Polyphepan which is better powder or tablets. Composition and forms of release. Side effects of polyphepan

Polyphepan is an enterosorbent drug. It is used to detoxify the body with toxicosis of various origins, to provide emergency assistance in case of poisoning with drugs, ethanol-containing products and other potentially hazardous substances, within combination therapy digestive infections, with insufficiency of liver and kidney function, etc. The foundations of enterosorption were laid more than 3 thousand years ago in ancient egypt. The baton was picked up by ancient Greek, Chinese and Indian healers, who actively used coal and white clay at dyspeptic disorders, hepatitis, autointoxication. Hippocrates introduced into medical practice wood adsorbents, with which he treated diseases of the liver and kidneys. Over the millennia of use in medicine, enterosorbents have undergone a real evolution in order to become effective means in the treatment of a range of pathological conditions. Modern enterosorbents do not have a traumatic effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, are non-toxic, are well excreted from the gastrointestinal tract, have high sorption characteristics, do not violate intestinal microflora are available in easy-to-use dosage forms have a pleasant taste and smell. Polyphepan is fully inherent in all of the above properties. The principle of operation of Polyphepan, as well as other modern enterosorbents, is based on the interaction of the evacuated substance (sorbate) with the absorbent sorbent.

According to this mechanism, effective elimination of endogenous and exogenous toxins and allergens from the body proceeds. The digestive tract, along with respiratory tract and integuments is a system in which interaction between internal and external environments is ensured. Typically, this happens in small intestine. This is where it happens reverse suction bacterial toxins, ethanol-containing products, etc. Polyphepan effectively sorbs both high-molecular (bacterial toxins) and low- and medium-molecular substances ( ethanol). The porous structure of Polyphepan predetermines its high sorption efficiency against pathogens, which allows the drug to be used for dysbacteriosis and poisoning. It also binds salts well. heavy metals, radioactive substances, drugs, potentially toxic metabolic products (urea, bilirubin, cholesterol). Polyphepan is evacuated from the gastrointestinal tract within a day after ingestion. Optimal time intake - one hour before meals. The dose is determined by the specific clinical situation. Duration of admission: 3-5 days (with acute intoxications), up to 2 weeks (with chronic intoxications). Adverse reactions manifest very rarely and do not go beyond banal dyspepsia (constipation, epigastric pain) or transient allergic rashes. Use in pediatric practice is allowed.


The drug has a high sorption activity and non-specific detoxification effect.

In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, Polyphepan binds and removes from the body pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, drugs, poisons, salts of heavy metals, alcohol, allergens. The drug also absorbs an excess of some metabolic products, incl. bilirubin, cholesterol, urea, metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. Polyphepan is non-toxic, not absorbed, completely eliminated from the intestine within 24 hours.

Release form

10 g - laminated paper bags (10) - cardboard packs.


Polyphepan is taken orally one hour before meals and other medications, mixed with 50-100 ml of water or washed down with water. The dose of the drug depends on the severity of the disease and is 0.5-1.0 g / kg body weight / day in 3-4 doses.

Average doses: for children infancy- 0.5-1 teaspoon; from 1 to 7 years - 1 dessert spoon.; from 7 years and older, as well as adults - 1 tablespoon per reception 3-4 times / day.

The duration of treatment for acute conditions 3-5 days, with allergic diseases and chronic intoxication - up to 14 days.

Repeated courses of treatment after 2 weeks.


No cases of overdose have been reported.


Possible reduction therapeutic effect some drugs taken by mouth at the same time.

Side effects

AT rare cases allergic reactions, constipation are noted.

Prolonged use of enterosorbent (more than 20 days) can lead to impaired absorption of vitamins, calcium, and therefore, it is recommended to take prophylactic multivitamins and calcium preparations.


  • as a detoxifying agent for exogenous and endogenous toxicosis of various origins;
  • for first aid acute poisoning drugs, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, alcohol and other poisons;
  • at complex treatment food toxic infections, salmonellosis, dysentery, dysbacteriosis, dyspepsia, as well as purulent-inflammatory diseases accompanied by intoxication;
  • with liver and kidney failure;
  • with lipid metabolism disorders (atherosclerosis, obesity);
  • the drug can be used to treat food and drug allergies;
  • used to remove xenobiotics from the body.


  • individual intolerance to the drug;

It is undesirable to use the drug for:

  • exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • intestinal atony;
  • anacid gastritis.

Wanting to bring their figure in perfect shape and get rid of extra annoying kilograms, people often resort to a wide variety of methods, they follow all kinds of diets, actively train in fitness rooms, take drastic measures, for example, subject their body to liposuction.

They also use a variety of folk remedies who promise to rid them of annoying extra pounds. Many people resort to using different medical preparations, and often used for weight loss polyphepan. About him today will be discussed.

According to the manufacturers, this remedy not only helps to fight extra pounds, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. What are the benefits of this drug?

Beneficial features polyphepane, composition

Polyphepan is a natural polymer that has enterosorbing properties. This tool is able to cleanse the intestines of all accumulated toxic substances. The composition of the drug includes lignin, and under its action the human body gets rid of all kinds of toxins, and unnecessary cholesterol.

The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by its positive influence on the liver and bile ducts. Its beneficial effect on the condition is also noted. skin person.

With the help of this drug, you can eliminate the deficiency of natural dietary fiber which the body often experiences. This product is great for stimulating lipid metabolism, and this is especially important if you decide to throw off a few extra pounds and improve your figure.

Although, according to many qualified specialists With medical education, this drug is not included in the category special means for weight loss. But its cleansing effect on the human body and a positive effect on metabolic processes, ultimately, all the same, lead to getting rid of excess weight.

The drug effectively helps pregnant women cope with intoxication that occurs during toxicosis, improves the well-being of workers hazardous industries, enriches the body with natural dietary fiber, gently stimulates the intestines, is successfully used in the treatment of obesity.

The use of polyphepan

The drug is produced in tablets, in powder, in the form of granules and paste, which are used to prepare a therapeutic suspension.

The drug is taken one hour before meals. The daily dose in tablets for adults is from 12 to 16 pieces, for children - from nine to ten.

Polyphepan is also available in the form of a paste, powder or granules. In this case, it is taken at the rate of 0.5-1 gram per kilogram of weight one and a half hours before meals.

In order to obtain a suspension, it is necessary to dilute the sorbent in water in the proportion of a tablespoon to a glass of water, stirring continuously for a couple of minutes until the dry matter is completely dissolved.

More exact dosage should be indicated in the attached instructions for the drug. The intervals between doses of the drug should be at least one hour. At long-term use this remedy must be taken multivitamin complexes, which should include groups B, D, K, E.

Indications for use

Diverse chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, for example, dysbacteriosis, colitis, and so on;
- Allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria, drug or food hypersensitivity;
- Violation of lipid metabolism, for example, the manifestation of obesity, atherosclerosis;
- Some gynecological diseases;
- Dental diseases.

Contraindications for use

Like many drugs, polyphepan is no exception, and also has contraindications, albeit in a very a small amount. I must say that it is released in pharmacies without a prescription, but the doctor should prescribe the course of treatment.

So, it is not recommended to take it with hypersensitivity, with violation of peristalsis, and in particular with constipation, as well as with atrophic gastritis. In diabetes, you should refrain from using granules, as they are produced using sugar.


The drug allows you to establish the work of the digestive tract, removes toxins and other toxic substances as well as metabolic products. After its use, metabolism is established, and the body copes better with extra pounds, helping a person become more slender.

But, as you know, “you won’t go far” on drugs alone, unfortunately, and such a thing has not yet been invented. unique tablet, after eating which, one would be surprised to see his slender and toned body in the mirror.

And in order to achieve weight loss, you need to adjust your diet, balancing it, and this should not be a temporary action, in the form of some kind of diet, you need to constantly follow the right healthy diet.

It is necessary to find time for daily physical activity, and actively train your body, making it more and more embossed and toned. Only such actions can achieve the perfect figure.

If you decide to try this drug on yourself, please, consult your doctor. And keep in mind that the abstract presented here is free, and therefore you simply must read complete instruction from the medicine package.

Polyphepan is effective drug enterosorbent natural origin. Main active ingredient, which is part of it is hydrolytic lignin. It has wide range actions.

The main advantage of Polyphepan is that it not only physically adsorbs toxins and pathogens, but also chemically binds and removes from the body harmful substances. The main direction of action of this drug is disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, such as diarrhea, flatulence, bacterial infection, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, liver disease.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that Polyphepan helps to stabilize bilirubin in the blood and stimulate the production of immunoglobulin protein. Enhanced Level bilirubin most often indicates anemia and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, rash, yellow tint of the sclera of the eyes and skin.

The use of Polyphepan helps the body to better cope with various kinds diseases and strengthens the immune system. Unlike most other enterosorbent preparations, Polyphepan does not irritate the gastric and intestinal mucosa, causing dysbacteriosis. Due to its macroporous structure, it acts much softer than the same Activated carbon.

Like most other drugs of this kind, it is better to alternate it with taking probiotics. Thus, balancing the balance of useful and harmful bacteria in the lower digestive tract.

Polyphepan should not be drunk by people with diabetes mellitus, in particular its tablet form.

This drug has a positive effect on the intestinal flora, in that it compensates for the lack of dietary coarse fibers in food. Which are necessary because the macromolecules that make up them serve as natural brushes that remove microbes and rotting food debris in the large intestine.

Polyphepan normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Promotes the production of amylase and activates the process of splitting sucrose in the body. Relieves exacerbation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Improves lipid metabolism, preventing blockage of blood vessels cholesterol plaques with atherosclerosis.

Shoots great hangover syndrome and output all harmful products half-life of alcohol from the blood with feces and urine.

Polyphepan is well suited for the treatment of helminthic invasions, bacterial intestinal infection, dysentery, purulent diseases.

Indications for use

Polyphepan has a wide range of indications for use. In fact, it is a universal enterosorbent, unlike others that have a more local specificity of action. It is indicated for use in the following cases:

Bacterial and viral intestinal infection (cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.)

It should be said that in this case it acts as a cleansing aid, when carried out in parallel drug treatment. Polyphepan helps to adsorb and remove pathogens and their waste products.

Diseases of the digestive tract (ulcers, colitis, dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.)

With today's stresses and malnutrition, almost every person has diseases of the digestive system. One of the most common disorders of this kind is dysbacteriosis. He is accompanied frequent diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach and flatulence. Polyphepan gently cleanses the intestines, normalizing liquid stool and balance beneficial microflora. Just a couple of days of regular use this drug you can feel great relief.

Metabolic disease

These include weight problems such as obesity and anorexia. Two extreme edges eating disorders which, unfortunately, recent times Not unusual. Polyphepan will help stabilize circulation nutrients in the body, cleanse the body and reduce appetite.

For people suffering from anorexia, Polyphepan will help to slow down the restoration of undermined body forces, improve appetite and general condition.

But in any case, people with such serious eating disorders should visit a psychologist, and Polyphepan will be an auxiliary therapy.

Toxic poisoning (alcohol, narcotic, food, chemical, etc.)

Allowing yourself too much, both in food and in drinking on holidays, turns out very often. The payoff for this is nausea and a hangover the next day. Get rid of these discomfort Polyphepan can easily. Only during the period of its reception for cleansing the body should be in without fail follow an appropriate diet.

Postoperative period

It has excellent disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. Suitable not only for external, but also for internal treatment organism, for example, in the treatment of purulent wounds.

Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system

Perfectly disinfects the mucous membranes of the genital organs, allowing you to get rid of inflammation of various kinds. It is also good to use Polyphepan for douching in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and after unprotected intercourse with a casual partner.

Diseases of the oral cavity

The use of the drug helps with stomatitis and other infectious diseases oral cavity. Rinses with this drug can be combined with drug treatment.

After radiation and chemotherapy

After treatment of neoplasms and cancerous tumors the body is in a very weak state. First of all, this affects the intestines and manifests itself in the form of various kinds of indigestion, pain, flatulence, diarrhea and dysbacteriosis. Polyphepan gently cleanses and disinfects lower section digestive tract, and prepare it for further recovery prebiotics.

Method of application - dosage

Polyphepan is available as a powder, as well as tablets and granules. In one sachet 10g, available in boxes of 10 pcs. sachets. Before taking according to the instructions for use, be sure to stir in water. This drug should be taken 1 - 2 teaspoons of powder or 2-3 tablets 10-15 minutes before meals. Maximum daily dose for adults is 5-6g of powder or 12-16 tablets.

Polyphepan should be used until the symptoms of diarrhea disappear, but not more than 7-10 days. If during this period the diarrhea does not stop, then you should consult a doctor. Especially if there is an increase in body temperature, nausea and loose stools with pus, or color changes.

At acute diarrhea you can try to increase the dosage of the drug, but you should also drink it for no more than 7-10 days. At chronic form diarrhea, the drug can be drunk for prevention in courses of 10 days with weekly breaks.

When using Polyphepan in gynecology, the powder should be diluted to a paste, and then applied to the walls of the vagina. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Is effective tool with thrush and fungal infections of the external genitalia.

For the treatment of stomatitis and various wounds and ulcers in the oral cavity, a solution should be made - a suspension at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per glass warm water. Then rinse oral cavity within 5-7 days.

With probe administration, the drug should be dissolved depending on the weight of the patient and the volume of fluid administered.

Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindications for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding have not been identified. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug and allergic reactions are possible. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor.

Application in childhood

Polyphepan can be given to children, side effects he has practically none. According to the instructions for use, give the drug to babies in the following dosage:

  • babies up to a year to a year - 1 teaspoon of powder 3 times a day;
  • babies from one to seven years old - 1 dessert spoon of powder 3 times a day;
  • children 7 years of age and older: 1 tablespoon of powder three times a day.

With an overdose of this drug, diarrhea, rash, allergic reactions are possible. Children should be given Polyphepan, as well as adults, 10-15 minutes before meals. Before giving to children, consult a pediatrician.


According to the instructions, there are practically no contraindications to this drug. When too frequent use Polyphepan may cause constipation and allergic reactions. Also, it should be given with caution to patients with diabetes - tablets, as they contain a little sugar.

Side effects

According to the instructions, among the side effects are the following:

  • weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • constipation;
  • heaviness in the right side.

Polyphepan or Polysorb which is better?

Both drugs have a very similar principle of action. Like Polyphepan, Polysorb is an effective antidiarrheal, antibacterial enterosorbent. Their differences lie in the composition, the main active substance Polysorb is silicon dioxide, and Polyphepan is lignin (a substance derived from conifers). Both drugs have a soft structure and work without damaging the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. They are not absorbed into the blood and are completely eliminated from the body, taking with them toxins, toxins and pathogens.

If a quick cleansing and detoxification of the body is required in this case, Polysorb will help better. If gradual restoration and cleaning is required, as well as maintenance and strengthening immune system, then, Polyphepan is more effective here.

Polyphepan for weight loss

Polyphepan is not a fat burner. It cleanses the body of waste and toxins, helping it to function better. He will auxiliary means in the process of weight loss. Of course, for weight loss it is necessary not only to drink Polyphepan, but also to adhere to a certain diet and physical activity. In this case, it is necessary to drink it for no more than five days, otherwise you can feel weakness and loss of strength.

Polyphepan for cleansing the body

According to the instructions is excellent remedy to cleanse the body. For best effect you need to follow a certain diet and exercise.

Polyphepan for acne

Many teenagers and young adults go in for acne treatment on their face and body with various acne sprays, creams and ointments. They do not think at all that the reason lies in the immune and digestive systems. That is, the problem comes from within, and it must also be solved from within. Polyphepan will be a good help in this, it will cleanse the stomach - intestinal tract and strengthen the immune system. After 3-5 days, you can feel the effect of it on the face and body.


Moscow and Moscow region

The average price of one box of 10 bags is 80-100 rubles.

Regions of Russia

The average price in the regions is about the same price category the only difference is delivery.


The closest analogues of Polyphepan are:

  • Polysorb - 310r;
  • Filtrum - STI - 75r;
  • Entegnin - 180 rub.

The cheapest among these analogues, as you can see, is Filtrum STI.

Polyphepan - medicinal product, which is an antidote, detoxifier, enterosorbent.

Active substance

Lignin hydrolytic (Lignin hydrolised).

Release form and composition

Available in several dosage forms: tablets, powder and granules.

Tablets - dark brown having no taste and smell. Packed in blisters of 10 pieces or plastic jars of 100 pieces.

Powder for oral administration is a dark brown mass, odorless, insoluble in water. Packed in paper bags of 10 g or polymer cans of 50, 100, 200 and 250 g.

Granules for oral administration - dark brown granules of irregular shape, tasteless and odorless and insoluble in water. Packed in paper bags of 50 g or polymer cans of 100 g.

Indications for use

Acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of various etiologies:

  • dyspepsia,
  • food poisoning,
  • diarrhea,
  • intestinal dysbiosis,
  • viral hepatitis,
  • dysentery,
  • salmonellosis,
  • cholera,
  • colitis.

Acute diseases accompanied by intoxication, preeclampsia, hepatic and kidney failure. Allergic diseases(hives, angioedema, food and drug allergy), lipid metabolism disorders (atherosclerosis, obesity), condition after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Gynecological diseases(bacterial colpitis, cervicitis, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis).
Dental diseases (generalized periodontitis, periodontitis, stomatitis).
The need to remove radionuclides and xenobiotics.


Hypersensitivity, constipation, anacid gastritis.

Should be used with caution when diabetes(for granules due to sucrose content).

Instructions for use Polyphepan (method and dosage)


  • Tablets are taken orally, 1 - 1.5 hours before meals.
  • Daily dose for adults: 4.8 - 6.4 g (12 - 16 tablets) 3 - 4 times a day; for children: 3.8 - 4 g.
  • In acute conditions: the course of treatment is 3-7 days (until the symptoms of intoxication disappear and the stool normalizes); with chronic: 10 - 1 days with breaks of 7 - 10 days.

Powder and granules

  • Adults: 0.5 - 1 g / kg 3 - 4 times a day (1 tablespoon is stirred in 200 ml of water for 2 minutes).
  • Children: up to 1 year - 1 tsp. appointment; from 1 year to 7 years - 1 dess.l.; from 7 years and older - 1 tbsp.

The drug is administered through drainage systems and probes into various departments Gastrointestinal tract (stomach, small and colon through gastro-, entero- and cecostomies, as well as in the form of high enemas).

When administered by probe, dilute drinking water in relation to 1:5 - 1:10, depending on the volume and injection site.

Side effects

While taking the drug Polyfepaa, the following side effects are possible: allergic reactions, constipation.


Cases of drug overdose have not been registered.


Analogues for the ATX code: Laktofiltrum, Povidone, Polifan, Enterodez.

Do not make the decision to change the drug yourself, consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

Lignin is a product plant origin. It is the substance responsible for cell wall density in vascular algae and plants. When hydrolysis lignin enters digestive tract it adsorbs various microorganisms and toxic substances, which are formed in the body or enter it from the outside. Among these substances, fungi, bacteria and toxic waste products, allergens of various origins, fragments of necrotic tissues, salts of heavy metals, fats, and other xenobiotics can be distinguished. By attaching the molecules of the above substances to itself, Polyphepan helps to remove them from the body. naturally, with feces.

  • Does not enter chemical reactions and is not metabolized, and also does not have a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora, but, on the contrary, helps to replenish the deficiency of plant fibers in the diet, thus ensuring the timely evacuation of intestinal contents.
  • The use of Polyphepan, in contrast to antibacterial drugs, renders positive impact on the intestinal biocenosis. The agent promotes enterosorption of toxins, detoxification of ascitic fluid and blood plasma. Its action leads to the elimination of diarrhea and dysbacteriosis, enhances intestinal motility, and also increases nonspecific immunity, while increasing the concentration of immunoglobulin A.
  • Reduces lipidemia, stabilizes amylase, hepatic transaminases and bilirubin, normalizes biochemical indicators, acid-base and electrolyte balance, and also contributes to the strengthening of reparative processes occurring in the body.

special instructions

The interval between doses of other drugs should be at least 1 hour.

Long-term use is combined with the introduction of vitamins of groups B, K, D, E and calcium preparations.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, uncontrolled reception is unacceptable.

In childhood

Approved for use in children.

In old age

Information is absent.

drug interaction

Information is absent.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding +25

Shelf life - 2 years.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Polyphepan for 1 pack starts from 95 rubles.


The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-treatment. Before use medicinal product it is necessary to consult with a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

Many women dream of losing weight without putting in much effort. We are constantly in search magic pill or powder, which in a few tricks help to find the figure of your dreams. And polyphepan, an absorbent based on natural raw materials, has become such a popular powder today.

Internet users are actively disseminating information about miraculous properties this drug. How does this substance actually work?

The direct purpose of this medicine is to absorb poisons and toxins that have entered the gastrointestinal tract with food. That is, to help with poisoning and manifestations food allergies. Its active substance is lignin, a complex polymer that is part of plants.

Lignin is similar in properties to fiber, it is not digested by the body, but once in the stomach, it absorbs liquid, swells, and works like a sponge inside our gastrointestinal tract. It begins to absorb harmful substances, decay products, cholesterol, toxins, salts of heavy metals.

But at the same time, it absorbs useful minerals and vitamins. Therefore, after a course of cleansing with the drug, it is necessary to drink a vitamin-mineral complex. And it should be remembered that polyphepan itself does not destroy adipose tissue, but only cleanses the intestines. An additional plus is that this drug reduces appetite due to the fullness of the stomach during administration.

Polyphepan is produced by hydrolysis of softwood and hardwood, so it is completely natural product. Doctors prescribe it even for children under 1 year old, if there are necessary indications for this.

It is prescribed for adults under certain conditions:

  • to remove toxins from the body resulting from poisoning with poor-quality food;
  • to reduce allergic reaction for food;
  • is used when there is insufficient intake of dietary fiber in the body;
  • for the prevention of heavy metal poisoning at work;
  • to reduce the effects of alcohol intoxication.

It is worth clarifying for yourself that polyphepan helps to lose weight only by removing toxins from the body. It does not directly affect adipose tissue, but only cleanses the intestines, contributing to a more efficient metabolism in the body. Due to its absorbent properties, the drug can also affect the appearance of the skin, removing acne and excessive greasiness.

But all this happens only when the cause of all the trouble with appearance is an overabundance of food toxins and residues of digestive products in the intestines, that is, with malnutrition.

Polyphepan is a more powerful absorbent than activated carbon, its properties are similar to enterosgel.

When and how to take polyphepan for weight loss?

Certain factors should be identified that are clear indications for the use of the drug for weight loss:

  • when at long-term diets on protein foods and the rejection of plant foods, a “plateau” effect occurs, in which the weight does not go anywhere else. This indicates a lack of natural fiber, which should come with good nutrition;
  • acute or sluggish forms of poisoning with low-quality products that adversely affect the functioning of the stomach and metabolism;
  • when hardware techniques are used for weight loss, due to which destruction occurs a large number adipose tissue, and the body does not have time to remove the products of its decay.

If you decide to take polyphepan in order to lose some extra weight, do it in combination with a diet and exercise. By itself, the drug will not work if, for example, you seize it with french fries and high-calorie sweets.

Instructions for use

Polyphepan is available as tablets, paste, granules or powder. Hardest to accept this medicine in powder form. Granules and paste dissolve easily in water, but they contain sugar for a pleasant taste, so polyphepan in granules is contraindicated for diabetics. Tablets are the most convenient form to use.

The daily rate of the drug - 12-16 tablets (4.8-6.4 g), in the form of powder, paste or granules - calculate the rate of 0.5-1 g per 1 kg of weight. They need to be dissolved in water or washed down large quantity pure water one hour before meals. For best results, take it before every meal.

The course of treatment with this remedy depends on the purpose. For weight loss with excessive obesity, an intensive course is prescribed - 10-15 days. To cleanse the body after poisoning, 5-7 days are enough. Between courses it is necessary to take a break of 10-15 days. It must be remembered that when taking the medicine, vitamins and minerals are excreted from the body, so you must definitely drink a multivitamin complex.

The specific taste of the powder should be taken into account, for some people it is difficult to take it as recommended by doctors (dilute in a glass of water and drink). Therefore, the main rule for the use of the sorbent is that it is better to take it in the form of tablets, washed down with plenty of water.

  1. It is consumed no more than 7 days. Next, you need a break of at least a week and a half.
  2. Be sure to resort to the use of vitamin complexes.
  3. Observe balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Eliminate fatty, fried, salty and sweet food. Do not get carried away with smoked meats.
  4. During the reception, do not overdo it with physical activity. The body needs strength to cleanse, so the course is best done on vacation or during the holidays.
  5. After the course, eat right and try to restore the intestinal microflora with the help of fermented milk products.

Official medicine often has a negative attitude towards taking various food additives. Polyphepan for doctors is, first of all, an absorbent for cleansing the body of toxins in case of poisoning.

For doctors, there are the following indications for the use of an absorbent:

  • with toxicosis of various origins, the drug is used as a detoxifying agent;
  • for first aid for acute poisoning;
  • with salmonellosis, dyspepsia, dysentery, food poisoning;
  • with manifestations of allergies;
  • in case of failures in the processes of lipid metabolism;
  • with renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • for the absorption of xenobiotics from the body.

According to doctors, polyphepan is too powerful an enterosorbent to be used for weight loss. It collects toxins and microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed into the blood, and removes all naturally. The use for weight loss is impractical, since the same effect can be achieved using healthy food rich in fiber.

To do this, it is enough to include cereals, vegetables, wholemeal bread and dairy products. Doctors prescribe polyphepan for the treatment of obesity only in exceptional cases when they appear sharp forms lipid metabolism disorders.

If you decide on such a radical stimulation of weight loss, remember the indications and contraindications x in the use of the drug.

Precautions and contraindications

With constipation, it is better not to resort to the use of this drug. Its peculiarity is that after a while polyphepan is able to release the harmful substances collected in itself. When in the body for more than 5-6 hours, the drug throws everything back into the intestines. Therefore, it is important to monitor your stool while taking the medicine.

With beriberi or severe deficiency minerals the drug should also be taken with caution, as it absorbs fat soluble vitamins and minerals, preventing them from getting from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to take additional vitamin complexes.

In diabetes mellitus, one should not resort to the use of the drug in the form of granules or pastes, since sugar is present in their composition.

With gastritis and peptic ulcer, polyphepan is prohibited, since its effect on the stomach and intestines worsens the course of the disease.

An allergic reaction may occur to polyphepan or its components.

During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the sorbent is taken with caution, as it removes from the body useful material, although directly on the fruit or quality breast milk does not affect, as it is not absorbed into the blood.

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