Effective exercises for a thin waist in a week. The best waist exercises you can do at home

What should be the waist circumference, what determines the waist size, a set of exercises for a thin waist, simple secrets of a beautiful figure

Every woman dreams of a thin waist, because this is one of the manifestations of femininity, one of the integral components of a beautiful figure, one of the symbols of female beauty.

To make our figure perfect, we are ready to make any sacrifices and endure the most terrible torments. In the old days, women wore corsets and tightened them tighter, and all so that the waist seemed even thinner. The fashion at that time was a bit strange. A girl who did not wear corsets was considered ill-mannered or too extravagant.

This way of giving elegance to the silhouette is not entirely acceptable these days. Yes, and it is not safe for health. Corsets have been out of fashion for a long time. And in this we are, of course, very lucky. Putting on a corset is the pinnacle of courage, and wearing it all day long is a real feat. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to such tests.

But you can go in another, more pleasant and productive way: spend only 20 minutes daily on exercises for the waist and soon enjoy the changes in your appearance, and in a month buy yourself a fitted dress that you have long dreamed of.

So, how to make the waist thin and narrow at home


The transformations are starting. If you're ready, we'll get started. Let's start with how much waist a woman should have.

For the cherished 90-60-90, many of the fair sex are chasing like crazy. But we are very different, so there cannot be a single standard for everyone. To determine the optimal indicator, you need to subtract 1 meter from your height. For example, if your height is 167 cm, then a waist of 67 cm would be ideal for you, but not 60, as many people think. Everything is very individual and depends on the width of the bones, age, physique, height. If a woman with a height of 167 cm has wide bones, then her waist may be wider than 67 cm. Each body type has its own parameters.

There is another way to determine the volume of the waist: if the circumference of the chest and hips are approximately the same, then the proportions with the waist volume, which is 70% of the hip circumference, will be ideal. They look harmonious and look very beautiful.

No need to adapt to some beauty standards. The desire to constantly work on yourself and change for the better is wonderful. But the desire to meet the standards of beauty invented by someone is just not beautiful, but rather dangerous.


But what if you really want to have a wasp waist?

This will help us very simple, and at the same time effective exercises that can be performed at home, and it will take only 20 minutes daily for this.

Waist size depends on many factors: thyroid health and hormonal levels, the volume of the muscles of the abdomen and back. If there is excess fat on the abdomen, you must first get rid of it, and only then pump the press and “make” the waist, because otherwise the fat will turn into muscles, and the volumes will remain.

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up your muscles well. This is a must, and 5-7 minutes is enough. Do lunges, squats, circular rotations with your feet, you can just dance vigorously or do a few stretching exercises: lean first to one toe, and then to the other (you can sit), while standing, stretch your arms up, down, to the sides and back.

Each exercise is best done carefully, slowly, 10-15 times. It is advisable to do 2 approaches. It is very good if you can bring the amount up to 20 times. You can not make sudden movements, because this training provides for a careful attitude to the spine.

These exercises are very effective and allow you to achieve good results if you do them regularly.

Of all the proposed, you can choose the exercises that you like best. Start each exercise on the side that is comfortable for you (for a right-hander, this will most likely be the right side, and for a left-hander, the left side).

Standing, feet shoulder width apart

  1. Circular movements of the body. We put our hands on the waist. We perform turns first to the left, and then to the right, while the lower part of the body should remain motionless.
  2. Tilts. Hands behind your head, back straight. We bend the left elbow to the right knee, and vice versa.
  3. Matches. Scatter a box of matches on the floor. Standing in one place, we lift one match, each time fully straightening.
  4. Mill. With arms spread apart, we lean first to the left, then to the right. This exercise is done vigorously.

We squat on our knees

We put our hands on our shoulders or fix them on the back of the head (so as not to help ourselves with our hands) and squat first on the right and then on the left side. We try not to tear our knees off the floor and perform squats smoothly, without jerking.

Sitting on the floor

We put our legs as wide as possible, raise our hands and hold them at shoulder level and slowly turn the body to the right. Do the same to turn left. If you get tired, lie on your back and relax your muscles. When you rest, repeat the exercise again.

Lying on your back

  1. We pull to the side. The back is straight, the legs bent at the knees are on the floor. The left hand behind the head, the left shoulder comes off the floor, while the right one remains on the floor, and the right hand reaches for the heel. Then we change sides.
  2. Legs straight, arms on the floor (bent as if we are holding onto something). We turn the head to the left, and the feet to the right, without lifting the body from the floor, and vice versa - we turn the head to the right, and the feet to the left.
  3. Everything is exactly the same as in the previous exercise, only the legs are crossed. First we put one foot on top and perform turns, and then the other.
  4. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. This exercise is a continuation of the previous three. In the same way, we lower our knees to the right, and the head to the left, knees to the left, head to the right. We try to touch the floor with our knees or lower them as low as possible.

This was the last exercise. Now you can praise yourself and relax.

To all this, you can add swimming, breathing exercises, exercises for the press. If you wish, you can purchase a gymnastic hoop. It will help make your waist thinner and stronger: excess fat will go away, and muscles will become stronger. Hoop exercises are suitable for all ages.

It is better to practice 2-3 hours before meals, and if you have just eaten, wait at least an hour.

With desire and patience, every woman can make her figure the way she wants, and waist size is no exception. Of course, for this you need not only to exercise, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to a proper diet. If there is excess weight, you need to gradually get rid of it.

The main thing is gradually!

Sitting on diets is harmful to health. Try to change your diet towards naturalness: eat more fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and less sweets and fried foods. Drink plenty of water. And make dinner easy and healthy, especially since with the approach of summer it is very easy. Only a very lazy person finds it difficult to make salads in summer and eat them as often as possible. So the waist will emerge, and the silhouette will become more elegant.

Of course, the female gender has one funny feature: as soon as the weight reaches the desired mark, and it would seem that everything is as it should be, a new problem arises - I want to distribute this weight in a different way. Such is she, female nature, we always want to correct something, improve it, only we sometimes forget that we are loved not for a thin waist, long legs or big breasts, but because we love ourselves. There are things much more important than external attractiveness, because the latter is impossible without harmony. Therefore, in the pursuit of perfection, try not to lose the most important thing - your individuality and spiritual beauty. Love yourself and be happy!

There are several ways to make a thin waist. You need to choose exercises, wear corrective underwear, eat a balanced diet.

Many girls dream of a wasp waist. But to achieve the effect does not work with the help of diets. Extra pounds go away, and the waist remains far from ideal. The problem spoils the mood: you have to wear loose clothes. On the beach, many girls are embarrassed to walk in an open swimsuit because of their protruding tummy. But there are ways to make your waist thinner in a week without exhausting exercises and diets.

Waist width depends on several factors:

  • diet;
  • heredity;
  • Lifestyle;
  • figure type;
  • birth of children;
  • age;
  • hormonal background.

There is no escape from heredity, someone has a flat tummy and a thin waist given by nature. Other girls have to compete for ideal forms. You can refuse your favorite sweets, reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, drink more water. Then the extra centimeters will slowly begin to go away.

To achieve ideal forms, select special exercises. The main thing is that you have the right habits. A healthy lifestyle should become the norm. Try to do physical exercises regularly, and not according to your mood.

After childbirth, many women are unhappy with their figure. Blurred forms cause inconvenience to their owners, cause a bad mood. You need to take control of your weight. Then the desired result will be achieved.

Hormonal restructuring begins in the body after forty years. At this point, the ovaries produce less estrogen. Calories are converted into fat, not muscle. The production of the androgen hormone increases, the volumes in the waist area increase. The testosterone level during menopause, on the contrary, falls, the metabolism slows down - the waist grows fat.

Knowing the features of your figure and body, you can successfully fight for beautiful forms. The fight must be waged on all fronts.

How to make your waist thinner

Even in a week it is possible to remove extra centimeters if you change your taste habits and focus on physical activity.


If you love these products, you will soon see the desired changes in the figure:

  • fresh fruits, vegetables;
  • cereals in moderation;
  • lean meats;
  • legumes;
  • nuts and seeds - about a handful a day;
  • olive oil;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • fish.

When switching to proper nutrition, you need to carefully choose products in the store. But there are many tempting products on the shelves that may seem quite dietary. For example, muesli. However, if they are glazed, contain chocolate and sugar, they are very high in calories. After eating a portion, you will not get a diet snack, but a full-fledged dessert.

Therefore, it is better to make muesli on your own - dry the oatmeal, in the oven, add a handful of frozen berries or fresh fruits, pour low-fat yogurt - a healthy dessert is ready.

If you have a sweet tooth, prepare yourself a healthy dessert: grind dried fruits in a blender, mix with honey. Roll into neat balls. Eat small meals instead of sweets.

Try to cook the meat correctly: do not fry, but bake in foil, cling film or stew. This way you will eat fewer calories. Replace white bread and pastries with grain products. They are healthier and healthier.

Waist exercises

You don't have to wear yourself out at the gym to lose weight. There are simple ways to make a thin waist at home.

Doing standing exercises:

  • slopes . Place your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt. Watch your posture - do not stoop when you do the exercises. Lean as much as possible first to the left, and then to the right ten times in each direction. Make sure that your feet do not come off the floor while doing the exercises.
  • forward bends . Stand up straight. Hands behind head. Bend over and try to reach your left knee with your left elbow, and your left knee with your right elbow. As you lean forward, lift your foot off the floor.
  • We raise matches . This is a fun waist exercise that you can do with your child. Scatter matches or chips, cards, and pick up objects on the floor. Don't be lazy every time, bend over. At the same time, the children will be busy!
  • Mill . Stand up straight, lean forward a little. We wave our hands in different directions. First, it is enough to do the “mill” for two to three minutes. Gradually increase the time.

We make a rug, lie down on the floor. We continue the exercises:

  • We lie down on the left side, leaning on the elbow of the left hand. Raise your legs twenty times. We repeat the exercises ten times on each side.
  • We get on the right knee. We stretch with the right hand to the left foot. We repeat 5-10 times. We rest for five minutes. We get on the left knee. We stretch with the left hand to the right foot.
  • We do exercise bike. Raise your knees and twist your torso. Goodbye extra centimeters and kilograms!

Remember your childhood. Then we did not think about how to make the waist thin. They ran fast, jumped rope, twisted the hoop, spent a lot of time outdoors. You can try to do the same now.

We change the proportions - we tighten the back and buttocks

You can make the waist thinner by changing the proportions of the body. If the back becomes wider, and the buttocks are more voluminous, the waist will visually be more pronounced. You can achieve this effect with the help of strength exercises. Features of female physiology will not let you turn into a “pitching” due to overtrained muscles, but the figure will tighten up, a beautiful relief will appear. Noticeable results can be most effectively achieved in the gym, under the guidance of a coach.

For home conditions, there is a very useful set of workouts -. It is a combination of exercise and deep breathing. Each pose acts on problem areas - buttocks, back, legs, abs, waist. The only condition for a quality workout is a free stomach.

With the help of bodyflex, you won’t be able to lose much weight, but the figure will become seductive, toned, extra centimeters will disappear. The main thing is to master the breathing technique, learn to strain and relax the muscles.

Five Deep Breathing Exercises:

  1. Exhale all the air through your mouth.
  2. Inhale quickly and with noise through the nose.
  3. Push all the air out of the diaphragm through the mouth. Get the sound "groin".
  4. Hold your breath and pull in the press for 8-10 counts.
  5. Breathe in and relax.

For the buttocks, do the following exercises:

  • Get on all fours. Rest your elbows on the floor. Turn your palms down. Look ahead. Raise your right leg up while holding your breath. At the same time, pull the sock, the knee looks down. Fix the position at the top point and count to eight. Lower the leg, relax the muscles, take a deep breath. Do the exercise three times for each leg.
  • Lie on your back and do the breathing exercise. Hold the air, raise your legs at a right angle. Reach to the feet with your hands. Do not lift your shoulder blades and shoulders off the floor. Hold at the top for eight seconds. Take a breath and relax. Do three approaches to consolidate the result.

Exercise "diamond" perfectly strengthens the back, abs, arms. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you. Slightly round your back, close your hands with your palms together. Do a breathing exercise, tighten your abs, keep your hands closed. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Take the basic posture.

There is another very effective exercise for the back. You need to lie on your stomach. Close your hands in a lock on the back of your head and slowly raise your body. Stay at the top for a few seconds. Get down. We repeat the exercise several times.

How to make your waist thinner in a week

You can lose weight even in one week if:

  • Don't be lazy and do your workouts.
  • Eat properly.
  • Connect beauty treatments.

Warming procedures with a special belt will quickly make the waist slim. Be sure to read the contraindications before you start.

Wraps will help those who wish to have a wasp waist. They can be made at home.

Three effective wraps for a wasp waist:

  • liquid honey . Apply generously and evenly to the belt. We wrap this area well with cling film. Keep the mask for 40 minutes and wash off with warm water.
  • Blue clay . Buy a bag of funds in a pharmacy, dilute with water and apply to the waist. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Add a couple of drops of rosemary or orange oil to enhance the effect. Wrap with foil and keep the mask on for 10 minutes.
  • Seaweed . We take 100 grams of ficus, kelp, seaweed per liter of warm water. Algae should be steamed. The resulting mixture is applied to the waist, wrapped with a film.

Go in for sports, do wraps and in a week the waist will decrease in volume.

Ways to reduce the waist visually

Previously, women were pulled away by a corset for harmony, wore puffy dresses. Think of Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. The maid skillfully tightened Scarlett's waist with a corset and only then put on skirts.

Corsets are a thing of the past, but the fashion for harmony has been preserved. Appeared clothes for body shaping: slimming underwear, tights. They mask imperfections well.

Clothing will also help you look slimmer:

  • Try wearing a wrap dress - it visually stretches the silhouette, and you will look more refined.
  • Choose clothes with a V-shaped neckline. Such a neckline will correct the shape and visually lengthen the neck.
  • Wear an A-line skirt and designate a belt. Visually, such a skirt lengthens the legs, makes the waist area slimmer.
  • Wear blouses with 1.5-2 cm vertical stripes. The strip should not be too narrow.

Clothing should be tight-fitting, not tight-fitting. Then the flaws will not be noticeable.

What methods and means will not help to reduce the waist

If you want to reduce the volume in the belt area - do not do this:

  • Planks, tilts and squats with dumbbells.
  • with a lot of weight.
  • Long breaks between meals.
  • Strict low-calorie diets.

It is possible to quickly make a narrow waist with a balanced diet and exercise. Try to keep a positive attitude and avoid stress. Some girls quickly get in shape helps to communicate with friends and like-minded people in weight loss groups. The main thing is the right approach - and you will quickly become the owner of an attractive figure.

Useful video on how to make a thin waist

A flat stomach and beautiful curves of the body were not always considered the standard of beauty, but now many people are striving to achieve such a popular athletic shape. Fashion makes women and men think about how to reduce the waist. The solution of this problem should be approached comprehensively: sports, proper nutrition, beauty procedures for tightening the skin.

How to reduce waist

You can achieve chic body contours at home. How to make the waist thinner and remove the stomach, if there is no strength, time, desire to go to the gym? Creating ideal body proportions consists of three steps: losing weight of the body as a whole, strengthening the muscles of the press, working on the sides. Universal recommendations for girls and guys on how to reduce waist size:

  • Create a calorie deficit: spend 10% more energy than you take in with food. Do exercises daily, move more on your own two, do exercises to reduce the waist. Such a load will allow you to lose weight well and tighten your body in a month.
  • Eat Healthy Foods: A balanced diet will help you stay calm. Don't skip breakfast. Drink water - this is necessary for cell renewal and maintaining health.
  • Regularly do gymnastics, load the body physically. Your assistants in creating a wasp waist are cardio, hoop rotation, twisting, plank, tilt, leg raises.
  • Every day you can keep your posture straight, draw in your stomach, practice abdominal breathing, try something new to achieve your goal (dance, sports, strength training).

How to make a narrow waist for a girl

The decisive factor in this matter is genetic data. If the girl herself is figured, then she only needs to organize the correct process of losing weight. Forming beautiful curves in their natural absence is more difficult, but possible. To visually reduce the waist of a girl, it is necessary to increase the buttocks and hips. At home, squats with wide legs, lunges, squats will help to cope with this task. After a week of classes, the butt and hips will tighten, and after a while the muscle mass will grow.

How to reduce the waist for a man

In addition to following the above general recommendations, the representatives of the stronger sex need to spend a lot of time in the gym. The male waist looks prettier both in the photo and in reality if the shoulder girdle is developed. A wide back and pumped up buttocks, legs play a fundamental role in the visual narrowing of the abdomen. If you have an idea about how to make your waist thin by expanding your shoulders and back, then remember the exercises:

  • pull-ups;
  • barbell pull to the chin;
  • breeding dumbbells on the sides;
  • dumbbell/barbell press in a standing/sitting position.

Exercises for a thin waist

Spend 40-50 minutes a day perfecting your figure. Waist exercises can be divided into several blocks:

  1. Cardio: running, walking, cycling, jumping. Energetic dancing to music will also help you quickly burn excess fat mass.
  2. Exercises for a thin waist at home on the press, the formation of a powerful muscle corset:
    • lifting the upper body;
    • lifting legs from a prone position;
    • twisting on the oblique muscles of the abdomen;
    • bar on the elbows;
    • hyperextension.
  3. Rotation of the hula hoop (hoop). An effective exercise that will help to tighten the stomach by 1-2 cm and strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum. Start with 10 minutes a day, work out up to 30 minutes.
  4. Breathing exercises. To reduce the stomach, while inhaling, protrude the abdominal wall as far forward as possible, while exhaling, retract as much as possible, trying to drive the stomach under the ribs. How to narrow the waist in this way? Do the exercise every day in 3-4 sets of 8-10 times.
  5. Other auxiliary exercises for a narrow waist and flat stomach:
  • tilts down to each leg;
  • turning the body to the right and left;
  • lifting the legs, bent at the knees, above the abdomen.

Diet for a thin waist

Your main task in creating wasp outlines becomes: reducing the volume of the stomach (frequent meals in small portions will help), removing toxins from the intestines, removing excess fluid from the tissues. A diet for reducing the waist and losing weight on the abdomen is similar to standard proper nutrition, but with some nuances:

  • The ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet (in percent) is 50-40-10. This combination is the most effective for weight loss and weight loss of the abdomen.
  • According to reviews, you can reduce the amount of toxins through the following products: kefir, oatmeal, bran. Include them in your breakfast.
  • The correct diet consists of cereals, eggs, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts. Eat during the day, then you will not want to reduce the contents of the refrigerator in the evening.
  • The enemies of a slender figure and a flat stomach are flour, sweet, semi-finished products, soda, smoked, fatty, alcohol. During the period of active weight loss, they should not be consumed; over time, you can pamper yourself and allow a little harmfulness.
  • From drinks, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, kissels, green and herbal tea are allowed. Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.

How to visually reduce the waist

Thin people do not even have to think of anything with clothes to look attractive. Any piece of clothing looks great on them. Men and women with figure flaws should go for some tricks. You can visually reduce the waist with the help of monochrome dark clothes of a semi-adjacent cut. She hides 1-2 cm. A light dress with dark inserts in the abdomen also favorably emphasizes the curves of the body.

Friends of a wasp waist and a beautiful belly - vertical stripes, diagonal stripes, herringbone, V-neck, clothes with an emphasis on the shoulders or hips. Experiment with silhouettes, maybe a lower or higher waisted outfit will work for you. A wide belt, pleated/flared skirts, high-rise jeans, a short jacket or blazer will help to visually reduce the stomach. Men should emphasize the width of their shoulders: wear jackets with shoulder pads, clothes with a boat neckline, trousers with a belt at the hips.

Video: how to reduce the waist at home

Every woman wants to have a thin waist and a flat stomach. The size of the waist depends on many factors: the presence of estrogen, the type of figure, proportions, the presence of fat, muscle volume and others. To get rid of extra centimeters, you need to decide on the desired volume. No need to focus on the standards of models, because each figure is individual. There are several ways to help calculate the optimal waist size. For example, you need to subtract 100 from your age. For example, if your height is 162 cm, then the ideal waist will be 62 cm. For girls, it should not exceed 78 cm. In the article, we will consider the most effective ways to achieve good results in a short time.

How to make your waist thin in a month

With the onset of warm days, many women are trying to remove their sides and improve their shape. The desired effect can be achieved through regular training and changes in diet. It does not require a strict diet.

  1. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. These products not only help to lose weight, but also make the waist thinner. Fruits improve metabolism, accelerate fat burning and prevent bloating, and also contain a small amount of calories. If you don't like eating fruits and vegetables raw, you can make soups or salads from them.
  2. Drinking enough water. This is a very important point. It is recommended to drink water with lemon in the morning and evening, and take at least 5 glasses of pure water during the day.
  3. Restriction of meat consumption. It is difficult for lovers of meat products to exclude them from their diet. BUT they can be replaced with seafood or fish.
  4. Eating yogurt. This product acts as an additional means to give the desired volume to the waist. Yogurt should be free of sweeteners and fruits.
  5. Foods that burn calories. There are certain . These include avocado, grapefruit, celery, whole grains, and others. You do not need to eat only them, they just need to be present in the daily diet.
  6. Don't limit your carbohydrate intake. Many people exclude carbohydrates from their diet, which is a gross mistake. It is important to understand that not all carbohydrates spoil the figure. For example, whole grains and brown rice provide the body with energy and also help to get rid of bloating.
  7. fish consumption. Fish must be on the menu. It helps burn fat, improves brain function, skin condition, eyes and has a beneficial effect on health. When cooking fish, it is not recommended to use vegetable fats, it is better to use olive oil.

These simple tips will help you quickly achieve positive results. In addition, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Exercises for the waist and abdomen at home

There are various sets of exercises for the abdomen that can be performed at home, without special equipment. Consider several options for effective training. Choose the one you like best.

It is important to note that it is not realistic to achieve results in a week of training, but after a month of regular classes, the figure will become much more attractive.

The first complex consists of 4 exercises, which are primarily aimed at reducing the sides. You need to do it daily. It only takes 10 minutes to do this. Do all exercises for 45 seconds, with a rest of 30 seconds. You need to do 2 approaches.

Lie on your side and begin to raise both legs, as shown in the image below. The complexity of the exercise lies in the fact that you need to perform movements for 45 seconds, then change sides.

Lie on your back, keep your legs together and lift them up so that they are perpendicular to the body. Spread your arms out to the sides to maintain balance. Then both legs need to be tilted to the sides.

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, rest your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart. Raise the upper body, while stretching your arms in one direction, then in the other.

Take a Plank stance, rest on the floor with your elbows and toes. The body must be in one line. After that, turn the pelvis in both directions.

In the next complex, the exercises must be performed for 45-60 seconds. If you have physical fitness, then you need to perform 2-3 circular approaches. That is, first do all 6 exercises, and then repeat them again.

Lie face down, rest on the surface of the floor with your toes and elbows. Keep palms together. While inhaling, lift the pelvis up and exhale.

Take the starting position, as in the previous exercise. Forcibly contract the abdominal muscles and rotate the hips to the sides, as shown in the image.

Stand up straight, keep your legs together, hands should be at chest level. Do lunges back first with your left foot, while turning your hands to the right side. Then change legs.

Lie on your back. Raise your shoulders and head slightly, as shown in the photo, while resting your hands on the floor. Raise your legs until a right angle is formed, then lower them without touching the floor surface.

Lie on the floor face down, rise so that the body is in line, and rest against the toes and palms. The arms should be straight, as in the starting position for push-ups. Bend the knee of one leg and pull it to the opposite hand, then change limbs. It is important to correctly perform the technique of movement.

Get into the side plank position. Pull your hand to the ceiling, then bring it to the waist. Lower your hips to the floor without touching it. The image shows how to do the movements correctly. Then change position.

The following complex consists of 9 Pilates exercises. They are more pleasant than movements with muscle contractions. It is recommended to do at least 10 repetitions for each exercise to achieve fast results. The photo shows how to properly perform the movements.

Consider the following complex, which can also be performed at home. First you need to do at least a 5-minute warm-up. In order not to describe the classes, it is better to watch the video:

Beginners are advised to do vacuum exercises for the abdomen. In addition, strength exercises do not always lead to positive results. If you want to have a flat stomach, then you need to do special vacuum exercises. How to perform them is shown in detail in the video clip:

All these exercises will help to remove extra centimeters from the sides, but subject to regular training and a balanced diet.

Diet for wasp waist

There are many nutritional systems that help reduce belly fat. Consider 2 options, with an approximate menu.

Diet Sophie Marceau for a week

The actress claims that thanks to this diet, you can lose 5 kg in 7 days, subject to 10 minutes of training every day.

Sample menu:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Fresh croissants or a small piece of bran bread and a cup of tea. A small portion of boiled rice, an apple, a cup of unsweetened green tea. Boiled fish salad and tomatoes.
Tuesday Fruit juice with a slice of cereal bread. Soup from a low-fat piece of chicken. Mineral water, vegetables.
Wednesday Low-fat yogurt, warm milk. Jacket potato, piece of beef. Cup of tea, favorite fruit.
Thursday Cereal flakes, cheese. Light salad, tomato juice. Grated carrots, mineral water.
Friday Egg, tea. Broccoli, mineral water. Chicken, fresh fruit.
Saturday Fruits to choose from, herbal tea. Vegetable salad. Apples, water with lemon.
Sunday Select a menu for any day.

There is also an English diet that helps to get rid of the sides and a few kilograms.

Menu for the week:

1-2 days - fasting. During this period, a glass of tomato juice, 1.2 liters, is allowed. yogurt or milk.

3-4 days - protein.

  • Breakfast: a piece of bread with butter and honey, coffee with milk.
  • Lunch: a slice of bread, a cup of chicken or fish broth, green peas, boiled fish or lean meat.
  • Snack: a spoonful of honey, milk or tea.
  • Dinner: rye bread, a piece of boiled fish or meat, a slice of cheese, a glass of yogurt.

5-6 days - vegetables.

  • Breakfast: apples or oranges (2 pcs.).
  • Lunch: light vegetable soup, stuffed peppers, carrots, potato salad.
  • Afternoon snack: favorite fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad and tea.

Day 7 - fasting.

The results of such a diet depend on many factors, but according to people's reviews, most of them lose 5-9 kg. Before doing this, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Dinner menu for a thin waist

Women who follow a diet find it difficult to control their hunger at night. As a result, late in the evening they eat a few tablespoons of salad or drink yogurt. But there are plenty of foods that won't harm your diet. Some experts recommend the following dinner menu for the week:


On the first day of the week, it is recommended to do without meat. Salad is recommended to be replaced with stewed fragrant vegetables. In a small bowl put a row of 100 gr. stew, 2 tbsp. grated cheese, 100 gr. fat-free cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. oatmeal. It is allowed to eat a slice of bread. If possible, then do not use salt or replace it with lemon juice.


After Lenten Monday, you can treat yourself to a piece of chicken breast. Cook in foil, 100 gr. season with black pepper and a few drops of lemon juice. Add a couple of boiled potatoes to the cinnamon prepared in this way on Wednesday. As a garnish, you can use tomato with basil.


It's no secret that many women can't resist sweets. On the Internet you can find many recipes for cakes that contain a small amount of calories. But you should not believe this. If you can't live without sweets, then use the recipe below.

Prepare a diet cake. White flour should be replaced with oats, it is rich in fiber. Replace white sugar with honey. Minced cream and dried fruits are an excellent alternative to fresh fruits. Also add low-fat cottage cheese.


Eat breakfast for dinner. It sounds ridiculous, but it is the latest fad of modern diets. Therefore, in the evening you need to eat an omelet from one egg, spinach and a cup of coffee. If desired, add a little cheese, a few pieces of tomatoes. Replace salt with herbs, pepper or lemon juice.


On this day, there will be an exotic dinner of fragrant chicken cutlets garnished with stewed vegetables. Stir in shredded chicken filling, shredded whole grain bread, protein, pepper, turmeric, and ginger. Garnish spicy cutlets with Chinese mushrooms or grated carrots. Add soy sauce instead of salt.


Treat yourself to pasta at the end of the week. Make a cheesecake, but without cheese, but with cottage cheese. No need to use oil. Cottage cheese should be mixed with white flour in a ratio of 1: 1.


This day is meant for relaxation and pleasant moments with the family. There is no need to stand at the stove all day. It is enough to cook chopped chicken meat, like spicy cutlets on Thursday. Lightly grease a baking dish, and alternate layers with grape leaves. Then pour the mass with yogurt.

Such a menu for the evening allows you to achieve positive results without any extra effort.

Diet soup for wasp waist

Regardless of weight, a balanced calorie diet is required. It is recommended to replace high-calorie foods with a soup that is rich in vitamins and nutrients.

It is important to note that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume them, that is, cause a deficit. As a result, the body will receive a lack of calories from body fat in order to provide itself with the necessary energy.

Soup with broccoli and cheese


  • 1 tsp olive oil.
  • 1 medium size onion, cut into small cubes.
  • 1 st. l. flour.
  • 4 cups skimmed milk.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg.
  • 4 heads of broccoli, divided into florets
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onion and fry it for 3-4 minutes, then sprinkle with flour. Mix everything thoroughly and cook for another 1 minute, then add milk and water. Sprinkle with nutmeg, place broccoli, salt and pepper.

Cover and simmer until cabbage is cooked through, about 20-30 minutes. Then add cheese and let it melt. Mix everything thoroughly and serve with chopped fresh parsley.

Homemade vegetable soup for a flat stomach


  • 1 st. l. olive oil.
  • 1 large carrot, cut into strips.
  • 1 head chopped celery.
  • 100 gr. crushed rapeseed.
  • 400 gr. cauliflower divided into florets.
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped.
  • ½ tsp turmeric.
  • 1 l. vegetable broth.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Green onion.

Cooking method:

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add all the vegetables, cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Then add turmeric and cook for 1 more minute. Pour the stewed vegetables with broth and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Serve with green onions. If desired, you can add coriander, chili, pepper or garlic. One serving of soup contains 170 calories, so it's perfect for people who want a few inches.

These soups will not harm the figure, as they are dietary and contain all the necessary nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Slim Waist Products

To achieve positive results, you need not only to lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition, but also include foods in the diet that allow you to improve the shape of the abdomen in a short time.


This fruit is suitable for snacks and breakfast when there is not enough time. It contains pectin, a fiber that increases the feeling of satiety. It can be cooked in the microwave with cinnamon and a little oil.

Goat cheese

According to some studies, calcium, which is also found in goat cheese, helps to lose weight. In addition, it contains a large amount of protein. Cheese helps build stiff muscles.


This vegetable is rich in dietary fiber and allows you to get enough for a long time. Pumpkin contains potassium and vitamin A. You can cook bread, soup, pies, mashed potatoes from it. Do not forget about the wonderful baked pumpkin.


Contains a minimum of calories and a large amount of antioxidants. The berry is great for salads and breakfast. Cranberries have a beneficial effect on waist size.


Due to its high fiber content, the vegetable relieves hunger and reduces the need for sugar.


Great alternative to candy. They contain iron and dietary fiber.


It contains a minimum of calories, so it is ideal for any diet. Plus, the vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, which fills the stomach.


Nature has allowed us to enjoy this unique fruit. It contains only 45 calories, a lot of fiber and water, which saturates the body for a long time.

Pumpkin seeds

After cooking the pumpkin, you do not need to throw out the seeds. They contain healthy fats that satisfy hunger and do not contribute to weight gain. The seeds are a great alternative to peanuts.


It can be added to various dishes, while they will not become more high-calorie.

Brussels sprouts

One serving contains less than 30 calories. The vegetable is rich in nutrients, so it is recommended for daily diet.

Waist and abdomen mask

To quickly reduce the volume of the abdominal region, it is recommended to make masks at home. To prepare it, you need to mix mustard powder and honey in equal proportions. Depending on the amount and size of the fat layer, the mixture should be in the range of 300-500 gr. It must be applied around the waist, then wrapped with plastic wrap for 15 minutes. After this time, wash off the mask with warm water.

Experts note that the effect is noticeable after three procedures. Thus, it is possible to remove a few centimeters from the sides in a short time. In addition, blood flow to the problem area increases, toxins are removed, and the nutrition of the epidermis is stimulated, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the abdomen. It is not recommended to keep the mask for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the skin will turn red and hurt. Within a month, you can reduce your waist size by 1.5 cm.

Waist hoop

If, together with diet and physical activity, you perform exercises with a hoop, or as it is also called hula hoop, then results can be achieved much faster. In addition, this simple projectile gives tone to almost all muscles, and also improves posture.

The hoop acts on internal and external fat reserves. You can burn a large number of calories in just 25 minutes. There are several exercises with the hula hoop, but now let's look at how it helps to reduce the waist in size.

  • During the rotation of the hoop, the arms should be spread apart. If possible, try to lower it to the hips, and then raise it again to the waist.
  • The execution time is at least 5 minutes.
  • Change the position of your legs.
  • Rotate the hula hoop in different directions.

These simple exercises allow you to quickly reduce body fat in the abdomen, according to numerous reviews.

Photos before and after classes with a hoop

The article describes only effective methods that allow you to remove excess fat from the sides, as well as achieve a flat stomach. If you do not make any exceptions, and do not succumb to temptations, then the result will not be long in coming.

The compiled set of exercises will help girls eliminate excess fat in the abdomen and sides. The stomach will become flat, and the waist can be called an aspen. Work out at home regularly to get the desired result as soon as possible.

How to achieve a wasp waist at home

A flat tummy and a wasp waist are the dream of any girl. How to achieve the desired results? Perform a set of exercises for a wasp waist at home and in a week you will notice pleasant changes. If you are overweight, pay attention to exercises that will help you get rid of it. To effectively burn subcutaneous fat, combine strength training with cardio. When there are no problems with extra pounds, it is not recommended to perform strength exercises. They can only increase the volume of the waist.

A set of exercises for a wasp waist and a flat stomach

The most effective exercises for a wasp waist

Warm up before your workout. Do tilts of the body, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Run in place, jump for 5 minutes.


Gradually progress the load, increasing the time the body is held at the top point. If your fitness level allows, stretch one of your arms forward.


  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Bend your elbows. Focus on your forearms.
  2. Come out to plank. The whole body should form a single line. Don't tilt your head. Control your breathing. Look exclusively ahead. Fix your position for 30-60 seconds.
  3. Repeat 3 times. Rest 60 seconds.



  1. Take a lying position. Hands behind your head. Bend your knees, place your feet on the floor and hold together.
  2. Raise your knees until they touch your chest. At the final point of the movement, tear off the pelvis. Exhale with a delay of 1-2 seconds.
  3. Do 15 crunches in 2 sets.

For greater effectiveness, use a massage hoop. If you are using this sports equipment for the first time, do not overdo it. Let your body get used to this load.


  1. Straighten up. Lock your hands in the back of the head, closing in the lock.
  2. Use your lower body to rotate the hoop. The body remains stationary.
  3. Do as much as possible. Repeat 3 times.


  1. Lie on the floor with your stomach up. Keep your hands behind your head. Bend your knees, lifting your hips off the ground. Raise your head a little.
  2. Try to push your head and chest up to feel the work of the oblique muscles of the abdomen and the upper part of the press.
  3. Repeat 20 times for 2 sets.

2017-12-13 How to make a wasp waist at home


  1. Take a lying position. Place your arms parallel to your body.
  2. Raise your legs 15 cm off the floor. Swing your legs alternately with a small amplitude of movement up and down. Breathe evenly.
  3. Do 20 reps of 3 sets with each leg.

Basic rules for making a wasp waist

  1. Take a holistic approach to weight loss. It is necessary to adjust the diet: exclude starchy, sweet and fatty foods from consumption. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Combine diet with exercise.
  2. Watch your waist measurements. Measure your forms.
  3. Train slowly. Focus on the technique of performing exercises for the wasp waist. Feel the tension in your muscles.
  4. Ventilate the room before class.
  5. Exercise 2 hours after eating and 1 hour before eating.
  6. You can not hold your breath in the process of muscle tension.
  7. If the forces quickly leave you, you should reduce the number of repetitions for the sake of the quality of the exercises.
  8. It is better to finish the exercises with stretching. This will relax your muscles.

Wasp waist in a week

Sudden weight loss is a strong stress for the body, so it is recommended not to allow a sharp weight loss. However, if the situation caught you by surprise, follow these rules:

  • Choose a day on which you will consume exclusively either fruits, or buckwheat, or kefir.
  • Follow a strict diet. Do not eat sweet food, starchy foods and fatty foods. Replace coffee and carbonated drinks with water. Prefer fresh fruits and vegetables, fat-free cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast. Eat every 4 hours. Avoid eating before bed.
  • Train according to a specially designed complex.

Subtract 1 m from the height to determine what waist size will be proportional specifically for you.

  • Heredity b. People who are not predisposed to fullness gain a wasp waist much faster. It is not easy for girls who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone.
  • Hormonal background. The waist will be aspen if estrogen is present in excess. If the female hormone in the body is not enough, the figure will look different.
  • Physical exercise. Waist size depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat. Regular training ensures the flatness of your abdomen and the thinness of your waist.
  • Climb the stairs as often as possible. Avoid using the elevator.
  • From sweets, prefer dried fruits. Eat often, but in small portions.
  • Choose shoes with heels.
  • Watch your posture. This will visually add height to you, you will become visually slimmer. In addition, deep breathing provides the cells with oxygen.

Common Mistakes

  1. Passion for low-calorie diets. This slows down the metabolism. It's best to adjust your diet.
  2. Long term cardio. It takes about half an hour to do. Exercise before breakfast if you want to achieve the maximum effect.
  3. Inappropriate set of exercises. Ditch the weighted bends in favor of yoga. Remember to fix your position when performing each of the poses.
  4. Daily pumping of the press. It is not correct to perform this exercise daily, as the muscles need time to recover. Do the plank.
  5. Refusal to train other muscle groups. The tension should be evenly distributed between all muscles.
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