Nutrition for nursing mothers by months. Proper nutrition while breastfeeding


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A breastfeeding mother must take care of her diet. Everyone knows this, but not everyone knows exactly how to take care of their baby using the established diet. In this article, we will try to tell you the main points of the proper organization of the diet and help you choose the most correct option.

There are several myths that young mothers mindlessly believe. This is wrong, and now we will try to debunk the most common misconceptions that are discussed in detail in various forums:

You need to eat for yourself and for the child

This is the most widespread and harmful myth. Remember: it's not how much you eat that matters, it's the amount of nutrients you get from that food that matters. Feeding a baby usually takes about 800 kcal per day. Naturally, all products should be as natural as possible: no preservatives, nitrates or artificial colors. A good assistant in your endeavors will be the principle (specifically, the separation of proteins and carbohydrates).

This is not true, especially if your child is susceptible. The most common allergens, after which you may have to spend several days in the hospital: chocolate, all red fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, eggs, seafood, cocoa and peanuts. It can be difficult to let go of all this, but it will be better for the child. If you still want to introduce all this into the diet, do it gradually: first one food that you love the most, then the second, and so on until you return to your usual diet.

But it should be borne in mind that if your child is very weak, it is better to refrain from such experiments: even the mildest form of an allergy can adversely affect his health. It is also correct to refuse alcohol, coffee, soda, chocolate, very fatty cream and any sauces that you can buy in the store. Fish can also be a potential allergen, so don't get too carried away with cooking it. Low-fat varieties are great. And the last moment - do not do this right after giving birth, wait until the baby grows up a little and only then start eating your favorite food little by little.

You can only eat one food to the exclusion of all others

So do moms who are afraid to provoke an allergy. This is fundamentally the wrong approach, because the child will simply stop getting various nutrients from your milk that help him develop normally. Your diet should include all the necessary foods:

  • dairy
  • cereals
  • vegetables, fruits and berries

The last two points should be introduced with caution so that the child gets used to such a component of your diet gradually. The same can be said about those fruits and vegetables that you have not tried so often before.

In this paragraph, we will look at the most suitable foods for the diet of a young mother, so that you understand exactly what your diet should be. So here is the detailed list:

  • Meat. The first point, which is considered one of the most important. The main thing is not to overdo it - choose lean meat, preferably beef, pork or white poultry meat. Boil it, make meatballs or meatballs - in general, choose the most "healthy" recipes.
  • Cottage cheese and cheese are good foods for a nursing mother's diet. It is better to choose the freshest cottage cheese and subject it to any heat treatment. Try cheesecakes, casseroles with the addition of additional ingredients, such as nuts or berries (of course, in a small amount). You can also buy yogurts, but here the principle is different - on the contrary, they should contain as few flavors and preservatives as possible. How to define it? Look at the expiration date - the smaller it is, the more natural the product that you hold in your hands.
  • Foods containing dietary fiber that stimulate the bowels. So you can bypass the problem of many nursing mothers - problems with the digestive tract, which begin immediately after childbirth. The list of recommended products includes vegetables (for example, zucchini or cauliflower - at least 400 grams), fruits (pears, apples, plums, lingonberries, currants - at least 300 grams) and juices (if possible - freshly squeezed, at least 200 ml ). There you can also include cereals (buckwheat or oatmeal), dried fruits and wholemeal bread. Try not to eat the same thing all the time - choose different foods to diversify your diet as much as possible. So you will not get tired of eating the same thing, and useful substances will come into your body in the right amount.

It is worth remembering that up to two months your baby is very vulnerable, so during this period, as we have already said, it is better to eat only those foods that cannot be allergic. Over time, you will be able to return to the usual pace of eating, but now you need to take care of your child.

After two months (if the indicators are good and the pediatrician allows, then after one and a half), you can introduce new products for him. No more than one per day, it is advisable to start from once - if no negative reaction occurs, you may well start eating this product a little several times a week. Allergies are usually detected after a couple of hours, so if after twelve hours everything is in order with the baby, you don’t have to worry.

Another popular misconception. The fact is that some children have individual intolerance, so fermented milk products like kefir or yogurt (unsweetened, without any additives) will be good helpers in feeding the child. If you really want milk, do not drink pure milk: let it be slightly diluted with water or unsweetened tea.

Colic is a passing matter, the mother's diet does not affect them

This is not entirely true. Melons, cucumbers, watermelons can all cause colic in your baby. In addition, foods that have already fermented (like kefir and fermented baked milk) can also cause such a reaction in a baby. Legumes and sugar should also be temporarily excluded from the diet: the fermentation process is significantly enhanced from sugar, and legumes and an adult will be forced to suffer with their stomach, what about a baby? If you really like sweets, look for something that looks like marshmallows or marshmallows. Sugar can be replaced with honey or fructose (it should be borne in mind that honey is a fairly common allergen, so you need to be very careful about introducing it into your diet).

Be sure to eat a lot of meat

This point is true enough. Meat is really necessary for a child to get vitamin B12. Studies that have been conducted in many countries show that mothers who followed a vegetarian diet did not have very healthy children: at the very least, there were frequent mental retardations. If you don't want to give up your beliefs even during pregnancy and lactation, be sure to take the appropriate supplements.

Calcium supplements are an essential part of the diet

You don't have to buy these special supplements. Research in this area has shown that there is very little difference between moms who take calcium and those who don't, so it's okay - you don't have to worry about taking any extra supplements if you're doing a lot of things. the rules presented in this article.

You need to drink a lot of water

But this myth is fully confirmed. As a rule, young mothers after feeding are very thirsty - there is no need to limit yourself in this. Most importantly, remember that it should be water or freshly squeezed juice, not soda or alcoholic beverages. But there is one limitation: the first days after childbirth, your breasts secrete only colostrum - this is how lactation is established. Because of this, you need to drink a little - a liter per day is the limit that should not be crossed. You may be led, but in most cases, unlimited use of any liquid leads to very strong swelling of the breast. It is very painful, and it is absolutely unpleasant to the touch. Believe me, in order to avoid such consequences, it’s worth a couple of days to endure.

When everything is settled, you can drink about two liters a day - this is normal. It’s good if at this time you drink green tea (black is also possible, but in small quantities - it is not as useful as green), fruit drinks, compotes, juices (it is advisable to choose apple or pear, and then dilute them with a little water) and plain water.

Previously, there was an opinion that black tea, to which milk or condensed milk was added, greatly improved lactation in the female body. Today this theory has not been confirmed, but if you like this tea, you can drink it.

In conclusion, I would like to say: be sure to watch how the child reacts to changes in your diet. Every time you try something new, keep an eye on his condition - if an allergy starts or you notice at least the slightest signs of it, immediately consult a doctor. Believe me, it’s better to play it safe once and do what’s best than to start an allergic reaction and go not for a routine examination, but call an ambulance. Yes, it’s a little scary, but it’s true - failure to follow a suitable diet can adversely affect the child. If you are not ready for such sacrifices, try switching your baby to infant formula (however, this should be discussed with your pediatrician - only he can tell how ready the child is for transferring to baby food).

Feeding a nursing mother by month

This is a rather complicated issue, which is discussed by many doctors to this day. The modern scheme, which is recognized by the majority, looks like this (some doctors make minor adjustments, but the general view is the same):

  1. . Important - you should drink a lot, about a liter more than you drank before feeding. Only pure water counts. There is one very important point: too much water will also reduce the productivity of milk production, so you should find your middle ground. Usually it is about two and a half - three liters. Fresh vegetables and fruits will help you recover after childbirth, although it is better to eat only what you are used to - everything new or exotic is best left for later. You can also eat healthy food, such as lean meat, fish (we already talked about the rules for its use earlier), eggs, pasta, cereals, vegetables (with the exception of potatoes - it’s better to limit yourself to the required minimum), marshmallows and marshmallows (no more than once a week). In general, use all hypoallergenic products, but remember - even your baby can be allergic to them.
  2. 2-6 months of feeding. Here everything becomes easier: you can switch to boiled food, give up some vegetables in the diet, expand the scope of the diet a little. Do not stop monitoring the child's condition - he is still very weak and prone to allergies.
  3. Up to a year. Boiled food should be the main thing in your diet, but you can gradually try fried (not fatty!) food. A couple of slices of chocolate in the morning or a small piece of exotic fruit can also be your reward, but, as in previous months, keep track of the baby's condition and do not leave him alone after feeding if you have eaten something unusual before.
  4. period up to one and a half years. Congratulations - you can gradually return to your normal diet. Of course, this should not be done abruptly, besides, you will certainly benefit from a partial preservation of the postpartum diet. Proper nutrition is always beneficial.

Video on how to eat a nursing mother

Video about nutrition during feeding

Video on how to eat while breastfeeding

What can a baby, especially a newborn, eat? Naturally, breast milk, and in extreme cases - a mixture. What should mom eat after giving birth so that her milk is an elixir of growth and health for her baby?

Is the diet the same for a nursing mother immediately after childbirth, for a parent of a one-month-old baby, in the second month of a baby’s life, and for a mother of a three-month-old toddler? What should be included in your menu, and what should be avoided? All this can be found in special tables designed specifically for women who are breastfeeding. You should also familiarize yourself with the sample menu for the day.

Breastfeeding not only strengthens the emotional bond between the baby and mother, but also lays the foundation for a baby's health for the rest of his life.

Rules for the nutrition of the mother of a two-month-old baby

About two months have passed since the birth, what should a woman pay attention to? The choice of products, of course, is very important, but no less important is the knowledge of how to eat properly. The main rules are:

  • fractional food intake: you need to eat at least 6 times a day, in small portions;
  • no need to double your usual diet, just add 20%;
  • compliance with the drinking regimen: mother's milk is 90% water, and then nutritional compounds, so you need to drink at least 10 glasses of water per day, the volume of a glass is 200-250 ml;
  • it is better to cook your dishes by boiling and stewing;
  • Try not to get carried away with counting calories.

Many mothers are afraid to get better or strive to quickly regain their former forms. Beauty is a great power, and one should always try to remain beautiful. But at this stage, you will have to take care not only of yourself, but also, first of all, of a growing and strengthening body, so you need to pay attention to the quality of products and the content of nutrients in them.

What to eat during this period?

The older the child becomes, the wider the list of products that mom can afford. The second month of growth and development of the baby has passed. Since in this period the table of a nursing woman should be complete in terms of the composition of proteins, PUFAs, trace elements, fiber, she can and even needs to include the following foods in your weekly menu:

  • green apples (preferably baked), bananas, some experts suggest including kiwi, pears and plums in the diet (we recommend reading:);
  • stewed and boiled vegetables;
  • lean fish;
  • white poultry meat (quail, turkey, chicken), rabbit meat, veal;
  • cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • bran bread (preferably yeast-free), slightly dried;
  • home-made (from natural ingredients) marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows;
  • fermented milk products and milk (some experts recommend refraining from drinking whole cow's milk during these periods).

Introduce one food at a time (per day) to monitor your child's response to that food. In case of increased intestinal colic, diarrhea or the appearance of allergic rashes, it is better for the mother to temporarily refrain from using it.

Baked apples are one of those dishes that will help a nursing mother cope with a temporary "weaning" from her favorite sweets (more in the article:). In addition to the rich sweet taste, this dish is replete with trace elements and vitamins.

What are the best foods to avoid?

Absolutely any product can act as an allergen, which is why we introduce each new fruit or vegetable with caution. However, there is a list of foods that a mother should exclude from her diet due to the fact that they are strong and most frequent allergens or adversely affect the baby's digestion. Common allergens include:

  • citruses;
  • berries (raspberries, sea buckthorn, grapes, strawberries);
  • nuts;
  • red fish;
  • caviar;
  • crayfish, crabs, etc.

If the baby's parents or any of the relatives are allergic to a particular product, it is introduced into the diet of a nursing mother as late as possible.

When there are cases of food allergies in the family, with a high degree of probability they can manifest themselves in the child. It is recommended to introduce him as late as possible to such products that may be allergens.

If parents are allergic, it is also necessary to eat with extreme caution to a nursing mother:

  • eggs;
  • chicken meat;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • sugar;
  • products containing dyes and various additives (it is desirable to exclude them altogether).

At the age of three months, the child suffers from flatulence and intestinal colic. A number of foods can exacerbate these phenomena:

  • cabbage, especially white cabbage;
  • confectionery, black bread;
  • beans and peas;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • carbonated drinks.

Keeping a food diary can be a big help for moms. It will help analyze the cause of the baby’s malaise, note which product should not be eaten yet.

Usually such a diary is drawn up in a tabular form, for example:

The reaction to certain products (with the exception of allergic) does not appear immediately. Faster for vegetables and fruits, later for meat. The reaction can be noticed after 8-12 hours, and in some cases even later. If a child has noticeable manifestations of an allergy, the product should not be tried again for at least a month.

What to include in the diet of a mother of a three-month-old baby?

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It's been three months since the birth. The child got stronger and matured, he was no longer tormented by colic. Mom can expand her diet again. It is permissible to introduce cereals:

  • millet;
  • barley;
  • semolina.

Slowly, mom can be introduced fresh juices and fruit drinks (no more than 1 glass a day). Drinks must be freshly prepared. You can use berries (blueberries and currants), apples and vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, beets).

Freshly squeezed juices will help a young mother regain her strength, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. They must be fresh, preferably homemade.

The meat that mommy eats can be baked. Do not overdo it and brown it too much. Some experts allow the use of a small amount of mild and not too spicy spices. You can introduce mild dressings in the form of sour cream sauces, cook lean beetroot (some doctors allow small amounts of tomato). You can treat yourself to homemade jam and compote (canned fruits should be pitted). It is allowed to diversify the table with fried no more than 1 time per week.

Unlike pregnant women, the acuity of sensations of a nursing mother is somewhat reduced (in terms of the desire to eat this or that product). But nevertheless, you need to listen to the requirements of your body. If you really want citrus fruits, most likely, the body needs an additional portion of vitamin C. In this case, the unwanted product can be replaced with a permitted one. For example, include a decoction of rose hips in your diet.

A balanced diet of a mother at any period of feeding a baby will preserve not only the health of herself, but also her child. The key to the development and growth of a child in accordance with age standards is a well-composed dietary table of his mother.

During breastfeeding, a woman rarely experiences an irresistible desire to eat a product, as happens during pregnancy. However, the body still continues to give signals. If you really want to eat something - most likely, some element that is contained in the selected product is missing. If the product is "banned", you can find a more useful analogue with a similar composition

Daily Menu Examples

While the mother is breastfeeding, it is better to leave the food fractional (eat often and little by little). This will allow mom to consume the right amount of nutrients, not spoil her figure and maintain lactation.

  1. For the first breakfast, you can drink weak tea (black or green) or liquid fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir), eat crackers or biscuits.
  2. The second breakfast may consist of porridge with vegetable oil or vegetables (stewed or in the form of a salad of leafy vegetables).
  3. For lunch, mom can eat vegetable soup with the addition of cereals or pasta, lean beetroot, mashed soup. As a second course, you can eat steamed or oven-cooked meat, use cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley) or boiled vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower) as a side dish.
  4. Fruit puree for children, "yesterday's" bun with dried fruit compote, vegetable stew or yogurt (kefir) are perfect as a small afternoon snack.
  5. Dinner should be hearty, but not plentiful and may consist of "lazy" dumplings, vegetable pudding, boiled tongue with vegetables. Cottage cheese with sour cream will also be a great end to the day.

This is not the only option that a three-month-old baby mommy can count on, but only one of many. The main thing is that her diet should consist of safe foods, and not be repeated from day to day, but be varied.

With regard to eating food, you have to limit yourself in some way even during pregnancy, and with the birth of a baby, a newly-made mother chooses food intently. Is there a need for this? In a sense, yes, because the components of the food eaten by the mother enter the milk and can cause an allergic reaction in the crumbs or lead to bloating.

But questions arise: how much should the menu of a nursing mother differ from the usual diet? How not to go too far and stick to the golden mean, when restrictions are beneficial and do not cause torment? What does a sample menu for a nursing mother look like? And finally, how to learn how to quickly cook healthy food for the whole family? Let's figure it out.

Strict diet?

I must say, a diet for nursing mothers is a relative concept, because opinions about it differ in different countries. In general, it should include proper food processing, fractional nutrition and some restrictions. In Germany, the USA and the UK, a nursing woman is allowed to eat almost everything, refusal of certain foods occurs due to allergies or. For example, in an English maternity hospital, a woman in labor can be fed a chocolate bun and orange juice.

In the post-Soviet countries, the diet of mothers is more strict, especially in the first month. But today, doctors and breastfeeding professionals are increasingly advocating greater freedom in nutrition. In view of the controversy of opinions, let's look at some common myths associated with mom's diet and highlight the basic principles of nutrition.

Debunking the Myths

  • You have to eat a lot, otherwise there will be no milk. Wrong statement. There is, of course, necessary, but not to increase lactation, but simply because all living people have such a need. As for the production of milk, it is formed under the action of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, and the vitamins and microelements necessary for the child, even if not received with food, will be taken from the mother's depots. By the way, fat deposits, weight gain and a round tummy after childbirth are usually temporary. All this just allows you to spend energy on milk production from the fat reserves of the mother.
  • Drink a glass of tea or other warm liquid every time you are about to feed your baby. Myth. It is true that a breastfeeding woman should increase her fluid intake, and it is common for mothers to become very thirsty during lactation. Also, a warm drink stimulates the production of oxytocin and the flow of milk, thereby making it easier for the baby to “work”. But is it worth it before every feeding? Hardly. Listen to your body and find the sweet spot.
  • To have good milk, you need to eat dairy products in large quantities. This is not true. There is no relationship between milk consumption and lactating ability (think about it: mammals don't look for "milk rivers" when they need to feed their offspring, but feed as usual). But fermented milk products (natural yogurts, kefir, cottage cheese) are very suitable simply because they will be very useful for the mother.
  • If you eat onions or garlic, the baby will refuse the breast. Such products can really change the taste of milk, but this does not mean at all that the baby will not appreciate them. In general, everything is good in moderation.
  • Do not eat red or orange foods: the child will be allergic. Not all children are prone to allergies. Worrying about the color of the product is for those parents who themselves poured on red in childhood. And so, little by little, you can eat bright vegetables and fruits, but it is advisable to keep a food diary. And if a reaction to a certain product was noticed, you should remove it from the diet for a while, and then try again.

Despite many myths, breastfeeding a baby is not difficult at all. This does not require academic knowledge.

Of course, these are not all the myths that exist regarding breastfeeding, but we do not need to know about them. It is enough to understand the basic principles of nutrition and use logical thinking.

Nutrition principles

There are fundamental truths that you don't have to study every product with.

  • Food should be high in calories. Some mothers are horrified to notice that extra pounds remain after childbirth and, wanting to hurry up, begin to count calories and limit themselves to food. It is normal to consume about 3000 kcal per day, or 300-400 more. This is not necessary for the child (as already mentioned, he will receive everything necessary), but to replenish his mother's strength.
  • Balanced composition. With food every day, carbohydrates, fats and, of course, proteins should be supplied. Useful intake of fresh vegetables and herbs, rich in essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Enough liquid. Water is needed for the coordinated work of the whole organism, it speeds up the metabolism and is the basis of milk. Therefore, at least 2 liters per day should be drunk.
  • Fractional nutrition. The diet of a nursing mother should ideally be divided into 5 meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as 2 snacks during the day.
  • Product safety. It is necessary to temporarily limit yourself in the use of products that can provoke an allergy in a baby. The first month we pay attention to the formation of lactation, sufficient milk production and weight gain of the baby. A little later, it will be possible to gradually introduce potentially dangerous products.
  • Proper product handling. Preferably baked or boiled dishes. If mom eats raw vegetables, they should be thoroughly washed. For the first six months, it is worth giving up pickles, smoked meats, marinades, too spicy dishes.

Breast milk for a newborn will always be the most delicious and most useful product.

As you can see, the nutrition of the newly-made mother is changing only for the better. It encourages you to develop healthy gastronomic habits and get rid of bad ones.

Diet throughout the year

The diet of a nursing mother for months looks something like this:

Month 1

In the diet we include:

  • lean meats (rabbit, chicken, veal);
  • white fish (hake, cod);
  • fermented milk products: yoghurts without preservatives, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat sour cream;
  • pasta only from durum wheat;
  • butter (not more than 30 g per day), sunflower, olive, corn oil;
  • from vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, carrots;
  • from cereals: corn, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • bananas, cucumbers, tomatoes (watching the child);
  • hard cheese;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, prunes);
  • bread, preferably rye, coarse grinding;
  • weak black tea or green leaf tea, without additives;
  • with caution try a boiled egg (quail or chicken) 1-2 times a week; if there is no allergy, you can cook omelettes more often;
  • some almonds.

At first, you will have to limit yourself to the consumption of some delicious, perhaps even your favorite foods.

  • grape;
  • canned foods;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • white cabbage;
  • nuts;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • wine;
  • whole cow's milk.

Such food, one way or another, can provoke indigestion in a newborn, or. Condensed milk and sugary carbonated drinks are not recommended.

Be sure an exemplary diet should include delicious: sweets cheer up. In the first month, you can enjoy marshmallows, marshmallows, biscuit cookies, bagels, cottage cheese casseroles, but in reasonable quantities. .

Months 2 and 3

We expand the food card by adding to the diet:

  • lean borsch seasoned with tomato juice;
  • nuts (with the exception of pistachios and peanuts) in a small amount;
  • a little homemade apple or cherry jam, pitted.

Months 3-6

The baby has grown, which means that it is time for mom to include other products in the diet:

  • fresh white cabbage;
  • beans, pre-soaked;
  • juices (not store-bought, but freshly squeezed);
  • wheat and barley porridge.

There is a rule: no more than 1 new product per day. For example, if you ate some honey in the morning, you should not try chocolate in the evening. Otherwise, in the event of an allergic reaction in the baby, it will not be clear which product did not fit.

Months 6-12

Your child is already slowly starting to try new foods on his own, as it is time to introduce. It's time to further expand your own diet. Gradually, the mother's menu is allowed to include:

  • seafood;
  • various types of fish;
  • onion and garlic;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • various berries;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • occasionally a small amount of wine.

Closer to the year, the mother's diet returns to the usual. Rule of thumb: food should stay healthy

Fried food is allowed, but it is important that it is not greasy. Of course, the menu of a nursing mother for months in each case will be individual and strict adherence to it is not required. Families have different eating styles, but a reasonable approach allows you to correctly organize the menu in such a way that you can feed the whole family with one meal, and not prepare separate dishes for each.

The table helps to visually see an approximate weekly nutrition plan for the mother of a 3-month-old baby, scheduled by day:

Breakfast Late breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Monday Baked potatoes, a piece of herring, vegetable salad in olive oil. Cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream, tea, biscuit cookies. Pickle, buckwheat porridge, meatballs, compote. Kefir, cookies, banana. Cottage cheese casserole, tea, bread and butter.
Tuesday Oatmeal with raisins. Kefir, cookies. Lean borsch with sour cream, vegetable pudding (boiled rice, cauliflower, onion), fruit juice. Baked apples, marshmallows, herbal tea. Lazy dumplings, yogurt with cookies.
Wednesday Tea, black bread with butter, steam cutlet, mashed potatoes. Vegetable salad, compote. Soup with meatballs, boiled egg, wheat porridge, beetroot salad with prunes, rye bread, compote. Rice porridge, tea with cookies. Curd soufflé, kefir.
Thursday Mashed potatoes, steamed fish, vegetable salad, rosehip broth. Tea, black bread with butter and cheese. Buckwheat soup, pasta, stewed rabbit with carrots and onions, juice. Sweet cheese, tea, fruit. Kefir with a bun.
Friday Boiled potatoes with boiled turkey. Beet salad. Natural yogurt, banana. Rice soup with twisted meat, boiled chicken fillet, salad of fresh seasonal vegetables. Cheesecakes with sour cream, tea. Bread and butter, yogurt, marshmallows.
Saturday Macaroni with grated cheese, boiled egg, fresh carrot salad, rye bread, tea. Vinaigrette, rosehip decoction. Pumpkin soup, schnitzel, buckwheat, celery salad seasoned with sunflower oil, fruit. Baked apples with cinnamon. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins, tea.
Sunday Oatmeal, beef meatballs, wheat bread, tea, marshmallow. Protein omelette, sour cream, rosehip infusion. Fish soup, boiled potatoes, liver pate, carrot salad, chicory drink. Kefir with cookies. Vegetable stew, tea, bread and butter.

If the baby has colic

The nature of the occurrence of colic is still not fully understood, but increased gas formation definitely exacerbates the situation. So, with severe colic and flatulence, the baby will have to tighten the diet, excluding from the diet:

  • fresh and sauerkraut;
  • grape;
  • legumes;
  • fresh bread and any pastries;
  • ice cream;
  • fresh apples;
  • chocolate products.

To begin with, limit the use of these products for a week, and then look at the situation. Recall that milk and carbonated water in the first months should not be drunk at all. .

Diet after cesarean

Since a caesarean section is a surgical intervention, the recovery period implies a special diet that allows the body to "recover" and restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. What does the diet of a woman in labor after a cesarean look like?

The first day only water is allowed, because, firstly, the patient is sick, and secondly, any solid, especially fatty food is prohibited. Water should be non-carbonated, you can add a little lemon juice. They begin to drink little by little, in portions of 1-2 sips, it is advisable to drink 1 liter per day. To receive nutrients, a woman in labor is given droppers.

After caesarean, nutrition begins with broth, as with any other abdominal operation.

On the second and third days you can eat, but the food should be liquid and low-fat:

  • meat beef broth;
  • cottage cheese 0% fat, kefir 1%;
  • tea, rosehip decoction, liquid jelly;
  • baked apple;
  • rice broth with butter;
  • chicken or beef soufflé;
  • homemade yogurt.

After 3 days, the food becomes more varied, but it is important that the food is mashed for a few more days. Otherwise, the menu of a nursing mother after a cesarean is no different from the nutrition of women who have given birth naturally.

How to make broth

Rinse 500 g of beef under running water, put the meat in a saucepan and pour 1.5 liters of cold water. Meat can be taken with bones, but it is important that there are not many of them. Put the pot on the fire. As soon as it boils, drain the water and fill with a new portion of cold water. At the second boil, immediately remove the foam from the surface.

Cook for 2-3 hours. 30 minutes before readiness, salt the broth, add a few peas of allspice and bay leaf. At the end of cooking, the broth must be filtered. There are recipes with the addition of vegetables, but after the operation it is better to drink pure broth.

So, we have seen what the diet should look like during lactation and how to adjust the diet for infant colic or after a caesarean section. By following these recommendations, the breastfeeding period will go as smoothly as possible and the baby's digestive problems will not bother you often.

A breastfeeding mother should eat right, as well as fully rest. The quality of a woman's nutrition during breastfeeding is of great importance not only for her health, but also for the usefulness of breast milk. Numerous studies have proven the dependence of the chemical composition of milk on the composition of the mother's diet. With malnutrition in breast milk, the amount of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals can be reduced, and this adversely affects the development of the child. The composition of breast milk can be improved by adjusting the maternal diet.

During the period of breastfeeding, the calorie content of the mother's diet should be 500-700 kcal higher than usual. To do this, its approximate daily diet should contain up to 200 g of meat or fish, 1 liter of milk or sour-milk drinks, 100-150 g of cottage cheese, 20-30 g of cheese, 500-600 g of vegetables, 200-300 g of fruit. The amount of fluid in the mother's daily diet (soup, tea, milk, kefir, juices, etc.) is approximately 2 liters.

It is desirable to coordinate the mother's diet with the time of feeding the child. It is advisable to take food before each application of the baby to the breast, as this contributes to better milk production. This mode is also convenient for the reason that usually the baby sleeps before feeding, and the mother can safely cook her own food and take her time to eat.

An approximate menu for a nursing mother may be as follows:

Breakfast- scrambled eggs or cottage cheese, milk porridge, bread with butter and cheese, milk or tea with milk;
Lunch- meat or fish dish with a vegetable garnish, fruit, fruit or vegetable juice;
Dinner- fresh vegetable salad, vegetable or milk soup, meat or fish dish with vegetable or cereal garnish, sweet dish (compote, milk jelly, juice);
afternoon tea- cottage cheese, kefir, bun, fruit;
Dinner- a vegetable or cottage cheese dish, milk (kefir, tea with milk), fresh fruits or vegetables; before going to bed - milk, kefir or yogurt.

Lactating women can be recommended to include in their diet special dry dietary products Femilak-2 and Enfa-Mama, which are used as a milk drink, as well as for preparing various dishes in order to enrich them with milk protein and vitamins. The use of these products optimizes the nutrition of a pregnant or lactating woman, adequately providing additional, including special, nutritional needs. The required amount of the product is set individually, taking into account the nature of the diet and the state of health of the woman, as a rule, 1-2 portions of the drink (230-460 ml) per day.

For good lactation, in addition to proper nutrition, sufficient rest, exposure to fresh air, and a calm atmosphere at home are necessary. Family members should make sure that she sleeps at least 8 hours at night, and also has the opportunity to sleep during the day for 1-2 hours and be outdoors for 2-3 hours a day. Useful classes of light physical labor and physical education.

Some mothers try to drink more fluids to increase their milk supply. This really increases the production of milk somewhat, but at the same time its composition suffers - the amount of protein, fat, vitamins decreases, it becomes, as it were, diluted. The composition of breast milk also deteriorates if a nursing mother overloads food with carbohydrates, consumes a lot of sugar, confectionery, cereals. A nursing mother should limit herself in taking the so-called obligate allergens - chocolate, cocoa, natural coffee, nuts, honey, mushrooms. This can cause allergic reactions in the child. You also do not need to get carried away with spicy and sharp-smelling foods (pepper, onion, garlic, etc.), which can give milk a specific flavor that the child will not like.

Drinks for breastfeeding women

carrot juice
Washed with a brush, grate the carrots on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and drink half a glass at a time 2-3 times a day. To improve the taste, milk, cream, honey and fruit and berry juices are added to carrot juice. Additions should not be very large (1-2 tablespoons per glass of juice) so as not to reduce the effect of carrot juice.

Carrots grated with milk
3-4 tablespoons of grated carrots are placed in a glass, poured with milk or cream and drunk 1 glass 2-3 times a day. In the evening, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the drink - to relieve nervous tension and have a good night's sleep.

Lettuce Seed Drink
Lettuce seeds have the most pronounced milk-producing effect. To prepare a drink, 20 g of seeds are taken from them, carefully crushed in a porcelain mortar and poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours and drink 2-3 times a day for half a cup at the reception. To improve the taste, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to 1 cup of boiling water.

caraway drink
To prepare 1 liter of drink, take 15 g of seeds, 100 g of sugar, 1 medium-sized lemon or 2 g of citric acid. Pour in water, boil on very low heat for 5-10 minutes, filter and drink half a cup 2-3 times a day.

Cream with cumin
Pour 2 cups of cream into a ceramic pot, add 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds, close the lid and put in the oven at room temperature, drink for breakfast and dinner.

Caraway kvass
Rye bread, cut into small pieces, dried, lightly fried, poured with water and left for 3-4 hours. After that, filter, add yeast, sugar, cumin and put in a warm place for fermentation for 10-12 hours.
For 1 kg of black bread - 40 g of cumin, 500 g of sugar, 25 g of yeast and 10 liters of water.

Dill Seed Infusion
One tablespoon of dill seeds is poured with hot water (1 cup), insisted for 2 hours. Drink half a glass at the reception 2 times a day. Sometimes a tablespoon 6 times a day, depending on tolerance. Drink in small sips, hold for a while in the mouth.

Anise infusion
Prepared from two teaspoons of seeds to 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. After cooling, drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Anise, fennel and oregano drink
Mix 1 kg of crushed anise fruits, 1 kg of fennel fruits and 1 kg of oregano herb. One teaspoon of the mixture is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. Drink half a glass at the reception 2-3 times a day.

Radish juice with honey
For lactating women, radish juice with honey diluted (1:1) with chilled boiled water and lightly salted is a good milk extractor. For 100 g of radish juice, take 100 g of boiled water at room temperature, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and salt to taste.

Dandelion leaf juice
Fresh young dandelion leaves are crushed in a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out, salted to taste, allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes and drunk half a cup 1-2 times a day in small sips. Lemon juice, salt, honey and sugar are added to improve the taste.

Syrup "Fairy Tale" from dandelion flowers
Opened dandelion flowers, collected in sunny weather in the morning (200 pieces) and chopped lemon (1 piece) without peel, boil in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse for 10-12 hours, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth, add 800 g of sugar and cook until tender. Use to flavor tea, water and soft drinks.

Syrup "Aroma"
Four glasses of dandelion flowers, collected in sunny weather, are placed in an enamel bowl and poured with two glasses of water. Add chopped lemon without peel and cook for 1 hour over low heat. After that, ready-made syrup is added, consisting of 0.5 l of water and 800 g of sugar. Bring to a boil and bottle for storage. Used to flavor tea and other drinks.

Dandelion and orange peel syrup.
Three cups of dandelion flowers and 1 cup of orange peel pour 2 liters of 80% sugar syrup and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. After that, leave to infuse for 12 hours. Strain through a sieve and bottle for storage. Use to flavor drinks.

These drinks and syrups are recommended by E.M. Fateeva to lactating women to stimulate lactation. All of them consist of food plants: herbs, seeds, fruits, vegetables, which have biologically active properties. These plants contain biologically active components - glucosides, hormone-like substances with a lactogenic effect.

Employees of the Department of Children's Diseases N3 with courses of endocrinology and homeopathy of the Russian State Medical University L.I. Ilyenko and A.Yu. Kostenko.
An article from the book "A book for parents about breastfeeding and the rules for caring for newborns."

A.Yu. Ilyenko L.I., Kostenko


11/17/2008 07:32:49 PM, Tanya

After reading this article, we can conclude that you need to take care only of yourself, and not of the child. I especially liked the fact that you need to sleep for 8 hours at night, and who will feed?

11/17/2008 07:32:42 PM, Tanya

That's it, I went to collect dandelions :))))

11/11/2008 11:23:16 AM, Elena

With the first son, there was absolutely no time for food, and there was enough milk for her child and she also decanted for friends. But the body is a tricky thing - it took everything that is needed from my body: the weight became dystrophic, teeth flew, hair began to fall out !!! so in nutrition you need to find a middle ground !!

10.11.2008 14:04:32, Irina

I don’t know about others, but the quality of the food eaten influenced my baby very much! If for lunch there is an apple, kefir and a cookie - the child is not hungry from the chest, and if for lunch there is a potato with a cutlet or something like that, then we will suck for 15 minutes and sleep peacefully for 3 hours! And you can also conduct such an experiment to express milk after eating "frivolous" products and 5 glasses of tea and let it stand for 2-3 hours - there will be just water at the bottom, then milk and a thin layer of cream. And if you eat well, then the milk will be real - 1/3 cream.

12.10.2008 18:48:52, NATASHA

then Anet: Yeah... McDonald's is generally tough :)

09/04/2008 22:52:48, olkar

The article really overshadows. While reading, an inferiority complex almost developed. The first days were really hard. There were scandals in the family. I didn't even know what it was. Everyone advised everything, but as a result, the daughter was still swollen, until she herself determined from what - from milk, Actimel, cabbage, grapes. But I eat chocolate, lollipops, mayonnaise, pickles, onions, marinades, but in a limited amount, even Red Bull and Mc Donalds occasionally. If you eat according to this article, then depression will develop against the background of weight gain. It is very important for me. I try to eat EVERYTHING and a little bit, while doing sports and returning my body and weight to its original form, which I sincerely wish every mother.

18.03.2008 13:10:15, Anet

The article is interesting! When my son was 4 months old, I faced such a problem as mastitis. For 2 weeks I jumped out of it and, of course, my milk was not enough. My food was normal, but there was no more milk from this. Therefore, this article helped me ... I partially began to eat (according to this article).

10/18/2007 04:56:20 PM, Irina

How to eat a mother who has just started breastfeeding her baby?

04/21/2003 10:51:28 AM, Galina

"Food should be varied." But this is impossible, and this, and something else ... Actually, one boiled fish will remain. Each mother must decide for herself what to put on a plate. Just common sense will tell her not to eat 2 kg of tomatoes at once, if she “poured out” on the baby after that! I fed my daughter according to the rules, drank and ate only what was recommended (for some reason, exactly what I didn’t like), and still there were red cheeks. And with my sons I eat what my soul and stomach ask for. Here tangerines "didn't go" to us, but oranges - easily! They say you can even have a little good red wine with dinner. But here, to be honest, I doubt it. Perhaps the stereotypes driven in work ...

I can’t find any information on caraway and dill tea, do they help with constipation in newborns?

02/18/2003 00:04:20, Dmitry

And what about mothers who have children with allergies !!!??
Milk is not allowed, cottage cheese is also, and then - eggs, carrots, beets, raisins, dried apricots, chicken, fish, rolls, etc. You can also be allergic to complex vitamins.

March 28, 2002 11:23:03 PM

A terrible article, so out of touch with life, the feeling that it was written by a person who has never breastfed :-). I will never agree that the qualitative composition of milk can be changed by nutrition, it can only be enriched with vitamins, if it changes in the direction of increasing or decreasing B. J.U. , then it’s not so significant, and it doesn’t matter that such a diet only guarantees obesity, but not “good” milk. Yes, I don’t eat so much in a week, probably. And how much can I give some norms? For one, such nutrition is normal, but for someone it is gluttony, for a healthy person, the only indicator that there are enough calories in the diet is weight stability. Because of such articles, mothers have an erroneous opinion about how to eat right, when you breastfeed, and gain weight and depression appear, etc.

Oh! But what if there are products and I can cook, but some of us have gases, while others may cause allergies. I've already broken my head. It turns out that only cereals on the water and meat are safe. And I want something delicious... :)

As far as I know, if you don’t get enough of these 500 calories, then they come from the mother’s body, and there will be no harm to the child from this, and the mother will lose weight at the same time ...

Comment on the article "Daily routine and nutrition of a nursing mother"

Well, here's yesterday's menu Breakfast porridge from a box with butter and milk, yogurt Lunch - soup-puree from vegetables of all sorts of different turkey or beef. Sometimes vermicelli. The diet of a nursing mother must be observed for the first 2 months. And then gradually you can...


Hello, please tell me what to do for my 2.5-year-old son, he doesn’t eat anything except soups and fruit purees from jars, no longer has the strength to tell me if this is normal? what could it be? And which doctor will they contact? thanks in advance

10/18/2018 13:31:03, iiiiii

After a year, I already ate everything like we did, for example, pizza or burritosis (they are spicy) all the time, I didn’t understand your problems at all, put the same thing on your child, eat - okay, no - go hungry, eat more next time

Our usual menu: - Breakfast - oatmeal on the water (150 g) plus a small sandwich with butter and cheese. - Lunch - soup on vegetable broth with vegetables without meat (200 g) - Dinner - vegetable salad (150 g) plus a piece of meat (fish). Eat apples during breaks.


What does he eat at school? Everything there is usually very sweet and carbohydrate ... Mine got there in huge quantities ...

With such a diet and approach to nutrition, you are doing everything to disrupt your daughter's eating behavior and slow down the already unhurried metabolism as much as possible. The body receives a signal of hunger and puts everything "in reserve".
If there are problems in endocrinology - are treated. If not, go for a consultation at the Nutrition Institute.

Snacks for breastfeeding mothers. They write that a nursing mother should eat more often. My main meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner. But besides that, I want something else to chew on. What can you treat yourself to not eat up and at the same time shut your mouth?


Are you limiting yourself? You are just having a great life.
I eat only dry buckwheat, lean pork, turkey or boiled chicken (breast, fillet), I try less chicken, some potatoes, rice and a cell with millet on the water.
From the rest - the stomach, or rather, it already hurts and swells in the child, but if we eat milk or even a baked apple, then the guard and diarrhea. At the same time, neither dad nor mom has any allergies.
By the way, any bread, even baked apples, banana, oatmeal, sugar (and everything that contains it ~ gozinaki, marshmallows and sour milk usually cause colic

08/16/2017 13:01:30, Olga6

And here I will write - the topic is very exciting to me. The stomach hurts a lot - we poop once a day for 1.5 months, and then not always on our own (((Baby-calm does not help much. My diet is buckwheat, turkey, rabbit with broths, oatmeal, cottage cheese, cheesecakes, fermented baked milk, cheese is not hard, drinking yogurt without additives, baked apples, occasionally a banana, stewed zucchini... as a dessert (I try to limit myself) baked apples, simple drying, a slice of bread sometimes with butter, homemade applesauce, gozinaki, walnuts, perhaps everything. gv I lost almost 10 kg from my pre-pregnancy weight, despite the fact that I was not fat.

We have breakfast, lunch, dinner and kefir for the night. After that, the chest does not ask. Here, many feed up to two, and some even longer. No need to let the child drink all the food with the breast, and offer some delicious dinner (cottage cheese, vegetable puree, and maybe even with meat, cookies ...


1. I fed the elder until 1.11, I still feed Nastya, there were nights when she was applied a little., but we constantly hang on our growing fangs on our chest. including in answer to your question - this is possible, but rather if the child himself determines this, and not by your efforts.
2. mine ate the same as we do, i.e. I have both on pedprikorme were. it turns out this is potatoes, and pasta, and all sorts of cereals.

for the rest, I probably can’t advise, because. night feedings don’t bother me at all and half goes very unnoticed for me :) well, I can only advise offering water (when I weaned the elder I offered water), but I wouldn’t advise water, all sorts of kefir juices ...

oo! I found a topic about those who are on GW. Sorry! I just rarely go to the conf :)))

breastfeeding moms! What do you eat?) Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Literally: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc., the first child's month, the second, etc. It is not necessary to write everything (a lot) - what you think is necessary.


I also asked myself this question when I was waiting for my daughter-in-law from the hospital. Came up with the following:
- Breakfast - porridge (buckwheat, millet) - later began to introduce dairy - corn, oatmeal, rice (necessarily with prunes), the rest with raisins.
- Lunch - soups on meat or chicken broth with potatoes and rice-millet-noodles. Later I began to introduce fried onion-carrots. Borscht was cooked without cabbage (no one noticed that there was no cabbage).
- Dinner (Glory to the slow cooker!!) stewed vegetables with meat, steam cutlets, pilaf. Often I try to make chicken liver (it doesn’t seem to be very fried - it’s more stewed) with sour cream and buckwheat for garnish.
- Salads - at first only cucumbers without skin, green salad. Then they began to add tomatoes (there are yellow cherry tomatoes), greens.
- Fruits (we are very careful) - baked apples, cherries, strawberries (but we start a little bit ... then eat if there is no reaction).
- For tea - cookies "Anniversary", "Glagolics", etc.
- And also - Activia cottage cheese without anything or with cereals, or with muesli ... sour cream (without restrictions), prunes, ice cream without additives.

Of the allergens we identified - eggs, cheese in chocolate (!), Hematogen (when more than 3 pieces per day)

Now we are 4 months old - we eat almost without restrictions ... In addition to carbonated water (including mineral water and kvass) ... Well, I try not to fry cutlets, I don’t even buy cabbage, I don’t cook fried potatoes (my husband is already crying).

And the "mom's diary" helped us a lot, where everything that the mother ate and the reaction of the child is written every day (this is how we "caught" hematogen and chocolate on cheese - we just wouldn't have guessed).

I was about to create this thread too...
I have so -
breakfast sandwiches with sausage, cheese, cottage cheese, on weekends there can be pancakes or pancakes, even less often porridge
I don't have lunch at all. a couple of sandwiches, or what a thread from a child's or leftovers from yesterday's dinner
dinner - meat potatoes or pasta or rice.

I have given up chicken and eggs. It looks like it's pouring on it.

I have tried fish once. Until I realized whether there was a reaction or not.

Specifically, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. We are 1.10, but we haven’t changed the menu for a long time: breakfast - porridge for 200 g of milk lunch - soup or vegetables with meat, about 200-300 g afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese and 100-200 g of fruit dinner - again the same porridge 200 g. Juice and biscuits for a snack...


thanks for sharing!
We eat mixture in the morning
at lunch - soup or vegetables with meat (fish)
afternoon snack - cottage cheese and mixture
dinner - porridge
night - sit down
It just confuses me that we eat mixture three times a day. (We do not drink milk, kefir and yogurt).

We are 1.10, but we have not changed the menu for a long time:
breakfast - porridge for 200 g of milk
lunch - soup or vegetables with meat, about 200-300 g
afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese and 100-200 g of fruit
dinner - again porridge the same 200 g.
For a snack, juice and cookies, dried fruits.

User's menu. I make porridge for myself on a mixture of "frisolak", which is fed to Theme 2 times a month in my absence. It is also strongly recommended that mom sleep 8 hours a day, rest while the baby sleeps and not bother at home. affairs, so that lactation is preserved.


Here is a very, very reasonable diet, hypoallergenic, I tried (and try) to stick to it, with my own adjustments, of course.

hypoallergenic diet
Meals should be regular, at least 4 times a day.
Fatty and fried foods are excluded.
The volume of liquid is not less than 1.5-2 liters. (weak green and black tea without additives, mineral water without gas, apple juice without sugar and preservatives diluted 1 to 1 with water ("I" and "Rich" are normal, "Tonus" is not necessary, sugar is still added to it, I They said And even better are baby juices without sugar, semper, gerbera, fruit-nanny.) Dried fruit compotes without additives (Apple, pear, dried apricots, raisins).
Meat dishes from turkey, rabbit, lean pork and lamb.
Vegetable soups on the water. In summer, autumn, seasonal vegetables are used, in winter and spring only frozen ones (zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), potatoes finely chopped and soaked overnight.
It is desirable to soak cereals for at least 2 hours - buckwheat, rice, corn. Unglazed corn. flakes. Sour-milk% bifidok, acidophilus, kefir 1% fat, cottage cheese 0%, bio-yogurt without additives, low-fat goat cheese or gouda, edamer, other non-spicy and low-fat cheeses without additives. Olterman 17% was recommended to me by a dermatologist, but it contains artificial additives, now I don’t eat it, I buy Ankorovsky Egmont cheese in a package, now it has appeared in nearby stores, there are also Giaginsky cheeses, such as Adyghe.
Milk is only slightly in tea, 0.5% fat. I don't add that either. I make porridge for myself on a mixture of "frisolak", which is fed to Theme 2 times a month in my absence.
Fresh fruits without peel - green apple, pear, banana. It's good to bake an apple. If well tolerated, you can add peaches and apricots to the palate. qty. Fresh in season, out of season canned children's without sugar and extra additives (gerbera, beach-nat, semper, fruit-nanny).
Buckwheat and rice bread (I eat wheat and rice, we don’t have pure rice in the area), simple dryers, soy diabetic bars (I don’t eat), fructose.
Rice and wheat pasta, no eggs.
Quail eggs a couple of times a week for 3-5 eggs, do not be zealous.
It is also strongly recommended that mom sleep 8 hours a day, rest while the baby sleeps and not bother at home. affairs, so that lactation is preserved.

Breakfast sweet tea, sandwich with butter and cheese (plain or hot); First dinner: vegetable soup with beef broth; broth with rice or pasta second: stew with vegetables Menu for nursing mothers. Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding.


I developed the menu for myself, because I am allergic and my son had manifestations.
sweet tea, butter and cheese sandwich (regular or hot);
first: vegetable soup with beef broth;
broth with rice or pasta
second: stew with vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, carrots, onions, cauliflower);
stewed vegetables with sour cream;
boiled meat with a side dish (potatoes, rice, buckwheat);
naval pasta;
potato casserole with meat
dinner: porridge on the water but with a lot of oil (buckwheat, rice);
Pasta with cheese
snacks: cottage cheese with sugar and prunes;
maria cookies with butter;
apples (preferably cheap, not red ones), bananas, pears, plums;
drink: tea, compote, fruit drink.

Then the diet began to expand. And carrots can be a strong allergen!

About complementary foods - I join the opinion of the swallow.

We started giving apple juice at 4.5. Everything was fine, then after 2 weeks I added apple puree: my cheeks turned red, I removed both juice and puree. The cheeks are gone. She began to inject juice again: her cheeks were red. Removed everything. At 5 months she began to give vegetables: cauliflower and potatoes later. Cheeks reddened from the first day. I still keep giving. Cheeks are normal in the morning, diathesis in the evening. But for some reason it seems to me that this is more for the weather: windy. The doctor said with a mild form, you still need to give complementary foods and introduce a little new

Breastfeeding menu. Nutrition during breastfeeding. Print version. Feeding a nursing mother. Now, when we have completed breastfeeding, I myself have lost the habit of eating a lot in so much time and not everything is possible for a child.


I no longer bother about food. Timon digests everything :))) together with me. I even eat sushi with raw fish, yum-yum :)))

And we are already back!:)From the Chinese restaurant. So, the Harbin restaurant, on the 1st line of V.O. (to Petersburgers who haven't been yet)
Wow... how we ate too much, this Chinese food is extremely satisfying, it turns out! I liked everything, the main thing is that there were few people, for a small one I found a high chair (just happiness, otherwise I thought that I would have to hold it in my arms), the food is delicious, there is a lot of it on plates (I realized that I need to go with a company, and it’s cheaper and don't eat like that). We took: pork with pineapple sauce (for some reason the sauce was very red and sweet), I didn’t really like it, my husband ate everything :), pork ribs with branded sauce (very tasty, I think I’ll try to make it at home), rice with vegetables and shrimp, eggplant, white and black tree mushrooms, and for dessert, as they advised me in the Maiden's, deep-fried fruit. They didn’t fit anymore :), they wrapped them up for us, now I’m finishing my meal with tea.
In general, congratulate me - for the first time the field of childbirth (and the small one is already a year old) I got out into the people :))

The science of breastfeeding takes into account both the frequency and number of feedings, and the diet of mothers. It is necessary to consider which products will benefit and which are harmful. Find out what a nursing mother can eat, what dishes are recommended to be excluded from the diet for the feeding period. Find out what modern pediatricians say about this - this way you will quickly understand the principles of safe nutrition for nursing mothers.

Basic principles of nutrition for a nursing mother

What you can eat while breastfeeding is a debatable problem in pediatrics. Some doctors argue that the amount of food should not be severely limited, others believe that a woman should follow a certain diet. The opinions of pediatricians agree on one thing: for the period of feeding, mothers need to adhere to certain principles in their diet:

  1. The principle of calories. A nursing mother cannot be observed. The calorie content of the daily set of products should exceed the generally accepted by approximately 600 kcal, and the main energy load should be slow carbohydrates.
  2. fractional principle. It is desirable that the nutrition of a nursing mother during breastfeeding should comply with the “less but more often” rule. Doctors recommend reducing the amount of servings by increasing their number per day. The traditional three meals a day should be changed to five or six meals a day.
  3. Compliance with the diet. It is desirable to eat by the hour, correlating the regimen with the frequency of feeding the baby. It is recommended to have a small snack immediately before feeding, and eat thoroughly - in a calm environment when the baby is sleeping.
  4. The principle of diversity. It is strictly forbidden for nursing mothers to "sit" on mono-diets even in a very short period of time. This will lead to an imbalance of the necessary substances in the composition of breast milk.
  5. An enhanced drinking regimen is recommended.

What can a breastfeeding mother eat

An unshakable rule - quality products! No canned food, synthetic flavors and only "first freshness". All products should be bought only in verified places. It is important to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables grown in your home region. As for diversity, any foods that do not cause allergies in the crumbs are allowed for the nursing mother.

With caution, you should make fresh fruit and vegetable purchases, be sure to wash the products thoroughly, and leave some for half an hour or an hour in water. It should be remembered that many products can change the taste of milk. This will easily lead to the baby's rejection of the breast if he does not like the new taste sensations. Many foods can change the taste of breast milk, for example:

  • banana;
  • ginger;
  • herbs (mint, parsley, basil, celery).

Vegetables and fruits

These products should certainly be included in the set of dishes for nursing mothers, because nothing can replace the vitamins and fiber that they contain. They prevent constipation in both mothers and babies, increase the immunity of babies, and some increase lactation. A nursing woman should only remember those products that can harm the baby, and gradually introduce the safest ones into the diet. Here is an approximate fruit and vegetable list, a safe minimum that determines what a nursing mother can eat:

  • potato;
  • carrots and beets;
  • eggplant;
  • pumpkin and zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • cucumbers;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • pears.

The color of the products that a nursing mother includes in her menu is also important. So, for example, green vegetables, salad should be eaten fresh, and “colored” must be boiled, stewed or steamed. Plant foods should be introduced into the diet gradually. With special care, eat those that are colored with red pigment (apples, cherries, raspberries, cranberries). The main thing is to monitor the behavior of the baby after the mother has eaten potentially dangerous food. Its danger lies in the allergenic nature of the red pigment.

Poultry, meat and meat products

A healthy diet for a nursing woman is unthinkable without protein products that are indispensable for a growing baby's body. Their safe source is lean meat and poultry:

  • rabbit;
  • veal;
  • chicken fillet;
  • turkey;
  • lamb meat.

You should also follow the rules for the preparation of meat products. The meat must be steamed, boiled, stewed, baked. Soups should be cooked in secondary broths, because many modern manufacturers introduce growth hormones and antibiotics into the feed. These elements pass into breast milk and can harm babies during breastfeeding. Secondary broths (the first water after a five-minute boil is drained) will prevent this potential danger of animal products.

Fish and seafood

If you include sea or river fish in the menu of mothers during breastfeeding. Recommended low-fat types of this product, those that can be eaten by a nursing mother:

  • pollock;
  • zander;
  • crucian carp;
  • pink salmon;
  • flounder.

You should be aware that some types of fish (for example, flounder, mackerel) significantly change the taste of milk. Methods for preparing fish dishes that are allowed for nursing mothers are steamed, boiled, stewed, baked. Seafood that is safe during breastfeeding remains only squid, all other seafood can easily provoke an allergy in a baby.


This is a source of slow carbohydrates, due to which the calorie content of the diet of lactating women is significantly increased. Cereal products in the form of cereals are especially useful in the first thirty days of feeding. A clear advantage of cereals is their absolute safety. The only exception is semolina, which, with low nutritional value, easily leads to weight gain for a nursing mother, and instant cereals devoid of vitamins. Here's what you can eat for nursing mothers from cereal products:

  • buckwheat;
  • oat groats;
  • pearl barley;
  • corn grits;
  • millet;
  • barley grits.


When breastfeeding, all dairy products are allowed, but some are only in a certain form and quantity. For example, whole milk (200 ml per day) is desirable to use for making cereals and be sure to dilute it with water. Fresh cottage cheese (fat content 5-9%) - 150 g per day, and one that is older than three days - only for making casseroles and cheesecakes. Fermented milk products allowed for consumption (2.5%, 800 ml per day) are:

  • kefir;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • curdled milk;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • bifilin;
  • acidolact.

What not to eat for a breastfeeding mother

There are several reasons why some products are forbidden to use by nursing mothers. These are all foods containing potentially dangerous allergens for the baby:

  • red fruits and berries;
  • chocolate;
  • crayfish and crabs;
  • whole milk;
  • peanut;
  • Red caviar;
  • chicken eggs;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • citruses.

Among the products prohibited for nursing mothers are those that have a stimulating effect, can provoke gas formation in the baby after feeding:

  • tea green, black;
  • coffee;
  • Rye bread;
  • beans, peas;
  • grape;
  • soda;
  • raisin.

What should not be eaten by a nursing mother categorically? Dishes and products with a toxic effect on the body of infants:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • vinegar;
  • watermelon (accumulates nitrates);
  • spices;
  • canned foods;
  • snacks (chips, crackers);
  • factory confectionery (sweets, pastries, cakes);
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • smoked products.

Table of allowed and prohibited products for HB

In the first six months of life, a breastfed baby should try all foods through mother's milk. This applies to natural food, so the list of foods strictly prohibited for nursing mothers is headed by products with chemical additives. In second place is what can cause allergies. All other products are considered safe. What can be eaten by nursing mothers, which foods are prohibited, is presented in the table.

Type of products (dishes)



Allowed in limited quantities

Fruit and vegetable food set

Red, orange berries and fruits (tomatoes, persimmon, pomegranate, etc.)


Vegetables, fruits green, white, yellow



Fermented cheeses

Dairy products without flavorings

natural yogurt

Diluted whole milk

Condensed milk

Pearl barley

Instant porridge


Seafood, Fish


Low-fat sea and river fish



Non-alcoholic soda

Strong tea

Apple juice

carrot juice

pumpkin juice


Factory cakes, pastries

homemade baking

meat products

Fat meat



Nuts, seeds


eggs, mayonnaise

Quail eggs

canned food


Spices (pepper)

Smoked meats

Salty foods (herring)

Products with synthetic food additives

wheat bread

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth

Breast cells (lactocytes) have the ability to pass or block various substances. In the first few days after birth, there are gaps between lactocytes, so all substances enter the milk freely during feeding. Later, the gaps are reduced, a blood-milk barrier is formed, the body blocks the potential danger to the newborn. This feature determines the nutrition of a nursing mother that is safe for the baby in the first month after childbirth:

  1. For the first week, a woman is allowed to eat cereals on the water, baked apples, bananas, lean or vegetarian soups; lean meat, vegetable oil and cow, stewed or boiled vegetables, rosehip broth, weak tea.
  2. The first two days of breastfeeding, the diet of a woman is poor. It is limited to low-fat soups, cereals, boiled vegetables (potatoes), gray (baked) bread.
  3. From the third day, baked apples and meat are added to the diet.
  4. What can you eat after childbirth, from day 10? These are fermented milk products, quail eggs, fish, pasta, stewed vegetables, tea, compotes, crackers, cookies, dried fruits.
  5. During the entire first month of feeding, a woman should not eat meat broths, whole milk, raw (fresh) vegetables, berries and fruits, sour cream, coffee, wheat bread.

You need to introduce new products in minimal portions, be sure to observe the reaction of the baby after feeding:

  • how he takes the breast;
  • whether there is frequent regurgitation;
  • whether rashes appeared on the skin;
  • whether sleep is disturbed;
  • whether gases are formed after feeding, etc.

Proper nutrition of a nursing mother by months - table

In the process of feeding (as well as during pregnancy), the child's body is addicted to a variety of foods, so it is necessary to calculate the menu of a nursing mother by months:

Products of the 1st month

From meat products, preference should be given to poultry and fish, and meat should be consumed very sparingly. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys of the baby. For the same reason, nursing mothers are required to give up everything salty, spicy, sweet, products with synthetic dyes, canned food, raw fruits and vegetables.

Products of the 2nd month

Since that time, it is allowed to cook porridge (in diluted milk) from barley and barley groats, season them with butter and sugar. From vegetables, you need to start eating carrots, beets, pumpkin, cabbage (borscht, cabbage soup), beef tongue, pasta, seasonal fruits, greens.

Products from the 3rd month of feeding

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, onions, honey, walnuts, homemade jam (except raspberry, strawberry) are gradually introduced into the set of products for a nursing mother.

Products from the 6th month of feeding

Legumes, corn, white bread, beef and other permitted foods are introduced.

Drinking regimen during lactation

During childbirth and breastfeeding, a woman loses a lot of fluid. She needs to replenish the volume with a double daily norm: instead of the prescribed one and a half liters - three. Pediatricians recommend drinking a glass of plain water immediately before feeding (20-30 minutes). The main drink of a nursing woman is plain water (you can buy bottled, but not carbonated).

It is allowed to replace water with a decoction of wild rose, herbal (chamomile, lemon balm, thyme, linden), weak tea with lemon. Milk tea helps some lactating women to increase lactation, but start drinking it not earlier than the second month of feeding. Other drinks allowed for a nursing mother are fruit drinks (cranberry), kissels, compotes (from dried fruits), juices.


What can breastfeeding mothers eat? Every pediatrician has their own opinion on this matter. It either coincides or differs from the traditional idea of ​​​​the norms by which a nursing woman should eat. Watch a video from the author's program of Dr. Komarovsky dedicated to breastfeeding. You will get acquainted with the point of view of a professional doctor, learn about the areas of theoretical and practical pediatrics, get acquainted with the reviews of nursing mothers, their vision of the list of useful and harmful products.

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