When will the seal over the seam after cesarean. Seal of the seam after caesarean. Uncharacteristic scar tissue

Among the dangerous signs of a developing complication after a caesarean section, one can single out compaction and suppuration of the sutures. This is a fairly common occurrence, which is noticeable to the naked eye when examining the seams. Stitch problems can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • seam infection,
  • low quality suture material,
  • insufficient qualification of the surgeon,
  • rejection of the suture material by the woman's body.

Every woman should understand that the suture must be carefully monitored for several more months after the operation, and if such phenomena as indurations, soreness, redness or suppuration are detected, it is necessary to immediately seek the advice of a surgeon.

Ligature fistula

This complication is the most common after caesarean section. After the operation, the incision is sutured with special threads - ligatures. These threads can be absorbable and non-absorbable. The healing time of the scar depends on the quality of the ligature. If the material was of high quality, used within acceptable expiration dates, in accordance with the norms and rules of treatment, complications are unlikely.

But if the ligature was used after the specified expiration date or an infection got into the wound, an inflammatory process begins to develop around the thread, which can form a fistula a few months after cesarean.

The fistula is very easy to detect. It has such signs as a non-healing wound, from which a certain amount of pus is periodically released. The wound may be covered with a crust, but then it opens again and pus is released again. This phenomenon may be accompanied by fever, chills and general weakness.

If a fistula is found, the help of a surgeon is necessary. Only a doctor will be able to detect and remove the infected thread. Without removing the ligature, the fistula will not go away, but will only increase. Local treatment will not bring positive results. After the thread is removed, additional care is required for the suture, which the surgeon will prescribe for you.

If the infection process has been delayed, or several fistulas have formed on the scar, an operation may be required to remove the scar with repeated suturing.


Seroma is also a common complication after caesarean section. But unlike ligature fistula, this complication can go away on its own, without additional treatment. A seroma is a seal on a seam filled with fluid. It occurs at the site of the intersection of the lymphatic vessels, which cannot be sutured after the incision. At the intersection of the lymphatic vessels, a cavity is formed, which is filled with lymph.

Without additional danger signs, a seroma does not require treatment and resolves on its own within a few weeks.

If a seroma is detected, you should immediately visit a surgeon to determine the exact diagnosis and exclude suppuration.

Keloid scar

Another most common complication after caesarean section is the formation of a keloid scar. Recognizing it is also not difficult.

The seam becomes rough, hard and often protrudes above the surface of the skin.

At the same time, there is no pain, redness around the scar and pus.

A keloid scar does not pose a risk to the health of patients and is only an aesthetic problem. The causes of scarring are considered to be the individual characteristics of the body.

Today, there are several methods of treating this unsightly phenomenon:

  1. Laser therapy is based on the resurfacing of the scar with a laser. Several sessions of therapy can make the scar less noticeable.
  2. Hormonal therapy includes the use of special medications and ointments containing hormones. Using creams will help reduce scar tissue and make the scar less pronounced.
  3. Surgical treatment consists in the complete excision of scar tissue, followed by the application of new sutures. This method does not guarantee that a normal scar will form at the site of the removed scar.

In order to avoid all these and other complications in the postoperative period, it is necessary to carefully care for the suture and follow all the recommendations of doctors. If any signs of complications develop, visit a doctor immediately, in which case you can avoid surgical treatment.


Good afternoon. 2.5 years ago I gave birth to a child, with the help of a caesarean section (due to high pressure), a year ago I noticed a lump on the left above the seam. The lump worries me, itches, sometimes it sharply sharply arises. At first, pulling and cutting pains especially often occurred in the first days of menstruation, and now it hurts a lot for several days, then it doesn’t bother me for a week and so periodically. First, she was examined by a gynecologist, examination and ultrasound did not reveal any female deviations, she was referred to a surgeon. I was at several surgeons, one was sent for an operation, they say they will cut it and see what it is. The second surgeon re-sent her for ultrasound to a gynecologist and for examination by an oncologist. Ultrasound at the gynecologist did not reveal any abnormalities. On her own initiative, she made an ultrasound of this particular bump, the results are as follows: “In the left iliac region, in the thickness of the muscle tissue, at a depth of 3 to 9 mm, an irregularly shaped hypoechoic formation is visualized, heterogeneous in structure due to cystic and hyperechoic inclusions, 25 * in size 40mm, with fuzzy uneven! contours (Conclusion - volumetric formation of the anterior abdominal wall). Worried that the pain began to intensify, and I feel tired and tense in the lower back. This morning I noticed that the bump began to bulge more and in its place a pale bruise of purple color appeared, which especially frightened me. I have an appointment with an oncologist only on Tuesday, but I don’t know if I should go to the surgeon again because of a bruise? what could it be?

Hello. You have several options: it can be endometriosis, and intermuscular encysted hematoma, and even hernial protrusion, and finally some kind of oncological formation. I would advise you surgical treatment (with further histoexamination of tissues) during which it is really possible to make the correct diagnosis. And correctly, and most importantly, a timely diagnosis is the key to proper treatment. Health to you.

Consultation of a surgeon on the topic "bump in the area of ​​​​the suture from cesarean" is given for reference purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About consultant


Surgeon of the highest qualification category. 26 years of experience in elective and emergency surgery.

He graduated from Kuibyshevsky in 1990 with a degree in general medicine. Internship in surgery at the Regional Hospital No. 1 of Ulyanovsk.

Passed repeated improvement and advanced training at the bases of UlGU, Penza, N-Novgorod on the topics: "Actual issues of emergency surgery of the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities", also in St. Petersburg on "Endovideosurgery of the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space".

Conducts various types of planned and emergency surgical interventions, operations for purulent processes.

During his work, he mastered various techniques of surgical intervention:

  • removal of benign tumors of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (atheromas, lipomas, fibromas, etc.) of various localizations;
  • opening of abscesses, phlegmons, felons, necrectomy of various localizations, including amputation and exarticulation of both fingers and limbs (upper and lower), for example. with diabetic or atherosclerotic gangrene;
  • various types of hernia repair for inguinal, femoral, umbilical, postoperative hernias, both tension and tension-free types of plastic;
  • resection of the stomach according to B-1, B-2 with various types of anastomoses;
  • cholecystectomy (laparotomy) with various types of both external and internal (CDA) drainage of the common choledochus;
  • experience of small laparoscopic operations, mainly assistance in cholecystectomy, appendectomy;
  • appendectomy;
  • suturing of perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • splenectomy;

Let me tell you about my first birth. When I gave birth to a child and lay in the delivery room with ice on my stomach, nothing hurt me ... I was overwhelmed with a feeling of happiness, despite the presence of tears, both internal and external (already sewn up by that time) ... I remember my thoughts then that I could once again repeat everything right now for the sake of my own lump. When they put me on a gurney to take me to the ward, I thought: “Yes, I can actually walk on my own. That they are taking me like some kind of sick person ... The first surprise for me was when the next day I got up to go to the toilet. not having time to reach it, my eyes went dark, my head began to spin ... I barely managed to grab the wall so as not to fall ... This is due to blood loss during childbirth and, as a result, a sharp decrease in hemoglobin. Further, due to the presence of stitches, I could not sit, only lie down and stand. And after each toilet, treat the seams with odorless laundry soap ... (I think bactericidal would also work here). As for the toilet ... It was generally tin ... At least for the next 1.5 months. I even had thoughts about not eating anything at all, so as not to walk ... It's stupid, of course, but when EVERYTHING HURTS (!!!) below the waist and is ready to climb the wall, and something else can come to mind ... It turns out , helps to recover (relieve swelling) physiotherapy. If there is one in the hospital, it is very good. I gave birth from Thursday to Friday and on Friday I can be said not to be touched at all (except for injections that cause uterine contractions). They didn't have physical therapy at the weekend. They released me on Wednesday. So I received this treatment for only three days. And it should be noted that the swelling has become much less. I asked why it occurs, they answered me that it was from novocaine. Anesthesia is still done with novocaine. It's strange, can't you think of something better? (((Regarding my intimate life with my husband, I can say that after giving birth I didn’t have it for 4 months. Until the gynecologist scolded me that I was mocking my husband ... I said that everything still hurts me, that the sensations such as if I have one big bruise there, she replied: "Well, nothing. You're a woman. Be patient. Choose a position that suits you..." etc. etc. In general, "I listened to her advice. Perhaps she was right, because you had to start with something in order to return to your old life ... Yes, of course, all this is forgotten, and I forgot for a while, and now I'm going to give birth for the second time, and again something came flooding in ... So girls, tune in to the fact that you will have to recover, let's say, not easily and not quickly. The only consolation is those for whom we endure all this - our children ... And one more memory of mine, when I was driving home from the hospital, looked at the women around, and thought that everyone who gave birth should be given an order. Nothing less. We are all heroines. It is a pity that men do not always understand this.

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Horror!!! Girls, why are you writing negative comments here? I agree that everything is individual for everyone, it’s easier for someone, it’s more difficult for someone, but after all, those who have never given birth yet read this, and can you imagine what it’s like for them? The girl must be ready for childbirth! not for the worse, namely to childbirth, but how they will pass with her is another question ... and each will endure everything in her own way. For the first time, I gave birth to a baby with the buttocks, and not head first, they scared me, they said that it was so difficult ... without pain relief and other things (it was impossible for some reason), but as it turned out, everything was not as promised ... and only one person me reassured, saying that the pain that you need to try to endure will only be during attempts. And so it happened for me, the contractions were not painful, my stomach could hurt before, so it was a familiar pain, and they tried once or three times and here it is a baby, it seemed to me that 5 minutes had passed in total. So don’t write such comments here that the recovery takes a long time and it’s terrible, that giving birth is just a complete mess, etc. Anything can happen, and everyone will endure and survive all these problems and best moments in their own way. I will soon have a second birth, and I knew what to expect, but there was fear, but after reading some comments here, I got the feeling that I had never given birth and had no idea what to expect and what to be prepared for, I will now to drive away from myself these terrible stupid thoughts and memories of what I read ...

Oh well, I did it!

And the uterus was much more painful than after the first birth, it was shrinking. When my son ate (due to which the uterus began to contract), then his eyes climbed on his forehead from pain.
And everything else after childbirth - garbage!

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Very often, after surgery for violation of the skin, surgeons use suturing. There are a lot of varieties of sutures, there is even such a saying that “how many surgeons there are so many sutures”.

Currently, the development of medicine has taken a big step forward, so now the patient has the right to choose the suture thread and even the suturing technique. If the patient complains of pain in the suture area, this does not mean that the surgeon did something wrong during the operation. However, it is very common to find a seal under the suture after the operation. In this case, it is imperative to contact a surgical clinic or a doctor.

In most cases, this is due to a complication after surgery, which is called "Seroma". This is a formation in the cavity, which is filled with lymph. In general, the seroma usually disappears on its own and does not pose a great danger to the patient. Its formation is associated with the intersection of the lymphatic vessels. And as you know, they, in turn, are much smaller than blood vessels and therefore are not visible to the eye. It is not possible to coagulate or bandage them. The outflowing lymph accumulates, creating a cavity.

The only serious complication of seroma is its suppuration. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​the postoperative wound with an antiseptic. Antiseptic in this case, it is best to use water, not alcohol. It is also necessary to close the scar with a gauze napkin moistened with a solution of dimexide.

A more serious complication in the event that a seal has formed under the seam after the operation is a fistula. In medical practice, a fistula occurs as a result of suppuration of scars after surgery. Implantation contamination of the suture material with pathogenic microorganisms became the immediate cause of this kind of complication. In this case, a visible compaction of the granuloma is formed in the fistula area.

The formation of a fistula is very easy to recognize on its own, since the symptoms are quite pronounced: seals or mushroom-like granulations appear around the contaminated wound area; inflammation of the postoperative scar; discharge from the wound of pus; redness in the seam area; the occurrence of sensations of pain, swelling; temperature increase (possibly up to 39 degrees).

Of course, after the operation, there should be no seals and formations in the suture area. If suddenly this happened, it is necessary to see the surgeon who directly operated on you, if this is not possible, then to the surgeon at the place of residence. If no measures are taken, such suppuration will lead to the development of an abscess.

Patients of surgical departments often note the unsatisfactory condition of the postoperative suture. Seals that occur in the first days and weeks after surgery usually disappear on their own and do not require additional treatment. Most often, such a temporary complication looks like a bump on the seam.

The reasons

To understand why there was a seal under the seam after the operation, you should see your doctor. If the bump does not hurt and pus is not released from it, you just need to follow the recommendations for caring for the suture and do not try to self-medicate. If even a meager purulent discharge is found, a visit to a doctor is necessary. Untimely adoption of measures or attempts to resolve the issue on their own can lead to serious complications, which can only be eliminated surgically.

The main causes of suppuration of postoperative sutures:

  • Improper suture care, which can lead to a bacterial infection.
  • Non-compliance with the recommendations given by the doctor upon discharge from the hospital.
  • Poor quality stitching.
  • Rejection by the body of the threads used to stitch the incision.
  • The use of poor quality materials.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of the bump after the operation, you should not delay visiting the surgeon in the hope that everything will go away on its own. Suppuration can lead to sepsis and death.

Postoperative complications


Occur after any surgical intervention and are of varying severity. It all depends on how neatly the seams were applied and what materials were used. Mild complications go away on their own, but if a bacterial infection has joined in the healing process, the help of a surgeon is needed. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated due to the complexity of the wound and the risk of sepsis.

The most common postoperative complications:

  • adhesive process;
  • seroma;
  • ligature fistula.

adhesive process

This is the name of the fusion of tissues during the healing of the postoperative suture. Adhesions consist of scar tissue and during palpation are felt under the skin as small seals. They accompany the process of healing and scarring of the sutures, being an integral, natural step on the way to the restoration of tissues and skin after an incision.

In the presence of pathology during wound healing, excessive growth of connective tissues is observed, the seam thickens. Most often this happens if the wound heals by secondary intention, when the process of tissue repair after surgery was accompanied by suppuration due to an attached bacterial infection. In such cases, keloid scars form at the site of suturing. They do not pose a health hazard, but are considered a cosmetic defect, which, if desired, can be eliminated later.


Another complication that occurs after suturing. A seroma is a fluid-filled lump on a suture. It can occur as a consequence of caesarean section, and after laparoscopy or any other operation. This complication usually resolves on its own and does not require additional therapy. Occurs at the site of damage to the lymphatic vessels, the connection of which after the incision is impossible. As a result, a cavity is formed, which is filled with lymph.

If there are no signs of suppuration, the seroma on the scar does not pose a threat to health, but to make sure that there is no inflammatory process, it is worth visiting a surgeon who can make an accurate diagnosis.

Ligature fistula

This complication most often occurs on the seam after a caesarean section. For suturing, a special thread is used - a ligature. This material is self-absorbable and conventional. The duration of wound healing depends on the quality of the thread. If a ligature that meets all requirements was used during suturing, complications appear extremely rarely.

If an expired material was used or an infection entered the wound during suturing, an inflammatory process develops around the thread. Initially, a seal appears under the seam after a cesarean or other operation, and after a few months, a ligature fistula forms at the site of the seal.

It is easy to detect pathology. A fistula is a non-healing channel in soft tissues, from which pus periodically oozes. Depending on which infection caused the inflammation, the discharge may be yellow, greenish, or maroon-brown.

From time to time, the wound may be covered with a crust, which periodically opens. Purulent discharge can change its color from time to time. Also, the inflammatory process is often accompanied by fever and a feeling of chills, weakness, drowsiness.

A ligature fistula can only be removed by a surgeon. The specialist will find and remove the infected thread. Only then is healing possible. While the ligature is in the body, the fistula will only progress. After the thread is removed, the doctor will treat the wound and give instructions for further care of the suture at home.

There are cases when, with untimely seeking medical help, several fistulas formed along the seam. In such a situation, the surgeon may decide to perform an operation to remove the scar and apply repeated sutures.

Precautionary measures

After returning from the hospital, the patient must remember and follow a few simple rules that will help him recover faster after surgery. Basic Precautions:

  • Don't take contrast showers. Sudden changes in water temperature slow down the process of skin regeneration.
  • Shower time should not exceed 10 minutes.
  • You can take a bath no earlier than a month after surgery. It is best to additionally ask your doctor about the possibility of this water procedure.
  • If a lump appears above the seam, tell your doctor immediately.

While the patient is in the hospital, the treatment of his sutures is carried out by health workers, but by the time of discharge, the patient must learn how to process them independently. In case of inaccessibility of the scar, doctors recommend using the help of relatives or health workers of the clinic.

Any complication is easier to avoid than to treat. To do this, you must follow all the instructions of the surgeon, carefully care for the postoperative wound. As a rule, without complications, the healing of the sutures takes about a month.

Currently, the development of medicine has taken a big step forward, so now the patient has the right to choose the suture thread and even the suturing technique. If the patient complains of pain in the suture area, this does not mean that the surgeon did something wrong during the operation. However, it is very common to find a seal under the suture after the operation. In this case, it is imperative to contact a surgical clinic or a doctor.

In most cases, this is due to a complication after surgery, which is called "Seroma". This is a formation in the cavity, which is filled with lymph. In general, the seroma usually disappears on its own and does not pose a great danger to the patient. Its formation is associated with the intersection of the lymphatic vessels. And as you know, they, in turn, are much smaller than blood vessels and therefore are not visible to the eye. It is not possible to coagulate or bandage them. The outflowing lymph accumulates, creating a cavity.

The only serious complication of seroma is its suppuration. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​the postoperative wound with an antiseptic. Antiseptic in this case, it is best to use water, not alcohol. It is also necessary to close the scar with a gauze napkin moistened with a solution of dimexide.

A more serious complication in the event that a seal has formed under the seam after the operation is a fistula. In medical practice, a fistula occurs as a result of suppuration of scars after surgery. Implantation contamination of the suture material with pathogenic microorganisms became the immediate cause of this kind of complication. In this case, a visible compaction of the granuloma is formed in the fistula area.

The formation of a fistula is very easy to recognize on its own, since the symptoms are quite pronounced: seals or mushroom-shaped granulations appear around the contaminated area of ​​​​the wound; inflammation of the postoperative scar; discharge from the wound of pus; redness in the seam area; the occurrence of sensations of pain, swelling; temperature increase (possibly up to 39 degrees).

Of course, after the operation, there should be no seals and formations in the suture area. If suddenly this happened, it is necessary to see the surgeon who directly operated on you, if this is not possible, then to the surgeon at the place of residence. If no measures are taken, such suppuration will lead to the development of an abscess.

Causes of compaction or bumps on the seam after surgery?

After surgery, patients often complain about the condition of the suture. Complications arise for various reasons. A bump on the seam after surgery is the most common of them. It is not always dangerous to health, and special treatment is usually not required. In order to identify the cause of the appearance of the seal, you must consult a doctor. Self-treatment leads to the development of complications and the need for repeated surgical intervention.

A dangerous symptom is the appearance of a bump on the seam, accompanied by the release of pus. This is a frequent phenomenon, it can be noticed during an independent examination of the area in which the intervention was carried out. Problems can arise for various reasons, including: improper suturing, the addition of a bacterial infection, rejection of the threads by the human body, the use of low-quality materials. You should remember the importance of proper treatment of the surgical area, and if you experience bumps, pain or suppuration, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of postoperative complications

Ligature fistula

A bump on the seam after cesarean may be a ligature fistula. This is the most common complication of abdominal operations. Upon completion of the surgical intervention, the incision is sutured with special threads - ligatures. They are absorbable and regular. The healing time of the seam depends on the quality of the material. With proper use of high-quality material, the risk of complications is minimized. If an expired thread was used, or pathogenic microorganisms got into the incision, then an inflammatory process develops, as a result of which a fistula forms in a few weeks.

It is not difficult to detect this complication. It is a non-healing dense wound, from which purulent contents are constantly released. The wound may become overgrown with a crust, but after a while it reopens, and the discharge appears again. The formation of a fistula is accompanied by fever, general weakness, headaches. If a bump and suppuration appears, you should consult a doctor.

Only he will be able to detect and remove the infected thread. If this procedure is not carried out, the seal will constantly grow. Means of external use in this case are ineffective. After removing the ligature, you will need some care for the seam, the rules of which will be told to you by the surgeon. If the inflammatory process is present for a long time and is accompanied by the appearance of several fistulas, it is necessary to remove scar tissue with repeated suturing.

Spontaneous seroma

Seroma is an equally common complication that occurs after surgery. Unlike a fistula, it can disappear spontaneously. Specific treatment is usually not required.

A seroma is a lump filled with fluid. It appears in places where lymphatic vessels lie, the integrity of which cannot be restored after dissection. At the intersection of the vessels, a cavity is formed, which is filled with lymph.

A seroma that does not have signs of suppuration is not dangerous to health and does not require treatment. If it is detected, you need to visit a surgeon who will make an accurate diagnosis and exclude the presence of infection.

Keloid scar

A keloid scar is an equally common complication of abdominal operations. It is not difficult to recognize him. The seam coarsens and hardens, its surface becomes bumpy. Pain, redness and suppuration are absent. A keloid scar is not dangerous to health, it is only a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated if desired. The reasons for its appearance are considered to be the structural features of the skin.

How to get rid of bumps on the seam?

There are several ways to eliminate such a defect, it all depends on its type. Laser resurfacing is used to get rid of keloid scars. Several procedures make the scar less noticeable. Hormonal therapy is based on the use of external and general agents. Creams help soften scar tissue, they make the seam lighter. Surgical treatment consists in removing the scar, followed by a new suture. This method does not guarantee that the keloid scar will not reappear after the operation.

In order to avoid the appearance of seals at the incision site and some other complications, it is necessary to properly care for the suture in the postoperative period. If a bump or suppuration appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of any complication is easier than cure. The wound healing process takes about a month. During the stay in the hospital, all necessary measures will be carried out by health workers. After discharge, the patient must learn to perform all the procedures on their own. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The first thing to remember is to prevent infection. Timely dressing and proper treatment of the skin will speed up the healing process. If the lump still appears, do not try to get rid of it yourself. Seromas usually resolve spontaneously. Keloid scars are not so easy to get rid of.

Antiseptic solutions should be used to disinfect the skin in the incision area. When using soap, allergic reactions can occur, making the healing process longer. Some patients try to get rid of the seal with compresses and lotions. It is strictly forbidden to wet the seam, as high humidity prevents its healing. Such procedures contribute to skin irritation and infection of the wound.

The shower in the first weeks after the operation should take a person no more than 10 minutes. Water should not be too hot or too cold, temperature changes slow down the process of skin recovery. It is recommended to take a bath not earlier than one month after the operation.

Numb seal near the seam after surgery, what is it?

Numbness near the postoperative scar is more of a norm than something unusual. 2 times I was sewn up and both times there were such numbness. Apparently, the nerves are cut there and therefore even tactile sensitivity disappears. It recovers from a couple of months to several years.

This is a normal phenomenon. Numbness can persist for more than one month. During surgical intervention, the skin, subcutaneous fat, then muscles, and so on are dissected in layers, and so on. All these tissues have nerve endings, innervation is present everywhere. Accordingly, when dissecting tissues, nerve endings and joints are dissected too. Hence the loss of sensitivity. After a caesarean section, I had numbness in the suture area, which persisted for about a year. Then, gradually, the sensitivity returned.

It will pass - a month or two, depending on what kind of operation, it took me a month after the removal of the appendix. He was a little lopsided, if you look closely and the seal was near the seam, a surgeon friend said that it was nonsense, it would pass.

Seam seal after surgery

Good day, Natalia!

Removal of the uterus, complete or partial, is performed in gynecology quite often, by various methods, sometimes sparing, removal of the uterus is possible together with the fallopian tubes and ovaries or without ovaries and tubes. In the event that the uterus and ovaries are removed, then the woman begins menopause, in which case replacement therapy of a hormonal nature is necessary.

So, with the complete removal of the uterus, a rather large scar remains, during the first month, compaction is allowed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe suture and the discharge of a transparent-pinkish character. You should not abuse baths and baths, it is impossible to soar the seam, because it will get wet and will flow, which will noticeably slow down the healing process.

The seal should not be painful, while the discharge should not have an unpleasant odor, in no case should it resemble pus or liquid of a brown, yellow or other nature.

In addition, you should not lift heavy things, because lifting more than 5 kg can lead to the formation of a hernia, which will have to be removed surgically.

The seam must be processed at least 2-3 times a day, be sure to let the skin "breathe", since oxygen dries the skin. Ointments can be applied to the seam: "Lvomekol", "Synthomycin ointment", "contractubex", they will significantly speed up the healing process. The seam can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, furatsilin, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate solution.

Subsequently, it will be possible to take baths with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, potassium permanganate and a weak solution of baking soda.

Before going outside, it is worth putting a bandage on the seam, discard underwear and clothes that rub or press on the seam or the area around the seam.

In the event that any kind of problems arise, then it is worth contacting a gynecologist and doing an ultrasound of the seam.

There is a seal on the scar: what to do?

After the operation, doctors apply stitches so that the wound heals quickly and correctly. Usually this process proceeds normally, but sometimes the wound can fester for a long time, or after it has healed, various kinds of formations are found in the suture area. In any case, you should not panic. If you feel a seal on the scar, this does not mean that you have something irreversible. It may be a banal knot from the seam. But first things first…

How does a post-operative wound heal?

Modern medicine has stepped far forward and now the patient has the opportunity to choose not only the doctor who will perform the operation, but also what material and technique will be used for suturing. After all, the latter is an important part of the surgical intervention. If some kind of violation occurs during this period, it subsequently leads to many problems. Including the formation of suppuration and seals on the scar or under the scar (as if in the depths of the skin).

However, such “bumps”, which many surgical patients feel for, do not always speak of a medical error or a pathological process.

How does the postoperative suture heal? It goes through several stages:

  1. Blood clots form at the edges of the wound, which "seal" the blood vessels to protect the body from blood loss. Then a large number of leukocytes arrive there, the purpose of which is to prevent the harmful effects of dangerous microorganisms. If the white blood cells do not cope with their task, severe suppuration begins, which requires the use of antibiotics.
  2. Healing begins with the fact that the wound cavity is filled with special connective cells, which gradually form a scar. This process takes from two months to a year.
  3. When the scar is already formed, some of the blood vessels and cells in it atrophy, the scar becomes less noticeable.

At what stage of the process does a seal appear on the scar after the operation? Usually this is the first or second stage. This can be both a signal that you need to urgently see a doctor, and not mean anything serious.

Our video. Facial scar treatment


Often, especially if the wound was large, after surgery, doctors prescribe additional drugs that should speed up its healing. And also stimulate the resorption of the scar and various seals in it.

Silicone ointments or patches are very popular now. Numerous user reviews on the state of scar seals before and after their use indicate that this is one of the most effective preventive and therapeutic agents. The only thing to keep in mind is that these remedies only help if you apply them on time. The earlier the better.

When the scar is a year old or more, ointments, creams, or home remedies will no longer help. Therefore, if suddenly your doctor forgot to prescribe an adjuvant for scar resorption, ask him to do it. Timely treatment is the key to the absence of problems in the future.

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Causes of hardening on scars

So, here's what it could mean if you probed the scar and found a seal under the scar:

  • This is a knot from the thread with which the wound was sewn. In this case, you should not experience any pain. Over time, all the threads and nodules resolve by themselves.
  • Over a caesarean section scar, thickening is often the result of an internal suture. The wound is sutured in several layers, and therefore, on the surface of the scar, women often grope for various dense balls, which completely disappear after a certain time. If nothing hurts, there is no point in worrying. The full healing process can take more than a year.
  • Sealing after a scar can also be pathological if it is a complication after surgery. In some cases, patients have a seroma. It is formed due to the intersection of the lymphatic vessels. By themselves, they are very small and cannot be bandaged or sewn up. Because of this, the lymphatic fluid flows out and accumulates in small cavities, which is felt like a dense ball. This phenomenon does not pose any danger, and over time, all the balls dissolve. The patient must follow the doctor's instructions and take care of the healing wound so that the seromas do not become infected.
  • The most dangerous hardening of the scar after appendicitis or any other operation is a fistula. If pathogens get into the scar and it becomes inflamed, dense balls are felt in it, which bring pain when touched. Pus may also ooze from it, but not necessarily, as sometimes it accumulates under the skin and cannot come out. In this case, the temperature rises. If you observe such symptoms, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If the seal does not hurt and does not cause any discomfort, there is nothing to be afraid of. But if you are still worried, seek the advice of a doctor so that he dispels all your doubts.

Exclusive video. Treatment of scars with folk remedies

The seal under the scar can be removed either by the use of special absorbable agents, which are prescribed only by a doctor, or simply by time. Sometimes you have to wait a certain amount of time. The larger your scar or the harder it was to heal, the longer you will have to wait.

Seal under the seam

Seal under the seam after ks

Even in the maternity hospital, they applied Vishnevsky to me after cleaning the seam.

All three times I only treated it with laundry soap.

Hard under the seam in a child

I would go to the surgical waiting room to show

Thickening above and below the suture after caesarean

contact the gyna

in a month they should look at the ultrasound as the state of the seam

seals under the outer seams

Seal under the seam at the site of atheroma removal!

induration above or almost on the suture inside the abdomen under the skin after CS

Myasko hurts under the seam after episio!

It’s a pity for your baby ... Before, I often came across your posts in the feed, read, and then suddenly ... I sympathize with you very much! You will still be the most wonderful mother of the most charming baby! Hold on.

maybe I’ll be wrong - my mother advised sea buckthorn oil, I smeared it on myself lying in the rd, I don’t remember exactly, but it seemed to be a ray from it. otherwise it also hurt wildly and there was a terrible seam (by the way, it healed like there was nothing).

My condolences.

Sealing after caesarean section

It will pass, it was the same with me in general, the abdomen was cut 4 times along the same seam.

is there any redness? try hot this seal or how is all skin the same?

seam after ks

maybe you will feel it too)

Spike. It needs to see a doctor.

Seal or bump under the caesarean suture

It happened to me six months later, it turned out that the thread that was sewn did not take root, I came to the surgeon, an injection of lidocaine, they made a small incision, they took out the thread, 4 days of dressings and everything is in order) it hurt only on 1 dressing)

Honey, maybe that's why there was a cycle failure and abundant CDs?

Of course, go to the doctor tomorrow. Most importantly, don't panic. Come down, have a look, they'll tell you what to do.

Will the overhang of the skin over the suture go away after cesarean?

Suture problems after 5 years.

I had after 1 ks, only it became ill after 1.5 years, also during menstruation. they did an ultrasound, it turned out the thread did not resolve, they were surgically removed

well, as if the ultrasound of the seam would not hurt to do a long time ago ... you never know ... a hernia or something even worse can come out ... watch your health.

I had. Yes, such a thickening. A week later, a bruise came out and a yellow bruise bloomed. It turned out to be an internal hematoma. You can’t help her with anything other than an ointment ... it will resolve itself over time. It resolved for at least a month

If about ipisiotomy, then there was a strong seal for the first 1.5 weeks, then less. Now almost none. I was told that the seal at the beginning of time is normal.

There are also seals, the doctor says that everything is fine

Again about CS

I had one bump on the left side, but it resolved itself over time. But I don't remember her being particularly sick. Until now, my stomach is uneven) There is a slight elevation on the left side, but this is most likely due to some kind of stitching defect

At the very least, you need to see a gynecologist. 6 weeks after giving birth, I went to a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. He touched the suture, did an ultrasound of the uterus and the suture.

I also had seals along the edges of the seam, passed

Girls who passed the COP take a look

About the seam. I believe that if everything is normal outside, then everything will heal. When you touch the seals, then in the place of the seals is not more than, where are they less? Now I have pierced my seam, there is nothing under it ... And at the beginning I was afraid to look there, let alone touch it)))

bloating, the body is slowly returning to normal, this is all normal and with a seam, too, I have already done a caesarean twice, don’t worry, everything came back to normal after a year

If there are no sharp and severe pains, then everything is fine, but the seals were sewn up for you by the muscles, it was the same, then everything was evened out, now I don’t feel anything at all

bump on the seam from the cop

Be sure to find time and go to G and to the surgeon! I'll tell you about myself ... after my CS in 6 months. a bump also appeared, it didn’t hurt and didn’t bother me, I went for an ultrasound and they said that the spike was all right, 4 years passed after the CS and this “adhesion” began to grow ... and began to bother me a little (this bump turned a little red then turned blue, especially before and on time for menstruation) it was just like in your photos ... in general, I was scared ... and ran to 10 doctors to find out ... I either had a hernia, or they attributed threads, then they decided to cut adhesions in surgery ... it turned out that this was a consequence of the CEN ... and it’s called: postoperative endometriosis a scar of the anterior abdominal wall ... nothing fatal, of course, BUT. what kind of muck can you read on the net ... so do not leave this matter for later. PS. I don't want to scare you in any way, it's just how it was for me ...

Mammologist - online consultations

Seal around the seam

№Mammologist 03.03.2014

Hello, I had an operation to remove a node in the left mammary gland. Today is the 5th day after the operation, there is no temperature, I feel normal. The node is of good quality. I am worried about the seam of the seal and apparently during the operation the vessels burst near the nipple like a bruise in the form of a titmouse. Can you please tell me how the seal is supposed to be? And isn't bleeding dangerous?

Hello, Natalia! In principle, after the operation, there may be a seal in the suture, a hematoma in this area. Sometimes these changes go away on their own, and sometimes you need the help of a doctor. If you are embarrassed by the seam, I strongly recommend that you see the operating surgeon.

The compaction described by you can equally well be a variant of the norm (due to surgical intervention), and a sign of the development of a hematoma, seroma, etc. We can only say for sure after an ultrasound.

Clarifying question 26.03.2014 Danilova, Natalia

Yes, you are a couple, my ultrasound showed that there is a seroma in the seal near the seam. Today it was ditched. The doctor recommended doing a vodka compress for two days, as it can become inflamed. No treatment was given. And to be observed in the future. Might be worth taking some antibiotics for inflammation. But I'm worried about whether the liquid can accumulate again and what complication can it give? After what time can I do a control ultrasound? Thanks in advance.

Control ultrasound is performed immediately after the puncture, then the next day, then after 3-5 days. As for the expediency of taking medications, then it is decided strictly individually.

Seals on the eyelids after blepharoplasty - a complication or a norm?

The recovery period after aesthetic operations is not always smooth. The process of tissue healing has its own characteristics and its own speed, individual for each person.

Seals after blepharoplasty appear under surgical sutures or in their immediate vicinity, most often during the correction of the lower eyelids. Typically, patients describe their problem using the words “bump”, “pea”, “roller” or “sausage”. In fact, it can be a variety of formations:

  • forming scar tissue is the most common option, in many cases it is not considered a problem, there are high chances that over time the excess volume will resolve itself;
  • local edema at the site of suturing - also refers to the expected and non-dangerous consequences of plastic surgery;
  • cyst - a consequence of incorrect suturing of the incision;
  • bulging of the eyelid in violation of the connection of the cartilage of the ciliary edge of the eyelid with the muscle;
  • lumps of fat at the site of lipofilling supplementing blepharoplasty;
  • pyogenic granuloma.

Thus, we can talk about both a variant of the norm and a developing complication. In this article, we will talk about the causes of each of the above seals and what treatment should be.

Violation of scarring processes: main factors and consequences of their influence

The formation of scars at the site of surgical incisions is a natural and inevitable process, for more information about its course, see the article “Stages of scar formation”. The appearance of swelling in the first week after blepharoplasty and the presence of excess connective tissue within 2-3 months after surgery are inevitable side effects that you need to mentally prepare in advance and not panic. However, these processes may have individual characteristics:

  • In some patients, no traces of intervention remain on the eyelids, while in others, even after a few months, the “bumps” along the seam are well palpable under the skin, and sometimes can be seen with the naked eye.
  • The rate of resorption of seals can be different on the right and left. In addition, the scar itself is often heterogeneous along its length - the end sections of the incisions located in the corners of the eyes retain the volume for the longest time.
  • Due to natural swelling and active growth of connective tissue, scars can look like they are located directly on the outer parts of the eyelids for a long time. This is not a mistake of the surgeon, but a feature of tissue healing. As the excess collagen is absorbed, the traces at the incision sites will turn into thin stripes, hide in the natural folds of the skin and cease to remind of themselves.

In most cases, such cicatricial seals appear after lower blepharoplasty. Normally, they should resolve after 12 weeks - in addition to the individual characteristics of the body, the technique of making incisions and suturing, as well as the total volume of the intervention, is important here. Adverse effects on tissue healing processes have:

  • chemical and thermal burns: exposure to laser radiation, as well as irritating, drying solutions, including those used for disinfection, and so on. That is why you will have to forget about peeling the area around the eyes after blepharoplasty for a while;
  • suppuration: the presence of an inflammatory process in the wound always leads to excessive growth of connective tissue;
  • incorrect matching of the edges of the incision, strong skin tension and other errors of the surgeon when suturing;
  • disruption of the immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition to excessive growth of connective tissue in response to damage (formation of hypertrophic scars or keloids).

In addition, excessive physical impact on the injured areas of the skin can lead to sealing of the seams - in particular, the habit of rubbing the eyes after waking up and active massage of the operated area (many patients “prescribe” it to themselves on their own in the hope of dispersing swelling). The fact is that the collagen fibers of a young scar are located chaotically and cannot withstand stretching of the wound edges. To avoid these complications, doctors usually apply special patches-strips over the sutures and strongly recommend not to touch the eyelids with your hands in the first weeks after blepharoplasty: any physical impact promotes blood flow, increases the rate of collagen formation, prevents the resorption of excess connective tissue - as a result, instead of thin "threads » Rough scars may remain on the eyelids.

If large fibrous bands nevertheless began to form at the site of the incisions, you should contact the specialist who performed the operation, another plastic surgeon or a dermatologist for help:

  • Do not self-medicate! The simplest advice, and often the most difficult to follow, is to follow the instructions of the surgeon who performed the operation and give the body time. Usually, for the first few weeks, the doctor prescribes healing drugs, then special anti-scar ointments and / or hardware procedures can be added - microcurrent therapy, lymphatic drainage, etc. The process is accompanied by regular check-ups, and if something goes wrong, the specialist changes his appointments.
  • A few weeks after the operation, the doctor may decide to accelerate the process of resorption of the connective tissue by injecting hormonal drugs - glucocorticosteroids. In some cases, you can get by with their local application, but only after complete healing of the incisions.
  • If the scar cones remain visible and continue to remind of themselves 2-3 months after the operation, the tactics of their treatment can be reviewed again - up to excision. But sometimes you just need to wait: the natural “movement” of the sutures into the skin folds can take quite a long time due to the fact that swelling after blepharoplasty sometimes persists for up to 6 months.

Nodules at the site of suture resorption

To fasten the edges of the surgical incision in the eyelid area, as a rule, atraumatic thin threads with a round section are used, which are completely biodegradable within a day. This process is impossible without the participation of the immune system of our body, which enhances circulation in the area where a foreign body is detected. An active flow of blood and tissue fluid to the site of the suture causes local edema, which, upon external examination and palpation, can be defined as "bumps", "peas" or "nodules". Normally, as the threads dissolve, all such seals gradually disappear. This process can be disrupted by:

  • slowing down of blood circulation in the area of ​​the surgical wound, when, due to the general massive swelling, the outflow of blood through the venules and veins is difficult, there is stagnation of tissue fluid;
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • too superficial arrangement of threads in the skin.

The last option is the most common. In this case, only individual pieces of threads will resolve, and their other fragments will cut through to the surface. This situation is not considered a complication, since the “extra” suture material is easily removed, and the injured skin heals quickly and without a trace.

If the problem is swelling, then this is exactly the case when a good massage will help. Only it should be carried out not at random, but according to the correct technique - so as to stimulate the outflow of lymph and venous blood, normalize the flow of oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich arterial blood, and tone the tissues. The surgeon will tell you what the movements should be. He will also recommend the correct frequency and duration of sessions.

In general, you can wait for the biodegradation of threads up to 2-2.5 months. If during this period the seals caused by them do not disappear, the doctor may perform small incisions or punctures of the skin and remove the suture material, or prescribe a course of special absorbable drugs in injections.

Lumps of fat

If blepharoplasty was combined with lipofilling, seals of different sizes may appear due to uneven distribution of transplanted fat cells, and also if the graft was not well processed and lumps remained in it. Such a complication is especially noticeable on the lower eyelids, since the skin here is very thin and any, even a small “knot”, immediately appears on the surface. Over time, the lumps may spontaneously dissolve, but may remain unchanged. To treat this condition, there are several working methods:

  • massage, which at an early stage of engraftment allows you to make seals flatter and even out the surface of the skin;
  • the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid - they are able to smooth out the boundaries of the fat lump and temporarily make it less noticeable;
  • repeated lipofilling to correct the unsatisfactory result of the first procedure - it works in the same way as contouring with fillers;
  • liposuction of excess, protruding fat cells.

In each case, the most suitable of the options for correcting the defect that has arisen is determined by the plastic surgeon.

Eyelid cyst after blepharoplasty

This seal is usually located in the immediate vicinity of the surgical incisions and looks like a yellowish or whitish ball. In its structure, it is a cavity filled with liquid.

The reason for the development of a cyst is the incorrect processing of the edges of the wound, when the epithelium is immersed deep into the tissues during suturing. The content accumulates gradually, which leads to a constant increase in the volume of the neoplasm - as a result, it can grow to about 0.5 cm. The life of the defect is from 1 to 3 months. During this period, he must be observed without taking any action. If after 12 weeks the cyst does not resolve on its own, it is removed surgically.

Pyogenic granuloma (botryomycoma)

This vascular neoplasm is benign in nature and develops on the mucous membrane of the eyelid in response to tissue damage. To start the process of abnormal proliferation of blood vessels, sometimes quite a minor microtrauma, not to mention full-fledged incisions, is carried out during blepharoplasty.

Pyogenic granuloma has the appearance of a rounded or lobular formation of dark red or burgundy color up to 2 cm in size. Growing to a large volume, it can lift the skin of the eyelid, and be felt when pressed. The term for the appearance of botryomycoma varies widely: in some cases, the neoplasm occurs already a few days after the operation and rapidly increases in size, in others, its growth can begin only after 2-3 months.

  • If there is a dark red seal on the mucosa of the operated eyelids, it is not necessary to massage it, rub it with ointments and irritate it in any other way. All efforts aimed at resorption of the "pea" can give the opposite result: the neoplasm can begin to bleed, accelerate its growth.
  • It is not difficult to remove such a granuloma. After confirming the diagnosis, it is excised surgically or evaporated with a laser. Moreover, there is no special urgency in this procedure, so the surgeon will prescribe the time for its implementation, taking into account the condition of the operated tissues of the eyelids.

As you can see, there is no single reason for the appearance and universal procedures for removing seals on the eyelids after blepharoplasty. It is important that according to the external description, even if there is a photograph, it is not possible to establish the cause of the development of a “nodule” or “bump”. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the nature of the problem and receive personal recommendations for its treatment, it is necessary to consult with a doctor in person - preferably with a surgeon who performed the operation.

Why does a seal appear after a hernia operation?

Not always a seal after a hernia operation indicates some kind of mistake on the part of the surgeon. Most often, this is a consequence of the natural scarring of the tissue and the seam, after which both the skin and other tissues begin to actively regenerate. Plus, when the suture is resorbed, the flesh becomes a little inflamed - this is a normal reaction of the body. There is a percentage of all those operated on, so there is nothing to be afraid of.


However, it is still necessary to mention that complications after the removal of a hernia can indeed be. They are connected:

  • with infection;
  • with rejection of the mesh prosthesis, with the help of which the muscles are tightened and repeated tissue rupture is prevented (may occur due to ignoring the doctor's recommendations);
  • with seroma (filling of the resulting cavity with lymph).

Regarding the latter (seroma), it is absolutely safe. In the place where the hernia was previously, after the operation, an empty cavity remains between the skin and the muscle "canvas", which is pulled together by the same mesh prosthesis. It is filled with fluid - lymph, but is eliminated by itself within 1-2 weeks. When pressing on it, the patient does not feel any discomfort, discomfort. Pus through the seam also does not stand out, there is no unpleasant odor.

In rare cases, a seroma can make itself felt within 3-4 weeks, but no more. During this time, the skin restores its original shape and elasticity. The cavity disappears, a normal fat layer forms between the skin and muscles.

Infectious infection is also a rare case. Occurs due to a medical error, in which pathogenic microorganisms enter the suture material. Inside, it forms like a seroma, but it is filled not with lymph, but with purulent material. All this is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees), with pressure around the seam and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification, the patient feels a sharp pain. If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for a second operation. It may also be necessary to re-replace the mesh prosthesis.

With an infectious infection, there is a high risk of not only compaction (which over time increases to the size of a large bump), but also blood poisoning. The main thing is to treat the wound and cavity as soon as possible, to remove pus. This is accompanied by the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

mesh prosthesis

Despite the fact that mesh prostheses are made from materials that are absolutely neutral to the human body, rejection can occur.

Most often - due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the surgeon, when the patient refuses to get out of bed, or after the initial rehabilitation (discharge from the hospital), he begins to lift weights and not limit physical activity. The prosthesis simply separates from the muscle tissue, the hernia reappears. All this can also be accompanied by suppuration, the appearance of fever.

The same will happen if the postoperative suture is not properly processed and the infection is allowed to get inside. First, the scar begins to actively itch, then a burning sensation appears. After 1-2 days, a seal appears around the seam - these are inflamed tissues. They must not be allowed to die off, as the process of natural decay will begin.

There are other complications after surgery to repair a hernia, but they are either extremely rare or purely individual (for example, filling the cavity with adipose tissue) and do not pose a certain danger to the patient's health.

Seals after surgery.

Good afternoon! Two weeks ago, I had a lower blepharoplasty operation, full-length seals formed under the seams under the seams. I'm very worried about this, it's time to go to work, but the view is terrible. The doctor says that everything is fine, but I see that it is not. What should I do?

Yes, indeed, after lower blepharoplasty, the edges of the skin usually thicken, and in order for these internal tissue edema to pass faster, microcurrent lymphatic drainage is performed, which accelerates healing. Obviously, if you need to go to work, you should use decorative makeup or wear smoky glasses.

Plastic surgeon, MD

Hello. This situation may be, it is the process of scarring. After a while, the scars will become softer. In this situation, you can use Hydrocortisone ointment, apply it to the suture area, perhaps the ointment will slightly remove puffiness and speed up healing.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to say anything without seeing it.

Hello. Excessive scarring may be expressed in connection with the surgical technique of this doctor or your personal healing characteristics (which is less likely). Blockades with diprospan can reduce the severity of this process, but your doctor should have experience with their implementation. If you have the opportunity, you can seek advice from the GrandMed clinic.

  • seam infection,
  • low quality suture material,
  • insufficient qualification of the surgeon,
  • rejection of the suture material by the woman's body.
  1. Laser therapy is based on the resurfacing of the scar with a laser. Several sessions of therapy can make the scar less noticeable.
  2. Hormonal therapy includes the use of special medications and ointments containing hormones. Using creams will help reduce scar tissue and make the scar less pronounced.
  3. Surgical treatment consists in the complete excision of scar tissue, followed by the application of new sutures. This method does not guarantee that a normal scar will form at the site of the removed scar.

Many patients are faced with such a problem as sealing the seam after cesarean. Pathology can develop under the influence of various reasons. To determine whether a bump on the seam is dangerous, a woman must be examined at a medical center. Only then can a treatment method be chosen. You also need to understand that the problem is not always pathological. In many cases, the seal does not pose a danger to the life and health of the patient.

A caesarean section is performed by cutting tissue in the abdominal region. The postoperative incision is fastened with medical materials. The muscle tissue is sutured with a ligature. A silk thread is applied to the skin. The uterus is held together with various materials. The choice of material depends on the type of section and the characteristics of the operation. After a caesarean, there is a recovery period. At this time, the sutures should be covered with scar tissue. But the process doesn't always go smoothly. Some patients complain that the seam turned red after a cesarean section. Seal on the abdomen after cesarean may appear for the following reasons:

  • development of a purulent process;
  • tissue infection;
  • use of low-quality material;
  • postoperative hematoma;
  • autoimmune reaction.

A common cause of seam sealing is a purulent process. Suppuration is observed under the influence of various factors. The process is common due to improper processing of the postoperative field. Damaged tissue is accompanied by the death of some cells. Dead cells accumulate on the surface of the wound. To enhance healing, the incision is covered with leukocyte cells. Mixing of dead tissue, leukocytes and keratinized skin particles leads to the formation of pus. Pus leads to inflammation of the seam. The tissues begin to thicken.

There is a seal on the seam after cesarean due to infection. Many infections depend on the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria can get into the wound during poor-quality surgery or after a cesarean with rare treatment. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly and cause a change in the structure of the tissue. Bacteria feed on tissue cells. The area of ​​tissue affected by pathogenic microbes becomes inflamed. The aggravation of the process is accompanied by compaction. A woman discovers bumps on a wound. Bacterial infection is also determined by additional signs. The patient notices severe burning and itching. An ichor may appear on the surface of the seam. In order for the doctor to quickly select an effective treatment, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination.

The seam after caesarean section can be sealed when using low-quality medical material. The seal appears due to expired threads. Such material causes the formation of a seal. To get rid of the problem, a second surgical intervention should be performed.

In the first days after a caesarean section, a seal is formed due to a hematoma. Hematoma after caesarean section is a common problem. The bruise appears due to internal bleeding. The area of ​​the abdominal region, on which there is a bruise, is hard and dense on palpation. This problem in most patients does not require additional intervention. A few days after the surgical intervention, it resolves.

An autoimmune reaction is rare in women. It is impossible to determine the disease in advance. Pathology is characterized by the rejection of medical material by the human body.

For unknown reasons, the body perceives the threads as a foreign body. This leads to the appearance of antibodies in the blood. These are special particles designed to capture foreign microorganisms. The response of the autoimmune system is unpredictable. This problem can be solved only by selecting another material or prescribing a drug to eliminate the activity of the system.

Ligature fistulas are a common problem after surgery. Pathology gradually appears in the muscular layer of the abdominal cavity. The name of the problem was due to the peculiarities of its appearance. The culprit of the disease is the ligature that has not been completely decomposed. The threads on the muscle layer should completely decompose a few weeks after the caesarean section. But under the influence of various negative reasons, this does not happen. Part of the ligature is preserved in the abdominal region.

The ligature causes inflammation in the damaged tissue. The process is accompanied by the death of the cells of the muscle layer surrounding the thread. Dead cells accumulate on the surface of the ligature. The body responds to pathology by producing a large number of white blood cells. Together with the tissue, leukocytes form pus.

Suppuration causes further death of the layers of the abdominal cavity. The problem cannot be detected immediately. The woman notices that a small bump appears on the surface of the seams.

Compaction is accompanied by the appearance of a small swelling like a boil. Some time after the operation, a purulent head forms on the upper part of the tumor. The skin is torn. Pus begins to be removed from the fistulous canal.

Ligature fistula is accompanied by additional symptoms. A woman should pay attention to the following signs:

  • throbbing pain in the suture area;
  • redness of the skin;
  • feeling of fullness in the area of ​​the scar.

The main sign of developing internal suppuration is throbbing pain in the suture area. Pulsating pain occurs due to the gradual death of tissues. You should also pay attention to the feeling of bursting of scar tissue. It is also provoked by purulent fluid.

The doctor establishes the diagnosis after the initial treatment of the fistulous canal. An antiseptic solution is injected into the lumen. Hydrogen peroxide has a good effect. Peroxide breaks down pus and removes it from the canal. After a thorough cleaning of the fistula, the doctor examines the cavity. The rest of the ligature is found in the muscle layer. You can't leave content in a channel. It will cause further tissue destruction.

Treatment is by surgical intervention. The doctor removes the remnants of the threads from the canal. A new suture is not applied to the wound. After the intervention, the woman remains in hospital. This is necessary to further track the rate of healing. It is also necessary to ensure that a new fistula does not form.

Seal over the seam after caesarean section may form due to the formation of a lymphatic cavity. This happens against the background of dissection of the lymphatic channels.

All layers of tissues are fed by the lymphatic system. During a caesarean section, several layers of tissue are cut. Channels are also damaged. After the operation, the tissues are held together with threads. Lymphatic channels and vessel walls remain in a damaged state. In most women, the vessels and canals heal on their own. In some cases, the internal lymphatic canal does not grow together. The liquid that moves through the channel enters the free space. A small cavity filled with lymph is formed in the peritoneum.

Such a neoplasm is called a seroma. To determine its presence, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • round neoplasm on the skin;
  • redness of the skin in the affected area;
  • burning sensation.

The main sign of seroma is the formation of a rounded red neoplasm on the skin. In most cases, seroma does not require treatment. She is able to heal on her own. If the seroma persists for a long time, it is necessary to open the surface of the seroma and release excess lymph. The wound is washed with a solution of chlorhexidine or sterile liquid furacilin. Gradually, the damage will heal on its own.

The seam after a caesarean section can be sealed for other reasons. The surface of the wound after the operation is covered with a thin film, which forms a scar. Normal scar tissue should not rise above the skin. Immediately after formation, the tissue has a red color. After a while, the seam brightens and becomes less visible to others. But sometimes the scar is formed incorrectly. Under the influence of negative factors, the rumen cells begin to multiply actively. A keloid scar forms on the wound. The causes of a keloid scar are as follows:

  • transferred infection;
  • violation of the update process.

Keloid tissue cannot harm the health of the patient. There is a psychological problem. The scar ruins the look. Doctors recommend treating a keloid scar with cosmetic techniques.

A hard scar can be removed with a laser. The laser beam has a warming effect on the tissue. She melts. A burn forms on the scar. It is not recommended to remove the burn crust on your own. It should fall off completely after a while.

You can resort to grinding. The working surface of the grinder rotates at high speed. Under the influence of friction, the convex part of the scar is gradually eliminated. Several treatments may be needed to achieve a good result.

To avoid problems, you must follow the advice of a doctor. To get a good result, you need to properly transfer the recovery period. The first days after a caesarean section, you must follow the rules for processing the incision. For several days, the treatment of sutures is carried out by medical personnel. The procedural nurse can teach the patient how to clean the wound on her own. In order for the sutures to heal properly, it is necessary to use an antiseptic solution and a drying drug.

Initially, the suture is washed with an antiseptic liquid. Processing is carried out until the complete removal of contaminants. After removing the crust, the edges of the wound should be lubricated with a drying agent. For this purpose, you can use brilliant green or fukortsin. Processing should be carried out at least once a day. This will help to avoid the development of infection or inflammation.

It is also necessary to seal the surface of the seam with a postoperative bandage. Bandages can be purchased at the pharmacy. Manufacturers offer a wide range of dressings from various materials.

After the formation of thin scar tissue, a woman should carefully monitor her health. The following should be of concern:

  • the appearance of redness around the seam;
  • the appearance of blood or ichor from the wound;
  • changes in the characteristics of vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the area of ​​the incision.

Redness of the tissues surrounding the sutures may be due to the development of inflammation or infection of the wound. The appearance of blood and ichor from the wound is dangerous a few weeks after a cesarean section. Such a phenomenon can occur with the initial form of suppuration.

A caesarean section is a complex and traumatic operation for a woman. After surgery, it is recommended to carefully monitor the characteristics of the suture. If a hard scar is found on palpation, it is necessary to visit a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of the seal and select an effective treatment.

Types Features of the recovery period In the hospital Home care Complications Subsequent pregnancies

A caesarean section is a delivery surgery in which the baby is removed through an incision in the uterus. Despite all its advantages and sufficient popularity today, young mothers are worried about how after a while the suture after a cesarean section will look (isn't it ugly?), how much will it be noticeable and how long does the healing process take. It depends on what kind of incision was made by the surgeon, whether there will be complications in the postpartum period, and how competently the woman takes care of the operated area of ​​her body. The better a woman is aware, the less problems she will have in the future.

The reasons why a doctor decides to do a caesarean section can be very different. Depending on the delivery process and the complications that have arisen during its course, incisions can be made in different ways, and as a result, different types of sutures are obtained that require special care.

vertical seam

If acute fetal hypoxia is diagnosed or the woman in labor begins to bleed profusely, a caesarean section is performed, which is called corporal. The result of such an operation is a vertical seam, starting from the navel and ending in the pubic area. It does not differ in beauty and in the future will spoil the appearance of the body quite strongly, since the scars are nodular in nature, very noticeable against the background of the abdomen, prone to thickening in the future. This type of operation is performed quite rarely, only in emergency cases.

Horizontal seam

If the operation is planned, a Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed. An incision is made transversely, above the pubis. Its advantages are that it is located in a natural skin fold, the abdominal cavity remains unopened. Therefore, a neat, continuous (special overlay technique), intradermal (so that there are no external manifestations) cosmetic suture after a cesarean section on the body is invisible.

Internal seams

The internal sutures on the wall of the uterus in both cases are varied in the way they are applied. The doctor is guided here by the fact that to achieve the best possible conditions for faster wound healing without complications, to reduce blood loss. Here you can not make mistakes, since the course of the next pregnancies depends on this. During a corporal operation, a longitudinal internal suture is made after a caesarean section, with a Pfannenstiel laparotomy - a transverse one:

the uterus is stitched with a continuous single-row suture made of a synthetic, very durable, self-absorbable material; the peritoneum, like muscles, after cesarean is sutured with continuous catgut stitches; aponeurosis (connective tissue of muscles) is sutured with absorbable synthetic threads.

The speed of healing, features of care, various complications - all these important points directly depend on which incision was made during the caesarean section. After childbirth, doctors advise patients on all issues that cause them doubts, anxieties and fears.

About personalities. Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel (1862-1909) - German gynecologist, first introduced the surgical transverse incision into practice, which received his name.

It will depend on the type of incision made how long the suture heals after a cesarean section in terms of pain and other consequences of the operation. It will take longer to tinker with the longitudinal one, and the risk of complications will be much higher than with the transverse one.

After childbirth, a wound remains on the uterus, as well as on the anterior wall of the peritoneum, so it is not surprising that after a cesarean section, the seam hurts (even severely) in the first weeks, or even months. This is a natural reaction of tissues to the incision made, so that the pain syndrome can be blocked with the most common painkillers:

immediately after the operation, analgesics (narcotic) are prescribed: morphine and its varieties, tramadol, omnopon; in the subsequent period, analgin supplemented with ketanovy, diphenhydramine and other anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs can be used.

At the same time, do not forget that the painkillers used should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the lactation period. As for the question of how long the seam hurts after a cesarean section, it depends on its type. Longitudinal will disturb about 2 months, transverse - 6 weeks with proper care and without complications. However, even during the year, a woman may feel pulling, discomfort in the operated area.

Many are concerned about the fact that after a cesarean section, the seam is hard and hurts: within 2 months, this is quite normal. Tissue healing occurs. In this case, the scar does not immediately become soft and invisible. You need to come to terms with the fact that some time must pass, which can be calculated not even in months, but in years.

A vertical (longitudinal) hard scar lasts 1.5 years. Only after this period, the tissues will gradually begin to soften. The horizontal (transverse) cosmetic heals faster, so hardness and thickening over the seam (adhesions, scarring of tissues) should go away within a year. Many people notice that over time a characteristic fold forms over the seam, which, in the absence of pain and suppuration, does not present a problem. This is how scarring of nearby tissues occurs. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to do an ultrasound. It is much more serious if, after a cesarean section, a bump appears above the seam. Someone notices it already in the first year, for some it manifests itself much later. Sizes can be completely different: from a small pea to a walnut. Most often it is purple or purple. In this case, a visit to the doctor and ultrasound are required. It can be either harmless scarring of tissues, or fistula, inflammation, suppuration, and even cancer formation.

The hardness of the scar, all kinds of folds and seals around it in the first year after the operation is a fairly common phenomenon. If all this is not accompanied by severe pain and suppuration, you should not worry. But as soon as a bump appears on the seam and the above symptoms, consultation with a specialist and treatment are inevitable.

If the suture after a caesarean section oozes ichor (clear liquid) in the first week, no need to worry. This is how healing happens, it's a natural process. But as soon as the discharge becomes purulent or bleeding, begins to emit an unpleasant odor, or flows for too long, you should immediately contact a specialist.

For everyone who has had a caesarean section, the scar is very itchy after a week, which scares some. In fact, this indicates wound healing and nothing more. This is an indicator that everything is going its own way. However, touching and combing the stomach is strictly prohibited. Now, if the scar does not just itch, but already burns and bakes, causing suffering, you must definitely tell the doctor about it.

In order for the recovery period after cesarean to proceed without undesirable consequences and complications, a woman needs to learn how to properly care for the operated area.

Read more about recovery after caesarean section in our separate article.

through the pages of history. The name of the caesarean section goes back to the Latin language and literally translates as "royal incision" (caesarea sectio).

The first treatment of the seam after a caesarean section is done in the hospital.

After the examination, the doctor decides how to treat the seam: in order to avoid infection, antiseptic solutions are prescribed (the same green stuff belongs to them). All procedures are performed by a nurse. The dressing is changed daily after the caesarean. All of this takes place over the course of about a week. After a week (approximately), the sutures are removed, unless, of course, they are absorbable. First, the knot that holds them is plucked from the edge with a special tool, and then the thread is pulled out. As for the question of whether it hurts to remove stitches after a caesarean section, the answer is unlikely to be unambiguous. It depends on the level of pain threshold. But in most cases, the procedure is comparable to plucking the eyebrows: at least the sensations are very similar. In some cases, an ultrasound scan of the suture is prescribed after the operation in order to understand how the healing is going, whether there are any deviations.

But even in the hospital, before discharge, no one can tell you exactly how long the suture heals after a cesarean section: the process is definitely individual for everyone and can follow its own, separate trajectory. Much will also depend on how high-quality and competent the home care for the operated area will be.

Before being discharged home, a young mother needs to find out from a doctor how to care for a suture after a cesarean section without medical assistance, at home, where there will be no qualified medical personnel and professional aids.

Do not lift heavy things (anything that exceeds the weight of the newborn). Avoid strenuous exercise. Do not lie down after a cesarean all the time, walk as much and as often as possible. If there are any complications, it will be necessary to treat the seam at home with brilliant green, iodine, but this can only be done with the permission of the doctor if the scar gets wet and oozes even after discharge from the hospital. If necessary, watch a special video or ask your doctor to tell you in detail how to process a stitch at home. At first, it is not the scar itself that is wetted, but only the area of ​​​​the skin around it, so as not to burn a fresh wound. As for the timing, how much the suture needs to be processed after a cesarean section, this is determined by the nature of the discharge and other features of the healing of the scar. If everything is in order, a week after discharge will be enough. In other cases, the time is determined by the doctor. To prevent the divergence of the seam, wear a bandage that fixes the stomach. Avoid mechanical damage after cesarean: so that the scar is not subjected to pressure and rubbing. Many doubt whether it is possible to wet the seam: after discharge from the hospital, you can take a shower at home without a doubt. However, you do not need to rub it with a washcloth. Eat right for faster tissue repair and faster healing of scars. By the end of the 1st month, when the wound heals and the scar forms, you can ask the doctor how to smear the seam after a cesarean section so that it is not so noticeable. Pharmacies now sell all kinds of creams, ointments, patches and films that improve skin recovery. Ampoule vitamin E can be safely applied directly to the scar: it will speed up healing. A good suture ointment that is often recommended for use after a cesarean is Contratubex. Several times a day (2-3) for at least half an hour, expose the stomach: air baths are very useful. Constantly see a doctor. It is he who will tell you how to avoid complications, what can and cannot be done, when to do an ultrasound of the seam and whether there is a need for this.

So caring for a suture after a cesarean section at home does not require any special efforts and supernatural procedures. If there are no problems, you just need to follow these simple rules and pay attention to any, even minor deviations from the norm. They should be reported to the doctor immediately: only he can prevent complications.

It is interesting! Not so long ago, scientists concluded that if the peritoneum is not sutured during cesarean delivery, then the risk of speck formation is reduced to almost zero.

Complications, serious problems with a suture after a cesarean section in a woman can occur at any time: both during the recovery period and several years later.

If a hematoma has formed on the suture or it bleeds, most likely, medical errors were made during its application, in particular, the blood vessels were poorly sutured. Although often such a complication occurs with improper processing or inaccurate dressing change, when a fresh scar was roughly disturbed. Sometimes this phenomenon is observed due to the fact that the removal of the sutures was performed either too early or not very carefully.

A fairly rare complication is the divergence of the seam, when the incision begins to creep in different directions. This can happen after a cesarean on days 6-11, since the threads are removed within this period. The reasons why the seam came apart may be an infection that prevents the full fusion of tissues, or the weight of over 4 kg that the woman lifted during this period.

Inflammation of the suture after caesarean section is often diagnosed due to insufficient care or infection. Alarming symptoms in this case are:

elevated temperature; if the seam is festering or bleeding; his swelling; redness.

So what if the seam after a cesarean section is inflamed and festering? Self-medication is not only useless, but also dangerous. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. In this case, antibiotic therapy (ointments and tablets) is prescribed. Advanced forms of the disease are eliminated only with the help of surgical intervention.

Ligature fistulas are diagnosed when inflammation begins around the thread, which is used to sew blood vessels during cesarean section. They form if the body rejects the suture material or the ligature is infected. Such inflammation appears months later as a hot, reddened, painful lump, from a small hole in which pus may flow. Local processing in this case will be ineffective. The ligature can only be removed by a doctor.

Hernia is a rare complication after cesarean. Occurs with a longitudinal incision, 2 operations in a row, several pregnancies.

A keloid scar is a cosmetic defect, does not pose a threat to health, and does not cause discomfort. The reason is the uneven growth of tissue due to the individual characteristics of the skin. It looks very unaesthetic, like an uneven, wide, rough scar. Modern cosmetology offers women several ways to make it less noticeable:

conservative methods: laser, cryo-impact (liquid nitrogen), hormones, ointments, creams, ultrasound, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling; surgical: excision of the scar.

Cosmetic suture plastic surgery is selected by the doctor in accordance with the type of incision and individual characteristics. In most cases, everything goes fine, so that no external consequences of a caesarean become practically visible. Any, even the most serious complications, can be prevented, treated and corrected in time. And you need to be especially careful for those women who will give birth after the COP.

Blimey! If a woman no longer plans to have children, the scar after a planned cesarean can be hidden under ... the most ordinary, but very elegant and beautiful tattoo.

Modern medicine does not prohibit women from giving birth again after a cesarean. However, there are certain nuances regarding the seam that you will have to face when carrying subsequent children.

The most common problem - the seam after a cesarean section hurts during the second pregnancy, especially in its corners in the third trimester. Moreover, the sensations can be so strong, as if it is about to disperse. For many young mothers, this causes panic. If you know what this pain syndrome is dictated by, fears will go away. If a period of 2 years was maintained between caesarean and subsequent conception, the discrepancy is excluded. It's all about the adhesions that form during the restoration of wounded tissues. They are stretched by an enlarged belly - hence the unpleasant, pulling pain sensations. You will need to inform your gynecologist about this so that he can examine the condition of the scar on an ultrasound scan. He can advise some pain-relieving and softening ointment.

You need to understand: the healing of the suture after a cesarean section is very individual, it happens differently for everyone and depends on many factors: the process of childbirth, the type of incision, the state of health of the mother, proper care in the postoperative period. If you keep in mind all these nuances, you can prevent many problems and avoid unwanted complications. After all, at this stage it is so important to give all your strength and health to the baby.

After caesarean section, the main complaints of patients relate to the state of the suture. Complications can arise for various reasons. The most common complication is the seal on the seam, but this complication is not always dangerous and in most cases does not require additional treatment. In order to understand whether the compaction is dangerous or not dangerous, it is necessary to seek the advice of a surgeon. Self-treatment can only aggravate the situation and lead to the need for urgent surgical intervention.

Among the dangerous signs of a developing complication after a caesarean section, one can single out compaction and suppuration of the sutures. This is a fairly common occurrence, which is noticeable to the naked eye when examining the seams. Stitch problems can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

infection of the suture, poor quality of the suture material, insufficient qualification of the surgeon, rejection of the suture material by the woman's body.

Every woman should understand that the suture must be carefully monitored for several more months after the operation, and if such phenomena as indurations, soreness, redness or suppuration are detected, it is necessary to immediately seek the advice of a surgeon.

This complication is the most common after caesarean section. After the operation, the incision is sutured with special threads - ligatures. These threads can be absorbable and non-absorbable. The healing time of the scar depends on the quality of the ligature. If the material was of high quality, used within acceptable expiration dates, in accordance with the norms and rules of treatment, complications are unlikely.

But if the ligature was used after the specified expiration date or an infection got into the wound, an inflammatory process begins to develop around the thread, which can form a fistula a few months after cesarean.

The fistula is very easy to detect. It has such signs as a non-healing wound, from which a certain amount of pus is periodically released. The wound may be covered with a crust, but then it opens again and pus is released again. This phenomenon may be accompanied by fever, chills and general weakness.

If a fistula is found, the help of a surgeon is necessary. Only a doctor will be able to detect and remove the infected thread. Without removing the ligature, the fistula will not go away, but will only increase. Local treatment will not bring positive results. After the thread is removed, additional care is required for the suture, which the surgeon will prescribe for you.

If the infection process has been delayed, or several fistulas have formed on the scar, an operation may be required to remove the scar with repeated suturing.

Seroma is also a common complication after caesarean section. But unlike the ligature fistula, this complication can go away on its own, without additional treatment. A seroma is a seal on a seam filled with fluid. It occurs at the intersection of the lymphatic vessels, which cannot be sutured after the incision. At the intersection of the lymphatic vessels, a cavity is formed, which is filled with lymph.

Without additional danger signs, a seroma does not require treatment and resolves on its own within a few weeks.

If a seroma is detected, you should immediately visit a surgeon to determine the exact diagnosis and exclude suppuration.

Another most common complication after caesarean section is the formation of a keloid scar. Recognizing it is also not difficult.

The seam becomes rough, hard and often protrudes above the surface of the skin.

At the same time, there is no pain, redness around the scar and pus.

A keloid scar does not pose a risk to the health of patients and is only an aesthetic problem. The causes of scarring are considered to be the individual characteristics of the body.

Today, there are several methods of treating this unsightly phenomenon:

Laser therapy is based on the resurfacing of the scar with a laser. Several sessions of therapy can make the scar less noticeable. Hormone therapy includes the use of special medications and ointments containing hormones. The use of creams will help reduce scar tissue and make the scar less pronounced. Surgical treatment consists in the complete excision of scar tissue, followed by new sutures. This method does not guarantee that a normal scar will form at the site of the removed scar.

In order to avoid all these and other complications in the postoperative period, it is necessary to carefully care for the suture and follow all the recommendations of doctors. If any signs of complications develop, visit a doctor immediately, in which case you can avoid surgical treatment.

Seam sealing after cesarean can occur for a number of reasons. Ligature fistulas - an inflammatory process near the ligature - a thread with which blood vessels were sewn together.

Such inflammation can form over many months and is a seal on the seam after cesarean. It may be reddened, painful, hot, as well as the suture area near the fistula. From the hole in such a seal, pus may periodically flow.

Such a complication is quite serious, but in the event that a woman can detect it in the early stages, it will be quite simple to deal with such a problem. The most important thing is to carefully monitor the stitches after caesarean section for several years after the operation.

If the seam after caesarean section is hard, then this may be keloid scar. This complication is a cosmetic defect that does not give a feeling of discomfort and does not pose a threat to women's health. Such a bump after cesarean on the seam is formed as a result of tissue growth. In most cases, its occurrence is due to the characteristics of the patient's skin. True, you should not fall into despair if you are “lucky” to become the owner of such a keloid scar. It can be made almost invisible, for this there are several options:

  • conservative methods, which include hormones, laser, creams, ointments, cryo-influence with liquid nitrogen, as well as ultrasound therapy;
  • surgical techniques, which include excision of the scar (not a particularly effective technique, given that the scar arose as a result of the individual characteristics of the woman's integumentary tissues).

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A caesarean section is a delivery surgery in which the baby is removed through an incision in the uterus. Despite all its advantages and sufficient popularity today, young mothers are worried about how after a while the suture after a cesarean section will look (isn't it ugly?), how much will it be noticeable and how long does the healing process take. It depends on what kind of incision was made by the surgeon, whether there will be complications in the postpartum period, and how competently the woman takes care of the operated area of ​​her body. The better a woman is aware, the less problems she will have in the future.

The reasons why a doctor decides to do a caesarean section can be very different. Depending on the delivery process and the complications that have arisen during its course, incisions can be made in different ways, and as a result, different types of sutures are obtained that require special care.

vertical seam

through the pages of history. The name of the caesarean section goes back to the Latin language and literally translates as "royal incision" (caesarea sectio).

In the hospital

The first treatment of the seam after a caesarean section is done in the hospital.

  1. After the examination, the doctor decides how to treat the seam: in order to avoid infection, antiseptic solutions are prescribed (the same green stuff belongs to them).
  2. All procedures are performed by a nurse.
  3. The dressing is changed daily after the caesarean.
  4. All of this takes place over the course of about a week.
  5. After a week (approximately), the sutures are removed, unless, of course, they are absorbable. First, the knot that holds them is plucked from the edge with a special tool, and then the thread is pulled out. As for the question of whether it hurts to remove stitches after a caesarean section, the answer is unlikely to be unambiguous. It depends on the level of pain threshold. But in most cases, the procedure is comparable to plucking the eyebrows: at least the sensations are very similar.
  6. In some cases, an ultrasound scan of the suture is prescribed after the operation in order to understand how the healing is going, whether there are any deviations.

But even in the hospital, before discharge, no one can tell you exactly how long the suture heals after a cesarean section: the process is definitely individual for everyone and can follow its own, separate trajectory. Much will also depend on how high-quality and competent the home care for the operated area will be.

home care

Before being discharged home, a young mother needs to find out from a doctor how to care for a suture after a cesarean section without medical assistance, at home, where there will be no qualified medical personnel and professional aids.

  1. Do not lift heavy things (anything that exceeds the weight of the newborn).
  2. Avoid strenuous exercise.
  3. Do not lie down after a cesarean all the time, walk as much and as often as possible.
  4. If there are any complications, it will be necessary to treat the seam at home with brilliant green, iodine, but this can only be done with the permission of the doctor if the scar gets wet and oozes even after discharge from the hospital.
  5. If necessary, watch a special video or ask your doctor to tell you in detail how to process a stitch at home. At first, it is not the scar itself that is wetted, but only the area of ​​​​the skin around it, so as not to burn a fresh wound.
  6. As for the timing, how much the suture needs to be processed after a cesarean section, this is determined by the nature of the discharge and other features of the healing of the scar. If everything is in order, a week after discharge will be enough. In other cases, the time is determined by the doctor.
  7. To prevent the divergence of the seam, wear a fixing belly.
  8. Avoid mechanical damage after cesarean: so that the scar is not subjected to pressure and rubbing.
  9. Many doubt whether it is possible to wet the seam: after discharge from the hospital, you can take a shower at home without a doubt. However, you do not need to rub it with a washcloth.
  10. Eat right for faster tissue repair and faster healing of scars.
  11. By the end of the 1st month, when the wound heals and the scar forms, you can ask the doctor how to smear the seam after a cesarean section so that it is not so noticeable. Pharmacies now sell all kinds of creams, ointments, patches and films that improve skin recovery. Ampoule vitamin E can be safely applied directly to the scar: it will speed up healing. A good suture ointment that is often recommended for use after a cesarean is Contratubex.
  12. Several times a day (2-3) for at least half an hour, expose the stomach: air baths are very useful.
  13. Constantly see a doctor. It is he who will tell you how to avoid complications, what can and cannot be done, when to do an ultrasound of the seam and whether there is a need for this.

So caring for a suture after a cesarean section at home does not require any special efforts and supernatural procedures. If there are no problems, you just need to follow these simple rules and pay attention to any, even minor deviations from the norm. They should be reported to the doctor immediately: only he can prevent complications.

It is interesting! Not so long ago, scientists concluded that if the peritoneum is not sutured during cesarean delivery, then the risk of speck formation is reduced to almost zero.


Complications, serious problems with a suture after a cesarean section in a woman can occur at any time: both during the recovery period and several years later.

Early Complications

If a hematoma has formed on the suture or it bleeds, most likely, medical errors were made during its application, in particular, the blood vessels were poorly sutured. Although often such a complication occurs with improper processing or inaccurate dressing change, when a fresh scar was roughly disturbed. Sometimes this phenomenon is observed due to the fact that the removal of the sutures was performed either too early or not very carefully.

A fairly rare complication is the divergence of the seam, when the incision begins to creep in different directions. This can happen after a cesarean on days 6-11, since the threads are removed within this period. The reasons why the seam came apart may be an infection that prevents the full fusion of tissues, or the weight of over 4 kg that the woman lifted during this period.

Inflammation of the suture after caesarean section is often diagnosed due to insufficient care or infection. Alarming symptoms in this case are:

  • elevated temperature;
  • if the seam is festering or bleeding;
  • his swelling;
  • redness.

So what if the seam after a cesarean section is inflamed and festering? Self-medication is not only useless, but also dangerous. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. In this case, antibiotic therapy (ointments and tablets) is prescribed. Advanced forms of the disease are eliminated only with the help of surgical intervention.

Late Complications

Ligature fistulas are diagnosed when inflammation begins around the thread, which is used to sew blood vessels during cesarean section. They form if the body rejects the suture material or the ligature is infected. Such inflammation appears months later as a hot, reddened, painful lump, from a small hole in which pus may flow. Local processing in this case will be ineffective. The ligature can only be removed by a doctor.

Hernia is a rare complication after cesarean. Occurs with a longitudinal incision, 2 operations in a row, several pregnancies.

A keloid scar is a cosmetic defect, does not pose a threat to health, and does not cause discomfort. The reason is the uneven growth of tissue due to the individual characteristics of the skin. It looks very unaesthetic, like an uneven, wide, rough scar. Modern cosmetology offers women several ways to make it less noticeable:

  • conservative methods: laser, cryo-impact (liquid nitrogen), hormones, ointments, creams, ultrasound, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling;
  • surgical: excision of the scar.

Cosmetic suture plastic surgery is selected by the doctor in accordance with the type of incision and individual characteristics. In most cases, everything goes fine, so that no external consequences of a caesarean become practically visible. Any, even the most serious complications, can be prevented, treated and corrected in time. And you need to be especially careful for those women who will give birth after the COP.

Blimey! If a woman no longer plans to have children, the scar after a planned cesarean can be hidden under ... the most ordinary, but very elegant and beautiful tattoo.

Subsequent pregnancies

Modern medicine does not prohibit women. However, there are certain nuances regarding the seam that you will have to face when carrying subsequent children.

The most common problem - the seam after a cesarean section hurts during the second pregnancy, especially in its corners in the third trimester. Moreover, the sensations can be so strong, as if it is about to disperse. For many young mothers, this causes panic. If you know what this pain syndrome is dictated by, fears will go away. If a period of 2 years was maintained between caesarean and subsequent conception, the discrepancy is excluded. It's all about the adhesions that form during the restoration of wounded tissues. They are stretched by an enlarged belly - hence the unpleasant, pulling pain sensations. You will need to inform your gynecologist about this so that he can examine the condition of the scar on an ultrasound scan. He can advise some pain-relieving and softening ointment.

You need to understand: the healing of the suture after a cesarean section is very individual, it happens differently for everyone and depends on many factors: the process of childbirth, the type of incision, the state of health of the mother, proper care in the postoperative period. If you keep in mind all these nuances, you can prevent many problems and avoid unwanted complications. After all, at this stage it is so important to give all your strength and health to the baby.

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