Blood in Komarovsky's stool. Blood in the stool in a child: causes and methods of treatment. Hidden blood in stool

Blood in the feces of a baby is a symptom that should not be ignored. Although in most cases the causes of its appearance in a newborn child are not terrible and are treated at home, there are situations when life is at stake, and without the immediate intervention of doctors, it can be lost.

Blood in the feces of an infant may indicate damage to the mucous membrane of one of the departments gastrointestinal tract, and may indicate problems with digestion and development certain disease. There are cases when the feces turn red or black due to foods or drugs eaten, and parents mistakenly take it for blood.

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of blood in the feces of a baby, the first thing parents should do is call a doctor at home or even " ambulance". This symptom may indicate the development of hemorrhagic disease, fraught with bleeding in the brain. Therefore, the child must first be examined (tested) and made sure that the cause of rectal bleeding does not pose a threat to life.

Types of bleeding

The source and form of blood inclusions can be different. According to certain signs, it is possible to understand from which part of the gastrointestinal tract the bleeding originated.

  • Blood out upper parts digestive tract(these include the stomach and small intestine). The stool becomes black, like tar. This color is due to the oxidation of hemoglobin, the main blood component that contains iron in its composition.
  • With bleeding lower parts digestive system(represented by the colon, rectum, and anus) the stool looks somewhat different. AT this case you can see streaks of blood in the feces of the baby or even red blood clots.

Activated charcoal taken by a nursing mother can turn baby's stool black

In addition, certain products and medications able to stain the stool red or black, so that some mistake it for blood.

To similar substances relate:

  • Activated carbon;
  • drugs containing dyes;
  • antibiotics;
  • iron-containing preparations;
  • beet;
  • chocolate;
  • drinks containing powdered dyes;
  • red flavored gelatin;
  • some dark green foods.

However, you should not focus only on how the chair looks. Diagnosis must necessarily include a thorough examination of the baby, data on the circumstances of his birth, the condition of the mother during pregnancy, as well as the results of clinical studies of blood and feces.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reasons for the appearance of bloody impurities in the feces of a newborn include:

Anal fissure

Rupture of the mucous membrane in the anus can occur at any age and is associated with frequent constipation. So, if a child cannot defecate for a long time, and in the process of defecation he strains, groans, his face turns red, and the feces come out hard - do not be surprised that he pooped with blood streaks.

The blood in this case will be superficial, when wiping the priests, its droplets may remain on a damp napkin, an ichor may be found on the diaper. Treatment begins with finding the cause of intermittent constipation and eliminating it. Symptomatically applied externally wound healing ointments by applying them to the anal fissure.

Microscopic cracks in the anus can often appear on the background of constipation

Allergy to cow's milk protein (CMP)

Everyone knows that cow's milk is strong allergen for babies. For this reason, intolerance is often found at the age of up to a year. cow's milk, particularly in children on artificial feeding. However, pathology can be diagnosed in babies on breastfeeding if mom likes to drink fresh, not sour milk.

The disease proceeds as proctocolitis. Its main symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the stool. If it has been established that the cause of blood streaks in the feces is associated precisely with CMPA, artificial children are transferred to special mixtures containing purified milk protein or dairy-free formulas are used. In the case of a crumb located on breastfeeding, mom is recommended to exclude dairy products from her diet for 2 weeks, during which the baby is monitored. Children usually outgrow their intolerance to milk protein by the first year of life.

Crohn's disease

The disease is characterized chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the intestinal walls ulcerate and traces of blood are visible after defecation. On the severe stages observed blood clots. Pathology is also accompanied by poor appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

However, it should be noted that this disease usually first makes itself felt in adolescence and not in infancy.


Polyps are growths located on the large intestine. As a rule, they are first diagnosed at the age of 2 years. This pathology does not specific symptoms except bleeding from drops of fresh blood. The child is carefully examined and decide how expedient the removal of polyps.

Intestinal intussusception

In the people, this condition is called "intestinal volvulus." It is characterized by a condition when one part of the intestine invades the lumen of another and occurs intestinal obstruction. The stool acquires a crimson color, similar in consistency to jelly.

A situation such as intussusception of the intestine requires immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

infectious diarrhea

It is caused by viruses, various bacteria or even helminths. Its recognizable symptoms are:

  • temperature rise;
  • pain, cramps in the abdomen;
  • blood in the stool;
  • intoxication, dehydration.

Hemorrhagic disease - a separate topic

Of particular danger to newborns is hemorrhagic disease. Its essence is that the baby's body lacks vitamin K, which is simply necessary for successful blood clotting.

Its deficiency can occur even in the prenatal period, especially if future mom took anticonvulsants, antibacterial agents or anticoagulants. During the neonatal period, the lack of vitamin K is due to the fact that the baby's liver is not yet able to produce it properly, and its content in breast milk is insufficient.

Bleeding and bruising in this disease are ubiquitous: bleeding from the navel, nose, blood is found in the urine, in the feces, in the form small dots or fatty plaques subcutaneously. If you do not start treatment in time, consisting of the introduction of drugs with vitamin K into the body, a hemorrhage occurs in the brain, as well as in internal organs. Therefore, you cannot delay.


At the appointment, the doctor examines the anus, listens to complaints, asks about the features of the baby's nutrition, the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Analyzes help to quickly and accurately determine the cause of bleeding

You may need to take the following tests:

  • coprogram for occult blood in the feces;
  • complete blood count (pay attention to the level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, platelets);
  • coagulogram (blood clotting test) - it determines which factors of the prothrombin complex are missing;
  • urinalysis (if there is hematuria).

As a rule, such tests are enough to understand the cause of bleeding. If the origin of the disease remains a secret, they resort to a more detailed study: a colonoscopy is prescribed under ultrasound or X-ray control. The types of research will depend on the age of the baby and his condition.

Summarize. Blood in the feces of a newborn may appear from time to time, and in most cases great danger she doesn't represent. However, its appearance may also indicate serious diseases. Therefore, if you see blood where it should not be, the child must be examined.

Blood in a child's feces scares parents, but you should not panic prematurely, because stools mixed with blood do not always indicate the presence of serious pathologies. The reasons for the appearance of blood in the feces of a child can be different and, first of all, you need to focus on the age of the baby.

Periodically, almost all children have minor rectal bleeding that does not affect their general well-being. But without medical care can't find out exact reason this phenomenon. Let's see what the appearance of blood in the feces may be connected with, what to do if the child poops with blood, and how to prepare him for an occult blood test.

Causes of rectal bleeding

Blood in the feces of a child is quite possible if the baby swallowed a small amount of maternal blood during childbirth. But on the other hand, feces with blood in newborns is a very rare occurrence that can signal serious disorders in the child's body.

Doctors identify two possible sources of blood in a child's stool. The first is the stomach and small intestine, the second is the anus, rectum and colon. When bleeding from the upper parts of the digestive tract, the baby's feces turn black. Black stools become due to influence of hydrochloric acid for hemoglobin.

Blood streaks in a child's stool that are bright red or scarlet are a symptom of bleeding in the lower intestines.

In children older than two years, a rectal fissure is often formed - damage skin and the mucous membrane that lines the anus. Such a crack most often appears due to the difficult passage of feces. Some blood is usually shed and can be found on the surface of the stool. Damage heals quickly, but provided that the child's intestines are not constantly full. Prevention of intestinal fissures ‒ proper nutrition, active image life and prevent constipation.

If the mother found blood in the feces of the child and the bleeding is combined with painful sensations in the abdomen, contact your pediatrician immediately. Most probable cause such a combination is obstruction (invagination) of the intestine due to the so-called "intestinal volvulus". During an attack, the child screams, and calms down between spasms. In addition to feces with blood, the child may vomit, and the stomach becomes bloated and tense. Surgery may be required to correct the intussusception.

Blood streaks in a baby's stool can be caused by sore throat or nosebleeds (if the baby swallows blood). Streaky diarrhea can be caused by an allergic reaction of a child's body to soy protein or cow's milk.

Juvenile polyps (growths on the intestines) are another common cause rectal bleeding. In addition to blood in the stool, the child may have the following symptoms: lethargy, abdominal pain, fever. If at least one of these symptoms appears, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Liquid feces with blood in a child most often appears with anaerobic bacterial infections, salmonellosis or dysentery. Some infections go unnoticed, while others are very dangerous for the child.

Sometimes black stools may not be caused by blood, but by certain medications or foods.

We list the drugs and products that cause staining of feces:

  • iron-containing drugs;
  • Activated carbon;
  • chocolate;
  • beet;
  • confectionery gelatin;
  • some antibiotics;
  • bismuth preparations.

Test to detect occult blood in a child's stool

It happens that the presence of blood in the stool cannot be determined visually. In this case, assigned special study aimed at detecting occult blood in a child's stool. Specialists use a special technique to analyze the baby's stool for occult blood. They use extremely sensitive chemicals that easily oxidize and change color (eg benzidine, guaiac).

If the pediatrician recommended that parents give the child's feces for analysis, you should pay special attention to his diet. In case of improper preparation for the study, healthy baby can detect occult blood in stools. out of 5 (8 votes)

The appearance of blood in the stool is a sign of many diseases and pathological conditions most different departments gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, such a symptom can be considered unfavorable and indicates severe damage to the mucous, submucosal and even muscular walls of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestinal tube.

Blood in the stool may be visible to the eye or requires specific laboratory tests to detect it. Visible bloody issues characteristic of inflammation or damage to the departments located at the level of the intestine. The so-called altered or occult blood enters the feces from the overlying sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

If blood is seen in the stool - causes

cracks anus

The situation becomes most characteristic when bright scarlet blood appears in the feces or on the surface of the feces. This is evidence of an anal fissure that occurs when chronic constipation and excessive straining during the act of defecation. The crack may be accompanied by discomfort after a bowel movement in the anus. Bleeding is not profuse and may recur for several days.

Diagnosed during routine surgical examination and digital examination of the rectum. During treatment, it is necessary to adjust regular stool(diet,) and treat the patient with suppositories with sea buckthorn oil or Anuzol for a week.


If blood appears on the surface of the feces up to several times a month, darker than with a crack, and the patient has severe pain, itching, a feeling of fullness in the rectum, then it is worth suspecting varicose veins veins of the rectum (hemorrhoids). Such a disease develops against the background of the fact that the veins in this area do not have valves and with any chronic elevations intra-abdominal pressure are easily overstretched and can be damaged, giving bleeding.

When viewed in the anus, hemorrhagic nodes are visible (see) or similar formations are found when examining the rectum with a rectoscope (see).

There are two options for treating the disease. Conservatively they fight with hemorrhoids on early stages using venotonics (tablets, venoruton, venolan, ginkor forte, troxerutin, dragees and drops of escusan, ointments or gels antistax, venitan, troxevasin) or venosclerosing agents that exclude a number of veins from the bloodstream (suppositories hepatothrombin G, ethoxysclerol). Additionally enjoy local anesthetics, laxatives, anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To surgical treatment resorted to planned with advanced hemorrhoids or for emergency indications with heavy and prolonged rectal bleeding.

non-specific ulcerative colitis

An interesting phenomenon is the viral hemorrhagic fevers(Crimean, Omsk, Central Asian) in which against the background of the defeat small vessels there is a hemorrhagic rash on the body and bleeding, including intestinal. Other viral defeat colon, which is characterized by fever, bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain - cytomegalovirus.

Oncological processes give a clinic of intestinal obstruction, diagnosed with the help of a plain radiograph abdominal cavity (characteristic symptom gas bubbles, "Cloiber bowls") or intestinal bleeding in the destruction of blood vessels or the intestinal wall. There may also be perforation of the intestine with the development of fecal inflammation of the peritoneum. Treatment in similar situations operative, involving resection of a part of the intestine and stopping bleeding by electrocoagulation or suturing of blood vessels or the intestinal wall.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

Intestinal dysbacteriosis associated with the use of antibiotics is called the syndrome of excessive bacterial colonization of the intestine. Its most typical variant is pseudomembranous colitis after a course of tetracyclines, clindamycin, or aminoglycosides. Diarrhea and blood in the feces appear when the cause is intestinal damage by Clostridium. Vancomycin, metronidazole and bactrim are prescribed for treatment.


A group of sexually transmitted infections (herpes, anorectal syphilis, rectal gonorrhea, venereal granuloma) can also lead to damage to the rectal mucosa and manifest as blood on the surface of the stool.

Ischemic colitis - oxygen starvation of the intestinal wall of the colon due to atherosclerotic damage to the arteries. Most often, the mesenteric arteries are damaged, which disrupt the nutrition of the left sections of the colon. Oxygen starvation of tissues leads to acute pain in the abdomen, as well as the appearance of erosions of the intestinal wall, which become a source of bleeding. Differential Diagnosis and first aid for ischemia consists in taking the patient nitroglycerin, which relieves pain.

Causes of occult blood in the stool

The blood that enters the stool from the upper parts of the digestive tract has time to change along the way. Hemoglobin, which is part of it, breaks down and turns into iron sulfate, which gives the feces a black color. Such a chair is called melena.

  • Bleeding from esophageal varices

It is characteristic of the accompanying portal hypertension syndrome. In addition to tarry stools, this pathology is characterized by pain behind the sternum, aggravated after eating, repeated vomiting of blood. Drop in blood pressure, tachycardia, sweating. The condition is urgent and is stopped by the introduction of a special balloon probe into the esophagus, pressing the veins.

  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome

this is a bloody fissure of the esophagus or the cardial part of the stomach, which occurs with repeated vomiting and reaches the submucosa. Most often faced with this problem drinking people or persons with a perforated gastric inlet ulcer. Pain syndrome in the projection of the esophagus is combined with melena. Treatment includes administration of aminocaproic acid, bed rest and intramuscular injection cerucal.

  • Bleeding from a stomach ulcer or duodenum

can also cause tarry stools. With extensive bleeding, liquid black stools are observed up to several times a day, nausea, chills. There may be fainting. stomach bleeding accompanied by vomiting Brown color("coffee grounds"). Surgical treatment is reduced to resection of a part of the stomach or duodenum or suturing of the ulcer.

  • Perforation of duodenal ulcer

may be accompanied by simultaneous bleeding from a mirror ulcer on the opposite wall of the intestine (“kissing ulcers”). In this case, acute dagger pain in the right half of the epigastrium will be combined with signs of ongoing bleeding: weakness, sweating, palpitations, loss of consciousness. Only emergency laparotomy with ulcer closure or bowel resection saves the patient (see)

  • Gastric cancer, characterized by rapid satiety, aversion to meat, weakness, anemia and emaciation, can also be complicated by bleeding.
  • Tumors of the esophagus in the stage of disintegration can also produce bleeding and altered blood in the stool.
  • Periodontal disease (see)
  • Tuberculosis of the intestine

Diagnosis of altered blood in the stool

Minor bleeding from wounds and ulcerations of the oral mucosa, after extraction of teeth, from bleeding from the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and the initial segment of the jejunum may not cause visual changes in the stool, but are determined in the feces using a laboratory test.

This analysis is called the Gregersen reaction. In order to make the test as reliable as possible, the patient is forbidden to brush his teeth, eat meat and fish, as well as iron preparations three days before the test. Then collect feces. Benzidine with barium peroxide dissolved in acetic acid, applied to a stool smear on a glass slide and observe the color change. When a blue or green color appears, the reaction is considered positive.

Causes of the presence of blood in the stool in a child

Children can suffer from the same pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract as adults. Thus, everything described above applies to them. However, in pediatric practice, there are the most typical conditions for detecting blood in the stool, which should be remembered and shown some caution about them.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis (syndrome of excessive bacterial colonization of the intestine)

Against the background of irrational feeding of children under one year old, unreasonable or frequent treatment antibiotics, errors immune protection infants, quite often mothers and pediatricians have to deal with the phenomena liquid stool with blood impurities. These are streaks of blood in a child's stool that can be combined with mucus. There is also bloating (see, loss of appetite, diathesis. Most often, enterocolitis of staphylococcal or Klebsiella origin is to blame for this.

Fissures of the rectum often accompany another manifestation of intestinal dysbiosis, constipation, which may be the cause possible appearance blood in the feces of a child (see). Treatment of dysbacteriosis is carried out according to the scheme given above. Constipation also accompanies rickets and an unbalanced diet (see).

Therefore, it is important for children in the first two years of life to adjust preventive or medical reception vitamin D and supplement them enough liquids (for artificers - the volume of one feeding, distributed per day). Treatment comes down to settling the stool with the help of a diet or the appointment of Lactulose (, Normaze) and the use of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

Intestinal obstruction

The most formidable causes of the presence of blood in the feces in babies under two years of age are intestinal intussusception and intestinal obstruction. This state of affairs may be the result congenital anomaly(incomplete rotation of the intestinal tube), and overfeeding the baby, changing the mixture, prescribing kefir in children of the first three months of life, too early and unbalanced complementary foods (see). With intussusception, one part of the intestine seems to be soldered into the wall of the other, blocking its lumen and causing partial intestinal obstruction.

The child begins to scream a lot after eating, one fine day spit up profusely with a fountain (see), often begins to poop liquid and mixed with blood. Within a few hours or a day, the stool turns into a lump of red mucus. If during this period of time you do not call an ambulance or go to a surgical hospital on your own, the child will stop eating and drinking, fall into a state of collapse or shock, and may die.

The most interesting thing is that in a child under one year old, such a formidable condition can be determined using an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or with a plain radiograph, and eliminated with a simple barium enema, avoiding abdominal surgery. True, older children perform laparotomy.

food allergy

Allergy in a child is such a common occurrence today, it can be on any food:

  • most often on cow's milk protein (see)
  • citrus fruits (see)
  • for gluten (see)
  • various nutritional supplements, fragrances, dyes, etc.

Sometimes food allergy may manifest skin reactions, diarrhea, foamy stool, an admixture of blood in the stool (blotches, streaks), small children become whiny, restless, gain weight poorly.

Thus, finding blood in the feces of an infant, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. If the child has:

  • frequent loose stools
  • vomiting or spitting up (more than a third of all feedings)
  • elevated temperature
  • the child is too excited or too retarded

it is advisable to call an ambulance brigade or contact admission department children's infectious diseases hospital, whose doctors are more qualified and experienced in recognizing life threatening child states than district pediatricians.

The appearance of blood in the stool in a child cannot be ignored, as this can be due to completely different reasons. Such manifestations always cause concern among parents, and not in vain: blood in the stool in a child can be associated with serious disorders in the body. Required timely diagnosis and treatment. Very often, minor bleeding in no way affects general condition baby, but this symptom is a reason to consult a specialist. Put accurate diagnosis possible only with the help of modern diagnostic methods. Based on research data, the attending physician will be able to choose the right treatment.

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    Types of rectal bleeding

    Blood in a child's stool can come from two main sources: upper division digestive system, which includes the stomach and small intestine, and its lower part, including the rectum, colon and back passage.

    In the first case, children have black stools. This is due to the conversion of iron, which is part of hemoglobin, into hematin, which occurs under the influence of hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach.

    In case of bleeding from the lower part of the digestive tract, feces with an admixture of fresh blood are observed.

    Some foods and medications can stain the stool black. The list of such substances includes:

    • Activated carbon;
    • iron preparations;
    • blackcurrant, blueberry;
    • chocolate;
    • beet;
    • flavored red gelatin;
    • drinks and medicines containing dyes;
    • various dark colored products.

    When using the above products, suspicions of internal bleeding turn out to be false.

    Causes of blood in the stool in a child

    Among the many reasons why children have blood in their feces, there are the main, most common, and those that are much less common.

    Main reasons

    The most common cause of blood in the stool is a fissure in the anus. Rupture of the mucous membrane in the anus occurs when prolonged constipation as a result of applying excessive force during defecation. In this case, the child has a hard stool. With this pathology, a relatively small amount of blood is released. Anal fissures can occur in children from infancy. Most of them have a history of constipation.

    For the same reason, children can develop hemorrhoids, which are characterized by dilated veins in the rectum and anus. This process leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. Formations can bleed and fall out of the anus.

    The second most common cause of blood in stools is allergic reaction for soy protein and cow's milk. Allergies in a child may occur after consumption goat milk. This disease is most often diagnosed in children under 1 year old. Its second name is protein-induced proctocolitis. Pathology develops as a result of sensitization of the child's body to milk protein and soy. Most often diagnosed in artificial children.

    An allergic reaction in babies at 3 or 4 months can also appear on breastfeeding, especially if the mother eats whole milk and soy products. Symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced and are characterized by the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea and blood in the stool in the child. Exit from problem situation for mother and child is a diet with the obligatory exclusion of allergens from the diet. Ordinary mixtures for children are replaced with hypoallergenic ones.

    The appearance of blood in the stool is provoked by helminthiasis. This happens much less frequently than in the first two cases, since not all worms can gnaw through the intestinal walls. This ability is possessed by some round, annelids and flatworms. Bleeding is most commonly seen in late stages diseases.

    Less common causes

    Intestinal inflammation is another problem in which children have blood in their stools. Among the most common diseases accompanied by inflammation of the intestine with damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, there are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Except blood secretions from the anus, the following symptoms testify to these pathologies: impaired stool, weight loss, poor appetite. In infants, inflammation processes can develop as a result of a lack of enzymes in the body.

    Infectious diarrhea is one of the provocateurs of the release of stool with bloody streaks. Among the causes of this pathology, the presence in the body of bacterial and viral infection. Infection of a child can occur through the consumption of contaminated water or food, or after a course of antibiotic therapy. Typical signs infectious diarrhea are: blood in feces, pain in the abdomen, fever.

    Asymptomatic bleeding from the anus is caused by juvenile polyps. They are non-malignant tumors that develop in children aged 2 to 7 years. The location of the growths is the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Juvenile polyps are removed surgically.

    The appearance of blood in the stool can be triggered by more serious diseases, such as intussusception - one of the options for intestinal obstruction, Hirschsprung's disease - a congenital pathology characterized by the expansion of the colon. The disease in most cases occurs suddenly. It can start in a child who has outgrown infancy, at 3 years old, or later. With intestinal obstruction, the stools have a liquid consistency, and the manifestations are accompanied by vomiting and the occurrence of severe pain.

    Mucus with blood in the stool

    The presence of small patches of mucus in the stool of an infant, clear or greenish color, they only talk about rearrangements in the baby's body. A warning sign is the presence copious mucus in stool, especially if it turns green or brown.

    For availability intestinal infections indicates an unpleasant specific smell from feces, the presence of blood, a foamy type of stool. The most common cause of pathology is staphylococcal, enterovirus infection and escherichiosis. Manifestations of diarrhea are accompanied by the release of mucus with blood, vomiting, fever. All these signs indicate intoxication of the body, in which the entire intestinal mucosa is affected.

    Hidden blood in stool

    hidden blood in the feces is a sign of gastrointestinal diseases, which require a special examination. The causes of this pathology can be:

    • Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus with varicose veins. It is one of the manifestations of portal hypertension that occurs with hepatic cirrhosis. Additional Features: black stools, pain in the retrosternal region after eating, vomiting with blood, rapid heartbeat, increased secretory activity sweat glands, low arterial pressure, expansion of capillaries on the abdomen, bitterness in the mouth.
    • Mallory-Weiss syndrome. It is manifested by a bleeding defect in the mucosa of the cardiac gastric region or esophagus. The cause of the pathology is repeated vomiting during perforated ulcer stomach. Signs - black blood in the stool and severe pain.
    • Bleeding from a duodenal or stomach ulcer. The main manifestations - liquid blood in tar-black stool, persistent nausea, vomiting with blood, falling into an unconscious state, accompanied by chills. The problem is solved with the help of surgery.
    • Cancer of the stomach or intestines. In the first case, the main symptoms are: aversion to food, Iron-deficiency anemia, sudden weight loss, tissue breakdown, bleeding. In the second - a violation of the stool, characterized by alternating diarrhea with constipation, intestinal obstruction, accompanied by false calls to emptying.

    Hidden blood in the feces of a child may appear against the background of intestinal tuberculosis or when tumors of the esophagus occur.

    Diagnosis of rectal bleeding

    You can determine the cause of the appearance of feces with blood using rectal finger research. The child's complaints matter. Small patients are prescribed blood, urine and feces tests, they are examined using instrumental methods:

    • colonoscopia;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
    • x-ray research;
    • sigmoidoscopy;
    • fecal analysis for lactose deficiency - undigested lactose is often the cause of colic, blood in the stool and bloating in a child.

    When making a diagnosis, it becomes necessary to obtain the conclusions of several specialists:

    It is possible to determine the presence of a bacterial and viral infection in the body, which are the cause of feces with bloody secretions, using an analysis for dysbacteriosis.


    The method of treatment depends on the severity of the manifestations and the cause of the bleeding. Therapeutic regimen developed individually for each child:

    Problem Treatment
    Allergy to milk The problem is solved by replacing milk formulas with hypoallergenic ones, and in the absence of a result, by switching to hydrolysates. Selection baby food in this scenario, the attending physician
    Intestinal infections Treated with symptomatic drugs: hemostatic drugs, enzymes, detoxification agents and antibiotics with a preliminary determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. Children with infectious diseases are subject to hospitalization
    Hemorrhoids, fissures in the anus Treatment hemorrhoid involves the use of ointments, suppositories, hemostatic drugs and means to strengthen vascular walls. Surgical method the problem is solved in rare cases. Cracks in the anus are eliminated by means of anal suppositories, which have anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. In both cases, a nutritional correction is provided, with the inclusion in the diet of vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria
    Neoplasms Removal of polyps is carried out either through a colonoscope, or with the help of surgical intervention. Tissues must be examined in order to establish the nature of the occurrence of neoplasms. Cancer tumors treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Sometimes it may be necessary to repeat the operation
    Ulcerative colitis Babies with colitis are put on a life-long dispensary record. Treatment of the disease is carried out in two ways: medical and surgical. Conservative therapy involves the use of corticosteroids and aminosalicylic acids. With their help, it is possible to achieve the absence of a reaction of one's own antibodies to the rectal mucosa by reducing local immunity. With the rapid onset of an exacerbation, an operation is performed to remove part of the intestine with a focus of inflammation. Sometimes surgery is vital
    infectious diarrhea Requires a comprehensive drug treatment whose purpose is to restore water balance, removing toxins from the body, eliminating infection, reducing peristalsis and preventing the development of dysbacteriosis. At infectious diarrhea children are prescribed a special diet, provide plentiful drink and prescribe the following medications: electrolytes (Rehydron), sorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel), probiotics (Linex, Acipol), antimicrobial drugs (Ftalazol, Nifuroxazide)
    Blood in the feces with gastric and duodenal ulcers, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, bleeding from the veins of the esophagus, intestinal obstruction, Hirschsprung disease All diseases are treated through surgery and symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating the consequences

    Sometimes hormones are prescribed for children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition to drug treatment, if blood occurs in the feces of a child, nutritional correction is required. It is assumed the complete exclusion of products that can cause the fermentation process in the stomach. It is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, spicy food, smoked meats and chocolate. A list of allowed foods is usually given to parents by the attending physician.

    Folk recipes

    Some diseases are treatable with folk methods.Here are some proven recipes:

    • Baths with a decoction of chamomile. Used to treat hemorrhoidal manifestations. Prepare as follows: 4 tbsp. l. dry grass must be poured with a liter of boiling water and infused until completely cooled. Then pour the decoction into a bowl with warm water and sit in it. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. It is recommended to do it every day until a complete cure.
    • Compress from sea ​​buckthorn oil from hemorrhoids. This remedy has a hemostatic and softening effect. Oil is applied to cotton swab and applied at night to the problem area.
    • Onion infusion for the treatment of helminthiasis. For cooking, take a medium-sized onion, finely chop, place in a glass and pour boiled water until covered. The medicine is left to infuse until morning, after which it is filtered and drunk.
    • Hemostatic decoction. Recipe: you need to take 2 tsp. dry nettles and pour them with a glass of boiling water. A similar effect can be achieved if you cook borscht from nettle.

    Alternative recipes can be used only after receiving medical advice.


    The issues of treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, provoking the appearance of blood in the stool, great attention gives Dr. Komarovsky. The pediatrician advises to monitor the nutrition of babies and try to minimize the intake of any medication. This rule is recommended to be taken into account by parents and adhere to it for a long time, regardless of the age of the children. Blood in the stool in babies can appear both at 2 years old and at 5 years old. The causes of pathologies and symptoms can be identical.

    For young mothers who are breastfeeding, the doctor recommends controlling the diet.

Blood in the stool in a child: possible causes and methods of diagnosis

Drops, streaks or blood clots in the feces of a child can cause a real shock in parents. But, no matter how scary this phenomenon looks, you should not panic and draw premature conclusions. In most cases, bloody stools in children are not a harbinger of any serious illnesses. There can be many reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool in a child. And in order to identify them, you need to resort to the help of a competent specialist.

What are the causes of bloody stool in children?

Often there are situations when in children the feces become black, which may well indicate the presence internal bleeding. But sometimes bloody stools in children are caused by taking certain medications or eating certain products nutrition. These medicines include:

  • Activated carbon;
  • bismuth;
  • preparations containing iron;
  • some types of antibiotics.

Foods that can cause stool to turn red and black include:

  • beets;
  • blackcurrant;
  • chocolate;
  • blueberries;
  • gelatin.

If the presence of blood in the feces of a child is associated precisely with the use of these products and taking medications, parents should not worry. It is only necessary to eliminate the cause of stool staining. After a few days, the baby's stool will return to normal. However, if along with black or red feces, the child has loss of appetite, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain, call an ambulance immediately.

Common causes of bloody stool in children
1. Bleeding from organs lower divisions GIT. These bodies include:

  • anus;
  • rectum;
  • colon.

Bleeding of this kind is characterized by the presence of streaks, drops or clots of blood, which has a bright red or scarlet color.
2. Bleeding from the organs of the upper gastrointestinal tract. These bodies include:

  • small intestine;
  • stomach.

In these cases, the feces will be black. The fact is that gastric juice, interacting with blood hemoglobin, is converted into hematin hydrochloride, which has a black color. With such bleeding, repeated vomiting is often present, which in its consistency and color will resemble coffee grounds. That is, the vomit will also be black with the presence of grains.
3. Allergy to soy protein and/or cow's milk
Most often, this condition is caused by the use of adapted infant formulas and is observed mainly in infants. But it can also occur in those babies that mothers feed breast milk while eating dairy products and soy. Manifested in the form of loose stools with the presence of blood streaks in the feces. As a rule, in a child, feces with blood continue until the age of 1 year. Then it completely disappears.
In addition to loose stools mixed with blood, allergies also manifest themselves with other symptoms, namely:

  • bouts of nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • loss of appetite.

4. Anal fissures
Fissures in the anus (anus) are often caused by a complicated passage of feces, which have big sizes in diameter, as well as a high degree of density. They can appear in children, regardless of their age. characteristic feature given state is blood of a bright red color, which is not inside the feces, but is located on their surface.

Of the symptoms of anal fissures may be present:

  • pain during defecation;
  • itching and rashes in the anus;
  • constipation.

Less common causes of bloody stools in children

1. Juvenile polyps
Polyps are called growths that are present on the walls of the large intestine. In most cases this pathology develops in children aged 3 to 10 years. In addition to blood stools, the child may experience the following symptomatic manifestations:

  • increased body temperature;
  • chills, fever;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • general weakness of the body.

In such cases, do not hesitate, you need to urgently call a doctor. Before the arrival of an ambulance, it is not recommended to give the child any medications, food or drink.
2. Diarrhea of ​​infectious origin
Occurs in children of any age. The reason is the ingress of bacteria and viruses into the body, which are contained in the missing products and poor-quality water. Also, in a child, blood in the feces may appear due to the intake of certain antibiotics.
3. Inflammatory diseases intestines
These diseases include Crohn's disease, as well as ulcerative colitis (nonspecific). In addition to the presence of blood in the stool, symptoms may appear in the form of:

  • loss of appetite;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • weight loss.

In some cases, the development of foci of inflammation in the intestines in infants is due to a lack of certain enzymes.
4. Other diseases (more severe)
Such ailments include:

  • Hirschsprung disease. Is congenital pathology, which develops during the formation of the fetus in the mother's womb;
  • invagination. It is one of the complicated forms of intestinal obstruction.


Diagnosis methods in the presence of blood in the feces in children involve the following activities:

  • rectal palpation;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • coprograms;
  • FGDS.

Treatment of blood feces is prescribed depending on the results of the studies, which helped to identify the cause of its occurrence. Even if the child had a small amount of blood in the stool, and also if this phenomenon was isolated, still take him to an appointment with the appropriate specialist who will conduct examinations of the gastrointestinal tract.

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