Essential oils and their properties. Essential oils, useful properties, use for face and hair, massage, baths, inhalations. citrus essential oils

Modern reality, alas, does not add health to a person. And this circumstance again turned us to face the inexhaustible healing forces of nature. Returning to the works of Avicenna and Hippocrates, scientists are re-examining the properties of essential oils. The demand for them in the world market is growing, as the science of aromatherapy is being revived. How will ethers help in everyday life and how useful are they?

Everything in nature is rational. Essential oils serve as protection for plants - they protect them from pests, viruses and bacteria, protect them from overheating and cold, activating enzymatic processes. Their fragrance attracts insects for pollination. Plants from dry and warm regions contain more esters than those from moist and cool regions.

The main raw materials for obtaining aromatic oils are flowers, leaves, stems, bark and roots. Less often they are extracted from seeds and fruits.

In terms of composition, esters are not fats, unlike vegetable oils. The latter is a combination of fatty acids and glycerol. Ethers are a mixture of volatile substances and organic compounds of various classes. They lack glycerin, and they got their name due to their oily consistency.

Unlike vegetable oils, essential oils do not leave greasy stains, evaporate at room temperature, are lighter than water and do not dissolve in it. But they are well emulsified in fats, which ensures their use in cosmetology, as part of massage oils and in pharmaceuticals.

Varieties of esters

Treatment with smells was practiced by Hippocrates. The name "aromatherapy" it received only in the twentieth century thanks to the French chemist Gatefosse, who revived this type of alternative medicine. In the 19th century, with the development of chemistry, natural substances began to receive synthetic counterparts. This fate and ethers did not pass. Today on the market there are:

  • natural oils that give the maximum therapeutic effect;
  • restored, quality close to natural;
  • synthetic esters;
  • falsified oils, "enriched" with various aromatic additives.

The value of natural oils is not only in their aroma. They contain many biologically active components that are not found in synthetic analogues.

Like music, aromatic oils have tonalities:

  • the top notes are called initial - this is the first idea of ​​​​the aroma, ether with rapidly evaporating fractions (citrus fruits, bergamot, anise, lemongrass, mint), they affect the senses;
  • Substances with less pronounced volatility have an average or hearty tone - these are the main notes that affect the internal organs more (jasmine, geranium, ylang-ylang, rose, cinnamon);
  • low key or base notes - the most persistent and least volatile aromas that have a relaxing effect (pine, vanilla, incense).

The effect of essential oils on the body is multifaceted. These are natural antibiotics with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They affect the psycho-emotional sphere and trigger self-regulation processes in the body.

In ancient times, the inhabitants of cities where aromatic oils were produced had excellent health, and epidemics of deadly diseases occurred much less frequently in these places.

Our ancestors did not delve into the study of the mechanism of action of aromas. But empirically, they found out that some of them facilitate labor activity, others make the body healthier, others heal the soul, and the fourth preserve youth and beauty.

physical harmony

Smells, acting on certain parts of the brain, affect all organs and systems of a person.

Table: classification of aromas by therapeutic effect

Action of estersOils
Anesthetizelavender, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, basil, tea tree
affect the pressurelowering blood pressure - geranium, cloves, juniper, fennel, lavender;
Increases blood pressure - sage and thyme
Relieve convulsionsclove, juniper, nutmeg
Relieve spasmslemon, mint, basil, cypress, rosemary
Stimulate physical and mental activitybergamot, lavender, lemon, orange, fir, clove
Are adaptogensmelissa, mint, lavender
Soothesandalwood, oregano, anise
Disinfect the roomconifers, cloves, sage, thyme, tea tree
Relieve depressionMelissa, Patchouli, Orange, Rose, Jasmine, Bergamot, Sage
Restore immunityanise, fir, lemon, pine, basil, ylang-ylang
Beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, autonomic and central nervous systemgeranium, lavender, rosemary, neroli, mint
Harmonize the sexual spheresandalwood, nutmeg, patchouli, ylang-ylang, petite grain, pine
affect emotionsoregano, mandarin, mimosa, jasmine, rose, marjoram

Essential oils are good for skin and hair. They must be used carefully so as not to get burns on the skin and allergic reactions from improperly selected odors.

Table: cosmetic effect of esters

ActionEssential oil
  • Align the epidermis;
  • heal minor injuries;
  • relieve inflammation
chamomile, sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, vetiver
  • Saturate the skin with oxygen;
  • act as an antioxidant
juniper, wormwood, jasmine, rosewood, neroli
  • Remove irritation;
  • tone the skin
mint, tea tree, bergamot, lavender, lemon
  • Purify;
  • treat acne and comedones
grapefruit, tea tree, juniper, lavender
  • Remove peeling;
  • nourish dry skin
rose, sandalwood, jasmine, rosewood, geranium, chamomile
  • Smooth out wrinkles under the eyes;
  • nourish and tone the delicate skin of the eyelids
frankincense, pine, myrrh, sandalwood, rose
Caring for dry hairneroli, jasmine, lavender, geranium, juniper
Suitable for oily hairgrapefruit, cedar, patchouli, ylang-ylang
Strengthen hair and protect against hair lossTea tree, pine, myrrh, nutmeg, thyme, frankincense, sandalwood, bergamot
Accelerate growthconifers and citrus
Get rid of dandruffCitrus fruits, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender in collaboration with base oils - cedar, castor or burdock

Oil compatibility

In cosmetology and medicine, the use of several flavors is acceptable. But they need to be selected taking into account the compatibility of the esters. It is of three types:

  • synergy - mutual complement and harmony when affecting the body;
  • complementarity - the compatibility of aromas (used in perfumery and aromatherapy), when one aroma is able to harmonize another;
  • inhibition - the incompatibility of essential oils, when one ester neutralizes or reduces the beneficial properties of another.

The combination of incompatible oils can cause allergies, skin irritation and even poisoning. Individual intolerance to the composition is expressed in suffocation, dizziness, cardiac arrhythmias and allergic skin reactions.

Lavender ether is compatible with all aromatic oils except rosemary, and eucalyptus enhances the bactericidal effect of basil and Monarda by 20 times.

In aromatic mixtures, it is customary to combine esters of different volatility (top, middle and low notes of aromas).

Table: Essential Oil Compatibility

Fragrance typeEssential oilNoteWhat is combined with
fresh herbalEucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoramUpperMarjoram, Chamomile, Sage, Hyssop, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Lemon Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Citronella, Palmarosa
Fragrant herbalMarjoram, chamomile, sage, hyssopMediumEucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, rose, geranium
earthy herbalCarrot seeds, ginger, vetiver, patchouliLowerMarjoram, Chamomile, Sage, Hyssop, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Rose, Geranium
Lemon herbalLemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosaUpperLemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lavender, coriander
fruity citrusLemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamotUpperLemon Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Citronella, Palmarosa, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Lavender, Coriander
LavenderLavender, corianderUpperLemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa, anise, fennel, peru balsam
Pinkrose, geraniumMediumLavender, Coriander, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Anise, Fennel, Balsam of Peru
FloralNeroli, Jasmine, Ylang YlangMediumAnise, Fennel, Balsam of Peru, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Carrot Seed, Ginger, Vetiver, Patchouli
savory fruityanise, fennel, balsam of peruMediumBay, Cinnamon, Clove, Cassia, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Lavender, Coriander
SpicyBay, cinnamon, clove, cassiaUpperAnise, Fennel, Balsam of Peru, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Myrtle, Tea Tree
Spicy woodyCardamom, nutmeg, myrtle, tea treeUpperBay, cinnamon, clove, cassia, lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram
woody forestCypress, pine, juniperUpperSandalwood, cedar, lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, frankincense, myrrh
BalsamSandalwood, cedarLowerCypress, Pine, Juniper, Frankincense, Myrrh, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot
balsam resinousFrankincense, myrrhLowerSandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot

You can not mix soothing oils with tonic, antierogenic - with aphrodisiacs. The combination of anti-erogenic esters with stimulating esters does not have a refreshing effect, and with soothing ones it relaxes. Enhancing sensuality oils in commonwealth with stimulants excite, and in combination with sedatives become aphrodisiacs.

The use of aromatic oils

Esters are not used in their pure form, they are mixed with emulsifiers - vegetable fats, cream, milk, honey, yogurt, sea salt. It is better to use a product obtained by cold pressing as a base oil.

All essential oils have an antimicrobial effect and restore the skin. Therefore, any cosmetic procedures with them eliminate acne and minor inflammation of the epidermis.

Esters for skin

There are many ways to use aroma oils for skin care - steam baths, enrichment of ready-made cosmetics, masks, washing, anti-cellulite rubbing, bath procedures. In any case, the oil is selected according to the type of skin.

Cleansing emulsion

For cleansing the face with any type of skin, a mixture of 100 ml of base oil and esters of lavender, bergamot and geranium, 3 drops of each, is suitable. Dip a cotton pad moistened with water into the resulting emulsion and with light movements (without pressure and rubbing) wipe the face and neck. This must be done quickly, otherwise the oil mixture will penetrate into the pores of the skin and “pull” decorative cosmetics and daytime skin impurities with it. For oily skin, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or food vinegar to the emulsion.

Wrinkle mask

Combine a tablespoon of warmed honey with egg white, 2 tablespoons of classic yogurt and 3 drops of lavender oil. Preheat your face with a warm compress. Apply the mask along the massage lines. Exposure time - 15 minutes.

Moisturizing soufflé

The mixture is diluted in a glass bottle with a cap. For the cream, you will need 5 ml of warm coconut oil, 10 ml of almond oil, 2 drops of patchouli and chamomile, 4 drops of leuzea ether. After combining all the ingredients, close the bottle and shake it until a light foam is obtained, then let stand for 2 hours in a cool place. Souffle is applied to the most delicate places - around the eyes and lips. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

In winter, the air in the apartment is dried by running radiators. Oil creams help the author of these lines to save the skin from drying out. For myself, I prepare a mixture of grape oil and tea tree esters, bergamot and lemon (suitable for oily skin). The cream is applied twice a day - in the morning and in the evening on a cleansed face. The result - the feeling of tightness disappears, and the skin is always fresh. I prepare the mixture for future use and store in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 weeks.

Hair care with esters

For hair care, base oil, egg yolk or honey is most often used as an emulsifier. Split ends can be stopped with a mixture of olive oil, fat-soluble vitamin E, and a few drops of lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.

A mixture of sandalwood and bergamot esters based on jojoba oil will relieve oily dandruff. From dry - lavender and tea tree on any base oil. A therapeutic mixture of olive oil (15 ml) and esters of cedar and sage and rosemary (1-2 drops each) will stop hair loss. It is useful to add essential oils to any hair masks, choosing them depending on the problem or simply using your favorite fragrances. Aroma combing gives hair shine, makes them healthy and strong.

How to lose weight with essential oils

Essential oils are used for weight loss in several ways:

  • in aroma lamp;
  • for massage, including anti-cellulite;
  • for baths;
  • in the wrapping mix.

In aromatherapy, grapefruit ether is considered the most suitable oil for weight loss - it reduces appetite. During a special diet, sessions are practiced with oils that soothe and improve mood - oregano, citrus, valerian.

Essential oils, unlike vegetable oils, are able to penetrate deep through the skin and have a systemic effect on the body. For massage, the best esters are:

  • dill, cypress, ginger burn fat cells;
  • black pepper ether normalizes metabolism;
  • lemongrass, myrrh and mandarin tighten the skin after losing weight;
  • rose, bergamot, geranium and jasmine increase vitality.

For wraps, you can use any ether in combination with jojoba base oil.

Aroma oils for sensuality

Aromatic oils since ancient times served as aphrodisiacs not only for men, but also for women. Esters are able to enhance mutual attraction, make feelings fuller and brighter:

  • bergamot awakens fantasy and relaxes;
  • geranium sets in a romantic mood;
  • vanilla awakens attraction;
  • jasmine liberates;
  • cloves and neroli make orgasms last longer;
  • cinnamon enhances sensitivity to caresses.

There are oils that excite women and men equally - ylang-ylang, ginger, clary sage. Men's aphrodisiacs - sandalwood, patchouli, orange, bergamot, petit grain. Women will be helped to relax and enjoy a mixture of oils:

  • 3 drops of sandalwood + 3 drops of cloves;
  • orange (5 drops) + patchouli and cinnamon (2 drops each);
  • neroli (3 drops), rose (4 drops), ylang-ylang (2 drops).

You can not use an aroma lamp, but simply light a candle and drop essential oil into the melted wax with a pipette.

Relief from insomnia and depression

The inability to fall asleep after a hard day's work is painful, and restless sleep does not give proper rest. Before taking medication, try aromatherapy sessions. An aroma lamp, a bath or a relaxing massage helps to cope with the problem. Fragrant helpers in the bedroom:

  • soothe lavender, sandalwood, pink ether, geranium, lemon balm, valerian, vetiver, petite grain to help them;
  • juniper, myrrh, cypress, cedar, tangerine will help to fall asleep;
  • make sleep calm chamomile, neroli, lavender, incense.

Relax a mixture of rose, ylang-ylang and lavender (2 drops each) or vetiver, lime, frankincense 6 drops each plus a couple of drops of jasmine. These compositions do not have to be filled into an aroma lamp. Oils can be dripped onto a cotton pad and placed near the bed or moistened with them on the corner of the pillow. They are also suitable for an aromatic bath before bedtime.

Depressive conditions destroy the immune system, making the body defenseless against serious illnesses. Non-drug methods of treatment, including aromatherapy, are well removed from the depressed state. Russian scientists proved in the last century that the inhalation of aromatic substances strengthens the nervous system and stimulates the body's natural defenses.

Table: what antidepressant esters save from

Oils (no more than three) are mixed in a bath, diffuser or aroma lamp. For one session, it is enough to use 10 drops, repeat 3 times a week. The same compositions are also suitable for a relaxing massage mixed with any carrier oil.

Treatment with essential oils

It must be remembered that esters are not a substitute for drugs, but an additional remedy. There are several methods of treatment - ingestion, application to the skin, inhalations, the use of an aroma lamp, therapeutic baths and massages.

Prevention and treatment of viral respiratory diseases

Here, the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of esters come to the fore. They not only disinfect the room, but also bring the humidity to the optimum value, which is important for colds. For prevention, fumigation is used with an aroma lamp. Compositions can be made arbitrarily or use one oil:

  • lavender or lemon will need 5-7 drops;
  • tea tree or patchouli - 4-5 drops;
  • thyme or oregano - 3-4 drops.

Aroma fumigation is carried out during the flu epidemic every day for 20 minutes. In the children's room, it is enough to do wet cleaning using any liquid soap (300 ml) with the addition of 10 ml of one of the oils - tea tree, oregano or lemon. To clean the floor, add 1 tablespoon of this mixture to 5 liters of water.

Relieve symptoms and help to cope with all manifestations of a cold inhalation. The same oils are used as for fumigation. Hot inhalations are allowed to be done only at the end of the acute period. The steam temperature should be between 45–50°C. The procedure is carried out 1–1.5 after a meal, expectorant drugs should not be taken before it.

You can not refill essential oils in a nebulizer - their smallest drops can penetrate the lungs and cause pneumonia.

With laryngitis, tracheitis and tonsillitis, the hot mixture is poured into a bowl with a narrow neck and the steam is inhaled only through the mouth. For bronchitis use wide dishes. During inhalation, cover your head with a towel, add oil (3-4 drops) to the water and breathe through your mouth and nose at the same time.

Essential oils help with dry and wet coughs, sore throats and runny noses. High temperature and chills will be removed by compresses. Add 2 drops of eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint to a tablespoon of base oil. Almond, apricot or rice oil is used as a base. Compresses are done on the forehead and feet.

Help with asthma and COPD

Aromatherapy is also used to treat asthma. The compositions use oils with antihistamine properties - ginger, mint, fragrant elecampane, chemist's chamomile. They can be inhaled directly from the vial. Lavender, rose and geranium relieve bronchospasm, and rubbing the chest with fragrant equalsara facilitates breathing. Washing with the addition of esters will help relieve an attack of bronchial asthma - 5 drops of Atlas cedar, 7 drops of narrow-leaved lavender and 2 drops of marjoram.

In obstructive pulmonary disease, essential oils are allowed to be used only during remission. Steam inhalations with chamomile, pine or eucalyptus oil expand and disinfect the airways - no more than 2-3 drops per session.

Oils for migraines and headaches

Migraine is a serious condition when the headache is very difficult to remove. It is impossible to do without potent drugs, so aromatherapy is given only an auxiliary role. Esters are used through a sprayer, in an aroma lamp, for facial massage, in compresses and inhalation. Preparation of the mixture for massage:

  • 2/3 fill the bottle with almond oil;
  • drip into it 6 drops of lavender and the same amount of clary sage and chamomile;
  • add 12 drops of peppermint to the composition;
  • top up the bottle with base oil;
  • cork and shake well.

Apply the mixture with a roller or rub into the temples with your fingers. Lubricate the back of your hands and earlobes. At the first sign of an impending migraine, aromatic compresses of cool water and a few drops of oil will help. They need to be changed every 10 minutes. The compress is applied to the forehead and temples.

Multiple sclerosis and aroma oils

Little is known about the effect of essential oils on the course of the disease, scientific studies have not been conducted. Aromatherapy gives a slight calming effect only in patients with unimpaired perception of smells. American doctors tried to use Roman chamomile and citrus oils to treat patients in a hospital. Experience has shown a slight sedative effect. Anxiety in patients with multiple sclerosis is helped to relieve antidepressant oils in combination with citrus aromas. When used for massage, the effect is enhanced and back pain is reduced.

Help with cancer

Doctors do not get tired of looking for additional opportunities in the fight against cancer. One of these areas was the study of the properties and capabilities of ethers. And scientists approached this issue from an unusual point of view. It is believed that the vibration frequency of a healthy body is in the range of 62–78 MHz. The disease develops when this indicator drops to 58 MHz. After conducting research, scientists have found that some essential oils have the ability to normalize the frequency and thereby fight cancer cells. Along the way, other properties of esters in relation to malignant cells were also investigated. As a result, it was found that anticancer activity has:

  • lavender, thyme, tarragon, sage, savory and rosemary for powerful antioxidant properties;
  • cinnamon, thyme, chamomile and jasmine help with breast cancer (thyme was the leader in research);
  • frankincense is effective in the fight against ovarian cancer, liver, lung, melanoma.

Essential oils are by no means a substitute for medical and surgical treatment of cancer.

To activate the body's defenses

Many essential oils have immunomodulatory properties. The phytoncides contained in them several times increase the production of T-cells, which are the central regulators of the immune response. The most effective are lavender, orange, bergamot, verbena and lemon. Strengthen the immune system by pouring cool water on the feet. Immediately after this, massage your feet with a mixture of base oil (10 ml) and mint, lavender, orange and lemon esters (2 drops each). Perform the procedure before bed.

Charge the aromamedallion with fragrant mixtures:

  • lavender (1 drop), verbena (2 drops), bergamot and eucalyptus (3 drops each);
  • orange, rosemary (2 drops each) and ginger (3 drops).

They will help to withstand the period of winter cold and epidemics.

Treatment of fungal infections

All esters have antifungal properties to a greater or lesser extent. The most effective are:

  • tea tree, which not only destroys the fungus, but also restores tissues damaged by the disease;
  • oregano containing carvacrol - a powerful bactericidal and antifungal agent;
  • lavender enhances the effect of tea tree;
  • cloves contain eugenol, which destroys the fungus and capsacin, which relieves inflammation and pain;
  • cinnamon gets rid of yeast fungus.

Any of these essential essences is applied to the affected areas. Soaked cotton pads are applied to the nails and fixed with a plaster. Such a compress can be kept all night. The use of esters is only an addition to the drug treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Esters for men's and women's health

Marjoram, myrrh, geranium and lavender help a woman cope with premenstrual syndrome and normalize the cycle. Jasmine oil eliminates fine wrinkles, increases sensuality and relieves depression. From the fourth month of pregnancy, it is allowed to use chamomile to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, from edema and headache. At the end of the term, eucalyptus and lavender will relieve stress and relieve insomnia.

During pregnancy, esters are used with caution in doses three times smaller than indicated in the instructions. From toxicosis, oils are dripped into the aromamedallion, a bath with the addition of emulsified ether helps with pain, in other cases it is preferable to use an aroma lamp.

With a weak erection, black pepper oils and patchouli will help men. Ginger improves fertility, neroli treats impotence. Aroma lamp is used for treatment. Natural aromas act on the subconscious of men and control physiological processes.

To reduce pressure

Taking antihypertensive drugs with the permission of a cardiologist can be combined with aromatherapy. Chamomile, bergamot, sage, marjoram, ylang-ylang, fir, oregano, together and separately, are used to apply to pulse points - the wrist, upper sternum (aorta), behind the auricles, behind the earlobe (carotid artery). Esters must be diluted with base oil.

Sedative oils normalize the emotional background, which also lowers blood pressure.

Esters are used in the form of massage (the course gives a lasting effect), in aroma lamps, inhalations, aroma medallions.

Benefits of essential oils for the elderly

With age, the adaptive abilities of the body, the production of enzymes, and energy capabilities decrease. Free radicals destroy cells, and the body actively ages. Aromatic oils mobilize its own antioxidant reserves, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, eliminate the symptoms of cerebral circulation disorders - irritability, bad mood, fatigue.

Eucalyptus, cajeput, lavender, spruce, peppermint - oils that improve cognitive function, preventing a decrease in the functionality of brain cells. Lavender improves hemodynamics in the cerebral vessels. To aromatize a room, use 3-4 drops of ether in an aroma lamp. For cold inhalation, 1-2 lemons per handkerchief or cotton pad are enough, for a bath - 8 drops of lavender.

Contraindications and possible harm of esters

Each person, depending on the state of health, has contraindications to the use of certain oils. Only a perfectly healthy person can use them independently within reasonable limits. An unequivocal contraindication is an allergy. People with endocrine and cardiovascular diseases need the approval of the attending physician. Some contraindications for the most common diseases:

  • after a heart attack and with ischemia of the heart, fir and pine esters cannot be used;
  • severe hypertension is incompatible with juniper, mint and basil;
  • ylang-ylang, lemon balm and tea tree are contraindicated for hypotensive patients;
  • kidney diseases exclude thyme, pine and juniper;
  • with epilepsy and a tendency to convulsions, thyme, rosemary, sage and basil are contraindicated.

You can not combine the intake of iodine-containing drugs with the use of lavender. Parents should not use jasmine, ylang-ylang, hyssop, cypress, cinnamon, lemon balm, juniper and some other oils on their own for children who have not reached puberty.

Oils of orange, bergamot, grapefruit, St. John's wort, lavender, lime, lemon, mandarin are phototoxic, they should not be applied to the skin before sun exposure. Exceeding the permissible doses causes unpleasant side reactions in the form of disruption of the liver and a negative effect on the nervous system.

Table: safe amount of esters (in drops) for different ages

Before use in any form, all esters are tested for allergies.

The topic of the article is cosmetic oils. We talk about their beneficial properties, how edible oil differs from cosmetic oil, which oil is more suitable for which skin. You will learn the best cosmetic oils for face, hair and body care, their composition, application and description in the table.

Cosmetic oil is an oil product intended for face, body and hair care. It is obtained by cold pressing of plant materials (fruits, seeds and kernels) and high-quality filtration without exposure to high temperatures. Such actions contribute to the preservation of all the beneficial properties inherent in the plants from which it is prepared, and also increases their shelf life.

Cosmetic oils do not contain an aqueous phase, due to which the product turns into an emulsion or cream.

Often, edible oil is confused with cosmetic, although there are differences in them. Cosmetic oil, as a rule, is used only for cosmetic purposes, is produced with the Virgin mark. This means its production from raw materials using cold pressing and the absence of impurities in it. Typically, this oil is used only for external use. But edible oil is added to dishes.

It is worth noting that some cosmetic oils, such as olive or linseed, are also added to dishes. But cosmetic camphor oil can only be used externally.


Oils are of 3 types:

  • vegetable and mineral;
  • partially synthesized and natural;
  • enriched with ethers or other components.

Each cosmetic oil is unique in its chemical composition and effects on the body. Oils accelerate cellular metabolism, activate the synthesis of collagen and fibrinogen, moisturize the skin, and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

What is the difference between essential oil and cosmetic

Often, essential oils are confused with cosmetic oils, believing that they have an identical composition, effectiveness and effect. But this opinion is erroneous, there are some differences between these means.

Cosmetic oil is an independent product that is ready for use. It has a complex chemical composition and several components. Contains base vegetable oils, pure esters and extracts.

Essential oil is a product with a high concentration of mixtures of odorous and volatile substances, which is made from different parts of the plant using high technology. Esters instantly dissolve in the air and do not leave greasy marks.

For use in cosmetics, they require a fatty carrier, which is usually in the form of salts, foodstuffs and base vegetable oils. Essential oils are also added to the composition of factory care products (creams, lotions, balms, shampoos).

Cosmetic oils, unlike esters, can be used as an independent product - this is the main difference between oils.

At the same time, esters should be introduced into the composition of cosmetics only in a small dosage.

The benefits of cosmetic oils

Cosmetic oils for the skin have the following beneficial properties:

  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • emollient;
  • improving tone, elasticity and firmness.

Also, oil products can be used for any type of skin and as an effective remedy against premature aging.

Experts recommend using oils during massage, because they increase the effectiveness of the procedure, providing a therapeutic and preventive effect (anti-cellulite, anti-stress, soothing, tonic). The substances included in the product have a positive effect on the epidermis, improve its structure and accelerate regeneration processes, normalizing lipid metabolism.

How often to apply cosmetic oils? You can use them for daily care and cleansing of the skin of the face, its nutrition and hydration. You can add natural oils to homemade and commercial cosmetics.

And that's not all! You can use these products as base oils in aromatherapy! However, most oils have a natural sun protection factor, so you can use them before and after tanning.

As a rule, cosmetic oils are applied to the face and body in the evening for the purpose of rejuvenation. In autumn and winter, oils are used instead of day cream. The product is applied to pre-cleansed skin, after a few hours the residue is removed with a paper towel. Oils quickly penetrate the skin, reaching its deep layers in a couple of minutes.

Oils are especially beneficial for hair and nails. They strengthen hair follicles and nails, activating their growth and improving their appearance.

The effectiveness of oils is due to their natural composition, which is close to the composition of human sebum. Due to this property, oil products are quickly absorbed into the epidermis. In addition, natural oils rarely cause allergies, so they can be used by girls and women with very sensitive skin.

Table of cosmetic oils and their properties

The table below provides a description of the main cosmetic oils, their composition, properties and applications.

Every year, millions of women buy a huge amount of cosmetics, masks, shampoos. Everyone loves to take care of themselves. In the composition of modern cosmetics, you can find various components and substances. We are interested in one of them, namely the essential oil. Many people know this remedy for its diversity, amazing composition and variety of aromas. And to make it convenient and interesting for you to learn the material, a table of essential oils is offered, and their properties will also be described.


Let's start with the most popular section. It was in cosmetology that they won a leading position. There are facts that all these substances help a person overcome the following problems:

  • relieve fatigue;
  • relieve stress after a hard day at work;
  • relax when stress begins to take over your emotions;
  • raise vitality.

But there are some nuances in their application. First of all, this concerns the fact that the essential oil is used in small quantities and is added dropwise to the main product. Although vegetable and olive oils can be used as a separate remedy. Similar components are good to use with various cosmetic preparations. In them, essential oils absorb harmful additives and prevent them from penetrating the skin.

Essential oils and their properties

Essential oil



Has a calming and relaxing effect.

Can be added to massage oil

Tea tree

Only this representative has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Can be added to various gels, masks, lotions and facial cleansers.


  • Removes and treats inflammation of the skin.
  • Narrows pores.
  • Significantly reduces acne and blackheads.

Use with products for problem skin. Add a couple of drops.

  • This is an all purpose oil.
  • It can be used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine and cooking.
  • It has a strong healing effect.

You can add to cosmetics. Optionally, take a bath or pour oil into an aroma lamp and heal your whole body.


  • The oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Activates cell growth.
  • Increases elasticity and tone.
  • Helps to deal with flaking.

Add a few drops to the cream and mask.

  • Removes excess pigmentation.
  • Evens out complexion.

Add to freckle treatments.

  • Eliminates oily skin.
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Narrows pores.

It is good to use in the form of inhalations for the skin.

  • Ideal for dry skin.
  • Feeds her.
  • Makes the skin supple.
  • Suitable for older women.
  • Eliminates excessive pigmentation.
  • Unveils an even complexion.
  • Improves blood circulation.

Should be used for sore skin. Add to cream and facial cleansers.


Comprehensive care for oily skin.

Use with sea buckthorn, grape seed and cumin oil.

Ylang Ylang

  • It is a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Preferably used in aromatherapy to liberate and relax the body.

Use in an aroma lamp or add to a bath.


  • Relieves fatigue and nervousness.
  • It will give you energy.

It is used in aromatherapy and in conjunction with cosmetics.

We have given you the most common essential oils and their properties. A table in cosmetology is used by specialists to accurately fix your problem. As can be seen from the above data, you can use the funds yourself at home. The main thing is to observe the dosage.

Tip: remember that all essential oils are considered highly concentrated, so if you increase the dosage, they can cause severe allergic reactions! At the slightest manifestation of them, consult a doctor immediately.

Now you know all the properties of essential oils in cosmetology. The table should become your instruction. And we move on to our next section.

Strength and beauty of hair

Every woman is proud of her curls. The weaker sex is ready to spend big money to buy various expensive shampoos, masks, lotions, conditioners. But we decided to prove to you that you can restore and cure your favorite curls using conventional means.

Below is a table of essential oils and their properties for hair, which you must study in detail. It will help you navigate through a wide range of tools.

Essential oils for hair

Oil name



  • Ylang Ylang
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Geranium
  • Nourishes dry hair.
  • Helps with split ends.
  • Sage
  • Lemon
  • Tea tree

Eliminates shine on greasy hair.

In burdock oil, add 5 drops of each type of remedy presented and wash your head and apply healing masks.

  • sandalwood
  • Cinnamon
  • Pine

Helps stop premature hair loss.

Add to masks and make a therapeutic massage.

  • Thyme
  • Rosemary

Accelerates hair growth.

Add a couple of drops to massage masks.

  • Juniper
  • Cypress


Add to shampoos.

  • Pink tree
  • Mandarin

Split ends treatment.

Add 5 drops to the balm and mask.

We have provided a large list for review, which describes popular essential oils and their properties. The hair table will help to carry out the treatment procedures correctly.

Alternative treatment

Essential oils have recently begun to be used officially in medicine. Until that time, they met in folk recipes for hair treatment. Let's take a closer look at a few beauty tips:

  1. If you have dark hair and want to achieve thick hair, then use rosemary oil. Dissolve 5 drops in a glass of water and apply to clean, damp hair.
  2. To moisturize your hair, use the following recipe: 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk, 60 grams of olive oil, a drop of fir and rosemary. The course of treatment is 25 days. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week.
  3. Growing hair quickly is not difficult at all. It is enough to make the following mask: 100 ml and 6 drops of jasmine.

Above there is a table of essential oils and their properties are also described, and we move on to the next section.

Facial care

Hair is the decoration of every woman. But don't forget the face. It constantly leaves traces of fatigue, aging, depression, nervousness and many other external factors. In the arsenal of many women there are all kinds of jars with creams, lotions, foams. Do you know that in most cases, cosmetics do not help, but, on the contrary, can harm? Special tools will help reduce their harmful effects. We have created a separate table of essential oils. And their properties for the face are also described there.

Essential oils for the face - basic properties

Oil name


Patchouli, blue chamomile, myrrh, rose

For dry and sensitive skin

Grapefruit, spruce cones, bergamot

For oily skin

bigardia, verbena, spruce, rosewood

Injection of vitamins into the skin

Marjoram, myrtle, melissa

Narrowing of pores

Geranium, Jasmine, Patchouli

Removal of irritation

Hyssop, cypress, chamomile

Skin regeneration

Frankincense, fennel, neroli

Palmarosa, verbena, sandalwood, rose


Limett, pine, chamomile

Removes puffiness instantly

Mint, petite grain

Eliminates rosacea

rosewood, pepper

Helps to get rid of stale complexion

Carnation, cajuput, tea tree

Eliminates acne, blackheads

Ginger, juniper

Get rid of herpes

Sandalwood, bigardia, rose

Helps eliminate fine lines on and around lips

Hyssop, cedar

Remove dermatitis

This in no way means that store cosmetics are all bad. She brings results. Just every woman is individual and has her own characteristics associated with the face.

Tip: experts recommend choosing the oil whose smell you like. If the table of essential oils (and their properties) suggests that you deal with the problem by using a product whose aroma is unpleasant for you, then there will be no effect. Listen to your sense of smell.

Features of use

We have analyzed the beneficial effect that drugs such as essential oils have. The table showed the properties and application, but it remains for us to analyze some of the nuances. Namely:

  1. You can use the oil in undiluted form only pointwise, for example, on a pimple.
  2. If you decide to use the oil for the first time, then first do an allergy test.
  3. Follow the strict dosage that is indicated in the recipe.
  4. Aroma oils can be combined with any other vegetable.
  5. Choose the fragrance according to your preferences.

We have discussed with you many essential oils and their properties. The table has been created to help you. Now let's move on to the next section.


Aromatic oils can be added not only to cosmetics and personal care products. Do not do without these ingredients and the creation of perfumes. In modern perfumery, mainly synthetic substances are used. This is due to the fact that natural essential oils are difficult to obtain. As a result, their value increases. But there is one caveat. If you use only expensive and high-quality perfumes, be sure that they contain only natural essential oils and their properties. The table used in perfumery and shown below will help you understand the main components. So, let's get started.

Now you know what types of essential oils are divided into. The table showed you the properties and application very clearly. The amount of these substances does not exceed 30%. The rest is for aromatics. Namely:

  1. natural. This group includes components obtained from natural essential oils by distillation. For example, ylang-ylang, cintronella, coriander.
  2. Synthetic. Substances of this group can be obtained by two methods: distillation and chemical synthesis. For example, the aroma of cloves can be achieved by combining eugenol and vanillin.

The amount of aromatic substances accounts for approximately 70-100%. Also, each perfume contains components of animal origin. Namely:

  • tincture of secretions and glands in alcohol;
  • beaver stream;
  • deer musk;
  • ambergris.

Their number is measured around 0-0.1%.

There is a certain group that includes these essential oils. The list and properties table will show in more detail. It's time to find out what kind of group this is.

Essential oils in perfume

Essential oil name


It is used to create spicy and sweet aromas.

In perfumery, it is used to fix fragrances. This is the most expensive essential oil.

Adds a woody note to perfumes.


With this oil, you can achieve a tart and fresh aroma.

orange blossom

Popularly known as neroli, or flowers, this oil is found wherever floral notes are used.

It is mainly used to make oriental fragrances with tart notes.

If you have chosen a perfume with a fresh bitter aroma, then this essential oil is present here.

This essential oil is included in all perfumes with a floral scent.

The choice of perfume should also be treated prudently and buy only the fragrance that really suits and likes you. We have discussed various essential oils and their properties. The table and using them according to the rules should help you navigate.

It is worth talking about one nuance. It needs to be known to those who want to make their own perfume for themselves. You must know exactly all essential oils, properties and uses. The mixing table will tell you how to combine flavors correctly. And this is the main condition for an ideal perfume.

Correct among themselves

Essential essential oil

Minor aromatic oils


Patchouli, geranium, rosewood, lavender

Grapefruit, lemongrass


Pink tree

Ylang Ylang


cedar tree


Ylang Ylang

Lemongrass, geranium


Cedar, geranium

Pink tree

Ylang-ylang, geranium, rosemary



Cedar, rosemary

cedar tree



Geranium, patchouli


Tea tree

Pink tree

Here we have smoothly reached the most intriguing section that will interest many women.

How to lose weight

Losing extra pounds without debilitating diets and starvation is the dream of every girl. And today it is possible. All the same essential oils and their properties come to our aid. The weight loss table will tell you which flavors to choose. Probably not everyone takes it seriously, but still worth a try.

Lose weight with essential oil

Essential oil name

Application area

Dill, cypress, ginger, peppermint

Loss of excess weight.

Black pepper

Eliminates metabolism.

Reduces appetite.

Lemongrass, patchouli, myrrh, rosemary, mandarin

Helps tighten sagging skin after sudden weight loss.

Mandarin, juniper, lemon, grapefruit

Remove excess moisture and toxins from the body.

Neroli, rose, jasmine

Slimming Recipes

For the proper use of oils as a weight loss aid, it is worth exploring some recommendations:

  1. Loss of excess weight can occur through therapeutic massage. To do this, add 10 drops of bergamot, tea tree oil, nutmeg, geranium, grapefruit to the milk or lotion.
  2. You can prepare a massage tool yourself. To do this, prepare 30 grams of jojoba oil, 2 drops of geranium, bergamot, juniper, dill and rose.
  3. Aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on weight loss. But the main thing here is to use a proven oil that you are not allergic to. Before taking such a bath, pre-treat the body with a stiff brush.
  4. For the adoption of water procedures, you can use complex combinations of several oils. This will enhance the effect.
  5. Essential oils can be used to make exfoliating body scrubs. Here is the most effective recipe for you: add 10 drops or black pepper to coffee grounds. You will notice an amazing effect from its action.


The beneficial properties of essential oils, the table of which is presented in the review, are known to everyone. They have natural ingredients. But there are also a number of contraindications that you should be aware of:

Carefully! fakes

If you want to get the effect of using essential oils, buy only quality products. But sometimes it is difficult to do so. Many dishonest manufacturers pass off synthetic fragrances as natural essential oils. We will teach you how to distinguish a quality product:

  1. Let's look at the composition. It should indicate that the product is derived from an essential oil plant.
  2. Each essential oil has its own individual value, and it is never low.
  3. The bottle should be made of dark glass. The optimal volume of each tube does not exceed 15 ml.
  4. The label must contain the inscription: "100% natural essential oil."
  5. Before buying, find out more information about the manufacturer. If there is any doubt, then it is better to refuse the purchase.


Today we have opened the veil of secrets related to essential oils. You know where and how to properly use this natural ingredient. Each section contains a table of essential oils and their properties are also described so that you can navigate among all their diversity.

Today, mankind knows many plants used for the production of essential oils, the properties and use of which are placed in an extensive table.Often these are medicinal herbs, bones and other parts of the testes.We will tell you about the most useful of these gifts of nature.

Essential oils - properties

Ethereal collection is created based on the plant. It is dissolved in alcohol, or a liquid containing alcohol or vegetable oil.

The basis for a pure essential product is salt, dairy products, bee honey.

The properties of essential fluids depend not only on the plant itself, but also on its growing conditions, production method and the part used in the solution. These fees have different uses as well as occasions for use.

The effect can be completely different:

  1. Antiseptic
  2. Antispasmodic
  3. Regenerating
  4. Calming
  5. Exciting

The positive effect of their use can be observed after a few procedures. But we should not forget about the harm that essential drugs can cause to the body, especially if you do not take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer or doctor.

Table of the most popular essential oils

aromatic oil Impact on physical health Effect on state of mind
Azalea oil

Fights inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract; contributes to the solution of dermatological problemsReduces anxiety and fights symptoms of depression
Bergamot oil

It has antiseptic properties, improves the work of the cardiovascular system; treats diseases of the scalpUplifts mood and adds self-confidence
grapefruit oil

Normalizes the digestive tract, improves immunityInvigorates and at the same time fights depression, helps to get rid of feelings of anxiety
Ginger oil

It is a natural pain reliever, resists the spread of viral diseasesIncreases sexual desire, eliminates premenstrual syndrome
Cedar oil

Perfectly copes with various types of skin diseases: dermatitis, seborrhea, etc.Activates energy resources, stabilizes the state of mind
lavender oil

Perfectly copes with various types of skin diseases: dandruff, dermatitis, etc.It has calming properties, is widely used for tantrums, feelings of panic and fear.
lemon oil

Removes toxins and toxins, brightens the skinRelieves headaches and dizziness, fights depression
rosemary oil

Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory propertiesCombats insomnia and headaches, used to soothe young children


  1. It has a rejuvenating, revitalizing, brightening and toning effect. Able to eliminate acne, itching. Smoothes wrinkles and removes flabbiness. The anti-cellulite effect is also pronounced.
  2. Sandalwood is an excellent treatment for oil-free, dry and chapped skin.
  3. It also stabilizes peace of mind, helps to get rid of the desire to commit a rash act, and has a calming effect after stress. Sandalwood is used in meditation, in the treatment of a runny nose or sore throat.


  1. It is necessary for moisturizing, smoothing, strengthening the skin. Increases its elasticity and firmness. Helps smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Rose removes stress and fatigue. Eliminates inflammation, irritation, scars, peeling.


  1. It has pronounced bactericidal, antiseptic and deodorizing properties. Stimulates the body, increasing resistance to various infections.
  2. It is also an excellent tool to combat depression, stress, hyperexcitability.

anise essential oil


  1. It is an excellent antiseptic, deodorant, antidepressant. Soothes and refreshes.
  2. Contributes to the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Orange also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. Promotes stimulation and regeneration of skin cells.

The smell of orange is necessary for:

  1. Bringing the nervous system into tone
  2. Removal of depression
  3. Increasing efficiency
  4. Mood stabilization
  5. Dealing with sadness and anxiety
  6. Increasing optimism and self-confidence

essential oil of orange


  1. It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. And basil tones and refreshes the whole body as a whole.


  1. It has calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing properties.
  2. Bergamot is necessary to normalize the secretion of the glands, especially when applied to oily areas of the skin. It has a narrowing and brightening effect.


  1. It is considered a powerful antiseptic, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Carnation has a beneficial effect on the skin, restores strength after overwork, both physical and nervous.

Essential oil of clove


  1. It perfectly cleanses, tones and refreshes the skin. Excellent antiseptic. Effective in the fight against cellulite.
  2. Grapefruit is also needed to strengthen the nervous system, fight irritation and fear.

Ylang Ylang

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the emotional level: relieves tension, feelings of anxiety.
  2. Slows down the aging process, stimulates regeneration. Ylang-ylan g gives elasticity, tenderness and velvety to the skin. Cleans pores, removes toxins.


  1. It relieves insomnia, tearfulness, overexcitation. It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Lavender is one of the best rejuvenation and skin care products.


  1. It promotes mental alertness. Soothes. Juniper refreshes the skin, improves its firmness and elasticity.

neroli essential oil


  1. The extract of this plant promotes rejuvenation and revitalization of mature skin, smoothing wrinkles.
  2. It has regenerative, soothing and antiseptic properties. Neroli is needed to increase elasticity and firm the skin.


  1. It increases the elasticity of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and even smoothes existing ones!


  1. It has a stimulating, restorative and antiseptic effect.
  2. Effective in the fight against stress, depression, irritability, neuroses and mental disorders. Mint helps to normalize sleep.


  1. It has a positive effect on the emotional level: it calms, causes a surge of vivacity, optimism.
  2. Differs in the antiseptic, deodorizing, antitoxic action. Patchouli has a positive effect on the skin, rejuvenating it.

patchouli essential oil


  1. It relieves the symptoms of physical and mental fatigue, apathy, helps to strengthen the nervous system.
  2. Rosemary has a restorative and healing effect on the entire body.

Tea tree

  1. Its extract stimulates mental activity. Helps improve concentration.
  2. Restores the body after stress, depression. Takes away anxiety. Tea tree is used for purulent lesions of the skin, acne.

Clary sage

  1. It has a deodorizing and tonic effect. Clary sage is also considered to be an excellent antiseptic.


  1. It has a tonic effect, increases activity and endurance. Fir effective in combating stress and fatigue. Stimulates the immune system.

Eucalyptus essential oil


  1. It is necessary to restore psycho-emotional balance. Eucalyptus has a pronounced antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-allergic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. It has an antiallergic and analgesic effect. It is used for colds. Chamomile better than many oils calms the nervous system, stabilizes sleep and removes irritability.


  1. It is considered an indispensable assistant in the fight against acclimatization. Melissa also removes the effects of depression, melancholy, helps treat insomnia and irritability.

carrot seeds

  1. They improve the complexion, tone and rejuvenate the skin, giving it elasticity. Remove pigment age spots and imperfections caused by eczema, psoriasis. Carrot seeds increase the level of resistance to respiratory diseases.


  1. It stimulates blood circulation, rejuvenates the skin. Nutmeg helps fight fungal diseases, stimulate the digestive tract.

Essential oil of nutmeg


  1. It has healing properties on the emotional and physical levels: it provides the formation of positive emotions, a surge of energy and strength, and increases the ability to concentrate. Lemon also has a positive effect in the fight against depression.

The use of essential oils

For cosmetic and medical purposes, natural essential oils are not used, regardless of their properties. They should be used together with the base, which is most often used: wax, honey, milk, transport oils or creams.

When compiling a cosmetic product, it is important to take into account the compatibility of essential oils, their properties and use in accordance with the etherol volatility table.

Tip: Do not apply liquid to clean skin. Be sure to use the base. Oil is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with a tendency to allergies.

aromatic bath

One of the most common applications of oils that have a tonic (verbena and juniper), soothing (sandalwood, geranium) and wellness (pine, lemon) effect is an aromatic bath.

Essential oils are used in bath procedures along with salt in accordance with several rules:

  1. Before the procedure, you should swim in advance, as essential oils are better absorbed into clean skin.
  2. Water should be in the temperature range of 36–38 ºС
  3. The best base for the extract is sea salt, which itself has numerous beneficial properties.
  4. Do not use any other cosmetics while bathing
  5. The duration of the bath should not exceed 5-25 minutes
  6. Bathe in water with plant extracts should be no more than three times a week
  7. It is not recommended to rinse and dry after the procedure.

Apply oils correctly


Another way to use essential oils, according to their properties, is inhalation. Thyme, ginger - from the flu; eucalyptus, pine, thuja - treat bronchitis; orange, calendula - stomatitis; oregano, tea tree - cleanse the face.

For cold inhalation, pour a few drops on a cloth or napkin and inhale the aroma for 5-10 minutes.

To make a hot inhalation, use an inhaler or add drops to a bowl of hot water, lean over the container and cover your head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is the same as with cold inhalation.

Advice: inhalation should not be carried out with asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Other effective methods for using oils are:

  1. Compress
  2. Massage
  3. Aroma lamps and stones
  4. Mixing with decorative cosmetics
  5. Aroma pendants

The topic of the article is essential oils. We will talk about the beneficial properties of ethers, methods of application. You will learn about the correct dosing of esters to prevent allergies.

What are essential oils

Essential oils are a fragrant mixture of liquid volatile substances obtained from plant materials (plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, etc.) by pressing, extraction or distillation.

Compared to real fats, esters leave no traces and volatilize instantly at room temperature.

In aromatherapy, esters are used in purified form and in tinctures, which are made with alcohol.

Many essential oils dissolve well with alcohol, gasoline, vegetable oils.

Table of essential oils

Below is a table of the main essential oils, which indicates their properties and scope.

Essential oils - properties and uses

Almost all esters have anti-inflammatory properties, as a result of which they are used to eliminate colds, inflammatory processes in the body, as well as to get rid of redness and acne on the skin.

In official and folk medicine, natural oils have found their application, thanks to such useful and healing properties as:

  • antimicrobial;
  • painkiller;
  • antiviral.

The use of esters has a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, as well as the heart and blood vessels. Oils help to cope with the manifestations of an allergic reaction.

One of the unique properties of natural plant products is their regenerative effect. Oils help treat burns, abrasions, cuts, bruises, bruises.

Esters are often used to treat and normalize the psycho-emotional state. Oils help to normalize sleep, emotional stability, improve concentration.

Oils are used in pure form or in combination with each other.

In cosmetology, esters are used only in conjunction with base oils, since pure ether has a high concentration. The herbal remedy has a beneficial effect on the dermis of the face and body, hair, hands and nails. Some esters are used for rejuvenation and against cellulite.

Contraindication to use is the presence of allergies. Esters should be used with caution during pregnancy as they can irritate the skin.

For treatment and use in cosmetology, use only natural oils, and not cheap fakes, as they can provoke a deterioration in well-being or will not give the desired result.

For hair

Esters are used to eliminate dandruff, treat seborrhea, prevent hair loss, and enhance hair growth.

Also, natural products can increase blood circulation in the scalp, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to a decrease in the fat content of curls. Oils give silkiness and shine to hair, return the lost pigment.

For face

Oils are used to care for dry, oily, problem skin. Esters help cleanse and narrow pores, eliminate oily sheen, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Many oils have a rejuvenating effect, increase the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, eliminate irritation, and give the face a healthy look.

With a cold

Esters are capable of inhibiting the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, creating such a habitat for viruses and microbes in which they cannot develop, as a result of which they die.

Oils reduce the activity of aerobic respiration of microbes. All this leads to the fact that a person recovers faster after using a natural product.

In cosmetics (perfume)

The use of perfumes from essential oils helps to improve well-being, increase libido, and has a therapeutic effect on the body.

For skin

Esters are used to eliminate cellulite, reduce the visibility of stretch marks, get rid of age spots.

Esters perfectly nourish and moisturize the dermis, enriching it with useful elements. Regular use of oils makes the skin toned and supple.

In the bath

Aromatherapy in the bath has a positive effect on the body.

Bath procedures with ethers help to remove toxins from the body, activate metabolism.

From wrinkles

Essential oils help to eliminate wrinkles, smooth out shallow crow's feet.

They also effectively moisturize the skin around the eyes.

For acne

Natural oils have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This helps to eliminate acne, normalize the sebaceous glands and cleanse the skin.

With regular use of essential oils, the number of acne is reduced, and new ones do not appear.

With a cold

Thanks to the antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, natural remedies effectively cope with the common cold.

They eliminate the action of pathogenic microorganisms, remove yellow and green discharge from the nose, facilitate breathing, and eliminate nasal congestion.

When coughing

Esters are widely used in the treatment of cough.

Oils have a bactericidal, antiviral effect, which helps to cleanse the mucous membranes of the throat.

Inhalation is most often used to treat cough.

From cellulite

Esters help to cope with cellulite. To eliminate the "orange peel" wraps, rubbing, massage, baths are used.

The effectiveness of the procedures depends on the regularity of their use.

For nails

The use of esters helps to strengthen the nail plate, improve the appearance of nails, eliminate white spots on the nails.

The oils also help soften cuticles.

Ways to use essential oils

There are many ways to use essential oils. The method used directly depends on the purpose of the application and the benefits of the essential oil.

Usually esters are used in the following way:

  1. Inhalations - used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, eliminate swelling and inflammation.
  2. Aromatherapy - used for psycho-emotional relaxation.
  3. Aroma massage or aromatic baths - used for massage, giving the skin elasticity and tenderness.
  4. Compress - used to reduce body temperature, eliminate inflammation, regenerate tissues, rejuvenate and nourish the skin.
  5. Rubbing - used in the presence of pain or spasms in the muscles.
  6. Internal reception - used to treat various diseases, lower cholesterol, lose weight.

Esters are often added to the composition of factory and homemade cosmetics to enhance their action.

Dosage of essential oils

When creating cosmetic or therapeutic products based on esters, the dosage indicated in the recipe must be followed exactly.

Otherwise, deterioration of health, the occurrence of burns or redness of the skin is likely.

The dosage of oils in aromakulon is 1-3 drops, when applied to the skin - 5-7 drops, when added to the bath - 2-3 drops.

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