Plastic surgery stars. Victims of plastic surgeons or unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars Stars who have undergone plastic surgery

For celebrities, going to the plastic surgeon for a new look is like going to the stylist for a new haircut. As often happens, the pursuit of fashion and trends does not always lead to the desired result. In order to shine from TV screens with a breathtaking neckline, many celebrities go under the knife of surgeons, but in reality they get asymmetry, terrible scars and sagging breasts. We analyze which of the stars were unlucky with mammoplasty.

Janet Jackson

On this topic

Janet Jackson opens our list of the most unsuccessful mammoplasty. After surgery to increase the bust, Jackson recovered greatly, and when she pulled herself together and again lost weight to a miniature size, it was too late. The implants deformed, the skin became flabby and stretched, and the chest sagged under the influence of gravity.

Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson

The Horrible Story of Yulia Nachalova

Russian singer Julia Nachalova I also decided to have surgery. The reason that prompted Yulia to take this step is the desire to correct her breasts after childbirth. However, it nearly cost the actress her life. Immediately after the operation, Nachalova felt discomfort, she began to have a psychological disorder. “My chest lives a “alien”, separate life,- said the singer.

As a result, she decided to have a second operation to remove the implants. But everything turned out to be not so simple. After Yulia was discharged from the hospital, the wounds became inflamed and sepsis began. As it turned out, during the operation, the doctors made a mistake, and an infection was introduced into the body. Julia had to undergo another operation. The inflammation eventually led to kidney failure.

Now Julia does not resort to the help of plastic surgeons and says that her husband likes her even more without makeup and in home clothes.

Julia Nachalova

Julia Nachalova

The Very Long Story of Courtney Love

The singer grew up in a hippie family, was closed from childhood, and in her youth she was already addicted to drugs. Later, along with drugs and alcohol, plastic surgery settled in Courtney's list of addictions, among which mammoplasty was held in high esteem.

The first breast augmentation operation was performed during Love's turbulent youth. The use of low-quality implants and a little-known hospital - more like the story of a provincial girl from Mexico who broke through the American border than the life of a famous singer.

We are sure that it was possible to approach the issues of your health and beauty more seriously, but reasonable behavior is definitely not in the spirit of Courtney. Naturally, the complications were not long in coming. I had to go under the knife again, but to more proven specialists.

The third operation Courtney had to endure after the birth of her daughter. This time, the chest looked like a real one, but there was an error with the size. The last intervention of the doctor was required quite recently. An experienced surgeon selected implants that were ideal in all respects for the singer, and now everything looks quite organic.

“I am satisfied with my appearance, - Love once said in an interview. - Now I look at surgery differently and do not see the point in it. When you like yourself, why change anything? Others need plastic surgery, but not me. Courtney, why didn’t you think so a dozen or two years ago, when you went under the knife of someone who didn’t know?!

Courtney still loves to wear deep cuts, she does not pay attention to the biting words and ironic magazine headlines, in which they love to go over her appearance, especially the ill-fated décolleté.

Victoria Bonya

A former participant in the scandalous television project Dom-2 and part-time ex-wife of Alex Smerfit (the king of cardboard packaging) seemed to be able to afford to make perfect breasts, but something went wrong. All the tabloids did not disregard the appearance of the diva at the closing of the Cannes Film Festival. We agree that her dress is beautiful, but the neckline to the navel was clearly superfluous.

Surely many people know that it was plastic surgeries, even if they were minor and simple, that Bonya paved her way from the small town of Krasnokamensk to the cherished world of celebrities and wealth. Everything was so good and went according to plan, but these two absolutely even and large balls in the place where we are used to seeing breasts spoiled the whole picture. Eh, Vika, Vika ... what are you doing?!

Tori Spelling

Not everyone is destined to be born in the family of a producer, and even a media mogul, but Tori Spelling, the daughter of Aaron Spelling, was lucky. From childhood, Tori did not know sadness, dad did not refuse anything to his little princess, she was allowed to do whatever her heart desires.

It should be noted that the girl was completely independent, she received her first film role at the age of eight, and popularity came to her thanks to filming in the legendary TV series Beverly Hills, 90210.

But back to plastic. Tori had her first major surgery at the age of 17. For Spelling, breasts have always been a sore subject: she was complex about her small size. As expected, the actress underwent surgery to increase it. But what kind of operations were there in the 2000s? Immediately after giving birth, the beauty's breasts sagged, and the implants moved.

By the way, the mother of many children, Spelling, did not manage to put her breasts in order in between the births of five children. Tori still regrets what he did and misses his former second size. But, as they say, you can't take back what's done.

The most discussed topic in the media is the plastic surgery of stars. This is of great interest not only among celebrity fans, but also among people who themselves are thinking about changes in appearance, and just curious. Among the idols of millions there are both cases demonstrating the wide possibilities of aesthetic medicine, as well as shocking failures.

Incredible is possible

Many fans of Angelina Jolie do not know that the famous actress has done more than one plastic surgery. Do you think the Hollywood star has increased her lips? But no! But Jolie corrected the shape of her nose and made her cheekbones more expressive. It was thanks to these interventions that she acquired such an irresistible aristocratic appearance. Of course, before the operations, she was also quite attractive, but after the plastic surgery she acquired originality and sophistication. What can I say - this is one of the successful examples of transformation.

Angelina Jolie plastic surgery photo.

Plastic surgery for medical reasons

Russian star Ksenia Sobchak, oddly enough, also did plastic surgery. Few people know about it, but the fact remains. Remarkably, the socialite did not use the services of plastic surgery because she wanted to change her appearance. Ksenia had a medical problem - a deviated septum. This defect was so pronounced that it created breathing problems. That is why Sobchak decided on the operation. Having solved the worrying problem, as a bonus, she received a neat, perfectly shaped nose.

Plastic surgery of Ksenia Sobchak photo.

The actress who constantly changes her appearance

One of the lovers of plastic surgery is Demi Moore. She almost constantly changes something in her appearance, and usually for the better. Her first plastic was performed for medical reasons, the actress corrected strabismus. The following interventions were purely aesthetic in nature. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that all the transformations were successful, and Demi now looks younger and more attractive than 10-15 years ago. Moore corrected her cheeks, chin, nose, and for shooting in one of the films she enlarged her breasts. The first mammoplasty was not very successful, silicone implants looked unnatural, so another operation followed, with the help of which it was possible to correct this problem.

Demi Moore plastic surgery photo.

The sexiest blonde in Hollywood

For many years this title belonged to Pamela Anderson. It is she who, according to numerous fans, has the sexiest bust. Pamela never hid that her forms are the result of the work of plastic surgeons, and not a gift from nature. But these confessions did not reduce the excitement among fans. Anderson removed silicone implants several times and did not hesitate to appear in public in this form. As for facial plastic surgery, the example of Pamela Anderson cannot be called successful. She doesn't look very natural today.

Plastic surgery Pamela Anderson photo.

Striving for the ideal

Victoria Beckham has had plastic surgery many times. The star has always made high demands on herself, so she tried to get rid of all her shortcomings. Her first operation was a breast augmentation. But the intervention was unsuccessful, too large bust looked unnatural, causing discomfort. Soon, Beckham replaced the implants with smaller ones, and then got rid of them altogether. Victoria always wanted to look stylish, but her nose was too massive. She also eliminated this problem with the help of plastic surgery. But the celebrity does not solve everything with the help of aesthetic surgery; in order to maintain a slender figure and sophisticated facial features, she sits on a strict diet.

Plastic surgery of Victoria Beckham photo.

From simpleton to sex symbol

Today Ekaterina Varnava is a real star. Her appearance is admired by thousands of fans. But did she look like this before? In old photos, Barnabas can hardly be called pretty, much less attractive. A wide, long nose, thin lips, expressionless facial features and excess weight - all this once accompanied the Comedy Woman star. Changing the style of clothing, hairstyles, victory over excess weight - this is not all that made Catherine the way we are used to seeing her today. The most drastic changes happened to her nose and lips. The nose has become more elegant, and the lips - sensual. Other facial features have also been slightly changed. We can see the result on TV screens.

Plastic surgery of Catherine Barnabas photo.

She does not hide that she did plastic surgery

If many pop stars deny that they went under the knife of a plastic surgeon, then Lolita Milyavskaya frankly admits this. The singer believes that there is nothing wrong with a woman's desire to change herself for the better. Lolita underwent liposuction, which allowed her to become more slender, and also regularly visits the aesthetic medicine clinic to combat age-related changes.

Constant metamorphoses

The most famous man in our country who is extremely interested in plastic surgery is Sergey Zverev. The outrageous stylist has a really non-standard appearance, which is hard not to pay attention to. But once he looked quite normal. They say that Zverev made his first plastic surgery after a car accident, after which his face was disfigured. This operation was not particularly successful, so I had to do another one. The following interventions were done with a different goal - to change the appearance and create a bright, extraordinary image. Sergey does not plan to stop, so many changes are still ahead.

Plastic surgery by Sergei Zverev photo.

Older than my years

Plastic can not only make you younger, but vice versa - add 5 or even 10 years. A good example of this is the soloist of the Tatu group Yulia Volkova. The singer wanted not only to radically change her style, but also to transform her appearance. After plastic surgery, Yulia's face became like a mask, and she began to look much older than her age.

Man or woman?

Fans of the "Star Factory" remember such a participant as Boris Aprel. Even then, his appearance was, to put it mildly, non-standard, but today everything has changed radically. April did a lot of plastic surgery, including breast augmentation, and on his social media page, he admitted to fans that he had changed sex.

Plastic surgery of Boris April photo.

Hollywood legend operations

It turns out that not only modern stars are fond of plastic surgery. Marilyn Monroe managed to become a sex symbol not only thanks to her boundless charm and charisma, plastic surgeons also contributed. The legend did rhinoplasty, changed the shape of her chin, and, of course, enlarged her breasts.

Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery photo.

Worst plastic surgery ever

This place is rightfully occupied by Donatella Versace. She could not stop in time because she wanted to preserve her youth and beauty. But a huge number of interventions gave a really shocking result. Today, Donatella looks much older than her real age, and it is extremely difficult to call her attractive. This is a clear confirmation that even a lot of money invested in your own appearance does not guarantee a positive result.

Incredible Facts

Big breasts are the dream of every woman.

And the stars in the desire to possess the cherished forms do not are exception. Many of the famous beauties resorted to the services of plastic surgery.

However, then many of those who regretted what they had done and refused to als from silicone implants, having made a choice in favor of their natural breasts. Perhaps they have realized a simple truth: what is given to you by nature is the most beautiful and harmonious.

Here are 10 famous beauties who broke up with silicone breasts without regret, returning to their natural forms:

Stars without silicone breasts

1. Pamela Anderson

Buxom lifeguard Malibu is perhaps one of the most famous owners of silicone among Hollywood beauties.

At different times, Pam's breasts either increased or decreased again by a couple of sizes.

In one of her interviews in 2016, the 49-year-old actress, pointing to her already natural breasts, stated: Not that we have to go through this ... But this is what I wanted to do for a long time, and I am very happy with my decision."

In 1999, Pam had her oversized implants removed, replacing them with less protruding ones for greater comfort.

After numerous manipulations with her forms, Anderson returned to her natural size and, in the end, recognized silicone implants as the "#1 mistake" in her appearance.

2. Crystal Hefner

The 30-year-old wife and now widow of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner recently underwent surgery to remove silicone breast implants she had placed eight years ago.

Krystal honestly admitted that they led to serious health problems. The implants constantly caused headaches, fatigue, and bladder problems.

The blond beauty even made a post on her Facebook page in which she explained all her problems. According to her, the body "had suffered greatly due to the implants, which slowly poisoned it."

After the implant removal procedure, Hefner wrote the following: I immediately noticed that the pain in my neck and shoulders disappeared, and it became easier for me to breathe.

I know I won't feel 100 percent better overnight. Implants 8 years slowly and surely killed my health. It will take me a long time to fully recover."

Stars vs Silicone

3. Nicole Kidman

Why the recognized beauty Nicole Kidman enlarged her breasts remains a mystery. The actress, even without silicone implants, was considered one of the sex symbols of Hollywood.

However, when in 2014 the 46-year-old beauty appeared at one of the secular parties in an open dress, everyone could see the celebrity's noticeably grown forms.

Please note: on the left is a frame from the 1999 film Eyes Wide Shut. On the right is the actress 15 years later at one of the social events in Australia (June 2014).

However, the actress did not long please fans with magnificent forms. In less than a couple of years, Nicole decided to abandon the implants and returned to her previous forms. At the end of 2015, the actress stopped appearing with a seductive neckline. That did not upset the public at all.

In early 2016, RadarOnline confirmed that Kidman said goodbye to implants because she had no desire to have "something foreign and poisonous" in her body.

Agree, the thin fragile and graceful beauty of the actress does not need to be confirmed in the form of silicone implants.

4. Victoria Beckham

The famous "balls" of Victoria Beckham once plunged the public into a stupor. Immediately after the collapse of the famous girl group spice girls Vicki suddenly got an impressive bust.

How did a naturally skinny girl suddenly grow such magnificent forms, and in a very short time period?

The star herself stubbornly continued to repeat that she had "everything of her own." However, after some time, she nevertheless admitted that she twice resorted to plastic surgeons for help: the first time in 1999 and the second in 2001.

On the left in the photo - Victoria with her natural forms before all manipulations with her breasts (1990). On the right - it is in the maximum volume after two operations (2006).

Vika's chest clearly did not harmonize with her thin and slender figure. Many fans have noticed this. Until, finally, Victoria herself came to this understanding.

The third procedure, this time for breast reduction, pepper did in 2009. The girl clearly woke up a sense of beauty, and she began to understand what suits her and what is clearly discordant with her fragile image.

Moreover, Beckham launched her own design line and had to look appropriate in the eyes of the public.

So, she came to the conclusion that it was time to part with the vulgar image of the owner of silicone breasts in order to look more solid and serious in the new image.

"No more balls and marbles. That's in the past."

This is how Victoria began to look after the removal of the implants. On the left is the singer at her birthday celebration in 2013, on the right is on the cover of Marie Claire in 2010.

Today Victoria Beckham is an icon of style, an example of good taste, a successful businesswoman and an exemplary mother and wife.

5. Tori Spelling

The star of the TV series Beverly Hills 90210 is remembered by the audience for a very modest chest, which then suddenly increased dramatically in size.

Actress and mother of four Tori Spelling, in an interview on Good Morning America in 2011, honestly admitted that she had breast implants inserted at the age of 20.

“I got an impressive bust when I was in my early twenties, but if I had known that it would affect milk production, I would never have decided on a foreign body in my body and would not have inserted silicone.”

The photo on the left is Tori before breast augmentation surgery, the photo on the right is after surgery.

At the same time, as the actress herself admits, she expected a completely different result from breast augmentation. The thing is that Tori's bust regularly "blurred", with him every now and then there were problems that caused his owner a lot of anxiety.

The actress has had to turn to specialists for help more than once.

Ultimately, Spelling said goodbye to breast implants in 2014 and has no regrets about it.

Later, in one of her reality shows, Tori honestly and openly told everything as it was, urging young girls to think a hundred times before deciding on artificial breasts.

6 Jane Fonda

When exactly the actress inserted breast implants is not known for certain.

Some sources claim that Fonda acquired them back in the 70s. However, most likely, Jane enlarged her breasts closer to her 50s.

This is confirmed by the photos of the actress.

In the photo on the left, Jane is at her iconic aerobics lessons for the 80s (1982), in the photo on the right are the same lessons, however, it is clear that the woman’s breasts have noticeably “grown up”.

In the photo on the left is the star at the Academy Awards in 1990, in the photo on the right she is on the set of the film "Barbarella" in 68.

In 2001, Jane Fonda decided to get rid of the silicone breast and does not regret it at all.

As the actress herself admits, for a long time she suffered from the fact that she felt not feminine enough. It seemed to her that silicone breasts would correct the situation, and she would feel more sexy and beautiful.

This is partly what happened. Silicone gave her confidence. But the actress's husband simply hated implants. According to the Foundation, at last, she herself came to the conclusion that she needed to say goodbye to the foreign body inside herself.

In these two photos, the actress in 2007 is already with natural breasts.

7. Kourtney Kardashian

The life of the Kardashian family is always in full view.

Famous sisters do not hide almost anything from the public. They openly talk about almost every aspect of their lives, including what they change in their appearance.

So it's no surprise when the older Kardashian sister admitted to having breast implants at the age of 22 to keep up with the glamorous image of all members of the Kardashian family.

“I had my breasts, but if I could turn back time, I definitely wouldn’t have done it. I used to be quite beautiful,” she said in an interview in 2011.

"Now I understand that I was forced to look a certain way. But I came to the conclusion that I want to remove them and return to my natural breasts."

8. Tara Reid

In 2004, at one of the social events, the strap on the dress accidentally slipped off the actress, exposing her breasts.

This episode did not pass by the paparazzi and hit the cameras. After that, it immediately became clear to everyone: Tara Reid had an operation, moreover, not entirely successful.

The chest of the actress was clearly deformed.

Later, Tara Reid admitted that she really resorted to plastic surgery. The actress justified her act by the fact that one of her breasts was larger than the other.

“I went to the surgical table only because I had a strong asymmetry of the breasts. I wanted to get a full second size, but in the end, I got a third. To be honest, I was not happy with the result.

However, the surgeon assured me that the swelling would go down and my breasts would be fine. But over time, I have only seen it get worse.

After I had my implants in, the young people I had relationships with advised me to get rid of the silicone before it was too late.

Men didn't like implants.

To tell you the truth, I was uneasy, because it sounded like "turn off the lights so I can't see you."

In the end, the actress decided on a new breast correction surgery. According to Tara, she was pleased with the results.

And although she admits that, of course, she understands that she will never be the same again, but now she has again become a confident woman.

9 Courtney Love

The scandalous singer Courtney Love regularly fell under a flurry of public criticism.

Kourtney's appearance has also been hit repeatedly. Indeed, the woman mocked her own face and body as much as possible.

The excess of Botox and silicone is noticeable even to the naked eye. Huge lips, impressive breasts and motionless facial expressions - all this looked intimidating.

The singer's chest especially caused a stir and a lot of controversy. However, it seems that the star changed her mind in time - she turned to a good doctor for help, who corrected her appearance and saved Courtney from excessive "beauty".

10. Julia Nachalova

Domestic stars, unlike their Western counterparts, as a rule, are not so frank when it comes to plastic surgery.

They try to carefully hide the fact that the surgeon's scalpel touched their faces and bodies.

But some of the most daring beauties admit that they made a mistake by trying on silicone implants.

So, for example, the singer Yulia Nachalova does not hide the fact that she also wore artificial breasts for some time. The girl did not flaunt a seductive neckline for long. Then health problems forced her to return to the original data, which, by the way, nature did not deprive her of.

Mexican beauty Salma Hayek vehemently denies plastic surgery and proudly answers “No” to uncomfortable questions about plastic and cosmetology.

However, in 2015, the appearance of the actress in a dress with a stunning neckline at the London Evening Standard Theater Awards provoked rumors about mammoplasty.

Even plastic surgeons, comparing the photos of Salma Hayek before and after, doubted the naturalness of such magnificent forms. Most likely, Salma really did not do plastic surgery, and changes in the shape and size of the bust are associated with fluctuations in weight and style of clothing.

Kelly Brook

Model Kelly Brook is proud of the chic forms given by nature.

To confirm the naturalness of the bust, Kelly specially visited several plastic surgeons: the doctors unanimously declared that there was not a single gram of silicone in the model’s chest. Experts recognized Kelly as the owner of the perfect breast, which corresponds to the formula developed by Patrick Malucci.

Jessica Simpson

The American singer and actress staunchly defends herself from curious journalists and keeps talking about the naturalness of her breasts, which appeared in the 6th grade.

From the before and after photos, it is noticeable that Jessica changed her breast size and underwent several operations. Plastic surgeons believe that she settled on too large implants, which eventually led to sagging breasts.

Christina Hendricks

It is difficult to find an outfit in the wardrobe of an actress that does not emphasize outstanding forms. Christina is proud of her natural breasts and at any event focuses on the raised bust.

Talk about the naturalness of Christina's breasts pops up in the press much more often than about talent, so the actress gave a very exhaustive interview: “My forms are from nature. This is understandable to anyone who understands at least a little about female beauty.

Sofia Vergara

The charming actress of "Modern Family" dreamed of having breast reduction surgery. The girl suffered from the discomfort brought by a bust of the 6th size, considered the forms to attract too much attention and was seriously going to a plastic surgeon.

However, Sofia did not get an appointment at the clinic of aesthetic medicine: her mother, being a fierce Catholic, recommended her daughter to accept the body given by nature. Experts do not take celebrities at their word and rely only on their own experience, but in the case of Sophia, even experts could not make a verdict - their own or artificial.

Nicole Scherzinger

The ex-girlfriend of Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton is comfortable with plastic surgery, but denies any suggestion that surgeons are working on her body. However, experts suspect the singer of deceit: most likely, Nicole did breast plastic surgery.

It is not customary to talk about your figure in a decent society, however, among fans, discussions of the appearance of stars come to the fore. Often celebrities add fuel to the fire either with a violent reaction or a staunch silence, but plastic surgeons always have an answer.


10. Kaley Cuoco

The star of the hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco, is one of the few Hollywood stars who honestly, without prevarication, admits that she had plastic surgery. Moreover, Cuoco claims that breast augmentation at the age of 18 is the most successful decision she has made in her life. Indeed, with the forms that she had while working on the comedy series "8 Simple Rules for a Friend of My Teenage Daughter", the actress would hardly have made it to The Big Bang Theory, where she was first required to be obvious and irresistible sexy.

9. Anna Faris

In 2008, Scary Movie star Anna Faris played a Playboy girl in the comedy The Boys Like It. The comedian liked the way she looked on the screen so much that she decided to correct her appearance in accordance with the way she was dressed and made up. So Faris got herself implants and pumped silicone into her lips. The actress regretted the lip augmentation over time, but the new breast size suits her even now. Unlike most colleagues, she does not hesitate to admit that she has changed herself.

8. Rosario Dawson

"Latin" star of "Men in Black 2" and "Sin City" Rosario Dawson made a splash in 2012 when she appeared in public with new breasts that increased by a couple of sizes. Shortly thereafter, Dawson landed a recurring supporting role in Marvel's comic-book television series for the Netflix Internet service (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and so on). Apparently, her decision was correct - the comic role required a comic appearance.

7. Sarah Jessica Parker

Former Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker loves to talk about her "natural" looks. Indeed, Parker does not look quite standard, but this does not mean that surgeons and cosmetologists did not touch her body. When you study her photographs, it is clear that she corrected her nose, and did Botox, and slightly enlarged her breasts.

6. Salma Hayek

When Mexican actress Salma Hayek, who was registered in Hollywood, was once directly asked why her breasts, which at the beginning of her career were very modest, at some point increased dramatically and became one of the largest in Hollywood, the star replied that she prayed to Jesus, and a miracle happened . We will not argue whether this is possible, but note that it is much more likely that Hayek was helped by a good surgeon. However, God's help is still a targeted breast augmentation, so the star is suitable for our list in any case.

5. Kate Hudson

When How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days star Kate Hudson's career began to decline in the late 2000s, the actress had her breasts enlarged. The change was small and noticeable only when comparing photos carefully. Probably, Hudson wanted not so much to change as to psychologically support herself in a difficult moment. It is difficult to say whether this helped her as a woman, but as an actress, "plastic" did not help her much. Hudson still plays, but in less high-profile roles than before.

4. Demi Moore

Years of work in Hollywood has endowed "Ghosts" star Demi Moore with an "extreme obsession" with her body. These are her own words, and she admits she has tried to manage her appearance in a variety of ways, including breast augmentation surgery and a breast lift. As far as we know, Moore had the implants inserted while preparing for the filming of Striptease. You can consider this the female counterpart of those stories when male actors for the sake of a role radically lose weight or gain weight. Unfortunately for the actress, none of the operations and procedures brought her complete self-confidence.

3. Anne Hathaway

The Devil Wears Prada and Les Misérables star Anne Hathaway became famous for her "boyish" figure. It seems that at some point she got tired of it. Now she boasts a third breast size, and, apparently, this is the merit of surgeons, not mother nature. However, the work was done very carefully, and this allows Hathaway not to admit that she changed her body. In addition to the breasts of the actress, the surgeons also slightly tweaked her nose.

2. Nicole Kidman

When you compare photos of Australian-Hollywood star Nicole Kidman taken throughout her career, it's sometimes hard to believe that it's the same woman in front of you. Of course, age changes people, but it is obvious that the doctors also did a good job on the Oscar winner and ex-wife of Tom Cruise. There is even an opinion that everything that surgeons did to Kidman could cost her a million dollars! In 2014, she added a breast augmentation to the list of corrections, but two years later she paid for the removal of implants. According to rumors, she was frightened by the long-term consequences of breast augmentation, which can lead to an early death. Kidman has two young daughters and doesn't want them to lose their mother before they become mothers themselves.

1. Angelina Jolie

Until 2013, we could only speculate about the extent to which the appearance of the star of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Angelina Jolie was created by surgeons. Now we know for sure that in 2013 Jolie underwent a double mastectomy (breast removal) to prevent the development of breast cancer, to which she was found to have a genetic predisposition. So her current breasts are largely the creation of plastic surgeons.

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