What can cause the liver to become inflamed? Inflammation of the liver: diagnosis and treatment methods. Causes of inflammation and symptoms

Hepatomegaly, the so-called inflammation of the liver, a fairly common liver disease, is characterized by an increase in the volume of this organ and periodic pain. For complete healing it is imperative to consult a doctor in time and get qualified medical assistance. Treatment is prescribed individually, after examining each patient, therefore it is dangerous to be treated "" or on the Internet, but there are generally accepted diets and homeopathic remedies which, in combination with drugs, will speed up the healing process. Returning to the topic that it is important not to start the disease and seek help on time, we recommend that you take primary tingling in your side more seriously and study the symptoms of this, we repeat, not a rare disease.

How to identify inflammation of the liver

The first thing you need to know is the location of the liver. Finding it is not difficult, it is located immediately under the right lower rib. You will not feel for an organ that is not enlarged, in shape, unless you take a deep breath and pull in your stomach, feel the lower edge with your fingers. In the process of inflammation, the volume of the organ increases, but the disease proceeds slowly and at first is not manifested by special pains.
  1. Pain.
    With inflammation of the liver, discomfort appears in the right side, in the area above the abdomen, later there are weak, pulling and muffled pains, both in the side and radiating to the back and lower back. As the disease develops, the pain becomes more frequent and stronger, painkillers only temporarily relieve the pain, after an hour it returns and intensifies. With inflammatory processes in the liver, a person feels weak, quickly gets tired and remains in a half-asleep state.
  2. well-being.
    The liver is an organ that works hard at night. Like lymphatic system, the liver cleanses the body and removes toxins that have entered our body during the day, while we sleep. An inflamed, enlarged, diseased liver, does not cope with its work, is exhausted, so we wake up already tired and experience nausea and bad taste in the morning. Morning weakness should be the proper signal to pay attention to the liver. The onset of liver inflammation is also manifested in the inability to digest fatty, fried, spicy, flour and meat dishes. After taking such food, nausea, tingling in the side, heartburn and dizziness invariably appear. In cases of increased inflammation, the patient loses appetite and the feeling of weakness increases, you feel completely overwhelmed from day to day.
  3. Constantly fever body.
    The inflammatory process is always accompanied by an increase in body temperature, so our body tries to fight viruses and infections. Inflammation of the liver is no exception. With liver inflammation, fever is extremely rare, mostly the temperature is around thirty-seven degrees. It is this temperature that the body endures most difficultly, and in cases of its stable manifestation, it is necessary to call a doctor and look for the source and cause of inflammation.
  4. Jaundice of the sclera of the eyes and skin.
    With inflammation of the liver, the organ ceases to cope with the function of processing the substance bilirubin, which is formed in the body as a result of the breakdown of red blood cells, erythrocytes. It accumulates and stagnates in the liver, which leads to its entry into the body and the manifestation of staining of the skin and white of the eyes in a yellowish tint. It is almost impossible not to notice such a symptom. This is very serious symptom, speaking about the neglect of the disease or an acute form, requiring immediate medical intervention.
  5. Not normal feces.
    Looking at the results of your bowel movements is not a pleasant occupation, but feces, like urine, are one of the first signals of problems starting in the body. Liver problems showing a whitish hue to the stool. Noticing an abnormal color of stools, it is necessary to clarify the situation with the liver and pass liver tests and tests.

The first signs of liver disease:

Recommended Foods and Recipes for Better Liver Health

With the advent liver problems and as a preventive measure, it is recommended to take a spoon every morning as a restorative and tonic agent olive oil with addition lemon juice. Such a medicine will quickly improve your well-being and help the liver work.

A very good remedy for the treatment and restoration of the liver is a decoction of artichokes and lemon juice. Put two artichokes in a liter of water and boil. The artichokes are taken out, and about four glasses should turn out into the cooled broth, add before use Fresh Juice lemon. Drink the decoction throughout the day.

For a dietary, restorative and liver-sparing menu, it is best to include a salad of grated beets and carrots, seasoned with a spoonful of olive oil, it contains a lot of vitamins necessary for liver health.

Inflammation of the liver are effectively treated with homeopathic teas, tablets and decoctions. The Best Ingredients for this purpose milk thistle and dandelion. Herbs are sold in pharmacies, you can easily brew them yourself and drink them as tea after breakfast and lunch, or buy complexes of ready-made liver fees, medicinal teas and dried milk thistle, pressed into tablets.

With pain syndromes and the occurrence of heaviness in the right side, many begin to worry about their health. And wonder what could be the reason? Most likely, such pains are manifested by inflammation of the liver. The liver is an amazing organ in the body, it can simultaneously perform several functions - participation in the processes of digestion, blood circulation, metabolism and many other functions of the body.

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In the acute form, there are the following symptoms:

  • The temperature rises;
  • Weakness appears, and the condition worsens sharply;
  • Jaundice appears;
  • Nausea appears, which gradually turns into vomiting;
  • Pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, due to the fact that the liver is enlarged.
  • The stool becomes colorless;
  • Urine becomes dark in color.

Acute inflammation of the liver the patient may recover completely, or the disease may progress to chronic form. AT rare cases may be fatal. The course of the chronic form can be long and without special symptoms. Hepatitis is usually detected by chance, during certain examinations, or when the condition worsens. This usually happens when there is a serious liver disorder.

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Usually hepatitis occurs due to infections or exposure to poisons that could get into the liver from the intestines. Usually with this disease, weakness appears, the temperature rises, appetite disappears, diarrhea appears, pain syndrome right hypochondrium. Symptoms are different, it mainly depends on the causes of the disease.

If you do not treat hepatitis and abuse alcohol, then the disease becomes severe form: heat, jaundice manifests itself in strong form, convulsions, delirium and strong arousal, loss of consciousness. In certain situations, hepatitis becomes chronic, which eventually turns into cirrhosis of the liver. At the first signs of this disease, you must immediately go to medical institution, where the doctor will first prescribe to take tests and undergo an ultrasound of the liver. After that for further treatment admitted to the hospital, because infectious form the patient is contagious to others.


Cirrhosis of the liver occurs in chronic inflammation, in which the liver tissue changes. Alcohol abuse is usually the cause of this disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is characterized by the following symptoms: weakness, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, pruritus, anemia and bloating. In the absence of proper treatment, cirrhosis develops very rapidly with periodic exacerbations and ends in death.


At the first signs of inflammation of the liver, you should immediately seek medical attention. qualified help. After all, the sooner treatment is started, the higher the percentage of complete recovery.


The essence of the disease

The general name for all inflammatory processes in the liver is hepatitis. Illness can be caused by viruses, infections, toxins (such as those found in alcohol and drugs), and diseases associated with dysfunction immune system. There are signs of liver inflammation to look out for. The choice of therapy and its duration depend on the reasons.


There are many reasons why the liver can become inflamed: transmission of viruses by the oral-fecal route ( dirty hands, unwashed fruits and vegetables, faeces, contaminated water). In addition, infection from a person can be the cause - spread occurs through the blood (for example, when using one needle), at birth (to a child from the mother).

Also, the liver can become inflamed with excessive use. medical preparations or drugs.


Depending on the causes, these types of liver inflammation are distinguished: hepatitis, steatosis, cirrhosis, etc.


The main cause of the disease are viruses, antibiotics, bile stasis. In addition, the liver can become inflamed due to excessive alcohol consumption.

There are such types:

  • Hepatitis A - infection. It is transmitted alimentarily through contaminated food and water or through contact with an infected person. The disease can occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms.
  • Hepatitis B is an infection caused by a virus from the Hepadnaviridae family that is spread through blood or other fluids. infected person. It occurs in acute or chronic form.
  • Hepatitis C is one of the most common types of inflammation. It spreads due to the transfusion of infected blood, improper sterilization of medical instruments.
  • Hepatitis D is a disease that is caused by the hepatitis D virus. The causative agent of this type has a defect, so the hepatitis B virus acts as a “helper” for reproduction in the body. The virus spreads through the blood or other fluids of an infected person.
  • Hepatitis E is a disease caused by the hepatitis E virus. It is transmitted through water, blood.
  • Hepatitis F is one of the most understudied hepatitis. Caused by two viruses, one transmitted by donated blood, the second - through the feces of people who received blood transfusions.


Steatosis is a condition in which fat accumulates in the liver cells. The main causes of steatosis are metabolic disorders, malnutrition, excessive alcohol consumption. In addition, the liver can become inflamed due to medications (antibiotics, corticosteroids).


Cirrhosis - chronic inflammation liver, accompanied by replacement healthy cells fibrous tissue. As a result of this irreversible process, there is a gradual decrease normal function organ.


Inflammation of the liver leads to changes in the functioning of the whole organism. That's why timely diagnosis will keep you healthy. To identify the cause of inflammation, you need to undergo the following diagnostic procedures: palpation abdominal cavity, ultrasound examination(ultrasound), general analysis blood and urine, as well as a blood test for hepatitis.

Only a specialist can carry out correct diagnosis to prescribe effective treatment. If the disease proceeds in an acute form, it will not be possible to relieve the symptoms on your own and cure the disease.


Symptoms of inflammation of the liver are very different and the treatment of such a disease requires responsibility from the patient.

Any violation of liver function occurs with the manifestation of symptoms: pain in the right side, drowsiness, fever, yellow skin tone, discoloration of urine and feces, bleeding, itching on the skin. In addition, the inflammatory process may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It is not recommended to remove the symptoms on your own - consult a specialist.

Treatment of inflammation of the liver after diagnosis includes taking medications, diet food. A strict diet is the main stage on the road to recovery. Diet allows you to reduce the load on the diseased organ. Immediately after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to switch to grated food, mashed soups.

Meals 4-5 times a day in small portions. Fatty, fried foods, spices and salt should be excluded from the diet. It is better to eat boiled or baked food. In addition, you will have to exclude meat, pastries, coffee and chocolate, and forget about alcohol altogether. You will have to follow this diet until recovery. If the disease has developed into a chronic form, you will have to limit yourself for the rest of your life.

Traditional treatment

Therapy for the disease includes following methods:

  • the patient must be isolated if infectious hepatitis is detected. Quarantine 3-4 weeks;
  • bed rest, exclusion of physical activity.

The attending physician prescribes antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agents that will help relieve the symptoms of the disease. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, they can prescribe: Alfaron, Ademetionin, Heptor, Viferon, Rabavin, Trivorin, etc. harm to the body.

If the disease is severe, the patient should be treated in a hospital. In addition, surgery may be required.

Folk methods

Effective folk ways:

  • beet juice (1 pc.) mixed with radish juice (1 pc.), taken orally;
  • drink juice sauerkraut one tablespoon twice a day;
  • grind horseradish roots (4 tablespoons), mix with a glass of milk, heat the mixture without boiling. Strain. Drink half a glass three times a day;
  • drink brewed corn silk;
  • grind chicory, pour 2 tbsp boiling water, let it brew
  • use royal jelly or bee pollen one teaspoon before meals.

Prevention of liver diseases

Sometimes the symptoms of liver inflammation are difficult to recognize. Therefore, preventive measures are needed.

Processing vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of developing the disease. Any cosmetic procedures do in trusted salons. Observe the correct good nutrition do not abuse alcohol. News healthy lifestyle life, sports. Use only personal cosmetics and hygiene products. With random sexual contact use a condom.


The reasons

The liver performs protective functions, neutralizing the action of pathogens. With their high activity, cells die or are reborn, which leads to functional disorders in the work of the body. The following reasons can cause an inflammatory process:

1 . hit a large number harmful substances . Their accumulation provokes the development of tissue inflammation:

  • allergens;
  • toxins.

Harmful substances and compounds can enter the body from outside or be synthesized on their own. Toxins accumulate in the liver when alcohol is consumed, uncontrolled intake medicines. Also, the concentration increases with constant close contact with highly toxic substances(work on harmful production). Toxins can be synthesized in the presence of diseases not associated with the liver.

The greatest danger to the liver is alcohol. Its constant use leads to the development of dangerous diseases that gradually destroy tissues.

2 . Interstitial processes and inflammatory diseases associated organs:

  • thrombosis, inflammation of the hepatic veins;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • curvature, inflammation and stones in the bile ducts;
  • purulent abscesses.

These diseases often occur with purulent complications which causes cell necrosis. If left untreated, pathological changes in the associated organs intensify, spreading to the liver tissue.

3 . Various infections and viruses, which, when penetrated into the liver, destroy and transform tissues. It can be:

  • all forms of hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis.

Viral pathogens provoke necrotic lesions, as well as the degeneration of structural tissues. The consequences of an infectious-viral disease are very dangerous. Chronic pathologies cause irreversible changes in the liver.

4 . Structural changes:

  • fibrosis;
  • steatosis;
  • cirrhosis.

Similar diseases are complications of hepatitis. They are characterized by a gradual replacement of healthy parenchymal liver tissues with fatty connective tissue. In the process of development, the organ grows, purulent foci and nodular formations appear in it.

IMPORTANT! cirrhosis in advanced stage leads to death.

  • ascariasis;
  • giardiasis;
  • opisthorchiasis.

6 . Congenital pathologies:

  • Gilbert's syndrome;
  • Wilson's disease - Konovalov;
  • hypoplasia;
  • hemochromatosis.

Improper structure and functional activity due to congenital anomalies, make the liver work with increased load. Because of this, it is easier to be influenced by negative factors.

7 . Malignant tumors:

  • cysts;
  • sarcoma;
  • hepatocellular cancer.

They affect the entire liver, leading to the fact that the inflamed tissue and cells begin to collapse. As a result, the body ceases to function.

There are also several autoimmune diseases in which inflammation in the liver occurs due to the fault of the immune system. For unknown reasons, she begins to destroy all the structures of her own body.


Regardless of the causes of inflammation of the liver, the symptoms will be almost the same. The presence of pathological changes is determined by the following signs:

  • Lethargy, fatigue.
  • Heartburn, nausea, vomiting with bile.
  • Change in color of the skin, proteins and sclera to yellow or yellowish-gray (icteric manifestations).
  • Enlargement of the liver and spleen, pain on palpation.
  • Pain and discomfort in right side, in the subcostal region.
  • Lightening of defecation masses and darkening of urine.

Can an inflamed liver give temperature? Acute course of certain diseases that provoke the development pathological processes in the liver accompanied by fever. It signals an intense course of inflammation.

On the initial stage liver disease rarely has a bright severe symptoms. This complicates diagnosis and complicates treatment. More often, pathologies are diagnosed when they already have a chronic form.


When pain in the right side they are disturbed quite often, it is necessary to establish their origin. Diagnosis should be carried out by a specialist, so do not self-medicate, but seek advice.

The doctor studies the history, symptoms, and selects the treatment in accordance with the type of disease that caused the inflammation. He prescribes a set of tests, resorts to instrumental methods diagnostics. The examination includes blood and urine tests, ultrasound, liver tests, biopsy.


If the liver is inflamed, how will it be more effective to treat it? It all depends on whether the diagnosis is correct and on the severity of the disease. There is no standard treatment for the relief of inflammatory processes. The effectiveness of therapeutic measures depends on the type and form of the disease that provoked inflammation. After diagnostic studies, drug treatment is prescribed.

Conservative therapy

This type of treatment involves the use of various medicines. If the liver is inflamed, then what medicines will help relieve pain, restore the normal structure of tissues and its functionality? The table lists some drugs that are used to treat certain diseases.

Type of disease Preparations Name

Biliary dyskinesia






Hepatitis Nucleoside analogs








cirrhosis vitamins





Lipoic acid






Features of drug therapy

When starting treatment, remember that you can not use pills without a doctor's prescription. When taking the medicine, strictly follow the prescribed dosage and timing of administration.

Unfortunately, some liver diseases cannot be cured with medication. Cirrhosis of the liver and viral hepatitis C are not completely cured. Drug therapy in this case, it is designed to stop the development of the disease, relieve symptoms and, if possible, improve the quality of life.


In the treatment of tumor formations and abscesses, it is often necessary to combine medication with surgical intervention. In order for the pathology not to spread to the remaining healthy tissues, a partial resection of the liver is performed. Since this organ completely regenerates to its previous size over time, it is possible to truncate up to 70% of the liver.

Alternative Methods

As adjuvant therapy you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. But apply folk remedies can only be done after consulting a doctor.

ADVICE! Effective treatment will only be in combination with drug therapy.

How can you treat the liver at home, and what to take for inflammation? There are some tips:

1 . Drink 200 ml of black radish juice with beets mixed in a 1:1 ratio daily. Juice should be drunk in the morning, 30 minutes after eating.

2 . Sauerkraut brine helps with hepatitis. Mix it equally with beetroot juice and use 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day after meals.

3 . The roots and leaves of common burdock (burdock) have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Fresh parts of the plant are washed, crushed and juice is squeezed out. Take ½ cup 3 times a day for 3-4 months before meals.

The course of treatment with juices ranges from 1 month to six months.

4 . Fresh dandelion root is also good. It is used in the form of a decoction, 1 tbsp. l three times a day, before meals.

5 . How to relieve pain with inflammation? A compress will help relieve pain. mashed potatoes, cooked with the addition of peppermint. Place it in a linen bag and apply to painful area for 10-15 minutes.

Compresses and lotions applied to the right hypochondrium should not be very hot.

6 . A hepatoprotective agent from bee products is a mixture bee pollen with honey and royal jelly. To make the product, you need to mix milk, pollen and honey in proportions of 2:20:78. A teaspoon in the morning and in the evening will protect the liver from various pathological effects. Ready mixture "Polyanka" can be purchased at specialized pharmacies.

7 . There are special herbal pharmacy fees, which help in the treatment of an inflamed liver. They include yarrow, chicory root, St. John's wort, horsetail, nettle leaves, dandelion root, rose hips.

Folk remedies should not contain alcohol or have high content fats. Since the treatment of the liver is quite long, it is recommended to alternately change the means.

Nutrition rules

Comprehensive treatment of inflammatory processes in the liver includes compliance with correct mode nutrition. For patients with similar problems, a diet called table number 5. This is a specially designed therapeutic diet that does not create an additional burden on the diseased organ.

What can you eat with inflammation of the liver? During the period acute course diseases, it is recommended to use liquid soups and cereals, with a minimum fat content. When compiling the menu, you should focus on the following products:

  • Gray sour bread.
  • Lean boiled meat (veal, chicken, rabbit).
  • Boiled fish.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Oatmeal, barley, buckwheat.
  • Fruits and vegetables with neutral acidity.

Should be excluded from the diet fried foods, spices and marinades. Drinking alcohol during treatment is strictly prohibited.

To keep the liver healthy, it is enough to follow a few simple rules- do not abuse alcohol and medicines. It is also important to maintain personal hygiene and avoid unprotected sex with casual partners. Because the inflammatory processes The liver is often asymptomatic, it is necessary to periodically undergo a preventive examination.


Steatosis (hepatosis): features and causes

This is a common disease that is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver tissues. This is the body's normal response to abuse. alcoholic drinks, reception medications and systematic poisoning with toxic substances. There are other reasons as well.

  • Violations in the field metabolic processes and comorbiditiesdiabetes, overweight, hypertriglyceridemia.
  • Wrong diet (excessive or insufficient food, protein deficiency).
  • Disorders of the assimilation of valuable food components, diseases of the digestive system.
  • Syndrome of hypercortisolism (Cushing).
  • Myxedema (deficiency of hormones produced by the thyroid gland).
  • Viral infection.
  • hereditary predisposition.

There are no pronounced symptoms of the disease. Pathology is diagnosed during ultrasound. If left untreated, the disease progresses to cirrhosis with a high risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.

Hepatitis: features and causes

Usually a specific disease develops due to the activity of hepatotropic viruses. However, the characteristic inflammatory processes occurring in the liver tissues can be provoked by other factors:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • systematic poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • stagnant processes during bile secretion;
  • congenital deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin.

Cause viral hepatitis is the transmission of the virus from a sick person. Infection occurs different ways, including during household contacts, if there is contact with an open damaged area of ​​​​the skin of infected blood particles during cuts, injuries, abrasions. Most often, the virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by a hematogenous, parenteral route (through the blood).

Infection can occur during cosmetic procedures(ear piercing, piercing, tattooing), during medical care(injections with a common needle, the introduction of blood-based drugs during operations and injuries), sexually (3-5%).

There are several types of hepatitis, depending on the type of pathogen.

  • Hepatitis A. The transmission of the pathogen is carried out in an alimentary way. There are several stages of the course, including acute, subacute, subclinical.
  • Hepatitis B. Infection most often occurs through circulatory system. The pathogen is transmitted from mother to newborn child. It occurs in acute or chronic form.
  • Hepatitis C. You can become infected with this form of the disease when using non-sterile medical and cosmetic instruments, as well as during a blood transfusion procedure.
  • Hepatitis D. This pathogen does not reproduce on its own in the liver tissues, so the pathology develops if two types of the virus enter the body at once, for example, D and B.
  • Hepatitis E. This is the most dangerous form viral disease. Death after infection can occur after 10 days.

disease that is in acute stage, must be treated at the first signs, from the moment of setting accurate diagnosis otherwise it becomes chronic. Pathology that has become chronic is practically asymptomatic and is usually detected during the examination for other indications.

Cirrhosis: features and causes

The disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory process occurring in the tissues of the liver. Pathological changes are expressed in an increase in the volume of connective tissue, resulting in the replacement of normal cells and subsequent deformation of the organ. Causes of occurrence:

  • poisoning with toxic substances, including alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • diagnoses such as syphilis, malaria, brucellosis, tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If the treatment of inflammation of the liver is not carried out in a timely manner, after 1-5 years, fatal outcome. Signs that indicate the need to consult a specialist:

  • hemorrhages in the area skin, skin itching;
  • icteric coloration of the skin, reddening of the palms;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • chronic malaise, weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • bloating;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight.

The first signs of pathology include frequent nausea, heartburn, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and pain, which are localized in the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium. When similar symptoms recommended to pass diagnostic examination for the presence of pathogens.

Treatment of inflammatory pathologies

Treatment of inflammation of the liver is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis. Diagnostic procedures include blood sampling biochemical analysis, marker diagnostics), fibroscanning, ultrasound, elastometry, etc. Therapy necessarily involves the use of medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs(Alfaron, Ademetionin, Viferon, Pegasys) block the activity of virus cells, inhibit their growth and destroy them.
  • Hepatoprotectors (Heptor, Liv 52, FanDetox, Heptral) have a pronounced antioxidant, detoxifying, regenerating, neuroprotective, antifibrotic effect.
  • Recombinant vaccine (for example, Euvax B - a drug effective against type B virus).

In case of inflammation of the liver, it is necessary to adhere to strict diet. A properly selected diet significantly reduces the load on the body and helps to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Diet therapy enhances the effect of drug treatment and prevents the progression of the disease.

Treatment of pathology using traditional medicine methods

AT folk medicine There are many tools that, in combination with drug treatment help relieve inflammation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Below are the effective recipes.

To achieve high results in complex therapy liver diseases at home use a remedy made from grapefruit juice and olive oil. Take 0.25 cups of each ingredient, mix, take orally in evening time before going to bed, having previously cleansed the intestines with an enema with any antiseptic herbal decoction or infusion. Repeat the procedure every 5-6 days.


The main causes of inflammation of the liver

In most cases, inflammatory diseases of the liver are caused by exposure to the body of harmful toxic substances that disrupt metabolic processes and lead to significant changes in tissue cells.

At the same time, the most common causes inflammation of the liver are considered:

  • Hepatitis. Depending on the type of disease, infection in this case going on by contact(through blood and other biological fluids) or through the sharing of various items and personal hygiene products.
  • Alcohol abuse. Ethyl alcohol that enters the body destroys liver cells and contributes to their replacement with adipose tissue, which leads to impaired liver function.
  • The use of drugs that can provoke drug-induced hepatitis. Such a pathology is completely reversible - after stopping the medication, the inflammatory processes in the liver stop, and it begins to function in full force.
  • Violation of the outflow of bile in the liver. The process of producing bile in the body is necessary to ensure normal digestion. Stagnation of bile in this organ can cause irritation and subsequently lead to inflammation.

The main signs of inflammation of the liver

Despite the fact that the symptoms of liver inflammation largely depend on what exactly caused this process, it is possible to identify signs characteristic of all diseases associated with this pathology.

Inflammatory processes in the liver are almost always accompanied by an increase in the size of this organ, as well as pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium during palpation. In addition, painful sensations can occur in any other situations, and the pain in this case will be aching, aggravated after physical exertion or eating heavy and fatty foods.

In addition, there may be yellowing of the mucous membranes, eye sclera and skin. Such manifestations are associated with an increase in the blood level of bilirubin, which is toxic substance formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. Accumulating in the blood, bilirubin moves through the body, being deposited in the cells of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera.

Another sign of inflammation of the liver is lightening of the feces and darkening of the urine (as a rule, this sign indicates the presence of hepatitis). In addition, patients may complain of a deterioration in well-being, vomiting and nausea.

Drug treatment of inflammation of the liver

It is quite natural that at the first symptoms of inflammation of the liver, you should immediately see a doctor, who, after a thorough diagnosis, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Moreover, the indicated treatment can be carried out both at home and in a hospital - this will depend on the severity of the disease.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes antiviral and antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes, painkillers, drugs that restore damaged cells.

In addition, enzyme preparations can be prescribed to promote better digestion of food, phytotherapeutic agents and hepatoprotectors, which allow preserving liver cells and restoring its functions.

In this case, the patient is required to completely abandon the use of alcohol - otherwise the prescribed medicine and therapy will not bring the expected effect.

Treatment of inflammation of the liver folk remedies

In addition to drug treatment for inflammation of the liver, folk remedies are also used, including herbal infusions and decoctions. Let's consider some of them.

    • Infusion of hairy hawkweed. Prepared as follows. Forty grams of grass is poured with a liter of boiling water, infused for an hour and filtered. Used 250 ml four times a day.

  • A decoction of tripoli and immortelle. It is made as follows. Twenty-five grams of tripoli and twenty-five grams of golden immortelle are poured into two liters of cold boiled water and evaporated to a litre. The infusion is taken for a month, 50 ml before meals three times a day.
  • Infusion of calendula flowers. Prepared as follows. Forty grams of dry calendula flowers are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused until cool. Used three times throughout the day.
  • Infusion of sage medicinal with honey. Allows you to reduce pain in the liver and is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of ground grass is poured with 300 ml of boiling water with two tablespoons of honey dissolved in it and infused for an hour. Used from morning to meal.
  • Rosehip petals with honey. Used to relieve pain in the liver. Two tablespoons of petals in this case are mixed with two teaspoons of honey and taken inside, washed down with hot tea. Another way to use rose hips for pain relief is a thick decoction of its roots, taken in a glass twice a day.
  • Infusion of leaves and buds of white birch. Improves bile secretion and is prepared as follows. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water containing a certain amount drinking soda, infused for an hour and filtered. It is consumed before meals in half a glass four times a day. In addition to the infusion, you can use birch sap in the amount of one glass per day.
  • Infusion of elecampane high. It is used as a means of expelling bile. Prepared as follows. A teaspoon of ground grass is poured into a glass hot water, left for 10 hours and filtered. It is consumed four times a day, half an hour before meals, a quarter cup.
  • Infusion of highlander bird (knotweed). Prepared as follows. Three tablespoons of herbs are poured into two glasses of hot water and infused for an hour. Used before meals.
  • Infusion of wild strawberry. Helps relieve inflammation. It is prepared from wild strawberries harvested during the flowering period, uprooted and dried in a dark place without sunlight on the grass. It is made as follows. Two bushes of the plant prepared in this way are brewed in a teapot and infused for half an hour. Used instead of tea.
  • Decoction of dandelion root. Prepared as follows. One dandelion root is taken and ground into powder. A tablespoon of the resulting powder is poured into a glass of water, put on a small fire and boiled for an hour. Used half an hour before meals, one tablespoon three times a day.
  • Infusion of chicory with honey and wine or fruit vinegar. The infusion is prepared as follows. Two tablespoons of crushed leaves, roots or stems of chicory are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of wine or fruit vinegar. Vinegar can be substituted with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink the decoction should be hot, without any restrictions.
  • Decoction of Hypericum perforatum. It has an action that reduces inflammation and expels bile. Prepared as follows. A tablespoon of ground grass is poured with boiling water in the volume of one glass, boiled for a quarter of an hour and filtered. Used a quarter cup three times a day.
  • Attention! The use of any of the above drugs should be carried out only after the approval of the attending physician.

Inflammation of the liver is a condition in which tissues are affected and function is impaired. this body.

This can happen to both men and women.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of inflammation of the liver, as well as treatment methods. this disease.

Inflammation of the liver: types and causes

Most often, inflammation of the liver develops for the following reasons:

1. Hepatitis. It usually occurs when an infection enters the body, the action of poisons or chemical substances. Less commonly, hepatitis can be caused by excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, syphilis, tuberculosis, and circulatory disorders.

There are such types of hepatitis:

Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver, which can have three forms of course: subacute, acute and chronic;

Hepatitis B is a disease caused by a specific virus. This pathology is acute and chronic. It can be transmitted through blood through transfusion, sexual contact, or from mother to child during childbirth;

Hepatitis C is the most common and dangerous view inflammation of the liver. It is usually contracted through a blood transfusion or through the use of non-sterile medical instruments;

Hepatitis D is characterized by extensive liver damage. It is transmitted through the blood from healthy person to the patient;

Hepatitis E is considered the most dangerous, as it can lead to death in a short time;

Hepatitis F is still little known. It can be transmitted sexually and through the blood.

2. Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease in which a patient develops chronic inflammation of the liver, changes in its tissues and functions.

This pathology usually develops slowly, with periodic exacerbations. If left untreated, it leads to the death of a person within five years. If you carry out complex therapy, then the patient will be able to live much longer.

Inflammation of the liver: symptoms and signs

Acute hepatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

1. An increase in body temperature occurs within a month after infection.

2. Indigestion, diarrhea and diarrhoea.

3. Frequent nausea.

4. Change in clinical blood counts.

5. Pain in the right side.

6. severe weakness.

7. Loss of appetite.

9. Enlargement of the spleen.

10. Darkening of the urine.

11. The appearance of yellowness on the skin is inherent in hepatitis A.

12. With a sharp progression of the disease, the patient may have convulsions, delirium, loss of consciousness, excessive emotional arousal.

acute form the disease in most cases is cured after 3-5 months. If the patient's body is severely weakened, then inflammation can become chronic.

In the chronic form, hepatitis has the following symptoms:

1. Nausea that appears after eating fatty, sour, fried or smoked foods.

2. Great weakness.

3. Decreased performance.

4. Violation of the outflow of bile.

5. The appearance of discomfort in the stomach.

6. A person's tendency to various respiratory diseases due to weakened immunity.

7. depressive states develop due to a person's awareness of a chronic incurable disease.

Chronic hepatitis is usually for a long time is completely asymptomatic, so it is diagnosed in quite a few years. running when the liver shows signs of damage.

Cirrhosis of the liver has the following features of the course:

1. The patient has vomiting and frequent nausea.

2. Digestive disorders gradually develop. There are frequent constipation, diarrhea and diarrhoea.

3. There is an increased temperature and bitterness in the mouth.

4. Bloating.

5. Anemia.

6. Violation of the liver.

7. Itching on the skin.

Inflammation of the liver: diagnosis and treatment methods

When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to consult a therapist. After the initial examination and suspicion of inflammation of the liver, the doctor will refer the patient to an infectious disease specialist.

To diagnose inflammation of the liver, you need to go through the following diagnostic procedures:

1. Palpation of the abdominal cavity.

2. Collection of anamnesis.

3. Ultrasound of the liver.

4. General clinical blood and urine tests.

5. Blood test for hepatitis.

Treatment of inflammation of the liver is selected for each patient individually, depending on the type and form of the pathology, as well as the symptoms of the patient.

The traditional course of treatment includes the following:

1. In case of infectious hepatitis, the patient must be isolated from other people until the cure. Usually quarantine lasts 3-4 weeks.

2. For the period of therapy, it is advisable for the patient to observe bed rest, not to be nervous and completely exclude any physical exercise.

3. Prescribing antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs is practiced. Usually used for this purpose:

Alfaron is a drug that is aimed at suppressing the hepatitis virus;

Ademetionine is a drug that is effective against alcoholic kind hepatitis A;

Viferon is a drug that suppresses the activity of the infection and slows down the growth and reproduction of hepatitis pathogens;

Rabavin - is prescribed for hepatitis C.

Inflammation of the liver: treatment, diet, prevention

Healthy nutrition plays a very important role in the treatment of liver inflammation. Traditional diet table number 5 (from hepatitis) provides for the following:

1. The patient needs to stop using such products:

Sweet carbonated drinks;

Any alcoholic drinks;

flour products(only biscuit cookies and a little dried bread with bran are possible;

smoked food;


salty food;

oily fish and meat;

Coffee and black tea;


Ice cream;


Fast food;

Semi-finished products;

Animal fats;

Rich broths;

Juices from sour fruits.

2. The basis of the diet should be:

vegetable soups;

Cottage cheese and any products from it;

Dairy products, only low-fat;

Dried fruits and decoctions from them;

Low-fat varieties fish and meat;

3. To reduce the load on the liver and stomach, you should stop using spices and salt. You also need to eat processed food.

4. Food should be steamed, baked or boiled.

5. Dishes should not be hot, but not too cold. It is best if the food is warm.

6. There should be 5 meals a day. At the same time, portions do not need to be large.

7. At least once a day, the patient needs to consume liquid cooked food (soup, vegetable stew).

8. Overeating should be avoided. If you feel like you overate, then you need to drink enzyme preparation(Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin).

9. Drink plenty of fluids a day. It can be water, a decoction of dried fruits, chamomile and green tea or birch sap.

If the inflammation of the liver is acute, then the patient must follow a diet until the moment of recovery. If the pathology has become chronic, then this medical nutrition a man must stick to his life.

To prevent the development of inflammation of the liver, you should adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Conduct timely vaccination against viral hepatitis.

2. Completely eliminate alcohol and smoking.

3. Limit contact with people with viral hepatitis (the disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets and through household items).

4. Have your own personal hygiene products (scissors, Toothbrush, towels, nail file, soap, tweezers, etc.). Also, you should not allow anyone to use your toiletries or bath accessories, since in this way you can pick up "foreign" diseases, infections, fungi and viruses.

5. To increase immunity, you need to play sports, temper and eat well. Additionally, you can take vitamin complexes.

6. As a preventive measure, at least twice a year, you need to be tested for hepatitis and carry out comprehensive examination liver.

7. When the first signs of inflammation of the liver appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

8. In case of accidental contact with a sick person (including sexual contact), there are emergency vaccinations with immunoglobulin. This drug blocks the hepatitis virus and prevents it from incorporating into blood cells. Such an injection should be done as soon as possible. For this, a person needs to contact an infectious disease specialist.

9. It is important to have a regular sexual partner and safe sex in case of casual contact. You should also check not only yourself for hepatitis, but also your partner (sometimes the disease can be chronic, so a person will not notice its manifestations for years).

Inflammation of the liver (or hepatitis) is a disease that is accompanied by an inflammatory process and partial or complete atrophy of the liver tissues. It has a number of pathogens, and depending on the cause of occurrence, further therapy is determined.

Why does the liver become inflamed?

Elena Nikolaeva, PhD, hepatologist, associate professor:"There are herbs that act quickly and act specifically on the liver, nullifying diseases. [...] Personally, I know the only preparation that contains all the necessary extracts...."

The causes of inflammation of the liver can have a different soil. It could be a virus that caused hepatitis, excessive drinking, progressive inflammation bile ducts etc.

  1. infectious hepatitis. This type has the name "Botkin's disease" and is the least dangerous, and is quite easy to carry. However, people are very vulnerable to infectious hepatitis and if the virus enters the body, infection occurs in 100%. This type of inflammation of the liver includes viral and bacterial hepatitis. The second progresses for a reason infectious disease- Lethospirosis.
  2. Toxic hepatitis. This type of danger to the patient is in second place. Cause toxic hepatitis- ingestion of toxic and chemical substances. With untimely hospitalization, the consequences can be unpredictable, and in rare cases - death. Tolerability of this type of inflammation of the liver depends on the composition of toxic substances, their quantity and the human body. The causes of toxic hepatitis are alcohol, drug and chemical poisoning.
  3. radiation hepatitis. This type of hepatitis on average has a favorable course, but in some cases it causes death. Radiation hepatitis refers to rare species inflammation of the liver and is caused due to exposure to radiation. The causes of this type are irradiation of the body and radiation therapy.
  4. . This type of hepatitis is serious illness liver. Full causes of development this disease have not been fully explored to date. Experts say that the heredity of the patient and the structural features of the body play a key role.

All types of liver inflammation are divided into two forms: acute and chronic. The acute form is caused by inflammatory processes in the liver due to viruses. The chronic form is the continuation of inflammatory processes after the acute form.

Symptoms of inflammation of the liver

Reader's Story

I was probably one of those "lucky ones" who had to endure almost all the symptoms of a diseased liver. According to me, it was possible to draw up a description of diseases in all details and with all the nuances!

The liver is responsible for many functions in the human body. The inflammatory process in the body does not go unnoticed. If the disease affects the liver, then the organ loses its efficiency and this process is accompanied by symptoms of inflammation of the liver:

  1. Violation of the processing of bilirubin. Bilirubin is a bile pigment that is the main component of bile. The formation occurs due to the breakdown of proteins saturated with hemoglobin, myolgolobin and cytochrome. The inflammatory process in the liver disrupts its processing of bilirubin. The result of such a violation is the development of jaundice. Gospell's disease is accompanied by visible external symptoms: leather, oral cavity and the tongue becomes yellow. With the inability of the liver to process bilirubin, this toxic substance is deposited throughout the body.
  2. Violation of the outflow of bile. With hepatitis, the outflow of bile from the liver is disturbed. Because of this, part of the bile fluid enters the bloodstream and is carried to the skin cells. Because of his chemical composition bile leads to irritation of skin cells, a characteristic itching appears.
  3. Enlargement of the liver. The surface of the liver is covered by a special tissue capsule that performs protective function. Inflammatory processes in the liver cause an increase in its size and the protective capsule is stretched. Due to the fact that the protective surface of the liver is not elastic, its stretching is accompanied by characteristic pains in the right hypochondrium.

Signs of an inflammatory process in the liver

For the treatment and cleansing of the LIVER, our readers successfully use Elena Malysheva's method. Having carefully studied this method, we decided to offer it to your attention.

The development of hepatitis is accompanied by a number of signs, thanks to which the patient can determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the liver:

  • Weakness of the body
  • Rapid fatigue
  • Lack of appetite
  • Gagging and nausea
  • More dark color urine
  • More light color feces


Do not destroy the body with pills! The liver is treated without expensive drugs at the intersection of scientific and traditional medicine

It is possible to diagnose inflammation of the liver by identifying the above signs and detecting viruses in the blood. To detect viruses in the blood, you need to pass laboratory tests. With the help of special markers of hepatitis, the presence of the virus is determined:

  • immunological marker. This analysis makes it possible to determine the presence of antibodies in the blood, which are formed in response to the presence of viruses.
  • genetic marker. This analysis makes it possible to determine the components of virus cells using ultra-sensitive diagnostics of infections. This diagnostic method allows you to find out the nature of the virus and its quantity.

Treatment of inflammation of the liver

Depending on the type of hepatitis, there are a number of specialized therapies and treatments for inflammation of the liver. The form and methods of treatment are prescribed by the attending physician. Basically, for any type of inflammatory processes of the liver, a number of antiviral drugs are prescribed.

The most used is antiviral agent Interferon. In some cases, therapy is combined with Ribavirin, which allows to increase its effectiveness. The entire treatment process in 99% requires a hospital and strict medical supervision.


  • Beets and radishes. Using a blender, grind the beetroot and radish into liquid state by mixing both ingredients. This juice is required to drink every day until recovery.
  • Sauerkraut. You need to squeeze cabbage in a juicer and drink this juice in the morning and evening for 1-2 months.
  • Dill fruits. 1-2 tablespoons of dill should be finely chopped, pour boiling water and let the broth brew for 2-3 hours. As soon as the broth is infused, you need to strain it and drink such juice until the disease disappears.


To avoid the development of viral hepatitis, timely vaccination should be used. It is necessary to limit contact with patients with hepatitis, carefully monitor personal hygiene and prevent contact of strangers with hygiene items. Excessive alcohol consumption can also be the cause of the development of inflammatory processes in the liver, so it is required to exclude its use.

Due to the diversity in the diet, you can protect yourself from the inflammatory process in the liver. Enrich your diet with food that will bring vitamins and nutrients to your body in enough. This diet helps to restore the normal functioning of the liver.

This is a common disease that is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver tissues. This is a common reaction of the body to the abuse of alcoholic beverages, taking medications and systematic poisoning with toxic substances. There are other reasons as well.

  • Metabolic disorders and comorbidities - diabetes mellitus, excess body weight, hypertriglyceridemia.
  • Wrong diet (excessive or insufficient food, protein deficiency).
  • Disorders of the assimilation of valuable food components, diseases of the digestive system.
  • Syndrome of hypercortisolism (Cushing).
  • Myxedema (deficiency of hormones produced by the thyroid gland).
  • Viral infection.
  • hereditary predisposition.

There are no pronounced symptoms of the disease. Pathology is diagnosed during an ultrasound examination. If left untreated, the disease progresses to cirrhosis with a high risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.

Hepatitis: features and causes

Usually a specific disease develops due to the activity of hepatotropic viruses. However, the characteristic inflammatory processes occurring in the liver tissues can be provoked by other factors:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • systematic poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • stagnant processes during bile secretion;
  • congenital deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin.

The cause of viral hepatitis is the transmission of the virus from a sick person. Infection occurs in various ways, including through household contacts, if there is contact with an open damaged area of ​​​​the skin of infected blood particles during cuts, injuries, abrasions. Most often, the virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by a hematogenous, parenteral route (through the blood).

Infection can occur during cosmetic procedures (ear piercing, piercing, tattooing), during medical care (injections with a shared needle, the introduction of blood-based drugs during operations and injuries), sexually (3-5%).

There are several types of hepatitis, depending on the type of pathogen.

  • Hepatitis A. The transmission of the pathogen is carried out in an alimentary way. There are several stages of the course, including acute, subacute, subclinical.
  • Hepatitis B. Infection most often occurs through the circulatory system. The pathogen is transmitted from mother to newborn child. It occurs in acute or chronic form.
  • Hepatitis C. You can become infected with this form of the disease when using non-sterile medical and cosmetic instruments, as well as during a blood transfusion procedure.
  • Hepatitis D. This pathogen does not reproduce on its own in the liver tissues, so the pathology develops if two types of the virus enter the body at once, for example, D and B.
  • Hepatitis E. This is the most dangerous form of viral disease. Death after infection can occur after 10 days.

A disease that is in an acute stage must be treated when the first signs appear, from the moment an accurate diagnosis is made, otherwise it becomes chronic. Pathology that has become chronic is practically asymptomatic and is usually detected during the examination for other indications.

Cirrhosis: features and causes

The disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory process occurring in the tissues of the liver. Pathological changes are expressed in an increase in the volume of connective tissue, resulting in the replacement of normal cells and subsequent deformation of the organ. Causes of occurrence:

  • poisoning with toxic substances, including alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • diagnoses such as syphilis, malaria, brucellosis, tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If the treatment of inflammation of the liver is not carried out in a timely manner, after 1-5 years, a fatal outcome may occur. Signs that indicate the need to consult a specialist:

  • hemorrhages in the area of ​​the skin, itching;
  • icteric coloration of the skin, reddening of the palms;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • chronic malaise, weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • bloating;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight.

The first signs of pathology include frequent nausea, heartburn, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and pain, which are localized in the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium. When such symptoms appear, it is recommended to undergo a diagnostic examination for the presence of pathogens.

Treatment of inflammatory pathologies

Treatment of inflammation of the liver is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis. Diagnostic procedures include blood sampling (biochemical analysis, marker diagnostics), fibroscanning, ultrasound, elastometry, etc. Therapy necessarily involves the use of medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs (Alfaron, Ademetionin, Viferon, Pegasys) block the activity of virus cells, inhibit their growth and destroy them.
  • Hepatoprotectors (Heptor, Liv 52, FanDetox, Heptral) have a pronounced antioxidant, detoxifying, regenerating, neuroprotective, antifibrotic effect.
  • Recombinant vaccine (for example, Euvax B - a drug effective against type B virus).

With inflammation of the liver, you must adhere to a strict diet. A properly selected diet significantly reduces the load on the body and helps to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Diet therapy enhances the effect of drug treatment and prevents the progression of the disease.

Treatment of pathology using traditional medicine methods

In folk medicine, there are many remedies that, in combination with drug treatment, will help relieve inflammation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Below are the effective recipes.

To achieve high results in the complex therapy of liver diseases at home, a remedy made from grapefruit juice and olive oil is used. Take 0.25 cups of each ingredient, mix, take orally in the evening before going to bed, after cleansing the intestines with an enema with any antiseptic herbal decoction or infusion. Repeat the procedure every 5-6 days.

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