Fighting a hangover at home. The narcologist will quickly remove the hangover at home. Alcoholic drinks and their types

Let's start with the sad truth: the only way to avoid a hangover that works is not to get drunk. But we understand that it's too late. Therefore, first emergency help to deal with a hangover, and then - advice for the future.

How to get rid of a hangover

A hangover is essentially poisoning. We are poisoned by the decay products of ethanol, and these products are already in our blood, so the whole body is in a fever, and not just the stomach. Unfortunately, it takes time to remove acetaldehyde (the main poison left after a stormy evening). There are no cures for hangovers, but we can alleviate the symptoms.

Ethanol has a diuretic effect, meaning it removes fluid from the body. Without water, the body gets rid of the breakdown products of ethanol more slowly, which means that the hangover lasts longer. With any poisoning, you need to drink a lot in small sips, with a hangover you need to do the same.

We understand that it is difficult, but we must try, after the second cup of tea, things will go better. It is best to drink rehydration solutions (from a pharmacy, for example) or mineral water. But if they do not climb, start with sweet tea or tomato juice or even pickle. But coffee won't help.

Try honey tea

There is no 100% evidence that honey will help Hangover treatment, but with these hangover cures it's always like this: you never know what will make you feel better. If there is no allergy, honey is a good natural remedy with mass.

Drink sorbents

Intestinal sorbents had to be drunk, of course, before a hangover, but poisons should be removed from the body by all available methods. It is better to give preference not to the good old coal, but to modern means, because swallowing 10-20 tablets of coal with a hangover is a dubious happiness.

Drink fruit juices and broths

It's not a one-size-fits-all treatment, but this liquid diet helps relieve symptoms, and the fructose from the juice provides energy.

Have a special drink

If there is a person nearby who can help, hand it to him and ask him to cook. When it shakes, it's not up to mixing juices with spices. But the drink, brought by caring hands, will quickly put you on your feet.

A new dose of alcohol is an additional burden. The body is already full of alcohol breakdown products, beer or other drinks will only add to the complexity.

Once the alcohol kicks in, you'll feel better. But alcohol "for old yeast" is quickly processed, because the liver has already released many enzymes to break down the last portion. So the poisoning will become stronger.


A typical hangover goes away within 24 hours. They just need to be experienced. It is most convenient to do this in a dream.

Take a pain reliever

If your head hurts so much that you can't even sleep, take a painkiller. hangover cures. Yes, paracetamol and ibuprofen are bad for the stomach and liver, which are already bad. But what to do, sometimes you have to make difficult choices. But use only those medicines that you have already tried once: you must be sure that you have a normal relationship with them.

take a walk

At least around the house. Movement helps to distract, and in the fresh air it is easier to remove decay products from the blood with breathing.

What to do when the hangover is very bad

Alcohol poisoning can lead to more than just a painful morning. Sometimes it provokes more serious conditions, up to a stroke or. Therefore, seek emergency help if you notice Hangovers:

  1. Severe headache.
  2. Pain behind the sternum, which may radiate to the left arm.
  3. Frequent heartbeat.
  4. Pale to blue.
  5. Decrease in body temperature.
  6. Vomiting that won't stop and won't let you drink (everything comes back at once).
  7. Confusion of consciousness (it is difficult to answer questions, it is not clear where you are).

So, you can already keep your head straight. It's time to make an effort and get to the mirror, get scared and take care of yourself.

  1. Have another glass. Water, just water. Firstly, not all hangovers are over. Secondly, you look so bad precisely because the skin lacks this very water. Forward.
  2. Wash and shave. Especially if after returning home you did not have the strength or problems with coordination did not allow you to carry out hygiene procedures.
  3. Take a bath. Soaking in a warm sea salt bath for 20 minutes is priceless.
  4. Make an oatmeal mask or use a ready-made scrub. It is necessary to remove dead skin cells and increase blood circulation a little.
  5. Make a green tea compress. Brewed tea bags are a good remedy.
  6. Do some light makeup. The key word is easy. Even out the tone of the face with transparent means, no sculpting. Mascara is enough for eye makeup, gloss for lips.

The fresh alcohol smell can still be hidden by regular brushing of teeth and thorough rinsing of the mouth. Even a simple chewing gum and a cup of strong coffee will clean your mouth and remove the smell of alcohol.

The fume caused by the breakdown products of ethanol does not give up so easily, because these same products are excreted by the whole body at once. You still have to brush your teeth, but this is not enough, you need to do something else:

  1. Drink clean water. A large amount of water causes a diuretic effect, and along with urine, the breakdown products of alcohol will leave the body. At the same time, the unpleasant odor will also decrease. Basically, we are washing.
  2. Take a shower. From the skin it is necessary to wash off everything that has already stood out with sweat.
  3. Eat protein foods for breakfast: meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese. This will help the liver process the remaining ethanol faster.
  4. Breakfast should be spicy. Even a slight acceleration of metabolic processes, which spices will cause, will reduce the time of "weathering" of the fume from the body.
  5. Use medicines with succinic acid. Many hangover cures contain this ingredient. And although it will not help much from the actual unpleasant sensations, it will still become easier with the smell.

What to do to prevent a hangover from happening again

Most likely, now you are ready to swear that you will never and never again. But it was the same last time. Therefore, when you come to your senses, just study the topic and be more responsible about what, when and how you drink.

Alcohol is deadly, especially if it's fake alcohol. Poisoning with methyl alcohol, which cannot be detected in a bottle by improvised methods, leads to dozens of deaths every year. When buying alcohol, always look at:

  1. Place of purchase. No questionable stalls and delivery via taxi.
  2. Price. Good drinks don't come cheap. Better to lose money than health.
  3. Packaging. A tightly closed cork, a neck with a dispenser, good label paper are signs of high-quality alcohol. For many manufacturers, you can examine the packaging on the website to compare it with what is sold in the store.
  4. Excise stamp. You can check real alcohol using the numbers on the stamp using a special service.

Any hangover starts long before you drink your first drink. In order not to use too much and not to repent, it is necessary to carry out a festive preparation of the body for alcoholic upheavals:

  1. Warm up before the party. For example, do exercises or go to the gym. Exercise helps fight the effects of alcohol.
  2. Eat heartily. Fatty foods prevent the absorption of alcohol into the blood.
  3. Drink drugs that will help process alcohol. These are intestinal sorbents like activated charcoal (modern analogues work just as well, but you need to drink less of them) and dry yeast, which help break down alcohol.

As long as you drink, you already have a chance to make hangover symptoms less severe. The question is how to drink:

  1. Don't forget to snack and choose nutritious foods.
  2. Drink not only alcohol, but also juices and water. Hangover pain is due to dehydration, so soak the cells with liquid. Just no soda: bubbles will increase intoxication. This also applies to alcoholic beverages themselves. So don't skimp on champagne.
  3. Don't mix drinks. It really doesn't matter how many different types of alcohol we mixed and what we drank first and then what. Only the total amount of alcohol affects our state, but due to the difference in strength and tastes, it is easy to get confused in sensations and go overboard.
  4. Dance. Can't you? Go for a walk. The main thing is to move more in order to sober up a little or at least control yourself: if your legs do not hold and the walls stagger, then you will definitely have enough.

Yesterday you pretty much went over with alcohol in the company of friends, and in the morning you feel depressed and unviable?! Terrible headache, tormented by nausea and dizziness, shivering or throwing you into a fever, turning back from everything edible and previously seemingly appetizing?! And this is not surprising, because in the fight against ethyl alcohol contained in all the strong drinks that you took so actively the other day, your body spent a lot of strength and energy, literally devastating itself. How to replenish precious health now, in order to again feel the joy and taste of a full life, remains a mystery to you. But do not despair, because there are many folk remedies, as well as medications that will significantly improve your aggravated condition. What miraculous helpers are we talking about, you will immediately find out if you read our article. So, we bring to your attention the best ways to get rid of a hangover quickly and effectively at home.

Relieve your body from a hangover

It is clear that not a single celebration, and even ordinary social gatherings, can do without the adoption of alcoholic beverages. Once in our body, they relax us to the maximum and make us more relaxed in their actions. And this, it would seem, is not bad on the one hand: you communicate without embarrassment, you laugh until you drop, you joke, you are constantly on the wave of positive, but there is a big “but”. As a rule, such a rest blinds the eyes and clouds the mind in the literal sense of the word. The sense of proportion is dulled by the clink of glasses and glasses raised repeatedly, kindling a strong desire to continue the banquet. And at this moment, few people think about the consequences of such parties the next morning. After all, it’s cool today, and the impending hangover syndrome will only be tomorrow, and even then, it’s not a fact! Perhaps it will pass! Such an erroneous opinion is formed by the majority of revelers, both women and men, who then suffer, undergoing in their own skin a slow and painful process of cleaning the body of incoming toxic substances.

If you still had to face the problem of a hangover, then you don’t need to lie in bed like a dead weight, it would be more expedient to take effective measures that, with the right and reasonable approach, will save you from the consequences of intoxication.

  1. Removal of toxic substances by gentle methods. If the situation is more or less favorable, without loss of consciousness and other complications, then as an option to save yourself or a person close to you, you can resort to gastric lavage. Just remember that upon completion of this procedure, you will need to drink 2 liters of healing mineral water (not carbonated) in the next 3 hours. Of course, few people will find this method pleasant, but believe me, it's worth it. Although there is a great alternative to this approach - the adoption of enterosorbents that contribute to the rapid removal of toxins from the patient's body. This is, first of all, Activated carbon(It should be taken in powder form with a glass of water. Calculating the required dose of the drug is very simple, knowing that 1 tablet per 10 kg of human body weight. In order for the effect not to take long, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 2 or 3 hours.) ; enterosgel(if you do not know how to get rid of a hangover as soon as possible, then take 2-3 tablespoons of this drug and drink it with a full glass of water. To fix the cleansing result, you will need to repeat the drug after 2 hours.); succinic acid(It will help the body cope with detoxification, if during a period of poor health the patient takes 1 tablet every hour, but not more than 6 pieces per day.). Choose the most optimal and affordable drugs from our list to restore your lost strength and a wonderful cheerful mood.
  2. Stabilization of the acid-alkaline balance of the body. It is known that in the process of "cleansing" the body of ethyl poisons, salts, minerals and other useful substances leave our health. To make up for the lost luggage, one should resort to the use of cucumber or cabbage pickle, mineral water of the Borjomi type, a glass of water with lemon juice in equal proportions, a miraculous decoction of oats or wild rose, tomato juice with black ground pepper. No less effective nourishment for your body will be kefir, yogurt, milk, kvass or weak green tea with rosemary, ginger or chamomile, mint. These funds are perfect for those persons who, at the time of the hangover syndrome, were at work.
  3. Return of strength and vitality. To get rid of bad health after a hefty overdose of alcohol, it will be useful for every sufferer to eat at least a little. And even if you are tormented by an aversion to food, forcefully swallow scrambled eggs with cheese or bacon, and even better treat your stomach with hot beef or chicken broth. The main thing is that some fresh herbs are present in the cooked dishes, which are known to everyone for their healing properties. It will fill the lack of vitamins in the body and also reduce the level of fumes.
  4. Medical help to the body. In order for all the ailments from yesterday's party to go away, you need, of course, to get a good sleep. But what to do if the alarm clock rang in the morning, calling for the rise to work? Everything would be fine, but only the head is splitting into two parts, sick and shaking terribly, either from the cold, or from weakness in the body. Of course, special medicines will come to the rescue at such a moment, such as Zorex and Alka-Seltzer. They accelerate the process of splitting alcohol and contribute to its rapid removal from the human body. If you have found "Zorex" in your medicine cabinet, then you need to take it two capsules a day. One should be consumed in the morning half an hour before meals and washed down with plenty of water, and the second should be left for the day, despite the improvement in health. Those who have found only Alka-Seltser at home need to know that they need to take it in the evening - dissolve 2 tablets in water and drink, and then in the morning before eating in the same way. For those who have gone too far with alcohol, of course, a second medication is recommended, since it not only removes poisons from all human tissues and organs, but also relieves headaches, relieves general weakness and malaise as a result of a hangover.
  5. Cool showers and restful sleep. If you have to go to your favorite job in the early morning after a night buzz, do not despair too much. It is clear that the general condition of your body cannot be called magnificent and vigorous, so immediately jump from a cozy bed into a warm shower. It is desirable, of course, cool, but if it is too painful and unbearable for you, then you do not need to force your body. You should in this way relieve yourself of at least partially fatigue, dizziness, trembling and even a headache. After water procedures, it is mandatory to drink a cup of sweetened hot tea with lemon or a glass of orange juice. It would be ideal after taking such elementary measures to open the window in the house and fall off for an hour and sleep for 5-6 hours. But in the case of work, you can safely join the labor process without suffering too much from a hangover.
  6. Elimination of symptoms of nervousness and apathy. Since yesterday you and your friends ate, drank, had fun until you drop, and today you have to fight in a walking position with all the bunch of side effects that have come out, naturally, your colleagues will not be able to see a smile on your lips in the next half day. Your companions on such days, as a rule, are nervousness, apathy towards everything that happens, and at times even aggression towards some annoying people. In order, so to speak, not to bite anyone at work, it is necessary to take sedative pills before work. For example, the biotic "Glycine" will be the best option. Its simple constituent components of aminoacetic acid will not only quickly relieve psycho-emotional stress, but also neutralize the poisonous substances of alcohol decay that wander in the body of a drunken person. To feel and consolidate good health, you should take "Glycine" 5 times a day, 2 tablets every hour, dissolving. Also, Picamilon will be a fairly effective drug in getting rid of a hangover. It is worth taking 8-10 tablets, each weighing 20 mg, or 3-4 tablets, weighing 50 mg each, throughout the day. The result will not be long in coming - the headache will pass, you will finally be freed from anxiety and anxiety, gain new strength and efficiency, and also improve your mood.

Folk remedies for a hangover

Everyone knows that alcohol and drugs familiar to everyone are often incompatible. Therefore, in order not to risk our own health, each of us tries to find for ourselves in difficult times something miraculous and, moreover, not dangerous. So, if you do not know how to get rid of a hangover without a trace without medical intervention, you should resort to well-known folk remedies. All of them are quite simple, diverse, affordable and time-tested. The origins of some of them come from our ancestors, who were famous for their inexhaustible wisdom. Let's look at the tricks our grandparents used to save themselves from the side effects of alcohol intoxication:

  • Sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes, cucumbers and other marinades. They quench thirst well in the morning, restore the disturbed balance in the body and remove harmful substances left after the breakdown of alcohol.
  • A glass of hot chamomile infused on a steam bath will act as a peculiar and excellent cleaner. It has been known for its healing properties for a long time, so on an empty stomach, such tea, in fact, will not harm anything. By the way, if you have a terrible intolerance to the very smell of chamomile, then it is better to use an enema.
  • If you are tormented by a severe headache and frequent urge to vomit, then take a glass of cool water and add 20 drops of mint tincture to it. It is recommended to drink the prepared mixture immediately, without leaving it for later.
  • In addition to the above folk remedies, it is necessary to note the removal of hangover ailments with milk. In a glass of warm drink, add a pinch of ground black pepper, as well as castor oil - 2 tsp. Mix everything thoroughly and drink once. After that, it is advisable to lie down and sleep.
  • Take note, dear friends, that green tea with fragrant liquid honey has a beneficial effect on the body of a person suffering from intoxication. If you don't believe me, then test it for yourself. You will definitely not get any harm for yourself, only benefit and a deep experience of life. In a warm green drink, preferably without flavorings and various fruit additives, dissolve 1 or 2 tsp. honey. Mix well and drink in small sips. After a while, you will begin to sweat, do not worry, this drink is taken to fight toxins, removing them from the body.
  • For your information, willow bark will save you from a severe hangover. You can buy it in advance at any pharmacy, and at the most opportune moment, throw a piece over your cheek and chew for 3 minutes. This method will help to remove the fume and nausea.
  • A warm infusion of dandelion can be prepared by everyone at home. Get the herb, pour boiling water over it and leave it alone for 15 minutes. After that, strain and drink in one gulp. Those who are tormented by malaise and weakness, this option is more suitable than ever.
  • A decoction of oats will cleanse your body of the poisons of alcohol effectively. To prepare a healing drink with your own hands, you will need to pour 1 cup of oats with 1.5 cups of boiling water and cook for about an hour over low heat. Then strain, add 1 tsp. salt, mix and drink in small sips.
  • Curdled milk will perfectly refresh you and restore vigor.

How to quickly get rid of a hangover with drugs

Taking into account the deep experience of our ancestors, modern people have developed their own methods of dealing with a hangover syndrome. What tricks does a modern person resort to in order to put himself on his feet quickly and painlessly, let's now consider:

  • As they say, "a wedge knocks out a wedge," so pour light beer into a glass and add one raw egg to it. Stir the cocktail thoroughly and drink in one gulp. After one hour, it is recommended to eat hot meat broth.
  • A glass of orange juice should be enriched with the vitamin of a whole squeezed lemon. Then add to these liquid components 0.25 tbsp. honey. Blend everything in a blender and drink. After a while, the hangover will subside. Apple, multifruit and vegetable juices can act as a remedy.
  • Warm tea with rosemary or ginger will perfectly reflect on your well-being.
  • Our ancestors were deeply convinced that milk has healing properties. This opinion persists to this day. Modern man began to use it as a means of deep purification from the accumulated poisons of ethanol in the body after a particular feast. If you want, you can try it too: place a glass of milk, 2 bananas and 2 tsp in a blender. honey. Whisk everything and drink this cocktail, pleasant in color and taste.
  • Warm sweet Karkade tea will serve as a good source of charge and vivacity. It will relieve you of the unpleasant symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
  • Quite unusual, but tried and tested is the method of cleansing the body of toxins with a glass of kefir and mineral healing water. Mix two liquids in equal proportions and consume as soon as possible.
  • To put yourself on your feet, it is also recommended to use regular cocoa powder. It is diluted in hot water, optionally supplemented with sugar and drunk in small sips. Milk should not be added to this drink, as the expected effect will decrease.
  • Grapes and bananas during your period of incapacity will bring you back to normal.
  • Professor of Medicine Elena Malysheva believes that at the moment of a broken state, one should take an antidote - aspirin. It is great for headaches and dizziness. Or you can do it a little differently, add an aspirin tablet to a glass of cool orange juice, stir and take it as a painkiller for a hangover.
  • In addition to the above techniques, do not forget the most important thing - walking in the fresh air. It is not necessary to wind circles in the park, tiring your legs. You can just sit on a bench in a cozy square, listen to the birds singing and enjoy the riot of colors of nature. The soul will become more pleasant, and the ailments that bother you will go away unnoticed.
  • The process of cleaning the body of accumulated toxins takes place individually for everyone. Someone is given a message to eat a kilogram of ice cream, and someone manages at first difficult times with ordinary Coca-Cola. Many resort to drinking a chicory drink, and some people do not look at food at all for a whole day. In this case, it would be wiser to listen to yourself: what draws you to save yourself.

How to prevent a hangover

In order not to suffer in the morning with a heavy hangover, dear friends, you should behave wisely at the table. No need to lean on alcohol and strength to keep up with another raised glass of a friend. Always and everywhere try to be in peace and harmony with your sensitive body. Listen carefully to its inner calls and messages, then you will avoid unexpected intoxication and, accordingly, general intoxication with alcohol, which, unfortunately, does not pass without a trace for every organ. So, in order not to bring yourself to the extreme, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Empty stomach - "no" to alcohol! You should never be negligent in this case. Before going to visit someone at a feast, have a light snack to fill your body with energy. And at the time of taking vodka, wine, cognac, beer or other strong drinks, you should first please your stomach, filling it with the necessary amount of nutrients.
  2. Load up on carbs and protein. If, after taking a dose of alcohol, you treat yourself to baked potatoes with fish, chicken, vegetables and other healthy foods, then your well-being will certainly be on top. Remember, the main thing is to avoid addiction to fatty foods during the period of drinking alcohol, because your liver, already loaded with work, will “groan” and “gasp”, throwing all its strength into splitting the incoming fats and ethanol.
  3. Protect yourself with a sorbent. Before going out to visit, take a few tablets of activated charcoal or something like that.
  4. Don't make alcoholic cocktails. When taking on cognac or vodka, try to stick to the course you have taken until the end of the event. Do not jump from one strong drink to another, creating chaos and complete confusion inside your shocked body.
  5. Do not eat sweets with alcohol. Many people, especially women, have taken to snacking on chocolates, grapes, and other sweets. This is not recommended at all, since sugar contributes to the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood. Hence the sharp intoxication, dizziness and the urge to sleep.

With such a set of elementary knowledge, you will never wake up with a severe hangover. You will always be aware of your own actions, speeches and deeds. And we invite you to watch a video as additional information, in which Professor of Medicine Elena Malysheva will tell you in detail about alcohol intoxication, its consequences and methods of struggle.

Quitting alcohol is the best cure for a hangover. However, not everyone is ready for such extreme measures, especially since moderation works no worse than Prohibition. How to quickly get rid of a hangover and fumes in the morning? How to find the fastest way if the last glass was superfluous, and there is a long and hard day ahead?

Ways to properly hangover after drinking

It is not always possible to take care of the funds necessary for a hangover in the morning on the eve of the holiday. Therefore, it is necessary to be treated with what is at home.

Alcoholic drinks

First thing that comes to mind alcoholic drinks. Someone prefers to get drunk with vodka, or with what he drank in the evening. Someone chooses "light artillery" - beer, kvass, but the essence is the same.

Literature suggests cocktail, for the preparation of which beat the egg yolk, add a little hot sauce, black and red pepper, lemon juice and salt on the tip of a knife.

The mixture is poured into a glass of cognac and drunk in one gulp.

However, with such diseases, you need to drink little and carefully, but it’s better to stop altogether. The danger of the method lies in the possible disruption and "continuation of the banquet."

Pure water, tea or coffee?

Will invigorate and give strength for a while strong tea or coffee with sugar. Glucose is necessary for the brain, it is a source of energy, caffeine will speed up the work of the heart, increase blood circulation, and help the kidneys quickly remove the breakdown products of alcohol.

It would be nice to add lemon to tea or coffee.

The method is not suitable for hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular diseases.

The body is dehydrated, but the trick is that there is fluid in it, even in excess. It has accumulated in the intercellular spaces, and cells and blood vessels suffer from its lack.

To restore electrolyte balance, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Clean water is one option.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies - cucumber and cabbage pickle. They contain salt ions needed by cells.

Important! Vinegar-based marinade is not good. After drinking, the body is highly acidified, it must be alkalized, and vinegar will only aggravate the situation.

Suitable sea ​​kale, solution of soda in water. It is the pathological distribution of fluid that causes the main hangover symptoms: headache, dry mouth, and intense thirst.


  • Alcoholic beverages, especially beer, have a pronounced diuretic effect; potassium and magnesium necessary for cells are excreted in the urine. Reception will help to quickly fill their deficiency and alleviate the condition. asparkama. The medicine is sold in a pharmacy, it is better to keep it in your home first aid kit just in case.
  • vitamins, especially vitamin C, restore strength. In the morning it is recommended to lean on sour fruit drinks - cranberry, currant, drink juices - tomato, pomegranate, orange, apple.
  • Alleviates the condition of Alka-Seltzer and its analogues. Effervescent instant tablets are based on aspirin, it will relieve both and general malaise.

Hangover medications should be taken with caution in people with a sick stomach, pancreas and liver. Aspirin thins the blood, so it is not recommended for people with reduced clotting.

Complaints that hangover medicines do not bring the desired relief are most often associated with the fact that pharmacies offer low-quality medicines, counterfeits that, at best, will not have any effect, at worst, can also harm.

How to get rid of hangover nausea

Nausea is one of the most annoying symptoms of a hangover. It indicates the desire of the body to get rid of metabolic products, undigested food, alcohol left in the stomach.

The best way to eliminate it is to induce vomiting and empty the stomach. After trying to drink herbal or black tea, in small sips, without forcing events.

Pharmacies sell antiemetics, but they should not be used to treat a hangover. A good remedy for nausea and a cloudy head will be a contrast shower.

The walls of the stomach and intestines are irritated by the effects of alcohol, so chicken or fish broth without meat will give a good effect.

Fat warm drink envelops the walls of the intestines, soothes and warms. The broth contains proteins and nutrients, and such food is light enough for the body to accept.

If there is no meat in the house or there is no strength to cook the broth, it makes you sick from the smell of food, then you can quickly dissolve the bouillon cube in boiling water. Of course, there is no protein in it, vitamins too, but the body will warm up and blood circulation will increase.

How to get rid of hand tremors from a hangover

Tremor, trembling in the hands, rarely occurs in the morning after drinking. This symptom worries after drinking and requires quality medical care.

The narcological brigade leaves the house on a call and brings to life in a few hours. Chocolate, cocoa, vitamins C and B will help from a slight trembling of hands (and not only hands).

What to do with alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is a life-threatening condition associated with an excess of alcohol in the blood or the intake of substandard, counterfeit liquor.

First aid - washing the stomach with water, a bright solution of potassium permanganate, taking enterosorbents (activated carbon, polyphepan,), at the rate of 1 tablet per 5-10 kg of weight.

It will work more effectively if the tablets are crushed into powder.

Polyphepan is stirred in a glass of warm water.

Vomiting is the best way out, the faster the stomach is cleared, the less toxic substances will enter the bloodstream. In case of poisoning with surrogate drinks, qualified assistance is needed as soon as possible. It is imperative to call the doctors, because alcohol poisoning can be life threatening.

How to get rid of fumes and freshen your breath

Fume is a relatively safe, but perhaps the most unpleasant symptom of a hangover. Getting rid of it is not so easy, but you don’t want to shock the ambre of others.

  • chewing gum, especially mint, will only enhance the smell, distort it, so it is better not to use it before lunch;
  • parsley, dill will briefly freshen your breath, greens need to be chewed;
  • in many sources it is written that the fume eliminates milk, but in practice it turns out that this is not so;
  • pharmaceutical preparations, such as "anti-policeman" promise to restore freshness to the breath.

To freshen your breath, you need to have a hearty breakfast, if possible, drink coffee or strong tea. It is noticed that the fume from wine and beer is more persistent and strong than from hard liquor.

Part of the metabolic products will leave with sweat, urine, so a shower in the morning is necessary, as well as fresh clothes.

How to avoid a hangover, or the most common mistakes

  1. Do not drink on an empty stomach. Alcohol on an empty stomach will work faster and the consequences will not be long in coming. Since alcoholic beverages are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach, fatty foods - porridge with butter, sandwiches, vegetable oil - will help lower their permeability. It is worth eating about an hour before the feast, and during it - also actively snack. Food adsorbs alcohol, preventing it from quickly entering the bloodstream. "Champions" in terms of efficiency on the table are aspic and aspic, meat, fish, bread and butter, apples, lemons.
  2. Do not drink alcoholic drinks with carbonated drinks. Bubbles of carbon dioxide promote the transfer of alcohol and rapid absorption, which accelerates intoxication. And sugary drinks will make hangovers heavy. It is worth drinking vodka with water - this is how the concentration of alcohol decreases. An excellent way to reduce the risk of a morning hangover is ice in a glass of alcohol. Visually - there is a lot of drink, in reality its strength is lower.
  3. Do not mix different drinks, even "increasing the degree." Beverage processing products often exacerbate each other's effects, worsening the condition in the morning.
  4. Do not smoke during the feast. Nicotine and alcohol is an explosive mixture that guarantees a headache and a hangover in all its glory. Moreover, when drinking a person smokes a much larger number of cigarettes than usual.
  5. Move - dance, just walk to disperse the blood, stimulate digestion and skip a couple of toasts.
  6. Cold frosty air causes vasoconstriction, which in turn interferes with the normal processing of alcoholic beverages. You can’t go outside in the cold season to sober up a little.
  7. Before going to bed, even if the consequences of a great evening are only looming on the horizon and there is hope to wake up cheerful and full of energy, you need to take a shower, open the window to breathe fresh air, and not your own fumes, you can drink 5-10 tablets of activated charcoal.

It is rare to meet an adult who is unfamiliar with a hangover. After a stormy feast, your head hurts, your stomach does not work, you are constantly thirsty - this is alcohol poisoning. What to do with a hangover, what methods of treatment to use at home to quickly get rid of intoxication - the answer to this question worries many people, especially when there is no way to stay at home for a long time to heal.

What is a hangover

A few hours after drinking a large amount of alcohol, a hangover sets in. This condition is common to all people, only the dose differs. Alcohol is broken down in the body, first turning into acetaldehyde, then into acetic acid. This process takes a long time, during which a hangover is observed. In the body, the acid-base balance and metabolism are disturbed, the fluid is unevenly distributed. With a hangover, a person suffers not only physically - the decay products of alcohol adversely affect the nervous system.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Do not confuse hangover and withdrawal symptoms. The first state is directly related to taking a large dose of alcohol, and it lasts no more than a day. Withdrawal syndrome is a sign of advanced alcoholism, indicating stage 2 or 3 of the disease. The main symptoms of a hangover:

  • anxiety, guilt;
  • constipation, diarrhea, loose stools;
  • low or high blood pressure, rapid heart rate (up to 120 beats / minute);
  • severe thirst, vomiting, nausea;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • hypersensitivity to light and sounds;
  • a slight increase in body temperature, general weakness;
  • chills, turning into profuse sweating.

Consequences of alcohol poisoning

Intoxication does not pass without a trace for the body. The consequences of alcohol intake affect the functioning of almost all systems and organs. Alcohol-containing drinks are especially dangerous for the liver, brain, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system of a person. For those suffering from hypertension, alcohol intoxication threatens with myocardial infarction and stroke. With a hangover, chronic diseases are exacerbated and new pathologies develop.

How to get rid of a hangover

With a strong hangover syndrome, it is better to seek medical help. In hospitals for the treatment of alcohol poisoning, it is traditional to do a deep cleansing of the alimentary tract with the help of washing and enema. To prevent complications, glucose is administered intravenously. Detoxification is done using a dropper through which saline and vitamins enter the body.

With a severe hangover in a hospital, Ringer's solution, electrolytes, calcium chloride are infused. Plasma-substituting drugs (Rondex, Reopoliglyukin) may be needed. To restore the liver, the doctor additionally prescribes hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Essentiale Forte). To improve cerebral circulation, nootropic agents are used (Piracetam, Mexidol).

Hangover symptoms can be life threatening. You do not need to be treated at home if, after drinking alcohol, the following body reactions are observed:

  • loss of orientation, fainting state;
  • blurred vision;
  • diarrhea with blood fragments;
  • vomiting with the smell of vinegar, acetone;
  • dark urine, pain when urinating;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • asthma attacks, whistling sound when breathing;
  • icteric eye color;
  • hemorrhagic rash on the abdomen.

How to get rid of a hangover at home

There are several ways to get rid of a hangover at home. To alleviate the condition, you need to get rid of toxins. For physical excretion, an enema is used or gastric lavage is done with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If this cannot be done for any reason, then activated charcoal will help to remove alcohol. Tablets are taken once at the rate of 1 piece per 10 kg of body weight. Plain water will help fight dehydration. It should be taken not only inside, but also outside: do a contrast shower, take a hot bath, go to the sauna.


To improve the condition, you need to take medicines for a hangover at home. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: ready-made complex preparations and medicines that relieve certain symptoms of a hangover syndrome (headache, intestinal upset, and others). The list of the first is impressive, but all have a different composition. These are effervescent tablets, tinctures, capsules. The best hangover cures:

  1. Alka-Seltzer. Its composition is simple: acetylsalicylic acid, baking soda, citric acid. The drug perfectly relieves headaches, eliminates the discomfort of the intestinal tract. Alka-Seltzer cannot cope with uncontrolled vomiting and nausea. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet every 4-8 hours, but not more than 4 g / day. Do not take the drug for more than 3 days in a row. In case of an overdose, there is a violation of coordination of movements, ringing in the ears, increased sweating.
  2. Medichronal. Combined agent, the action of which is aimed at reducing acetaldehyde in the body. The components of the drug help to improve the functions of the nervous system, metabolic processes. With a hangover, the contents of 1-2 packets must be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water. The solution is taken 1-2 times / day, but not more than 7 days in a row. Among the side effects: allergies, itchy skin.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

To remove the hangover syndrome, jet-drip treatment at home is used. A dropper is the best way to help a person with alcohol poisoning, because the medicine enters the bloodstream immediately and acts immediately. Doctors, coming to the house on a call, use different medicines, depending on the patient's condition, age and other factors. Types of droppers that are made for alcohol intoxication:

  1. Blood thinning. Such droppers remove toxins, give a diuretic effect. The composition of the solution includes salt, glucose, preparations Mafusol, Reamberin. These medicines give a detoxifying effect.
  2. Restoration of acid-base balance. Acetaldehyde causes the body to slow down fermentation, increasing fatty and lactic acids, which leads to malfunction of all systems and organs. To restore balance, droppers are made with a solution of sodium bicarbonate or with Acesol, Disol preparations. Magnesia and glucose are sometimes added to them.
  3. Enrichment with vitamins and restoration of breathing. Due to the harmful effects of ethanol in the third stage of intoxication, a person may stop breathing. In this case, the drug Naloxone helps, which is dripped along with vitamins B1, C, E.

What to eat with a hangover

No hangover cure is better than the right foods. To neutralize alcohol in the blood and start brain processes, you need to drink milk, preferably warm. With a hangover syndrome, kefir and other fermented milk products help relieve symptoms. Our ancestors also treated morning headaches with cucumber pickle, sauerkraut juice or kvass, which also neutralize alcohol.

Chicken or fish stock works well. To facilitate well-being, you need to drink a cup of strong coffee with sugar or a spoonful of honey. We must not forget about the use of fluids - you need to drink more plain or mineral water without gas. To saturate the body with useful substances, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits. For these purposes, natural home-made juices are also perfect.

How to get rid of a hangover headache

In order not to suffer from a headache after drinking alcohol, you need to take care of replenishing your first-aid kit in advance. It is desirable that it contains at least one of the following drugs:

  1. Vitamin C. With a hangover, you need to drink 2 tablets at a time and drink a glass of water. You can not drink tablets with individual intolerance to vitamin C.
  2. Aspirin or Citramon tablets. For headaches, take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 3 g. Drugs are contraindicated for peptic ulcer, liver or kidney failure.

What to do if you have high blood pressure

Hypertensive patients need to control their blood pressure during a hangover. This can be done with the help of vegetable juices with honey, mixed in equal proportions. Take the mixture up to 4 times / day before meals. Beetroot, carrot and tomato juice has proven itself well. As for medicines, among them, with a hangover, they use:

  1. Enalapril. With a hangover syndrome, it is taken orally 1-2 tablets per day, regardless of the meal. Side effects may occur in the form of dizziness, nausea, convulsions, tachycardia, angioedema of the face.
  2. Diroton. To lower the pressure, drink 1 tablet / day, regardless of the meal. Common side effects: skin rash, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, general weakness.

What to do about nausea and vomiting

The most effective way to get rid of alcohol poisoning is to induce vomiting to cleanse the body. To do this, you need to drink plenty of water with salt or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After emptying the stomach, you need to take Enterosgel, use vitamins of groups C and B. If this treatment option is not suitable, then the following actions will help get rid of the symptoms of poisoning:

  • drink more water with lemon juice, which will help fight nausea;
  • a walk in the fresh air will energize;
  • if the acute attack of nausea has passed, you can eat a hard-boiled egg, drink some chicken broth and strong green tea;
  • a contrast shower will help to cheer up.

Folk remedies

How to deal with the consequences of heavy intake of alcoholic beverages, our ancestors knew well. The best remedy for recovery is sleep. Herbs will help to normalize the water balance and saturate the body with vitamins:

  • Mint decoction. Relieves headaches, eliminates thirst, calms the heart. Brew 1 tbsp. l. mint in a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take half a cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Chamomile decoction. Removes intoxication, stabilizes the intestines. Brew and drink like regular tea. You can add honey and lemon.
  • Ginger root. Great for relieving nausea from a hangover. To do this, you need to chew a piece of ginger or make drinks from it: grind, pour boiling water, add lemon and honey.

What to do to avoid a hangover

The answer to this question is obvious - do not drink alcohol at all. If you can’t give up alcohol for any reason, then you can mitigate the symptoms of a hangover if you follow some rules:

  • 2 hours before the feast, drink 50 g of vodka to adapt the body;
  • do not eat fatty foods before the holiday;
  • you can not lower the degree of alcohol consumed;
  • after each glass you need to have a snack;
  • before going to bed after the festive table, it is necessary to dilute with water and drink Bison powder, which includes succinic acid, which helps detoxification.


Help with a hangover should be competent and timely, otherwise the condition can drag on for a long time and lead to serious disorders of the body. Usually, elimination measures can be carried out at home.

But if pills and folk remedies do not help and the condition remains critical, it is urgent to call an ambulance. But most importantly, in no case do not try to "treat" with alcohol.

Hangovers usually last 24 hours, but longer periods are possible.

Why is it dangerous to get drunk?

What is the danger of a hangover in alcoholism?

Trying to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of a violent outpouring, do not drink alcohol. The opinion that a glass of vodka or a glass of beer can eliminate a hangover is wrong. After temporary relief, the same symptoms occur and even in a more pronounced form. To get rid of them, another dose of alcohol follows and the drunken stage begins.

The hangover is replaced by withdrawal symptoms. Their symptoms are very similar, but in the latter case they are more pronounced and are accompanied by additional signs of alcohol intoxication. In this case, hangover pills will not help. Requires withdrawal from hard drinking, detoxification and treatment of alcoholism.

If you regularly get drunk alcohol addiction can not be avoided. Therefore, you need to know which folk remedies and pills cope well with the symptoms of a hangover.

First steps to cure a hangover

How to eliminate a hangover?

First you need to stop the flow of ethanol into the blood. For this, gastric lavage is performed. This is especially effective if a little time has passed after drinking alcohol. But even if alcohol was consumed in the evening, but in very large quantities, such measures will also be justified with a morning hangover.

Further, it will be advisable to take the adsorbent. This may be the most common activated charcoal, it must be taken at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of body weight, washed down with plenty of water.

To relieve a headache, you can take aspirin or citramon tablets, complex preparations help well.

Drinking regime

An important component of success is the drinking regimen.

Food for a hangover

Very often, with morning sickness, you don’t want to look at food. But despite this, you need to eat. This will help remove toxins and replenish the body with lost vitamins and minerals. And also cope with the symptoms of a hangover at home. So, what dishes are recommended in this case?

To get rid of a hangover, it is advisable to have a very hearty breakfast in the morning.

  • Meat broths. They envelop the walls of the stomach, thereby relieving irritation, and well replenish the body with nutrients. You can also eat pickle, cabbage soup or borscht.
  • Scrambled eggs, bread and butter, jellied meat, sour cream, and other high-fat foods alleviate the condition. But after their use, it is worth taking medications containing enzymes. Such tablets will improve digestion and reduce the load on the liver.
  • Vegetable salads and fruits will replenish the body with vitamins and microelements.
  • Viscous porridge. A good option would be oatmeal with fruit. It perfectly envelops the mucous membrane and reduces nausea.

To quickly get rid of a hangover at home, you do not need to neglect food. After a hearty breakfast, significant relief will come very soon.


Of course, if you do not need to rush to work, a couple of hours of extra sleep will bring a healing effect. No wonder they say that sleep is the best healer.

The last critical component of hangover recovery is healthy sleep.

As a result of the negative effect of alcohol on the central nervous system, irritability, depression, an acute reaction to external stimuli occur, the slightest noise can infuriate. To eliminate these symptoms of a hangover, proper rest is necessary.

It is recommended to take painkillers, you can drink valerian or motherwort, they will help you fall asleep. After that, you should take a shower, ventilate the room well and lie down in a clean bed. After a few hours of sleep, you will feel much better.

When you need emergency medical help

If folk methods and pills do not help and you can’t cope with a hangover at home, you need to call an ambulance.

Symptoms that require medical attention.

When to call an ambulance for a hangover?

  • Acute indigestion, accompanied by vomiting with bile.
  • High blood pressure and excessive heartbeat.
  • Tremor of limbs, cold sweat.
  • Mental disorders.

If these manifestations are found, you should immediately consult a doctor. A narcologist or toxicologist will take the necessary measures to detoxify and restore the body. Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine what consequences may come. Do not prescribe pills on your own. They help only if they are correctly selected, and only a specialist can do this.

In a medical institution, toxins are removed using droppers, which have a good effect on metabolic processes and help the body cope with the negative effects of alcohol. In addition, such measures will help to avoid exacerbation of existing diseases and the emergence of new health problems.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Control not only the amount of alcohol you drink, but also the frequency of intake. This will help you avoid alcohol addiction and keep you healthy.

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