The sexiest lips: scientists have calculated the shape and volume. My lips were pale and ugly until I found out about this remedy! Now you can not even paint them - such an attractive look! Dream Interpretation - Lips

How many times have I seen this picture on the Internet! Plump lips are considered almost an obligatory attribute of a beautiful woman. In fact, who among us has not envied Angelina Jolie, Monica Bellucci, Irina Shayk, Scarlett Johansson or Rosie Huntington-Whiteley?

At one time I was very complex about the size of my lips. And then I noticed that some celebrities have them the same as me. And nothing, they are considered very beautiful women.

Here is my small selection.

Victoria's Secret Angels Heidi Klum and Marisa Miller. Let the former, but how bright!

Blake Lively

Nina Dobrev

Nina's twin is Emmanuel Chriqui.

Emma Watson

I've never heard Jordana Brewster called ugly. But her lips are even thinner than those of Nina or Emma!

Stacy Keibler hooked up with George Clooney. Apparently, the size of his lips does not interest him at all :)

Ageless Demi Moore and Courteney Cox. How many plastic surgeries did Demi do, but she did not touch her lips.

Catherine Zeta-Jones is also well preserved.

Beauties and beautiful actresses Nicole Kidman and Amy Adams. Nicole tried to increase her lips, but changed her mind in time!

And Lindsey never realized that her native lips suited her much more. It's not just the lips though.

Perfect Kate of Cambridge Middleton

The enigmatic Olivia Wilde

Retro-lovers Katy Perry and Dita Von Teese are also the owners of not at all plump lips, although a huge layer of lipstick is often misleading.

Many more could be inserted: Kate Hudson, Diane Kruger, Katie Holmes, Salma Hayek. But you can't remember everyone

Hyaluronic acid injections into the lips are gaining more and more popularity. Now the request to “pin up your lips a little” has become almost as common in beauty salons as the phrase “wind my curls”. This gives rise to a logical question in men: how to distinguish whether my girlfriend’s lips are “made” or not?

They are "done" if:

1. First, if you have such a question at all. In anthropological terms typical Russian girl laid down lips thin and medium thickness (as a rule, the volume of both lips is 14–18 mm). The plump form is typical for representatives of the Far Eastern, South Asian, Australian and Ethiopian races.

2. Second, if lips visually dominate the face: the proportions of the human face are in most cases harmonious, and if a girl has small eyes, a compact nose, then the lips, most likely, are not prominent from birth.

3. Third, blurred outline with unpainted lips - injections make it a little blurry.

4. Lips are perfectly smooth: a syringe has definitely been here - natural lips are dotted with small wrinkles. Of course, there is a trick: if you inject a little bit over several years, the tissues will gradually stretch and new wrinkles will appear.

5. In 90% of cases after injections inflates the area around the lips and a swelling forms between the tip of the nose and the "arrow of cupid" (the upper contour of the lips).

6. Ask the girl to blow a kiss: if her lips curl into a mini accordion, they are real. If a form a heart, they have a gel.

7. Touch dense tissue around the lips, and from birth, these tissues are soft and full-blooded.

8. Not the best method for a first date: “If you lift the “made” upper lip and look at its inner surface, you will see a "curly outline"- with small lumps and irregularities that the filler forms, ”sabrina Ismailova, dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Millefeuil beauty salon, comments.

9. If the next morning after a stormy night with champagne, the girl's lips significantly increase in size that means they have hyaluronic acid: its molecules collect water, and the lips look swollen.

10. After injections over the upper lip is formed thin roller, which makes the lips slightly "inverted".

Hollywood stars who, according to our expert, Sabrina Ismailova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Milfeuy beauty salon, did not resort to injection lip augmentation:

Improving what nature has endowed us with is an important and worthy task for every woman. Working on confidence and cultivating an angelic character in yourself is much easier if you like your reflection in the mirror.

But if a girl looks and thinks - I'm ugly, what should I do ?! - then depression is within reach. We are trying our best to help you find attractiveness, so today we have prepared the best tips on this topic.

What to do if you have ugly legs

Do not cry in front of the mirror, but change. Many figure flaws can be successfully hidden with clothes, but what's there - even turn into virtues!

Let's start with the fact that flaunting the imperfections of the figure is a bad form, so right now you should revise your wardrobe and clean it of clothes and shoes that spoil your appearance.

Taboo for thin legs:

  • Boots and platform shoes;
  • Boots with a wide top;
  • Shoes and clothing in military style;
  • Black clothes;
  • Trousers with vertical pinstripe.

Taboo for fat legs:

  • Knee high boots;
  • Stilettos;
  • Shoes without a heel;
  • Knitten things;
  • Sweatshirts and cardigans without a belt;
  • Beige trousers and skirts.

In general, if you have a problem with your legs, you need to get rid of things that accentuate the bottom and drown out the top: shapeless blouses, sheath jackets, clothes without a waist. It may be necessary to decisively abandon the mini, which is the biggest problem for ugly legs.

By the way, it is quite possible to refuse a miniskirt in favor of a long skirt with a slit. This is the best thing to do if the knees are ugly and the legs are full. A midi skirt sets the wrong proportions with a plump figure, but a well-fitting maxi with a classic back slit looks very impressive and hides everything that should not be shown.

Fill your wardrobe with super items

Got rid of, put aside? Excellent! Now we are planning to buy the right things that will not only hide the unnecessary, but also emphasize all the best in your figure. Here are just a few must-have wardrobe ideas to start your journey into the world of impeccable style.

Versatile shoes. Classic pumps or closed sandals with a steady straight 7 cm heel will visually smooth absolutely any defect in the legs. An important nuance: choose a round cape and a trendy nude shade that magically corrects the length, width and shape of the legs.

Jockey boots. A perfectly fitting shaft visually aligns, lengthens, creates a beautiful silhouette. An important nuance: the bootleg should be without cuffs and cover the knees approximately to the middle, otherwise the curvature of the legs will appear out of nowhere.

Vest. In the past, a sailor's uniform, and now - the most fashionable top, a vest suits everyone without exception, because it does not fall under any rule or prohibition. She makes the thin ones juicier, full - slimmer, smooths out the asymmetry of the top-bottom and simply amazingly transforms everyday attire. An important nuance: we are talking about a classic striped vest with a width of 11 mm.

Biker jacket. A girl in a short jacket with an asymmetrical cut always wins: any trousers, jeans, skirt immediately become properly designed if you are wearing a cool leather jacket. The secret is that the jacket ends exactly at the waistline.

Fur collar. Natural beautiful fur, the color of which suits you, draws attention to the hairstyle, eyes, looks soft and feminine. No one will look at imperfect legs if you have amazing fur!

Keep stocking your closet with the right things and your insecurities will disappear.

What to do if your armpits look ugly

Armpits lose their attractiveness for two reasons - dark skin in this area and fat deposits from the back and shoulders. If unwanted changes have appeared in this place of your body, it will not be easy to eliminate them, but it is quite possible.

There are several ways to lighten the skin of the armpits:

  • Switch to deodorant and antiperspirant without parabens, fragrances, natural ingredients;
  • Once a week, exfoliate the skin of the armpits with a scrub, for example, from salt and coffee;
  • Twice a week for a month, whiten the armpits with lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide;
  • Stop shaving your armpits and remove hair with wax or sugar paste.

To get rid of unsightly underarm wings, you need to increase the load on the muscles of the back and arms. It will be ideal to practice on a rowing machine, swim in the pool, and at home - exercise with an expander (tape or spring, butterfly).

What to do with an ugly smile

Solving this problem will surely prove to be the most costly of our tips today. After all, the beauty of a smile is 90% dependent on the beauty of your teeth, and only a little - on facial expressions.

Gather your strength (and means) and go to the dentist for an examination. Let the specialist plan together with you the scope of work to improve the teeth and gums.

The first thing to do is to fill and reconstruct the anterior teeth, which are visible every time you open your mouth. At the same time, whiten your teeth with gentle home remedies - hydrogen peroxide, soda, pastes with a whitening effect. When all the teeth are treated, you can order a professional whitening procedure from the dentist.

If some teeth are missing, be sure to take care of their restoration, as the gaps are not only visible in the open mouth, but also make the rest of the teeth swim, and two or three missing teeth cause the cheek to retract, which also looks ugly.

While the dentist is fixing your teeth, pay attention to your lips and facial muscles. They also affect the appearance of your smile. Lubricate your lips daily with honey to get rid of cracks, dryness and make lips fuller and brighter.

Perform a couple of exercises for the muscles near the mouth in the evening - the stiffness and spasm of these muscles just gives a crooked, asymmetrical and strained smile. Spend at least 10 minutes exercising, and within two months your face will be illuminated by a soft and natural smile.

Do not forget makeup - little secrets can make a beautiful smile and refresh your face. To make your teeth look whiter, use lipstick of a cold shade - raspberry, fuchsia, pink.

Pearlescent lipstick makes the smile visually dry and dull. Opt for a wet gloss or matte opaque lipstick. Never wear a lipstick that doesn’t suit you, it’s better to appear without it at all than add a few years to yourself with a decorative shade that doesn’t suit you.

And yet, what if I'm ugly?

First of all, do not lose heart, but take steps. A famous saying, which belongs to the great Coco Chanel, says: a woman looks the way she deserves. This means that beauty is a daily work and is not given to lazy people. So you do not follow the lead of self-justifications, but rather get down to business!

Often in fashion are the shapes of the lips, the owners of which are famous personalities, movie stars, pop stars. Sexuality is associated with a beautiful shape of the lips. There are men with beautiful lips.

How to draw beautiful lips

According to psychologists, men, looking at women, often pay attention to the lips, evaluating their sexuality and attractiveness. Many consider Angelina Jolie's lips to be the standard, we are talking about both form and fullness.

Someone, burning with the desire to change the shape of the lips, come to the plastic surgeon. There are those who visually correct the shape by drawing it with a special pencil. Of course, it is best to be satisfied with the form that is given by nature.

Drawing beautiful lips is not so easy. However, you can cope with this task even without drawing skills, if you act in stages. Drawing them with a pencil on paper, first a markup is made - three parallel lines. Next, the corners of the lips and the upper contour are drawn. It is important to consider that the upper contour must be reduced, and the lower one increased. When drawing with a pencil, you must not forget to create the effect of shadows and draw "wrinkles" on the lips.

Some of the fair sex prefer tattooing lips, making them fuller or reducing excessive volume. Tattooing helps to hide asymmetry and gives a clear contour. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the master, choose a real professional.

Beautiful celebrity lips

Not surprisingly, many beauties dream of becoming a singer or actress, whether or not they have the talent for it. Often, not talent is evaluated, but only external data, moreover, only some individual parts, for example, lips.

You can name ten contenders for the title of owners of the most beautiful lips. Such is Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian. Seventh position for Katherine Heigl, followed by Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway. Angelina Jolie is in fourth place, and Keira Knightley is in third. The second place was given to Christina Aguilera, the first - to Christy Turlington.

Separately, it should be noted that it was the lips that have long become the hallmark of Angelina Jolie. And thanks to her lips, the actress is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Drew Barrymore's lips have a seductive shape and drew attention to her during the release of the film "Charlie's Angels". Anne Hathaway was remembered not for her full lips, but for her beautiful smile and white teeth. To accentuate her smile, the actress avoids dark lipstick tones. The owner of a beautiful lip shape is Sienna Miller. Her lips are not particularly full, but this does not upset the stylish star.

Recently, when referring to plastic surgeons, women are asked to make their lips look like those of Scarlett Johansson.

Another celebrity Megan Fox is the owner of full lips from birth. According to her, she has French, Indian and Irish roots. She became a sex symbol after starring in the Transformers movie. However, as it became known, the actress decided to change her appearance a little. Most of all, the changes affected her lips. Now they began to look even more plump and appetizing. Jessica Simpson, Elizabeth Hurley and many other stars also went under the surgeon's knife.

men with beautiful lips

Beautiful lips make men attractive. It is believed that according to the laws of physiognomy, one can easily determine the character of any person by the shape of the lips. Lips can be small, flat, full, crooked, protruding, even. Women pay attention to the lips of men, opinions differ - someone likes plump male lips, someone thin or sharply defined.

A man with beautiful lips is most often called sexy. Among the handsome men are Enrique Iglesias and Eddie Murphy. The lips of Leonardo DiCaprio have not left women indifferent for many years. Jason Statham has beautiful lips, Julia Roberts was considered to have the most beautiful lips

In recent years, Jolie has been replaced from the first position by Scarlett Johansen. It was she who was called the sexiest on the planet, and more than once. For the first time she was awarded this title back in 2006. According to the actress, she likes to put red lipstick on her lips. She uses lip liner to give her lips a classic, perfect shape. Scarlett says that she prefers lipstick, but with a brush she only corrects the contour, which makes her lips more expressive.

Among men, the title of the owner of the sexiest lips was awarded to Johnny Depp and David Beckham. Recently they were ahead of Brad Pitt. It was he who received the majority of the votes. By the way, according to the site, football player Rio Ferdinand is recognized as the man with the ugliest lips.
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Kofemolka, 07/05/03
I don’t know why, but it’s the girls who annoy me with thin hoods. The guys somehow look cool ... It seems that the girl looks haughtily and pursed her lips angrily ... lipstick looks so stupid on thin lips: it shows the imperfections of the lips. I’m afraid of my lips ... they are not thin, definitely ... they are ordinary, they seem a little full if I put on bright lipstick - chic, shine, beauty

misst, 29/11/03
Usually plump girls have the same lips ... poor thin ones! After all, men seem to like chubby ones more!

SOMEL, 04/05/05
It's not beautiful. Some kind of unfinished face seems ... evil .. and by old age there will generally be a mouth-chicken ass .. and kissing is bad one hundred percent!

Iron Maiden, 05/05/05
Let's just say I don't like too thick lips (like Rasputina's) and too thin (like Dolores O'Riordan) .. I think that everything should be in moderation .. Normal lips, not the plumpest but not a thread for me ideal!

like everyone else, 05/05/05
Yes, it's not pretty. Most likely, a girl with such lips will not want to kiss. But why bully them here? What lips are, such are. Be glad you don't. Damn, there's nothing to discuss here. Create a theme about girls with big or small ears, finally disassemble everyone in parts. But too thick is also ugly. A. Jolie is not included in this category, she was just lucky with such lips :)) Best of all, lips are neither thin nor thick. Moderate, in short.

Lasse, 06/05/05
I don’t like those who are already very thin, thin, for some reason this annoys me. I look at them all the time, and imagine how and what they do with them, I feel sick for some reason. I'm probably crazy.

toffee, 09/05/05
I have heard and convinced myself more than once .. that people with thin lips .. are evil, vindictive and envious ... I don’t know .. well, it’s not beautiful at all ... girls have to draw them, which looks even more dirty .. .I don't like what young people have, what girls have!! I love plump lips))) young people with plump lips ... mm ...)))

tanez, 12/05/05
I don’t remember where and when, but I read that thin lips are a sign of an evil character and a cruel soul. I started to look. Practice confirmed the theory.

Aenima, 12/05/05
Well, sometimes they look very organic, but most women with thin lips turn into ugly women with a cleft instead of a mouth framed by wrinkles by the age of 35-40. I'm not just saying this, but on the example of zakomy. Moreover, no lipstick can brighten up this flaw. So it remains for them to call plump-lipped lip-slaps, and frantically every morning draw with a pencil a contour that goes far beyond their lips-stripes, this is all from the evil one ...

finch, 13/05/05
Thin and twisted in an evil grin. And the chubby ones are smiling! associations are just that. Still good when the dimples on the cheeks. Such blood and milk! And all sorts of thin-lipped aristocrats there - this is the last squeak of the dying bourgeoisie ... fi! In general, if a girl is thin-lipped - turn around and run, and ask for political asylum where the mouth is sexy. However, men, there is a danger of running and living in an eternal marathon mode. So it is not necessary to choose according to the width of the lips, but according to the breadth of the soul ...

Angry stick, 10/01/06
I have thin lips. And, despite the fact that I am an open and friendly person (which is confirmed by numerous friends, girlfriends and buddies of different stripes :)), at the first meeting I give the impression of an arrogant person, a bitch and a mean person (almost everyone says so: () I hate my thin lips which not a single cosmetic product can fix.And all attempts to draw more plump give out the true size of my lips even more - it looks pathetic and ages terribly. Apparently, I will have to pump in silicone.

ULTRA, 22/01/06
I don't hate it, but I can't see the beauty in this…mmm.. aristocracy (???). Girls with thin lips really look feisty (not at all bitchy) persons who have been deprived of some kind of zest. I'm writing some nonsense, in short, I don't like it. Young people with very thin lips are also not held in high esteem. PS. Separate SORRI, to all thin-lipped. :)))

Princess Viper, 26/01/07
oh, fu... a mouth without lips... how disgusting, ah yay yay. This is when women are already becoming quite old, their lips are disappearing somewhere - this is normal. that's life. well, when they are young or middle-aged without lips ... it looks like an old woman. you excuse me. Moreover, such girls usually paint a contour over their lips with a pencil - to make it look normal - but anyway, you can’t deceive people, and even more so nature - it looks unnatural. They still use all sorts of glosses that increase the volume, and some, like my friend Smirnova on. they turn them, how to say, "inside out", so that they seem more normal.

LIFE, 04/01/08
I had a friend, you can even say a former girlfriend. I still maintain a relationship with her, if I can call a couple of phrases like that: "Hi! How are you?" in the school corridor. Her lips are thin, ugly, it's just, I would say terrible. The girl herself is pretty, but her lips are completely thin and do not decorate her. Or medium or full. It is very beautiful when a girl does not have thin lips, but those that are called "medium" do not differ in anything special. But thin lips are completely unattractive and ugly!

black-eyed, 24/09/08
It seems to me that plump lips are more suitable for girls, but thin lips for guys (there are exceptions)! girls have thin lips that somehow don’t look feminine (of course there are those who go, but these are few) I also don’t like too full lips like Malinovskaya or jolie, the most ideal for girls are swollen lips, slightly full! and the glitter looks nice on them. and it’s not true that fat girls have such lips! I’m thin, but I have swollen lips.

TKV, 24/09/08
Well, it seems to me that thin lips make up very few people, although if the facial features are thin and neat, the lips will look unnecessarily like dumplings, but thin lips are normal. I think Sharon Stone's lips are thin, but they fit her features. And if plump lips are better than your own, because. "own" always harmonizes better with appearance than acquired. I think Jessica Alba has perfect lips, and in general she is the most beautiful woman in the world for me. Here Alexa used to have beautiful plump lips, right now, torn dumplings, fuuuuuu. So if nature has awarded not too plump lips, it is better to leave them like that, otherwise such freaks turn out later. Although plump "own" lips do not always look beautiful, so the golden mean is probably better - not plump and not thin, neat lips.

Marfyne4ka, 07/03/09
it is a pity that I can not fully express my thought, tk. at the moment I am abroad and I write in transliteration... thin lips are unpleasant to me, firstly, the owners of such stripes are nervous, stingy, secretive and vindictive personalities, and secondly, there is no desire to kiss such lips. Since childhood, I have emphasized the meaning of lips in a person, maybe this is wrong, but I can’t do anything, my sympathy will only go to the owners of plump lips))

TKV, 07/03/09
But I don’t understand when facial features are considered separately from it. Take a look and evaluate together! Of course, “puffy lips” sounds more interesting, Jolie immediately thinks, yeah))) Yes, but natural plump lips are not always so good, sometimes they just look like fish, or, as in the case of Alexa, a plunger instead of lips. I have met attractive girls with thin lips, but the face should be looked at as a whole, and not judged individually. For example, if we talk about long legs, it is beautiful, yes. And if you look at Giselle, there is no waist, no ass, no beautiful face, and her legs don’t seem so long anymore)) In general, my thought is that plump lips are not always beautiful, and thin lips are not always ugly. It’s beautiful when the lips are in the shape of a bud - juicy and symmetrical, and when, sorry, pi * yes on the face is turned out - I think there is no beauty here ...

Of course plump lips are much more attractive. But what if a girl has thin hair? Silicon immediately pump up? It's better for me to leave it that way. By the way, I noticed one thing, let's say a girl has thin lips and she does an operation and inflates them, it will only get worse! Facial features will immediately become disproportionate! It is better not to try to ship what nature has awarded.

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