Composite braces. Types of aesthetic braces. Rules for using composite braces

If earlier people were reluctant to install braces because of their external unsightliness, now the orthodontic market offers its customers attractive systems. They are not so obvious and are distinguished by elegance. These are no longer bulky iron structures in the mouth, but modern aesthetic braces. That is, systems that are invisible and easy to use.

Composite braces

These are braces, for the manufacture of which modern composite materials are used. A sufficiently functional and discreet system has both its advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include the following criteria.

  1. High aesthetic qualities: the bracket system made of composites completely copies the natural color of tooth enamel.
  2. Attractive democratic cost - it is much lower than that of sapphire and ceramic counterparts.
  3. Works great for minor bite problems.
  4. The material is plastic, therefore it has sufficient resistance to chips.

But along with all their advantages, composite braces also have certain disadvantages. First of all, this is insufficient rigidity of the material. He cannot cope with serious violations of the jaw apparatus, which is why he most often has to be strengthened with a metal groove. This solves the problem of increasing pressure on the teeth, but does not save you from poor wear resistance.

The bracket system made of composites has another drawback - the ability to stain from food and drinks, so that over time it loses its original color and attractiveness. You can evaluate the appearance of the aesthetic bracket system by looking at the photo.

Ceramic braces

Aesthetic ceramic braces are not much more expensive than their metal counterparts, but are much less noticeable on the teeth. The system of this material has a number of advantages.

  1. Relatively low cost, which is available to almost everyone.
  2. The color of the ceramic exactly matches the natural tone of the enamel.
  3. Braces made of this material are completely devoid of shine, which allows them to almost merge with the teeth.
  4. Do not cause physical and moral discomfort.

However, this material is not without drawbacks. Firstly, the plaque that forms on ceramics over time can change its color. Therefore, people often have to give up strong tea, coffee and other coloring products. Secondly, it is a rather fragile material that requires careful handling. You can evaluate the aesthetics of ceramic braces by looking at the photo.

Sapphire braces

Aesthetic braces made of sapphire are the most popular due to their attractive appearance. This artificial stone is completely transparent, shiny and very beautiful. Let's look at all the pros and cons of sapphire braces. The clear advantages of this material include the following advantages.

  1. Upon contact with saliva, such devices become crystal clear and completely invisible on the enamel of the teeth. When light hits them, they shimmer like a precious stone.
  2. Sufficiently durable material is used.
  3. Sapphires do not change their color upon contact with dyes, so the braces made of them retain an attractive appearance throughout the course of bite correction.
  4. These devices do not cause discomfort, do not injure the oral cavity and have no contraindications for use.

Of the minuses, one can name a rather high cost of construction and a long period of wearing, which often lasts up to 2 years. The following photo will help you to make sure that these orthodontic appliances are completely invisible.

colored braces

Colored braces are especially popular among children and young people who follow fashion and like to look original. What are their features?

  1. Bright colors are not the braces themselves, but the ligature, that is, elastic bands.
  2. Hue can be completely arbitrary, it is permissible to use several colors at once. It all depends on individual preferences.
  3. Such an interesting solution will allow children and teenagers to overcome embarrassment and get used to braces. Looking at the photo, you can see that multi-colored braces look quite original.

Lingual braces

For those who are categorically against wearing even barely visible transparent braces, experts have developed a special system - lingual. It is invisible due to the fact that it is fixed on the inside of the teeth. This innovative development is the pinnacle of technology when it comes to aesthetic braces. Absolute invisibility and maximum aesthetics are guaranteed.

  1. This system is good in that in the process of wearing it, inflammatory diseases occur much less frequently. It does not injure the tongue and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, does not cause discomfort.
  2. Correction of small deviations requires a short wear - about six months or a little more. With severe defects, this period can increase up to 2.5-3 years. But since patients get used to lingual braces very quickly, this does not cause them any inconvenience. The following photo will help you understand what such a design looks like.

From our article, you learned about all the types of aesthetic braces that an orthodontist can offer you at a consultation. As a conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an interesting video that will help you understand how these systems work.

Bracket systems are the most reliable and effective method of bite correction today. The most common type is vestibular braces, models that are fixed on the outside of the teeth. There are quite a few variations of them. The main differences are in the method of fixation and in the material from which they are made.

Generally speaking, all models are arranged in a similar way - it is an elastic metal orthodontic arch, on which the braces themselves are fixed. They are fixed on the teeth, the arc gradually pulls the braces, and they, in turn, pull the teeth into the desired position.

Braces themselves can be made from materials such as:

  • Metal
  • "Sapphire"
  • Ceramics
  • Composite (or, otherwise, plastic)

Let's focus on composite braces.

What is their feature

Composite braces are made of special plastic. Plastic clasps snap onto the arc - no additional devices (ligatures) are required for fixation, therefore such models are called self-ligating. Composite models are subtle methods of bite correction: thanks to a wide range of colors, you can match the color of the plastic exactly to the enamel. Therefore, in order to make out the orthodontic structure, you will need to try, especially if the arch is also painted to match the color of the enamel.

Pros and cons

Each method of orthodontic treatment has its advantages and disadvantages. Composite braces are no exception.


  • Recommended for use in children over 12 years of age (it is not recommended to adjust the position of the teeth at an earlier age due to the underdevelopment of the musculoskeletal system);
  • The ability to correct the bite is almost invisible to others;
  • Wearing comfort and no risk of damage to the mucous membranes;
  • A high-quality composite is protected from the growth of bacteria, it is easy to clean it from plaque.


The main disadvantages of the composite are its insufficient strength, especially in comparison with metal and ceramic counterparts. Despite the fact that from the point of view of aesthetics, plastic is an extremely advantageous material, certain problems may arise:

  • Violation of the integrity of the locks. Most often, in this case, it is necessary to replace the entire system, which causes certain inconveniences;
  • This implies another drawback: reduced compared to more durable analogues, the service life of models made of composite;
  • In addition, the composite can be stained when drinking tea, coffee, wine, beets and other coloring products (although modern materials are usually protected from this, there is no 100% guarantee that the plastic will retain its original color)

Rules for using composite braces

Remember that in this system there are rather fragile elements. Therefore, excessive chewing load should be avoided. Of course, eating nuts and seeds is not worth it with any type of braces, but here you need to pay special attention to the diet. The composite can easily break when trying to chew hard fruits or vegetables, in which case you will probably have to change the entire system, which can hit the budget.

Metal orthodontic structures in the modern world are used along with newer structures made from special composites. Composite braces are distinguished by high aesthetic performance, so many patients prefer them.

Features of composite braces

Composite braces are products made of polymer plastic. This material differs from conventional plastic in improved aesthetics, strength and the ability to align the bite without spoiling the patient's smile.

Such braces are made individually. At the same time, models are made on the computer that ideally repeat the structure of each tooth and the angle of their rotation.

The shade of braces can be chosen as close as possible to the shade of tooth enamel, making them hardly noticeable. You can also decorate each bracket with drawings, which is often used when aligning children's teeth.

Steel grooves are inserted into each composite bracket, which contribute to a stronger fixation of the leveling arch and distribute the load in a quality manner.

For the implementation of high-quality fastening of the bracket with the surface of the tooth, a metal mesh (base) is used. Due to this, braces can be attached using any fixing compound.

It is possible to fix braces made of composites both on the outside of the dentition and on the inside, that is, they are lingual and vestibular.

Advantages and disadvantages of designs

Consider the main advantages of composite braces:

  1. High aesthetics. In the presence of a metal groove in the braces, their aesthetic performance deteriorates, but strength and reliability increase.
  2. Such designs keep their original shape. Therefore, a patient who has been fitted with composite braces can eat moderately solid foods without significantly cutting back on their diet.
  3. The presence of a streamlined shape. The tissues of the gums, tongue, palate and cheeks are not injured.
  4. Do not cause allergies, non-toxic, do not oxidize.
  5. They can be made in the form of aligners - transparent covers worn over the entire dentition. At the same time, the pressure on the enamel is minimal, besides, it is possible to fill the structure with a bleaching composition and perform bleaching along with leveling.
  6. Excellent value for money. They are much cheaper than ceramic and sapphire counterparts.
  7. The ability to choose a color close to natural.
  8. Sufficient resistance to chips and fractures.
  9. The ability to use in childhood (after 11 years).
  10. Do not cause discomfort during treatment.

The negative aspects of such products are as follows:

  1. The ability to absorb dyes and stain from them.
  2. Low wear resistance. The structures gradually wear out, so they are not installed for a long time. The maximum wear is one year.
  3. They are used only for mild forms of malocclusion. Severe jaw defects are beyond their power.


Composite braces are produced by the following companies:

  1. "Elan" - the relief of natural enamel is repeated as much as possible, so the fastening is very reliable with the use of metal elements. Such braces cost from 480 rubles.
  2. "Spirit" - metal structures are added to plastic, which significantly reduces the load on plastic. One such bracket costs about 500 rubles.
  3. "Silkon" - fastened without additional compositions, the material has high strength, they use a special support platform, there are no micropores. One such bracket costs from 550 rubles.
  4. "Avalon" - equipped with a special groove made of high quality silver alloy. They are attached to the teeth using a special technique that significantly increases adhesion. They cost about 590 rubles per tooth.
  5. "Rave" - ​​made of reinforced durable plastic. You can choose different colors and shades. Equipped with metal locks. The cost is in the aisles from 550 to 600 rubles.
  6. "Vogue" ("SAG") - made of strong and durable plastic, resistant to staining. They have a smooth surface. They cost from 450 to 550 rubles.

Installation steps

The initial stage, which implies the further installation of composite braces, is a consultation with a specialist. After it, a visual inspection is carried out and proceed to the preparatory stage.

The main part of preparing the oral cavity for the installation of braces is its complete sanitation, which includes the following:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the gums and teeth, if any.
  2. In the presence of inflammatory processes - they are removed.
  3. Professional cleaning of teeth from tartar and plaque.

Also, the specialist advises the patient on oral hygiene, when there will be braces in it, gives recommendations.

After completing all the preparatory procedures, proceed to the installation. To do this, use a special expander of the oral cavity, which allows access to hard-to-reach places and simplifies the work.

After this, drying of the teeth follows, which will contribute to the high-quality fixation of the glue. Cement is applied to each bracket, which is able to harden under the action of an ultraviolet beam. And proceed to attaching each lock to the tooth.

After the installation phase, an adaptation time follows. 2-3 hours after installation, pain in the jaw is possible. There may also be a feeling of strong loosening of the teeth. This is only evidence of a successful start of the correction. Discomfort can last for several days, with severe pain at this time they are allowed to take painkillers.

Proper operation

With proper use of composite braces, their service life will increase significantly. To do this, you need to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and carry out high-quality oral hygiene.

On a note: Braces and teeth after each meal should be well cleaned of food debris to avoid caries. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with special formulations.

In addition, viscous and solid foods should be excluded from the diet so as not to provoke structural failure. It is also better not to use foods and drinks that have coloring substances, so as not to stain the plastic of the braces.

Not so long ago, people did not seek to correct bite defects due to the bulkiness and unsightliness of braces, and sought help only for severe violations.

Now orthodontists for patients can offer a choice of several options for corrective devices, which differ in price, type of fixation and material of manufacture.

The most popular are aesthetic devices, including composite braces.

General view

Composite braces are one of the budget options for aesthetic orthodontic systems. Their aesthetics is ensured by the possibility of selecting the color of the material as close as possible to the natural tone of the patient's teeth.

Externally, the composite construction does not differ from expensive ceramic braces. Also, a pattern can be applied to each lock, which is often used when adjusting the position of teeth in children.

Models are made only individually from a polymer composite, which differs from conventional plastic in improved aesthetic performance, increased strength.

The lock is equipped with a metal groove, which reduces the load on the jawbone, as the arc slides freely.

The base of the bracket is metal, made in the form of a mushroom-shaped mesh. This configuration is needed to create high-quality adhesion to the tooth surface.

At the beginning of treatment, a thin arc is usually placed, which after a while is replaced by a more rigid one. Additional elements of the corrective apparatus are rods, springs, rings and elastic chains.

To fix the braces to the enamel coating, only special glue is used, which allows you to save the overall aesthetics of the smile and the device itself.

The design feature is the possibility of using two types of fixation on the teeth:

  • from the lingual side, i.e. located between the tongue and the inside of the teeth;
  • from the vestibular surface, facing the vestibule of the oral cavity (for chewing elements - this is the buccal surface, and for the frontal - the labial).

Most often, this design is used to correct minor defects in the dentition, or to correct the bite in children.

Pros and cons of devices

Composite braces are widely used in orthodontics. But, like all existing models of bite-correcting devices, they have some disadvantages and advantages.

Among the advantages of this device, experts note the following indicators:

  1. Democratic value(especially when compared with ceramic or sapphire models).
  2. Sufficiently wide range of shades of the material, which allows you to very accurately match the color of the plates to the enamel.
  3. Resistant to breakage and chipping due to the plasticity of the material.
  4. Preservation of the original form the entire course of correction, which allows the patient to practically not change the usual diet.
  5. Safety. The tongue, gum tissues, cheeks and palate are not injured by the elements of the device due to its streamlined shape.
  6. Hypoallergenic. Does not cause allergies and does not emit toxic compounds.
  7. No discomfort in treatment which is especially important for children.

The disadvantages of these devices are few:

  1. Change color quickly with poor oral hygiene.
  2. Subject to staining food colorings.
  3. Often break, and in most cases require a complete replacement. Due to the insufficient strength of the material, it is necessary to exclude solid foods from the diet.
  4. Low wear resistance, so they are not set for a long time.
  5. Cannot fix severe defects dentition due to insufficient rigidity of the polymer composite.

Important: the choice of this variant of braces is optimal if you need to correct a slight malocclusion and curvature of the teeth, or the patient wants to hide from others the fact that the device is available on a modest budget.

Popular Models

Several companies are engaged in the production of composite braces. The following models are especially popular with patients.


They are developed by Dentsply (USA). Among the features of the corrective apparatus, the following characteristics are distinguished:

  1. The relief of each plate is maximally adapted under the enamel coating, which improves the process of their mutual bonding.
  2. When creating the material, unique technologies were applied, which allowed its external characteristics to be made similar to ceramics.
  3. Structural strength provides a metal frame.
  4. metal groove several times increases the force of adhesion of dental elements with the system arc, and this, in turn, improves the effectiveness of treatment.
  5. Increased strength of the arc and locks allows you to fully adjust the relative position of the jaw arches and evenly distribute the internal load.

When fixing the device, a special cement is used, which is resistant to the liquid environment of the oral cavity, ensures a secure fit of the structure throughout the treatment and eliminates the appearance of gaps and cracks.

The cost of an orthodontic device for one jaw is 10-12 thousand rubles.


This system is produced by another American company, Ormco. In many respects, Spirit is similar to the model considered earlier:

  1. Has metal slots, which improve the sliding of the power arc.
  2. Special relief of the base of each bracket provides maximum adhesion to the tooth surface, which is not inferior to metal devices.
  3. Staples well polished, devoid of corners and sharp protrusions, due to which there is no injury to the mucous and soft tissues.
  4. mesh base each plate has slight protrusions that simplify the process of their fixation to the enamel.

The structure can be fastened using a composite mass or special glue.

The average cost of the device for one row is in the aisle of 14-16 thousand rubles.


They are products of American Orthodontics. The use of MIM technology during the creation made it possible to increase the strength of the material to external influences, and, accordingly, to improve this indicator for the entire structure.

The design differs from analog models:

  • streamlined shape;
  • smoothness of all surfaces;
  • improved fixation with teeth without damaging the enamel coating;
  • increased resistance to food dyes;
  • reduced degree of arc friction.

Based on patient feedback, Silkon retains well on the teeth, is easy to remove, and there is no discomfort when worn.

The average price of the apparatus for one dentition is about 9 thousand rubles.


Avalon is a vestibular type ligature produced by Ortho Technology. In the production process, a special kind of composite is used, which visually resembles glass, and is practically not inferior in strength to ceramics.

The main characteristics of this model are its indicators:

  • strength;
  • resistance to external mechanical influences;
  • high aesthetics;
  • reduced arc friction force;
  • lack of manifestations of allergies;
  • lack of pointed elements;
  • high wearing comfort;
  • unique relief of the base with a huge number of micropores;
  • the presence of a groove made of silver alloy.

Placing a corrective apparatus on one dentition will cost an average of 14-16 thousand rubles.


German Rave braces are made of reinforced polymer composite, which affects the overall characteristics of the entire system:

  • sufficient strength;
  • the ability to select the shade of the material in accordance with the tone of the enamel;
  • reliability of fastening of all elements;
  • smoothness of the details.

Braces are equipped with metal locks, which affects the efficiency of defect correction and the level of wearing comfort.

To install the device on one row of teeth, you will need to pay about 12-14 thousand rubles.


They are created from a durable and strong polymer composite, sufficiently resistant to external mechanical stress and food coloring.

They stand out for their high aesthetics, streamlined shape of parts, smoothness of all surfaces, and wearing comfort. Attached with dental adhesive.

The average price of the apparatus for one jaw is 11-13 thousand rubles.

Indications and contraindications

  1. Anomalous arrangement in a number of individual elements.
  2. The occurrence of defects in the jaw arches during their development.
  3. Violation of the bite during its formation.
  4. Preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics.
  5. Correction of the profile of the face (with a slight protrusion of the front teeth).
  6. Removal of uncut elements.
  7. Mild crowding of teeth.
  8. Disproportion of the parameters of the jaw arches.
  9. Restoration of tooth density.

These indications can appear at any age. Composite braces will cope with them easily and in the shortest possible time.

As practice shows, the installation of the considered model will be inappropriate if the patient has serious occlusion disorders that require a long and deep adjustment.

Also, you should not place the system if:

  • jaw arches are strongly deformed or displaced relative to each other;
  • increased tooth sensitivity;
  • inflammation of the gum tissue, which is in the chronic stage;
  • pronounced psychoneurological abnormalities;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathologies of the circulatory and endocrine systems;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • metal allergy;
  • AIDS.

Important: with all the restrictions, the patient may be offered a different way to correct the bite.

Installation process

The installation of braces begins with an initial consultation with an orthodontist, during which a visual examination of the patient's oral cavity is carried out and a treatment plan is developed.

After that, several mandatory procedures are carried out, which are included in the preparatory stage, these are:

  • treatment of diseases of gum tissues and teeth (according to indications);
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • professional removal of deposits from the tooth surface.

The specialist also gives the patient explanations on the issue of oral hygiene.

Important! The duration of preparation directly depends on the condition of the patient's oral cavity, which is why a different amount of time passes from the moment of the initial consultation to the appointment of the installation date - from several days to a month.

Upon completion of all preparatory procedures, proceed to the placement of the corrective apparatus. The whole process takes place in the following sequence:

  1. A mouth expander is placed in the mouth to provide the doctor with access to remote hard-to-reach areas.
  2. The enamel is treated with a special compound, which is then removed.
  3. The teeth are dried by air flow.
  4. Dental cement is applied to each plate, which hardens under the action of UV rays.
  5. Attaching braces to teeth.
  6. Highlighting the structure with ultraviolet light.
  7. Stretching an arc.
  8. Fixing its ends on the extreme side elements.

The whole process of installing the device takes 1.5-2 hours, it takes place for the patient with minimal discomfort and painless.

Adaptation and care

The adaptation period is typical for any modifications of braces, and it is still impossible to avoid it. Adaptation is characterized by a person's getting used to the constant presence of a foreign object in the mouth and its effect on the dentition.

Already the first 2-4 hours after the placement of the corrective apparatus, pain may develop. In the following days you may experience:

  • rubbing of the mucous membrane;
  • mild soreness;
  • feeling of loose teeth;
  • slight distortion of speech.

As you get used to, the degree of manifestation of these symptoms will subside, and after 10-12 days will disappear completely.

Immediately after placement of the structure and during the entire time the defect is corrected, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Food. Avoid sticky and hard foods. Reduce the amount of foods and drinks with food coloring in the composition. Also, do not eat hot food with cold food at the same time.
  2. Care. Responsible for daily oral hygiene. Do not put pressure on the braces when brushing your teeth.

    Brush your teeth only with a soft bristle brush or use a special dental brush, in which the bristles are arranged in the form of the Latin letter V. In everyday oral care, include the use of an irrigator, antibacterial rinse, floss.

  3. Device serviceability. It is important to monitor the health and integrity of all structural elements. If damage is found, contact a specialist immediately.
  4. Frequency of hygiene procedures. Treat the oral cavity and brush your teeth after every snack. Only frequent and high-quality hygiene will help prevent the formation of plaque and darkening of the braces.
  5. Clinic visit. The patient should visit the orthodontist on the scheduled dates to assess the dynamics of treatment and adjust the tension of the archwire in accordance with the ongoing changes.

The exact implementation of all these rules allows you to make the operation of the device trouble-free, i.e. eliminate damage to its parts, darkening.

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