Diseases inherent in the Chihuahua. How dangerous are fleas and worms in a toy terrier

Worms are one of the most common problems that small dog breeders can face. That is why it is so important prevention of worms in dogs and it is so important to clearly know the answer to the question: how remove worms from dogs. A small dog that is bothered by worms is restless, does not eat well, or vice versa, eats too much and often, practically does not eat up, it has diarrhea, but constipation, the body is deprived of important B vitamins. Worms undermine the immunity of a small dog and its body's resistance to most infectious diseases. That's why elimination of worms in dogs and prevention of worms in dogs This is an important task before you.

Even at a tender age of 5-6 weeks, puppies must undergo the procedure deworming in dogs. Infection with worms is hard to miss - the stomachs of small dogs infected with worms are swollen, worms constantly come out with feces and vomit. The coat of a small dog deteriorates, the skin dries and flakes, "crusts" appear that resemble dandruff. In a word, it is difficult to miss it, and you will surely notice right away, if necessary. remove worms from dog. If suddenly your pet vomits with worms - do not panic, this is not the end of the world, but a natural reaction of the body of a small dog. And this can and should be corrected.

Many dog ​​breeders often face such an unpleasant disease of their pets as helminthiasis. This disease is provoked by all types of helminthic invasions that enter the body of the animal.

Both adults and small puppies are equally susceptible to infection with worms. And if, for a mature dog, as a rule, everything is limited to deworming, then for a puppy, the consequences of the disease can be tragic. That's why it is very important to detect worms in time and carry out their destruction.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely rid your four-legged friend of them.. All rehabilitation and preventive measures are aimed only at the maximum reduction in the number of worms in the dog's body. But such activities are simply necessary to maintain the normal state of health of the dog and its development.

Are worms transmitted from dogs to humans?
Some types of worms may well be transmitted from a sick animal to humans, especially children. Therefore, after each contact with your pet, hygiene measures should be taken. And deworm the beast itself at least twice a year.

There are several ways of infection with helminthiasis:

  1. The first and most common is through external sources containing helminth eggs: feces, products, various objects, water of puddles and ponds, raw fish, and so on. Mostly, infection occurs during the traditional daily dog ​​walk. Therefore, it is very important at such moments to try to limit her contact with potentially dangerous things as much as possible.
  2. The second way of infection is the direct connection of a dog with a sick animal or through intermediate hosts, fleas and ticks.

Symptoms, signs of worms

Unfortunately, often helminths may not manifest themselves in any way for a long period, or, on the contrary, they may disguise themselves as some diseases that have similar manifestations with helminthiasis. All this greatly aggravates the situation with the detection and treatment of the disease.

Concerning should be consulted periodically and having your pet checked out by a veterinarian.

However, in some cases it is possible to determine helminths yourself. To do this, you just need to carefully observe your own animal.

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Be sure to enteritis- a disease that, if not treated in time, leads to the death of a pet.

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What are the types of helminths

Each of these types of helminths causes a certain type of disease that can become chronic, completely exhausting the body. In addition, nematodes and whipworms are easily transmitted to humans.


Intestinal worms are the most common. As a rule, they are represented by tapeworms, roundworms, whipworms and hookworms that enter the dog's body through external sources. Ascariasis (toxocariasis), uncinariasis, hookworm, toxascariasis, hookworm, echinococcosis - this is a small list of the ailments that they cause.

The insidiousness of helminths is difficult to even imagine. For example, there are types of worms that can easily migrate throughout the host's body and settle in the most favorable places for their "reign". Bright representatives of this kind of helminths are roundworms and esophageal worms. They are the most willing to settle in the food system and the lungs of the dog.

In this case, the animal abruptly begins lose weight, he develops a cough, difficulty breathing and develops pneumonia causing internal bleeding.

Unfortunately, without laboratory tests and the help of a veterinarian, it is almost impossible to detect pulmonary worms on your own.


Another, no less serious disease is dirofilariasis (cardionematodes) or heartworms that settle in the arteries, atrium, right ventricle of the heart and cardiac vessels of the animal. The main carriers of dirofilaria larvae are mosquitoes, fleas and other types of blood-sucking insects. The incubation period of the disease can last up to six months after the bite.

The main clinical signs of the syndrome of intoxication of the dog's body are expressed in shortness of breath, shortness of breath, pulmonary rales and noises, general exhaustion and apathy, disorders of the nervous system, drowsiness and fatigue.

Treatment should be carried out in time, taking into account the individual clinical condition of the dog, since cardionematodes often lead to sudden death of the animal due to cardiac rupture.

Before deciding on the choice of anthelmintic drugs, the range of which is simply enormous today, you should first consult with a veterinarian and conduct an appropriate examination of the dog to identify them. After all, the choice of funds mostly depends on the age, physiological characteristics and habitat of the animal.

Tablets from worms

Unfortunately, there are no universal drugs that can completely remove all types of helminths with a single dose. Therefore, the best option would be a broad-spectrum drug. These are, as a rule, produced in the form of tablets Drontal Plus, Azinox Plus, Vermox and Droncit.

Deworming of the dog is carried out repeatedly with a small frequency.

Modern drugs are able to partially or completely break down helminths in the animal's body itself, so it is not possible to see the result of anthelmintics. The main thing is to carefully monitor the pet at the time of deworming and, if necessary, help him cleanse himself (enema, laxative, etc.).

It is preferable to give an anthelmintic medicine to an animal in the morning with meals. For adult dogs, the pill is wrapped in some kind of treat - meat, sausage - and fed, and if they refuse to take the medicine, they put it deep on the root of the animal's tongue, while squeezing the jaw with their palms and lifting it up. For puppies, the tablet is crushed to a powder, diluted with water and a syringe (without a needle) is poured into the mouth.

If, suddenly, immediately after taking the anthelmintic drug, the dog became ill, the first thing to do is to give the four-legged some absorbent (enterosgel) and, urgently, consult a doctor. Further deworming is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.


It is known that the best treatment for any disease is its prevention! Therefore, in order to prevent constipation optimally anthelmintic an adult dog once every three months. However, one should not forget that all antihelminthic drugs are, in fact, toxic poisons. Therefore, when deworming, you always need to observe the utmost care and accuracy.

Small puppies can be dewormed as early as 12-14 days of age. For them, there are special "children's" preparations, mainly in the form of suspensions, for example, "Prazitsid" or "Drontal plus for puppies." Also obligatory after any run of worms is the vaccination of the animal, which fixes the results of treatment.

As you can see, helminthiasis is a serious and unsafe disease. And in order for a four-legged friend to bring joy for as long as possible, it is necessary to show special care and attention to his health.

The history of the toy terrier began in medieval England. Dirty cities were filled with rats that carried deadly diseases. Despite their small size, toy terriers bravely exterminated dangerous rodents. Over time, the number of rats has declined. There was no need for rat-catchers. Cute babies migrated to the ladies' boudoirs as companions and live fleas.

Consequences of flea bites in a toy terrier

1. Anxiety

Flea bites cause discomfort to babies. The pet may become lethargic, eating and sleeping poorly.

2. Diseases

Fleas carry helminth eggs and other dangerous diseases.

3. Allergy

Toy Terriers are allergic to flea saliva. The dog scratches itchy skin to wounds. Secondary infection and dermatitis may develop. The Toy Terrier breed is prone to allergic reactions.

How to determine that a toy terrier has fleas

If the toy terrier itches, but there are no fleas, this is not a reason to exclude the disease. The adult flea moves quickly over the skin and hides in the fur. However, she cannot hide her eggs and excrement.

How to get rid of fleas in a toy terrier

Bloodsuckers are usually active from early spring to late autumn. It is at this time that you need to take care of protecting your pet from insect attacks. Timely prevention will help to avoid the diseases caused by them. It is recommended to coordinate the choice of drug with a veterinarian.

To prevent and get rid of bloodsucking, the following means are used:

- dog flea shampoo

Insecticidal shampoo destroys those fleas that are on the dog at the time of water procedures. Not suitable for prevention.

  • Deterioration in appearance- dull coat, pallor of mucous membranes, lethargy, inactivity.
  • Unnatural nutrition- increased appetite with the same weight or loss of interest in food, trying to eat inedible objects.
  • Digestive disorders- bloated abdomen, difficulty swallowing, hiccups after eating, loose stools (diarrhea and constipation), nausea and vomiting.

Other signs of worms in dogs are expressed in the form of skin diseases and dermatitis, unhealthy behavior - the animal rides on the priest to relieve itching of the anus.

Symptoms of worms in a puppy

Young individuals are more susceptible to invasion. In some cases, the infection is transmitted to them even in the womb.

Worms in a puppy have pronounced symptoms:

  • stunting and low mobility
  • lack of shine in wool, blue rim in the eye protein
  • weight loss with normal and increased appetite
  • diarrhea and vomiting - the presence of helminths in the feces
  • bloating and frequent rumbling in the abdomen against the background of constipation
  • liver enlargement and airway inflammation
  • pallor of mucous membranes, tendency to dermatitis.

Types of worms with photos and descriptions

Heartworm in dogs

Roundworms or nematodes inhabit the right heart chambers or the pulmonary artery of dogs. This is the most common type of helminth, which can reach an impressive size up to 10 m in length.


causative agents of invasion- cardionematodes. Heartworms in dogs have hidden symptoms and are difficult to treat. They can make themselves felt within a few days after infection, and appear in the form of general signs after some time. The situation directly depends on the immunity of the animal.

Mosquitoes are carriers of this disease. When they enter the blood and atrium, they begin to actively grow and multiply. Which leads to death after any physical activity of the animal.

The presence of cardionematodes in the body of a dog can be determined by the following signs:

  • high fatigue and frequent shortness of breath;
  • apathy and weight loss;
  • wet hysterical cough;
  • expectoration of sputum with blood.

Pulmonary worms in dogs

How is worming done in dogs?

Worm larvae can be in the body of some insects - ticks and fleas. Infection occurs when they are swallowed or come into contact with the skin of an animal.

Subcutaneous worms

Subcutaneous worms in dogs, the symptoms of which cause serious changes in the body, are subject to exclusively surgical treatment. The walls of the vessels in which their larvae live thicken in size, while the capillaries become thinner, which provokes hemorrhages under the skin.

How to treat worms in dogs

Folk remedy for worms in dogs

Alternative treatment for worms garlic with milk

Despite all the medical warnings, folk treatment of worms in dogs is still popular.

The second answer to the question of how to remove worms from a dog with folk remedies - it's an enema. It is prepared from a milk mixture with garlic and tansy in equal proportions. An enema can be given from 4-6 months and it guarantees the removal of worms from the first time. But the reappearance of helminths should not be surprised. If an adult dog has never been given anthelmintics or raw meat was in the diet of a four-legged friend, they will appear again.

Treatment for worms in dogs

Universal drugs are used for prevention, and specialized ones are prescribed by a veterinarian. The medicine for worms in dogs is also selected depending on the age and size of the animal, the type of infection.

It is important for puppies to follow the dosage in order to avoid death due to toxicosis. Therefore, you should strictly follow the instructions. The main drugs are Prazitel, Drontal Junior, Prazicide Suspension and Dirofen.

Adult dogs are often prescribed drontal plus, droncit, azinox plus, helminthal, vermox, or caniquantel.


The use of drugs is rarely when it costs one time. If the instructions say about repeated deworming, it should not be neglected. The optimal solution is to place the tablet deep on the root of the dog's tongue and immediately give it a treat. It is better not to put pills in the pet's food - smelling the smell of medicines, he can refuse food.

Prevention of the appearance

For an adult dog, helminth prophylaxis is carried out every three months. The medicine is given during the meal, but not mixed with the feed. With a strong infection, the regularity of the procedure is once every ten days.

Prevention is calculated in such a way that it precedes the annual vaccination - 10 days before the injection of the vaccine and mating of the dog and 2 weeks after the birth of the offspring.

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