He blindfolded his wife and let strangers in. Healthy sex: games to increase libido. Ice and wax games

Express weight loss is a way out for those who want to get rid of a few extra pounds, for example, before a trip to the sea or an important event. Of course, losing a significant amount of weight in a couple of days is unlikely to succeed, but 2-4 kg is quite possible. most often it implies a sharp restriction of the caloric content of the diet - up to 500-700 kcal per day, along with drinking plenty of water and taking vitamins to maintain immunity.

If there are three days left before an important event...

You may well use one of the above methods. Lettuce brush will help to get rid of the tummy and extra volumes at the waist. Mix in equal proportions chopped cabbage and fresh carrots, add spices to taste (except salt) and season with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. This vitamin salad is extremely low in calories, so you can eat any amount of it throughout the day. Do not forget to drink the prescribed 8 glasses of water a day, black or green tea without sugar: they will help remove excess water from the body, and the salad itself will cleanse the intestines. During the day, it is also allowed to eat a couple of apples, green vegetables and a small piece of boiled lean meat without salt. Such express weight loss in 3 days will help you get rid of 2-4 kilograms (the end result depends on your initial weight), cleanse the body and reduce swelling.

You can try one of the liquid diets, for example, this one: drink a protein shake for breakfast and dinner - it can also be made from ready-made powder, in this case, mix a couple of tablespoons of protein with skim milk, or cook it yourself. Take 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese and the same amount of milk, add half a glass of water and for taste - a tablespoon of cocoa, or your favorite berries, then beat the ingredients in a blender. And for lunch, you can afford a salad of green vegetables with a dressing of lemon juice or vinegar, as well as a piece of fish or meat, boiled or steamed. Applying such express weight loss at home, you can lose the same 2-4 kg in just three days. The only thing, do not forget to drink the required one and a half liters of pure water per day.

If you have a week at your disposal...

You can, again by restricting the caloric content of the diet, get rid of 2-5 kg ​​of excess weight. Many diets offer a different menu with certain products, but the essence of most of them comes down to eating enough fresh vegetables and fruits, protein. For example, for breakfast you can eat a boiled chicken egg, a slice of black bread and drink coffee without sugar. For lunch - a vegetarian soup, a piece of lean meat or fish with a side dish of fresh vegetables, and for dinner, drink a glass of kefir, yogurt, or eat a couple of apples. According to those who are losing weight, the famous bonn soup helps to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight in a week. It can be cooked from white cabbage - you will need 1 medium fork, also take 6 onions, a couple of tomatoes and bell peppers and a bunch of green celery. Cut the vegetables into slices, chop the cabbage, and then cook soup from them, which you need to eat for 5-7 days, diluting the rather boring diet with non-starchy fruits and green vegetables. Such express weight loss in 7 days will help you get rid of several kilograms of excess weight, besides, you can eat soup in any quantity, so you will not experience an excruciating feeling of hunger during the diet. The main thing to remember is that a sharp reduction in the caloric content of the diet is a big stress for the body, so take multivitamins throughout the diet, drink clean water and follow the daily routine.

09.05.2019 19:12:00
How to stimulate digestion to lose weight?
Trousers pull together, the stomach presses: the feeling of tightness and overcrowding of the stomach spoils the mood. It should not be! We will show you how to stimulate digestion and lose weight!

09.05.2019 18:35:00
Flat Stomach: These 9 Foods You Shouldn't Eat!
A flat stomach in your favorite jeans or swimsuit - you can only dream about it? Then you should do without the following 9 products.

08.05.2019 20:31:00
Do you want to increase your muscles? Avoid these products!
If you want to build muscle, you must not only go full throttle in your workouts, but also pay attention to your diet. For maximum success, cross out the following foods.

Ann Nutta wrote: I did this to mine late last night. He fell asleep and, as luck would have it, on his stomach. I managed to tie his hands behind his back and blindfold him while he was sleeping. Then I turned him over on his back and pulled off his shorts, he woke up. I took him right by ... this one and led him down into the hall. And when he wakes up, he can’t understand anything, he can’t remove the bandage, he can’t touch me, he just mumbled, like, what did you come up with? And I told him, they say, go, go. Less words! I brought him to the living room, and there I already have a soft deck chair without armrests in the right place, music plays, a fire burns in the fireplace and candles. She seated her beloved subject in this deck chair and, in addition, tied his legs to the legs of the deck chair. He was generally dumbfounded by such a surprise, but the reaction of erection had already begun. Then she removed the blindfold from her eyes and seemed to him. And on me is a fluffy, colorful skirt below the knee, a petticoat peeking out from under the hem, stockings, red high shoes. And on top is a red lace bra, a white transparent blouse tied in a knot under the breasts and a black hat with a veil. A sort of vintage with an erotic bias. My eyes bulged and could not even say anything, only something inarticulate. And I dance, spin so that the hem rises to hosiery, shake my breasts, tease, in general. Then she slowly pulled her panties out from under her skirt, went up to her beloved and put them on his head, he was generally stunned by such impudence! Then she stood up so that the deck chair and his torso were between my legs and tucked his penis under her skirt, well, into the vagina, respectively. I started smoothly, unhurriedly, as he and I also love very much with an exit to the very head and with a tight pressure below, so that the bridle is pulled up to the very very ones. He stares at me with all his eyes, groans with pleasure, but he cannot move his arm or leg, and the skirt covers all interesting places. True, I shook the hem a couple of times in a gypsy way so that he could snatchly see how his penis disappears into me, I hope it worked out. When my beloved was already on the verge of finishing, I got off him and began to dance again, letting him cool down a bit . Then she took off her blouse and straddled him again. Only now I was already moving, as I love most of all: sharply down, so that with a pop of the buttocks, then I definitely keep the penis in me for a few seconds, bastard ... then I smoothly rise to the head and again I sit down with force! Mine usually groans after each such movement while I sit on it, and here it was also shaking with a small shiver. So the poor thing got excited. I already feel pretty good when the final should happen to him and then again she didn’t let him finish, she started dancing again, but not for long, because he already begged, said that the balls would burst She threw off her skirt and hat, remained in front of him in shoes, stockings and a bra. She saddled him again and continued with the same infrequent, but strong movements, only now she didn’t hold the penis in herself, but immediately released it somewhere up to half, hung for a short time, as if swaying on it, then quickly released it to the head and again fell on him, rebounding to the middle We have not yet practiced such a final and it was worth it, girls! After several such movements, my beloved began to finish so that I thought he would tear everything with which his arms and legs were tied! He was shaking and pounding as if a current was being passed through him, and he shook his head from side to side, and rolled his eyes. He moaned and yelled so that I was afraid that people in neighboring houses would hear. However, this turns me on even more and I continued to make these jerky movements on his penis, bringing the guy to a crazy orgasm! Uff! while I remembered, it started up again, I already wanted to repeat it. True, such a surprise, alas, will no longer be Girls, try something like this, you will not regret it!

My eyes are tied.
I can not see. I can only feel. And hear. Hear music or my calm breathing, which gradually quickens as I start to worry and think about what will happen next.
Suddenly, I feel someone running their fingers down my cheek and down to my neck. The movements are slow, light and gentle. It jars me, I am pleased. A shiver runs through my body. What's this? A breath of wind or a touch of a rose petal?
It's you. Your hands are a little cold, so I feel shivers every time you touch. How many times have I felt the caress of those hands! I recognize your palms even in the dark, even among a thousand hands.
You unbutton my shirt. There is nothing underneath. As usual.
You take it off. I feel your hands when you hold my hair with your hand and hear you inhale their fragrance.
I stay naked. You kiss the back of my neck, then my back. One kiss, the second, you cover my whole back with kisses, it even tickles me, and I smile. You touch my hair, you whisper how beautiful it is. Your whisper is sweet, quiet, I shudder from it.
I feel relaxed. My mouth opened, lips moistened. I feel how you run your hand along my back, then touch my waist, hips, hug and touch my chest. You stroke her, and then you touch my nipple with your fingers and squeeze it lightly. I sigh with excitement.
You massage my chest gently at first, then with some kind of fury you squeeze in your palms. I breathe restlessly, but my body is warm. At this moment, you turn me to face you and kiss my lips with such zeal, such passion that I tremble from the inside. Suddenly your movements become more calm, more gentle, you gradually move to the neck, to the cavity above the chest. You caress me with your tongue and your kisses like no other.
Oh God, I scream, I love you so much!!!
Inspired by my exclamations, you greedily bite into my chest with your lips and suck on my nipples.
At this moment I think about how the blindfold prevents me, because I so want to see your face, your loving mischievous eyes! You are already kissing my stomach at this time, it especially excites me when you lower your tongue into my navel. Feelings are simply unforgettable!
You go down, soon I feel your tongue penetrate my sanctuary. Again, I regret not seeing your face, but I know that you enjoy it as much as I do.
I want to remove the blindfold, but your hand stops me, you kiss me again on the lips with love. I was waiting for this kiss, I missed it. But you let go of my lips, and I freeze with my mouth open, waiting for a kiss, as I feel how you go down to caress me with your tongue from the inside. Warmth spreads through my body, it rushed to my stomach, and you notice my excitement, you become more assertive. Either with your finger, or with your tongue, you penetrate me, and I turn on. I can no longer hold back, I feel that now everything will end, I caress my chest, then I grope for your hair, stroke your head. I freeze for a moment, and you understand that I am ready.
I hear your breathing close, close, it is fast, intermittent, finally you kiss me again and remove the bandage from your face.
Your eyes. Big gray-blue eyes that look at me with a loving look. I just finished, and I kiss you in gratitude on your sensual scarlet lips. I run my hand through your golden hair. We are so similar - you and me. You always know what I want and guess my desires even before I let you know what I want.
Each time I love you more and do not want to leave even for a minute. Your tenderness and passion are like the weather - you know how to be different. And that's what I like about you. You are not only the best sister in the world, first of all you are the most faithful and reliable friend.
… And now it's my turn to blindfold you. I will not rush, because in our time there is infinity.

Sometimes in my career it happened that the investigations were simple, but the moral aspect was very difficult. Here is perhaps one of them.

"Sometimes punishing the guilty turns into beating the innocent"

We had a large fleet of tractors, under 300 cars. We had our own workshop for repairs and maintenance. Usually, even the owners of small parks have one or two boxes where they shamanize cars, but with our size, the repair zone was appropriate. At first, there was an idea that the workshop would be specifically for their park, but then they began to take on commercial clients as well. Then they built the 2nd repair zone. At first they were divided according to the principle 1st for European tractors, 2nd for American ones. Then we got the official dealership of one of the European brands and the commercial component began to become more and more dominant.

Slowly but surely, an internal conflict began to brew between the needs of the park and repair zones. On the one hand, it is absolutely correct and natural when your park is repaired at home, every penny goes to the house. But on the other hand, not everything is so rosy. Well, here's at least a place in the repair zone. You need to take your tractor without a queue, because he needs to go on a flight, earn money. There, repairs can be 3 kopecks, but all the same, a commercial client needs to be "moved" in the queue, because the repair zone is not rubber. Both the client and the management of the workshop are dissatisfied, the revenue is falling.

Or here's another example. Locksmiths receive % of the output, foremen, shift supervisors, and the director himself from the formula where the sold standard hours and the margin on the sold spare parts are taken into account. And their fleet is repaired with the biggest discount per standard hour, and spare parts are sold with a minimum markup. That is, although this is good for the profitability of the park, it is not very profitable for the repair zone. And most of all, the locksmith is indignant, they don’t care whose tractor, “ours” or “alien”. It needs to be repaired this way and that, but from one it has a good fat, and from the other it has a shish with a minimum amount of oil.

In short, the general line of the party does not see the people with their heads buried in the sand from the height of their flight. Therefore, operatives were established where the heads of the directions met and solved their problems, and the owner acted as an arbiter. On duty, I was also present at these debriefings. Both the director of the repair zone (DR) and the head of the park (NP) had a remarkable vocabulary, and soon these operatives turned into a show. On the day of the rendezvous, one could safely cancel tickets to the circus, because they rolled up performances by no means worse. Well, for example:
DR: Oh, dear Ivan Ivanovich (NP). Do your driver pigeons know how to handle watches? We agreed that the A123BV98 car would arrive at 14:00, we moved the client, and your moron arrived only at 17:00.
NP: Dear Ivan Nikiforovich (DR). My drivers, by the way, earn money on the flight, they don’t sleep at night. And your locksmiths smoke bamboo and have unconventional sex with inanimate objects. Who on the A124VR98 machine did not see that the x ** nya on the right does not work? You money just to rip off on us orphans. And we have downtime and fines.
DR: So you don't have park mechanics, but imbecile embryos. Tell us in confidence how much did you give the head physician of the mental hospital to let them out?
NP: Ah, our mechanics? And you don’t have masters in a repair zone, but a bunch of clowns in overalls and hands growing out of their asses. And all of them from one. It's scary to trust them to fix a bike. And the clock they write is such that you can assemble an airplane blindfolded.
DR: So let your dispatchers gather together with the mechanics. I don't have to fuck my brain.

By the end of the operatives, the DR and NP exchanged opinions about the personal gender characteristics and mental abilities of their subordinates and dispersed dissatisfied with each other. Of course it was funny, but it was of little use and the owner took Solomon's decision. We will single out several boxes on one of the workshops only for our park. With minor repairs such as changing oil, filters, broken headlights, etc. apply there. Well, a major repair (motorboat, air, etc.), then even then to the repair zone. The load on repair zones from the park will drop (most repairs are just small things), and they will be able to work on increasing commercial revenue.

And for the repair of our fleet, we will recruit two separate brigades (work 2 through 2) and a mechanic there will be on salary. Convenient and administrative (no need to calculate output) and budget. Locksmiths are also good, they have a stable salary every month and do not have to tear their ass as in a commercial repair zone. Whether the order-order is closed, not closed, May or January holidays there, the locksmith will still receive his salary. In each brigade there is a foreman, and above them is a Park Mechanic (MP), or rather even two. One is a Senior Mechanic, and the other is just a MP. It so happened that the Chief Mechanic was a more nominal figure and was kept mainly because of some political aspects. But the MP needed a smart and knowledgeable person. We started looking and then one girl from the freight forwarding department said, "and my husband is a mechanic, he is changing jobs. Can you talk to him? His name is Roma."

We met. Everyone liked Roma, and the personnel department, and the NP, and the security officer, and the owner, and even me (although I have nothing to do with it at all). Calm, strict, demanding, responsible, and competent man. They took it on probation. He began to work, everyone is not just happy with him, they just melt with happiness. He is fair to drivers. The fuel consumption is monitored, the extra cost overrun will not be counted, but if someone has drained the diesel fuel, they will notice. All requests for repairs are taken into account. He is strict with locksmiths, demands quality, and that everything is on time. For the cause he will lower the skin, but out of kindness he will sew another. The NP is satisfied, the cars run clearly. And the DR is also pleased, cars go to him only for serious repairs, they don’t bother about trifles.

Silence and grace. The MP was given a very decent salary, I’ll tell you a secret, almost 2 times more than that of the Senior Mechanic. MP controls everything clearly, there are orders for all work. Operatives sharply bored.

A year has passed, the second has gone. I have already created an audit department and we have begun to analyze the purchase of spare parts. We noticed an oddity, the amount of purchases of consumables increased sharply. Everything is clear with the cost, we buy spare parts either in Europe or the USA (they don’t give kickbacks) or officially (for example, from Volvo Vostok). But the volumes have grown very strongly. Well, well, well, let's check. Let's look at sales.

Are our stores out of business? We looked, of course, sales are growing, there are new stores, but no, there is no heroism there. And ... probably our wholesalers tear the vests on their belly? Checked there too. Yes, sales are growing, but not by much. And ... our workshops are probably the most workshops in the world? Yes, the volume is growing, but not that much. All the same, they are not rubber, the number of shifts is the same as before, the load is in trend. Maybe we missed something? Began to carry out analytics by positions. Motorboat, air, batteries, everything seems to be normal, stable, explainable growth. But the volume of consumables is growing.

I spoke with the head of the purchasing department. "And what do you want from me, I have a simple, mathematical calculation +/- error and stock. How much for sales to stores and wholesale, the heads of departments write me an application. How much for the needs of the repair zone, DR requests. I see the rest of the warehouse when they drop, I reorder. Parts from the USA take a month and a half, from Europe 2-3 weeks, local days 2-3. What do you want from me?"

What do we want? We want to understand where the volume goes. Maybe they steal from the warehouse? No, everything is clear, spare parts are written off. Oh, and what kind of repair zone warehouse is this? It turns out that for efficiency, so as not to run to the central scoop all the time, they created a warehouse for the repair zone of their own park. The MP has the right to move from the central warehouse there, well, there are filters, oil, light bulbs, this type of thing. Let's check the balances in the warehouse and system there. The rest are clear. Let's look at the order-outfits. Hmm... All jobs have them. They even went to the repair shop, selectively looked at the repairs, and there are custom outfits for them.

But the spare parts go somewhere. I am sitting with the head of the audit department, we are breaking our heads, sorting out the order of outfits, and suddenly we see a strange thing. On two custom orders, a couple of weeks apart, almost the same repair for the same car. We rummaged further, e-my, but the case is not an isolated one, there are a lot of them. They made a table and were horrified. On the machines of our fleet, repairs are repeated very often. For example, for each filter machine almost once every two weeks. We checked on trips, so orders are issued even for cars that are on the flight. Of course, maintenance is done once, and spare parts are written off often.

It turned out to be simple, the MP had the right to issue spare parts from the central warehouse to the warehouse of the repair zone of the park (the Senior Mechanic also had it, but everything happened under the login of the MP). The right to write out order-outfits for your park too. He also often took spare parts himself (sometimes, of course, the foremen, when the repair was in reality), supposedly to be taken to the locksmiths. In the warehouse, everything was clearly written off, that is, inventory could not show anything. And orders-outfits are an empty piece of paper, locksmiths and foremen did not receive salaries from the norm of hours, they do not care how much and what is written out there, they have a salary. That is, our super Roma simply wrote out spare parts and took them out. We did not inspect private cars before leaving, of course, and we trusted him. Everything became clear as day.

Damage to the terrible hundreds and hundreds of thousands. Of course he should be fired. I talked to his NP: "Vadik, the MP needs to be removed, here is the evidence." How upset he was is indescribable. Yes, and I myself am very sad, I really sympathized with Roma. Then he changed his face in the NP and speaks. "Look, Romka needs to be removed, that's understandable. But maybe he'll just leave on his own? Shall we not tell the owner of the company?" I answer "how so? Are you out of your mind?: He replies" you understand, the owner will then fire his wife. What is she doing here? You understand that they have 2 children, and there is a crisis in the yard. Both will be out of work."

And this is where I made a tough choice. On the one hand, of course, you can not tell the owner. Roma will leave, we will restore order, there will be no more violations. And we won't let an innocent person run the risk of being fired. And on the other hand, wouldn’t it be like becoming an accomplice yourself, and undermining the trust of the owner of the company. I thought for a long time and decided to tell the owner and show everything. As predicted by the NP, the owner fired both. He says, “Let Roma thank the Lord that they didn’t break his legs and didn’t sue him. But I can’t keep his wife. She considers tariffs, I can’t trust her anymore.”

But it turned out she really did not know that her husband was doing this. How she cried. "What is my fault?" spoke. Yes, she was a good employee, it was a pity to lose. Well, it was hard for me that an innocent person suffered because of the investigation. As a result, both breadwinners of the family were left without work during the crisis. And now, years later, I no and no, I ask myself, did I do the right thing then? It seems to be correct.

And is it right that the owner fired the thief's wife? Husband and wife are one Satan. Or not?

Inspired by the story of the origin of the word "Dick".
It was in 2006, in one of the suburban villages of the city of Sevastopol. Somehow the local organization "Mejlis" received a tidy sum from overseas sponsors for the improvement of the life of the Crimean Tatars, namely for the construction of roads. Roads, as a sign of civilization, are an essential thing, especially in newly formed settlements. After all, as you know, the construction of new roads in the post-Soviet space ceased along with the existence of the USSR.
The allocated money was enough to build roads in a small microdistrict, but the sponsors demanded construction according to European standards, which meant additional costs. Adding to the costs the amount of the due kickback (naive sponsors did not take this into account), it turned out that only two streets could be made happy with the “euroroads”. Well, two or two, everything is better than nothing, the representatives of the Crimean Mejlis decided, and almost blindly, pointing a finger at the map of the district, they chose the streets. It would not be superfluous to note that even blindfolded, they unmistakably found on the map the places of residence of their closest relatives. But it's not about that. After selecting the streets, the project was commissioned and a tender for the construction was announced…
The first signs of mistrust appeared among the inhabitants of the happy streets after the news that the tender was won by a road construction company from another region. But their vigilance was lulled by the stormy activity of road builders. At first, in the mornings, residents began to discover outlandish equipment brought on their streets at night. Then, day and night, the roar of this technique did not let the whole district sleep. But people endured, because all this happened for their own good. And only the envious residents of the neighboring streets, looking at the scale of the ongoing work, asked sarcastically: “Isn’t the international highway Kyiv-Istanbul being built here?”. And when the happy owners of the European road began to buy roller skates for their children (so that their children become the first testers of the new good), everything suddenly stopped. The builders were the first to disappear, and behind them, just as it appeared, at night, the equipment disappeared. The construction of the road has not been completed to this day. The reason for what happened is banal, like my whole story. The money has run out. But the bottom line is that the Kherson road construction company won the tender for construction. In short - "HER DOR STROY". Indeed, the name of the company corresponds to the quality of its services ...
And further. For some reason it seems to me that the services of this company are used in many regions of our long-suffering CIS ...

In fact, these are any blindfolded actions performed for a rather long time, from an hour or more.

Purpose: to transfer attention from the visual channel, to other senses, for the most part to kinesthetics and hearing.


1. Being alone at home, listen to the sounds, you need to remove the load from the eyes and translate into hearing. It is easier to do this blindfolded, attention itself goes to hearing, especially if you do nothing but just sit in a chair.

2. Make any movements around the house, moving from room to room, feeling the surrounding objects.

3. Feeling with hands of specially prepared objects in order to increase sensitivity. In everyday life, a lot of manipulations with the help of hands are not realized. By paying special attention to the actions performed by the hands, we increase awareness, with closed eyes it is easier. It should also help the dream. I still don’t have a thought in a dream to feel something with my hands, look at my hands - I look, it seems consciously, but I don’t realize the touch. For example, I remember that I opened the door, grabbed the handle, but I don’t remember the sensations, everything passes by awareness, in reality it happens in the same way. I have prepared a special box with a variety of objects with different surface textures (stones, cones, shells, chestnuts, balls, etc.) and blindfolded I feel them.

4. Sitting in a blindfolded chair, try to feel the energy flows around you. Since the hands are more sensitive, it is much easier to feel the currents around them, you can feel warm, cool, etc. At the same time, I try to see something in front of my eyes.

5. Everything is the same only in nature.

Feelings during and after practice

I studied in my apartment, being alone. At first, I could not stand it for more than three hours, I simply ripped off this bandage from my head, although I specifically set the alarm clock for five hours. In the future, the goal was to spend the whole day at home, blindfolded. I got up, had breakfast, heated dinner in advance, wrapped it in a blanket to keep it warm, and then dined in the blind. I removed the bandage before dinner. The longest time is ten hours without sight. The big temptation during practice is to go to bed. The first such day I slept with a bandage, I just did not know what to do. It is necessary not to let yourself sleep, since there will be no point in practice, you need to find any occupation for yourself. I did everything and took a bath, washed, vacuumed, painted, played music. For some classes, you need to prepare things in advance that you will deal with in the blind. You can even cook dinner if you lay out the food in advance, at least I managed to boil two eggs.

By exercise:

1. Hearing is escalating is a fact.

2. At first, I stumbled a lot, hit, and then I got used to it and even moved at a normal speed.

3. Feeling slows down the VP.

4. In the state of ATS, you can see an endless dark space in front of you. Sometimes the tonal begins to draw, there was a feeling that I see walls in front of me, doors, hands that I brought to my face. He was engaged in looking at multi-colored spots before his eyes, the so-called phosphenes. Sometimes it took me to some scenes from the past, it turned out, something like a recapitulation.

5. I have not tried it in nature yet, until I manage to go. Winter:(


VD is inhibited, awareness increases, everything is done in slow motion and more consciously. Time passes faster, it seems to you that only an hour has passed, but in fact more than two hours. I do not know what it is connected with, maybe due to a decrease in mental activity. Being in the Crimean caves, I observed the same pattern, time in the cave flows faster, they say that in such conditions, a person switches to a day that lasts 36 hours, experiments prove that this is a natural day for a person. Physiologists believe that such information is stored at the genetic level in the human memory. Under such conditions, a person thinks/feels that 24 hours have passed, but actually 36 hours have passed. There is reason to think.

When you remove the bandage, especially after a long time of 6-9 hours, you are glad that you are sighted again, and the colors become brighter, you come to your senses for a while, and then for about 15 minutes you look at the surrounding objects with surprise.

Sometimes you get into a drowsy state, there is disorientation in space and time. Here you are sitting, thinking that there is still a carriage, that it is light outside, then bam the alarm clock rings, you take off your bandage, it is dark on the street, and the clock is already seven o’clock in the evening, the planned pastime without sight is over, and you yourself are at a loss how time flew by so fast.

zalman 05.01.2012 04:58

On "their" territory is quite simple.
The most interesting thing in an unfamiliar area is to move in space and even more than that, to do something, especially when your life depends on it.
At one time I traveled, I had to spend the night in various places: a field, a forest, a suburb, a city. From the beginning there was no money to buy a flashlight, and then in principle I did not take it.
At first it is very difficult to trust your body and even more difficult to trust the surrounding space. Overcome the fear of an unfamiliar place, and even in the dark.
The most difficult thing, it seems to me, is trying to "see" at dusk, in the so-called night blindness. Recently I found myself on a rather busy ice rink, where the lighting was not turned on for a long time. The tickling feeling of riding almost blind.

Since then, I have been hiking without lighting devices. In total darkness: I put up a tent, go for firewood for a fire, etc. So far, I have not lost anything and have not experienced any particular inconvenience.

ps I don't know how true my feelings are, but you can really "see" the surrounding space with your body and much more than with your eyes. Sometimes I close my eyes for a moment when I find myself in an unfamiliar place in order to orient myself and assess the situation.
Hearing helps a lot to "correctly" hear a person. Lies are recognized at once.
Good people smell good, unlike bad people.
There are no problems with determining the freshness of products, even those that are hermetically sealed (canned food, vacuum packaging, etc.).
Kinesthetics helps when choosing clothes and other items.

Alex.) 25.03.2012 22:05

Interesting practice! Also, to the topic of benefits, I think it did not hurt to add that you begin to appreciate the possibility of vision more.

In a less closed space: in the city, in the forest, you can take a stick with you. As the snow and slush go away, it will be necessary to try around the city, to walk like that. It seems to me that visually I remember the road: where are the steps, where do they end; where is the fence going? where are the ledges, where are the rises.

You can draw a route to start. For example: from home to the market. And then, just walk blindly!

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Kostya 29.03.2012 01:05

I was walking along a garden association, along a dacha street, and then it struck to remove the bandage. In front of my eyes is a German Shepherd. So be careful people.

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Turtle 19.04.2012 05:29

I tried this in public transport and on the street (sitting on a bench). She simply closed her eyes and began to feel the surrounding space with the entire surface of her body. It so happened that I "saw with my body" and sometimes saw with my eyes closed. Perceptibly shifts my assemblage point. It is often difficult to return to normal perception after this. I kind of get lost. And I think it drains me.

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Maria 18.05.2012 08:06

I was in the Crimea, at the training of personal growth. Our coaches, a married couple, having closed their eyes with tight bandages, holding hands, slowly, but without falls and any special failures, climbed the rock. Of course, we were not allowed to climb! This is what is called - to feel each other and the world around you with your whole body. I would love to learn at least some of it!

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