Where is the best place to get dental implants? Methods and stages of installation of dental implants, indications, contraindications, duration of the operation and healing time. Indications and contraindications for dental implants

Implantation is an innovative technique for restoring lost teeth, which involves the implantation of an artificial tooth root - a titanium or zirconium rod - into the jawbone. This technique is optimal from the point of view of physiology, because. the use of any (removable or non-removable prosthesis) inevitably entails atrophy of the jaw bones. A quality implant prevents this.

Also, the promotion of implantation is facilitated by the fact that the price of dental implants with installation differs depending on the manufacturer, which means that each patient can choose the best option for himself - from budgetary Korean implants of decent quality to premium segment products - made in the USA, Switzerland.

Why do dental implants?

It is imperative to restore teeth after their removal, even if it seems to you that no one will notice the absence of the bottom five on the left, it is important to understand that your body will “notice” this first of all! The absence of at least one tooth triggers a destructive mechanism for the entire oral cavity. First, adjacent teeth move towards the "gap" formed in the row. In turn, on the other side of them, three are formed - gaps in which bacterial colonies feel great. On the other hand, the antagonist tooth, having lost its point of contact, moves forward. In the end - it can lose stability, loosen and fall out.

In the oral cavity, everything is “thought out” and balanced. Each tooth performs its own function, seemingly imperceptible in the daily multiple processes of chewing food. However, as soon as one of them leaves his place, for the rest this means an increase in the load. And as a result - an increase in the risks of developing problems.

There are also non-dental reasons for installing dental implants:

  • Early aging of the face, early appearance of wrinkles
  • Problems with the organs of the digestive system due to a decrease in the quality of chewing food.
  • Problems with diction, emotional discomfort, social maladjustment

If you are aware of the need to restore your teeth, but you are constrained by the financial aspect - do not put off what you have planned - it is better to take advantage of the favorable offers of Amazing Price Dentistry in Moscow and get dental implants inexpensively in the very near future.

How is the implantation going?

Depending on the type of implant being installed, the volume and condition of the bone tissue, the operation may consist of one or two stages.

  1. Preparatory stage. Examination of a patient by a dentist, orthodontist, periodontist using computer diagnostic methods.
  2. Stage of implant placement. Under anesthesia, a titanium rod is screwed into a previously made recess, which is closed with a plug. The implantation site is covered with a mucous membrane, sutured. It takes only 10-15 minutes for an experienced dentist to install one implant, but an abutment can be placed only after the implant has fused with the bone tissue - after 4-6 months (if we are not talking about express implantation).
  3. Stage of installation of abutments and prosthetics. At this stage, the dentist removes the plugs from the implant and installs the abutment, crowns or prosthesis.
  4. If there is not enough bone, then before the implantation of the implants, a sinus lift is performed - open or closed.

If the volume of bone tissue is insufficient, then before implantation of the implants, a sinus lift is performed - open or closed.

Implantation methods

  1. Classic implantation- a two-stage procedure for implantation of implants, including an operation to increase the volume of bone tissue and the installation of a metal rod. In the first step of this protocol, the patient is implanted with an implant through a minimally invasive operation. The implantologist peels off a mucosal flap, forms a bed and installs a titanium implant into it. Under the influence of local anesthesia, this procedure is absolutely painless. After fixation in the bone tissue of the implant, its tip is covered with a mucosal flap and sutured. In this state, the dental implant heals at rest. When osseointegration is completed, the doctor decides on the possibility of performing the next stage - prosthetics. Before this, it is necessary to install an adapter (abutment) on the top of the implant, and if we are talking about the front teeth, then a gum shaper for aesthetics. Next, the orthopedist makes casts, sends them to the dental laboratory, and after making a permanent prosthesis, it is tried on and fixed.
  2. Express implantation- a minimally invasive method of installing a titanium rod into the socket of an extracted tooth simultaneously with a crown. For an experienced dentist, express implantation takes no more than 10 minutes. Despite the fact that this method attracts many patients with its low trauma, its implementation is not always possible. It is important to understand that its use is determined by the presence of a problematic tooth in the row (if it was removed earlier, even 1-2 days ago), the technology cannot be used. Special attention is also paid to the quality of bone tissue. It is necessary that it be in sufficient quantity and have a good density. Therefore, if a patient is to have a tooth removed due to a cyst that has corroded the root and surrounding tissues, express implantation cannot always be performed.
  3. Mini implantation- implantation of 2-6 one-piece implants in those places where the required amount of bone is present. Implants are introduced into the tissue by means of a puncture, after which a rod with a top in view of the ball is immediately installed (subsequently, the prosthesis bed will be placed in it).
  4. single phase is a minimally invasive protocol that involves the installation of implants transgingivally. Immediately after implantation, the implants are covered with light metal-plastic orthopedic structures, and osseointegration takes place under load. This method is attractive not only because of its low invasiveness, but also because it allows the patient to immediately obtain an aesthetic result.

Types and cost of dental implantation in Moscow - video

Indications and contraindications for implantation


  • Complete edentulous;
  • Single defect of the dentition;
  • Absence of extreme teeth;
  • Missing several teeth.


  • Absolute (oncological diseases, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the nervous system and blood-forming organs).
  • Relative (malocclusion, periodontitis, bruxism, proximity of the maxillary sinuses, pregnancy, etc.).

Advantages of implantation in comparison with dental prosthetics

  1. Implants can see any number of teeth that are located anywhere in the jaw.
  2. The introduction of the implant does not require grinding of adjacent teeth (which can be completely healthy).
  3. The implant makes the bone tissue healthier and denser, while the use of prostheses leads to its atrophy.
  4. High aesthetics. No fasteners visible to the eye are required to attach a crown to an implanted implant.
  5. The period of adaptation to implanted teeth is minimal, they are perceived by the patient as natural.
  6. If the prosthetic teeth are given a position that ensures its fixation, then the implant is placed in such a way as to visually improve the appearance of the face and diction.

Implantation in Dentistry at Amazing Prices

Highly qualified dentists in our clinic perform implantation by any of the above methods. The cost of implantation is fixed, and our patients do not have to pay extra for additional work.

We also inform patients planning turnkey dental implantation that promotions are regularly held in our clinics in Moscow, discounts are available and other loyalty programs are applied.

Answering questions from patients

What does dental implantation include?

We put dental implants on a turnkey basis, including anesthesia, the work of a surgeon, the implant itself. At the next stage - an abutment and a gum shaper, a prosthesis, the work of an orthopedist and a prosthesis.

Is it possible to put implants on all teeth if they are not available?

Dental implantation is a popular procedure offered by all the best Russian dental clinics. The main thing in this difficult matter is to choose high-quality implants that meet all the requirements. There are good domestic and foreign manufacturers, they are constantly improving their products so that implantation is available to a larger number of patients. Let's try to figure out which dental implants are better and make a rating of clinics where implants can be placed safely, profitably and reliably.

Comparison of some models is impossible, since they have a different design, and each of them is good in its own way, but you can still find disadvantages and advantages in a general sense.

Implant rating - the most expensive

  1. Nobel Biocare dental systems - from 40 thousand rubles, this is a premium class system, the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on implants. Such companies not only produce products, but also offer modern technologies for implantation and treatment of patients. Moscow clinics, which top the rating, offer products from a Swiss manufacturer;
  2. Astra Tech dental implants - from 35 thousand rubles, are made in Sweden, they are also given a lifetime guarantee, they are not inferior in quality to Swiss systems;
  3. Bicon dental implants - the cost varies from 30 to 45 thousand rubles, they are placed most often. They are the most popular among the expensive ones;
  4. BioHorizons - price from 25 thousand, produced in the USA, popular among the best clinics in Russia;
  5. Implantium - are made in Korea, have a low cost, but are not inferior in quality. These implants are quite popular among good dental clinics around the world;
  6. Russian and Belarusian dental implants cost from 9 thousand rubles, and they close the rating as the most budgetary implants. They are of high quality, dentists like to work with them, and they are no less popular than expensive models.

All manufacturers produce high-quality goods, the difference is in manufacturing technology, materials and brand.

Implant rating - budget

The most budget options for implantation are Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian models. The range of implants is not large, the cost is minimal, they are not included in the rating of the best.

Such dental implants can be of different types - root-shaped, intramucosal, lamellar, subperiosteal, combined. Each dental implant has indications, and before installation, you should familiarize yourself with the quality criteria of systems from different manufacturers.

Dental pins consist of the implant itself, which is implanted into the bone, the crown and the abutment. The abutment is a transitional part that connects the pin in the bone to the prosthesis.

Quality criteria:

  • biocompatibility of the material - titanium is considered the best;
  • hypoallergenicity - with a tendency to allergies, zirconium pins are suitable;
  • lack of impurities - mixing materials leads to a decrease in the service life of the system, breakdowns, long engraftment;
  • the presence of zirconium dioxide - the material is added to expensive models.

In terms of compliance with all quality criteria, the USA and Europe can be put in the first place - these are the best manufacturers.

Rating of dental implant clinics

Most dental clinics in Moscow offer implantation services using various methods. Today, implantation is possible in one visit with a one-time load, as well as bone tissue growth, restoration of the dentition in a child and the elderly with a minimal risk of complications. Consider some of the most popular non-state clinics.

List of implantation clinics in Moscow:

  1. SM-Clinic is a network of clinics with branches throughout Moscow, where you can get dental treatment;
  2. StomArtStudio Leonardo - a dental clinic where you can install an implant from 20,000 rubles;
  3. DentaLux-M is a clinic providing implantation and prosthetics services. You can install dental implants from 25,000 rubles;
  4. Smile Denta - a clinic where dental implants are placed from 50,000 rubles;
  5. Medical Clinic - dentistry, where you can restore a tooth from 15,000 rubles.

You can also highlight DiaMed, Lanri Clinic, German Implant Center, Dr. Levin, Dentaljaz and Meliora Dent.

When and how are implants placed?

In the best clinics in Moscow and other cities, it is possible to install the pin in several ways. The fastest option is express implantation or intramucosal. Already on the first day after tooth extraction, the doctor places a pin through the puncture of the gums and immediately prepares a temporary crown. The most reliable option, when there are contraindications and insufficient bone tissue, is a sinus lift followed by implantation.

Dental implants can be placed in the following ways:

  • intramucosal method - used for better fixation of the orthopedic structure;
  • intraosseous method - a pin of complex design is fixed, it is used more often to restore the anterior group of teeth;
  • subperiosteal method - used in case of insufficient bone height with severe atrophy;
  • intraosseous method - used to fix cylindrical, lamellar and conical systems, for this an incision is made in the gums and periosteum;
  • intradental-intraosseous method - is indicated to eliminate the mobility of organs when a pin is fixed in the root.

There is a one-stage and two-stage procedure for restoring a tooth by installing a pin. In the first case, the load on the pin is given already on the first day. The two-stage technique involves waiting until the implant takes root.

Implantation may not be possible in all cases. Among the reasons preventing surgery, such concomitant diseases as:



    processes characterized by a decrease in immunity, damage to bone and connective tissue;

    violation of the blood coagulation system;


A relative contraindication to implantation is:

    pregnancy and lactation;

    a heart attack or stroke suffered by the patient six months ago;

    the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

A negative sign that can complicate implantation is a history of a smoker. Nicotine negatively affects the healing capabilities of the body, reduces the survival rate of the implant.

What is the best dental implant?

Dental implants differ in shape, size, material of manufacture, thread parameters and other features. The most popular at the moment are root-shaped implants, which are titanium pins that mimic the root of a tooth. However, based on various technical characteristics, features of the installation, there are also:

    basal implants;




    mini-implants, etc.

This allows the specialist to choose a model that is optimal for given clinical conditions.

In deciding which implant is most preferable, you need to trust the specialist. When choosing a model, the doctor relies on the specified parameters of bone tissue, clinical features, and concomitant factors. The reputation of the implant manufacturer and the duration of clinical trials play an important role in making a decision.

Pros and cons of dental implants

The advantages of prosthetics on implants are the following factors:

    The possibility of complete restoration of the dentition in the most physiological way.

    The high strength of implants and the reliability of the installation, which allows most manufacturers to evaluate the service life of titanium pins as lifelong.

    A wide range of different models of implants, allowing you to achieve the desired result in the most difficult clinical cases.

Disadvantages of prosthetics on implants:

    the long time it takes to complete all stages of the intervention;

    significant limitations for the use of the rapid implantation technique;

    a fairly wide list of contraindications for implantation;

    the high cost of the operation, due to the price of implants, the complexity of the manipulations.

How are they installed

An important part of the implant installation is a reliable diagnosis, during which the clinical prerequisites are clarified, the need for bone tissue augmentation is determined. If a decision is made in favor of bone grafting, then the next stage is started when the required volume of the jawbone is restored.

Screwing in an implant in terms of its trauma is comparable to tooth extraction, it is carried out using anesthesia or anesthesia. They proceed directly to prosthetics after the completion of the osseointegration process and the installation of a special adapter. The final stage is the manufacture and fixation of an artificial prosthesis, which can be made of all-ceramic, zirconium dioxide, metal-ceramic.

Installation cost

To date, prices for dental implants are quite high, not available to all categories of patients. It will not be possible to carry out the procedure for free, since state clinics do not have the technical capabilities to carry out such complex prosthetics. Such services cannot be cheap because the price of implants is quite high. To optimize costs, many clinics offer patients turnkey surgery.

Where to put a dental implant inexpensively and efficiently?

Dental center VITART is the clinic where you can put a dental implant in Moscow inexpensively and with high quality. At the same time, specialists are ready to carry out implantation both by the classical method and by the express method, when the denture is installed immediately after the implantation of the pin. At the same time, patients' feedback on the activities of the clinic is extremely positive. They relate to the high professional qualities of specialists, the technical equipment of the center, and the ongoing financial policy.

How can I get free dental implants?

Where can I get a dental implant for free?

How to find a free implantologist?

If you are trying to find dental implants that will be done for free, then here you can only hope for special sponsorship help or you can try to find an insurance company that will pay for this treatment for you.

Medical insurance may include a dental injury where you lose your teeth and need medical attention after that.

This insurance is suitable for people who are at risk of losing their teeth due to trauma. You will not knock out part of your teeth, so that later you will try to undergo treatment at the expense of voluntary medical insurance. In almost every city there are companies that insure life and health.

Payment by the employer

Some people who want to get dental implants for free attract private and corporate sponsors who pay all costs.

Some company employees may be able to pay for some of the treatment, but most often this applies to therapeutic dentistry, and if you want to get an implant for free, then you need completely different help from your employer or a special insurance policy.

Free implantation at the department

You can exercise your right to free dental implantation at a special department where residents and graduate students are trained, who can perform trial treatment free of charge. Such experience is practiced, but a young doctor can make a mistake and then you will get certain problems.

This method is quite attractive when it comes to brushing teeth or treating caries. The young specialist is under the supervision of an experienced doctor, but no one is immune from any sudden action that can harm you. Here you need to carefully consider everything, and then agree to such a treatment option.

Departments do not offer this service en masse, it also needs to be found and signed an appropriate informed consent that will protect the young doctor from legal problems.

It seems to us that a fairly attractive method of free dental treatment is help from your employer. This will help to remove the expense item of your budget or reduce it by a certain percentage.

Some workers may receive partial pay that is closed to them at work. Some employers can pay for work with cheap implants and treatment in an economy class clinic.

If you are trying to find information on the Internet, then there is not enough of it here. There are several ways in which you can get dental treatment for free and these ways are not always suitable for clients.

There is a personal desire that cannot always be conveyed to the insurance company or to your employer. Of course, expensive work can be carried out with the involvement of cheap materials in order to somehow reduce the cost of treatment. Sometimes there is only one way left: to independently pay for the method of implantation of teeth that you liked and undergo treatment at the chosen clinic.

Who saves now

Medicine does not stand in one place and now there are many offers that many people would like to take advantage of, but not everyone has the opportunity to pay money for dental treatment and therefore a fairly large number of topics appear on profitable offers and promotions. There is no dependence on wages and even the rich seek low prices and seek affordable medical care.

If you have not found free dental implants, then consider paid treatment, which can be carried out not only by private specialists in the field of dentistry, but also in public clinics that have expanded their activities and introduced some paid medical services that can be obtained on a voluntary basis.

This option is suitable for those patients who are willing to pay money for the installation of an implant, but they do not particularly trust commercial centers.

Do not be afraid of private dentists who have the same certificates as doctors in public clinics. Municipal polyclinics are the same centers that must have the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor and obtain a standard license to engage in medical activities.

A commercial clinic can be found much more often than public and private medicine has a wide variety of clinic sizes: from one private dentist's office to several floors of a building.

Our clinic has chosen the path of paid medicine, but we are trying to maintain prices that are not afraid of even a crisis. We work with those clients who are used to counting money and they will not go to any clinic: the client needs good dental conditions, excellent specialists and low prices.

It is difficult for us to place an implant for free, but here you can find cheap dental treatment from an implantologist. We try to work with cost-effective implants that have conquered the dental market and do not have any hint of rejection.

Free implant - it's real!

Dental implants can be free and it all depends on the total cost of treatment. We offer the following scheme: if the patient installs three implants at once, then he pays only for the work of the implant surgeon, and the implants themselves are a free gift from the clinic.

Here we follow a simple principle: the patient already pays a fairly large amount and he needs to be offered a good discount that he likes.

Saving in dentistry is an opportunity to get a good offer and stay with some of your money. Not all clinics are able to properly conduct advertising campaigns and some offers may contain not entirely reliable information. We offer only what we write on our advertising program and do not mislead people.

Why is it difficult to get free dental implants:

  • 1. Each implant has its own cost, which is included in the cost of the dental contract and you cannot hope to receive implants for free, since no one wants to work for free;
  • 2. Doctors also want to receive a certain wage that will enable them to provide for their existence and receive the necessary benefits from life;
  • 3. The clinic uses the money earned for its own development and purchases good materials and equipment in order to keep the brand and offer its patients a high level of comfort.

Why our help is relevant

We choose doctors according to a certain principle, which allows us to pay attention to experience and the quality of work. Doctors must work according to our tariffs, which are quite low.

At all stages of dental implantation, we provide patient support and provide free service in case of emergency.

We conclude a full-fledged agreement with ourselves, where all our actions, prices and your rights are spelled out.

Our doctors work with modern high-level implants, for which we receive a discount from the manufacturer, which also helps patients pay less money for treatment.

Contact Reiter dentistry, where the price level will pleasantly surprise you!!!

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