What will happen in the army. What to take with you to the army? Change your attitude towards physical development

After successfully passing the draft board, you will be informed of the day when you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office to be sent to the collection point.

You will go to the assembly point in an organized manner, together with representatives of the military registration and enlistment office. You cannot go to the collection point on your own.

2. What to bring?

You need to bring the following documents with you:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (it is withdrawn, and in return a military ID is issued under a personal signature);
  • certificate of military registration specialty (if any);
  • driver's license (if any).

You will also be checked for serviceable and appropriate clothing and footwear for the season.

What else you can take with you, check with your military registration and enlistment office.

3. What happens at the collection point?

A day or two is usually spent at the collection point. There is a distribution of conscripts by branches of service and military units. Officers from military units select conscripts on the basis of an interview and personal data.

During this time, you need to go through a medical examination again.

You will be given uniforms and toilet bags with shampoo, shaving accessories, toothbrush and paste, soap and other necessary accessories.

If you have not cut your hair short in advance, you will be cut at the collection point.

At the assembly point, all conscripts must be fed. Also, there should be organized the sale of essential goods.

At the assembly point, educational and mass cultural work is carried out with conscripts: they are told about the history of Russia, military service, and the oath.

After you will be sent to the military unit in an organized manner.

4. What payments and benefits are due to a soldier?

All military personnel receive monetary allowance. If you have received military registration specialties or command personnel, you can count on an increase.

Upon transfer to the reserve, you will be given military transportation documents in your hands, which can be exchanged at the station for a free ticket home.

Even before the end of military service, upon conscription, a soldier can conclude an agreement and enroll.

Young men who have served in the army can:

  • enter state universities and colleges out of competition if they successfully passed the entrance exams;

Hello! How to serve in the army, so as not to waste time? Should you serve? How to return from the army healthy (physiologically, mentally) and alive? Today I will tell you everything as it really is. The article is going to be huge but incredibly informative, so get ready for some thoughtful reading, especially for those who are about to join the military. Become! Begoooooom… MARCH!)

Should I join the army? Pragmatic waste of resources

I am always more interested in a pragmatic approach to any issue, i.e. in terms of the benefits of investing time / effort / money / and other resources. Now I will explain why.

Why waste resources on something that does not bring any particular benefit to you, if not now, then at least even in the future?

This is NOT RATIONAL! Why invest in an audio cassette business when CDs and better storage media have been around for a long time?

Why invest tens of thousands of rubles in an old Volga from the 1990s that breaks down every month when you can save up and invest that money in a newer model?

Why waste 5 years of your life on in the humanities, then to work as a sales manager at Euroset or pack burgers at McDonald's?

All of these are irrational actions that STEAL YOUR RESOURCES! Money, power and, most importantly, IRREVERSIBLE RESOURCE - TIME!

Resources in the world are LIMITED due to the fact that we live on a planet that has a number of irreplaceable resources. Many minerals and other resources are limited.

There are “conditionally” renewable resources, such as water, forest, clean air, peat in the ground, etc. Why conditionally? BECAUSE THEIR REPLENISHMENT TAKE A LOT OF TIME (for example, a birch is cut down instantly, and it grows, on average, 100-200 years).

In other words, the population is steadily growing at the same size of the planet, and RESOURCE CONSUMPTION EXCEEDS THEIR REPLENISHMENT!

That is why the COMPETITION FOR RESOURCES GROWS every year!

The more effectively a person interacts with the outside world, the more resources he has.


What you invest your resources in today will determine how you live tomorrow.

Your time is also a resource! And the most important, because. gone forever!

You can trade your time for an 8 hour workday in exchange for a monthly cash payment. You can trade 1-2 hours a day for the acquisition of some skill (for example, playing the piano) and then in 5-7 years you will become a professional in this matter.

Every day we are forced to change our time for sleep, because. there is no better way for the body to “reboot the system” after being awake.

We trade our time for other resources! The more efficiently we do it (invest in the right things), the more highly competitive resources we can rely on (more beautiful women, more expensive cars, better places to live, etc.).

The one who drank, smoked grass, fucked depraved women, spending all his money savings on them, will obviously be a less successful person than the one who invested his strength and money in obtaining any skill, skill, knowledge or business development.

The first led a destructive lifestyle and degraded (few restrictions, he used everything for momentary pleasures), while the second developed and improved himself physically, intellectually and spiritually every day (many restrictions, gave a lot now to get more later).

Therefore, it is very important to allocate your resources efficiently.

You must clearly understand what it will give YOU! What is it for you! After all, this is about your life!

That is why I believe that it is very important to decide whether you need to SPECIFICALLY join the army. WILL IT BE FAVORABLE FOR YOU?

After all, a YEAR OF LIFE is a huge investment and a very expensive luxury.

When should you join the army?

It's obvious that join the army only if it WILL IMPROVE THE CONDITIONS OF YOUR LIFE! I'm not just talking about money, because this is just one of the components of success and happiness.

A person who hangs out like “shit in an ice hole” with nothing to do and does not know what to do with his life, most likely, SHOULD GO to the army, because. this will make it possible to get a job in the army or police after the end of military service and receive a good salary.

A person who could not go anywhere after school, most likely, SHOULD GO TO SERVE, because. upon successful completion of the service, this will allow him to receive a certificate for out-of-competition admission to ANY UNIVERSITY IN THE COUNTRY!

A person who is WEAK physically and spiritually, most likely, SHOULD GO TO SERVE, because this will allow him to become MORE CONFIDENT IN himself and improve his health with a reasonable approach.

A person who strives for development most likely SHOULD GO to serve in the army, because. this will allow him to better understand the social interaction between the guys, to study many psychological aspects, learn to command and look for non-standard ways to solve problems.

Who doesn't have to join the military?

"Did not serve - not a man!". This statement, in my opinion, is too conservative. It went back to the times of the USSR, when the selection for the army was TOO HARD, and getting a job without a military ID was almost impossible.

They took only completely healthy guys.

The military ID said that:

  1. THE MAN IS HEALTHY(good genetics means it can work and conceive HEALTHY children);
  2. THE MAN IS PERSPECTIVE(can work at a good job, can feed offspring);

That is why before the girls did not even look at those who did not serve in the army, because. it said that these guys are LOSSERS (not healthy physically or mentally, can't get a good job).

That is why, once in his youth, my father, whom I love and am very proud of (he is the strongest person I know in my life), went to serve in the army with a VERY SERIOUS ILLNESS!

He had RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS! This is when very painful bumps on the joints pop up (the joints swell) and all movements cause wild pain.

He got it because immediately after a sore throat, he began to play sports. I immediately started running, pulling up, etc. He did not wait until the incubation period of the disease had passed.


In a literal sense, this means that: If I die, then I have no claims».

He went to serve. And about a miracle! Six months later, there was no trace of the disease! Under the influence of very strong stress, the disease receded!

The father had no other choice, because. either you serve and become more successful, or you don't serve and become a LOSS who is not respected and ignored by girls. My dad is an incredibly strong person, so he didn’t even have a choice.

But, all these are relics of those years.

To understand who is a man and who is not, it is necessary to consider what functions a man must perform in order to successfully interact with the outside world and ensure better survival of his offspring and family.

  • QUALITY SPERM(genetics);

Tell me dear friend, who do you think would be more like a real man?

An unemployed man who served a year in any army, thumps after demobilization for six months in taverns, celebrating his "demobilization" or a man who did not serve in the army, but with three higher educations, a CCM in boxing, holding a high position in a large company, traveling to a business-class car, with a beautiful wife and two smart, beautiful kids?

If you yourself do not guess, then ask ANY WOMAN! Absolutely any woman will tell you that the SECOND MAN is MORE PREFERABLE and looks more like a real man.

Why? And everything is simple. Because the second man has the best genetics (since beautiful children), the best support resources (a car, a high position, three "towers"), he can protect his beloved woman (CCM in boxing).

While the demobilization destroys its genetic line (thumps), cannot protect (lost all service skills for half a year of a destructive lifestyle), has poor support resources (does not work).

Those. the second peasant (who did not serve) did not need to serve in the army in order to improve his living conditions. It happens.

Not to serve in the army is possible for a person who understands that the ARMY WILL MAKE HIS LIFE WORSE AND TAKE HIS TIME!

My brother did not serve in the army, but this did not make him “less a man”, because. became the BEST SPECIALIST IN APPLE COMPANY FOR PROGRAMMING IN SWIFT LANGUAGE! He knew where to move and developed in this direction.! He couldn't afford to waste time. the army would have fewer resources (time, effort, money) for development in this direction.

Do you understand? I'm exaggerating, but I think the meaning is clear. YOU MAY NOT BE SERVED IF IT WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE WORSE OR STOP YOUR DEVELOPMENT!

Those. if you ALREADY HAVE your own successful business, then, most likely, you do not need to join the army. If it disappears without your participation, then it's not worth it.

If you already have children and a wife, then most likely you do not need an army, because. you need to focus on raising them and supporting (financially and morally) a wife.

You must feel BENEFIT for yourself first of all.

There is one caveat, if you think that you will not join the army and something is about to happen that will change your life or you have some kind of business idea that you think will work, then YOU SHOULD GO TO THE ARMY!

First, all this is ambiguous and sounds very doubtful. Most likely, you will “hover” somewhere in the clouds, wasting your time. You will be like "motivated donkeys" .

Secondly, you can think about your idea in the army and collect the necessary information. In this case, you will receive a military ID (a guarantee of a stable job and admission to a university), and learn how to put yourself in a male team, and prepare well to launch something of your own after service.

So, if you still decide that you need to serve, then welcome to the next part of the article, in which I will tell you all the delights of army service.

Deep exhalation

After receiving a summons to the military registration and enlistment office (usually comes to the university to the department or home), you will be assigned a date for arrival at the checkpoint. It's too early to piss, because this is not yet a checkpoint.

You should be examined, and you should determine the date when you need to appear at the military registration and enlistment office for a control appearance. Must be told what to bring.

It’s better not to rush to take everything in a row, because. upon arrival at the unit at the KMB (course of a young fighter), you will throw away almost everything! I'm serious. Just collect all the food in a bag and throw it away. And put all the things that are “not prescribed by the charter” in another bag and they will mysteriously dissolve forever in the “kapterka” (ensign’s office =))

Here's what to take with you:

  • Toothbrush(conventional, not electric);
  • Toothbrush case(from two halves);
  • cheap cleanser(I had acne, so it’s relevant. Inexpensive, because they can steal);
  • Soap(just in case, they may not give at first);
  • Shaving accessories(disposable machines, foam, lotion);
  • One or two pairs of socks(you can stay at the checkpoint for a couple of days);
  • Toilet paper(there is an eternal deficit in the army);
  • Pen, notebook, stroke corrector, marker(you will brand ALL things so that they do not steal!);

ALL! You don't need to take anything else. This is what you should take to the military registration and enlistment office for a control turnout!

Dress in non-stinging clothes (later you will change into an army uniform that will be with you all year). You can go to the military office.

I remember, before that day, when I went to the military registration and enlistment office, I had some kind of incomprehensible feeling inside. On the one hand, it is VERY CURIOUS what is there “on the other side”, on the other hand, it is EXCITING, because. a little scary uncertainty.

The day before the control turnout, I shaved for the first time in my life under the nozzle (under 6 mm), my head became like an egg. We sat with a friend (with whom we went to the army on the same day) on a bench in front of our hostel and laughed! It was not even hysterical laughter, but simply laughter from a complete misunderstanding of the situation.

It was funny, we are leaving for a whole year, it is not clear where, it is not clear with whom, and it is not clear what to do next.

Behind 5 years of study at the University, confidence in a bright future and an unquenchable desire to change the world, because. we are not like everyone else. Not so dull, not so gray, not so broken.

There was a sense of emptiness inside. You do not understand what awaits you, but uncertainty scares you.

I even recorded a video message to myself, who served in the army, to watch it a year later. But after the army, he didn’t even watch it, because. It felt like kindergarten to me. When I find this video, I'll throw it here, below this paragraph. But I'm kinda embarrassed

I got up in the morning, it was July 1, took a deep breath, took a bag with things, dressed in non-stinging clothes and went to the military registration and enlistment office.

Control turnout at the military registration and enlistment office

I went to the recruiting office in sunny, warm, beautiful weather. I was glad that I was “free” for the time being, but I could not fully appreciate all this.

« I will not forget this year, and the color of the barracks wall... Those who have not lost their freedom at least once will not understand its price.»

I came. A large room, a bunch of some incomprehensible bald people, everyone is waiting in line to receive a military ID (it is issued at the beginning to put a stamp on departure to the duty station, and it will be with you all the time!).

I received a ticket, I saw acquaintances from my hometown, classmates from the university, we sit, we laugh. Passed some psychological tests (you will pass them at least 10-20 times “before” and during the service). Then we went through the honey again. commission (you will pass 3-4 times for sure).

When all these not cunning procedures were completed, we were all gathered into one heap in one formation and taken “to the high-rise” (as we call the point of departure to the duty station).

July 1st is Sunday! "Buyers" - that's what they call those military men who come to the checkpoint and recruit soldiers for military service in their units, they don't pick them up on weekends! What for then, one asks, to call for a control turnout these days?

Those. "buyers" will arrive only tomorrow. Today we need to spend the night in the barracks "on a high-rise". There was a barracks there, because. we have a military unit there. Many shipping points don't even have beds, and there may be no "customers" for a week or even two. Well, future soldiers sit there all this time (sleep on chairs or often on the floor), do not wash (or wash under cold water taps), etc.

All this time is NOT included in the service life. Those. you arrived at this point on July 1, if you left for your duty station on July 15, then your service began on July 15, and not on the first! Those. in fact, you will serve more than 15 days.

The funniest thing is when someone has a birthday at this time (before he left yet)! He misses one birthday, and a year later the second (because he will still be in the army). Such are the "pleasant little things."

At the point of departure, we went in herds to meals and, in general, almost everywhere outside the barracks.

In the evening, through the fence, I managed to talk with my parents, get a package of food from them (after all, in the unit they fed very hard).

It still doesn’t look like a service at all, just some kind of herd of bald monkeys around, a solid mat, pissed toilets and local “grandfathers” in the barracks who were supposed to monitor all this chaos.

On the one hand, it was fun when a herd of 300 people stood at the evening verification and some kid (who is the local “grandfather”) tried to restore order and rein in all these people, conducting the evening verification.

He calls the names in turn, and the one whose last name was sounded answers “I!”.

The verification took an hour and a half, because. constantly some (always different) smart guy out of order managed to send this “grandfather” into three letters)) And the verification began anew according to the list (15 times). Fun.

In general, I will not tell everything in detail, but I will give one interesting piece of advice:


You are still civilians, not military men, so far no one can command you, neither officers, nor, all the more so, all sorts of incomprehensible "grandfathers".

Somehow the “grandfather” tried to force me to wipe the floor at the departure point, I sent him to the most obscene place, then the second one came up, and was sent there too. They CANNOT touch! If you are touched and have an injury or a bruise, then your buying officer will be responsible for you, who will bring you to the unit like that. They know it and are afraid.

NOTHING YOU SHOULD DO! Send three letters without hesitation. It is not necessary to give bream, because. Still, this is a military man and it is punishable. And no one will do anything for you. Just cut the ram and that's it. "I won't do it! Do whatever." Even if they call a local ensign or officer to order you, do nothing either. He is not authorized to do this.

Let's start!

The officers arrived the next day. They looked at all the personal files, what we are, etc.

If you have a driver's license of categories "B" and "C", then you can easily get into the unit as a driver, but think about whether you need it. Respect you, most likely, no one will, because. such positions in the army are called "resolved", i.e. where you work less (“suck in”). You will carry the commander of the unit, the chief of staff or some other bump on the UAZ and you will not blow your mustache.

But you will walk around dirty like a pig, because. you will spend time under the car all the time.

If you don't give a damn about this, then you can ask for the so-called. "author" if you want to go through all the hardships of army service, then you are not here. It's more of a hermit's lifestyle.

If your health has let you down somewhere, you have category “B”, then you can get into any other troops. Absolutely any. From artillery to the Air Force and the Strategic Missile Forces, anywhere. What you were told in the military registration and enlistment office, you can practically not take into account, everything can change at the point of departure.

I ended up in the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN).

It’s generally funny here, they can slip you clothes of any size, try to stand your ground, no bullshit like “Come on, then you will change part” should not bother you. Be persistent! Ask to change, you will be in this all year, most likely. It will be uncomfortable, fuck you.

Changed, came to the barracks. The “grandfathers” attacked there again, they wanted to force them to wash the floors (like, we are already military, since the seal is in the military), according to the old scheme, we send these sheep to hell, because. you are attached to YOUR officer, you can tell him (no one here will consider you “red” - you will not be considered a snitch).

Watch your things! Pack a pea coat, quilted pants, put all the “goodies from home” into a thing. bag. And sit on top of it so that no one drags you away. In the army, "rat-mongering" (theft) flourishes "with a bang."

When it's time to go to the station, then carefully check your things, get in line and go forward with a smile and a little dumb look))

There is a high probability of getting into one group and part together with the guys you know from your university or even from the city. Compatriots in the army always, as a rule, stick together.

Upon arrival at the station, to the train, give your parents or friends your things from which you changed. DO NOT take too much food with you. Take only what you eat on the train, because. everything else will go to the trash!

You may not take much food at all. You will be given an army dry ration on the road, there is approximately 2800 kcal. Here's what's inside the solder:

  • stew;
  • vegetables;
  • rice or buckwheat, barley;
  • biscuits (“cardboard cookies”, which cannot be eaten without jam);
  • jam (very handy for biscuits);
  • concentrate for a drink (very tasty, much tastier than “Invite” and “Jupi” much));
  • multivitamins (judging by the appearance, “Complivit”);
  • warmer (“tablets” on alcohol + mini-metal stand);
  • sugar;
  • etc.

This is enough for you to eat.

KMB. Level: "SMELL"

After the train, you will go to the place of service.

You will most likely take the course of a young fighter, but it may also be that you get into the "training school", this is the same KMB, only not for a month, but for six months)) Well, after you get into the unit, it will be difficult for you get along with the team, because in a few months everyone has already rallied, created mini groups, they don’t know who you are and what you are capable of.

I will talk about KMB, because. went through it myself.

There are many more who you know (came with you). You will be taught to the mind of the mind how to pass the future service.

Immediately you will be lined up in one formation, the commander of the training battalion will tell you to dump all your things on the floor in front of you. Then he will tell you to throw out all the fucking unnecessary garbage and put everything back.

They will give you towels, slippers, soap and all the rest of the garbage.

Barracks are of two types:

  1. Regular barracks(where everyone sleeps in one, two, three locations);
  2. kubricks(such as a room for 8 people in which soldiers live);

We had the usual standard barracks with sleeping "layouts" (layouts).

You will be given a platoon leader (officer or sergeant) who will be your "boss".

Now you have received the out-of-statutory title "SMELL".

You will be trained on the Young Fighter Course (KMB) for 2-6 weeks. Hemming, dressing quickly, they will conduct drill and military training classes, you will learn all sorts of articles of the charter and hand them over.

Lights out (go to bed) at 21:30 or 22:00.

The most interesting thing is that in the army I STARTED DREAMING! They are very distinct and similar to reality (apparently due to severe stress). I have seen the same dream dozens of times, how I am talking to someone from my family, and someone says to me: “ Nikit, you somehow quickly served, you still have 346, 273, 224, 185, etc. days home...».

The dream was repeated dozens of times. And the figure has always been more than accurate. But because the time you have left to go home literally crashes into your brain.

Almost every soldier has such a calendar in which he pierces holes with a needle every day. One hole, one day. Everyone does it after dinner.

And in general, according to tradition, it is believed that the day ends after dinner, and not after 00:00, because. after dinner, free time (to sew, wash, shave, cut your hair, put yourself in order), evening walk (walk in a circle around the parade ground and sing army songs), evening verification and lights out. In fact, the day is over just after dinner, because. nothing more serious is expected.

You will get up at 5:30 or at 6 in the morning for a run and exercises, after which you want to die and sleep.

By the way, from the very beginning I got myself a “personal army diary” in which I wrote down all my thoughts. Get it too, useful thing. It is very interesting to read your thoughts with KMB (such a kindergarten) in the middle or at the end of the service).

Maybe even go to the "field exit". You will live in a field barracks, “sheltered”, i.e. wear a combined-arms protective kit (OZK - that's still hemorrhoids), etc. DON'T SHOOT!

I will not go into all the details, which are VERY MUCH, you will understand everything

By the way, at the KMB a lot of soldiers end up in the hospital! Sinusitis and bloody legs are favorites, among this "calicie hit parade". “Kalichs” in the army are those who constantly end up in the hospital and get sick a lot. Subsequently, few people respect them.

Watch your feet! Wash them very carefully! EVERYDAY! Wash your socks (we had footcloths), many pig soldiers do not wash them, but immediately hang them up to dry. As a result, the stink in the dryer is incredible.

Take nose drops with you to the army, because. first, the body adapts, and you can get sick against the background of reduced immunity and DISGUSTING NUTRITION!

Oooh, we need to stop here! The food there is just disgusting. You will understand what it is to DREAM about normal food.

At KMB, even the most FAT lose weight beyond recognition. Our guys lost 20 kg PER MONTH! .

With us, some soldiers took with them many pieces of bread from the dining room to eat later, because. I want to eat ALWAYS!

By the way, you will be surprised, but you will not see the plugs NEVER during the service! There are only spoons in the canteens. This is done for safety so that you, in the field exit, for example, jumping off the BMDS (duty combat vehicle) do not stick it in your ass.

Do you know what a “funny” punishment was if a soldier was found with a piece of bread?

The whole company stands up at point-blank range and does push-ups, while this soldier stands in front of the whole company and publicly, in front of everyone, tries to stuff all the pieces of bread into himself with a dry ration.

Such is the fun.

Already on the KMB, soldiers experience severe emotional stress, especially those who are heavier than a computer mouse in their hands have never held anything in their lives.

I quite often saw nervous breakdowns, tears, tantrums. And I'm talking about guys, guys! It happens to a lot of guys.

For some, in the literal sense, “the roof is going”. One guy with us, after an officer yelled at him, just sat on a stool and “hung”. I just sat and looked at one point. At first it was funny, but when he sat like this for 12 hours in a row, practically not moving, and did not react to any commands, slaps in the face, and other attempts to stir him up, it became no laughing matter.

When he was taken to the hospital, they diagnosed him with SCHIZOPHRENIA! Can you imagine? The guy was taken into the army with schizophrenia. That's it.

One guy was constantly crying and asking for his mother. He had constant nervous breakdowns, tantrums, he was shaking at night, he woke up and screamed. After some time, he was discharged from the army with some rare mental disorder, but in our company it got a simple name: "longing for mom."

There is also a very “exciting” game, “three squeaks”. This is when you lie down on the beds with the whole company after the “hang up” command, and the officer or contract sergeant walks through the barracks and counts until three squeaks of beds are heard in the barracks. Those. the essence of the game is that you must lie VERY QUIETLY and not move.

If the officer counted three squeaks, then the command sounds: “ROTA, Rise!”, And you must get dressed and get into line as soon as possible (in 45-60 seconds).

We climbed like this 15-20 times. In the end, it's really not funny anymore. Imagine you after a very hard day for another hour and a half, instead of sleeping, doing complete garbage. But it’s funny, when you have already stood up several times, the officer again counts three creaks, then while everyone is dressing there are such mats all over the barracks))) Everyone “thanks” each other)))

I think you will still “play enough” in this game if you go into the army.

At the end of the KMB, an oath awaits you. You must swear allegiance to your Fatherland. You will be preparing for this event for a very long time. You will walk the parade ground for hours at a marching pace until everything works out. And it will not work out for a very long time, because. there is always such a “crane” in the platoon that goes out of step.

By the way, COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT is practiced in the army! For example, some "deer" smoked in the toilet, everyone gets up at point-blank range and begins to do push-ups.

Hence, there is such a popular expression in the army: “ A FAUCET IN THE MOUTH, A COMPANY IN THE Sweat!

They can, of course, not punish the entire company, but one person who “particularly distinguished himself”, if, for example, he didn’t tell the duty of the orderly at night, or missed the “terrorist” (dummy, of course).

We have some guys doing 1500 push-ups, no, not 150, but 1500! Who said it's impossible? Maybe! You are not limited by time! You can do push-ups for at least 3 hours! The main thing is that you can’t get up from the lying position. So they pressed on. You will do your first 60-70 push-ups, then you will rest, you will do 5 more times, you will rest again, and so on until you reach 1500 push-ups.

For the first time in my life I saw such a thing that a person stands in an emphasis while lying, and under him is a real PUDDLE OF SEAT! Not a couple of drops, but a PUDDLE! As if he had been doused with water from a bucket.

There are always jokes on the oath)) One of us said: “I serve the Soviet Union”, okay))

You take an oath and receive the following non-statutory rank - "SPIRIT" and the statutory title - "Private".

Relatives and friends come to you for the oath, you can walk around the city, finally eat. By the way, you will shove everything in yourself. I remember how I had grilled chicken in one hand, Snickers in the other, I stuffed it all into myself and washed it down with cola, and ate ice cream on top. Such is the "hunger".

You will already be told at that moment which part you will fall into.

After being fired and meeting with relatives, you return to the barracks, and then the fun begins ...

The first six months in the army. Level: "SPIRIT"

There was a feeling in my head that it was all a dream and everything would end quickly, that a lot of time had already passed and there was nothing left to serve. A month has passed. 11 months ahead...

I ended up in a unit called "Technical Missile Base". ONE of two departments (54 people) at KMB. There was intense emotional stress. Very tough.

I'm going somewhere all alone, with an ensign in the car.

When I arrived at the unit, I realized that the tin was going on full. What was at the KMB is a kindergarten.

I AM ALONE! You can’t talk to anyone, you don’t know what to do until you are assigned to any group. Again, some psychological tests, etc.

When I arrived, I immediately went with the company for breakfast (at 8:15 in the morning).

I got up at the very end of the line. Let's go, sing a song ("Katyusha", as I remember).

In the canteen, the last one received food, he did not know where to sit at the table. I tried to sit down with the guys, where there was almost a free table, they sent me away (it turned out they were "grandfathers").

He sat down with another guy (also a “grandfather”), but he didn’t drive him away, talked to me, it turned out that no one really respects him (later it turned out).

I will not go into all the subtleties, the emotional shock is simply colossal. There is nowhere to run, no one to speak out, and there are as many as 11 months of service ahead ...

It turned out that I was in the company BLACK DEMBEL(like he came last from the KMB to the unit)! There are some features that are observed in some parts. “Grandfathers” couldn’t touch me, but after I become a grandfather, I couldn’t touch anyone either.

We didn't give a damn about it, but in some parts it may be present.

Later, a guy came to our company who left for demobilization one day later than me (July 3), so I was no longer a black demobilization))

By the way, he was Azerbaijani, so he was jokingly called BLACK-BLACK DEMBEL)))!

Keep your things with you! I'm serious. If you throw your thing bag somewhere in the "kapterka", then consider it "gone"! The old-timers (“grandfathers”) will “sneak” (dig up) everything and steal everything they see fit.

By the way, you can bring what is left of the oath (there will be a lot of food) with you and treat your future colleagues, this is a sign of good taste. And in general, get used to sharing in the army. Today you helped, tomorrow they will help you.

In all these months (until the “grandfathers” leave), you will most likely “suck in” (work a lot). Clean snow, wash floors, go to outfits in a company, induce PCBs (“park and economic day”, or in soldierly: “completely x*yovy day”). Usually PCB happens on Saturday.

You take all the beds to the center and scrub the floors with soap so that there is a lot of foam, then you wash off (tighten) all this foam with a rag and wipe it dry. This is what "fun" is.

At this stage, it is very important to socialize, it is not in vain that they say "one man is not a warrior." This is true. No matter how strong you are, you can be "smothered".

We had an MMA fighter (fought in a cage for 6 years), 4 years of Thai boxing, so what? His "grandfathers" were not allowed into the gym (not allowed), and he went to complain to the officers, after that he received the shameful "proud" title of "RED" (snitch), and his life in the barracks changed ...

At night, they painted his badge red, put a trench coat on a belt (such a thing into which a belt is inserted so that it does not hang out), they are only worn in the army by informers and those whom everyone does not respect, and finally they pissed the bed. Here is such a case.

Moreover, the more he complained, the more they “shitted” him. After all this, he had to be transferred to a new part, because. serve him was simply unrealistic.

Yes, by the way, it will be IMPOSSIBLE to go to the ROCKING CHAIR while you are the "spirit"! This is fucking weird… Can you imagine? In the army, you can’t go to the rocking chair, that’s tin. It didn't fit in my head!!!

But I got out. After everyone fell asleep at night, I pumped the press right in bed.

When there were sports mass events (usually, on Sundays, they are called a “sports festival”), I pulled myself up with particular zeal, did push-ups on the uneven bars, squatted with my own weight, ran (everyone ran 5 km, on average), etc. In general, he worked in the "workout" mode. I wrote about how to build muscle on the horizontal bar .

Need to be in a group. Look for friends, ie. those who are close to you in terms of intellect and spirit (as a rule, these are guys from your group / department or cockpit). Help each other and help out.

For all sorts of jambs, the whole company gets hit on the neck by the officers, and then, if the whole company got into a mess because of the “young”, then at night they “rock” him (does push-ups and crouches to the last sweat). Such is the prevention.

Don't be a "faucet" (the one that "hit" the whole company).

“The crane is in the company, the company is in sweat!”, remember this.

There are two sides in the army: REGULATED and NON-REGULATORY!

Statutory, as a rule, lasts until 18:00 (as long as your officers are in the company), after 18:00 another life begins ... Then the “old” (“grandfathers”) control the company.

Do not let yourself be broken, do not indulge all whims (give / bring), but also do not climb into the embrasure with the words “I WILL TEAR EVERYONE”. Maybe you will tear it, but then you won’t find notebooks, a toothbrush, or even your pea jacket in your nightstand. It will just be stolen from you.

By the way, you will BRAND all your things! Barcode corrector! Write group number, parts, initials, etc.

I'll give you some great advice here. When you come to the unit, there will be a lot of “wise men” who will want to “squeeze” your things from you, because. they will be new! And instead, to give you their dirty, worn, smelly.

DO NOT GIVE YOUR ITEMS TO KAPTERKA while you are young! You can hide them in things. bag!!! Or somewhere else.

But another cool trick is to BRAND THEM SO that you can immediately see that these are your things!!! I wrote my initials in HUGE LETTERS INSIDE THE pea jacket and quilted jackets, etc. HUGE! It can be said, FILLED the entire interior with a stroke. And you know what? I was practically the only young man whose pea jacket was not touched)))

Because the “old-timers” didn’t want to go to the demobilization in a pea coat that was dirty from the inside))) At home, they would probably have been put in a cradle that they came in someone else’s. But it works! BRAND IN HUGE LETTERS!

Important advice at this stage:

Stay neutral! You don’t have to wash and clean anything for anyone, but don’t get into hostility. Better pretend to be "fool".

There is another option, if there are more of you (and, as a rule, it is, if you are from the summer draft), then UNITE all the young! This is difficult, because in the first six months, everyone shits on each other, but it can be done. Agree with everyone and just SEND TO FUCK ALL "GRANDFARS". Open. Nothing to put them in.

This is very difficult, because everyone is scared, but believe me, they are even more afraid if there are more of you. Read on the Internet an experiment about "exploiting rats and exploited rats", you will understand everything.

In general, communication with "grandfathers" who consider themselves above all is best avoided, this will not lead to anything good. You can break loose and slap these assholes in the face, and for this you can sit in the DISBAT (disciplinary battalion) for 1.5–3 years, which will not be included in the service life, do you need it?

There is no concept of "light bodily injury" in the army. A BLUE is a BODY INJURY OF MEDIUM GRAVITY! And for this they give up to 2.5 years of PRISON! You heard right, in the army you can go to PRISON! A real prison. You will have a criminal record and time after service. You don't need it. Control yourself.

A blow to the stomach can lead to a rupture of the spleen, a blow to the leg to bruises, fractures, swelling and bruises, and a blow to the face to a broken jaw, for which YOU WILL GO TO JAIL!

There are a lot of “SHAVOK” in the army who throw words, these are not men, but weak jerks who hide because they cannot be hit. You should have seen how funny it looked when such a “son” weighing 45 kg shouts at me, which can be broken in half with a crack. But he understands that I am a normal man, and I am afraid to break him. This kind of impunity is very relaxing for such fools.

In my unit, there was a case when such a 45-kilogram “grandfather” (“old-timer”) tried to humiliate a guy from my draft in this way. It all ended with an accidental kick in the groin of the “grandfather” (the guy from my call missed his leg) and he had only ONE TESTICLE left (the second was smeared after a kick, he was cut off)!!! Such is the case. The guy at the age of 19 was left with one testicle. Sorry, especially girls, for the details.

Be careful and watch your hands and feet! Do not hit unless absolutely necessary, and if you hit, hit the soft tissues(butt, hips, shoulders, chest, etc.).

In the first six months, you will feel that you are all alone, no one is your friend or comrade, you will miss your loved ones, etc. Most importantly, STAY GOING! It will be difficult, but it can be endured.

You must understand WHY IT'S FOR YOU! Remember what I said at the beginning of the article? Understand your benefit in this (become more courageous, out-of-competition admission to a university, Masha will give from the third entrance, etc.). Think about your benefit!

It is better to go to the army in the summer (spring draft), because. with old-timers you will stay only 3-4 months (until December, maximum). If you go to autumn, then 8-9 months, and this is tough.

Yes, and when it is winter and snowfalls, your young ones will already clean the snow))

The most difficult thing is not to go to anyone in the face. A colossal psychological test. But it must be endured.

Shooting during this segment of the service leaves a very strong impression (or sometimes it happens that you do not get to the shooting for a long time). In case you haven't figured it out yet, you will be firing BATTLE WEAPON, which is designed for real killing, with real LIVE CARTRIDGES.

I remember that little trembling inside after I got my ammo horn at the shooting range and ran “to the position” from which I was supposed to shoot at the targets. Now I am aiming, the command “FIRE!”, And I am shooting bursts at rising targets like in a fog. The feeling is incredible. All instincts are sharpened.

All this is for real. There were cases (not with us, but in the army, in principle) that animals accidentally ran out to the shooting range or foresters, mushroom pickers and others came out. The soldiers and officers did not notice them, and the soldier stuffed the poor fellow with bullets. Naturally, after that, instant death.

As you can imagine, it's creepy. But death happens in the army.

We also threw live grenades. Real, combat, fragmentation grenades. At first there were exercises, they threw training grenades, and then, a week later, we went to live firing.

As I remember now, you get a grenade, run along the trench to the position, wait for the command “FIRE!”, pull out the ring, hold the pin and throw the grenade 30-50 meters under the target. Then you sit down in a trench, cover your ears (so as not to get shell shock or go deaf for a while) and you hear a powerful, deafening explosion. Often, earth, branches, stones, etc. fly from the explosion to the trench.

Accidents happen. But if you do everything correctly, and not be a “faucet”, then everything will be fine.


If you are a normal guy (from the point of view of "grandfathers"), i.e. do not knock, obey when necessary and strong in spirit (if you “bend your line”, show that you are a strong man, then it will be easier to unite with you than to fight), then you will be TRANSFERRED TO ELEPHANTS!

This army hierarchy collapsed a little after the abolition of 2 years of military service, but in many parts this tradition has been preserved. We had.

Some outside the statutory titles (such as "scoop") ceased to exist, but "ELEPHANT" is a special step.

This is the stage when you can act like a "grandfather" before the "old" ones left. Privileges are ridiculous for an ordinary person, but in the army they are very valuable.

For example:

  • You can wear a cap and hat on the back of your head(according to the charter, it can be worn only at a distance of 2 fingers from the eyebrows, not higher);
  • You can put your hands in your pants pockets(in the army you can’t keep your hands in your pockets, for this you can sew up your pockets if the officers or “grandfathers” see you while you are still a “spirit”);
  • You can walk with an unbuttoned tunic(for 2 buttons);
  • Can you walk with a loose belt(the plaque dangles a little);
  • You can hem with a thick hem(according to the charter, the hemming should be in 2 layers, the size of 2 fingers);
  • You can wear the belt below(in pockets on a pea jacket);
  • You can lie on the bed in your free time while the "spirit" sits "on the chip". "Chip" is a place where you can see from afar when officers are approaching. The “spirit” is put “on the chip” (usually on a chair near the “take-off” - a passage through the center, between the sleeping arrangements), all the “grandfathers” and “elephants” can lie on the bed or sit on the phones if an officer is approaching (went into the barracks ), then the “spirit” shouts “CHIP!”, And everyone gets out of bed, sits on chairs, puts away their phones and becomes exemplary soldiers))) “On the chip” can be put not only in the barracks, but anywhere where you need to tell, when an officer, warrant officer or contract sergeant goes.
  • You can use your phone whenever you want(well, of course, not with officers);
  • You can stand forward in the dining room, along with the "grandfathers"(he who receives food earlier has more time to eat);
  • You can work less("Spirits work, the elephant contemplates");
  • Etc.

All this in the army is worth its weight in gold and makes life much easier.

For me personally, this was a period of EXCELLENT DEVELOPMENT! I finally started going to the gym, with great enthusiasm! I will not talk about how to pump up in the army, this article is already GIANT! The biggest one on my blog. I'll explain it better in future articles. . In the army, I gained 7 kg of DRY muscle mass.

I started writing huge letters home even more often! Now it is very interesting to read them!

And much more.

How to translate into "elephants"

Only “grandfathers” or “demobilizations” can translate into “elephants”. "Demobilizations" become "grandfathers" automatically after the order on September 27 or March 27, for each call, respectively.

They do it differently. In our unit it was like this: you go with the “grandfather” (who decided to “relax” you - this is the name of the process of transferring to “elephants”) to the dryer or toilet, the “grandfather” takes off the belt from his pants and holds the canopy in his hand .

At some point, he lets go, and you have to catch him, at what distance from the badge you caught, at such a distance the “grandfather” takes him in his hand (the smaller the distance to the badge, the better, because the smaller the swing).

Next, you take off your belt, clamp it in your teeth, and stand at point-blank range. “Grandfather” hits you in the ass 6 times with a badge on a belt (taken at a distance at which you caught), you go nuts from how painful (some even had stars from the badge in their soft spot).

Then you get up, grandfather tears off the hemming from your collar (this means that now you can hem with a hemming of any thickness, it is very convenient and pleasant for the neck, because it is soft), then tears off the second button on the tunic (you can walk with the top of the tunic unbuttoned) , lifts your cap to the back of your head, relaxes the belt (now you are “relaxed” or “elephant”).

Those who have been transferred from "spirits" to "elephants" are immediately visible. So a person emphasizes his dominance over the rest. “I was relaxed, so I’m a normal kid,” something like that.

Funny, right? To become a "normal kid" you have to be beaten in the ass)) In civilian life, all this seems nonsense, but in the "other world", this is a great privilege.

After that, serving becomes easier and more fun. After that, you begin to honor outside the statutory traditions of army service, and hazing seems to you not such a bad thing, because now you have one foot on the dark side of the force.

Level: "Grandfather"

After all the old-timers have gone to the “demobilization”, you automatically become “grandfathers”. Here you can do the same thing that you could do with “elephants”, only here a couple more not frail nishtyaks are added.

Well, the most important thing is that you are now the most senior call! You will work much less. Most of the work (sweeping, leveling beds, removing snow, washing floors during PCBs, etc.) will be done by "spirits" who will come to you almost as soon as your "grandfathers" leave.

The officers will stop it (which you liked while you were the "spirit"), but now it's the other way around. You will try to avoid the officers as only they can force you to do some work, which, by the way, can then be entrusted to the “spirit” from your group.

You will need to learn to lead. In the army, everything is simple. Either you command or you are commanded.

Some of your call-up by this time will become squad leaders (they will be given the title of "junior sergeants").

The "spirits" that come to the unit will act like fools (remember how you did it, mmm?))) You stand your ground. When you manage to get this or that “spirit” to do the work several times, then he will develop a “learned helplessness syndrome”, he will think that he must obey. Remember this syndrome from the article: “”

When I served, I took a different path. I politely asked all my guys of the young draft to do the work, allowed some of them to immediately go to the rocking chair, protected some from the guys of my draft. Over time, they have become very respectful to me.

My conscience does not allow me to mock other people. I built relationships on mutual respect and trust. I never stole anything in the army (not even toilet paper), I did not humiliate or beat soldiers.

As a rule, those who were bullied the most by the "grandfathers" then most of all rush to the young. Don't be animals. Those who bully others will definitely get a kick in the head for it. NECESSARILY! This is the essence of global balance.


Remember how hard it was for you in the beginning. Yes, give them more work, you deserve a little indulgence, but set a good example. Show how fast you can hem, how much you can shake in the gym, how much you can pull yourself up. Show your superiority in more interesting things.

“You can’t humiliate a person without humiliating yourself with him ...”(Booker Tagliaferro Washington)

Remember this.

Usually it is at this time that a lot of photos from the army appear (you just need to make sure that the officers do not “burn out”).

The most pleasant memories remain from this segment of the service. Enjoy it and don't waste time.

Over9000 experience. Level: "Demobilization"

You become demobilized after the order. The order, as a standard, is issued 2 times a year:

  • September 27(for the dismissal of the autumn draft);
  • March 27(for the dismissal of the spring draft);

By this time, if you are a normal guy (didn't "rummage around" a lot in hospitals), then you have a lot of experience in army affairs.

You know what where to hide so that they don’t find it, you know how to go to the “chip” (an army store on the territory of the unit) “without a fawn”, how to “extinguish” from work, who can be “charged” for a certain front of work, who can ask to hem you or make a demobilization (form for demobilization).

Your experience is very great. At this time, even the officers begin to give you concessions. The ensign can write out a "father's bream" on the back of the head for some kind of offense, because. knows that you are a normal guy, not a "red".

Around this time, you will have 100 DAYS TO ORDER! This is an important date for demobilization, because. double-digit numbers will go further and it will seem that you are about to go home ...

By tradition, soldiers shave their heads bald and then grow to demobilization.

The officers themselves begin to send you to "resolved" (simple) work and "extinguish" (hide) from complex ones. You become even closer to your colleagues, and the service no longer causes you as much anxiety as it used to.

The most interesting thing is that at this time you do not care about everything. Field exit? Good. Shooting? No problem. Run 8 km? With joy!

You are ready for anything and it seems to you more and more that civilian life is simply elementary, because there are so many opportunities!

And the day that ALL soldiers dream of is coming closer and closer - the day of the cherished DEMBELS (demobilization)!

"SPACE". 10 days home

When you have 10 days left to serve, this period is called COSMOS! This name came from the fact that when you have 10 days left to serve, you walk around as if "enchanted."

Everything is high for you, a feeling begins to appear that you want to serve more, you don’t want to leave here, that everything is familiar here, you have already earned respect, and in civilian life everything is from scratch ... Work or study, a new life. It's scary, but the feeling of homesickness overwhelms everything!

You are looking forward to how you will go home, how you will hug your relatives, how you will meet your friends! DEMBEL is one of the best days of your life! This is the day after which you start a new life!

There are some traditions here. You can, if you smoke, tell your “young” to put 10, 9, 8, 7, etc. cigarettes under your pillow every day.

If you don't smoke, you can say to put a candy with a number))

But, to be honest, I didn’t do any of this (and I never smoked either).

10 days before demobilization, my ex-girlfriend told me that she was getting married. This was a severe shock for me. Very tough.

All subsequent 10 days were overshadowed by this event. Depression and a feeling of hopelessness constantly rolled over me. you can't get out of there anywhere.

3 days before the demobilization, I found out that my ex-girlfriend was getting married to my former “friend”, who approached her while I was gone.

For a very long time I wanted not just to take revenge, but to take revenge very cruelly, I wanted physical reprisal against him, so that he would recover from this for a very long time.

But then it turned out that he also went into the army (5 days before my demobilization), making an offer to my ex-girlfriend, to which she agreed.

I don’t blame the ex-girlfriend, because. at that time (I was 23 years old) I did not want to get married, I felt that I did not want to. That it's not mine. Somehow it was not good in my soul when I thought that I would soon become a HUSBAND. This made me very upset. There should not be such a feeling before the wedding.

I just let go of this situation. I just didn't take it into my head.

And it turned out not in vain. Recently I met the girl I always dreamed of, my Ksyushenka, whom I love very much. And you know what? When I think about marrying her, I get euphoric! I WANT THIS! I want to marry this girl. This is the feeling that should be before family life.

I never understood why to “compromise” and marry a girl whom you don’t love at all, whom you cheat on, but whom you have been dating for 5-10 years. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS AND WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND IT! This is YOUR LIFE! SHE IS ONE! It's better to be alone than to be with someone you don't love.

But this is a completely different story ... Someday we will talk about this in more detail. By the way, read my . Much will become clear.

There is a very cool tradition in the “last supper”, i.e. the day before the demobilization, you go to the last dinner, eat faster than anyone else and WITHOUT DEMAND AND THE OFFICER'S COMMAND get up from the table EARLY EVERYONE and take your tray. At this time, your colleagues applaud you loudly! It's an incredible feeling, trust me!

The officers punished us for this ... A lot of things. And a march with throws, and reprimands, and spoiled characteristics, but we have kept this tradition to the end.

I agreed in advance with the officer about this. I bought all the young people a delicious roll and went to dinner.

Before the start of dinner, I gave each young man a roll (this is very much appreciated in the army, and indeed any sweets).

Then had supper and got up from the table under LOUD APPLAUSE!

5 hours before "demobilization"

Time for euphoria and celebration in the soul! There are a couple of traditions left before you go home...

When you have your last bath (you wash yourself, once a week), then next to the bath there is usually a tree with a huge number of washcloths. Where did all these washcloths come from, I’ll tell you now.

In your last bath, after washing, you should throw your washcloth as high as possible! The higher, the tougher!

If the washcloth did not stay on the branches and fell, then this is a sign that the road home will not be very good (you will get drunk, fight or drop off the train), but I can make you happy - this, of course, is all FIRE! My washcloth fell off on the first try, but the road home was wonderful)))

Then I arrived at the barracks, took pictures with all my colleagues and comrades, changed into CIVIL CLOTHES (light sneakers, a T-shirt, SOCKS, what a thrill!), put all the stamps on the bypass sheet, etc.

But the most thrill was that at that time a new call for “young spirits” was brought to the barracks, i.e. "the spirits of our spirits." They have 11.5 months of service ahead of them, and I take pictures, rejoice, joke with everyone, smile. It was unforgettable.

I said goodbye to everyone and headed to the checkpoint (checkpoint), through which I had to pass for the last time.

Here I was accompanied by many colleagues. Both young and our call. It was very cool! It remains only to say goodbye to everyone again and go out the gate, having fulfilled the last tradition ...

I went outside the checkpoint and shouted loudly: "YAYAYAYA HOME!".


Before leaving home, it was necessary to put a mark in the commandant's office. There I saw all the guys with whom we were at the KMB (classmates and countrymen). How glad I was to see them!

Briefing, a couple of signatures, a seal and that's all ... You can go to the station.

At the station we took a ticket for free (in the army you pay for the way home), we had a few more hours before the train.

If you go to the army or have already been there, then after reading this, you will understand what I mean.

SUCH A STRANGE FEELING WAS INSIDE! Very strange. Walk down the street WHERE YOU WANT! DO WHAT YOU WANT! You can easily enter the store.

It costs a lot. A sense of serenity and freedom...

A bit unusual, there is a phone in your pocket (you don’t need to hide it anywhere), light sneakers on your feet, PEOPLE around! This feeling is beyond words.

We went to a restaurant, ordered food, they brought us CUTLERY! Not only a spoon, but also a fork and a knife. For a year I lost the habit of eating with a fork. So convenient!

We bought flowers for sisters, girls and mothers, and then went to the station.

We talked a lot on the train, discussed the service, future plans for life, completed the demobilization forms. Such a pleasant excitement inside. After all, tomorrow I will see my relatives, whom I have not seen for almost a year. There were already tears welling up in my eyes. It's indescribable guys...

As I fell asleep, I had a dream at night. In it, we sat with relatives, discussed something and laughed. And then someone told me in a dream: “Well, Nikita, you served! How quickly time has flown by.

Waking up. I put on a demobilization uniform, put on a black beret, shaved, and waited for the train to arrive in Petrozavodsk.

Sitting at the window, I thought about how much can happen in a year, how much a person can change in one year. I was happy that I got through it.

I am often asked how I manage to work so hard, train, write gigantic articles, etc. Where does the strength and such efficiency come from?

And it's very simple. In the army, I realized that when there is some kind of obstacle in my life, I will understand for sure that it can be more difficult, harder, worse.

That I have a lot of opportunities here. I am not limited by anything. So I make the most of my time.

“The train is arriving at the Petrozavodsk station,” a sound rang out.

I took my things and headed to the exit of the train, where my parents and sister, friends and a whole new life were waiting for me ...

The army inspired me to learn how to play the guitar. I graduated from a music school in piano, so it was a little easier for me to master a new instrument. A month and a half after the army, I managed to learn how to play some songs tolerably. The first song I learned was about the army, this is what came of it:

About “vodka and triple balm”, this is just the lyrics, not propaganda.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

P.P.S. The article was written from recollections and I could not remember some moments, but if I had such detailed instructions for action before the start of the service, then it would be much easier in the army.

The answer to this question, of course, is this: they serve in the army. However, such a question includes many variations, nuances and varieties. First of all, this directly depends on the type of troops where the young man got, and then on the general situation and the prevailing atmosphere in the team, where the formation is entirely dependent on the officers and employees of the senior draft. Starting talking about mastering a combat specialty as the main goal of a young man's stay in the army, this is far from the most difficult and problematic in this matter.

While serving in the army, a young man solves the following tasks:

  1. Responsible training in the military profession and combat service.
  2. The right process of building relationships in the environment.
  3. High-quality performance of works related to self-service.

These tasks will be discussed in more detail below in the article in the order of their manifestation.

Self-service work

Work of this nature begins long before arrival at the unit. So, the soldier is waiting for the officer at the recruiting station to take him to the duty station. A young man may be instructed to sweep the floor, wash the dishes on the first day after he is outside his hometown.

Later, in the unit for the soldier, daily outfits for the company and the canteen are additionally provided, where the scope of work and its range will be much wider. Being attire in the dining room, the young fighter masters kitchen appliances (potato peeler, industrial-style dishwasher).

The main thing here is to move, because when, for example, one thousand people come at the same time to eat, then there is no time for reflection.

It’s not bad if a young man, even before the army, is familiar with the simplest skills of owning a thread and a needle:

  • sew up your own pocket that came off;
  • sew a button;
  • perform other minor sewing work.

The daily process of sewing on the collar deserves special attention. This activity becomes routine work from the very first day after the uniform was received. At first, sewing will be difficult, but after a week the required skills will appear.

How to build relationships in a team

If in the part to which the young man arrived, there is a wonderful climate in the team, then he needs to go through the natural process of grinding in according to local traditions without any "unusualism". However, often such conditions can only be dreamed of.

Otherwise, upon arrival at the unit, you should look around, get acquainted with conscript comrades, old-timers. It will be useful to learn how to adequately respond to jokes, which can sometimes be quite rude (each person has his own concepts of decency, humor), not to talk a lot, to behave calmly when shouting, since all commands are given in this form.

It is desirable that the guy had a good physical preparation. For example, if he can pull himself up on the crossbar 15 times, push up from the floor 50 times, then he should not have problems in this vein. If before the draft a young man attended training in boxing, any martial arts, then this is completely wonderful.

When building relationships with officers, you need to remember that the tasks assigned to a soldier and an officer are somewhat different.

Military training and military service

Speaking in general terms, a one-month course for a young soldier is enough for an ordinary soldier to learn the basics of service. The exception here is the junior command staff, who should complete the sergeant's training, as well as qualified specialists. The latter must be required to undergo appropriate training.

If a soldier needs to comprehend any specific military profession, then this can be done at the training center for three or six months (the timing depends on the complexity of a particular course). It is known that the passage of the training course is accompanied by certain difficulties, which are much higher than those that soldiers who are in ordinary units go through. However, upon completion, the specialist often receives a number of privileges, for example, in the form of relaxation in observing the established daily routine in order to fulfill his official duties.

Combat is a service carrying a weapon in hand. It is the prerogative of the internal and border troops, in which the fighters do almost nothing else. In turn, ordinary units have guards of two types:

  • internal;
  • garrison.

The service is conducted on the basis of military regulations, and the appointment to the guards happens infrequently (from one to three times a quarter). As an exception, commandant platoons and companies act as guards as internal troops.

Combat service is also available in other types of troops, but there often conscript soldiers perform certain auxiliary tasks. These include:

  • aviation;
  • rocket troops;
  • air defense troops and others.

A significant burden there usually falls on the professional military (officers, ensigns), because serving in these troops implies the presence of solid technical knowledge, which is quite difficult to obtain during training in soldier training. Conscripts, as a rule, are sent as drivers of tractors, cars, as well as signalmen, to the guards and other units of this type.

Today's article will be devoted to military service. We will analyze when and why they make a call for urgent service. We will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of this process and pay due attention to the nuances that should be remembered.

What is military service?

Before you pay attention to the nuances, you need to familiarize yourself with the very term "conscripts in the army."

Urgent service in the army - urgent comes from the word "term". This is the period of time that the state has established for conscripts, today it is 12 months. For military service in the Russian Federation, males who have reached the age of 18 are called up, who, for health reasons, do not have the right to deferment.
If you have received a call for military service, then you must arrive at the unit at the appointed time without fail.

Benefits of military service

1. The army makes a real man out of every boy. Here you can bring your body into shape, become more responsible and focused, learn to be fully responsible for your words and actions. In addition, you will learn sewing, cooking, shooting and other interesting and useful activities.

2. Under the law, during the period of compulsory military service, you are completely exempt from any educational process. Be it university or college.

3. If you are going to connect your life with law enforcement agencies in the future, then knowledge and experience will help you in the educational process.

4. Referring to the Federal Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of criminal the executive system, and their families”, the term that you have served on conscription will be counted in the length of service and, accordingly, your pension will be higher.

5. Today, the service life is only one year. I would like to remind you that earlier military service lasted two painful years, full of suffering...

6. After dinner, there is one hour for sleep. The daily routine has become simpler and less rigid.

7. The food in the army isn't as bad as they make it out to be. The diet is quite balanced, there are proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required proportions. If desired, the soldier can always ask for an additional portion. They feed three times a day. Some parts give extra food for the day. Also, do not forget that relatives bring gifts with them when visiting soldiers.

8. Since 2012, the salary, or as it is also called - monetary allowance, has doubled. Accordingly, this is a sufficient motivator for hard work.

9. Most of the soldiers who served excellently and coped with all duties, on the recommendation of the commander, can enter any university in the country on preferential terms. By law, they are exempted from passing the competition and entry into the university is absolutely free for them.

10. If a soldier, after completing his military service, wants to extend the contract, then he can receive free distance learning at any university in the country, and the exams for him will be held at any convenient time. If, at the time appointed by the dean's office, a soldier cannot appear to pass the sessions, he can apply to reschedule the session to another date.

11. Today, military service is not hard labor and not a living hell. This is just the preparation of real men, who in our time are not so many.

12. You will find yourself a lot of real, true friends who will accompany you through life and help you in any difficult moment. The army brings people together and teaches goodwill and sociability.

By the way, these are not all the advantages of military service. Many people are so afraid of the army, but in fact, they know absolutely nothing about it. You should not be afraid of the army, it is better to try it for yourself and see for yourself. You know, many who have gone through the entire process of military service do not dare to say that they spent a year in vain after they uttered the words: "I serve the Motherland!"

Disadvantages of military service

1. Some have to interrupt the learning process, which can negatively affect the grades.

2. A long period of separation from relatives and friends. The first few months you will be very bored, but by the end of the service, every soldier gets used to a tough schedule and perceives the distance normally. Moreover, now soldiers are being called up for service in units that are located close to their hometown. That is why relatives can visit a soldier during a certain period of time, which is allotted for meetings.

3. Tense schedule- this is probably the biggest minus of military service. The rise is very early, there is absolutely no time to "soak in the crib". Conditions in the army are spartan. Bathing at certain hours, a certain number of times a week. Visiting relatives is also on schedule; meals on schedule, no gastronomic delights and homemade cheesecakes with strawberry jam should not be expected ... The usual food in the army is various cereals, stew or meat roast, bread and butter, boiled eggs, first courses (soups, borscht, cabbage soup, pickles etc.). Sometimes there are more refined dishes, but extremely rarely.
Sleep - about seven hours of sleep at night and one hour of sleep after dinner.

4. Complete lack of free time. You will be busy all the time. This is either a sport, or part-time work and similar army worries. Many who have completed military service admit that they completely rethought their lives after being in the army.

Probably, these are all cons. We can conclude that for the year spent in military service you will not lose anything. Most likely, you will acquire many new life values ​​\u200b\u200bthat will help you in the future.

How to prepare for military service so that you can transfer it easily

1. Take care of your health.
Initially you should stop drinking and smoking , this is very important, because in the army no one will allow you to do this. By the way, smoking has a bad effect on overall physical endurance, and in the army this is very important, since there will be a lot of physical exercises.

2. Start a year before the general call physical training .
You should be able to pull up at least 20 times, push up 100 times. Running is also important, as it is an indispensable attribute of the morning exercises of soldiers.

3. Correct food.
Start eating right and try to avoid a lot of fatty, fried and sweet foods, as excess weight will interfere with your service.

4. By the time you are called, you must have basic knowledge .
Learn to shoot, sew, cook, and similar activities that are often practiced during the military service. So you will not only not disgrace yourself in front of other soldiers, but you will also be able to earn the trust and respect of the unit commander, who will later be able to speak well of you when you enter the university.

5. Get used to the schedule .
You must be ready to get up at any time of the day and serve the Motherland. For several months, it is better to accustom yourself to the schedule of early rises in order to get used to the mode of service as soon as possible.

6. Friends.
You need to find friends in the company so that life does not seem so boring and gray. Be sociable and sociable, in this case, you will definitely find like-minded people.

7. Get mentally adjusted.
No need to think that you will waste a whole year or that you will be mocked and forced to do "dirty work". Think that this is your next interesting journey, which will surely bring a lot of positive impressions, because there is no bad without good, and vice versa.

Who can get a deferment from military service?

If we were not able to convince you and you still decide to ask who can get a deferment from military service, we have prepared a list of cases in which a soldier can receive a deferment.

1. Priests who have higher education and work in religious organizations.
2. Rural, city heads also receive a deferment from military service for the period of their powers.
3. Health workers who perform their duties properly.

Also deferment can be obtained for family reasons that fit the following:

1. Disabled guardians (father or mother), over whom the recruit carried out guardianship.
2. If the conscript has minor, incapacitated brothers or sisters or siblings, of any age, over whom the conscript has custody. This item will help to get a deferral only if the brothers and sisters of the conscript do not have other guardians who can look after them during the period of the soldier’s military service.
3. If the conscript has a single father or mother who has two or more minor children. This item is valid only if the conscript is officially employed.
4. If the conscript has a disabled wife, a disabled child, a pregnant wife or a child under the age of three who is brought up without a mother after her death or by a court decision.
5. A conscript may receive a deferment for health reasons, that is, chronic diseases that may worsen during the service.

We have not provided all the cases when you can get a deferment from military service. This is only the main list, which is most often found in practice.

We hope that this article turned out to be useful to you, and you will probably want to serve the Motherland and accept the draft into the army.

The beginning of a new life - new worries, new difficulties. Preparing uniforms is your responsibility. Getting up and down: working out the first commands, practical training. Charging in the army. What a new recruit needs to know about her. Adaptation to army everyday life. Drilling exercises: training will not hurt Taking the oath. The first important event in the life of a soldier. Distribution by duty station. Obtaining weapons and military equipment

A little about the first days. Personally, I remember them in the army for needlework - sewing, exercises, lifting and lights out.

Sewing on the first shoulder straps in life by young soldiers is not an occupation for the faint of heart. One should have seen how yesterday's sissies, who never held a needle in their hands, mastered the wisdom of applying insignia to uniforms! Emblems sewn on at random, buttonholes fixed at the wrong end, shoulder straps turned on the wrong side had to be altered. I must say that the first lesson in soldier's skill was a success - it became clear to everyone that soldier's work is really work, hard and not always pleasant. Today, everything is much simpler with this - you no longer have to sew on insignia.

So the day filled with worries and troubles passed and the evening came, and with it the lights out - the time to go to bed. And if you think that we were allowed to sleep peacefully, then you are deeply mistaken. The cadets are given only 45 seconds to get up and down in training, which is very disciplined, coordinated and makes you feel the spirit of soldier unity. Moreover, for the correct implementation of these elements of the daily routine, there is training: Sometimes fifteen times a day. At first, it’s really hard - new buttons are tightly held by new loops, hands don’t obey, tension interferes with thinking, things fall into the wrong place and it’s impossible to find them when lifting them ... There are a lot of reasons not to meet the prescribed standard. Relax! It's just that you are brought up with the qualities necessary for the defense of the Motherland.

Treat it like a competition or a workout. Let the sergeant think he's raising you. But no! You are doing this for yourself. And when you tune in to the correct perception of these rituals, only then will you begin to enjoy the struggle with time and will not be among the lagging behind. What is not very pleasant in the modern army.

In addition to the morale, I recommend to prepare and practically. Loosen the buttons beforehand, try to carefully trim the buttonholes so that the buttons can be easily fastened and unfastened. At least you won't be the last. Compliance with lifting standards is not a mockery of soldiers. You can trust me. This is a necessity upon which your life and the life of your comrades and commanders may depend. A well-trained soldier is ready to fight the enemy in a minute. And it may turn out that even half a minute of delay will be enough for the enemy to enter the location of your unit. Think about what will happen after that, I leave it to you. Now decide whether it is fair or not that they require you to comply with the standard when lifting.

I will give my example, which will convince you that it is desirable to rise in the army as quickly as possible. One day a cadet sleeping next door to me put on my boots. Naturally, I had to put on the rest - his. I realized that I was wearing someone else's shoes right away, but the opportunity to change shoes appeared only after a few minutes. During which I crippled his legs with boots for a couple of sizes, As a result - a swollen leg, a trip to the medical unit ...

Mornings in the army begin with exercises. In order to feel what it is, you immediately need to attach a couple of kilograms of additional weight to each leg and try to run at least a short distance. I think that you will immediately feel the "charm" of such an easy run in army boots. Add to this the feeling of unworn shoes, improperly wound footcloths. For a thrill, imagine three lines of guys just like you and try to run in such a company again. This is one of the mandatory elements of a regular army charge.

Our first charge was very unusual. We were ordered to keep up with the sergeant for one kilometer. Purely psychologically, this technique worked one hundred percent, by the end of this endless kilometer, we fully felt that no one would coddle with us, that the army is not a home, and difficulties will be encountered at every step.

I can assure you that everything falls into place very quickly in the army. The sergeant ran fast. And it was so painful that, overcoming the last three hundred meters, I could only think about one thing: “When will this all end ?!”

Finally we crossed the finish line, but what a pitiful sight it was! With wheezing and groans we gasped for air, and our mouths were full of nasty sticky saliva. To top it all, the sergeant decided to "please" us and promised: "Tomorrow we run three kilometers."

“Mom dear! I thought. “I’m dying here after such a distance, my legs are wadded, covered in sweat, it feels like my lungs are torn to shreds, and tomorrow again torment, but ten times worse.” With this thought, I spent a day.

The next morning did not bode well. My mind was churning with the thought: “What should I do? How to avoid this nightmare?

But, whether you like it or not, you must be in the ranks and do what you are ordered to do. After some time of running in formation, I determined for myself that I would never leave the race, no matter what it cost. "I'll wait, I'll be patient," I told myself. “A few more steps, more, more…” Sometimes I really wanted to stop and say: “That’s it, I can’t, I can’t already, I’m tired, my lungs, my legs can’t stand it.” I really wanted to do just that.

But since I accepted the installation for myself not to be the last, I tried to stick to it, although I succeeded with great difficulty ... Minutes and seconds seem endless, every step is given in the whole body.

I don’t know what I would do if I ran one and a half or two kilometers. I felt like I couldn't move at all. I think that not only I had a similar state, because somewhere after a kilometer of running one of the cadets broke down and said that he could no longer. Now I understand that our pace that day was designed for such a development of events. In order to clearly show what happens to those who are ready to be the last.

The sergeant stopped the platoon and said: “I understand everything. You will run with me these three kilometers and a couple more extra. I learned my lesson, and, thank God, not by my own example. I ran to the end and memorized the first army truth. "You don't have to be the last one," she says.

The final stage of the three-kilometer run took place at a completely different, not so intense pace. The lesson is over. After two days of such races, it was announced that the next day we would have to cover 6 kilometers. I didn't worry. I knew that I would run, that the pace chosen by the sergeant did not exceed human capabilities. I won't be the last. So I won't be punished.

Someone, reading these lines, will think that this is a mockery of the soldiers, that the treacherous old-timers deliberately invent this in order to annoy the young soldiers. This is not true. Everything is somewhat more complicated. I decided at one time that not only the one who shoots and fights better survives in a war. These, of course, are also important skills. But the one who has endurance, who is better at running long distances, is more likely to survive. What is the capture of someone else's trench? This is a movement with all the ammunition over uneven terrain, sometimes several hundred meters. And if you are out of breath, you, despite your impressive size, will not be able to deliver a more or less competent blow. You're dead. In an attack that has not yet begun.

Retreat is not always loading into vehicles and moving to another location or marching towards another fortified area. Often this is a continuous movement for several days in one direction or the other. This is a grueling task - getting out of the environment and breaking through to your own. In a war, ceteris paribus, it is not healthy "rollers" who win, but lean, hardy marathon runners. That is why running training is designed to save your lives. Keep this in mind and practice. This can come in very handy.

Among other things, in the early days, the realization of the fact that you are here for a long time hits the morale very strongly. After five or six days spent in the new conditions, you usually begin to think that it is hard to live in the army and that such a life will last almost indefinitely. This happens not only in the army team. Remember - you probably had to do an unloved job for some time. At the same time, you repeat: “When will these beds (dishes, laundry, lessons) end?” The easiest way to distract yourself from these thoughts is not to look at the end of the field, but to monotonously do the work, no matter how tedious it may be. Easy to start and easy to finish. And then time will pass much faster. You can try. So it is with the army. At the beginning of your life, the day you go home seems infinitely far away.

In the army, I learned a simple truth. You just have to live here. Do not count the days left until demobilization - with such an attitude, they will drag on for a very long time. Live. Rejoice in life. She's great in the army too. You will find a lot of new good friends, learn what you would never have learned in that former life, begin to understand people better, understand who is worth what in critical situations. Breathe deeply. And never think that you are the most miserable of all living on Earth. This is not true. After a couple of months of service, you yourself will come to the realization of this fact. My task is to tell you about it in advance.

And after the end of the service, for many years, with a high probability, you will warmly remember your army friends and; maybe commanders.

Now I would also like to talk about those who hang themselves, shoot themselves, and run away. A couple of weeks after the start of the service, I entered the outfit with one guy who immediately told me that he had already written 37 letters home and at night, during the outfit, he would write 12 more. “I feel so bad here,” he complained. - Everyone offends me. But if I get really sick, I'll run away and hide. And the sergeant will get it."

I imagined what kind of life awaits this cadet after he hits the Sergeant, and I realized who these people are, running away, shooting, hanging themselves, for the most part. I believe that they are pre-programmed not to fight difficulties, but to move away from them. Probably, this is a question of specialists, and I do not have such an education, but due to my life experience, I think that for the most part these are sick people to one degree or another. From that day on, I realized that I was not in danger of either running away from the army or attempting suicide. I calmed down and began to serve.

Here I may encounter misunderstanding and hatred on the part of those people who lost their loved ones in the army. I repeat - this is my opinion, which may be different from the correct one. Talking about the ways to survive in the army, I care first of all about those who have yet to serve. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone with my lines.

Once again I want to repeat the rule that you already know or have guessed about existence. It's better not to stand out in the army. It's safer that way. Stick to the golden mean. In this case, you will not acquire enemies and will serve the entire term quite calmly. The fact that I give advice here does not mean that I myself have always put it into practice. Life is often more complex and diverse than the most coherent theory, and it is not always possible to act in full accordance with the rules in any particular case, but try to adhere to the general law.

There is a category of conscripts who want to change the army and make it better, kinder, more honest, and therefore go into conflict with the existing system. None of them have managed to break it yet. The occasional exception, unfortunately, only confirms this rule. The proof of this is the current position of the army. In some cases, the system bends, sometimes it bends, and sometimes it breaks. Moreover, as a rule, it breaks those who try to influence it with greater force. Remember this too. You don't want the system to break you. So be as flexible as possible.

From the fact that I didn’t really like it at first, I would like to mention drill exercises. The task seems to be simple - to teach the soldiers to walk in formation, synchronously raising and lowering their legs. Moreover, it is necessary to raise the legs to a certain height, without touching the comrade walking in front and without exposing your legs to the blow of the one walking behind. To do this, we were drilled for hours on the parade ground, training in keeping our legs on the weight. The task is actually not as easy as it might seem at first glance. I recommend you practice. Again, after putting on boots. I think that you will get unspeakable "pleasure" after the first thirty seconds. In our unit, the time of holding the leg in the weight depended on the presence of sadistic inclinations in the sergeant. I wish you a good sergeant.

And finally, the quarantine period has expired, you have learned the text of the oath, acquired new knowledge and acquired the necessary skills. Now a special event is coming in your life - the day of taking the oath. Having uttered her words, everyone must sign that he really did it. From that moment on, he becomes a full-fledged soldier, who can already be entrusted with weapons, sent on guard duty and judged for failure to follow orders from commanders and other offenses.

In principle, all this should take place no later than two months from the date of arrival at the military unit, but in reality, two weeks are usually enough to master the basics of marching, the basic duties of a soldier, the meaning of the Military Oath, the Battle Banner of the military unit and military discipline. Up to this point, young soldiers are kept together and are not allowed to live together with old-timers. Such a period of adaptation makes it possible not to injure the psyche of the young replenishment so much and calmly bring him to the signing of the words that he undertakes to defend the Fatherland. After signing, he begins to defend the Motherland along with the grandfathers, who are already ready to show how this very Motherland is defended.

The adoption of the military oath, like any solemn army events, is furnished with all possible ritual paraphernalia. For example, you will be taken to the Military Oath in front of the State flag Russian Federation and the Battle Banner of the military unit.

The event is led by the commander of the military unit, and it is he who issues the order in which he indicates the place and time of taking the Military oath. Before that, explanatory work will be carried out with you about the meaning of the Military Oath and the requirements of the legislation on the protection of the Fatherland.

At the appointed time, a military unit with the Battle Banner and the State Flag of the Russian Federation and with an orchestra line up on foot in full dress with weapons. Usually, the unit commander begins this event with a reminder of the significance of the Military Oath and the honorable and responsible duty that is assigned to servicemen who have been sworn in to the Military Oath of allegiance to their Fatherland.

After that, you will be called out one by one to read the text of the Military Oath, after which it remains to sign in a special list in the column against your last name and take your place in the ranks.

This is followed by congratulations and the performance of the National Anthem. In the military ticket and service record of a serviceman, a note is made by the chief of staff of the military unit indicating the date you were sworn in. All.

Now you are soldiers who have taken an oath that places responsibility on you. Including criminal. I hope I didn't scare you. I once read the oath and, as you can see, I was not held accountable. You need to understand that these are really not empty words, but your oath. And if at one time millions of soldiers had not pronounced this oath before you, then such a country as Russia would no longer exist. And it is not clear what would have happened to you, to your parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. In the meantime, we all take an oath to the Motherland that we will defend it for what it once defended and will continue to defend us in the future. This is a universal mechanism that you may not like at the time of service, but certainly useful before and after it.

It should be noted that the day of taking the Military Oath is a non-working day for the military unit and is celebrated as a holiday. Which involves the distribution of holiday-weekend eggs in addition to the diet.

The lists that you will be included in as a person taken to the military oath will be stored at the headquarters of the military unit in a special folder, numbered, laced and sealed with a wax seal, and then will be archived. To remind you on occasion that you took the oath and signed it. Remember this.

After this ceremony, prepare for the fact that you will be assigned a place in which you will serve. Theoretically, the replenishment arrived is distributed among the units after studying the business qualities of each serviceman and taking into account the state of his health, profession, specialty received before entering military service by conscription, characteristics and conclusions on professional suitability issued by the military commissariat and many other details. But, I think so. most likely you will have to take the place vacated after the demobilized "grandfathers" left the unit. Although we conducted tests to determine the level of intelligence, the results of which I did not see, I regularly put crosses and numbers.

The distribution is again accompanied by a ceremony with a brass band, an anthem, formation on the parade ground, a speech about the combat path of the unit, its heroes and awards, about success in the combat training of units and about the honorable and responsible duty that is assigned to military personnel. Then the floor is given to one or two servicemen who are completing their military service on conscription, and to one or two newly arrived servicemen. This ritual should emphasize the continuity of generations, inspire you to serve "as your grandfather served ...". I do not recommend speaking on behalf of the younger generation, and even more so promising something completely outstanding. Before speaking any words, it is necessary to know whether it is possible to keep them. At worst, you will be remembered and your public promises will be remembered for a very long time.

I once had a case when African students who worked in our construction team, before starting work, made a fiery speech that they would not disgrace the honor of the representatives of their homeland and would work hard at a construction site. After that, over the next two weeks, they parted in all directions: one of them, with the words “Kasasira rubbed his palm,” apparently went to treat his weary hands, the other went to his sister who unexpectedly appeared in Moscow, the third explained his departure by the fact that “it’s very hot in you". But the Africans were people who did not give us oaths and therefore were free. Everything will be wrong for you.

You have become a full-fledged part of the army with all the ensuing consequences.

Now you need to get a weapon - you won’t defend your homeland empty-handed, will you?

Everything related to weapons in the army is bureaucratized beyond measure. Any manipulation with the machine is recorded in the log. And rightly so - otherwise it is simply impossible to avoid the theft of weapons. Therefore, taking a weapon, do not let it out of your hands. The loss of weapons is a serious war crime and is punished extremely severely. Remember about this. Carefully draw up the surrender of weapons. In this situation, it is better to play it safe.

I will give an example of the misuse of weapons.

When I was a young lieutenant, I heard a story, true or false, I can’t say, but I laughed for a long time. Officer-pilots, driven there from all over Mother Russia, served at one distant Siberian "point". "flew" on the "immoral" - also on the "point"; squandered the property - if not to prison, then to the "point". So the aces of the air empire gather in one place, and similar stories fly from there.

So, somehow they sent a major to the "point", followed by an order - demoted to captain, but for what - no one knows. Yes, and he is silent, while he does not drink, does not smoke, does not play cards, and his wife has not left yet. A week is silent, the second, the personnel have already begun to worry - something is too well-mannered. A month later, on the birthday (of the Air Force), it was possible to remove the veil from this mystery. It turns out that he served as a major in the Volga region, was the commander of a helicopter crew. Somehow they flew on assignment, drank a little. And since “a little bit” is a loose concept in the army, one can only guess how much was drunk, after which the “heroes” wanted to swim. Fortunately, below, under the "wing of the plane", among the wooded and swampy terrain, where there was nowhere for a normal helicopter to land, a small river flowed. Since, at such moments, it would have been said - but it will be done, they lowered the helicopter over this very river, just to the height of the rope ladder. Everyone jumped into the water and let's frolic. It's hot, coolness blows from the water. Our major could not stand it - he switched the helicopter to autopilot and also jumped down. Time is running fast, after an hour the kerosene ran out, the helicopter felt better, apparently, and got up. Another thirty minutes later, the crew could no longer reach the stairs. And an hour or two later, on the occasion of the development of the remaining kerosene, the helicopter made one of the elements of aerobatics - landing on water, with further immersion in it. At the same time, the crew watched everything that was happening already from the side.

The order to secure weapons and military equipment for the soldiers is given by the commander of the unit. The number of the order and the names of the persons assigned to weapons and military equipment are entered in special forms. The name of small arms, its series, number and date of issue are recorded on your military ID and in the record of assigning weapons to personnel.

Now you, and only you, are responsible for ensuring that your weapon fires at the right moment, and does not misfire. And therefore I recommend to be especially careful about maintaining it in exemplary condition. It might save your life someday.

Before the delivery of weapons and military equipment with replenishment, classes are held to study their combat capabilities, as well as safety requirements. This is not just a formality. Treat this with increased attention - too many soldiers die due to careless handling of weapons or equipment.

The most common deaths are when reloading or cleaning the machine, when turning on a car or other self-propelled equipment. It happens that in such situations in front of the car or behind it are people who are injured due to the negligence of the driver. As a result, a coffin for one, a prison for another.

I once observed a construction battalion worker who decided to check whether there was a lot of gasoline left in the barrel, and in order to see it better, he lit a match and brought it to the hole in the container. Gasoline vapors in the barrel exploded, tore off the top cover, and in this circle the unfortunate soldier's head was blown off by half. The spectacle, I must say, terrible. He lived for three more days after that.

There are, of course, other than tragic and anecdotal cases. For example, this: one fighter slept in the car park on the cardan shaft of a parked KamAZ. Found it when the car started.

Now I will give the stories that eyewitnesses told me. Therefore, I will try to preserve the style of presentation of the narrators.

Training shooting range. I must say, there are a lot of mushrooms on the territory of the landfill, and therefore the locals are constantly climbing through all the cordons. So, the soldiers have already prepared for firing, as from the NP they notice a baboon with a basket advancing in short dashes on the field. Naturally, the retreat is urgently played, the grandmother is caught and delivered to the commander.

- Grandmother, mother-to-be, don't you know that there is shooting! You could have been killed!

“Iiii ..., honey, what am I, completely stupid,” the grandmother objects. “I’m listening, but if they start shooting, I’ll hide behind those plywood right away,” and points to growth targets in the field ...

This terrible story happened in Siberia, there is a small military town N there ... On the territory of this military unit, the destruction of obsolete military equipment, mainly aviation, began. Among them were solid rocket boosters. For those who do not know, I will explain - small rockets are attached to the aircraft to ensure a quick take-off from a short runway or from the deck, well, in general, this is more for older models of aircraft.

Two young talents arrived in this unit - freshly baked ensigns. There is no special knowledge, but the love for technology and entertainment is huge. I especially liked to ride a motorcycle along the runway - in general, "Hot Heads-3".

Once, on a clear, sunny day, they took this very accelerator and fixed it on the Ural motorcycle, between the cradle and the motorcycle. They also strapped themselves in. Girlfriends were invited to a test flight, but they decided to look from the outside. And so they accelerated a little and ... turned on the ignition !!! Unfortunately, the "pilots" did not take into account the power of the accelerator.; There was a roar, and they disappeared along with the motorcycle.

Of course, the incident began to be investigated, search teams were sent in the intended direction of the flight. The invited experts considered something for a long time and gave out that if the accelerator stood vertically, then the motorcyclists would take off 6 km, but we don’t know they say ... So, unfortunately, neither the guys nor the motorcycle were found.

This case is quite anecdotal and hardly actually took place, but since I have remembered it, I will probably tell you too, preserving the style of presentation. What's more, it's instructive.

We have a lot of snow here in the north in winter, so when spring comes, it accumulates on the roofs and naturally becomes a direct threat to the lives of people and "ensigns" ...

Well, then, spring has come ... The beginning of the mustache is slowly thawing - snow, ice, the hearts of girls, saleswomen in beer stalls ... Life, as they say, began ... The hearts that serve in the Entom Diet School began to thaw, therefore, taking care of the lives of students , the lieutenant colonel ordered a couple of soldiers to take shovels and use them to dump the snow accumulated on the roof over the winter ... No sooner said than done. Showing even greater concern for the students, the same lieutenant colonel ordered the major to tie the soldiers performing such an important task with a rope so that, if they fell, it would be possible to save them ... No sooner said than done. Tied. And everything seemed to be normal at first - but no ... The major comes to the lieutenant colonel and says that, they say, an emergency happened - one of the soldiers fell and broke his leg ...

Lieutenant colonel; “I ordered them to be tied!”

Major: “Duc, he was tied ... Only we took a long rope ...”

Of course, shouting and insults towards the major ... Well, okay - you need to take the guy to the hospital ... They drive the GAZ-66 and, well, they load the boy into the back ... And everything seems to be fine already - but no ... The major comes to the lieutenant colonel and says that, they say, another emergency happened - this guy broke his second leg ...

Lieutenant Colonel: "How could this happen???" This is followed by selective abuse, which touched both the major's relatives and himself.

Major: “The fact is that when we were loading the car, we forgot to untie the rope from the guy ...”

You need to remember that the laws in the army, many guidelines, rules, norms, written and unwritten laws, no matter how ridiculous at first glance they may seem, are inscribed in blood. And I would not like a new page of these laws to be written with your blood.

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