TOP plastic surgery: stars before and after. Photos before and after plastic surgery of Russian, foreign, Hollywood, show business, pop stars. Successful and unsuccessful operations Stars who did breast plastic surgery

It is especially important for public people to look decent. In an effort to do this, many of them do cosmetic surgery. But, like mere mortals, interventions are not always successful.

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Unsuccessful plastic of Russian stars

Among domestic celebrities, spoiled appearance is seen in people from different fields:

  • . She did several operations, but the results did not please them. New lips that were too large suggested a correction of cheilochisis. Luckily, they managed to get it back to normal size. It was more difficult with Masha's breasts became disproportionately large, but most importantly, the mammary glands did not match in size.
  • The singer enlarged her breasts, did, took advantage, corrected her nose. But these changes have deprived her of her individuality and natural facial expressions. The unsuccessful result is especially noticeable when the singer speaks and smiles.
  • . The former stylist, and now the singer, has also done aesthetic operations more than once. As a result, his nose, cheekbones, lips, chin, and eye shape became completely different. Judging by the photos of different years, the face has changed completely. But it became from this not attractive, but rather strange and effeminate.
  • Anastasia Vertinskaya. The actress did anti-aging plastic surgery in a foreign clinic. But her face looks constricted, asymmetry has appeared on it. In addition, rough scars appeared at the border of hair growth, and the lips began to lose their shape.
  • Rene Zellweger. made her eyes too wide, filler injections gave her cheeks and cheekbones excessive volume, and her facial expressions were unnatural. The actress also enlarged her lips. And all this made her face unrecognizable.
  • The star of the series "Beverly Hills" began to improve her appearance at the age of 16, when she did. After her, the actress's nose became thinner, but asymmetrical and with a curved tip. She was also unlucky with her breast correction. The new bust emphasized the deformity of the chest. And when their own mammary gland tissues sagged, the implants also slid down.
  • . The actor did 5 times, blepharoplasty, braces, tried to get rid of. As a result, the face resembles the mask of some fairy tale character.
  • Kim Bassinger. The star of "Nine and a Half Weeks" has changed a lot after blepharoplasty and. She had a different shape of her eyes, her eyebrows rose unnaturally. All these are signs of an unsuccessful intervention, because it deprived the actress of her inherent features.

Watch the video about famous people who got to the wrong surgeon:

World stars who made unsuccessful plastic surgery

Fame at once in many countries does not save from unsuccessful experiments with appearance. Here are some examples:

  • . The singer has undergone more than 100 aesthetic surgeries. Surgeons changed his nose, the oval of his face, the shape of his eyes. In addition, the superciliary arches, cheeks were corrected, and the jaw was reconstructed. But the effect of the operations became such that the singer was forced to appear in public in a mask that hides a significant part of his face.
  • Madonna. As a result of the use of fillers, her face for a long time looked both swollen and wrinkled. The singer's blepharoplasty is also not successful, the upper eyelids after it became asymmetrical.
  • . The actress began work on herself with rhinoplasty. Then she "got hooked" on anti-aging procedures, which were already not so successful. The skin on Griffith's face looks too tight, the eyelids after blepharoplasty can hardly cover the eyes.
  • Cher. In terms of the number of interventions, only Michael Jackson can compete with her. Not surprisingly, the operations led to unsuccessful results. Cheekbones Cher after a lot of braces and injections of fillers became disproportionately convex, lips - too plump. And the tissues of the face inexorably slide down, the singer has to support them with plasters until the next operation.
  • . The most unfortunate consequence was the unnatural facial expressions caused by skin lifting, as well as the result of cheiloplasty. The lips of the actress were operated on so that when they smile, their inner part turns out. Also, the top is slightly asymmetrical.

The most unsuccessful operations

Among public people there are those whose appearance was spoiled by only one intervention. Nevertheless, it is precisely for this reason that their names are heard.

On the lips

Sensual lips make the face more youthful. This was the reason for their increase for many stars:

  • She enlarged her lips obscenely, her face became vulgar. After trying to return them to their previous volume, it did not get better. The lips narrowed, but did not acquire a natural look.
  • . Her mouth just caricatured blurred on her face, adding age. After all, the nasolabial folds became more noticeable because of this, and the cheeks visually decreased.
  • Liz Rinna. Many years ago, the actress introduced a non-absorbable gel into her lips, which gathered in lumps. The lips became asymmetrical, untidy thick. The actress had an operation to extract the gel. But the lips remained too plump, with a smile the upper one turns out.
  • The main problem of her lips is a disproportionately large size. Their shape also leaves much to be desired.
  • Lips look like she and Donatella Versace have the same surgeon. Nikki's face is old, her mouth is too big.

On the nose

Rhinoplasty can spoil the appearance more than unsuccessful breasts that can be hidden under clothes, or lips disguised with lipstick. Examples of this:

  • Zac Efron. The actor did plastic surgery in order to be nobler. But he twisted.
  • LaToya Jackson. She did not repeat the brilliant career of her brother Michael, but in an effort to change her nose, she stepped on the same rake. The surgeons reduced its tip too much, narrowed the wings and the septum.
  • Patrick Dempsey. The actor wanted to. The surgeons made him that way. But the nose is twisted.
  • After rhinoplasty, dents appeared above the wings of her nose, the tip went to the side. only slightly corrected the situation.
  • . She wanted to look like lionesses, because her husband liked them so much. As a result, the woman's face became incredibly disfigured.
  • Priscilla Presley. The widow of the king of rock and roll has done several lifting manipulations, rhinoplasty, lip correction and many other interventions. As a result, she received asymmetry, the “Joker smile”. Priscilla's facial expressions are difficult.
  • Igor Bogdanov. The French TV presenter of Russian origin is known for numerous aesthetic surgeries. As a result, he became like a caricature doll. Igor has hypertrophied bulging cheekbones, a huge chin, too plump lips.
  • Ludmila Gurchenko. The actress did a lot of anti-aging operations. As a result, her eyes closed with difficulty, facial expressions were almost absent due to constricted skin. And the enlarged lips made the face seem not to belong to the actress.

On the chest

An unsuccessfully operated bust is the lot of women, therefore, in the list:

  • Pamela Anderson. Her breasts are too big, and the size is constantly increasing. This does not decorate Pamela, who is short. Over time, the own tissues of the décolleté zone become thinner. And the implants stick out too prominently through the skin.
  • . Her breasts also look disproportionately large against the background of a fragile figure and short stature. At first, the implants were placed too low. Now they have been moved so that they stick out like balloons.

Pamela Anderson, Victoria Beckham and Tori Spelling
  • Yulia Nachalova. The singer herself admitted that after breast augmentation she was dissatisfied with the large size. And went to the surgeon to extract the implants. They were removed, but Yulia got an infection during the operation and almost died.
  • Ivanka Trump. The daughter of the President of the United States could be considered a model of successful plastic surgery, if not for her breasts. She was given too large endoprostheses, and the upper body became even more massive. In addition, one of Ivanka's breasts is larger than the other.
  • Tara Reid. The actress of the film "American Pie" did mammoplasty to eliminate asymmetry and ptosis. As a result, the areolas became oval, the bust has an unnatural appearance. The breast skin is uneven, the edges of the implants protrude noticeably.

The opportunity to use the latest achievements of plastic surgery has not brought good luck to all celebrities. Some of them lost their sense of proportion, others did not find a good doctor. But many stars continue to be the favorites of the public, despite the shortcomings acquired due to operations.

10. Kaley Cuoco

The star of the hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco, is one of the few Hollywood stars who honestly, without prevarication, admits that she had plastic surgery. Moreover, Cuoco claims that breast augmentation at the age of 18 is the most successful decision she has made in her life. Indeed, with the forms that she had while working on the comedy series "8 Simple Rules for a Friend of My Teenage Daughter", the actress would hardly have made it to The Big Bang Theory, where she was first required to be obvious and irresistible sexy.

9. Anna Faris

In 2008, Scary Movie star Anna Faris played a Playboy girl in the comedy The Boys Like It. The comedian liked the way she looked on the screen so much that she decided to correct her appearance in accordance with the way she was dressed and made up. So Faris got herself implants and pumped silicone into her lips. The actress regretted the lip augmentation over time, but the new breast size suits her even now. Unlike most colleagues, she does not hesitate to admit that she has changed herself.

8. Rosario Dawson

"Latin" star of "Men in Black 2" and "Sin City" Rosario Dawson made a splash in 2012 when she appeared in public with new breasts that increased by a couple of sizes. Shortly thereafter, Dawson landed a recurring supporting role in Marvel's comic-book television series for the Netflix Internet service (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and so on). Apparently, her decision was correct - the comic role required a comic appearance.

7. Sarah Jessica Parker

Former Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker loves to talk about her "natural" looks. Indeed, Parker does not look quite standard, but this does not mean that surgeons and cosmetologists did not touch her body. When you study her photographs, it is clear that she corrected her nose, and did Botox, and slightly enlarged her breasts.

6. Salma Hayek

When Mexican actress Salma Hayek, who was registered in Hollywood, was once directly asked why her breasts, which at the beginning of her career were very modest, at some point increased dramatically and became one of the largest in Hollywood, the star replied that she prayed to Jesus, and a miracle happened . We will not argue whether this is possible, but note that it is much more likely that Hayek was helped by a good surgeon. However, God's help is still a targeted breast augmentation, so the star is suitable for our list in any case.

5. Kate Hudson

When How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days star Kate Hudson's career began to decline in the late 2000s, the actress had her breasts enlarged. The change was small and noticeable only when comparing photos carefully. Probably, Hudson wanted not so much to change as to psychologically support herself in a difficult moment. It is difficult to say whether this helped her as a woman, but as an actress, "plastic" did not help her much. Hudson still plays, but in less high-profile roles than before.

4. Demi Moore

Years of work in Hollywood has endowed "Ghosts" star Demi Moore with an "extreme obsession" with her body. These are her own words, and she admits she has tried to manage her appearance in a variety of ways, including breast augmentation surgery and a breast lift. As far as we know, Moore had the implants inserted while preparing for the filming of Striptease. You can consider this the female counterpart of those stories when male actors for the sake of a role radically lose weight or gain weight. Unfortunately for the actress, none of the operations and procedures brought her complete self-confidence.

3. Anne Hathaway

The Devil Wears Prada and Les Misérables star Anne Hathaway became famous for her "boyish" figure. It seems that at some point she got tired of it. Now she boasts a third breast size, and, apparently, this is the merit of surgeons, not mother nature. However, the work was done very carefully, and this allows Hathaway not to admit that she changed her body. In addition to the breasts of the actress, the surgeons also slightly tweaked her nose.

2. Nicole Kidman

When you compare photos of Australian-Hollywood star Nicole Kidman taken throughout her career, it's sometimes hard to believe that it's the same woman in front of you. Of course, age changes people, but it is obvious that the doctors also did a good job on the Oscar winner and ex-wife of Tom Cruise. There is even an opinion that everything that surgeons did to Kidman could cost her a million dollars! In 2014, she added a breast augmentation to the list of corrections, but two years later she paid for the removal of implants. According to rumors, she was frightened by the long-term consequences of breast augmentation, which can lead to an early death. Kidman has two young daughters and doesn't want them to lose their mother before they become mothers themselves.

1. Angelina Jolie

Until 2013, we could only speculate about the extent to which the appearance of the star of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Angelina Jolie was created by surgeons. Now we know for sure that in 2013 Jolie underwent a double mastectomy (breast removal) to prevent the development of breast cancer, to which she was found to have a genetic predisposition. So her current breasts are largely the creation of plastic surgeons.

We gathered celebrities whose bust experiments failed and showed their photos to an experienced plastic surgeon - Ioseliani Nodari(Ph.D., plastic surgeon at the Klazko clinic).

Mel B

Apparently, Mel B had breast augmentation surgery many years ago. Her breasts look ugly and unnatural. Most likely, the former "peppercorn" has silicone implants, and not the highest quality ones. The plastic surgeon did not dissuade Mel from too large implants, and even installed them too close to each other.

Ivanka Trump

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular today, but this does not negate the fact that it is still not an easy procedure. The stage of formation of the "bed" for the implant is very important. In the case of Ivanka Trump, it was at this moment that a mistake was made, which can only be corrected by repeated mammoplasty.

Christina Aguilera

In the case of Christina Aguilera, mammoplasty was performed through the armpit. Personally, I think that this method of breast augmentation is not the most successful. Firstly, it will be difficult to hide the sutures from the operation, and secondly, the likelihood of complications after installing implants through the armpit is much higher.

Hayden Panettiere

After the operation, Hayden developed a small hole in the upper part of her right breast. This is easy to explain: the actress chose too large implants, and she simply did not have enough soft tissue to completely cover them.

Tori Spelling

The case of Tori Spelling is an excellent confirmation of the golden truth for all plastic surgeons: to keep a balance between the desire of the patient and the possibilities of modern surgery. Too closely installed implants look ugly and unnatural. But this is half the trouble! During the operation, implants placed too close can cause serious complications, bleeding, and so on ...

Tara Reid

Looking at Tara Reid, I can definitely say that the surgeon tried. And he did well! Look at the quality of the skin on your belly. Now imagine what happened to Tara's breasts? The result of mammoplasty is very dependent on the initial state of the tissues, so there is nothing surprising.

Victoria Silvstedt

Victoria wanted to become the owner of a large round chest, and the plastic surgeon did not dissuade the girl from this decision. Too wide interthoracic space, round implants and placement under the mammary gland give the result that we see. Unnatural, but to each his own.

Paula Abdul

As far as I know, Paula Abdul has done more than one operation to change the shape of her breasts. And still, you can’t look at the singer’s neckline without tears: the implants “dangle” somewhere below, and the skin around is flabby and clearly “extra”.

February 22, 2010, 05:47 pm

Today, the stars are in fashion with magnificent breasts. Some actresses in their desire to look more sexy just do not know the measure! The TV presenter of the "Ice Age" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk continues to amaze fans with her ever-increasing breasts. She insists that these are her native forms, however, as they say, the eyes do not lie! At the ice show, Nastya once came out in such a super-open neckline that the audience forgot about the skaters! And some chuckled: the bust of the "beautiful nanny" will soon overtake the Persian Anna Semenovich! Did the actress go too far with volumes? We asked a professional, president of BEAUTY PLAZA, plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor Alexander Teplyashin about this. - Zavorotnyuk has an extremely revealing neckline that the audience forgot about the skaters! And some chuckled: the bust of the "beautiful nanny" will soon overtake the Persian Anna Semenovich! Did the actress go too far with volumes? We asked a professional, president of BEAUTY PLAZA, plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor Alexander Teplyashin about this. ene silicone breast. The fact that she has an artificial bust is not even noticed by doctors. Very poorly done, the implants are too visible. It is considered ideal plastic when the implants are not visible. Even artificial breasts should not have sharp outlines, but retain smoother, sexy forms, Teplyashin said. - By the way, that is why surgeons in the West are switching from silicone to a more advanced biomaterial. We use it too. After all, silicone implants are visible even at airports during inspections! Hollywood stars had a scandal about this - after all, this is how all their tricks become visible! And someone can sell a "photo" from the light. And biological implants are not visible. - And what are these biological implants? - This is a new word in technology, although it has been used in the world for more than 40 years. The special shell is very soft and very durable, inside - carboxymethylcellulose, it is made from seaweed, agar-agar. Such a viscous jelly, in medicine it is used as an anti-adhesion drug. Actress Natalya Bochkareva I don't think it's too smart to hide the fact that you've had plastic surgery. And the patients of our clinic often talk about it openly. So, he doesn’t hide that the actress Bochkareva has increased her bust ... Angelica Varum The singer Angelica Varum, in my opinion, the result is too noticeable, says the plastic surgeon. After plastic surgery, everyone noticed that the wife of Leonid Agutin began to wear transparent dresses, and huge necklines that did not hide the slightest detail of the singer's gorgeous body. Irina Dubtsova ... singer Dubtsova. And well done! By the way, Dubtsova's story was filmed on video, and clients can see it! Oksana Fandera ... and actress Oksana Fandera. Ekaterina Stirzhenova Ekaterina Strizhenova. If she was operated on, then successfully. Outwardly not noticeable. Looks very stylish. Katy Topuria Also, the soloist of the group "A-Studio" Katie Topuria increased her breasts, which she does not hide. Alena Sviridova Singer Alena Sviridova. In my opinion, she also underwent breast plastic surgery. The star herself says that she decided to correct the size after giving birth. When asked why only correct, and not build something global for herself, the singer admitted: - In general, I am against improvements in appearance. What God gave, he gave, why deceive nature? I can understand when girls make the second size from the first or the third from the second. But when it reaches inhuman dimensions, it already looks ugly and stupid. Elena Sparrow The parodist Elena Vorobey made a plastic face, nose correction, enlarged the bust. Anna Semenovich Elchin Velievich Mamedov, a plastic surgeon, in whose track record almost the entire Russian beau monde told about the operations of Semenovich and Kudryavtseva. - I think that Anna did breastfeeding. The criterion is not even the size, but the uncharacteristic fullness of the breast relative to its size. Natural breasts in this case should sag. Anna is helped to keep her shape by implants. Lera Kudryavtseva - Lera, like Anna Semenovich, I do not exclude breast augmentation, - says the plastic surgeon. Irina Saltykova According to rumors, singer Irina Saltykova acquired new breasts with the help of a surgeon ... Lada Dance The sexy star of the TV series "All Men Are Their Own ..." has become one of the silicone "pioneers" in Russian show business. Thanks to Ladin's desire and the efforts of plastic surgeons, her breasts now look their best. The diva herself assures others that she, of course, did nothing of the sort. Masha Malinovskaya
Masha Malinovskaya did not give the audience the opportunity to compare what she had "before": Masha appeared on the blue screens already with the 5th size. However, the scars that are visible in the cutouts of sometimes excessively deep dresses convince us that this beauty is not real. Masha Malinovskaya Also a note of plastic from Masha Rasputina. In addition, she also went too far with volumes. Alsou At 21, Alsou "renewed" her breasts, turning from a fragile girl into a girl with very magnificent forms. The singer is considered one of the youngest stars who have increased their "wealth". And here is the result - a permanent man, Yan Abramov, immediately appeared nearby with the most serious intentions.

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