During pregnancy, it hurts under the right breast. Why does it hurt under the breast during pregnancy. Sensation of accumulation of mucus in the throat

It's funny, isn't it. Of course, all organs, like the ribs, remain in the places where the Creator placed them. Therefore, the discomfort experienced can be quite natural.

When the pain comes

Pain under the breast, most often occurs in late pregnancy, approximately starting from the 30th week, when the baby becomes very active. He is cramped and he is trying to expand the boundaries, every now and then, getting to his mother either in the rib or in the liver. According to doctors, pain under the breast can also be caused by squeezing the diaphragm.

  • Recommendations for breast care during pregnancy

Almost from the first days after conception, a woman undergoes a number of changes in the mammary glands. This is one of the earliest and surest signs of pregnancy, which is observed in almost every expectant mother. Such breast changes are associated with the influence of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and human chorionic gonadotropin, which begin to be produced in larger quantities.

Changes in the mammary glands during pregnancy

The main changes in the mammary glands in pregnant women:

  • . Breasts during pregnancy can increase by several sizes, most often this happens already in the first weeks of pregnancy. Swelling of the mammary glands is associated with the growth of connective tissue and cells responsible for milk production;
  • Soreness and tension of the mammary glands. This is due to breast enlargement and changes in its structure;
  • . Colostrum differs from milk in its higher content of protein and vitamins. It is a whitish-yellow sticky liquid flowing in small drops from the nipples. The production of colostrum can begin at any time, but more often during the weeks of pregnancy;
  • The manifestation of the vascular network on the skin of the chest. This is due to increased blood flow and dilation of blood vessels;
  • (rudimentary mammary glands). Small tubercles appear near the nipple (up to several millimeters in diameter), the number of which can vary from single to several dozen on each breast;
  • Swelling and increased sensitivity of the nipples. Nipples increase, become more prominent and elongated;
  • Darkening of the nipples and areola;
  • Stretch marks may appear on the skin. This is primarily due to a significant change in breast size.

InformationSuch changes are physiological and should not cause concern to the woman. However, in some cases, changes in the breast may be associated with pathological diseases of the mammary glands and require special treatment.

Symptoms for which you need to go to the doctor!

Be sure to consult a mammologist if the following symptoms appear:

  1. The appearance of constant aching pain in the chest;
  2. (hollows or bumps are visible on it);
  3. or an admixture of blood in colostrum;
  4. The appearance of swelling, soreness, redness of the skin of the breast;
  5. The appearance of painful seals.
  • . The bra should be comfortable (underwired, with wide straps), not squeezing or rubbing the breasts and nipples. You should wear underwear made only from natural fabrics, without unnecessary seams and decorative ornaments. With increased sensitivity of the nipples, the bra should be left overnight. It is best to use a special bra for pregnant and lactating;
  • . You should wash your chest at least twice a day with warm water (or wipe it with a damp towel). Do not use soap or other products: they can dry out the skin;
  • Using moisturizing creams after taking a shower or bath (you can use special creams to prevent stretch marks);
  • Use of special inserts for a bra at allocation of colostrum. In no case should pads of their coarse fabrics be used for these purposes, because. this leads to irritation and stimulation of the nipple, which causes an increased tone of the uterus, and, accordingly, the threat of abortion;
  • Taking a contrast shower to prevent the appearance of stretch marks It is necessary to alternately direct a stream of cool and warm water to the chest (a strong stream should not be directed to the nipples due to possible stimulation). The procedure must be performed 1-2 times a day for 7-10 minutes.

Chest pain why does it hurt

Breast pain before period

Painful condition of the breast before menstruation is one of the most common complaints of premenopausal women. It appears a few days before the start, sometimes immediately, and gradually disappears by the end of menstruation. This pain has a name. It occurs most often against the background of changes in the hormonal background - during ovulation, the level responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy increases, which causes the breasts to swell and increase. When they are painful, a slight increase in temperature may be felt,. This kind of pain.

It also happens that the chest hurts before menstruation and that nullifies the attempt to get pregnant. If earlier you were lucky enough not to feel pain before menstruation, then this is a reason to be wary - unexpected pains may indicate an impaired hormonal balance or mastopathy. In case of failure of the hormonal balance, the latter can be corrected. the same is a condition that must be treated, otherwise it can develop into non-lactational mastitis.

Breast pain during pregnancy

For some women, chest pain appears already in the first days after conception. This is due to. The body prepares the breast for feeding the unborn baby - it increases in size, the skin seems to stretch - the first stretch marks appear, the veins clearly shine through the skin. Milk ducts in the breast expand, enlarge and darken the nipples. Small bumps appear on them, called Montgomery's nodules. In some women, colostrum is released already in early pregnancy when the nipple is pressed. By the end of pregnancy, the nipples become very sensitive and tender. Therefore, while still pregnant, a woman needs to prepare her nipples for feeding in order to avoid cracking when sucking.

Also, a painful condition of the breast during illness can occur when drinking large amounts of water. During pregnancy, water and mineral metabolism slows down, which leads to swelling of the already enlarged mammary glands. Be sure to watch the amount of fluid you drink, especially if you have had kidney problems.

During pregnancy, it is very important to wear a comfortable bra to reduce breast discomfort. It should be made of natural materials, support the breast well and, if possible, massage the nipples, preparing them for feeding. With severe discomfort, the bra can be left on even while sleeping.

Pain under the breast

It is worth considering based on the body located here. Acute pain when breathing under the chest can indicate both an inflammatory process in the lungs and on. They can also be the result of a bruise or fracture of the ribs. Moreover, we may not notice a bruise at all - it can occur during excessive sports activities, falls, playing with a child, and similar activities.

Pain under the breast is only one of the symptoms, they should be considered only in combination. If the pain continues for a long time, this is an occasion to turn to specialists: a gastroenterologist or an infectious disease specialist. Pain in this area can be one of the symptoms of diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, peptic ulcer, gastritis, and may indicate a problem with the spleen, heart and esophagus. It can also be a symptom of stomach cancer. In any case, you should not self-medicate, because it is much easier to cure a disease at an early stage than at a late one.

Pain in left breast

In addition to the fact that the chest is a gland, there are also blood vessels, nerve plexuses, and muscles there. The pain can be explained, which you might not have noticed: you were pressed against the railing in public transport, you were playing with a child and he accidentally hit you, or you hit yourself - there are a lot of options.

Also, the cause of pain may be diseases of the mammary gland, developing so far only in one of them. It could be, or. If there is a discharge from the chest, it is imperative to remember what it was, which will greatly help your doctor in the diagnosis. Pain or any changes in one breast is a reason to be wary and immediately go to a specialist.

Right breast hurts

Pain in the right breast can be caused by the same reasons as in the left. Some of them have been described above. Also, pain in one of the breasts can occur during breastfeeding. With a sharp influx of milk, the breast swells, seals appear in it, it becomes hard and bumpy to the touch.

When breastfeeding

The temperature often rises sharply. The best treatment in this case would be to attach the baby to the breast, as well as taking the advice not to drink large amounts of water. In case of remoteness from the baby, it is recommended to urgently express milk, despite the pain. Otherwise, such a generous surge threatens to turn into lactational mastitis for you.

Since the breast is a very delicate part of the female body, very often even a minor injury can lead to serious complications, so you need to be extremely careful and careful.

Chest pain during pregnancy

Everyone knows that a healthy woman should not have breast pain. Well, perhaps, quite a bit - during menstruation. However, even in this situation, modern doctors recommend that you carefully listen to the sensations and be sure to undergo an examination by a mammologist and an endocrinologist. Therefore, breast pain during pregnancy is perceived by expectant mothers as something terrible. But while waiting for a child, there is no need to be scared. However, excessive vigilance also does not hurt.

When is chest pain during pregnancy normal?

Literally a few hours after conception, a kind of “restructuring” begins in the woman’s body. First of all, the hormonal background changes. As a result of these changes, nausea, copious vaginal discharge, or previously unusual mood swings may appear. These are all early signs of pregnancy.

In addition, in many women, even before the delay, the peripapillary circles begin to darken, and the breast itself becomes more sensitive and even begins to hurt. This happens under the influence of hormones. It is with their help that the breasts of the expectant mother are preparing for a responsible time - feeding the baby.

Also, a woman can observe other changes associated with the breast:

  • Slight swelling of the mammary glands - the breast increases in size.
  • Opening of the milk ducts - a small release of colostrum.
  • Increased blood circulation - the venous network becomes visible through the skin.

However, such changes do not always occur in the first trimester. But if your chest hurts some time after unprotected intercourse, it may be a sign of pregnancy. This is especially true for women who are expecting their first child. You don't need to worry about pain. Most often, discomfort disappears by the end of 12 weeks.

But in rare cases, pain can persist throughout pregnancy. In this situation, care must be taken to ensure that it delivers a minimum of inconvenience. How to do this, we'll talk later, but now let's look at when the chest still hurts during pregnancy, and this is not a cause for concern.

Starting from the fifth month, the content of the hormone estrogen increases in the woman's body. This product of the endocrine glands prepares the mother's body for future childbirth. However, one of its “side” effects is an increase in mammary glands in size and chest pain during pregnancy.

Most often, this pain syndrome manifests itself poorly. In this case, the pain is rather pulling or aching. Often it appears due to a reaction to hypothermia or light pressure. But sometimes the chest hurts almost constantly, and the nipples become so sensitive that they react painfully even to light contact with clothing.

If at the same time the production of colostrum began, then women additionally note tingling, burning or itching in the nipple area. You should not be afraid of this. You just need to buy a bra for nursing mothers and change special pads in a timely manner. You should also carefully monitor breast hygiene and wash the nipples at the slightest contamination. Sometimes changing a bra is enough to stop sore breasts during pregnancy.

When is chest pain a cause for concern?

Most often, pain in the chest during pregnancy is the norm. But sometimes it can also indicate serious pathologies. For example, if the pain syndrome is clearly felt under the breast, this may mean that the woman has hidden swelling during pregnancy. Also, pain under the breast or in the center of the chest can signal heart disease.

The expectant mother should also be wary if her chest hurts very much during pregnancy. Acute pain in the mammary glands may indicate a serious illness. For example, she notifies that a woman develops lactostasis or mastitis. In both cases, it is necessary to see a mammologist and cure the disease before delivery.

Lactostasis is the stagnation of breast milk in the ducts. Most often this disease occurs after childbirth. But if mother's milk begins to form too early, then you may encounter this problem even during pregnancy. Recognizing the stagnation of breast milk is not difficult:

  • The chest becomes painful.
  • Lumps form in the mammary glands, which are easily felt during examination.
  • Reddening of the skin may appear at the site of the seals.
  • Emptying the thoracic ducts causes discomfort or is accompanied by acute pain.

Lactostasis develops as follows:

  1. If the duct or segment of the breast is pinched by clothing or is not completely emptied, then a milk plug forms in it.
  2. The milk plug clogs the exit of the duct, and the milk remains in the thoracic segment.
  3. Prolonged stagnation of milk provokes the appearance of mastitis.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. The disease can be infectious and non-infectious, but in any case dangerous. Non-infectious mastitis is caused by prolonged lactostasis, and an infectious variant of the development of the disease appears as a result of insufficient hygiene of the nipples.

Milk secret is a beneficial habitat for numerous bacteria. If colostrum and milk residues are not removed from the nipples in a timely manner, then after a short period of time the bacteria will rise along the ducts and cause inflammation of the mammary gland. There is little pleasure in this. The disease proceeds in an acute form and is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • compaction, coarsening and enlargement of the mammary gland;
  • sharp arching pain in the chest, aggravated by the slightest touch;
  • redness of the breast;
  • a general increase in body temperature and an increase in the temperature of the skin in places of redness.

In the absence of proper treatment (especially when it comes to infectious mastitis), an abscess forms in the mammary gland. Often, to eliminate it, you have to resort to surgical intervention. If the abscess is not treated, then first impurities of pus will appear in the milk, and then enter the woman's blood, which is fraught with the development of sepsis. Therefore, with acute chest pain, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to relieve chest pain during pregnancy?

To get rid of the pain syndrome, you need to find out why the chest hurts during pregnancy. If the cause is a disease, then it must be treated urgently. But if this is a physiological reaction of the body to a change in hormonal levels, then you can use the following tips:

Prolactin levels during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  1. Wear a comfortable bra. Moreover, give preference to a product made of natural fabric with wide straps, without stones and synthetic inserts. Change your bra as your breasts grow, avoid squeezing your breasts and milk ducts.
  2. From the first days of waiting for offspring, massage the chest with a terry mitten-glove. This will help you avoid stretch marks during pregnancy and cause the nipples to become slightly hardened, which will positively affect the subsequent feeding of the baby. You can also, after hygiene procedures, slightly stretch the nipples and twist them, if this does not cause discomfort.
  3. From the second half of pregnancy, be sure to harden the mammary glands. Air baths and ablutions with slightly cool water will help you with this.
  4. If your nipples are sore, try leaving your bra on at night.
  5. After the appearance of colostrum, use hygienic sterile pads. They are sold in pharmacies.
  6. Do not use shower gels and ordinary soap to wash the breasts. Get for these purposes baby soap or shampoo, which is marked "hypoallergenic".
  7. Do a set of chest exercises daily. This will allow you not only to avoid pain in the mammary glands, but also to keep their shape.

Finally, I would like to warn you. Many pregnant women refuse to wear a bra due to discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands and nipples. Do not do that! A well-fitting bra lifts the chest and improves blood circulation. In addition, such underwear will not allow the mammary glands to sag during pregnancy.

If you refuse to wear a bra, then it is likely that blood circulation in the chest will be disturbed and blockage of the milk ducts will occur. And this, as you already know, is fraught with lactostasis and subsequent mastitis. So no need to take risks, take care of your chest!

Pain under the right breast (in the right hypochondrium) signals various diseases. On the right side of a person are such organs as the liver, gallbladder, intestines, the right side of the diaphragm. Violation of the work of these organs or their injury can cause pain in the right hypochondrium and spread to the upper abdomen.

Pain under the right breast can have different intensity and character, which depends on which organ is affected and how much. In any case, to identify the cause, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis by qualified specialists.

Diseases by symptoms

Any symptom is a signal of the body that any organ, department or whole system is disturbed. To find out why there is pain under the right breast during pregnancy, you need to exclude some diseases. Make sure that you undergo timely diagnostics, check with the doctors why the pain in the right hypochondrium appeared during pregnancy, and how quickly and effectively the condition of the expectant mother can be improved.

The list of diseases in which pregnant women experience pain under the right breast:

  • inflammation of the liver;
  • hypomotor disorders (i.e., slowing down the outflow of bile);
  • chronic cholecystitis.

In most cases, pain in the right hypochondrium in expectant mothers is associated with the activity of the unborn baby. Fetal movements in late pregnancy can be so active that during the tremors, the expectant mother experiences a feeling of discomfort. If the pain is permanent and not associated with fetal movements, it is necessary to be examined by specialists to identify the disease.

Treatment and specialists

The treatment of pain under the right breast in a future mother should be handled only by a qualified specialist. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat pain in the right hypochondrium in pregnant women, how to get rid of complications from pain under the right breast and prevent their occurrence in the future. The following doctors can answer the question of what to do if there is pain under the right breast during pregnancy:

Depending on the intensity of the pain, its nature and cause, the doctor prescribes an effective treatment. If the cause of the pain is the unhealthy diet of the expectant mother (too much spicy and fatty foods), the doctor gives recommendations on nutrition. If pain is felt during fetal movements, it is still necessary to report discomfort to your doctor leading the pregnancy.

What to do if it presses on the chest during pregnancy? Causes of chest tightness

As a rule, most pregnant women begin to feel such symptoms towards the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester and it is due to purely physiological processes that invariably occur in the body as the fetus grows.

At the same time, the state when it presses under the breast during pregnancy does not necessarily have to be felt by every woman, because it directly depends not only on the size of the fetus, but also on the internal location of the uterus relative to the abdominal walls (there are internal and external). So, if the uterus is located too close to the anterior abdominal wall, then as the unborn child grows, it begins not only to contribute to a significant displacement of all internal organs, which is a completely natural process, but also to exert strong pressure on the diaphragm and bone tissue, because of which it creates the feeling that a rib hurts under the breast during pregnancy. Moreover, a painful syndrome is not the only negative moment of such rearrangements in the body, directly related to the interesting position of a woman, because, among other things, pressure on the diaphragm, ribs and, as a result, the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall, are accompanied by such unpleasant moments as itching, swelling and even hidden hematomas.

Most often, pregnant women with similar problems can observe a very large tummy, but if we are talking about multiple pregnancies, then, unfortunately, it is unlikely that such discomfort can be avoided. Moreover, it is not uncommon when such symptoms are aggravated by poor physical health, which makes itself felt especially strongly at those moments when a woman is in an exceptionally horizontal position (meaning a perfectly flat surface without soft pillows or a mattress). So, for example, many expectant mothers begin to feel an acute malaise during the ultrasound procedure (ultrasound examination of the fetus and placenta) and often when it ends in a loss of consciousness. Doctors call this phenomenon the vena cava syndrome and just explain it by the strong pressure of the fetus on the diaphragm.

It also happens that, along with the fact that the rib under the breast hurts during pregnancy, the woman begins to feel a strong bursting in the chest area and all the bras become small in volume for her. These symptoms are due to temporary deformities of the joints and usually within a few days/weeks after childbirth, everything falls into place. In order to somehow facilitate your existence in the last few months of pregnancy, experts recommend wearing special frameless underwear, which provides for a wide strip under the cups of the bodice and completely eliminates the use of supporting bones. An additional convenience of such bras is that they are usually equipped with special girth regulators, which can be used if the size of the breast stops changing, and the volume of the chest continues to expand. Such underwear, by the way, is also useful during breastfeeding, especially if its cups are equipped with special buttons that allow you to take the breast out at any time without removing the bodice itself.

It also happens that a pregnant woman begins to experience severe pain and heaviness under her breasts due to her incorrect posture (meaning various pathologies and curvatures in which the internal displacement of organs is difficult or occurs according to completely different patterns, non-standard for this phenomenon). There is only one way out of this situation - to monitor your posture and recline as often as possible on a vertical flat surface, whether it be a wall or the back of a chair, thereby unloading your spine, diaphragm and chest to the maximum by shifting the center of gravity. Ideally, of course, it is worth choosing a special bandage for the abdomen or sewing it from highly qualified specialists according to individual sizes, taking into account all the structural features. This device will help support the stomach from below and at the same time keep it from pushing up, thereby reducing pressure on the diaphragm and chest as a whole.

You can help yourself to "unload" and with the help of special exercises. One of them is that a woman should become in a knee-elbow position and begin to arch up and, accordingly, bend down like a cat. Usually five to ten minutes of such simple manipulations are enough to lower the pain threshold or at least temporarily eliminate other unpleasant sensations associated with this phenomenon. It is not uncommon when heaviness in the chest partially or completely disappears somewhere from the 35th week, when the woman is already, as they say, at the finish line. This is due to the fact that as the birth process approaches, the tummy itself begins to sink down, thereby reducing the pressure on the diaphragm and ribs. In this case, on the contrary, the center of gravity may shift down and this time the pelvic bones will begin to make themselves felt, although the latter symptomatology is not at all necessary.

And even if there is no significant relief before childbirth, do not despair, because all the difficulties and not very comfortable moments will be forgotten immediately after the baby is born and mommy will have to take care of completely different problems.

Sometimes, in order to speed up the postpartum recovery process, a woman is recommended to use a special corset, which will help in the shortest possible time to tighten the stretched muscles of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, as well as to bring the chest back to its original form, which often undergoes quite serious deformations and displacements during pregnancy. .

Pain under breast during pregnancy

On the background of pregnancy in the female body, the hormonal background seriously changes. And this is quite normal, because the body is preparing for bearing, birth and subsequent breastfeeding of the baby. Often a woman first thinks about her pregnancy precisely against the background of the appearance of chest pain. But sometimes it happens that it hurts under the breast during pregnancy, because the reaction of each female body is individual and is largely determined by the physical condition of the woman.

If it hurts under the breast during pregnancy

Usually, the situation when it hurts under the breast during pregnancy is typical for the third trimester of bearing a baby in the form of another unpleasant complication. This is explained by the fact that by this time the child is actively moving and gaining weight faster and faster. It is not surprising that the uterus itself increases in size, occupying a priority position in the abdominal cavity. At the same time, it not only exerts pressure, but also shifts the main internal organs. This is what causes pain.

However, if it hurts under the breast during pregnancy, this is not always due to physiological reasons. Among the most common causes of pain in the hypochondrium, experts distinguish:

1. Inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis. It usually appears when a woman had problems with the pancreas before pregnancy. Then, against the background of bearing a baby, an exacerbation of the disease may well occur. Symptoms in this case are primarily manifested by pain under the breast during pregnancy of a aching nature. At the same time, against the background of food intake, it seriously intensifies. Many may confuse the manifestation of pancreatitis with bouts of poisoning. But their main difference lies precisely in the sharp and severe pain under the breast.

2. Intercostal neuralgia is another common cause of pain under the breast during pregnancy. It is explained by the fact that the growing fetus begins to slightly shift the internal organs in the woman's abdominal cavity. At the same time, the ribs themselves move apart a little to the sides, and the intercostal spaces begin to decrease. This causes pinching of the nerves passing in this area. Usually, if the reason that it hurts under the breast during pregnancy lies in intercostal neuralgia, then the condition is relieved approximately by the 37th week of pregnancy. After all, from this period, the stomach begins to gradually fall. Immediately after childbirth, such pain will completely disappear. Doctors pay attention to the fact that during pregnancy it is impossible to treat intercostal neuralgia using medications. After all, it can harm the fetus. The maximum that is permissible to do at this time is to carry out a light back massage in a sitting position.

3. Hidden swelling that may appear at this time can also be the reason that it hurts under the breast during pregnancy.

4. Against the background of pregnancy, such diseases of the back as osteochondrosis, herniated disc, and curvature of the spine can be aggravated. In the future, they can lead to intercostal neuralgia. Therefore, if a woman has back problems before pregnancy, then in the course of carrying a baby, she will certainly need therapeutic and preventive measures to strengthen the muscular corset. This will prevent the development of an exacerbation of the disease.

Pain under the breast during pregnancy in the right and left hypochondrium

If it hurts on the left under the breast during pregnancy, this should be somewhat alert. The fact is that during the bearing of the baby, the load on the heart muscle increases sharply. Under such conditions, the heart begins to experience oxygen starvation. Moreover, as the fetus grows and develops, some displacement of the fetus may occur, which will also have an extremely negative impact on its work as a whole.

In cases where we are talking about the appearance of sudden pain in the right hypochondrium, which radiate to the back or left arm, shoulder, which may also be accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. In this case, you should call a doctor.

If it hurts on the right under the breast during pregnancy, then this may be a sign of compression of the gallbladder or diaphragm. In this case, the woman should try to take the most comfortable sitting position, while leaning back. After a while, the pain will go away.

But if it hurts under the breast during pregnancy on the right side, then some inflammatory disease that occurs in the region of the kidneys or their ducts may also be the cause. After all, the main load doubles on the kidneys during pregnancy. Therefore, when the first signs of pain in the kidneys appear, you should consult a doctor.

When does it hurt under the breast during pregnancy and is this the norm?

In the case when it hurts under the breast during pregnancy, but the sensations are insignificant and represent only a slight discomfort, then this can be quite normal. This condition can usually be explained by:

A small outflow of colostrum from the breast;

Enlargement of the mammary glands;

Increased blood flow to the chest.

All these phenomena can occur against the background of the course of the entire pregnancy. At the same time, each woman tolerates them differently, since the pain threshold for everyone is purely individual.

What diseases can cause chest pain during pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman's belly begins to grow more intensively. By this time, nausea and toxicosis had already passed, but new inconveniences associated with an enlarged uterus and displacement of internal organs began. The child grows and begins to move actively, which also does not go unnoticed by the female body.

It is during this period of pregnancy that a woman often complains that her chest hurts. These pains have several causes.


The main reason is hormonal changes. Nature made sure that during pregnancy the female pelvis became a little wider. This allows the fetus to pass through the birth canal faster.

The function of the placenta is to produce a special hormone called relaxin. It gently acts on the ligaments, tendons and bones of the pelvis, softening them, making them more elastic. However, relaxin also has its effect on other bone structures, including the bones, cartilage, and ligaments of the chest. There is a feeling of discomfort, soreness in the chest, a feeling of fullness.

This condition is physiological and harmless. After childbirth, when the hormonal background returns to normal, the discomfort will pass.

Intercostal neuralgia

So called the appearance of pain associated with compression of the nerve root. Occurs along the intercostal nerves.

Most often, this condition is due to the fact that with the growth of the abdomen on the spine of a pregnant woman, the load increases significantly. The growing uterus presses on the diaphragm, which, in turn, puts pressure on the ribs. As a result, the intercostal spaces narrow somewhat, pinching the nerves passing through them.

The disease manifests itself suddenly: the chest hurts a lot, it becomes difficult to breathe. With the slightest movement, the pain intensifies. It is especially difficult for a woman to get out of bed in the morning.

During pregnancy, this is one of the most unpleasant things, since almost all effective methods of treatment in this case are contraindicated, they can harm the baby.

Another cause of intercostal neuralgia can be osteochondrosis, which is often found in women after 35 years. The nutrition of the intervertebral discs deteriorates, fibrous tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which, in turn, does not have such excellent cushioning.

Therefore, a woman suffering from osteochondrosis should, even before pregnancy, undergo preventive treatment, strengthen the muscular frame. Then the probability of exacerbation of the disease will decrease several times.

When the chest hurts due to heartburn

Heartburn is a condition that worries many women in the second half of pregnancy. Its reason is the same as in the previous cases. Only this time, the enlarged uterus presses its bottom on the stomach, shifting it upward. In addition, the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone - relaxes not only the muscle tissue of the uterus, but also the smooth muscles of the stomach and esophagus.

As a result, the relaxed sphincter is unable to close and acidic gastric contents easily penetrate the esophagus, causing discomfort, belching, often with a sour taste. The pregnant woman feels that her chest hurts as if something is pressing on her from the inside. This feeling in medicine is called dysphagia. And the condition itself is reflux esophagitis.

  • sleep with a pillow held high;
  • 2 hours before bedtime do not eat;
  • do not get carried away with carbonated water, fried and spicy foods. An attack of heartburn can cause fresh baking, a cup of coffee, citrus fruits, grapes;
  • you should eat in small portions up to five times a day, but without overeating;
  • try not to worry, as cortisol, produced during stress, increases the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • quit smoking if the woman has not yet done so;
  • take Ranny's tablet (but only for severe heartburn). This drug is safe and approved for pregnant women.

Heart disease

Even if a woman did not have heart disease before pregnancy, it must be remembered that the load on the body during this period is quite large. Therefore, the heart muscle can also receive less oxygen. In addition, an enlarged abdomen shifts the heart slightly upward, which negatively affects its work.

The problem is more likely to occur if a woman had heart problems before pregnancy.

Symptoms of increased stress on the heart muscle resemble an angina attack. The reason is that the mechanism of occurrence - lack of oxygen - is the same. It hurts behind the sternum, the pain radiates to the arm, shoulder, under the shoulder blade.

There is a feeling of lack of air, fear.

Which doctor to contact

Having found out the cause, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate it. This requires the help of a doctor. With similar problems, they turn to a neurologist, orthopedist, therapist or cardiologist (depending on the prevailing symptoms).

Specialists will direct you to the necessary studies and prescribe treatment that will help the pregnant woman and will not harm the unborn child.

The most effective way to prevent diseases is before pregnancy. A woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right. Moderate physical activity and swimming in the pool will be useful.

Chest pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy significantly changes the hormonal background in a woman's body, preparing her for bearing and feeding a newborn. And the first beacons of the onset of pregnancy will be taste changes and chest pain. By these signs, you can accurately determine whether a woman is pregnant. The reaction of the body to pregnancy is individual and depends on the physical and hormonal state of the woman. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a bursting feeling and heaviness in the chest are standard accompaniments of pregnancy. We will tell you more about chest pain during pregnancy in this article.

Severe chest pain during pregnancy

The female breast is designed, as in all mammals, to feed newborn cubs with breast milk. The female breast consists of mammary glands, milk ducts, connective and adipose tissues. The lobes of the mammary glands resemble bunches of grapes, and the milk ducts resemble stems. On palpation of the chest, the lobes are felt like balls or nodules. A young girl is the owner of a more elastic breast, because it consists mainly of connective tissue, changes occur with age, fat accumulation appears, the breast becomes softer.

There are no muscles in the chest, only small sucking muscles are present in the nipple, so it is impossible to change the shape of the breast. What kind of breast nature has given us, we live with such.

During pregnancy in the mammary gland there is an increase in additional lobes, an increase in their volume, which causes pain. The breast swells, increases in size, becomes more sensitive.

Women feel pain in different ways, some have a tingling sensation, others describe aching, pulling pain. There are rare exceptions when a woman does not experience pain at all, there are only painless sensations of swelling, filling. Primiparas experience stronger feelings of discomfort.

Stretching of the connective tissue in the chest also causes pain.

chest pain sign of pregnancy

Almost the next day after conception, the hormonal restructuring of the whole organism begins.

women. Soreness of the breast a few days before the expected period of menstruation will definitely confirm you the onset of pregnancy. This condition most often resembles pain before menstruation, but it is more intense. The areola around the nipple darkens and increases in size. The nipple acquires a more convex, relief shape, becomes more sensitive, touching it can cause irritation and itching. Hormonal surges are expressed by sudden mood swings, tearfulness, headache. All these symptoms combined will tell you unequivocally that you are pregnant.

Possible causes of pain

Breast pain can be caused by the following changes that occur with the onset of pregnancy:

  • The growth of additional milk shares, their increase in volume;
  • Increase in connective tissue, increase in breast size;
  • A rush of blood flow, dilation of blood vessels, the appearance of a vascular network on the skin;
  • Tension of the skin of the breast due to an increase in the volume of the mammary gland. Stretch marks (stretch marks) may appear on the skin due to the divergence of the elastic subcutaneous dermis;
  • An increase in the size of the nipples, they become darker, more prominent.
  • The appearance of Montgomery's glands around the nipple, their number can vary from 5 to 15 tubercles. Montgomery's glands produce a natural germicidal lubricant to protect the nipple from drying out;

If changes in the mammary gland occur smoothly, progressively, this does not cause much concern and severe pain. But there are cases of drastic changes and on all counts at the same time. These cases are accompanied by unbearable pain.

Contact a gynecologist or mammologist, the specialist will determine the degree of danger, eliminate the unfavorable development of the situation.

When should you see a doctor

A cause for concern is severe unbearable chest pain in a pregnant woman, this is an alarm signal.

Contact a specialist immediately if you have:

  1. One breast hurts more than the other or is significantly enlarged. The pain is unbearable shooting or aching;
  2. There is a painful induration or depression;
  3. Redness of the chest;
  4. Discharge from the nipple is bloody or bloody

Most likely, inflammation has occurred due to congestion and it requires urgent medical attention.

Pain under the breast

In the third trimester of pregnancy, food perversions usually disappear, nausea and vomiting stop, but new unpleasant complications of pregnancy may appear. The child quickly gains weight, actively moves.

The enlarged uterus occupies an increasing priority position, exerting pressure, shifting the internal organs of a woman, thereby causing pain.

Breast pain is the most common. The reasons may be different, the list of reasons is as follows:

  • Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. If a woman had problems with the pancreas before pregnancy, an exacerbation of the disease may occur with the onset of pregnancy. Symptoms of inflammation are accompanied by aching pain under the breasts, aggravated after eating. Attacks of acute pancreatitis resemble the symptoms of poisoning, accompanied by severe sharp pains under the chest.
  • Another cause of pain under the breast is intercostal neuralgia. When the ribs are deformed by a growing fetus, the ribs move apart slightly to the sides, narrowing the intercostal spaces, thereby pinching the nerves passing through them. The pain is excruciating, not passing, increasing with movement. The pain relieves a little at 37 weeks of gestation, when the stomach begins to sink, and disappears completely after childbirth. The sad thing is that intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy is not treated with medication, it can harm the fetus. You can slightly reduce the pain with a light back massage, taking a comfortable posture while sleeping and sitting.
  • Pregnancy exacerbates diseases such as curvature of the spine, herniated discs, osteochondrosis. They can cause intercostal neuralgia. Therefore, before the onset of pregnancy, a woman suffering from such diseases is shown therapeutic and preventive measures, the muscular corset should be strengthened. This is the only way to avoid exacerbation of the disease.
  • Hidden swelling in a pregnant woman can also cause pain under the breasts.

Pain under the left breast during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the load on the heart muscle is large enough, the heart experiences oxygen starvation. Under pressure from a growing fetus, the heart can shift, which negatively affects the functioning of the organ.

Pain under the left breast or in the center behind the sternum occurs suddenly, radiating to the left arm, shoulder, back. Feeling short of breath, panic. You should sit in a comfortable reclining position, placing a small pillow under your head, drink a nitroglycerin tablet and call a doctor.

If a woman had a heartache before pregnancy, it is imperative to strengthen the heart muscle under the supervision of a cardiologist.

Pain under right breast during pregnancy

If you have pain under your right breast, this most often means that your baby is squeezing the gallbladder or propping up the diaphragm. You should take a comfortable sitting position, lean back and the pain will recede. There's nothing you can do, you'll have to be patient.

Also, pain under the right breast can be caused by an inflammatory disease in the kidneys or their ducts. A pregnant woman feels severe back pain just above the waist, which is given under the right breast and under the shoulder blade. The kidneys during pregnancy experience a double load, so if you have a kidney disease, it is dangerous, do not self-medicate, be sure to share it with your doctor.

When is chest pain during pregnancy normal?

  • Slight enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • Almost painless outflow of colostrum from the breast;
  • The blood flow to the chest is moderate, the venous network under the skin of the chest is practically not noticeable.

The above changes can occur throughout the duration of pregnancy. Painful sensations are tolerated by different women in different ways, each has its own pain threshold.

Safe chest pain in the second half of pregnancy

At the 5th month of pregnancy, the content of the hormone estrogen increases, which is necessary to prepare the woman's body for the upcoming birth. Under the influence of this hormone, the mammary gland increases, accompanied by moderate pain. The pain is not strong, most often it feels like pulling or bursting, it occurs when objects or uncomfortable underwear touch the chest, when cooling. When the breast is placed in a comfortable position, for example, in a comfortable bra, it passes.

The sensitivity of the nipples increases, colostrum appears, which prepares the ducts of the mammary gland for the upcoming breastfeeding.

Colostrum is an excellent breeding ground for the development of various bacteria that can enter through the ducts into the breast and cause inflammation. Therefore, it is imperative to keep the chest clean, regularly wash it with warm water, preferably without soap, so as not to overdry the skin. For nipples, put special pads so as not to unnecessarily injure them and change them regularly as they become dirty.

How to relieve chest pain during pregnancy

Effective ways to relieve and relieve chest pain during pregnancy:

  • Place your chest in a comfortable, comfortable position for her. Carefully choose a bra, the size of underwear should correspond to the size of the chest. As your bust grows, buy a larger bra. Choose a natural material with a minimum number of seams with wide, comfortable straps. The bra should be pitted, but it should keep its shape well; such underwear can be purchased at a specialized store for expectant and nursing mothers;
  • Hygiene procedures for the breast should be carried out daily, wash with warm water without detergents, use soap as rarely as possible, it dries the delicate skin unnecessarily. Use wiping with a damp terry towel, harden the chest with air procedures;
  • After a shower, it is useful to massage the chest with essential oils. Massage will increase blood circulation, improve the overall condition of the chest. Natural cosmetics will have a beneficial effect on the skin of the chest.
  • To maintain skin elasticity, use special moisturizers and emollients, this will prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Buy a cream, lotion or spray only in specialized pharmacies and stores for expectant and nursing mothers. This will help to avoid fakes, risking health in this situation is not acceptable. The composition of skin care products includes natural ingredients - essential oils, vitamins, plant extracts;
  • The weight gain of a woman during pregnancy puts additional stress on her breasts. The predicted growth of the connective tissue of the mammary gland is exacerbated by the growth of adipose tissue. The sharp growth of the breast is accompanied by a divergence of the elastic subcutaneous tissue and, as a result, will provide the breast with scars from stretch marks. Therefore, watch your diet, do not overeat. Eating for two will subsequently affect the health of the child. Vitamins and minerals must be present in the diet.
  • Special physical exercises for pregnant women will help to avoid congestion in the chest, improve blood circulation, and reduce soreness. A set of gymnastic exercises for pregnant women will help keep the pectoral muscles in good shape and will not allow the chest to sag;

Pain under right breast during pregnancy

Girls, who can come across, advise. Or throw a link to a similar topic (my search is buggy, but this topic has already been somewhere.).

The thing is, I'm currently at 38 weeks. For the 3rd day, I have been worried about severe pain under the right breast, under the ribs. Pressing hurts. The pain came unexpectedly. Does not improve or weaken over time. I can’t lie on my right side, it hurts to laugh, sneeze, etc. Doesn't depend on food intake. The pain is dull but intense. 001::001::001: It hurts especially when I toss and turn, bend over, move. I will go to the doctor for a consultation only on Friday, but I do not believe that she will help. She has one answer to my complaints: What do you want. You are pregnant! It's not like that in pregnant women. . And to the usual doctor in RD only after seven days. Maybe someone had it? Calm down please. 091:

It's probably neuralgia. The kid is already big and has squeezed something there.

I have pain right there. It hurts as if it’s not something inside, whether it’s between the ribs, or the skin, I can’t realize. When I sit in one place for a long time without the ability to move (in a car, in a traffic jam, for example), pain always appears. Dr. grit - neuralgia, like you're B, from this all the trouble. In general, with childbirth should pass.

Possibly intercostal neuralgia.

And perhaps a consequence of shingles (herpes), nerve endings are affected, and it hurts in a similar way.

:001::001::001::001::001: what kind of lichen. herpes. where?

AAAAA. Damn, only with childbirth. But how to live until childbirth with such pain. I can’t doze off, it’s very painful to roll over in a dream. I move with great difficulty. Eh, as I imagine another 2-3 weeks like this, I will shudder so. Thanks for the replies anyway, so I'm not the only one.

The doctor recommended that this place be smeared with some kind of ointment, I also did not delve into the name, said that since there was nothing terrible, I would completely manage. So there is a remedy for this scourge, ask the doctor.

001::001::001::001::001: what kind of lichen. herpes. where?

Shingles is the popular name for a herpes infection, the causative agent is the same as that of chickenpox. Herpes is a systemic infection. It can live in the body, and you will not even begin to suspect about it, until sometime, under stress or when the body is weakened, it does not show itself in one way or another. Since the so-called cold on the lips is also a manifestation of herpes.

It is possible to live normally with this, do not be so afraid.

I had (unfortunately) a similar experience. It manifested itself as pain when turning, taking a deep breath, coughing, etc.

Possibly intercostal neuralgia.

And perhaps a consequence of shingles (herpes), nerve endings are affected, and it hurts in a similar way.

My doctor in a consultation commented on such a situation as follows: If you want to determine what you are sick with, get pregnant

With herpes, all the same, sores also appear. God forbid the author of this bullshit throughout B.

Still, if the pain is in the right hypochondrium, it may be the gallbladder - cholecystitis, which is good stones. True, along with this, nausea and bitterness in the mouth are not uncommon. Probably an ultrasound won't hurt.

Maybe I misunderstood the place of your pain, but I (33 weeks) also had a relatively recent pain under the rib on the right and when I pressed under the rib, I felt a bruise (it hurts especially in traffic jams if I sit straight for a long time or lie on my right side), I was told that the baby’s booty props up the liver and beats in that direction periodically (((They prescribed hofitol, kanefron and diuretic weed for something.

By the way, my friend also had the same thing - it passed only at the time when she gave birth.

Do not fill your head with lichen and herpes)))))))

looks like a faggot. on the left, the pain is somewhat similar to the pain of a bruise. How do I like it ..))) appears only while I wear a bra for a long time. I stay in one position for a long time. I shoot, it's much easier. so now it's a problem to wear it. EXACTLY the nerve ending is clamped. I completely agree with the previous speaker))) you don’t need to worry about what you don’t need)))) if you take an encyclopedia, then I assure you there With one such indicator, a good half of the encyclopedia will correspond to the diagnosis)))))))))))) ))) Apparently someone has more, someone has less. Try to agree with the child so that he turns like a thread more ergonomically ..))))

Yes, there are many possible causes for such pain. Judging by the words of the creator - the first thing that comes to my mind is trouble with the spine - from the load on it is natural, despite the fact that it goes without saying not a fact.

It was like this for about a week (or a little earlier: 009 :). Neuralgia. Everything as you describe. It just passed. It didn't last more than 2 weeks.

I had this.

It was painful to breathe, and I had the opportunity to doze off only half-sitting.

At the end of the togog as the baby is born, go to the doctor for an ultrasound of the internal organs.

At the end of childbirth, she found Temko that this pancreas had the opportunity to play pranks.

I went for an ultrasound, and they told me that something was wrong with my pancreas.

Moreover, they told me about a bad pancreas at the 2nd planned ultrasound of the tummy.

I keep my fingers crossed for you, @@@@@ so that everything is in order with you, and that your supporter is cramped, but it’s better to check.

I also had it, only it also gave off in the back, under the shoulder blade. Especially if you sit for a long time. I think it was the child who crushed, I just sat in line, before the examination, the doctor touched and said to my mother climbed under the ribs.

and in my last pregnancy it turned out to be a gallstone disease. It started a few weeks ago - the fetus reached a size that began to put pressure on the gallbladder + she also took hofitol, which is contraindicated in cholelithiasis. It was found on ultrasound at 34 weeks, - a stone 2 cm in diameter :(.

At the end of the birth, you can see the place again became enough, stopped disturbing. So I live with him now. I'm afraid, of course.

At the end of the ultrasound, they also found polyps in my gallbladder at the end of the ultrasound, after I was admitted to the maternity hospital for a period of 37 weeks with acute pain in the right hypochondrium, they instilled a noshpa, let it go a little, and was discharged the other day. But that night she did not sleep again. hurts badly:

Madam Polasukher, please advise with your diagnosis, did you have a caesarean or did you give birth yourself? Doctors tell me to give birth myself, but I'm afraid of complications during childbirth: support: Maybe in a personal, thank you!

I had this from 28 weeks, the baby pressed and kicked between the ribs with her legs, besides, sometimes I couldn’t breathe (((

I had a similar, but not severe pain, but from time to time, pain, and later complete numbness of this place. It turned out hello was passing the gallbladder.

Yes, in general, the conclusion is: it's possible anything. But it is better, apparently, not to boil before the birth. And at the end, take care of your health and be examined if it doesn’t pass. Despite the fact that I do not believe that there will be enough time for myself after the end of childbirth. the first time for sure. Thank you all anyway.

I was like that too. Weeks from the thirtieth. It's been 3 days before delivery. I still had back pain, it also let go before giving birth. So hold on))) Most people do.

I also had the same neuralgia, as they explained to me. And it was painful to roll over and it just hurt in itself. Don’t worry and be patient. It will pass. , but not long before the birth passed. And it appeared in the same way unexpectedly in the second half of pregnancy (third trimester).: flower:

A day ago, the doctor in the LCD said that my baby is already big. and puts pressure on the liver.

at the very beginning of my pregnancy, I had pain in the same place as you - it also hurt to turn around, breathe, laugh, etc. I went to the doctors - one says neuralgia, the second - that because of the gallbladder. They prescribed valerian and hofitol. It didn't get any better. I threw in to take by and large everything that then took - and everything went away. I so believe that I had a reaction from the ZHP to vitamins (Complivit Mom's health). Due to the fact that later I already took Elevit and nothing hurt.

And in addition to this pain, I also had pain in the back, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs: 010. Those. napping in one position for a long time hurts. I wake up with pain in my back / side, change position, the pain goes away. A few hours later, all over again. By the time this is over. 010:

Girls, I have also started, for two days already. Symptoms as you describe. presses, not easy to breathe, lie on the right side. I called my doctor at the moment, she said that the child lay down on the liver, drink ESSENTIAL FORTE three times a day.

Ahhh. my baby decided to lie down on all the internal organs, first the kidneys, now the liver.

I also had it. started around 37 weeks.

In the morning I woke up once and felt that the rib was broken. don't breathe, don't turn around.

I woke up on the day of delivery and realized that nothing hurts. I gave birth 4 hours later

I believe that this is a child kicking his chest so wide. I have increased in volume for B. by 10 cm. I used to take busts 85 before, and I started buying 95 for childbirth.

It's all over with the birth.

If it is not related to the fetus, then it is either neurology or trouble with the pancreas.

Possibly intercostal neuralgia.

And perhaps a consequence of shingles (herpes), nerve endings are affected, and it hurts in a similar way.

My doctor in a consultation commented on such a situation as follows: If you want to determine what you are sick with, get pregnant

How much do you think about what you write? right there, everyone is pregnant, in fact, and oh, what specifically they are impressionable.

nah, it's forbidden! :wife:

By the way, maybe this is self-hypnosis, or I started to get used to this pain, but I think that it has become a little easier. Despite the fact that it hurts anyway.

I will join the non-specialized point of view that it is the gallbladder or pancreas.

I had such a week. it seems that the baby is also low, it should not squeeze.

I drank hofitol (only at the end of the ultrasound, of course, in order to exclude stones) and revised the diet (I kicked my mother-in-law out of work from the kitchen) and somehow resolved.

at the moment 30th week and not uncommon from time to time, especially at a time when you have to sit for a long time (trips in the car).

before childbirth, it may become better shortly, tk. the tummy drops and there is less pressure on the internal organs, which are on top (but more on those on the bottom: 065:)

do not worry. everything will pass after the end of childbirth :)): 004:

it became easier. right now I was at the doctor. They said that the baby has already completely sank. perhaps based on this and feel better. despite the fact that at the time when I sit - it hurts all the same.

It also hurts, for the third B in a row, starting from the 30th week, these are the ribs)) It goes away with the lowering of the belly before childbirth or immediately after childbirth. It turns out, I'm resting a little.

As a rule, most pregnant women begin to feel such symptoms towards the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester and it is due to purely physiological processes that invariably occur in the body as the fetus grows.

At the same time, the state when it presses under the breast during pregnancy does not necessarily have to be felt by every woman, because it directly depends not only on the size of the fetus, but also on the internal location of the uterus relative to the abdominal walls (there are internal and external). So, if the uterus is located too close to the anterior abdominal wall, then as the unborn child grows, it begins not only to contribute to a significant displacement of all internal organs, which is a completely natural process, but also to exert strong pressure on the diaphragm and bone tissue, because of which it creates the feeling that a rib hurts under the breast during pregnancy. Moreover, a painful syndrome is not the only negative moment of such rearrangements in the body, directly related to the interesting position of a woman, because, among other things, pressure on the diaphragm, ribs and, as a result, the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall, are accompanied by such unpleasant moments as itching, swelling and even hidden hematomas.

Most often, pregnant women with similar problems can observe a very large tummy, but if we are talking about multiple pregnancies, then, unfortunately, it is unlikely that such discomfort can be avoided. Moreover, it is not uncommon when such symptoms are aggravated by poor physical health, which makes itself felt especially strongly at those moments when a woman is in an exceptionally horizontal position (meaning a perfectly flat surface without soft pillows or a mattress). So, for example, many expectant mothers begin to feel an acute malaise during the ultrasound procedure (ultrasound examination of the fetus and placenta) and often when it ends in a loss of consciousness. Doctors call this phenomenon the vena cava syndrome and just explain it by the strong pressure of the fetus on the diaphragm.

It also happens that, along with the fact that the rib under the breast hurts during pregnancy, the woman begins to feel a strong bursting in the chest area and all the bras become small in volume for her. These symptoms are due to temporary deformities of the joints and usually within a few days/weeks after childbirth, everything falls into place. In order to somehow facilitate your existence in the last few months of pregnancy, experts recommend wearing special frameless underwear, which provides for a wide strip under the cups of the bodice and completely eliminates the use of supporting bones. An additional convenience of such bras is that they are usually equipped with special girth regulators, which can be used if the size of the breast stops changing, and the volume of the chest continues to expand. Such underwear, by the way, is also useful during breastfeeding, especially if its cups are equipped with special buttons that allow you to take the breast out at any time without removing the bodice itself.

It also happens that a pregnant woman begins to experience severe pain and heaviness under her breasts due to her incorrect posture (meaning various pathologies and curvatures in which the internal displacement of organs is difficult or occurs according to completely different patterns, non-standard for this phenomenon). There is only one way out of this situation - to monitor your posture and recline as often as possible on a vertical flat surface, whether it be a wall or the back of a chair, thereby unloading your spine, diaphragm and chest to the maximum by shifting the center of gravity. Ideally, of course, it is worth choosing a special bandage for the abdomen or sewing it from highly qualified specialists according to individual sizes, taking into account all the structural features. This device will help support the stomach from below and at the same time keep it from pushing up, thereby reducing pressure on the diaphragm and chest as a whole.

You can help yourself to "unload" and with the help of special exercises. One of them is that a woman should become in a knee-elbow position and begin to arch up and, accordingly, bend down like a cat. Usually five to ten minutes of such simple manipulations are enough to lower the pain threshold or at least temporarily eliminate other unpleasant sensations associated with this phenomenon. It is not uncommon when heaviness in the chest partially or completely disappears somewhere from the 35th week, when the woman is already, as they say, at the finish line. This is due to the fact that as the birth process approaches, the tummy itself begins to sink down, thereby reducing the pressure on the diaphragm and ribs. In this case, on the contrary, the center of gravity may shift down and this time the pelvic bones will begin to make themselves felt, although the latter symptomatology is not at all necessary.

And even if there is no significant relief before childbirth, do not despair, because all the difficulties and not very comfortable moments will be forgotten immediately after the baby is born and mommy will have to take care of completely different problems.

Sometimes, in order to speed up the postpartum recovery process, a woman is recommended to use a special corset, which will help in the shortest possible time to tighten the stretched muscles of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, as well as to bring the chest back to its original form, which often undergoes quite serious deformations and displacements during pregnancy. .

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman's belly begins to grow more intensively. By this time, nausea and toxicosis had already passed, but new inconveniences associated with an enlarged uterus and displacement of internal organs began. The child grows and begins to move actively, which also does not go unnoticed by the female body.

It is during this period of pregnancy that a woman often complains that her chest hurts. These pains have several causes.


The main reason is hormonal changes. Nature made sure that during pregnancy the female pelvis became a little wider. This allows the fetus to pass through the birth canal faster.

The function of the placenta is to produce a special hormone called relaxin. It gently acts on the ligaments, tendons and bones of the pelvis, softening them, making them more elastic. However, relaxin also has its effect on other bone structures, including the bones, cartilage, and ligaments of the chest. There is a feeling of discomfort, a feeling of fullness.

This condition is physiological and harmless. After childbirth, when the hormonal background returns to normal, the discomfort will pass.

Intercostal neuralgia

So called the appearance of pain associated with compression of the nerve root. Occurs along the intercostal nerves.

Most often, this condition is due to the fact that with the growth of the abdomen on the spine of a pregnant woman, the load increases significantly. The growing uterus presses on the diaphragm, which, in turn, puts pressure on the ribs. As a result, the intercostal spaces narrow somewhat, pinching the nerves passing through them.

The disease manifests itself suddenly: the chest hurts a lot, it becomes difficult to breathe. With the slightest movement, the pain intensifies. It is especially difficult for a woman to get out of bed in the morning.

During pregnancy, this is one of the most unpleasant things, since almost all effective methods of treatment in this case are contraindicated, they can harm the baby.

Another cause of intercostal neuralgia can be, which is often found in women after 35 years of age. The nutrition of the intervertebral discs deteriorates, fibrous tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which, in turn, does not have such excellent cushioning.

Therefore, a woman suffering from osteochondrosis should, even before pregnancy, undergo preventive treatment, strengthen the muscular frame. Then the probability of exacerbation of the disease will decrease several times.

Chest pressure due to heartburn

Heartburn is a condition that worries many women in the second half of pregnancy. Its reason is the same as in the previous cases. Only this time, the enlarged uterus presses its bottom on the stomach, shifting it upward. In addition, the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone - relaxes not only the muscle tissue of the uterus, but also the smooth muscles of the stomach and esophagus.

As a result, the relaxed sphincter is unable to close and acidic gastric contents easily penetrate the esophagus, causing discomfort, belching, often with a sour taste. A pregnant woman feels that from the inside. This feeling in medicine is called dysphagia. And the condition itself is reflux esophagitis.

  • sleep with a pillow held high;
  • 2 hours before bedtime do not eat;
  • do not get carried away with carbonated water, fried and spicy foods. An attack of heartburn can cause fresh baking, a cup of coffee, citrus fruits, grapes;
  • you should eat in small portions up to five times a day, but without overeating;
  • try not to worry, as cortisol, produced during stress, increases the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • quit smoking if the woman has not yet done so;
  • take Ranny's tablet (but only for severe heartburn). This drug is safe and approved for pregnant women.

Heart disease

Even if a woman did not have heart disease before pregnancy, it must be remembered that the load on the body during this period is quite large. Therefore, the heart muscle can also receive less oxygen. In addition, an enlarged abdomen shifts the heart slightly upward, which negatively affects its work.

The problem is more likely to occur if a woman had heart problems before pregnancy.

Symptoms of increased stress on the heart muscle resemble an angina attack. The reason is that the mechanism of occurrence - lack of oxygen - is the same. It hurts behind the sternum, the pain radiates to the arm, shoulder, under the shoulder blade.

It's funny, isn't it. Of course, all organs, like the ribs, remain in the places where the Creator placed them. Therefore, the discomfort experienced can be quite natural.

When the pain comes

Pain under the breast, most often occurs in late pregnancy, approximately starting from the 30th week, when the baby becomes very active. He is cramped and he is trying to expand the boundaries, every now and then, getting to his mother either in the rib or in the liver. According to doctors, pain under the breast can also be caused by squeezing the diaphragm.

  • Recommendations for breast care during pregnancy

Almost from the first days after conception, a woman undergoes a number of changes in the mammary glands. This is one of the earliest and surest signs of pregnancy, which is observed in almost every expectant mother. Such breast changes are associated with the influence of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and human chorionic gonadotropin, which begin to be produced in larger quantities.

Changes in the mammary glands during pregnancy

The main changes in the mammary glands in pregnant women:

  • . Breasts during pregnancy can increase by several sizes, most often this happens already in the first weeks of pregnancy. Swelling of the mammary glands is associated with the growth of connective tissue and cells responsible for milk production;
  • Soreness and tension of the mammary glands. This is due to breast enlargement and changes in its structure;
  • . Colostrum differs from milk in its higher content of protein and vitamins. It is a whitish-yellow sticky liquid flowing in small drops from the nipples. The production of colostrum can begin at any time, but more often during the weeks of pregnancy;
  • The manifestation of the vascular network on the skin of the chest. This is due to increased blood flow and dilation of blood vessels;
  • (rudimentary mammary glands). Small tubercles appear near the nipple (up to several millimeters in diameter), the number of which can vary from single to several dozen on each breast;
  • Swelling and increased sensitivity of the nipples. Nipples increase, become more prominent and elongated;
  • Darkening of the nipples and areola;
  • Stretch marks may appear on the skin. This is primarily due to a significant change in breast size.

InformationSuch changes are physiological and should not cause concern to the woman. However, in some cases, changes in the breast may be associated with pathological diseases of the mammary glands and require special treatment.

Symptoms for which you need to go to the doctor!

Be sure to consult a mammologist if the following symptoms appear:

  1. The appearance of constant aching pain in the chest;
  2. (hollows or bumps are visible on it);
  3. or an admixture of blood in colostrum;
  4. The appearance of swelling, soreness, redness of the skin of the breast;
  5. The appearance of painful seals.
  • . The bra should be comfortable (underwired, with wide straps), not squeezing or rubbing the breasts and nipples. You should wear underwear made only from natural fabrics, without unnecessary seams and decorative ornaments. With increased sensitivity of the nipples, the bra should be left overnight. It is best to use a special bra for pregnant and lactating;
  • . You should wash your chest at least twice a day with warm water (or wipe it with a damp towel). Do not use soap or other products: they can dry out the skin;
  • Using moisturizing creams after taking a shower or bath (you can use special creams to prevent stretch marks);
  • Use of special inserts for a bra at allocation of colostrum. In no case should pads of their coarse fabrics be used for these purposes, because. this leads to irritation and stimulation of the nipple, which causes an increased tone of the uterus, and, accordingly, the threat of abortion;
  • Taking a contrast shower to prevent the appearance of stretch marks It is necessary to alternately direct a stream of cool and warm water to the chest (a strong stream should not be directed to the nipples due to possible stimulation). The procedure must be performed 1-2 times a day for 7-10 minutes.

Chest pain why does it hurt

Breast pain before period

Painful condition of the breast before menstruation is one of the most common complaints of premenopausal women. It appears a few days before the start, sometimes immediately, and gradually disappears by the end of menstruation. This pain has a name. It occurs most often against the background of changes in the hormonal background - during ovulation, the level responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy increases, which causes the breasts to swell and increase. When they are painful, a slight increase in temperature may be felt,. This kind of pain.

It also happens that the chest hurts before menstruation and that nullifies the attempt to get pregnant. If earlier you were lucky enough not to feel pain before menstruation, then this is a reason to be wary - unexpected pains may indicate an impaired hormonal balance or mastopathy. In case of failure of the hormonal balance, the latter can be corrected. the same is a condition that must be treated, otherwise it can develop into non-lactational mastitis.

Breast pain during pregnancy

For some women, chest pain appears already in the first days after conception. This is due to. The body prepares the breast for feeding the unborn baby - it increases in size, the skin seems to stretch - the first stretch marks appear, the veins clearly shine through the skin. Milk ducts in the breast expand, enlarge and darken the nipples. Small bumps appear on them, called Montgomery's nodules. In some women, colostrum is released already in early pregnancy when the nipple is pressed. By the end of pregnancy, the nipples become very sensitive and tender. Therefore, while still pregnant, a woman needs to prepare her nipples for feeding in order to avoid cracking when sucking.

Also, a painful condition of the breast during illness can occur when drinking large amounts of water. During pregnancy, water and mineral metabolism slows down, which leads to swelling of the already enlarged mammary glands. Be sure to watch the amount of fluid you drink, especially if you have had kidney problems.

During pregnancy, it is very important to wear a comfortable bra to reduce breast discomfort. It should be made of natural materials, support the breast well and, if possible, massage the nipples, preparing them for feeding. With severe discomfort, the bra can be left on even while sleeping.

Pain under the breast

It is worth considering based on the body located here. Acute pain when breathing under the chest can indicate both an inflammatory process in the lungs and on. They can also be the result of a bruise or fracture of the ribs. Moreover, we may not notice a bruise at all - it can occur during excessive sports activities, falls, playing with a child, and similar activities.

Pain under the breast is only one of the symptoms, they should be considered only in combination. If the pain continues for a long time, this is an occasion to turn to specialists: a gastroenterologist or an infectious disease specialist. Pain in this area can be one of the symptoms of diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, peptic ulcer, gastritis, and may indicate a problem with the spleen, heart and esophagus. It can also be a symptom of stomach cancer. In any case, you should not self-medicate, because it is much easier to cure a disease at an early stage than at a late one.

Pain in left breast

In addition to the fact that the chest is a gland, there are also blood vessels, nerve plexuses, and muscles there. The pain can be explained, which you might not have noticed: you were pressed against the railing in public transport, you were playing with a child and he accidentally hit you, or you hit yourself - there are a lot of options.

Also, the cause of pain may be diseases of the mammary gland, developing so far only in one of them. It could be, or. If there is a discharge from the chest, it is imperative to remember what it was, which will greatly help your doctor in the diagnosis. Pain or any changes in one breast is a reason to be wary and immediately go to a specialist.

Right breast hurts

Pain in the right breast can be caused by the same reasons as in the left. Some of them have been described above. Also, pain in one of the breasts can occur during breastfeeding. With a sharp influx of milk, the breast swells, seals appear in it, it becomes hard and bumpy to the touch.

When breastfeeding

The temperature often rises sharply. The best treatment in this case would be to attach the baby to the breast, as well as taking the advice not to drink large amounts of water. In case of remoteness from the baby, it is recommended to urgently express milk, despite the pain. Otherwise, such a generous surge threatens to turn into lactational mastitis for you.

Since the breast is a very delicate part of the female body, very often even a minor injury can lead to serious complications, so you need to be extremely careful and careful.

Chest pain during pregnancy

Everyone knows that a healthy woman should not have breast pain. Well, perhaps, quite a bit - during menstruation. However, even in this situation, modern doctors recommend that you carefully listen to the sensations and be sure to undergo an examination by a mammologist and an endocrinologist. Therefore, breast pain during pregnancy is perceived by expectant mothers as something terrible. But while waiting for a child, there is no need to be scared. However, excessive vigilance also does not hurt.

When is chest pain during pregnancy normal?

Literally a few hours after conception, a kind of “restructuring” begins in the woman’s body. First of all, the hormonal background changes. As a result of these changes, nausea, copious vaginal discharge, or previously unusual mood swings may appear. These are all early signs of pregnancy.

In addition, in many women, even before the delay, the peripapillary circles begin to darken, and the breast itself becomes more sensitive and even begins to hurt. This happens under the influence of hormones. It is with their help that the breasts of the expectant mother are preparing for a responsible time - feeding the baby.

Also, a woman can observe other changes associated with the breast:

  • Slight swelling of the mammary glands - the breast increases in size.
  • Opening of the milk ducts - a small release of colostrum.
  • Increased blood circulation - the venous network becomes visible through the skin.

However, such changes do not always occur in the first trimester. But if your chest hurts some time after unprotected intercourse, it may be a sign of pregnancy. This is especially true for women who are expecting their first child. You don't need to worry about pain. Most often, discomfort disappears by the end of 12 weeks.

But in rare cases, pain can persist throughout pregnancy. In this situation, care must be taken to ensure that it delivers a minimum of inconvenience. How to do this, we'll talk later, but now let's look at when the chest still hurts during pregnancy, and this is not a cause for concern.

Safe chest pain in the second half of pregnancy

Starting from the fifth month, the content of the hormone estrogen increases in the woman's body. This product of the endocrine glands prepares the mother's body for future childbirth. However, one of its “side” effects is an increase in mammary glands in size and chest pain during pregnancy.

Most often, this pain syndrome manifests itself poorly. In this case, the pain is rather pulling or aching. Often it appears due to a reaction to hypothermia or light pressure. But sometimes the chest hurts almost constantly, and the nipples become so sensitive that they react painfully even to light contact with clothing.

If at the same time the production of colostrum began, then women additionally note tingling, burning or itching in the nipple area. You should not be afraid of this. You just need to buy a bra for nursing mothers and change special pads in a timely manner. You should also carefully monitor breast hygiene and wash the nipples at the slightest contamination. Sometimes changing a bra is enough to stop sore breasts during pregnancy.

When is chest pain a cause for concern?

Most often, pain in the chest during pregnancy is the norm. But sometimes it can also indicate serious pathologies. For example, if the pain syndrome is clearly felt under the breast, this may mean that the woman has hidden swelling during pregnancy. Also, pain under the breast or in the center of the chest can signal heart disease.

The expectant mother should also be wary if her chest hurts very much during pregnancy. Acute pain in the mammary glands may indicate a serious illness. For example, she notifies that a woman develops lactostasis or mastitis. In both cases, it is necessary to see a mammologist and cure the disease before delivery.

Lactostasis is the stagnation of breast milk in the ducts. Most often this disease occurs after childbirth. But if mother's milk begins to form too early, then you may encounter this problem even during pregnancy. Recognizing the stagnation of breast milk is not difficult:

  • The chest becomes painful.
  • Lumps form in the mammary glands, which are easily felt during examination.
  • Reddening of the skin may appear at the site of the seals.
  • Emptying the thoracic ducts causes discomfort or is accompanied by acute pain.

Lactostasis develops as follows:

  1. If the duct or segment of the breast is pinched by clothing or is not completely emptied, then a milk plug forms in it.
  2. The milk plug clogs the exit of the duct, and the milk remains in the thoracic segment.
  3. Prolonged stagnation of milk provokes the appearance of mastitis.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. The disease can be infectious and non-infectious, but in any case dangerous. Non-infectious mastitis is caused by prolonged lactostasis, and an infectious variant of the development of the disease appears as a result of insufficient hygiene of the nipples.

Milk secret is a beneficial habitat for numerous bacteria. If colostrum and milk residues are not removed from the nipples in a timely manner, then after a short period of time the bacteria will rise along the ducts and cause inflammation of the mammary gland. There is little pleasure in this. The disease proceeds in an acute form and is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • compaction, coarsening and enlargement of the mammary gland;
  • sharp arching pain in the chest, aggravated by the slightest touch;
  • redness of the breast;
  • a general increase in body temperature and an increase in the temperature of the skin in places of redness.

In the absence of proper treatment (especially when it comes to infectious mastitis), an abscess forms in the mammary gland. Often, to eliminate it, you have to resort to surgical intervention. If the abscess is not treated, then first impurities of pus will appear in the milk, and then enter the woman's blood, which is fraught with the development of sepsis. Therefore, with acute chest pain, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to relieve chest pain during pregnancy?

To get rid of the pain syndrome, you need to find out why the chest hurts during pregnancy. If the cause is a disease, then it must be treated urgently. But if this is a physiological reaction of the body to a change in hormonal levels, then you can use the following tips:

Prolactin levels during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  1. Wear a comfortable bra. Moreover, give preference to a product made of natural fabric with wide straps, without stones and synthetic inserts. Change your bra as your breasts grow, avoid squeezing your breasts and milk ducts.
  2. From the first days of waiting for offspring, massage the chest with a terry mitten-glove. This will help you avoid stretch marks during pregnancy and cause the nipples to become slightly hardened, which will positively affect the subsequent feeding of the baby. You can also, after hygiene procedures, slightly stretch the nipples and twist them, if this does not cause discomfort.
  3. From the second half of pregnancy, be sure to harden the mammary glands. Air baths and ablutions with slightly cool water will help you with this.
  4. If your nipples are sore, try leaving your bra on at night.
  5. After the appearance of colostrum, use hygienic sterile pads. They are sold in pharmacies.
  6. Do not use shower gels and ordinary soap to wash the breasts. Get for these purposes baby soap or shampoo, which is marked "hypoallergenic".
  7. Do a set of chest exercises daily. This will allow you not only to avoid pain in the mammary glands, but also to keep their shape.

Finally, I would like to warn you. Many pregnant women refuse to wear a bra due to discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands and nipples. Do not do that! A well-fitting bra lifts the chest and improves blood circulation. In addition, such underwear will not allow the mammary glands to sag during pregnancy.

If you refuse to wear a bra, then it is likely that blood circulation in the chest will be disturbed and blockage of the milk ducts will occur. And this, as you already know, is fraught with lactostasis and subsequent mastitis. So no need to take risks, take care of your chest!

Chest pain during pregnancy

chest pain as a sign of pregnancy

chest pain during pregnancy

Chest pain in the first trimester of pregnancy

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Pain under the breast during pregnancy.

For 4 days now I have been feeling terrible pain under my right breast. My term is 34 weeks.

The chest itself does not hurt, it hurts under it. The pain is different: it bakes, it pricks, it presses. It's impossible to sleep at night! Every day it hurts more and more… How to get rid of pain and what can it mean? Tell me please!

What if the pain is very strong.

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my husband told me that it was like a pinched ... some kind of nerve ... I don’t remember already ... I had this for 4 days, my husband rubbed hard on the back of my back and then it became easier!

I also suffer from this kind of pain

sometimes it feels like an abrasion hurts (it hurts when I laugh, I’ll lie down somehow uncomfortable, or turn around (

what can make it easier?

Girls. I also suffer a lot, I think about going to the doctor. To whom that helped, help with advice.

I have it under my left breast, closer to the middle, at night it hurts very much, as if the tip of the lower left rib is bruised, I have to roll over to the other side (with pain) there will soon be a bedsore

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Causes of chest pain in expectant mothers

In the future mother, pain occurs quite often, has a different nature and causes. Pain in the chest during pregnancy can cause a woman to feel fear and anxiety, but do not worry, in most cases this does not go beyond the norm. Usually such pain is caused by food, growth of the chest or abdomen. But if the discomfort does not give you a normal rest and does not go away for a long time, then you should contact your doctor in the LCD.

Only your doctor will be able to find the real cause of the pain and prescribe the necessary treatment. We can only guess what caused it to occur.

What could be the causes of chest pain?

Our diagram has shown the most common causes. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Heartburn. It can be caused by a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, increased gas production, certain drinks or foods. It is worth discussing your problem with a gynecologist and in case of prolonged and frequent heartburn, you will need to consult a gastroenterologist.
  • Stomach upset. Certain stale or low-quality foods can interfere with the digestive tract, leading to gas and pain in the chest area.

Treating chest pain

If your pain is persistent, severe and accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness and dizziness, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Treatment will be determined by making sure you are taking the right amount of vitamins and nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and iron. In addition, special yoga or gymnastics classes for pregnant women will help reduce tension and pain in any part of your body: in the chest too.

When discomfort occurs due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, then first a woman needs to normalize her diet. Remove fatty, spicy, sour foods from the diet. After that, the problem will go away by itself.

If stressful situations are to blame, the best choice would be sedatives (for example, Novo-Passit) and finding ways to stabilize the nervous system (for example, various relaxation methods - from massage to yoga).

What diseases can cause chest pain during pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman's belly begins to grow more intensively. By this time, nausea and toxicosis had already passed, but new inconveniences associated with an enlarged uterus and displacement of internal organs began. The child grows and begins to move actively, which also does not go unnoticed by the female body.

It is during this period of pregnancy that a woman often complains that her chest hurts. These pains have several causes.


The main reason is hormonal changes. Nature made sure that during pregnancy the female pelvis became a little wider. This allows the fetus to pass through the birth canal faster.

The function of the placenta is to produce a special hormone called relaxin. It gently acts on the ligaments, tendons and bones of the pelvis, softening them, making them more elastic. However, relaxin also has its effect on other bone structures, including the bones, cartilage, and ligaments of the chest. There is a feeling of discomfort, soreness in the chest, a feeling of fullness.

This condition is physiological and harmless. After childbirth, when the hormonal background returns to normal, the discomfort will pass.

Intercostal neuralgia

So called the appearance of pain associated with compression of the nerve root. Occurs along the intercostal nerves.

Most often, this condition is due to the fact that with the growth of the abdomen on the spine of a pregnant woman, the load increases significantly. The growing uterus presses on the diaphragm, which, in turn, puts pressure on the ribs. As a result, the intercostal spaces narrow somewhat, pinching the nerves passing through them.

The disease manifests itself suddenly: the chest hurts a lot, it becomes difficult to breathe. With the slightest movement, the pain intensifies. It is especially difficult for a woman to get out of bed in the morning.

During pregnancy, this is one of the most unpleasant things, since almost all effective methods of treatment in this case are contraindicated, they can harm the baby.

Another cause of intercostal neuralgia can be osteochondrosis, which is often found in women after 35 years. The nutrition of the intervertebral discs deteriorates, fibrous tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which, in turn, does not have such excellent cushioning.

Therefore, a woman suffering from osteochondrosis should, even before pregnancy, undergo preventive treatment, strengthen the muscular frame. Then the probability of exacerbation of the disease will decrease several times.

When the chest hurts due to heartburn

Heartburn is a condition that worries many women in the second half of pregnancy. Its reason is the same as in the previous cases. Only this time, the enlarged uterus presses its bottom on the stomach, shifting it upward. In addition, the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone - relaxes not only the muscle tissue of the uterus, but also the smooth muscles of the stomach and esophagus.

As a result, the relaxed sphincter is unable to close and acidic gastric contents easily penetrate the esophagus, causing discomfort, belching, often with a sour taste. The pregnant woman feels that her chest hurts as if something is pressing on her from the inside. This feeling in medicine is called dysphagia. And the condition itself is reflux esophagitis.

  • sleep with a pillow held high;
  • 2 hours before bedtime do not eat;
  • do not get carried away with carbonated water, fried and spicy foods. An attack of heartburn can cause fresh baking, a cup of coffee, citrus fruits, grapes;
  • you should eat in small portions up to five times a day, but without overeating;
  • try not to worry, as cortisol, produced during stress, increases the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • quit smoking if the woman has not yet done so;
  • take Ranny's tablet (but only for severe heartburn). This drug is safe and approved for pregnant women.

Heart disease

Even if a woman did not have heart disease before pregnancy, it must be remembered that the load on the body during this period is quite large. Therefore, the heart muscle can also receive less oxygen. In addition, an enlarged abdomen shifts the heart slightly upward, which negatively affects its work.

The problem is more likely to occur if a woman had heart problems before pregnancy.

Symptoms of increased stress on the heart muscle resemble an angina attack. The reason is that the mechanism of occurrence - lack of oxygen - is the same. It hurts behind the sternum, the pain radiates to the arm, shoulder, under the shoulder blade.

There is a feeling of lack of air, fear.

Which doctor to contact

Having found out the cause, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate it. This requires the help of a doctor. With similar problems, they turn to a neurologist, orthopedist, therapist or cardiologist (depending on the prevailing symptoms).

Specialists will direct you to the necessary studies and prescribe treatment that will help the pregnant woman and will not harm the unborn child.

The most effective way to prevent diseases is before pregnancy. A woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right. Moderate physical activity and swimming in the pool will be useful.

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