Do you take hydrogen peroxide orally? Possible side effects. A blood stream rich in atomic oxygen

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent healing agent. When used correctly, it can become a panacea for many, even intractable diseases.

In the human body hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and atomic oxygen, which is facilitated by a special enzyme - catalase.

In addition, hydrogen peroxide, being a powerful oxidizing agent, plays a significant role in the process of cleaning the cells themselves from toxins and toxins.

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, tasteless and odorless liquid. Hydrogen peroxide is also called perhydrol, hydroperite, hyperon, laperol ... H 2 O 2 is an oxygen-containing drug, discovered by the French chemist Tenar L.Zh. in 1818, he called it "oxidized water". Hydrogen peroxide is a strong antiseptic, widely used throughout the world as an external, disinfectant and hemostatic agent.

Intake of hydrogen peroxide orally (rules):

  • to take hydrogen peroxide inside, you must use a well-purified solution.
  • you should start with small doses, namely, 1-2 drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in 1-2 tablespoons of water. During the day, this procedure is repeated 2-3 times. In the following days, the dose is increased by adding one drop until a single dose reaches 10 drops.
    The total amount of hydrogen peroxide taken per day should in no case exceed 30 drops.
  • take hydrogen peroxide only on an empty stomach, since the presence of food in it increases the negative effect of the drug. This means that at least 2-3 hours must pass after the last meal. And after taking the drug, you should refrain from eating for at least 40 minutes.
  • it is desirable to take the drug cyclically. After a 10-day intake, a 3-5-day break is made. The next cycles can be started with 10 drops, but in no case increase the dose. High concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can cause burns.

It should be noted that the first time hydrogen peroxide is taken orally, severe intoxication of the body can occur, and the condition will worsen dramatically. This is quite understandable and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that hydrogen peroxide is a very active substance and, once in the body, immediately destroys bacteria.

Another not very pleasant, but at the same time, a good sign of the beneficial effect of hydrogen peroxide on the body can be the appearance of all kinds of skin rashes and inflammations. Through them, toxic substances are removed from the body. This inconvenience will not last long.

Finally, another property of hydrogen peroxide plays a huge role: its ability to oxidize toxic substances - both those that enter the body from the outside, and the waste products of the body itself.

In the treatment of diseases with the help of hydrogen peroxide, vitamin C must be supplied to the body, which significantly increases the strength of the effect of H 2 0 2.

You can cleanse the body before starting treatment with hydrogen peroxide using a plant-based diet.

Sometimes when taking hydrogen peroxide, other unpleasant symptoms may appear, such as nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia, etc.

In these cases, you can reduce the dose, but it is not at all necessary to stop taking peroxide, since the solution is so weak that it is absolutely safe, but there will still be a beneficial effect. A little patience, and the result will be a significant improvement in health.

And one more piece of advice, before you start the procedure of taking hydrogen peroxide inside, you should take care of cleaning the body. Otherwise, the effect will be significantly slowed down.

The father of the internal use of hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 in Russia was Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who is called the man of the year 2002. He began research on H 2 O 2 back in 1966, being engaged in medical support for space flights at the closed Research Institute of Medical and Biological Problems.

The main thing is to be careful and avoid overdose. I repeat: 30 drops per day, no more. I also recommend regularly rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide in 50 ml of water.

The same solution can be instilled into the nose, 10 drops in each nostril. It is also suitable for external use in the form of compresses, which should be applied to sore spots for 1-2 hours.

So, hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 is needed for additional pumping to atomic oxygen, which the body always lacks, especially with physical inactivity, multi-storey buildings, boiled food and boiled water.

There are no contraindications to taking hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2.

According to some Western sources, doctors do not recommend using hydrogen peroxide treatment for those who have any transplanted (transplanted from a donor) organs. Due to the high degree of active influence on the redox processes in the body, as well as the general effect on the immune system of the human body, there may be difficulties associated with tissue compatibility.

A short list of those diseases that are successfully treated using hydrogen peroxide:

  • Infectious diseases: SARS, tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract: rhinitis, purulent inflammation of the paranasal and frontal sinuses, pharyngitis (both acute and chronic), purulent (external and middle) otitis media;
  • Cardiovascular system: stroke, ischemic heart disease, varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • Neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis, stroke, osteochondrosis;
  • Metabolic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus and immunodeficiencies of various origins;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases: bronchiectasis, emphysema, lung cancer;
  • Dentistry: stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, periodontitis and periodontitis.
  • Skin diseases: fungal infections, eczema, cancer.

Toothache can be relieved with hydrogen peroxide, for which you need to dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in 1/2 cup of water. This solution should be kept in the mouth as long as possible, then spit out and repeat the procedure, filling the oral cavity with a new portion of the solution. Repeat several times.

Possible adverse reactions to taking hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes:

  • skin rashes,
  • nausea,
  • drowsiness,
  • unusual fatigue,
  • symptoms similar to colds (runny nose, cough),
  • less often - diarrhea.

Peroxide intravenously:

Atomic oxygen, which is formed during the decomposition of H 2 O 2, is detrimental to any pathogenic organisms. Therefore, after the first intravenous injections, an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees can be observed. This is due to the intoxication of the body with dead microbes. That is why, at the first introductions of H2O2, it is necessary to be careful and introduce it in small portions. Let me explain what this means. After mixing 20 cubes of saline with 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide, we take 1/3 of this amount for the first injection, half for the second, and 3/4 for the third.

American doctor Farr in 1998 makes the following discovery: the best oxygenation of tissues occurs by introducing into the blood ... hydrogen peroxide! When administered intravenously, H 2 O 2 causes an increase in the rate of metabolic processes by 2-3 times!

Without exception, all Western authors, and first of all, the already named leaders of peroxide therapy, C. Farr and W. Douglas, take a firm position: intravenous hydrogen peroxide can be used for treatment purposes only by a doctor and at the same time, those who are well acquainted with the mechanism of its action, as well as those recommendations on the percentage of the solution and the features of the introduction, which are confirmed in practice. Professor Neumyvakin never ceases to repeat the same thing.

Peroxide Treatment Books

Attention! There are also books on sale about peroxide treatment, I publish links, including Neumyvakin's book. All of them are very inexpensive.

"Hydrogen peroxide: on guard of health"

"Hydrogen peroxide is a miracle of recovery. Home treatment"

It was she who healed broken knees and abrasions on the elbows. But the healing properties of peroxide are much wider. Thanks to her, they heal:

Heart and blood vessels;
- Digestive organs;
- Joints and spine;
- Respiratory system;
- Skin.

"Hydrogen peroxide. New possibilities of application"

This very inexpensive medicinal and hygienic product is distinguished by a variety of applications in which it can be used: to preserve the freshness of food, as a bactericidal component in toothpastes, or to disinfect furniture and other objects.

Detailed information on the use of hydrogen peroxide in rheumatic diseases and cancer, as well as numerous recipes for external use, are collected in this practical guide.

Hydrogen peroxide is a medical solution used for both topical and external use. It can be used both for its intended purpose and for alternative methods offered by traditional healers.

Hydrogen peroxide and its properties

Hydrogen peroxide, as the simplest peroxide, refers to complex substances in which the association of several oxygen atoms is observed. It can act as an independent solvent, or completely dissolve itself in alcohol, diethyl ether and water.

Peroxide has the following properties:

  1. Acts as a bactericidal agent. Glucose oxidase, which promotes the formation of this peroxide, has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. If an excessive content of H2O2 is observed at the cellular level, this leads to cell oxidation. This process is called oxidative stress.

This solution can give both positive and negative results on human health. It all depends on the dosage and how it enters the body.

Ingestion or Neumyvakin's method

In addition to its intended purpose, peroxide is often used internally. This method of treatment was developed by the famous professor Neumyvakin and it consists in the gradual intake of peroxide. Studies have been conducted for more than one year and have successfully proven that, with the correct intake of this substance, it is absolutely safe for health. But even after careful study, there are people who oppose this use of peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide fights viruses, microbes and other pathogens.

This drug solution has the following effects on the body:

According to Neumyvakin, oxygen therapy involves taking hydrogen peroxide orally according to a certain scheme. In this case, drops of the substance must be necessarily diluted with water with a gradual increase in their concentration.

Table. Features of the dosage of the drug:

According to a similar scheme, the solution is taken up to 10 drops. Upon completion of 10 days, the course is interrupted for 3-4 days, after which it continues for another 10 days with a concentration of 10 drops. Such therapy is useful only if the recommendations are carefully followed and the concentration of the solution is gradually increased.

Benefits of taking hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is taken only with purified water and at a correctly calculated dosage, other liquids in combination with the substance change its composition and do not benefit the body.

To prepare diluted peroxide, you will need warm drinking water, which is almost identical in composition to the main component. The intake of pure peroxide leads to a chemical burn of the mucous membranes, followed by bleeding.

Purification of water with hydrogen peroxide is dangerous by overdose and subsequent poisoning of the whole organism.

With proper dosage, hydrogen peroxide has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. The main benefits of the drug can be roughly divided into three categories.

Impact on the gastrointestinal tract

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide are based on a well-known truth: the main health problems begin with malnutrition. The solution, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, decomposes into free molecules of oxygen and hydrogen. Its absorption occurs immediately through the mucous walls of the stomach, getting into each of its cells. As a result, this happens:

  • normalization of acid-base balance;
  • suppression and removal of all decay and decay products;
  • healing of wounds, small ulcers and erosion;
  • stop bleeding.

A peroxide solution should be chosen as a treatment for heartburn, stomach acid disorders, and also for intestinal diseases.

Blood flow saturation

Reception of diluted peroxide contributes to the saturation of the whole organism with atomic oxygen. This treatment method is called oxygen therapy and is suitable for every modern person. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular exercise, oxygen starvation is observed in the body.

Due to the regular lack of oxygen by cells, reduced physical and mental activity, sleep disturbance and other negative changes are observed. The action of peroxide is aimed at replenishing the number of oxygen molecules in the blood and in all tissues of the body.

Scientific studies have shown that when a pure substance is injected directly into the blood, the number of lymphocytes increases by more than 30%. These facts show that our immune barrier is much stronger than its standard capabilities.

Cleansing the body

Hydrogen peroxide is a good oxidizer of toxic substances, which allows you to cleanse the body of excess slagging. So when it gets inside, a large amount of urea and ammonia is quickly excreted.

Peroxide therapy also treats a person for alcohol poisoning, including during drinking bouts.

Harm peroxide solution

Hydrogen peroxide itself is non-toxic. However, its ingestion in high concentrations on the mucous membranes and respiratory organs can lead to severe burns.

Highly concentrated H2O2 works as an explosive substance of chemical origin. Getting inside, it leads to pronounced destructive changes, the actions of which are similar to alkalis.

In a certain dosage, the solution can be fatal. In this case, the concentration may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. It is generally accepted that the lethal dose consists of a 30% peroxide solution per 100 ml of water or other liquid.

If one of the above effects occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor!

An overdose of hydrogen peroxide is fraught with the following complications:

  • burns of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • internal bleeding;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • drowsiness and loss of strength;
  • burning sensation in the area of ​​​​the organs of the digestive system;
  • allergic reactions in the form of a runny nose, cough and rashes;
  • other side effects.

Negative phenomena can be observed not only during the reception of such a solution, but also at the end of the full course. If during therapy all systems of the human body perceived the resulting solution as doping, then after its termination, performance will noticeably decrease. This is due to starvation of cells and tissues.

To reduce the risk of side effects, H2O2 therapy is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and according to the scheme prescribed by him, and upon completion of the course, carefully monitor the state of your body.


The solution can be combined with all medicines, except for antibacterial drugs. At the same time, hydrogen peroxide is drunk at intervals of at least 50-60 minutes after the use of other drugs.

Despite its natural composition, this therapy has some contraindications:

  • organ transplant;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

A medicine such as a solution of hydrogen peroxide has its positive and negative sides. Before using it, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, calculate the dosage correctly, and also weigh the expected result and possible risks. This is especially true of treatment methods, the benefits of which are not 100% proven.

Taking hydrogen peroxide orally in Russia was popularized by Dr. Neumyvakin. Is a drop of peroxide so harmless? And what difficulties do patients face in treatment?

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic

Can hydrogen peroxide be used internally?

Hydrogen peroxide (perekis vodoroda) is one of the powerful universal antiseptics for ingestion. It is able to have a restorative effect on the body due to additional free oxygen: tissues are actively nourished, metabolism improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract stabilizes, a person is full of strength and glows with youth. So why is this therapy not recognized?

The effect of peroxide on the human body with the wrong dosage is detrimental. It is for this reason that doctors prefer not to include peroxide in the prescription.

What is hydrogen peroxide used for?

Indications for the use of hydroperit inside:

Hydrogen peroxide can be instilled into the ears

With oncological formations, liquid is administered intravenously. Medicine is categorically against such therapy, citing an unscientific approach, the placebo effect and a mass of deaths with similar treatment.

However, peroxide is gaining a following even among medical professionals, such as Ed Maccabe, George Williams, and the Russian doctor Neumyvakin with his famous regimen.

Medicinal properties of peroxide

Peroxide is equivalent in benefits and harms. Medicine considers its influence from several angles: for cleansing the body, healing, nutrition.

Positive sides

There is not a single organ or system in the human body that would not be exposed to the positive effect of peroxide at a suitable dosage. We have grouped the list of benefits into 3 main categories:

Healing of the gastrointestinal tract - treatment of the whole body

Peroxide treatment is based on the truth - health problems from poor nutrition. The breakdown of peroxide in the gastrointestinal tract is the release of hydrogen and free oxygen. It is absorbed directly into the walls of the stomach, instantly penetrates into the cells, therefore, first of all, the work of the digestive tract is improved:

  • acid-base balance returns to normal;
  • antiseptic suppresses and removes all processes of decay in the digestive tract;
  • heal wounds, erosion, eliminate bleeding.

Hydrogen peroxide heals cuts and wounds

The solution helps with heartburn, problems with stomach acidity. A healthy intestine assimilates many times more useful substances, which is reflected in the overall tone of the body.

A blood stream rich in atomic oxygen

Peroxide also saturates the entire body with oxygen, which is called oxygen therapy. Almost every one of us suffers from oxygen starvation due to banal hypodynamia - inactivity. Peroxide fills this gap. Atomic oxygen is carried through the bloodstream and along the way nourishes the cells of the body, destroys microbes. It has been scientifically proven that after an intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide, lymphocytes increased by 30-35%. This means that the immune barrier is one third of its normal strength.

Oxygen is transported throughout the body through the blood

Oxidation property as a cleaning method

Peroxide is an oxidizing agent of toxic substances in the human body, which is why it is useful for slagging of the body. For example, ammonia and urea are excreted many times faster and in large volumes. Therapy is appropriate after alcohol poisoning, hard drinking.

The harm of hydrogen peroxide

The list of risks with an excess of antiseptic is huge:

  • burns of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • internal bleeding;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • blockage of blood vessels (in the kidneys and liver mainly);
  • stomach ache;
  • general intoxication:
  • allergies (usually hives, runny nose, cough);
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • burning in the esophagus, stomach.

Hydrogen peroxide can cause burning in the esophagus and stomach

With such symptoms, immediately interrupt the course and go to the hospital. Peroxide is able to corrode the mucous membranes to bloody ulcers.

Another case is the deterioration of well-being after the course. That is, the body perceived peroxide as doping. Without it, performance has fallen, tissues are starving. But you can not drink peroxide without a break. What are the benefits of such courses? It's like eating 3 times a week.

Another risk is the treatment and its consequences you take on yourself. No one will compensate for the impact on health if the therapy does not suit you or is too concentrated.

Is it good to drink hydrogen peroxide with water?

Even necessary. It is correct to drink peroxide in water (if the dose is small, reasonable and preferably prescribed by a doctor). In combination with other drinks, it is useless, as it can change the chemical composition.

Warm, purified water at room temperature is the best peroxide pair. Their composition is almost identical and does not affect each other in any way: the difference is one unit of oxygen (H2O - water and H2O2 - peroxide).

Consume hydrogen peroxide only with room temperature water

Taking drops inside without liquid contributes to a chemical burn with bleeding. The first rule: drinking undiluted peroxide is prohibited!

Purifying drinking water with peroxide is dangerous. The risk of overdose, burns and poisoning is too high.

Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive drug that is widely used in everyday life and medicine. This tool is a universal antiseptic. When ingested, it increases the content of atomic oxygen molecules in tissues, providing a restorative effect on cells. Hydrogen peroxide improves metabolism, normalizes the digestive system, fills a person with energy. Positive effects are observed only with proper use of the drug. Incorrect dosages adversely affect health.

What is hydrogen peroxide

This substance belongs to the class of peroxides and belongs to antiseptics and disinfectants. Peroxide is highly soluble in water, has strong oxidizing and reducing properties. It is used in medicine, everyday life, industry. The drug is produced in the form of a 3% solution for external use. The composition includes the following components (per 100 ml):

  • medical hydrogen peroxide - 7.5–11 g;
  • sodium benzoate - 0.05 g;
  • prepared water - up to 100 ml.

The product is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid. Available in several types of bottles. Each container is packed in a cardboard box with instructions. There are the following types of containers:

  • glass bottles and dropper bottles with a screw neck, a polyethylene stopper, a screw cap, with and without a gasket - 40 and 100 ml each;
  • bottles made of low-density or high-density polyethylene, with a screw-on plastic cap, gasket or special nozzle - 40 and 100 ml;
  • bottles with screw-on plastic caps and gaskets - 500 ml and 1 thousand ml.

Medicinal properties

The drug is used to cleanse the body, restore and nourish cells and tissues. These effects determine the following medicinal properties:

  • Improvement of the digestive tract. Peroxide, getting into the cavity of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, breaks down into hydrogen ions and free oxygen, is absorbed through the walls of the organ and enters the nearby cells. The tool helps to normalize the acid-base and electrolyte balance, suppress the processes of decay in the gastrointestinal tract, heal ulcers, wounds, erosions.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an antioxidant that saturates the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen. This increases the content of lymphocytes, contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. The activity of cells of the immune system is enhanced.
  • Peroxide contributes to the effective removal of ammonia and urea, which slagging the body; Eliminates the consequences of drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Peroxide solution is a strong antiseptic, kills pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses.
  • Free oxygen molecules promote tissue regeneration by improving their nutrition, vasodilatation, and increased blood flow. A side effect is a decrease in blood pressure.
  • It is believed that hydrogen peroxide normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism, acting on intracellular processes at the molecular level.

Indications for oral use

The use of hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes is practiced in alternative medicine. It is recommended for violations of the work of various organ systems and infections. It is believed that the remedy is effective as a means for ingestion with the following indications:

How to drink hydrogen peroxide

To use the drug inside, you must first mix it with warm purified water. It is forbidden to drink undiluted solution. Use for medicinal purposes is possible in compliance with the following proportions: no more than 10 drops of the product per 30-50 ml of water at room temperature per dose. The daily dose should not exceed 30 drops of a 3% peroxide solution. The duration of the course is 20-25 days, you can repeat the treatment several times a year. It is possible to use the solution for 2-5 days with breaks between them lasting 2-4 days.

How to drink according to Neumyvakin

Russian scientist and doctor Neumyvakin developed a scheme for taking peroxide orally. The basis of his method is the use of an aqueous solution of peroxide, increasing the concentration of the agent taken. Treatment begins with a minimum dosage, which is gradually increased to the maximum acceptable. Next, you should take a break. Continue treatment with the drug of maximum concentration. The scheme for using the remedy according to Neumyvakin consists of the following points:

  • Day 1. Add 1 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to 50 ml of water. You need to drink the remedy 3 times a day 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after it.
  • Day 2. Increase the concentration of peroxide to 2 drops per 50 ml of water. Apply in the same order as the first day.
  • Day 3. 3 drops of peroxide are added to 50 ml of water. Taken 3 times.

Then, every day, increase the concentration of the peroxide solution by 1 drop (per 50 ml of water), bringing it up to 10 drops on the tenth day. The frequency of use of the drug remains the same. Then you need to take a break for 2-4 days. Continue the course with 10 drops, without increasing the concentration, for 10 days. The total duration of treatment is 22-24 days. The number of courses per year depends on the patient's condition. There are reviews proving the effectiveness of this treatment method.

For medicinal purposes

  • Hydrogen peroxide for colds. The solution is drunk, diluted according to the Neumyvakin scheme described above; injected into the nose, dissolving 6-8 drops of the drug in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. For the treatment and prevention of influenza, runny nose, acute respiratory infections, 3-5 drops are instilled in the morning and evening.
  • With sore throats, they additionally gargle with peroxide, adding 1 teaspoon of the medicine to 70 ml of boiled warm water. This procedure is carried out 3 times a day for 3-5 minutes.
  • For ear diseases, a dilute peroxide solution (a few drops of the product in 30-50 ml of water or warm olive oil) is instilled into the ear canal.
  • With stomatitis, the mouth is rinsed with a weak solution of peroxide (1 teaspoon of the product per 50-100 ml of water) 2-3 times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide for cancer. The solution inhibits the growth of benign and malignant tumors; metastasis - due to an increase in the content of free oxygen molecules, activation of cells of the immune system. The treatment regimen is standard, given above (according to Neumyvakin). In the advanced stages of cancer, you can increase the concentration of peroxide from 10 to 25 drops under the supervision of a physician.

How to drink hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body

For weight loss

There is an opinion that taking hydrogen peroxide is effective for weight loss as an appetite suppressant. With the use of this medicine, the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and proteins by cells improves. Slags are removed from the body, fat and carbohydrate metabolism improves, which contributes to weight loss. The regimen remains the same, they drink the drug on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is until the desired result is achieved. Every 10 days of use, it is worth taking breaks of 2-5 days.

Good time of the day! You have landed on an alternative medicine site peroxide and soda. Before you start reading the article, we ask you to go to our communities on social networks and give possible comments on the development and materials that we share. If the communities are of interest to you, subscribe:

1) Please describe how you learned about the possibility of using peroxide for the prevention and treatment of diseases? (please describe in more detail)

Answer: it was a long time ago. Most likely looked.

2) Are there people among your friends and relatives who used hydrogen peroxide?
Answer: no

3) Why did you decide to use peroxide? Did something bother you? Have you seen results in other people? Just out of curiosity?
Answer: it is tempting to find a panacea, especially since there is a ratio in peroxide. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are useful for the body, because it lives by them ...., but ...

4) In what way and method did you do prophylaxis (treatment) with peroxide? Describe the methods, dosages and possible conditions at different dosages?
one. . Condition: As with all users of peroxide again. Lightness, performance. After a month of taking the body gets used to it. The effect is imperceptible, this does not mean that it is not there.
2. Exceeding the dosage by 2 ... 100 times. Condition - see No. 1
3. Replacement of toothpaste. The term of use is 6 ... 7 years. In the mouth 1..3 tablespoons of H2O2 until gas formation stops. Spit out. No side effects. Mucous is normal. Teeth are not destroyed. Minus - It is necessary to remove tartar.
4. Use in the steam room. There is no noticeable effect.
5. Through the skin introduction of H2O2. After the steam bath, douse yourself with cold water. Wait 1 min. Rub the body with peroxide. Consumption - 50 ml per carcass. Condition: Incredible lightness, performance. Inability to sleep.
6. subcutaneous injection of H2O2 (good article about). Insulin syringe. 1 ml for 6…10 points. Condition: euphoria, as in an oxygen overdose.

5) How did your prophylaxis (treatment) go? What were the symptoms? How did you feel?
Answer: peroxide is NOT a PANACEA.
Could not (which happened during climate change). I had to do jala neti 3 times a day for 1 week.

6) What are the results of treatment? How did your condition improve? Are the illnesses gone? Has the mood risen? And other…

7) Have you used other drugs with peroxide? Which? What are the results?
Answer: I clean my body 2 times a year. The condition is consistently good. Diseases are minimal and transient.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide can be harmful to the body

10) Do you know stories from the lives of other people who were treated with peroxide and the results of their treatment?
Answer: NO
The interview was taken from Alexander Alekseev. You can find it at the link

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid with an inherent metallic taste used to cleanse various wounds and injuries from viral microorganisms that can infect the body.

What is hydrogen peroxide and its biological properties

The liquid belongs to the simplest peroxides, which are complex substances in which oxygen atoms combine. In an unlimited amount, peroxide can be dissolved in water, in ethyl alcohol, diethyl ether, and in itself is an excellent solvent.

Hydrogen peroxide has the following biological properties:

  • It plays an important protective role as a bactericidal agent for the body - the glucose oxidase enzyme, which promotes the formation of hydrogen peroxide as a result of redox reactions, can have an anti-inflammatory effect and a disinfecting effect;
  • With an increased occurrence in the cell of the substance H2O2 causes its oxidation, which leads to cell damage, called oxidative stress.

By its action, hydrogen peroxide has both positive and negative effects. This limit depends on the dosage, so the amount of intake of this solution into the body must be strictly controlled, because instead of a therapeutic effect, it is possible to achieve a negative effect of peroxide on the cells and tissues of the body.

Medical uses of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective medical solution for local and external use, characterized as an effective disinfectant with an anti-infective effect. For medicinal purposes, it can be used for its intended purpose, as well as in an alternative technique promoted by traditional healers.

H2O2 acts and has a therapeutic effect:

  1. With diseases of the heart and blood vessels, expressed as a violation of blood circulation and manifested by various pathologies of the arteries and veins.
  2. During prolonged inflammation of the bronchi, flowing into a chronic condition.
  3. When the normal contraction of the alveoli is disturbed, which affects the unstable supply of oxygen to the blood and the irregular removal of carbon dioxide from it. This failure causes respiratory failure and leads to emphysema.
  4. In case of increased sensitivity of the body to allergens, manifested by painful symptoms and an inadequate response to various substances.
  5. With blood cancer (leukemia).
  6. Colds, diseases of the oral cavity.

Peroxide serves as a conductor, which makes it possible to additionally enrich the human body with atomic oxygen, which is always in short supply.

Ways to use peroxide for medical purposes:

  • external use;
  • intake.

External application is the most common method by which it is possible to carry out effective treatment of skin lesions caused by external influences and characterized by a violation of the integrity of tissues, these can be various cuts, wounds, scratches. Processing with peroxide allows you to produce a disinfecting effect, which has a positive effect on preventing the occurrence of an infectious process.

The substance destroys and removes microparticles and foreign components from the damaged area of ​​the skin, formed as a result of interaction with objects that caused a mechanical violation of the epithelium. Also, peroxide is effective in the fight against pathogenic microflora, the hallmark of which is not a very effective fight against immunity is the appearance of tissue inflammation, manifested by purulent fluid.

Pus is a cloudy liquid (exudate) released into the tissues or body cavities during inflammation from elastic tubular formations - blood vessels. Suppuration is a very dangerous process that can not only interrupt the healing of tissues, but also contribute to the infection of their integral particles, leading to the destruction of an increasing area of ​​the epithelium. The use of hydrogen peroxide in this environment will not only clean the infected surface, but also destroy the harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation.

This process is as follows: the membrane of a dead cell contains a catalase protein molecule, when the infected area is treated with hydrogen peroxide, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the peroxide breaks down and forms atomic oxygen, which by its nature is the strongest oxidizing agent that kills pathogenic microorganisms.

The use of such an effective drug will serve as an excellent help, destroying infectious processes and leading to faster healing of tissue damage. The external method of using peroxide is also the safest and is considered the target in the use of this substance.

In addition to the intended use of the substance, it is also possible to use it alternatively, which has a beneficial effect on the body, reviews of the intake of which characterize hydrogen peroxide as a solution capable of not only saturating cells with oxygen, but also preventing the formation of malignant tumor neoplasms caused by a pathological change in the state of the cell.

An alternative method is to use the substance inside as a drinking agent, which was reflected in detail in the writings of Neumyvakin. Hydrogen peroxide is also actively used in compresses, mixtures, drops and serves as an excellent tool with a disinfecting and analgesic effect.

The use of the substance in cosmetology

Peroxide is also common in cosmetology, since this component makes it possible to achieve effectiveness in getting rid of acne, the appearance of which is provoked by inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and the substance effectively blocks the inflammatory process, thereby preventing the formation of acne.

Periodically wiping the skin of the face with a cotton swab dipped in a 3% solution, it is possible to remove oily sheen and dry the skin a little, clean the pores, and get rid of the greasiness of the skin.

But excessive use of peroxide for cosmetic purposes can cause irreversible processes of changing processes in the skin, since from the stress received, the body can actively start the process of perspiration for protective purposes to maintain the normal condition of the skin.

Neumyvakin's technique

Hydrogen peroxide is popular as a folk remedy when taken orally. There are techniques that reveal the beneficial properties of the liquid, when various methods of using the solution can get rid of many ailments.

The most famous innovative method of use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is the healing scheme of I.P. Neumyvakin, which opens in the gradual intake of hydrogen peroxide and allows you to reveal the wide possibilities of the action of the substance on the human body.

Essence of innovation

Thanks to many years of research, scientific discoveries and practical display of theoretical skills, Neumyvakin came to significant conclusions. Since the human body is constantly attacked by microbes and viruses, to combat them, white blood cells and granular leukocytes produce the oxidizing agent H2O2, which inhibits microbes, from water and atmospheric oxygen.

This chemical substance is able to restore the normal functioning of metabolism, redox processes, be the initiator of an increase in the body's immune resistance, stimulate the normal state of cells, preventing the formation of various pathologies.

Method Implementation Method

To do this, one drop of 3% peroxide is diluted in 50 ml of water and drunk three times a day. Every day the number of drops of a 3% solution increases, and after ten days, 10 drops per 50 ml are already diluted. some water. Such a healing mixture is drunk half an hour before eating, and when they reach the mark of 10 drops, the reception is interrupted for three days. Then start again and already with the final dose and for the same period, also combining breaks between oral use.

The positive effect of peroxide according to Neumyvakin

  • with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), take 15 drops of a solution diluted in a tablespoon of water. The resulting medicine is dripped with a pipette into each nostril a few drops and get rid of the mucus formed in the nose by blowing it out;
  • when suffering from osteochondrosis (degenerative-dystrophic damage to the tissues of the spine), a compress with an analgesic effect helps. To do this, the fabric is moistened in peroxide and applied to the disturbing area, for the greenhouse effect, the bandage is covered with polyethylene and wrapped over with a good piece of warm cloth. In this state, spend 15 minutes, after which the compress is removed. Several of these procedures will help get rid of pain;
  • if the mucous membrane of the throat is inflamed, which is expressed by the appearance of a sore throat, then rinsing the mouth with a solution will help in the fight against the disease: a teaspoon of peroxide is diluted with a quarter cup of water;
  • in case of dental disease, which is expressed by a violation of mineral metabolism and blood supply to the gums, and as a result leading to periodontal disease, a mixture of baking soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, in a ratio of 3 g of soda to 10 drops of juice and 20 drops of H2O2, will help. The resulting mixture is used to clean the teeth, for a therapeutic effect after such a procedure, they refrain from receiving food and liquid for 20 minutes.
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