Neurodiclovit - indications for use and unique properties of the drug. Tablets "Neurodiclovit": instructions for use, price, analogues, indications for use, reviews about the drug of doctors and patients

LANNACHER G.L. Pharma GmbH/Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH/G.L.Pharma GmbH

Country of origin


Product group

Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs in combination with B vitamins

Release forms

  • 10 - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard. 10 - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.

Description of the dosage form

  • Capsules hard gelatin, size No. 1, with a pinkish-yellow body and a brown cap; the contents of the capsules are white granules (diclofenac sodium) and pink powder (vitamins).

pharmachologic effect

NSAIDs in combination with B vitamins. Diclofenac has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiplatelet and antipyretic effects. Indiscriminately inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2, disrupts the metabolism of arachidonic acid, reduces the amount of prostaglandins in the focus of inflammation. In rheumatic diseases, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of diclofenac contributes to a significant decrease in the severity of pain, morning stiffness, swelling of the joints, which improves the functional state of the joint. With injuries, in the postoperative period, diclofenac reduces pain and inflammatory edema. Thiamine (vitamin B1) in the human body as a result of phosphorylation processes turns into cocarboxylase, which is a coenzyme of many enzymatic reactions. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Actively participates in the processes of nerve excitation in synapses. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. In the phosphorylated form, it is a coenzyme in the metabolism of amino acids (decarboxylation, transamination). It acts as a coenzyme for the most important enzymes that act in nerve tissues. Participates in the biosynthesis of many neurotransmitters - such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine and GABA. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is necessary for normal hematopoiesis and maturation of red blood cells, and also participates in a number of biochemical reactions that ensure the vital activity of the body - in the transfer of methyl groups, in the synthesis of nucleic acids, protein, in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids. It has a beneficial effect on processes in the nervous system (nucleic acid synthesis and lipid composition of cerebrosides and phospholipids). The coenzymatic forms of cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, are essential for cell replication and growth. The combination of B vitamins potentiates the analgesic effect of diclofenac.


Diclofenac Absorption Absorption of diclofenac is rapid and complete. Food slows down the rate of absorption by 1-4 hours and reduces Cmax by 40%. After oral administration of diclofenac at a dose of 50 mg, Cmax is reached after 2-3 hours and is 1.4 μg / ml. Plasma concentration is linearly related to the dose taken. Bioavailability - 50%. Distribution Changes in the pharmacokinetics of diclofenac against the background of repeated administration are not observed, do not cumulate. Plasma protein binding - more than 99% (most associated with albumin). Penetrates into the synovial fluid. Cmax in synovial fluid is observed 2-4 hours later than in plasma. Diclofenac is excreted in breast milk. Vd - 550 ml / kg. Metabolism 50% of the active substance is metabolized during the "first pass" through the liver. Metabolism occurs as a result of multiple or single hydroxylation and conjugation with glucuronic acid. The CYP2C9 isoenzyme takes part in the metabolism of the drug. The pharmacological activity of metabolites is lower than that of diclofenac. The excretion of T1 / 2 from the synovial fluid is 3-6 hours. The concentration of diclofenac in the synovial fluid 4-6 hours after taking the drug is greater than in plasma, and remains higher than the plasma values ​​for another 12 hours. The relationship of the concentration of the drug in the synovial fluid with the clinical efficacy of the drug has not been elucidated. Systemic clearance is 350 ml/min. T1 / 2 from plasma - 2 hours. 65% of the administered dose is excreted as metabolites by the kidneys, less than 1% is excreted unchanged, the rest of the dose is excreted as metabolites in the bile. In patients with severe renal insufficiency (CC

Special conditions

During the period of treatment with Neurodiclovit, a systematic monitoring of the picture of peripheral blood, liver and kidney function, and a study of feces for the presence of blood should be carried out. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms Patients taking the drug should refrain from activities that require increased attention and rapid mental and motor reactions, alcohol consumption.


  • sodium diclofenac 50 mg thiamine hydrochloride (vit. B1) 50 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride (vit. B6) 50 mg cyanocobalamin (vit. B12) 250 mcg agent SE2 MC, gelatin, titanium dioxide (E171), iron oxide red (E172), iron oxide yellow (E172).

Neurodiclovit indications for use

  • - pain syndrome with inflammation of a non-rheumatic nature (after injuries, surgical and dental interventions; with gynecological diseases - primary algomenorrhea, adnexitis; with inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media); - inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints and spine (chronic polyarthritis, rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, spondylarthrosis); - neuritis and neuralgia (cervical syndrome, lumbago, sciatica); - acute gouty arthritis; - rheumatic affection of soft tissues.

Neurodiclovitis contraindications

  • - erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (in the acute phase); - gastrointestinal bleeding; - intracranial bleeding; - bronchial asthma in combination with polyposis of the nasal mucosa; - disorders of hematopoiesis; - violations of hemostasis (including hemophilia); - pregnancy; - childhood; - lactation period (breastfeeding); - Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (including other NSAIDs). With caution, the drug should be prescribed for anemia, bronchial asthma, congestive heart failure, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, edematous syndrome, liver or kidney failure, alcoholism, inflammatory bowel disease, erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in remission, diabetes mellitus, condition after extensive surgical interventions, induced porphyria, diverticulitis, systemic connective tissue diseases, and elderly patients

Neurodiclovitis side effects

  • On the part of the digestive system:> 1% - abdominal pain, feeling of bloating, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, flatulence, increased levels of liver enzymes, peptic ulcer with possible complications (bleeding, perforation), gastrointestinal bleeding; 1% - headache, dizziness; 1% - tinnitus; 1% - skin itching, skin rash; 1% - fluid retention;

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit increases the plasma concentration of digoxin, methotrexate, lithium preparations and cyclosporine. With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit reduces the effect of diuretics, against the background of potassium-sparing diuretics, the risk of hyperkalemia increases. With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit and anticoagulants, thrombolytic agents (alteplase, streptokinase, urokinase), the risk of bleeding (often gastrointestinal bleeding) increases. With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit reduces the effects of antihypertensive and hypnotic drugs. With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit increases the likelihood of side effects of other NSAIDs and corticosteroids (gastrointestinal bleeding), methotrexate toxicity and cyclosporine nephrotoxicity. Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the concentration of diclofenac in the blood. Simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit with paracetamol increases the risk of nephrotoxic effects of diclofenac.


vomiting, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, clouding of consciousness, in children - myoclonic convulsions, nausea, abdominal pain, bleeding, impaired liver and kidney function

Storage conditions

  • store in a dry place
  • store at room temperature 15-25 degrees
  • keep away from children
  • store in a place protected from light
Information provided

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs work more effectively in combination with B vitamins. Neurodiclovit is a complex medication containing both of these ingredients. It is often prescribed for the treatment of spasmodic pain syndromes, rheumatic and neurological pathologies.

Neurodiclovit - composition

The considered pharmacological agent is based on 4 active ingredients:

  • diclofenac sodium;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine);
  • vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

Additionally, the drug Neurodiclovit contains auxiliary components:

  • triethyl acetate;
  • povidone K25;
  • dispersion 30%;
  • a copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid;
  • talc;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • gelatin;
  • dyes.

What helps Neurodiclovit?

The presented combined preparation blocks pain receptors and effectively stops inflammatory processes. These properties are due to diseases in which Neurodiclovit is prescribed, the indications are as follows:

  • degenerative pathologies of the spine and joints;
  • rheumatic conditions;
  • sciatica;
  • inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • soft tissue lesions of a rheumatic nature;
  • cervical, cervical syndrome;
  • chronic polyarthritis;
  • neuritis;
  • osteo- and spondylarthrosis;

In non-rheumatic diseases, Neurodiclovit is also sometimes used - indications for use include:

  • primary algomenorrhea;
  • pain after dental, surgical interventions and injuries;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis.

How to take Neurodiclovit?

The described medicine is available in the form of capsules with a hard gelatin shell. They must be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of clean water, preferably warm or at room temperature. Experts advise taking Neurodiclovit directly with food - the use of the drug with food increases its bioavailability and absorption. The recommended dosage is 2-3 capsules per day (divided into several times). With maintenance therapy, 1 pill per day is prescribed.

This disease is characterized by severe pain syndrome. Sometimes it is accompanied by inflammatory processes and infringement of the nerve roots. Not all patients of a neurologist know that with the pathology under consideration, you can drink Neurodiclovit - the indications for use in the instructions do not contain osteochondrosis, but doctors often prescribe it. The action of diclofenac is enhanced by B vitamins, pain and inflammation are quickly stopped. Neurodiclovit capsules in this case are used according to the standard scheme. In parallel, you can use analgesics in the form of injections.

Neurodiclovitis with trigeminal neuralgia

This disease is also accompanied by intense pain and inflammation, spasms of the facial muscles. Neurodiclovit tablets help eliminate the listed clinical manifestations and prevent infringement of the facial nerve root. With the described diagnosis, the drug is recommended to be used in combination with other painkillers, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants.

How many days can I take Neurodiclovit?

It is dangerous to choose your own medicines and calculate the duration of the therapeutic course. Only a specialist should prescribe Neurodiclovit - how much to take, in what dosages and with what medicines to combine the presented remedy, the doctor decides. Final recommendations are made based on the history and laboratory findings.

The main parameter that determines how much to drink Neurodiclovit is the indications for use. With neurological disorders, the course can be 6-30 days. For part of the indicated time, the dosage is up to 3 capsules every 24 hours, and then only the maintenance dose is taken. In other cases, the drug is prescribed for a short period, up to 10-12 days.

Neurodiclovit - side effects

Reactions from different body systems to the use of the described anti-inflammatory agent are rare, but they are numerous. Taking Neurodiclovit, side effects can be felt in such manifestations as:

  • bloating;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • jaundice;
  • cholecystopancreatitis;
  • vomit;
  • blood in the stool;
  • hepatitis;
  • ulceration of the walls of the intestine or stomach;
  • internal bleeding;
  • melena;
  • damage to the esophagus;
  • severe dryness of mucous tissues;
  • necrosis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • fluctuations in appetite;
  • colitis;
  • hepatorenal lesions;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depression;
  • headache;
  • aseptic meningitis;
  • irritability;
  • convulsions;
  • disorientation;
  • unreasonable feeling of fear;
  • severe weakness in the muscles;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • deterioration in the clarity of vision;
  • violation of taste sensitivity;
  • diplopia;
  • scotoma;
  • reversible or permanent hearing loss;
  • alopecia;
  • skin rash and itching;
  • toxic dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • multiform exudative erythema;
  • photosensitivity;
  • bullous eruptions;
  • Lyell's syndrome;
  • microscopic hemorrhages in soft tissues and skin;
  • hives;
  • puffiness;
  • hematuria;
  • oliguria;
  • nephrotic ailments;
  • proteinuria;
  • acute renal failure;
  • azotemia;
  • papillary necrosis;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • leukopenia;
  • eosinophilia;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • bronchospasm;
  • extrasystole;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chest pain;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • swelling of the tongue and lips;
  • allergic vasculitis;
  • exacerbation of infections;
  • development of necrotizing fasciitis.

Neurodiclovitis - contraindications

Due to the risk of one or more of the side effects listed above, this medicine should not be used for many conditions. The drug Neurodiclovit is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • gastric, intracranial or intestinal bleeding;
  • bronchial asthma, nasal polyposis in combination with intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • disorders of hemostasis and hematopoiesis;
  • erosion or ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • active liver disease, including failure;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • previous coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • intolerance or hypersensitivity to any component.

Neurodiclovit and alcohol - compatibility

Ethanol significantly reduces the absorption and absorption of thiamine, preventing the enhancement of the action of diclofenac. Because of this property, Neurodiclovit and alcohol are considered incompatible. Experts recommend that you stop drinking strong drinks not only during the period of therapy, but keep sobriety for another 2-3 weeks after the full course.

Neurodiclovit - analogues

There is one completely identical anti-inflammatory agent, in which the composition and concentration of active ingredients coincide with the pills in question - Diclovit. It is also available in the form of capsules and has a pronounced therapeutic effect, but has a high cost. You can spend less money and replace Neurodiclovit - cheaper analogues differ in composition (generics or synonyms), but produce a similar analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

NSAIDs in combination with B vitamins

Active ingredients

Diclofenac sodium (diclofenac)
- (vit. B 6) (pyridoxine)
- cyanocobalamin (vit. B 12) (cyanocobalamin)
- thiamine hydrochloride (vit. B 1) (thiamine)

Release form, composition and packaging

Modified release capsules hard gelatin, size No. 1, with a light pinkish yellow body and a pinkish brown cap, opaque; the contents of the capsules are a mixture of white granulate (sodium) and pink powder (thiamine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin).

Excipients: povidone K25 - 8.42 mg, copolymer of methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate (1: 1) dispersion 30% - 5.6 mg, triethyl acetate - 0.6 mg, talc - 3.08 mg.

The composition of the capsule body: titanium dioxide (E171) - 0.924 mg, iron dye red oxide (E172) - 0.0061 mg, iron dye yellow oxide (E172) - 0.0924 mg, gelatin - 45.1775 mg.
Capsule cap composition: titanium dioxide (E171) - 0.7186 mg, iron dye red oxide (E172) - 0.5144 mg, gelatin - 29.567 mg.

10 pieces. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

NSAIDs in combination with B vitamins. diclofenac It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiplatelet and antipyretic effects. Indiscriminately inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2, disrupts the metabolism of arachidonic acid, reduces the amount of prostaglandins in the focus of inflammation. In rheumatic diseases, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of diclofenac contributes to a significant decrease in the severity of pain, morning stiffness, swelling of the joints, which improves the functional state of the joint. With injuries, in the postoperative period, diclofenac reduces pain and inflammatory edema.

Thiamine (vitamin B 1) in the human body, as a result of phosphorylation processes, it turns into cocarboxylase, which is the coenzyme of many enzymatic reactions. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Actively participates in the processes of nerve excitation in synapses.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. In the phosphorylated form, it is a coenzyme in the metabolism of amino acids (decarboxylation, transamination). It acts as a coenzyme for the most important enzymes that act in nerve tissues. Participates in the biosynthesis of many neurotransmitters - such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine and GABA.

Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B 12) necessary for normal hematopoiesis and maturation of erythrocytes, and also participates in a number of biochemical reactions that ensure the vital activity of the body - in the transfer of methyl groups, in the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids. It has a beneficial effect on processes in the nervous system (nucleic acid synthesis and lipid composition of cerebrosides and phospholipids). The coenzymatic forms of cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, are essential for cell replication and growth.

The combination of B vitamins potentiates the analgesic effect of diclofenac.




Absorption of diclofenac is fast and complete. Food slows down the rate of absorption by 1-4 hours and reduces Cmax by 40%. After oral administration of diclofenac at a dose of 50 mg, Cmax is reached after 2-3 hours and is 1.4 μg / ml. Plasma concentration is linearly related to the dose taken. Bioavailability - 50%.


Changes in the pharmacokinetics of diclofenac against the background of repeated administration are not observed, do not cumulate. More than 99% protein binding (most bound to albumin). Penetrates into the synovial fluid. Cmax in synovial fluid is observed 2-4 hours later than in plasma. Diclofenac is excreted in breast milk. V d - 550 ml / kg.


50% of the active substance is metabolized during the "first pass" through the liver. Metabolism occurs as a result of multiple or single hydroxylation and conjugation with glucuronic acid. The CYP2C9 isoenzyme takes part in the metabolism of the drug. The pharmacological activity of metabolites is lower than that of diclofenac.


T 1 / 2 from the synovial fluid is 3-6 hours. The concentration of diclofenac in the synovial fluid 4-6 hours after taking the drug is greater than in plasma, and remains higher than the plasma values ​​for another 12 hours. The relationship of the concentration of the drug in the synovial fluid with the clinical efficacy of the drug has not been elucidated. Systemic clearance is 350 ml/min. T1 / 2 from plasma - 2 hours. 65% of the administered dose is excreted as metabolites by the kidneys, less than 1% is excreted unchanged, the rest of the dose is excreted as metabolites in the bile.

In patients with severe renal insufficiency (CK<10 мл/мин) увеличивается выведение метаболитов с желчью, при этом увеличения их концентрации в крови не наблюдается.

In patients with chronic hepatitis or compensated liver cirrhosis, the pharmacokinetic parameters of diclofenac do not change.

Vitamins B 1, B 6, B 12

The vitamins that make up Neurodiclovit are water-soluble, which excludes the possibility of their accumulation in the body.

Thiamine and pyridoxine are absorbed in the upper small intestine, metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys (about 8-10% unchanged). The degree of absorption depends on the dose, with an overdose, the excretion of thiamine and pyridoxine through the intestine increases significantly.

The absorption of cyanocobalamin depends to a large extent on the presence of an internal factor in the body (in the stomach and upper small intestine), further delivery of the vitamin to the tissues is determined by the transport protein transcobalamin. After metabolism in the liver, cyanocobalamin is excreted mainly with bile, the degree of excretion by the kidneys is variable - from 6 to 30%.


- pain syndrome with inflammation of a non-rheumatic nature (after injuries, surgical and dental interventions; with gynecological diseases - primary algomenorrhea, adnexitis; with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media);

- inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints and spine (chronic polyarthritis, rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, spondylarthrosis);

- neuritis and neuralgia (cervical syndrome, lumbago, sciatica);

- acute gouty arthritis;

- rheumatic affection of soft tissues.


- erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (in the acute phase);

- gastrointestinal bleeding;

- intracranial bleeding;

- complete or incomplete combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent polyposis of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses and intolerance or other NSAIDs (including history);

- violations of hematopoiesis;

- violations of hemostasis (including hemophilia);

- inflammatory bowel disease;

- severe liver failure;

- active liver disease;

- severe renal failure (CC less than 30 ml / min);

- progressive kidney disease;

- severe heart failure;

- the period after coronary artery bypass grafting;

- confirmed hyperkalemia;

- pregnancy;

- lactation period (breastfeeding);

- childhood;

- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

- Hypersensitivity to other NSAIDs or vitamins.

FROM caution: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, a history of liver disease, hepatic porphyria, chronic liver failure, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, a significant decrease in BCC (including after major surgery), elderly patients (including those receiving diuretics, debilitated patients and those with low body weight), bronchial asthma, concomitant use of corticosteroids (including prednisone), anticoagulants (including warfarin), antiplatelet agents (including acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (including citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline), ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, dyslipidemia / hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, peripheral arterial disease, chronic renal failure (CC 30-60 ml / min), the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, long-term use of NSAIDs, alcoholism, severe somatic diseases, smoking nie.


Capsules should be taken orally with meals, without chewing and with plenty of liquid.

Adults Neurodiclovit is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times / day at the beginning of treatment, as a maintenance dose - 1-2 times / day. The duration of therapy depends on the nature and severity of the disease.

Side effects

From the digestive system: > 1% - epigastric pain, feeling of bloating, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, flatulence, increased levels of liver enzymes, peptic ulcer with possible complications (bleeding, perforation), gastrointestinal bleeding;<1% – рвота, желтуха, мелена, появление крови в кале, поражение пищевода, афтозный стоматит, сухость слизистых оболочек (в т.ч. рта), гепатит (возможно молниеносное течение), некроз печени, цирроз, гепаторенальный синдром, изменение аппетита, панкреатит, холецистопанкреатит, колит.

From the nervous system:>1% - headache, dizziness;<1% - нарушение сна, сонливость, депрессия, раздражительность, асептический менингит (чаще у больных системной красной волчанкой и другими системными заболеваниями соединительной ткани), судороги, общая слабость, дезориентация, кошмарные сновидения, ощущение страха.

From the sense organs:>1% - tinnitus;<1% - нечеткость зрения, диплопия, нарушение вкуса, обратимое или необратимое снижение слуха, скотома.

Dermatological reactions:>1% - skin itching, skin rash;<1% - алопеция, крапивница, экзема, токсический дерматит, многоформная экссудативная эритема (в т.ч. синдром Стивенса-Джонсона), токсический эпидермальный некролиз (синдром Лайелла), повышенная фоточувствительность, мелкоточечные кровоизлияния, буллезные высыпания.

From the urinary system:>1% - fluid retention;<1% – нефротический синдром, протеинурия, олигурия, гематурия, интерстициальный нефрит, папиллярный некроз, острая почечная недостаточность, азотемия.

From the hematopoietic system: <1% – анемия (в т.ч. гемолитическая и апластическая анемии), лейкопения, тромбоцитопения, эозинофилия, агранулоцитоз, тромбоцитопеническая пурпура.

From the respiratory system:<1% – кашель, бронхоспазм, отек гортани, пневмония.

From the side of the cardiovascular systems: <1% – повышение АД, застойная сердечная недостаточность, экстрасистолия, боль в грудной клетке, инфаркт миокарда.

Allergic reactions:<1% - анафилактоидные реакции, анафилактический шок (обычно развивается стремительно), отек губ и языка, аллергический васкулит.

Others: <1% – ухудшение течения инфекционных процессов (в т.ч. развитие некротического фасциита).


Symptoms: vomiting, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, epigastric pain, diarrhea, dizziness, tinnitus, lethargy, convulsions; rarely - increased blood pressure, acute renal failure, hepatotoxic effect, respiratory depression, coma.

Treatment: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating the increase in blood pressure, impaired renal function, convulsions, gastrointestinal irritation, respiratory depression. Forced diuresis, hemodialysis are ineffective (due to significant binding to plasma proteins and intensive metabolism).

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit increases the plasma concentration of digoxin, methotrexate, lithium preparations and cyclosporine.

With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit reduces the effect of diuretics, against the background of potassium-sparing diuretics, the risk of hyperkalemia increases.

With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit and anticoagulants, thrombolytic agents (alteplase, streptokinase, urokinase), the risk of bleeding (often gastrointestinal bleeding) increases.

With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit reduces the effects of antihypertensive and hypnotic drugs.

With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit increases the likelihood of side effects of other NSAIDs and corticosteroids (gastrointestinal bleeding), methotrexate toxicity and cyclosporine nephrotoxicity.

Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the concentration of diclofenac in the blood.

Simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit with paracetamol increases the risk of nephrotoxic effects of diclofenac.

With the simultaneous use of Neurodiclovit reduces the effect of hypoglycemic agents.

With simultaneous use with Neurodiclovit, cefamandol, cefoperazone, cefotetan, and plicamycin increase the incidence of hypoprothrombinemia.

Cyclosporine and gold preparations increase the effect of diclofenac on the synthesis of prostaglandins in the kidneys, which increases the risk of nephrotoxicity.

The simultaneous appointment of Neurodiclovit with ethanol, colchicine, corticotropin, serotonin reuptake inhibitors and St. John's wort increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Diclofenac enhances the effect of drugs that cause photosensitivity.

Drugs that block tubular secretion increase the plasma concentration of diclofenac, thereby increasing its toxicity.

Neurodiclovit reduces the antiparkinsonian efficacy of levodopa.

Ethanol sharply reduces the absorption of thiamine (blood levels can decrease by 30%).

Long-term treatment with anticonvulsants can lead to thiamine deficiency.

The use of colchicine and biguanides reduces the absorption of cyanocobalamin.

special instructions

During the period of treatment with the drug, systematic monitoring of the picture of peripheral blood, liver and kidney function, and examination of feces for the presence of blood should be carried out.

To reduce the risk of developing adverse events from the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be used in the minimum effective dose for the shortest possible course.

In order to quickly achieve the desired therapeutic effect, the tablets are taken 30 minutes before a meal. In other cases, take before, during or after a meal, without chewing, drinking plenty of water.

Due to the important role of prostaglandins in maintaining renal blood flow, special care should be taken when prescribing to patients with heart or kidney failure, as well as in the treatment of elderly patients receiving diuretics, and patients who, for any reason, have a decrease in BCC (including hours after extensive surgery). If diclofenac is prescribed in such cases, it is recommended to monitor renal function as a precautionary measure.

If, while taking the drug, an increase in liver transaminase activity persists or increases, if clinical symptoms of hepatotoxicity (including nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, diarrhea, pruritus, jaundice) are noted, treatment should be discontinued.

Diclofenac (like other NSAIDs) can cause hyperkalemia.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

During the period of treatment, a decrease in the rate of mental and motor reactions is possible, therefore, patients should refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Due to the negative effect on fertility, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug to women planning to become pregnant.

Caution should be given to the drug in elderly patients.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

And relieve inflammation.

The drug is available in the form of modified release capsules. Sold - Neurodiclovit in a cardboard box of three plates. One blister contains 10 capsules.

The active ingredients in Neurodiclovit are sodium and vitamins, including B1, B6 and B12. Auxiliary components: povidone, copilimer of methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate in a ratio of one to one, talc and triethyl citrate.

The capsule shell body includes gelatin, dyes and titanium dioxide. The lid consists of the same components in different proportions.

Therapeutic action

Describes the drug as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, the drug relieves pain and brings down the temperature. The action of the drug is based on the blunting of the production of cyclooxygenase and the disruption of metabolic processes involving arachidonic acids, a decrease in the level of prostaglandins in the inflamed area.

With pathologies of the rheumatic type, due to the anti-inflammatory effect and analgesic effect, the drug stops severe spasms, restores mobility to the musculoskeletal system, relieves swelling of the joints. In the post-traumatic and postoperative period Neurodiclovitis relieves pain and swelling due to inflammation.

Thiamine is able to participate in the formation of cocarboxylase, which is used for the proper functioning of catalysts in enzymatic processes. B1 is needed for the normalization of material metabolism in the body and the correct conduct of the nervous reaction in the synapse area.

Without pyridoxine, the correct functioning of the nervous system is not complete. Metabolic processes involving amino acids are also carried out using vitamin B6. The biological substance is a coenzyme necessary for the normalization of the structure of nerve-type tissues. Pyridoxine is needed to produce adrenaline, serotonin, histamine and other neurotransmitters.

Under the influence of cyanocobalamin, the process of blood formation and the formation of red blood cells occurs. Vitamin B12 is needed for the formation of nucleic acids, protein synthesis, and is used in amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism. It helps to improve the functioning of nervous structures, the proper development and division of cells.

Due to the interaction of B vitamins and diclofenac, the drug is able to provide a long-lasting analgesic effect.

Indications for use

Neurodiclovit indications for useinclude the following pathologies:

  • Diseases not related to the musculoskeletal system. The spasm is quenched by the remedy after injuries, during postoperative recovery, during dental procedures, with gynecological ailments, inflammation of the throat and hearing organs.
  • Diseases of the joints and spine. The drug is prescribed for chronic polyarthritis, rheumatoid and rheumatic types of arthritis, spondylitis, spondylarthrosis, osteoarthritis.
  • Neuralgia disorders. An effective remedy for eliminating pain during pinching of the sciatic nerve, lesions of the cervical region.
  • Arthritis due to the development of gout.
  • Rheumatic diseases of soft tissues.

Instructions for use

Instructions for the use of Neurodiclovit in injectionsdoes not exist, since the only form of release of the drug is tablets.

When swallowing the capsule, it is undesirable to bite or open. The medicine is taken with food. It is advisable to drink the drug with water.

It is better not to self-medicate. The doctor should prescribe the appropriate dosage, referring to the fact thatwhat tablets Neurodiclovitare registered. The instructions include the following guidelines:

  • Adults need to drink 2 or 3 tablets per day. As an additional therapy, 1 capsule per day is used. More than 3 tablets per day is contraindicated.
  • Children over 14 are prescribed 1 or 2 capsules per day.
  • For people aged (after 65), the drug is prescribed with extreme caution, depending on the presence or absence of disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Neurodiclovit and alcohol compatibilitylow, so the use of alcoholic beverages during the course of therapy will have to be abandoned.

The medicine can cause some negative effects:

  • Cramps in the abdominal cavity;
  • Disturbances in the digestive tract and nausea;
  • Formation of ulcers in the intestines or stomach;
  • Stomatitis, irritation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus;
  • Formation of adhesions in the intestine;
  • Migraine;
  • Constant desire to sleep or insomnia;
  • Profuse hair loss;
  • Increased anxiety;
  • Allergic reactions in the form of a skin rash;
  • puffiness;
  • Pathology of the kidneys;
  • The development of diseases such as hepatitis, anemia, thrombocytopenia;
  • Violations in the work of the heart, jumps in pressure and pulse.

Application during pregnancy

Studies studying the effect of the drug on the course of pregnancy have not been conducted.

Contraindications for use

Regardless of,How to take Neurodiclovit, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug. You can not use the tool for people with:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Violations in the processes of formation and blood clotting;
  • Ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver of severe stages;
  • Bleeding in the stomach or intestines;
  • Age up to 14 years.
  • The presence of hay fever, the formation of polyps in the nasal cavities, asthma and lung disease;
  • High blood pressure, heart failure, myocardial damage, blood flow problems;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system and liver in the initial stages;

With caution, the drug is used by people over 65 years of age. Pregnant women and women during breastfeeding are not recommended to use the medication.

Price in Russia and Ukraine

You can buy medicine both in Ukraine and in Russia.The price of Neurodiclovitmay differ depending on the city and network of pharmacies.

The cost of the drug in rubles is approximately 350-400 rubles. The price of medicine in UAH varies from 140 to 170 UAH.

Neurodiclovit's analogs

Preparations-synonyms to means are not issued.Neurodiclovit's analogswith identical active ingredients (diclofenac and B vitamins) cannot be found in the CIS countries.

To replace the medication, agents with a similar effect are most often used. They contain diclofenac, but do not include vitamins. The advantage is that the form of release of such drugs is variable and you can buy drugs with different severity of analgesic effect.

Pharmacies sell:

  • Tablets: Artrotek, Diclogen, Diclofenac, Panoxen, Flotak;
  • Means for injections: Bioran, Diklonat P, Dicloran, Dolomin, Ortofen;
  • Rectal suppositories: Diklak, Diklovit, Naklofen and others.

Neurodiclovitis or Neuromultivit - what is the difference?

Indications for use Neurodiclovitand Neuromultvita differ significantly and converge only in some aspects. The composition of the second remedy includes B vitamins, and diclofenac is absent. Neuromultivit can be replaced Neurodiclovitis in the treatment of neuritis. Treatment of other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is carried out using a drug containing diclofenac.

Maxigezik and Neurodiclovit - what to choose?

The active ingredients in Maxigesic are potassium diclofenac, serratiopeptidase and paracetamol. In addition, the drug includes sodium benzoate, povidone, corn starch and some other substances.

Neurodiclovit analogueis issued in the form of tablets. Indications for the use of drugs are similar. Maksigezik is prescribed for therapy:

  • Migraines and dental spasms;
  • Ailments in the first days of menstruation;
  • Symptoms of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including bone, muscle and joint structures.
  • Orthopedic type injuries;
  • Infectious and viral diseases with severe hyperthermia;
  • Painful sensations during inflammation of the throat, ear and maxillary sinuses.

Olfen or Neurodiclovit - what to choose for osteochondrosis?

Instructions for use Neurodiclovitdescribes only one dosage form of the drug. Olfen is produced in different forms. The pharmacy sells:

  • Coated tablets - 20 pieces per pack;
  • Capsules - 10 or 20 units per pack;
  • Means for injections - 5 containers with a volume of 2 milliliters;
  • Rectal capsules - 5 pieces per pack.

The active ingredient in all forms of Olfen's release is diclofenac sodium. The capsules also contain lactose. Unlike Neurodiclovit, Olfen is a more powerful drug for pain relief.

Diclofenac and Neurodiclovit - which is cheaper?

Diclofenac is different from Neurodiclovitis variety of release forms. The medicine is sold as:

  • Injection solution of 3 milliliters in each ampoule;
  • Tablets containing 25 or 50 milligrams of the active ingredient;
  • Means for rectal use;
  • Ointments and gels.

The active substance of the drug is Diclofenac sodium. Means for injection has a transparent color and a slight smell of alcohol. Sold in packs of 5 or 10. Contains benzyl alcohol and pure water. Coated tablets and capsules are sold in different quantities from 10 to 100 per package. Suppository for rectal use in a pack of 10. Of the auxiliary components, the ointment contains polyethylene oxide, nipazole, nipagin, propylene glycol. Like the gel, it is sold in a tube with a capacity of 40 grams.

Diclofenac refers to cheap anti-inflammatory drugs, but unlike Neurodiclovit, it has a wider list of contraindications and side effects.

Neurodiclovit is a anti-inflammatory a combined agent that has an analgesic effect, which contains vitamins of group B. The drug is used to eliminate the symptoms of pain in inflammatory non-infectious processes.

Release form Neurodiclovit, composition

Neurodiclovit is currently available in encapsulated form for oral administration. On sale there are two versions of capsules - regular and modified release of activated substances. Since both remedies are applied according to identical rules, the difference between them is not significant.

On the Internet you can find information about solutions for Neurodiclovit injections, but there is no such dosage form in pharmacies in Russia and Ukraine.

As active components of Neurodiclovit capsules there are:

  • thiamine hydrochloride (or vitamin B1) in a volume of 50 mg;
  • diclofenac in a volume of 50 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin (or vitamin B12) in the amount of 250 mg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (or vitamin B6) in a volume of 50 mg.

Auxiliary substances of Neurodiclovit are represented by the following components:

The body of the Neurodiclovit capsules is made in brown-pink colors from a gelatinous material. The contents of the capsules are white granules. diclofenac and small pinkish granules of vitamin B group. The product is produced in cartons with blisters of 30 capsules.

Therapeutic effect of the drug Neurodiclovit

The active ingredients of the drug are vitamins group B and diclofenac. The action of diclofenac is based on its discharge of nonsteroidal drugs. The component has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiaggregatory and analgesic effect.

Anti-inflammatory the action of Neurodiclovit is expressed not only in the suppression of the inflammation itself, but also in the reduction of the lesion in tissues and organs.

Anesthetic the effect is achieved by stopping the pain syndrome caused by inflammation in organs and tissues.

Diclofenac, which is part of the composition, has antipyretic action by lowering body temperature to the normal limit.

Blood flow and reduced risk of thrombosis is achieved by antiplatelet actions of Neurodiclovit.

Neurodiclovit: indications for use

The drug is prescribed to patients with the following diseases and conditions:

Since Neurodiclovit is produced in the most modern and easy-to-use form, capsules, when taken, they cannot be chewed, cracked and unfolded. Capsule need swallow whole while drinking plenty of water. The recommended time of admission is with meals. If there is a need for a quick effect of the drug, then it should be taken not during meals, but half an hour before a meal.

Usually the doctor prescribes the drug according to the instructions, that is, from one to three times a day, 1 capsule. At the beginning of therapy, the doctor prescribes Neurodiclovit at exactly this dosage, and when the pain syndrome and inflammation are stopped, the patient switches to a maintenance dose - 1 capsule once a day. Duration treatment at the main stage is determined by the doctor based on the disappearance of pain and inflammation. To achieve a long and lasting therapeutic effect, the maintenance phase continues for several weeks in a row.

Neurodiclovitis during lactation and pregnancy

Both during pregnancy and throughout the entire period of lactation, taking the medicine is categorically forbidden. If for some reason a woman needs to be treated with Neurodiclovit, doctors' reviews call for transferring the child to artificial feeding, and completely stopping breastfeeding.

For women who are just planning a pregnancy, the use of the drug is also not recommended, since its active substances adversely affect fertility.

Rejection of Neurodiclovit also awaits women undergoing treatment or examination for infertility.

Risk minimization

During the entire period of treatment with Neurodiclovit, the attending physician is obliged to conduct strict control of the blood picture, which includes a general analysis with a leukoformula. Also, the kidneys, liver and intestines should be registered (analysis of feces for the presence of blood residues).

If during therapy symptoms such as nausea, drowsiness, systematic fatigue, pain in the liver, diarrhea, jaundice, urticaria appear, the patient must immediately contact his doctor.

In order for Neurodiclovit to have minimum negative impact on the digestive tract, as well as in order to bypass the side effects of this system, doctors recommend taking the medication for a minimum amount of time, but at the maximum dosage.

The drug is able to provoke the development of hyperkalemia, when the level of potassium in a person's blood exceeds the current norm. It is not advisable to take vitamin complexes containing B vitamins during the period of drug therapy.

Since the drug has a negative effect on speed psychomotor reactions, it is strongly not recommended to control the mechanisms during the treatment period. Moreover, it is desirable to abandon any activities related to the concentration of attention and the speed of reactions.

Like any other medicine, Neurodiclovit has a maximum dosage threshold and if you take more than required, you may experience the following symptoms:

The side effects that occur when taking Neurodiclovit have symptoms similar to an overdose.

Symptoms in children may vary slightly, and the following conditions may additionally occur:

  • nausea;
  • convulsions;
  • bleeding from the digestive tract;
  • stomach ache;
  • symptoms of impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver.

If symptoms of side effects or overdose occur, stop taking the drug and go to the hospital for manipulations that will eliminate the symptoms. At the same time, hemodialysis is not necessary, since this will not affect the excretion of the drug from the body.

If the patient has the following types of conditions and ailments, the medication is contraindicated and should be replaced with analogue:

  • hypersensitivity to any components of the drug, including allergic reactions to them;
  • intracranial hemorrhages;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • exacerbation of ulcers or erosion of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of hematopoiesis;
  • bronchial asthma (combination with mucosal polyps is especially dangerous);
  • diseases associated with impaired blood clotting;
  • severe liver failure;
  • kidney and liver disease in a progressive form;
  • kidney failure;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • severe heart failure;
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • recovery period after coronary artery bypass grafting.

Neurodiclovit's analogs

Medicines that completely repeat the composition of Neurodiclovit do not exist in Russia and Ukraine. The most suitable drugs that can be attributed to Neurodiclovit analogues, thanks to identical action, the following drugs can be considered:

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