Preparations for raising testosterone. Drugs that increase testosterone in men in a pharmacy. Indications for such an intervention

Testosterone is the main hormone in the body of men and directly affects many functions of the body. Its insufficient amount can lead to a number of negative consequences and significantly affect the quality of life. Normal blood levels of this hormone are healthy man should be at least 11-33 nmol/l. With a decrease in these indicators, a man after a short period of time begins to feel a variety of signs of his insufficiency, and the lack of adequate adjustment and treatment can lead to the development of certain diseases.

To correct the level of testosterone in the blood, drugs can be prescribed that include a synthetic analogue of this male sex hormone or components that stimulate its production. The modern pharmacological industry produces many such drugs that help men (in some cases they can also be prescribed to women) to raise its level to normal readings.

Drugs to increase testosterone levels have found their application in medicine and sports, but one basic rule should not be forgotten when using them: only a doctor should prescribe them.

In our article, we will introduce you to the signs and consequences of a decrease in testosterone levels and some pharmacological preparations to correct such violations.

Signs and effects of low testosterone levels

Low testosterone levels affect a man's health at any age. A deficiency of this hormone can cause violations of the laying of the genital organs in the male fetus even in the prenatal period. Boys low level testosterone can cause a lag in sexual development and insufficient expression of secondary sexual characteristics. These adolescents have a lack of muscle mass, underdevelopment of the genital organs and signs of gynecomastia. Along with this, the child experiences difficult experiences, becomes isolated and subsequently may suffer from many complexes.

In adult men, testosterone is actively involved in many metabolic processes and building muscle mass, affects sexual activity, affects the immune system and brain function. It is the presence of this male sex hormone that forms the inherent male gender character traits: decisiveness, dominance, initiative, endurance to physical exertion, etc.

With testosterone deficiency in an adult male, the following are observed:

  • decreased libido;
  • erectile dysfunction (up to impotence and infertility);
  • substitution muscle tissue fatty;
  • gynecomastia;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • depression.

Timely detection of such signs and the appointment of treatment will allow you to avoid the appearance of more serious illnesses and significantly improve the quality of life. To confirm the decrease in the level of this hormone, a man should contact an endocrinologist or andrologist and take a blood test to determine the level of testosterone.

Overview of drugs for hormone replacement therapy with testosterone in men


This drug is available as an oily solution for injection, which is used for intramuscular injection. Nebido has a prolonged action and can be used once every 3 months. The drug is used to treat secondary hypogonadism.


This drug is available in the form of a gel for external use. Androgel is applied once a day to clean and dry skin of the abdomen or the inner surface of the forearms. Maximum dose- 10 g. After the gel has been absorbed (after 5 minutes), the patient can put on clothes. Androgel is used for hormonal replacement therapy with a low level of testosterone in the blood and can be used for a long time.

Sustanon 250

This injection is administered intramuscularly and contains four types of testosterone. Sustanon 250 is well tolerated by patients of various age groups and can be used to treat congenital or acquired primary and secondary hypogonadism. The drug is administered once every 7-10 days.


This drug is available in the form of tablets and capsules for oral administration. Andriol is well tolerated by patients, does not inhibit the synthesis own testosterone, has minimal side effects and can be used to treat patients of various age categories. This drug for hormone replacement therapy can be used to treat some forms of infertility, eunuchoidism, endocrine impotence, menopausal changes, masculinization in transsexuals and post-castration syndrome.

Overview of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Drugs for Men and Women

Testosterone Propionate

This drug for injection is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. Testosterone propionate stimulates the development of sexual organs, secondary sexual characteristics, libido and sperm production. The drug has an anabolic effect and promotes muscle building and enhances fixation in the bones. This androgenic agent has an antiestrogenic effect and can be used for premenstrual painful breast engorgement and to inhibit the growth of breast tumors and foci.


This prolonged drug is available as a solution for intramuscular injections and can be administered once a month. Omnadren consists of four types of testosterone. In men, the drug improves libido and potency, participates in the formation of genital organs, spermatogenesis and the formation of secondary and tertiary sexual characteristics. Omnadren can be prescribed for postcastration syndrome, eunuchoidism, impotence, oligospermia, pituitary dwarfism, Addison's disease, adiposogenital syndrome and infertility. In women, the drug has an antiestrogenic effect and can be used to inhibit the growth of tumors in tumors of the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands and endometriosis. Omnadren can be used for pronounced syndrome premenstrual tension, during and during hermaphroditism.

Overview of drugs to stimulate the production of your own testosterone

Preparations to stimulate the production of one's own testosterone are used to increase libido and build muscle mass in athletes. They consist of natural ingredients and stimulate the production of luteinizing hormone, which signals the testicles to stimulate testosterone production. Also, these drugs help to improve vascular tone and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The most popular testosterone boosters include:

  • Parity;
  • Vitrix;
  • Arimatest;
  • Animal test;
  • Cyclo-Bolan;
  • Tribulus;
  • Evo Test.

Despite the fact that the above drugs are not hormonal, you should consult a doctor before using them, because they may also have a number of contraindications.

The success of therapy with drugs for hormone replacement therapy with testosterone and agents for stimulating the production of one's own testosterone largely depends on the correctness of their appointment and use. Patients who take them are advised to have regular blood tests to monitor their hormone levels and see a doctor to assess the condition of the heart, kidneys and liver. Self-medication with drugs to increase testosterone levels can lead to negative consequences and pose a significant health hazard. Remember this!

They are not limited to a decrease in potency and male “softness” (both in the literal and figurative sense of the word). Androgen deficiency jeopardizes the state of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. Modern pharmacology has a wide range remedies for testosterone deficiency. Drugs do not pose a health hazard if prescribed and taken under the supervision of a physician.

Testosterone preparations mimic the activity of the endogenous (own) male hormone. They are made on a natural and synthetic basis. In the first case, plant extracts serve as raw materials. Such funds act slowly, the effect is not always noticeable. Synthetic testosterone is produced by chemical reactions. By its properties, it is close to natural. An exogenous (introduced from the outside) hormone is produced in various dosage forms: tablets, injections, capsules, patches, ointments, and even subcutaneous implants.

When choosing drugs, one should pay attention to such a property as aromatization - the ability of an exoandrogen to be converted into estrogens. Exactly this factor provokes unpleasant for men side effects:

  • Gynecomastia (breast enlargement);
  • The deposition of fat female type;
  • Puffiness.

Alleviate the above symptoms simultaneous reception aromatase inhibitors.

In the video, Tamir Sheikh talks about different ways increase testosterone: drugs, physical activity, proper nutrition, etc.

Testosterone preparations have varying degrees androgenic and anabolic activity. In the latter case, the emphasis is on the growth of muscle mass, which makes such products popular in bodybuilding.

Introduction external testosterone produced during temporary or permanent (for men over 50). Stimulants (gonadotropes) are used in cases where the production of one's own hormone can still be restored, or to correct manifestations of androgen deficiency (for example, to achieve normal testicle size).


Tableted testosterone is convenient for use, but with severe androgen deficiency it is ineffective. Most of the active substance is carried away portal vein and is destroyed by the liver, exerting a toxic effect on it.

Oral drugs:

  1. Methyltestosterone("Metadren") - testosterone tablets. Increases androgen levels for 4-6 hours. With a course application, it works similarly to its own testosterone. An overdose is fraught with degradation of the Leydig and Sertoli cells located in the testicles. The quality of the spermogram rises sharply at the beginning of the course, then fertility decreases. The drug significantly increases physical endurance, due to which it is classified as a doping agent. Due to possible side effects in the form of cholestatic jaundice, acne, gynecomastia and edema, methyltestosterone was not widely used.
  2. Undecanoate("Andriol", "Virigen", "Panteston") - a combination of testosterone ester with undecanoic acid. Available in capsules. Synthesized on the basis of methyltestosterone, but devoid of the side effects characteristic of the latter. It has no effect on the liver, since the substance passes through it in transit, and then slowly breaks down directly in the blood. An additional advantage is that in moderate dosage it is safe for your own testosterone. The disadvantage is a fast half-life (3-4 hours).
An effective drug that replenishes testosterone deficiency. Price from 1100 rubles. per package
  1. Fluoxymesterone("Halotestin") is a derivative of methyltestosterone. It has a pronounced androgenic activity, gives a powerful increase physical strength, contributes to the drawing of muscle relief, but the anabolic effect is weak.
  2. "Striant"- small tablets, each containing 30 mg of pure testosterone. Provides a constant level of androgen due to its gradual release - the tablet sticks to the buccal mucosa due to its sticky shell and slowly releases the active substance. Used twice a day. Does not affect the liver. After cessation of therapy, testosterone returns to its previous level. Side effects may change taste sensations, irritation of the mucous surfaces of the cheeks and gums.

Some oral forms can be used as a male contraceptive.

injection forms

Testosterone in the form of injections is quickly and efficiently absorbed by the body, allowing you to maintain a stable hormonal level for a long time. Active substance it is used in conjunction with esters, which provide a prolonged effect, but the introduction of the solution is painful and slow.

Injectable preparations to increase testosterone (basic forms):

  • Testosterone undecanoate. A drug called "Nebido" tops the list as the most convenient and safe option hormone replacement therapy to maintain hormonal balance 1 injection once a quarter is enough. Benefits: no post-peak testosterone spikes, patients show no signs of estrogen elevation or side effects, no liver damage. The disadvantage is high price in pharmacies (from 5 thousand rubles per ampoule);
  • Testosterone bucyclate- similar to undecanoate in properties and duration of action;

About the difference between various forms testosterone preparations

  • Testosterone propionate. Starts to work faster than other forms. Of the minuses - the most short period actions. Injections will have to be done daily, which can be problematic with long courses. The price for an ampoule starts from 98 rubles;
  • Testosterone cypionate(“Andro-Sip”, “Dep-Test”), in contrast to propionate, is the “longest” ether - it works for about 2 weeks. The drug is predominantly anabolic. Among the shortcomings is the ability to transform into estrogens. The cost is from 150 rubles. for an ampoule;
  • Testosterone enanthate("Testoviron", "Delasteril") - similar in properties to cypionate. The drugs are interchangeable. Price from 140 rubles. for an ampoule.

There are also combinations of testosterone esters ("Sustanon-250", "Omnadren-250"). After injections (except for undecanoate and bucyclate), men may experience mood swings associated with a difference in hormone concentration during and after administration: on day 2-3, the maximum level is reached, which decreases to a minimum within 2 weeks.

Means of topical application

Exogenous testosterone in the body of a man can enter transdermally– through a patch, ointment or gel. Examples of drugs:

  1. "Andraktim" (ointment, contains).
  2. "Minoxidin" (cream).
  3. "Androgel" (gel).

Androgel is a preparation of 1% testosterone, produced in the form of a gel for application to the skin. Price from 2703 rubles.

The principle of use is one - the product is applied to the skin of the abdomen or forearms, lightly rubbed. Absorbed hormonal preparations usually in 2-3 minutes. Wash hands after application.

Patches containing testosterone are divided into 2 types: genital, which are glued to the scrotum ("Testoderm"), and non-genital. The scrotal patches provide an effective intake and absorption of exogenous hormone due to the high concentration of 5-alpha-reductase in this area. Cons: the need for frequent shaving of the scrotum, poor fixation of the patch, the likelihood of side effects. Skin patches are more convenient, provide a more uniform supply of testosterone. Transdermal forms do not have a toxic effect on the liver and are highly effective.

There are also subcutaneous implants - capsules with pure testosterone ("Testopel"). Introduced every six months local anesthesia into the subcutaneous adipose tissue above the umbilicus with a trocar. Currently almost never used.

Testosterone Stimulants

A classic example of a drug that restores the functionality of the sex glands is an injectable chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) is a human gonadotropic hormone extracted from the urine of women in the first months of pregnancy with subsequent purification. There is also the option of extracting it from cultures of genetically modified microorganisms. Exogenous hCG helps athletes regain functionality and normal size testicles after a long course of steroid hormones.

you can also use estrogen inhibitors, which shift the balance of hormones towards androgens. An example is an inexpensive domestic drug "Tamoxifen"(in tablets). The effect of the reception is manifested after 1.5 weeks. The whole course is about 2 weeks. Athletes who use Tamoxifen to increase muscle mass should take into account that after drug withdrawal, most of it will be lost.

Analogues of "Tamoxifen" are "Anastrozole" and 6-OXO- drugs that inhibit the activity of aromatase. This enzyme promotes the conversion of testosterone to female hormone estradiol - that is, the less aromatase works, the greater the concentration of testosterone. These funds are effective and safe. They are used to neutralize side effects during the course of therapy with aromatizing testosterone preparations (methyltestosterone).

The above funds (except hCG) can often be found in the composition of sports drugs - testosterone boosters (stimulants). They also include D-aspartic acid, agmatine.

natural remedies

To natural remedies on the plant-based that restore testosterone production (dietary supplements) include:

  • "Tribulus" (extract of tribulus creeping);
  • "Inter-C Tribulustan plus" (extracts of Goryanka, ginger, fenugreek);
  • "Icariin amino plus" (extract of Goryanka, amino acids);
  • Forskolin (Coleus Forskolia extract).

Such supplements, also positioned as sports supplements, are quite suitable for increasing testosterone and potency in the absence of serious pathologies. For young men under 23 years of age, testosterone boosters are not recommended due to the changing hormonal levels. It is better to use them for age category from 30 to 40 years old. These drugs also help restore testosterone levels after a course of anabolic steroids.

One of the most competent fitness bloggers Denis Borisov about testosterone boosters

To increase androgens, zinc preparations can be taken as an auxiliary measure: ZMA, Zincteral, Selzinc, Zinc Chelate. This element takes part in the synthesis of testosterone, but judging by the reviews, it does not have a noticeable effect on its level. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D) is effective to raise the male hormone, but only subject to lack this vitamin in the body. Otherwise, it may be hazardous to health. Is harmless homeopathic remedy "Impaz", the reception of which can enhance the effect of testosterone boosters.

herbal medicines and mineral supplements it is advisable to take men who want to naturally improve their physical performance (endurance, strength, muscle mass) and potency. With a serious lack of testosterone, the proper effect will not be.

Vacation conditions, side effects and contraindications

T estosterone, all isomers, mixtures of esters are potent substances(Resolution No. 964 of 12/29/07), therefore, they must dispensed by prescription only issued on the appropriate form (N 148-1 / y-88). However, even strong medicines can be purchased quite cheaply, without the appointment of a specialist and even with delivery. It should be noted that the uncontrolled intake of any similar drugs without doctor's approval high risk occurrence side effects:

  1. Prostate cancer. Exogenous testosterone is prescribed only with full confidence in the absence of pathological cells prone to oncological transformation.
  2. Priapism (very painful, difficult to stop, long erection).
  3. Mental disorders, aggressiveness, insomnia.
  4. Infertility, testicular atrophy.
  5. Gynecomastia.
  6. Damage to the liver and kidneys.
  7. Seborrhea, baldness.
  8. Acne.
  9. Edema, headaches.

The list contains only the main side effects.

Contraindications to the appointment of exogenous testosterone and gonadotropins:

  • Cancer, prostate hyperplasia, accompanied by impaired urination;
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • Hypercalcemia.

For men during the period of andropause with severe atherosclerosis of the vessels, hormone replacement therapy is not prescribed.


Exogenous testosterone can return a man to a saturated and active life, but with irrational and unreasonable use, it can cause irreparable harm to his health. Physician supervision during therapy is necessary for timely dosage adjustment, administration auxiliary drugs suppressing the negative impact hormonal agent. Even herbal stimulant dietary supplements should be taken only after finding out your level. free testosterone. An excess of androgens can transform into estrogens, activate a number of pathologies, then a man will get a completely opposite result to the expected one.

Site Expert

Bozhko Svetlana Igorevna

Experience in medical practice 23 years.

Testosterone is the main hormone in the body of a man, on which the level of functionality of almost all systems and organs depends. If the amount of this hormone decreases for any reason, then Negative consequences are inevitable, and the quality of life will deteriorate significantly. Normally, in an adult male, the testosterone level is 11-33 nmol / l, and with a decrease in this indicator, after a short time a person begins to feel changes in well-being.

The level of the testosterone hormone, when it decreases, can be raised to the desired levels and stabilized, but measures in this regard should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. There are a number of drugs that are used to increase testosterone - a specific choice will be made by a specialist based on the results of examinations.

Decreased testosterone levels - signs of the phenomenon and possible consequences

According to statistics, a decrease in the level of the hormone in question has a negative impact on the health of a man at any age:

  • if a male fetus develops in the uterus and it has a lack of testosterone, this can lead to violations of the process of laying the genital organs;
  • in boys, the lack of the hormone in question leads to a lag in sexual development and insufficient severity of secondary sexual characteristics. By the way, such a development of events provokes the appearance of problems in the psycho-emotional plan - a teenager closes in on himself, he has complexes;
  • for adult men, testosterone plays essential role for sexual activity, the hormone regulates the functioning of the immune system and affects the functioning of the brain. With testosterone deficiency, all of these systems begin to work with violations.

If an adult male does not produce enough testosterone, then the following changes may be present:

  • and in some cases ;
  • gynecomastia (a man's chest increases and becomes similar to a woman's);
  • muscle tissue is replaced by adipose tissue;
  • physical activity rapidly declining;
  • sex drive is at a low level;
  • followed by apathy.

If such changes were noted on early stage its progression, then with the help of well-chosen therapy it will be possible not only to prevent their development, but also to restore normal level testosterone. A man will have to see an andrologist or endocrinologist, medical institution will examine the patient, take a blood test to determine the true level of the hormone in question.

Hormone Replacement Therapy - Overview of Drugs

The doctor, after clarifying the diagnosis, will definitely prescribe a therapy for a man to increase testosterone levels. If we talk about the drugs that are used in the framework of hormone replacement therapy, then each of them has its own characteristics and methods of application.

This drug is a gel for external use. The gel is applied to clean and dry skin of the abdomen or forearms once a day. The amount of funds for one procedure should not exceed 10 grams. Androgel is absorbed very quickly - literally after 3-5 minutes the patient can dress without fear of staining clothes.

Androgel can be used for a fairly long period - it has a mild, gentle effect on the body, is not addictive and has virtually no contraindications.

Available in tablet form, maybe in the form of capsules - they are used inside. This drug is well tolerated by patients, does not negative impact on the body's own production of testosterone, practically does not cause side effects and can be used in the treatment of patients of different ages.

Andriol is actively used not only to increase testosterone levels, it is part of the therapy for menopausal changes, infertility (certain forms of pathology), impotence of endocrine etiology, eunuchoidism, post-castration syndrome.

The drug is oil solution for intramuscular injections. It has a prolonged action, so injections are made extremely rarely - no more than 1 time in three months.

Sustanon 250

It is a complex of four types of testosterone, available as a solution for injection. The presented drug is well tolerated by patients, does not provoke the development of any side effects and can be used to treat the primary form of testosterone deficiency and acquired.

Injections are made once every 7-10 days.

Homone replacement therapy for testosterone deficiency for men and women

In some cases, testosterone deficiency is diagnosed not only in men, but also in women - in this case, the doctor will select medications who are able to provide healing effect patients of both sexes.

The drug belongs to the group of prolonged, can be administered to the patient no more than 1 time in 30 days, injections are done intramuscularly.

If Omnadren is used to treat men, then it will provide positive influence on potency and sexual desire. Most often, this drug is used for male menopause, eunuchoidism, infertility, post-castration syndrome, pituitary dwarfism, Addison's disease.

In women, Omandren has an antiestrogenic effect and has established itself as effective remedy with benign and / or malignant tumors of the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands - the drug stops the growth of the neoplasm. Often, the presented drug is included in complex therapy when diagnosing.

Solution for injection, which can be injected into the body intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The injection schedule is 2-3 times a week for a maximum of 2 months.

For men, the presented drug is a kind of stimulant of sexual desire, sperm production, development of secondary sexual characteristics.

In women Testosterone propionate has found use in the treatment of fibroids, malignant tumors internal genital organs and mammary glands, endometriosis.

After examining the patient, the doctor himself will decide on the choice of the most effective drug. Most often, those patients who have their own testosterone produced, but in insufficient quantities, turn to specialists for help. And in this case, drugs will be prescribed to stimulate the production of their own hormone. Similar medicines consist of natural ingredients, therefore, not only cope with the "task", but also improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and strengthen the tone of blood vessels.

Medications that stimulate your own testosterone production include:

  • Arimatest;
  • Evo-Test;
  • Parity;
  • Animal Test;
  • Tribulus;
  • Vitrix;
  • Cyclo-Bolan.

Note:these drugs do not belong to the category of hormonal, but this does not mean that they can be taken without consulting a specialist. The listed funds have a number of contraindications, they can provoke the development of side effects - the selection of a specific drug and prescription should be done by a doctor.

Treatment of testosterone deficiency is carried out under the supervision of an andrologist or endocrinologist, the success of the "event" depends not only on the professionalism of doctors, but also on the correctness of their application. Since almost all drugs are classified as hormonal, self-administration can lead to the development of severe complications.

Today, the situation is developing in such a way that many men, often young, testosterone is at a fairly low level. This is primarily due to bad habits and in the wrong way life. Drinking alcohol, not getting enough sleep, smoking, unbalanced diet, minimal physical activity - all this leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones and health problems. How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men, will be discussed in this article. We will talk about all the natural ways to increase the amount of this hormone in the body.

How testosterone levels affect men's health

With a lack of this androgen, a man's sexual desire decreases, strength and muscle mass decrease, there are no secondary sexual characteristics, irritability and fatigue appear. In addition, if testosterone-boosting agents are not used in conditions of hormone deficiency, phenomena such as depression, memory loss, mental capacity, concentration, decrease vital energy and tone, slowing down metabolism, which will lead to an increase in body fat. Now you have no doubt that it is very important to know how to increase testosterone in men?

Nutrition Features

Without proper nutrition in general it is possible to forget about this androgen. The production of hormones is a very complex process, requiring the work of many organs, and in order to start it, certain components are necessary. Just as it is impossible to light a fire without firewood, so without vitamins and minerals it will not be possible to increase testosterone in the body.

Required Products

So, for the synthesis of this androgen, the intake of the following useful substances should be controlled:

Waste Products

Many men do not know how to increase testosterone, and as a result they use everything. However, not all food is useful in this regard. It is necessary to refuse absorption:

  • fast carbs ( white bread, pastries, sweets, chocolate and other sweet products). Their use causes sharp increase insulin in the blood, and, as you know, this one acts as an antagonist of testosterone, therefore, reduces its level.
  • Fatty food. Overweight- the enemy of androgens, and food with excess fat leads to its deposition in the body in reserve.
  • Carbonated and fizzy drinks. They contain a lot of sugar, and are generally unhealthy.

How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men

People in our time have forgotten about natural medicines and are increasingly using synthetic drugs. Men take drugs that increase testosterone, although nature itself gives us a number of herbs that can affect the level of this androgen. For example, the plant Tribulus terrestris. His beneficial features noticed in antiquity. The grass grows in tropical and temperate climates, it increases the content of the male hormone by increasing the production of luteotropin (LH), which signals the synthesis of testosterone. Based on this plant, various pharmaceuticals, for example, means "Tribestan". They are often used by athletes to improve performance.

Other natural medicines

But the use of the herb Tribulus terrestris is not the only way how to increase testosterone folk remedies in men. Ginseng also increases the production of the hormone, it also increases the number of spermatozoa and has a positive effect on potency. This plant is useful for male infertility, as well as to increase energy and life force organism. Another important effect of ginseng is to increase the release of endorphins and control the synthesis of stress hormones. This is very important because stress produces cortisol, the enemy of testosterone. The herb should be taken as a tincture, especially in autumn and winter.

For ginseng medicinal properties It looks like another plant - Eleutherococcus. It increases the function of the gonads, mental and physical performance, normalizes the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the immune system, increases metabolism. Eleutherococcus can be used in the form. Also in pharmacies, it is sold in the form of tablets.

Weight normalization

It is not enough to know how to increase testosterone with folk remedies in men. Application herbal tinctures, most likely, will not bring the desired result if a person has an impressive body weight. People with overweight have a low percentage of androgens, and this is a fact, you don’t even need to take tests. The point is that the accumulated adipose tissue converts male hormones into female hormones (estrogen), and the higher the level of estrogen, the less level testosterone. This is why physical activity is so important. Moderate training sessions large muscles, will give an increase in androgens. And you will not need any drugs that increase testosterone. However, the main thing in everything is to observe the measure, you can not overdo it, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Features of weight training

Training should not take more than an hour: warm-up - 10-15 minutes, weight training - 45-50 minutes. In total, you should practice 2-3 times a week, between workouts you need at least a one-day break to restore the strength and muscles of the body. Bench press standing and lying, squats, deadlift- here are the basics strength exercises to increase testosterone levels. The weight of the shells should be such that it is possible to do 8-10 repetitions maximum. Once again, we draw attention to the fact that large muscle groups should be trained: legs, back, chest. This will give a significant increase in hormonal background. active exercise Targeting calves, triceps, abs, biceps, forearms, etc. will not bring you the desired androgen levels.

Medications that increase testosterone in men

Of course, it is recommended to increase the content of the sex hormone natural ways: by applying folk remedies, proper nutrition, exercise. If all these actions do not bring results, you can use medications that produce an androgenic effect. However, it should be remembered that this method is far from the best. Taking such drugs is fraught with negative consequences.

So, among the means that increase the most popular are "Testosterone enanthate" and "Andriol" (testosterone undecanoate). The first drug is released in different countries and may have different pharmaceutical names: Testo Enant (Italy), Testoviron Depot (Spain), Testosterone Depot (Yugoslavia), etc. It exhibits both androgenic and anabolic properties (increases strength and muscle mass ), which is why it is used by weightlifters, bodybuilders and other athletes involved in strength training. Taking the medication may be accompanied by side effects: growth of the mammary glands, the appearance of acne, a decrease in spermatogenesis, testicular atrophy. Due to the fact that testosterone enters the body artificially, its natural synthesis is disrupted, that is, the work of the pituitary gland is impaired.

The drug "Andriol" has a much smaller number of negative effects, it is characterized by mild androgenic activity and almost does not inhibit the production of its own testosterone. But at the same time this remedy and does not bring such a surge of the hormone as, say, Testosterone Enanthate.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone that ensures the masculinity of the stronger sex. It is formed from the well-known cholesterol in the testes in men, a small amount is secreted, and the adrenal glands produce it in every person. Of course, such necessary substance ignored by doctors. Testosterone treatment occupies an important niche in hormone therapy diseases such as:

In men

  • Hypopituitarism - accompanied by a decrease in the size of the genital organs, loss of body hair, obesity and loss of sexual desire;
  • Infertility due to improper production of spermatozoa;
  • Male menopause;
  • Impotence;
  • Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by gradual loss of bone tissue and increased bone fragility.

Among women

  • Increased;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • uterine fibroids - benign neoplasm in the uterus, growing from the muscle layer;
  • Osteoporosis.

Medications that increase testosterone

Indications for treatment are the same for all analogues of the male hormone. Let's look at the main drugs.

steroid hormone, which contains in its composition, in addition to the main substance, also propionic acid ester. The drug is known among athletes who use it for drying and gaining muscle mass.

The testosterone shot provides speed dial muscle mass, increase in strength and sexual desire, improves muscle relief. Main disadvantage drug - his short action, it is necessary to repeat the injections every other day.

Of the main complaints of patients and athletes, pain and irritation at the injection site should be noted. At high doses of the drug in men, there is alopecia, an increase in the mammary glands and prostate, acne and aggression. In women, muscle mass increases, excessive hair growth appears, the voice coarsens, the clitoris increases.

The dose of the drug is selected depending on the disease.

  • Hypogonadism and eunuchoidism (with a decrease in the size of the genital organs and a change in the structure of the body): 25-50 mg every other day intramuscularly or subcutaneously;
  • Male menopause and hormonal impotence: 10 mg daily for 1-2 months;
  • Male infertility: 10 mg twice a week, treatment for six months;
  • uterine bleeding in menopause in women: 10-25 mg every other day, injections continue for a month.

Trenbolone enanthate

Another anabolic testosterone that is used in sports is trenbolone enanthate. It is used at 200-400 mg per week by injection. According to the manufacturers, it does not cause sodium retention and, accordingly, the appearance of edema. It is characterized by a pronounced anabolic effect and does not affect the liver.


Stanozolol- a steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. Previously, in sports, it was actively used to prevent the progestogenic effect (edema, increased libido, growth of the genital organs) of synthetic testosterone. On the this moment used mostly in medicinal purposes. Indications for use are wide: cachexia (exhaustion) of various origins, aplastic anemia, muscular dystrophy(disease characterized by muscle weakness), recovery from injury, burns or radiation.

The drug is taken both inside (in tablets) and intramuscularly. Start with minimum doses 30 mg per day, then gradually increase to 50 mg. The course of treatment is several weeks.

Athletes still use stanozolol courses to create relief dry muscle mass. At the same time, treatment with propionate is combined, while synthetic steroids (boldenone, danabol, turinabol testosterones) are taken at the same time. Interesting fact- many testosterones were actively used in veterinary medicine in cattle at the beginning, then people began to take them. Testosterone boldenone is popular with breeders of large cattle, because it allows animals to slowly but surely gain weight. It significantly increases the appetite of animals, which is necessary in animal husbandry. Methandrostenolone or methane testosterone (danabol, let's say) was originally intended as a treatment for burns, but then bodybuilders began to use it in sports.

Decanoate and testosterone enanthate

famous anabolic steroid is nandrolone decanoate or Deka on slang. A better option is testosterone enanthate, which is an ester of the male hormone. It is very popular because testosterone injections are carried out once every two to three weeks. The drug comes in 0.01 g, 0.025 and 0.05 g, oil solution, is administered intramuscularly.

Side effects are pronounced: edema, gynecomastia, female-type obesity, a decrease in the size of the genital organs. That is why testosterone is taken in conjunction with gonadotropin and an aromatase inhibitor. These substances prevent the development of unwanted symptoms.

Testosterone undecanoate

Testosterone undecanoate interesting in that it comes in capsules and is applied orally. Capsules should be consumed before meals at 120-160 mg daily for 2-3 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. It is used for long-term replacement therapy in men with a lack of testosterone, with sex reassignment in transsexuals and with high bone fragility.

Side effects include edema with sodium retention, excessive sexuality, dizziness, and nausea. Testosterone in tablets is good because it can be used at any time and no outside help is required for injections.

Testosterone phenylpropionate

Another chemical analog - testosterone phenylpropionate. The drug has almost no effect on the liver, reduces the production of its own hormone. Indications and side effects correspond to the above drugs. It is used at 10-50 mg, depending on the purpose of treatment. Women are treated with this testosterone for ovarian and breast cancer at a dosage of 50 mg daily.

In the world of simulators and relief muscles, testosterone boosters. it biological additives that help increase male hormone in the body and avoid a sharp loss of muscle mass after refusing anabolic injections. The list of dietary supplements is updated every day, here are some of them:

  • Vitamin D, essential for testosterone, has proven effectiveness;
  • Tamoxifen is an antiestrogen that increases the hormone by more than 100% of its original value;
  • Aromatase inhibitors - reduce the level of estrogen in the blood, increase the production of testosterone.

Which testosterone is better to use should be discussed with a sports doctor and trainer. It should be remembered that after giving up injections, destruction of muscle mass and muscle sagging follows. Unauthorized attempts to use testosterone are fraught with complications such as infertility, excessive enlargement of the genital organs, damage to the liver and kidneys, and hormonal disorders.

In case of illness, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician and under strict control. Testosterone treatment for men modern medicine allows patients to lead a normal life and start a family.

The best testosterone is the one that is produced in your body.

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