Essential oil of thyme (thyme): properties and uses. Thyme essential oil - Thymus serpyllum L

Essential oil thyme (thyme), a plant more commonly known as thyme, is a good antiseptic and protects wounds and ulcers from infections. This is mainly due to the presence of components such as caryophyllene and camphene in thyme. The health benefits of thyme (thyme) essential oil are due to its incredible properties such as antispasmodic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, bactericidal, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, insecticidal, stimulant, tonic and anthelmintic

Indications for use

Essential oil of thyme (thyme) perfectly tones skin covering, is effectively used in the treatment of eczema, rashes and other inflammatory processes of the skin, smoothes and anesthetizes scars and cuts;
in conjunction with citrus oils helps to get rid of cellulite;
essential oil of thyme (thyme) stimulates and normalizes blood circulation during arterial hypotension(reduced pressure);
used in the treatment of coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, infectious diseases genitourinary system;
essential oil of thyme (thyme) effectively helps with arthritis, gout, rheumatism, as well as sports and household injuries.

Application methods

Massage: mix 4-5 drops of thyme (thyme) essential oil with 10 g of any cream or you can use any base oils (including olive, corn, wheat germ oil).
Aromatization of the room: if there is an aroma lamp, use it according to the operating instructions, adding 5-6 drops of thyme (thyme) essential oil. In the absence of an aroma lamp, add thyme oil to a cup with hot water or apply to a paper or cloth napkin, then place on a heating radiator or next to another similar heat source.
Baths: mix 3-5 drops of thyme (thyme) essential oil with one tablespoon of emulsifier (one of the following components: table or sea ​​salt for baths, honey or milk), then add to the bath with water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
Inhalation: add 1-3 drops of thyme (thyme) essential oil to a container with hot water, cover and inhale the vapors deeply, while keeping your eyes closed. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.


individual intolerance to thyme and its essential oil;
be careful during pregnancy and in the presence of a disease such as epilepsy.

Storage conditions

Tightly closed in a cool place.

Thyme belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Thyme is a picky plant found throughout Eurasia, America, North Africa and even Greenland.

Thyme has been used since ancient times. It was used not only as a seasoning for food to improve the taste of dishes and long-term storage meat, but also as a medicine. The ancient Egyptians prepared fragrant baths and body embalming compositions from it, while the Greeks and Romans used this plant to treat various diseases, fumigate temples, make incense and disinfect.

The main constituents of thyme oil are thymol and carvacol. Thymol is used in medicine as an antiseptic, pain reliever, and anti-worm drug. Carvacol has pleasant aroma and is used as an antibacterial drug.

However, thyme essential oil is one of the most complex in composition, and the difference in chemotypes is especially noticeable in it. The chemotype is the composition of the essential oil, which varies depending on the type of plant and its growing conditions.

Oil made from thyme, which grows in different climatic conditions, differs radically. The properties of the oil can be so different that an inexperienced person will assume that the product is made from completely different plants.

For example, depending on the climatic zone where the raw materials are collected, thyme oil can be healing, or it can be irritating or even toxic. Besides, important role plays the harvest season of the plant: autumn thyme has antiseptic properties, and spring - effectively relieves pain.

Characteristics and medicinal properties

Thyme essential oil is considered one of the most difficult to produce, precisely because of the variability of growing conditions that affect the final composition of the oil. For its manufacture, the method of double distillation is used, since only in this way it is possible to remove from the plant all the irritating substances that have accumulated in the leaves under the influence of chemical factors of production.

External features include:

  • Light and liquid consistency;
  • Transparent yellowish color which resembles a shade of lavender oil;
  • Spicy, deep and warm smell with pronounced bitterness.

Despite the complexity of production, this oil is considered very valuable due to its medicinal properties:

  • Effectively stimulates digestion and causes appetite even in patients who have had a serious illness;
  • It has an antiseptic effect on the digestive organs, eliminating the effects of infections and poisoning;
  • The application also includes the organs of the genitourinary system: in this case oil is used to relieve signs of inflammation and as an antiseptic;
  • The properties of thyme are beneficial for women as this product regulates menstrual cycle and takes off unpleasant symptoms PMS;
  • Stimulates work immune system, improves blood circulation and raises blood pressure;
  • Used for disinfecting procedures in the event of diseases of the respiratory system.

In addition, the beneficial properties of the product make it possible to use it for the treatment of wounds, burns and other mechanical damage. In addition, the oil effectively fights germs and is used to disinfect the oral cavity. To do this, just add it to conventional means for the care of teeth and gums.

Influence on the psycho-emotional sphere

This oil has a very rich, spicy aroma, and quite strongly affects the psycho-emotional sphere:

  • Develops positive qualities of character;
  • Promotes the formation of positive emotions;
  • Improves the manifestation of positive character traits;
  • Eliminates shyness, envy, commercialism, anger and narcissism;
  • It makes desires and aspirations more definite, helps to decide on decisive steps and achieve what you want.

thyme aroma is considered a powerful smell of the earth, therefore its can be used as a home fragrance. The smell of thyme will help stimulate brain function, improve memory and logical thinking. In addition, the properties of the oil allow you to get rid of insomnia and various dependencies. It cannot be considered an aphrodisiac, since its effect on the sexual sphere is very individual. However, thyme flavor can help get rid of complexes, improve self-esteem and eliminate problems with sexuality.

Features and Applications

thyme oil found wide application in various fields. For example, in cosmetology it is used:

  • As additional funds to care for problematic oily skin(including in adolescents), which requires active antibacterial care;
  • As a drug to combat acne, pustular inflammation, small wounds and burns;
  • As a means for the treatment of cellulite and the restoration of epidermal cells;
  • It is better not to add this oil to shampoos, as it can dry the hair excessively. However, a few drops added to your hair rinse will help strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff.

The properties of thyme oil are effectively used and to relieve pain of various origins

  • Athletes after intense training;
  • After excessive physical activity;
  • Rheumatic pains in the joints, spasms.

To fight infectious and colds You can also use thyme oil:

  • Used as a preventive and remedy to fight various diseases respiratory organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, SARS and even tuberculosis), as it has a softening effect and accelerates the excretion of sputum.
  • Thanks to its immune-boosting properties, thyme enhances defensive forces body, speeds up recovery and prevents re-infection.
  • The properties of the product have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, relieving inflammation and eliminating inflammation, as well as providing a diuretic effect.
  • Used to eliminate foci of inflammation in the mouth with bleeding gums, periodontitis and glossitis

Alternatively, thyme oil can be used for problems with the digestive system:

  • To accelerate enzymatic activity and improve food digestion;
  • Regular use improves intestinal motility;
  • Eliminates spasms, increased gas formation;
  • Quickly and safely removes worms from the body;
  • Removes toxins and provides antimicrobial action with food poisoning.

At home, you can use to relieve itching from insect bites.

To relieve itching, you can not use pure essential oil. It must be diluted with water, as concentrated oil can have the opposite effect.

Saturated spicy aroma thyme oil allows use it for room deodorization and aromatherapy. For example, by dropping a few drops into the water of an aroma lamp, you can eliminate insomnia, improve emotional condition and fill the house with a pleasant aroma of freshness.

The use of thyme essential oil directly depends on the purpose for which it will be used.

  • For room refreshment and aromatherapy need to pour a little warm water into the aroma lamp, and drop 3 drops of essential oil into it.
  • For inhalation during a cold only one drop of the product is added to water or saline solution, since large quantity may cause irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • As a means to relieve pain in the bath with warm water add 4 drops of the product. Before that, it must be dissolved in a glass of milk or mixed with a handful of soda or table salt;
  • For the preparation of ointments and rubbing, 10 drops of thyme ether should be added to 30 ml of base oil (olive, almond or grape seed).
  • To improve the properties of a cosmetic product, for 15 ml of cream or lotion, you need to take 3-5 drops of the product.
  • To combat oral diseases, two drops of thyme ether are dissolved in a glass of water and used to rinse teeth and gums.
  • In the treatment of vaginal diseases, special tampons impregnated with medicinal solution. To do this, 1 ml of thyme essential oil must be dissolved in 15 ml of olive oil, soak a tampon with the resulting mixture and inserted into the vagina.
  • Oral use to combat digestive problems and increase appetite possible only on the recommendation of a doctor, since this product May cause allergies and irritation. To do this, add a drop of thyme ether to a teaspoon of high-quality vegetable oil and drink it. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Drinking this medicine with water is not recommended, you can only use warm milk, tea or juice.
Never use thyme oil on an empty stomach.


Even though it is very healing oil, his uncontrolled use may entail undesirable consequences. It is phototoxic and quite aggressive, and it is necessary to check for allergies before using it. However, even in the absence backlash you need to know that the product can cause burning and irritation.

The main contraindications for use include:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Epilepsy;
  • stomach ulcer, serious illness liver and kidneys.

In addition, the oil should not be applied to the skin or carried out any external procedures before going outside.

The use of thyme oil in pure form forbidden. For the preparation of any means, both external and internal, it must be diluted with water or other vegetable oils as a base.

What is combined with and how to choose it correctly?

Thyme oil can be replaced with a similar product made from ginger. In addition, it goes well with the following oils:

  • Bergamot;
  • Marjoram;
  • juniper;
  • Chamomile;
  • rosemary;
  • Pines;
  • Eucalyptus.

High-quality and natural thyme oil costs at least 200 rubles per 5 ml, a average cost, depending on the manufacturer, can range from 250 to 290 rubles. A bottle of 10 ml, as a rule, costs more: 350-400 rubles.

When buying, preference should be given to trusted manufacturers who specialize in the manufacture and sale of such oils. It is better not to buy ether in a pharmacy, as the products in them often turn out to be counterfeit.

To buy a high quality product, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Majority quality products are supplied in bottles of a standard volume of 5-10 ml;
  • The bottle must be made of dark glass. Plastic or transparent packaging may indicate that the product is counterfeit;
  • The cork must be protected with a special cork;
  • There is a special dropper in the bottle cap, or a pipette is supplied in the kit;
  • The label must indicate the name of the plant in Latin, as well as the name of the product in the language of the manufacturer.

In addition, when choosing, you need to focus on the price, which depends on the percentage of ether in the plant material. For example, 3 kg of essential oil is obtained from 100 kg of eucalyptus leaves, and only 30 ml of oil from the same amount of rose petals. Accordingly, different essential oils cannot cost the same, therefore, if the price difference in a given outlet is small, then with highly likely she sells counterfeits. When buying, be sure to ask the seller to present a certificate of quality. This also applies to online stores, which must publish certificates on their pages.

Thyme or thyme is a plant known since ancient times. His homeland is the Mediterranean, today he grows in Central Europe, Russia, China, Middle East. It has been used as a medicinal plant since Ancient Greece, there are mentions of him in the writings of Dioscorides and Hippocrates. The name "thyme" (thymos) is translated from Greek as "aroma".
Thyme is a semi-shrub plant that blooms in June-July. Its oil has many beneficial properties.

The basis of the oil is phenols - thymol and carvacrol, which it contains up to 60%. The remaining components are monoterpene alcohols responsible for a rich aroma, terpinene, which gives it a lemony smell, organic pigments, gum, bitterness, tannins, vitamins C and B, monounsaturated oleic acid, ursolic acid.

The concentration of components can be different and depends on the time of collection of raw materials and the place of its growth.

Thyme essential oil is a yellowish oily liquid with a delicate texture. Its smell cannot be confused with anything. It has a deep herbaceous-woody spicy base and top notes of freshness. Overall, the aroma is warm and buttery.

The honor of discovering a method for obtaining a pure product belongs to Avicena. They are still in use. It consists in double steam distillation of the flowers of the plant. This method allows you to remove irritating components from the oil as much as possible.

The action of the oil

Beneficial features:

In addition, it increases the tone of the heart muscle, has a beneficial effect on psycho-emotional state, has a regenerating effect. It is an antiseptic. It cannot be said about positive action, which thyme oil has on men - sexual function, prevention of prostatitis and other problems.

Medicinal properties

O a wide range medicinal properties possessed by the essential oil of thyme, and their recognition scientific medicine says the fact that it is part of a number of drugs.

Scope of its application:

    • disease respiratory tract as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant;
    • in dentistry - in the treatment of periodontitis, with toothache, to eliminate bad smell from mouth;
    • in dermatology for the treatment of pustular skin infections, with herpes, eczema, scabies, seborrhea and pediculosis;
    • for the treatment of diseases urinary organs- candidiasis, cystitis, urethral disease. In men - for the treatment of prostatitis;
    • in diseases of the nervous system as an addition to the main treatment, as a means of relieving fatigue, increases concentration and attention, acts as a mild antidepressant;

  • normalizes activity digestive system, increases the secretion of gastric juice, reduces its acidity and eliminates heartburn, eliminates intestinal colic and flatulence, promotes the production of digestive enzymes;
  • relieves joint and muscle pain;
  • in the treatment of helminthic invasion;
  • this is one of the few drugs that increase blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle;
  • used to regulate menstruation and relieve menstrual pain.

Application in cosmetology

It is used for cleansing acne, for moisturizing too dry skin, as tonic for aging skin. For this in cosmetic product- cream, tonic, lotion - add 3-5 drops of thyme oil. AT cosmetic purposes It is customary to combine it with oils of jojoba, lavender, and tea tree.

Add it and in anti-cellulite massage compositions- based on creams or oils. It improves blood circulation and promotes the outflow of excess fluid.

Also, thyme oil is often included in the composition of care products designed to strengthen the nail plate.

For the treatment and improvement of hair oil is added to the shampoo. It is especially beneficial for hair weakened by frequent dyeing and perm. But this shampoo is not suitable for daily use, it can be applied only once a week or 10 days. Based burdock oil make a hair mask with the addition of thyme and lemon oil. It strengthens hair, gives it shine and vitality promotes recovery and growth.

How to apply?

For the treatment of colds and viral infections

  • Oils: thyme - 5 drops, eucalyptus - 3 drops, - 2 drops. It is used in an aroma lamp for disinfection of the room.
  • You can warm up the throat with a compress - add 6-7 drops of oil to 20-25 g of alcohol. Moisten gauze and put it on the neck in the area of ​​the tonsils. Close with cellophane and tie with something. Leave for about an hour. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Inhalation will help with coughing and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. A few drops of oil are added to a hot water inhaler and the steam is inhaled for about 15 minutes.

Oral Application

  • Rinse - add 3 ml of alcohol, 6-7 drops of thyme to a glass of water. Rinse up to 5 times a day, after each rinse do not eat or drink for half an hour.
  • To reduce your appetite, before eating, you need to breathe thyme oil for several minutes, just dropping it on a napkin.
  • If there is no appetite, aroma baths will help (3-5 drops per full bath) or aroma lamp - 3-5 drops per room of 15 sq. m.
  • For pain and indigestion take herbal tea with 3 drops of oil up to 3 times a day.

The use of oil inside is possible with lung diseases, especially with spasmodic cough, insomnia, low blood pressure, anemia and asthenia. To do this, it is mixed in a ratio of 1: 3 with base oil and added to food or treats. It can be jam or honey, you can add it to meat or a fish dish, dip bread in it. To get the effect, you need to take it 1-3 times a day.

When using oil inside, you can not take it on an empty stomach.

Recipes for men

Thyme has always been considered male grass , therefore, the use of oil from it is especially indicated for men. It allows you to get rid of not only diseases, but also problems associated with bad habits.

  • To increase potency and increase the duration of sexual intercourse, men are recommended to rub oil into the groin and perineum. You can do this as needed, there is no term for a course of treatment.
  • Often the cause of sexual failure in men is constant stress. The use of oil as sedative will help relieve tension and improve his psycho-emotional state, which will help improve erectile function.
  • If the reason is urinary infection- a bath with thyme oil will help. On the hot bath you need to take 3-5 drops. You need to take it before it gets cold. The water must completely cover lower part body.
  • Often the cause of problems in the sexual sphere in men is alcohol abuse. Thyme, due to the content of thymol in it, is able to cause backlash body for alcohol. So strong decoctions of thyme have long been dared from bad habit. You can use oil, but no more than 1-3 drops per cup of tea.
The possibility and quantity of the use of thyme oil inside is better to agree with the doctor.

Another problem that often worries men is early baldness. There is a recipe that will help to cope with it. You need to take a teaspoon of vodka and drop 3 drops of oil there. This mixture is rubbed into the scalp. Such procedures are best done on weekends, because the composition must be kept on the skin as long as possible.

Influence on the psycho-emotional sphere and dosage in the aroma lamp

Thyme oil aroma has a profound effect on the emotional state of a person. It is called the scent of the earth. It is able to stimulate memory, influence logical thinking. Clarity of thought appears, a positive attitude to life and the surrounding reality is formed. A state of psychological comfort sets in, cheerfulness appears and problems with sleep disappear.

This oil is often is part of complex treatment various dependencies. In aromatherapy, it is not considered an aphrodisiac, but harmonizing the general psychological condition, allows you to solve many of the underlying problems that affect sexuality.

The use of oil in an aroma lamp will help relieve fatigue and attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Usually 3 drops of oil per 15 sq. m of premises.


The use of this oil should be excluded in the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism (possible further decrease in thyroid function);
  • ulcer and gastritis during the period of exacerbation;
  • functional disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • thyme allergy;
  • hypertension (thyme increases blood pressure);
Contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Not to be used by children under 6 years of age.

As a side effect, irritation and burning sensation may occur even in the absence of an allergy to the drug.

Price and purchase

The price depends on the volume of the bottle and the manufacturer and the raw materials from which it is made. A Hungarian-made product costs from 250 rubles per 5 ml, domestic manufacturers sell it from 85 to 150 rubles per 10 ml.

Oil should be purchased only from positively proven, proven manufacturers. You can not buy it in the markets, prepared in artisanal conditions.

Medicinal herbs were given to us by nature itself. A plant such as thyme contains a lot of vitamins and antibacterial substances and is rightfully considered a noble plant. Thyme can be used both externally and in food. Infusions and essential oils are made from it, used in aromatherapy, cosmetology, and even in the kitchen as a seasoning.

Medicinal properties of thyme

Known since ancient times, a semi-shrub from the mint family, thyme is suitable for almost everyone for treatment. It grows very fast. Spectrum therapeutic effect this grass is huge. After all, the composition of thyme is replete with useful anti-inflammatory substances, which means that a properly collected herb will be an excellent addition to a winter first aid kit. Since inhalations with thyme oil, for example, are good for relieving symptoms of flu, colds or inflammation of the bronchi.

The best way to cope with bronchitis is thyme growing in the fields, which in Slavic traditions called thyme. Another popular name for thyme is - bogorodskaya grass. And thyme is a Latin name.

The plant is excellent for eating. Thyme and thyme are the same thing. This is a low grass, winding with small leaves. It grows throughout Europe, prefers ravines and meadows. It blooms with small pinkish flowers from early July to late August. During this period, you need to collect thyme and prepare tinctures and essential oils.

How is thyme oil infusion prepared? This tool also brings many benefits. Dry herbs are collected in a glass container and poured with ordinary olive oil. This mixture is then infused for 3 weeks. The thick consistency needs to be stirred occasionally.

What is thyme oil used for? We will describe in detail the medicinal properties and contraindications. Its use is mainly cosmetic, but it also treats sores on the skin and relieves inflammation in cuts and myositis.

Application in traditional medicine

What do experienced herbalists advise about using thyme oil? What is the best way to apply it - internally or externally? Thyme oil is used traditional medicine for health problems such as:

  • with liver diseases;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • rheumatism;
  • with anemia;
  • problems with thyroid gland;
  • with inflammation of the appendages in a woman;
  • prostatitis in men;
  • infections;
  • thyme oil is useful for blood vessels, especially the smallest capillaries;
  • diabetes And so on.

It should be noted that just tea with dry thyme is very good remedy to cheer you up in cold autumn weather and improve sleep. it excellent remedy gifted by nature and for women. Thyme is one of those herbs that can and is even desirable for a breastfeeding woman to drink. But during pregnancy, thyme is still contraindicated, as it increases the tone.

Thyme oil in folk medicine is used to increase pressure in hypotensive patients, helps to get back on their feet faster after a serious infection, and also when it is necessary to relieve swelling after a sports injury.

What can replace thyme oil if it is not at hand? Suitable for relieving inflammation oils of lavender, mint, basil, tea tree. Sandalwood and fir oils are used to relieve muscle spasms and relax.

Whether it is possible to accept inside?

The taste of thyme is bitter, slightly burning with notes of camphor. Not everyone likes the taste of the oil, but the benefits of it are enormous. More often, thyme is used inside in the form of tea or infusion, but not everyone knows that the essential oils of this plant can also be added to food in small quantities. The anti-inflammatory properties of the shrub help to quickly cope with a cold if you drink thyme tea 3 times a day. But the nervous system and sleep are also restored. In women who have problems with the monthly cycle, the hormonal system returns to normal.

When else is thyme oil eaten? Oral administration is also possible when a person has severe anemia. Oil is also taken orally with food for severe respiratory diseases. For medicinal purposes, in this case, drip 1 drop into a cup of hot milk and drink at night.

Severe headaches caused by spasms of blood vessels or trauma to the skull are also relieved by drinking a decoction of meadow thyme daily. Instead of a decoction, you can still drip drops of oil on bread and drink warm water.

Thyme for diabetes

How to use thyme in the diagnosis of "diabetes"? Let's discuss healing thyme, medicinal properties and contraindications due to diabetes.

A decoction of thyme with this diagnosis is taken 100 ml, preferably three times a day at regular intervals. If eye vessels suffer from diabetes, thyme is ground and added to honey. Such honey with herbs should be eaten on a spoon in the morning and in the evening.

Since thyme oil improves metabolism throughout the body, in case of diabetes, it is advisable to drink decoctions more often, and take baths with herbs, and relax with the help of aromatherapy. Can also be used to prevent diabetes a small amount of herbs, but without fanaticism.

The chemical composition of the plant

How treatment plant thyme (and thyme) is highly prized. The composition includes thymol, which is used in medicine and beekeeping. The plant is valuable because it has no side effects, but the benefits are enormous, especially as an anti-inflammatory agent for internal use.

And the substance carvacrol in pharmacology is used as a natural antimicrobial element. What does thyme contain? We list:

  • thymol;
  • patient;
  • carvacrol;
  • vitamins A, E, C, etc;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • oleanolic organic acid, folic and pantothenic;
  • gum;
  • ash;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • mineral salts;
  • important trace elements such as selenium, magnesium, phosphorus.

To safely use the oils from this plant, you need to study well chemical composition, otherwise you can do harm. A large number of different chemotypes suggests and different ways applications. Some shrubs are more toxic and should not be taken internally in any form; other species are harmless.

The toxicity of the plant also depends on the place of growth, the time of collection, and whether it was collected correctly in the summer.

thyme as an antibiotic

Thyme has long been known to relieve inflammation. It is his useful property used to treat wounds, cuts. Thyme oil is used to relieve pain; during a sore throat, such a folk recipe is used.

A couple of drops of thyme oil (linalool chemotype) are dripped onto Activated carbon and put under the tongue. You can add 2 drops of oil (but not essential) for a stronger disinfecting effect.

Squeezed juice from thyme is used instead of antibiotics when a person has diseased heart. Gargling with juice cures stomatitis and inflammation of the tonsils.

Oils from the plant have a positive effect on the immune system. Especially in autumn-winter period You can maintain your health by taking tea or a decoction of thyme.

Oil compresses can be applied to the skin for eczema or psoriasis. severe burns or cuts can also be treated with oil, only for skin use special kind herbs that grow only in the mountains. This thyme is called the linalool chemotype. The concept of "chemotype" means the specific chemical composition of this essential oil. After all, the composition of oils is significantly different when they are made from different herbs. And there are more than 300 types of thyme.

Essential oil in cosmetology

Thyme is used not only as an antibiotic or as prophylactic. It is also known to be an antidepressant and cosmetic use plants. For example, many branded hair washes and body lotions contain some thyme essential oils.

Some people with joint problems are shown massages with the essential oils of this plant. Only 3 drops of this oil are used per 5 ml of the main massage cream.

Thyme oil is rubbed into the hair roots to strengthen them and restore them after chemical styling. The oil is rubbed with gentle massage movements, first into the roots, then along the entire length. Wash off after exactly 30 minutes. Burdock-based hair oil is infused.

Thyme oil is added to cosmetic creams, it is enough to drip 1 or 2 drops of essential oil into your daily facial moisturizer 2 times a week. It can also be added to body creams. But since the oil is too concentrated, you should not do this often. it medicinal plant makes the skin supple and soft. The metabolism in tissues improves significantly and the epithelium becomes fresher, passes acne, wen. Thyme oil reviews are therefore excellent.

If the skin of the face is loose and there are traces of acne, it is useful to make compresses from thyme decoction. It is enough to take 1 tablespoon of dry grass and pour a glass of water. When set, moisten gauze swabs and apply to the affected areas of the skin.

The use of thyme (thyme) in folk recipes

Here are some recipes for the treatment of certain diseases. We found out that flu, tonsillitis, as well as laryngitis, tonsillitis, viral infections such as gastroenteritis. In addition, oil can be used for cervical myositis- this is inflammation of the muscles after hypothermia. To do this, the oil must be rubbed into the neck and wrapped in a scarf.

To prepare a regular infusion, it is enough to pour a little thyme leaves boiled water and let it brew for 1 hour. Then you can drink this infusion up to 3 times a day. The remedy well relieves inflammation in cystitis, has a general strengthening effect on the entire central nervous system.

Men suffering from prostatitis can drink an infusion made according to a different recipe: 3 tsp. thyme, one tsp. mints and oregano. Pour everything in about a liter hot water and insist all night - about 12 hours. Then drink every morning.

Thyme leaf teas infuse quickly and are very beneficial for the whole body. In particular, they stop putrefactive processes in the stomach when a person has low acidity and help restore normal acidity in the stomach. For a stomach with such acidity, such a decoction will also help: 10 gr. herbs and 200 gr. boiling water. Keep the decoction for at least 30 minutes. And take 1 spoon a day 3 or better 4 times.

For the treatment of arthritis and radiculitis, they also take 10 gr. raw materials for the same amount of liquid. But you can stand it for 15-20 minutes. For periodontal disease, the same decoction is used, but only for rinsing.

Contraindications for use

Each remedy obviously has its contraindications. There are fewer contraindications to the use of thyme oil than indications, but it is necessary to list them.

  • With acute cholecystitis.
  • Chronic and acute hepatitis.
  • Children up to two years old.
  • With emphysema such.
  • Hypertensive patients are also prohibited, since the plant, as said, increases the pressure even more.
  • At peptic ulcer duodenal.
  • With angina pectoris atrial fibrillation and heart failure.

Excessive use of herbs will lead to problems with the thyroid gland responsible for hormones. Therefore, it is imperative to watch the dosages for each recipe and strictly adhere to them.

The use of oil for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Thyme has a beneficial effect on male sexual function. To do this, a man needs to drink a course of a special thyme drink. It is good for women to take baths with thyme essential oils. Such a bath will strengthen the nervous system and will at the same time prevent diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

And also thyme or thyme insist and take to relieve inflammation in cystitis and pyelonephritis. Another healthy recipe concerning women's gynecological problems. Treatment of thrush in women can be carried out using the composition of essential oils from tea tree, coconut oil, thyme and celandine.


The use of the essential oil of this plant for aromatherapy is no less an excellent means of healing and improving the general condition.

Essential oil, when inhaled vapors, affects a person as follows:

  • Sleep improves, night cramps go away.
  • The syndrome of chronic fatigue passes.
  • Improves blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • There are long periods of depression.
  • Tension headaches go away.

In addition to the above, there is one more positive property- after aromatherapy, appetite improves, memory improves, attention increases mental performance.

To obtain healing effect from inhalation of vapors, you need to drop 5 drops of thyme oil and 3 drops of eucalyptus into the aroma lamp. But this is the dosage for a large room. If the bedroom is small, it is enough to drip 4 drops, otherwise hyperthyroidism or emphysema may develop.

The smell of thyme is very warm and spicy, very pleasant; eucalyptus is resinous-tart. They perfectly complement the healing effect of each other and create a cozy aromatic bouquet in the house.

Thyme oil for aromatherapy can be used quite often. However, aromatherapy should not be abused either. Thyme still refers to increasing blood pressure and gastric juice plants.

Thyme harvested in natural conditions, and cultivars of common thyme serve as raw materials for a variety of liquid extracts. Perfectly cares for skin and hair, fights inflammation with essential oil of thyme (oil extract). With proper use, the tool significantly improves the well-being and functioning of the body.

Description of thyme and thyme oil (Oleum Thymi)

Extracts of related plant species differ not so much qualitative composition how many different proportions of the same components. Thyme oil is a clear, liquid substance of rich yellow or dark red color. Aroma - warm, strong, spicy, balsamic, fresh. More than half of the composition falls on phenols and terpenes.

The name of the main ingredient "thymol" comes from the Latin term Thymus (thyme). Other components are carvacrol, thuyene, camphene, terpinene, linalool, borneol, pinenes, caryophyllene. In medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology, the main oil chemotypes according to the predominant ingredient are thymol, linalool and carvacrol. It is recommended to use the linalool variety for the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. According to experts, the thymol chemotype is more suitable for hypotension, loss of strength.

Thyme oil is included in the composition of perfume compositions, toilet soap. Extracts are added to balms, tinctures and cough syrups. Enrich massage oils, anti-inflammatory ointments, creams. Mediterranean cuisine uses essential oil in spicy-aromatic food mixtures to improve taste and digestion, to preserve the freshness of food. Tourists pay attention to this national tradition in reviews of a trip to the subtropics.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

Medical and biological characteristics of thyme and thyme are similar, therefore liquid extracts plants are used in the same areas. The antibacterial properties of plants are 5 times stronger compared to benzoyl peroxide. British researchers came to this conclusion based on laboratory experiments. Oil components penetrate the epithelium, affect the respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary systems.

Properties natural extract thyme:

  • kills bacteria, fungi, inactivates viruses;
  • inhibits fermentation and gas formation in the intestine;
  • increases the secretion of digestive juices;
  • binds and removes toxins from the body;
  • helps with heartburn, colic, spasms;
  • eliminates inflammation.

The smell of thyme stimulates better memorization and mental activity. Consumer reviews also mention that thyme oil gives a feeling of freshness and invigorates a person if he experiences apathy, complains of a breakdown. A bath with a fragrant additive helps to cheer up, remove discomfort in women associated with premenstrual syndrome.

The main indications for the use of the product:
1. Runny nose, colds, SARS, whooping cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, lung diseases, tonsillitis (tonsillitis).
2. Acne, eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis, scabies, fungal infections, cellulite, skin aging.
3. Inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, catarrhs, intoxication with helminthic invasion.
4. Irregular, scanty or too heavy periods.
5. Seborrhea, hair loss and brittleness on the head, dandruff.
6. Inflammation of the gums, oral mucosa, bad breath.
7. Anemia, stress, fatigue, headache, migraine.
8. Low blood pressure (hypotension).
9. Pyelonephritis, inflammation of the kidneys.
10. Brittleness, delamination of nails.
11. Bladder irritation.
12. Rheumatism.

The essential oil must first be mixed with some kind of liquid or solid emulsifier (base). In this capacity, sea salt, honey, olive oil, balm, gel, shampoo. The condition with colds, bronchitis is facilitated by inhalation and rinsing with solutions to which 5 drops of essential oil are added. When coughing, difficulty falling asleep, hypotension, fermentation in the intestines, two drops of thyme oil are mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Take the remedy after a meal.

Arthritis, sciatica, neuralgia and cellulite are treated by application to problem areas composition of 30 g of base oil and 10 drops of thyme oil.

To remove toxins and toxins, take a bath with 10 drops of oil, in addition, the procedure is useful for urinary tract infections.

Dandruff is treated by adding 3 drops of oil to a tablespoon of shampoo when washing your hair. The rinse balm is enriched in the same way. In case of hair loss, brittle hair, a solution of thyme oil in olive oil is rubbed into the scalp twice a week. According to reviews, a simple procedure contributes to the treatment and prevention of acne. It is necessary to wipe the problem areas in the morning and evening with a mixture of 1 tsp. oils and 100 ml of lotion (gel).

People with elevated blood pressure, stomach ulcers, pregnant women should consult a doctor about the use of essential thyme oil. For the treatment of children, the remedy is used only from 6 years. The extract has allergenic properties, can cause burns of the mucous membrane, irritation and dryness of the skin. To avoid unpleasant consequences do an allergy test. To do this, a little fragrant liquid, diluted with baby cream, is applied behind the ear. The absence of itching and redness is the "green light" for external use of the product.

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