Urinary to ta. Uric acid in the blood is elevated. The reasons. Uric acid metabolism disorder

In the process of the breakdown of purines, which occurs in the liver, a special substance is formed in the human body. This is uric acid, which we need to remove excess nitrogen. In the case of normal functioning of the kidneys, this element is completely excreted through genitourinary system. Only in small quantities uric acid remains in the blood.

The norm of this content has certain meanings. Exceeding the established limits can adversely affect the health of the body. The problem may concern internal organs and tissues, provoking the appearance of chronic ailments.

The rate of uric acid in the blood

What values ​​of this substance should be in the body? In the normal state, uric acid, which is a product resulting from purine and protein metabolism, is found in human blood plasma in the form sodium salt. The amount of this element directly depends on the balance of its synthesis and excretion. This balance is very important.

When the analysis performed indicates that the level uric acid exceeds a certain limit, a pathology occurs, called in medical practice hypouricemia. The reason for this phenomenon, as a rule, lies in the excessive consumption of foods that are high in purines.

What is the normal level of uric acid in the blood? It is different for adults and children, as well as for women and men. Great importance also has a person's age.

What are the levels of this acid in children? They are within the following limits:

  • up to a month - from 80 to 311 micromoles in a liter of blood;
  • from a month to a year of life - from 90 to 372 µmol / l;
  • from one year to the age of 14 are from 120 to 362 µmol / l.

But, as a rule, in childhood uric acid values ​​range from 170 to 220 micromoles per liter. In the event that the level of sodium salt in the blood test exceeds the upper limit of these limits, it is checked ESR indicator. If both values ​​are above the norm, then the pathology of one or another is diagnosed. internal organ. In this case, an additional examination is prescribed by a specialist.

In the blood of adults normative value sodium salt persists throughout almost the entire life. In women, these are the limits from two hundred to three hundred micromoles, and in strong half humanity - from 250 to 400 micromoles.

The main changes occur at the age of sixty. After this milestone, the range of values ​​​​expands somewhat, which indicate the limits of uric acid in the blood. Norm in this case in women it is 210-430, and in men it is slightly higher - 250-480 units. If the upper limit of these limits is exceeded in a blood test Special attention give the level of amylase.

The acid level standards change when the ninety-year milestone is reached. In women, they are 130-460, and in men - 210-490 µmol / l.

The presence of uric acid in our blood is a necessity and has its own explanations. Normally, this substance does not cause any inconvenience and does not provoke health problems. But a change in the indicator up or down indicates the need to identify emerging pathologies and take urgent measures.

The very first thing a patient needs to do is to normalize his diet. From it you need to remove products such as alcohol and coffee, chocolate, etc. You will also need to observe the restriction in the volume of food, to avoid late snacks. It is desirable to quit smoking or reduce this bad habit to a minimum.

Treatment of uric acid disorders

In the case when the indicator in the blood test exceeded the norm, the doctor prescribes to his patient certain types drugs. These are drugs that will produce an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and also a diuretic effect on the body.

Both low-calorie dairy products and some fruits (pears and apples, plums and apricots), as well as potatoes, will help reduce the concentration of uric acid. Will help and ordinary water. On the day it will need to drink two and a half liters. As a liquid, fruit drinks and teas, as well as juices, are suitable.

Keeping the water regimen will help remove purine from the body, which will lower the concentration of uric acid. When gout is detected, special unloading diet, consisting of vegetables, apples and kefir.

Blood and urine tests are extremely important to determine physiological state organism, timely diagnosis ailments. But uric acid, or rather the indicators of its level in the blood serum, help doctors diagnose protein metabolism disorders in the stronger sex. What is it, and what exactly can its level in the male body tell about?

About normal uric acid

It is a breakdown product of purine compounds. Uric acid (urea) in our body is synthesized by the liver. It enters the kidneys with the blood and is neutralized there, excreted from the body.

To know the level of urea is required for urolithiasis, to assess the work of the kidneys, confirm (exclude) gout, determine ailments lymphatic system. The concentration of this substance is determined using biochemical research blood serum.

In order for the diagnostic results to be as accurate as possible, a man must follow these recommendations before taking the test:

  1. You should not eat for 6-8 hours before coming to the laboratory. You can drink water.
  2. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning.
  3. 48 hours before donating blood, fried, fatty, spicy, salty food and hot drinks.
  4. 24 before the study, you need to limit the consumption of tea, coffee. Meat dishes, fish, offal, legumes contain a lot of uric acid, so it is also advisable not to use them.
  5. Don't donate blood after x-ray examination or physical therapy. These diagnostic procedures affect the reliability of the results.

So, in the representatives of the stronger sex under the age of 60, the uric acid content from 250 to 450 μmol / l is considered the norm. After 60 years, its rate is slightly higher - 250-480 µmol / l.

About deviations in the level of urea in the male body

An increase in the level of this substance is called hyperuricemia. It is in most cases typical symptom gout. It is worth noting that the main reason for the increase in uric acid is the weakened activity of the kidneys, the disruption of their work and the high content of fructose in the patient's menu. Experts emphasize that it is malnutrition - main reason gout. It's about about the regular use of high-calorie, fatty foods.

Common causes of excess serum urea levels are also tuberculosis, anemia, leukemia, pneumonia, typhoid fever. Less often, the uric acid index can increase with diseases of the liver, biliary tract, eczema, diabetes, psoriasis, and urticaria. An increase in the level of this substance also occurs in cases of poisoning with methyl alcohol.

If the result of the analysis reveals an excess of uric acid, and the man does not complain about anything, he does not have symptoms of the above diseases, then it is necessary to complete diagnostics organism.

When a man's serum urea exceeds 480-500 µmol / l, doctors talk about asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Treatment for such a patient is prescribed only if any of the above ailments are actually identified. Otherwise, the correction of nutrition will help to normalize the amount of urea, namely, the exclusion from the menu of products containing purines in large quantities. It's fatty meat dishes, offal, broths, lard. Some vegetables also belong to the category of such products: turnips, eggplants, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes. Apricots, grapes, pears and plums should be excluded from fruits. Folk healers advise men who have an excess of urea in the blood serum to drink infusions of nettle, wheatgrass root, blackcurrant leaves and birch sap.

Medications to lower uric acid levels should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually these are diuretic drugs, Allopurinol, Koltsikhin.

For men over 45 years of age, it is advisable to take a blood test once a year to determine the urea index.

Uric acid is one of the substances naturally produced by the body. It results from the breakdown of purine molecules found in many foods by an enzyme called xanthine oxidase.

After use, purines are degraded to uric acid and processed. Some of them remain in the blood, and the rest is eliminated by the kidneys.

Deviations in the level of uric acid in the blood can be due to relatively harmless factors, and even daily fluctuations (in the evenings, its concentration increases).

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the cause, if elevated uric acid is found in the blood - what is it: the result of intensive physical activity, a consequence of diet or a sign of a serious organic pathology. What pathologies cause a deviation in the level of uric acid? Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to prepare for the analysis

For passing biochemical analysis blood, in which the level of uric acid is determined, on the eve of must follow these rules:

  1. No juices, tea, coffee.
  2. Chewing gum is also not recommended.
  3. Do not drink alcohol the day before donating blood.
  4. Do not smoke one hour before biochemical analysis.
  5. It is desirable that 12 hours have passed since eating.
  6. Blood should be taken in the morning.
  7. Exclude psycho-emotional stress and stress.

Deciphering the analysis and further appointments should be carried out only by the attending physician.

The rate of uric acid in the blood

The normal content differs depending on gender and age - in young people it is less than in the elderly, and in men it is more than in women:

  • children under 12: 120-330;
  • women under 60: 200-300;
  • men under 60: 250-400;
  • women over 60: 210-430;
  • men over 60: 250-480;
  • the norm in women from 90 years old: 130-460;
  • the norm for men over 90 years old: 210-490.

The main functions of uric acid:

  1. Activates and enhances the action of norepinephrine and adrenaline- it stimulates the brain and nervous system generally;
  2. Is an antioxidant- Protects the body from free radicals and hinders cancerous degeneration cells.

The level of uric acid, determined by a biochemical blood test, indicates a state of health. Content shifts this product exchange in the blood, both upward and downward, depend on two processes: the formation of acid in the liver and the time it is excreted by the kidneys, which can change due to various pathologies.

Causes of high uric acid in the blood

Why is uric acid in the blood elevated in adults, and what does it mean? Exceeding the upper limit is called hyperuricemia. According to medical statistics, it is more often observed in men than in women. Hyperuricemia is possible in the form of a non-permanent jump in physiological conditions:

  • excess protein food;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • alcohol abuse.

Other causes of an increase in uric acid above normal are observed with the following pathological conditions:

  1. . Already at the 2nd stage of hypertension, an increase in uric acid is observed. Hyperuricemia leads to kidney damage, contributing to the progression of the underlying disease. On the background antihypertensive therapy uric acid levels can return to normal without specific therapy. If such dynamics is not observed, it is recommended to follow a special diet (see below) and increase physical activity, with further therapy for hyperuricemia.
  2. Decreased excretion of uric acid by the kidneys kidney failure, polycystic kidney disease, lead poisoning with the development of nephropathy, acidosis and toxicosis of pregnant women.
  3. One of the reasons for the increase in uric acid in the blood medicine calls malnutrition, namely, the consumption of an unreasonable amount of foods that accumulate purine substances. These are smoked meats (fish and meat), canned food (especially sprats), beef and pork liver, kidneys, fried meat dishes, mushrooms and all sorts of other goodies. Great love for these products leads to the fact that needed by the body purine bases digested, and the end product, uric acid, turns out to be superfluous.
  4. and lipoproteins. Quite often the development of explicit clinical signs gout and hypertension preceded by a prolonged asymptomatic increase in various components of the lipogram.
  5. Another reason for the increased state of the acid is. In this case, we can already say that excess amount uric acid and causes the disease itself, that is, there is a causal relationship.
  6. Reception medical preparations Key words: diuretics, drugs for tuberculosis, aspirin, cancer chemotherapy.
  7. Diseases endocrine organs among which: hypoparathyroidism, acromegaly,.

If a woman or a man has elevated uric acid in the blood, you should donate blood for analysis several times in order to see the indicators in dynamics.


As a rule, in itself, the initial increase in the level of uric acid in the blood occurs without noticeable symptoms, and it turns out by chance, according to the results of tests taken during a preventive examination or as a result of treatment for another disease.

When the uric acid level rises high enough, symptoms may appear:

  • acute pain in the joints of the extremities due to the crystallization of salts in them;
  • the appearance on the skin of suspicious spots, small ulcers;
  • decrease in the volume of urine output;
  • redness of the elbows and knees;
  • sudden pressure surges, heart rhythm disturbances.

Treatment of hyperuricemia is prescribed only if a disease with such a symptom is detected. Other causes are eliminated by correcting nutrition and lifestyle. In any case, a special diet will be needed.


One of the most common complications due to high levels of uric acid in the blood is gout. This is inflammation of the joints, or arthritis, which causes considerable pain to the sufferer and can render them unable to work.

Hyperuricemia increases the risk of gout because uric acid builds up in the blood and causes microscopic crystals to form in the joint. These crystals can penetrate the synovial junction and cause pain when friction occurs in the joint during movement.

How to treat high urea in the blood

In the case of an increase in the level of urea in the blood, a comprehensive treatment regimen consists of the following measures:

  1. Taking medications With diuretic action and means to reduce the production of uric acid (Allopurinol, Koltsikhin).
  2. Correction of a diet with a predominance of lean, vegetable dishes, exclusion of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Increase quantity fluid intake, including juices, compotes.

The key to recovery from hyperuricemia is special diet, in which there should be no products with a high concentration of purines.

Also used in the treatment of hyperuricemia folk remedies. For this purpose, decoctions and infusions of lingonberries, birch leaves, nettles are taken inside. For foot baths, infusions of calendula, chamomile and sage are used.

What should be the diet?

Nutrition with elevated uric acid should be balanced and dietary. In this case, you need to minimize the amount of salt in the diet.

Diet suggests categorical prohibition:

  • for alcoholic drinks;
  • rich broths;
  • fatty meats and fish meals, offal, smoked meats, sausages, etc.;
  • spicy spices, snacks, sauces, pickles and other products containing a large number of sodium salts.
  • legumes, mushrooms;
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa;
  • tomatoes, spinach.

Highly good to eat:

  • green apples of different varieties;
  • garlic and onions;
  • lemons and other citrus fruits;
  • white and black bread;
  • dill greens;
  • eggs, but not more than 3 pcs. in Week;
  • green or herbal tea;
  • pumpkin and carrots;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers and white cabbage;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream;
  • watermelons;
  • peeled potatoes, cooked in any way;
  • lean boiled meat and fish;
  • boiled and then oven-baked meat of rabbit, chicken and turkey;
  • various vegetable oils especially olive.

The amount of fluid you drink per day should be 2-2.5 liters per day, most which should be pure water

Adhere to the basic principles of a diet with elevated uric acid will have throughout life, as the disease can recur. A therapist or a urologist can create a menu and pick up products, but before that, the patient needs to pass a set of tests that will help to make the right and effective diet for medicinal purposes.

If the diet does not help reduce symptoms and lower uric acid levels, then medications. , Sulfinpyrazone, Benzobromarone, Colchicine - means to block the synthesis in the liver.

Uric acid (UA) is one of the most important markers of the state of purine metabolism in the body. In healthy people, normally, its rate can increase with increased consumption of foods containing purine nucleotides (fatty meat, offal, beer, etc.).

Pathological increase may be associated with the breakdown of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid after taking cytostatic drugs, widespread malignant tissue damage, severe atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathologies etc.

If uric acid in the blood is elevated, the risk of developing a common pathology, which is also called the "kings' disease" (due to the consumption of expensive fatty foods) is gout. The same bump on the leg in the area thumb.

For reference. The level of uric acid is one of the most important markers in the initial diagnosis of gout and subsequent monitoring of the course of the disease.

Due to the utilization of MK from the body, excess nitrogen is excreted. At healthy person purines are formed from natural process death and regeneration of cells, also, in small quantities, they come with food.

Normally, during their breakdown, uric acid is formed, which, after interacting with the enzyme xanthine oxidase in the liver, is transferred by the bloodstream to the kidneys. After filtration, about seventy percent of UA is excreted in the urine, and the remaining 30% is transported to the gastrointestinal tract and disposed of in the feces.

Attention. With massive destruction of cells, genetic predisposition to increased synthesis of uric acid, kidney disease, accompanied by a violation of the excretion of UA, etc., there is an increase in its level in the blood.

What is uric acid in the blood

An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood is called hyperuricemia. Due to the fact that uric acid is eliminated from the body mainly with urine, an increase in its level may be associated with kidney damage.

With a decrease in its utilization from the body, it begins to accumulate in the blood in the form of sodium salt. The development of hyperuricemia contributes to the crystallization of Na urates. This leads to the development of urolithiasis.

Long-term elevated uric acid in the blood can become a trigger factor in the development of gout, a pathology in which crystallized UA is deposited in the joint fluid, causing inflammation and damage to the joints. In the future, with the progression of the disease, uric acid urates accumulate in the organs (gouty lesions of the renal structures) and soft tissues.

Na urate crystallization in hyperuricemia is due to the extremely low solubility of the uric acid salt. It should be noted that hyperuricemia itself is not separate disease. It should be considered as a risk factor for metabolic disorders, as well as a symptom of certain diseases.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the level of uric acid in the blood is a rather labile indicator and depends on age, gender, cholesterol levels, alcohol consumption, etc.

Important. When interpreting the tests, it must be taken into account that in children the level of uric acid will be lower than in adults. Also, the rate of uric acid in the blood in women will be lower than in men. MK values ​​are fully equalized only after sixty years.

Uric acid in urine

Severe hyperuricemia, respectively, is accompanied by increased levels of UA in the urine. However, kidney diseases, accompanied by a decrease in their filtration capacity, are accompanied by a reduced level of UA in the urine during its high content in the blood (due to reduced utilization).

Important. It should also be noted that for integrated assessment the state of kidney function and protein metabolism in the body, UA must be evaluated in combination with other non-protein nitrogenous substances: and urea.

Uric acid test

To determine the content of uric acid in the blood, a colorimetric (photometric) method is used. The test material is blood from a vein. Assay responses are recorded in micromoles per liter (µmol/L).

Increased (or reduced) content of uric acid in the urine is detected using the enzymatic (uricase) method. Daily urine is used as the test material. The results of the analysis are recorded per day in millimoles (mmol/day).

For a reliable assessment of the level of uric acid in the blood, the following rules must be observed:

  • blood sampling must be carried out exclusively on an empty stomach;
  • the use of tea, coffee, compotes, juices, carbonated drinks, as well as smoking is excluded for twelve hours;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages can significantly affect the results of the analysis, so their intake should be excluded for a week;
  • on the eve of the diagnosis, you should follow a diet with low content purines and proteins;
  • a half-hour rest is necessary before blood sampling;
  • for a day exclude psycho-emotional and physical stress;
  • the doctor and laboratory assistants should be informed about the medications taken by the patient;
  • children under five years of age should drink chilled water within half an hour before taking the test. boiled water(up to 150-200 milliliters).

The study of the values ​​of uric acid in the blood in without fail performed for: – diagnosis and monitoring of gout treatment,

  • control of therapy with cytostatic drugs,
  • diagnosis of gestosis in pregnant women,
  • lymphoproliferative diseases,
  • assessment of the filtration capacity of the kidneys,
  • ICD (urolithiasis),
  • blood diseases.

UA in the blood must be examined in patients with symptoms of gout. For the disease are indicative:

  • inflammation of the joints on one side (that is, the lesion is asymmetrical),
  • sharp, burning pains,
  • swelling,
  • hyperemia skin over the inflamed joint.

The defeat of the big toe is especially characteristic, inflammation of the knee, ankle and other joints is less common. Also, the appearance of tophi is highly specific - gouty nodules (deposits of MK salts).

Attention! The level of UA in the urine is also examined for lead intoxication and the diagnosis of folic deficiency.

When interpreting the tests, factors should be taken into account in which an increase in uric acid in the blood will be false positive. These include:

  • stress,
  • heavy physical activity,
  • excessive consumption of purines with food,
  • use:
    • steroid media,
    • nicotinic acid,
    • thiazide diuretics,
    • furosemide,
    • blockers,
    • caffeine,
    • ascorbic acid,
    • cyclosporine,
    • small doses of acetylsalicylic acid,
    • calcitriol,
    • clopidogrel,
    • diclofenac,
    • ibuprofen,
    • indomethacin,
    • piroxicam.

A false decrease in uric acid levels in the blood is observed when:

  • following a low purine diet
  • drinking before the analysis of tea or coffee,
  • treatment:
    • allopurinol,
    • glucocorticosteroids,
    • warfarin,
    • antiparkinsonian drugs,
    • amlodipine
    • verapamil,
    • vinblastine
    • methotrexate,
    • spirolactone.

Also, it should be noted that the level of UA can fluctuate during the day. In the morning, the level of UA is higher than in the evening.

When assessing UA in urine, one should adhere to ground rules collection of daily urine. Therefore, the day before the study, products that stain urine and diuretic drugs are excluded. Urine excreted with the first morning portion is not counted.

All other material obtained during the day (including the morning portion the next day) must be collected in one container. The resulting material should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of four to eight degrees.

After sampling daily urine, its volume should be clearly determined, shaken and drained into a sterile container about five milliliters. This amount should be taken to the laboratory for analysis.

On the referral form, indicate gender, age, weight, volume daily diuresis and the medications taken.

Attention! It is important to remember that women do not take urine during menstruation.

Normal values ​​of MK in the blood

  • for children under fourteen is in the range from 120 to 320 µmol / l;
  • from the age of fourteen, sex differences are observed in the analyzes. Uric acid in the blood: the norm in women is from 150 to 350. The norm of uric acid in men is from 210 to 420.

It should also be borne in mind that the rate of uric acid in the blood may vary slightly in different laboratories.

Uric acid. Norm in daily urine

In babies up to a year, the results of the analysis should be in the range from 0.35 to 2.0 mmol / l.

From one to four years - from 0.5 to 2.5.

From four to eight years - from 0.6 to three.

From eight to fourteen - from 1.2 to six.

In children older than fourteen, UA in urine ranges from 1.48 to 4.43.

Uric acid in the blood is elevated. The reasons

An increase in UA in the blood is observed with:

  • gout;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • myeloproliferative pathologies;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • AKI and CKD (acute and chronic insufficiency kidneys);
  • gestosis in pregnant women;
  • exhaustion after prolonged fasting;
  • increased consumption of foods that contain purines;
  • hereditary hyperuricemia;
  • lymphomas;
  • typhoid fever;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • treatment with cytotoxic drugs;
  • leukemia;
  • acute heart failure;
  • hypoparathyroidism and hypothyroidism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • genetically determined, pathologically increased synthesis of UA (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome);
  • severe pneumonia;
  • erysipelas;
  • down syndrome;
  • blood diseases (hemolytic and sickle cell anemia);
  • exacerbation of psoriasis;
  • lead intoxication.

Important. Also, uric acid in the blood is increased in patients with obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia.

Uric acid is low when:

  • liver diseases (including alcoholic cirrhosis);
  • Fanconi syndrome (a defect in the development of the renal tubules, accompanied by a decrease in the reabsorption of UA);
  • hepatocerebral dystrophy (Wilson-Konovalov);
  • lack of xanthine oxidase (xanthinuria);
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • abnormal production of ADH (antidiuretic hormone);
  • following a low purine diet.

Changes in urine levels

  • gout,
  • blood cancers,
  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome,
  • cystinosis,
  • hepatitis of viral etiology,
  • sickle cell anemia,
  • severe pneumonia,
  • after epileptic seizures
  • hepatocerebral dystrophy.

A decrease in UA in daily urine is detected in patients with:

  • xanthinuria,
  • folic deficiency states,
  • lead poisoning,
  • severe muscle atrophy.

How to lower uric acid

With gout drug therapy selected individually and depends on the severity gouty arthritis and presence of complications. For cupping acute attack use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and colchicine.

In order to prevent relapses of gouty arthritis, antihyperuricemic therapy (allopurinol) is selected. As an alternative to allopurinol, uricosuric drugs (probenecid, sulfinpyrazone) can be prescribed.

In patients with hyperuricemia caused by treatment with thiazide diuretics, the use of losartan (an angiotensin II receptor antagonist) is advisable.

It is also possible to use potassium citrate (Urocyte-K). The drug contributes to the active utilization of MK crystals.

Non-drug treatment consists of:

  • weight normalization;
  • increased fluid intake;
  • following a low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diet, with an increased content of polyunsaturated fatty acids(diet with high uric acid is required);
  • refusal to take alcoholic beverages.

Diet for hyperuricemia maximum limit products containing a lot of purines (fatty meat and fish, mushrooms, sorrel, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, spinach, asparagus, legumes, eggs, offal, beer). In the period of exacerbation of gouty arthritis, these products are completely excluded.

Also, with gout, it is harmful to use any fatty, fried, spicy food, carbonated sugary drinks, alcohol and strong tea.

Important. If possible, it is desirable to completely eliminate the intake of alcohol. In the period of stable remission, a glass of dry wine is allowed, no more than three times a week.

Also, it is important to limit the intake of foods containing fructose as much as possible. The use of sweets, berries, fruits, syrups, ketchup is limited.

Muffin and puff pastry, must be replaced with products from whole grain. You should also increase your intake of vegetables.

It is better to give preference to dairy products that have a low fat content. Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, cereals cooked in diluted milk are useful.

Increased fluid intake (in the absence of cardiovascular diseases and pathologies of the kidneys) also contributes to a decrease in UA and the achievement of stable remission.

Uric acid- This is an extreme breakdown product of purines - substances found in almost all foods, as well as the cells of the human body. Purines are part of the genetic structure of humans, animals, and plants. Largest number these substances in protein foods (meat, fish, seafood) and yeast.

Purines are involved in the synthesis of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid), coenzymes and ATP molecules (adenosine triphosphoric acid), therefore they are necessary for a person.

As a result of the death of cells containing purines, the destruction of these substances occurs. In the process of decay, an enzyme is involved, which is located in the liver cells and intestinal mucosa - xanthine oxidase. He, through chemical reactions converts purines to uric acid.

Uric acid, although it is the end product of metabolism, very necessary for the body. It binds cells, protecting against the effects of acid radicals, acting as an antioxidant. Provided that uric acid is contained in the body in normal amount she protects blood vessels person.

The kidneys (75-80%) and the gastrointestinal tract are involved in the excretion of uric acid from the body ( gastrointestinal tract), which neutralizes the residue, using intestinal bacteria consuming this acid.

Uric acid is poorly soluble in water and human body consists of water by 60%, as a result of which a reaction occurs. Uric acid reacts with sodium (90%) or potassium (10%), forming salts - urates. Salts can precipitate - this is the danger that leads to diseases.

Analysis to detect the amount of uric acid

The amount of uric acid is determined by a biochemical study of a blood or urine sample, it is contained in sweat, but its level in this fluid is very small, which makes it impossible to analyze.

Uric acid in the urine is called uricosuria, and in the blood it is called uricemia. More often, the study is carried out on the basis of blood sampling. The prefixes hyper or hypo, before the name of the result of the analysis, mean, respectively, increased and reduced level acid content.

Indications for blood biochemistry

Such a study could be overall assessment health conditions, for example, when undergoing a medical examination, as well as in the presence of certain diseases and concomitant symptoms.

Blood biochemistry is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Gout, if present clinical picture, for the reliability of the diagnosis;
  • The urinary system, in particular the kidneys, to assess functioning;
  • The presence of stones in the urinary system;
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system.

To improve the accuracy and quality of diagnostics, you should be ready for analysis:

These simple preparatory measures will help to display the most reliable picture of the study.

Deciphering the result of a biochemical blood test

Sampling is carried out for analysis. venous blood. The result is prepared, on average, within a day. The amount of uric acid is calculated in micromoles per liter of blood (µmol/l).

Metabolism in adults and children, as well as in men and women, is different, and, accordingly, the process of excretion of uric acid will be different. Therefore, indicators of the norm for individual groups that differ by sex and age.

Normal levels of uric acid:

  • children, up to 15 years: 120-340 µmol/l;
  • women:
    • up to 60 years: 200-340 µmol/l;
    • over 60 years old: 210-420 µmol/l;
  • men:
    • up to 60 years: 250-420 µmol/l;
    • over 60 years old: 250-480 µmol/l.

It is important to know here that each laboratory has its own equipment and reagents, and therefore the norms of different research centers may differ. As a rule, in the form for analysis, there is a column with reference, that is, normal, indicators.

Some experts claim that quantitative characteristic uric acid in the blood should not be less than 150 µmol/l and not more than 350 µmol/l regardless of age and gender.


This name has a state pathological, which means increased amount uric acid in the human body. Hyperuricemia- this is the reason that increases the risk of developing gout (a metabolic disease in which urates accumulate in the joints).

Hyperuricemia occurs quite often in adults, less often in children. An increase in the number of cases of manifestation of elevated uric acid is associated with the ecology of the present. This disease is due to the fact that uric acid is formed too quickly in the body.

This situation is due to the following factors:

  • participation of purines in metabolism;
  • improper functioning of the kidneys;
  • increased presence of fructose in the diet.

Causes of the disease

The main reasons for the development of hyperuricemia are:

In addition to the reasons provoking the development of such a condition, hyperuricemia can be concomitant disease other ailments:

  • anemia (lack of iron in the body);
  • severe toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • eczema, psoriasis, lichen scaly, urticaria;
  • acute phase of an infectious disease;
  • change in acid-base balance.

Types of hyperuricemia

In order to choose the right tactics for treating the disease, you need to know the type of hyperuricemia, which happens:

  • metabolic. Increased content uric acid is observed not only in the blood, but also in the urine;
  • renal. It is characterized by impaired excretion of uric acid;
  • mixed. The combination of metabolic and renal, is established against the background of uraturia (urolithiasis).

In addition, the disease is divided into forms:

  • congenital;
  • acquired, that is, secondary. This form is the most common.

Symptoms of hyperuricemia

Very often the disease occurs without symptoms, especially in adults, so diagnosing it is difficult. It is extremely important to periodically medical examinations in order to detect the disease in time, without waiting for symptoms from other ailments that were caused by the root cause. In this case, complications are pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

It is believed that hyperuricemia leads to a decrease defensive forces organism.

Symptoms characteristic of the disease:

  • soreness of the joints and muscles;
  • nervous tics;
  • frequent urge to urinate at night;
  • change in the work of the biliary tract;
  • general intoxication;
  • abnormal reaction to bright light loud noise, Strong smell.

Children also have:

  • constipation;
  • pathological weight gain;
  • excessive sweating.

Treatment of the disease

The treatment for hyperuricemia is to take medications, which affect the production of uric acid, as well as dieting. The diet for this disease excludes all fatty, fried, smoked, as well as alcoholic beverages, an exception may be small amount dry wine.

In addition, it is forbidden to use:

  • mushrooms;
  • hard cheese;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • beans, peas, beans, etc.;
  • cauliflower;
  • sorrel, spinach, radish.

It is useful to arrange a fasting day once a week.


Deviation in the quantitative content of uric acid from the norm to a lower side does not in itself pose a danger, however, hypouricemia can be the result of any disease, so it is very important to establish the cause of the decrease in the level of this acid in the blood.

Causes of the disease

Factors that lead to a decrease in uric acid can be both congenital and acquired against the background of life circumstances.

These include:

Symptoms of hypouricemia

Signs of a decrease in the amount of uric acid in the blood can be:

  • violation of skin sensitivity;
  • decreased vision, hearing loss;
  • abrupt mood changes;
  • decrease in working capacity;

It is also possible to develop paralysis, multiple sclerosis And so on. Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Treatment of the disease

In the case when hypouricemia is a consequence of another disease, it is necessary to treat it. The appointment of therapy, based on tests and examinations, should only be handled by a doctor. If the reason for the decrease in the content of uric acid in the blood does not apply to dangerous pathologies, there is an opportunity to increase it by normalizing the use of protein foods.

It is important to know that every day a person should consume a certain amount of grams of protein per kilogram of body weight:

  • for women: 1 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • for men: 1.5-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight;
  • for children: not less than 1.5 g per kg of body weight.

Eat right, take care of yourself and be healthy!

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