the procedure on the wart, you can glue the Salipod corn patch (2 days), or cut off the spike with nail scissors.

2) Instrumental removal.

a) Soft laser. ()
Your wart will evaporate under the action of the laser. In this place you will have a deep wound. The wound will heal in 10-14 days.

Here is a video of laser wart removal:

b) A liquid nitrogen. ()
Deep tissue freezing occurs. A bubble forms. It will be soooool and then more painful!! Heals 14 days.

Here is a video of cryodestruction of a wart on the foot with liquid nitrogen:

in) Radio wave radiation (device "Surgitron" and others). ()
The same effect as from the laser - evaporation of fabrics. And only a deepening-wound will remain from the wart.

Here is a video of the removal of a plantar wart with a radio wave with a looped tip (watch from 40 seconds):

G) Surgical removal of the wart with a scalpel.
Produced under local anesthesia. Seams are applied. It is used very rarely, since the laser or radio wave is much more convenient, easier and less traumatic.

e) Electrocoagulation.
The wart is burned out with an electrocoagulator. This is the same scalpel, only electric. It is now rarely used in large clinics.

Here is a video of the removal of the spine by electrocoagulation:

And here is a review from our reader: link

3) Treatment of hard-to-remove warts.

In some cases, removal does not lead to a cure for warts - they appear again and again. How to act in such cases?

  1. It is necessary to identify the cause of the decrease in skin immunity in this place. It is possible that this cause may be excessive sweating of the feet, wearing rubber or tight shoes, impaired blood flow in the limbs, common diseases - diabetes, HIV and others.
  2. Focal immune therapy. The doctor injects immune drugs under the skin. For example, injections of interferon subcutaneously for 7 days. Such injections enhance the immune response in the skin and reverse the development of spines.
    Another method of focal immunotherapy is treatment with creams based on (trade names - Aldara cream, Keravort), gel treatment or.
  3. General immune therapy. It is rarely prescribed, with a persistent course of the disease, with multiple spines on both limbs. You can use immune preparations:,.

Folk methods - can I start with them?

Non-traditional methods of treatment are ineffective. For a quick cure, dermatologists recommend removal.

1) Garlic

Garlic kills viruses.

  • The wart is steamed in hot water and partially cut off with nail scissors. At the same time, the skin roller is cut off. Partially cut off the wart tissue itself. If the vessels of the wart bleed, it's not scary.
  • Cut the plastic from the garlic and place it on the wart.
  • Attach with adhesive tape.

Scheme for the treatment of spikes with garlic

Plantar warts (horns, plantar warts) are benign neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They occur mainly in young people and do not pose a particular danger, since the degree of their oncogenicity is too low.

But, nevertheless, to remove growths, it is better to contact a dermatologist. Modern instrumental methods of excision of warts are much more effective than banal celandine, and even surgical intervention, but they are used exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician.

Such therapy minimizes the risk of recurrence of the pathological process, and also prevents further rooting and reproduction of skin neoplasms on the soles of the feet.


A wart is a skin neoplasm of a benign nature. The appearance of the spine is due to the penetration into the human body, of which there are about 100 varieties.

After penetration into the human body, HPV may not give itself away for a long time, being in a “sleeping” state. But as soon as favorable conditions are created for it, it will activate and immediately begin to multiply, first affecting the soft tissues, and then the layers of the dermis, which sooner or later leads to the formation of warts.

The "sleeping" state of HPV is due to:

  • strong immunity;
  • phagocytosis (a specific protective reaction that is activated when pathological agents enter the human body).

The risk of HPV infection depends on:

  • the state in which the virus is located in the body of an infected person;
  • nature of contact (direct/indirect);
  • immune status of the HPV carrier.

People with weak immunity are most susceptible to papillomatosis. But other factors can also influence the formation of plantar warts:

  • constant stress;
  • overwork;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • depletion of the body;
  • uncomfortable or tight shoes;
  • wounds, scratches, ulcers on the surface of the skin of the feet.

HPV can enter the human body through:

  • the use of towels or other items belonging to the carrier of the virus;
  • handshake.

Factors that predispose to the formation of spines include:

  • increased sweating of the legs;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals (even if the washed clothes were well rinsed);
  • injuries leading to violation of the integrity of the skin of the legs;
  • calluses, corns;
  • diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • use of non-sterile nail care instruments;
  • visiting public baths, saunas, swimming pools, beaches.

Human skin consists of several layers, which are:

  • epidermis;
  • dermis;
  • subcutaneous fat.

Once in the human body, the papilloma virus infects the basal layer of the epidermis (skin) and begins to multiply actively. The cells affected by papillomavirus gradually rise through all the scraping of the epidermis, eventually localizing on the stratum corneum of the epithelium. Thus, coarsening and keratinization of the skin occurs, which forms a wart.


The incubation period varies from person to person. On average, it ranges from several weeks to six months. During this time, the number of virus-infected cells rapidly increases. But since the DNA gene of the type of HPV that causes the plantar wart does not penetrate into the cell nuclei, the risk of developing an oncological process is almost completely eliminated.

A plantar wart is a hard skin neoplasm that has clear boundaries and an oval or rounded shape. The size of the growth varies between 1-2 cm in diameter. The spike has a rod that goes deep into the layers of the dermis, and it is he who causes discomfort and pain when walking. It protrudes above the surface of the skin by about 1-3 cm. In this case, the neoplasm may have a normal color, or a light brown or pinkish tint.

At the initial stage of the formation of a skin growth, its surface is smooth, however, as it “ripens”, it becomes coarsened, as a result of which it becomes rough. Its hue becomes gray-yellow, and a crater-like depression may appear in the center. The occurrence of brown dots on the surface of plantar warts is also considered a frequent occurrence. They appear as a result of the process of thrombosis of superficial capillaries in the tissues of the neoplasm.

In most cases, plantar warts are single growths. However, in some situations, the formation of child spines is possible, which indicates excessive activity of the papillomavirus. A large number of neoplasms creates a specific mosaic pattern in the area of ​​​​the skin where they are localized, which is why they are also called "mosaic warts".

Sometimes the thorn can disappear on its own, without the need for treatment. At the same time, a person does not leave a trace in the place where it was localized. However, this is not common, since the foot is a place where the neoplasm is often injured. As a result, its self-destruction becomes almost impossible. On the contrary, it can constantly become inflamed, bleed and cause pain.

What do plantar warts look like: photo

To understand what a spike on the foot of an adult looks like, you can view the photos below.


In most cases, it is not necessary to carry out any diagnostic procedures to diagnose plantar warts - the diagnosis is based on a visual examination by a dermatologist of the areas of the foot affected by growths.

However, if there is a need to choose a method for removing a skin neoplasm, a laboratory examination of a scraping taken from the surface of the spine may be necessary.

How to treat plantar warts: basic principles

Often, local treatment is sufficient for the treatment of plantar warts. However, if the virus is too active and there are daughter neoplasms, the doctor may prescribe systemic therapy based on the intake of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. They help to suppress the activity of papillomavirus and strengthen the immune system, which, in turn, helps to prevent deeper penetration of HPV and damage to healthy areas of the skin.

However, preference, nevertheless, is given to local treatment, which not only removes the upper part of the spine, but also removes its core. But it should be noted right away that the use of well-known folk remedies for warts is often not very successful, so it is better, nevertheless, to seek help from a dermatologist, undergo an examination and follow-up treatment.

The most effective and commonly used treatments for plantar warts include:

  1. Chemical destruction. With the help of special medications, cauterization of skin neoplasms is carried out, which leads to the complete destruction of the structure of their tissues. It is on the cauterizing property of certain herbs and remedies that the treatment of thorns with the help of folk remedies is based.
  2. Use of topical cytostatic drugs. The highest effect is possessed by agents based on 5-fluorouracil, as well as ointments Kolhamin, Podofillin, etc.
  3. Freezing a plantar wart with liquid nitrogen. This procedure is called cryodestruction. With the help of a special apparatus, where the necessary preparation is filled, the growth is frozen (the exposure temperature reaches -220 ° C) and its subsequent removal. Manipulation is performed under local anesthesia and requires careful skin care after completion.
  4. Surgical intervention. In this case, they resort to the process of scraping warts with a special medical device - a Volkmann spoon. Perhaps an ordinary excision of the spines with an ordinary scalpel, but this procedure has long been outdated.

In addition to the above manipulations, the removal of plantar warts is also carried out using modern instrumental techniques. Among them, the most popular are:

  1. Laser coagulation, which helps to get rid of skin growths in just 1 session.
  2. Electrocoagulation. With the help of a special electric scalpel, the spine is carefully removed. After the procedure, wounds and small scars may remain, so it is not used as often as laser coagulation.
  3. Radio wave removal of plantar warts. Manipulation is performed by using ultrasonic frequencies emitted by the drug "Surgitron". The procedure is as popular as cryodestruction or laser coagulation.
  4. Ozone therapy.

Instrumental removal of plantar warts can be supplemented with local therapy, using drugs that have an antiviral effect. This combination of drugs contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of recurrence of the pathological process, significantly increasing the overall effectiveness of treatment. For this, the patient is prescribed ointments or subcutaneous injections of interferons, as well as applications with Proteflazid.

Before using medications, a course of treatment is necessarily carried out, aimed at softening the stratum corneum of the epidermis on the surface of the spine. For this purpose, keratolytics are used, which, however, do not remove the growth itself, therefore, they are not suitable as an independent remedy for papillomatosis. You can use not only ointments - most often, doctors recommend gluing corn or bactericidal patches (Salipod). A few days are enough to soften the wart, after which you can proceed directly to the main treatment.

Since the spine is prone to frequent inflammation, and the risk of secondary infection is too high, the patient may need to use antibacterial or anti-inflammatory medications. However, in this case, a special place is given to local treatment.

Removal of plantar warts with laser

Today, one of the most popular and highly effective instrumental methods for removing plantar warts is laser photocoagulation. There are several types of carbon dioxide laser, with which the destruction of the skin neoplasm is carried out. Due to this, a separate type of laser is used for each type of growth, which contributes to the complete excision of the wart and the prevention of its reappearance in the treated area.

The principle of the laser beam is simple. Due to high temperatures, liquids evaporate from the tissues of the plantar wart, as a result of which their necrosis occurs. And although this process takes some time, laser coagulation allows you to remove unaesthetic and painful neoplasms in just 1 procedure. The main advantage of this technique is not even its high efficiency, but the almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects. The downside is the high cost of the procedure, so not every patient can afford to perform it.

Only a qualified specialist, a dermatologist, can choose the best option for removing spines. He will also recommend how to prepare for the procedure, as well as tell you what measures need to be taken to prevent the recurrence of the plantar wart.

Pharmaceutical ready-made products

If the plantar wart has not yet had time to take root and coarsen deeply, it can also be removed with the help of ready-made solutions and ointments, freely available in pharmacies. The composition of each of the products includes alkali or acid, so you must strictly follow the instructions for use of the selected drug.

Among the most effective pharmaceutical remedies for warts, it should be noted:

  • Super Cleaner - a solution that contains sodium or potassium hydroxide, and contributes to the effective burning of skin growths;
  • Verrukacid is a domestic drug designed to remove a number of benign formations on the skin (warts, papillomas, genital warts, dry calluses, keratomas);
  • Solcoderm - acids intended for external use in various manifestations of papillomatosis.

Another good remedy for spikes is salicylic or boric acid, used in the form of ointments or applications.


In the arsenal of traditional medicine, there are also many recipes that are highly effective in combating various types of warts, including plantar ones. But it is not advisable to use them as independent means - in most cases they must be combined with pharmacy drugs.

Here are the most effective recipes:

  1. Celandine juice. Perhaps this is one of the most popular and effective folk remedies used to treat various types of skin growths. It is necessary to process growths only with fresh juice 2-3 times a day until they disappear completely.
  2. garlic juice. This tool has a powerful antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Before using it for the treatment of plantar warts, the growth must first be steamed and cut a little, then smeared with garlic juice and wrapped with a bandage. The procedure is carried out daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  3. Acetic acid. To prepare a remedy, it is necessary to insist the onion in acetic acid for 2-3 hours, then make a compress and fix it with a bandage. Leave overnight.
  4. Porridge made from rowan berries.

However, the most effective remedy in the fight against warts is not drugs, not the above traditional medicine recipes, and not even modern instrumental methods for their removal, but a strong immune system. In people whose immune status has undergone positive changes, there have been cases of spontaneous disappearance of skin neoplasms on the feet.

There are many ways to strengthen the immune system: sports, hiking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and, finally, special medications - immunomodulators. Be that as it may, namely, stable and strong immunity is the key to the absolute health of the whole organism.


Primary prevention of plantar warts is aimed at preventing HPV infection. For this you need:

  • have individual shoes when visiting public pools, baths, saunas;
  • use only your own towels and personal hygiene products;
  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • fight sweaty feet
  • treat any wounds, cracks and even minor scratches on the legs.

For secondary prevention of plantar warts, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system using antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. It is necessary to start taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor immediately after the procedure to remove the skin neoplasm, which in itself is stressful for the body.

The therapeutic course is extremely necessary to complete, since its interruption will reduce all the efforts made to zero, so even a qualified specialist will not be able to eliminate the risk of re-formation of plantar warts.

A plantar wart is a flat, hard growth on the foot that rises slightly above the level of the skin.

The wart on the sole is constantly injured when walking, which leads to pain and even bleeding. Therefore, a plantar wart usually requires treatment, although in some cases it may go away on its own. Usually, warts are removed by cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, or using radio wave technology or a laser.

Plantar warts and their causes

A wart on the foot is usually a benign formation, so a dermatologist is involved in its treatment. It is a clearly defined hard oval or rounded seal, about 1-2 cm in size. The wart can protrude up to 3 mm above the level of the foot. Usually it has a light brown color, it can be pink, and non-pigmented plantar formations are also found. Usually one appears.

At the very beginning of the appearance, the surface of the plantar wart is smooth, but over time it becomes rough. The developed growth acquires a gray-yellow color. A depression may form in the center. Small black dots may be observed around the plantar wart, which are thrombosed capillaries. Sometimes daughter formations are formed nearby, which indicate a high degree of HPV infection.

A plantar wart, like any other, appears as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus. It penetrates the skin cell, inserts its genome into its nucleus and causes a change in its functions.

According to statistics, up to 90% of people are carriers of HPV, but it is activated only when immunity falls. As such, HPV is not yet treated, but at the moment, HPV vaccination has begun.

The virus is not transmitted through the air; a humid and warm environment is favorable for it. HPV, leading to the development of plantar warts, can be infected in saunas, swimming pools, industrial showers. It is impossible to catch the virus on the beach - under the influence of UV rays, the virus dies instantly.

There are certain risk factors:

  • Sweating of the legs (through the looser skin, the infection penetrates faster);
  • Excessive dryness of the feet, leading to the formation of cracks;
  • Frequent exposure to the skin of aggressive detergents also destroys its protective barrier;
  • Frequent microtrauma of the skin - through cracks, abrasions and scratches, the infection enters the body much faster;
  • Tight shoes that cause calluses are also a cause of infection;
  • Diseases - diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis;
  • With a pedicure, infection can occur through the instruments if they have not been carefully processed.

Also, the following general factors can lead to the activation of the HPV virus, which has been quietly dormant in the body for several years:

  • Weakened immunity in a long-term chronic disease;
  • Long-term self-medication with hormonal drugs or immunosuppressants;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun during its maximum activity;
  • Prolonged and frequent stressful situations;
  • Hormonal imbalance.

As soon as the human body becomes weakened, the papillomavirus begins the formation of warts.

In some cases, a plantar wart may go away on its own without leaving any marks. However, in most cases, you should consult a dermatologist to have it removed.

Self-removal of a wart or its burning out by folk methods, as a rule, does not lead to an effective result. The fact is that it has a fairly long and branched root, which can remain in the epidermis, and in this case a new wart can grow from it.

Related article:

Warts on the leg, heel and foot - what to do and how to treat?

Can a plantar wart become cancerous?

Plantar warts are mostly benign, but if there are aggravating factors, malignancy can occur. The main danger in the presence of plantar growths lies in the ever-increasing discomfort. Sometimes people come to the doctor leaning on a cane. The pain from a plantar wart can be very sharp and make walking almost impossible. Another risk is the possible spread of child growths. Treatment then becomes more difficult.

Just in case, it is necessary to monitor plantar warts so as not to miss the moment of their malignancy. Traumatization of warts causes destruction of cells and their subsequent renewal.

If new cells do not have time to mature, this can cause the onset of a malignant process. It also increases the likelihood of malignant degeneration if the HPV that enters the body belongs to a group with a high oncor risk.

The process of growth transformation can begin due to:

  • Incorrect self-deletion attempts;
  • Unskilled removal of warts in beauty salons;
  • Permanent injury to the build-up;
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • Intoxication of the body as a result of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Bleeding from a plantar wart

What symptoms may indicate a malignant plantar wart:

  • Long non-healing traumatized outgrowth;
  • Bleeding;
  • Rapid growth of the wart;
  • Redness and severe itching in the affected area;
  • Color change.

In order not to constantly shake over the plantar wart, it is much easier and easier to consult a doctor in a timely manner and remove it.

Photos of plantar warts

Early stage plantar wart Deep plantar wart Plantar wart ramifications


If discomfort and growths appear on the foot, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to exclude the development of melanoma. The doctor will diagnose by dermatoscopy. The epithelium is scraped off.

In favor of a plantar wart, the absence of a skin relief on the surface and the identification of a symptom of black dots around are also said. A positive PCR diagnosis for HPV confirms the diagnosis. To determine the depth of germination, the dermatologist prescribes an ultrasound. If melanoma is suspected, the patient is sent to a dermato-oncologist for a consultation.


It is better to treat a wart in a complex way, using medical methods to increase immunity.

There are general contraindications for all methods of radical treatment. You can not remove warts with the following diseases:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • The presence of inflammation around the wart;
  • Hypertension.


Cryodestruction is a common method that consists in cauterizing the growth with liquid nitrogen. Freezing destroys the affected area of ​​the skin.

There are 2 methods of cryodestruction:

  • Standard - liquid nitrogen is applied until a light halo with a diameter of 2 mm appears around the formation;
  • Aggressive - after the appearance of a halo, the area is treated with nitrogen for another 5-20 seconds.

The choice of method depends on the time of appearance of the wart. If it exists for less than 6 months, the effectiveness of its removal by the usual method is quite high. If the build-up exists for more than six months, a more effective aggressive method should be chosen, since the effectiveness of the standard impact is reduced. It should be noted that the aggressive method for the patient is more painful.

Related article:

What causes warts?

Cryosurgery of the plantar wart

After manipulation at the site of exposure to nitrogen, the skin may turn red and edema may form. After a few hours, a bubble appears, which gradually dries up. A week later, a crust appears in its place, falling off by itself within a couple of weeks.

Necessary for successful completion of treatment:

  • Do not open the bubble;
  • Do not seal the treated area;
  • Do not wet the foot;
  • 2 p. per day, you need to treat the place with salicylic 2% alcohol and bandage it with a bandage.

The method has several advantages:

  • No scar tissue is formed;
  • No need for anesthesia;
  • The procedure takes a couple of minutes.

Laser coagulation

Most medical clinics use the method of laser coagulation. The affected area is cauterized in layers, at the same time the laser beam seals the vessels, which helps to avoid bleeding.

There are several methods:

  1. Carbon dioxide laser - exposure is performed by a red infrared beam with a wavelength of 10,600 nm.
  2. Erbium laser - exposure is performed with a wavelength of 2940 nm, which reduces the likelihood of scarring.
  3. Pulsed laser - the growth is cauterized with a green beam with a wave of 586 nm. Simultaneously with the destruction of the affected tissues, immunity is stimulated.

After laser therapy, a crust forms on the treated area, which falls off after 7-10 days.

The laser method of treatment has the following advantages:

  • Scars do not form;
  • Tissues heal faster;
  • Low risk of relapse;
  • When exposed, adjacent tissues are not damaged.

The disadvantages of the method include only its high cost, caused by the expensive price of the equipment.




Electrocoagulation is a method of exposure to high-frequency current. Cauterization is carried out with anesthesia. A coagulation loop is superimposed on the growth, through which an electric current is supplied. The wart is destroyed, and the high-temperature effect seals the vessels, which prevents bleeding.

The crust at the site of the remote formation disappears on its own after 7-10 days. For speedy healing, it is necessary to treat the place of removal 1-2 p. per day with an antiseptic for 7-10 days.

The method has its advantages:

  • Inexpensive cost;
  • No bleeding;
  • Manipulation takes only one minute.

The disadvantages include the possibility of a scar.

radio wave surgery

For treatment with this method, an electrode is used that emits high-frequency radio waves. Under the influence of high temperatures, the affected cells evaporate. The formed crust itself disappears in 7-10 days. The crust does not need to be processed.

The advantages of this method include:

  • No damage to adjacent tissues
  • The risk of scarring is minimal;
  • Low risk of remission.

Surgical excision

As a rule, surgical excision is used when it is necessary to collect material for biopsy. The operation is performed under local anesthesia with a scalpel. After excision, sutures are applied, which must be removed after 7-10 days.

Advantages of the method:

  • Very large formations can be removed;
  • Biopsy material can be collected for histological examination.

The disadvantages include the possibility of scar formation.

Operated area:

  • Can't get wet
  • Do not lubricate with creams and ointments;
  • The crust must not be torn off before its natural falling off;
  • Do not expose the area to direct UV rays;
  • It is not worth 2 months after the removal of the wart to go to the baths, to the pool, to visit public showers.

After the treatment, you need to drink a complex of vitamins A, C and E, which contribute to the rapid healing of tissues. If complications arise after the manipulation - the area becomes inflamed, a scar forms or healing is delayed, you should contact a dermatologist.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

warts are quite widespread and affect the skin of people of different ages of both sexes with approximately the same frequency. These formations on the surface of the skin are rather ugly outwardly bulges, painted in various colors and shades - from natural flesh to black. As a rule, warts do not pose any serious danger, but their appearance disfigures the surface of the skin. It is for reasons of aesthetics that many people want to get rid of ugly formations on the body. Warts can be localized on any part of the body, including the genitals, in the folds of the skin or on the soles.

Characteristics of plantar warts

plantar warts(verruca plantaris) is a type of common wart found on the sole of the foot.

The plantar wart is singled out as a separate subspecies of the simple ones based on its localization and callosity. In fact, such a wart is a neoplasm of epithelial cells on the surface of the skin with a benign course. The tumor nature of the plantar wart is determined by the fact that it consists of overgrown cells of the epidermis and the papillary layer of the skin. The course of the plantar wart is exclusively benign, that is, cancerous degeneration is not observed.

Synonyms for the term

The plantar wart has another synonymous name: horny - verruca cornea, in addition to this, you can often hear a very common "folk" name - thorn. The term "plantar" reflects the localization of this type of wart.

Type and manifestations of plantar warts

Plantar warts have a characteristic appearance: gray, pale, yellow brown-brown or normal skin color, rounded shape, and inside the circle layers of keratinized epithelium or depressions with growths on the surface in the form of small papillomas are revealed. The depressions of the plantar wart look like a crater. The surface of the wart itself is rough to the touch with a porous (spongy) structure. A similar structure of the wart develops as the disease progresses, and at the beginning of its appearance, the formations look like a small shiny ball on the skin. When cutting off the top layer of the wart, small, rounded black “grains” are visible, which are clogged blood vessels with blood clots. The wart can protrude 1-3 mm above the surface or be flush with the skin.

Plantar warts may be single or multiple. Several small ones can form next to a large wart, that is, self-infection and spread of the virus occur. Several warts are able to merge into one and form a so-called mosaic structure.

Warts are extremely painful, especially when walking, often itch, and also cause discomfort when wearing any shoes.

Features of a plantar wart in children

In children, these manifestations are almost always painful when walking. The wart itself remains flat and is surrounded around the perimeter by a piece of dead skin, which will allow this formation to be differentiated from calluses. In the center of the plantar wart, dark dots can be detected, which are vessels clogged with blood clots.

What is the difference between plantar warts?

The diagnosis of a plantar wart is established on the basis of an examination. Plantar warts must be distinguished from calluses, Reiter's syndrome, and syphilides. The main differences between warts and similar formations are presented in the table.

Human papillomavirus - the cause of the development of a plantar wart

Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus. To date, about 70 types of human papillomavirus have been isolated. The human papillomavirus affects the skin, most often the hands and feet, but can lead to the formation of warts on the head under the hair or on the mucous membranes of the urogenital organs and the gastrointestinal tract (mainly in the mouth, larynx, intestines). The human papillomavirus affects strictly defined parts of the body, depending on the type. For example, plantar warts develop under the influence of human papillomavirus types 1, 2 and 4, simple - 1, 2, 4 and 7. Moreover, type 1 papillomavirus leads to the development of deep plantar warts, type 2 - to mosaic, type 4 - to small formations . Spines make up about a third of all warts.

The human papillomavirus is not inherited. However, genetically transmitted from parents to children are features of the individual functioning of the immune system, which may predetermine the greater sensitivity of some people to human papillomaviruses. It is known that women - carriers of the human papillomavirus give birth to children with warts on the neck in the projection of the larynx.

Ways of infection with the human papillomavirus
Infection with the human papillomavirus occurs through contact with a carrier - a person or animal. The virus can remain in the skin in an inactive state for quite a long time and become activated when the immune system malfunctions. The entry of the virus into the blood, that is, infection, occurs when there are scratches, cuts or other microtraumas on the surface of the skin.

Who is at risk of infection?

A high risk of infection with the human papillomavirus is observed in people who, in connection with professional activities, can often injure the skin. Such potentially dangerous specialties in relation to the human papillomavirus include the following:
  • Meat processing workers

  • Fish processing workers

  • Builders

  • People who frequently shave their legs, arms, and other body parts
Often people become infected with the human papillomavirus when visiting swimming pools, since wet surfaces of tiles and concrete easily injure the skin. Through these microtraumas, the human papillomavirus enters the bloodstream.

People with a weakened immune system are also at risk for infection with the human papillomavirus. This risk group includes patients with the following pathological conditions:

  • cancer patients

  • Persons with transplanted organs and tissues of donor origin

  • Patients undergoing treatment with special drugs that suppress the activity of the immune system (immunosuppressants)

  • People who are allergic to anything

  • People who have an early sexual life
  • Prevention of infection with plantar warts

    To prevent the development of plantar warts, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene. If necessary, the feet and hands should be treated with disinfectant solutions. And with increased sweating of the legs, it is necessary to use special means to reduce it, as well as regularly wash the limbs, followed by treatment with antiseptic solutions. Dry your shoes thoroughly, since it is the humid and hot environment that is ideal for the human papillomavirus. When you come to visit, do not wear other people's slippers, especially on bare feet. Avoid wearing someone else's shoes. Keep the floors clean or walk around the apartment in shoes.

    Virus carrying. Conditions of the body that contribute to the manifestation of the disease

    After entering the bloodstream, the human papillomavirus may be in a "sleeping" state, since the immune system does not allow it to multiply and, accordingly, affect the skin and mucous membranes. Due to this circumstance, from the moment of infection to the development of warts, a different period of time can pass - from several weeks to several years. The rate of development of warts depends on the activity of the immune system, that is, the better the body's defense works, the longer the virus does not appear. If a person is a carrier of the human papillomavirus, then in case of a serious immune failure (stress, etc.), the microorganism gets the opportunity to multiply, as a result of which warts appear on the skin. Thus, the likelihood of the appearance of plantar warts increases significantly with the following conditions of the human body:
    • Stress or psychotrauma

    • Vegetoneurosis

    • acrocyanosis

    • Reduced resistance (resistance to infections)

    • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) of the soles
    Unfortunately, methods for preventing the development of warts have not been developed to date.

    Koebner phenomenon - rapid spread

    Single warts are able to multiply, that is, to form growths. Particularly susceptible to growth are those warts that are constantly subjected to mechanical stress - rubbing, squeezing, etc. A similar course of warts is called the Koebner phenomenon. The Koebner phenomenon is expressed by the following formula - the presence of two surfaces that are located at a small distance from each other increases the risk of infection of the healthy part. For example, plantar warts located in the interdigital spaces, according to the Koebner phenomenon, will grow much faster than formations located on the arch of the foot.

    Removal - when should it be done?

    In principle, the issue of removing warts should be decided strictly individually - firstly, it is necessary to conduct an analysis to identify the type of human papillomavirus. If the virus belongs to the types that can provoke the development of oncological diseases, then the formation must be removed. If the human papillomavirus that caused the development of the wart is not potentially dangerous in relation to oncological pathology, then the issue of removal should be decided from the point of view of comfort and aesthetics.

    That is, if the wart interferes and disrupts the normal functioning of body parts or is a serious cosmetic defect, then, of course, it is worth removing the formation.
    Plantar warts need to be removed because they are subjected to mechanical stress due to their location on the foot, resulting in overgrowths. Growths of plantar warts can be very extensive if a single formation is not cured in time. In children, plantar warts usually go away on their own within 1-1.5 years, so no treatment is required. If a plantar wart in a child begins to grow or bleed, then in this case it must be removed.

    An interesting feature of plantar warts is the difficulty of removing them compared to other types of similar formations localized on other parts of the body. Surgical removal of plantar warts leaves large, non-healing scars and does not guarantee a complete cure. After surgical removal of warts, they often develop again in the same place after some time (most often after a few years).

    Removal Methods

    Treatments for plantar warts range from surgical to chemical treatments performed at home. It is possible to divide all modern methods used for the treatment of plantar warts into three large groups.:
  1. Destructive (destructive) methods

  2. Methods of treatment with caustic acids

  3. Methods of treatment with chemicals
The method of treatment must be chosen individually, guided by the characteristics of the course of a particular plantar wart. The localization of the wart, its size and degree of growth should be taken into account. The basic principle when deciding on the removal of a wart and the method of intervention lies in the old medical rule: “Do no harm!”. In some cases, it is generally better to leave the wart without a therapeutic effect, since it is localized in a place on the foot that carries a large load. In this situation, the removal of the plantar wart will provoke the formation of an extensive scar, followed by a recurrence of education in the central part of the scar. If the plantar wart cannot be removed, then it should be treated regularly with special tools to prevent growth and prevent the formation of growths.
Destructive treatments for warts include::
  • Exposure to liquid nitrogen

  • Exposure to laser radiation

  • Surgical removal
Destructive methods are used to remove persistent plantar warts. All methods of exposure are accompanied by soreness for a short time period.
The following caustic acids can be used to remove plantar warts:
  • Acetic acid

  • Cantharadin
Corrosive acids are great for removing small plantar warts. Acids can leave scars, and when applied, cause a local chemical burn, which leads to the death of the plantar wart itself.
Chemicals that can be used to treat plantar warts:
  • Bleomycin

  • Tritenoin

  • Glutaraldehyde

  • Cimetidine

  • Retinoids

Side effects that develop after removal by various methods

After the removal of plantar warts, side effects may develop. There are four main side effects that are caused by various plantar wart removal methods. So, consider the main side effects that occur when removing plantar warts.:
  • Scarring

  • bubbles

  • Allergic reaction

  • Impaired pigmentation by type of enhancement or discoloration

X-ray radiation for the treatment of plantar warts is considered ineffective, because it increases the susceptibility of tissues to relapse and re-infection later.

Pregnant women can only use topical remedies for plantar warts and should avoid chemotherapy.

A characteristic feature of the development of blisters as a side effect after the treatment of a plantar wart is their arrangement in the form of a concentric circle (the so-called "witch's circle").

Unfortunately, today none of the methods guarantees a complete cure for plantar warts, which is explained by their viral origin. Therefore, there are no objective methods to prevent the recurrence of plantar warts. To understand whether the wart is completely removed, you should consider the pattern on the surface of the skin where the formation was located before treatment. So, if the normal lines of the skin pattern are restored, then the cure is complete and the probability of recurrence is negligible, and if the pattern is absent, then additional intervention is necessary to completely remove the plantar wart.

When the first signs of a plantar wart appear, consult a specialist to determine the best method for removing the formation and preventing their number from increasing (overgrowth). In order not to suffer for a long time with the removal of plantar warts, follow the rules of personal hygiene and take possible preventive measures. Remember that any pathology is always easier to prevent than to cure later.

A plantar wart is a skin neoplasm that has formed due to the activity of the human papillomavirus. Most often, it appears on the heels and pads of the toes, i.e., in places that are the reference points of the foot. When walking, pressure is applied to the warts, which is fraught with their transformation into bone calluses.

Visually, these neoplasms look like bulges. Their colors can vary from natural skin to abnormal black. In the photo, plantar warts are shown in different versions.

The virus is transmitted by contact between healthy and sick people or through objects infected with it. Warm, humid environments such as common areas such as showers, gyms, and swimming pools are fertile ground for the virus to multiply.

As the skin of a healthy person comes into contact with an infected surface, the virus enters the body through cuts and scratches on the limbs. It is noteworthy that the HPV incubation period has a wide range - it falls from several weeks to several months. Its end is marked by the appearance of one or more warts. Immunocompromised people and young children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the harmful virus.

Warts on the soles of a child

The causes of plantar warts in children may be the following:

  • direct contact with an HPV carrier;
  • visiting public places with high humidity;
  • use of personal belongings of an infected person, most often babies become infected through toys.

Treatment of plantar warts in a child can be difficult due to their growth in clusters, arrays, due to the concentration of viral foci. The lack of timely and proper therapy of neoplasms threatens their growth inside.

You can recognize a wart on the sole of a child by a number of signs. These are neoplasms up to 1 cm in size, matching the color of healthy skin and not having a skin pattern. It happens that the growths differ from the surrounding skin in a light brown or yellowish color.

By the absence of a skin pattern and the surrounding of the growth with black dots, they judge the defeat of the child's body with HPV.

Warts often disappear on their own without any treatment, but this can take up to 2 years. Indications for the immediate removal of the build-up are its growth or bleeding.

Before insisting on surgery, the specialist must differentiate the plantar wart from calluses, syphilides, and Reiter's syndrome.

The method of removing the build-up is selected in each individual case and taking into account the location of the neoplasm, its size and degree of growth. Often, warts are removed by treatment with caustic acids, chemicals, or a destruction method.

Modern ways to remove plantar warts

The easiest way is to treat plantar warts of small size and formed in a single copy (removal of groups of large growths is often a laborious undertaking).

Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, people with weak immunity and with damaged nerves in the lower extremities, any treatment for warts should be carried out under strict medical supervision. For these categories of patients, specialists first offer the most painless methods that do not have side effects and do not leave scars and scars.

In the presence of plantar warts, treatment can be carried out according to the following methods:

1. Cryotherapy, that is, freezing or treating the growth with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of this substance, a blister appears around the wart, and necrotic tissues exfoliate over the next 7 days. Some patients endure this procedure quite painfully. No less uncomfortable are the blisters that remain after cryotherapy, although they disappear on their own.

2. The use of cantharidin - a liquid substance made from Spanish fly and containing salicylic acid in its composition. The tool is absolutely harmless, so it is suitable for the treatment of a plantar wart in a child.

But for this procedure, it is worth noting the same soreness and tendency to form blisters, which can appear a few hours or a day after the manipulation. The procedure ends with the application of a bandage and a doctor's recommendation regarding the application of a salicylic patch during the week following healing. The final healing of the treated area occurs on the 5-10th day.

3. When removing plantar warts with a laser, microscopic blood vessels that lie in the growths are cauterized. After some time, the infected tissue dies, and the neoplasm itself falls off. Scars may remain after laser pulse therapy.

4. Excision of warts with a scalpel or an electric needle is carried out after anesthesia of the treated area. This technique is resorted to last because of the high risk of scarring.

Video: How to use Wartner Cryo to remove plantar warts.

How to remove a wart from the sole at home

How to get rid of plantar warts with improvised means?

1. For the treatment of children, you can use ordinary raw potatoes. It is cut into 2 halves and rubbed on the affected area (daily).

2. Green apples also have a high therapeutic effect. Juice is squeezed out of fruits and growths are moistened with it. The first results will be noticeable after 10 procedures (manipulations should be carried out daily).

3. At home, plantar warts can also be removed by applying compresses from crushed wild garlic bulbs to them. Before the procedure, the skin surrounding the growth is lubricated with a nourishing cream or petroleum jelly. The course of treatment is 7 days, and it ends with a hot foot bath and scraping the wart with a pumice stone.

4. Apple cider vinegar for removing warts is used as follows. Having abundantly moistened a cotton pad in vinegar, it is tightly bandaged to the neoplasm and spotted for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the compress is removed, and the limb is placed in a hot bath prepared with the addition of chamomile infusion. It is obtained by brewing 5 tbsp. l. dry inflorescences of the plant in 1 liter of boiling water. The treatment course with 20-minute baths is 2-3 weeks. Each nightly procedure ends with a light rubbing of the wart with a pumice stone and rinsing it with running water.

How to remove or get rid of warts on the legs at home: folk and medical remedies

Often people turn to dermatologists with complaints of rough and hard neoplasms that have arisen on the sole or toes. It could be calluses or warts.

To determine the type of disease, doctors examine painful seals and, based on characteristic signs and test results, make an accurate diagnosis.

Let's talk about plantar warts, which are popularly called or "chicken butts", and how to remove a wart on the leg at home.

How to remove warts on the legs at home, we read in our article.

What it is?

Plantar warts- a variety of common warts (vulgar):

  • These are round or oval plaques that protrude above the skin of the lower part of the feet.
  • Sometimes tight, inelastic nodules hide inward under pressure on the sole and toes.
  • In young warts, the top is smooth, in mature ones - uneven, rough, dense. They are distinguished by color - gray-dirty or yellow.
  • Inside the seals there are black dots - thrombosed capillaries.
  • The appearance of warts is the result of infection with the human papillomavirus.
  • The virus penetrates the skin through lesions, manifested by warts - non-malignant tumors.
  • Individual plaques may coalesce into a mosaic cluster.

How and where can you get infected?

How does the infection enter the body? Infection happens:

  • when the skin of a healthy person and a patient come into contact;
  • while walking barefoot in public bathrooms, locker rooms, on dirty ground.

Growths do not appear immediately. The virus can "doze" for several weeks or months.

Treatment at home

Sometimes plaques disappear on their own, but they still need to be treated: so that they don’t get sick, they disappear faster, they don’t infect the skin of other people, they don’t degenerate into malignant formations.

Warts on the legs: treatment at home or medical institutions? Modern methods of getting rid of nodules are diverse.

Important! For diagnosis and recommendations on the method of treatment, you should definitely contact a dermatologist.

How to get rid of warts on the legs at home? Treatment from plantar papillomas at home carried out with medicines and folk remedies.


Let's get acquainted with some antiviral drugs, with the features of their use outside the medical institution.

Salicylic acid

An easily accessible drug is treated in this order:

  • keep feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes, dry;
  • clean off dead cells with pumice, sandpaper or a blade, wash off, get wet;
  • moisten the damage with an acid solution, dry;
  • apply the medicine again;
  • impose a synthetic film or rubberized fabric, strengthen with a bandage, adhesive plaster.

Before the next treatment, carefully remove the white coating. Carry out the procedure once a day until pink skin.

You can use products based on salicylic acid: salicylic ointment, Salipod patch, Kollomak drug.

Important! After treatment of warts, tools should not be used to care for healthy skin.

Ferezol solution

It is applied with a wooden stick, a toothpick, so as not to burn healthy skin.

  • soften the wart in a hot bath with the addition of soda and soap;
  • cut off a hard layer of skin;
  • lubricate the skin around the growth with cream or petroleum jelly;
  • apply the drug - do not wet, do not lubricate the skin after the procedure during the day.

You can repeat the procedure in a week.

Reference! Similar medicines: verrukacid, solcoderm, vartek, condilin.


A modern tool instantly freezes the nodule, destroys it. The wart disappears in 10 days.

Can be used again after two weeks.

Ointment "Oxolinic"

Violates the vital activity of the virus inside the wart.

Apply 2-3 times a day for a period of 2 weeks to 2 months.

Tablets "Groprinosin"

The antiviral drug is taken 3-4 times a day after meals for 5 days. If necessary, conduct a second course.


The gel, which is based on concentrated trichloroacetic acid, destroys the virus in the infected areas of the skin, the plaque tissues exfoliate. After stripping, the skin is completely restored.

Important! Before using medicines, you must carefully study the instructions for use.


How to remove a wart on the leg at home? We offer a selection of funds advertised on the forums.

Fir branches with cones

  1. Fill a five-liter saucepan by a third with spruce branches with cones, boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Put branches with cones in a bowl, pour in a part of the broth, dilute with water to a tolerable temperature.
  3. Lower your legs into the bath, move your feet along the branches and cones, performing a kind of massage.
  4. Add the decoction as the water cools, until all is gone.

Perform the procedure 3 times a week at intervals of one to two days. Disappear after 10-11 sessions.

Raw meat

  1. Soak your leg in hot water with baking soda.
  2. Cut off the soft surface of the growth.
  3. Wipe dry, apply a piece of raw meat, bandage, do not wet.
  4. Check back in three or four days. Peel off the top layer. The wart should fall out with roots.

If necessary, repeat the treatment.

Nail polish, glue BF-6

Tea tree oil

Apply tea tree oil from warts. It is a very effective remedy for chicken-bone warts.

Sold in a pharmacy, it comes in various concentrations. Better choose 100% oil, then dilute it with water or aloe vera.

In order not to cause skin irritation, the treatment should be carried out in the following way:

  • dilute 100% oil with water or aloe vera one to one, apply to the wart;
  • if there is no irritation, the concentration can be increased, if it appears, reduce.

Lubricate the growths 2 times a day, put gauze on top, strengthen with a band-aid. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks, sometimes 3-4 months.


To resist the virus, you must:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • observe foot hygiene;
  • fight dryness and sweating of the extremities;
  • wear loose shoes;
  • do not use other people's slippers, towels, nail files, scissors;
  • avoid stress.
Remember: warts are a manifestation of a viral infection. Take them seriously.

What to do if a plantar wart appears

Among all the varieties of warts, plantar warts are perhaps the most unpleasant.

In addition to a very unsightly appearance, they also cause discomfort, comparable to the feeling that you are stepping on a small stone with your bare foot.

What can cause a plantar wart to grow, how to avoid its appearance or quickly get rid of it? Let's consider in more detail.


Medicine knows several varieties of skin outgrowths, which are called warts:

  • vulgar- small growths with a hemispherical hard surface, usually grow on the fingers and hands, but can appear on the knees and toes;
  • flat- protruding spots of a rounded shape, appear in adolescence;
  • plantar(thorns , « chicken butt") - dense round growths on the bottom of the foot and toes;
  • filiform- elastic thin outgrowths that appear on the face and in the folds of the skin;
  • genital warts- elastic outgrowths in the form of cones or cauliflower, affecting the mucous membranes of the intimate zone and genital organs;
  • senile warts (age-related keratomas) - dark spots covered with greasy scales appear on the skin of people aged 40 and older.

Of all the listed types, only senile warts are caused by functional disorders in the skin.

All other growths are of viral origin.

A photo

Places of localization

A wart can occur anywhere on the human body, including mucous membranes.

  • Internal organs are no exception. Papillomas (the same warts) are found on the bladder and in the ducts of the mammary glands.
  • Least of all, these growths are found on the back, on the outer side of the thighs and lower leg, shoulder and forearm, scalp. All other areas in contact with objects of the surrounding world or people can equally become their target.
  • Very often, skin outgrowths are localized on the face, neck, hands and legs. Vulgar, flat warts and spines are found here. Plantar warts are so named because they appear on the foot. But there are cases when similar growths affect the fingers.
  • Skin folds have favorable conditions for the development of warts - heat and moisture. Therefore, thin, thread-like growths can be found here.
  • Genital warts, other than the penis and vagina, can grow on the labia, perineum, around and inside the anus.

Causes of plantar warts

The causes of plantar and other types of warts have long been found by scientists.

This is the human papillomavirus (HPV).

It gets inside the skin cell, inserts its genome into its nucleus and causes it to change functions.

Outside the human body, the virus quickly dies. But heat and high humidity can prolong its viability.

  • Therefore, a common route of infection with plantar warts is the floor, benches and handrails in pools, shared showers, and baths.
  • At the same time, walking barefoot on the beaches does not threaten the appearance of plantar growths. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the virus dies instantly.

Risk factors

Factors that increase the likelihood of infection include the following:

  • foot skin injury
  • weakened immunity.

If the sole is protected by shoes, this does not exclude injury at all.

Photo: wearing tight shoes made of artificial fabrics contributes to infection

On the contrary, tight, uncomfortable shoes cause roughening of the skin of the legs, causing congestion.

  • Microcracks may appear on it, which take longer to heal under such conditions.
  • And if the legs also sweat intensely, then the most favorable conditions for the development of the virus arise.

In this case, immunity can say its “word”.

It has been noticed that a healthy organism, not weakened by diseases or other adverse factors, can resist the virus for a very long time and prevent the formation of growths.

Whereas those struggling with other diseases or being in constant nervous tension give up very quickly.


Most warts are harmless, they very rarely degenerate into malignant tumors.

  • But growths on the mucous membranes tend to provoke changes in the surrounding tissues, which can then be transformed into oncology. Therefore, when they are detected, it will be useful to visit a doctor at least for your own peace of mind.
  • The main danger from plantar warts is pain when walking. If the wart grows, the pain will increase.

She can pass by herself, but few people want to wait for this. Basically, people quickly go to the doctor or try to remove it on their own.


Manifestations of a plantar wart increase gradually.

Photo: this is what a plantar wart looks like

  • Initially, a small seal appears on the foot, which many take for a callus, corns.
  • Then a rough patch is formed in its center.
  • The edges of the wart begin to rise slightly above the skin in the form of a roller formed by keratinized skin cells.
  • A person may experience itching, as a hard growth presses on the receptors of the surrounding skin, irritating them. Pain is associated with a thick layer of skin thickening. When walking, the wart, which grows quite deep inward, compresses the nerve endings, so the pain when walking is sharp, stabbing.
  • Among the thin outgrowths in the center of the wart, black dots can be seen. These are small blood vessels that were in the thickness of the skin, but were compressed by a grown wart.

Should I go to the doctor

In principle, you can deal with the spike on your own at home, and if it does not bother you, then wait at all. Perhaps the growth will pass by itself.

But in some situations it is better to consult a specialist.

Photo: examination and dermatoscopy of growths on the foot

This is especially necessary if:

  • the wart causes discomfort when walking;
  • hurts or manifests itself in other sensations;
  • the size of the growth exceeds 1 cm in diameter;
  • next to the first, several daughter outgrowths appeared;
  • you have doubts that it is a wart.

In all these cases, home methods may not be effective.


Usually, for the diagnosis of plantar growths, it is enough to contact a dermatologist and visual examination carried out by him.

But sometimes you have to use additional methods:

  • in order to better examine the neoplasm, the dermatologist gently scrapes off the upper keratinized scales. The presence of thrombosed capillaries confirms that it is a wart;
  • PCR diagnostics detects the presence of papillomavirus;
  • Ultrasound may be ordered to determine the depth of the growth. His data will be needed to select a treatment method;
  • sometimes plantar growths are like manifestations of syphilis. Then an examination for this disease is required.

Such extensive diagnostics is used only in difficult cases.

Video: "Plantary Wart - Laser Treatment"


Treatment of plantar growths, like other warts, is best done in a complex manner.

Of course, the main thing in it is removal.

Why do flat warts appear on the face?

How to remove a wart on a finger? Find out here.

But for the prevention of relapses, one should not forget about antiviral agents.

It is necessary to act in other directions: improve the diet with healthy products and strengthen hygiene procedures.


Some pharmacy products are very well suited for removing growths on the foot.

There are several groups of such drugs:

  • antiviral. Effective only for young growths or in the treatment of children. They help to gently remove the wart without leaving scars;
  • necrotizing. These are Ferezol, Verrukacid, Solcoderm. Plus, they are in a short or even single use, and the effectiveness is quite high. To apply the products, use either the applicators included in the kit, or cotton, wooden sticks. Contact with healthy skin should be avoided;
  • keratolytic. Dissolve coarsened hard layers of build-up and contribute to its gradual exfoliation. Usually these are products based on salicylic acid, but may contain other acids and alkalis: Supercleaner, Kollomak, Duofilm, Wartner applicator pen, Salicylic acid, Salicylic ointment;
  • preparations with the effect of cryotherapy. These are Cryopharma and Wartner Cryo - aerosols containing a freezing agent. Specially designed for vulgar and plantar warts.
  • patches. You can use any intended for dry corns. They gradually soften the build-up, and when changing the patch, the upper scales are scraped off. You can wear them around the clock, changing once a day. The most popular is Salipod, but others can be used.

Photo: application of a corn plaster

Removal Methods

How to get rid of a wart quickly?

This will help various medical institutions offering services for the removal of growths.

  • There are many specialized clinics in Moscow where they can help solve this problem.
  • But it is better to discuss with your doctor the choice of method, because not everyone is suitable for plantar growths.

Modern medicine uses the following methods:

  • removal with liquid nitrogen. As a result of exposure to this substance, the wart instantly freezes and dies. This is evidenced by a change in its color (it becomes white-gray). But due to the difficulty of adjusting the depth of exposure, cryotherapy has an increased risk of relapse;

  • electrocoagulation. This is the effect of an electric current, as a result of which the build-up is burned out completely. For plantar growths, it is used infrequently, because the recovery period is painful, that is, it will be difficult to step on the foot for several days;
  • radio wave method. This is cutting out the build-up under the influence of radio wave radiation (radio knife). This method eliminates the development of bleeding or infection. But when removing plantar warts, it is not very popular, despite positive reviews;
  • laser removal. Based on the action of laser radiation, evaporating wart cells. The growth is removed completely, the risk of recurrence is minimal. This method is very popular because of the speed of the procedure, its painlessness and safety;
  • surgical way. It consists in cutting out the growth with a scalpel. It is used only for large warts or large areas of lesions. But when used against plantar growths, a person's mobility will be limited for some time.

It is very important to make sure that there are no contraindications to the removal of warts in a certain way, sometimes additional studies are required.

But all of them are the key not only to success, but also to the safety of the chosen procedure.

In children

In children, starting from the age of 5, plantar warts are common.

Of course, not all methods of their treatment used in relation to adults can be used in this case.

  • Of the pharmaceutical preparations, it is better to use antiviral ointments. They rarely cause side effects, being the safest.
  • The growth in a child can be removed by folk methods. For children's skin, it is better to use the mildest products. If there is a burning sensation or severe redness, then it is better to cancel the procedure and choose another recipe.

Of the methods of radical treatment for children, laser is the most suitable, it is fast and painless.

Folk remedies

Many folk recipes exist precisely from plantar warts. Here is some of them:

  • tie a plate of garlic to the wart at night;

  • celandine juice can be lubricated with thorn 2 times a day, it helps very quickly, in a week;
  • baths with thyme are made every other day, a glass of dry grass is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and insisted, legs soar in the decoction for 30 minutes - an hour, 5-6 procedures are enough;

  • take the same amount of copper sulfate and butter, mix and apply on the wart, cover the skin around with a plaster, bandage it with a bandage and leave it overnight, a slight burning sensation may be felt;
  • a very strong remedy - a cake of vinegar mixed with flour, it is applied to the wart at night, protecting healthy skin.

All folk methods will be more effective if you first steam out the wart and peel off the top layer from it.


If you know why warts appear, then you can derive simple rules that will help protect yourself from infection with them:

Photo: walking without shoes in the pool contributes to infection

  • do not go barefoot in pools, baths, saunas, showers, use personal rubber slippers;
  • observe foot hygiene, change socks daily;
  • comfortable shoes that do not squeeze or rub the foot - a guarantee of healthy feet;
  • do not comb or touch the warts with unprotected hands, so as not to spread the infection to healthy areas.


More than half of new plantar warts go away on their own.

But not many can calmly wait for this moment because of discomfort.

These growths respond well to treatment.

But no method or recipe guarantees a 100% absence of recurrence.

It does not depend on the chosen method of removing the wart, but on the state of immunity and the activity of the virus.

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