We need to prepare an ultrasound of the prostate gland rectally. Ultrasound of the prostate: how is it performed? Average size of a healthy prostate

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The main advantage of prostate ultrasound, which is performed rectally, is a high informative result. During the procedure, the sensor is very close to the prostate gland - the distance between them is about 4-5 mm. Thanks to the cutting-edge equipment, and the closest approach to the organ, it is possible to take clear pictures, see the prostate and recognize pathological changes in it. With the help of ultrasound, which is performed rectally, it is possible to make an accurate diagnosis. The main thing is to properly prepare for the procedure.

A rectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed with:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the presence of blood in the seminal fluid;
  • suspected inflammation of the prostate;
  • pain in the pubic region, perineum, lower abdomen;
  • suspected infertility;
  • frequent urge and pain during urination, change in urine pressure;
  • nighttime urination;
  • suspected adenoma;
  • an increase in PSA (prostate specific antigen - a tumor marker).

Also, manipulation is prescribed as a way to determine cysts and microabscesses, focal sclerosis; to all men after 35 years, as a preventive study. Crossing this very line, many men are diagnosed with prostatitis and multiple pathologies of the prostate.

Men over the age of 50 should prepare to undergo a rectal examination at least 2 times a year to rule out the development of prostate cancer. This diagnosis, unfortunately, put most of the male population every year. In the early stages, cancer is treatable, so you should take the diagnosis seriously, prepare and get tested.

Study Benefits:

  1. During the manipulation, the types of violations of the integrity of the prostate tissue, if any, are clearly visible. What can mean that a man develops a malignant tumor. So, there is an opportunity to get rid of it at an early stage.
  2. This diagnostic helps to assess the symmetry of the prostate, its internal structure and geometric contours. These results make it possible to detect adenoma at an early stage.
  3. With the help of rectal ultrasound, you can easily determine areas of calcification (stones in the tissues of the prostate), clearly see and assess the state of the ejaculatory ducts (through them the seminal fluid moves to the posterior urethra). This indicator is important in determining infertility, as it allows you to identify the presence of clogged channels or cysts of the ejaculatory duct.
  4. The introduction of a rectal probe allows you to see the structure of the seminal vesicles. With their expansion, the development of an inflammatory process is possible, and in some cases even blockage of the ducts.

You should be prepared for the fact that there are limitations to the procedure.

The method of examination is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • acute stage of hemorrhoids;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • rectal fissures;
  • removed rectum.

Rectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is carried out in the direction of a doctor. Where and in which medical center to undergo an examination depends only on the wishes of the man. The choice of a medical diagnostic center is up to him.

Rectal ultrasound is an absolutely safe technique, it does not bring any radiation or harm to the health of the body. This is not to say that it does not cause discomfort. There are some inconveniences, but there are no pain sensations.

Many men are shocked by the expression "through the rectum", but you should prepare mentally and treat this procedure as if it were a regular injection or catheter. After all, these procedures also do not cause a feeling of pleasure. You just need to wait a bit, but then have full information about the "second heart of a man." After all, we are talking not only about health, but also about the most important factor for men - potency. For this you can endure.

Important! Absolutely all pathologies of the prostate gland reduce male libido and can lead to impotence. This should not be forgotten.

Preparation for transrectal ultrasound:

  • 10 hours before the analysis, you can not eat;
  • before the study for 4 days, exclude foods that contribute to gas formation;
  • before the ultrasound, an hour before, a cleansing enema is performed (this condition is mandatory - the enema will help remove feces);
  • 30 minutes before the examination, you must drink 1 liter of water;
  • an hour you can drink unsweetened tea.

In the event that material for cytological examination is not needed, then transrectal ultrasound will not take more than 25 minutes. But you should also prepare for a longer examination, which can take 40 minutes.

In addition to the study, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the tissues and organs adjacent to the gland (determine the presence of stones, neoplasms in the bladder area, varicose veins in the prostate).

The results of rectal ultrasound examination will be further evaluated taking into account the clinical picture. Therefore, before the procedure, the specialist who will conduct the examination will find out the main complaints and study the history of the disease.

To carry out the manipulation, the man will have to remove his trousers and underwear. At the same time, he should lie on the couch to one side, tucking his knees. The sensor is inserted into the rectum. If necessary, the specialist will determine the amount of residual urine. To do this, the man will need to empty his bladder.

During an ultrasound examination of the prostate, first of all, a specialist examines the base of the organ, assesses the condition of the seminal vesicles. In the future, an assessment of other areas of the prostate gland is carried out, its volume is measured. The image will show the male organ in different planes.

There are different types of pathology diagnostics, but this method allows you to see the male organ from different angles and detect even the smallest modifications that are caused by pathologies.

  • an enlarged prostate may indicate an adenoma, prostatitis, or neoplasms;
  • with an increased volume, we can talk about possible inflammatory processes, a benign or malignant tumor;
  • elevated prostate density indicators indicate chronic prostatitis, calcifications (stones in the urethra, in the tissues of the organ), lower indicators indicate the presence of acute inflammation;
  • if the tissue structure is heterogeneous, this may indicate that inflammation develops, a cyst, abscess, nodes, tumors, calcifications are present;
  • indicators of symmetry and clarity of contours - when deciphering, the presence of a volume increase is taken into account, which indicates oncological diseases, pathologies that provoke a change in the shape of the prostate gland;
  • Dopplerography allows you to see the state of blood vessels, the speed of blood circulation and evaluate its normal functioning.

Transrectal ultrasound allows you to give the most accurate results in the diagnosis.

The results will be given to the patient immediately after the procedure. It is important not to violate the rules of preparation in order to get the most informative indicators.

Diagnosis of prostate diseases by ultrasound is informative, accurate and accessible, and preparation for it is simple. Since diseases of the prostate gland are detected in every second man, it is recommended to undergo an examination not only in the presence of symptoms of the disease, but also as a preventive measure for the early detection of pathology.

The urologist instructs on how to prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate, and directs for examination in the following cases:

  1. If during the examination a seal or a change in the shape of the prostate was detected.
  2. The patient complained of urination disorders.
  3. There are a number of symptoms of kidney failure: swelling of the extremities, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, discoloration of the skin, dry skin.
  4. In urine and blood tests, the level of antigen, which is produced by malignant cells of the prostate gland, is elevated.
  5. There are manifestations of male erectile dysfunction, disorders in the reproductive system.

As a result of the examination, diseases can be diagnosed:

  1. Prostatitis, occurring in chronic or acute form.
  2. Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  3. Malignant tumors.

Ultrasound of the prostate in men is performed transrectal or transabdominal. Both methods are aimed at identifying diffuse changes in the prostate, but differ in the degree of accuracy.

With rectal ultrasound of the prostate, the sensor is inserted into the rectum and is in close proximity to the organ. Such a survey will be the most informative and reliable. With planned diagnostics, preparation for an ultrasound of the prostate gland is required. For this you need:

  1. 3-4 days before the scheduled examination, eliminate flatulent foods from the diet: cabbage, legumes, some fruits, flour products. The consumption of drinks containing gas and alcohol should be avoided. Include light soups, chicken, fish in your daily diet.
  2. Refuse to eat the evening meal on the eve of the examination day. After 19.00 switch to drinking mode.
  3. Take activated charcoal tablets to prevent gas formation at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.
  4. Carry out a complete bowel cleansing before the ultrasound. You can make an enema yourself 2-3 hours before the procedure by introducing 1.5-2 liters of water at room temperature into the rectum. If defecation is difficult to achieve cleansing will help: enema Normacol, microclyster Microlax, suppositories with glycerin.
  5. Fill the bladder before the first urge to urinate by drinking about 1 liter of pure non-carbonated water an hour before the examination.
  6. If a prostate biopsy is planned at the same time as a transrectal examination, the preparation for the examination should include the administration of antibiotics recommended by the doctor. Their impact will reduce the risk of inflammation at the site of needle manipulation.

The examination is carried out in the ultrasound room. Before the start of the procedure, a condom is put on the sensor and lubricant is applied. It is most convenient to manipulate the sensor when the patient takes the fetal position, lying on his left side. The introduction of the sensor into the rectum will not cause discomfort, since it has an anatomical shape, and its diameter does not exceed 8-10 mm.

Before preparing for an ultrasound of the prostate, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of this diagnostic method. These include: bowel surgery performed less than three months ago; hemorrhoids in the acute stage; cracks; intestinal obstruction.

In addition to physical preparation for prostate ultrasound, men need to relieve psychological stress. Tightness during the diagnosis prevents the doctor from carrying out the necessary manipulations and obtaining reliable data. Therefore, you should learn in advance how to properly prepare for an ultrasound scan and what to expect from the examination, and take sedatives in case of excessive excitement.

If it is necessary to conduct an emergency examination through the rectum, preparation for an ultrasound of the prostate is not necessary.

Transabdominal examination requires preparation for prostate ultrasound. The condition for successful diagnosis with abdominal ultrasound in men is the fullness of the bladder.

The patient lies on the couch, and the doctor scans the prostate with ultrasound equipment. In parallel, the condition of the bladder is assessed. The doctor may interrupt the procedure and ask the patient to urinate in order to assess the condition of the walls of the organ in a compressed form.

This method is not informative enough and allows for the possibility of diagnostic errors, since there are other organs and a fatty layer between the abdominal wall and the prostate gland. This method is indispensable if it is not possible to conduct a rectal ultrasound.

The reliability and completeness of the results of the examination directly depends on the solution of the question of how to prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate gland. Compliance with the rules of preparation for ultrasound diagnostics will allow you to examine the prostate efficiently and painlessly, identify pathology and make an accurate diagnosis.

Proper preparation for ultrasound of the prostate

A standard apparatus for ultrasound diagnostics consists of a sensor that sends sound signals and receives them in reflected form, a computer for processing information and a monitor for displaying it in the form of an image.

The principle of ultrasound

  • find the cause of infertility.

The need for a biopsy does not affect how the ultrasound of the prostate goes. The area of ​​the rectum near the prostate is insensitive to pain, so the manipulation will only take longer.

  • stones in the prostate;
  • foci of calcification and fibrosis;
  • prostate enlargement.

Prostate diseases occupy the second place among the male population of the planet, after diseases of the cardiovascular system. These diseases have a very negative impact on the quality of life, so their timely diagnosis and treatment occupy one of the leading places in urology.

One of the main methods for diagnosing diseases of the prostate gland is TRUS. What is it and how is TRUS of the prostate done, now we will try to describe to you. Conventional ultrasound is a research method in which, using ultrasound waves, it is possible to obtain an image of the internal parenchymal organs in real time. The procedure is quite simple. The patient lies on his back, a special gel is applied to the area to be examined, after which an ultrasonic sensor is applied, which the doctor moves from side to side in order to examine the organ and find a pathology in it, if any.

TRUS is the same examination using ultrasound, but the ultrasound transducer is inserted into the patient's rectum. This is because the prostate is located directly behind the rectum and if an ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum, all that separates the probe from the prostate is the intestinal wall. The wall of the rectum is a much thinner barrier than, for example, the skin, so you can get a complete and accurate image of the prostate.

There are a number of indications for a TRUS of the prostate:

  1. Pain in the perineum.
  2. Routine study for men over the age of 40.
  3. If you suspect an adenoma of the prostate.
  4. If potency is impaired.
  5. Nocturia, that is, frequent urge to urinate at night. May be accompanied by discomfort.
  6. Infertility. In a situation where a couple cannot conceive a child for a long time, there are no problems on the part of the woman.
  7. If the doctor suspected a pathology during a rectal examination.
  8. If deviations were noticed in the spermogram and urinalysis.
  9. Weak urination, that is, during urination, the stream is weak or thin.
  10. During prostate biopsy, to provide visualization.

A direct contraindication for this study is the remote rectum.

There are also a number of relative contraindications, which include:

  1. Urinary incontinence.
  2. Hemorrhoids in the acute stage.
  3. Fissures in the rectum, especially deep ones.
  4. If not so long ago there was a surgical operation on the rectum.

Since there are no organs between the prostate and the rectum, preparation for a TRUS of the prostate does not require any specific steps, but some preparation is still necessary.

2-3 hours before the study, you need to clean the intestines. This can be done both with the help of a conventional cleansing enema, and with the help of modern drugs. If everything is more or less clear with an enema, then many have not heard anything about modern drugs. You can use the so-called "microclysters". They are a small tube, the contents of which must be injected into the rectum. It is best to do this while lying on your right side with your knees tucked in. After some time after the introduction, you need to go to the toilet.

You can also use a glycerin suppository. It is inserted into the rectum through the anus in the supine or side position. After a while, you need to go to the toilet and empty your intestines.

Many experts believe that it is better to conduct a study with a full bladder. If you need TRUS due to infertility or reduced potency, then it is enough to drink a liter of water or other liquid one hour before the examination and not urinate.

In a situation where you need to find the cause of poor urination, you need to come to the examination 30-40 minutes before it starts and have one and a half liters of liquid in a container with you. Water or tea is best. You start drinking water and as soon as you feel the urge to urinate, inform the doctor who will perform the ultrasound. He will immediately invite you to the office, where you will undergo TRUS. Preparation, as you can see, will not take you much time. This is not a colonoscopy or abdominal CT scan.

The man is laid on his side and asked to pull his knees to his chest. After that, a special condom is put on an ultrasonic sensor with a diameter of about 2 cm and inserted rectally (in some clinics, a special gel is used instead of a condom), that is, into the rectum, to a depth of about 5-7 cm. In a situation where you need to examine not only prostate, but also seminal vesicles, the sensor is inserted to a greater depth.

If there is a need to evaluate the emptying of the bladder, then after the study has been carried out, the man is asked to go to empty the bladder and then the sensor is inserted again. The presence of pathology during urination or pathology of the bladder is made on the basis of the amount of urine that remains in the bladder after emptying.

The study time is 15-30 minutes.

If TRUS is performed during a biopsy, then anesthesia is performed before the procedure.

During the procedure, the patient does not experience any pain. However, there is some discomfort, especially in individuals who have set themselves up in advance that the procedure will be painful. In addition, many patients believe that the procedure humiliates their manhood. Do not try to set yourself up for negativity, by doing this you will only make things worse for yourself.

The study is carried out by medical professionals with a specialization in the field of ultrasound, in some cases in the field of urological diagnostics using ultrasound.

During TRUS, the doctor describes the prostate gland: symmetry, shape, contours, structure, echo density, size. In addition, the doctor describes all the structures that he saw during the study: the periurethral glands and the spermatic tubercle with the spermatic cord, as well as the fact that the rectum, ejaculatory ducts, etc. were seen.

Absolutely all structures are described, both normal and pathological. The presence of any anomalies in the conclusion is mentioned separately.

If, after describing all aspects, there is a conclusion that no echo signs of pathology have been detected, then you can sleep peacefully.

On the basis of polyclinics, the study is carried out free of charge. You just need to take a referral from a urologist. To make TRUS of the prostate in a private clinic or diagnostic center will cost you from 1,000 to 5,000 thousand rubles. The cost of the study is affected by the respectability of the clinic, its location, and the qualifications of the specialist.

For example, if you decide to do a TRUS of the prostate in a respectable clinic located in the city center, while the examination will be carried out by a doctor of the highest category with an academic degree, then you will have to pay about 5,000 thousand rubles. But an examination in a clinic located in a remote place, remote from the center, in which less qualified specialists work, will cost about 1000-2000 thousand rubles. However, it should be remembered that price is not always a sign of quality. Therefore, before going to the clinic, you need to collect at least a little information about it and about the specialists who work there.

Summing up, we can say that TRUS is the most informative method for examining the prostate gland.

If we talk about other benefits of TRUS, then these are:

  1. The ability to perform repeatedly without harming health.
  2. No radiation as in x-rays or CT scans.
  3. Relative cheapness in comparison with CT, MRI and PET.
  4. The ability to obtain the exact dimensions of both the prostate gland as a whole and its individual sections.
  5. Possibility of a detailed assessment of the soft tissues of the gland.

When ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed using abdominal access, the ultrasound beam needs to overcome the abdominal wall, fatty tissue, and the bladder. With TRUS, only the wall of the rectum needs to be overcome. That is why we can say that, compared with ultrasound, TRUS is much more informative.

For the timely diagnosis of prostate adenoma, prostatitis, cancerous lesions and other diseases of the male gland, a variety of examination methods are actively used today. The properties of ultrasound deserve special attention, thanks to which, during a non-invasive procedure, it is possible to assess the state of tissues in a given area. How prostate ultrasound is performed depends on the type of approach chosen and its goals. Sometimes ultrasonography acts as an auxiliary manipulation in the course of therapeutic interventions on the organ. Reviews about the approach are mostly positive both from specialists and patients.

Before you go for an ultrasound scan for prostatitis in men, you need to find out what it is and what kind of preparation is required for the study. The principle of operation of a complex device is very simple. Its sensor produces sound waves that are not perceived by human hearing. They penetrate into the thickness of the tissues and are reflected from them, which allows you to display a schematic image of the insides on a special screen.

Ultrasound of the bladder and prostate in men reveals the following problems:

  • The development of prostate adenoma and other benign formations in the body of the organ.
  • The formation of a cancerous tumor, its spread to nearby tissues.
  • The combination of examining the bladder and prostate gland makes it possible to determine the causes of problems with urination.
  • Ultrasound for prostatitis allows you to identify the calculous nature of the disease.
  • Manipulation is carried out with suspicion of mechanical damage to the organ or bladder.
  • Often, ultrasound of the prostate gland is resorted to in case of erectile dysfunction for no apparent reason.

Increased attention should be paid to how to prepare for prostate ultrasound, otherwise the results will be incorrect or uninformative. For the most part, this stage is carried out at home, so the entire responsibility for the quality of the result lies with the patient himself. The opinion that waves during ultrasound examination are able to pass through any obstacles is fundamentally erroneous.

Existing types of ultrasound of the prostate are divided depending on which path the sensor is fed to the organ. Most often, specialists perform a classic abdominal diagnosis or TRUS of the prostate gland. There is also an approach in which the device is brought to the patient's perineum. Most rarely, the procedure takes place by inserting an instrument through the urethra.

It is usually performed in cases where the patient simultaneously requires an ultrasound of the prostate and bladder. This is a safe and painless approach that men like best because of its non-invasiveness. The result of the research is deciphered by the doctor immediately, during the procedure.

How is an ultrasound of the prostate done with this approach:

  1. After appropriate preparation for the ultrasound of the bladder and gland has been carried out, the patient is placed on his back and exposes the abdomen above the pubic bone.
  2. The doctor applies a special conductive gel to the sensor of the device, applies the instrument to the surface of the abdomen and begins the examination.
  3. The specialist moves the sensor, creating a slight pressure on it. In the course of its actions, the picture is displayed on a special monitor. According to the results of the examination, the diagnostician draws up a conclusion.
  4. Deciphering the ultrasound of the prostate in men, the photo to which is attached is provided to the attending physician. The analysis itself takes only a few minutes and immediately after it you can return to your usual life.

It still does not give clear information about the state of the organs. Even in the case of a normal weight of a man, the rays have to pass about 10 cm of tissue to the desired area.

Most often, doctors prefer to perform transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, because this approach reduces the distance between the sensor and the examined organ to a few millimeters. Before starting the procedure, the doctor should conduct a rectal digital examination to exclude contraindications to manipulation. Next, the man takes the fetal position or lies on his back and the examination begins.

The algorithm of how an ultrasound of the prostate is done with a transrectal technique:

  1. A condom is put on the instrument with a sensitive head and a water-based lubricant is applied to it. Can other products be used? It is possible, but they affect the integrity of the latex and can cause irritation of the mucosa.
  2. For ultrasound of the prostate, the transducer is inserted rectally. The penetration depth is about 5-7 cm, depending on the anatomy.
  3. The procedure for studying the state of the gland takes no more than half an hour. The technique has an additional plus - during the manipulation, you can not only make an accurate ultrasound of the prostate gland, but also collect material for a biopsy under its control.
  4. If necessary, the specialist examines the condition of the seminal vesicles and tissues surrounding the prostate.

Transrectal ultrasound is not performed if the patient has anal fissures or inflamed hemorrhoids. Many are interested in whether it hurts with this type of examination, whether discomfort is noted. . The discomfort is more psychological than physical. If a man purposefully prepares for such an ultrasound of the prostate and the preparation was carried out in accordance with all the rules, all negativity will be minimized.

Experts reassure - there should be no pain, if it appears, this indicates problems with the anus, rectum or the prostate itself

Profile preparation for ultrasound of the prostate may vary slightly depending on the type of manipulation. All points should be agreed in advance with the doctor. If there are any incomprehensible points in the appointments, it is better to immediately clarify what the specialist meant.

Basic preparation for ultrasound of the prostate and bladder looks like this:

  1. Regardless of the type of manipulation, the examination is carried out on an empty stomach. The last time you can eat 10-12 hours before the approach.
  2. In order for the prostate examination in men to give maximum results, the bladder should be full. To do this, about half an hour before the procedure, you need to drink a couple of glasses of water. If you really want to go to the toilet, you should skip this item.
  3. Preparation for transrectal ultrasound involves additional bowel cleansing. An enema before ultrasound of the prostate is placed approximately 3 hours before the session.
  4. If during the examination it is planned to take material for a biopsy, preparation for TRUS of the prostate also requires refusing to take anticoagulants for 1-2 weeks.

The ultrasound procedure is simple, informative, and the preparation for it is minimal. Even in free medical institutions, it is now carried out at a high level. If you look at how much an ultrasound of the gland costs in paid clinics, you can find prices in the range of 1000-3000 rubles. Particular attention should be paid to where to do an ultrasound of the prostate if it is carried out in order to take biological material for examination.

The transcript obtained after the examination of the prostate gland for the majority of the inhabitants does not carry any informative value. An experienced specialist can easily see in the pictures all the data necessary for making a diagnosis. In particular, prostatitis on ultrasound looks like a noticeable increase in the organ, the appearance of areas of inflammation in it. Sometimes the situation is also accompanied by the presence of stones, which are clearly visible in the photos taken.

Prostate adenoma is distinguishable due to seals in the tissue structure, changes in the size and contours of the organ. Sometimes it is already possible to suspect a cancerous lesion of the formation from the pictures. In this case, the tumor will not be limited to the prostate capsule. True, this symptom is characteristic of the later stages of pathology.

After 40 years, ultrasound of the prostate, as well as a digital examination of the organ, is recommended for preventive purposes at least once a year for every man. This is useful even in cases where the functionality of the genitourinary system is at a high level and there are no negative symptoms. Diagnostics will not cause any harm to the body, and at the same time it will help to make sure that education, which is so important for a man, is healthy.

  • Urology
  • Diagnostics
  • Prostate

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According to statistics, more than half of men suffer from prostate diseases at different ages. It's not customary to talk about it out loud or complain about them, but it's true. And it is very important to understand that timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment can protect against a mass of very unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, today, doctors are taking the issue of examining the prostate gland very seriously. There are many methods, but the most simple, painless, objective and accurate is ultrasound. It is it that is considered the "gold standard" that allows you to collect all the necessary information.

At the moment, two types of ultrasound of the prostate are used, the preparation for them is somewhat different, as well as the course of the examination itself:

  1. Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate. The most painless and simple method, when the study is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall. But due to the large distance to the prostate gland, its accuracy remains unsatisfactory.
  2. Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate. During this study, a special rectal probe is inserted through the anus into the rectum. This method allows the doctor to get all the necessary information, but is often negatively perceived by men.

Thus, transrectal and transabdominal ultrasound are most commonly used.

If you have been scheduled for a transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate, the preparation for it will be quite simple, including the following steps:

  1. 1-2 days before the ultrasound, it is necessary to refuse products that can potentially increase gas formation in the intestines or cause disturbances in its work. This list is quite individual, but most often it includes fresh fruits and berries, black bread, pastries, cakes, pastries, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, juices.
  2. On the day before the ultrasound, you must refuse breakfast if it is done in the morning, or do it lightly if it is scheduled for the afternoon.
  3. 1-2 hours before the ultrasound, you should drink 1-1.5 liters of non-carbonated liquid. It is best if it is clean drinking water, but it can be replaced with weak unsweetened tea or non-acidic juice diluted with water.
  4. After this, you can not urinate, because the ultrasound requires a fully filled bladder. If the urge is too strong, you can pass some of the urine, but do not empty the bladder completely. Then drink another glass of water.

No more preparation is required. The main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of water drunk and the time before the start of the study. Its accuracy largely depends on the degree of filling of the bladder.


To prevent such a disease as prostatitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the root, when the prostate becomes inflamed.

Preparation for transrectal ultrasound

If you have been assigned a transrectal ultrasound, the preparation for it will be completely different. In this case, there is no need to fill the bladder, but since the access will be through the rectum, it must be cleared of stool, which can interfere with the ultrasound. Various methods can be used for this:

  1. Taking bowel cleansing drugs, for example, Fortran. It completely cleanses the intestines without harming the flora necessary for normal digestion. You need to take it on the day before the examination according to the attached scheme. For complete cleansing, you need to drink 3 or 4 packets, dissolving each in a liter of water. If the examination is scheduled for the morning, then all packages should be drunk with water on one day, but if it is planned for the afternoon, then the second and third are left in the morning. Fortran provides high-quality cleansing, but requires a long preliminary preparation and consumption of a large amount of liquid.
  2. Cleansing enema. A simpler option is to put in the morning, 2-3 hours before the scheduled examination, a small, 200-300 milliliters, enema of warm water. In some clinics, it is included in the cost of the examination and can be performed immediately before the examination.
  3. In cases where it is planned to do a prostate biopsy at the same time as a transrectal ultrasound, it may be necessary to pre-treat with antibiotics, which will reduce the likelihood of inflammation at the puncture site.

Large no preparation for transrectal ultrasound is required.

Everything written above applies only to the planned ultrasound of the prostate, the preparation in this case only facilitates the examination. If it needs to be done urgently, then no preliminary procedures are carried out.

It should be noted that the above recommendations describe only general cases, each individual may require special preparation. Therefore, when a doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the prostate, do not be shy to ask questions, finding out all the details. After all, the accuracy of the examination, and hence the determination of the correct diagnosis, may depend on them.

Ultrasound of the prostate is a fast, safe (without the use of X-ray radiation) and informative method for diagnosing a wide range of diseases.

A standard apparatus for ultrasound diagnostics consists of a sensor that sends sound signals and receives them in reflected form, a computer for processing information and a monitor for displaying it in the form of an image.

A sensor placed on the prostate tissue sends out sound waves that create an echo when it hits the organ. The echo signals are converted by a computer program into an image that is displayed on a monitor. The signals of prostate tumors are different from those sent by normal tissues of the organ, because they have a greater density.

Modern ultrasound technologies using the Doppler effect make it possible to determine the blood flow in the vessels of the prostate, to assess the condition of the seminal vesicles. At the same time, preparation for ultrasound of the prostate is minimal, and often does not differ from the requirements for ultrasound examination of the bladder.

The doctor can choose 1 of 4 methods of ultrasound examination of the prostate gland, depending on the symptoms and health of the patient:

  • transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate (through the abdominal wall);
  • pointing the sensor through the perineum - between the scrotum and the rectal opening;
  • TRUS or transrectal examination with access through the rectum;
  • transurethral access through the urethra.

The choice of how an ultrasound of the prostate is done is determined in each case by the data that the doctor needs to obtain. About the size, shape and symmetry of the prostate can be found using an external scan. A more detailed examination is carried out by other methods.

The prostate gland is located in the center of the small pelvis and the rear part is in contact with the rectum, therefore the transrectal method has been chosen as the “gold standard” for ultrasound examination. By inserting the probe into the rectal opening, you can achieve the maximum approach of the probe to the prostate gland.

Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) takes 5-15 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis. A small probe lubricated with petroleum jelly is carefully inserted into the rectum. Insertion of the transducer may cause temporary discomfort, but TRUS is a painless procedure.

Transrectal ultrasound reveals any abnormalities in the prostate, allowing you to:

  • study prostate tissue by lobes;
  • differentiate prostate zones and determine their condition;
  • evaluate the function of the venous plexus;
  • detect abnormal growth of prostate tissue;
  • find the cause of infertility.

When the following symptoms appear, ultrasound of the prostate is performed transrectally:

  • during a digital examination of the prostate, the doctor felt the seal;
  • a blood test showed an elevated level of prostate specific antigen;
  • The patient complains of problems with urination.

Transrectal ultrasound examination has advantages over other diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound is prescribed to detect tumors that cannot be detected with a digital rectal examination;
  • transrectal ultrasound is used to assess the size of the prostate gland;
  • Ultrasound provides a more complete picture of the density of the prostate to distinguish benign hyperplasia from cancer;
  • TRUS is an additional procedure during a biopsy of the prostate, which allows you to correctly position the needle.

The need for a biopsy does not affect how the ultrasound of the prostate goes. The area of ​​the rectum near the prostate is insensitive to pain, so the manipulation will only take longer.

An external ultrasound examination implies that the bladder becomes the “acoustic window” for obtaining an image of the prostate. The abdominal method is called "indicative", since it does not provide a clear picture of the state of the tissues. However, it is sufficient to detect anomalies:

  • stones in the prostate;
  • foci of calcification and fibrosis;
  • prostate enlargement.

Based on these indications, diagnoses of chronic prostatitis and prostate sclerosis are made. Since it is possible to do abdominal ultrasound of the prostate and the bladder at the same time, the doctor identifies the cause of urination disorders.

Ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic method, but is aimed at visualizing the internal organs. The doctor warns about how to prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate, depending on the use of a particular method.

The patient is instructed to take an enema 1-2 hours before prostate TRUS so that the feces do not interfere with the movement of the rectal probe. It is enough to introduce 200 ml of liquid to empty the rectum. During the scan, the patient lies on the left side with bent knees - this position facilitates the introduction of the probe. Visualization of the prostate begins against the background of the bladder. By turning the sensor, the diagnostician gets a complete picture of the organ.

Abdominal ultrasound of the prostate is performed against the background of a filled bladder. It is enough to drink 1-1.5 liters of water 1-1.5 hours before the procedure. For the procedure, the patient lies on his back. The doctor moves the transducer across the gel-covered lower abdomen, receiving reflected sound data from the prostate in various planes. Overcrowded and underfilled bladder distort the diagnostic picture.

Violation of urination, deterioration of potency develops in diseases of the prostate. To clarify the diagnosis, the selection of treatment, it is desirable for a man to undergo an in-depth examination. The most informative is an ultrasound examination of the prostate gland. How to prepare for a prostate ultrasound? It all depends on the type of study and the suspected pathology.

What is the procedure

The principle of the study is based on the fact that the ultrasonic waves emitted by the sensor are reflected from the tissues of the human body and fixed. Passing through special processing, they transfer the image to the computer. The specialist sees the full picture, can determine not only the external condition, but also the size, even the weight of the organ.

In diseases of the prostate, the following types of diagnostics are carried out:

  1. transabdominal- in other words, through the stomach. The probe examines the prostate through the anterior wall of the peritoneum. The method is low informative, the waves pass through the bladder, muscles, the image may be distorted;
  2. Trasurethral- through the urethra. It is painful, despite the microscopic dimensions of the sensor. It is used most often during surgical interventions.
  3. Transrectal (TrUS)- through the rectum. A fairly informative method, the study allows you to get the maximum amount of data.

If the patency of the rectum is impaired, there are contraindications to TRUS, the sensor can be installed in the perineum. When examining the area under the scrotum, a specialist can determine whether the size of the prostate is normal, get information about its functionality.

Indications for ultrasound and TRUS of the prostate

Most often, when directing a patient to a prostate ultrasound, the doctor focuses on the symptoms and complaints of the patient. The procedure is indicated for the following symptoms:

There are also a number of diseases in which ultrasound examination of the prostate is indicated. During the examination, the compliance with the norm of the size of the prostate gland and its tissues is checked. TRUS is performed when:

  • Chronic and acute prostatitis.
  • prostate adenoma.
  • The development of benign and malignant tumors in the prostate.
  • Prostate cyst.

The urologist may prescribe an ultrasound for preventive purposes. This is recommended for all men over the age of 45 to prevent the development of cancerous tumors in the early stages.

Features of preparation for ultrasound of the prostate

Depending on what type of examination the patient will have, the urologist warns the patient in advance about how to prepare for him.

Sample recommendations for preparing for a transabdominal examination:

  • Two days before the procedure, exclude from the diet products that increase gas formation: bread, milk, fresh fruits, vegetables.
  • If the ultrasound is performed in the morning, it is not recommended to eat before the procedure.
  • When an examination is expected in the afternoon, the patient is advised to eat breakfast in the morning, but skip lunch.
  • From one liter of liquid or more, the patient needs to drink 40-60 minutes before the start of the manipulation. Tea without sugar or pure water (not carbonated) is suitable.

Preparation for TRUS:

There may be differences in preparation. It all depends on what disease, pathology, was the reason for the ultrasound. The patient can obtain more detailed information from his doctor.

How is the procedure

Manipulations for examination of the prostate are absolutely painless. Anesthesia is not applied, drugs are not introduced into the patient's body. The procedure is performed in a clinic.

Transabdominal examination

Preference for this type of study is given in cases where minor pathological changes in the body of a man are expected. Structural changes in the tissues of the prostate with abdominal ultrasound are not traced.

Since the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen is being examined, the patient is located on the couch on his back, exposing the abdomen to the groin area. The doctor scans the prostate area with a sensor in the longitudinal and transverse regions. At the same time, the condition of the bladder is assessed.

Ultrasound of the prostate through the peritoneum makes it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis based on the volume of the prostate gland, its size, and the location between other organs of the small pelvis. This method of examination is not suitable for obese people, since the fat fold on the abdomen weakly conducts ultrasound signals. Which makes scanning difficult.

Transrectal examination

In order to most accurately determine the size of the prostate, compliance with the norm of its structure, it is better to undergo a TRUS. Why is the method more informative? During examination, the transducer is separated from the prostate only by the small rectum. The urologist gets the opportunity not only to assess the volume and appearance of the prostate, but also to conduct an in-depth examination of the tissues, to fully study the blood supply to the organ, and immediately see pathological changes or cystic formations.

During the procedure, the man removes the lower part of his clothes. For examination, the patient is located on the couch on his side with his back to the doctor. The legs are bent at the knees, the knees are pulled up to the chin, you can hold them with your hand. This position eliminates the appearance of discomfort when the transrectal sensor is inserted into the rectum.

A special condom is put on the sensor, which is treated with a medical gel that improves gliding and provides the greatest sound transmission through the tissues. Do not be afraid, the sensor itself is no more than an adult's finger in thickness. The Uziscanner is inserted approximately 6-6.5 cm into the rectum. The maximum insertion is 7 cm, it is necessary when examining the bladder. The duration of the ultrasound is from 5 to 15 minutes.

The procedure may cause some minor discomfort. A man does not feel pain, psychological discomfort is more important. Despite this, TRUS is the best way to examine patients with already diagnosed diseases of the prostate gland, allowing you to clarify the diagnosis, as well as monitor the growth dynamics of tumors or cystic formations.

A contraindication to transrectal ultrasound is acute hemorrhoids, tumors in the anus, bleeding ulcers in the rectum. If the patient is allergic to latex, other protective sheaths for the transducer are used instead of condoms.

Deciphering the results

During the examination, the doctor compares the information received on the computer with the accepted norm. This takes into account the age of the patient, his weight, chronic diseases. The following indicators are normal:

Deciphering the results of ultrasound is done directly during the procedure. If necessary, the doctor takes pictures. They can be used later to prescribe treatment, compare volumes.

With the help of TRUS, it is diagnosed and specified:

  1. BPH. The specialist notes a diffuse increase in prostate tissue and nodular, uneven. The asymmetry of the organ is noted, the presence of nodules from 7 mm in width.
  2. Prostatitis. Acute is characterized by an increase in the prostate and a deterioration in the conduction of sound, chronic - a decrease in the acoustic effect.
  3. Abscess. It looks like a round or oval focus with a tap of low ultrasound conductivity.
  4. Cancer tumor. There are nodular formations with uneven contours or diffuse proliferation of tissues with a violation of the homogeneity of the structure of the organ and the appearance of asymmetry.
  5. cystic formation. It looks like a uniform oval or round cavity with clear contours.

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate and bladder allows you to determine in the early stages whether a man is developing cancer. Thanks to early diagnosis, a complete cure is achieved. Worried about your personal psychological comfort, do not refuse the examination, perhaps it is ultrasound that will help you find the cause of poor health and restore potency.

Diagnosis of prostate diseases by ultrasound is informative, accurate and accessible, and preparation for it is simple. Since diseases of the prostate gland are detected in every second man, it is recommended to undergo an examination not only in the presence of symptoms of the disease, but also as a preventive measure for the early detection of pathology.

Indications for an ultrasound

The urologist instructs on how to prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate, and directs for examination in the following cases:

  1. If during the examination a seal or a change in the shape of the prostate was detected.
  2. The patient complained of urination disorders.
  3. There are a number of symptoms of kidney failure: swelling of the extremities, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, discoloration of the skin, dry skin.
  4. In urine and blood tests, the level of antigen, which is produced by malignant cells of the prostate gland, is elevated.
  5. There are manifestations of male erectile dysfunction, disorders in the reproductive system.

As a result of the examination, diseases can be diagnosed:

  1. Prostatitis, occurring in chronic or acute form.
  2. Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  3. Malignant tumors.

Types of ultrasound examination of the prostate

Ultrasound of the prostate in men is performed transrectal or transabdominal. Both methods are aimed at identifying diffuse changes in the prostate, but differ in the degree of accuracy.

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate

With rectal ultrasound of the prostate, the sensor is inserted into the rectum and is in close proximity to the organ. Such a survey will be the most informative and reliable. With planned diagnostics, preparation for an ultrasound of the prostate gland is required. For this you need:

The examination is carried out in the ultrasound room. Before the start of the procedure, a condom is put on the sensor and lubricant is applied. It is most convenient to manipulate the sensor when the patient takes the fetal position, lying on his left side. The introduction of the sensor into the rectum will not cause discomfort, since it has an anatomical shape, and its diameter does not exceed 8-10 mm.

Before preparing for an ultrasound of the prostate, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of this diagnostic method. These include: bowel surgery performed less than three months ago; hemorrhoids in the acute stage; cracks; intestinal obstruction.

In addition to physical preparation for prostate ultrasound, men need to relieve psychological stress. Tightness during the diagnosis prevents the doctor from carrying out the necessary manipulations and obtaining reliable data. Therefore, you should learn in advance how to properly prepare for an ultrasound scan and what to expect from the examination, and take sedatives in case of excessive excitement.

If it is necessary to conduct an emergency examination through the rectum, preparation for an ultrasound of the prostate is not necessary.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate

Transabdominal examination requires preparation for prostate ultrasound. The condition for successful diagnosis with abdominal ultrasound in men is the fullness of the bladder.

The patient lies on the couch, and the doctor scans the prostate with ultrasound equipment. In parallel, the condition of the bladder is assessed. The doctor may interrupt the procedure and ask the patient to urinate in order to assess the condition of the walls of the organ in a compressed form.

This method is not informative enough and allows for the possibility of diagnostic errors, since there are other organs and a fatty layer between the abdominal wall and the prostate gland. This method is indispensable if it is not possible to conduct a rectal ultrasound.

The reliability and completeness of the results of the examination directly depends on the solution of the question of how to prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate gland. Compliance with the rules of preparation for ultrasound diagnostics will allow you to examine the prostate efficiently and painlessly, identify pathology and make an accurate diagnosis.

The main advantage of an ultrasound scan of the prostate, which is performed rectally, is the high definition of visual data. This method of ultrasound of the prostate gland involves the introduction of an ultrasound probe into the rectum. Since the emitter head is only 5-6 mm from the organ capsule, a very accurate image of the prostate tissue is displayed on the screen. This allows you to detect even minor pathological changes in the organ. Proper preparation for the procedure helps to increase the information content of the data.

Benefits of transrectal examination

Ultrasound, which is performed rectally, causes a certain psychological discomfort in most men. However, this method allows to obtain the most reliable data on the state of the prostate gland.

Its advantages include the following:

  • the proximity of the sensor to the prostate makes it possible to consider even small violations of tissue density, which may indicate the development of neoplasms of a different nature;
  • the contours of the organ, the symmetry of its shares are more clearly defined;
  • when scanning performed rectally, calcium formations (calcifications), cysts (hollow capsules with liquid contents) are clearly visible;
  • when the probe is inserted into the rectal cavity, it is possible to determine the state of the seminal ducts and vesicles, pathological changes in which often cause reproductive dysfunction.

Due to the high accuracy of the method, it is possible to identify many dangerous diseases at the very beginning of their development, which significantly increases the favorable prognosis.

Indications and contraindications

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is prescribed for patients with the following disorders:

  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • deterioration of the outflow of urine;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • violations of sexual function;
  • elevated levels of PSA in the blood.

Rectal ultrasound is also preferable in cases of preventive examinations. Due to the accuracy and high information content, this method allows you to identify even those minor changes in the prostate that go unnoticed by other research methods.

Like any ultrasound examination, transrectal scanning is completely harmless to the body and does not cause side effects. All contraindications are associated with the need to insert an ultrasonic sensor into the anus. Due to the possibility of tissue injury, the procedure is contraindicated in patients with recent operations in the rectum, in the presence of inflamed hemorrhoids and open wound surfaces.

How to properly prepare

The procedure, which is performed rectally, requires both a certain physical and psychological preparation. Physical training is aimed at maximizing the cleansing of the intestines from gases and feces. To do this, 2-3 days before the ultrasound, you should review the diet and exclude those foods that contribute to increased gas formation. Stop eating should be 8-10 hours before. To cleanse the intestines, laxatives or an enema are used.

A laxative is taken the evening before the examination, and an enema is recommended to be given 2-3 hours before the scan. If the doctor, in addition to prostate ultrasound, plans to examine the bladder, half an hour before the procedure, you must drink 1 liter of water. In cases where a man cannot calm down before the examination, sedatives are allowed.

The sequence of the study

Before starting the procedure, the patient must remove trousers and underwear. The sensor is inserted in the supine position with legs pulled up to the chest. Before the introduction of the emitter, a sterile film is put on its head, the surface of which is lubricated with a special gel. The depth of insertion of the device does not exceed 5 cm. During an ultrasound scan of the prostate gland, the doctor determines the parameters of the organ, finds out the echogenicity of the tissues, and establishes the possible presence of pathological processes.

What can the survey show?

Scanning, which is performed rectally, gives a complete picture of the condition of the prostate gland. An increase in the size of an organ may indicate the development of an adenoma or a malignant neoplasm, inflammatory processes. According to the density of tissues, one can conclude that there is an acute or chronic inflammation, individual seals indicate the presence of calcifications, cystic formations, abscesses.

If during the ultrasound asymmetry of the lobes is revealed, this may indicate the formation of a cancerous tumor. To make a diagnosis, an assessment of blood flow in the organ is also carried out, and the number and condition of blood vessels are taken into account. Analysis of all the data obtained during the study allows you to most accurately determine the pathology and choose the tactics of treatment.

Anatomy of the prostate on ultrasound: features and results When is an ultrasound of the prostate required and is preparation necessary for it? Exciting facts about how ultrasound of the prostate is performed

The prostate gland is a "weak spot" in the body of every man, especially after 40 years. Her condition can be negatively affected by hypothermia, tumor processes, infections, and even how active a man's sexual life is. To determine the state of the prostate, the doctor palpates it, prescribes a biopsy. And the most reliable, fast and effective procedure for diagnosing ailments is ultrasound of the prostate gland. How to prepare for it, how this study is carried out, what types of ultrasound exist in this case - read about all this in the article.

Indications for research

An ultrasound of the prostate gland is prescribed by a doctor in the event that there are any symptoms of prostate pathology. These include: pain in the perineum or sacrum, difficulty emptying the bladder, potency disorders, a feeling of a full bladder immediately after going to the toilet, problems with conception, and so on. These signs indicate a particular violation in the work of this organ, therefore, ultrasound of the prostate gland is prescribed without fail.

Where and why to do the procedure?

If you have certain problems, and you consider it necessary to be examined, then you do not need to run to the first clinic you come across to undergo the procedure. First go to a urologist. He will carefully listen to all your complaints, conduct a proper examination, make assumptions about the causes of the ailment and refer you to an ultrasound of the prostate gland, if it is really necessary. Then, when you already have the results of the study in your hands, you can go to the same doctor who controls the situation so that he prescribes the necessary medicines for you.

In principle, every man, if he wishes, can independently sign up for an ultrasound of the prostate gland. How this procedure is carried out, he will be told in the place where it will be carried out. We will consider this issue a little lower. It remains to be said here that there are not so many who want to do an ultrasound for prevention. Yes, this is not necessary if you are 20-30 years old, you are healthy and full of energy. But after forty, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound of the prostate gland annually. Preparation will not take much time, but then you will be calm for your health.

Preparation for the procedure

This process depends on how the ultrasound is performed. The procedure is carried out either transabdominally (by examining the anterior abdominal wall with a probe) or transrectally (directly through the rectum).

Preparation for a transabdominal examination

What you need to know if you are scheduled for an ultrasound of the prostate? Transabdominal examination is carried out quickly, easily, it does not require special preparation. The main thing is to come to the procedure with a full bladder. The prostate is located in the place where the bladder passes into the urethra, so without such preparation it is quite difficult to see it. But when there is a space between the gland and the sensor that is filled with liquid, the procedure becomes effective, since the organ is well visualized.

It is necessary to fill the bladder moderately in order to feel only a slight urge to empty it. An hour before the ultrasound, you should drink about a liter of liquid. It is necessary to calculate the time correctly. After all, if the bubble is not filled enough, then you will have to wait, postpone the examination process for an indefinite time. And if it is full, then the patient will feel discomfort when moving the sensor, because it is accompanied by even slight, but pressure.

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate - what you need to know in preparation?

Before this type of study, it is necessary to start following a diet in two or three days in order to exclude increased gas formation, the appearance of diarrhea, and constipation. And in the evening (on the eve of the procedure) and on the day of the examination, it will be necessary to do cleansing enemas. Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed on an empty stomach. Only if it is scheduled for the evening, you can allow a light breakfast.

How is a transabdominal ultrasound done?

So, you are scheduled for an ultrasound of the prostate gland. The preparation is done, we proceed to the description of the process. It is not performed as often as the transrectal method, but is still prescribed for diagnosis. It happens that in this way the prostate is examined "at the same time" with the organs of the abdominal cavity. The patient is located on the couch, exposes the abdomen. Then a special conductive gel is applied to the skin, which allows you to remove the layer of air that exists between the skin and the sensor. The doctor moves the sensor over the corresponding part of the body, and sees the corresponding images on the screen. He carefully examines everything, measures, determines violations, and simultaneously examines the bladder. About 10 minutes of time takes such a procedure as an ultrasound of the prostate gland. Norms or deviations are fixed in the conclusion of a specialist, which is given to the patient.

How is a transrectal ultrasound done?

This is the method that the representatives of the stronger sex are most ashamed of, afraid of and avoid in every possible way. But in vain. This method is considered the most reliable and effective, it is not at all as scary as it seems at first. But it is very informative just such an ultrasound of the prostate gland. How this manipulation is carried out, we will consider right now.

The patient exposes the lower part of the body, is located on the couch back to the doctor. In this case, the patient should bend his legs and pull his knees to his stomach. Then a special probe is inserted into the patient's rectum, which is advanced to the location of the prostate. Thus it is investigated. For hygienic purposes, a condom is put on the sensor in advance, and to facilitate the procedure, it is lubricated with a special gel.

Of course, transrectal ultrasound can hardly be called pleasant, but it cannot be considered painful either. The sensor is approximately 1.5 cm in diameter, so it will not stretch or injure the rectum in any way, which many people are afraid of. Yes, and they immerse it no more than 5-7 cm. You just need to relax and tune in to the procedure properly, then it will not cause much discomfort.

What is considered normal?

In the process of research, a lot of indicators are recorded that indicate a healthy organ or certain abnormalities. As part of the norm, the prostate should have smooth and symmetrical contours, a uniform structure. Ideally, the anterior-posterior size should be 1.5-2.5 cm, the transverse one is within the normal range of 2.7-4.2 cm, and the longitudinal one is 2.4-4.0 cm. The volume, which is calculated according to a special formula, normally should not exceed 25 cubic cm. A deviation from these indicators indicates the presence of a pathology that should be treated only by a qualified specialist.

What ailments can ultrasound detect?

This procedure allows you to learn about many existing diseases. Among them:


In this article, we have described such a procedure as prostate ultrasound. The price for the examination is not too high, for example, for a procedure performed transabdominally, you will pay about 800 rubles, transrectal - 1200-1500 rubles. In this matter, the main thing is not the price, but health. You pay for longevity, for the timely detection of pathologies, the treatment of which will allow you to avoid negative consequences and enjoy a full life. Be healthy!

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