Sexual violations and perversions (general characteristics). Sexual perversion as a pathology requiring treatment Sexual disorders in women

The concepts of norm and normality are relative, because what is considered normal in our society is what is acceptable to most people. Many modern psychologists and sociologists believe that when characterizing personal relationships between people and especially sexual relationships, the criterion of "normality" is unacceptable, since the needs and preferences of each person are individual, and what is normal for one may be unacceptable for another. As for the attitude of society towards various aspects of sexual life, people are now much more loyal to various deviations from the generally accepted norm than even 60-70 years ago. Nevertheless, with a fairly loyal attitude of society to the diversity of sexual life, sexologists and psychologists distinguish such a thing as sexual deviations (paraphilias, perversions) - deviations from the forms of sexual behavior accepted in society.

Sexologists, doctors and psychologists have not come to an unequivocal conclusion about which forms of human sexual behavior are considered deviations, and which are within the normal range. For example, some sexologists are sure that they are sexual deviations, while other scientists argue that these forms of human sexual behavior are natural sexual orientations. Separately, it should be noted the opinion of a certain circle of sexologists who believe that sexual deviations or perversions are only those forms of human sexual behavior that are realized through violence and are aimed at causing moral or physical damage to other people.

The most common sexual perversions

There is no single classification of human sexual deviations, however, according to experts, the so-called MBK-10 list deserves the greatest confidence - the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision developed by WHO, which includes sexual perversions. At the moment, according to this list, psychosexual deviations are considered to be:

Reasons for the formation of sexual perversions

The reasons for the formation of sexual deviations in the human psyche have not been fully studied, and scientists are still discussing what factors can contribute to the formation of such deviations. Most psychologists and sexologists are of the opinion that sexual deviations in the human psyche are formed under the influence of one or more of the following factors:

  • Heredity
  • Birth trauma in which the brain was injured
  • Deviations in the work of the endocrine system, in which significant hormonal changes occur
  • Intoxication with narcotic and psychotropic substances
  • Violations and distortions in the process
  • Psychological trauma
  • Mental illness (schizophrenia, psychosis, etc.).

Treatment of sexual deviations

If the cause of sexual deviation is not a brain injury or mental illness, a person is very likely to be able to get rid of his special addiction to sex by suppressing desire and gradually "forcing" it into the unconscious part of the psyche. In the case when sexual perversion is due to the presence of a mental disorder or abnormalities in the functioning of the brain, a person should seek help from a psychopathologist or sexopathologist. Also, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed for those people who cannot independently suppress perverted sexual desires and suffer from an internal conflict between their desires and abilities - without timely help, such people can either lose control of themselves or develop a severe neurotic disorder.

However, in most cases, the treatment of sexual deviations is not required, and sexologists offer people whose inclinations do not contradict the law and morality to accept their own characteristics. Most often, doctors advise accepting deviation as the norm for themselves to those people whose inclinations may be acceptable to their potential partners. For example, a sexual sadist can achieve harmony in an intimate relationship with a masochist, a fetishist can agree with his partner about the presence of a fetish during intercourse (if a certain clothing or object is a fetish), etc. Of course, this does not apply to pedophilia and necrophilia - those who are prone to such forms of perverted sexual behavior are sent to compulsory treatment aimed at weakening sexual desire.

Sexual disorders are conditions in which the normal physical responses of sexual function are disturbed. The causes of such dysfunctions can be organic (disease or trauma of the genital organs, drug use, alcohol) and psychosocial (psychological, cultural, interpersonal relationships, mental illness).

Sexual perversions (sexual perversions, paraphilias) are conditions in which a pathological orientation of sexual desire appears and the forms of its realization are distorted. Sexual arousal and satisfaction depend on fantasies about unusual sexual experiences and may be caused by an unusual (even strange) sexual object (animals, small children, corpses).

A person subject to sexual perversion, in contrast to random sexual experimentation, is completely absorbed in thoughts about achieving his goal, while completely forgetting about moral standards of behavior and possible responsibility before the law. All other types of sexual activity lose all meaning for him.

Paraphilias are more common in men than in women. Sexual perversions can be a manifestation of mental illness (oligophrenia, schizophrenia, senile dementia) or are formed in psychopathic individuals under the influence of various psychogenic and environmental factors. In their occurrence, a large role is given to mental trauma received in childhood, improper upbringing (including sexual), early sexual contacts associated with rape, molestation, etc. Some tend to stick to one type of sexual perversion, while others tend to change forms of sexual satisfaction.


Sexual disorders associated with the pathology of the genital area are treated by appropriate specialists - gynecologists and urologists. In the absence of organic causes of sexual disorders, it is necessary to contact a sexologist. Both partners are examined and treated. Only mutual understanding and mutual desire to correct the situation can give a positive result. Methods of treatment are selected individually depending on the nature of the disorders.

If sexual dysfunction is a consequence of a mental illness, then, first of all, it should be treated by contacting a psychiatrist. Treatment of perversions is a more complex problem. People suffering from paraphilia rarely seek help and carefully hide their occupation from others, even from family members.

They get treatment only after they are detained by law enforcement agencies or exposed in the family. Such a person is not able to stop his studies himself, because. they give him the greatest pleasure. The modern treatment of sexual perversions, with the exception of mental illnesses (oligophrenia, schizophrenia, senile dementia), is based on various methods of psychotherapy, in particular, psychoanalysis and behavioral psychotherapy.

Their purpose is to open sexual complexes and develop normal sexual desire and behavior. Drugs are used - antiandrogens, which reduce the content of testosterone (male sex hormone) for a certain time, in order to weaken the sexual desire for unwanted objects. Therapy of sexual perversions is ineffective.

It is clear that schizophrenia, with its peculiarities of perception of the surrounding world, unusual emotional reactions, can predispose to sexual perversions, including, and in combination with illegal actions, such as rape, sadism, child molestation, and murder. Among the crimes committed by patients with schizophrenia, sexual offenses account for 2-5 percent. Therefore, the early detection of precursors and indirect signs indicating the possible formation of sexual perversions makes it possible to avoid the socially dangerous actions of schizophrenics, which can be directed both at loved ones and at complete strangers.

At the same time, it must be emphasized that sexual perversions in schizophrenia are quite rare and even less often represent a public danger.

According to the manifestations of sexual perversions, patients with schizophrenia can be divided into 3 groups. The first group includes patients in whom for a long time only one of the relatively mild and to some extent safe deviations from normal sexual behavior is detected, such as homosexuality, pedophilia (attraction to minors), exhibitionism (desire for inappropriate exposure), voyeurism (peeping at someone else's sexual activity), fetishism (exaggeration of the sexual significance of some objects), frotterism (close touching or rubbing against strangers, for example, in transport or a crowd), etc. Moreover, in most of these patients, these disorders are combined with normal sex life.

This group includes mainly patients with mild forms of schizophrenia, with a preserved emotional sphere and a critical attitude towards sexual disorders. Patients are aware of the perversity of their desire, hide it, experience conflicts with a sexual partner, and try to be treated by sexologists. At the same time, they strive to fulfill their sexual aspirations, for example, spend time in teenage or children's groups, make contacts with persons of similar sexual behavior, and often become involved, for example, in homosexual groups.

Most of these patients are somewhat infantile, outwardly youthful, easily subject to foreign influence, their interests and judgments are superficial and immature. Behavior is often aimed at attracting attention to themselves, selfish, sometimes cutesy, prone to exaggerated use of cosmetics, extravagant costumes.

At the same time, asthenia, rapid exhaustion, indecision, difficulties in contacts with the opposite sex, often exaggerated fears for one's health, ideas about one's "ugliness", "ugliness" are often expressed. The mood fluctuates both during the day and for a long time, accompanied by ideas of low value, unwillingness to communicate with people, loss of interests, "failures" of memory, difficulty concentrating.

In the course of the disease, the phenomena of loss of mental flexibility, stubbornness, exaggerated straightforwardness, and emotional disagreement with the situation slowly increase. The ability to empathize is lost, although self-digging, deepening into one's inner world is somewhat exaggerated. However, all these signs are shallow, the patient's personality is preserved to a sufficient extent.

The described type of sexual disorders is more often observed in sluggish schizophrenia. In childhood, patients often have fears, poor sleep, tearfulness, irritability. The character in childhood, as a rule, is dreamy, the child is obedient, quiet, impressionable, often timid, touchy, withdrawn. At the same time, often childhood years are distinguished by restlessness, liveliness, mobility, and slight excitability. In adolescence, hysteria is often manifested, the desire to at least somehow stand out among peers - behavior, clothing, antisocial acts.

In diseases with fever, there are night terrors, nightmares in a dream, single hallucinations. In adolescence, there may be mood swings, passivity, unwillingness to learn, loss of perspectives and the meaning of life. All this refers to the harbingers of a possible schizophrenic process. In the future, periods of low mood are repeated, become more frequent and lengthen. The patient complains of apathy, insomnia, a feeling of melancholy, emptiness in the head, fear of loneliness, thoughts of suicide, sometimes obsessive fears of getting sick with an incurable disease. Suspiciousness, anxiety attacks are characteristic, during which a person cannot find a place for himself from anxiety.

Periods of low mood can be replaced by increased activity, sociability. The patient makes many plans, but does not fulfill them, makes superficial acquaintances, is prone to alcoholism, begins to have a negative attitude towards loved ones, avoids study and work, defiantly violates generally accepted norms of behavior. At the same time, there is a gradual decline in personality, emotional impoverishment, loss of the ability to empathize and sympathy.

It is at this time that sexual perversions are formed, and practically regardless of the influence of the environment - even with the most caring attitude on the part of relatives, the patient may show a tendency to violate sexual behavior. Most often, the patient is clearly aware of the incorrectness of his sexual actions, hides them from others, and if he finds himself in a criminal situation, with all his might (and sometimes very naturally) denies what happened, explaining it as an accident, drinking alcohol, etc.

The second type of sexual perversion is much more common. They are characterized by diverse manifestations, which are often found in mentally healthy people, but occupy a significant place in the mental experiences of the patient. In addition to these perversions, there are often narcissism (narcissism), transvestism (dressing in clothes of the opposite sex), transsexualism, pluralism (threesome sexual intercourse), annilingus (anus stimulation with the tongue), sadomasochism, bestiality (intercourse with animals), incest, gerontophilia ( sexual attraction to old people).

At the beginning of the disease, the patient's behavior is regarded by others as sexual promiscuity due to numerous undisguised sexual contacts, frank stories about love affairs committed in unusual conditions or with clearly inappropriate partners. Gradually, some perversions are replaced by others, more severe, often crowding out the usual sexual behavior, becoming impulsive, when the patient is simply unable to restrain a momentary desire.

Such patients are often cold, isolated, unemotional, their attitude towards relatives and sexual partners is often simply hostile, so that it is not even clear to outsiders what caused their sexual urges. Expressed inability to systematic work, susceptibility to antisocial influences. Often a tendency to alcoholism, drug addiction, drug abuse, the desire for vagrancy, aimless pastime.

The schizophrenia itself against the background of such sexual disorders, as a rule, proceeds more actively, with recurring attacks, with a rather rapid increase in personality change, usually in the form of a psychopathic defect.

In childhood, some have tearfulness, hysterical behavior with restrictions, while others fence themselves off from others early, are silent, closed. Then often there is self-doubt, timidity, diligence, an exaggerated sense of responsibility. Children are easily fixated on grievances, sometimes they bear deep grievances, in connection with which they run away from home, wandering, thoughts of suicide.

In adolescence, a kind of personality breakdown occurs: a previously exemplary child becomes rude, cruel, cold, sloppy, conflicted, easily joins antisocial groups, tries alcohol and drugs. Former tantrums become mannered, angular, prone to fantasy and lies. Against this background, depression and aimless pastime are sometimes combined, sometimes a craving for vagrancy. Crazy ideas of an unfriendly attitude towards them, physical and sexual inferiority appear. Becomes characteristic of impulsive behavior, disinhibition of all drives, including sexual.

After 5-7 years of such a course of the disease, coldness, cruelty, emotional dullness, isolation, and a decrease in social level become clearly noticeable. patients, as a rule, do not occupy a certain place in society, do not work, are prone to vagrancy, alcoholism, sexual perversions, to which there is no critical attitude. Since the ability to assess the situation is reduced, perverted sexual behavior is not hidden, the patient commits socially dangerous acts, although, as a rule, they quickly come to the attention of law enforcement agencies. A schizophrenic more often does not hide what he has done and, on the contrary, talks about everything in detail, although more often and unemotionally.

Sexual perversions occur more often at the age of 35-40 against the background of progressive impoverishment of the personality. Criticism is almost absent, during the examination by psychiatrists, “psychological” explanations are presented for actions: one cohabits with minors in order to protect them from casual relationships, the other, for educational purposes, tells preschoolers about the structure of the genital organs and methods of intercourse, the third explains to young men the problems of homosexuality on their own experience. In the future, sexual manifestations are clearly dependent on the severity or subsidence of the disease process.

Often sexual perversions are observed in patients who in childhood were obedient, dreamy, diligent, proud. In primary school, they study well, but are uncommunicative. In the senior classes, hysteria, which was previously unusual, appears, the desire to be the first everywhere - in any way. In adolescence, there are mood swings - from depressive to exaggeratedly cheerful. After 20 years, there are separate attacks of delusional behavior, hallucinations, after repeated repetition of which there is a decrease in personality. Gradually, the "light" intervals become shorter and shorter. Sexual perversions can manifest themselves at the age of about 20 years, and at a later age - 30 - 40. They are diverse, may be associated with the risk of socially dangerous behavior, especially in the presence of delirium.

The third group of patients combines schizophrenics with the most severe and rare forms of perversion, such as bestiality, gerontophilia, necrophilia (sexual attraction to corpses), incestophilia (sexual attraction to relatives), pedophilic homosexuality, especially with a penchant for sadism and murder of the victim. At the same time, perverted behavior is formed quite quickly, characterized by the impulsiveness of sexual desire and its implementation with the use of violence, inflicting torture on victims, killings in order to achieve sexual arousal and satisfaction.

The mental defect grows rapidly, patients become rude, cynical, cruel, aggressive both in life and in relationships with sexual partners, and even more so with victims. Patients are fenced off, apathetic, emotionally insensitive, uncritical to their condition and behavior. There are hallucinations, delirium, mannerisms, foolishness, grimacing, elaborate gestures, partial stiffness and angularity of gait and movements.

Due to a pronounced defect in the psyche, the inability to control desires, the implementation of sexual actions is accompanied by socially dangerous actions. At the same time, over and over again, the patient, as if a blueprint, performs completely monotonous actions. Patients themselves may note (and often tell) that their sexual satisfaction comes at the sight of blood, death cramps, dismemberment of a corpse, looking at mutilated corpses or their genitals.

In most of these patients, schizophrenia manifests itself in adolescence, with a rapid increase in a mental defect of the type of dementia, with frequent and prolonged attacks, or with a constantly deteriorating course. In childhood, most of the patients were lethargic, passive, lonely, low-emotional. At the same time, they are often exemplary, precocious and intelligent children. However, both those and others begin negative personality changes at the age of 10-15, learning difficulties, narrowing the range of interests, and changing attitudes towards others. Delusional fragments appear, aggression, fantasizing of a sadistic plan on erotic and sexual themes, unmotivated cruelty develops, which should immediately alert relatives and doctors, since sooner or later it will lead to the development of sexual perversions with sadistic actions and possible murders. If schizophrenia progresses, then after 5 - 7 years, deep dementia sets in with a decrease in activity, passivity, indifference to everything.

Sexual perversion in this group of patients "grows" out of fantasizing at the age of 16 - 20 years, and over the years they become more and more rude, impulsive, with a tendency to stereotypical repetitions.

The described features of the course of schizophrenia can in some cases serve as sufficiently substantiated signs of emerging or already existing sexual perversions. if these actions are not associated with public danger, the patient may be under the supervision of a psychiatrist with a stay at the place of residence. If the public danger of the patient is great, inpatient treatment is necessary.

Relatives and friends of the patient should be attentive enough - excessively frank sexual conversations, obscene behavior at home and on the street, attempts at intimacy with relatives, unmotivated cruelty to people or animals are clear signs of emerging sexual perversion. In this case, in order to avoid misfortune, it is necessary to inform the psychiatrist, to conduct a course of treatment - at home or in a hospital.

It is no secret that relatives of a patient with schizophrenia often do not fully believe in a relative's illness and do their best to avoid hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. In vain! Remember that what the schizophrenic does is not his act, but the disease's. Only the disease can be blamed for indifference and cruelty, unmotivated rudeness and alienation. Only a doctor can try to remove from the patient's consciousness that veil that prevents him from treating the world and people correctly. Not giving help to the patient in time means aggravating the disease, exacerbating suffering, creating the possibility of a crime, after which the patient will be subjected to longer and more serious compulsory treatment, and possibly imprisonment.

Be vigilant, do not let the misfortune of the disease join also the misfortune of the crime. It is easier to prevent an event than to deal with the consequences later.

"If a person (clan, clan, family) continues to persist in sexually depraved behavior, then the third and final stage of degeneration occurs in the form of birth defects, such as congenital dry hand, horse's foot, cleft lip, cleft palate, strabismus, etc. . etc.

Well, who, being in their right mind, wants to marry a cross-eyed pervert with sadistic inclinations?
With each generation, the degenerative infection grows and intensifies. We can agree that if sexual perversions are planted and take root in the people, which will become socially encouraged, then such a people has embarked on the path of degeneration.

Genetic Consequences of Fornication

Speaking about the genetic consequences of disordered sexual relations (fornication in church terminology) and perversions, doctor and bachelor of religious studies K.V.

Moral licentiousness is accompanied by certain somatic diseases. Specialists are aware of more than 30 sexually transmitted diseases: sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection and its final stage - AIDS, some oncological diseases, etc.

The fact of the dependence of a number of gynecological and urological diseases on moral behavior has been investigated and scientifically proven. For example, a woman who has had more than seven sexual partners, even if she has not contracted any infection, is almost immediately diagnosed by gynecologists with chronic inflammation of the appendages.

Due to abnormal sexual relations, tumors arise. About 15% of all cancer patients suffer and die from infectious forms of cancer, and people with promiscuous sexual relations and homosexuals are at the greatest risk of becoming infected.

Overcoming the natural feeling of shame is extremely detrimental to the moral and mental health of a person. This leads to the formation of a "sexual dominant" in the psyche and subordinates all vital forces to it. "Sexual dominant" is one of the types of pathological dependence along with alcoholism and drug addiction. Priest Maxim Obukhov writes: “Those peoples among whom prodigal sin was widespread quickly disappeared from the face of the earth or lost their independence, weakened and gave way to other peoples. The connection between the weakening and extinction of the nation and prodigal sin is historically quite obvious. A sick, sin-infected society ceases to give birth to Suvorovs, Lobachevskys, Korolyovs, and turns into a gray mediocre mass. This does not happen immediately, but over the course of several generations, with the accumulation of sin.”

Among intimate contacts that contradict the commandments of God, the most negative imprint on the genotype of a child is left by a closely related marriage.

Children from such relationships are prone to malformations and genetic deformities. Incest leads to the degeneration of offspring due to the accumulation of the same defective genes that have a common origin. The further the relationship, the less likely it is to get sick offspring.

In the union between a second cousin and sister, it is approximately equal to 8%, between cousins ​​- 17.5%, between closer relatives - exceeds 50%. About a third of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) and cases of stillbirth depend on the genetic incompatibility of spouses who are related to each other by blood.

The Old Testament strictly condemns incest: No one should approach any relative in the flesh in order to reveal nakedness (Lev. 18, 5-6). It is no less severely stated in the New Testament: who encroached on such fornication, “that someone instead of a wife has the wife of his father,” the Apostle Paul handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit would be saved on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 5, 1 -5).

In addition to incest, a catastrophic trace in the genes is left by premarital and extramarital relationships. Such connections inflict deep heart wounds on loved ones and cannot but have serious consequences for the neuropsychic and spiritual health of a person. They impoverish the higher feelings, reducing them exclusively to a sense of physical closeness. The body is depleted, the body wears out, the potency decreases.

According to sociological surveys, about 30% of schoolgirls in Russia acquire sexual experience at the age of 14-15. Every fifth sexually sophisticated girl and every second young man practically did not know his first partner at all. To the question: “How do you assess the loss of your virginity?” - 42% of surveyed 25-year-old women answered that they regret it, with whom, how and when it happened.

Homosexuality and lesbianism occupy a special place in the depraved relations between the sexes. Currently, they are trying to teach this corruption as a kind of democratic form of choice of sexual orientation and pass it off as a normal phenomenon of the sexual culture of the 21st century. “Distortion, a conscious perversion of God's purpose in us, that's what homosexuality is; distortion, largely absorbed by the secular culture, which is now trying to establish it as an almost optional, in any case, an acceptable norm. And if a society silently recognizes same-sex love as a given - precisely at the level of a social phenomenon - then this society commits an ungodly act. All references to pluralism here are simply irrelevant and unimportant.”

The Bible clearly and definitely states the command regarding same-sex relationships: Do not lie with a man as with a woman: it is an abomination (Lev. 18, 22)

Various media have repeatedly claimed the "discovery" of genes associated with homosexuality. However, none of these claims have been confirmed. As for the psychological side, psychotherapists successfully work with homosexuals, helping a person to change his homosexual orientation to a heterosexual one.

One of the prominent researchers on the issue of the genetic consequences of perversions is G.P. Klimov. In order to understand this question, he had to study the works of many psychiatrists and sociologists. It turned out that the question was developed back in the late 40s of the XX century by the best think tank in America - Harvard University. To understand the genetic essence of the issue of the influence of sexual perversions on offspring, G.P. Klimov uses the concept of "degeneration". A synonym for this term is degenerate.

Degeneration has three stages:

1. Sexual perversions.

2. Mental illness.

3. Birth defects.

Klimov states that everything begins with sexual perversions.

The second stage of degeneration is characterized by the fact that mental illnesses join the abnormal sexual desire.

If a person (clan, clan, family) continues to persist in sexually depraved behavior, then the third and final stage of degeneration occurs in the form of birth defects, such as congenital dry hand, horse's foot, cleft lip, cleft palate, strabismus, etc. etc.

Under normal conditions, this guarantees the departure of the clan (genus, family) from the historical arena within one or two generations.

Well, who, being in their right mind, wants to marry a cross-eyed pervert with sadistic inclinations?

With each generation, the degenerative infection grows and intensifies. We can agree that if sexual perversions are planted and take root in the people, which will become socially encouraged, then such a people will embark on the path of degeneration.

Sexual perversions, with constant repetition and consolidation as a habit of behavior, distort the whole human being as a whole. These negative habits and attitudes are fixed at the genetic level and are passed down from generation to generation.

In order to stop the birth curse, to stop it on yourself, you need to become a firmly believing Orthodox Christian, chastity, fasting and prayer destroying the machinations of the devil. And in order to atone for the sins of one's ancestors, it is also possible to become a monk, to dedicate one's whole life to God.

In 1934, homosexuality, legalized in the first years of the revolution, was legally banned; and in 1936 a ban on abortion was introduced. Prostitution was banned, as well as necrophilia, bestiality, etc. However, national and spiritual restoration was objectionable to those forces that set the task of splitting and destroying the Russian state due to the collapse of the economy, culture, morality and the destruction of the only people who stubbornly adhere to Christian values.

Today, the moral laws of the life of our ancestors, based on Christian precepts, are confirmed in scientific research. Modern youth, schoolchildren and teachers should know the results of these studies in order to realize what is happening and not follow the lead of molesters, in order to stop the terrible abuse of the people, themselves and their future, and, having drawn the right conclusions, competently form a model of their reproductive behavior.

Berseneva T. A., doctoral student of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Studies

Pedagogical Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

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Sexual violations- conditions in which the normal physical reactions of sexual function are disturbed. The causes of such dysfunctions can be organic (or genital trauma, drug use, alcohol) and psychosocial (psychological, cultural, interpersonal relationships, mental illness).

Sexual disorders in men

Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is the inability to have or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. With primary erectile dysfunction, a man was never capable of sexual intercourse, with secondary erectile dysfunction, he managed to have sexual intercourse one or more times. This disorder can appear at any age. More common is an incomplete (partial), partial erection, which is insufficient for the penetration of the penis into the vagina.

There are cases when a man under some circumstances is capable of an erection (with his wife), but under others (random relationship) - no.

impotent a man is considered to have difficulty with erection in at least 25% of his sexual contacts. One of the most common causes of this disorder is alcoholism. Other reasons include injuries of the spine and genital organs, endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus), taking large doses of various drugs for a long time (neuroleptics, barbiturates, narcotic drugs). About half of the disorders are purely functional in nature and are associated with personality traits (anxiety, suspiciousness, impressionability), reactions to the environment (fear of sexual intercourse) and mental disorders (neurosis, depression, schizophrenia).

Premature(fast) ejaculation(ejaculation) - ejaculation before the onset of sexual intercourse or loss of control over ejaculation immediately after the onset of intercourse. Excessive fixation on this phenomenon and fear contribute to erectile dysfunction. This type of disturbance is rarely caused by organic causes, mainly psychosocial factors play a role.

ejaculatory failure- inability to ejaculate, despite sufficient erection and level of sexual arousal. There are cases when ejaculation does not occur during intercourse, but outside of sexual contact (masturbation, nocturnal emissions), ejaculation is possible. Such violations are usually not associated with organic causes. A complete inability to ejaculate can occur in drug addicts and in some neuropsychiatric diseases.

painful intercourse(dyspareunia) - a painful sensation in the penis, testicles, prostate during intercourse. The most common causes are inflammation of the genital organs. In half of the cases, psychological factors play a causal role.

Sexual disorders in women

Sexual disorders in women- various kinds of sexual difficulties, which until recently were designated by the term frigidity and included several points in this concept, ranging from the inability to sexual arousal and orgasm to a complete lack of interest in sex. Currently, the term anorgasmia is used - the absence of orgasm (sexual satisfaction). Women suffering from primary anorgasmia never experienced orgasm, while women with secondary anorgasm experienced orgasm before, and then lost this ability. Situational anorgasmia is typical for women who experience orgasm, but only under certain circumstances (masturbation, erotic dreams). There are many forms of anorgasmia. Some women look at sex as a marital obligation and do not experience any satisfaction. Others, without getting an orgasm, nevertheless consider sex a useful and quite pleasant experience. The causes of anorgasmia are different. However, only a small percentage of cases are associated with diseases of the genital and internal organs.

Mental disorders (neurosis, depression), psychological and physiological incompatibility of partners, sexual illiteracy are quite common causes of anorgasmia.

vaginismus- a condition in which the external muscles of the vagina involuntarily contract spastically when attempting to have sexual intercourse. Women of any age suffer from this, but more often young. The degree of vaginismus can be different, up to the complete closure of the entrance to the vagina and the inability to conduct a gynecological examination. Some women with vaginismus are capable of sexual arousal and sexual satisfaction, but without sexual intercourse. Only the desire to have children makes such women seek medical help. The cause of vaginismus may be the fear of sexual intercourse since childhood (the girl witnessed erotic scenes or rape), the fear of losing virginity, sharp pain and rudeness on the part of the partner during the first sexual intercourse, and so on.

painful intercourse(dyspareunia) can manifest itself in the form of acute pain, burning, tingling, scratching and occurs at any stage of sexual intercourse. This reduces sexual pleasure and can interfere with sexual arousal and orgasm. With severe pain, a woman avoids sexual intercourse.

The causes of pain are varied: diseases of the genital organs, condition after gynecological surgery, vaginal dryness due to medication or estrogen deficiency during menopause, psychological factors (fear of sexual intercourse).

Hypersexuality- constant, extremely high sexual desire, which is rarely satisfied, despite numerous sexual acts and a large number of partners. In men, this phenomenon is called "satiriasis" or "Don Juanism", in women - "nymphomania". Hypersexuality manifests itself in an insatiable sexual need, often interfering in life. At the same time, there is often no attraction to a certain person, only a physiological need is satisfied without the participation of emotions and psychological moments. The need may not be satisfied even with frequent orgasms. Hypersexuality is a constitutional property of the individual, or arises as a result of an illness, for example, in a manic state in patients with manic-depressive psychosis or schizophrenia.

sexual perversion

Sexual perversions (sexual perversions, paraphilias) are conditions in which a pathological orientation of sexual desire appears and the forms of its realization are distorted. Sexual arousal and satisfaction depend on fantasies about unusual sexual experiences and may be caused by an unusual (even strange) sexual object (animals, small children, corpses). A person subject to sexual perversion, in contrast to random sexual experimentation, is completely absorbed in thoughts about achieving his goal, while completely forgetting about moral standards of behavior and possible responsibility before the law. All other types of sexual activity lose all meaning for him.

Paraphilia more common in men than in women. Sexual perversions can be a manifestation of mental illness (oligophrenia, schizophrenia, senile dementia) or are formed in psychopathic individuals under the influence of various psychogenic and environmental factors. In their occurrence, a large role is given to mental trauma received in childhood, improper upbringing (including sexual), early sexual contacts associated with rape, molestation, etc. Some tend to stick to one type of sexual perversion, while others tend to change forms of sexual satisfaction.

Homosexuality- Sexual attraction to people of the same sex. The word "homosexual" comes from the Greek root "homo", which means "the same", and the Latin word "sexus" - sex. Homosexual men are called "gay" in everyday life. Pederasty (from the Greek "pederasty" - love for boys), or sodomy is a form of male homosexuality in which sexual intercourse is performed by inserting the penis into the rectum. Female homosexuality is called lesbianism (lesbian love), or safism, after the ancient Greek poetess Sappho, who lived on the island of Lesbos and was obsessed with this attraction. According to US scientists, about 4% of men and 3% of women adhere exclusively to homosexual behavior throughout their lives. In addition, a certain part of women and men experience the same sexual attraction to persons of both sexes, they are called bisexuals.

Homosexuality should be distinguished as a pathological attraction to persons of the same sex (inversion) from homosexual behavior acquired in a certain period of life. The latter can also be formed in a person with heterosexual inclinations under the influence of appropriate external factors (seduction, coercion, curiosity, self-interest). Such persons are called accidentally inverted, or pseudo-homosexuals. In the West and in the United States, the opinion is increasingly expressed that homosexuality is not a pathology, but a variant of the norm, which has the same right to exist as heterosexuality. However, in recent years, a new wave of discrimination against homosexuality has flared up due to the spread of AIDS, especially among homosexuals.

Reasons for homosexuality have not yet been fully elucidated. There are different opinions about the origin of this phenomenon. Some believe that the formation of homosexual attraction is due to genetic (hereditary) factors, others attribute this to the pathology of the central nervous system, endocrine disorders. Many supporters of Freud's psychoanalytic theory.

Sexual contacts of homosexuals leading to mutual sexual satisfaction are varied. Most often, this is mutual masturbation, oral-genital contacts (stimulation of the genital organs with the help of the mouth), friction of the genital organs against various parts of the partner’s body, etc. The division of homosexuals into active (male role) and passive (female role) is valid only in cases of pederasty. For women, such a distribution of roles is generally not typical.

Fetishism- the occurrence of sexual arousal when contemplating an inanimate object or certain parts of the body (legs, genitals). The object of sexual attraction can be objects of the toilet (underwear, clothes, shoes), statues (pygmalionism). These objects are present during masturbation, as well as during sexual intercourse with partners for sexual arousal. Fetishists usually collect these things, stopping at nothing, even before stealing, but at the same time carefully hide them from others.

Sexual arousal can occur when dressing in clothes of the opposite sex - transvestism. Usually men suffer from this, getting sexual pleasure from wearing women's clothes. Wearing women's clothing can be combined with the use of cosmetics, wigs. Most transvestites are heterosexual and have a family, however, there may be individuals with homosexual inclinations. Transvestism should be distinguished from transsexualism, in which a man seeks to change his gender and live the life of a woman.

Scopofia(voyeurism) - getting sexual satisfaction at the sight of sexual intercourse or contemplation of naked and undressing people. Peeping or fantasies on this topic become the only way of sexual arousal. Voyeurs specially visit public baths, toilets, beaches, peeping scenes of dressing up. They can look into other people's windows in the hope of spying on sexual intercourse. They get the greatest satisfaction in situations where there is a risk of being exposed or caught. Voyeurs usually avoid sexual contact with women, limiting themselves to masturbation.

- obtaining sexual satisfaction by demonstrating their own naked genitals to passers-by. It is more common in men, especially younger ones. Most exhibitionists are impotent, incapable of other forms of heterosexual activity. The exhibitionist experiences the greatest satisfaction when the victim is frightened, bringing her into a state of shock. To do this, they specifically target a woman in parks, transport, on the beaches, in order to suddenly appear in front of her with naked genitals. If such behavior goes unnoticed or is ignored, then sexual satisfaction does not arise and the exhibitionist looks for other victims.

Sadism- the achievement of sexual satisfaction by causing pain and suffering to a sexual partner. The term "sadism" comes from the name of the French writer Marquis de Sade (1774-1814), who describes cruelty as a means of achieving sexual satisfaction. There are various forms of sadism: from light insults and unquestioning submission to the victim to beatings, rape and even murder.

Masochism- getting sexual satisfaction with humiliation, pain and suffering caused by a sexual partner. These sensations are described in detail in his book by Baron von Sacher-Masoch, from which the name of this phenomenon arose - “masochism”. Mild manifestations of masochism: the achievement of excitement in a bound state, when receiving light blows to the buttocks, with bites. At an extreme degree of masochism, pain is inflicted on oneself, sometimes in a monstrous form (they strike with a knife, tighten the rope around the neck, set fire to the hair on the chest). Some cases may end in death.

Combination of sadism and masochism- sadomasochism is a rather rare kind of paraphilia, contrary to popular belief. The current expression that all women are masochists is unfair, because This type of pathology occurs mainly among men.

Obscene phone calls- telephone conversations on erotic topics in order to obtain sexual satisfaction. Relative safety and anonymity are excellent conditions for sexual arousal and masturbation. In this case, the caller may know who he is calling, or dial a random number. They get pleasure from various topics of conversation: from a detailed cynical description of masturbation scenes and extorting the details of her intimate life from a partner to obscene abuse and threats against an interlocutor, etc.

bestiality(bestiality, sodomy) - obtaining sexual satisfaction from contact with animals. More commonly seen in men. For these purposes, domestic animals (mares, cows, donkeys, goats, sheep) are used. Women have sexual contact with dogs. Bestiality can be observed as a transient phenomenon in some peoples, when animals are used for sexual satisfaction during the puberty of young men. This perversion can be a manifestation of mental illness (oligophrenia, schizophrenia).

Pedophilia("love for children") - sexual attraction to children. It is more often observed in men, including senile age. The victims are mostly girls aged 8-11, but there are also babies. Among pedophiles (child molesters) there are only a small percentage of random people. Basically, these are familiar "uncles" or relatives (sexual intercourse with a relative is incest). In order to facilitate acquaintance with children, pedophiles specifically choose an occupation that gives them this opportunity (teachers, coaches and educators in kindergartens, schools, boarding schools). Some get satisfaction from touching the genitals, others from showing pornographic postcards and their own genitals, followed by coercion to have sexual intercourse. Acts of violence can be accompanied by sadism up to brutal murder. Aggressive pedophiles are misogynists, people with sexual problems. Their sexual contacts are impulsive and occur with unfamiliar children. Desire usually arises suddenly, they urgently look for a victim, unable to suppress the desire and commit physical violence, often with grave consequences.

Apothemnophilia- sexual attraction to disabled people with various kinds of amputations. The phenomenon is rare.

Clysmophilia - sexual pleasure in the application of enemas.

Frottage- sexual satisfaction obtained by rubbing the genitals on the bodies of dressed people, as a rule, in crowded transport, on subway escalators, in lines.

Necrophilia- obtaining sexual satisfaction at the sight of a corpse or as a result of contact with it. Rarely seen, predominantly in the mentally ill. Necrophiles take jobs in morgues, tearing up graves and stealing corpses. It can be combined with sadism - desecration of a corpse.

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Treatment of sexual disorders and perversions

Sexual disorders associated with the pathology of the genital area are treated by appropriate specialists - gynecologists and urologists. In the absence of organic causes of sexual disorders, it is necessary to contact a sexologist. The survey is carried out by both partners. Only mutual understanding and mutual desire to correct the situation can give a positive result. Methods of treatment are selected individually depending on the nature of the disorders. If sexual dysfunction is a consequence of a mental illness, then first of all it should be treated by contacting a psychiatrist. Treatment of perversions is a more complex problem. People suffering from paraphilia rarely seek help and carefully hide their occupation from others, even from family members. They get treatment only after they are detained by law enforcement agencies or exposed in the family. Such a person is not able to stop his studies himself, because. they give him the greatest pleasure. The modern treatment of sexual perversions, with the exception of mental illnesses (oligophrenia, schizophrenia, senile dementia), is based on various methods of psychotherapy, in particular, psychoanalysis and behavioral psychotherapy. Their purpose is to open sexual complexes and develop normal sexual desire and behavior. Drugs are used - antiandrogens, which reduce the content of testosterone (male sex hormone) for a certain time, in order to weaken the sexual desire for unwanted objects. Therapy of sexual perversions is ineffective.

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