Industrial gymnastics for office workers. Workout at the office: fitness at work

How to smoke? The typical position in which we spend most of the day increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even leads to early death. Yes, and the outlines of our body begin to resemble potatoes. But is it really so bad when so many people spend hours hunched over a desk in the office, and relax in front of the TV?

"Yes, that's exactly it," says Vladimir Fridman, a chiropractor and sports medicine specialist at New York's Accelicare Sports Chiropractic Medical Center.

When you sit hunched over for a long time, physiological changes occur in the body. It has been proven that this increases the risk of developing many diseases. In addition, you lock your body in a cage. Tissues weaken and may lose their function.

Vladimir Fridman

The doctor often shows his patients how to maintain the correct position at the table and apply kinesio taping, a technique based on the use of cotton adhesive tapes (attached crosswise to the lower back, it will be easier to maintain posture).

Friedman compares the effect of a static posture to the effect of wearing a cast: when muscle tissue remains motionless for a long time, the fibers shorten and shrink, becoming weaker. But get your body moving using only your own weight - stand up, sit down, go for a walk - and the load will make the muscles stronger.

Movement promotes the flow of water and nutrients into the tissues, activity keeps them healthy. And although our work, which is increasingly mobile technology, makes us immobile, forcing us to sit and press buttons all the time, we need to think actively and sit actively too.

In other words, during your break, do something to keep your tissues moving and toned throughout the day and for the rest of your life. Lifehacker has already suggested what exercises you can do in. If they seem too complicated for you, follow the instructions from Dr. Friedman.

1. Get a foot massage

Feet really lose mobility if you sit in one position for a long time. Lack of calf and ankle movement becomes a problem. During the day, take a couple of breaks during which you roll your feet with a massage ball or a small bottle of ice water. Remove your shoes, lightly step on a ball or bottle, and roll the object over the arch of your foot. The pressure from the massage will relax the tissues and improve blood circulation.

2. Squat against a wall

Press your shoulder blades and lower back against the wall, squat so that your knees and hips are bent at a 90° angle. Stay in this position for a minute. Repeat the exercise three times. There is no need to do more: you are not squatting for athletic performance, but to prevent tissue degeneration.

3. Lunge

The muscles of the hips, which flex and extend the joints, shorten from constant sitting. It is necessary to properly stretch the anterior thigh muscle group: quadriceps and smaller muscles responsible for movement in the hip joint. Lunge forward with your left foot, bending your knee at a 90° angle. The right knee should not touch the floor. Then change the supporting leg. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.

4. Straighten up

From sitting still for a long time, we begin to bend, round our shoulders and stretch our neck forward. To correct the situation, sit on the edge of a chair, leaning on your tailbone. Turn your arms at your sides in such a way as to take your shoulders back and arch your back. At the same time, turn your feet and spread your hips to the sides. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

5. Stretch your back

This exercise was designed for herniated discs, but it's great for correcting your seated position at the table. Stand up, put your palms on the pelvic bones from the back. This will protect your lumbar spine from overstretching. Slowly lean back as far as you can. Repeat 10 times. Do the exercise once or twice a day.

Hi all! This article is dedicated to accountants, secretaries, all those who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to move little. If it's hard to find time to exercise, if it so happened that you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then these exercises in the workplace are just for you.

Desk exercises that everyone will appreciate

It's simple - watch and repeat. Together with colleagues, boss, accountant and business trip.

In fact, immobility is a real problem. Take advantage of special exercises, the so-called hidden(or ) gymnastics.

These movements (or exercises) can be performed anytime, anywhere without attracting the attention of others.

The method of “constant hidden training and physical impact on the body”, or simply “gymnastics for the lazy”, is an excellent alternative to traditional physical education.

The main task of this method is to make up for that experienced by most residents of large cities.

The effectiveness of classes depends on their frequency and regularity.

Any exercise is performed either until fatigue occurs, or as long as there is a desire and opportunity.

You can perform exercises in static or in dynamics - this does not affect the effectiveness of training. If no one sees you, both options are good.

If you need to make the workout invisible, use the static option.

Exercises you can do without attracting attention

  1. For example, when you wash stand with bare feet on a rubber mat with a bumpy surface- this is a good tonic procedure, as there are many biologically active points on the soles of the feet associated with internal organs. Thanks to the irregularities of the mat, a natural massage of these nerve formations occurs, and the body receives an additional charge of vivacity.
  2. Leaning over the sink do not bend your knees- it helps to increase muscle tone.
  3. Walk as much as possible, do not stand passively on the escalator in the subway, but go down and up the stairs if possible.
  4. When you go, don't slouch. Learn to walk easily and naturally, then you will be less tired.
  5. Being in transport, standing in line with all your might, as if you want him to touch the spine. . Do this as often as possible, and you will get rid of excess fat on the waist and abdomen. But this exercise should not be done immediately after eating.
  6. Still as strong as possible tighten the muscles of the buttocks. Count to six and relax. The more often you do this exercise, the faster and more graceful your silhouette will be.
  7. Doing household chores or walking along the service corridor, while no one sees, do it in turn four steps on toes and four regular. Then four steps on the heels, then four regular. You can try - it strengthens.

Vorobyov's hidden gymnastics for those who hang at the computer

  1. Sitting on a chair break off the floor with force. To increase the effect, you can press on your knees with your palms. Repeat 30-40 times for 1 minute.
  2. Sitting on a chair tear off socks from the floor, as if overcoming resistance. At the same time, the muscles of the lower leg, foot, and thigh are noticeably tense. Repeat 30 - 40 times for 1 minute, you can perform it while standing.
  3. Can also be 40 times tense and relax, it is especially good to do this in transport, since it is absolutely imperceptible in winter. Just squeeze them and relax.
  4. Inflate your stomach as you inhale, and as you exhale - with all your might draw in the stomach like you want it to touch your spine. Count to six and relax. Repeat this as often as possible.
  5. Slide your shoulder blades back toward your spine so that your back appears flat. Repeat 30-40 times.
  6. Clench and unclench your fists, making great efforts for this. So that the tension of the muscles of the hands reaches.
  7. Turn your head first to the right and then to the left 90 degrees. Repeat this at least 10 times for each side.
  8. Strongly resting your palms on the chair seat, raise your feet slightly above the floor. Then try to get up on your own. Slowly return to original position. It perfectly strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and chest. Sitting, make periodically circular movements of the feet, each in turn.

Charging in the office - exercises in pictures

Another variant of isometric gymnastics that you can do in the office without getting up from your chair, and you can do it unnoticed by others.

Production gymnastics is a set of exercises, and in fact, a simple five-minute exercise, which is intended for office workers. A useful thing so that all employees feel in good shape and can cheer up right at the workplace. A physical break will help prevent overwork and become more efficient for all team members.

The purpose of the

Various regulations have now been developed that regulate industrial gymnastics. For example, there are "Recommendations for the Prevention of the Adverse Effects of Hypokinesia". It turns out that the employer bears moral, disciplinary, administrative and financial responsibility for not providing the necessary safety at work.

Gymnastics helps to strengthen the immune system and increase performance. Efficiency increases due to the fact that the productivity of each individual begins to grow, and this is due precisely to physical training.

Tasks of industrial gymnastics:

  1. Preparing the body for immersion in work.
  2. Maintenance of working capacity - the recovery period is quite short.
  3. Preparation for a certain type of activity.
  4. Prevention of negative impact on the body of environmental factors.

Industrial gymnastics in the workplace has several advantages:

  1. Maintains the required level of performance all day long.
  2. Warms up the muscles, supports the functionality of the joints.
  3. Reduces emotional tension, relieves stress.

In order not to get tired, you need to take such breaks from work all day. Usually pauses take from 3 to 12 minutes. A few tasks will help to really cheer up.

Forms of industrial gymnastics

Types of industrial gymnastics are formed depending on many factors. There are several types that can be practiced during the working day:

1. Introductory gymnastics.

It is necessary that the body quickly prepares for work. Simple exercises will help the employee to achieve optimal functioning of the nervous system, so that he will quickly be included in the normal working rhythm. It is important to choose exercises that will prepare for the upcoming load. Usually 7-8 exercises are enough, which are performed within 5 minutes. The procedure must be carried out before the start of the working day.

2. Physical culture break.

This is a simple five-minute exercise for office workers. Usually it is performed in the second half of the working day or 2-3 hours before its end. Such a pause should cheer up the employee, relieve fatigue. How many exercises does an exercise break include? Usually 6-7 exercises are enough. They must be chosen depending on the nature of the work activity.

3. Physical education minute.

It takes no more than a couple of minutes. During this time, you can do 3 exercises. Such pauses are intended to reduce local fatigue, for example, when a person is sitting for a long time. Usually necessary for employees who are engaged in mental work. Runs up to 5 times per day.

Simple exercises will help the employee achieve optimal functioning of the nervous system, so that he will quickly join the normal rhythm.

In addition, there are also micro-pauses for rest. This variety is considered the shortest. In this case, gymnastics lasts only half a minute. This helps relieve general fatigue.

The selection of exercises depends on many factors: age, gender, health, fatigue, the level of training of a person - so the program must be developed based on the capabilities of your employees. If a person feels weakness, dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, then you need to stop performing the complex or reduce the number of repetitions. In addition, be sure to consult a doctor.

A set of exercises

Gymnastics for office workers includes various exercises, and regular performance is important here. Here are a few simple options that any worker can master.

Exercise number 1.

Sit on a chair and stretch your legs forward. Pull your socks. We raise our hands and also stretch. After we return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated 3 times.

Exercise number 2.

Stand next to a chair and place your hands on its back. Take your right leg back, spread your arms to the sides. We repeat the same with the left leg. We do this exercise 4 times.

Exercise number 3.

Stand next to a chair. Put your hands on his back. The right leg should be set aside, while the left arm should be raised, and then returned to its original position. These exercises should be repeated 6 times on each leg.

Exercise number 4.

Sit on a chair. Legs should be stretched forward, and hands should be held in front of the chest. In this position, we perform tilts to the sides, while spreading our arms. We try to perform 10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise number 5.

Sit on a chair. Stretch your legs forward, put your hands on your belt. Next, take turns pulling the socks towards you. We complicate the exercise - turn the foot to the side so that the toe touches the floor. In total, you need to do 12 repetitions.

The selection of exercises depends on many factors: age, gender, health, fatigue, level of training of a person.

When working in an office, your employees spend most of their time sitting at a computer. To reduce the load on the eyes and spine, you need to carry out industrial gymnastics. A short warm-up will invigorate workers and set them up for effective work. This, of course, will affect the success of your company.

Did you know that you do not have to go to the gym to exercise, and you can do the exercises right at work, and unnoticed by everyone? We tell you how to cheer up at a sedentary job and maintain your posture.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

The complete computerization of many areas of modern life has led to the fact that more than half of the population spends 8-10 hours in front of the monitor, practically without moving. Public and personal transport, TV and a bunch of household appliances, of course, greatly simplify our life, while making it completely static. A minimum of physical activity over time begins to affect our health - extra pounds, back pain and general weakness appear. This problem could be solved by regular trips to the gym, but often there is a catastrophic lack of time and energy for sports. The only way out for many people working in a sedentary job may be office fitness - simple exercises that can be done discreetly just in the middle of a working day.

Exercises for weight loss

A sedentary lifestyle, an unbalanced, unhealthy diet and frequent snacks at the workplace lead to the fact that extra pounds appear just before our eyes. Frequent attempts to go on a diet in this case are ineffective - reduced calorie intake leads to decreased performance and hungry breakdowns. To solve the problem of excess weight, of course, you can strictly follow the advice of a nutritionist and regularly visit the gym, but not everyone can afford it, and there is practically no time left for personal life. The ideal way out is to play sports without leaving the office. This does not mean at all that for this you will need a separate office or personal gym - most exercises can be done without attracting the attention of others. This is very convenient, especially if you do not want to advertise your problems and study under the gaze of colleagues.

The tummy tuck is a great ab workout. You need to do this exercise without holding your breath and literally pulling your stomach to the spine. In order for your stomach to become taut and flat, it will be enough for you to do this 20 times 3-4 times. approach per day. On the exhale we draw in the stomach, on the inhale we relax.

To properly pump up the abdominal muscles, you can also sit on a chair as straight as possible and pull your knees bent towards your chest. This exercise will also help you strengthen the gluteal and back muscles, which in principle can be considered a very pleasant bonus.

If you have a chair that spins, you might want to try the obliques exercise. To do this, sit up straight, fix the upper back in a fixed position, tighten your stomach and twist the chair a little from side to side.

Back exercises

Sedentary work certainly will not add health to your back. Nerve entrapment, protrusions, disc displacement - this is a small list of problems that await an office worker after several years at such a pace. In Japan, they are fighting this centrally, constantly organizing general warm-ups and exercises. We can only dream of such attention to the health of employees, so we should take care of it ourselves. The most important rule for keeping your spine in perfect condition is correct posture. Even at school they taught us,. Try to constantly keep your back straight during work, without hunching over and not bending in the lower back. It is also very useful to “stretch” from time to time, raising your hands closed in a castle above your head. This will help relieve stress from the spine and activate blood circulation in it. Also, to train your back, you can use abdominal exercises to pump your back in the lumbar region.

No less important are . The cervical spine should be kneaded several times a day. The main rule is that all movements should be as smooth as possible without sudden shocks and accelerations.

Leg exercises

Flabby thighs, tight calves, and varicose veins are also common problems among office workers. This is because the lower body often remains motionless for hours. As a result, blood stasis is formed, metabolic processes in the skin slow down, and a completely unappetizing orange peel is formed. You can solve this problem thanks to leg exercises or from time to time arranging yourself hiking. In order for your legs to be slender, beautiful and healthy, do not deny yourself a walk in the fresh air. This will not only tone your muscles, but also help saturate your body with valuable oxygen.

If you want to lose weight - arrange yourself intense workouts on the stairs. You just need to forget about the elevator in order to put in order not only your body, but also give a significant shake-up to the cardiovascular system.

There are also separate exercises for the buttocks. The simplest, but very effective way to bring your “fifth” point in order just at the workplace is alternate muscle tension for several minutes. This exercise is equivalent to squats familiar to us from childhood and can quickly bring your buttocks in order.

A set of exercises for classes in the workplace

Active physical exercise or just charging is in most cases an unaffordable luxury. Only happy owners of a separate office or free time can do them at the workplace. That is why you may need to know the basics of office gymnastics. This is a comprehensive tool for training all the muscles in the workplace, designed in such a way that all your actions are as invisible to others as possible. In other words, this is a kind of fitness for the office. In ordinary life, such exercises are used for warming up, but they may well replace the main workout. The main thing is to correctly distribute the load and do everything as consistently as possible.

Such static complexes are also called isometric, as well as office yoga. In principle, this is not far from the truth, because they are all designed for full concentration, low speed and even breathing (unlike cardio loads).

Exercise in the office on a chair

Most isometric exercises for the office are designed so that you can perform them while sitting, that is, right at the workplace. You don't have to spend hours a day working every muscle in your body. Just make it a habit to perform simple exercises for the press, muscles of the arms or back several times a day. For example, half an hour before dinner, begin to actively draw in your stomach - this will help to remove the tummy and slightly reduce the volume of the stomach (which means you will eat a little less than usual). Have you worked for 2 hours without taking your eyes off the monitor? Stretch your neck and stretch your back well with sips. Did something fall off the table? Raise it by squatting nicely a few times. Thus, you will not need to allocate separate time for training at all - it will take place without interruption from the workflow.

5 exercises you can do at work

On the net you can find a lot of different complexes that can be performed simply at your desktop and which can completely replace classes in the gym. Their basis is fairly simple isometric exercises that a person with any physical data can do.

Exercise 1

The exercise is performed while sitting. The back is absolutely straight, the shoulders are lowered and relaxed. We slowly unbend the neck (but do not throw it back), linger in this position for 2 seconds and lower it down again. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise 2

The exercise is performed while sitting. The back is straight, the legs are on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your shoulders up, slowly take them back, bringing your shoulder blades together. Lower your shoulders down and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise 3

This exercise can be done standing or sitting. We join hands in the lock, lift up and stretch. At the highest point, we linger for 1-2 seconds, then carefully return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4

The exercise can be done standing or sitting. We stretch our arms in front of us, quickly unclench and squeeze the brushes. Try to do the exercise as energetically as possible. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 5

To perform the exercise, you need to sit on the edge of a chair with a straight back. Put your feet together, close your knees. Straighten your right leg (note: pull the toe towards you), put it in place. We do the same movement with the left foot. Repeat 20 times on each leg.

But this is not all the exercises that can be done in the workplace. Leg raises in a sitting position, squats, lifting the body on outstretched arms from a chair, tilts, body flex - these are all your helper friends in the struggle for an ideal body.

If you want to improve your body a little and lose weight, use every opportunity to move as much as possible. Did you spend a little time at the computer? Doing a little exercise, tidying up your desk, or just walking up the stairs will help compensate for the lack of movement without causing you unnecessary trouble and difficulties.

AT anyway, remember that slim and beautiful body is a daily work on yourself, which you you can spend "without interruption from production".

Many women refuse to exercise, complaining about the lack of free time. Alas, these are just empty attempts to justify their own laziness, because you can do gymnastics “on the job”, right at the workplace.

Of course, if you are afraid that colleagues will misunderstand your actions, warn them about your "gymnastic plans" and be sure to invite them to join you!

The most important rule of gymnastics in the workplace: try to sit as little as possible and move as much as possible. Talking on the phone, walk back and forth in the office. If time permits, do not use the elevator, but go up and down the stairs. And even sitting on a chair can be beneficial for health.

The sequence of gymnastic exercises in the workplace

1. Sitting on a chair, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pull your stomach in sharply. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 30-50 times.

2. Sitting on a chair, rest your palms on the seat slightly behind you. The fingers should look forward. Close your knees and as you exhale lift your bent legs. Repeat the exercise 30-40 times.

3. Sit on the edge of a chair, stretch your legs as if you are going to stand up and stay in this position until you feel tired.

4. Sitting on a chair, slightly push your knees forward and your feet back. Place your palms on the edge of the seat and lift yourself up slightly, holding on with the effort of your leg muscles. Stay in this position until you feel tired.

5. Sit on the edge of a chair, close your legs, pressing your knees tightly together. Straighten your legs one at a time and pull your toes towards you. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times with each leg.

6. Sitting on a chair, forcefully squeeze a tennis ball or your own fist between your knees. Hold the force of pressure until you feel a burning sensation in your legs.

7. Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart and press your left heel into the floor. Hold muscle tension for 3-5 s. Then do the exercise with the other leg. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

8. Sit on the edge of a chair and tighten the muscles of the buttocks, slightly lifting yourself off the seat. Hold muscle tension for 2-3 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

9. Stand with your back to the table, rest your palms on the tabletop and slightly bend your elbows. Bend your knees and shift your body weight onto your hands. Push up from the table by bending and unbending your arms. Repeat 10-15 times.

10. Sit up straight, put one hand on the table and press the palm of your hand against the table top. Hold the force of pressure for as long as you can. Then repeat the exercise first with the other hand, and then with both hands at the same time.

11. Grasp the edge of the tabletop with one hand and tighten your muscles, as if you want to lift the table. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

12. Sitting at a table, place one hand on the tabletop, palm down, and the other hand under the tabletop, palm up. At the same time, with both palms, press down on the countertop as if you want to flatten it. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise by changing hands.

13. Sitting on a chair, with one hand grab the side edge of the seat and pull it up, as if you want to tear it off. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

14. Sitting in an office chair, grab the armrests with your palms and pull towards you, as if you want to tear them off. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise several times.

15. Raise your arms to shoulder level, spread apart and straighten. Stay in this position until you feel tired.

16. Put your hands behind your head, interlock your fingers and place your palms on the back of your head. Press your palms on the back of your head, overcoming the resistance of your head, while trying to keep it straight. Stay in this position until you feel tired.

17. The starting position is the same. Press your palms on your head on the right, overcoming its resistance. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise, pressing on the head on the left. The head must be kept straight.

18. Place your right hand on your forehead and, overcoming resistance, press it with your head. Hold the pressure for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

19. Place your right hand on the right side of your head and, overcoming resistance, press it with your head. Hold the pressure for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do the same exercise with your left hand on the left side of your head. Repeat 10-12 times with each hand.

20. Lower your chin as close to your chest as possible. Put your hands behind your head, close your fingers in the lock and place your palms on the back of your head. Slowly raise your head up, overcoming the resistance of your hands. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

21. Stand with your back against a wall. Press against it with your hands, palms, shoulders, buttocks and heels. You should feel your back straighten and your posture straighten. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Then, trying not to change the position of the body, walk around the room for several minutes. Lean back against the wall periodically to check your posture.

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