Hypodynamia consequence. All exercises are performed while sitting on a chair. Overweight problem. Causes and prevention of overweight person

During prolonged sitting in one place, the body gets tired much more than during active physical exertion - it is unnatural for a person to stay in one position for a long time. The blood in the body stagnates, the muscles weaken, there are different kind diseases.
To avoid all these troubles, many special exercises that people can perform while sitting in one position. Even in travel conditions, you can strengthen your body and feel great! These affordable yoga poses will appeal even to those who have never practiced this practice.

1. Awakening
This pose will help you wake up in the morning, tone your muscles and start taking control of your day. Sit up straight, put your hands on your hips. Take a deep breath, feel your chest rise. Exhale as you lower your chin. Repeat this 5 times.

2. Balance posture
Lean your shoulder blades against the wall, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean fully against the wall, align as if you were lying on the floor. Inhale deeply as you lift your chest and move away from the wall. Bottom part while the body must remain static. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, feel how the air fills the entire volume of the lungs.

3. Inner strength
An excellent pose for those who want to instantly concentrate and calm down. Connect your fingers on your chest, pull them apart with effort, then in the opposite direction. Press firmly against each other. Keep your shoulders straight, slightly lower them down. Try to breathe while keeping your hands tightly locked, as if you are creating a protective barrier around you.

4. Healthy spine
During long sitting, for example, on an airplane or doing painstaking work in front of a laptop, you need to take care of the correct position of the spine and unload it. Roll a towel or scarf into a tight roll and place it between your back and the back of a chair. Lean back, feeling freedom in your chest and shoulders. Breathe evenly and deeply. This position is great for coping with the difficulties of prolonged sitting!

5. Hip stretch
To relieve tension from tired and swollen legs, it is enough to put one foot on the table and take it a little to the side. Feel the stretch in your muscles as you lean in the direction of your bent leg. Do the same with the other leg.

6. Neck relaxation
Tilt your head to the side and exhale. Let your neck relax completely. This exercise well restores blood circulation in the brain, helps to continue working productively, even when the head hurts. If you are experiencing neck pain, try also to do exercises aimed at moving the head up and down with the help of the neck muscles.

7. Shoulder stretch
This pose is useful when the back and shoulders hurt. Weave your arms in front of you, stretch your shoulders and shoulder blades in different directions. Change hands so that the right is on top, then left hand. Breathe deeply. Repeat this exercise 5 times for each hand. Keep your head straight.

8. Predator Pose
A pose that will relieve tension from the entire back and give inner peace. Put your hands behind your back, turn your palms to the back of the chair. Gently lean back, straighten chest. Reach the opposite elbows with your hands, stretch and freeze briefly in this position.

9. Renewal of energy
This pose can be performed even in public transport! Grasp the handrail with one hand, stretch. Focus on the side you are leaning towards. Feel the stretch in the side muscles of your body. Inhale deeply and exhale several times, do the same with the other hand.

With this approach to yoga, even those people who have absolutely no time for special classes in the gym will become professionals. You can be in a completely static position and at the same time perform complex postures that instantly energize and restore vigor. The health of the body and the peace of mind are worth a few minutes of exercise a day.

Physical inactivity is the result of a sedentary lifestyle, leading to a pathological state of almost all the functions that the human body performs (breathing, digestion, cardiovascular system).

Today, there are a lot of identical names for physical inactivity: a disease of an immobile lifestyle, a disease of civilization, etc.

decline contractility occurs when the motor activity- hypodynamia, and without contractions there is not a single organ in the human body.

What effect does hypodynamic syndrome have on the human body?

To date, the disease hypodynamia is very common. This is due to the fact that modern technologies have greatly facilitated physical labor, and its consequence has led to more sedentary image life.

Most people work in a sedentary mode, get tired at work, after which they go home and lie down on the sofa in front of the TV, or sit at the computer, relaxing. Most things are now done while sitting, which takes away most time modern man, practically without leaving it to the gym, jogging and playing sports.

Aggravates the process malnutrition, which is saturated with a large number of unfavorable components and practically does not contain herbal products, and food rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Fast food, sugary drinks, alcohol and the lack of a balanced saturation of the body is manifested in the progression of physical inactivity.

Hypodynamism is recorded both in adults and in children and adolescents, since children pay a significant amount of attention to the computer.

The defeat of hypodynamia in childhood much more dangerous than an adult age category, since a developing and growing organism requires a normal healthy work all muscles and blood vessels, for good intellectual activity and the ability to learn.

Healthy motor activity of the muscles means the key to the successful development of the structural components of the body.

The problem is in modern society, leading to hypodynamia, is harmful not only to vital important functions human body, but it can also provoke psycho-emotional deviations, depressive states, neuroses, etc.

Causes of hypodynamia

Insufficient mobility for the human body is a factor provoking hypodynamia.

Its main reasons are as follows:

  • Automation of production;
  • Urbanization;
  • A large number of professions in which you need to sit;
  • Technological progress used in everyday life;
  • Absence active rest, with the advantage of lying in front of the TV, or computer games;
  • Constant driving.

In most cases, a person living in a big city has little physical activity, against the background of long periods of sitting. As an example, the movement of a person occurs from his bed to the bathroom, then to the kitchen, and then to his car.

All the way to the office, a person sits in a car, after that he rises to the desired floor in an elevator and sits at work. Everything happens in the evening reverse order. As you can see, the active motor component is scanty.

It is this dysfunction of mobility that is called hypodynamia, and it is she who threatens the progression of diseases and the violation of the functional components of the body.

Why is hypodynamia dangerous?

It is important to understand what the lack of movement leads to, since there are many pathological conditions provoked by physical inactivity. A separate diagnosis of "hypodynamia" is not provided. This concept is multicomponent.

A decrease in motor activity causes a number of the following pathological conditions of the body, causing more more harm person:

  • Violation of blood circulation. With low mobility (physical inactivity), the interaction of blood with muscles is disturbed, due to a slowdown in blood circulation. This leads to the fact that they are not removed from the muscles, in enough, decay products. Appear pain in muscles, mainly cervical region and back. Weakness of the back muscles leads to a violation of posture and problems with the spine. In addition, the consequence sedentary image life is muscle wasting (weakening), and bone tissue becomes brittle, under the influence of failures metabolic processes;
  • Decreased calorie intake. Since a person spends less energy during physical inactivity, the calories are consumed by the body to a lesser extent, and the appetite remains the same. This leads to excessive accumulation of fat, and speed dial excess weight. Being overweight and obese leads to an increase in blood pressure and increases the risk of progression of diabetes. Also, it happens increased subsidence cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke, which can lead to sudden death;
  • Loss of compensatory capabilities of the heart and blood vessels, a consequence of hypodynamia. This leads to the fact that the body gets used to calmness and is unable to calmly endure sudden loads. The most common symptom is shortness of breath, manifested within a few meters after a run;
  • Varicose veins and insufficiency of veins. Progresses with damage to the valvular apparatus of deep veins, which return blood back to the heart cavity;
  • hemorrhoids and chronic constipation arises enough frequent companions physical inactivity. Intestinal contractions are largely dependent on muscle movement abdominal cavity, since the intestines are localized there. Frequent movements press lead to massage actions on it, which contributes to improved blood circulation. Normal activity is the key to healthy stools and the absence of abdominal pain;
  • Violation of the nervous system, as a result of hypodynamia. For normal operation The nervous system requires regular transmission of signals from the muscles to the nervous system itself. In the absence of mobility, aggressiveness, sleep loss, depressive states, lethargy, malaise and irritability appear. Over time, there is a violation of memory and attention;
  • Pathologies respiratory system provoked by hypodynamia. There is a decrease in all basic characteristics deep breathing- the limit ventilation of the lungs, as well as the volume of inhalation and exhalation, decreases. Such conditions lead to stagnation of sputum and blood in the lungs, disturbances in gas metabolic processes and contribute to the progression of chronic pathological conditions of the lungs.

All the aforementioned consequences of physical inactivity lead to a deterioration in the quality and duration of life.

What are the symptoms of hypodynamia?

Lack of physical activity (physical inactivity) does not have specific symptoms, since organ damage develops in each patient individually.

However, people who move little have characteristic signs:

  • feeling tired;
  • Decreased intellectual and physical activity;
  • Low physical endurance;
  • Loss of sleep at night and daytime sleepiness;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Constant mood swings;
  • Indifference to what is happening around;
  • Decline, or brutal appetite.

The same symptomatology characterizes hypodynamia in children. They may be accompanied by excessive excess weight, which is inherent in a large number of children, regardless of the age category, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of delay and compliance with further wrong image life, to the above symptoms are added pain in the muscles, weakness in the bones and muscle atrophy.

In the future, cardiac ischemia may progress, hypertonic disease, atherosclerotic deposits, diabetes and an excessive amount of excess weight, which are the most common symptoms of physical inactivity.

Forced state of hypodynamia in patients after major surgical or traumatic interventions - serious factor risk of thrombosis, embolism and thromboembolism pulmonary artery, and complications in the form of congestive pneumonia, bedsores.


Initially, the doctor listens to all the patient's complaints, conducts an initial examination to determine primary symptoms and taking a history. The method of diagnosing hypodynamia depends on the pathological conditions of the organs, which can progress.

The most common diagnostic methods are:

  • Clinical blood test. Will show general state the health of the patient, and deviations from the norm of elements that saturate the blood;
  • Blood chemistry. An extensive blood test that will help determine the condition of almost all organs of the body. By fluctuations in indicators in one direction or another, it is possible to determine not only the affected organ, but also the extent of its damage during physical inactivity;
  • Blood clotting test. Certain studies, their purpose in vasculitis is to prove that diluted blood did not provoke subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • Immunological blood tests. They allow you to determine the presence of antibodies in the blood, immune complexes, and other substances that are responsible for inflammation by immune complexes. Blood sampling occurs, as in blood biochemistry;
  • General urine analysis. With the help of this study, doctors diagnose kidney damage factors by monitoring the level of protein and red blood cells in the urine;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). A study that can visually see the condition of the vessels, or internal organs, determine their integrity or possible lesions, a consequence of hypodynamia;
  • Dopplerography. Is additional research to ultrasound, which determines the speed of blood flow in the vessels;
  • Angiography. special condition, during which radiopaque agent injected into a vein and then x-rayed. Helps to more clearly identify pathological foci on x-rays;
  • X-ray. X-rays may show multiple seals;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT ( CT scan). Gives full information according to the state of the organism. With help this study receive a three-dimensional image of the organ, helping to most accurately determine the pathology. But it is a very expensive analysis.

The choice of the research method is made by the attending physician based on the patient's complaints and external symptoms with hypodynamia.

Other research methods may be used, depending on the doctor's assumptions.

Prevention of hypodynamia

Treatment of a condition such as hypodynamia, medications not provided. The fight against hypokinesia lies in the observance of preventive measures. Drug treatment is provided for the progression of complications caused by hypodynamia.

Measures to combat the disease of civilization may not take much time, or purchase expensive simulators. Dealing with hypodynamia is the right way life, which can be followed by anyone, at no particular cost.

In order to prevent hypodynamia, or to overcome a pathological condition, it is required to adhere to the actions indicated in the table below.

Get rid of bad habitsInitially, it is required to get rid of smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs which provide negative impact for the body. Such bad habits inherent in people who do mental activity, work a lot while sitting, and are often common in youth circles where sports are not welcomed
Proper nutritionThe diet should be filled with vitamins and nutrients. It should include more herbal ingredients, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty animal fats, overcooked, salty and highly spicy, sweet carbonated drinks and other negatively affecting foods.
More active image lifeTo maintain normal muscle and vascular tone, it is recommended to move more. Help to get rid of hypodynamia hiking for which you need to allocate at least an hour a day. You need to walk at least four kilometers a day, preferably about ten. It is recommended to engage in active sports (dancing, yoga, athletics, fitness, exercise therapy, etc.), if you can’t play sports, then you need to set aside at least half an hour a day for physical education.
Very useful is running, involving all muscle groups. You don't need much money to run. Improvement is possible at home, doing exercises. Means that help overcome physical inactivity at home are dumbbells, jump ropes, a bicycle and a horizontal bar. Simple and affordable exercises for everyone. Most of the physical exercises do not require any equipment at all.
The most effective is swimming, which involves a large number of muscles and effectively resists hypodynamia. Swimming stimulates blood circulation and strengthens muscles. Also, swimming has a positive effect on nervous system, relaxes and relieves stressful situations.
Cycling also tones the muscles favorably. Biking to work is an increasingly common idea in big cities
Maintaining water balanceIt is required to drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day. drinking water per day, to avoid blood clotting and normal metabolic processes
Pass regularly full examination in the hospitalNecessary for early diagnosis of possible diseases
Follow the daily routinePlan your day with a balance between work and good rest and sleep. Healthy sleep should be at least eight hours a day.

A dangerous risk factor for hypodynamia is obesity, reaching a level of extreme significant problem in modern society. If a person with obesity wants to play sports, then it is recommended that he consult with his doctor.

Unexpected loads can cause bad influence on the heart. Seek medical advice before exercising and diabetes, high blood pressure, pathologies of the heart and brain. Loading with such clogging can lead to weights.

In case of hypodynamia, which is provoked by fractures, surgical interventions, or a stroke, you need to contact masseurs and exercise therapy specialists. They will help to safely increase the level of physical activity.

Physiotherapy after such conditions, it will most effectively help to recover.

Recovery from serious pathological conditions that provoke physical inactivity may require a stay in specialized centers, with highly qualified specialists and simulators that will help restore specific muscles.

Treatment is required under the supervision of doctors of different specialties, depending on the complication. Motor activity in conjunction with physiotherapy procedures will help get rid of physical inactivity, increasing muscle tone.

When the patient is on bed rest First of all, it is necessary to prevent the formation of blood clots. For this, apply medications that prevent the formation of blood clots. Effectively helps breathing exercises to prevent hypothermia.

What's the forecast?

Prediction for physical inactivity depends on the possible progressive pathologies of the organs. Precise definition pathological condition and effective treatment will help to effectively get rid of pathologies.

It is important to receive effective treatment in a timely manner. To prevent progression further complications required to comply with all necessary recommendations for prevention. It is required to lead a more mobile lifestyle, eat right and observe the daily routine.

Doing all of these things will help prevent hypodynamia.

What are the consequences of hypodynamia for the body?

Good day to all! We, the Valitov brothers, are glad to greet our readers, and we want to once again urge you to healthy lifestyle life, because hypodynamia, which captures most of the able-bodied young population in its networks, pulls them nowhere.

Contributes to it in this modern themes of life, general mechanization, computerization, lack of time and much more, which have sharply reduced the level physical activity person.

AT recent times spoiled by the blessings of civilization, people stop walking and playing sports.

Even at home, everyone has a vacuum cleaner, mixer or Dishwasher that limit physical activity as much as possible.

Consequences of ubiquitous implementation innovative technologies, no doubt, greatly facilitate our life and life, but on reverse side medals, we have hypodynamia, which is the cause of many diseases, obesity or the development of elementary laziness.

Hypodynamia and its consequences? What is it, how does it affect a person. What needs to be done to avoid negative manifestations this factor, but more on that later.

What is special about hypodynamia?

As a definition, physical inactivity is characterized by a decrease in the activity of the functions of the human body, including the work of its systems:

  • respiration;
  • blood circulation;
  • Digestion;
  • The musculoskeletal system.

It is a consequence of the influence of scientific technical progress, which frees a person from active physical labor.

At the same time, a decrease in physical activity causes people to:

  • Weakness;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Rapid fatigue;
  • emotional instability;
  • Nervousness;
  • Various diseases.

Let us consider in more detail which satellites accompany hypodynamia.


The decrease in physical activity in no way today does not restrict a person in nutrition.

Since there are so many tasty temptations around it that are easy to take on the go, these are:

  • Various fast foods;
  • Chips, crackers, salted nuts;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;

Such an unstable unregulated diet with a sedentary lifestyle contributes to:

  • deposition of fat;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Increased cholesterol levels;
  • Avitaminosis.

Cardiovascular pathology

In the absence of a load, the heart, like all other muscles in the body, begin to weaken.

At the same time, the slightest stress or overload makes the heart work with a rapid contraction. This contributes to:

  • Rapid wear of the heart muscle;
  • Increase in blood pressure;
  • Spasm of blood vessels;
  • Less blood ejection per contraction.

Insufficient movement of blood through the vessels affects the activity of the brain and contributes to:

  • Decreased human performance;
  • Rapid fatigue;
  • The occurrence of hypoxia, insomnia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, stroke or heart attack.


For normal functioning The human body needs strong vessels through which blood flows, enriched with oxygen and valuable nutrients.

At weak vessels its movement through the body is significantly weakened. Therefore, every time the heart has to raise blood from the calf muscles with great effort, which are designed to help it perform this function.

No wonder calf muscles called the second heart.

However, if they are also weakened by hypodynamia, then blood, lymph and decay products begin to stagnate in their veins, which leads to:

  • Varicose veins;
  • tissue ischemia;
  • Venous insufficiency.

Other consequences

A decrease in physical activity in a person reduces the tone of his muscles, which lead to flabbiness of the skin, impaired posture, displacement of internal organs, disruption of the intestines, and constipation.

Irrational nutrition and low load on musculoskeletal system contribute to the removal of calcium from the bones, a violation of their strength, frequent fractures, the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine.

In the lungs, the decreasing strength of the respiratory muscles can cause congestion in the lungs, inflammatory diseases, pulmonary insufficiency or bouts of severe shortness of breath.

How to fight hypodynamia?

In order to avoid the negative manifestations of hypodynamia, of course, it is necessary to change your traditional way of life. At the same time, it should be based on:

  • Reasonable physical activity;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Proper rational nutrition.

At this point in our story, we want to give you a little rest, and at the same time give you some advice.

You constant shortage time, and caring for home and family does not give you the opportunity to do a little overweight due to sedentary work in the office? Don't worry, you are not alone in this situation!

Heed our advice! Try to overpower yourself, change your established habits towards a popular healthy lifestyle. And start simple.

Stop taking the elevator. Try not to take the tram or metro one stop to your house after work, and walk the rest of the distance.

You can also try to do an elementary 20-minute exercise in the morning or take a jog in the park as a habit.

Redistribute household chores among the members of the whole family so that you have time for yourself.

Believe me, playing sports, even the most insignificant ones, will allow you to acquire beautiful figure and good mood.

The ideal option for getting rid of physical inactivity would, of course, be playing sports. At the same time, three types of exercises should always be present in the volume of training.

  1. For stretching. They are recommended to be done during morning exercises. They improve muscle elasticity and joint mobility.
  2. Power. These exercises are very effective for losing weight, building muscle mass useful for the back and legs.
  3. Aerobic. These exercises improve blood circulation and increase lung capacity. Most often they are included in the complex of mobile sports games, running, swimming or cycling.

If you want to know more about physical inactivity, we advise you to become a subscriber of our blog in order to constantly receive a newsletter about updates on this issue.

In addition, here you can share your experience with online friends regarding a healthy lifestyle in the comments.

We wish you all good luck!

Goodbye, see you again!

Both children and adults need moderate exercise. A person who regularly plays sports or walks long years remains healthy and vigorous.

Sports or other activity can strengthen the muscle system, prevent the development of heart disease and disease. endocrine system which include diabetes mellitus.

And against the background of diabetes and a sedentary lifestyle, hypodynamia develops. In essence, this is reduced mobility, which can be both a consequence and one of the causes of diabetes. The result, in any case, is unpleasant.

There are a number of factors that can trigger the development of this disease. Among them are obesity, decreased physical activity. These two factors often occur in combination. After all, a decrease in physical activity, the so-called physical inactivity, leads to an increase in body weight and obesity.

What can cause hypodynamia

Modern scientists have noticed that a person began to move less. This is facilitated by the development of science and technological progress.

As a result, people began to travel by car more often in order to save time and increase the comfort of movement. Also all more operations, both in production and in everyday life, have become automated.

The decrease in activity is observed not only among the adult population, but also among children. Most of today's children prefer to spend time in front of a computer or TV, and not on fresh air.

Among the main causes of hypodynamia are the following:

  • sedentary work;
  • full or partial automation of labor;
  • injuries and diseases that led to difficulty in movement.


A large number of symptoms may indicate the presence of hypodynamia. Doctors from a number of signs distinguish the main ones:

  1. feeling drowsy and lethargic;
  2. nervousness and bad mood;
  3. fast fatiguability and slight malaise;
  4. lack or increase in appetite;
  5. insomnia, decreased performance.

Such symptoms occur periodically in all people, but they rarely think that they are associated with physical inactivity. Before consulting a doctor, it is necessary to analyze what kind of physical stress a person is exposed to.

Lack of physical activity, physical inactivity, for a long time leads to irreversible consequences, namely:

  • complete or partial atrophy muscle tissue;
  • violation of the structure of bone tissue;
  • metabolic disorders, begins to suffer;
  • decrease in protein synthesis.

With physical inactivity, symptoms are also characteristic: the working capacity of the brain is disturbed, concentration of attention decreases, frequent headaches occur, the person becomes angry and irritable.

Hypodynamia is characterized by an increase in appetite. A person eats food uncontrollably, and as a result of this, body weight increases sharply. In the future, this can develop into obesity, heart problems and metabolic disorders. Also, physical inactivity increases the risk of occurrence.

Hypodynamia in children

This disease can develop in people of any age, even children. That's why Special attention should be given to the physical activity of the child. Child, school age spends a lot of time sitting.

The result is stagnation in the blood supply to the legs. This leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to other organs, including the brain. The child becomes irritable, memory worsens, concentration of attention decreases, and these are not the only symptoms.

AT early age, lack of physical activity leads to:

  • violations of the formation of the skeleton in a child,
  • developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system,
  • problems of the vascular system,
  • these children are more likely to get sick respiratory diseases that become chronic.

Also, a decrease in activity leads to a decrease in muscle tone. For example, due to the weakness of the muscles that form a kind of corset around the spine, as a result, there is a curvature of the spine and scoliosis.

Hypodynamia is the cause of failure in the work of internal organs. Few believe that physical activity and various diseases interconnected, but they are.

Preventive measures in the fight against hypodynamia

All preventive measures should be aimed at increasing the physical activity of a person. Such prevention of physical inactivity may consist of a walk in the fresh air, morning exercises and runs.

Prevention of hypodynamia in children is as follows. Children must early years get used to physical education. Sports sections and physical education lessons can develop endurance in the baby and improve health.

Now gaining popularity are a variety of physical activity programs in fitness clubs or gyms. Their regular visit will be an excellent prevention and a guarantee of well-being. However, the inability to exercise in fitness clubs should not be the reason for the decrease in activity.

There are a number of low-cost, but at the same time effective methods combat hypothermia. These are outdoor walks, jogging. You can also purchase a small simulator or a simple jump rope.

Physical inactivity (insufficient mobility) is a pathological condition that develops with a significant limitation of physical activity and leads to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, etc.

Source: simptomer.ru

Mobility is a natural property of a person, which lies in his ability to implement vigorous activity. The main functions of motor activity are:

  • maintaining homeostasis;
  • maintaining the tone of muscles, blood vessels, and with them the normal functioning of the body;
  • development of individual abilities and properties;
  • achievement of a high effect of motor activity (sports, labor skills).

As a result of technological progress since the beginning of the last century, the share of physical labor in human life has decreased by 150–200 times. At the same time, mortality from cardiovascular pathologies increased by about 6 times. The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasing due to urbanization, mechanization and automation labor activity and Everyday life, increasing the role of communication media in modern society. According to some studies, an increase in physical activity leads to a decrease in the incidence rate by about 45%.

When timely measures taken prognosis is good, most pathological changes caused by hypodynamia due to unhealthy image life, reversible.

Causes and risk factors

hypodynamia can be caused objective reasons e.g. disability, severe and prolonged illness. But in most cases, it is associated with improper organization of lifestyle or sedentary work.

The main risk factors for the development of physical inactivity include:

  • insufficient physical activity;
  • excess body weight;
  • psychological disorders;
  • somatic diseases;
  • genetic factors;
  • birth trauma;
  • bad habits.

Forms of hypodynamia

There are such main forms of hypodynamia:

  • hypoergia - lack of total range of motion and their number;
  • hypokinesia - lack of variety of movements;
  • hypotension is a lack of quality of movements and their intensity.

Symptoms of hypodynamia

Symptoms of hypodynamia appear gradually. These include increasing fatigue, fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, increased unreasonable nervousness, regular headaches of varying intensity, increased risk fractures, weight gain, shortness of breath with little exertion, back pain. Women may develop anorgasmia, men may develop erectile dysfunction.

Due to insufficient physical activity, strength indicators decrease, muscle volume and mass decrease, neuroreflex connections are disrupted, which can lead to the development of vegetovascular dystonia, depressive states. With a long course pathological process gradually decreases bone mass, as a result of which the functions of the spine and joints are impaired. Due to weakening ligamentous apparatus intervertebral hernias occur. In patients with physical inactivity, as a rule, there is an increase in heart rate both during physical exertion and at rest, as well as an increase in blood pressure.

Source: simptomer.ru

Correction of the pathological condition, in addition to gradual increase physical activity, includes physiotherapeutic methods, massage, diet therapy.

Features of the course of hypodynamia in children

Hypodynamia in children can be manifested by drowsiness, lethargy, decreased mental abilities, lagging behind physical development, obesity, refusal to communicate and play with other children, poor school performance, the development of mental disorders.


Diagnosis of hypodynamia is based on data obtained during the collection of complaints and anamnesis. In order to determine the severity of the developed complications, they resort to an objective examination of the patient, as well as instrumental ( x-ray examination, ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography, etc.) and laboratory (general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests, etc.) studies, the volume of which is determined by the existing pathology.


With hypodynamia, which developed against the background somatic disease, first of all, treatment of the underlying pathological process is required. It is also necessary to eliminate adverse factors that contributed to the development of hypodynamia.

Correction of the pathological condition, in addition to a gradual increase in physical activity, includes physiotherapeutic methods, massage, diet therapy. To restore the functions of organs and systems of the body during hypodynamia, it is recommended:

  • physiotherapy exercises - you should start with it, especially with physical inactivity that has developed against the background of somatic diseases;
  • aerobic exercise stress (fast walk, running, badminton, tennis, skiing);
  • strength exercises;
  • stretching exercises for muscles and ligaments.

With hypodynamia, which developed against the background psychological problems It is recommended to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Children, as well as adults, are recommended outdoor games outdoors, sports or dancing, tourism.

According to some studies, an increase in physical activity leads to a decrease in the incidence rate by about 45%.
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