Unsuccessful plastic surgery for breast reduction. Russian stars before and after plastic surgery

We gathered celebrities whose bust experiments failed and showed their photos to an experienced plastic surgeon - Ioseliani Nodari(Ph.D., plastic surgeon Klazko clinic).

Mel B

Apparently, Mel B had breast augmentation surgery many years ago. Her breasts look ugly and unnatural. Most likely, the former "peppercorn" has silicone implants, and not the highest quality ones. The plastic surgeon did not dissuade Mel from too large implants, and even installed them too close to each other.

Ivanka Trump

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular today, but this does not negate the fact that it is still not an easy procedure. The stage of formation of the "bed" for the implant is very important. In the case of Ivanka Trump, it was at this moment that a mistake was made, which can only be corrected by repeated mammoplasty.

Christina Aguilera

In the case of Christina Aguilera, mammoplasty was performed through armpit. Personally, I think that this method of breast augmentation is not the most successful. Firstly, it will be difficult to hide the sutures from the operation, and secondly, the likelihood of complications after installing implants through the armpit is much higher.

Hayden Panettiere

After the operation, Hayden developed a small hole in the upper part right chest. This is easy to explain: the actress chose too large implants, and she simply did not have enough soft tissue to completely cover them.

Tori Spelling

The case of Tori Spelling is an excellent confirmation of the golden truth for all plastic surgeons: to keep a balance between the desire of the patient and the possibilities modern surgery. Too closely installed implants look ugly and unnatural. But this is half the trouble! Too close during operation installed implants can cause serious complications, bleeding, and so on ...

Tara Reid

Looking at Tara Reid, I can definitely say that the surgeon tried. And he did well! Look at the quality of the skin on your belly. Now imagine what happened to Tara's breasts? The result of mammoplasty is very dependent on the initial state of the tissues, so there is nothing surprising.

Victoria Silvstedt

Victoria wanted to become the owner of a large round chest, and the plastic surgeon did not dissuade the girl from this decision. Too wide interthoracic space, round implants and installation under the mammary gland give the result that we see. Unnatural, but to each his own.

Paula Abdul

As far as I know, Paula Abdul has done more than one operation to change the shape of her breasts. And still, you can’t look at the singer’s neckline without tears: the implants “dangle” somewhere below, and the skin around is flabby and clearly “extra”.

A breast lift is perhaps the most popular plastic surgery that the fair sex dares to undertake. a huge number of women to acquire those forms that, unfortunately, nature did not reward them with. No wonder that .

There are two types of breast plastic surgery: breast correction without implants (mastopexy) and breast lift with the simultaneous installation of silicone implants. The method of correction depends on individual characteristics, the degree of ptosis (omission) of the breast and the result that the patient expects. And these expectations are sometimes too high, and the surgeon can overdo it ...

The most unforgivable mistakes were made during mammoplasty by actress Tara Reid, singer Paula Abdul and Beverly Hills 90210 star Tori Spelling. Ugly hollows, deformation, loose skin, too large implants (which were placed close to each other and dispersed over time) - far from full list defects that these celebrities had to face after breast surgery.

Small mistakes are also very noticeable. At one time, Pamela Anderson, Mel B, Anna Semenovich, Ivanka Trump and others decided to install implants. You can follow their photos. We offer to look at examples of unsuccessful breast plastic surgery, when the operation disfigured its owner.

Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson in 2001 and 2018

Since 10-20 years ago, there is nothing to condemn Pamela Anderson for. The actress is sure that it was her big breasts that paved her way to Hollywood. Pamela went under the surgeon's knife several times until she acquired the forms that, in her opinion, helped her stellar career. However, the fashion for impressive sizes quickly passed, and those actresses who made themselves big breasts, including Pamela Anderson, today adhere to the principles of natural forms.

Heidi Montag

Heidi Montag in 2010 and 2018

The popular American TV presenter Heidi Montag at one time, but then realized that it was physically very difficult, and returned to a solid “C grade”, calling her former breasts bowling balls.

Anna Semenovich

Anna Semenovich in her youth and now

Big boobs don't bother me Russian celebrity Anna Semenovich. Her bust continues to grow, despite fashion trends. And these forms, surprisingly, have fans: the star is like the most sexy woman of the year. Anna does not complain about physical fatigue or any other shortcoming of her bust.

Julia Nachalova

Julia Nachalova in her youth and now

But this star refused to experiment with size. Big breasts after mammoplasty seemed alien to her, she decided on reoperation, which returned her bust to a more natural shape and size.

Mel B

Mel B in 2001 and 2018

However, the disadvantages of mammoplasty are not only the wrong size of implants. There are stars who really have nothing to brag about in this matter. Breast plastic mutilated one of the "peppercorns" -. The singer was given too large implants, but that's not even the problem - they stand too close and visually spoil the appearance of the breast.

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump in 2001 and 2018

At one time, the neckline was a mistake in the work of a plastic surgeon. Due to an improperly shaped implant bed, one of Ivanka's breasts was larger than the other.

And we wrote before.

We thank our expert for preparing the material.

The desire for perfection is characteristic of any woman. The ideal shape of the breast is one of the components of the idea of ​​beauty. The beautiful chest of men will never leave you indifferent.

Therefore, the beautiful half of humanity is ready for almost everything in order to have mammary glands, which, in size and shape, were worthy of the brush of famous artists. Modern plastic surgery provides most women with such an opportunity.

What is meant by complications of breast augmentation?

Among all modern plastic surgeries, the formation of the shape and size of the mammary gland is in the lead. This procedure allows a woman to do almost everything: increase, reduce, make an almost new breast. The only problem is cost. surgical intervention and states physical health woman, which will allow her to safely endure a long operation, general anesthesia and postoperative period.

Medical practitioners plastic surgery rarely inform their patients about possible complications mammoplasty, and they make up a fairly large percentage of the total number of operations.

Specialists usually consider two groups of problems after breast augmentation.

Complications associated with technical difficulties during surgery

Often during, due to various factors, including human, there are so-called problems of the general surgical plan. Edema and cyanosis of the operated organ occurs after almost any operation in the first few days and does not require any medical intervention. More serious problems after breast shaping surgery include:

  • Formation of keloid scars after surgery. These scars occur in the area surgical sutures, look repulsive and are practically not amenable to resorption. Their formation is the result of insufficient preoperative examination of the woman, since many patients have a predisposition to the occurrence of scars and adhesions. This can be clarified before the operation using certain laboratory methods examination and advise the lady to refrain from plastic surgery.

There are methods for removing keloid scars using laser therapy, however, no cosmetologist will give you a guarantee regarding their new occurrence.

  • Infection of the surgical wound is possible, that is, the entry of various microbes and bacteria into the surgical wound. This often occurs when sterility is violated during surgery and the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are neglected in the postoperative period.

Consequences of the mogu
t be very different: from a course of antibiotics, surgical debridement of the infected area and the maximum prolongation of the stay in the hospital to the removal of the implant and a second operation no earlier than in 5-6 months. This is in the event that the situation that has arisen does not discourage the patient from risking her health for the sake of illusory ideals of beauty.

If the necessary hemostasis and lymphastasis are not observed during mammoplasty, various hematomas or seromas may form in the operation area. Accumulation of blood in breast tissue serous fluid usually leads to the formation of an inflammatory focus. Treatment is usually complex: holding antibiotic therapy and surgical drainage of the breast. A hematoma can form in postoperative period if a woman has an impaired coagulation function or she suffers from vascular fragility.

In violation of the course of mammoplasty, fiber damage often occurs nerve endings in the chest, which leads to a pronounced loss of sensation in the nipple and areola. Most often, this complication occurs with surgical reduction of the mammary gland. As a result physiological characteristics buildings female breast the absence of such sensitivity after surgery occurs in 40% of those operated on.

An increase in temperature after surgery on the mammary gland is not a pathology, but rather indicates high defensive forces female immune system. However, if hyperthermia lasts more than 5 days, then we can safely talk about either inflammatory process or about the threat of rejection of the implant from the female breast.

We recommend reading the article. For what reasons does hyperthermia occur after breast surgery, does fever always require treatment, what complications can a temperature reaction indicate, you can read in more detail in this article.

Specific pathology after mammoplasty

To these pathological processes that have arisen in the female mammary gland include problems associated with themselves and their interaction with the patient's body. First of all, these are various mechanical damage to endoprostheses, their displacement compared to their original position, deformations and ruptures of the implant.

In this case, there is only one method of treatment - repeated surgery. However, in this case, the plastic surgeon usually faces persistent psychological fear women in front of the next unsuccessful attempt prosthetics. Such complications in mammoplasty are usually associated with low qualifications of the doctor and an attempt to medical institution reduce the cost of purchasing endoprostheses, which significantly affects their quality.

Another problem after breast surgery can be the appearance of a dense fibrous membrane around the endoprosthesis. AT medical literature this process is called capsular fibrous contracture. The causes of this pathology are not yet sufficiently clarified, it is reliably known that smooth implants cause contracture by 25% more often than those with a corrugated surface. The only way out in this case is to repeat the operation.

Women after mammoplasty also complain about the formation of a double fold under the breast, simmastia, the main symptom of which is the visual fusion of the mammary glands, a significant deposition of calcium salts in the area of ​​the endoprosthesis.

According to WHO, about 40% of women who have undergone plastic surgery on the mammary gland during the first 6 months were treated with various complaints about the results of surgery.

Preventive measures for the occurrence of pathology in the postoperative period

  1. In the first place, if you decide on mammoplasty and value your health, there is a careful choice of clinic and doctor. Saving here is completely irrelevant.
  2. Careful preoperative preparation should be carried out, including full laboratory examination and preventive treatment of all inflammatory diseases in a woman, which can cause complications after mammoplasty.
  3. Careful implementation of all the recommendations of your plastic surgeon before and after the operation.
  4. Constant monitoring of the condition of the implants and the operated organ for 6 months after the operation, the rejection of all bad habits, the stabilization of the work and rest regime, and a healthy lifestyle.

If in force various reasons you still decided on a plastic correction of the mammary gland, do not rush and carefully approach this important step in your life.

It is for this reason that all large quantity representatives of the fair sex, especially young and middle-aged women, begin to think about plastic surgery in order to change the appearance of the bust. But at the same time, many are stopped by fears not only of the surgical intervention itself, but also of the possible complications during mammoplasty, as well as after it. Many today have already heard about what can happen unsuccessful plastic surgery breasts, the photo of which is frightening.

As practicing plastic surgeons assure, the probability of risks in carrying out such operations is minimal, but only under the condition full health patient and if the operation itself is performed by a qualified aesthetic surgeon with the help of experienced staff in a well-equipped clinic. Be that as it may, you should be aware of certain possible complications, as well as contraindications to such an operation, so that you will never know in your own practice what unsuccessful breast plastic surgery is, the photos of which so frighten many potential clients of plastic surgery clinics.

General complications

In some cases, after plastic surgery, asymmetry of the installed implants may occur. A similar effect is corrected only by a repeated operation.

A double bulge effect may appear, which does not look natural and aesthetic, for this reason, the implant needs to be reinstalled.

An unpleasant, however, unfortunately not a rare complication is the loss of sensitivity of the nipple. Usually the problem can be solved without medical intervention and after 6-7 months the sensitivity is restored by itself. If for given period sensitivity has not recovered for a while, perhaps one of the nerves was damaged or pinched by the implant. In this case, only a doctor can help.

Rice. An example of unsuccessful breast plastic surgery, photo

However, the most dangerous complication, which carry unsuccessful plastic surgery of the breast, is an infection. It usually occurs within the first two months after the procedure.

In this case, it is required urgent hospitalization and immediate removal of the implant. Restoration of the aesthetic attractiveness of the breast may not be earlier than six months later. All this period will have to come to terms with the unaesthetic appearance of the bust. In such situations, many patients ask to remove two implants at once, and then restore them at the same time.

In some cases, a hematoma appears around the implanted implant. It is formed due to probable bleeding during the operation. In this case, a second surgical intervention may be necessary.

The greatest risk in any aesthetic surgery is that the patient does not always like the results. Improvement in appearance may become insignificant, the results obtained are contrary to expectations. In addition, scars after surgery may be a little more noticeable than we would like.

The best way to avoid disappointment is to get maximum number information about the procedure itself, its results and possible complications. All questions and doubts that have arisen should be discussed in detail with a plastic surgeon during the consultation period. Given the realistic expectations of the woman and with a decent qualification of the surgeon, the likelihood of obtaining the expected result is quite high. However, it is necessary to know that there is always a small risk of aesthetic complications.

Contraindications for mammoplasty

Before deciding on a breast aesthetic surgery, it should be remembered that there are some contraindications to the correction.

Intervention restrictions:

  • the presence of any tumor neoplasms (benign and malignant);
  • diabetes disease;
  • some pathologies of the mammary gland;
  • tuberculosis.

Contraindications are also severe heart disease, infectious diseases, chronic and acute inflammatory diseases. Many surgeons refuse to perform breast plastic surgery on young girls who have not given birth.

Complications after mammoplasty and unsuccessful breast plastic surgery are not so a rare occurrence. Therefore, to such intervention should be approached with extreme caution and circumspection. It must be remembered that health can be easily lost, but often it becomes simply impossible to return it.

Let's be honest: in Hollywood, everyone feels compelled to look perfect all the time. So it's no surprise that many women (and even men) go under the knife in an attempt to preserve their beauty. The most popular plastic surgery in Hollywood is breast augmentation, and believe it or not, it really can be overdone. And these 15 celebrities are an example of this.

15. Kendra Wilkinson

14. Big Ang

The name "Big Ange" speaks for itself. The reality TV star had her own short show, but she became famous thanks to another show on VH1, Mob Wives. Ange passed away in early 2016 after battling stage 4 brain and lung cancer. She was a loud and extravagant Italian with a flamboyant personality and the most big breasted on reality TV.

13. Janice Dickinson

Janice Dickinson is 61, but she's still trying to be the top supermodel in the world. And so we regularly observe the results of its failed cosmetic surgery and trying to be important. Everything in her screams "too much", but, on the other hand, it is around this that she built her career.

12. Heidi Montag

When Heidi Montag first appeared on Hollywood Hills, she became a fan favorite and basked in the MTV glory. Then with her body everything was in order, but the pressure of fame forced her to get breast implants. She ended up looking like a lollipop stick with two giant helium balloons.

11. Victoria Beckham

In the late 90s, Victoria Beckham was a member of the most popular female pop group - the Spice Girls. Perhaps it was in an attempt to maintain her chic image that she went under the knife of a plastic surgeon. She dramatically increased her breasts from size 34A to 34D. It is clear that on the fragile and miniature Victoria, such a giant breast looked frankly frightening. But a couple of years later, she changed her mind and went for breast reduction surgery.

10. Pamela Anderson

This actress was at the height of her fame when she starred in Baywatch. Of course, who hasn't dreamed of being saved by the beautiful Pamela Anderson? The people around her were probably constantly pretending to drown. But her huge breasts made her uncomfortable, so in 1999 she reduced them. Everything would be fine, but a couple of years later she installed new implants. It seems that once having been the owner of a magnificent chest, there is no turning back.

9. Janet Jackson

There are so many rumors floating around the Jackson family that it's hard to keep track of them. In Janet's case, she is said to be battling throat cancer, which forced her to cancel her performances. Other sources claim that she plans to start a family. Be that as it may, Janet once went under the knife of a plastic surgeon, and as a result was left with an obviously warped chest. She made another attempt, but this time the surgeon blundered and made one breast much larger than the other.

8. Tara Reid

40-year-old Tara Reid became famous after participating in the TV series Saved by the Bell. Since then, she has grown a lot - noticeably grown, if you know what I mean. She went through breast augmentation surgery, but in her case, the surgeon miscalculated with the size of the implants. She also did liposuction, which also went wrong and ruined a great body.

7. Jewel

Another example of how beautiful woman can ruin your appearance unsuccessful operation on the chest. Jewel succumbed to the pressure of Hollywood and went to the operation for the sake of a magnificent neckline. Unfortunately, the result caused more bewilderment than admiration.

6. Tila Tequila

Model and presenter Tila Tequila once had her own reality show, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. She declared herself bisexual and tried to find love among men and women hungry for fame. Although Teela attracts many with her exotic appearance, it is impossible not to notice that she tries too hard. Big fake breasts and an abundance of makeup - a clear bust.

5. Christina Aguilera

While Christina Aguilera has never publicly admitted to having undergone breast augmentation surgery, it's undeniable that her bust is significantly larger than it was during Genie in a Bottle. With such an impressive difference, it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. Of course, she matured, and yes, she gave birth, but, come on - breasts do not increase so much naturally!

4. Lindsay Lohan

Is Lindsay Lohan really almost thirty? Where does time go? We remember her as a child in The Parent Trap and Freaky Friday. Lindsey had a rare natural beauty with her red hair, freckles and bright eyes. But at the age of 17, she decided to enlarge her breasts, and it was not the most the best solution in her life. As we all know, things went downhill for her from that moment on.

3. Donatella Versace

60-year-old Donatella Versace is the face of unsuccessful plastic surgeries. She looks even worse than Janice Dickinson. It is unclear what motivates Versace to continue to go under the knife, but new operations obviously do not help her. In any case, a 60-year-old woman with a 20-year-old breast is simply wrong.

2. Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman, who is about to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary with country music star Keith Urban, is one of the most legendary and beloved women in Hollywood today. However, after the operation for breast augmentation, criticism fell upon her. First, how could Nicole Kidman do this to her perfect body? Secondly, as a result, she received a very strange chest, not matching in size, and located too high.

1 Coco Austin

Obviously, Coco Austin went under the knife. Of course, Ice T's actress, dancer, and wife are expected to look "sexy." But guess what: giant fake boobs and a plastic-fixed face don't equal "sexy." And Coco is another proof that breasts can be too much.

The main feature of plastic surgeries is that they are performed on healthy people who want to improve their appearance. Thus, the main share of complications is general surgical. These complications may occur after any surgical operation. They are extremely well researched. modern medicine, and are relatively easy to remove.

Another thing, specific complications - arise precisely after breast plastic surgery. They are also well studied today, but their emergence and development can be unpredictable. Depending on the physiological characteristics of each particular organism. To not be unnecessary reasons for concern, it must be said that specific complications are extremely rare. If the operation is performed by a qualified an experienced specialist in the field of plastic surgery, and the patient did not hide any facts about his state of health, then the risk of complications is minimized.

Below is a list local complications and adverse outcomes after breast augmentation, which occur in only 0.1-3% of patients after any period after surgery, both a week and several years.


Both breasts become dissimilar to each other. It happens by different reasons- a doctor's mistake when the surgeon incorrectly calculated the position of the implant, or due to the unpredictable behavior of the mammary gland, when, under the influence of age or other factors not related to the operation, the gland in one breast may fall below the other. This situation is quite possible in women who do not have implants.

Difficulties with breastfeeding

If a periareolar incision was made during the operation - along the lower edge of the areola - then the risk of damage to the milky currents leading from the nipple to the mammary gland is much higher. At the preoperative consultation, a professional surgeon will definitely ask if the patient has children and how soon she is going to have them. There is a risk of violation of the milky currents, but a qualified surgeon will do everything to maintain the ability to feed: choosing a careful location of the implant that does not injure the mammary gland, for example, axillary or subfascial location, the use of a submammary (in natural crease under the breast) or axillary (axillary) surgical access.

Capsular contracture

The formation of a hard compressive fibrous membrane around the implant. Belongs to the category specific complications, as it occurs due to the introduction of a foreign object into the human body. The formation of a thin and elastic capsule around the implant is a normal reaction of the body. But in some cases, it goes beyond the norm, hardens strongly, compresses the implant, which ultimately leads to breast deformity.

The stage is determined by the Baker scale:

  • Stage I Breast looks natural, soft to the touch. This level is the norm.
  • Stage II The chest feels a little firm, but visible changes no.
  • Stage III The chest is quite firm and some deviations from the norm are noticeable.
  • Stage IV The chest is very hard and the deformity is quite noticeable. Feelings are painful.
For health, capsular contracture is not dangerous, but outwardly there is a significant deformation. In addition, contracture may be accompanied by pain. The only treatment option for grade 3-4 contracture is surgery: removal of the capsule and re-installation implants.

Breast implant deflation (or leakage)

A rare complication, almost impossible with modern views implants. Doesn't threaten any serious problems other than replacement of a prosthesis. Leakage of saline implants is easy to notice - the saline solution contained in them decreases, and the breast simply decreases in size. Silicone implants and do not leak at all as such, if the prosthesis was damaged, then the contents do not leak out for two reasons: firstly, the silicone in the implant is very viscous, and secondly, the implant is protected by a thin and elastic capsule - a natural shell, which was discussed above. If a breakthrough does occur, then the woman may not even notice it, the so-called “silent leak” occurs. Painful sensations may appear later, the breast may also change its shape. However, for an implant to leak, it takes enough strong impact on the chest, like a strong blow, injury. If this happened, then it should already be the reason for undergoing computed tomography.

Poor and prolonged wound healing

A general surgical complication that can occur for a variety of reasons - infections, weakened immunity, lack of vitamins, age. The only unpleasant thing about this is that the recovery process is delayed, bringing discomfort to the patient. Under the supervision of the surgeon, this problem is quickly eliminated. Often the cause poor healing The wound turns out to be a smoking patient.

Implant extrusion

May occur in very rare cases when the sutures open and the implant comes out. This is extremely rare complication which occurs in 0.1% of cases. One of the reasons is considered to be the installation of too large implants for the patient.


It is characterized by the fact that a certain amount of blood accumulates on the operated site under the skin. Small hematomas go away on their own, to remove large ones, the intervention of a doctor is necessary. This complication is considered one of the simplest and most easily corrected.


In this case, an excess amount of lymphatic fluid is formed under the skin or in the pocket where the implant is located. Like a hematoma, a seroma can go away without a doctor's intervention, but sometimes a surgeon's help is needed to remove excess fluid.

Implant displacement

Occurs when the implant has been formed too large pocket for an implant or has arisen excessive stress pectoral muscles, the tension of which led to the displacement of the prosthesis. Capsular contracture and physical trauma to the breast may also cause the implant to change position. The problem is resolved only by a repeated operation - capsulorrhaphy.

Implants are visible through the skin, a complication characterized by visible contouring of the implant in the upper slope of the breast. The reason often lies in an implant that is too large in volume, which was installed in a patient with a small thickness of integumentary tissues. This is solved by a second operation, while the implant is no longer installed under the gland, but under chest muscle to avoid the recurrence of this complication. Some patients, on the contrary, prefer the upper contour of the implant to be clearly visible.

Wrinkling of the implant

It is characterized by the appearance of ripples on the skin. The reasons are almost the same as those of the previous complication. As a rule, saline implants are more prone to wrinkling than silicone ones. AT this moment these implants are practically not used. The problem is solved by replacing the old implant with a new one.


A general surgical complication that can occur after any surgical intervention. Most often, cases of occurrence are very rare with augmentation mammoplasty - no more than 1%. The reasons may lie in the poor quality of the procedure on the part of the medical staff: insufficient sterilization of space and materials, as well as on the part of the patient: failure to follow the recommendations of the doctor, unhygienic attitude to dressings. Also, the reason may be weak immunity patient. The infection develops in the first couple of months after the operation - a person's temperature rises, the chest becomes warm and hard. The problem is solved by prescribing treatment by a doctor, mainly antibiotic drugs. a wide range action, also with the ineffectiveness of antibiotic therapy, subsequent replacement of the implant is possible.

Skin necrosis

It is characterized by the fact that, as a result of gravity, the implant exerts pressure on the skin. The blood supply is disrupted, and eventually necrosis develops. This process can be either short - within 2-6 months from the date of the operation, or long - after 2-5 years. The complication is eliminated by an additional operation, while the implant is placed under the pectoral muscle.

Change in nipple and breast sensitivity

A complication caused by the fact that during the operation the work of nerve fibers is disrupted. With a normal outcome, a temporary lack of sensitivity is the norm. Feelings return within a few days after mammoplasty. This becomes a complication when numbness or vice versa hypersensitivity of the nipples lasts several months. In this case, you only need to wait. In the end, the sensations will return to normal. The term depends on the individual characteristics of each person.

Formation of keloid scars

General surgical complication, which is characterized by the appearance of wide and red scars at the site of incisions made by the doctor. The reason for this usually lies in the definition of " individual characteristics' because it has not yet been fully explored. Usually the appearance of keloids becomes noticeable on early stage when the scars begin to thicken and widen instead of turning white and shrinking. Today, there are many methods for the treatment of keloid scars, from medication to surgery, when the scar is simply excised. As a rule, they are used in combination, and recovery is carried out under the supervision of a doctor so that there is no recurrence of complications.

The main goal of the mammoplasty operation is to improve the shape of the breast by increasing, reducing it (reduction mammoplasty), restoring the mammary gland after resection, etc.

However, there are certain risks: the operation may not give the desired result, and sometimes even worsen the existing situation.

The reasons for unsuccessful mammoplasty are a number of factors:

  1. unprofessional actions of the surgeon;
  2. patient violations of the rules rehabilitation period;
  3. poor quality implants.

What does it look like

There is axillary and subglandular mammoplasty. In the first case, the implant is placed under the muscle, in the second case, under the mammary gland.

Also, the implant can be inserted under the fascia, sometimes a combined method is used.

Examples of unsuccessful subglandular mammoplasty:

This is, in essence, a visual manifestation of the implant in case of insufficiency of the tissues covering it.

  • Capsular contracture

This creates scar tissue around the implant, as a result of which it becomes dense, looks unnatural, pain appears, the breast becomes similar to coconuts.

  • Breast asymmetry

Asymmetry after mammoplasty occurs as a result of implant displacement.

The reason for this is:

  1. improperly selected prosthesis;
  2. unsuccessful, disregarding anatomical features, the site of implantation;
  3. non-compliance by the patient with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

Photo: Asymmetry

Although all of the above complications can also occur in the case of axillary and combined mammoplasty, it is still believed that the method of placing the implant under the muscle gives a lower percentage of such postoperative complications.

More frequent complication in the case of implant placement under the muscle, there is an increase in deformity mammary gland with tension of the chest muscles in the form of a double fold:

A photo: double fold

Video: Features of the operation

Complications of unsuccessful mammoplasty

Among the complications of unsuccessful mammoplasty, general surgical and specific complications are distinguished.

General surgical complications

  • hematoma and seroma. These complications are the accumulation of blood and serous fluid between the implant and the breast tissue. May be due to damage blood vessels during the operation, but in this case the surgeon controls the situation and will not complete the operation without stopping the bleeding.

If the integrity of the vessels is violated in the postoperative period, this is already a problem.

Such complications are often fixed:

  1. in patients with poor clotting blood;
  2. with incorrectly selected sizes of implants;
  3. jump blood pressure(for example, during intense physical activity);
  4. Refusal to wear compression underwear.

The accumulated fluid is removed by drainage. In addition, it is necessary to establish the cause of the development of this complication and eliminate it.

  • inflammation of the mammary glands as a result of infection in the wound. This is a very serious complication, which, if adequate medical care directly endangers life.

The infection can get into the wound both through the fault of the surgeon, and if the patient does not follow the rules hygiene care behind the breast in the rehabilitation period.

Intensive antibiotic therapy is carried out, and if there is no result, the removal of the implant;

  • keloid and hypertrophic scars. Scars spoil aesthetic appearance chest, rising above the skin with a dense roller.

Such a complication occurs if the patient has a tendency to form them.

Removes such scars surgically, also laser resurfacing, wearing a tight bandage, intra-scar injection of steroids, cryotherapy.

Also used topical application silicone patch and gel. Effective is combined application several methods of treatment;

  • complete loss or decrease in the sensitivity of the areola and nipples as a result of damage to the nerves of the nipple-alveolar complex. It is a common complication of reduction mammoplasty.

Specific Complications

  1. asymmetry of the mammary glands. Occurs as a result of the use of low-quality implants, their incorrect location, non-compliance by the patient with the rules of the rehabilitation period: too early physical activity, refusal to wear compression underwear, sleep on the stomach. Also often breast asymmetry after mammoplasty occurs in patients with congenital asymmetry.
  2. double fold. Occurs as a result incorrect installation of the prosthesis, it is visually perceived as if the iron "flows" along the implant.
  3. calcification- looks like small seals located around the perimeter

Women in an effort to look as good as possible, little stops. Today, queues are lining up for plastic surgeons. And breast augmentation is one of the most popular surgical procedures.

Although such a body modification is not considered cheap, famous women not stingy to spend their fees on it. Of course, both Hollywood and domestic divas choose eminent specialists. However, this intervention does not always go smoothly. And sometimes it doesn't work out exactly as planned.

1. Julia Nachalova

According to the singer, the birth of a daughter “spoiled” her breasts a little. Alas, plastic did not bring happiness, there were psychological problems. According to Nachalova, it seemed to her as if her new bust was “alien” and foreign.

I had to do a second operation. During the removal of silicone, the girl was infected. A third surgery followed.

Fortunately, today the singer's problems have passed.

2. Ivanka Trump

The daughter of the American president has one breast noticeably larger than the other.

In her case, as experienced surgeons say, the “bed” for the implant was incorrectly formed. This error can only be corrected by a second operation.

3. Mel B

Apparently, the singer went under the scalpel many years ago.

At the chest, the appearance is unnatural and even ridiculous. The ex-“peppercorn” has poor-quality and too large implants installed close to each other.

This is the moment when the surgeon did not listen to common sense and unconditionally implemented the request of the star.

4. Hayden Panettiere

The wife of Wladimir Klitschko has an impressive hole in the upper part of the right chest. And this is understandable. The actress has too large implants - there were not enough soft tissues to cover them.

5. Tori Spelling

Another case where the surgeon did not give a damn about his work. From upset the balance between the desire of the patient and his skills.

The implants are placed too close - it looks unnatural. However, this is half the trouble. Unfortunately, in the future, the actress can expect serious complications and bleeding.

6. Victoria Silvstedt

The Baywatch star had her breasts enlarged at a young age. Then her bust looked very harmonious. But today the silicone parted to the sides and began to contour. The skin is stretched, gathers in folds.

However, all these disadvantages do not prevent Victoria from posting her beach pictures on social networks. Fans do not support her and honestly criticize.

7. Tara Reid

Reed illustrates one of the rules of plastic surgery: the result depends on the initial state of the tissues.

8. Janet Jackson

Per last years Janet and do not count so many times lost weight and gained weight. She went from skinny to curvy. Then it returned to zero again. Weight jumps did not benefit: the silicone bust was deformed, and the skin around the implants was noticeably stretched.

9. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

"Beautiful Nanny" did not surpass Anna Semenovich. Zavorotnyuk stopped in time.

But the downside is that it new breast does not look very good - implants are too noticeable, there are no smooth and sexual forms. Maybe the actress was trying to save money?

10 Paula Abdul

The choreographer has done more than one breast surgery. In her youth, she could not refuse the increase. Mammoplasty was unsuccessful - a hole formed. Numerous corrections only aggravated the situation: the implants parted to the sides, and the skin around them became flabby and somehow superfluous.

But what up to this Field! She does not refuse the neckline.

I don’t know what was in my head at the age of 21, but then I decided on plastic surgery in just a few days. My chest seemed to me absolutely insufficient to please men and feel confident, although I also had not the most critical size - an incomplete second. I constantly wore voluminous sweaters and sweaters, tried to put cotton in bras and dreamed of a deep neckline. I didn’t say anything to my family and friends, and the guys who surrounded me never complained.

Now I already understand that such thoughts as plastic surgery should live in your head at least for a while. Without thinking twice, I went straight to the Internet. I was looking for a doctor based on my financial capabilities, which, as you understand, is also not quite the right approach.

As a result, the choice fell on an absolutely typical metropolitan clinic. The doctor turned out to be quite adequate: a man of 45 years old with a thousand diplomas and educations. I strongly insisted on the third and a half size. He supported me with a caveat about the figure, they say, with the width of my hips, breasts of this size will look harmonious.

I quickly passed all the tests (blood, ultrasound, fluorography, ECG) and was looking forward to the day of the operation. I vaguely remember how it all went. It hurt in the morning, but that's how it's supposed to be? I quickly recovered, I even returned to the sport after six months. But 12 months after the operation, my right implant burst. I didn’t feel any particular pain, but it felt like the implant had dissolved and flowed inside.

I had to do a second operation. I recovered pretty quickly again, but my chest was just stone. I had fibrosis. This is an overgrowth connective tissue inside the chest. The body reacts to foreign body creating a protective barrier. Fortunately, I didn’t get to capsular fibrosis, otherwise I would have to go under anesthesia again and change the prosthesis. The doctor insisted that I was to blame myself, because I didn’t do the massage correctly. So I went until the age of 25.

Four years after the operation, I gave birth to my first child. I breastfed him, everything was fine. Nothing bothered me. But gradually, some kind of growth under the skin began to form below the chest, even spots began to appear. The surgeon said that the filler leaked again. And what do you think? I was under anesthesia again.

I had implants replaced (and I still don’t know which ones) and chose more larger size. As it turned out during the operation, I had benign tumors that had to be cut. Their place had to be filled with an implant. Moreover, after this operation, the doctor told me that the previous plastic surgeon did not pull out the fibrosis capsule. That is, it still had to be done! I was shocked. And I didn't know who to trust anymore. But at least she felt fine.

The chest became soft, naturally. I calmed down. Everything finally suited me, until ... Literally a year later, my temperature rose again, my chest was very swollen and spots appeared on it. Another operation, already the third in a row, and again the same problem - a leaky right implant.

The decision was made to remove it altogether. So for a month and a half I went literally with one breast.

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