The factor that has the greatest impact on health. Factors influencing the state of health

Why should a person take care of their health? A person takes care of his health, because his future, well-being, and lifestyle depend on it.

Factors positively affecting health

  • Rejection of bad habits
  • balanced diet
  • State of the environment
  • physical activity
  • hardening
  • Personal hygiene
  • daily regime

Balanced diet. It is an important component of metabolic processes in the body, provides it with the necessary energy, without which physical activity is completely impossible. Food should provide our body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. All these substances are simply necessary to ensure proper life. The following factors influence the effectiveness of the food taken:

  • Origin of products. They should contain only natural ingredients.
  • The number of calories contained in foods should correspond to the physical and intellectual stress of a person.
  • Eating should be carried out only when necessary, and not when there is a desire to taste something tasty.

If at least one recommendation is violated, then there will be a possibility of failure in the activity of the whole organism or certain organs. As a result, health will deteriorate and immunity will decrease, a person will not be able to work productively. Most often, the result of malnutrition is overweight, the appearance of diabetes, the occurrence of many other diseases.

Motor activity provides muscle tone, the proper functioning of all organs. Sport is tightly connected with the science of a healthy lifestyle, without it there can be no question of a healthy body and an excellent condition of the figure. The state of muscular, respiratory, nervous and all other components of the body depends on sports loads. Systematic exercises help to improve the whole image of a person, the figure becomes slim and graceful.

Rejection of bad habits. One of the most important factors for maintaining health is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These violators of health are the cause of many diseases, drastically reduce life expectancy, reduce efficiency, adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

hardening- an obligatory element of physical education, especially important for young people, as it is of great importance for strengthening health, increasing efficiency, improving well-being, mood and vigor. Hardening, as a factor in increasing the body's resistance to various meteorological conditions, has been used since ancient times.

An important element of a healthy lifestyle is personal hygiene. It includes a rational daily regimen, body care, clothing and footwear hygiene. Of particular importance is daily regime. With proper and strict observance of it, a clear rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed. And this, in turn, creates better conditions for work and recovery.

If you adhere to the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, you can get a bright and painless future, harmony of soul and body as a reward.

By discipline:

Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle

« Factors affecting health. The role of various factors in health promotion.

Smirnova Elena Andreevna.

Psychology faculty. Course 1.

Address: Novosibirsk region,

Vengerovsky district,

Vengerovo village, st. Herzen 14

Harmful factors affecting human health


The problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant today. Now the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the world is characterized by huge numbers. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, youth, as well as the health of expectant mothers. After all, alcohol has a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it.

The harm of alcohol is obvious. It has been proven that when alcohol enters the body, it spreads through the blood to all organs and adversely affects them up to destruction.

With the systematic use of alcohol, a dangerous disease develops - alcoholism. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is curable, like many other diseases.

But the main problem is that most of the alcoholic products produced by non-state enterprises contain a large amount of toxic substances. Poor quality products often lead to poisoning and even death.

All this causes great damage to society, its cultural values.

Effect of alcohol on the nervous system.

Alcohol from the stomach enters the bloodstream two minutes after drinking. The blood carries it to all cells of the body. First of all, the cells of the cerebral hemispheres suffer. The conditioned reflex activity of a person worsens, the formation of complex movements slows down, the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system changes. Under the influence of alcohol, voluntary movements are disturbed, a person loses the ability to control himself.

The penetration of alcohol to the cells of the frontal lobe of the cortex liberates the emotions of a person, unjustified joy, stupid laughter, lightness in judgments appear. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, there is a sharp weakening of the processes of inhibition. The cortex ceases to control the work of the lower parts of the brain. A person loses restraint, modesty, he says and does what he never said and would not do when sober. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the higher nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the activity of the lower parts of the brain: coordination of movements is disturbed, for example, eye movement (objects begin to double), an awkward staggering gait appears.

"Violation of the functioning of the nervous system and internal organs is observed with any use of alcohol: one-time, episodic and systematic."

It is known that disorders of the nervous system are directly related to the concentration of alcohol in human blood. When the amount of alcohol is 0.04-0.05 percent, the cerebral cortex turns off, the person loses control over himself, loses the ability to reason rationally. At a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1 percent, the deeper parts of the brain that control movement are inhibited. Human movements become uncertain and are accompanied by causeless joy, revival, fussiness. However, in 15 percent of people, alcohol can cause despondency, a desire to fall asleep. As the alcohol content in the blood increases, a person's ability to hear and see is weakened, and the speed of motor reactions is blunted. An alcohol concentration of 0.2 percent affects areas of the brain that control a person's emotional behavior. At the same time, base instincts are awakened, sudden aggressiveness appears. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.3 percent, a person, although he is conscious, does not understand what he sees and hears. This state is called alcoholic stupefaction.

Harm of alcohol

Systematic, excessive alcohol consumption can cause serious illness - alcoholism.

Alcoholism is the regular, compulsive consumption of large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time. Let's take a look at what alcohol can do to our body.

Blood. Alcohol inhibits the production of platelets, as well as white and red blood cells. Outcome: anemia, infections, bleeding.

Brain. Alcohol slows down blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, leading to constant oxygen starvation of its cells, resulting in weakening of memory and slow mental degradation. Early sclerotic changes develop in the vessels, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases.

Heart. Alcohol abuse causes an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, persistent hypertension and myocardial dystrophy. Cardiovascular insufficiency puts the patient on the brink of the grave. Alcoholic myopathy : muscle degeneration as a result of alcoholism. The reasons for this are not using muscles, poor diet and alcohol damage to the nervous system. In alcoholic cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle is affected.

Intestines. The constant effect of alcohol on the wall of the small intestine leads to a change in the structure of cells, and they lose their ability to fully absorb nutrients and mineral components, which ends with the exhaustion of the alcoholic's body. Constant inflammation of the stomach and later the intestine causes ulcers of the digestive organs .

Liver. E that organ suffers from alcohol the most: an inflammatory process occurs ( hepatitis ), and then cicatricial degeneration ( cirrhosis ). The liver ceases to fulfill its function of decontaminating toxic metabolic products, producing blood proteins and other important functions, which leads to the inevitable death of the patient. cirrhosis - an insidious disease: it slowly creeps up on a person, and then beats, and immediately to death. The cause of the disease is the toxic effects of alcohol.

Pancreas. Alcoholic patients are 10 times more likely to develop diabetes than non-drinkers: alcohol destroys the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin, and profoundly perverts metabolism.

Leather. A drunk person almost always looks older than his years: his skin very soon loses its elasticity and ages prematurely.

Tobacco smoking

Studies have proven the harm of smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 30 toxic substances: Nicotine, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Hydrocyanic acid, Ammonia, Resinous substances, Organic acids and others.

Statistics say: compared to non-smokers, long-term smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to have myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to get stomach ulcers. Smokers make up 96 - 100% of all lung cancer patients. Every seventh long-term smoker suffers from obliterating endarteritis - a serious disease of the blood vessels.

Nicotine is a nerve poison. In experiments on animals and observations on humans, it has been established that nicotine in small doses excites nerve cells, promotes increased breathing and heart rate, heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting. In large doses, it inhibits and then paralyzes the activity of CNS cells, including autonomic ones. A disorder of the nervous system is manifested by a decrease in working capacity, trembling of the hands, and a weakening of memory.

Nicotine also affects the endocrine glands, in particular the adrenal glands, which at the same time release the hormone Adrenaline into the blood, which causes vasospasm, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Adversely affecting the sex glands, nicotine contributes to the development of sexual weakness in men - impotence.

Smoking is especially harmful to children and teenagers. The nervous and circulatory systems, which are not yet strong, react painfully to tobacco.

In addition to nicotine, other components of tobacco smoke also have a negative effect. When carbon monoxide enters the body, oxygen starvation develops, due to the fact that carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin more easily than oxygen and is delivered with blood to all human tissues and organs. Cancer in smokers occurs 20 times more often than in non-smokers. The longer a person smokes, the more likely he is to die from this serious disease. Statistical studies have shown that smokers often have cancerous tumors in other organs - the esophagus, stomach, larynx, kidneys. It is not uncommon for smokers to develop cancer of the lower lip due to the carcinogenic effect of the extract accumulating in the mouthpiece of the pipe.

Very often, smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, accompanied by a persistent cough and bad breath. As a result of chronic inflammation, the bronchi expand, bronchiectasis is formed with severe consequences - pneumosclerosis, leading to circulatory failure. Often smokers experience pain in the heart. This is due to a spasm of the coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle with the development of angina pectoris (coronary heart failure). Myocardial infarction in smokers occurs 3 times more often than in non-smokers.

Smokers endanger not only themselves, but also those around them. In medicine, even the term "passive smoking" has appeared. In the body of non-smokers after staying in a smoky and unventilated room, a significant concentration of nicotine is determined.


A drug is any chemical compound that affects the functioning of the body. Drug addiction (this word was formed from the Greek. narkē numbness, sleep + mania madness, passion, attraction) - chronic diseases caused by the abuse of medicinal or non-drug drugs. This is dependence on intoxicating substances, a state of mental and physical dependence on an intoxicating substance acting on the central nervous system, changing tolerance to a drug with a tendency to increase doses and the development of physical dependence.

Currently, a new situation has developed in the country related to drug addiction - there is an increase in drug consumption. If earlier drug addicts preferred one drug, now polydrug addiction is the use of various drugs with the transition from weak to strong drugs. The introduction of girls to drugs is growing.

The extremely painful way out of drug addiction significantly complicates the treatment - "withdrawal", vegetative reactions and the patient's fear of a very painful way out of physical dependence on the drug, give a low percentage of those cured. Some narcologists believe that drug addiction is incurable.

Drug addiction is the most serious threat to the existence of society.

Drug abuse, known since ancient times, has now spread to alarming proportions throughout the world. Even with the narrowing, from the point of view of narcologists, the boundaries of drug addiction to legally acceptable in many countries, drug addiction is recognized as a social disaster.

Abuse among young people is especially disastrous - both the present and the future of society are affected. From the point of view of narcologists, the full picture of the spread of abuse, including forms of substance abuse, is even more tragic. Substances and preparations not included in the list of drugs, as a rule, are even more malignant, leading to even greater harm to a person.

The International Anti-Drug Center in New York has a document indicating the number of drug addicts in the world - 1,000,000,000 people.

So, the main causes of drug abuse are:

Social Consistency. If the use of a particular drug is accepted within a group to which a person belongs or identifies with, he will feel the need to use that drug to show his belonging to that group.

Pleasure. One of the main reasons why people use drugs is the accompanying and pleasurable sensations, from well-being and relaxation to mystical euphoria.

Curiosity with regard to drugs causes some people to start taking drugs themselves.

Prosperity and leisure can lead to boredom and loss of interest in life, and in this case, drugs may seem like an exit and stimulation.

Avoiding physical stress. Most people manage to cope with the most stressful situations of their lives, but some try to find refuge in the form of drug addiction. Drugs often become the false center around which their lives revolve.

The role of various factors in health promotion.

Healthy lifestyle

Human health- this is his ability to maintain psychophysical stability appropriate for age and gender in conditions of constant change in quantitative and qualitative units of structural and sensory information.

Healthy lifestyle- this is a way of organizing the production, household and cultural aspects of life that has developed in a person, allowing to one degree or another to realize one's creative potential, preserving and improving human health.

Based on this, the basis of a healthy lifestyle includes:

Compliance with the regime of the day - work, rest, sleep - in accordance with the daily biorhythm;

Motor activity, including systematic classes in accessible sports, recreational jogging, rhythmic and static gymnastics, dosed walking in the air;

Reasonable use of hardening methods;

Balanced diet.

Balanced diet

Balanced diet is the nutrition of a healthy person, built on scientific foundations, capable of quantitatively and qualitatively satisfying the body's need for energy.

The energy value of food is measured in calories(one calorie is equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water by 1 degree). The energy costs of a person are expressed in the same units. In order for the weight of an adult to remain unchanged while maintaining a normal functional state, the influx of energy into the body with food must be equal to the energy expenditure for a certain work. This is the basic principle of rational nutrition, taking into account climatic and seasonal conditions, age and sex of workers. But the main indicator of energy exchange is the amount of physical activity. In this case, fluctuations in metabolism can be very significant. For example, metabolic processes in a vigorously working skeletal muscle can increase 1000 times compared to a muscle at rest.

Even at complete rest, energy is spent on the functioning of the body - this is the so-called basal metabolism. Energy expenditure at rest in 1 hour is approximately 1 kilocalorie per kilogram of body weight.

In nutrition, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of food eaten, but also its qualitative characteristics. That is why the main elements of a balanced diet are balance and the right mode. A balanced diet is one that provides the optimal ratio of the main food and biologically active substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral elements. The most important principle of a balanced diet is the correct ratio of the main nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This ratio is expressed by the formula 1:1:4 , and with heavy physical labor - 1:1:5 , in old age - 1:0,8:3 . Balance also provides for a relationship with calorie indicators.

Based on the balance formula, an adult who is not engaged in physical labor should receive 70-100 g of proteins and fats and about 400 g of carbohydrates per day, of which no more than 60-80 g of sugar. Proteins and fats must be of animal and vegetable origin. It is especially important to include in food vegetable fats (up to 30% of the total), which have protective properties against the development of atherosclerosis, lowering cholesterol in the blood. It is very important that food contains a sufficient amount of all the vitamins necessary for a person (there are about 30 in total), especially vitamins A, E, soluble only in fats, C, P and group B - water-soluble. Especially a lot of vitamins in the liver, honey, nuts, rose hips, black currants, cereal sprouts, carrots, cabbage, red peppers, lemons, and also in milk. During periods of increased physical and mental stress, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes and increased doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Given the stimulating effect of vitamins on the central nervous system, they should not be taken at night, and since most of them are acids, take only after meals to avoid irritating the gastric mucosa.

Thus, from the foregoing, we can deduce the main rational nutrition rules:

    do not overeat;

    diversify the diet, eating greens, vegetables, fruits at any time of the year; limit the use of animal fats, including butter, salt, sugar, confectionery; eat less fried foods;

    do not eat hot and spicy food;

    chew food thoroughly;

    do not eat late at night;

    eat at least 4-5 times a day in small portions, try to eat at the same time.

hardening procedures

Physiological entity hardening human being is that under the influence of temperature influences, with the help of natural factors, the body gradually becomes immune (of course, to certain limits) to colds and overheating. Such a person more easily endures physical and mental stress, is less tired, maintains high efficiency and activity.

The main hardening factors are air, sun and water. Showers, baths, saunas, quartz lamps have the same effect. Hardening to heat and cold is carried out by various stimuli.

Basic Principles hardening are:

    gradual increase in hardening factors;

    the systematic nature of their application;

    changing intensity;

    a variety of means with the obligatory consideration of the individual properties of the body.

The natural ability of a person to adapt to changes in the environment, and above all temperature, is preserved only with constant training. Under the influence of heat or cold, various physiological changes occur in the body. This is an increase in the activity of the central nervous system, and an increase in the activity of the endocrine glands, and an increase in the activity of cellular enzymes, and an increase in the protective properties of the body. A person's resistance to the action of other factors also increases, for example, a lack of oxygen in the surrounding air, and overall physical endurance increases.

The most common hardening methods are water and air methods.

air hardening can be carried out in the form of air baths, changing the intensity of the load by gradually lowering or increasing the ambient temperature from season to season, the duration of the procedure and the area of ​​​​the naked surface of the body. Depending on the temperature, air baths are divided into warm (over 22°), indifferent (21-22°), cool (17-20°), moderately cold (13-16°), cold (4-13°), very cold (below 4°). Air baths, in addition to a training effect on the mechanisms of thermoregulation, in particular on the blood vessels of the skin, also affect the entire body. Inhaling clean, fresh air causes deeper breathing, which contributes to better ventilation of the lungs and the entry of more oxygen into the blood. At the same time, the performance of skeletal and cardiac muscles increases, blood pressure normalizes, blood composition improves, etc. Air baths have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, a person becomes calmer, more balanced, mood, sleep, appetite improve, overall physical and mental performance increases.

Water procedures have on the body not only temperature, but also a mechanical effect, subdivided into hot (over 40 °), warm (40-36 °), indifferent (35-34 °), cool (33-20 °), cold - with water temperature below 20°C. It is best to start hardening with water indoors at normal, habitual room temperature for the body, at any time of the year. First, it is recommended to take local water procedures, for example, wiping with a wet towel immediately after morning hygienic gymnastics. Starting wiping with water at about 30 °, gradually reduce it by 1 ° daily, bringing it to 18 ° and below, depending on how you feel. The procedure begins with the hands, then wipe the shoulders, neck, torso. After that, you need to rub yourself with a massage towel until the skin turns red and a pleasant feeling of warmth.

Hardening brings great benefits not only to healthy, but also to sick people. Many, it would seem, already doomed to chronic ailments, people managed not only to completely recover from the diseases that overwhelmed them, but also to completely restore their lost strength and health.


Human health must be protected and strengthened. The health of a person with any ailments needs a mandatory correction. This correction can be purely medical, or it can combine both medical and non-traditional methods of strengthening and restoring health, and can also be based on an individually selected regimen.

A healthy lifestyle is subjectively significant, therefore, in order to preserve and strengthen the health of each person, it is necessary to restructure consciousness, break old ideas about health, and change behavioral stereotypes. Health is a value without which life does not bring satisfaction and happiness.

In order to live a happy, long and fulfilling life, you need to have basic knowledge about what are the factors that affect human health, what exactly is decisive in the physical and psychological state. This information will help to avoid health complications if measures are taken to adjust lifestyle, place of residence, behavior, based on the data from the article below.

Numerous observations and studies have become the basis for the formation of a single and comprehensive list of factors affecting the state of human health. If one of you thinks that everything depends only on us in this matter, then everything is not so simple here. Why, let's watch and figure it out together. The first important point is the environment.

State of the environment

This factor has an impact regardless of how strong and healthy you are (in the range of 20-25%). Bad ecology, harmful emissions, the proximity of factories, the low level of drinking water quality - everything in one way or another affects a person and reduces his general level of health. Therefore, it is worth considering carefully whether you are ready to sacrifice your physical condition for the sake of living in a particular area.

genetic predisposition

What parents give to their inheritance has 15-20% of the total impact on health. Of course, this does not apply to those cases when serious diseases are transmitted that significantly shorten life expectancy.

Socio-economic conditions

Lifestyle, living conditions greatly affect the state of health, in the range of 50-55%. This is the main factor that everyone should pay attention to. Leading a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy food, having a full-fledged balanced relationship with society and the opposite sex, the absence of bad habits - all this eventually gives a result. As for the psychological state, which is often disturbed even in apparently healthy people, here we recommend that you contact professionals in their field in a timely manner. Do not hesitate and make an appointment with psychologists. For more information on how to do this, in which cases you need to seek help, read here.

The medicine

Medical care is not the least important factor, because timely treatment and high-quality ambulance often save the lives of even the most healthy people who have become hostages of life situations that are difficult to foresee and prevent. The availability of medical institutions and the quality of service is only a part, because the attitude of a person to this system and timely treatment also directly affect. Many healthy people delay the trip to the hospital, believing that they can handle it on their own. The medicine factor has approximately 10-15% of the influence.

Factors that determine health

Numerous studies have shown that the factors contributing to health are:

biological (heredity, type of higher nervous activity, constitution, temperament, etc.);

natural (climate, weather, landscape, flora, fauna, etc.);

state of the environment;


level of healthcare development.

These factors affect the lifestyle of people.

It has also been established that the lifestyle by about 50%, the state of the environment by 15 ... 20%, heredity by 20% and health care (the activities of its organs and institutions) by 10% determine health (individual and public).

The notion of health risk factors is closely related to the concept of health.

Health Risk Factors

Health Risk Factors These are the determinants of health that affect it negatively. They favor the emergence and development of diseases, cause pathological changes in the body. The immediate cause of the disease (etiological factors) directly affects the body, causing pathological changes in it. Etiological factors can be bacterial, physical, chemical, etc.

For the development of the disease, a combination of risk factors and immediate causes of the disease is necessary. It is often difficult to identify the cause of the disease, since there may be several causes and they are interrelated.

The number of risk factors is large and growing every year: in the 1960s. there were no more than 1000 of them, now - about 3000. There are main, so-called big risk factors, that is, those that are common to a wide variety of diseases: smoking, physical inactivity, overweight, unbalanced nutrition, arterial hypertension, psycho-emotional stress, etc. d.

There are also primary and secondary risk factors. Primary factors include factors that adversely affect health: unhealthy lifestyles, environmental pollution, burdened heredity, poor health services, etc. Secondary risk factors include diseases that aggravate the course of other diseases: diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, etc.

So, we list the risk factors for health:

unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking alcohol, unbalanced diet, stressful situations, constant psycho-emotional stress, physical inactivity, poor material and living conditions, drug use, unfavorable moral climate in the family, low cultural and educational level, low medical activity);

unfavorable heredity (hereditary predisposition to various diseases, genetic risk - predisposition to hereditary diseases);

unfavorable state of the environment (air pollution with carcinogens and other harmful substances, water pollution, soil pollution, a sharp change in atmospheric parameters, an increase in radiation, magnetic and other radiations);

unsatisfactory work of health authorities (poor quality of medical care, untimely provision of medical care, inaccessibility of medical care).

The concept of medical prevention

The concept of “prevention in medicine” is closely related to the concept of health risk factors.

What factors affect human health

Prevention means "warning", "prevention". This term is widely used in many fields of science and technology. In medicine, prevention means preventing the occurrence and development of diseases.

Distinguish between primary and secondary prevention. Primary prevention is designed to prevent the occurrence of diseases, secondary - to prevent the progression of an existing disease. Measures of primary and secondary prevention are medical, hygienic, social, socio-economic, etc. There are also individual (personal) and social prevention, i.e. actions of the individual and society to prevent the disease.

One of the main preventive measures is hygiene education and health education, which occupy one of the leading places in the practice of a social worker.

The ideas of disease prevention, along with diagnostics and treatment, originated in ancient times and usually consisted in observing the rules of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Gradually there was an idea of ​​the paramount importance of preventive measures. In the period of antiquity, the works of Hippocrates and other prominent physicians said that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Subsequently, this position was shared by many doctors, including Russian physicians of the 18th-19th centuries.

In the 19th century, when the causes of mass infectious and other diseases were revealed, the need arose for the development of public health (social medicine) and prevention became the main problem of public health.

Since 1917, the preventive direction of the social policy of domestic health care has been the leading one; this was the main advantage of the domestic health care system, which was repeatedly recognized by physicians in other countries.

The means of medical prevention are the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, medical examination, hygiene education, etc. Emphasis should be placed on primary prevention, i.e. the formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, since it is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it.

The main direction in the development of the national health care preventive policy is the development and implementation of numerous prevention programs, including the WHO program "Health for All by the Year 2000". Priority among them should be programs for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The main ones in prevention are district (family) doctors, nurses, teachers, employees of preschool institutions, employees of the media (media). It is with them that social workers should contact in terms of disease prevention.

Control questions and tasks

1. What are the concepts: “disease”, “health”, “individual health”, “public health”?

2. What does public health mean?

3. List the methods of studying health.

4. What are the indicators of public health.

5. List the indicators of natural movement (fertility, mortality, average life expectancy, etc.).

6. Which of the indicators of the natural movement of the population is the most socially significant?

7. What infant mortality rates are considered low? average? high?

8. What are the indicators of the incidence of the population (concepts, units of measurement)?

9. What diseases are in the first place among the causes of death in modern conditions?

10. Name the methods for studying the incidence.

11. What indicators of disability do you know (concepts, ways of studying); physical development (concepts, methods of study); acceleration?

12. What are the factors that determine health.

13. Which of the factors that determine health is the most significant?

14. What is the concept of health risk factors?

15. What are the major health risk factors?

16. What is the concept of disease prevention? primary disease prevention? secondary disease prevention?


Lifestyle concept

Lifestyle - a certain type of people's life, which includes a combination of various activities, people's behavior in everyday life.

The main forms of activity are distinguished: labor (industrial), cognitive, household activities, medical activity. Each type of activity has its indicators.

The indicators of production and labor activity include: the degree of satisfaction, the level of professional skills, the position held, relationships in the team, initiative, etc.

Indicators of activities in everyday life are: living conditions, availability of household appliances, time spent on household chores, relations between spouses, number of children, etc.

Medical activity is activity in the field of health care. It depends on the general level of development, education, psychological attitude, access to medical care, living conditions, etc.

Indicators of medical activity include: sanitary literacy, hygiene habits, seeking medical care, attitude to medical examinations, compliance with medical recommendations, rational nutrition, physical activity, absence of bad habits, timeliness of seeking medical help.

Let us list a number of concepts closely related to the concept of lifestyle.

Living conditions - the conditions that determine the way of life. They can be tangible and intangible (work, life, family relations, education, food, etc.).

The standard of living (well-being) characterizes the size and structure of needs. These are quantitative indicators of living conditions. The standard of living is determined by the size of the gross product, national income, real incomes of the population, provision of housing, medical care, and indicators of the health of the population.

Way of life - the order, regulations of work, life, social life, within which people live.

Lifestyle - individual characteristics of behavior in everyday life.

The quality of life is the quality of the conditions in which the daily life of people is carried out (the quality of living conditions, nutrition, education, medical care).

The task of the social worker is ultimately to help the client restore or improve the interaction between him and society in order to improve the client's quality of life.



To strengthen and maintain the health of healthy people, that is, to manage it, information is needed both about the conditions for the formation of health (the nature of the implementation of the gene pool, the state of the environment, lifestyle, etc.)

etc.), and the final result of the processes of their reflection (specific indicators of the state of health of an individual or population).

World Health Organization (WHO) experts in the 80s. 20th century determined the approximate ratio of various factors for ensuring the health of a modern person, highlighting four groups of such factors as the main ones. Based on this, in 1994, the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on Public Health in the Federal Concepts "Protection of Public Health" and "Toward a Healthy Russia" defined this ratio in relation to our country as follows:

genetic factors - 15-20%;

state of the environment - 20-25%;

medical support - 10-15%;

conditions and way of life of people - 50-55%.

The value of the contribution of individual factors of different nature to health indicators depends on age, gender and individual typological characteristics of a person. The content of each of the health promotion factors can be determined as follows (Table 1).

Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.

Genetic factors

The ontogenetic development of daughter organisms is predetermined by the hereditary program that they inherit with parental chromosomes.

However, the chromosomes themselves and their structural elements - genes, can be exposed to harmful influences, and, most importantly, throughout the life of future parents. A girl is born into the world with a certain set of eggs, which, as they mature, are sequentially prepared for fertilization. That is, in the end, everything that happens to a girl, a girl, a woman during her life before conception, to one degree or another, affects the quality of chromosomes and genes. The life expectancy of a spermatozoon is much less than that of an egg, but their life span is also sufficient for the occurrence of disturbances in their genetic apparatus. Thus, it becomes clear the responsibility that future parents bear to their offspring throughout their entire life prior to conception.

Often, factors beyond their control, which include adverse environmental conditions, complex socio-economic processes, uncontrolled use of pharmacological preparations, etc., also affect. The result is mutations that lead to the occurrence of hereditary diseases or to the appearance of a hereditary predisposition to them.

Table 1

Factors affecting human health

Sphere of influence of factors Factors




genetic Healthy inheritance. The absence of morphofunctional prerequisites for the onset of the disease. Hereditary diseases and disorders. Hereditary predisposition to diseases.
State of the environment Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, ecologically favorable living environment. Harmful conditions of life and production, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the ecological situation.
Medical support Medical screening, a high level of preventive measures, timely and comprehensive medical care. Lack of constant medical control over the dynamics of health, low level of primary prevention, poor quality medical care.
Conditions and lifestyle Rational organization of life: sedentary lifestyle, adequate motor activity, social lifestyle. The lack of a rational mode of life, migration processes, hypo - or hyperdynamia.

In the inherited prerequisites for health, factors such as the type of morphofunctional constitution and the characteristics of nervous and mental processes, the degree of predisposition to certain diseases are especially important.

Life dominants and attitudes of a person are largely determined by the constitution of a person. Such genetically predetermined features include the dominant needs of a person, his abilities, interests, desires, predisposition to alcoholism and other bad habits, etc. Despite the significance of the influences of the environment and upbringing, the role of hereditary factors turns out to be decisive. This fully applies to various diseases.

This makes it clear that it is necessary to take into account the hereditary characteristics of a person in determining the optimal way of life for him, the choice of profession, partners in social contacts, treatment, the most suitable type of load, etc. Often, society makes demands on a person that conflict with the conditions necessary for the realization programs in the genes. As a result, many contradictions constantly arise and overcome in human ontogenesis between heredity and environment, between various body systems that determine its adaptation as an integral system, etc. In particular, this is extremely important in choosing a profession, which is enough for our country. is relevant, since, for example, only about 3% of people employed in the national economy of the Russian Federation are satisfied with their chosen profession - apparently, the discrepancy between the inherited typology and the nature of the professional activity performed is not the least important here.

Heredity and environment act as etiological factors and play a role in the pathogenesis of any human disease, however, the share of their participation in each disease is different, and the greater the share of one factor, the less the contribution of another. All forms of pathology from this point of view can be divided into four groups, between which there are no sharp boundaries.

first group constitute actually hereditary diseases, in which the pathological gene plays an etiological role, the role of the environment is to modify only the manifestations of the disease. This group includes monogenic diseases (such as, for example, phenylketonuria, hemophilia), as well as chromosomal diseases. These diseases are transmitted from generation to generation through germ cells.

Second group- these are also hereditary diseases caused by a pathological mutation, however, for their manifestation, a specific effect of the environment is necessary. In some cases, the “manifesting” effect of the environment is very obvious, and with the disappearance of the effect of the environmental factor, clinical manifestations become less pronounced. These are the manifestations of HbS hemoglobin deficiency in its heterozygous carriers at a reduced partial pressure of oxygen. In other cases (for example, with gout), a long-term adverse effect of the environment is necessary for the manifestation of a pathological gene.

third group makes up the vast majority of common diseases, especially diseases of mature and old age (hypertension, peptic ulcer, most malignant tumors, etc.). The main etiological factor in their occurrence is the adverse effects of the environment, however, the implementation of the effect of the factor depends on the individual genetically determined predisposition of the organism, and therefore these diseases are called multifactorial, or diseases with a hereditary predisposition.

It should be noted that different diseases with a hereditary predisposition are not the same in the relative role of heredity and environment. Among them, one could single out diseases with a weak, moderate and high degree of hereditary predisposition.

Fourth group diseases are relatively few forms of pathology, in the occurrence of which the environmental factor plays an exceptional role. Usually this is an extreme environmental factor, in relation to which the body has no means of protection (injuries, especially dangerous infections). Genetic factors in this case play a role in the course of the disease and influence its outcome.

Statistics show that in the structure of hereditary pathology, a predominant place belongs to diseases associated with the lifestyle and health of future parents and mothers during pregnancy.

Thus, there is no doubt about the significant role that hereditary factors play in ensuring human health. At the same time, in the vast majority of cases, taking these factors into account through the rationalization of a person's lifestyle can make his life healthy and long-lasting. And, on the contrary, the underestimation of the typological characteristics of a person leads to vulnerability and defenselessness before the action of adverse conditions and circumstances of life.

State of the environment

The biological characteristics of the body are the basis on which human health is based. In the formation of health, the role of genetic factors is important. However, the genetic program received by a person ensures its development under certain environmental conditions.

“An organism without an external environment that supports its existence is impossible” - in this thought I.M. Sechenov laid the inseparable unity of man and his environment.

Each organism is in a variety of mutual relationships with environmental factors, both abiotic (geophysical, geochemical) and biotic (living organisms of the same and other species).

The environment is commonly understood as an integral system of interrelated natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena in which work, life and recreation of people take place. This concept includes social, natural and artificially created physical, chemical and biological factors, that is, everything that directly or indirectly affects human life, health and activities.

Man, as a living system, is an integral part of the biosphere. The impact of man on the biosphere is associated not so much with his biological as with labor activity. It is known that technical systems have a chemical and physical impact on the biosphere through the following channels:

  1. through the atmosphere (the use and release of various gases disrupts natural gas exchange);
  2. through the hydrosphere (pollution of rivers, seas and oceans with chemicals and oil);
  3. through the lithosphere (use of minerals, soil pollution by industrial waste, etc.).

Obviously, the results of technical activity affect those parameters of the biosphere that provide the possibility of life on the planet. Human life, as well as human society as a whole, is impossible without the environment, without nature. Man as a living organism is characterized by the exchange of substances with the environment, which is the main condition for the existence of any living organism.

The human body is largely connected with the other components of the biosphere - plants, insects, microorganisms, etc., that is, its complex organism enters the general circulation of substances and obeys its laws.

A continuous supply of atmospheric oxygen, drinking water, food is absolutely necessary for human existence and biological activity. The human body is subject to daily and seasonal rhythms, reacts to seasonal changes in ambient temperature, solar radiation intensity, etc.

At the same time, a person is a part of a special social environment - society. Man is not only a biological being, but also a social being. The obvious social basis for the existence of man as an element of the social structure is the leading, mediating his biological modes of existence and the administration of physiological functions.

The doctrine of the social essence of man shows that it is necessary to plan the creation of such social conditions for his development in which all his essential forces could unfold. In strategic terms, in optimizing living conditions and stabilizing human health, the most important thing is the development and introduction of a scientifically based general program for the development of biogeocenoses in an urbanized environment and the improvement of a democratic form of social structure.

Medical support

It is with this factor that most people link their hopes for health, but the share of responsibility of this factor turns out to be unexpectedly low. The Great Medical Encyclopedia gives the following definition of medicine: “Medicine is a system of scientific knowledge and practice, the purpose of which is to strengthen, prolong the life of people, prevent and treat human diseases.”

With the development of civilization and the spread of diseases, medicine has become increasingly specialized in the treatment of diseases and less and less attention paid to health. Actually, the treatment often reduces the stock of health due to the side effects of drugs, that is, medical medicine does not always improve health.

In medical prevention of morbidity, three levels are distinguished:

  • prevention first level focused on the entire contingent of children and adults, its goal is to improve their health throughout the life cycle. The basis of primary prevention is the experience of forming means of prevention, the development of recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, folk traditions and ways of maintaining health, etc.;
  • medical prevention second level is engaged in identifying indicators of the constitutional predisposition of people and risk factors for many diseases, predicting the risk of diseases based on a combination of hereditary characteristics, anamnesis of life and environmental factors. That is, this type of prevention is not focused on the treatment of specific diseases, but on their secondary prevention;
  • prevention third level, or prevention of diseases, sets as its main task the prevention of recurrence of diseases in patients on a general population scale.

The experience accumulated by medicine in the study of diseases, as well as the economic analysis of the costs of diagnosing and treating diseases, have convincingly demonstrated the relatively small social and economic effectiveness of disease prevention (prevention of III level) in improving the health of both children and adults.

It is obvious that the most effective should be primary and secondary prevention, which involves working with healthy or just starting to get sick people. However, in medicine, almost all efforts are focused on tertiary prevention. Primary prevention involves close cooperation between the doctor and the population.

However, the healthcare system itself does not provide him with the necessary time for this, so the doctor does not meet with the population on prevention issues, and all contact with the patient is spent almost entirely on examination, examination and treatment. As for the hygienists who are closest to realizing the ideas of primary prevention, they are mainly concerned with the provision of a healthy environment, not human health.

The ideology of an individual approach to the issues of prevention and health promotion underlies the medical concept of universal medical examination. However, the technology for its implementation in practice turned out to be untenable for the following reasons:

  • a lot of funds are required to identify the largest possible number of diseases and their subsequent integration into dispensary observation groups;
  • the dominant orientation is not on the prognosis (prediction of the future), but on the diagnosis (statement of the present);
  • leading activity belongs not to the population, but to physicians;
  • a narrowly medical approach to recovery without taking into account the diversity of the socio-psychological characteristics of the individual.

Valeological analysis of the causes of health requires a shift in the focus of attention from medical aspects to physiology, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, to the spiritual sphere and specific modes and technologies of education, upbringing and physical training.

The dependence of human health on genetic and environmental factors makes it necessary to determine the place of the family, schools, state, sports organizations and health authorities in the implementation of one of the main tasks of social policy - the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Conditions and lifestyle

Thus, it becomes clear that the diseases of modern man are caused, first of all, by his way of life and everyday behavior. Currently, a healthy lifestyle is considered as the basis for disease prevention. This is confirmed, for example, by the fact that in the United States, the reduction in infant mortality by 80% and the mortality of the entire population by 94%, the increase in life expectancy by 85% is associated not with the successes of medicine, but with the improvement of living and working conditions and the rationalization of the way the life of the population. At the same time, in our country, 78% of men and 52% of women lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

In defining the concept of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take into account two main factors - the genetic nature of a given person and its compliance with specific living conditions.

Healthy lifestyle- there is a way of life that corresponds to the genetically determined typological characteristics of a given person, specific living conditions and is aimed at the formation, preservation and strengthening of health and the full performance by a person of his socio-biological functions.

In the above definition of a healthy lifestyle, the emphasis is on the individualization of the concept itself, that is, there should be as many healthy lifestyles as there are people. In determining a healthy lifestyle for each person, it is necessary to take into account both his typological features (type of higher nervous activity, morphofunctional type, the predominant mechanism of autonomic regulation, etc.), and age and gender and the social environment in which he lives (family position, profession, traditions, working conditions, material support, life, etc.). An important place in the initial assumptions should be occupied by the personality-motivational characteristics of a given person, his life guidelines, which in themselves can be a serious incentive to a healthy lifestyle and to the formation of its content and features.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on a number of key provisions:

  1. An active carrier of a healthy lifestyle is a specific person as a subject and object of his life and social status.
  2. In the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, a person acts in the unity of his biological and social principles.
  3. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on a person's personal motivational attitude to the realization of his social, physical, intellectual and mental capabilities and abilities.
  4. A healthy lifestyle is the most effective means and method of ensuring health, primary prevention of disease and meeting the vital need for health.

Quite often, unfortunately, the possibility of maintaining and strengthening health through the use of some remedy with miraculous properties (motor activity of one kind or another, nutritional supplements, psycho-training, body cleansing, etc.) is considered and proposed. Obviously, the desire to achieve health through any one means is fundamentally wrong, since any of the proposed "panacea" is not able to cover the entire variety of functional systems that form the human body, and the relationship of man himself with nature - all that ultimately determines the harmony of his life and health.

According to E.N. Weiner, the structure of a healthy lifestyle should include the following factors: optimal motor mode, rational nutrition, rational mode of life, psychophysiological regulation, psychosexual and sexual culture, immunity training and hardening, absence of bad habits and valeological education.

The new paradigm of health is clearly and constructively defined by Academician N.M. Amosov: “To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Nothing can replace them."

A healthy lifestyle as a system consists of three main interrelated and interchangeable elements, three cultures: a culture of food, a culture of movement and a culture of emotions.

Food culture. In a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is decisive, system-forming, as it has a positive effect on motor activity and emotional stability. With proper nutrition, food best matches the natural technologies for the assimilation of nutrients developed during evolution.

Movement culture. Aerobic physical exercises (walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, gardening, etc.) in natural conditions have a healing effect. They include sun and air baths, cleansing and hardening water procedures.

The culture of emotions. Negative emotions (envy, anger, fear, etc.) have tremendous destructive power, positive emotions (laughter, joy, gratitude, etc.) preserve health and contribute to success.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is an extremely long process and can last a lifetime. Feedback from the changes that occur in the body as a result of following a healthy lifestyle does not work immediately, the positive effect of switching to a rational lifestyle is sometimes delayed for years. Therefore, unfortunately, quite often people only “try” the transition itself, but, having not received a quick result, they return to their previous way of life.

The main factors affecting human health

There is nothing surprising. Since a healthy lifestyle involves the rejection of many pleasant living conditions that have become habitual (overeating, comfort, alcohol, etc.) and, conversely, constant and regular heavy loads for a person not adapted to them and strict regulation of lifestyle. In the first period of the transition to a healthy lifestyle, it is especially important to support a person in his desire, provide the necessary consultations, point out positive changes in his state of health, in functional indicators, etc.

At present, there is a paradox: with an absolutely positive attitude towards the factors of a healthy lifestyle, especially in relation to nutrition and motor mode, in reality only 10% -15% of the respondents use them. This is not due to the lack of valeological literacy, but due to the low activity of the individual, behavioral passivity.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be purposefully and constantly formed during a person's life, and not depend on circumstances and life situations.

The effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle for a given person can be determined by a number of biosocial criteria, including:

  • assessment of morphological and functional indicators of health: the level of physical development, the level of physical fitness, the level of human adaptive capabilities;
  • assessment of the state of immunity: the number of colds and infectious diseases during a certain period;
  • assessment of adaptation to the socio-economic conditions of life (taking into account the effectiveness of professional activity, successful activity and its "physiological value" and psycho-physiological characteristics); activity in the performance of family and household duties; breadth and manifestations of social and personal interests;
  • assessment of the level of valeological literacy, including the degree of formation of the attitude towards a healthy lifestyle (psychological aspect); level of valeological knowledge (pedagogical aspect); the level of assimilation of practical knowledge and skills related to the maintenance and promotion of health (medical-physiological and psychological-pedagogical aspects); the ability to independently build an individual program of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Questions for self-control

  1. What are the genetic prerequisites for health?
  2. What is heredity and environment? What is their role in the pathogenesis of diseases?
  3. What is the relationship of the organism with the environment? Name the natural and social factors of health.
  4. What role does medicine play in health care?
  5. What is a healthy lifestyle?
  6. How to form a healthy lifestyle? What are the main factors of its structure?
Further: Chapter 5. MAN AND Up: Physiological basis of health Back: Chapter 3. SOCIAL ASPECTS
YSPU, Center for Information Technologies of Education

· Effects of solar radiation on the human body.

weather and human health; the effect of winds on the body.

· Mechanisms of influence of temperature and humidity; ways of adaptation of the human body to the temperature factor.

· Effect of fluctuations in the concentrations of oxygen, ozone, carbon dioxide on the human body.

The environmental aspects of a disease depend on its causes, which are divided into several categories:

1. Abiotic environmental factors can be the direct cause of disruption of the normal functioning of the body and the occurrence of a pathological process. Obviously, the geographical distribution of a number of diseases associated with climatic and geographical zones, altitude, intensity of insolation, air movement, atmospheric pressure, etc.

2. The biotic component of the environment in the form of metabolic products of plants and microorganisms, pathogenic microorganisms, poisonous plants, insects and animals dangerous to humans.

3. This category includes pathological conditions associated with anthropogenic factors of environmental pollution: air, soil, water, industrial products. This also includes pathology associated with biological pollution from animal husbandry, the production of microbiological synthesis products (fodder yeast, amino acids, enzyme preparations, antibiotics, microbial and antibacterial insecticides, etc.).

In addition to diseases that arise directly under the influence of adverse environmental conditions, there is a large group of diseases that are manifested by poor adaptation of the body, its individual organs and systems through a genetic defect, especially immunity.

As noted earlier, among diseases of a non-infectious nature, respiratory diseases, circulatory systems, malignant neoplasms, injuries and poisonings, mental disorders, and hereditary diseases occupy the first ranking places. Let's consider some patterns of morbidity in the population of Ukraine, depending on environmental factors.

As mentioned earlier, the external (surrounding) environment includes the natural and social environment. The natural environment consists of the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere, which are under the influence of the cosmossphere. The natural environment exists both in natural and in a modified (anthropogenic) form.

The social environment consists of various subsystems of the social infrastructure of society. The factors of each subsystem have a significant impact on the health status of the population.

The main objective of this lecture is to consider the influence of physical environmental factors on the human body.

It is known that the natural environment forms certain, most often specific conditions for the preservation and development of health.

Factors negatively affecting human health - take care of yourself and your body

Now there is no doubt about such a causal chain: solar activity - perturbations of the magnetosphere and ionosphere - an increase in the strength of the Earth's electromagnetic field - the reaction of the body. The main causative agent of vital activity on our planet is solar radiation with all its electronic and ionic fluxes and spectra. Solar activity contributes to such physical and chemical processes as fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, temperature, degree of air humidity, and others that affect the state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the psyche and behavioral reactions of a person.

For example, it has been established that there is a close relationship between death, fertility and solar activity. With the appearance of spots on the Sun, people's mood deteriorates, efficiency decreases, and the rhythm of life is disrupted. During this period, increases in exacerbations of chronic diseases, primarily of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system, and road injuries are recorded. It is known that short waves of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun have a detrimental effect on a living organism, they are absorbed by nucleic acids, which leads to genetic mutations, at the same time, the number of malignant tumors increases - cancer, sarcoma, leukemia.

With climatic factors, namely: temperature, humidity, winds, weather, etc., closely related functional states and the protection of the body's response, as well as the motivation of behavior, which, in turn, can lead to a number of diseases, including and mental disorders.

It has been found that the weather affects people with such diseases in different ways, for example, some asthma patients believe that desert air produces a surprising effect on them, while it does not bring relief to others, and the reasons for such discrepancies have not yet been found. It is sometimes very difficult to determine how the weather affects the behavior and psychological state of a person, but such an influence undoubtedly exists: for example, positive sensations with the onset of the first warm sunny days in spring after a long cold winter. At the same time, the highest death rate due to diseases is recorded in winter. Most of the diseases, especially lung diseases, occur in the winter. In winter, the number of colds and flu cases increases; in some years, influenza acquires the character of epidemics. Meteorologists that contribute to the flu are not exactly known. Some experts believe that the development of this disease is most likely under conditions of relative humidity less than 50% and light winds. They suggest that low temperatures are favorable for the survival and spread of the virus.

The method of hygienic assessment of the weather is based on the definition and sanitary characteristics of the main factors that form and characterize the weather.

The factors that shape the weather include natural (the level of solar radiation, landscape characteristics, features of the circulation of air masses) and anthropogenic (air pollution, deforestation, creation of artificial reservoirs, land reclamation, irrigation) factors. The factors that characterize the weather are heliophysical elements (solar radiation intensity, solar activity), geophysical elements (planetary and anomalous field strength, geomagnetic activity), the electrical state of the atmosphere (electric field strength, atmospheric ionization, potential gradient, air electrical conductivity, electromagnetic fluctuations), meteorological elements (temperature and humidity, speed and direction of movement of air masses, atmospheric pressure, etc.).

To systematize and evaluate the variety of possible combinations of weather-forming elements in medicine, special applied weather classifications are used. According to I.I. Grigoriev distinguish 4 medical types of weather: very favorable, favorable, weather that requires enhanced medical control, and weather that requires strict medical control.

Scientists suggest that the reaction to external stimuli, including the weather, depends on the human constitution. Many people suffer from "foehn sickness" which usually starts a day or two before the winds start and continues until they have passed. The manifestations of the symptoms of the disease coincide with an abnormal increase in the content of the biologically active substance serotonin in the blood and tissues, which affects the transmission of signals from nerve cells to the central nervous system. This may be due to changes in the environmental properties of the air, often with a high content of positive ions. It is known that atmospheric ions are molecules or atoms that have very few electrons. There are always a large number of ions in the atmosphere - about 1000 negative ions and more than 1200 positive ions in 1 cm3 of clean outdoor air. The concentrations of positive and negative ions vary greatly depending on the state of the atmosphere and are precisely the causes of diseases.

One of the remedies for the physical and psychological ailments associated with the weather is to try to increase the concentration of negative ions in the environment through various types of negative ion generators.

One of the most important weather elements are temperature and humidity. For an average healthy person, the index of comfort or discomfort in calm weather can be expressed in terms of the temperature and relative humidity of the air itself. In conditions of low relative humidity, most people think that the temperature is lower than it actually is, and vice versa.

It has been found that when the temperature exceeds 38, most people get hot regardless of the humidity level. When the relative humidity exceeds 30% at this temperature, the conditions can be called depressing. The temperature of 28°C becomes depressing if the humidity exceeds 70%.

Such feelings can be explained as follows. Under conditions of exposure to elevated temperature and air humidity, the transfer of heat from the body to the environment is complicated and can only occur with intense mechanisms of physical thermoregulation (i.e., increased sweating, expansion of peripheral vessels). When the ambient temperature rises to 33 °C, which corresponds to the temperature of the skin, heat transfer due to conduction becomes inefficient and is carried out only due to evaporation. If there is air humidity, this path of heat transfer also becomes more complicated - as a result of which overheating of the body is possible.

The influence of high temperature on the body is accompanied by a decrease in attention, a violation of the accuracy and coordination of movements, changes in the immunological reactivity of the body (special antibodies are formed in the blood - thermal agglutinins and hemolysins, which cause agglutination and death of their own erythrocytes). Anemia develops, as well as hypoavitaminosis in groups C and B (vitamins are lost with sweat).

The effect of low ambient temperature also stresses the thermoregulation system. With prolonged exposure to low temperatures, hypothermia (hypothermia) is observed. In a state of hypothermia, depression of the central nervous system is observed, it reduces the sensitivity of nerve cells to a lack of oxygen and a further decrease in temperature; metabolism is weakened, which reduces the need for oxygen, while the body becomes less susceptible to infection and intoxication, the immune system does not function normally, which can ultimately lead to the death of the body.

1. Due to the general physiological adaptive reactions that are associated with the function of the thermoregulation system, that is, with the mechanisms of chemical and physical thermoregulation that ensure the body's ability to work in a variety of environmental temperature conditions.

2. As a result of specialized physiological and anatomical adaptive reactions, which are based on the features of the genotype.

3. Due to cultural and social adaptations that are associated with providing a person with housing, heat, a ventilation system, etc.

At the same time, seasonal temperature fluctuations play an important role in the development of mental illness and psychosomatic disorders. Unexpected rises in temperature are especially dangerous for public health. Before them, patients with cardiovascular diseases and elderly people are most sensitive, the mortality of which under such conditions increases sharply.

Another manifestation of the influence of the environment on the human body can be the so-called mountain sickness. It develops in high mountains as a result of a drop in the partial pressure of atmospheric gases, primarily oxygen. At an altitude of about 3 thousand meters above sea level. saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen is provided by 85%. Altitude sickness is based on hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body. This causes shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, headache, and pulmonary edema is often observed, the latter can lead to death. At an altitude of 5 thousand meters above sea level. a coma may occur: due to hypoxia of the brain, the patient loses consciousness, breathing and blood circulation are disturbed, profound changes in metabolism occur.

Changes in the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere also affect a person. The depletion of the ozone layer leads to increased levels of ultraviolet radiation and, as previously indicated, can lead to pathologies such as skin cancer, immune system suppression and cataracts. Large concentrations of ozone in the air cause human poisoning (fatigue, irritability, choking cough, dizziness, etc.).

Thus, the basis of the influence of the environment on the human body is heliophysical activity, which manifests itself on Earth both directly (radio emissions, infrared radiation of the Sun and visible light) and indirectly (changes in weather conditions). The external environment primarily affects the nervous system of the body.

Biotic component

Questions of the relationship between man and the animal world, including the existence and spread of a number of dangerous contagious diseases that are transmitted from animals to people, also belong to the medical problems of ecology.

Academician Pavlovsky created the doctrine of the natural foci of a number of infectious diseases. The scientist showed that in nature there are foci of many infectious diseases in which the pathogen is preserved due to the transition from one animal to another. Many natural-mediated infections are transmitted by bloodborne insects (ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, mosquitoes), for example: plague, yellow fever, malaria.

The natural focus of an infectious disease is a piece of territory with a certain geographical landscape, on which, in the process of evolution of infectious agents, animals and carriers, stable interspecific relationships have developed that do not depend on the existence of a person.

However, in the process of anthropogenic changes in the environment, unexpected epidemiological situations and processes may occur due to human impact on nature. Scientists distinguish the following 3 types of these consequences:

1. Direct, according to the type of "short circuit" (for example, diseases among persons arriving in a territory located within unidentified areas of diseases - imported outbreaks of diseases); have, as a rule, local adaptability; find them fairly quickly.

2. Indirect (for example, changes in the ranges of zoonoses and their structure as a result of the development of animal husbandry and land reclamation; changes in the role of the water factor in the epidemiological process due to urbanization); have many whole ladder spatial causal relationships and “spilled” territorial fitness, discover them more slowly.

3. Remote (associated with anthropogenic changes in landscapes and ecosystems, pathways of circulation of pathogens and conditions for the formation of their gene pool); often have a planetary and age character.

On conditionhealth a person is affected by various indicators. In order to maintain a good physical shape and remain psycho-emotionally stable, you need to pay attention to the quality of your life in a multifactorial natural and social environment. What are the known factors affecting people's health and how to live a longer life, we learn from the article.

In contact with

Known Factors

Human health can be affected by various visible and invisible factors. Also known are ways to improve the physical, emotional, psychological state.

All factors affecting human health:

  • genetics;
  • medicine, healthcare;
  • : climate, flora, landscape;
  • Lifestyle;
  • physical;
  • biological;
  • chemical.

Experts classify the above factors to the following types:

  1. Social and economic;
  2. Ecological - human communication with the outside world and constant indicators;
  3. Hereditary - the presence of diseases, anomalies in the structure of the human body, inherited;
  4. Medical - providing assistance to the population, the frequency and quality of examinations, disease prevention.

All four factors directly affect a person's well-being. Here side effects to consider: age, climatic conditions of the area of ​​residence, individual indicators. However, the general average indicators of the influence of each factor separately on the population are determined:

  • lifestyle — 55%;
  • environment - 25%;
  • genetics - 10%;
  • medicine - 10%.

Harmful factors affecting human health:

  • harmful addictions;
  • incorrect distribution of working time;
  • wrong diet;
  • poor living conditions;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • chemically polluted atmosphere;
  • biological factors;
  • lack of medical examination;
  • genetic predisposition to disease.

Influence of genetic factors

For general health directly affectsheredity.

A person with genes inherited from his parents begins to adapt to the world.

This factor affects the physical and emotional state.

The gene is subject to natural selection.

It can make the owner more resistant to diseases and other aggressive factors, or, on the contrary, worsen the state of health.

Important! Each cell carries a large number of genes that control the processes of human development. A newborn baby has a set of genes from both parents. These traits are passed on to the next generation.

It has been proven that marriage between relatives increases the risk of diseases by fifty times, the mortality rate among such people is much higher. Genes are very sensitive to the harmful effects of the environment, the wrong behavior of people, having bad habits.

When planning a child, future parents should prepare for conception several months in advance, providing all the conditions for the birth of a healthy baby. If this factor is foreseen, then it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of the influence of heredity on the unborn child and lay down a healthy gene code for him.

Influence of lifestyle

The impact of lifestyle on human health is enormous! A person who leads a healthy lifestyle feels full of energy, visits doctors less often and has clearly more advantages than those who do not follow their health and have bad habits.

Lifestyle has an impact into three environments:

  • the closest environment of a person: friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family;
  • an environment that includes people united by ethnicity, standard of living, place of residence;
  • an environment that includes all people living in a particular country, who are united by social and economic relations, climatic conditions.

Each person has an impact not only on himself, but also on the people around him. The chosen way of life can be constructive or destructive.

Negative factors such as alcohol, smoking, drugs, can cause serious illness.

Also, lifestyle concerns not only physical, but also mental, mental aspects.

A lot is said about a person by what he is fond of, whether he goes in for sports, whether he follows his diet.

Attention! Scientists have found that bad habits are passed on through the parental line even after several generations. This means that any wrong choice is fraught with loss of health in descendants.

It is important that at the national level a positive outlook on . To change the situation, you need to understand what impact the following factors have on human health:

  • inactivity, lack of physical activity of the population;
  • glut of junk food and GMOs in products, which leads to obesity and disease;
  • the active rhythm of life leads to stress, the nervous system suffers;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking, sexual promiscuity.

Environmental influence

Influence of environmental factors for a healthy lifestyle is huge. Human intervention in the natural environment, even with good intentions, also has a direct impact on the environment, and it subsequently affects the human body.

In addition to human impact on the ecological situation, the following environmental factors influence health:

  • temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • vibration;
  • radiation;
  • wind gusts,;
  • electromagnetic and sound vibrations.

For well-being and normal life influenced by weather conditions. They can cause pressure drops, exacerbate joint diseases, and lead to headaches.

If a person is healthy, then the change in weather conditions will pass without consequences. However, weather-sensitive people feel unwell.

Recently, a person is constantly experiencing the influence of electromagnetic waves, radiation. It is emitted by all household appliances, telephones. Radiation affects not only the physical state of the body, but also destabilizes the psyche, changes the functioning of organs.

Important! The regular influence of electromagnetic waves adversely affects the nervous system, immunity, thyroid gland,. For several decades, the number of oncological pathologies has increased.

Environmental factors include the influence of radiation. All living beings are exposed to background radiation. Radiation leads to a change in the genetic structure, slows down the regeneration processes, impairs the function of the digestive tract.

Socio-economic factors

The economic situation in the country, as a factor, is one of the decisive ones for the health of the population. This also includes medical care. Although now medicine is less and less focused on health, and more and more on the treatment of diseases. Currently, the structure of morbidity has changed: infections are ill in 10% of cases, and 40% of the incidence is due to mental disorders, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

Important! Of the majority of deaths, the most common causes are diseases such as: atherosclerosis, obesity, mental disorders, oncology.

Now medicine is aimed at treating these pathologies, and not at preventing the problem.

Chemical Factors

Chemical pollution of the planet- this is far from a fairy tale, but a reality in which we live constantly. Even in the womb, the fetus is at risk of chemical harm, which affects future health and quality of life.

Pollution of water bodies, increased radiation background - all this becomes the cause of a huge number of diseases.

Chemical compounds penetrate through food, oxygen, and drink. Negative influence may have the following chemical factors:

  • synthetic food additives, pesticides;
  • household chemicals, hygiene products;
  • medicines and biological additives;
  • additives for the growth of animals, birds;
  • building materials, paints;
  • industrial waste;
  • exhaust gases, etc.

Chemical elements especially dangerous due to the rapid accumulation in the body, and it is not so easy to remove them. As a result, the human body is prone to the manifestation of allergic reactions, various pathologies associated with nervous diseases develop, the liver and kidneys are affected. There is a risk of developing asthma.

Among the many facts about a person, I would like to note the following:

  • The human skull is made up of twenty-nine bones;
  • the body stops working when sneezing, including heart function;
  • the nervous reaction has a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour;
  • the child still in the womb at 3 months receives unique fingerprints;
  • a woman's heart beats faster than a man's;
  • right-handers live longer than left-handers;
  • length of blood vessels in the body equals one hundred thousand km;
  • there are about a hundred viruses that cause a runny nose;
  • a smoker absorbs half a cup of tar in a year;
  • after 60 people lose 50% taste buds, decreased sense of smell, vision;
  • a tooth is the only part of a person that is not capable of self-healing.\

What affects our health

The main factors that affect the body


Harmful factors affecting human health can be reduced if you are attentive to your body, give up bad habits, improve your diet, and play sports. Healthy people can adapt in time to social, biological, chemical factors. Man is the only organism on the planet that has the ability to adapt the environment to suit itself. Be healthy!

The state of health affects the well-being of a person, his physical, social and labor activity. The quality of life and the level of overall satisfaction depend on it. It is now believed that general health consists of several components: somatic, physical, mental and moral. It is formed under the influence of a number of external and internal factors that can have a beneficial or negative effect. Maintaining a high level of public health is an important state task, for which special federal programs are being developed in the Russian Federation.

The main factors affecting human health

All factors important for the formation and maintenance of human health can be divided into 4 groups. They were identified by WHO experts back in the 80s of the twentieth century, and modern researchers adhere to the same classification.

  • socio-economic conditions and lifestyle of the individual;
  • the state of the environment, including human interaction with various microorganisms;
  • genetic (hereditary) factors - the presence of congenital anomalies, constitutional features and predisposition to certain diseases that arose during fetal development and during the life of a mutation;
  • medical support - the availability and quality of medical care, the usefulness and regularity of preventive examinations and screening examinations.

The ratio of these factors depends on gender, age, place of residence and individual characteristics of a person. Nevertheless, there are average statistical indicators of their influence on the formation of health. According to WHO data, lifestyle (50–55%) and the state of the environment (up to 25%) have the greatest impact. The share of heredity is about 15-20%, and medical support - up to 15%.

Lifestyle includes the degree of physical activity of a person and the presence of bad habits. This also includes the nature of the organization of work and leisure, adherence to the observance of the daily routine, the duration of night sleep, food culture.

Environmental factors are natural and anthroponotic (created by people) conditions in the place of permanent residence, recreation or work of a person. They can be of a physical, chemical, biological and socio-psychological nature. Their influence can be small in intensity and permanent, or short-term, but powerful.

Physical factors

Temperature, air humidity, vibration, radiation, electromagnetic and sound vibrations are the main physical factors affecting health. In recent decades, more and more importance has been attached to electromagnetic radiation, because a person experiences its effect almost constantly. There is a natural background that does not pose a health hazard. It is formed as a result of solar activity. But technological progress leads to the so-called electromagnetic pollution of the environment.

Waves of different lengths are emitted by all household and industrial electrical appliances, microwave (MW) ovens, mobile and radio telephones, physiotherapy devices. Power lines, intra-house power networks, transformer stations, urban electric transport, cellular communication stations (transmitters), television towers also have a certain influence. Even the constant action of medium-intensity unidirectional electromagnetic radiation usually does not lead to significant changes in the human body. But the problem lies in the number of sources of such radiation surrounding a city dweller.

The massive cumulative influence of electric waves causes a change in the functioning of the cells of the nervous, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems. There is an opinion that the increase in the number of neurodegenerative, oncological and autoimmune diseases in society is associated, among other things, with the action of this physical factor.

The radiation factor is also important. All living beings on Earth are constantly exposed to natural background radiation. It is formed during the isolation of radioisotopes from various rocks and their further circulation in food chains. In addition to this, a modern person receives radiation exposure during regular preventive X-ray examinations and during X-ray therapy of certain diseases. But sometimes he is unaware of the constant action of radiation. This happens when eating foods with an increased amount of isotopes, living in buildings made of building materials with a high radiation background.

Radiation leads to a change in the genetic material of cells, disrupts the functioning of the bone marrow and the immune system, and negatively affects the ability of tissues to regenerate. The functioning of the endocrine glands and the epithelium of the digestive tract worsens, and a tendency to frequent diseases appears.

Chemical Factors

All compounds that enter the human body are chemical factors that affect health. They can be ingested through food, water, inhaled air or through the skin. The following can have a negative impact:

  • synthetic food additives, flavor improvers, substitutes, preservatives, dyes;
  • household and auto chemicals, washing powders, dishwashing detergents, air fresheners in any form;
  • deodorants, cosmetics, shampoos and body hygiene products;
  • medicines and dietary supplements;
  • pesticides contained in foodstuffs, heavy metals, formaldehyde, traces of additives to accelerate the growth of livestock and poultry;
  • glue, varnishes, paints and other materials for the repair of premises;
  • volatile chemical compounds released from floor and wall coverings;
  • preparations used in agriculture for pest and weed control, means for getting rid of mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects;
  • tobacco smoke, which can get into the lungs even of a non-smoker;
  • water and air polluted by industrial waste, urban smog;
  • smoke from burning landfills and burning leaves from city trees (which accumulate heavy metals and other exhaust products).

Chemical factors that affect health are especially dangerous if they tend to accumulate in the body. As a result, a person develops chronic intoxication with damage to peripheral nerves, kidneys, liver and other organs. The work of the immune system is changing, which leads to an increased risk of developing bronchial asthma, autoimmune and allergic diseases.

Biological and socio-psychological factors

Most people place great importance on the role of microorganisms in maintaining a sufficient level of health. To destroy pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria, some people use disinfectants for daily cleaning and washing dishes, thoroughly clean their hands, and even take antibacterial drugs for prophylactic purposes. But this approach is wrong.

A person is constantly in contact with a huge number of microorganisms, and not all of them pose a health hazard. They are found in soil, air, water, food. Some of them even live on the skin of a person, in his mouth, vagina and inside the intestines. In addition to pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria, there are opportunistic and even beneficial microbes. For example, vaginal lactobacilli help maintain the necessary acid balance, and a number of bacteria in the large intestine supply the human body with B vitamins and contribute to a more complete digestion of food residues.

Constant interaction with a variety of microorganisms has a training effect on the immune system, maintaining the necessary intensity of the immune response. Uncontrolled intake of antibacterial agents, the use of unbalanced diets and lead to disruption of normal microflora (dysbacteriosis). This is fraught with the activation of opportunistic bacteria, the formation of systemic candidiasis, the development of intestinal disorders and inflammation of the vaginal wall in women. Dysbacteriosis also leads to a decrease in immunity and increases the risk of developing allergic dermatoses.

Social and psychological factors influencing health also play an important role. Stressful situations initially lead to the mobilization of the body with the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and stimulation of the endocrine system. Subsequently, there is a depletion of adaptive capabilities, and unreacted emotions begin to transform into psychosomatic diseases. These include bronchial asthma, stomach and duodenal ulcers, dyskinesias of various organs, migraine, fibromyalgia. Immunity decreases, fatigue accumulates, the productivity of the brain decreases, existing chronic diseases become aggravated.

Maintaining health is not just about managing symptoms and fighting infection. Preventive examinations, proper nutrition, rational physical activity, competent organization of the workplace and recreation areas are important. It is necessary to influence all factors influencing health. Unfortunately, one person cannot radically change the state of the environment. But he can improve the microclimate of his home, choose his foods carefully, keep his water clean, and reduce his daily use of pollutants.

The article was prepared by the doctor Obukhova Alina Sergeevna

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