The first signs of a tumor, how to determine oncology, typical and atypical symptoms. How to detect cancer at an early stage. What is better to do: CT or MRI

In the human body, tissue changes are constantly taking place, which can be physiological and pathological character. It is very important to determine in time early symptoms of cancer, which is the key criterion early diagnosis and full recovery of the patient. In oncology, there are 15 reliable signs cancerous lesions of organs that every person must know.

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Early Cancer Symptoms: 15 Reliable Symptoms

1. Pathology of the thoracic region

Oncological alertness is caused by such changes in the area of ​​the mammary gland:

  • dryness and inflammation of the skin;
  • retraction and soreness of the nipple;
  • purulent, bloody or transparent selection from the ducts of the gland;
  • redness and peeling of the epithelium around the nipple.

After detecting early signs of breast cancer, the patient should be examined by an oncologist, who prescribes mammography and biopsy to establish a diagnosis.

2. Chronic bloating

This symptom, in conjunction with blood discharge, may signal a malignant neoplasm of the intestine or ovaries.

3. Presence of vaginal bleeding

Uterine crayfish, symptoms in the early stages which arise between menstrual cycles, requires immediate consultation with a gynecologist.

4. Changes in the skin

This symptom includes an increase in the size of the mole or its pigmentation. may indicate melanoma, which is a malignant tumor that has already metastasized to initial stage diseases. With epithelial cancer, skin thickening, bleeding ulcers and erosion can also be observed.

5. Presence of blood in urine and stool

Blood masses in the stool indicate hemorrhoids or colon cancer. Urine with blood can be considered early manifestation oncology of the bladder or kidneys.

6. Increase lymph nodes

Compaction of the lymph nodes is often a consequence of the spread cancer cells on lymphatic system. Such early symptoms of cancer depending on the type of cancer, they can be localized in the armpit, inguinal or cervical region. Establishing an oncological diagnosis in this case requires a comprehensive examination of the patient using radiography, ultrasound, computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

7. Having trouble swallowing food

Full or partial obstruction the esophagus indicates carcinoma (malignant neoplasm of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal). In addition, patients may complain of pain during swallowing or a sensation of a foreign body in the larynx. During the diagnosis, the doctor usually prescribes contrast radiography, which reveals the size and shape of the cancer focus. Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out on the basis of biopsy data taken during the endoscopic examination.

8. Unexplained weight loss

A dramatic weight loss of more than ten kilograms raises fears about cancer digestive system, pancreas, lungs or bones. Determining the cause of such changes in body weight requires the implementation, radiography and topographic examination.

9. Chronic heartburn

Patients with hyperacidity, which lasts more than two weeks, are subject to gastroenterological examination. This is due to the fact that gastritis, peptic ulcer and malignant cause chronic heartburn. When stomach discomfort patients are advised to change their daily diet. If heartburn is persistent, then the patient should seek specialized help.

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10. Mucosal changes oral cavity

Dentists indicate the need to undergo annual preventive examinations oral cavity. At the appointment, the dentist draws Special attention in the form of leukoplakia and hyperkeratosis. Tobacco smokers and people with poor dental hygiene are a special risk group for oral cancer.

11. Fever

Chronic subfebrile temperature that lasts more than two weeks is an early sign of leukemia or another type of blood cancer. Diagnosis of such a disease includes a general and detailed blood test.

12. chronic feeling fatigue

General weakness and fast fatiguability may indicate chronic disease of cardio-vascular system, vegetative-vascular dystonia or cancer. Therefore, to establish a diagnosis, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination.

13. Cough

Chronic cough that does not disappear within 3-4 weeks requires additional diagnostics respiratory system. Cancer alertness causes periodic dry cough in smokers, and especially in combination with progressive shortness of breath. This symptom often appears first. The presence of pulmonary carcinoma is also indicated by the presence of blood in the sputum after a coughing fit. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of radiography and puncture biopsy.

14. Pain syndrome

Pain that periodically worries the patient may signal the presence of a malignant neoplasm. associated with locally destructive tumor growth. In the early stages cancer pain manageable with traditional pain relievers. In the later stages, if, a cancer patient needs to take narcotic analeptics.

15. Disorders nervous system

Neurosis and depression, as a rule, accompany oncological diseases. Early symptoms of cancer central and peripheral nervous system include apathy and depressive states. These signs cannot unequivocally indicate oncology and require additional diagnostics.

Every year, about half a million Russians are diagnosed with cancer, about 280 thousand of our citizens die because of this disease. Moreover, if a neoplasm is detected at the first or second stage, then it can be cured in about 95% of cases. About how to detect cancer at an early stage, what tests you need to undergo and how to minimize the risk of cancer, the day before world day the fight against cancer told RIA Novosti director of the Herzen Moscow Research Institute of Oncology, Professor Andrey Kaprin. Interviewed by Tatyana Stepanova.

- Andrey Dmitrievich, tell us how things are in the country today with the incidence and mortality of the population from malignant tumors?

— In the structure of population mortality, malignant neoplasms occupy the second place (14.9%) after cardiovascular diseases (54,8%).

Approximately 480 thousand new cases of cancer are detected annually, and more than 280 thousand patients die. Of these, sufficient a large number of people of working age (15.5%). Similar situation largely due to the fact that people seek medical help late. AT advanced stage cancer is detected in every fifth patient, and this leads to the fact that mortality in the first year after diagnosis in our country reaches 26%. And in the treatment of cancer early stage the 10-year survival rate reaches 95% or more.

Basically, the disease is diagnosed in elderly people - from 60 years and above. The probability of developing cancer in men under the age of 60 is 8.2%, in women at this age - 8.7%. And after the age of 60, these figures look like this: 21.6% for men and 17.3% for women. So than longer duration life in the country, the more attention should be paid to preventive examinations.

In those Russian regions, where there is a high depopulation of cities and villages (young people leave, the elderly remain), mortality from malignant neoplasms, while the detection remains the same. At our institute, we maintain the All-Russian Cancer Registry, and this is nothing but the best epidemiological study, thanks to which we receive all the information on oncological diseases in the regions.

Which regions have succeeded in treatment oncological diseases?

Immunologist: if you want to cause a tumor, go to ThailandKrasnoyarsk immunologist, Researcher research institute medical problems Sever of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexander Borisov on World Cancer Day spoke about his development - a cancer vaccine. He explained why he believes that cancer treatment in Krasnoyarsk is no worse than in Europe, and advised those who are afraid of cancer to refrain from traveling to Thailand.

- In Kazan, in Khabarovsk, they work quite well to identify and treat such patients. There, primary care physicians have oncological alertness, they are taken en masse special analyzes: in men - on the prostate specific antigen (PSA), in women - on CA 125. These studies make it possible to detect prostate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women at an early stage. In women, unfortunately, the oncological incidence of this particular localization is now growing very strongly. For ten years, the increase was about 30% among women in general, and at the age of up to 29 years old it almost doubled, up to 44 years old - 1.5 times. We believe that this is related to early start sexual life, promiscuity and the spread of the human papillomavirus.

- What research should be done for men, women and at what age in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage?

Women over 39 should have regular cervical and breast examinations. Men from the age of 45 should be examined by a urologist for prostate cancer. Highly important indicator can be hidden blood in feces. For women and men over 45 years of age, we recommend taking an analysis to detect it.

Despite the prevalence of these diseases, lung cancer is still in the first place. To detect it at an early stage, fluorography, unfortunately, is not enough, so we recommend that you undergo an annual x-ray examination. Skin cancer is also a fairly common neoplasm.

Moreover, the most malignant tumor of the skin is localized on the back, on the shoulder blade. Unfortunately, she is not very worried at the beginning of the disease.

Does this mean that sunbathing is harmful?

— Of course, this is a disgrace when we go to regions where the sun bakes very strongly, and do not think at all about protecting the skin. When the local population wears completely closed clothes, we lie in the direct rays of the sun and "sunbathe" - this is no good. I also think that we have a lot of unlicensed tanning salons, the activities of which no one controls, this has been written about more than once.

Can a person himself suspect or recognize the first signs of cancer in himself?

- Crayfish lung man may be suspected only at a late stage of the disease or when the bronchus is affected and cough, hemoptysis appears. Until then, he had been completely asymptomatic. Of course, at the beginning lung cancer can be seen on x-ray but the radiologist must be experienced, competent.

Therefore, I do not cease to repeat: women should have an annual ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography. Men should see a doctor if they have urinary problems. I need to get my blood tested for PSA. It does not require special preparation, does not take much time.

Why do you think some of our citizens prefer to be treated abroad?

modern medicine has no boundaries, the best ways to deal with the disease become quickly available to doctors different countries. Treatment both abroad and in our country is carried out according to the same international protocols. Nevertheless, there are those who prefer to go to a foreign clinic. Everyone has their own reason for this. Some doctors have ceased to keep medical secrets. If a person takes certain positions, he, of course, does not want his illnesses to become public. The second reason is that some charitable organizations collect money for help abroad, in fact, children are treated in our clinics, and charitable organizations help these centers survive.

And, finally, we still have poorly developed rehabilitation after surgical interventions. Operations our experts do not worse. We recently discharged a 19-year-old girl who was denied treatment in Germany as inoperable. She had an extensive malignant retrosternal tumor. And after we operated on her, the mother of this girl showed the pictures to the German doctors. They applauded for three minutes. The girl is now at work.

Do you think it is necessary to change the order of clinical examination, especially in terms of examinations for cancer? Can primary care physicians detect a tumor in the first or second stage?

— The oncological component of the medical examination of the adult population involves two stages. At the first stage, a risk group is identified using the studies that we talked about. At the second stage, the diagnosis is specified. I believe that the medical examination in the form in which it is now taking place is fully justified.

“Early diagnosis of cancer would significantly reduce mortality. Nevertheless, unfortunately, most people in Russia prefer not to be examined, but live according to the principle “until the thunder breaks ...” How to convince the population not to adhere to this rule?

- Convince, show, prove. For example, we created the National Oncology Center on the basis of our institute reproductive organs, the purpose of which is to strengthen cooperation between doctors and patients and to popularize medical knowledge in this area.

Conquering the Fear of Death: Healing Cancer Through Helping OthersFebruary 4th is World Cancer Day. On the eve of Irina Pyatkova, who herself went through the disease and created a support group for cancer patients, told RIA Novosti about the fight against the fear of death, the power of new experiences and how helping others helps to cope with cancer.

Since this year, regularly on Saturdays, we began to spend days open doors for residents of the neighboring Northern District, we invite them to a free primary diagnosis the most common diseases. And we do it quite successfully - people go and check.

To organize a direct channel of communication with the population, receive feedback, together with the prefecture of the Northern District, created the Public Committee "Medkontrol" and intend, in cooperation with public organizations keep track of how medical care in our city. These measures, I am sure, will increase the level of mutual trust and medical literacy population.

How can you minimize your risk of developing cancer?

- Among the main causes that form the incidence of cancer, as statistics show, the leading position is occupied by malnutrition- up to 35%. In second place is smoking - up to 32%. Thus, two-thirds of cancer cases are due to these factors. We also recommend not to get involved in tanning, do not use products with dyes. And see your doctor regularly.

Crayfish - dangerous disease, but in Russia more than 2.8 million people live with this diagnosis. According to statistics, more than 7-8 million people die from cancer every year around the world. Oncological diseases are in 2nd place in the list of deaths, in the first place are cores. Although our country has entered the ranks of "developed" countries, it has not yet been identified complete treatment cancer.

Treatment becomes effective when cancer is detected at an early stage. In order not to miss this moment, you need to pay attention to any change in the body, because the causes of cancer can be very different, up to minor pain anywhere in the body.

Factors affecting the development of cancer

The development of cancer is influenced by external and internal (exogenous and endogenous), predisposing and contributing factors. It is important to recognize the causes of cancer in time and carry out necessary measures to eliminate the consequences.

Cancer Symptoms

You need to pay attention to the signs of cancer, especially if you have a predisposition to this disease.

Uterine cancer

High estrogen levels. The woman's body recognizes the development of a malignant tumor in the uterus and ovaries in time, sending a signal with the help of estrogen. However, this is an inaccurate indicator, sometimes a malignant tumor can develop even with a negative indicator.

Symptoms of uterine cancer can appear already in the last stages and in advanced form. Uterine cancer in the initial stages rarely manifests itself, unfortunately, but you can still pay attention to some symptoms. As the disease progresses, there are:

1. Allocations.

Unpleasant mucous or purulent discharge can occur with vulvovaginitis, but cancer is no exception. Special care must be taken with bloody discharges.

2. Blood discharge.

If regularly observed between menstruation bleeding, then a visit to the doctor is necessary to exclude the endometrium.

Rectal cancer

In women, colon cancer often presents with premenstrual discharge. And not very regularly, perhaps such discharge can be observed only between 2-3 cycles, and then stop altogether.

The most common symptoms are exacerbation chronic diseases genitourinary system and stool disorder.

  • Frequent urge to urinate.

The cause may be diseases of the genitourinary system, a thorough examination by a doctor is needed.

  • Chair disorder.

There may be diarrhea, changes in the amount of feces, constipation, etc. Frequent symptoms: bloody issues with feces and pain in the anus.

Lungs' cancer

Coughing up blood is the first indicator of lung cancer. Painful and dry cough may indicate bronchial asthma, but if the cough is accompanied by sputum and blood, it is recommended to be tested for the detection of cancer cells.

There are cases when lung cancer is accompanied for no apparent reason and its detection is possible in the initial stages with the help of x-rays.

Skin cancer

Neoplasms in the form of a dark color may indicate cancer. Skin cancer progresses quite quickly, sometimes there are situations of slow effects on the body.

Moles can also be harbingers of cancer: enlargement, change in color and appearance.

breast cancer

Breast cancer in the early stages can be detected if you regularly monitor the condition of the breast. An increase in size, thickening and discharge from the nipples may indicate a disease. Pain in the early stages may not be observed, so patients do not pay attention to external changes.

A progressive type of cancer is characterized by a change in color in the breast area.

Stomach cancer

You can write endlessly about the symptoms of stomach cancer, there are too many of them. It is these symptoms that misdiagnosis. Doctors often associate the symptoms of cancer with the symptoms of gastritis, without even suspecting that the most important and precious time for the patient is leaving “from under the nose”.

Other signs of cancer include:

  • Sudden weight loss.

A sharp weight loss can be observed in any disease. But if there is no apparent reason, then you need to consult a doctor. Cancer first of all "hit" the immune system, which leads to external changes in the body.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

If the lymph nodes are enlarged and do not change in size within a month, then you need to go to the doctor for a biopsy to rule out cancer.

  • Temperature.

High fever in cancer indicates inflammatory process in the body. If the temperature is constantly high, this may also indicate that the cancer affects the entire organ system.

The temperature is not a prime example for determining cancer in the initial stage, more often it rises only in the last stages.

Consciously ignoring the signs of cancer, mistakenly assuming that it is incurable, is not worth it. Even the last stage of cancer is not a sentence! At proper treatment life can be extended by several decades.

Remember! Early detection cancer increases the chances of recovery.

3 myths about cancer

Myth 1. Cancer - infection and it is recommended to stay away from cancer patients.

This myth is easy to refute even by the fact that doctors treat patients without taking special measures precautions to protect yourself from illness. Even with very long contact, the disease cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

In part, this myth has the right to be. Cancer is inherited.

Myth 2. People with multiple moles have cancer.

Any neoplasm on the skin can cause cancer. Keyword- maybe that's why all people with moles should not be classified as cancer patients.

Congenital moles are not dangerous, they just need to be monitored regularly. An increase, discoloration, itching, and other signs are a cause for concern and a visit to a doctor.

Myth 3. Cancer cannot be cured.

After terrible diagnosis, almost 98% of patients panic and 92% of them are not able to pull themselves together.

The expectation of death affects health not with better side. Numerous stresses only provoke the occurrence complex symptoms and bring the end closer. Early detection disease at an early stage positive result. There are cases in medicine when people on last stage cancer, who are no longer able to walk without someone else's help, miraculously get to their feet. There is only one reason - faith in healing and modern medicine.

The Israel Cancer Center treats all types of oncological diseases experienced doctors using modern highly qualified technology. So don't despair. Quality treatment cancer is possible.

AT overall structure Oncology ranks second. Cancer tumors can affect any tissue human body. The success of cancer treatment is largely determined by the stage at which the diagnosis was made. Therefore, you should be aware of the signs of cancer, which will help to identify the disease at the earliest manifestations.

We recommend reading:

33 symptoms that will help to suspect oncology

  1. - is one of the signs or pancreas. For a long time pain can be minor, a person and doctors most often associate it with,. However, it's better to go additional examination- FGDS or, which will help clarify the diagnosis.
  2. Dramatic weight loss- observed in tumors of almost any localization, but can be considered the leading sign of intestinal oncology. Not to be confused with weight loss due to diet or exercise - in oncology, body weight is reduced even if the patient does not make any effort to do so.
  3. Change in skin color, most often jaundice, characteristic of tumors of the pancreas and liver. It occurs due to difficulties in the outflow of bile, an increase in the concentration of bile pigments in the blood, often accompanied by a pronounced skin itching. In addition to the skin, the sclera and tongue acquire an icteric color.
  4. Cough and difficulty breathing leading signs of lung cancer. At an early stage of cancer, a dry, unobtrusive cough is noted, and as the disease progresses, it becomes hacking, shortness of breath joins.
  5. Difficulty swallowing- feeling foreign body that prevents the ingestion of food and water is typical sign cancer of the pharynx or esophagus. As the tumor grows, the patient may stop swallowing altogether.
  6. Heartburn- due to hit gastric juice from the stomach into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux). It is characteristic not only for gastritis, but also for cancer of the stomach and duodenum.
  7. Swelling of the face (or upper half of the body). Typical for the central, when a growing tumor compresses the blood and lymphatic vessels thereby causing swelling.
  8. - most tumors cause a reaction of regional lymph nodes. For more late stages metastases get into these nodes, which also contributes to an increase in their size.
  9. Increased bleeding Bruising and bruising for no good reason can be a sign of blood cancer. With tumors of the liver, the blood coagulates worse.
  10. Fatiguechronic intoxication conditions the feeling general malaise pronounced weakness. These symptoms are especially pronounced when the internal organs are damaged.
  11. The appearance of blood in the stool and bleeding from the anus after the act of defecationserious symptoms. There are also benign diseases With similar symptoms, but they can only be distinguished from cancer with the help of rectoscopy or colonoscopy.

  12. Digestive disorders
    - constipation and diarrhea, mostly chronic nature often appear in bowel cancer.
  13. Difficulties with urination- delay, increase indicate problems with the prostate and bladder.
  14. characteristic of cystitis, or sexually transmitted diseases. With tumors of the prostate in men, this symptom is also noted at the base of the penis.
  15. Blood in urine or semen-may appear in organ cancer urinary system: kidney, Bladder, prostate. In women, blood in the urine or spotting from the genital tract, not associated with menstruation, are signs of oncology of the female genital organs.
  16. Decreased libido: a sign of prostate cancer in men or ovarian and uterine cancer in women.
  17. Swelling of the scrotum and penis May indicate testicular or penile cancer.
  18. Back pain syndrome. Of course, the main cause of back pain is osteochondrosis or inflammatory diseases spine. However, in some cases pain in the back, poorly controlled by pills or simple painkillers, may be a sign of metastatic vertebral lesions.

  19. Headache
    . Sometimes it is the only sign of a brain tumor, especially if the pain is one-sided and difficult to treat.
  20. Discharge from the nipples- can appear with breast cancer, which occurs not only in women, but also in men. Simultaneously with the discharge of the patient, soreness of the chest may disturb.
  21. Weird moles and dark spots irregular shape- a form of melanoma or basal cell carcinoma skin.
  22. Fever- prolonged, sluggish hyperthermia (fever) without other signs of infection is observed in 30% of patients with oncology.

  23. Seals in the chest
    in women are signs of breast cancer. It is especially necessary to be wary of the combination of seals with discharge from the nipples. In this case, you need to urgently contact a mammologist or a surgeon.
  24. Pathological changes in the appendages of the skin - nails and hair: dull hair prone to falling out, and dystrophic changes nails (delamination, brittleness) indicate an active tumor process, in which skin, nails and hair simply do not have enough nutrients.
  25. Dysfunctional bleeding- spotting from the vagina, not associated with menstruation, is noted in uterine cancer, and in ovarian cancer.
  26. fainting- one of the signs of a brain tumor. With even greater certainty about a brain tumor, a combination of fainting with convulsions allows us to speak.
  27. Swelling in the limbs- a bump on the lower leg, thigh or shoulder can occur when malignant tumors bones (osteosarcomas). Very often, it is also noted pathological fractures- even a slight blow to the bone can lead to its fracture.
  28. Memory disorders. In young people, a decrease in intelligence, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness can be observed with brain tumors.
  29. Decreased appetite- observed in most cancers. By the way, pathological weight loss in cancer patients is also associated with a lack of appetite.
  30. sweatingabrupt change habitual skin moisture is noted in a number of neuroendocrine tumors.
  31. tides- a feeling of heat in the face or throughout the body can be not only in women during menopause, but also in some tumors of the endocrine system.
  32. mood swingsabrupt change emotional background is typical for head tumors and for some hormone-producing tumors in women.
  33. Sharp decrease in vision, loss of fields - can occur with tumors optic nerve and some structures of the central nervous system.

Important: if you experience any of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that there is absolutely nothing to fear, and these symptoms are just manifestations of another more harmless disease. But neglecting this advice is often too costly. Malignant processes, which were not paid attention in time, end in death! To get more detailed information about early symptoms cancer, watch this video review:

Signs of oncology are very fond of disguising themselves as symptoms of other diseases, so a diagnosis of cancer can only be excluded after a thorough examination. It is not for nothing that foreign experts recommend that people over the age of 30 undergo an annual preventive examination.

Gudkov Roman, resuscitator

Discussion (44 )

    Hello, woman, 31 years old, has children, stage 2 varicose veins. Worried about constant fatigue, pain in the legs (due to varicose veins), joints, back, neck, head. Lack of mood. Sedentary job, no sports bad habits no. Who to contact and what could be wrong?

  1. Hello! Please tell me how the best way cancer can be detected. What can I pass or go through something to see the stomach is there or not. My father had kidney cancer and had it removed. Now I have a panic fear that cancer may also develop somewhere. I have chondrosis and neuralgia happens. And for often not pleasant sensations in the stomach, as if it were hot and the back was on fire. On the right, in the area, there is almost no pleasant feeling, as if something is pulling. Recently had an ultrasound abdominal cavity Together with the kidneys, everything was fine. I had a head MRI a year ago and a neck MRI half a year ago. Everything is fine. Now I would like to see inside the abdomen and chest or what tests to pass so that I don’t get extra sores in my head. Please write what to do and where to start. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hello! Age 28, never had a baby I have none visible to the eye there are no neoplasms, of the symptoms that disturb me, there are constant ailments unclear what caused increased fatigue, low performance, lethargy, prolonged deep dream. Periodically there are pains in the back, in the hands, lying in one position for about 5 minutes, the hands go numb, this was not the case before, she turned to an orthopedist, the diagnosis was scoliosis and osteochondrosis. I also wanted to note that the resulting wounds, cuts began to heal much more slowly, I'm not sure if this is normal. Grandmother and mother have cancer in the family (lung cancer, breast cancer). Could you tell me what examination is needed to rule out this disease?!

  3. Hello. After pregnancy (1.5 years have already passed), the nails became very brittle, recent times fatigue often manifests itself, I don’t feel any pain, my memory has deteriorated a lot - I can talk, and then it just flies out of my head what the conversation was about, it’s hard to remember what happened in previous days, there is a decrease in vision for several minutes, after a computer, strong decline libido. Previously, they put the VSD (in cervical region, the spine is slightly turned because of this, blood is poorly supplied to upper part heads. Half a year ago, they found a big erosion. Immunity has become weak, although I take vitamins, it can be difficult to breathe. What is the reason? To whom to go? I'm 20.

  4. Good day. I suffer from intercostal neuralgia, we cannot find its main cause. (injuries and serious illnesses was not, on the x-ray no major changes, or inflammation, blood tests are within the normal range, there is no tomography in the city) The treatment gives relief for a while, but the pains return again and again, and the attacks are ever shorter. Does it make sense to take on tumor markers? Or what specialist’s advice should I get (do synningia, tests?) (by the way, the next of kin has cancer (aunt), diabetes(mother), vascular disease (grandmother died of a stroke))

  5. Good afternoon. The child had all the lymph nodes inflamed + a pimple appeared on his head, soon he turned into a sore that began to rot. A dermatologist cannot make a diagnosis within half a year. From the head I pull out the rods of pus. What could it be?

  6. Good afternoon. My mother had sinusitis, a polyp in the nose area was removed, some foreign substance was found in the head.
    Feeling very bad lately. Vomiting, dizziness, can't stand on his feet. Constant headaches. My grandmother (mother's mother) had stomach cancer. She died unfortunately. My mother and I went around all the doctors, passed the tests, but no one detected oncology. what to do how to be

  7. Hello, I am 17 years old, a few days ago there was a seal on the neck in the form of a ball, the size of Walnut. Sore throat, hard to swallow, shivering, feeling constant fatigue. Today I noticed on my shoulder small spot Brown color which hurts when you press it. Prompt, please, what is it can be and what probability of what is it a melonoma. I am very afraid of oncology, heredity is normal, there are no bad habits. Thank you very much in advance.

  8. Hello! My father has stage 4 inoperable colon cancer and is 80 years old. Skin metastatic manifestations appeared. Pale aid is being provided. Pain is relieved with morphine. But more worried skin manifestation, because it interferes with movement and causes great discomfort. are changing antiseptic dressings. I wanted to ask you about ichthyol ointment. Can it be applied to this case. On the Internet, nothing is written about the use of ichthyolka for skin metastases. Maybe everything is ambiguous, but he has nothing to lose, maybe try? Thank you!

  9. Good afternoon! Please tell me, otherwise the doctors say that if you are not particularly worried, it will pass by itself. Temperature 37-37.2 has been holding for about 3 months, general analysis blood (neutrophils 40, lymphocytes 44, monocytes 12.6, leukocytes on the verge of 4.76), cytomegano antibodies - negative, HIV - negative, Epstein Barr - negative. In principle, I don’t feel any discomfort, it happens occasionally in the stomach. Tell me what could be, or where to take tests?

  10. Hello, please tell me, my mother found metastases in the liver, but the focus itself was not found. She had pains in the liver area, but now she doesn’t, but appeared with right side there is also some kind of bulge under the shoulder blade, very strong, pain, like drilling. Maybe she doesn't have cancer? The symptoms all point to cancer. poor appetite, yellow skin, weight loss, vomiting.

  11. Hello, please tell me what it could be. Hair falls out profusely for about six months, acne on the body and on the face does not go away.

  12. Hello dear doctor. Tell me what my condition can be with: my temperature has been high for more than a year, 37.3-37.4. Several times I passed urine and blood tests, biochemistry, everything is fine. I had an MRI of the brain, no abnormalities, everything is normal, only there is a subarachnoid cyst, they said it's not scary. In the summer, amid stress, I began to have urinary retention, that is, there is urine inside, the bubble is already bursting, and I can’t get it out, as if there is a lock. It lasted a week, at that time I again passed urine and blood tests, everything was normal, they also did an ultrasound of the bladder, kidneys and everything - everything is fine, well, after a week it went away, I began to urinate normally. But in December, I suffered the strongest stress, and now since January, the 5th month begins - I can’t urinate, urine can linger for a day, I’m already suffocating, it’s full, but I can’t urinate. And for 5 months now I have been holding my breath, the air seems to be squeezing down, and only then urine is excreted a little bit. Without holding her breath, she will not come out in any way. Here's the problem. I no longer have the strength to hold my breath. And desires in general frequent, each 15 20 minutes. Conducted re-ultrasound of all lower organs, everything is perfect. I had a course of treatment with a neurologist, she treated me with pills and a dropper for a month. But not the slightest change.
    Tell me, please, what is the reason for this? More precisely, I understand that the nerves, but how can I start to urinate normally? What to do? What do you advise? Please help, I'm out of energy :(

  13. Hello, for the third week, every day after lunch, the body temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees, it all started with severe throbbing headaches in the back of the head, which lasted 2-3 days. Blood and urine tests are good. During the second week I drank cogacyl, the temperature went away, but after 3-4 days it returned again. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the spleen is enlarged, there is a suspicion of pancreatitis, the liver is normal, the kidneys too. Blood tests for hepatitis and HIV are negative. I suspect a virus herpes simplex but there is nothing on the skin. What to do, what can be?

Many people think that a cancer diagnosis is a death sentence. In fact, everything is not so bad, cancer is curable, most oncological diseases are successfully treated at the first and second stages. For this reason, early diagnosis of cancer is essential.

Symptoms that should be examined by an oncologist

    inexplicable fast loss weight, 10 - 15 kg in a few months, no change in diet, in the absence of stressful situations and without magnification physical activity. Enough early sign disease, is a consequence of cancer intoxication. Of particular concern is weight loss in combination with increased fatigue, weakness, apathy.

    Chronic pain syndrome. permanent, aching pain, not having apparent reason, in any one place, which bother more than one month.

    Bleeding of any localization. The appearance of blood in the urine, stool, sputum, vomiting of blood or " coffee grounds", bleeding from the genitals in women between menstruation - extremely dangerous symptoms especially if they have no apparent cause.

    Chronic cough - may be a sign of lung cancer. Most smokers or patients chronic bronchitis they don’t notice a cough, it becomes a habit for these people, but if you don’t smoke, and the cough doesn’t go away for more than 1 month, you should contact a specialist.

    The presence of a palpable tumor. If you find yourself in a dense formation where it was not there before, go to the doctor. This is especially true of the mammary glands and abdomen.

    Moles are difficult to distinguish from melanoma. The reason to contact the oncology dispensary is if the mole began to grow, its surface became uneven, it began to hurt, itch or bleed.

    Violations at work gastrointestinal tract. chronic constipation, in combination with feces in the form of "ribbons" or in the presence of blood in it - signs of colon or rectal cancer. chronic diarrhea, which has no cause, may be a sign of small intestine cancer.

    Long-term non-healing (more than 1 month) ulcers or cracks on the skin, in the mouth, in the vagina, etc. - a reason to perform a biopsy of this formation.

Also, preventive instrumental examination even if you don't have the symptoms described above.

For early diagnosis of oncological diseases, the following studies should be performed once a year

    radiography of the lungs,

    Ultrasound of the internal organs,

    Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS),

    Women - gynecological examination, men - a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

An oncological examination is especially important after the age of 45, and also if you have relatives who have had cancer.

In conclusion, I repeat, 90% cancer curable if detected early. True, you should not turn oncological alertness into paranoia. Everything is good in moderation.

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