What to do in order not to overeat. System-vector psychology. How to learn not to overeat? Places with loud music, at home watching TV

Excess weight is a topic that will leave few people indifferent, because it is not only an external problem, but also a huge harm to health, and sometimes even a risk to life. Often the cause overweight becomes overeating. To find out why you eat more than you need, the answers to just 9 questions will help. Read them and maybe you will eat less.

How much to eat to lose weight?

Check the size of the plates in your home: the larger the dishes, the more portion. Scientists have proven that if you give two people plates different sizes, the one who has more of it will pick up and eat much more food. Perhaps as a child you were forced to eat everything that is on your plate, or you think that food should not be thrown away, but this is not a reason to overeat. Take a smaller plate and you will get full faster, trust me.

Why does a person eat a lot?

Many overeat out of boredom, they simply have nothing to do with themselves. The easiest way is to collect a mountain of food and sit in front of the TV. The same thing happens at work, if the service does not bring satisfaction, man goes in a cafe or drinks tea with cookies several times during the working day. Studies have shown that a person performing an uninteresting task eats much more. Look for an activity you love!

How much sleep do you need?

When you feel hungry, ask yourself: Am I really hungry, or am I just tired and need sleep? Many people eat sweets and fatty foods to boost your energy levels and cheer you up a bit. If you encounter this problem, the first thing to do is organize good sleep. You need to sleep at least 6 hours a day.

Try to keep track of what time of the day you are most tired, and prepare a healthy snack for this time. Vegetable salad or whole grain toast with cream cheese, for example. If possible, try to rest and sleep for at least 15 minutes.

How to eat right?

Another way to stop overeating is to eat slowly. The speed at which you chew your food can cause weight gain and metabolic disorders. If you notice that you have already eaten everything, and the rest of the people still have full plates of food, focus on the bad habit.

First, chew slowly, recognize the taste of food, enjoy it. This will help you feel full much faster and promote healthy digestion. Secondly, put away your utensils while eating, do not take the next bite if you have not chewed this one yet.

How much water should you drink?

Perhaps you do not know how to separate the feeling of hunger and thirst. By confusing them, you eat instead of drinking water. As a result, we get extra calories and overeating. Often the desire to eat sweets indicates thirst. Keep track of how much water you drink per day. For an adult, the norm is 1.5 or 2 liters of water per day. Try to distribute the volume of water throughout the day, put a beautiful bottle of water in front of you, or use reminders on your phone.

Is a diet necessary?

There is nothing worse than the feeling of being deprived of all your favorite foods. On the eve of the diet, you eat all the supplies from the lockers, because with tomorrow you take control of yourself. Understand healthy lifestyle life is not a sheet of lard with buckwheat, but balanced diet without deprivation. If you limit yourself, even mentally, you will automatically start to overeat. You can eat everything, just not in huge quantities and not every day.

How many times a day should you eat?

Didn’t have time or didn’t want to have breakfast, and you are terribly hungry for dinner? Do you dine while watching a series or watching a feed on social networks? If this is familiar to you, then you are eating disorderly. With this diet, your body does not understand whether it has time to digest food or not.

In the morning, the body needs much more energy, so you need to have a hearty breakfast, lunch on time and dinner in small portions. Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to gain weight.

How not to overeat?

Eliminate processed foods from your diet, thanks to them your body lacks nutrients, which provokes a sense of the city. Eat more natural grains fresh meat, greens and vegetables. Even these small changes will prevent overeating.

How to stop eating stress?

Mood swings, sadness, stress, anger, lack of love and attention, guilt and shame - all these emotions can cause hunger. Food uplifts and invigorates negative emotions. The problem is that because of this you get hated kilograms. The only way to get rid of this habit - to realize the problem and find a harmless way to distract from your experiences.

Author : Elena Degtyar, head of the scientific department of the School of the ideal body #Sekta

Delicious food is one of the main pleasures for a person. But have you noticed such a thing behind you: no matter what plate you have in front of you, small or large, in any case, you will eat everything to the last crumb? Your stomach is already full, you are full, but something in your head does not allow you to stop.

It would seem that the solution is simple. You ? Not? Then stop eating!

But too often we still overeat and barely crawl out from behind the table. Probably, this has been human nature since ancient times: to eat for the future, because it is not known when the next time you will catch a mammoth. However, now this habit only leads to extra pounds which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of. So, you need to learn how to finish eating when you are full, even if there is still a lot of tasty food left on the plate. Here are some tips to help you fight overeating.

Repeat: “I don’t have to eat everything to the end”

Write this phrase on a piece of paper, leave it in the comments to this post, say it out loud several times to strengthen this thought: you do not have to eat everything to the end. Stop as soon as you feel that your stomach is already full and you are satisfied.

Avoid Overeating at Cafes

Overeating is very easy. Usually, if you eat there, you do it in a relaxed atmosphere and with a pleasant conversationalist. And this means that you have extra time to sit for 15-20 minutes, and then eat the rest. During the conversation, this will happen imperceptibly. However, at the end of the meal, you will surely feel that you have overindulged.

Feel like you're already full? Ask the waiter to wrap the leftover food and put it in the bag. If for some reason you do not want to take food with you, then let him just take the plate away. Otherwise, you will not be able to resist the temptation to eat another bite, and then another ...

Avoid overeating at home

There is nothing wrong with eating a full plate of food, or even two plates. The main thing is to stop when you feel full.

Before you start a meal, immediately pack the leftovers that you did not put on a plate in containers and put them in the refrigerator.

If after dinner you feel that you are not full, drink a glass and wait 10 minutes. Perhaps your brain just hasn't gotten the satiety signal yet. If after 10 minutes you are still hungry, then eat a piece of fruit or a couple of slices of chocolate.

Here you may encounter another difficulty. Putting leftover food in the refrigerator, you will hear a quiet inner voice that will whisper: “Hey, there is only one spoon left! Does this handful of food need to be put in the refrigerator? Eat it right now!" Resist persuasion, your goal is not to overeat.

Remember: You don't have to eat every time you get the chance.

Always listen to yours. We decided to have a drink with friends in a cafe - think about whether you really want nuts or croutons, or take them out of habit. At a party or at home, stop eating sweets, cookies and other snacks uncontrollably. Think before you put something in your mouth.

Of course, it's hard to resist when everyone around you is chewing something. And it's hard to refuse an offer to go to a cafe fast food. But the only factor influencing whether you eat now or not should be an honest answer to the question: am i really hungry?

Good day to you, my dear readers! Today's post is about how to deal with constant overeating. So what can you do to stop food from holding you back? How to learn not to overeat? And if own strength Will not enough to deal with constant overeating?

Here you will find answers to all these tricky questions. And, most importantly, you will really stop overeating if you put these tips into practice.

Well, are you ready to win an unconditional victory over overeating?

In order not to overeat, do not bring yourself to the feeling of hunger

The fact is that all methods of controlling the amount of food are practically powerless in front of the feeling of hunger. Food is ours physiological need, and your body will "scream" to you all possible ways, what in this moment it is necessary. And then it's useless to remind yourself of the benefits healthy eating, since the most fast-saturating food will certainly be selected. She is the worst. It is sweet or starchy, which is often also replete with fats. In a word, goodbye, slim figure!

What to do?

First, try to eat often. You can read the main ones at the link. In short, then eat every 2.5-4 hours, always in small portions. And then the feeling of hunger will quickly become forgotten.

Secondly, in case you still overtake a sudden appetite, always keep with you healthy snacks. Fruits, dried fruits (but not candied fruits!), fermented milk drinks, nuts (quantity - no more than 3-5 pieces), children food(fruit puree without sugar, as well as meat and vegetable options), low-calorie bread - all this will help out in a "hungry" minute, and will help not to pay for junk food not the slightest attention.

If you overeat, take control

Fat people who openly admit that they eat a lot, it's time to put them in the Red Book. In words, they are all extremely small-minded, and they themselves sincerely believe in it. What a sin to conceal, and she herself was like that.

However, excess weight is not transformed from the air, and this is a fact. How to stop deceiving yourself and take matters into your own hands?

The best way is to keep a food diary in which you record all your meals. Time, quantity, calorie content and composition of food is a necessary, but quite sufficient minimum of information.

Then you will actually see how much and what you eat, which will certainly encourage you to take action. By the way, it takes only 1-2 months to get results visible to the naked eye (that is, to become 1-3 sizes smaller).

How to Stop Overeating: Don't Believe Your Eyes

Correctly assessing the weight and volume of food without a kitchen scale is obtained only by those who have worked as a cook or in the food trade for a long time. The rest need to use scales and measuring utensils. Otherwise - another self-deception.

Of course, you can visually remember the volume specific product which you have already weighed. But one cannot do without at least a single contact with the scales.

A good helper will be the same (necessarily small!) Plate, which can be considered a measuring one. For example, you can weigh soup, garnish, porridge, salad (what else do you eat?) in it only once, write down the numbers and consider them correct.

Yes, deviations are possible and even inevitable (for example, porridge can be more or less dry), but this will not have a significant effect on calorie content. Plus, the bowl is small!

By the way, tiny dishes are already great way don't overeat. Therefore, do not delay its introduction into your life.

To prevent overeating, be calm

It's easy to say, isn't it? But how to be calm if all thoughts are only about food? The body is accustomed to a large amount of food, and it is psychologically difficult to resist the temptations.

In this case, it is better to prevent than to deal with the consequences.

Try to drink soothing teas daily. Watch for yourself: when do those very bouts of hunger appear, which are more false than physiological? cook herbal tea by this point, and the appetite will not arise or will be much weaker.

Use breathing exercises. Here's the simplest one: focus on your own breathing, thinking "breath-breath-breath-breath." A minute or two, and the false appetite goes away, giving way to calmness and tranquility.

If there are really a lot of stresses in your life, read about that - in the article there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200baccessible, but effective ways stress prevention.

And... forget about speed

Alas, the pace of modern life is such that a slow meal seems like a waste of time. But this belief is deceptive. It has been proven that fast eaters are more likely to gain weight and get sick digestive system. But getting rid of these ailments also takes time, money, and nerves.

  • always eat while sitting;
  • cut food as small as possible, and savor each bite (if something is impossible to cut, use it from the smallest dishes);
  • while eating, think only about food;
  • try to always be the last one to finish the meal.

These simple rules will help you not to overeat, which means they will bring you closer to the figure of your dreams and make you healthier and more energetic. With all my heart I wish you a comfortable and easy weight loss! Be slim, healthy and happy!

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

Overeating is not only bad for your figure, but also for your health. If the body receives food more than necessary, there is a violation of the activity of almost all systems and organs.

The danger of overeating

As the saying goes folk wisdom: "It's better to undereat than overeat." You need to finish the meal with a slight feeling of hunger, otherwise the carbohydrate and fat balance will be disturbed, which contributes to the set excess weight. Organs increase and the heart receives a huge load. Subsequently, the heart muscles become larger, contracting more frequently, leading to pressure problems and hypertension. The second organ to be hit is the liver. Increased amount fats makes the liver their source. Not coping with fat, it fills the cells of the body with it. This process leads to the onset of diseases of the intestinal tract.

The reasons

Why do people overeat? Did you know that the habit of overeating begins in childhood? If your parents forced you to eat every last crumb or punished long sitting in front of the plate until you finish eating, you are prone to overeating.

The second reason is psychological. Remember how many times you "seized" problems? Food is not best antidepressant. Find an alternative activity. Go in for sports, listen to music, arrange walks, communicate with people.

Experts identify another reason - diets. If you certain period time deny yourself your favorite treat, then sooner or later a breakdown will occur. The consequences are dire. Therefore, following the rules of healthy eating, arrange days when you can treat yourself.

How not to overeat

In order to fight against addiction remember a few rules:

  • You need to sit down at the table good mood and pleasant atmosphere. A family dinner is not a place for a showdown;
  • Stretch the process: eat in small portions, slowly, chew thoroughly;
  • Don't get distracted while eating. TV, work and reading are not appropriate at the table. But a leisurely conversation will help stretch the process;
  • Eat only at the table - you run the risk of overeating on the go;
  • 5-6 meals a day in small portions will help you not feel hungry and not be distracted by a snack.

How to control yourself

What to do if overeating is firmly rooted in your life? How to stop overeating?

  1. Find out the cause of overeating. Understand your psychological state try to understand your body.
  2. Track how much you consume during the day. Can be recorded.
  3. Make a fist - this is the size of the stomach. A large number of food stretches this organ. If the stomach is stretched, then you need to quit the habit gradually, reducing portions from day to day.
  4. Consuming up to 2 liters of water a day will help quell hunger and boost your metabolism.
  5. Sports will not only help tone your muscles, but also stop thinking about food.
  6. Replace foods containing fats and carbohydrates with vegetables and fruits.
  7. Change the way you cook food - instead of frying, sauté or bake. Buy a double boiler - a bunch of new favorite dishes will appear.

What to do if you overeat

What to do in a situation when you overeat? Do not be discouraged, restoring the body is easy if you make an effort. Here are some tips:

  1. Walk. Fresh air speed up the metabolism, help the body cope with food.
  2. Helps relieve the condition chewing gum. Enzymes, getting into saliva, accelerate the breakdown of food.
  3. Brew ginger tea. Ginger is able to relieve heaviness, speed up metabolism, and activate digestion.
  4. If you are on holiday, dance. Calories will be used for energy, not stored in the waist.
  5. Morning, after overeating, it is better to start with a glass of water with lemon juice. Breakfast should contain fiber. It will help cleanse the intestines. Be sure to accept cold and hot shower and go for a run.

Changing the diet, reducing the amount of food consumed and increasing the amount of positive emotions will help the right goal. Why don't you want to overeat? Go to the mirror and imagine yourself new. beautiful figure, healthy body, a new hobby and most importantly, you do not depend on your stomach. Believe me, but better check - the game is worth the candle.

Find out how to protect yourself from overeating, which will positively affect your figure.

1. Use Food Reminders

When eating, do not rush to clear used dishes, empty bottles and packaging. This will remind your subconscious of how much food you have already eaten.before. Studies show that we eat 34-73% more foodwhen their supply is unlimited.

2. Choose small packages

Buying sweets and snacks in small packages, you will consume 25% fewer calories without even noticing it.

3. Use small plates and narrow glasses

Our body strives to provide for itself the maximum number food. How the larger the plate, the more delicious (and also unhealthy and fatty) food on itfit. Just replacing a plate with a diameter of 32 cm with a similar size24 cm, you will eat 27% less food. A similar focus can beto do with glasses: choose wide glasses for healthy liquids, suchlike water and natural juice, and narrow tall glasses for alcohol and sweet drinks.

4. Reduce Variety

Studies have shown that too much variety of food forces us to eat 23% more food. In order not to overeat - reducethe number of flavors, textures and colors on your plate. For example, during a feastchoose no more than 2 snacks and drink the same drink all evening.

5. Keep especially unhealthy foods away

The saying “out of sight, out of mind” works great with food. When the treats are in front of our eyes, we give in to the temptation to eat them 71% more often.

6. Add complexity to the process of eating

The more actions it takes to eat something extra, the more often we refuse from food. Make it a habit to only eat while sitting at the table. This will help you not to eat out of boredom.in front of the computer or while cooking.

7. Eat slowly

Mindful eating is an easy way to eat fewer calories and get More fun. Try eating with chopsticks instead of a fork, or keep your utensils in left hand.

8. Don't get distracted

If we watch TV, listen to the radio or play computer game while eating - we're overeating. Fortunately, this also applies useful products too. Membersone study ate 11% more carrots while watchingTV shows. But when it comes to dinner, it's still best to focus on the food alone.

9. Choose your company wisely

Scientists have calculated that we eat 35% more when we dine with just one man. And 96% when we eat in the company of seven or more people. At thatsame time, having lunch with a person who eats slower or less than you will help don't overeat.

10. Eat according to your "inner clock"

Rely on internal hunger cues instead of scheduled meals. Remember that real hunger does not differentiate between foods. If you want something specificthis is a sure sign of mental hunger. To separate it from the physicalhunger, ask yourself: am I ready to eat an apple now?

11. Beware of "health food"

Not all products labeled "diet", "natural", "with low content sugar" and the like, are such in reality.Carefully read the composition of the products and their energy characteristics.

12. Buy the amount you need

Most of the products bought in reserve, we eat much earlier. This is especially true for unhealthy snacks and sweets. If there were any in the purchasenecessary, then make sure you keep them out of sight.

13. Increase the amount of food

A large amount of food helps us feel full and reduce food consumption. Adding fiber-rich vegetables to your diet is the mostan easy way to increase the amount of food.

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