What does skin cancer look like on the back? Skin cancer first signs. Basal cell skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the types of oncology that affects the external integument of a person with a malignant tumor. According to various sources, from the total number of oncological diseases, this type of cancer occupies from 5 to 10% of all cases of diagnosing the disease.

According to statistics, a malignant tumor of the skin accounts for about 10% of all cases of oncology. Today, dermatology notes an upward trend in the disease with an average annual increase of 4.5%. In the structure of skin cancer, the squamous cell form of skin cancer accounts for about 10-25%, and 60-75% for basalioma of the skin.

Skin dermatoscopy

Attention! The Cancer Society recommends that people over the age of forty undergo a medical examination at least once a year by an oncologist. This procedure will detect cancer at an early stage and produce a timely one.

What causes skin cancer?

There are people who are at risk for this:

  • white-skinned population with blond hair and eyes, as well as albino people. Dark-skinned inhabitants of the planet are twenty times less likely to encounter this type of disease. This is due to a greater degree of protection of the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • frequent visitors to the solarium and beaches are more susceptible to pathology than others, since they are most exposed to radiation. In the case of three sunburns, the risk of development is doubled;
  • people who often have to deal with chemicals in their field of activity, they can lead to mutations in DNA molecules;
  • exposure to radioactive radiation. Work at nuclear power plants or with medical equipment that has harmful radiation;
  • also residents of cities close to the sites of accidents at nuclear power plants;
  • people who have a significant amount of postoperative scars or large age spots on their bodies, moles are more likely to suffer from this disease;
  • age after fifty.

There are skin diseases, they are classified as precancerous conditions, the lack of treatment of which can lead to skin cancer:

  • erythroplasia of Queyra;
  • Bowen's disease;
  • pigment xeroderma;
  • leukoplakia;
  • senile keratoma;
  • skin horn;
  • melanosis Dubreuil;
  • melanoma-dangerous pigmented nevi (complex pigmented nevus, blue nevus, giant nevus, nevus of Ota);
  • chronic skin lesions: trophic ulcers, tuberculosis, syphilis, SLE, etc.

How to recognize skin cancer?

There are three types of skin cancer:

  1. - develops from flat cells of the surface layer of the epidermis;
  2. - occurs under a layer of flat cells during atypical degeneration of the basal cells of the epidermis;
  3. - arises from its pigment cells - melanocytes.

There is another type - it is adenocarcinoma of the skin (glandular skin cancer), which arises from the sweat glands. A fairly rare type of skin cancer.

There are a number of rules, adhering to which, the disease can be identified independently. For this, it is necessary to know the signs of skin cancer in the early stages of the disease.

What should be of concern?

  • If you notice that the nevus has become asymmetrical, for example, one half is different from the second;
  • the edges of the nevus became uneven, swelling or recesses appeared;
  • there was a change in color, the mole acquired a bluish tint, became much darker or its pigmentation is not uniform;
  • if the mole began to grow rapidly or its size is more than six millimeters;
  • when there is a scar on the skin and it does not heal for a long time or liquid begins to ooze from it;
  • causeless appearance on the skin of a spot or bump in the form of a nodule with a glossy surface with an unusual pigment (red, pink, black).

TNM classification is necessary for a more accurate assessment of the prevalence of skin cancer

T - primary tumor:

  • TX - it is impossible to assess the tumor due to lack of data;
  • TO - the tumor is not determined;
  • Tis - cancer in place;
  • TI - tumor size up to 2 cm;
  • T2 - the size of a cancerous tumor up to 5 cm;
  • TK - the size of the formation is more than 5 cm;
  • T4 - skin cancer grows into the underlying deep tissues: muscles, cartilage or bones.

N - state of the lymph nodes:

  • NX - it is impossible to assess the state of regional lymph nodes due to lack of data;
  • N0 - there are no signs of metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • N1 - there is a metastatic lesion of regional lymph nodes.

M - the presence of metastasis

  • MX - lack of data regarding the presence of distant metastases;
  • MO - distant metastases not detected;
  • M1 - Distant metastasis is present.

Assessment of the degree of differentiation of tumor cells is made within the histopathological classification of skin cancer.

  1. GX - there is no way to determine the degree of differentiation;
  2. G1 - high differentiation of tumor cells;
  3. G2 - average differentiation of tumor cells;
  4. G3 - low differentiation of tumor cells;
  5. G4 - undifferentiated skin cancer.

Skin cancer - the first symptoms of the disease:

  1. pain syndromes in the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the skin with the spread of the tumor, the pain intensifies;
  2. open sores and wounds on the body that do not heal for a long time, the appearance of ulcers on a mole;
  3. hair loss from the surface of the nevus;
  4. discoloration (darkening, lightening, uneven coloring);
  5. bleeding;
  6. active growth, doubling in half a year;
  7. the size of the mole is more than 7 mm., while asymmetric uneven edges and fuzzy borders are observed;
  8. appearance of nodes.

In the later stages of the disease, skin cancer has symptoms such as:

  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • apathy;
  • general malaise;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increase in body temperature, etc.

With complete metastasis, there may be a deterioration in vision, hearing, headaches. Without proper treatment, death is quite possible.

Diagnosis of skin cancer

To diagnose skin cancer, a number of studies are required:

Attention! If you notice any strange formation in the form of a spot, ulcer, knot, or an existing mole has changed color or has begun to grow in size, you should immediately seek advice from a dermatologist.

  • Independent research. At least once every six months, it is required to independently conduct a skin examination.
  • Doctor's examination. At the appointment, the dermatologist will carefully examine the suspicious formation with a magnifying glass or microscope. If it raises suspicion, the doctor will order tests for skin cancer.
  • Dermoscopy is a visual examination of skin formations without the use of surgical intervention, which makes it possible to significantly clarify the diagnosis of the early stages of a malignant skin tumor.
  • Biochemical research. A blood test for skin cancer shows an elevated level of lactate dehydrogenase, but it is detected in the later stages of the disease, when there are already metastases. But, a high level of this enzyme does not always indicate the presence of cancer, it may indicate other diseases.
  • Biopsy. This method is considered the main one for detecting oncology, the procedure is carried out in several ways, after anesthetizing the puncture site.

A biopsy can be taken with:

  1. scalpel, cutting off a segment of the neoplasm;
  2. blade, completely cutting off the existing build-up;
  3. with a special needle, separating a piece of tissue from the affected area;
  4. completely removing the focus of inflammation along with the surrounding tissues.

After the procedure, the obtained material is sent for cytological and histological examination.

  • Cytological analysis. This study examines the structure and shape of cells, which makes it possible to determine whether the tumor is malignant or benign. Also, this examination of skin cancer determines its type, which allows you to prescribe the right treatment, knowing which type of therapy the neoplasm is more sensitive to. The result of the examination, as a rule, comes 5-6 days after taking a biopsy.
  • The following factors indicate the malignancy of the formation. The cells look atypical, namely their nuclei are larger and darker in color, they do not perform their function and have signs of active division.
  • Histological analysis. The tissue obtained during the biopsy is combined with paraffin, which makes it harder, after which it is cut into thin sections, placed under a microscope, and stained with a special preparation. This procedure allows you to judge the malignancy of the tumor, determine how aggressive its course is and help you choose the right therapy.
    Confirms the suspicion of the presence of a malignant tumor, the accumulation of atypical cells, their large nuclei and their surroundings with cytoplasm.
  • radioisotropic study. Positron emission tomography is a new type of instrumental examination that determines the accumulation of cancer cells, reveals the presence of microtumors and distant single metastases. The procedure is considered expensive, and the necessary equipment does not exist in every clinic.

If all the examinations and analyzes performed for skin cancer confirmed the diagnosis, additional methods may be prescribed in the later stages (3-4):

Additional research and laboratory tests

Additional studies are necessary after making an accurate diagnosis and before prescribing treatment, as well as after undergoing a course of radiation or chemotherapy, surgery:

  • Ultrasound of the lymph nodes and the abdominal cavity (places of frequent diagnosis of metastases);
  • CT, MRI;
  • chest x-ray;
  • biochemical coagulogram;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemistry of blood serum;
  • analysis for the absence of diabetes mellitus;
  • blood test for Rh factor and group;
  • Wasserman reaction, as well as the determination of antibodies to HIV

Skin cancer and its treatment

The choice of method of therapy depends on many factors:

  1. tumor localization;
  2. types of skin cancer;
  3. histological and cytological structure (its type).

The main type of treatment is considered surgical (surgical intervention).

Indications for surgery are:

  • deep tissue damage;
  • neoplasm of large size;
  • relapse of the disease;
  • scar tumor.

In order to prevent re-growth of the formation, radiation therapy is often used together with surgery, the purpose of which is to finally destroy any remaining microscopic cancer cells.

Surgery has many advantages over other methods:

  • allows you to remove all atypical cells in one procedure;
  • even large skin cancer can be excised;
  • the ability to control the remaining tissues;
  • low recurrence threshold.

, as mentioned earlier, it works better with surgical treatment.

As an independent method, it is prescribed if:

  • due to health reasons, it is impossible for the patient to enter anesthesia for the operation;
  • the size of the tumor is too large, the late stage of the disease requiring palliative treatment;
  • hard-to-reach place of education;
  • relapse treatment;
  • for cosmetic purposes.

Chemotherapy as an independent method is not highly effective in skin cancer; in combination with radiation therapy and surgery, it gives better results. has many contraindications, and the course of therapy is long.

Most often used if:

  • the patient is categorically set for the operation;
  • in the treatment of recurrence of basal cell carcinoma;
  • tumor of the first stage with possible treatment with ointments based on chemistry;
  • the presence of metastases.

Additional, sparing methods in the early stages of the disease are:

  • laser destruction;
  • cryotherapy;
  • medical treatment.

Prevention of skin cancer

Prevention of skin cancer is to protect the skin from the effects of adverse chemical, radiation, ultraviolet, traumatic, thermal and other influences. Avoid direct sunlight, especially around the afternoon solstice. Use sunscreens and ointments that protect your skin from direct sunlight. Those people who work in hazardous industries must adhere to safety regulations with hazardous substances and use protective equipment.

It is also necessary to undergo medical examinations and visit a dermatologist more often. In the presence of precancerous diseases, it is worth immediately starting to treat them. Prevention of the transformation of melanoma-dangerous nevi into skin cancer lies in the correct choice of treatment tactics and the method of their removal.

Skin cancer prognosis

Mortality in skin cancer is the lowest in comparison with other oncological diseases. The prognosis depends on the type of skin cancer and the degree of differentiation of cancer cells. A more benign course of metastasis is basalioma of the skin. With timely and proper treatment, the five-year survival rate is 95%. As for melanoma of the skin, its prognosis, alas, is disappointing. The five-year survival rate is only 50%.

Skin cancer is one of the easiest to detect at an early stage, due to the visualization of the focus of inflammation. In order to make timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, you just need to be attentive to your body and not postpone visiting a doctor if suspicious neoplasms are detected.

Informative video: skin cancer prevention and diagnosis

All photos from the article

Skin cancer is a malignant neoplasm that forms on the skin surface. This type of cancer grows very quickly and forms metastases, so it is very important to know what it looks like, its symptoms and signs at an early stage.

What it is?

Skin cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of malignant tumors, which has a tendency to rapid progression with the formation of metastases. Every year, an increase in the number of cases of this pathology, which is also called melanoma in another way, is recorded, so it is very important to know what the disease looks like, its symptoms and signs at the initial stage. This will help our article, which presents photos of skin cancer of different stages, as well as photos of healthy and borderline moles.

As the name implies, this oncological disease occurs on the skin. If we talk about the number of cases of malignant tumors on the skin, they are approximately 10% from all cases of cancer. In this case, some features of the disease can be distinguished:

  • The probability of getting sick does not depend on gender, the disease is equally characteristic of both men and women.
  • Older patients with a large number of nevi (moles) are at greater risk.
  • In addition to age, the color of the skin is strongly affected, skin cancer affects mainly fair-skinned people.
  • Intensive ultraviolet treatment, both artificial and natural, has a significant effect and often provokes the appearance of neoplasms. Therefore, staying on the beach or in the solarium should be dosed.
  • Melanoma progresses very quickly, so you should know how it looks and at the first signs and symptoms, even at an early initial stage, consult an oncologist.
Formations of oncological skin disease are usually located on the hands, face, which are more often open and exposed to ultraviolet rays. However, it is important to examine all other areas of the body, such as the legs, feet, and even the scalp.

Additionally, the likelihood of getting sick increases if moles are often injured, exposed to chemical burns, exposure to heavy metals and various chemical compounds.

precancerous condition

A variety of skin pathologies, which are called precancerous, contribute to the onset of skin cancer. They are divided into several groups:

  • Optional include a situation when a neoplasm appears due to the simultaneity of several circumstances, for example, radiation injury, trophic ulcer, skin horn, scars, etc.
  • Obligate include pathologies that are borderline, the likelihood of the initial stage of skin cancer after which is very high.

Examples of obligate diseases:

  • In the presence of xeroderma pigmentosa, which usually appears due to poor heredity, the skin is very sensitive to sunlight. Early signs of pathology usually appear in childhood, which is expressed by abundant redness of the affected skin areas, their swelling and pigmentation. Subsequently, the skin at the site of irritation exfoliates, looks darkened and scarred. Unfortunately, this disease almost always passes into the initial stage of skin cancer, which is why patients rarely live more than 30 years.
  • Bowen's disease is often diagnosed in the aging male population. Its signs are the presence of a single formation on the skin on any part of the body. This ailment almost always turns into cancer and is subsequently often complicated by its other types.
  • With Paget's disease, patients have severe itching and discomfort in the axillary area, around the nipples and in the genitals, as there is the appearance of neoplasms in the form of round red plaques with a distinct contour.

If any of the precancerous diseases described are found, it is important not to delay going to the doctor, as treatment is always required in such conditions.

Types of skin cancer

The identification of certain first signs will be associated with the histological form of the tumor. We describe the most common cancer manifestations.

Basal cell

This skin cancer has several varieties:

  • nodal, most often tumors are just such. Usually the nodule is raised above the skin plane and has a red color.
  • ulcerative. The name speaks for itself, the ulcer is very painful, has a fuzzy edge and grows in diameter.
  • Surface. Visually resembles a round crimson plaque with small nodes along the periphery.
  • Sclerosing, in which scarring and areas with dead skin occur
  • Infiltrative is characterized by germination deep into the epidermis and dermis.


Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the following types:

  • Exophytic, having the appearance of a knot standing on a wide neck, in some cases the neoplasm looks like a rooster's comb. It is easily injured, after which bleeding begins and subsequent crusting.
  • Infiltrative - ulcerative with an uneven edge. It is characterized by rapid germination in tissue structures nearby, from which it is considered very prone to metastasis.

Only external signs and symptoms cannot be the basis for diagnosing skin cancer, any suspicion of its initial stage should be checked by a doctor.


Skin cancer is classified into stages, determined by the depth of pathological changes. The first stage is the initial and easiest in terms of symptoms and manifestations, and the fourth means the presence of multiple metastases.

We describe the main differences between the stages from each other:

  • 1 stage characterized by a depth of tumor germination deep into the skin by no more than one millimeter.
  • 2 stage means a depth of 1-2 mm with ulcers, or more than 2 mm, but without ulceration.
  • 3 stage- cancer cells have grown deep enough and begin to spread to the lymph nodes, forming single metastases there.
  • 4 stage– there are multiple secondary lesions in different parts of the body.

With the transition to each next stage, melanoma becomes more and more intractable, and the dependence here is far from linear. Therefore, the most important task is to detect oncology at an early stage. To do this, you need not only to be aware of how melanoma looks in the photo. Let's take a look at the photos themselves a little lower, but also know its main symptoms and signs.

Signs and symptoms of skin cancer

Despite the fact that the pathology has not been fully studied to date and anyone can get skin cancer, the main signs are distinguished by which the onset of the disease is effectively detected. Usually it is formed in place of an existing, as well as a newly formed mole (or scientifically nevus), in rare situations, cancer cells appear and divide in papilloma.

Let's describe what melanoma looks like at the initial and other stages of development:

  • Asymmetrical shape. A very important symptom is when a mole, mentally divided by two axes, has quarters that are very different from each other. At the same time, asymmetrical healthy nevi are not uncommon, so you need to track their shape in dynamics.
  • Fuzzy and blurry borders when there is no clear border separating the mole, but instead a blurred or jagged edge is visible
  • Glossy surface
  • Color unevenness, especially if shades of black red, blue appeared in the palette
  • Large diameter, due to the intensive division of atypical cells, the formation quickly becomes larger than 0.5 cm
  • Fallen hair when cancer cells destroy the hair follicle
  • If any of the above items appeared for short period of time

Photo 1. Table of signs of skin cancer

During self-diagnosis, it is important to examine hard-to-reach areas, including the scalp, mouth, nose, auricles, as well as the back, genitals, etc. If it is impossible to independently examine, you need to attract an assistant, telling him what the tumor may look like.

What does skin cancer look like in its early stages?

At the initial stage, melanoma cancer is different from other moles, however, with the help of a careful examination, you can notice the symptoms described above.

Photo 2. What skin cancer looks like

Photos of borderline moles

In the photo below, there are some signs of cancer, in this case, you should definitely visit an oncologist or dermatologist to make a diagnosis.

Photo 3. Borderline moles with some symptoms


Before starting treatment, a diagnosis is carried out, which is carried out:

  • Using a flaw detector or dermatoscope - a device with strong magnification and illumination
  • Cytological or histological examination of cell samples obtained from the tumor. Sampling methods are puncture or scraping.
  • Biopsy, taking for analysis a more massive part of a cancerous neoplasm.

In addition, a computed tomography or MRI procedure is often performed, with the help of which metastases are detected and whether there is a lesion in the lymph nodes.

The main method by which cancer is treated is the removal of a mole with a tumor by surgical excision followed by radiation therapy. Typically, such a set of therapeutic techniques can effectively fight primary and secondary skin cancer. Chemotherapy and more modern targeted therapy are used in conditions where surgery is not possible or there are numerous metastases.


The likelihood of recovery and not recurrence in the future is determined by many factors, mainly the specific type of skin cancer and the stage of development when treatment began. The superficial type is usually treated well, as it has a lower tendency to metastasize. Other forms offer less rosy prospects, since the progression of the disease from the initial to the last stage often happens in just in a few months.


Prevention consists in the timely treatment of precancerous diseases, as well as the early detection of skin cancer by its symptoms and signs, for which you need to know what it looks like.

Fair-skinned people should be very careful about being under the sun or in a solarium. After a trip to the south, it is important to carefully examine yourself so as not to miss the changes that may have begun in the moles. If a person’s work is associated with an unfavorable environment, then personal protective equipment should not be neglected and self-diagnosis should also be carried out regularly.

Skin cancer is a lesion of various layers of the epithelium, a malignant tumor that occurs during an atypical degeneration of cells. Pathology is characterized by a large number of varieties. Early stages are successfully treated.

A malignant disease often occurs through the fault of a person, due to the neglect of fairly simple rules. How to avoid cancer? How to recognize skin cancer in time? The information is useful to any reader, regardless of age.


Oncologists identify more than two dozen factors that provoke the development of malignant diseases of the skin. Sometimes a person is unable to prevent the development of the disease. In most cases, a serious pathology occurs through the fault of the patient or with a negligent attitude towards one's health.

The main causes of skin cancer:

  • exposure to radiation;
  • prolonged exposure to the open sun;
  • heredity;
  • trips to the solarium;
  • age 60 years or more;
  • senile keratoma;
  • exposure to UV rays on unprotected skin;
  • injury to moles, including when removed by folk remedies;
  • Bowen's disease;
  • complications after radiation dermatitis;
  • the effect of carcinogens on the surface of the epidermis. The most toxic: tobacco smoke, tar, heavy metals, arsenic;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • light skin, an abundance of freckles, birthmarks;
  • burns of varying degrees;
  • improper nutrition. Frequent use of smoked, fried foods, pickled, canned foods.

Oncological diseases of the skin occur in the following cases:

  • chronic hepatitis, HIV;
  • an abundance of tattoos on the body, especially in places of accumulation of moles;
  • living in southern areas with a lot of sunny days;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • melanoma dangerous nevi;
  • work associated with a long stay in the air: field work, going to sea, street trading, and so on;
  • chronic dermatological diseases.

Click here for more information about laser treatment for varicose veins.

Stages of skin cancer:

  • first. Neoplasms are small, no more than 2 mm. There are no metastases, the lower layers of the epidermis are affected. Treatment gives a good effect, it is often possible to get rid of a dangerous pathology;
  • second. A malignant tumor grows, sometimes a slight soreness is felt. Lymph nodes are not yet affected, occasionally there is a single metastasis in a nearby lymph node. With timely detection and treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable;
  • third. Lymph nodes are affected, there are no metastases in the organs yet. The tumor enlarges, becomes bumpy, mobility is limited due to the germination of the tumor deep into the tissues. Patients often have a fever. The percentage of survival is reduced to 30%;
  • fourth. Advanced cases are very dangerous for the patient. The tumor, often with ulcers, erosions, bleeding, captures large areas. Metastases grow deep, affecting the cartilaginous tissue, skeleton, liver, and lungs. The patient is constantly in severe pain. Poisoned by toxins, the body is unable to resist. Only a fifth of patients survive.

Often, the diagnosis of skin cancer is heard not by the patient, but by his relatives. For most people, two short words mean the collapse of plans and hopes, a dead end from which it is difficult to get out. For this reason, relatives often hide his diagnosis from the patient.

Meanwhile, it is possible and necessary to fight for life. The initial stage of cancerous tumors on the skin is successfully treated. Even in the second and third stages, active resistance to the disease, faith in one's own strength works wonders.

With adequate treatment, the patient can enjoy life for a long time. Cases are described when patients with the most severe, the fourth stage, lived much longer than they were given by doctors.

What you need to know about skin cancer treatment:

  • treatment methods are chosen by a dermato-oncologist or a council of doctors (in severe patients);
  • the age of the patient, the size of the formation, the number of metastases, the type of pathology are taken into account;
  • the main method is the removal of atypical cells and tissues, radiation therapy, or a combination of both methods;
  • during the operation, areas of healthy skin near the formation are captured;
  • control of the complete removal of cancer cells is mandatory. Examination of the edges of the wound with a special device allows you to determine whether the affected tissue is completely excised.

The main methods for removing cancerous tumors:

  • laser excision. A carbon dioxide or neodymium laser is used. The risk of infection and bleeding is minimal;
  • electrocoagulation. The method is suitable for removing small tumors;
  • cryodestruction. The destruction of a cancerous tumor with the help of low temperatures is suitable for combating minimally invasive, superficial neoplasms. A biopsy is required before the procedure, confirmation of a weak rooting of the tumor.
  • at the initial stage, a small area of ​​the lesion - close-focus radiotherapy;
  • with large superficial neoplasms - irradiation with an electron beam;
  • photodynamic therapy;
  • chemotherapy of the affected areas with cytostatics (mainly with basalioma).

Note! Radiation therapy will help prevent the development of metastases, recurrence of cancer. The technique is suitable for alleviating the suffering of inoperable patients in the palliative period. Irradiation actively suppresses the development of metastases.

Prevention and prognosis

Studies have shown that the lethal outcome in malignant tumors of the skin is much lower, with a similar pathology of other organs.

Take note:

  • the most dangerous, rapidly progressing form is melanoma;
  • the easiest to treat is the superficial variety with a rare occurrence of metastases - the basal cell form;
  • squamous cell carcinoma with proper therapy and constant monitoring gives a high percentage of five-year survival - up to 95%.

How to protect yourself from skin cancer:

  • be less in the open sun, especially from 11 am to 4 pm;
  • use sunscreen;
  • when working in hazardous areas (thermal radiation, radiation), use protective equipment;
  • forget the way to the solarium;
  • eat smoked meats, fried foods as little as possible;
  • limit the amount of alcohol, give up cigarettes;
  • monitor the condition of the epidermis, if strange moles appear or existing formations change, make an appointment with a dermato-oncologist;
  • monitor the health of the skin, treat pathologies of internal organs;
  • strengthen immunity, be less nervous. A weakened body is “easy prey” for various sores.

Now you know a lot of details about such a dangerous pathology as skin cancer. Consider the recommendations of experts, take measures to prevent atypical changes in cells and be healthy!

Next video. Learn more about skin cancer from Living Healthy:

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among the entire population of the earth. It does not have clear prerequisites, but it develops more often in people with fair skin, those who spend a lot of time in the open sun and among pensioners.

Recently, an increased incidence has been observed in women who spend a lot of time in the solarium.. However, someone can spend their whole life sunbathing in spas and beauty salons without having any skin problems at all. The causes of skin cancer sometimes lie in a genetic predisposition.

But it can be said unequivocally that no skin diseases are as dangerous as cancer. In most cases, the likelihood of death is quite high without the necessary treatment. It all depends on the stage of the disease. Pay special attention to any signs of skin cancer, and immediately consult a doctor if there is at least some suspicion of this ailment.

Therefore, you need to know the symptoms of skin cancer in women and men in order to avoid serious health problems in the future.

The danger of cancer is that it can easily be confused with any other skin diseases.. It may appear as follows:

  • a change in the appearance of a certain area of ​​​​the skin, accompanied by pain and itching;
  • previously unobserved elements of a large rash;
  • non-healing wound;
  • trophic ulcer, from which it is impossible to get rid of;
  • papillomas and moles that change their appearance over time.

Particular attention should be paid to such manifestations:

  • unusual darkening of the skin area with subsequent growth;
  • ulcers that do not heal for a long time, from which an ichor is released. They may also simply have a wet surface;
  • compaction of a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, while it rises slightly above the general surface;
  • redness, itching and induration around the affected area.

If there is any doubt about how to recognize skin cancer, it is better to consult a dermatologist to confirm or refute a possible diagnosis.

Skin adenocarcinoma

A fairly rare form of skin cancer, often occurring in places where the sweat and sebaceous glands accumulate. These can be folds under the mammary glands, inguinal region, armpits.

A characteristic feature of this form of the disease is a small, bluish-purple nodule, which increases rather slowly. The tumor rarely metastasizes and grows to a large size.

Pain, as a rule, occurs only when ulceration and infection enter the wound.

If the tumor is removed surgically, a recurrence of such a formation often appears in its place.


Perhaps this is the most dangerous skin cancer. However, it is quite rare. It is characteristic that 90% of the patients are women. Most often localized on the face, chest, limbs. The first signs of skin cancer are a change in the color of a mole, that is, a nevus.

It can be bright red or gray shades. The shape of the birthmark also begins to change, its edges may blur or become jagged. All these changes occur over a short period of time. In place of the mole, swelling, swelling may appear, it becomes glossy in appearance.

Itching and redness appear in the area of ​​the birthmark. But brown or black spots can also appear on previously clean areas. Formations may have inclusions of other shades, for example, white, blue or red,

The biggest danger is that the tumor grows quickly enough and grows into the subcutaneous areas of the body. In the process of development of skin oncology, multiple metastasis occurs with penetration into the circulatory and lymphatic systems, bone tissue, brain, lungs and liver. Tumor tissue in the foci of screenings develops rapidly and rapidly. Metastases appear in different places, and even after surgical removal they again take a relapse.

If the tumor process has affected the lymph and blood, the patient's life is approximately 1 year. At a later stage of the disease, the following symptoms may appear:

  • general intoxication of the body;
  • swollen lymph nodes, especially in the groin and armpits;
  • various seals on the skin with increased pigmentation or complete discoloration;
  • the appearance of a dark gray skin tone on the body;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • paroxysmal cough;
  • previously unmanifested persistent, severe headaches;
  • loss of consciousness, convulsions.

Basal skin cancer

This is the most common type of skin cancer.. It is this form that occurs in 75% of all patients with skin oncology. The basal tumor practically does not allow metastasis, and apart from manifestations on the body, it has no other signs.

Skin cancer on the nose, hands, feet and head are the most common sites of cancer. The most common localization sites are the hairy parts of the body. The tumor can be either single or multiple.

A cancerous tumor is a round and oval formation of red, pink and white. They always protrude slightly above the general surface of the skin.

Squamous cell oncology is detected in approximately 10% of skin cancer cases.. Its manifestation is characterized by localization at the site of dermatitis, old scars, trophic ulcers. As a rule, an oncological tumor has the appearance of a red scaly plaque with clearly defined edges. The plaque is quite easy to injure, after which this place does not heal for a long time. Most often, localization occurs on open surfaces, limbs, face, in particular - on the lower lip. Often the site of the tumor becomes bleeding.

An external tumor often grows into deeper tissues, which is accompanied by constant, severe pain. Cancer metastasizes to lymph nodes. More often this occurs in cases of localization on the face.

Squamous cell tumor in the early stages is detected quite often. The development of skin cancer from an early stage to a later stage is rather slow, so the patient has a lot of time for treatment.

How to identify skin cancer

  • Skin cancer can be detected at an early stage. In most cases, the tumor develops on the open body, more often on the face. A appearing spot or other kind of formation is accompanied by pain and itching. You can also highlight the following characteristic features:
  • persistent spot on the skin with fuzzy boundaries, it increases over time;
  • the appearance of a small sore that cannot be treated;
  • sudden change in a mole;
  • the appearance of an unusual formation of purple, black or blue hues. It can also be pink or bright red;
  • hard formations with a flaky surface and their development;
  • the appearance of a white spot resembling a scar.

First of all, you should contact a dermatologist to discuss education and its subsequent diagnosis.. Only after the appointment of treatment, you should begin to take any action to eliminate the problem. You should not postpone visiting a specialist for a long time, as the consequences of skin cancer are always extremely unpleasant.

For the treatment of a benign cancerous tumor, which is the majority of formations, it will be sufficient to remove it mechanically, followed by a histological examination of the patient. These procedures are carried out at the outpatient stage. Chemotherapy is added to the elimination of a malignant tumor. If there are metastases, they are also surgically removed.

Melanoma treatment has its own specifics:

  • surgical removal;
  • the use of radiation and chemotherapy.

It should be borne in mind that the earlier the stage of the disease. the higher the patient survival rate.


Prevention of the disease will prevent serious consequences and the need for complex treatment. It consists in the following:

  • damaging factors that determine the possibility of the disease should be eliminated in advance;
  • existing pigmented formations must be constantly examined;
  • Immediate contact with a dermatologist or treating physician if disturbing symptoms are identified.

It should be remembered that skin cancer is easier to detect than any other cancer. The main thing is not to start the disease, and in time to take the necessary actions to eliminate it.

Skin cancer is a fairly common disease in any country in the world. For this reason, everyone should be able to independently recognize the onset of a malignant process and contact an oncologist (or dermatologist) in a timely manner.

It is advisable to inspect the surface of the skin after water procedures. To do this, you need to have sufficient lighting. It will be much easier to notice the skin when using fluorescent lamps in the bathroom. In addition, try to periodically inspect yourself in natural light, because. some skin manifestations are not visible under artificial lighting.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following phenomena:

  • new moles appeared, especially in a short period of time;
  • there were formations rising above the skin. If these formations are black or red, we consult a doctor immediately;
  • old moles suddenly began to change color, size, sprouted hair, bled;
  • minor scratches and wounds do not heal well.

As a rule, the listed symptoms are relatively painless, so patients rarely treat them.

You do not need to be a doctor in order to recognize the symptoms of an onset of the disease - it is enough to show interest in your own health. skin integument can proceed in a very diverse way: the speed, color and shape of the formations can be very different. This is due to which cells are “interested” in the oncological process.

Signs of basal cell carcinoma (basalioma)

It develops from the basal layer of the epithelium. Most (up to 75%) of all cases of malignant neoplasms of the skin. The least malignant process, rarely metastasizing to other organs.

It is usually located on the face and neck. It begins to grow rapidly, significantly destroying the surrounding tissues. It looks, depending on the type of basalioma, in different ways:

  • nodular-ulcerative type appears on the eyelids, in the nasocuccal folds. The process begins with a small pink or red hardened formation (nodule). After some time, the nodule enlarges, ulcerates and becomes covered with a "fat" coating. Along the edges of the enlarged formation, a dense inflammatory pearl-colored roller is formed. With a pigmented form, a black color of the formation is possible;
  • nodular (nodular) form basalioma is one large hemisphere through which spider veins are visible (telangiectasias);
  • warty form spreads over the skin in the form of protruding spherical formations resembling cauliflower;
  • perforating form occurs when a basalioma is combined with physical trauma. In this case, the tumor develops rapidly, quickly destroys the surrounding tissues;
  • ulcer in the center it can scar, and the process spreads further - this is typical for the cicatricial form of basalioma;
  • surface form(pagetoid epithelioma) - usually occurs in closed areas of the body. Does not rise above the surface of the skin. It looks like pearl spots up to 4 cm in diameter. Unlike other basaliomas, it does not destroy the surrounding tissues; it can behave calmly for decades;
  • turban swelling(Spiegler, cylindric) appears on the scalp. Violet-pink nodes from 1 cm in diameter, on a dense stem. The surface of the nodes is covered with telangiectasias.

Features of squamous cell skin cancer

It occurs in every fourth case, develops and metastasizes both in depth and on the surface. Looks like a plaque, knot or. The color of elements of squamous cell carcinoma varies from scarlet to brown. The appearance of these elements may be accompanied by itching, tingling and discomfort. Unlike the basal cell form, it can appear in any part of the skin.

  • surface form squamous cell carcinoma begins with a patch that begins to itch. Over time, an ulcer forms, the spot grows, new elements appear nearby;
  • infiltrating(penetrating) form - a dense knot is formed, which ulcerates quickly enough. The ulcer is quite deep, black dead tissues are visible at the bottom, smelling rather unpleasant.

If any ulcers appear on the skin, especially with their rapid development, you should immediately contact the oncology dispensary. This type of cancer spreads very quickly.

  • mushroom(papillary) form looks like a mushroom - a knot on a leg. Such "mushrooms" bleed easily, may be covered with a crust;

Apocrine adenocarcinoma - a tumor of the sebaceous glands of the skin

It occurs only in places of accumulation of sebaceous and sweat glands - in the groin, armpits, under the mammary glands. A small papule appears. Gradually increases and can grow into muscles and tendons. Occurs rarely.

Melanoma and its main characteristics

The tumor develops from altered melanocytes (pigment-producing cells). As a rule, black nevuses (birthmarks) are the source of melanoma, especially those subjected to constant friction. Typical localization of such nevi is the palms, soles, scrotum.

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